LEGAL APPROVAL CITY of BOYNTON BEACH . ~'1 .,..., ~... . 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Oifice Box 310 Boynton Bea~h, FL 33435 ( 3 0 5 ) ,7 3 8 -7 4 9 0 . ._-, ,- '.. --.. .-- ~: :---- .~ ~..._1:~=-":'_~_=~ 1'."..:~_i~'J,~,,~ . . '"----.- -~ '.: I . ~~-::: '.::,: ..---- -.. ...,u.'~ I ~;.~.: ~':$ .:...' .....~..~;;;:....;;~:--;;-::Il ~~ ;~' I; ~;K5'-..:.."'=':&.' 'Y~ .. ....t. .. L- ...~~ :..~,. . "~",.,,' ....~';:- :- '~.="""~~"'- ;..,~ i.t;.'~ lQJti, I, ~~' ..~,.., ~~ ~ · .c,.... -t..,"'Q;.. ' ..~.-:--J -' ...........-1 . ..-:-:..'\Jj~.. ..... I'. '':'=---'~. ~~~~~ --- -- .~.~... ~-- .~ OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 29 March 1989 stamos & Associates, Inc. ~' 2501 NE 15th Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33432 ~ RE: Mr. Submarine - Site Plan Modification Our file no. 243 (. Gentlemen: Please be advised that on Tuesday, March 21, 1989 the City Commission approved the referenced site plan modification, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. . These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations. After you have amended your plans to reflect these ~stipulations, please submit two copies to the Building Department for further processing in connection with our pre-permitting process. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH /bks cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Central File (jd..HJ1..e.~ S. ifutv?fJ~ Carmen S. Annunziato, P Planning Director - ,0( 'I _ .___. .J STAFF COMMENTS MR. SUBMARINE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Building Department See attached memo Engineering Department See attached memo Utilities Department See attached memo Police Department See attached memo Planning Department See attached memo Forester/Horticulturist See attached memo ,. -.3 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Don Jaeger, Site Development - Building Department March 7, 1989 RE: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - MR. SUBMARINE As a conditon of site plan modification, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. All buildings must be accessible to the handicapped. Provide spot elevations on the site plan indicating accessibility. 2. An automatic irrigation system must be installed to provide a minimum of 100% coverage of all landscape materials. 3. A thirty-six (36) inch high landscape buffer is required along all rights-of way. 4. The total building sign area must not exceed ten (10) percent of the building face area fronting the right-of-way. 5. The menu board must comply with the Boynton Beach Sig~ Ordi- nance. 6. One directional sign is permitted at each point of ingress or egress to a parking area. Indicate on the site plan the location of all directional signs. 7. Location of the dumpster enclosure must be shown on the site plan. This wall should be stuccoed and painted. 8. The minimum parking stall dimensions for Boynton Beach is nine (9) feet wide and eighteen (18) feet long. 9..As submitted, the sign sheets are contradictor~. One (1) set of definitive signage plans should be submitted for Board and City Commission approval. The applicant's prompt-compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. DJ:eaf cc:TRB file Lf TRB MEMORANDUM March 9, tl89 To: Jim Golden From: Bill Flushing Re: Mr. Submarine COMMENTS: 1. A City approved detail for the new or replaced curbing must be shown on the plans. 2. The dumpster must have a 10 foot opening. 3. The handicap detail is not to Boynton Beach standards. 1~"~ ( Bill Flushing s MEMORANDUM Date: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director ~ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities March 8, 1989 To: 'From: Subject: TRB Review - Mr. Submarine - Site Plan We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: Indicate the location and model number for the vacuum breaker to be installed on the irrigation system. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella .b MEMORANDUM TO Mr. J. Golden DATI[ 8 March 1989 "ILl[ ""0" Lt. Dale S. Hanmack su.nCT Mr. Sul::m:rrine As per our discussion at the Teclmical Review Board meeting of 7 March 1989, I am requesting the following: 1) stop sign details and parking lot striping. 2) No left turn signs at North exit. 3) Delete exterior building m::>unted lights. Respectfully sul:mitted, #D~~ Lt. Dale S. Hamnack DSH/lav ? MEMORANDUM March 8, 1989 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: MR. SUBMARINE (f. k. a. - FERRARI.1 S) STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments with respect to the above-referenced request for an amended site plan. 1. Compact parking stalls are not permitted. Spaces #12-18 and 27 need to be enlarged to 9 feet by 18 feet. 2. Based upon 2,250 square feet of gross floor area, 23 parking spaces are required. Seating will be limited to the number of parking spaces pro- vided (which will be reduced when comment #1 and #7 are addressed) multiplied by 2.5. 3. After inspecting the site it was noted that a great deal of maintenance and reconstruction will be needed including removal of materials that ' have been dumped in the rear of the site, reconstruction of wheelstops and curbing that have been broken off in many locations, and repair of damaged light fixtures needed to meet the~L.:footcandle_.per2~quare'::foot minimum illumination level. Note on plans locations of existing curbing to be replaced. 4. Show height and location of roof top mechanical equipment. Verify that parapet walls will screen this equipment. 5. New curbing is needed where wheelstops are not provided and in areas adjacent to landscaping. Curbing proposed at the end of the following spaces may be deleted: 12-18, 19, 23-27. 6. Building mounted lights are not permitted. Due to the history of vandalism and loitering on this site and the adjacent site to the south it may be wise to add an additional pole light in the rear. This may have to be done if it is determined by a field inspector that the existing illumination level is below one footcandle. 7. The survey is indicating that there is only 18 feet of backup for spaces 13-15. All other drawings indicate approximately 25 feet. Twenty-seven feet (27) are required. Parking spaces may have to be deleted in this area. ;"\ C-c.-_ ..... _ -elL CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO J~ CSA:ck cc: Central File g ---- M E M 0 R AN DUM TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: March 9, 1989 RE: Mr. Submarine - Site Plan Modification 1. Hedges planted along the Federal Highway must be 36" in height at time of planting. ~~- 4f/..J~ Kevin J. allahan Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:A:MRSUB r , , ,I - , . ". ) ... . I, . . ' , . SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION ., City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board . This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: tv\R. ~U~ tv\~ \~\~~ CVo~""~~~ \="~~~t>...~~ ~J \ 92.0 "5~ ~V'_ b~'zf:o>....\..... \-\, \~'U..''-l t>....'< B o",<N.,"DN. \::::> ~~~ 1 ~L. 2. Date this Application is Accepted : (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : \..-0 u tA D ~ \-\ ~ \::...0 ~ . Address: 7.Q7 G:A t><'\ \ HO L ~"'-~ C \RGwc. Phone: ,\3 t:::)C... '" ~ A. ""\ 0 ~, \= L ~"3 ~ - 3400 ~3A-3c.... 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): S \' A.~os ~ f\ 5 S DC- ,. \ ~c:. Address: Z?"'O\ N E. \5 A,;p ~"\. LAVD' ERDA U;: ) FL. C~O;!;) 5"4>/ - 0 1(0 Phone: 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: "^ ~ e "^~S \-0 \) \1\0 ~\{ ll..'<.o ::;.. rr 9 "'( LA. M.~""o ~ 'C...~_ C '\~c. '- ~ ~. Address: '\?bc,A. R 1\.\'ON. I t:' L ) '334.'52, Phone: \ 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) *. . * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 10/82 /D ~ I / ..~, ':. Page 2 , ' 7. What'is applicant's interest in the premises affccted? s!. C> o \"-t'~ ~ R.. ~ P ~ ~~'"'O ~ (Owner, Buyer, ~essee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) 8. Street Addrcss or Location of Site: \ ~ Zo ~. ~ ~57E. ~(\..L \-\."'