LEGAL APPROVAL ! ~:......~..--~ ...... ....... . .' .._ ';'~' ....~_...___._._.....~.wMtMt -- ___........n_~_.__.,_.. / .. ~ I / , CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Florida 33425-0310 . (407,) 738-7490 ,/ Beach Blvd. OFFICE OF. THE PLANNING DIRECTOR November 2, 1988 -, i ;~ ~~ Mr. Joseph F. Sperlazza Motorola, Inc. 1500 N.W. 22nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Re: Motorola Site Plan Modification (Expansion) Our file #: 144 " '..,.,', ,..... Dear Mr. Sperlazza: Please be advised that on Tuesday, October 18, 1988, the City commission approved the referenced request, sUbject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations. After you have amended your plans to reflect these.stipulations, please have the appropriate Department Heads initial the attached check-off sheet, prior to your submission to the Building Department for permits. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. .f...... Very truly yours, " : J ~. .,., ._~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~, CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR CSA:ro Attachments cc city Manager, Technical Review Board, Central File :J ./ / '.~ ~- , ~ , ~ ... -1''- \ .. t' -';' Building Department Planning Department .. , . t" '.. STAFF COMMENTS MOTOROLA PHASE II EXPANSION SITE PLAN MODIFICATION See attached memo See attached memo s ~.... TO MEMO~ANDUM "..OM Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATIr October 5, 1988 "ILIr Don Jaeger Site Development Building Department SU.UCT SITE PLAN MODIFICATION: MOTOROLA '? 2. ..-;, 3. 4. 5. 6. ,:::- "" \........ As a condition of site plan modification approval, the following comments should be addressed in the related documents by the applicant: 1. Construction details for the guardhouse must be submitted. These details must include handicapped accessibility and sanitary facilities which comply with city and state codes and ordinances. A 27 foot back-up aisle is required for all parking stalls. Striping for handicapped parking stalls must be 4 feet in width and painted blue. The location of all handicapped parking stalls must be indicated on the plans. All plans submitted for public record must be signed and sealed by a professional registered in the state of Florida. The structures must comply with Chapter 4 and 11 of the Standard Building Code. South Florida Water Management District approval is required. The maximum height of the structure must be indicated on the drawings. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DJ:bh XC: E. E. Howell DOn~gJ~ r~CEIVED Q'Cl 5 1986 PlJ\N~~\f'~ DEPT. 4__-''''-- 1 , '. ..~ .~ MEMORANDUM October 6, 1988 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: MOTOROLA (EXPANSION) - STAFF COMMENTS .. '- Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced site plan modification request: 1. Revise table on sheet C-3 to reflect 1,707 total~ parking spaces, 87 perimeter spaces and 32,400 square feet of interior landscaping. With the latest information submitted, the above discrepancy, 4 row count discrepancies in lot C, and 4 row count discrepancies in the northern section of lot F were noted. :,.~ 2. Amend site plan application, page 4, section 10(b). 3. North/south access aisles in lot A need to be increased in width to 27 feet. c~-s:- ANmm~ CSA:ro .J'o, -" cc Central File ...., s .: .',..r- ., I. 'j SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION : t ' City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board 'This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (l) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. "Please Print tegibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Motorola - Phase II Expansion Boynton Beach Facility Boynton Beach, Florida ~ .~ 2. Date ,this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business' entity in whose name this application is made) : Mo to ro 1 a, I nc . .... - 1500 NW 22nd Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 (407) 738-2132 (Joseph F. Sperlazza) Address: ", Phone: -" .., 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Heery Internation~l,Tnc. Phone: 999 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30367-~4nl (404) 881-9880 (Brinton E ~mith > Address: Jr .) '... 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Mo to ro 1 a, I nc . .Address: 1500 NW 22nd Avenue '0, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Phone: (407) 738-2132 ~ 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *: Same as above for agent. * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 10/82 &.:> , . . .. . Pc1'JC 2 7. What. is applicant's interest in the premises affected? Owner -" '. (Owner, 'Buyer, ~essee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purcha5er, etc.) 8. street Address or Location of Site: --------- --------.- --- 1500 NW 22nd 8ygnue....J30:YlltoR-Beaeh.; "fl-ori'da' . '3"3zf3"6-" _.. ___ ._.._, ___ .... .. u. . .._. 'u._ 9. Legal Dcscription of Site/Property Control fi: "See Attached" ----.--.- --......-..-.----- '.'- ........-... - --'--.-.. ....-.-.-- ... -.,-.--- - ...-- .. .....--...---- ..---..-- ..... ! I 'T ./\ 10. Intend~d Use(s) of Site: Engineering Office Expansion 11. Developer, oJ:;": Builder. . .~ N/A 12. Architect: Heery International, In c. l3. Landscape Archi tect: Heery EnginpPl"il19 8. land PlanltlllY Site" Planner: Heery Engineerinq & land P1.~nning......-~-q......,-, , Engi'neer: Heery Architects & Engineers, Tnc- Surveyor: Dailey - Fotorny, Inc. :-- 14. 