LEGAL APPROVAL j;.:;:.--'- ::." .-:, I .. r / / r If / ORDINANCE NO. 091- ~b AN ORDINANCE OF 'fHE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE RAY FLOW PROPERTIES (SW CORNER OF OLD BOYNTON ROAD AND KNUTH ROAD) ANNEXING ,A CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TRACT OF LAND THAT IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS WITHIN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND 'THAT WILL, UPON ITS ANNEXATION, CONSTITUTE A REASONABLY COMPACT ADDITION TO THE CITY TERRITORY, PURSUANT TO A PETITION OF THE OWNER O~ SAID TRACT OF LAND, REQUESTING ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO ARTICLE I, SECTION 7 (32) OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AND SECTIONS 171.044, ANQ. 171.062(2), FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING THE PROPER LAND USE DESIGNATION AND PROPER ZONING OF" THE PROPERTY SHALL BE REFLECTED IN SEPARATE ORDINANCES TO BE PASSED SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREWITH; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT' HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROViDING FOR ADVERTISING; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY. TO CODIFY; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE 'SHALL BE "FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT ~ COURT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, UPON ADOPTION AND 'PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. " WHEREAS, Ray F. Flow, owner of the followi'ng 'tract of land hereinafter' described, has filed a Petition for Annexation to the CIty of Boynton Beach, Florida, directed to the City Commission pursuant to Article I, Section 7 (32) of the - Charter.;, o'f the City and Section 171.044, and 171~062(2), Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, said tract of land lying and being within Palm Beach County is contiguous to the existing City limits of the City of Boynton Beach,. Florida and will, upon its annexation, constitute a reasonably compact addition to the City territory. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: Pursuant to Article I, Section 7 (32) of the Charter of the City of 'Boynton Beach, Florida and Section 171.044, and 171.062(2), Florida ,Statutes, the., following described unincorporated and contiguous tract of land situated and lying and being in the County of Palm Beach, Florida, to wit: \ 'IL-- , , I ' "\ // ,/ , r c.... ______ *' \, " , '. Tract 53, less the South 260.00 feet thereof of the Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, According to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. '----- ~ " --- -- containing 2.66 acres more or l~ss. Together 'with that portion of Old Boynton Road right-of-way abutting the north property line of the above described parcel. is hereby annexed to the City,of Boynton,Beach, Florida, and such land so annexed shall be and become part of the city with 'the same force and effect as thOugh the same had been originally incorporated in the territorial boundaries thereof. Section 2: That Section 6 and 6(a) of the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to reflect the annexation of said tract of land more particularly described in,Section ,1 ofcthis Ordinance. Section 3: That by Ordinance adopted simultaneously # herewith, the proper City, zoning designation ,and Land Use category is bein9 determined as contemplated in Section 171.162(2) Florida ~tatutes. Section 4: All ordinances of parts of ordinances in conflict.herewit.h are hereby repealed. Section 5 : Should any section' or provisi~n of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordin.ance. Section 6: This Ordinance shall not be passed until the same has been advertised for four (4) consecutive weeks ,in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as required ,by the City Charter and Section 171.044, Florida Statutes. Section 7: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its final passage. Section 8. , . Specific authority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. ~~ .. I . -.J / / // /. . , Section 9: This Ordinance, after adoption, shall be filed with. the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida. FIRST READING this ~ day of ,4u~~/S"T" , 1991. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this ~~ day of /lUt4.U;f5..,......, 1991. .:- ATTEST: ,.n:<-J~~ -, cY~" Q::;t;~~,---- ~rk, ' . ; , , (Corporate, Seal ), .J ANEXFLOW.DOC' 7/31/91 , , " CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA flJi 4/~ ~a~or~' , --ft/ /' ....Z// ... ~~~t:1/ ifijZ$Z~p ,-:!- Vice Mayor '.; , I~"""-< t A.t ,1/", / ... -'CornriUssioner I i/ (J\ 'j-.--:;' I ' .. /C/~ ./ I.. '; , '-'" .. \..., .". Commissioner ,. Pi' '" ". , 'I : f " ORDINANCE NO. 091-~-~' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION 'OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE RAY FLOW PROPERTIES (SW' CORNER OF OLD BOYNTON ROAD AND KNUTH ROAD) AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM COUNTY R/8 (RESIDENTIAL 8) .TO HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING REPEALING PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted a Comprehensive Land Use-Plan and as part of. : -. said Plan a Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, a certain parcel of land more particularly described hereinafter is being annexed in accordance with the application by Ray F. Flow, owner of the following property, into the City-by Ordinance being adopted simultaneously herewith; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Land Use Element of a Comprehensive \ Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, has been followed; and WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Commission aeems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION'OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: Ordinance No. 89,-38 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the following: That the Land Use of the following described land shall be designated as High Density Residential. Said land is more ..-.... particularly described.as folXows: Tract 53, less the South 260.00 feet thereof of the Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, According to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book l, Page 19, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Containing 2.66 acres more or less. i I I I i I 1 i I I I i ~ t . ,.... .' .... Section 2: That any maps ,adopted in accordance with the Land Use Element of said comprehensive: Plan shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 5: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its final passage. FIRST READING this ~ day of /PUM67' , 1991. ,I .. SECOND, FINAL READING and' PASSAGE this At::) day of /ldt5t.1!S-r, 1991. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA , ~ r;~~-I- Mayor /' ~/ ,~rf,!.:. .. ~~?/V~~Z Vice Mayor t// Commissioner' ATTEST: ~~l':-~~~AI - . :{corpornt~,sea~~ .... ., . . ,LUAFLO\'1 . DOC 7/31/91 . ..-..... ~,.~. ~ :..... 5 I I I I I I 1 \ I I i -- I . ~ , . ! ' ,- I , I I' " II : I I: I ORDINANCE NO. 091-~cg AN ORDINANCE OF' THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON :BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE RAY FLOW PROPERTIES (SW CORNER OF OLD BOYNTON ROAD AND KNUTH ROAD) AMENDING ORDINANCE 80-19 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, FROM COUNTY RMISE (MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL WITH A SPECIAL EXCEPTION FOR A DAY CARE CENTER) TO R-3 (MULTIPLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL); AMENDING THE REVISED ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; PROVIDING FOR A BUILDING HEIGHT LIMITATION OF TWO-STORIES; PROVIDING A CONFLICTS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the -City of Boynton Beach, Florida has adopted Ordinance No. 80-19,' in which a Revised Zoning Map was adopted for said City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is simultaneously herewith adopting an Ordinance annexi~g a parcel of land more particularly described herein into the City limits of said City; and ; : WHEREAS, Ray F., Flow, the property, owner, has heretofore 'filed a Petition with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, ,pursuant to Section 9 of Appendix A-Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances, City of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the purpose of rezoning a certain parcel of land consisting of approximately 2.66 acres located within the municipal limits of said City, said property being more .particularly described hereinafter, from RMISE (Multiple Family Residential District with a Special Exception for a day, care center) to R-3 (Multiple Family Residential), which requests that the 2.66 acre parcel be removed ,from the boundaries of the RMISE to allow for the processing of the rezoning application; WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it in the best interests of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1 : The following described land, located in the \ I I 1 C City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to-wit: II " '" .-- --.-'"---. -,.. -.--~ ~~ -r- ..---.- ,-~~---_. -.-- ,.- --.- '-'t' ,. . . Tract 53, less the South 260.00 feet thereof of the Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, According to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida.' Containing 2.66 acres more or less. be and the same, is hereby rezoned R-3 (Multiple-Family Residential). Section 2: That the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map of the City shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: Development of the property shall be limited to two-stories. Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in :conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 5: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent I jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. ,Section 6: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its final passage. FIRST READING this 6 day of ~uau.:S~ , 1991. .SECOND, '~FINAL READING and PASSAGE this c5?t:J day of ,'Ht/~L/&r , 1991. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~-L U/~~.A Mayor ' ~ ' ,/' ~~w~;t'~ V~ce Mayor " / ~ ?" ~~' A ~ ,,,"- ,/?) f;YY- -uL ..</ /'" {C~- Commi'ssioner ." /}~ () '-.....,1//.." - . 'c / ./: " . I - ,7"><. j/Lt 1'f-4A / /' /V~ Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST; .r, ... ~' ~~.- ' ~"4-4.:V.#.~~L ~J//)0 'Ci t, ,Clerk (Corporate, Seal) 7 I " / . NOTICE OF MUNICIPAL ANNEXATION FROM: City of Boynton Beach, Florida Please be advised by this notification and attached location map, that certain lands have been annexed by BOYNTON BEACH, Florida. Information contained herein is pertinent to the area in question. If additional material is required, please contact the office of: THE CITY PLANNER. Name of Development/owner: Ordinance # 091-56 or RAY FLOW PROPERTIES Special Act of State Legislature: Bill I Effective Date: August 20, 1991 Area of subject Property: 1.41 acres ~nd 1.25 acres .. Estimated Present Population: 0 Estimated Number of Existing Dwelling Units: 0 sqo.mx. TOTAL 0 f 2. '66 Acres Estimated Present Residential Density: o d.u.' s/acre Zoning: R-3, Multifamily Resl.dentl.al Density Allowed: 10.8 d.u. Is/acre Existing Type o~ Development: The 1.41 acre parcel is occupied by an existing day care care center; the 1.25 acre.parcel is vacant. Proposed Type of Development: No site plan has been submitted for the 1.25 acre vacant parcel. The site could be'developed for any use permitted in the R-3 district, including 13 multifamily'dweliing units. *OWner or Petitioner *County Commissioners All City Departments All Utility Companies *County Planning, Bldg, Zoning *Area Planning Board *Countywide Planning Council Chamber of Commerce Bureau of Census *County Tax Assessor *Clerk of County Circuit Court to receive copy of ordinance *Secretary of State *Supervisor of Registration *State Beverage Department Attachment Location Map *State Department of Transportation o' '- ~ / PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-353 TO: Chairman anq Members planning and Zoning Board ~ G.J....cJ THRU: Christopher cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner DATE: December 5, 1990 SUBJECT: Ray Flow Properties - File No. 553 Request for Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning Ray F. Flow, property owner, is proposing to annex into Boynton Beach a 1.41 acre parcel and a 1.25 acre parcel located at the southwest corner of old Boynton Road and Knuth Road (see attached location map). The current land use and zoning of the 1.41 acre parcel is R-8, residential with a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acrea, and RM/SE, Multiple Family Residential District with a special exception for a day care center, respectively. This parcel is occupied by Little Dude Ranch, a day care center. The current land use and zoning of the vacant 1.25 acre parcel is R-8, residential with a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre, and RM, Multiple Family Residential District, respectively. Included with the annexation request is a request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to show the two parcels as "High Density Residential", allowing a maximum of 10.8 dwelling units per acre, and to rezone both parcels from the County's zoning classification to the City'S R-3, Multiple Family Dwelling District. Although the documents submitted by the applicant indicate that the proposed use of the undeveloped, 1.25 acre site is for 10 multi-family dwelling units, if the property is rezoned to R-3, the site could be developed for any use permitted in the R-3 zoning district, unless otherwise restricted by the City Commission as a condition of zoning approval. PROCEDURE These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan and rezoning are being processed consistent with state statutes and Boynton Beach codes, ordinances and resolutions as follows: 1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning Development Regulation Act. 2. F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of ordinances and Resolutions. 3. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Act. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and zoning and Section 9.C: Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Rezonings. 4. 5. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for Annexation. 6. Boynton Beach Ordinance #89-38: comprehensive Plan. These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Paraphrasing, these regulations require newspaper advertisements, public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission, review by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), and commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the Future Land Use Element and rezone. l' PM No. 90-353 -2- CURRENT LAND USE AND ZONING December 5~ 1990 As previously discussed, the 1.41 acre parcel is occupied by a day care center and the 1.25 acre parcel is vacant. The land use and zoning in the surrounding area varies and is p'resented for your information in the table which follows: Direction North Farther north Northeast East Farther east South Farther south West Farther west Jurisdiction Zonina Palm Beach County Palm Beach County N/A RS - (5 units/ac) C-3 N/A PCD Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Palm Beach County RM/SE - (8 units/ac) RS/SE - (5 units/ac) RS - (5 units/ac) RM/SE (8 units/ac) Palm Beach County Palm Beach county Palm Beach County FUTURE LAND USE AND REZONING Land Use Old Boynton Rd. Single family homes Shopping Mall Knuth Road Vacant Single family homes condominiums Health care center Condominiums ,The subject parcels lie within the city's reserve annexation area. Pursuant to Section 9.C.2(2) of Appendix A - Zoning, staff analysis of the proposed zoning is not required where rezoning is requested in conjunction with an application for annexation and the rezoning would be consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan, or where the proposed zoning would be consistent with the zoning or land use recommendations contained in the city of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. With respect to the above, the proposed land use and zoning categories requested would be consistent, provided future buildings are limited to two stories, with the language for Area 7.h. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, which reads as follows: 7.h. Residential Area between old Bovnton Road and the L.W.D.D. L-24 canal west of Knuth Road This area contains the Oakwood Lakes project, as well as a portion of the Country Club Trails PUD. Densities for approved projects range from 5 to 10 dwelling units per acre. This area has good access and is largely surrounded by commercial or high density residential developments. Therefore, this is an appropriate location for High Density Residential land use. The city should oppose any establishment of commercial uses within this area, however, since commercial uses would intrude into residential areas, access is not sufficient for commercial development, and adequate commercially- designated property already exists in the vicinity. Building heights should be limited to 2 stories, in order to be compatible with the surrounding 1- and 2-story residences. The undeveloped parcels abutting Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road should be annexed if and when they become adjacent to the City. The oakwood Lakes project and the parcel to the west should ultimately be annexed by referendum or other legal means. Any annexation in this area should include annexation of the adjacent rights-of-way for Old Boynton Road and Lawrence Road. )D PM No. 90-353 -3- December 5, 1990 On March 9, 1989, the previous owner of the 1.25 and the 1.41 acre parcels, Ernest and Elizabeth Gilmer, entered into water service agreements with the city for the two parcels. The water service agreements were approved subject to several conditions, one of which was that the owner could proceed with County petitions for development of the day care center (now existing), provided that annexation, land use amendment/rezoning applications were submitted to be processed at the next available deadline, October 1, 1989. Incidentally, applications were submitted, but were not completed until the October 1, 1990 deadline. One condition of the approved water service agreements was that if the day care center was existing or proposed to be constructed at the time the 1.41 acre parcel was annexed into the City, conditional use approval would also be required, consistent with the Zoning Code - Appendix A, Section 11.1.H. Status of Existing Uses Requiring Conditional Use Approval. Therefore, prior to adoption of the ordinance to annex this parcel, anticipated for May, 1991, the applicant must submit a conditional use application. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANNEXATION POLICIES The proposed annexation is consistent with the policies pertaining to annexation contained within the comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental coordination Element. Palm Beach county has been notified of the proposed annexation and their comments are attached as Exhibit "A". With respect to the County sheriff's Department comment regarding augmentation of the already present mixed service area in the vicinity of the subject parcels, the subject parcels are within the City'S reserve annexation area as already mentioned. This fact was reiterated in the comments from the County's planning division. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends that the applications submitted by Ray F. Flow be approved, subject to the following two conditions: 1. Submittal of a conditional use application prior to adoption of the ordinance to annex the 1.41 acre parcel. 2. Building heights be limited to two-stories. This recommendation is based in part on the following: 1. That the parcels are contiguous to the corporate limits; 2. That the parcels lie within the City'S reserve annexation area; 3. That water service agreements for both parcels were approved subject to annexation, land use amendment/rezoning applications being submitted, due to the fact that both parcels are within the City'S utility service area; 4. That the intensity of land use and zoning desired is consistent with the language for Area 7.h. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element support Documents; and 11 PM No. 90-353 -4- December 5, 1990 5. That the request is consistent annexation policies. with the Comprehensive Plan ;Lan;1:fJtnU~ tjh Encs A: FlowLUEA JIJ. TEL No. Dee 06,90 16:14 P,06 ,. ' ., Board or,Count;r Co~.nb&loncrIJ Carol J. I:Hm<julsl, Chairmllll Karen T. MarcuM. Vic~ Chair Carol ^. Robcrtfl Ron Howard Car'ole Phillips \' II t~~A Count,.. Admlnlatrator Jan Winters " D.partmGllt or Planning. Zol'llng & Bulldlng November 30, 151510 Christopher Cutro,'ATCP Planning Director, City of Boynton Beach 100 c. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: Annexation of the propOl5ed Ray Flow day care center. DC:i1r Mr. Cutro; DRAFT The Planning, ZonIng and Building Depanmem bas coordinated the review of the proposed annexation of 2.66 acre propeny located at the southwest comer of Old Boynton Beach Road and' Knuth Road, Annexation reviews do not address questlons ofwhether a future development order for IIle proposed annexat10n would be considered a prevIous approval vested against the 1990 COuntywide Trame Perfonnance Standards. County staff comments are as follows: .....tIt..:-J. 1. PLANNING DIVISIQN: Steve Moralesl Planner The Planning DivIsion lias\Indcrgonc a review of the proposed annexation in accordance with Chapter J 7] , Florida Statutes and Palm neach County's Interim Annexation Review Policy. The area to be annexed is contiguous to the ~ity's ...,. \ current boundaries, and is located within the City's future annexation area. " ~ 2. ENYJRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: Bob Kraus, , Enviromm.."I1tat Analyst This site is nOl in a well-field protection zone nor are they considered . eQvirorunematly sensitive. lbe Property has previously been developed and does Dot contain sensitive native vegetation. . 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens. Special Projects Coordinator Commen~ will be forwarded. 4. SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT: Diana Newcomer, Criminal Justice Planner Inclusion of this parcel into the city limits augments the already pre~t mixed sctVice area south of the Boynton Beach mall between Old Boynton Beach Road, Congress Avenue, Bo;yntan Beach Blvd., and :Knuth Road, Mixed senrice areas promote hazardous canditions for emergency responding vehicles because the agenciC!S do not share the same communications systems, ' The Sheriffs Office recoliunends tbe city adopt proposals that both improve sorvice levels for citizens and which does: not tncr~e t4e..notential hazardsofor61Aw'OOl 800 13th Street, WEST PALM nf:ACH, J:I.on DA 31"406 .l4111) ,1:J7~~ ,@ plilltt'o! 0,1 'e~ycled pll~' 15 TEL No. Dee 06,90 16:15 P.O? " } BO)'l'lton Beach AnnexAtion 12/6190 Christopher Cutro Page 2 DRAFT enforcement omcc~. Having clearly defined lines for servIce and eliminating the mixed SCXViCC5 an:as wilt satisfy that recommendation. s. TRAms:; ENGINEERING: Allan J:nnis, Development Review Engineer Comments wl11 be forwarded. 6, UTILITIES: Linda liammond, Civil Engineer, Engineering DivIsion .w 111e properties are not within the County's service area. No Comments 7. FINANCIAL MANAc;EMEl\~J' AND HUDGET QEPARTMENT: Rich~rd Roberts, Assistant Director The proposed annexation results In the loss orad valorem taxes ofS761.09 as the above municipality does not participale in Flre.Rescue Countywide MSTU and the Library Taxing District, In addition, certain revenue O.e" utilit}' service tax, fl3t1chise fees, sales tax and state shared revenues maybe marginally reduced but cannot be estimated from the available information. 8. IJARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Tim Granowitz, Principal Planner ., ' No apparent impact to the County's Parks Department. Thank you for the opportunity to revJe~ and respond to these a~tions. Please be advised that the comments represent starr analYSIs and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners. Please Include these comments with your backup materials for all meeUngs and hearings where this annexatlon is discussed. , Sincerely. .",...-;. .... .. Dennis R. Foltz, AICP PlaMing Director Attachtnent cc: BOard of County Commissioners Bob Weisman, Administmtion Grace J ohoson, Boca Raton Growth Management Bob Banks, County Attorney's Office Donna I<ri5taponis, Planning, Zoning and Building Bob Kraus, ERM Kathy Owens. FireIRescuc Diana Newcomer, Sherlfr$ Department Allan Ennis, Traffic Enslneerins Divialon Linda Hamlnond, Water Utilities Richard Roberts. OFMB Tim Granowitz, Parks and Recreation Department Beth McCall, Zoning Division 14 ., _: ." ........ , ~ ,..,/, ~~ l BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION APPLICATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the 'Planning Department. (2 copies of applicat~on required) PROJECT NAME: JXT\L~ 1)l)DE QI-\()C\-\ . . '. AGENT'S NAME: ADDRESS: -,- - PHONE: J PHONE: -R~'\ ~L010 ~~'d. Sa. \....f\~\2S\\:)\:: L~\<~ \.t. "JOQ...\\"\ FL \-\"\-3\43 -:\)R . .33'-\<.00 OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: ~5 ';Ao ()L\) ~O"\\\\()'() Rt) (not legal description) ~'\(\'O(') ~~') ~L ~~4~<C ., CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) '- * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. -1- .. I. lG' " . '. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: DATE OF ORDl:NANCE PROPOSAL: ORDINANCE # DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: R~'\ \=LD~ .- , Area of sUbject property:_:~---,-- , ~~(p~ Sq. Ft. or - Acres Estimated 'present Population: \ ~() s\Vo\::.r\\<; Existing Zoning: ~ /( J1!s&DensitY Allowed: <6" , . I 'Proposed Zoning: ~- ~ Density Allowed: ID. ~ Sy~c:.\~\.. "~'/..C.~9,\o\\ \=,oQ ~~,,-\) Q..f\RE" l~~\S'\()6) EXISTING UTILITIES d.u.'s d. u. 's Water: C'\"\,\ n~ ~()'\('\\D" G-c F\C:r\- Wastewater Collection: ~ \\'\ c..)~ ~'\(\\o" ~E.l?\<::)-\ Solid Waste (garbage): 9p\Lm <?'('~. (':\"1. .. , . -3- III STATEMENT OF USE Existing Use: bf.\'i CRR ~ c..GfftGR Proposed Use: ~ A f-.-.I( is " . ; '. JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: \\\\ 5 \ ~ ~ C::.C2..c ~ \: S e. C2..~\c..\:. "\:u \\-\i:.. ~ oQ,\",\ () C, \)f\Q \:.. ~ '\ So 0 \: Q.o-..\ ('\ .,. C n Ge: P\C .~ . EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED '\'~f=\c..\ 53. L~SS '\\-\\: .5'00'\\-\ ~(d).OO ~E'C.'" ThER~a~ O~ I \~E' Sl)~\:)\", S, 0 (J o~ SEc.."O{) \ <::t) \Ouj()S\-\ \ ~ \.\5 SOOTH) Q.~~c..E: 4.~ 'E:P\ST (4C-~\:)R~\{,)b \0 \\-\c ?L~' \~E:~~o\=- I Rcc..cR1.:>t \) \(\ \)\..~, Q,Da~ <11 f>~~E: \9 \)L)~L\e ~,:CC O~()S I (")~ ~p..\..~' 'G~~C\-\ Ct)()(l,'{ F\..oQ.. \ t) A . ,( I~ ~vnbine.s_ , CJ- 1.4-( ,~~ p~~~s'~ 'f~{Id).., .. ,. -4- I. 11 ,,~~,j~J~t < " l~-:.J~_ I_JlW!ml~~"~':~ 1L.~-: ~~~' I ,-' I~'-- - ~~JF.i ,B!lliL:~ . .~~~~ clr-j I~"~ ','(f!!E~: '~11"~t:;.': I .-,~::,~~.J~~ ~\""~li""'l~ ~;r:l~~:~=" 1--' , . ; [ I ~1 I 1J .~ I .. ~ 'i ~1=rf iiifrl' ,I ~ '~ilMfIB -:1-- -: I ., 'I ~. . ' ,.... ~ 11';~ldJttij'5. .J~....L.~; '~,~~._ ml~;. ~~;J1-":ti~ ~ . "110- I. "~-.1 dil.....,-.:-~~ I ':~~~~I~-?::I::::~:;;;:;uh"' . '~ ,~ ! :\ -~'T' F'I" ~~~'7':' Ul1t-":i;.":.' ,.' 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'10 r~" -G~~ ' ',Wf . ......,:,:..; 't-t.::I" , ,,:r; '.~~l-.~--~...l ,'; '! ..;:..{, ,..'- -- :~.' ~I " :..~ l~- I '"',II .. tu"l' hI.'," ., \:;'~ '4 ~~"---".I: ..'., , q'J "~/, ~,~li~~~~ ~po ~~'Rfj,l(l,i~;(i,:-~~,,!;~t 1':,~~~1; !'.:{fJR~~~;'-':f-r';'!i"',; f......';U : 03 ~!. '11 . r .... , i i ~ m:~, .3 it::q- 'I .. I ' '1 Wl;l.l:;J;; , .alli:- .1_, ,~,!.J ! ' I T, ' _-' Af :: !..: 11_~ I'J~Iff..P.:=:":.:'L'?!1\~'.'.:' Ik~''$'''~''!' ~ i~ I+~ , '-='i III /'';1 ~I . -- u..: . I . I ... ,I.....~, ro;" .. ~~ -: :s!"l -: I ) -;t,.' ;\t\1 :~~ ',t-':'~ ': -"j-h.,u1J. il'" ,;,,' -- ",- ~/;l-:;:'--.!JI!' 'f ~ ~~. '""'f l' . "' -. I .. ill . .' to .~.:.Y l.:: '~~r~,): .' ," .;\~' , ".I. d'" \~,.. ~, '.. ~.., I..!' r;;. ) I .. t -.;: ~~~~' 'I" ~~ E~~"V'~'~ '--.-.T';'I~ttN~ ~}~:~::t~ll\~~>'~IUI! ';"1;'/::-lJ! fj! == /~~ ~ ~~' I . # 1: /> ',' ~\ ~"/i~ I- --- - ..'1 I ~~A~~~W~) 1,_vJ "'~: 1'41 I":~"':'~~~ -!I//,~! ;/; "'0"" ~. ~I-~";"f)~.' ~~~~{.~/~~/If/:I."rGtilit.U:II-!~~~I/ . ~ I .IEl m - , M fflf: F1" [if · -- -,,/I'" - - l' 'I ", Clly ot Boynton,Beach fla':!!'ln; Department Name of DevelopmentEV (.< f:.\'-\ F\-Du ') Locate the subj~ct property on this map and shade in the area. ~ ,i ..' ~ ; . .. I. -5- ~ , , , 1 2 OWNERS ~UTHORIZATION Under the'provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. , '. ~ ii4tw Ray F. Flow Sharon G. Flow Type Name of OWner(s) Ray F.' Flow Sharon G. Flow' Type Name of ~pplic~nt 722 So. Lakeside Dr. street ~ddress 722 So. Lakeside Dr. Street ~ddress Lake Worth, F1 33460 City and State Lake Worth, F1 33460 City and State (407) 588-4759 Telephone Number (407) 588-4759 Telephone Number ... -6- if APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (1) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best'of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. .0, APPLICANT IS: Optionee Lessee 722 So. Lakeside Dr. Street Address Agent Lake Worth, F1 33460 City and State Contract Purchaser (407) 588-4759 Telephone Number I, . -7- ~ AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) :." Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared : .~ ~R'\ ~_ ~LaW , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the fOllowing described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) ,R~(':\ 53 \..~ \V\\; .sO\J\\4 ~~O.OO t=~~ \\-\~\<.Ga~ 0\= J \\\\: Su~t)\\J\S\C)\\ a~ SEC::nO{) \C\J ,Dw\\..-<::"\-\\'P 4'S SDO\'\'"'\:J Qp..\)~G: 43 'E:P>.S\, f)c..c..oQ~,\\Co TO ~G. ~LF\, \\-\~-f.).:\;()~ RE.c.o~t>~.b \f'\ 9LP.T (1CDK (I PA<;~ \C() P\)~L\C' R~<:DQ.~<; O~ ?f\\.M ~'\=.oc\-\ ~D\.Jn\""1 RC)Q\bf:'l (Attach if insufficient space) / 2. ~hat he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. ~ ,Sworn to and subscribed before me - . :, . ~~~; p., ~ --::: -- .. . .' . Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My CommissIon Expires Feb. 14, 1992 Bonded thru Agent's Notary Brokerage My Commission Expires: -8- d-f1 !' ",-J ~.." 4 _ \,__, " ,,'. /P-1.; l ba~Q_y~g_e~g~R~g~I_e~QLQB_BglQ~!~~_eEEb!~6IIQ~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, togeth(:~r \,~ith t.he matot-ials listod in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. ~s~sB6k_!~EQB~6Ilg~ 1. Proj oc:t Name: ____R,0....."i_I..'..JL~__________________________________ 2. Type of Applic:ation (c:hec:k one) -------- all Rezoning only -------- b. Land Use Amendment only ~ c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning .-------- ~. Date this Application is Ac:cepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): 4. Applicant'G Name (person or business entity in whose name this' application is made): Address: _!~r_~~~!~~_____________________________________________ 722 So. Lakeside Drive _~~~<<:'~~~EE.~,_X.!_~3~EQ_____________________,_________________ Telephone 4- .3 Number: _i~~D_~~~~~~2_______________~j_::___L~~________________ 5. Agent.s Name (person, if any, representing applic:ant): Address: Planning Department 1-86 page 1 ::ztL Telephone Number: 6. Property Owner~s (or Trustee~s) Name: __R.!ll'_E:-.fl~~____._________________.________________________ Address: _]l~_~~~.b~~~sj~~YslY~____________________________________ Lake Worth Fl 33460 __________L_____________________________________________ Telephone _J~QrL.?~~~4722___________________________________________ Number: 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent>:* Sam~____________.___________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------- * This is the ~ddres5 to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant~s interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Les~ee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.> owner ----------~------------------------------------------------------- 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: 3520 Old Boynton Road, Boynton Beach, F1 33436 -----------------------.------------------------------------------- 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcnl: Tract 53, LESS the South 260.00 feet thereof of the SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19 ----------------------,-------------------------------------------~ TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof recorded in ------------------------------.------------------------------------ Plat Book 7, Page 19, Public Records of Palm Beach Countv, Florida. _______________________________________________J__________________ L/~tL-( ~f--- 2:~~ ,C:fJ."5-~iVld):--- '. '~-, - :, . '.----- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Area of SubjQct Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): -----------------~~----l~~~I5~--t:-l~~~~~--~~~~~~ Planning Department 1-86 page 2 ;b3 ., . . . . ,I 14. Current Land Use Category: Current Zoning District: ___________i~~~_~~~----~------------- Proposed Zoning District: ~ ~ -=====~~E==ri~;:l~~ti~=~=~=~j= ~, ~ P~oposed Land Use Category: -~L~fL-__12~~s~t_t__~_~~~ce~L~~J~_~ __/5:~JJL.tlAt.7__j)A~_S:..6LR..k__ 12. 1"1' w. 15. 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: " ------------------------------------------------------------------ . ' 17. Developer or Bui 1 der: ___D:.\)jSE,_:x..B...Q~!l.________________.________ lB. Architect: _______~~~__~~3~_~~________________________________ 19. Landscape Architect: __~~"-~r~~_~_~?2~QS~_______________________ 20. Site Planner: 1\ \\ 21. Civil Engineer: ____j~~_~_~~9~~j~~_____________________________ 22. I' Traffic Engineer: ____~~_________________________________________ Surveyor: _____C2~~~~_~~~~h~___________________________________ 23. I I. ~aI~Bleb~_IQ_~g_~Y~~!IIgQ_~!I~_eEEbIQeI!Q~ The following materials Ghall be submitted,~in two (2) copies. (checJ( ) ~)"/lV'" ~]t~ This application form. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. ____c. The following documonts ~n~ letters of consent: , Li\.L(!) If the proporty i!i LInder joint or several own~rship:, A written consent to the application by ~ll owners of record, and . t~j_(2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purcha5~ contr~ct nnd written consont of tho owner and ,oeller, and 'l-!H_ (3) If the appl i cClnt i 5; repr(lsentr~d by an authori zed agent: A copy - of the agency agreement, or written consent of the applicant, and lAlJ_ (4) If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, Planning Departmont 1-86 pagp. 3 .' dJ-1 .', . .... ....\ \ . \' " (b) Exi~ting and proposed grade elevations. \ , (c) Existing or proposed water bodies. (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common spaces and recreational facilities. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary faciliti~5 for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatment. solid wasto disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easemp-nts or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation .".\nrf p[lt-'~ i1reas, 5chool si tes, and other publ i c improvements or dedications as may be required. (11) For- r-e:::onil"lgs to planned zoning districts, the specific rnquirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. III. OEEb!~BI!Q~_E~g~~ Fe~s shall be poid at the time ttli1t the application is 5ubmi tted, c".\ccon:lirH] to thE! ,fees which h.:\ve br~~en C\dopt!?d by ordjnan~p or rnsolution. The PIC\nning Department will inform the applicant as to thn fens which ~re required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to I:hE~ City of Boynton Beach. IV. g~BIIE!QeIIQ~ (I) (We) uriderstand that this application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permC\nent records of the PJ Anni nq ;:mcJ lord ng Board. (I) (We) hereby certify thC\t the above statements ~nd any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the bost of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed __~ordi:_~::_~_e~~:::::::~ons below. __~~~~:t~_____ Signat of Owner(s) or Trustee, Date or Aut ized Principal if property is ownec by a corporation or other business entity. V. a~I~QBl~aIIQ~_QE_e~~~I -------------------------------- Signature of Authorized Agent Date (1) (We) hp.n~by designc:\t~ the above signed per!:ion as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application. -------------------------------- ------------------ Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, Date Planning Department 1-86 page 7 ~ ..".~~. ~J 1 f APR-21-19B9 11:45am B9~,tl,J..2273 ," ORB 6039 P9 1677 Con 355,000.00 Doc 1,952.50 JOHN B DUNKLE,CLERK - PB COUNTY, FL WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE. mad~ Lld~ Lh~ .L'l~ day ur April, 1989, beLw~~1I ER~EST R. GILMER anu ELIZABETH P. GILMER. hi~ wife, uf lh~ Cuunly uf Palm Beach, Slale ur Florida, Gralllur*, aud RAY FLOW aud SHARON G. FLOW, hi~ wife, whu~~ po~L offic~ audr~~~ i~: 722 Suulh Lak~~iue Drive. Cily uf Lake Worlh, CuuuLy or Palm Beac}1, Slale ur Flurida. Graulee*, WITNESSETH, Lhal ~aiu Gnullur, fur tUIU ill cuu~ideraLlou ur the ~UPI uf TEK AND 00/100 (S10.00) DOLLARS, and uLher gouu aud valuable cun~iu~ra- L i u u ~ L u ~ a I d G L' all L u r i u h a u u p u i u b y ~ a1 u G r a u Lee, L h e L' e c e 1 p L w her e u f I ~ h e I' e b y 1:1 C k u u w 1 e Ul:. e u , It 1:1 S g r 1:111 L ~ d, b I:1r I: 1:1 i II e U 1:1 U d sol u L u Lite s a i u G r a u lee , 1:1 U d G L' a u Lee ,~ he 1 r ~ au u ass 1 g u ~ fur eve r , L her u 11 u w i u g u e s c rib e u lall u , ~iLuaLe, lyillg auu beiug iu Pl:1lm Bel:1ch CuulILy, Fluriua, Lu-wIL: TracL 53. LESS the SuuLh 260.00 feel Lh~reuf uf lhe SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. 1:1 c c U L' diu g L u l h e P 11:1 L L her e u I r ~ cur u e u 111 P la L B u u k 7, P age 1 9. Pub 1 i c R e CUI' d ~ u f P 1:11 01 B e a c It C u U II L Y , Flur1ua. SUB.J E C T TO L' e ~ L r 1 c l I u us, l' e ~ ~ r v 1:1 L I u u ~ u u u e use 01 e n L s u f l' e cur u . 1 I u U y : laxe~ subsequellL lo lhe yeal' 1989 alluall valId zouing urulnallce~. AND s a i u G L'a u l u l' U u e ~ her ~ b y full y w 1:1 r r u u l l h e L I II e l u s 1:11 U 11:1 n u , anu will defeuu lhe ~ame agl:liusl lhe lawful claims uf l:lll per~uns whum- suever. "Granlur" l:lUU -"-Grl:lule~" 'l:lrtJ-,-u,tHtd,.--I-u-f'-tf-:1-ngu1ul'-u'i,,'pluf.ul, us'.cunLexL'. requires. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. Grau lur has here uu lu s e L GL'uulur' s hl:lUU uuu ~ea1 l h e ua y all U y e ai' f 11' s l l:l b u v e WI' iLL en . u e 1 i vel' e U t/V>", A';b/2 d~ j -<7--~ ERNEST R. GILMER ~~'J;4 f~ J{f~~ ELIZ~BETH p, GILMER STATE OF FLORIDA COU~TY OF PALM BEACH 1_ HEREBY CERTIFY lhal-,un Lhis u<ty. ,befur~ me, au ufI1c~l'-uuly auLhurized ill the SlaLe l:lnu CuunLY afuresaid lo lake ackuuwledgmellLs, persunally l:lppel:lreu ERNEST R. GILltIER ulld ELIZABETH p, GlUIER, h1~ w1fe. well known Lu me Lo be lhe per~un(s) uescribeu in anu whu execuLed Lhe furego1ng 1nslL'umeuL 1u Lhe preseuce or Lwu sub~cr1b1ng wiluesses, alld acklluwledl:'eu befure me LhaL he/she/Lhey execuleu the ~ame fur lhe purpuses lhere1u sLaleu. WITNESS my hauu l:lUU / i:l.fuL'escdu, Lids the /7"'^ uay ~ --- ~~~ d. S Q.,\\(J\'\<C \\), f.\ I - c: ~IJ," \' 10 L ~D .~. l~ , ~ r~ -.:6l.\,~~ be..L~ \ ' \ RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLA. JOHN B. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT uff1c1l:l1 sel:ll In Lhe Cuuuly uuu SLi:l.le lasl ur AprIl, 1989. N~l~l~-~r-Fl~;'ld~----------- My Cummis~iuu Expires: OFFICIAL SEAL LARRY SCHONE Notary Public Statu of f'tcrlda My Commission expires August 20. 1~ {}-..LP NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE L n\ HI · 11\ : j! I , '10 ,~ ~w 1~ ~ I. ll, '., ,; !l I EE mID tt...-......------ " :. II I . ~! BOYNTON BEACH B l: . I MILD 0 "'6 118 II! II' ,I I I 1 The City of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, change the use of land, and rezone the land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. 'A public hearing on these proposal's will be held before the Planning and Zoning Board on ,December 11, 1990 at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall in<the Commission,thambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. 'A public hearing on these proposals will also be held before the City Commission on December 18, 1990, at 6:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. ;!J ~.:~ . ~~'L -l.. ., -,_., - .~-,~, -. -... .... u II f ~ ~ II " T 8 s .II I t r--nic I tj!1 APPLICANT: Ray F. Flow OWNER: Ray F. and Sharon G. Flow PROJECT NAME: Ray Flow properties . . PROPOSED USE: Child Care Center (existing) and future mUlti-family residences Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road LOCATION: " REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE L'AND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - Residential 8 (Palm Beach County) To - High Density Residential (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - RM/SE & AR (Palm Beach county) To - R-3, MUltiple-family Residential (City of Boynton Beach) .'.. .".:.. ;2-1 1 , I ~ A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or , City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. '. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: PALM BEACH POST TUESDAY, DECE~mER 4 and THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1990 CC: CITY MANAGER CITY COMMISSION CITY ATTORNEY FILE l ' " , }, , ......' . : ") j , ,\ I . ....,. '..:;.~ J-i "Jrnil':lfl ' · tI 'f ~ · ;.... I ': :: ~'~ II f ! ,: ': i: i -I I f- ~ , ;'~ L g- ...-yo - '.l.fr I .. ~ ~ ~'If if i f :, I it ~ 5t' . l- i' N C, . p . !i' ;1 II ~J .rf f! .f U I ~ ~ j: i ~. ~ ~! &at..... lilt. i' n .. .. f 1 ~f. j1iHU;I: ~~"III.ltl &!! ,,&!I"i : Ii p :1' . sJ II i Jf !i ~:: II ~J ill .f II ,il rf 1r I! " 's i! II ii :1 J. II I s<... ".X-f' 0... w.u. ... Or....... c:a.a.. _ __. _ ..... .t1..t.1.-_ _ 00........ .H=I7.__ .. . .. "1o~~~'C.wr' It... _... ~ Old BoyntOn Road l _ c.or. !j i. f II ~ ~ rf _ U i (~ ,.. ! i :r; ;t ..-==-8.. e~ f f l; : Ff""'02 1'"1 ; ; ~ .. ;.~;::5":D ...t; --- :: . !. . :-; ~ ~ ;~I~ :t'l:'il:flif.'i !!! l: :J "!'l :.H:Il! I. it ~:D e- !l~!.i::~...t:' 0 as-nlD. e :r2l.i~. t~ .. N g . ~ 0 J !. Ii ~ iii ,:;" g-~:~5.i~. i& i' loil: f h : · : ;: : :II . i . o o .. ;...c I E. ~ i ~ l :: . I NN;iS II!: .... . ~~=~,;;~, .. l- . . ~.. A LITTLE DUDE RANCH DAY CARE CENTER Palm Beech County, florida Site " .. .. ;Ul i,;' . I', f':\. e.,.... !' lot ,: "'~.., ~J~ -I.. , ~ ,I -~, ( I' .$;-- .~'.' f . r Kildey. "-I.... Lllndtcape A'chlttICtl/~ t~~ I fo<_ PIoce Suo.. 100A _. P_ _, flondo 3JoolOt 3Of>1_r.'I" ;J-}1 ~l~ ~ i " I !~ ~. 3 1- ~i __JD -~ .,-'~ ~ ,/-1 4"fll./ ~ -f=- '1; 1)\ "- - -~ I --~..~..... ~. .-~...~. I~ ' --):( -- \, __ :~110 -~I-' : ~l~~' : ~~~' \'IJ' ')\ I ' 88~ ~ F-l ,. i:t6P,: c r!1" ')1: - bf~--" ;:::~t d ~ l.l?-"'l f- ,1 '. :: i1 :l ~ '~I 1- I-- ' , Iir.....l. u'" . -Rtf 4':-;-: l~o.(.. - ./"- : ''''II!: >}-1: : ,- -~~ ~. . (I"""~.' '1 l .0,- . '~~-:---- , 0 , -- ~~f'lt '~-lF..L e~!f - I~ ~ \ C _~~ ' '""--. '-~ -'~ .--- --- -- ------..--- .- ..--~ --- - - -- D \ ..3 .D AO~ 1__ ............ , , . , , . I I I , I I I . : 0 I . I I , I ~ n ~ . . . . . . , . . ~ NOT IN CITY . . Lto ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , s,: .. II) -. V) ~ I( \!) C~ \,) ( - t'J. 1 , , - rv~ -\, "" f SANITARY SEWER AND POT'ABLE WATER .If 1;" ..-, t MEMORANDUM Utilities No. 91-016 TO: Tambri Heyden, Assistant Planner ~v FROM: John A. Guidry, , Utilities Director DATE: January 9, 1991 SUBJECT: Ray Flow Properties - Old Boynton Road In conjunction with the City's annexation of the subject properties, please be advised that this Department currently serves the day care center on the 1.41 acre parcel. In addition, a 24" water main exists in the right-of-way along the north side of the 1.25 acre parcel, and this main could be extended to provide on-site service and fire protection. Sewage disposal would most likely be accomodated by an on-site, private lift station. The City's water master plan does allow for serving these parcels, whether they were inside or outside of the City limits, and lines are sized appropriately. We, therefore, have no objection to annexation. This memo is not, however, to be construed as a concurrency approval, or reservation of capacity for the undeveloped site. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella. /bks bc: Peter Mazzella RECEIVED JAM 10 q\ hA'NNING DEPT. 3:V ij,-J OR~\N~GE Board of SupervlSOlS C. Stanley We~er Kennlt Dell John I. Whitworth IU Secr8talylManager William G. Winters Assls1ant Manager RJchard S. Wheellhan Anomey Perry & Schone. P.A. ~'" LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 January 15, 1991 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, Asst. City Planner City of Boynton _Beach ,_ _______,___ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Ms. Heyden: Re: LWDD Drainage Concurrency Requirement for Ray Flow Properties- File No. 553 The above parcel is located within the LWDD boundaries. Therefore the District has no objections to the concurrency approval as long as all District operational policies and guidelines are met. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, PAM:mas cc: Angela Usher, PBC Planning ";~.... ..,~ ....