- "-^Y. \3 c> Y No \Q \--l.. \3 'E..~G~.f"L _..._ ~_?_A..~, Z:,,,___...._ _____ ,_. ,.______._ 9. Legal Description of Si te/Property Control ~: T\-\~. ~'€:~ Co ~ \~3/o0 -'t'", I f\ 6~ \' I,...\'t:. N.?~~ \35t~\ f'.:L-E~_,_T~~ "5 Yz o~ \t{t,. ~b~~ ~5~.g ..... o ~ \' ~~\\L'/u O~ .I~~_~'E.'~_L~~~ ~~~~OFV,S- \:~~_!..':S( ~~ \ \\~.. S~C 3.31 \" A-S :s I R.. 4"3 \::... ' 10. Intended Use(s) of Site: 'C ~,'- \ No . ~ TA."'~ Vo\ R~s\p..,u~~\ .. 11. Developer or Builder. Lou V\O "::>\-\,~ \<::: oc.:. 797 CAMl""\f~ L~K-e CIcc.L.~ BO~1C.~-:r-o\..l FL 33A-~ 2- I , 12. Architect: ... STA. """o~ ~ A~ oc I t>-~$) \~C- \ ~t....\.~ \ ~ t::c::~ ~ , ' 13. Landscape Architect: 14. Site Planner: CS', A. t-.A.D:') 4 A..5~.Oc.- ~ \~ G 15. Engineer: $....A.MD~ <- As":::o~_) \~ 16. Surveyor: C-'RP.. V\;:.-4. e. THo '"'" ~:'.>D~ L7. Traffic Engineer: '5'l"'^,IoI\.O~ ~ .~~s.~<;--. t't-\c :8. Has a site plan been previously appruv~d by the City council for this propc1."ty? Y ~s __----------_ .. ....__...... .-------...----_____.0- 19. Es timu ted cons truc tion cos t of propo::(',l impl'OVeiil~rl ts sho\m on tzj' , , " ..". ,.'., ' Lhis site plan: 5o..C>.:!::>D - c:. )CGklc:..J?c(...\ Ol'-{L"( ~ Planning Dept.. 10/82 // 'I , , , ' '. - Page 3 II. SITE DATA The following information' must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. l. Land Use Cateqory shown in the Comprehensive Plan Lot:. ~L \<:c-r-I:\\ L- C()(V'\ 6AE-eC.(~L 2. Zoning District 0-3 acres Z1.SB.8 sq. ft. 3. Area of Site 0, :$"77 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including - D- acres % of site surrounding lot area or grpunds b. Recreation Areas * - 0- acres % of site (excluding water area) I' I c. Water Area - 0- acres '% of site d. Commercial 0,,57/ acres I :pc::> % of site e. Industrial - 0- acrE;!s % of site f. Public/In- - 0- acres % of site stitutional g. Public,Private, and Canal - 0 - Rights-of-Way acres % of site h. Other (specify) _D acres % of site i. Other (specify) - 0- acres % of site j. Total Area of Site 0$ 7/ 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building ze5D sq.ft. ,9.,6 ~,' % of site Area ( "building footprint" ) b. Water Area - 0- sq. ft. % of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking, lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas) , and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 1(,9G,&f,3 >~i9t"-~ sq. ft. _rf1.~i:" % of site d. Total Impervious Area .:~I (q 2:,rqi.3~ sq. ft. ~'I," % of site e. Landscaped Area Inside 4. ~3Z..1 of Parking Lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required-- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code) . sq.ft. \9,4 % 0 f site 1.2 Planning Dept. 10/82 .. I . . . . Page 4 . f. Other Landscaped Areas, -0 r sq. ft. '% of site excluding Water Area g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding -6:>- Water Areas sq.ft. % of site h. Total Pervious Areas 4332.7 sq.ft. 11: ~ % of site i. To ta 1 Area of Site 2_~,552 ~q.ft. 100 % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential .... 1:>- sq.ft. b. Commercial/Office Z2':sO sq.ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse - 0- sq.ft. d. Recreational - 0- sq. ft. e. Publici Institutional - b.... sq. ft. f. Other (specify) - -0- sq. ft. g. Other (specify) - 0- sq. ft. h. Total Floor Area Z-e5o sq.ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-Family Detached - 0- dwelling units I b. Duplex - 0- dwelling units c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units (1) Efficiency - D- dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwelling units (3 ) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total Multi-Family -0 - dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units -- 0 - 8. Gross Density (!)- Dwelling Units per .i\cre I /I 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site zG - I feet 10. Required Off-Street Parking \ stories a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces M ~)C:, St:/>.. "r \ f..lG. -=. '7 g -7- 2. ~ ':. 