15. .. 16. 17. Traffic Engineer: ___~~___. 18. Ha~ a site plan been previously appruv~d by for thi s propel. ty? __._.1.es______.__,.___, . .__.__ ,.. the City Council -....-.--..---..--.- ----.-.-. .- 19. Estimatec construction cost of propo::\'ll ir.ipl.'o\:E::,01',ts sho\m on this site plan: $4,923,400.00 Planning Dept. 10/82 1 L . , ' , 't . . Page 3 :rI. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. " 1. Land Use Cateqorv shown in the Comprehensive Plan Light Industrial 2. Zoning District P.LD. (Planned Industrial Development) 3. Area of Site 88.39 acres 3,850,268 ~q. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including N/A acres 0 % of site surrounding lot area or grpunds b. Recreation Areas * 3.12 3 % of site acres . (excluding water area) I '- 5.67 7 . % of site c. l'-1a ter Area acres 'l\ d. Commercial 0 acres 0 % of site e. Industrial 6.68 acres 7 % of site f. Public/In- 0 acres 0 % of site stitutional g. Public,private, and Canal 2.12 Rights-of-Way acres 2 % of site h. Other ("specify) 14.2 acres 16 % of site " Parkin~ i. Other (specify) 56.60 acres 65 % of site j. Total Area of Site 88.39 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for ou~~op~,recreation, and ,. having a minimum dimension of 50 ft.by'SO" ft. 5. Surface Cover .. a. Ground Floor Building 291,150 Area ("building' footprint") sq.ft. 7 % of site p. Water Area 247,025 sq.ft. 7 % of site .~ c. ~Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public &'private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas) , and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 618,850 sq. ft. 16 % of site d. Total Impervious Area 1,157,025 e. Landscaped Area Inside 34,950 of Parking Lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required-- see Sec. 7.S-35(g) of Lands~ape Code) . sq.ft. ~n % of site sq.ft. 1 % of site n'~~~~_~ n~~L 'n/n~ I ? Planning Dept. 10/82 " . ....J;..-._.. ,A;.r ' ~ /:>: :, ~~~ . ~-.~,."" ~ . ~...:.....I '\.. p"'" ~. f. Other Landscaped Areas, 897,712 excluding Water .Area sq. ft. e3 Page 4 . % of si te ~. g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, .and Swales, but excluding Water Areas '. 1,760,581 sq. ftj-. 46 "..", ."" % of site 2,693,243 3,850,268 ~ . h. Total Pervious Areas i. Total Area of Site 6. Floor Area a. Residential b. Commercial/Office c. Industrial/Warehouse . d. Re,crea tional ' - " e. PublicI Institutional f. Other (specif~) ... g. Other (specify) sq. ft. ~q.ft. 70 % of site 100. 'of site o 80,000 sq.ft. sq.ft. sq.ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq.ft. h. Total Floor Area 80,000 sq.ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units . a. single-F~milY Oetached 0 dwelling units b. Duplex 0", dwelling units c. Mul ti-'Family (3 4- attached dwelling units 0 (1) Efficiency dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwelling units ~ , . (3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units ..(4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units '" 0 d. Total'Multi-Family dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units 0 8. Gross Density 0 Dwelling Units per Acre 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site feet 2 stories 10. Required Off-Street Parking' ,. a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site plan 1512 current,employees + apnroxi~ mately 500 new employees = 1912 employees~'/. 1> X]!1 C:PFlr'PC: = 1434 required spaces (1705) Parking Spar.pc: is~s ~.shtl!? ~ ~ft~ a..o I r1.. ~.PA. -:- OJJ( /.5::: 16'0'1-r 5OVlSi-brs- . ". . -1.1 -15'51 . Planning ~ept. 10/82 ~f'1t b; Pf:z. I . 9 ,i'V.' . MISCELLANEOUS page ,:1 .: The following materials must be submitted in one (1) copy: A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, as per the attached fee schedule. ~ (~h~f ) 1. 1J~ 2. For'projects th~t~enerate at 1eas~ three thousand (3,060) vehicle trips per,dayor two hundred and fifty (250) 'sing~e directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic .. . . .. .. ~ -.. -,.. _ ,- _.._.&.. P\...- _..\..._': ........,,~ .".,1:'''-''''''.... <..411"-4....1 ....-...... ."......, ~ .J",", - --.,._..... ............... 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION ~.. (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the p'errnanent records of the Planning 'and Zoning Board. (I) (We) ~ereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted, herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) know edge and belief. T~is application will not be accepted u e s i9ned ac ording to the instructions belO% ./ . ~. e, rt(ld8 wner(s) or Trustee, Date Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other busines~ entity. 'A VI. f//?-~/f3S I Da t~ hereby designate the above signed person as (my) ~ J; in regard .to this apPlicgy;;..,?9fJ n tur 0 Owner(s) or Trustee, Date Authorized Principal if property ,is owned by a corporation or other business e,ntity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY '.. Review Schedule: 'Da te Received: Technical Review Board '~lanning & .Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Council Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Date Date Date ." Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: Planning Dept. 10/82 /D. ATTACHED TO SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SITE ALL OF TRACTS 94 TIIROUGH 107, SECTION 20, OF SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST AS PER PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7 AGE 20, OF TilE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, INCLUDING 30 FOOT STRIP LOCATED IN SECTION 20, TOWNSIIIP 45 SOUTII, RANGE 43 EAST, AND BOUNDED ON THE SOUTH BY BOYNTON CANAL AND ON TIlE NORTII BY TRACT 94, SECTION 20, OF THE SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSIIIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORD I NG TO TIlE PLAT THEREOF,' REC.ORDED I N PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, PALM BEACH COUNTY RECORD ALSO INCLUDING 30 FOOT STRIP SHOWN AS ROAD EASEMENT RUNNING FROM CANAL C-16 NORTH TO TilE NORTH LINES OF LOTS 102 AND 107 EXTENDED OF SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 9 AND 20, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20 OF TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING BETWEEN LOTS 96 TO 102 IN TIlE EAST AND LOTS 94, 95 AND 103 THROUGH '107 ON THE WEST SAID SUBDIVISION. ALSO, ALL LANDS, INCLUDING LAKE BOTTOM OF LAKE JACKSON AND LANDS DESIGNATED '~AND BEACH" OR "LOW MUCK" OR OTHERWISE LYING BETWEEN THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND WEST OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY OF TIlE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4, EXCEPTING THAT PORTION OF TRACTS 94, 95, 103, 104,105, 106 AND 107, SECTION 20, SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, PALM BEACII COUNTY PUBLIC RECORDS WHICH LIES HITHIN 50 FEET OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION. ALSO, ALL THAT PART OF THE SW 1/4 OF SECTION 17 AND THE NH 1/4 OF SECTION 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RA~GE 43 EAST, PALM BEACII COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING SOUTH OF THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NW 22ND AVENUE AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1738, PAGE 1606 OF TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND NORTH OF TilE SUBDIVISION OF SECTIONS 29 AND 20, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 4 EAST, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 20, HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED, ,AND EAST OF TIlE EASTERLY LINE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND WEST OF TIlE WESTERLY LINE AT RIGIlT-OF-WAY OF THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4. EXCEPTING FRm, ALL OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PROPERTY TIIE- RIGHT -OF -WAY OF CONGRESS AVENUE, LAKE ,WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EQUALIZING CANAL E-4 AND RIGIIT-OF-WAY OF CANAL E-16 FORMERLY BOYNTON CANAL. I -.J '1/ . 08-11-88 03 33PM SECTOR MSG CNTR-1301/SH2 POl ,'I':~ , , -& . ...... ...A....."" ..n . ":)101 COI"OU'1OIl 70 COIOOlA ) I .a..eo '0.... ,.", / ~ L I 1 I: r ~ Ii . \: " " I C' I i '0 I: I Ii :.. 11 ,II II II -, II ~ I I I .this 'Warr3nlg .llttd N..d.. ahd ....cu,~ ,ro.. ";,,, .I..,. of ./1,'"..,.-;,.. AD,'o l:l\J ,,~ RJTECO DEVELOPMtNT CORPORATJON . ro'po'allon ubllnll undrr ,ro.. Ia",. of TJonda , .".1 "1I,,'n/1 f1, rH"tlpal ,.1..-. /I' "utln_".' 169 East FJ!lglcZ' Street. }l.jamS. rlotlda 33131 1..'.'''0'''' ".fl." .1.. II./ln'or, 10 MOTOROUl. INC. . cO'po'alle," ",...11"" und.. ,~ low. of ".. !'IfI,..f Delaware ..Id..... ., ""~In..fl., relr." ,I.. ,.",.,.., , ';'1/1. II. ""monr,., "nJ.../I..... c"'........., .... ...... ..... ..,... ..,......... aw ..,........ 1-.:....... .1. .... .,.,.~ .. ."'_ 1.......-.... ...... ... ...... ...,.1 ..,............. .... ...... '.f ...,....-... ... .,.. .........." ... ..if.. .f ............., lffilnt$strh: Tha' ,I.. lI,a"'o,, '0' .nd '" C'onJlJmllioll .., .1... .u," .., s 10.00 II..J .../... "..Iu."', ro...,d,..II...... "'t..lp' ".1........1 ,. ".....,,>' "tlnou.I.Jpf'J. "1 ".ru ""...",. Ju... "'011'. ',...p..ln, ..1/, .Ii.", ,..",'n. ,."'...... rail."" end (ll>nf..... ""'" ,I.. 1l.0..ln. .11 ,1Ial 1'...,,,1,, 1..".1 .ltlla',,'n r31rr. [\(,ach C..u."" 1:10,,01., .'z, st:r. txlJJBIT "AtI A'rTACHtD HtRtTO .\ND MfUJt It. FART HERtOr FOR LEG"L DESCRIPTION. SUBJECT TO: nestrJcUons, co::ditJons. reservations. limitations. " easements of record,Sf any, eppUc6blc %onSr,g ordinanoes and taxe5 for the year 1990 and subsequent years. T tlgc1hrr "./1" _II ,,,.. '.n......,,". ......Jlto.....",. ont! OPPu"'nonr.. ,1''''''0 1..1"'1(11,,; 0' i.. Co..,. w"" .PP"'ol"'IIO, T 0 l~8Vt nnd 10 1~(lld, ,1.. W;,4 ',,, I., ,'mpl.. /0...11.', Ilnd ,I.. Q'."'o, "lff'''' t'OH1l0n'. u'"'' ,"'1.1 0'''"'''' "Oil' " " 'Oll'/U/l,. If'luJ of idiJ Ian" ,.. ,.... .lm"I..; '''0' " luu ,,_01 rill'" ant! lawful ou,1.o,lI,. '0 .,11 o"J. COO",''', .olt! land; ,1.", ,: ".,..~,. fully "'0" '0"" .r.. ",1. '0 ...,t! fa..J .otd tvln J,'."d ,1.. .am. 0"'"'''' '''f' 'awful c:lolml 0' 01/ ,.,non. w1.0ftl60..,' r. ."d ,,,,,1 .al" I....d fa I,.., 01 011 ."tII,"",ann. . Ir.o.roRA't~ ltALI In ttfilnt'ss 1!Ihrrtof ,1... II'''"':' 1.0. C'Olu.,t .T...., ,,,.'c..n" 'n ... "Kul..d '" ... n..m.. _"elll. coo.po,a'. ...of '0 f,f' 1.".,m'o .flind, I'l' IU "'(rph (rifle-fT. ".....ulll.. d..f, "..,l.orlnJ. ,h. do)' (lnd y.a. (,,,, ""0"" ...,.,,"". I I I ,I I, i ~ r :1 , ATIEST..__..____,___,..,._._____u_.____... ........" ~IR~'.4..ar..~ a"d Jf'fl".."d '" ,... ,.......... 0/. ...-6~~~w~~---"..------..-...--.._-._. _,..,L{~:..~-~'.j.:4~~...~..d,..!L.--.._._-- S'1^'ft or FLORIDA COIINT\' or DADE .::;\.P\t\~~\::~r.9.~il~: (.!7~\W;Avnef;Ji~'~!"rJ' \' } , , I' _~. . ." . , lit_lay C%kTln' ..... .... .... ....y. '-""" _. .. "'.rr .." .",.""..., ;. ,.... Slat" ... C.MI~" .,...,..~ '" .... ..t-,-".k-"., ...