-.1ll1~.1ED -, :'';'~..J,:L, 'V . _,P- -fN 1'1 ~q( PLANN\NG DEPT~" ---- . -- 31 De/ray Beach & Boca Raton 498-5363 . BoynlDn Beach & West Palm Beach 737-3835 . FAX (407) 495-9694 SOL\O W ~S"e. v-rt SOLID "TASTE AUTHORIlY OFPAL~IBEACHCOUNTY 7501 Xorth Jog Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33412 Telephone (407) 640-4000 January 21, 1991 City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynt~n Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attn: Tambri J. Heyden Subject: Ray Flow Properties Your File No. 553 Dear Ms. Heyden: The Solid Waste Authority has reviewed the information in your letter dated January 14, 1991. Our comments are as follows. The Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County is in the process of implementing its Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, Resource Recovery and Recycling Program. This Plan is designed to accommodate the County's waste disposal requirements through build-out and beyond. The Plan envisions the development of two regional resource recovery facilities with associated sanitary landfills and a series of six solid waste transfer stations and is based on data from the year 1987. If the proposed land use change increases waste generation, it is not accounted for in the current plan. At the present time, only one regional facility is in operation and all solid waste in Palm Beach County is disposed of at this North County Resource Recovery Facility site. Based upon the through-put capacity of the waste-to- energy facility and associated landfills, the Authority is able to adequately manage and provide disposal capacity for the County's waste disposal requirements only through the year 2000 at the North County site. Any unforseen emergency, such as a hurricane, could have an immediate and negative impact on such capacity. \, Based on the waste information provided in your letter and our current rate of landfill consumption, the proposed project can be provided landfill capacity to approximately the year 2000. This capacity is not reserved. The Authority plans for disposal capacity, but does not a11oc~te capacity for specific projects, parcels or municipalities. The consumption of capacity by any project: does not preclude other projects. Consumption simply s~~~~e lifespan of the disposal facility. ~{..c~~IV.ED JAN 24 q \ PLANNING DEPT. 3!/J Recvcled Paper ..;.....- If an additional regional facility is added to this system and the recycling program is fully implemented, our ability to manage the wastestream and provide disposal capacity will be extended accordingly. Sincerely, MA~c~ ~ "- Marc C. Bruner, Ph.D. Director of Planning & Environmental Programs MCB/dp cc: Timothy F. Hunt, Jr. Mark Hammond Don Lockhart Mark Eyeington James Adams -31 Recycled Paper 1/l/1 :- RECREA TION Jf ,. study of THE AVAILABILITY OF FACILITIES AND THE IMPACT OF DEVELOPMENT: PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES RAY FLOW Prepared by Planning Department., city of Boynton Beach January 7, 1990 The following analysis of the availability of parks and recreation facilities throughout the City was based on a current peak population of 56,812 persons (based on water meter data) within the City, and the needs analysis of parks and recreation facilities utilized in the city's 1989 Comprehensive Plan. Neiahborhood Parks There are no public parks located in Neighborhood Park Planning Area #3. The nearest public park facility is Congress Avenue Community School, located at the southwest corner of Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. The school is located approximately 1 mile from the Ray Flow Property. District Parks Based on the standard for district parks of 2.5 acres per 1000 persons, and the City's current and planned district park inventory, a surplus of district park space is projected through the Year 2000. since there currently is a surplus of district park acreage that totals over 9 acres, and that this proposed residential development is projected to increase the City's population by a maximum of only 29 persons, this development would have a minimal affect on the availability of district park space (see attached analysis of district park needs). Recreation Facilities Of the seventeen recreation facility categories that have level of service standards assigned to them for purposes of needs analysis, one facility category-community centers-is currently deficient. However, once those facilities that are planned to be completed, or under construction within one year are included in the needs analysis, a surplus of community centers is indicated. The projected maximum population of the Ray Flow development will have no affect on the current availability of recreation facilities within the City (see attached analysis of recreation facility needs). J~ DISTRICT PARK NEEDS ANALSYSIS LOS: 2.5 ACRES/ 1000 PERSONS 1987 Current Analysis 12/31/90 With Exemptions Analysis For Ray Flow Current Demand: 123.25 157.36 157.43 City And County Supply (Within City): 113.10 113.10 113.10 Planned Acreage: - 15 15 School Facilities Within the City Limits: 13.00 13.00 13.00 Total Supply Within the City Limits: 126.10 141.10 141.10 Deficit(-) Or Surplus: 2.85 -16.26 -16.33 Adjacent Supply: 26.00 26.00 26.00 Total Deficit(-) Or Surplus: 28.85 9.74 9.67 Compare -Current Peak Population (56,810) plus persons to be generated by exempt projects (6132)- 62,944 persons. -Projected Population Of Ray Flow (14 d.u's max. * 2.09 persons per d.u.)- 29 persons. -Total district park acreage added since 4/1/87 or planned (under construction within 1 yr) - 15 acres. -Exempt project data is as of 10/1/90. -Planned acreage includes 10 acres from Hester Park (appx. 50% for phase 1), and 5 acres from Congress Ave. Comm. (appx. 1/4 for phase 1). 11) /' ~ I ~7 ~ c_o cu ~...~ U ='.... cu _ .... .~e'~ ... '" cu .... <n c> ... o .... =- o ... .... ..... ... on e- ~ -... ... ... :i! ..... D -. =- on .... .." n L:;:~ PI .... Q' ... If'> Q' "" =- ~, 1t..J ...- ... ... ~ . u_ CO .... en '" .... 0_ '" .... ..... .... .... ...-. n, n.. .-.:.... ...... ...... ..... '" cu <n c> "'" ~ .... '" .... "'- '" .... ... .... - ... .... .... ~ '" ... t- ... .... C> - .... ..... ... "'- en ... ... -- -. .... ..-t .... ..... g. ~ ft' - ....- ::::: .... ...- ... 0 . ..... "':;:; ... "" ..... ... .... .... - C>. ..... ... ... .... '" '" '" ~ .n c> ~ COO .,; ... E .... .... COO fIId ..... e-- '" .... In co lU -. . """ .... ...... Q) --.. '0'0_ ~ '0 0< .,; cu .... .... COO ft1 ..... e-- ... on co - e-""" ..... <n .... "'- .... .... .~ - <n lU .." ... -. ...:0 ~ ;:j '0 P. ~ n......... ... <n ... <:> - ... C> ... on::::,t1 .... ~ ~....- .... .... =-- ... t.:: .... ~- ...:0 0 . .... .... 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U _.......... b> __ CIJ e:J......r-f.~ .&:1......C)uO ~=- ftlftt C> In....... -..., ..r-4 .II:'I~ CU O"'r'1l QJ CU U'~II::I~I:I ..... fU r:1 c:I ;::J CU... ftI ftI e>.L..... cv_.......... uae-C-;)P<t....... . . . . . /1 TRAFFIC CIRCULATION Vl/1 1E}/ ~ TRAFFIC CIRCULATION - AVAILABILITY AND DEMAND RAY FLOW PROPERTIES LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING Prepared by: City of Boynton Beach Planning Department The subject land use amendment/rezoning request is comprised of a 1.25 acre parcel and a 1.41 acre parcel. Since, the 1.41 acre parcel is already developed and occupied by a day care center, analysis of the availability of and demand on public facilities is limited to that associated with development of the vacant, 1.25 acre parcel. Although the attached copy of the applicant's traffic statement considers traffic generation for a maximum of ten (10) multi-family units, the land use and zoning requested would allow for a maximum of fourteen (14) multi-family units. Using the generation rate of 7.0 trips per day per dwelling unit, as is used in the applicant's study, development of the 1.25 acre parcel would generate and average of 98 trips per day. This volume is considered to be exempt from the Municipal Implementation Ordinance #90-6 of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards ordinance #90-7, since the number of trips generated is not greater than 500 net trips per day. As a point of information, under the City's concurrency Management Ordinance #90-18, projects that generate not more than 200 net trips per day are exempt from the City's concurrency review. ~8 ~ - . ~ --./ TRAFFIC STATEMENT FOR FLOW APARTMENT REZONING OLD BOYNTON ROAD This office has been retained to prepare a Traffic Statement for a proposed rezoning application. It is proposed to rezone a :1.25 acre parcel of land to RM - Medium Density Residential. A maximum of ten CIO) multi-family units will be able to be placed on this site. This Statement has been prepared to determine the expected traffic generation from the most intense use of the site and to define the impact of this traffic, as defined in the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance '87-18. -" This ten unit multi-family project is expected to generate an average of 70 trips per day. This generation was determined by using a generation rate of 7.0 trips per day per dwelling unit, as referenced in "198l Update Study of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates Within Palm Beach County", prepared by Kimly-Horn and Associates. The Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance defines a \ project with an "Insignificant Impact" as a project which generates less than 1% of the capacity of the roadway upon which it directly accesses. The distributed volumes for this project and the l% threshold volumes are shown in Figure 2. ../ 4~ ~ I ~ ~ . . A review of these volumes show that this project will not generate more than l% of the capacity of any of the roadway links directly accessed by this project. This project, therefore, is defined as an "Insignificant Project". An "Insignificant Project" can be approved if the following two conditions are met: a. the volume to capacity ratio (V/c) on the directly accessed links does not exceed I.S. b. .a fee, in addition to the Fair Share Contribution for Road Improvements Fee, is paid in accordance with Table 3 - "Insignificant Project Fee", as presented in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. The existing v/c ratio for Old Boynton Since the v/c ratio on Insignificant Project Fee ratios are shown in Figure I. The v/c Road, adjacent to the site, is 0.85. old Boynton Road is less than I.O, an will not be required. peak hour volume for this project can be measured in a precentage of the average, daily traffic generated project. The A.M. peak hour volume for this project determined to be 7.8% of the average, daily traffic. peak hour volume for this project has been determined of the average, daily traffic. -2- ~ PEAK HOUR The terms of by this has been The P.M. to be IO% ....,. ( ~IN co 10 'It . N 0 3nN3^V ~~O t\I...."": "'_0 -....; OVO~ 11 'IV~l ~ ? ~ UI ~ ..~ 10 N '" CO . ..... 0 o 2: N N ~lg fD C?-'" ,...~d ;-: 2: N~N CO '" ..... . CO 0 lco CO lD 0 OlD . a: C?'lt0 < > 0 ~ilD W ~- ..J 'It t-; < lDOOl ::l 0 100 . 0 N - a: NC?O CD SS3~ONO:l cor 10 i1~ ~~,... oC?o ...- ~lD ~O~ "'00 C? p:'1 ~~~ &.~ CO~N 10 'It ~~ci 3:lN3~MVl 2: :J: 0 ~Ig 01 0 .... 2: .....-II! < .....~o w >- CD 0 to ~go .....r ....0..... ........01 1O..,~ -C'?o -<DO ... ... N.., ~~ 10 0 C?-'lt CX)(')..: 0 -- ..J 0 ~g..... ...N :z C'?"'; ...... 0 .... 2: >- 0 CD . "I. k. s. rogers. consulting enginr::er, inc. Wf:st palm br:.ocl., fl. A~V 1111Vi >- .... (3 0 < j:: Q. < ,...< cr. 00 < 0 <0. .... ..Jo > 00. 0 O~~(I)2: z....WOj:: W ~ a:..J (I) CJ )( :J: I- X ~ W 1-< W COIO coo 'It- '" M - N 'It o date DEe 88 "gu,~ 1 EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS ?j0 I ......... -' .r \11 . """"l U1 t~ ~ 0 c: 4( > W 0 ..J 4( ::l 0 0 c: m 3nN3^V 0 SS3t:iDNO::> z N N .. ~. ~ c: 0 .. U. t- ~E. WI-O :It O~O~ Z _::lc(~ u...JIl._ u.o~ DVOt:i 3::>N3t:iMYl % <>_1- X C:ol-~ 0 0 I-..JZO I- 4( C I-Oc(- Z W z OX~!:!: >- m W WtI)u. % 0 CJ owz ~ m w a:~CJtI) ...J~I-U;:; co'" . lllM ... 0 ..J 0 lIVt:i~ At:iV ~I1IYt :z 0 t- Z >- 0 ;li. m . , r dole k. s. rog~rs. consulting engineer. inc. DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC DEC 88 we~1 palm boach, fl. ligure ""- 2 ~ Af1 .~/ ( -'" '0 . ( ,e - ~ ,- Thus, the A.M. peak hour volume is calculated to be 5 I trips and the P.M. peak hour volume is calculated to be 7 trips. No roadway improvements will be neccessary as a result of these very low peak hour volumes. Prepared By: -~7~ oK. 5. ~OGERS, P.E. o' Fla. 0 Rag. No'. 24068 . December 8, 1988 K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 ?,~8@ -3- -./ '11 rt LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY RECOMMENDA TION ~1 PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-360 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager eJ;$V-- ~ FROM: Christopher Cutro, Planning Director DATE: December 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Ray Flow Properties - Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning .- Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission Agenda for Tuesday, December 18, 1990 under Public Hearings. DESCRIPTION: Request to show annexed land as "High Density Residential" amd to rezone from RM/SE (Multiple Family .. Residential with a Special Exception) and AR (Agricultural Residential) to R-3 (Multiple-family Residential) to allow future construction of multi-family units on the 1.25 acre undeveloped parcel and continuation of an existing day care center on the 1.41 acre parcel. Property is located at the southwest corner of qld Boynton Road at Knuth Road. I RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of the above-referenced item, sUbject to the submittal of a conditional use application prior to adoption of the ordinance to annex the 1.41 acre parcel, and that building heights will be limited to two stories. CC: frb Enc C:PM90-360 ~ ~ MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER II, 1990 , j Mr. Kilday indicated the location of the church and said it has been designated Retail/Commercial. He added there have been negotiations. They directly abut the day care center. As there were no further comments from the public, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mr. Kilday told the Members the property fronts on Hypoluxo Road, and there is a big difference between High Ridge Road and Hypoluxo Road. Hypoluxo Road is an entrance to 1-95. He pointed out that Mr. Aliaga is a business owner in Boynton Beach and a taxpayer in the City. If the residents of High Ridge Road want protection, Mr. Kilday said they should incorporate into the City as opposed to not paying City taxes and asking the City to protect them. Vice Chairman Lehnertz felt the County had been protecting them. Ms. Greenhouse moved that the request be DENIED. Mr. Howard seconded the motion, and the motion carried 7-0. LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING. 2. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Ray Flow Properties John Glidden, Architect Oliver-Glidden & Partners Boynton Lakes Development Corp. North Congress Avenue at Hypoluxo Road, southeast corner e A parcel of land lying in Sec. 8, Twp. 45 S., Rge. 43 E., Palm Beach County, Florida Request for a variance to Section 5-142(h)(5) Driveway of Article X Parking Lots Ms. Heyden made the presentation by reading from the Planning Department's Memorandum No. 90-353. (See Addendum L attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk.) She stated the request was consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Department recommended that the request be approved, subject to two conditions. Consistent with the Zoning Code and the conditions of the Water Service Agreement, Ms. Heyden . . pointed out that the applicant will have to submit a con- ditional use application for the two day care centers, and the building height will have to be limited to two stories. Ray Flow, Owner, 722 South Lakeside Drive, Lake Worthi FL- 33460, came forward. Mr. Richter asked if he would agree e - 34 - 5l ., MINUTES - PLAN~ING & ZONING BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 11, 1990 to submit a conditional use application. Mr. Flow assumed they comp1red with the Codes of the City and the County and would be ready to move into the City. Discussion ensued about the conditional use application. Ms. Heyden stated it was required of Mr. Flow to submit his site plan to the City when he was developing in the County. He complied with the City's comments. However, the conditional use applica- tion was not submitted. Mr. Flow had no problem with that. As no one else wished to speak for or against the request, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mr. Rosenstock moved, seconded by Mr. Howard, to approve the request subject to the conditions mentioned above. Motion carried 7-0. OTHER A. DISCUSSION 1. Proposed amendment to Zoning Code to allow expansion of non-conforming uses. 2. Current Zoning Code distance separation for gasoline service stations. As it was very late and a long night, Mr. Cutro asked that these items be continued until the next meeting of the Board. Ms. Greenhouse asked whether they would go anywhere other than back to the P&Z Board if they are continued. Mr. Cutro did not believe he would send them to anybody else at this point. He assured Ms. Greenhouse he would not send them to the City Commission before the P&Z Board could see them. Based on the representation by the Planning Director, Ms. Greenhouse moved to CONTINUE items A. I and 2 under "OTHER, DISCUSSION." Mr. Cutro interjected he may bring a set to the TRB, as he thought they should be discussed at the TRB level. Mr. Richter seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS None. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 13, 1990 Mr. Cutro requested that this item also be continued so he would have a chance to review these minutes. - 35 - ):Y .. . f//) LOCAL GOVERNING BODY RECOMMENDA TION )3 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER IS, ~?90 : ~ Mr. Marchese found it unbelievable that no one followed through to ensure that staff and Commission comments were implemented. Mr. Marchese believed that all Commission ~ . '. < approved comments should become part of the specificatiori~ and should be recorded on the blueprints.. At .the'.PZB'.... meeting, on~' member had said if this is the case,.' then 'he would not approve anything that comes before the PZB... Mr. Marchese felt they would really. be protecting. the ,,~' ..' Commissioners.... . '". :: . - r . Later in t'he meeting, Vice Mayor Wische. intended' to ;suggest . an amendment that any plans subject to staff. comments~'muat be complied with fully before an Occupational Permi:~" or, Certificate of Occupancy iR issued. Description: Ray Flow properties . Ray F. Flow Ray F. & Sharon F. Flow~ .... Old Boynton Rd. at Knuth:Rd.<. southwest ..comer . ..:~ '.. LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING - Request to show annexed'~~~d-as "High Density Residentialll!and'to rezone from RM/SE (Multiple'.Family Res ident ial wi th a' Special".! :.."" Exception) and AR (Agricultural Residential) to R-3 (Mu1 t iple-fami ly Res ident~al:) to allow future construction of multi- family units on the 1.25 acre'unde- ve10ped parcel and. continuation' of an existing day care center.on'the 1.41 acre parcel. C. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: '. "t' Chris Cutro, Planning Director, explained .the request as" outlined on Planning Dept. memorandum #90-353. .'The'.'PZB')and staff recommended approval. I f approved, it wi 11 .'ber'for";'. warded to the State for review. It will be received~back by the City in approximately 60 to 90 days. ., . .' ~ Mayor Moore asked if there was anyone present 'who 'wished to lJave input on this item. .As there was no response~ from ,~'he audience, THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. . ".. '~<., . " ., r' . Vice Mayor Wische moved to approve this item, subject;to staff comments. Commissioner DeLong seconded the motion which carried 5-0. f DEVELOPMENT PLANS NON-CONSENT AGENDA - NOT UNANIMOUSLY APPROVED BY PLANNING & ZONING BOARD 10 ., ~ , I '. '. .s-~ ~ '1 r~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE · TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 LAWTON CHILES WILLIAM E. SADOWSKI Secretary Governor Ocotber 10, 1991 The Honorable Arline Weiner Mayor of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mayor Weiner: 'The Department has completed its review of the adopted comprehensive plan amendment, DCA No. 91-1, for City of Boynton Beach as amended on February 4, 1991, and aetp-rmined that it meets the requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida statutes, for compliance, as defined in Subsection 163.3184(1} (b). The Department is issuing a Notice of Intent to find the plan amend- ment in compliance. The Notice of Intent has been sent to the Palm Beach Post for pub~ication on October 14, 1991. Please note that a copy of the amended City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report dated July 5, 1991, and the Notice of Intent. must be available for public inspection Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays, dpring normal business hours, at the city Hall, Planning Department, 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, Florida 33405~ The Department appreciates your effort to prepare and adopt these comprehensive plan amendments to guide the growth and development of your community and-further the' growth management policies of the region and the state. RECEIVED yeT 14 PLANNING DEPT. ~ - EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT · HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT / , './ ~ --r The Honorable Arline Weiner October 10, 1991 Page Two If you have any questions, please contact myself, Maria Abadal, Plan Review Administrator, or Paul F. Noll,. community Program Administrator at (904) 487-4545. sincerely, f2u-4f al1J Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of. Local Planning RP/rm Enclosures: Notice of Intent cc: Mr. Christopher Cutro, .Director of Planning Mr. Daniel M. carY, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regio~al Planning Council ,: '. 5Zra J STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NOTICE OF INTENT TO FIND THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS IN COMPLIANCE DOCKET NO. 91-1-NOI-5005-(A)-(I) The Department gives notice of its intent to find the amend- ment(s) to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach adopted by Ordinance No(s). 