31 S pA-Cf'..( b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Prov~ded on Site Plan 3 \ S. ?A..c.~~ r '2.2 -:;'0 -;- ) DO = 2 'Z ,S 3. \ S ~ Ac..c:", , R..t:"t<.:o )3 Planning Dept. 10/82 ) -,,-.......;.......&..Q14ut'_...;... "_ -" .' . . " ' , . Pa9'~ 9 IV.. MISCE~ANEOUS The following ~aterials must be submitted in one {l) copy: (check) 1. A check, payabl~ to the City of Boynton Beach, as per the attached fee schedule. . J . . . 2. For projects that generate at least three thousand (3,000)' vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traff;c .' . .. ...,. ." . -, ..,.. -.. - &.. .\...- ,.. .. ....... -.: ......,.. A .La.,.t"""''-'''' c....,'........J w..."'" .,,~_ w w... ... ""'_..._ __ w"-~. , 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be re- quired by the 'Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and zoning Board. (1) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed accord in to the instructions below. .~~p9 / D te f"" S gnature of Owner s or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. VI. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT ..~~ . t s'J:gnature 0 Authorized Agent zh-<<r1 / D te hereby designate the above signed person as (my) in regard to,this application. '?/2,y/rr ~s gnature.of Owner(s) or Trustee, ~Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business e,ntity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board' Community Appearance Board City Council ' StipUlations of Final Approval: Date Received: Date Date Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: , ' , '~ddit~onal Remarks: " /'r \\It\~ \~I '1~ ~-- \ \ .. ........ ....,..' 11- .'''1'''''- ~.. 10\t -,.,"" ~tt lIO\lIO" ~'f'fI ..... - ~ ~~ ,..;'. ::=:-- . ~ r .. .. -- . t \ \ \ \ ~\ 't' ... ... .. .. ''l , . " .. 0. .. .. ... ~'. " .. .. .' I' .' \ ,; ., " " " " " .. .. " ,I .. ," ..u .... ~t, .... e.-" .. .. tl~~ !~ :.~ ... .....t ;1;~~ .. .' o~~., li,t~ ... " .....""'.0 ,::_:l,~; :..&.t~ .. ~...:~= ~~.l~ 'i.... - ,~ .....o',~ ,..!:.~~ 11;~'a " " .', \ \ , . , ~~ "". .... "\ ~.\ \ ...$ ,,'I' ... .. U .. .. .. " .0. , -:. ~ .. # . # $ ,~ II. .. ~ ' ..;r;'" -':~r-J~ ' .. ~ :~ ;: '~ :It I :c ~ ~ ~ -I) t, ot ~ " ~ '$ ~ ~ .' :. ~. ........ ~ " iI ~ .... .... ... it ~. \ ... \ .;:" ... ,<;, .. 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MURDOCH, ESQUIRE FLEMING, O'BRYAN & FLEMING 500 East Broward Boulevard Post Office Drawer 7028 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33338 . .. , 'Ii /cr""-day of ~4d/hf1,1989, / between TRENT CORPORATION, hereinafter called "Grantor", and ILIAS MOSHAKOS and JOY MOSHAKOS, hereinafter collectively called EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this , I ' ~ "Granteell. WIT N E SSE T H: --------- WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner in fee simple of the land described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Easement Property"); and WHEREAS, it is the desire of Grantee to obtain a non- exclusive easement over, under and through such Easement Property for existing water and sewer lines and/or drainage as applicable, which service the Grantee's property described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Grantee's Property")and WHEREAS, Grantor has agreed to grant to Grantee such Easement; and WHEREAS, the parties agree that all costs related to the repair, replacement, servicing and/or maintenance of the existing water and sewer lines on, under or over the Easement Property which service the Grantee's Property shall be borne solely by the Grantor, its successors and assigns, except in all instances where Grantor determines that the Grantee and/or Grantee's Property are the cause of costs referred to herein, in which event the Grantee will bear all costs related thereto along with Grantee's successors' and assigns; .~ NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) paid by Grantee to Grantor, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consideration, Grantor does hereby grant unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive easement for the existing water and sewer lines and drainage over, under, or upon the Easement Property which service the Grantee's Property. Said Easement shall also allow reasonable ingress and egress to the Grantee, its successors and assigns, to the Easement Property to repair, replace, service and/or maintain said existing water and sewer lines which service the Grantee's ~/ /6 ../ ,. , \ I \ ...) II ""', Property in the event that the Grantor does not meet such obligation as required by this Agreement. This Easement shall benefit the Grantee, its heirs, successors and assigns in perpetuity. The Grantor shall be responsible for all costs (except as i ' . , Zjt:FD/fE ~" here1n~Gr set forth) related to the repair, replacement, /2 ' servicing and/or maintenance of the existing water and sewer lines which service the Grantee's Property. This Agreement shall not be construed to allow Grantee to expand the size or number of the existing water and sewer lines which service the Grantee's Property without the prior written consent of the Grantor. Except in the case of a bona fide emergency, each party agrees to promptly notify the other of the need to service, maintain, repair or replace any of the existing water and sewer lines on, under or over the Easement Property which service the Grantee's Property prior to undertaking same. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties hereto~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said Grantor and Grantee have caused these presents to be signed the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~j]~1t,- -f\).'0 u " r :(-"lGj\~"L.L/. GRANTOR: TRENT CORPORATION \-" ,,-.~ ----~ ,.- - /"'\ --....,./ - , B~ L-- ",' ? -c....--c:;r ---.-.......--~ ~.J. A!D~S f~ GRANTEE: _,.J ~_.. --' ,'- -~ .~/~-- ----.. ... ~.- ILIAS MOSHAKOS -'~ ;;: ~~/'_I:",c/' JOY MOSHAKOS 11 ,.. . . . STATE OF -1' (c~. ,It' ) COUNTY OF'I~j",,\ l-:6Ct J- ) The. foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this I~~~ day of .df;bbll''''':'~{ ,1989, by L.J. ADAMS, as President of the Grantor. . STATE OF ria4 P ". COUNTY OF PAL,,/l hl.C Ad.. The foregoing day of .::::t':~Il-"'(:U41 Grantee. --r-...') , , .~ i.' ( C.L~({ ii, d Q)~ "("~ Not"ary ublic My Commission Expires: ) ) instrument was acknowledged before me this ,~ , 1989, by ILIAS MOSHAKOS and JOY MOSHAKOS, as \/1'Y)~~'~ ,Jft~-- Notary ublic My Commission E~pires: 13 , .. EXHIBIT "A" The West 183.00 feet of the South 650.8 feet of the N.E, 1/4 of the N.E. l/4 lying East of u.s. Highway No.1. Less the entire North 1/2 thereof in Section 33, Township 45 South! Range 43 East. Also less the North 135.41 Feet thereof. Said lands situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. ~ 17 r .~. EXHIBIT "B" A certain piece or parcel of land located in the Town of Boynton Beach, County of Palm Beach and state of Florida, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: The West 183.00 feet of the North 1'35.41 feet of the South 1/2 of the South 650.8 feet of the N.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 lying East of u.S. Highway No. 1 in section 33, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. ~o -:. oC . . .... ~,,-~---... . This instrument prepared by: '~~...\~, This Insrrumc~r rr::par~d By: ] r',.~.., "~,.'.."~, r;.-." . \ _..", ". 1.. . 0 \ '-..~. .. Ml:rk!l,'. B:</i':, ~"..,':;"..i!. P./\.. ) 1 (j !..:. ..' ~:: . to i <or j......c.:'. S'.!;.. ~ I~\)O Delroy Bc:ach, 1':10. 3344-1 , ._ _, _, " ". , "...._ ,_.. " ISpltco Abovu Thlli L,nu For Rocordlng D.lt"l ~rranty- ~.e.eO (STATUTORY FORM-SECTION 689,02 F.S,) This Indentur~. mad~ this THE TRENl' OORPORATION Florida Decanbel:' . 19 88, b~twccn , u corponllion existing under thc' hlws uf the st:lt~ . having its principal place ofbusin~ss in the county of Palm Beach Florida . and lawfully'authorized to transact business in the state of Florida Ilias Moshakos and Joy MOshakos day of uf and state of granlor., and whose post office address is . nf the County of , State of . 