-n, .~,...... Howard W. Riley .Jr. ~..." I.......... .., .. .. f" ,......... .... '.....,.....1, .. 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".~ ion channel~' leal for a var ,,'., , such as !.i9"a:. ld to speclf,c,,' -..., ,! :yle of the s'(\"'- 0'1 I ete, ~ ~ attar!, cl~S ~' ~',"~ 1, st sy'\ems a'~'" r :Irilling, self.s.... .; . led heads as r~: ~ ..: I the C-Sechc' <,'...., with a hot-d'r:":-'- , accordance ^ ,. thods vary \'<It' ,,;-~: onditions, ;..1'1 : o. : minimum of 3: . - ,.., Iring posts b'i ~,A:'" " ptional depen:: -; :, and soil con~ ' ,"1. ,:,'~. . ." . '. .... . "'..:..;',', . "... . i ~~:~',' " I, ":, ...-. I ~ L I::' ) i ,# ~ ~l"".; ~ ... ~." 0' .", <~" : ~ ~ . ~ . .:':, , . ~}.}'" ;~~~;.~.~ ~:. :.... . . :-:::~,~':'.'.:. .,,', .~~{ l,:'~ . _.- > t~~~f~~i:~>; : r' 02830/JER BuyLlne 2300 Ornamental Aluminum Fence Traditional Designs 'That Stay Beautiful Without Maintenance! / I i " ,:::;;; i~ IJ I ,-,- I (. I - ~A Aluminum 'Orna.mental Fe n (e Aluminum Privacy Panel Fence ~ Thi.'l fence offers the appear- ance and protection of tradi- tional wrought iron fencing without the maintenance, It is available in a variety of styles, colors, and heights that will add prestige and value to any propert)', You cannot buy another fence that will do so much to enhance the beauty of your home, pool or yard. This f4/lce, like all Jerith fences, is backed by a 15 Year Guarantee. This privacy fence performs two important functions: it provides the ultimate in pro- tection and security against intruders, and it creates a private retreat for family activities, The fence is engineered to be strong and durable, yet beautiful, Its lasting protection can with- stand even the harshest we~ther without needing mamtenance, ~ , . ,-: - ,.,:~~~~.:.~~, -' , ~ - . ~. - .... -'. '\-. .,' . .... ":n ...... :~.\.; .. . ' . ...r:lr:..~.,!.';~~... ... ,~:.-.::~-:.~..~ l'..~ '. ... I ~ ~ .1 :~ ~ ,... . "..~ - -, --. ..- . ~ :~~ ::;,=t/~~:" -, ;~?~~~.[~~-.," ' ...- ;. - ,0 _---.. I I ~ " '-. '.;'~; :.~.~i~,~,. _,,1-;,: ,r~~:\ ~ ~ . ..~ . :~i1 ALUMINUM FENCES BY .. PICKET FENCE PRIVACY PANEL FENCE ! ..,. .-. ,-' ,-. ,-' .-. __. _I BASKET WEAVE FENCE , ,. II~IIIIIIII ill _ r-~.-wr--."-."'. . . . 3 ~. spacing between 4" wide pickets; shipped Shipped unassembled in 8 foot sections unassembled in 6 foot sections HEIGHTS: 42", 48", 60", n. COLORS: white HEIGHTS: 24", 36", 42", 48" COLORS: white Shipped fully assembled in 6 foot sections HEIGHTS: 48",60",72" COLORS: white . '.. STYLE #100: picket tops staggered; 4" spacing between pickets STYLE #301: double pickets to keep small animals and children in; 1}(,- spacing between pickets . STYLE #200: flat top rail with points below; 4" spacing between pickets STYLE #202: flat rail on top; 4" spacing between STYLE #302: double pickets to keep small animals pickets and children in; 1%" spacing between pickets PICKETS STRINGERS (CROSS BARS) POSTS RESIDENTIAL %"x %" l"x 1" 2"xl" BLACK _ BROWN_ COLORS AVAILABLE BLACK WHITE BROWN HEIGHTS AVAILABLE 36",42",48", 60", n" ~ ~ WHITE 48~, n~ l!:J,96" SHIPPED FULLY ASSEMBLED IN 6 FOarSECTIONS , (All pictures shown are residential strength.) , , , fI! . .. ~~;i, '.~s< ',~ ~ ,~ 'h ''1 i h ~ 8 ft. igh Barrier Traditionol Ftllli Gates can be operated manually or can b Also available in Semi.Privacy design . ~,r ~~ . V~RIES V~RIES G~TE POST~" SQ, Yo," W~ll ",' w ;0; 0( > r,.,: :;t;"- CONCRETE fOOTING ~ '''''1 1':'1 ~ :h \ ;,Ii,. (TYP.I M_ ~;;.!~\f I: ~( :' ~ --Lfl- SECTION G7 ::'7 ,:- ~:OLlEY C fENCE LINE ~ t ~. ~~ I I I I I I --l}L- ELEVATION I I 1 I -1t!- GUIDE :o,~~ ~l . . 8 PLAN 6 ~D 1 22" J .1 14 Fence Gale I ~ " ,.~ - , ... . . i ,. I 0 iii 0 i 0 0 I I j t I. 24" , \X11l.:n you nee<.l a gate operJtor that <::10 handle the toughest industrialusc. c:h< mgge<.l Cmsa<.ler. A\nilablc in ~;'\;ng and slide models. \\;th a choice ofhol'St'P<m~' sizes, Cmsader C'.m meet the requirements of any hea\'y-dul}'\'t:hicuIar gat{. appli Both mo<.lels arc ca.,,]' to in-;tall- ready to go to work quicklr\\;th full s1~tem c and smex>th oper:ltion. 'uu can count on trouble.free sel'\ice, too, month after )'t:ar after )'t:ar. Because they're designed for <.Iependabilit): TIle electrical/electronics controls are s<:par.ue from the motor an<.l <.IriR' me and scaled for protection from \\nter and insects, TIlis compartment also COntains' room for adding optional equipment. MODEL 1-400/1.500 SLIDE OPERATOR Specifications: Motor: 1-400 V2 HP. 115/230'1. single- phase; 230/460V, three-phose 1 HP. 230'1. single- phose; 230/460'1. three-~se, ~500 2 HP. 230/460'1. three-phose, Control Circuit: Solid.state logic (#116220 board), Contoctor: Heavy-duty. electrically and mechanically interlocked, Limit Switches: Adjustable linear type, synchronized when gate is in manual operation, Rei:luctions: 1-400 primary. 40:11HP gear reducer, secondary chain and sprocket, r.500 primary. 40:12 HP gear reducer. secondary chains and sprocket, Max. Gate Width: 1-400-36 It,. ~500., Max, Gate Weight: 1-400-1.000 Ibs,.1-500*. *Designed for large roller gates, Contact factory for specifications, + ~fl +: 120' +~w .1 1 I .1 o +- 4- 22" .1 I. 20 3/4' Gate Gale Fence Open,ng t ~1 I: '~', ~ f. H ,; q :/ Ground Line 2' M,n --!- ~lJO\Ie Ground Level ~ J , ; .+,,'1 1 :, ) -ir M'n BelOW Ground Level ; :: NOTE Dig four pier holes inSide form, ReInforce slab with wire mesh, Place one 112' I."nfo<c' ing rod in each p'llf hole, Rod must extend 4' _ pier hole, IIfCOMMENDED CAPACmES 4' IIfCOMMENDED CAPACmn ! '~ J .