091-57 on August 6, 1991, IN COMPLI- ANCE, pursuant to Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, F.S. The adopted City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan amend- ments and the Department's Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report, are available for public inspection Monday . through Friday, except for legal holidays, during normal business hours, at the City Hall, Planning Department, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33405. Any affected person, as defined in Section 163.3184, F.S., has a right to petition for an administrative hearing to chal- lenge the proposed agency determination that the amendment(s) to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan are in compliance, .as defined in Subsection 163.3184(1), F.S. The petition must be filed within twenty-one (21) days after publication of this notice, and must include all of the information and contents described in R~le 9J-11.012(8), F.A.C. The petition shall be filed with the Agency Clerk, Department of Community Affairs, 2740 Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100. Failure to timely file a petition shall constitute a waiver of any' right to request an administrative proceeding as a petitioner under Section 120.57, F.S. If a petition is filed, the purpose of the administrative hearing will be to present evidence and testimony and forward a recommended order to the Department. If no peti- tion is ~iled, this Notice of Intent shall become final agency action. .If a petition is filed, other affected persons may petition for leave to. intervene in the proceeding. A petition for inter- vention must be filed at least five (5) days before the final hearing and must include all of the information and contents described in Rule 22I-6.010, F.A.C. A petition for leave to intervene shall be filed at the Division of Administrative Hearings, Department of Administration, 1230 Apalachee Parkway, . Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550. Failure to petition to inter- vene within the allowed time frame constitutes a waiver of any right such a person has to request a hearing under Section . 120.57, F.S., or to participate in t~e administrative hearing. . \ R~ ~~~ Robert Pennock, Chief Department of Community Affairs Division of Resource Planning and Management Bureau of Local Planning 2740 Centerview Drive- Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 j-7j !; ?; ~ .t .~ ',-,' " ,..;.~ '. !~ ~.'; " :'~ ~, ;if ;~: .' ::: I" , '" .' :t\ < ;: ;5 .! r~th- ~{-k.n- ~ 'tv.>.. September 20, 1991 Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of Community Affairs Bureau of State Planning 2740 centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Adopted Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan; Reference #91-1 Dear Mr. Arredondo: Under the Council's contract with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Council is to make an overall finding of consistency or inconsistency of local plan amendments with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP) . This finding is to be made following the local government's adoption of the amendments, and by. formal action of Council. When possible, Council will make such a finding by the 30th day of the 45-day compliance review period. It is Council's understanding that the DCA will consider the recommendation of Council prior to issuing a notice of intent regarding local plan amendment compliance. On August 29, 1991, Council received a copy of the formally adopted comprehensive plan amendments for the City of Boynton Beach. A review of those amendments was done, with a focus on the city's response to the comments made by the Council as a result of a review of the City's draft comprehensive plan amendments. Attached is a copy of the complete agenda item as approved by Council at a regular meeting held on September 20, 1991. In brief, the adopted comprehensive plan amendments for the City of Boynton Beach and were found to be consistent with the RCPP. RECEIVED 3228 s.w. mar:l;a downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florlda 34990 phone (407) 221-4060 se 269.4060 lax (407) 221-4067 SEP 30 Pb\NN1NG DEPT. - s-p "~ ," Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of Community Affairs Bureau of state Planning september 20, 1991 Page Two If you need additional. information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Daniel M. Cary Executive Director DMC: Ib Attachment cc: Christopher Cutro, AICP Sf .,.... 'r TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members A"'!:,~;nA TTE"l "(' 0...1.1.: _ I :.:>_ From: Staff Date: September 20, 1991 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Adopted Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach comprehensive Plan: Reference #91-1 Introduction Pursuant to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's contract with the State Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the Council must review Comprehensive Plan Amendments after their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted adopted amendments to the DCA, which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information provided by the DCA is to focus on the consistency of the adopted amendments with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP) developed pursuant to Section 186.507, Florida Statutes (F. S.) . A written report containing a determination of consistency with the Regional Plan is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. Backqround Council reviewed the draft amendments to the City's comprehensive plan at its meeting on April 19, 1991 (see attachment). The draft amendments consisted of changes to the Future Land Use Map designations for two adjacent parcels, totaling less than three acres. Council had no objections or comments to the draft amendments. On June 11, 1991, the DCA issued an Objections, , Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report on the draft amendments, which contained no objections. On August 29, 1991, Council received a copy of the adopted amendments for review. Evaluation The City has adopted the comprehensive plan amendments as proposed with no revisions. -.. &.:::> \ \/ 1 ---- #- PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM No. 91-179 TO: J. Scott Miller, city Manager FROM: Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director DATE: July 15, 1991 SUBJECT: Ray Flow Properties - Ordinances for Annexation, Land Use Amendment, and Rezoning INTRODUCTION Attached please find, and consider on First Reading at the City Commission meeting scheduled for August 6, 1991, the ordinances for the above referenced applications. The applications are described in the attached Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-353 (excluding referenced exhibits), and summarized below. APPLICATION SUMMARY Ray F. Flow, property owner, is proposing to annex into Boynton Beach a 1.41 acre parcel and a 1.25 acre parcel located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road (see Exhibit "B" for location .map). The current land use and zoning of the 1.41 acre parcel is R-8, residential with a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre, and RM/SE, Multiple Family Residential District with a special exception for a day care center, respectively. This parcel is occupied by Little Dude Ranch, a day care center. The current land use and zoning of the vacant 1.25-acre parcel is R-8, residential with a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre, and RH, Multiple Family Residential District, respectively. Included with the annexation request is a request to amend the Future Land Use Plan to show the two parcels as "High Density Residential", allowing a maximum of 10.8 dwelling units per acre, and to rezone both parcels from the county's zoning classification to the City's R-3, Multiple Family Dwelling District. Although the application submitted indicates that the proposed use of the undeveloped, 1.25 acre site is for 10 multi-family dwelling units, if the property is rezoned to R-3, the site could be developed for any use permitted in the R-3 zoning district, unless otherwise restricted by the city Commission as a condition of zoning approval. REVIEW. HISTORY ;, '. f The requests were unanimously approved by the Planning and Zoning Board on December 11, 1990, subject to staff comments. On December 18, 1990, the city Commission unanimously approved the requests, also subject to staff comments (see Recommendation), hence approving the transmittal of the land use amendment application to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The land use amendment was approved without objections, recommendations, and comments by the DCA and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. Furthermore, Palm Beach County found the proposed land use amendment to be consistent with the county's Future Land Use Atlas, and determined that the amendment would not have any adverse affects on the County's comprehensive plan and policies (see Exhibit "C") . RECOMMENDATION The planning Department continues to recommend that the applications for annexation, land use amendment, and rezoning vi PM No. 91-179 -2- July 15, 1991 submitted by Ray F. Flow be approved, subject to the ~ollowing two conditions: 1. Submittal of a conditional use application prior to adoption of the ordinance to annex the 1.4. acre parcel; and 2. Building heights be limited to two-stories. CC:mwr Encs. &V .... '\\ ~ ~fJ PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-353 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board ~~ Christopher cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City planner THRU: FROM: DATE: December 5, 1990 Ray Flow properties - File No. 553 Request for Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning Ray F. Flow, property owner, is proposing to annex into Boynton Beach a 1.41 acre parcel and a 1..25 acre parcel located at the southwest corner of old Boynton Road and Knuth Road (see attached location map). The current land use and zoning of the 1.41 acre parcel is R-8, residential with a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acrea, and RM/SE, Multiple Family Residential District with a special exception for a day care center, respectively. This parcel is occupied by Little Dude Ranch, a day care center. The current land use and zoning of the vacant 1.25 acre parcel is R-8, residential with a maximum of 8 dwelling units per acre, and RM, Multiple Family Residential District, respectively. Included with the annexation request is a request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to show the two parcels as "High Density Residential", allowing a maximum of 10.8 dwelling units per acre, and to rezone both parcels from the County's zoning classification to the City's R-3, Multiple Family Dwelling District. SUBJECT: Although the documents submitted by the applicant indicate that the proposed use of the undeveloped, 1.25 acre site is for 10 multi-family dwelling units, if the property is rezoned to R-3, the site could be developed for any use permitted in the R-3 zoning district, unless otherwise restricted by the City Commission as a condition of zoning approval. PROCEDURE These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan and rezoning are being processed consistent with State Statutes and Boynton Beach codes, ordinances and resolutions as follows: 1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning Development Regulation Act. 2. F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions. 3. 4. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and contraction Act. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning and Section 9.C: Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Rezonings. 5. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for Annexation. 6. Boynton Beach ordinance #89-38: comprehensive Plan. These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Paraphrasing, these regulations require newspaper advertisements, public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission, review by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), and Commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the Future Land Use Element and rezone. 63 PM No. 90-353 -2- December 5, 1990 CURRENT LAND USE AND ZONING As previously discussed, the 1.41 acre parcel is occupied by a day care center and the 1.25 acre parcel is vacant. The land use and zoning in the surrounding area varies and is p'resented for your information in the table which follows: Direction JUX:isdiction Zoninq J.,and Use North Palm Beach County N/A Old Boynton Rd. Farther Palm Beach County RS - single family north (5 units/ac) homes Northeast Boynton Beach C-3 Shopping Mall East Boynton Beach N/A Knuth Road Farther Boynton Beach PCD Vacant east south Palm Beach county RM/SE - Single family (8 units/ac) homes Farther Palm Beach County RS/SE - Condominiums south (5 units/ac) West Palm Beach County RS - Health care (5 units/ac) center Farther Palm Beach county RM/SE Condominiums west (8 units/ac) FUTURE LAND USE AND REZONING The subject parcels lie within the City'S reserve annexation area. Pursuant to Section 9.C.2(2) of Appendix A - zoning, staff analysis of the proposed zoning is not required where rezoning is requested in conjunction with an application for annexation and the rezoning would be consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan, or where the proposed zoning would be consistent with the zoning or land use recommendations contained in the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. With respect to the above, the proposed land use and zoning categories requested would be consistent, provided future buildings are limited to two stories, with the language for Area 7.h. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, which reads as follows: 7.h. Residential Area between Old Bovnton Road and the ~.W.D.D. L-24 canal west of Knuth Road This area contains the Oakwood Lakes project, as well as a portion of the country Club Trails PUD. Densities for approved projects range from 5 to 10 dwelling units per acre. This area has good access and is largely surrounded by commercial or high density residential developments. Therefore, this is an appropriate location for High Density Residential land use. The City should oppose any establishment of commercial uses within this area, however, since commercial uses would intrude into residential areas, access is not sufficient for commercial development, and adequate commercially- designated property already exists in the vicinity. Building heights should be limited to 2 stories, in order to be compatible with the surrounding 1- and 2-story residences. The undeveloped parcels abutting Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road should be annexed if and when they become adjacent to the City. The Oakwood Lakes project and the parcel to the west should Ultimately be annexed by referendum or other legal means. Any annexation in this area should include annexation of the adjacent rights-of-way for Old Boynton Road and Lawrence Road. 61 PM No. 90-353 -3- December 5, 1990 On March 9, 1989, the previous owner of the 1.25 and' the 1.41 acre parcels, Ernest and Elizabeth Gilmer, entered into water service agreements with the city for the two parcels. The water service agreements were approved subject to several conditions, one of which was that the owner could proceed with County petitions for development of the day care center (now existing), provided that annexation, land use amendment/rezoning applications were submitted to be processed at the next available deadline, October 1, 1989. Incidentally, applications were submitted, but were not completed until the October 1, 1990 deadline. One condition of the approved water service agreements was that if the day care center was existing or proposed to be constructed at the time the 1.41 acre parcel was annexed into the City, conditional use approval would also be required, consistent with the Zoning Code - Appendix A, Section 11.1.H. Status of Existing Uses Requiring Conditional Use Approval. Therefore, prior to adoption of the ordinance to annex this parcel, anticipated for May, 1991, the applicant must submit a conditional use application. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANNEXATION POLICIES The proposed annexation is consistent with the policies pertaining to annexation contained within the Comprehensive plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element. Palm Beach County has been notified of the proposed annexation and their comments are attached as Exhibit "A". With respect to the County Sheriff's Department comment regarding augmentation of the already present mixed service area in the vicinity of the subject parcels, the subject parcels are within the City's reserve annexation area as already mentioned. This fact was reiterated in the comments from the County's planning division. RECOMMENDATION The Planning Department recommends that the applications submitted by Ray F. Flow be approved, subject to the following two conditions: 1. Submittal of a conditional use application prior to adoption of the ordinance to annex the 1.41 acre parcel. 2. Building heights be limited to two-stories. This recommendation is based in part on the following: 1. That the parcels are contiguous to the corporate limits; 2. That the parcels lie within the city's reserve annexation area; 3. That water service agreements for both parcels were approved subject to annexation, land use amendment/rezoning applications being submitted, due to the fact that both parcels are within the City's utility service area; 4. That the intensity of land use and zoning desired is consistent with the language for Area 7.h. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents; and CcS- PH No. 90-353 -4- 5. That the request is consistent annexation policies. tjh Encs A: FlowLUEA December 5, 1990 with the Comprehensive Plan /\ d~~. x/rAV' Tarnbri J. He aen Co'tp LOCATION MAP eoz:f;'/ RAY FLOW PROPERTIES O'~"~-=:'j ~f:W1LullliH- l~: I :: 'I ---- .~ ~ ITl rTl I 1 11 I I I I I 1 i{1.. iffi1 ,------ ."I:J I -. . 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""oOio ~L- V ~ ~ :: ~ 'cl i'L/ \\{1 '<; ~~ _~c:<pf (~r" --. ~.~...;.!I(, ~rn" I !-.- r ~ ~ ~ ~:~ ~ LUI: Im~j;:.o 1/8 MILES( /' '-" ~ ~l> \_~ ~:.--" UJJf \!.' ~.o 1~1~ TIIII.II" . .~ . .~ l ... h - I \.~ ~b::, ~{~'O .400 '800 FEET (" 7 ~ ; y ::?~' -1,~~~ ~~~!'~ !2!1..# i ." " . ( ....... . ..::. ~':-1NNIN:'i'...v~.:,,--: 11/40. m u -, f'~rt'~''t 11 , ,u~ 'L a-' ~ I \.." "... .' '. _ ..' /t ~~~ r-1 --.. , 0? -- --- --..--- ..-- - .. ~- D---.-- , - I -. ... .. .3 ~ I I I I ~ . ~ LIo ~ ~ tq ~ ~ , L ~~ II) -. II) ~ C( ~ C~ \.) Aoyu c NOT IN CITY . ( ~'l '.: .~ L -2~. U I {5 R. ~~;o I P ~I _.ll ~ I ~ ---1 ~ 5 - I EXHIBIT "e" Correspondence from- Florida Department of Community Affairs Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Palm Beach County ~v REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEHENTS 9- A~1 u.. J.!' uJ' Coyl~ ~k~q \ f1t9 1'\\' A co~pleted copy of this routing slip must accompany any request ~o have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEP~RTHENT: Planninq PREPARED BY: Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED: 7/11/91 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Map advertisement for Rav Flow Properties: Annexation, Land Use Amendment, and Rezoning. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) The advertisement must occupv not less than one-quarter of a standard newspaper paqe. The headlines must be not less than eighteen point letter size. Place ad in ~Local News" section' and not in the classified section or leqal section. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper, Planninq Department, City Attorney NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: The News DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: July: 23, 30, and August 6 and 13, 1991 APPROVED BY: ( 1 ) \~~ -,-- ^' ~~J.,JJ- (pe~artment Head) ~~I (Da e) ( 2 ) (.City Attorney) (Date) ( 3 i (City Manager) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COHPLET::D: . wi NOTICE OF ANNEXA TION NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE The city of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, chaL ~e the Use of land, and rezone the area shown on the map in this advertisement. A public hearing on this proposal will be held bef. City Commission on August 20, 1991, at 7:00 P.M. or as soe the thereafter as the agenda permits, at city Hall in the Comn. Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach,'sion Florida. ~ ; Iii 1 II & JU J JiI 4 ~! I ~ ~ w . ,~ J o.......J II r u ~ II , , 1. i t. . ". I 1 . ITlk I Oil ~ ,1 l: . 1o.C '. APPLICANT: OWNER: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: Ray F. Flow Ray F. and Sharon G. Flow Ray Flow Properties Child Care Center (existing) and future multi-family residences Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road ANNEXATION: Ordinance No. 091-55 (Proposed) AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - Residential 8 (Palm Beach County) To - High Density Residential (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - RM/SE & AR (Palm Beach County) To - R-3, Multiple-family Residential (City of Boynton Beach) The complete legal description by metes and bounds and the proposed ordinances can be obtained from the Office of the city Clerk. A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purposes, may need to ensure that a verbatim record for the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. . REQUEST: SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: THE NEWS: July 23, 30, August 6, 13, 1991 76 ~-l(eQlu(e "'lU~~~~nal planni09 council ~~ . . ----.. I September 13, 1991 '. ~ : Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director city of Boynton Beach P. o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Local Government-Adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendments; Reference #91-1 ""I I Dear Mr. Cutro: . I Council staff has completed its review of the City of Boynton Beach amendments in accordance with Council's contract with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and has prepared a report for Council consideration. This report will be presented to Council at its next regular meeting on September 20, 1991. You are invited to attend the meeting and address the Council if you.wish. Enclosed are staff's report and the agenda for the meeting. Following the meeting, the report as finally approved by Council will be forWarded to the DCA. If you would like to discuss the staff report or Council procedures for plan review, please do not hesitate to call me. t.. ' I i .1i: i I: . Sincerely, ~- C~- T~rr;)L. Hess, AICP Planning Coordinator i: ;, , , I i I: l' I. ~ f. f .f: t ! \ .. .. . '1,1\.. TLH: lb Enclosure .~...... 3228 S.W. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 '.:' . ".. ;,.. ~_..l palm city, t10rlda 34990 phone (407) 221-4060 se 269.4060 fax (407) 221-4067 7Ci ./ lJ1ie City of r.Boynton r.Beacli August 27, 1991 Mr. Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning Division of Resource planning & Management state of Florida Dept. of Community Affairs 2740 centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 Re: Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Ray Flow Properties - Plan Amendment and Ordinance for Consistency Review Dear Mr. Pennock: Attached to this letter you will find four (4) copies of both the Comprehensive plan Amendment (amended Future Land Use Plan) and Land Use Amendment Ordinance 091-57, which is in connection with Comprehensive Plan Amendment 91-1, as requested for use in consistency review. Final Reading of the Ordinance occurred on August 20, 1991. Furthermore, please note that there were no changes made that were not previously reviewed, nor are there any additional findings not included within Ordinance 091-57. As requested, I am also providing a copy of the aforementioned material directly to the Treasure coast,Regional Planning Council for their review. very truly yours, ~ c:t:> CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, AICP Planning Director CC:cp Enc. '. .9I.merita's (jateway to tlie (julfstream 77 lJJie City of 'Boynton 'Beach 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Bou!evart{ P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Bead,., 7forUfa 33425.0310 (407) 738.7490 August 27, 1991 Mr. Dan Cary, Executive Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 3228 S.W. Martin Downs Blvd., suite 205 P.o. Box 1529 Palm City, FL 34990 Re: Comprehensive plan Amendment, Ray Flow Properties - Plan Amendment and Ordinance for Consistency Review Dear Mr. Cary: Attached to this letter you will find a copy of both the comprehensive Plan Amendment (amended Future Land Use Plan) and Land Use Amendment ordinance 091-57, which is in connection with Comprehensive Plan Amendment 91-1, as requested for use in consistency review. Final Reading of the Ordinance took place on. August 20, 1991. Furthermore, please note that there were no changes made that were not previously reviewed, not are there any additional findings not included within Ordinance 091-57. As requested by the Florida Department of Community Affairs, I am transmitting these documents directly to you concurrent with our transmittal to DCA. Very truly yours, ~~ CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, AICP Planning Director CC:cp Enc. JtImeric.a's Cjateway to tlie Cjulfstream '/0 , \ ~- MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Cherof, city Attorney Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director FROM: DATE: July 15, 1991 RE: Ray Flow Properties - Draft Ordinances for Annexation, Land Use Amendment, and Rezoning Attached are the above referenced ordinances for your review. These ordinances are to be considered on First Reading on August 6, 1991. Please review and provide Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner, with the necessary revisions by July 22, 1991. CC:mwr Encs. '" .-, .. l1 . e.(C.~ 1)eJil! ~/Q( 1/:L5/ ' MEMORANDUM FROM: Jim Cherof, city Attorney r'fL.W,~ ~ Ch:r:rst~her cutro, AICP Planning Director TO: DATE: JUly. 15, 1991 RE: Ray Flow Properties - Draft ordinances for Annexation, Land Use Amendment, and Rezoning Attached are the above referenced ordinances for your review. These ordinances are to be considered on First Reading on August 6, 1991, and on Second/Final Reading on August 20, 1991. Please review and provide Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner, with the necessary revisions as soon as possible. CC:mwr Encs. yo ----- ,- TREASURE COAST. REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL M E M 0 RAN DU M To: Council Members NOTE: THE CITY'S ACTIONS TO ADDRESS COUNCIL'S CONCERNS ARE NOTED IN BOLD TYPE From: Staff Date: April 19, 1991 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Draft Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan: Reference #91-1 Introduction Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (FS), the Council must be provided an opportunity to review and comment on comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted proposed amendments to the State Department of Community Affairs (DCA), which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information provided by.the DCA is to focus on the consistency of the proposed amendments with the Regional comprehensive Policy Plan developed pursuant to section 186.507, FS. A written report, containing any objections, recommendations for modification, and comments (as defined in Chapter 9J-ll, Florida Administrative Code), is to be provided to the DCA within 45 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements, or amendments. Backqround The City is considering two small-scale amendments to the Future Land Use Map. The adjacent 1.41- and 1.25-acre parcels are located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road and have been proposed for annexation. The proposed land use change is from the Palm Beach County's Residential-8 land use category to the City's High Density Residential land use category. Evaluation Palm Beach County's Residential-8 land use category allows a maximum of eight dwelling units per acre and Boynton Beach's High Density Residential land use category allows a maximum of approximately 11 dwelling units per acre. The 1.41-acre ee 3 11 "--._~ "...- " . T _0"... \ . , ~fCl f""\ . on .,,1. tl \..---'\ . \. ? , ,. / -" !l.'IO I , , .., ~ 'fA \ u .Q~lg(t fC) I 'l3 ,-.t s \ --~ I\~' ,\\ i~ ~~ \\ ,l ... ..........;;.-.r ,/ < ....;,' ., \.E~ ~ \.1)lliS ___aU' _ re ,S"[I.J3'C ~ a~ .~.~~~ 5 # # ., ~ ~ l4J C"J ~ C"J ..., '" ~ ~ -...J '" ~ $r N. r.S. "'M-iS' \\. v.al-fR ..)p... III CDflSuJOtlf E/lgitlttf'S G p!""'l CDf'J SlJf'itlg$. F1 or J dI ~~~~--~b~-~~1t~~ =--..- Jj~- L 3' ~~..~. : I lj1T! ~~ T1=rfl.::.(-"..Lt-8 I)' . -F.-'''' I .0_ . ;/,/-,) i..~ I :I~':-dE:3~.-i .~:.~ntl CG,o i ~ l ~.\ U-:..:.~!l.., . ~.~~__"J:r::l J i J/ t... .':/1 371-1" --I .d~l?r--'i ;..-t:!' :- - !"j"i:i It~t. 1-1 ~' . ]........:. ;'Thllln' ! , ,'.:!-.!::.; w...;.. -or- '-11 I . .' ~ /-~ . , . ;c , '...1-: -_......" : C tJj[JL~11 ,~~F. ~r~~ lRUtj- W-i I :li -~: ~ , . -- .. tJl ,_:'.t.L: c:: -''0- J ~-... ':..J LJ I - ~ .: ~ :'-::=:~gJrj"j't" ~~"" ____.iLLI nUID __: '-..i ~ ~~,-~ '__J! I lffi1f1~ _I ~'BC~TCN ~ ~I ~ ""\ .,.- ~-1' -:-. - : II I.:,-n 1 ! 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Young PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Harry Grell rChalrmanl George Dellllnger ,VIce Chalrmanl Carmine Bruno Vello Kovalalnen Joe Cardinal TOWN CLERK Baroara L. Searls BUILDING OFFICIAL Joe Cflsafulle TOWN ATTORNEYS Manley Calowell Charles Senoeen Mary '/Ialor .. Telephone (407) 582.0155 Town Hall Offlee Hours 10 a.m. .2 c.m. TOwN~.'dF/~.ftYpOLUXO Home oftheJ3arefoot Mailman 7010 South U.S. Highway..1. Hypoluxo. Florida 33462-5493 ~'". . . . . . ". ~ . : Mar ch 26, 1':'-::. Mr. Terry L. Hess, AlCP Planning Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 3228 S.W. Martin Downs Blvd. Palm City, Florida 349fO Dear Mr. He5~'~ . Thank yo~ for y~r re~est for our input regarding the City of Boynton Beach Local Government Comprehensive Plan Documents. ... Please be advised at this time we have no comments on the Draft Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Future Land Use Map. SinCernYf} Al MeY:::A May.:.r " . . . 7 .. I .. .., .~ '": "'" ~ ~. ~.. .. ..j ;.... . 7#- ./ .';' '8~rd of County Commissioners K~ren T.' Marcus. Chair Carole Phillips. Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist .\lan' :V1cCart\' Ken' Foster . Ylaude Ford Lee 1: tf, County Administrator Join Winters Department of Planning. Zoning & Buildir March27,I991 . ....- .,..--.~ ~;:':"..~- \ :. ::~;,-' ' ii'.;'~;R -1120:'. Mr. Terry L. Hess Planning Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 3228 S. W. Manin Downs Blvd. Palm City, Florida 34990 Re: Palm Beach County's review of the Boynton Beach's proposed site specific future land use amendment. . "Caam:,"~~:: ',: _._~~ ..~.._- ....., .:........I=~.. -=." .. ~ft~'" ......~...,.., ;~....I' .. . -; Dear Mr. Hess: The Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning and "Building Department has coordinated the. review of Boynton Beach's proposed site specific future land use amendment. The amendment was reviewed for consistency and compatibility with the County's comprehensive pIan and policies. Staff comments are as follows: The proposed change in Land Use of2.66 acre Ray Flow properties from the County's ResidentiaI-8 (5 to 8 uniw'acrc) to the City of Boynton Beach High Density Residential (maximum of 10.8 uniw'acre) is consistent with the County's Future Land Use Atlas. This Proposal does not appear to have any adverse affects on the County's comprehensive plan and policies. Please be advised that the comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners. Please include these comments with your backup materials for all meetings and hearings where this plilIl is disc1lssed. Also, feel free to contact this office if you should have any questions. Sincerely, '\ ,,- -. I 'rl ,.1. .,..u... ;-::-<-4':f ~'_ ".A-" ~~. '-"" /< Dennis R. Foltz. -AICP Planning Director pc: Board of County Commissioners Kris Kern. Acting Executive Director PZ&B Bob Weisman, Assistant County Administrator Chris Cutro, Planning Director of Boynton Beach RECEIVED J\~' . J 0 . 6 'ff' . , . I.: I Dl.ANNING .. An cqua pportunlty . ,,,,\ Irmatlv~ ."'\cuon <;mp ~y~~ 3400 BELVEDERE ROAD. WEST PALM BEACH.,~L .}In''1} ~71 1.19- B SEP 1 S; DEPT. . ., Attachment: . :~ tJflnrt!d on ft!Cyclt!d D"Dt!f ~~ ~~. ,~. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399 La wtOD ChtJes COYmlOl' WIlliam E. Sadowski SeaN". June 11, 1991 The Honorable Arlene Weiner Mayor of Boynton Beach city of Boynton Beach Post.Office Box 310. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 ltECEI"ED JUN 19 PLANNING DEPT. ~ Dear Mayor Weiner: .... The Department has completed its review of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment (Amendment ,91-1) for the Cit~ of Boynton Beach which was submitted on February 4, 1991. Copies of the proposed amendment have, been distributed to appropriate state, regional and local agencies for their review and their comments are enclosed. The Department has reviewed the proposed amendments for consistency with Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 163, Part II, Florida statutes, and the adopted City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. The Department raises no objections to the proposed amendment, and this letter serves as our Objections, . Recommendations and Comments Report. ;This letter ,and the enclosed external agency comments are being issued pursuant to Rule 9J-11.010, Florida Administrative Code. Upon receipt of this letter, the City of Boynton Beach has 60 days in which to adopt, adopt with changes, or determine that the City of Boynton Beach will not adopt the proposed amend- ments. The process for adoption of local comprehensive plan amendments is outlined in s.163.3184, Florida statutes, and Rule 9J-11.011, Florida Administrative Code. within five working days of the date of adoption, the cit~ of Boynton Beach must submit the following to the Department: Five copies of the adopted comprehensive plan amendment; A copy of additional changes not previousl~ reviewed; EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PlANNING AND MANAGEMENT ,f?1 The Honorable Arlene Weiner June 11, 1991 Page Two A copY' of the adopted ordinance; and A listing of findings by ~he local governing body, if any, which were not included in the ordinance. The above amendment and documentation are required for the Department to conduct the compliance review, make a compliance determination and issue the appropriate notice of intent. As a deviation from the requirement above, you are requested to provide one of the five copies of the adopted amendment directly to the Executive Director of the" Treasure Coast Regional Planning council. The regional planning councils have been asked to review the adopted amendment to determine local comprehensive plan compliance with the Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. if you have any questions, please contact Robert Pennock, Chief, Bureau of Local Planning at (904) 487-4545. Sincerely, ~~tq.~~ Robert G. Nave, Director Division of Resource Planning and Management RGN/pnp cc: J. Scott Miller, city Manager, City of Boynton Beach Daniel M. Cary, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council . ~~ . 't:", ~ ",:~::~~~qC;~7- Motion was made by Councilmember' .Goodman to approve MOTION the minutes of the March'lS, 1991, council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Galeta and carrie~ ~nanimously. I I . ,.. t..' 1('./'~' J.' . k~ : ~. . r ~~. r J (. ' I" ~ . . '.._ ; . Co '.1- . '7/1 PROJECT REVIEWS ..~ . q \;:-", t; INTERGOVE~NTAL CoqRDINATION AND REVIEW (ICR):. ~tOG I ...t"""~Tq jo;" .~, 'q,' } .-. ,::- i ..., . staffreporteci~tliat ;iline, of. .the ten ICR applications reviewed. were . found consistent with Council policies. ,':..t~.~~f:('llreco~ended approval. of.;:;.the' ~ ,ICR. J-:. Log. ::.' '.:"'~' --'f.! 1,:lJ ~~.:i ... J. r'," '7~.~" " '," "',.-i.~ ~ ., .; .. I I Motion was."made.,.by",councilman Helm and seconded by f1JTION Councilman Galeta." to approve staff recommendations. Upon beingr;,.P~t." t~ ~: a 1. rvote, the motion :~I.carried :if" unai1imp~slY1.,)'.I.'J~"~."::1 '"'! ~,ri..1 r. fi:O~::~.jl..(.l ,-::'l.tn\.~j::~~".... "'7.::;:'" f'. r (. .... ,..~... t . .1 ~ . ~ . "j , REGIONAL COMPREHENSIVE POLICY PLAN (RCPP)/ . LOCAL ,~OVERNME~ COMPREHENSIVE PLAN..REVIEWS ,; f','! :~, . " .'... .... ..' . ," . . "f K" .-.... ... l~ .1".",. ~" ;.' ! : :'>!:' . t' CONSISTENCY" OF . LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANS WITH THE RCPP .. . .~. . This item wa~ f~r~i~fo~ati~nal purposes only. ;!' .' "" ... PLAN AMENDMENTS .-. DRAFT .. ,.. ~ .' ., .;. , . ! .' . I. ", .::. . .,' ~... t. ...,' '1~,. ..... ... ..... , ',: , \ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. . I' ,,' .' . .,... i .. .. ,.. ,4\ ." "'. : ~_ to ..~.. , :.! p ~ " .... ,OJ ~ j : .. " Staff reported. no;',objections.. or comments to the City . of Boynton . Beach ~ s ; ;. p,rop,osed . amendments. Staff .. recommended Council ~;.approve'. . staff report for , submission. to the. Department of Communi ty: Affairs (DCA) ..,'. .,., '....... ..,.. ..,I..:.'....~.'.~ .:1 . , ~. t ~: l, . ". ~ I '! ... 0 '.'- ' " "n"':, 1. Motion was made by Councilman Galetaand seconded by. commissioner. Thom to approve staff recommendations. Upon being put to a vote,:.~. the motion carried unanimously. ....J f1JTION ..... .. .. , ' , .. " .. . . , t ..'~~' ." ~..~ t! ~ . TOWN OF. JUNO BEACH...~ -'r"".. .. # ~ ' ': :... ~i \ :,' .J f . ".!'" I ;.1. . " ,:. 'lo":' .'. .~ '. ~ t ,. I J' . .' 0 :.j -; "': t.. .'.' Staff reported that the Town of Juno Beach. proposed, draft amendments to . their comprehensive plan pursuant to a. Stipulated Settlement Agreement between the Town and the DCA. Staff recommend' Council approve the comments for transmittal to the DCA. .- . .'. ':.'qr- . ~'. . . t, . : :;1::1"\ I." '. ~:, '. . "". "" t .: :,...",. r ;.' c,: ,{.r\( . 2 ~J , ffJ .DEPARTMENT OF T . ~OR1ATION if" &~ ~ ~illr= APR 29 1991 4 FLORIDA ~ 780. Southwest 24 Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida Telephone: 305-797-8520 33315 BUREAU OF. t:OCAU RESO.U.RCE elANNlNG April 23, 1991 Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Local Planning 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Dear Mr. Arredondo: I- ",," _ RE: Department of Transportation Review Proposed~Comprehensive Plan Amendment ~ity~:'"of:rB6ynton"'~-Beacn. - 91-1 '\ :.".;. ,. As requested in your memorandum of March 8, 1991, the Department has reviewed the documents for/ "the Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the City of Boynton Beach. There is no impact on the State Highway System. We have no comment. .., ~ JMY/Ag cc: Mr. Carl Huff Mr. Gus Schmidt Mr. Mike Tako Mr. John Anderson ~~@mRWW~ ~ :':\,H . . ;; . iIPR ,~\ 1 ."39\ BURo.:U or: L':). ;.:". ~NING J PU.~. ';~"'.~ .{: ~. "0\\ , 1'1'\ ' 7 '. cri t ~. '1".. 11 ~ .r It ["'" 'I,':' 'J; . , [7. F . .l'~ .~ . f' r ... . 1 .treOlure ~.{ll fP r /f~ .. .: COOlt - '~'::.' regIonal ~. ~-.. PlannTn, 9 /P)j?,r-211\?;;tw.rny: l (Qun( I Ji~$; ~i:::.~ \Y ~ APR ::5 ::':., April 22, 1991 Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of community Affairs Bureau of state Planning 2740 centerview Drive The Rhyne Building' Tallahassee, FL 32399 ' ::. '~EAU OF LOCAL , . '._-,.. UJRce: PLANNiNG _... o. . Subject: Local Government C9.~~~~h~~s~y~~~~~~~~xj~w - Draft Amendmen ts to the ~1ty;,.~.~ ~.,~c?YJ)'{~:h,f.i~~~f:li3 Comprehensive Plan; Reference #91-1' , Dear Mr. Arredondo: . I. ~ .' l~ ~.' . t. .~ H . " t ~ j i ~ The draft amendments to the city's Comprehensive Plan have been reviewed by the Treasure Coast ~egional Planning Council in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes; Council's review procedures; and Council's adopted plans and policies. Enclosed is a copy of the full staff report to Council. The report was approved by Council at its regular meeting on April 19, 1991, for transmittal to the State Department of Community Affairs pursuant to sections 163."3184, Florida Statutes, and for consideration by the City prior to aqoption of the documents. . I t .~' h' I , If you need additional informat'ion or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. /':~l' ~ " , ~~ 1~~1":a . ."~ ...;":)~ ;1,0 :':' "~'y":'1\ ~ . ,~, ~.. SU-9.l'A <tt IS-. I.::.~.: ~4'/, ""iu ~/. 'lVG / A 0;:- l. ~4' ~C'-il. ~~~~ ~ 0\\ ~ ~...\ . DMC: lb ~ ;, .. ; i , , I . " t.. l :, i r. i ~. ~ t . ~ ~: , t '. . ~ r" ! r. l ! Enclosure i . I ' f '. \1 \,. " . ..;,;...; '''- - _.<;.~. "'!?- . .-.-...-........ :. ......... .... .. 3228 I.W. martIn downl blvd. 1U1t~ 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, fJorlda 34990 phone (407) 221~060 Ie 269.4060 fax (407) 221~067 '. r J) _,lreQlure /",,;,_.~~.I".~~"-Y-''ii::';';;;'-a ,.';, '."" c,.~Qlg.ltona I ' .~...~ ., -,,~ 7~ ''''w I ~ ~' ' "-'planniog council tt~ ~~ April 22, 1991 Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 211 S. Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 . i Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Draft Amendments to the city of Boynton Beach . Comprehensive Plan; Reference #91-1 a,r.j Dear Mr .~utro: f. ~. Pursuant to the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida statutes, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council reviewed the draft amendments to the City of Boynton Beach comprehensive Plan at its regular meeting on April 19, 1991. , --: i'll i ! -I . ...1 I , I i.1 : ! :'!I I I ; ~: , " . ~ I' (il : i' ~ I' . ; ,I , :1 A review report was approved by Council for transmittal to the state Department of community Affairs pursuant to sections 163.3184, Florida Statutes. A copy of the approved report is attached for consideration by your governing body prior to adoption of the documents. If you would like to meet with Council staff after receiving the Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report from the Department of community Affairs, please do not hesitate to call. , , · 't! : 'I:' ~i' ~l'" ~ ': ,~. ;, it:, : , '..': 1 Ii' :.. r ~: t t ,! . , . I 1 " I ' I Si;cer~ 10/-- ~L. Hess, AICP ~~~~~~ng Coordinator '- ,': .1 \\ " I~~ j .'l ~_ . _. _ ., " .,--.-.- -. ,'.. - ... , l' Enclosure RECEIVED' APR 23 PLANNING DEPT. ~~. II i . " r I TLH: lb ~ 3228 I.W. martin downs blvd. lulte 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florid a 34990 phone (407) 221-4060 Ie 269-4060 fax (407) 221-4067 ~ ., . (;. .. . #. . .. - " l~ . ~. TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING .COUNCIL .. .... '. MEMORANDUM '1'0: Council Members . AGENDA ITEM 5Bl From: Statt . Date: April 19, 1991 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Dratt Amendments to the City ot Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan; Reference '91-1 Introduction Pursuant. to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (FS), the Council must be provided an opportunity to review and comment on comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted proposed amendments to the State Department ot Community Atfairs (DCA),. which in turn is seeking Council's comments. / Council's review ot the intormation provided by the DCA is to focus on the consistency ot the proposed amendments with the Regional Comprehensive POlicy Plan deve~oped pursuant to section lS6.507, FS. A written report, containing any objections, recommendations for modification, and comments (as defined in Chapter 9J-l1, Florida Administrative Code), is to be provided to the DCA within 45 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements, or amendments. ~ Backqround. The City is considering two small-scale amendments to the Future Land Use Map. The adjacent 1.41- and 1.25-acre parcels are located at the southwest corner of Old Boynt.on Road and Knuth Road and have been proposed for annexation. The proposed land use change is from the Palm Beach County's Residential-S land use category to the City'S High Density Residential land use category. Evaluation Palm Beach County's Residential-S land use category allows a maximum of eight dwelling units per acre and Boynton Beach's High Density Residential land use category allows a maximum of approximately 11 dwelling units per acre. The 1.41-acre parcel is occupied by a day care center and the 1.25-acre 1 I?7 ., . ') ...!. '. . . :}1'" parcel is vacant. The proposed change in land use. would allow four additional dwelling units to be constructed on the 1.25-acre parcel. surrounding land uses include single family and mul tifamily residential and commercial, which appear to be compatible with the proposed land use. This'is not expected to have an adverse impact on any regional roadways or public facilities. . Ob;ections. Recommendations for Modification. and Comments Future Land Use Map Amendments A. Objection 1. None " Recommendation Modification 1. None B. Comments .. . 1-." - 1. None Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and approve their transmittal to the state Department of. Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida statutes. Attachments ..., 2 ff . I . ( . . ~. ~ ... .,-. . - ". . . " ~ . ... '., . ... .. '.- '. -. . . . .. .....- - - . . u ~ - ."" !ILVC I i I I I . I t a;.__~ I I~ 11,_ - - -.. J .1 III .., =I!i I I IlL .;.. '-------.- ----_. ~ 4 :: IIIOlUAISHT II) LECEHD "em WITS _ II:'! 1S1UJY AREA BllH1AAY . . ~ ~ tc., ~ ~ ~ .... ..... ~ ~ ...., ..... ~ ~ N. r.s. . 'GENE:RAL 'LQCATIOO MAP MALTER H. KB..LEH ~.. INC. CDnsuJ/in9 Cn9in,trs I PJifrltrs (Dr,) Springs. FJDI'iU 3 '. .~ ~"~~R" '~'f~'.. .. . -_..;..,.~"-- ~~ . .rrl~ ..; 8 -:':~ b~~';;&Al}: '" : ,!= : i;;.~]p:~l,.,,- ,.: "".~.-,'.,,- ~.-,.. ~ u ~.. 37i:r:'~ :'1 !1~1b~~j 1~~ CGl' t:']" , "1 l!..:.fL~ .t=.;.j,~ r-_ '. LJIl' i -t-~ I "./ . . 1lJ~11 I'(~~ - ~~ R-.,~J-ft.;l JIll ~! '0' . . -- 'ol'L I "E-;-l8fI'J~' J......~ ,..3' :' '-JjM"A~~lm' I 'l~.l1r :l I n .I L'rl J! . : '"~Ca.C:=- ~ ........ . --. :J 31~;.