1;r.:nll:I.:'I'. ~lit""..rtll: ThaI said !;runlur. fur and in cunsidl.:r:ltion nf 111l.: sum of Ten and 00/100 (~1 O. 00) -------- -----------------------------------------------------:----------------------- J),)II~ll~. and other good nnd valuable considemtions to said !;rollllOr in hand paid by said gr.lOlee, the receipt whereof is hereby a.:knowlo:dgell, has grunted. bargained and sold to the said gmntee. llnd grantee's hdrs nnd assigns forever. the following describo:d land, situah:, lying anll being in Palm Beach County. Florida. to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" A'ITAOIED HERElU. Ilias Moshakos SSN 1.~'-I - '--:-1'1 --1/) ,....,r;; Joy Moshakos SSN Suhjo:ct lu reslrictions, reservalions, casemcnts IInd limitations of recurd, if lIny. prnv\ded Ihal this shall nol serve III rl.:illlll\l,'i"; same. ~oning urdinam:es. and luxes for thc cum-nl ycur und subse'luenl years, SaiL! 1!r.tntur docs hereby fully wurrant Ihe litlc 10 said lund. and will defcnd Ihal same ugainst Ihe "Iwful claims of all pCNllh whomsuever, *"Grantor" and .'gnllltec" are used for singular or plural. as context requircs, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunlo set gnllllor's hand and scal the day and )car tirst abuvc wrillcn " Name of cOrpl)nllion: Corpo....lt~ S~'al Alle:;t: --...... . THF. TRFNJI (X)RPOPhTION By Presidcnt ...0.. ,. " . .-....-" ''--' STATE OF FIDRlDA. COUNTY OF PAIM BFAOI I Hereby Certify Ihat on this 19 8~bcfore me personally appeared ,( .;:- day of December Presido:nl und Se,'rO:I:lry rcspectively of '!liE TRENr roRPORATION . ;, corporation under the laws of Ihc Slale of FLOlUDA. . III mc known 10 be Ihe person who liigncd thc foregoing inslrulllenl as SII\:h uflkcrs und M:vcrnlly lid,lIllwkdl!.cd Ihe cl\cculiun Ihl.'lI:uf tll bc Iho:ir ft'CC llCI IIIld deed as such urficcrs fur Ihc uscs lUlll purpll~cs therein menlillned tlml Ihal the)' ulTixcd Ihen.'11l Ihe Illridal sCIII of saill curpurlltillll, IIIld that the s:lill in~lrulllclIl b Ihe lIl'l ;11111 lk~'ll Ill' such corporutiun, WITNESS illY hand IInd oflkial lie:!1 al the County of PAIM BFAOI day and ycar last afnro:s.lid, Delray Beach and State of FLORIDA the '. 4Jr:::!/\.- My commission expircs: ~/ h.'1I ::!t).t5, P "'....'"1 11<... \1I\lm ,.,wptN".&t"x... III AC"SIIINI: I.,~.I ~"I'f'l"", Ill.'. h t.....L,I\l....', .I.l,11I ..' ,; y/ ,,- EXHIBIT "A" ~1 A certain piece or parcel of land located in the Town of Boynton Beach, County of Palm Beach and State of Florida, being more particularly bOunded and described as folloWs: The West 183.00 feet of the North 135.41 feet of the South 1/2 of the South 650.8 feet of the N. E. 1/4 of the N. E. 1/4 lying East of U. S. Highway No. 1 in Section 33, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palnl Beach County, Florida. Reserving to the Grantor a perpetual Easement qver and upon the South Twenty-Four (24) feet of the above-described property for the purpose of preserving to Grantor, their heirs, their successors in interest and tbeir custaners and invitees, access to Grantor's land immediately contiguous to the land conveyed herein to Grantee. " ,;2.2 ,! " !' ,,' ,." / ... / , , 'i / i :1 ":;., !:1~1'1QfJA N RJJ.t!. To: Medard Kopczynski Acting Building Official 04/28/89 From: Vincent A. Finizio Engineering Inspector pc~ge 1 of 2 Subject: Mr. Submarine A random inspection of the above referenced site was conducted by our office after Technical Review Board memb~rs notified me that Fir. Submari ne is cacti v(?l y conduct, i ng bl.lsi net:;s nr..,!.!?.!:: to compl et ion of their site plan as approved by City Commission and staff. My findings are as follows: 1. Stop signs have not been inst~lled at the ingress/egress approaches along Federal Highway in conformance with approved plan documents and Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations, Article X, Section 5-142 (c) Traffic Control, 5-141 (n) Traffic Control Standards and Section 5-140 (a), (b) Safety Objectives. 