~ ..-. ,- I- , ...... I M::"'u.. ~ .5" . .'" 60' 60' "" ,-I .......""" I ~.I"""'" I ..a- .-, ,-, fNquetW,.t u.. ....., H" Ma.,_ ....- _.- ~ I C-::':- I ~ Ie-pi... eye"'" , R25C _Loo' -- - - 1,3 '" XIOo" -' .~ I WI~ ' Width 1:].1'2 ,., ""'0" I " i " ~Cl'" XIOo" " 10 ..'" 'J' IS' 0000" ""'0" ,. '" " JO ,'''' , ,. ""00" ,"'.. ,. ,.. I 2lJ JO ",)Co" '" ]() ! 36 r JO H" 1:3 113-1/2 'J' I 2 .m CXIO ,"" ..00 ,"" ~""""--~ '.~' S.~'~Io~ ~ .;:. .. .. 1fiili-fM1 l~~fl;;J~ ':i"'"~~~~<\'i~i:t .'1,'" ,..;".~.J..,'L"'" .!.;;~.j;M.:i:-.'i~ ~,:~~c~lii! , .~ f ,. ~ ,I 3' x 4' Booth Favored for one person or part- time operation. Economical and compact. Model 43 ( . ~ [Ji.... '.. . .. "';'''-'' .:"''''''....~'IIl1tj C' ., 5' x 6' Booth Par-Kut's most popular booth. Versatile size covers a wide range of applications. Model 65 ~ [] STANDARD SIZES PAR-KUT BUILDS BOOTHS OF MANY SIZES AND SHAPES 3' x 6' Booth Desirable where space is limited, Can include two doors for use at entrance-exit island. Model 63 D 5' x 8' Booth Available with two doors for full service. Order doors offset for two-way traffic, Model 85 5' x 9' Booth With Restroom Permits continual service. Ready to use after hook-ups. Restroom measures 36' x 58". Model95R . 4' x 7' Booth Ideal for heavy traffic opera- tions. Counter and drawer at both ends for two-way service. Model 74 rr::J] 5' x 10' Booth Roomy unit accommodates two or more persons, partil,ons, desks, and other equipment. Model 105 o D [JJ PAR-KUT . 40961 PRODUcrlON DRIVE · MOUNT CLEMENS, MI 48045-3491 · 6 (313) 468-2947 )c9,. () ,.J __ oJ- ... ~ .. --... SPECIFICATIONS & OPTIONS S::::~NOARO SPECIFICATIONS: pr&sembled (office, booth) unit(sl shall be Model manufactured by Par-Kut In- ternational. Inc.. Mt. Clemens. Michigan, Unit (s) shall be furnished complete and ready to set in (llate on the site and shall include the following: SfRUCTURAL: Unit(s) shall be all welded galvanized steel construction with 14 ga, steel panels and tubing on the exterior and 18 ga. in- terior panels and trim. Unit (s) to be shipped com- pletelyassembled, BASE and FLOOR: Stand.Hd ba'e height shall be 4" for outside use, Base shall be 3" ior in,ide use, Floorshalllx-12 ga, galvanized steel. 4-way sail'ty plate, Four anchor clips provided to secure building, Anchor bolts and required installation by others, PAINT: All steel surfaces shall be painted with rust inhibitive primer, All exposed interior and f' exterior steel surfaces shall be electrostatically n' painted with one finish coat of industrial air dry enamel. Choice of single color of paint as selected by owner. . TYPICAL SECTION: . / / I -~ D ST~Ct, 5Tt:RAGe D/;>IJWI;R__.... 'I ,411.4 ~L VAN/cel) (;UTeR ntNcL~' PIGIt:) c,u.ss nl3/:R 'M';.u.m::w-",.,f~ 18 GA GALVANIZ/:"D IlvNtfR f}lNt"L~"" It .. e n~ J ::oJrc~.-- . ~'_ I LJUI'CM OUTtcT- ,- fJ C/RC/.IIT BReAKG/? mAltfL -- "i, IZCA. 6.4 LV. 4'.'''':t' 5"':Fffrv ;~" PLA Te "t..:XJI? ., ' : ,"'-14(;1, ,::4"l<4M~'l) &Je-"';r "'"or ANOIOR CLIP "'~ e .. . . Par-Kut uses galvanized steel welded for maximum durability, LIGHTING: Fluor~centlight fixture mounted on ceiling over counter. Off-on switch allached. WIRING: Unitlsl complete with all wiring reo quired for fluoresent li~hl. duplex outlet, heater and 100 amp 12 cirCUit breaker box. All wiring NO. 12 minimum. enclosed in EMT. All fillings. wiring devices and fixtures UL approved, Reaoy for site connection, Provide three wire 240!120V single phase service. HEATER: Standard electrical wall heater shall Ix- 110 VAC, 5120 BTU. including thermmtal. Op- tional 240 or 208 \I-\C, 4000 watt heater recom- mended for larger booths and cold c1im.ltes, DOOR(S): Shall be aluminum construction and include glass. locks and hardware. Fully weather- stripped, Ooor(s) shall be top suspended sliding type, WINDOWS: Windows shall be aluminum con. struction and include glass. locks and hardware. Sliding windows incluae screens, ~' ~ il:I \:; \!l ~~~' 2 ... ~ " :.) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P Ii\, ~ ~: ~ R ~' ,) ~, 13.3a1Par rFAR.~mII 1:;~~~"'=1r;;;n , a Iii! ~lila~~~~' ..... _0 ' <'I r,; l';!')\"'! '; f,C:.',fiHl,... d! ~,::,.., :i..l..'";.T;:"~"~U~::l GLASS: Door (s) and windows shall contain clear tempered safety glass 118' minimum thickness. SHELF or COUNTER: 14 ga, painted steel. Counter includes 16" wide steel storage drawer. INSULATION: Walls shall be insulated with 1" rigid fiberglass board, R-4,3. Roof structure fully insulated. R-17.4, CANOPY: Shall be 14 ga. galvanized steel. Exten- sion beyond walls shall be 3",6". or 12" depend- ing on requirements, Omit canopy for use in garages or under existing colier. LIFTING RING: Centered on roof. allows for lift- ing by crane. Removable ring available for low clearance applications. Design loods; PAR.KUT booths meet or exceed the following design loads: 50 P.s,F, live load. 30 P,S,F. wind load, Referenn', Michigan Testing fngineers. April 14. 