(; I JI ! tl!::.l.:J crrff'iu$ "r? ~ r\ "L-L .__ -' I pT.lfl'!Ml.u. /TON BeACH II . ,.. .::: I II i I:trll1 ! 1" I 1I1"~:. '.. ~ ~- I jr-: Irn i ,OJ .~. IIT::3: > J ..,.,~ ~ - . ~ L- i LII II '.1 J I 11 I...: ~. 31~i' I I( ~ . JfPtrffFtH[-B . .'b'L-b-;' L ]1 [ ::.~~::l,1 +H-: I!.D \) .'\ I ~ / ., ;1 1: 1 ~,.l.I] '="...i. ~LtJ ,2,o~' - P".,) '_:1-- i II JI..:~8r'ir"~1 ill f3d ~~ --:zI . :.of " '1 I.......~'--.....I 'EJ~ P I ,"":By __.._.....~ I~ C 1_. 3 71~ . ~': i ! ~ ,. '--"&._:---..!I~ C . __..;: ~ ll"1.SD-':;; . N CT IR'7-iH L~i~C"7"~~-' --4/ n · ~:~y ~X~ ! ~ 1,~~2-l F~,;~~ ~ /. Lt~ . /8 ~l : Lf:~~iE, i,~,';i. -~. . "":"0- :f!!!-1~ ". . _ ~. - -, : r!-'- -,I L ~/.~Q - . c........... m=1a I~l ----,r I o. 7 T I ~'::L.'" C3 . u --.l..L_ ~. .- (51l. ~"I'\ :JrfltTI' r "ny/'m~ /z,EAC" "L.~ ~ bj~;~;': N~ T _~ tfi:~ 1 II .A ~ 1 =1rr ~.= I rill . I ~.111 ~ '6~ t!l ~ _~ > CI1fV ~ "7,""::'7z:l I n 0:< II -I I II !---J t~q~ li~~ n ~ I ~~~~ . ~~~:,.~~~ 'fS] -=1:-~;":"1 ()' f ~ ~1 J ___Yl" _~!-LJ , (~ . i--,q .. ~[ ."} 1:-:.' ::: _t/~~r~~'~~\ ;;;;~pN.r'''''--~ \' l11 l'~--.- ., 7""""w:-r 1:~tD -1 DL ~11 =: . \ ~ ~ 1= 11 ~' '."'j fQ?\.... to i; 'r-. \1~. -, : '.~"" f -:'~,~i;1 __.._"-<.~~"1i..~ _./ ..~ ~< 'l--jji l~' ~1 ~ ro. ~ !or ., . ~_ ![ t.-:~'/g D __~ . T~' - :. I ,';il':.., ':~ 1";1 t~:' B ';~I ~:~r;ooc.Or1J Ir:;;:;OEi:~ ~ f . ~ ~:~~~ ~ . \1 ~ &\~ ~ ,l i · ~ l ~] D1l'dCllJ~; ~o., .- ' ., ~..L 8-~' :' , Q.~~ g 8/ P . DP._~ dn-rPL..'f~nco I::;:.C . .\ co ~ Q C \. ' . :-~-~~:- ~ \P~~' , flOT . .! . ",," ~~ u. : -a[~~ '0 0 l . "~~[J 0 = ..::;.~ - iat ~ / ..' .... (~<)~III E:J ~a . teL- .Q' 'j~ O' - ...... , iE'- I r\\ ',: ~~ <)<>' 21 ~ .. 0 /~'0-~IJ jii L - .-f.... .r-~ ~~ I \..()-\ . , .,:~, -:. I . ( 'ci (~t!'-~r.~~~. "',..0 - ( fT!; ~~II 187 L Lit! . ~ ~ 141 ::.. ~ CI) 11\ ~ I( ~ C~ \J jb " Florida Department of Environmental Regulation' 1\vin Thwers Office Bldg. . 2600 Blair Stone Road . Th1Jahassee, Florida 32399-2400 l.2wlon Chiles, Governor C1rol M. Browner, Secre12f}' April 9, 1991 \B)~@mlIW~Th\U li,~~5 ~illI APR 9 1991 Mr. Robert Pennock, Chief Department of community Affairs Bureau of Local Planning 2470 centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 Re: Proposed amendments to the Plan, Amendment #91-01. BUREAU OF LOCAL PLANN!NG.1 PLAN REVIEW City of 'Boynton Beach Comprehensive Dear Mr. Pennock: The Department of Environmental Regulation has reviewed the amendments to the aforementioned p~an, under the procedures of Chapter 9J-5 and Chapter 9J-11, F.A.C. We have no comments, recommendations or objections to make concerning the proposed amendments. If you have any questions abou~ my response, please call me at (904) 487-2498. Sincerely, p $dI~ Jo n B. Outland Office of Planning and Research f1 ' '\ ,^ .)....\0 RrcycW ()\ ""prr 1/ " MAYOR AI MerlOn.. VICE MAYOR ~alnCla WHflS COUNCIL 'N.lham Hanwav Carmel Se.1 .o<en Scnullz "Onal0 :. Young PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD .' . ~ar.ry Grell . .Chalrmanl G~rge Oelllln9~ IV,ee Challmanl Carmine Bruno Vella Kovala.nen Joe CarOlnal TOWN ClERK Barcara L. S.arls BUILDING OFFICIAL Joe Ct.salulle TOWN ATiORNEYS Manley Caldwell CharleS Scnoecn . Mary Vialor . Telephone (407) 582.0155 Town Hall Olllee Hours 10 a.m. . 2 p.m. TOWN OF HYPOLUXO Home of the Barefoot Mailman 7010 South U.S, Highway 1, Hypoluxo, Florida 33462-5493 .:. . ... p . :a - I.- . .,'\... . .... ... .' . . .- . : Mal".:h ::6, 1':;)0:: . - -- . ., ..; ~ "1'i ,_ ".: J Mr. Terry L. Hess, AlC? Planning Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 3Z~8 S.W. Martin Downs Blvd. Palm City, ~lorida 349fO Dear Mr. Hess.~ . / Thank you for y;ur' re{(uest for our input regarding the City of Boynton Beach 'Local Government Comprehensive Plan Documents. Please be advised at this time we have no comments on the Draft Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach ~uture Land Use Map. ~ SinmiJ/tJ Al Me.Y;:;A May.:.r 5 . ..j.;~ 9;L fpf .11Y\ ,. .~: ' ; ,~~. South Florida Water Management Di~trict P.O. Box 24680 . ~I Gun Club Road. West Palm Beach. FL33416.4680 . (407) 686-8800 . FL WATS 1-800.432.2045 GOV 08.28 April 12, 1991 . .....- " ~"<-. ',' :,\ ,,~:~~.: W91 ,il; Mr. Robert Arredondo Bureau of Local Planning Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 EAU Oi~ \.~~ BUR ~ .. ...t:f~iW ev.NN\NG I ~.~:... \. .. Dear Mr. Arredondo: Subject: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment for City of Boynton Beach, 91-1. Staff has reviewed the subject document and we have no water resource related comments. Plea!>e call us i~ you have any questions or require more information. ~ereIY" \ r~.kJJ~ '. -Patricia Walker Assistant Director . Comprehensive Planning Division Planning Department PW/sj/ng c: Mr. Bob Nave , --0 0\\ ~~ '\''1, Governing Board: Allan Milledill'. Chairman. Miami Valerie Boyd. \ Ice Chairman. Naplc!> Ken Adam!> . We!>l Palm Beach Jamn E. Nail. Fort Lauderdale Charle!> W. Cau~y . 1!>lamorada Annie Betancourt. Miami . Franklin B. Mann. Fort Myel'!> Leah G. Schad. Wesl Palm Beach Frank Williamson. Jr. .Okeechobce John R. \\'odruka. Executive Direc:or Tilrord C. Creel. DePUI)' E"l'cuti\"c Direclor Thomas K. Mac\'icar. Depuly Executi':e DII.eclor '1::' 'r~ , .ltN ~ ~. ..,1reQlure ".,.........._.__M...-,_..-...,..^'.,...._._-"_.~~..."'.~':' 0" .~,1.L~.cOQl.t I r~, " ... . ....jj reglona "1 p~anniQg council .~~' r.:_ ,II \'h-.. ..__, .. ,.h. !I. April 12, 1991 Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director city of Boynton Beach 211 S. Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Local Government Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Reference #91-1 cJ.. f" ~ Dear Mr~ro: Council staff has completed its review of the City of Boynton Beach draft amendments in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, section 163~3184, Florida Statutes, and has prepared comments for Council consideration. These comments will be presented to Council at its next regular meeting on April 19, 1991. You are invited to attend the meeting and address the Council if you wish. Enclosed are staff's recommended comments and the agenda for the meeting. Following the meeting, the comments as finally approved by Council will be forwarded to the State Department of community Affairs for transmittal to your governing body for consideration before final adoption of the amendments. If you would like to discuss the staff report or Council procedures for plan review, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, !;; 11 t::ICP Planning Coordinator TLH: Ib Enclosure 3228 s.w: martin downs blvd. sulle 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florlda 34990 phone (407) 221-4060 sc 269-4060 fax (407) 221-4067 y;;O ~;~ Board of County Commissioners ~aren T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty. Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee County Administrator JOIn \Vintcrs Department of Planning, Zoning & Buildinl March 27, 1991 Mr. Terry L. Hess Planning Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 3228 S. W. Martin Downs Blvd. Palm City, Florida 34990 Re: Palm Beach County's review of the Boynton Beach's proposed site specific future land use amendment. Dear Mr. Hess: The Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of Boynton Beach's proposed site specific future land use amendment. The amendment was reviewed for consistency and compatibility with the County's comprehensive plan and policies. ,\ 0' ..' J.':' ,."" ^,c< . e.. ~ ~ . y ;:r' .)~~~ Staff comments are as follows: /)..{ lJ~(.1""...O t,~ . " I;' ~ \/ ~5'"" The proposed change in Land Use of2.66 acre Ra~ properties from the County's Residential-8 (5 to 8 unitslacre) to the'city of Boynton Beach High Density Residential (maximum of 10.8 units/acre) is consistent with the County's Future Land Use Atlas. This Proposal does not appear to have any adverse affects on the County's comprehensive plan and policies. Please be advised that the .comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners. Please include these comments with your backup materials for all meetings and hearings where this plan is discussed. Also, feel free to contact this office if you should have any questions. Sincerely, ~i:~~f1;c~~~ ~ Planning Director pc: Board of County Commissioners Kris Kern, Acting Executive Director PZ&B Bob Weisman, Assistant County Administrator Chris Cutro, Planning Director of Boynton Beach R.BCBn'BD .v!R, PLANNING OEPt - - Attachment: "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmativc Action Employcr" 3400 BELVEDERE ROAD. WEST PALM BEACH, FL . (407) 471-3520 9J @ primed on recycled paper t-..t-k., .. 'Boai'd of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty. Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Jan Winters Department of Planning, Zoning & Building March 27, 1991 Mr. Robert Arredondo State of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Re: Palm Beach County's review of the Boynton Beach's proposed site specific future land use amendment. Dear Mr. Arredondo: The Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of Boynton Beach's proposed site specific future land use amendment. The amendment was reviewed for consistency and compatibility with the County's comprehensive plan and policies. Staff comments are as follows: The proposed change in Land Use of 2.66 acre Ray Flow properties from the County's Residential-8 (5 to 8 units/acre) to the City of Boynton Beach High Density Residential (maximum of 10.8 units/acre) is consistent with the County's Future Land Use Atlas. This Proposal does not appear to have any adverse affects on the County's comprehensive plan and policies. Please be advised that the comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners. Please include these comments with your backup materials for all meetings and hearings where this plan is discussed. Also, feel free to contact this office if you should have any questions. Sincerely, ~ 1(( td2.)../?ul1.m~ f~ Dennis R. Folt1~ AICP t7 Planning Director pc: Board of County Commissioners Kris Kern, Acting Executive Director PZ&B Bob Weisman, Assistant County Administrator Chris Cutro, Planning Director of Boynton Beach Attachment: .. An E<lual Opportunity .- Affirmative Action Employer" 3400 BELVEDERE ROAD. WEST PALM BEACH. FL. (407) 471-3520 @ printed on recycled paper ~ DS)~~OEP~~ ~u In ~)j ~)'~ URAL R~qy t.. ~ EuatiTe Diredtr FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Marjory StonellWl Douglas Building 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard tallahassee, Florida 32399 March 21, 1991 Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Local Planning 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Dear Mr. Arredondo: f'~~(~~~\~.7}f~ !~ ..... ~ . ~ I ~ MAR . fo.:" 1991 8~..i'1:::;".J 0:= LO:I~!.. PLA:.{. ~;: 13 I PU\i'~ REViEW -, /VI LaI10a QUJea "'mer Ji. s.it!t Semt&ry tl State - lob Balttnrri AUoneJ CieJleral Geralcl lnil State CMaptnIJer TMI Gallaaher . Slate Tmlurer lob Cnwfonl c..u.isaioner .r AgriclI/tlIn Betty Cuter c.-iaioner 0( Edaation .... .oJ' staff of the Department of Natural Resources have reviewed the proposed comprehensive plan amendment, reference numbe~~l-l, for the City ot1Boynton Beach and have_no comments. Sincerely, Jh:~en Assistant Executive Director DED/mpp P ,...q\ 3..1-'7 Adlllinistration Butltes ~nd Sh:res Resourte MlIIlIement lair Enrorument . Marine Re80urus Recreation and Pub Stale lands . 0'" .' .- 't. -. 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'1. ell' \\ V \ ~ '.. pULL' ~~/ . ~. m e--"- ~. ~ -""'::i('ir ~~7r'''''.'' ~ ~~.. A - I!---"Ol \:'~ODO~ r:Ii1~D .... \! :'l' a \[::'1 . .:\ I. i ;~, f.' ~ J1~ "':.\ (.-~~J E ~iO'~h ~.. C1 .~ ... ~; ::l Pl'........ ......, . " .1\ , ,,' r1 '.' I. 0 \1 q!dJ::: 'v'i' .- [f;I ~~ ; ":' . g~ \1' 11 /1 F' ~ 00 9.\O;:;-ri u.J"hnGO ,..-j! p .,i' \! \ ..''' 'I1!~a 'i1' . U f[.---~~~r \n~f>'" f- f' =dr.r" \', !. & ~o \ : o.l.;:~\ \0 0 \ . . ,n\\.J Q t ~ _H5jg.~ U ,:., ...<.; \ . <> 66 ;\.. 0 ~[l ......~'~l .~O\ 0 :;=1 ~~l= r\\ ., \ ". 6 a '. .- .~o 0 ,,,- '.' ~ ';-h--,- \1'1 . - - - - - . - ..- 0----... I r '" . - - .' L~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" I ! ~ II) Il'I "-' <( ~ L:~ \) NOT .IN CITY PU r, l: '1 ~ -'" ,.1reQ/ure · . ... J . t ... .: st.lucle .' ..... .: . /:"'~;.-~-~-m.:"~:::;;ft' -~'-;""--"~":"Tc'l CliOeOlge'ona I . . UJ'U... ".~ . -'.,. ; .~ .. ",' , ' '. '~planniQg council ~~ ~l~ ~ . f March ~8,~99~ Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director city of Boynton Beach 2~~ S. Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Subject: city of Boynton Beach Local Government Draft Comprehensive Plan .no~u~ents Dear Mr. Cutro: This is to notify you that the Regional Planning council has received a request from the State Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for comments on the following comprehensive planning documents: Draft Amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, Reference #9~-~. Council staff will review the documents in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. It is anticipated that the report and recommended comments will be presented to Council at its meeting on April 19, 1991. Prior to the Council meeting, the meeting agenda, report, and recommended comments of the staff will be transmitted to you. You or any representative of your local government are invited to attend the meeting and will be afforded an opp~rtuni ty to address the Count::il. Follo~Jingthe Council meeting the adopted comments will be transmitted to DCA. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, /' ~~.~ RECEIVED MAR 20 q I PLANNING DEPT. '.1 Terry L. Hess, AICP Planning Coordinator TLH: lhb - 3228 s.w, martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florlda 34990 . _ . -:' phone (407) ~ 22H~~'~ FAX (40/) 221.40~1... SUNCOM'269.4060 I 1"1 fi k.. i ~ P(OV!/~v~r-l1C.5 i( Ct.A( ,. -c..-i) I t' , I / STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS . 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE · TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Lawton Chiles Governor William E. Sadowski Secretary March 8, 1991 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Cutro: Thank you for submitting copies of the additional information in regard to the City's proposed comprehensive plan amendment(s) for our review. We have conducted a preliminary inventory of the plan amendment package pursuant to Rule 9J-I1.006, F.A.C., to verify the inclusion of all required materials. The reference number for this amendment package is Boynton Beach 91-1. The submission package appears to be complete, and your proposed plan amendment will be reviewed in accordance with pro- cedures contained in Chapter 9J-II, F.A.C. Once the review is underway, you may be asked to provide additional supporting docu- mentation by the review team to ensure a thorough review. If you have any questions, please contact Paul Conger at (904) 487-4545. Sincerely, RP/pcr ~J- fi~~ Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning RECEIVED ttM 11 PLANNING DEPT. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT · HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT · RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT cry Ii %e City of 'Boynton 'Beac/i 100 'E. 'Boynton '.Bea~.li 'Boulevara P.O. '130:(310 '.Boynton '13eadi, :T{oriaa 33425-0310 City :J{a{[: (407) i34 -8111 :TJ.lX: (407) 738-7459 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR February 25, 1991. Mr. Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning Div. of Resource Planning & Management State of Florida Dept. of Community Affairs 2770 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 RE: Supplement to January 30, 1991 Transmittal of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment Known a.s "Ray Flow Properties" File No. 553 Dear Mr. Pennock: Accompanying this correspondence you will find the information requested in your letter dated February 11, 1991, to complete'the transmittal of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment known as "Ray Flow Properties". As with the January 30, 1991 transmittal materials, the tenth copy of the requested information has already been forwarded to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Executive Director. If you have any questions concerning this plan amendment, please do not hesitate to contact Asst. City Planner, Tarnbri J. Heyden, at (407) 738-7490. Yours very truly, eJ~i..- c'-ctu:r CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, AICP Planning Director TJH:frb Encs xc: Dan Cary, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Ray Flow Central File Jlmericas gateway to tlie (ju(jstream 71 -'" RECEIVED ~ES. 13 /qq/ PLANNING DEPT. AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE · TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Lawton Chiles WilHam E. Sadowski Governor Secretary February II, 1991 \ Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: 91-1 Dear Mr. Cutro: We have receiv~d the proposed amendment to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan: submitted to the Department as required by Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The amendment information is incomplete as submitted. The submittal requirements for amendments to local govern- ment comprehensive plans are prescribed in the enclosed Chapter 9J-II, Florida Administrative Code, "Procedure Rule for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Amendments." The requirements for the transmittal letter are outlined in Rule 9J- 11.006(1) (a), Florida Administrative Code. Your submittal package for the proposed map amendment(s) does not include: o Ten copies of the Future Land Use Element~ Rule 9J-Il.006(1) (b), Florida Administrative Code. The proposed amendment, received February 4, 1991, will not be processed until all the required information is available to EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT /cD , Mr. Christopher Cutro February II, 1991 Page Two distribute for review, as required by Rule 9J-ll.008(2), Florida Administrative Code. If we may be of further assistance, please contact Paul Conger at (904) 487-4545. Sincerely, IUJ ~~4 Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning RP/pcr Enclosure 1t>1 ..? '. . r- ,-. v.", p.1006-1 . .. ... COWPUHINIIVI. PLANS 6: AMDmMDn'& (R. 10/11) 'J-ll.oof "-- aIAP'I'D 'J-U paOCED'UJlE. RULE. POll a.EVJEW OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT OOMPllEHENSlVE PLANS AND AMENDMENTS 9 J -11.0C)J Purpo& 9 J -11.002 DcfiluUr- 9 J -11.004 Submittal Requ1remenu for Faoped Local ~t Camptcht.Mift Plus. 9J-11.006 SU....tlUl Requi.~ for l'iopceed Local ~~ Ccmprebcmi..e PIaD Amendments. 9 J -11.008 Aaioa upon Jleceipt ol hopoIed Local ~~t Ccmprebesuift Plan or Plan AmeDdment. 9J-ll.009 Aaion When Local ~t Ccmprebesuift Plan is Not Submitted as Scheduled in CN~ 9J-I2, F. A. C. 9J-l1.010 rrc.po.ai LOcal ~t Ccmpn:hcmift Plan or hopoIed Amendment Jlcview. 9 J -11.011 Local GcwemmtDt Adoptjoa ol the Ccmprcbensi..e Plan or PIaD AmcDdmeDt &Del Submittal Cor the CcmpliaDce Itmew. . 9J-l1.012 ec.npli.nce hview &Del Nocice ol InleDt. 9 J -11.014 Interim IteYicw Procedures. 9 J-11.016 Scmiamnw Ilcpon - Small Sca1e DevdopmeDt AmeDdmenlL lA'11nry ad.....-w: D<<;nwc ud Scroud, Nrw ~t6 UtI FII~ Tn:D6 m LtaJ~, CotDpr:lx:mire 1'1--;... 17 &maD L. R.cY. m ~ ,'''). 'J-1LOOI rwpc.. Thb CUp'- nt,~ide procedW"CI for lU....i...oc aDd pro-#>...d "I ol local comprebaWvc plam ad plan '~"'"'t, pu,rsuant to the Local GcwumDmt CompIdaW..e .pt.aftfti"l aDd LaDd Dcvdopmcnt Jtqulatioa Act. Chaper 163, Pan D, F1arid.a SWut.es, ad Cbaptcn 9 J-5 aDd 9 J-l%. Florida AdmiDiIU'atift Code. It spccUlCI the ~tJ &Dd iDformalicll1 to be submitted ror review, it spcciI'lCI DepanmcDt action upon rec:dpt ol JUbmittah, actioo wbcD a plan or dement is DOl 1Ut.niac:d. cIcIcriba the procr.dures ror the rcYiew, &Del ICU ronh pooccdW"CI t.r !~ It issuance ol a DOtice of intalt. For that period of Uine before the ~..e plan is due pursuant to Chapter9J-l%. F1arid.a Mlfti"im-au..e Code. the rule provides for an interim rmcw proc::cdu.rc wbich inCludes lhc ~""T'p'ioc for small scale developments. The rule a1Jo proridcs the requirements for lhc lCmiannuaJ reports for sma11 .we development amc:ndments. Spedfic Authority 12tJ.5J(I)(b), 16J.Jln(9) FS. uw ~ 16J.JI61. l6J.Jln. 16J.''''. 16J.J/U, 161.J181. 16J.J191 FS. HimIty-Nrw '-22-11. . . . 'J-11'oo! ~..:.~ N UIcd in this ~ptcr. the I.enDI cIeGDecf in Seaioo 163.31604, Florida Swutea. IbaD u.e the ,...."t.., proridaI in that Section, Abo, as uad ill this a.'p-': (1) MAffcaed pcr'Mm-...u it is deCi~ in Scctioa 163.3184(IX.). Florida SDtt~ (2) IOA~~t- ... .., cIaaIIp to an adopced caDplc:huaIiwc .plan aupt CIlr'I'ClCticm, updates aDd madiree-'~ at die capital anp.~tI ckmmt .......,Qw.JDc emu. rnawe IOUJ"Ca, ~-- at r-nitWo- or r.cDity CIOIIItnaCtioo data er-I--",f with the plan u pco.idCd in s.,t~ ~~ 1 63.3177(3)(b), Florida Statutes. aNI 0....( [,;.--.. updM- or mocIiI'lCatioas 01 currc:Dt CIIItI in ocher d.w-tl. u p.o..~ in Scaion 163.3187(2). F10ricla Swutcs; (3) MCommenl" means . 1lI'-t or proCcaional opinioa rcp.rcIi.nc the adequacy ol an element or ponioD f!l. CXlmpl~..e plan or plan amcndmalt; . (4) '"CouDty laDd pr_"Ri"lllltftCYtI meaDS the accneY cJ-;V-'M to pocpare the ~ chc&:di"fC plan for die muDtJ or ill die cue 01 dwtcrcd ClDUftties, the acmcY which bas.dIe pa_.."i"l rea~bility bc\wcaa die CDUDt)' &Dd the municipalities u flipall_fM ill the dwta; (5) IODcpanmmt" meaDS .dIe Florida Depanmem 01 CammUDity Attain; (6) '"ObjeaioDtI IDCUII. . Nf-t whic:b idcDtU&eI . panioa 01. comprthcDliwc plan or plan .~meal that is DOt ~mt with ClDC or more pc'o.iIiom 01 ~ 163.3177, 163.3178, 163.3191, Florida Swut.ea. the state camprdlcmiYe plan, the appropriate CIlmpI thcDIi.c rqional policy plan, or ~p'tr 9J-5. Florida AdminiItratM Code; (7) MI~._..JnNI~..w.- IDeIDI . ,,_t~t wbic:b P'~ a ~~ "modiGe-tWa(l) to . camprc:hcm:ift plan or plan ~"'"'t that would I:riDc the appI~~ ponioo at the plan or plan ~"'"'t bato ftlalipli_-: (I) eesmaJl .. cbt~t amm""'"'t" meaDS thole ~_l\tJ which meet the requiremeDtI 01 Seetion 163.3187(1Xc). Florida SWuta; aDd (9) -Suppan ~-tl" meaDS any 1W'ft')'I, ItUdica, bm:DIory 1DapI.!data, imaltaries, liItinp or ualJ'ICS UICd as ~ tor or in dadopiftl the local c:omprehcDIi..e plan or plan ammdmcnt. SpecirIC Autbotitr 12tUJ(1)(h). 16J.J/77(9) 1'$. z..... l~tal l6J.Jln(9). 1"-'114, 1"-'181 FS. H.",.-Hrw 9-Z2-17. 'J-U.OOf SobmiuaJ &equiraDaata for ,..~ a Loc:a1 G.,,,..~ Camprebcmive PJaDs. (1) The propoecd comprcbaW..e plan shall be lUt.nitted ill ac:cordance with the lC'hcdule published ill CMpur 9 J -12, Florida AdminiJuatiYe Code, or at an earlier date cstabIished pursuant to Rule 9J-I2.004, Florida AdministratiYe Code. (2) The c:omprehensiYe plan materials are to be submitted to the Depanmcnt or Community . lD? (a. lD/II) 'J-11.006 DUAa'DIDn'OF 00WMUNrn' Al'FADS . v. ~ p.1005-2 ~ Affain, DiYiDoo 01 Itc:DarCe Plaiu,;", cd ~t. Bureau 01 Local ,..",,;'11, 2740 CcDt.c:rYicw Drive, T"II.