2. Handicap signs have not been installed at designated handicap stalls in conformance with approved plan docume~ts, Section 5-142 (k) Handicap Requirements, Section 5-141 (n) Handicap Standards. 3. The required raised continuous concrete curb has not been installed in conformance with approved plan documents, Section 5- 142 (e) curbs, Section 19-17 (e) curb cuts and Section 5-141 (n) raised continuous curb standards. Broken and avulsed existing ~urbing that was scheduled to be repaired, remains broken and avulsed. A. The dumpster enclosure has not been relocated in conformance with approved plan documents and Public Works staff comments. 5. The old awning from the prior business along with trash and debris litter the east perimeter of the site. j 6. Landscaping is incomplete and the landscaping as installed along the Federal Hi ghway "pc::u.kway" conf i nes stormwatE~r t,o the sidewalk within the Federal Highway rights-of-way. 7. The o~mel~s are displaying non-confor-ming "!sandwichll signs. My obligation to the City of Boynton Beach regarding the disposition of known safety hazards, requires me to inform you that this facility does not properly serve the general public based on non-confor"manc:e wi th zoni ng regul ati ons, Appendi >: "A" Zoning 11 H, parking lot ordinances, safety objectives, site plan/approval codes and failure to complete required' departmental final inspections that insure proper site conditions reI ati ve to perfoJ~mance standards and the final reconc;ti'il~t:-i.~. si tes wi th si te pI ans "that wen~ approved by Commi ssi on1~~!I2!. W ~ I elJ ,I\P.R ~8 Im:f fP-UAN'N I <<B w:...~L, I~ -r '\ . v' . . .' .! , " Mr. Submarine cont~d page 2 of 2 The issuance of Certificates of Occupancy prior to completion of sites within our City was to be reviewed by the City Manager should the Engineering Department feel that on-site conditions expose citizens to unsafe conditions and/or prejudice the physically handicapped. This is not occurring as previously agreed upon during meetings with Mr. Cheney. Your willingness to facilitate and release for operation non- conforming sites based on (your own) creative interpretations of conditions~ troubles me greatly. I usually wind up being the "poi nt man II tryi ng te) cl 0~5e si tes \.'Ji th devE~1 opel~s thi:':tt feel they have satisfied :'L9..h!!:. requir-ements. It pli:'cE'~5 m~ in a ~"Jeakf:?ned position regarding my ability to assist developers in gaining compliance with applicable codes~ undermining inspector credibility and ultimately convincing developers that the IIright hi:\r'\d doesn~.t kno~"J ~"Jhat thf:.~ lef't is doing". Quess who becomes the culprit? Ques5 who's the good guy? I suggest that instead of sending me another response memo labeling me IIdoctrinairell thereby stigmatizing me fL\rther~ YOLI should channel your efforts~ attention and energy towards bringing Mr. Submarine into full compliance. Respectfully submitted~ - I \ - \\ ~-p, . . ~~_~~_'__ ,_s:::::- 'Vincent A. Finizio l cc: Peter Cheney, City Manager , ; T.R.B. members -\F"~,~_~'~~~4;'"-: /vaf file:trb oIf ~~~ ~()mQ . K. G, "Chuck" Stamos, Reg, Professional Engineer February 27, 1989 Mr. Jim Golden Assistant City Planner Boynton Beach, Florida RE: Site Plan Approval Application Mr. Submarine 1920 S. Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL Dear Mr. Golden: Transmitted herein, please find executed application, accompanied by a $400.00 check, as required for submission. Also included are colored swatches of the awning material and finished stucco. Additionally, the following are forwarded: A transparency of the site plan A percolation test report 6 copies of the warranty deed 6 copies of an easement form, defining responsibilities for sewer and drainage 6 copies of the plans comprised of 12 sheets 1 colored elevation 1 colored sign detail sheet I trust this completes all the requirements. Sincerely yours, /~ K. G. STAMOS, P. E. tV'~ STAMOS & ASSOCIATES, Inc. . 222 N,E, 21 Street, Ft. Lauderdale. Florida 33305. (305) 561-0110