1977. SHORT FORM SPECIFICATIONS: Install pre-assembled steel booth Model No, as manufactured by Par- Kut International. Inc.. Mt. Clemens, Michig,1n: with _ doorlsl and _ .. canopy overhang, A PARTIAL LIST OF OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: o Recessed interior lights. fluorescent lighting under canopy. spotlights and van- dal resistant fixtures, o 'Formica or stainless steel countertops, additional counters or cabinets; special sizes or shapes available upon request, o Steel sliding or swinging doors. heavy duty closers. heavy duty lock hardware, o Plywood and tile, one piece vinyl. carpet or anti-fatigue mat floors over steel. o Air conditioners; wall or ceiling mounted. combination heat/cool units and heat pumps available. o Rolling or sliding cashier windows. o Car door bumper rails, o Glazing: Tinted glass, insulated glass. riot glass, unbreakable polycarbonate and acrylic sheet, o Painted aluminum doors and windows to match or contrast with exterior finish, o Clear anodized aluminum. o Locking cash drawers (kiln dried hardwood) with warning bell and removable locking insert. , o Additional insulation in walls and floor for severe weather areas. o Acoustical ceilings, exhaust fans, o Exteriors: Factory applied cast stone. face brick and stone agg;egate panels, Two color paint and ready-to-brid, at site exterior treatments available. o Built-in reslrooms for units 5' x 8' and larger. o Rounded corners, curved ends and extra width fascias. o Removable burglar screens or welded burglar bars, o Bullet resisting construction, o Additional electrical outlets. o Explosion proof heaters, lights, switches and outlets for hazardous locations, o Slanted ends or tilted windows. I I T The Par-Kut name plate signifies that the finest materials and quality workmanship were used in con- struction, It carries the Par,Kut serial number which identifies your booth for future reference, 14(;46ALIIANICr:D (;'c..;;. .' :":'v:';Po/"l' \ ,.-- / NSVLA TlON 1',_\_1 ALi.lH/A/t/M 1"1..':;:",' F1<AH€ -', ui_ ,\ __ i B~J'M'IIJ ~ ',',-" '~L ..Wc',k..;l',' rIA TURef ~ ~mv $"'0 -- .t ,-I .5 Tt;-eL Cc'vAlreR __.. I PAR-KUT . 40961 PRODUCTION DRIVE · MOUNT CLEMENS, MI48045-3491 · (313) 468-2947 7 :(8 ..~ "'-~ .. HEERY August 29, 1988 Mr. Jim Golden Boynton Beach Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Motorola Phase II Expansion Dear Jim: f1' For your review and subsequent consideration, we are sUbmitting our site plan approval application and drawings for the Motorola Phase II Expansion Project. We are updating and restating the original master plan concept with this submittal as this project represents a modification to an existing site. All current landscaping and parking lot codes have been addressed with regards to new construction and we intend to bring the existing parking lot up to meet these new ordinances. Very truly yours, 11II Brinton E. Smith, Jr. Project Architect INC. HEERY ARCHITECTS & ~ , .,. BES:sjt cc: 88078a Joe Sperlazza Steve Dudley Mike Miller George Sellers .. Heery Architects & Engineers, Inc. A Heery Intematl()Nl company 999 Peachtree Street, N E..Al1anla, Georgia 30367-5401, Telephone (404) 881.9880 Telex 54.2165 ;;1 AT\.ANTA ' BALTIMORE, CUPERTINO (S f BAY AREA) . FRANKFURT, HOUSTON, LONDON, LOS ANGELES, NEW YORK ' PHILADELPHIA, SACRAMENTO' SALT LAKE CITY . SEAmE . , .. . ... MEMORANDUM August 30, 19B8 TO: FINANCE DEPT. FROM: JAMES J. GOLDEN RE: PROCESSING OF CHECKS Attached please find the following checks: James McManus, for Casa Blanca, Site Plan, in the amount of $350.00; David Beasley, for Hunters Run Tract M, SPM, in the amount of $200.00; " First Oxford Development Co., for Mariner's Way, SPM, in the amount of $200.00; t Jack Makransky, for Hunters Run Tract I "Essex" SPM, (Pump House) and also Hunters Run SP (Driving Range Bldg.), in the amount of $500.00; Burkhart Services Inc., Environmental Review Permit Application, in the amount of $300.00; Omni Development Corp., for Safe Keeping Self-storage,' Site Plan, in'the amount of $300.00; Quantum Associates, Site Plan, in the amount of $300.00; George Davis, for Dr. Snyder/Hodes, Site Plan Modification, in the amount of $200; George Davis, for Dunkin Donuts, site Plan, in the amount of '$300.00; ~ International, Inc., for Motorola, site Plan ,Modification, in the amount of 200.00; Coscan of Florida, for Quail Run, Site Plan Modification, in the amount of $150.00; .., Coscan of Florida, for Quail Run, Site, Plan Modification, in the amount of $50.00; <r D.R. Associates, for Cross Creek Ctr, Site Plan Modification, in the amount of $200.00; Florida Eye, for Dr. Chua Eye Clinic, Site Plan Modification, in the amount of $200.00; Hasco Management Corp., for Meadows 300 Tract M Meadowlake, in the amount of $200.00; High Ridge Country Club, site Plan Modification, (Building expansion and parking changes) in the amount of $200.00. National Property Analysts, Inc., for Causeway Square, site Plan Approval, in the amount of $350.00. Peacock & Lewis, for st. Joseph's Episcopal Church, site Plan, in the amount of $350.00. Account nUmbers for deposit are indicated on the back of the checks. -J:; j-/;!!:- 25 JJG:ro cc Central File r TO :J'.o.r-..c;-,s.. ~~~ --, seo......s . <:> R. Ca"r"'r" R~ '" ~~ FROM '""7f6136Rr ~o~.s-r ~^""G. .2:>,..~~c:..'7l:)~ Dr ~~<G MOl./<;, SUBJECf: OTORO~ DATE:-..2'-.:7=-~ R' POLO. M.O-rC>RC>L..~ <""?R~~....r-r '- 'r' --::Dc:>~ AJo r- Oo/??/':>~ Y" ~ / r4 OCJ~ C, 77' ~.o" "-/ ....,v.c::. Cii ~_tpU~~'A./G /HI!!:/Yf 7""l:> ~VG ~ /7;/1:!F C / rY ore 80 yA,.;' T?:J,J J:!r~ , ~.e:r--U s€'" 'R.c-"'?O c...JEP .. Ar ~e: - ... tH\$ \"".~€ CoR~Ec-)\E;~ . 1 \3s''-\ 'Iii: u;:!!!: -r~ I oS:. "S1,-0 ATe 0""':> .s .f-I.c> t.:J L- 0 :./ ,.., PLEASE REPLY TO II SIGNED /' 7 ~ DATE: SIGNED Item' F269 Grayarc, P,O, Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104.2944 @ Wheeler Group, Inc, 1982 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Directo", ~ ~ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilitie~ From: Date: September 7, 1988 Subject: TRB Review - Motorola Expansion We offer the following comments on this project: 1. Clarify what, if any, additional water and/or sewer services will be required on the new building. . 