~~. Florida 32399. The local pcrDiDc body IhaJJ IUbmic (a) A traDlmiuaJ Ieua' fnm the local pcrDiDc body or its dcsipce aatiac the date Iha1 the local. ~ body held the tnDImiuaJ public bca.rmc to cocuhkr the pie for adopt'on aDd tr'aDIIDluaJ to the DepanmmL The tnDImiuaJ acuer IhaJJ abo spccif y: 1. Whether the pie is applicable to aD area or critical IWe ~u punuant to ~.pc.cr 310, flarida SWutts; 2. Whether the pie applies to the Wekift JU.ao PnM~ior' Area pumaam to Chapta" 18-393, La.. of FJorida; 3. Any optiocW daDeDu that are iDduded ill the pie; 4. Whether the pie is propoeed to be adopted UDder a joint planDinc ~ ~t punuaDt to Sccioa 163.3171, Florida SWUtcI, aDd the local ~ iDduded ill any such IpHnoN1t. 5. The DIJDe, title, addras cd teIephaae Dumber ol the CIODlaCt petal lor the local ~ who is r.",;tiar with the propoecd plan; aDd 6. The Iocatioa where the plan or plan I--'-U, ~ with the DepanmeDt'. erwn-u. objeclioas, r--nRVNI..v-.. will be made lftllabIe for public iDIpeaioo duriD& DOnDal .....;~ houri; (b) A CDp)' a the procedures for public panic:ipatioD Iha1 have becD adopted by the local 1".",,;"1 asmey aDd the pcrDiDc body, in a.c:cDI"CiaDCe with I.ule 9J-5.004, F10ricla Adm.ini.cuatM Code; (c) Tm c:.opies ol the canpr~voe plan iDdudi.D<< all the itemS spedrled ill Ilules 9J-5.005 aDd 9J-5.021(4), Florida .4"",;,,;ftTative Code; (d) rave copies olsuppon ~.,-,~ u.ed in formulatiD& the plan, or p""''''.ries ollUCh support ~Imft'U if DOt ~ to be adopted u pan or the plan; aDd (e) A copy 01 the cvaluatioa aDd appraisal report IftPI"d ill ooaju.DCtioa with the comprebcmive plan. punuaDt to Scctiao 163.3191, Florida Swuus, if app;e-t.le. (I) In the eweIlt the local ~t does DOt iDdude all 01 the tchedules., map&. data or anaJycis required by ~ 9J-5, F1orid.a .4cJ",;"itl!rauvoe Code, in iUlUbmittal, it IbalJ submit 1 Ilatcmcftt identiryiDc eacb and every item omitted aDd IeU1nS rorth the jusWacation for each .......mv.n. Sper:i/ic AuthcrifT 1lD.5J(I)(b), 16J.J177(P) FS. lAw '''''I'''- '" , 1ft! IOJI6'(2), IOJI77(I), (4)(b), (7), (P). 16J.J1U(2). (J), (14). (IS), IOJ", FS. H..,.-Hew f..ZZ"'. ,4--'-' 10-11-11. .. .' 'J-11.0G6 Submittal ~ta for Pl~ Local Co..",-~ ~ve PlaD A--'-ta. (1) Amendmenu IhaJI be submitted to the Depanmc:nt 01 Community Main, Division of Raource Pl.annins and M~ent. BW"Cau or Local Pl~~!~~. 2740 Cc~~~~~ ~rt"e, Tallab~, Florida 32399: Propoied plan a..-wl~u, c:xccpt thole di~ UDder the re-ptioa provisiom ol9J-l1.006(I)(a)3. below, . Iha1l be ~ici-ted bw> aliDlle 1UN..~ ror each 01 the two plan ,RVNImmtI adoption times : duriD& the cakMu year. The comprdlaIivc plan:' submitted pursuant to Seaioa 163.3167, Florida . ScatUla, lhall be muDted u ODe 01 the two plan . ~mmt adoption times duriD& the ca.IeM.r year; bowcw:r, only the submiuaJ requi. ~ ol. ).ute 9J-ll.004 ol this ChapttJ' mUll be roIJowed. For each propoted plaD .","",~l, the local pernifta body Iha1l submit: . (a) A traDlmiuaJ &eua- from the local pernifta body or ita ~p- IWiDc the dale that the local . bod held the U'aDImiual-.u:.. a.-..:_ ccwenuDI y t-- ---""6 to coa~ the plan .nvoMlflmt for adoptioa .and traDlrDittal to the DcpanIneuL The traDlmittal letter IbalJ abo spec:iCy: 1. Tbc posaed IDODth cl adoptioa of plan ~Ift"'t tubmittal(.) lor the current calendar year ror which DO ~P'~ rnm the twice per ~r year limiwioD OIl canpr~vc plan ~-u are "'.;~; 2. Whether the ptopoted .'Mnd~t is in an area ol critical aate ~"' 3. Whether the plan ~lN'r't applies to the WddYa Ilivcr Protectioa Ala punuaDt to Ch.ptM' 11-'93, La.. or Florida; 4. Whether the Pfopoeed .mmcf"""lt is ooe of the exemptiom to the twice per caJmdu year IimiwioD OIl the adoptiaa ol eamp"Chemivoe plan ammclmm" and the rac:ea aDd c:m,.1_"nc:a which aUR the ammdmmt to be ~';dCfed u ODe of the followin& ezanptioas: L Directly related to 1 pr'OpOIed dcVd~t 01 rqiaaal impact punuut to Chpter 380, Florida Statutes, iDdudiDc c:banccs which are dcU:nniDed to be subcwstiaJ deviations. and Florida Quality DewdopmcDts cd which may be initiated by the · local 1".",,;. asmcYi b. Directly related to propceed small JC&le dudopmcnt ac:tiYitics: pursuant to Subeiectioa t63.3187(1)(c), Florida Statutesi c:. An ...-- ....:y u dermed ill Sub.e.aion 163.3187(1)(1), Florida Statutes. ID the cue 01 aD ....... .W)C)', the U'aDImiual olthe ~~t mUll be wwUmousIy appCMd by the lJocal pernifta body. The tn.JlImittal IhalJ iDc:lude 1 aatcmcnt which IetJ forth the ra.cu and on:nf'ftRtanc:a jultifyin& the aDerp:DCyi 5. Whether the ammdmmt is propceed to be adopted under ajoint pJ.""i"S Alr~t pursuant to Section 163.3171, Florida Statutes.. and alia of the local ~tJ iDduded in the ",~t; 6. The IWDC. title, address aDd . tdcphoDe Dumber of the contact penoa for the local ~t who is familiar with the propoICd ammdment(s); . . (b) Ten copies or the enUre clement(s) beln! uDcnded, the text or the proposed c:ha.nse(s) and all proposed maps. In the cue or future land use plan map amendments, the following additional i....orm_~t!ll~ ~~s~ be provi~f:<;!: J ~ /03 v. ~ po 100&-' CONPUHENIIn PLANS 6: AM!NDt.a:HTI (R. 10/11) 'J-ll.ooa "--' 1. 1k ptopoecd ruture land we plan map dcsiption 01 the subject prcpeny; the bortM.."Y 01 the subject prope.I1y ud its IocItiol1 in rdatioD to the IUfT'OUftd.in& Itrcct ud thorouPfarc DawOl"k ahall be shown GD a map; 2. The pratftt &aDd we desipaticlDI 01 the subject pi openy ud abuuiDc pl"opcrUcs GD the future land we map lball be IbowD GD a map; 3. The aile 01 the subjcc:t pi opul'l in acres or rractioas tbereoI; . 4. A dcacriptioD 01 the anilabi1ity 01 aDd the demand on the lollowiDc public facilities: DDiwy 1C'WCf. did waite, draia.ase. potable water. trafrac c:iraa1ation ud recreation. u approp iatc; ud 5. lnfonD&tioa rcprdiac the ampatibility 01 the proposed land UJe ~~tI with the land UJe element objecliva ud policies. ud thole or other afi'c:ctcd dementi; (c) StafT. aDd local p,.,,,i,,, acmc:y ud the local P'ef'Iling body ftCIOITl~tioDs and five copies or suppol1 doc:wneDt(.) or summaries olsuc:h support documents GD wbic:h the reeom~.tioal rc:p.ni.ins the propoICCI plan ammdmeDt(.) aJ'C based; (d) A copy ol the eft1uatioa and appn.iaJ report done in conjuDcUon with the propoeed amendment(.). if applicable. (2) Any plan amendment which is not icScDtiraed u directly related to . dcvdopmcnt ol rqiocaI impact. iJdudiDc substlntW deviatiom and Florida Quality Dcvdopmcftts, . propoecd ana1l tcale dcvdopmczlt. or an ......c. .~y, will be considered to be an amendment submitted for ODe or the two times per calendar year that plan amendments may be adopted. This prorision is hOt to pru:lude the allowed exemptions from being included in the coad.idatcd IinIle suNnimon ror each of the two plan amendment adoptioa times durin! the calendar year. All exempticris JDUIt be dearly ideDtiraed. (3) All plan ammdmtrtu must meet the requiraDmtl ol Ilule 9 J-5, f10ricla AdmiDistratift -code. . Spet:il'1C Audtori'T IZO.$J(I)(b), 16J.J177(9) FS. lAw 1-.,rJ.... r-~ 16J.J177(9), 16J.J114(Z). (J). (15). 16.J.JII7(1). (2), 16J.J1P1 FS. HiIttDtr-N"" '-Z2-n, A~ I~II"'. 'J-11.008 Acdoa upoD Receipt or I'\"fl ~ " Local Coo.... oJ,._ CampreLcw:woe P1a.D CIr' PIaD A,m-.d-t. ... (1) The Department shall rmcw the ID&ICrial submitted to CDIUJ"C that all 01 the applicable comprehensive plaD materials required by O1aptcr 9J-5, Florida Adft';n~ratiYe Code, and this Chapter arc iJdudcd in the pacbce submitted ror review. The Depanmcnt win lend . DOtifit:atioa to the IocaJ ~t.when their submittal is . complete. (a) If the tn.nImittalleuer with the propoeed comPrehensive plaD rails to ltalt the date(s) tha~ the required public hc:arin& wu held prior to transmittal, the Depanmczlt ahall, within 5 working days oCthe receipt oCthe plan. send a notice to the !~ ~t ~~ ~~~ ~~! ~~ ~~~~ a '---"" '. traDlminaJ public hcariD& within 21 CI.~n days after the DOtice is mailed to the local ~t. The p.~ plaD win DOt be p&~ ror rmcw until the DcpuuDcDt .c.a wriqcD DOtiGc:ation &am the local ~ body or ita dcsipec ltating the dale that the IocaJ ~Wc body bdd the traDlmiual public IariDI- TIle ..mew time IpCCirICd in Scaion 163.31.... Florida SWutca. will DOt COCI'~ 8DCi1 the required wriuen DOtiracation is .cce:ftId by the Dcpan:mmt. (b) If the ~opoeed ClDIrIpfckDs:.e plan IUbmittal ~ doca DOt iDduclc.the required dc:mcDia purIu&Jlt to ~Wt 163.3177. Florida StatuteS, the Dcpanmeat win rollow the poriaions in kule 9 J -11.009. Florida AdmiDiJtratiYe Code. (e) If the P'~ ~\IC plan submittal pac:bce iDducScs the required dements, but doca not include ODe or more itaDI required to be adopted pumwst to Ilule 9J-5.00S(I)(e), Florida Administrative Code. the DcpuuDcDt shall, within 5 wortiDs days 0( rca:ipt 01 the plan. DOtify the CDGW:l penon ror the local ~ that the "';..;'" itaD(.) IDUIl be ...u;..cd within 14 days after the DOtice is mailed to the local &~ DmCDt. A CDpt' at this DOliG-. will be IeDt to the . -=__1 pl. The' appropriate.~ _n".", asaxJ. DOtJCe shall iDdicalt that the rqjoaaI pI_"fti~ IICDCy may Deed to initiate the preparation proc:c:a if the local JOV'CZ'1UDCDl CI.DDIOt rorward the -;..;'" itcm(.) u required. If the Dcpu1mcDt docs not receive the ...i-lns iu:m(.) within 14 days after the -.-mns or the DOtice. the DcpuuDcDt shall DOtify the local ~t aDd the rqiooaJ planniD& qmcy that the rqioaal pbn"i",1ISCDC)' baa the raponsibility to prepare ud adopt by rule, pursuant to Chapter 120. Florida Statutes. the ",i-l", iu:m(.) by a specified date. The DOtificatioa shall be ICDt Crom the Din:csor. DiviDoo ol1le::Darce PJ-""i", and . Mu.arcmmt to the c:hicf' elecud olC'lCial 01 the loc:aJ JOV'CZ'1UDCDl aDd the Exa:uu..e Diftct.or 0( the appropriate rqiocaI plf"";'" c:ounciI by ca1iraed mail, retunl receipt requeslCd. Upon receipt ol the DOtUaticG" the rqiocal pI_""i", acmc:y IbaIl rollow the poriaions in S41~tom 9 J -11.009(3) ud 9J-ll.OO9(4), Florida ^"",i.,iaPauve Code. (d) If the ~. ~ve plan IUbmittal ~ doca ;.. iDdude the required support doeu~ u-=d in fonnulatins the plan or summaries or the su~ docwnentation and the required exiat.inc conditions map&. the Depanmcnt will i"'~i.tcly DOtify the local ~t. Failure to. pl"OYide the requiftd documentation dwinc the review pnlCCII will result in an objection by the Depanmcnt and aha1I be the basis for a determination ol not m er-nplj-~ wheD there is the lade ollUCh docWDcnwiocl. (2) When a p-opceed plan am=dmcnt docs DOt iDdUde all the Wormalioo required by Rule . 9 J - 11.006 ol this Chapter, the Depanmcnt will lend . DOtice to the local JO"'CI'lUI"ent. within five .workihl days 0( receipt or the amendment, identiCying the additionaJ information required. The proposed plan amendment will not be processed for review until all the required /Dt (B. 10/18) IJ-ll.009 v... p.l006-4 DlPA&'I'MIHT OF 00t0IUNrJT APFADS 'J Wormalioa is aYailabk ~ distribute ror ..mew. The Depanmmt rmew time spec:U1Cd in Section 163.3184, FIoridaStat\dCI, will DOt {-/}od~._...,., UIltiI all requited iDCormatiaD is ,cd br &be DcpanmalL (') WithiD rift wortiac days fll receipt elthe aubmiuaJ J*bIe. the DcpanmeDt IhaD traDIIDit c:cpies ~ piau. pans. fll plus. or plan a~~ to vanous acmacs aDd ~,.H 1!Dm". .. appropriate. ror their rmew aDd wriual ~.t[. Tbc:Ie ac=cics aDd ~ may iDdude but DOt be liIniud to, the roUowiDc: (a) The appropriate rqioDaI pI."";,.IFDCY; (b) The appropriate CDUDty -laDe! pI.""i"S aa=cY; (c) The Dcpanmalt el EmiromDental Jlqulatioo; (d) "I'M Depanmmt el Natura! Raowus; (c) The Depanmmt fll Trusporwioa; (I) The &ppropiate waIa' ~t clistricu; W Florida .Depanmmt or State; (h) Florida Game aDd Frahwater Faah Commiaioa; and (i) The Department fll AaricWtw"C aDd CoftIwDcr Seniccs, DiYiDan fll FCII"CSU'J (COWlty plans Clftly). (4) Municipalities may rmew aDd iI'lNftrN'ftt ClD the caDJftbcmivoe plam aDd ,~~,.tt el adja.c:c:Dt local ~ ud aabmit IUCh ftWftrN'fttJ to the DcpanmalL The municipality m\Llt r&lc a wriucn request with the ~ body 01 the adjacent local sow:mmeot. requcstiDc a copy of the amprebcmive plan or .~~t be submitted to the municipality at the same time a copy is submitted to the DepanmmL A copy 01 this request Ic:uer should be ICDt to the Dcpanmalt 10 that the Dcpanmmt will be DOCifICd that it may receive ~rN"I\1I Cram u adjacalt municipality_ Municipalities may IUbmit writ1al iI'lNft-u. objcctioas and ft""IV"--'.t~ to the Dcpanmalt within 4S days 01 receipt. (5) In ~ns ~~tJ. abjeaioGl. ud rer-n--"tioDJ, the ,~~~ aamcia mponlibilitics IhaD iDdude but DOt be liIniud to the roUowiD&: (a) Itniew by Itate -cadcs and the water ~t districu will relate 10 the aatutory rapoaaibilitics of the ~ ud will iDdude comrDCDtJ, objeaions aDd mxxnmc:Ddatiocu rcprdiDc those areas required to be addreacd in the caDprcbcDIi.e plan br Chapter 9J-S, Florida }JIminictrative Code, aDd Sec:tioos 163.3177 and 163.3178, F10rida StatUICL (b) The rmew by the &ppfopriate rqiocal . pI.....i~ acenc:y will be primarily In the context of the relatioaship aDd dYed of the local plan, aDd c:ommcDU of any othcT rqiooaJ iccnc:ia to wIUc:h the rqionaI pl. ....i "I qcncy may baYC rd'erred the plan. RqionaJ planrUnc ~ which ~ local ~t plans or dc:mcnu pursuant to Seaion 163.3167(3), Florida Statutes. sha11 DOt review or camrnent oc thoR plaN or elements unless the ~lans are ~ by the ,~t permDmt aDequeDt to preparation by the rcp.w pI-"";~ 1lpDC)'. (e) The CDUDtJ Iud pI."";1PlI1lICDCY rmew of IDUDicipal camprc:hcmi\IC plaDa aDd .~~u . IhaD be primarily AD the cor- of the rrI-tw-m,p' aDd imp-t of the IocaJ plan or ---'!N""t ClD the CDUDty plan. '.latv-hipl .,.,.... the requiraDmtJ placed upoD CIIUDt)' ICf ,,~, ~pltlhi1ity fll adjacmt Iud .... aDd dI'caI ClD lDtaiocaJ ...~tI. (d) The ..mew by miallidplUtieJ will be pimariJy in the ClDGteXt 01 the r-I~;p aDd erred of the J5ropoIed ClDmpfdlCDlive plan or ~~t ClD the mwUcipal plan. Itfi,~pI bducSe the requiremeDtJ placed upon municipal temecs. eompatibility fll adjlcmt led mea. and dYcctI OIl interioeaJ a&J ~tI. (6) The aaencics and pc:mmenulhall provide a writ1al responIC to the Depanmmt within 4S caICDdar days af&er receipt 01 the plan, elcmcDu or ~mentJ rrom the DepanmmL Such I"CSpODIe must be Iiped by an qcocy bead or authorized iDdiridual(a). The elate the aa=cics and penuDCDu recei.e the plan. element or .--'~tJ IhaD be d--' to be the r&Cth caleDdar day af&er the day the pcputmeDt mails the plan, daDcDt or ammd~~ The Depanmmt shall mkul.t~ the nspoa~ deadti.- Cor the acmcics and ~ rram this ~lft.Ated receipt d.ate. UDlca the Dcpanmmt receives writ1al Datirac:atiClD Cram a ~ acmcY that the plan, dCIDeDt or ---'mmt .... received later thaD me c:almcbr days af&er mailias. Sped/"IC Autbori'T 12O.$J(1)(b), 16J.Jln(p) n. uw ~fed 16J.Jln(P). 16J.J114(1)(b), (2), (4), (5), 16J.J1I7(2) FS. Hi#t1rr-New P-Z2.n. ~ I~II~ . ~J . .. IJ-l1.009 Adiaa Whal Local GOvcnu:DeDt Coaaprehcmift PlaD . Not Submitted u SdaaluW iD ~pIa' 'J-l2, F. A. c. (1) When a local poamneDt has DOt submiued the can~.e plan or all fll the dr:mmt(a) required in Section 163, Pan II, Florida SWuus, aDd O\&pter 9J-S, Florida AdmiDlJtrativc Code, the Depanmmt shall DOCity the local permDmt rcpntinc the miainc plan or demeDt(a), within 5 wcdihs days of the due date e-t.bI~ in Chapter 9J-12. Florida AdminiJt.rat.ive Code. This DOtific:ation Ihall be ICDt rrom, the Director, Division or ke:IOurce Planains aDd M~t, to the chief dectcd official of the local pcmment by certified mail, rctW'D receipt requested. A copy of the above rd'uma:d ftOtific:ation will be ICDt to the appt opI iate rqionaI plazminJ JlSCDCY 10 that the rqionaJ pl."";" qmcy may prCk'ick at least a 90 calmdar day written notice to the local sow:mmeot that they will usume the planrU"I rcsparWbility aDd shall proceed with preparation 01 the milling caDprchemiYC plan or dement(l) by a specified d;ate. The copy shall be tent Cram the Director, Division or R.CIOW"Cle P1annins and Management to the Ez.ecutive Director or the appropriate rqiorW planninc council by certified mail, return receipi ~uC$ted. ~) (lL 10/U) V. '" p. l00&-4A 00Mf'UH!NSIVE PlANS. AM:EHDMDn'S . 'J-U.oll '\..-- (2) The DOtice to the rqioDaJ pI,,,,,i.. aamcy AdministratM Code, the. &we CamprchcDliw: ahalJ indicate that the rqiouJ J'U""i'-l-cmcy has Plan and the appropriate c:amp c:bc:miw: rqioaa1 the responsibility to prepare aDd adopt by rule, policy plan. punuant to Chapter 120, Florida Statutca. &he (2) TheDcpanmeatwillC\-~aU....."""",",u, miaiD& cunprehcmiw: plm or demeDt(l) or adopt objectiooa aDd ~..v.+tw- ha:iftd as it by rule amcDdment(l) to the nti-ti"l plan. by. formulates ita own tdloCll.,K 1k Dcpanmeat may lpecified date. . ~JXlIate writICD n:II~II[J .-.:~ iDto ita own (3) Prior to iDitiatinc the pr.",,;~ pr'OCItII, the ftWft_u, ~ aDd 1- ./ mA-Nw to rqiooal pI,,,"i.. qmc:y IhaU pnMde allcut . 90 cmure that &be writICD ,~ ~. r~ri:d will be calendar day W1'iua1 DOtice to aay IocaJ ~t ClMlicllrc:d by the local ~ priar to plan or . whose comprd.tmi" plan or danCllt(l) it b .~t ~~ requirul to prepare. aDd specify the date that it will (3) The DcpanmeDl, widaiD 45 ~'-'_.. days begin work on &be ft)i-inc cunprd.cmiw: plan or after the I"CICdpt II writteD r~I" , (ram the eJcmeDt(I). A CDpf cl this written ~ (ram the appropiate 1(...~-iDs ac'CDCia IiIud ill Rule rqionaJ ~.""htl acCDCY to the local ~t 9J-ll.008(3) and 9J-tl.oo1(4) cl this ~.pur, ahalJ be mailed simuJp.neousIy to the affected lea! will IeDd ita (o4l'tIlV'ft~. ~iml and pcmment aDd to the Direaor, Division or rw-n--'_ttt- &0 the local pw:miac body. 'The RCIOW"Ce pl.""i~ aDd Manacement. Depanmeot Depanmeot'. ftWft_... objeaiooa aDd or Community Affain, 2740 CeIltcniew Dmc, rec:ommendatiaa to the local ~ body will be Tall&hulce, Florida 32399. . ICIlt by the Di.ftaar, Dm.aiaa clR.aource pt.""i", (4) Before &he adopcioft by the rqional pIanniDs and Manacc:sDmL For &be iDformatiaD cl the local qency of the cunprcbcnsiw: plan, or dcmc:nt(I) ~ the Dcpanmeat will attach a cmpy cl pursuant to Subeectioo 163.3167(3), Florida the written n:II~~ rccd~ from the rcwiewiDc Statutes, the rqional pI-"";", asency lball acmcics. n.e Depa.nmeDt will ICIIId a CDp)' of ita transmit 10 copies or the propaeed c:omprdllCDliw: ~u. ~. aDd ftllo",\"","",,_n.- to the plan, or dtmCQt(l) or pla.n ~~t(I), torethc:r approp iate rcwiew JCCDdcs ~6ed ill Rulca with live copies of support ~mmtl UIed in 9J-ll.008(3) and 9J-t UJ08(4) ollhia ~..-. rormulaq the pIaD or clcmeDt(l) or Jl.ItnlftAM of (4) Local ~ are ~ to utilize the suppon doe'"'ftWOftu if DOt popoeed to be the informal ~;-tioa procea -.).Jmw.d by each adopted, to the local ~t and the rqiooaJ pI_.."i~ ~ punuuat to Seaion IXpanment in ac=rdaDce with the proriaiom 01 186.509, Florida SWuta. to raalwe c:oof1icu Section. 163.3164, Florida Statutes. The ba-...cc:n the local aowa~t and rniewiDs ....._. Depanment'l copies Iball be .transmitied to the armcia wboee writtcD ~ ."" may haft nsult.ed Chief, Bureau or Local PlanrUDI, Depanmem of in' an objeaioo aDd rw-nflW'ft(f,~ by the Community AfWrs, 2740 CcnterYiew Drive, DepanmeoL Tallahassee, Florida 32399. Sp<<i/'IC Audxrilr 1msJ(I)(I>), 16J.J/n(p) n. uw (5) The Department IhaU ..mew aDd make lmp/~ 16J.J/n(p). (10), 16J.JII4(I)(I>). (6) FS. written -~t'. objectiODl. aDd H~N", p..zz-n. .. rec:ommendatiODl em the cunprchensiw: plan, or IJ-ll.o11 LDc:aJCO"...~~oflhe eJcment(l) or plan amcndmcnt(.) in accordaDce CompreLc-:...,- P1aD CIl' PJaa .....--'-t aDd with Rules 9J-11.oos aDd 9J-11.010 01 this Submittal _ die Coenpl:'- ae.iew. Chapa'. (t) In the cae ct a CIOrDpftbemiw: plan or . . (6) If the local ~ has DOC submitted . .~JN:nt IUbmiued panuant &0 S"~. propoted CIOrDpftbemiwe plan after 90 c:aleDdar 163.3167(2),FIoridaSwuta,thelocal~t days fram the due date, punuant to Chapter 9J-I2. ahalJ have 60 calmdar da- to..&- or..&- with Florida Adminiltratiw: Code. the Department Ihall ,. .......-. --a^ notify .L_ Administratioa CanmisDoc 10 that it cDancea. the P'~ .~w: plan or '""" a~t afla' the / I"CICdpt 01 ~tI, may impose the saDetiona spccUacd in Sut.cction objeet~1 aDd .t-:<...I\-md,ticm from the 163.31 64{1 1 )(a), Florida Statutes. "---L In the cue 01 a ---' ~t rt) The DOtice to the AdminiJtration ......... ~ ,.. v,.- " submitted pumwu to Seaioa 163.3187, Florida CommiaiOD shall be leftt by the. Seaetary. Statutes, the local ~-t baa 60 caJmdu days Denspt-t 0( Community Affairs. D-'-- r- --' to adopt, adopt with ~, or DOC adopt &he Spcc:if"1C Audtorirr 120.5J(1)(b). l6103ln(p) FS. uw proposed .l'nn'dtnmt after rc:ccipt 0( the commcIlU. lmpJr:nxntod 16103/67(2). (J)./6J.Jln(p). 16103/14(2). obiHotiODS, aDd ..-.-.rnerwf-ticm from the (J). (4). (5). (6) FS. HiMrT-1kw P-D-87. r- DepartmenL . 'J-11.010 r.~ Loc:a1 Co\.u~ (2) The local ~t may request that the . Comprehemivc Plan or Propoeed .....--'-t Department pankipate in the ~oa public Jteview. . bearing whicb it held to a3Claider- adoption of the (1) The Depanment shall review each propoeed comprehensive pIaD or plan ammdment. comprehenaiw: plan or amendment to determine The loc:aI ~t ahalJ live the Dcpanment at whether it is consistent with the requircmenti of least 14 calendar days wriucn naUce, lent by Sections 163.3177, 163.3178, 163.3164, and cenific:d mail, to the Chief, Bureau of Local / t>eo 163.3187, Florida Statutes, Chapter 9J.5. Florida Planning. 2740 Centc:rview Drive, Tallah&ssee, ~ID~) - 'J-l1.tJ12 DEP.unaNT OF 00MMUNrIY APFADS v. 4, po 1006-48 Florida 32399, requcstiDc the I)eparuDeDt 10 will DOt be IUbject ID a ""-pli__ review. . . . the a*-' blie .......:- The Spt:dI'IC AutAority 1ZtUJ(I)(II). IO.JI"(P) 1'$. Law parbapate an --.-.on pu . -;... I_ooJ-...J 16J.J167('), 16J.J1"(P), lO.JII4{I)(b), Dcpanmmt will DOtify the local pvemment ,--.- n. H. whctha- it will or will DOt aUCDd the bcariDc. (2), (6), (1), (15), 16J.J111(1). 16J.J191 ~- (3) Whhin Ii.c workiDc days alter'..soptioft. the ~ P-Z2.n, A - ~~ 10.11.. JocaJ pvemment Ihal1 aubmit fl\'C copia 0( the 'J-U.o12 CompliaDce Itnicw ad NoIicc or adopted CClIIlpl ehcmi.c plan or in the cae 0( (rot_t adopt.cd amendment(.), fl\'C CDpics 0( the adopted (I) Upoo receipt 0( the adopted plan or I~rnl'ftt(.), and a copy ol the ordiflAI'<'" amendment. the DepartmcDt Iball ..mew, within adoptin& the CClIIlprchcnsi.c plan or ammdJl'"'t(.) 45 calendar days. the plan or ..-.d- 10 10 the DepanmenL This material ahalJ be IeDt to the determine CClIIlpliaDcc aDd sbalJ iaue a Notice 01 Chief, Bureau 01 Loc:a1 Pl-ft"inc, 2740 Ccnteniew btcDt ID. flDd ~.plan or ~~t in mnplilner Dmoc, Ta11ahusce, Florida 32399. Tbc foUowin& or DOt an eompl'.