2. Provide details on the relocated manhole. Indicate abandonment or removal of any sewer main which will no longer e be needed. cmd bc: Peter Mazzella . ~ ~1 M E M 0 RAN 0 U M Septernbe~ 7, 1988 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Site Plan, Motorola COMMENTS: . 1. Proposed elevations, dimensions and radii to be shown for new paved areas. .....- ., 2. A legend is needed to identify raised curbs. to 3. Parking lot lighting intensity, ie., a minimum of one foot candle should be shown. Structural and electrical informa- tion for lighting is required. 4. W.M.D. and L.W.D.D. approvals will be required. 5. Sidewalk details are required. 6. Lighting intensity in the existing parking lot area to be shown. 7. Construction of existing parking lot should be indicated as complying with or exceeding current requirements. . .--::-- ~ /?~ /) , (? -V~. Tom Clark \' TAC/ck ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: september 2, 1988 RE: Motorola - Site Plan Modification 1. The landscape plan should include a plant key identifying a) the height and diameter of all trees and, b) the total quantities of all plant materials. All landscaped islands in the parking lot must be a minimum of 5' width from inside of curbing or asphalt. IIIi e' 2. 3. The applicant must submit a landscape buffer plan agreed upon, in conjunction with this parking lot landscape plan (shown on plan as "greenbelt"). g<f'1f;~. ~.J Kevin J. al ahan Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC: MOTOROLA . " 'REGEME>> S!:p ~ i9Fs' PLANNtNa B~pT: ... ca1 1 , MEMORANDUM TO Mr. J. Goldon DATIr 07 September 88 "ILIr ""OM Lt. Dale S. Hammack SU.UCT Motorola As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 06 September 1988, I am recommending the following: 1. Security fence and gates not to be installed without resubmittals for approval, 2. Traffic control arrow and signs for the parking lot need to be shown, 3. Comply with Construction Ordinance Section 7. · t~:.f'6 ff DSH/lav . III 5J , -, ..\-"".... " . (6") lettering, numerals or combination, in a conspicuous ~ co '" .. manner and of diverse coloration. (11) Parking Identification. Assigned parking spaces shall not be identified to coincide with room number, name or unit address. Section 7. Construction Sites The provisions of this section shall apply to any sites proposed for construction that; are required to obtain commission approval. . . (1) Security measures at a construction site are determined after a security survey is conducted using the following procedures. (a) ~ staging area, to store equipment and park ,.machinery, must be fenced. (b) The staging area must be visible from an accessible roadway to allow effective police patrol. (c) Lighting must be provided to allo\ol complete visibility to the area. (d) Padlock all storage trailers and park within staging area. -6. (2) Items that must be discussed during a security survey with the Crime Prevention Bureau~ ( a) The establishment and progressive evaluation of a s~purity budget. ... '. '. (b) The proper posting of the property., (c) The proper storage and marking of machinery and tools. (d) The methods of employee identification and active site security methods. Section 8: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the s~e are hereby repealed. Section 9: Should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence" or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be 10 ' c!3) -..-~...... . ~ f', " CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ,. ~$ .~ "" . 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Bea~h, FL 33435 (305) ,738-7490 '~ -:--- , ... ~'.~:"-;,r~ .-. -=_.~ --- ;":.;~'';.:' . ~ ~ ~ ----------!::, . "'_011; . r---_ ..:: .. 'f . ~ -:- '.'-"'--'- -- ....=.~ I ~<S.~& .~ ~~~~;:';~~ ~~j~Ji~jr~L ~.~~, '.......1 ". ~-.uo.~.,~~ ..,... a'" . ~~' ~~~"'~~ ~~~: ;,;.:---- - . ..---~ OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR MEMORANDUM 14 Septemper 1988 TO: Joseph F. spir1azza Motorola Corporation . ~ Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner Motorola Site Plan Modification for Phase II Expansion - Staff Comments Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments with re- spect to the above-referenced request: RE: FROM: I l. The following details will need to be provided to determine whether the existing parking lot me~ts the current parking lot regulations: . a. driveway dimensions b. access aisle dimensions c. parking spaces shown on plan with number of spaces indicated in each row of parking d. enlarged landscape lslands dimensioned from inside curb e. dumpster locations, if any f. existing and proposed traffic control including signage and pavement markings g. existing lighting information including pole details, type of luminaires, type of light source, illumination level, light curves, wattage. 2. No greenbelt has been provided along the, south project boundary as required by the Planned Industrial Development regulations. More detail is needed for the greenbelt proposed along the east project boundary; types, number, height and spacing of plant ., ~ . ~ ~ Page Two. materials proposed. 3. Gate shown on site plan is conceptual and is not included in this request. The gate will require site plan approval at a later date. ~k~ TAME I J. EYDEN /bks . ~ ......" htPTo/(ot,Jr ".--- -.- --- -- --.-------------- -_._-------_._--~. .._._-....._._----._~---- ...-- - --- --------1,--- --$lfqj/l!-_-f)!j)_.:rrLFJ)_~~L-_f5kRk:rA!CL_.-frkl-('S________ _ un_ __ ____.________ _ ,. _1. \ ,__ 5 ff~ W"_A-~~ ss ..Jr:rs: t:,E _ w:r [) T H _kJl L) 51A-!-C- _ tEAl tZ Iff _ -'m_---______cq!Z,EA-s::.JcJ{CJ. ~ -,9FP.*~J:::r)J4.. I/.. /tr~5 .:;:J!,~(!)~/jA-r_b)/__u --------------- - __:{5.__.#(2 r 5_~u~Y_P~R _ lff-.E- ,13:xFs r:r:JJL__Lo-C___T:"o_ .8J5: ,__ __ gEco!J5JR. uc'ff5.[), u . . _. __ _ .. _ _ _m_________ .. _ _ . .... - J-~__ .$ H~ fA(_ WJOTtt'f; f_kL-~_/JR:rt(cW/rYS .___11 :rN7-}f.~Jj_uW+D Tlf,-- o _ ,___Fo 1<_ C/ A/r;, - _WA-rJj~+VcWlry.5 _ +s, j;( ~_It-)j /'J_ It])/:j!t <</1_ .W:;:-Dftf-FqR. _IJ;/o_-:WA-YDR:rVcW!r-75 .+-5_.oZo /, __._ u __ u_, e-. . -. -- - --- - --.-- _ . .___ _.__._ ___ _____ __ .__ _ _ __ ___ _n _ _ __~ _+__ .__ m .___. _. _._ ~ __ .._ _._ ___ _ _._ ._. _ _._ __. ._ __ __ . ___ __ __ __ ____ _ _ _ __~ ----,----- ~-.-_fR:~-tf.ED~ o..~r;t-:[L-s. f=qf{ J~Jr-R~Jlu... tp T A-r #.J~(___~C?r~#!5R __ ,_____.. _. __ ._ t9F_aL-D(.._5{i-ow+A(k-FUkL_?o!ff{,+A-A/c~ W.+lff-PJrR/c;r-4 _ _LeJ.. T_R_E~ Cj. 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I , II I . ..il I 30 II ~ ,.. c:-- . ... .....!~?.~. i~- (/ -:'-.- -- ,- .... _ J. ,-__ i _h_ ..' --1,-/ -- ~ -' -,- rJ+ --.----._-._---."- -. ,- -. -- ,.-- - - - ----... ~- -- -. -... ---.- -."'- .-.. .-. -.- -----.- .......~.~..~ , ------,-- :'" -, -. -- ----. ~- - - .. .~-- - .. -..- -: .- - -- "" --~_._- ---- ---- ..__...___.._:_CA!3~_. __y~.__~ ! U - -. 1/ -- 0' ' -- :jJ~~~h..~~ ~ .~.~.o--.yc..n nnm.....~.. -: .~ ~mn.nn .....n.._n~nn.nn =~.~~~~~ nn.--f~~. mn~'~~ . ..n.~i!t::. J~_~ __... ~_.._-~~_. <<0', ._~n' ~-- i.libit~ - .cmlI41~W1llJ~ . .. r ....:... - ---, '-' 1- -:3- HEERY September 26, 1988 Mr. Jim Golden Boynton Beach Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Motorola Phase II Expansion t Dear Jim: .. For your review and subsequent consideration, we are submitting our revised site plan approval application and drawings for the Motorola Phase II Expansion Project. We are updating these drawings with all comments incorporated into this package. All current landscaping and parking lot codes have been addressed with regard to new construction, and we intend to bring the existing p3rking lot up to meet these new ordinances. Very truly yours, &e Brinton E. Smith, Jr. Project Architect BES:mjl c cc: Joe Sperlazza Don Zipse Hi ke Mill er George Sell ers 88078a Heery Architects & Engineers,lnc, A H~"';, Ir'E"'l'Id!'O"-t1 CCJ.....:~....f 999 PeachlreeStreet N E .Allanta Georgia 30367 54:)1 Tt;'~r"'()ne.4~ 6~' ~""~( .f.....I..:. 0,. ATlANTA. BALTIMORE' CUPERTINO (5 F BAY AREA} . FRANKFURT' HOUSTON' LONOOI'-t . LOS A',CaE ~ f ~ . '.f ... ..."". .. u ,.. t ..,... j. - 00J,,," to' . ,"',' .... ',. ..,f.". 3? '(:' ~ . '. o ~ HEERY .~ '. ..:.;.'.... . . May 12, 1989 City of Boynton Beach 120 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Attn: Mr. Med Kopczynski - Acting Building Official Mr. Canmen S. Annunziato - Planning Director Re: Motorola Boynton Beach Facility Gentlemen: As you know, Motorola is constructing an addition to their facility in Boynton Beach designed by Heery Architects & Engineers. The new construction is a two story office building of approximately 80,000 square feet, adjacent to the current offices facing NW 22nd Avenue. Construction of this addition is being done by the Roepnack Corporation and should be complete in September 1989. Concurrently, Motorola has decided to construct additional office space of approximately 9,000 square feet within an open courtyard formed by the office building and the existing manufacturing facility. Roepnack Corporation will continue as contractor for this work. Construction of the courtyard addition will begin immediately, following review and approval of plans by the City of Boynton Beach; however, the completion date is uncertain at this time. My purpose in writing is to inform you of Motorola's intention to construct this additional space, and request the assistance of the City of Boynton Beach on certain issues. It is important for Motorola to occupy the office building currently under construction as soon as possible. It is likely that construction of the newly proposed office area will continue beyond this date. We are requesting the City's cooperation to work with Motorola, Heery and Roepnack in developing a plan to allow phased occupancy of the new cqnslr:uc;:tjQ!l~.."..,... 1 ." .. '.' .,.., ' .n , ~ ~, 'RE" , :'C' 'E' I"';" :,--'f"'( , 'I" .,.. J <, ')" '" ...... MAY 20> 198~1 Heery Industrial, Inc, A Heery InternabOOal company PLAN N I N G 0 E flT. 999 Peachtree Street, N.E..Attanta, Georg13 30367~5401. Telephone (404) 881.9880 Telex 5402165- f - . -. ',. ~ .0".,..-- -...- , I ATlANTA, BALTIMORE. CUPERTINO (S F BAY AREAl' FRANKFURT, HOUSTON. LONDON. LOS ANGELES. NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. SACRAMENTO, SALT LAKE CITY, SEATTLE j9 , I , '" City of Boynton Beach 5/12/89 Page 2 If you have any questions about the construction please contact me at your convenience. I am certain we can work together to make this happen. Very truly yours, ~D Michael D. Miller, AlA Project Director MDI1:mjl cc: Al Newbold - City of Boynton Beach o Jim Golden - City of Boynton Beach Donald J. Zipse - Motorola Paul Little - Motorola ~ Robert Roepnack - Roepnack Corporation 88078a .. 01 HEERY 10