-, it.eml Ihal1 be ,.,h.ftitted with the adopted (2) Tbe I)eparuDeDt'. detamiDation 0( canprehcnsi.c plan or aJ!lln'd~t: compliance will be baled upoo the objecUoas aDd (I) A liIliDs of additional cbanp made in the ~ IUbmitt~ ID the local pvemment adopt.cd plan or amendment which weft not pursuant ID Rule 9J-tt.otO(3) aDd any chaftrcs previously reftewcd by the DcpartmenL TIUs made by the local pvemment ID the amprcbcmi.c liaUD& dWl iDcIuck the identifac:ation 01 the apedfic plan or ~"""'t as adopc.ed. Tbc Depanment ponioos that were c:haDscd with mCl"CftCe ID will consult with rmew ~ as required, pior appropriate pap. Jr pcaible, DeW &cxt in the plan ID the iauaDce 01 the Notice ollDteDL should be underlined and itcml ddeud should be (3) U the DepanmeDt is requested ID participate Ilnack IhrouP- in the public hearing at the adoptioa ure. aDd bas (b) A Iistin& 01 fandinp 01 the local JOVCnUnc 1CCti...ed the required wrium DOtice punuant ID body, if An)', which were DOt included in &he Ilule 9J-U.0t1(2), the DepartmcDt may DOt flDd ordi,,_- and which pvYided the buis 01 the the adopted plan or ,--'lftfftt DOt in ampliaDce adopt~ oIa proposed plan or plan ..ftV'ftdment or UDlea it participated In the heuiD&- the detamiDation DOt ID adopt the propoeed plan (4) The DepartmcDt will publish a Notice ol a""""'--L IDteDt in a Dt\oo .paper 01 a=eral cimalat.ioa in the (c) AltltcmcDtindicatiD&therdatiomhipofthe area from which the plan or demmt orW".tf'C in additicoa1 c:haDccs DOt prcYiously rCYiewed by the the manner required by Seaioa 163.3t84(t5Xc), Dcpan:mc:nt to .the comments, objections aDd Florida Statutes, ud will iDdude but DOt be limited ~""""'I'ioru from the DeparuncnL . ID the following WormatiOD: (4) ID the case or a awnprcbczW.c plan or (a) Name of local pvemmentj ~tncnt submitted pursuant 10 Sll~ioft (b) Ideotif'ac:ation 01 the c:ampreheoai.c plan or t63.3t67(3). Florida Statutes, the pt'OYiJions or plan amendmcnt(.) ID which the DOUce refers; . 9J-11.o11(1), (2), and (3) aha11 apply ID the (c) Whether the plan or a.mtN!tpmt is in rqiona1 pl_"l'li"l council II if it weft the Ioca1 ampliance or DOt in c:ompli_"'T~ ". JOVCnUnc body, except that the rqiooaJ planning (d) Loc::ation where plan or plan ammdmmts, CDUDCiI aha11 submit a.copy 01 the rule adoptiac the qether with the Deparuncnt'. ....--ts, c:ampreheoaiwc plan. dement or alMNflM"lL objec:tiom. ud 1"ealInJDmd'~'. are anilable for (5) In the cue where the local pvemment publie iDspcaiocj ud makes the detamiDation DOt 10 adopt a p-opceed (e) JUshta 01 arrcctcd pcnoD(.). plan ,--,l'N'"1., a letter must be leftt ID the (5) A mpy or the Notice or IDleDt will be mailed Depanmeot within Ii.c worir:inc days to Worm the to the local pvemment, the..mew acmcXs Iiaed in Deparuncntolthisdedlioa.ThisIetter'JhallbeleDt Rule 9J-tt.008(3), aDd ID putool.wbo n:quest a 10 the Chic!, Bureau 01 Loc:a1 PlaDninc. 2740 coPt ol the DOtice.ltcqutltS for a ~ ol a Notice or Caucn-icw Drift, Tal~ Florida 32399. InteDt aha11 be in writiDc aDd Jhal1 be IeDt ID the (6) In the cue where the Ioc:aJ pvemment Chid', Bureau of Local Pl-""h'l. 2740 CcntcrYicw adopts c:ornctions, updates and modifications of the Dri.c, Tal1ah.usee, Florida 32399, aDd shall capital Unplo.aDCftts dc:meDt conc:cmins emu, specify the plan or ameodmeot by the name or the revalue ~. la:qonce of lacilitics or (acility local ~t and by onlinaDce number or ocher c:onmuction dates punuaDt 10 Section formal designation. t63.3177(3)(b). a copy 01 the ordiDanCe shall be (6) The Notice 0( InteDt aha11 tit issued by the submitted ID the 'Deparuncnt within ten working Director or the DivisioD 01 Jtc.ource pt."l'li"l ud days afeer adoption. If a local pvemment adopts MaDagemcnt, Deparuncnt 01 Community Arrain. COI'T'CCliocs, updates, or modUac:a~DJ or CUrT'ent (7) Jr a Notice of IDteDt b iaued ID fand the COSlJ in other elements which were let out II pan or adopted plan Or amendment DOt in canpliance, the the compreheosi.c plan, a copy or the ordinance Department wiIJ forward a copy or the Notice or 1ha11 be Submitted to the Depanment within teD Intent 10 the Division or Administrative Hearinss, working days afeer adoption. Copies 01 the reference Dcjwunent or AdminiJtratiOD, requesting a ordinances in thiSlcaioo olRule9J-ll.0t1.hall be hearing. DuriO! the4S-day period provided in Rule sent to the Chid', Bureau or Local Planning, 2740 9J-I1.012(1). Florida Adminictrative Code, the Centerview Orin, Tallahassee, f'ln:"h:'1 :"??99 ",-"\d D~!,..!'trr.ent shdl illue ~ ~ri~:~} ~~:t~I:le~~ <;>! . .J I .---./ .. 101 v. 4, po 1006-fC . COMPI.EHDGI\'E PLANS. AMDIDWIN1'5 (Il. 10/11) 'J-11.o12 '--- lIltcnt to fmd the plu or ammc!mmt DOt in c:anp1ianc:e. 'I"M Slatanef't ollDt.ent aha11 coatain a aatement dclcribillc bow each portioa 01 a comprehensivt plan or plan ammd~t alIcpI to be DOt in ClOCDpli,~ is DOt ~~t with one or more provisioas 01 Seaioas '63.3177, 163.3178, 163.3 , 91, Florida Statuus. the ute comprc:t.cnsivt plan, the appropriate amp-c:bensivt rqiouJ policy plan, or (;h.J.prr 9 J -5. Florida Administrativt Code; a JtIl1rn""'t or ~i.l acUODS that the 1oc:a1 pamDCDllDUIt ~pI~t in order to briDe the plan iDIo ~pli.ftfP A copy or the Statancftt or Immt shall be mailed to the local ~t aDd to pulODl who Rqucsted a copy of the Notice ollntalt. 'I"M Dcpanmcnt shall falc a petitiob Rqucstin& aft ,A_i"dtratM bcariDc and rdid' with the DiviDca 01 Ad",i~i"rativt Hc:ariap. 'The petition shall incorporale the itsuc:s coataiDed in the Statcmc:ftt of lIltalt.. and the ScatancDt of latent and the Notice oflntalt shall be flied with the petition. The beariD& olraccr shall submit the ruunmcnded order 10 ahe AdmiDistration Canmiaioa for faul ac=cy action. (8) If a Notice or Intent is issued to find the adopc.ed plan or ~~t in compliance, afty atrcced pcnoa. within 21 c:aJenda.r daY' af'ta' the publication 01 DDtice punuant to Ilute 9J-ll.012(4), may me a pc:titioo cha1lenciD1 the dcu:nniDaUon of compliance with the DcpartmcDt pursuant to ~ 120.57, Florida Statutes.. . (a) The petition aha11 be GIcd with tM AcmeY Clerk. Depanmmt of Community Arrain. 2740 Ccntcrview Drivt, TallahaDce. FlOrida 32399. Each petition aha11 be typewritten or otht:rwUe duplicated in lqible fonn Oft white paper of su.M.ard letter size. Un1ca printed., the imprasioa shall be Oft one side ot the paper only and liDCI shall be double-spaced aDd iDdcnted. Each petition shall contain the foUowiDs: 1. 'The Depanmmt docket Dumber, tr bown; 2. The IWbC of pany on wboet behalr the petition is nled; . " 3.' The name. address, and tdephobe Dwnbcr ot the penon f&liD& the petition; 4. The lipturc of ahe penon raIq the petition; 5. A utc:mmt ol facu sutticicnt to show that petitioner is aft affected pcnoa. as deraned in Subleaion 163.3184(1), F. S.. indudins ahe date(l) and method by. which ahe petitioner submitted objcaions durin& the loc:aJ ~ent..mew and adoption procx:edinp; 6. ^ statement identirying the comprehensivt plan or plan ameDdment(l) which. is cbal1enred, including the lWne of the Ioc:al sovemment.. date of adoption, ordinance Dumber(l) or other apecific formal dcsignation(I); 7. ^ statement describing how each ponion or a . CX)mprehensivt plan or plan amendment allc:pd to be not in compliance is not c:ons.imnt with one or mort provisions or Sections 163.3177, 163.3178, 163.3191. Florida Statutes, the state cunpreh~ve plan, the appropriate comprehensive rqional policy plan, or Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code; and '-- 8. Ad--ftA for relief to which the petitioner dcaDs bimIdl altidcd. (b) U the DcpuuDeDt determines that the ~ by aft alreaed penon is sufracimt.. the t sba11 forward the petitioa to ahe DiYilion 01 AdminiItratM Hc:ariQp. Dcpanmcnt a ^4",i"i~ratiac. withiD 10 days 01 the rcuipt of the pctitioc, and request a Iariac be IIdd in the alrccted local jurildittioa A CDpJ of the traDlmiual Icuer sba11 be IC:Dt to the pcdtiaaa', aDd a CDpJ of the traDlmiualleucr aDd the ~t~ IbaJ1 be ICDl to the local pamDeDL (c) .Failure to dme1ylile a pctitioft witbiD the 21 c:aJtM,r daY' af'ta' the publ;"'~ of the NClIIice of lDtent pursuant to I.uJc 9J-11.o12(4), F. A. C., sba11 c:aDIthut.e a walva- 01 any ript to Rquelt an M1",i"i~rat.ivt prooledinc UDder ~loa 120.57, F. S. (d) If a petitiaD is filed that <<Ioes DOt substantially CIlIDply with the RquircmcDu of 1Uh.eet~ (8)(a) of this naIe. the Dcpanmcnt Iba11 issue an order dianbsiD& the petitioft with Jeayt to me aft .~ petitioll camplyias with the RquircmcDtI 01 &his naJe Within 15 daY' 01 ttmce of the order. U an ammded pc:titioft complyiDs with this Me is DOt ralee! withiD 15 da)'l ollCftiCle 01 ahe order, the petitioDcr'. ript to a prc<1{{Ai, UDder Settion 120.57, Florida Statutes. is waMd. (e) U DO petition compIriDI with the RquircmcDlI 01 this nale is rlled, the Notice ollntcDt Iha1l be,(~,'# ww IFDCJ action. (I) Afta' the heariDs punuant to SaI~OD 163.3184(9), Florida Statutes, the hearins olraeer aball mail the reccrnmcnded order to the Apc:y Clerk. Dcpanmcnt of CommUDity Atrairs. 2740 Centcrview Driyt, Tallahaace. Florida 32399. <s> Within 10 daY' from the dale 01 rudpl of the: IlecxmmeDded Order by the. ~ Clerk of the Dcpanmcnt. parties to the ~i"l may me written E.xctpcioas to. the I f'ftVft-M'td Order with the ~ Clerk 01 the Dcpanmcnt.. with ICn'icc 01 a>>pitI Oft all panics. E.xctpcioas not nled with the A(.enc:y Clerk within the t.eD daY' shall be rcjeded. E.xctpcioas Iha1J Dle, with pania.darly, the buis for aaeniD& that the bcariDc olrlCCr and In ",-1.;01 or omiuin& tpecUlC fmdiDp of (act, CDDduDom 01 law ,or a ~""""".tioo. AzJy pany may ICn't: one ~ to E.xccptioDs within ten (10) daY' 01 ICI'Yice of the Exccpcions. The Deparunent shall iaut .. faul order within 30 days af'ter receipt of the ft"W"~ed onScr by the ~ Clerk uthe Dcpanmcnt dctenniDCI that the plan or plan amendment b in ~pJl'''ce. Jr the Dcpanmcnt determines that the plan or plan amendmc:nt b DOt in compli~. the Dcpanmcnt shall aubmit. within 30 days af'tcr receipt, the l"CCX)INl'lended order to the ^,t-inistration Commission for f&na1 acmc:y action. SpedI'lC Autltoritr IZO.SJ(I)(b), 16',JI77(p) FS. Law lrap/=xnred 163.3177(9). 16'.3114(8). (P), (10). (II) FS. Hi8rOl)'-N~ P-22-17. Ammdcd 10..11-&8. Librarr k/cn:aea: Brrant. Local ~t Compt'eht:tUivr Plans UH! the Adminimauvr Proa:durr Aa. 62 Th. B&r J. 41 (October 1988). IcJY ",' ~lDIU) , 'J-ll.ol' DEPAa'nGNI' OF 00NMUNJn AFFAIIlS V. 4, po 1006-41) 'J-U.olt IDterim Jlnoicw l\~ura. camp-chensive plan, or in cue 01 the ~~ts. (1) The proccdwa in Ilule 9J-l1'o14(2) ODe copy or the text and map(1) 01 the -~-~)t throu&b 9J-ll'oI4(8) 01 this Chapcr will be ad a copy 01 the ordi!l.~ """'i", the utili-' dwiD& the interim period betWCCft the camprcbcnsive plan or ~~L . clreaivc date oC this R.ule and the dale that the local (I) Plan ,..-Ml"'C:r'tI (lM\,ut-ed as IID.Il1 eca1c ~t camprcheDlivc plan is due pursuant to ~nt activities punuant ID S4~ion Cb.pur 9J-I2. F1crida .....""i.,iurativc Code. 163.3187(1)(e), Florida Statute.. are ~pc fram (2) The Dcpanmau Iba1l renew each the interim ..mew procedures. camprocbcmive plan or amcndmcDt so cIetenniftc $pedI"1C Autborirr 1ZD.5J(I)(b), 1f.U177(p) n. Law wbcther it meets the rcquircmc:DtI or Scc&ion '~eed 1f.U/77(p), IUJ/I4(Z), (I). (7). (14), J63.3177 Florida Scatuus (1983). IUJln(I), 10.3'" FS. IWw)-wVatt '-12-17. (3) The foUowiDc ltuJea 01 CIlIpa- 9J-11, 'J-noOl' S--:'_11.epart _ &maD ScaJc Florida ....."';n;ttraUve Code. will apply dwiD& the Dc.dopmcat j~_ t, interim period: 9J-ll.0()t, 9J-ll.oo2(2), (3), (4), (1) Each local pa1UDCDI shall IUhmit (5), (I), (9). 9J-ll.oo6(I), (2), aDd 9J-t1.008(2), ,....i.,,,,ua) reporu to the Dcpanmaat CX)OW.Jnc (3), (4), (6). the utilizatioa of &be mW1 ae dndopmud (4) The Dcpanmcnt Ihall CDDUnue the I"CYiew exemption. Fonn No. UM/LkP (9/87) CDtitlcd aDd c:cmmcnt provisions which were applicable "Semiannual Ilepon Oft Small Scale prior to October I, 1985, until comprcbcnaive plans Developments" shall be the fonn rcquiru! for submitted pu.nu.ant to Rule 9J-l1.004 arc ICDt to reponing and is hereby 1DcoIpcnted by reference. the DcpanmcnL The clrcctivc date of the fonn is the efreaive date or (5) Within 45 calmdar days afta'the rca:ipt 01 this O\apter. Copies cl the form IDa)' be obtained writleD rcspoc~ fram rmcwin& qeuc:ies. the fram the DcpanmcnL Dcpanmcnt will submit the wriucn re:spomcs (2) Jleporu mUlt be IUhmittcd SO .the rud~ tGrcther with ill OWD ~~ts. objcctiom Dcpanmcnt by July 1 01 each ~ar year for the aDd ~.tioas to the local pauiDg body puaSing ~ 24 SO JUDe 30 aDd by wbich submitted the ClClCDpC'Chcmivc plan or D--nhl-r 31 cl ac:h Cl'JeM.ar year for the ---'-L ~insJuly lto ~hcr23. Irl'OmWlec:aJe (6) No 1atcr tho 60 caJCDdar days afta' rca:ipt development ameMmc:DlI Wa"C poaacd by the cl the writtcll 'Ui~IK fram the Dcparune:nt. the local ~t as f'Wnrlpciom. the rcpon shou1d Jocal pa1UDCDIlhaJl adopt or adopt with c:ha.nscs ff)(J~tt "Not Applicable". Completed reporu shall the popciecd plan ClC' .~~t, or DOt adopt the be submitted to the Bureau of Loc:al PRftfti"" propceed .~mmL Dcpanmcnt' of Community Affairs, 2740 (7) Upoo adoptioa, the local pemmcnt shall Ccntc:rvicw Drive, T.lI.I..~. Florida 32399. submit to the Depanmc:Dt one copy ol the adopted Spet:il'1C Authority 12O.JJ(1)(b). 10.31"(9) FS. Uti' '~eed IO.J/O(I) FS. HiItJDI)-1kw '-Z2-17. " .... I J . ) -../ . Iv1 ?fz-e"Cityof 'Boynton 'Beacfi 100 'E. '13oynton '13eadi 'Boufevart{ 'P.O. ',Bo.t31O 'Boynton 'BL'adi, :JforiJa 33-125.0310 City:Ha{{: (-IOn i3.f.8111 ,-.>IX: (.fOi) i38.i.f59 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR January 30, 1991 Mr. Robert pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning Div. of Resource planning & Management state of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2740 centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Re: comprehensive Plan Amendment Ray Flow Properties - File No. 553 Dear Mr. Pennock: Enclosed you will find nine copies of documents (the tenth copy has already been forwarded to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning council, Executive Director) for the following Comprehensive Plan Amendment for the City of Boynton Beach: 1. Ray Flow Properties (Future ~and Use Plan Map Amendment) The amendment above was considered by the Planning and Zoning Board on Tuesday, December 11, 1990, sitting as the Local planning Agency, and also by the City Commission on Tuesday, December 18, 1990, at public hearings which were held after due public notice. The Boynton Beach City Commission has approved the transmittal of this plan amendment to the Department of community Affairs. with respect to Rule 9J-ll.006, which outlines the procedure and requirements for transmitting plan amendments, please be advised of the following: (l)(a) 1. The proposed month of adoption for this plan amendment will be based upon the date of completion of DCA's review within the 90 day statutory review period. It is anticipated that second reading of the ordinances to annex, amend the future land use element and rezone will occur within 60 days of receipt of comments from your agency. Assuming that the documents and information contained herein are sufficient, it is anticipated that second and final reading of the appropriate ordinances for this amendment will occur in June of this year. .>lmerica:~ (jate-uJaH tll tfic (jufj.\tream I/O , . TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -2- January 30, 1991 (l)(a) 2. The proposed amendment is not in an area of critical state concern. (1)(a) 3. The proposed amendment does not constitute an exemption from the twice per year calendar limitation on the adoption of comprehensive plan amendments. (1)(a) 4. The amendment is not proposed to be adopted under a joint planning agreement. (l)(a) 5. Contact person: Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Tel: (407) 738-7490 (1)(b)1&2. Since the proposed amendment is a change to the map and not a change to the Future Land Use Element text, nine copies of the future land use plan map only, are enclosed. (Please note that the amendment is a change from Palm Beach county's land use designation to a City of Boynton Beach land use designation, as this is also an annexation request from the County to the City, and that the city land use designation requested is consistent with the City's Future Land Use Map.) The information required for items (l)(b) 1 and (1)(b) 2 is included on the Future Land Use Map. (l)(b) 3. The total size of the property affected by the proposed amendment is 2.66 acres, comprised of a 1.25 .acre parcel and a 1.41 acre parcel. The size of the property is also contained within the enclosed staff report provided under cover sheet entitled "Staff Report" (Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-353) and on the enclosed, amended Future Land Use Plan Map. (l)(b) 4. The demand on public facilities is provided as outlined below: Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water correspondence is provided from the city utilities Department under cover sheet entitled "Sanitary Sewer and potable Water". Solid Waste correspondence is provided from the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority under cover sheet entitled "Solid Waste". Drainaae Correspondence is provided from the Lake Worth Drainage District under cover sheet "Drainage". ,.. //1 TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -3- January 30, 1991 Recreation Correspondence is provided from the City Planning Department under cover sheet entitled "Recreation". Traffic Circulation The applicant's traffic impact analysis and correspondence from the City Planning Department is provided under cover sheet entitled "Traffic Circulation". (l)(b) 5. Information regarding the compatibility of the proposed Future Land Use Map amendment with the Land Use Element objectives and policies and those of other affected elements can be found in the enclosed staff report. (l)(c) The staff recommendation is contained within the enclosed staff report. The recommendation from the local planning agency (Planning and Zoning Board) is contained within planning Department Memorandum No. 90-360, which is provided under cover sheet entitled "Local Planning Agency Recommendation". The recommendation from the local governing body (City Commission), which is identical to the recommendation from staff and the recommendation from the local planning agency, is contained within the enclosed excerpt from the minutes of the December 18, 1990, City commission meeting. This excerpt is provided under cover sheet entitled "Local Governing Body Recommendation". If you have any question concerning this plan amendment, please do not hesitate to contact Assistant City Planner, Tambri J. Heyden. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~ CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, A.I.C.P. Planning Director tjh Encs A: FlowDCA xc: Dan cary, Treasure Coast R. P. C., Executive Director Ray F. Flow Central File //;Y %e City of 'Boynton 'Beac/i 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bcadi 'Boufevart( 1'.0. 'Bo."\.31O 'Boynton 'Bcadi, :r{oTMa 33425-0310 City 9-fa{{: (40i) i34.8111 :J5IX: (40i) i38-i459 Mr. Pat Martin Lake Worth Drainage District 13081 Military Trail Delray Beach, Florida 33484 RE: Ray Flow Properties - File No. 553 Availability of Drainage Facilities Dear Mr. Martin: January 14, 1991 Pursuant to my telephone conversation Friday, January 11, 1991, with Mr. Wheelihan, I am formally requesting a statement in writing which verifies that there are drainage facilities available to serve the 1.25 acre and 1.41 acre parcels adjacent to each other. at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road, as illustrated on the attached location map. Please note that the 1.41 acre parcel is already developed and is currently occupied by a day care center called Little Dude Ranch. The.1.25 acre parcel is vacant and is planned for a maximum of 14 multi-family dwelling units sometime in the future. The state requires this statement for all land use amendment transmittals, which this is, and has specific time frames within which such required information must be transmitted to them. Therefore, your response would be greatly appreciated at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please call me at (407)-738-7490. Thank you. tjh Encs A: FlowLWDD xc: Chronological File .9lmerica:~ (jateway to tlie (julfstream Sincerely, CIT~OF BOYNTON BEACH ~'.Q ~~ ~ri J. H~d~n Assistant City Planner /13 ,;';,"R';;i~,'W}Kt;~A~-"~"I"'-O "N.'.i;M" "':^i?l~q;,;;; , ..'~::~,:;:;. :"}'~'~~~ : :;,I;~'~ IT\[fV6:. ,H.;t~ . li:R')~~~:~f~~~l;(~l.Q:~W\" >" :P;~~PR:O. '. 'p' ".E.r?;~m'~f'E,;"S.' 1;t\~~111;".<;,1T:;,~~'1 , ;'. . m,. ~~, . ~~"i"::'" . IJ l'l.:nl:fu~ri~ll~:,k';; I' i.J ~l;JI~II"; :'T;I . '~';:-J (~cY' ,~~-i;n ~~T:' ,~I n .~11; I' ,H. ;....:t.: \ ~~ l'L ~"_.to'" '..I!'. ".r:.- . ~-- H....l..;.;... .. \i.1 ~J.... , ..' . :.. &IE9"" ,,' ,,', ,:.:,,;, , '",' I, '. .' : I'; /"~. 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' ".: ."' ~ ,- ' ,,," "" 1" " ... ~ 1 ' ~~~J:'J ::::::-.....: ," ,t --w:J. fJ.t~ :":;, ;,;, C\.. ;;:..- ~-= '..,' -'0"'1- ... -=..t. .....DOntl \, 'Llr~',.., I ,', ';.1..1::. 7. _II :r, IJ\. ,. . ':;l, '\~ \ lirA" \ II.J' Irl Pl". " · 1\ · I ; -I :e.~mo.~..~: ~ -~ ::1"" :J / I A, p C D -" NDT ,IN, . " CITV,.,: . ., "'j \ ;;;; -z:; - ~N, , I" 1:1 .' I .. .... ) tq · ..' -... " .. . . .. . ..' -:. . - - '. o. ~ oj "L\J ~ ~ ... ~ ~ , F II) I/) ~ l( ~ C~ \) c III ,/ ~~ (-= I t~ [ED %e City of $oynton 13eac/i 100 'E. 'Boyttton 'Bcadi. 'Boulevara ~l'.O. 'Bo,t31O 'Boynton 'Bcac/i, :r(oriaa 33425.0310 City:Jfa([: (407) 734.8111 1".>lX: (407) 738.7459 January 14, 1991 Mr. Donald Lockhart Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County 7501 North Jog Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33412 RE: Ray Flow Properties - File No. 553 Availability of Drainage Facilities Dear Mr. Lockhart: This office is processing a land use amendment for the above-referenced project. I respectfully request a statement in writing, required for transmission of this request to the state, which verifies that there are solid waste facilities available to serve this project. As illustrated on the attached location map, this project is comprised of a 1.25 acre parcel and a 1.41 acre parcel, adjacent to each other, at the southwest corner of old Boynton Road and Knuth Road. Please note that the 1.41 acre parcel is already developed and is currently occupied by a day care center called the Little Dude Ranch. The 1.25 acre parcel is vacant and is planned for a maximum of 14 multi-family dwelling units sometime in the future. The state has specific time frames within which this information must be transmitted to them. Therefore, your response would be greatly appreciated at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions, please call me at (407)-738-7490. Thank you. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON~E.CH ~" . .~. J ~ . ~ Tambri J. H den Assistant City Planner tjh Encs A: FlowSWA xc: Chronological File .9l11lerica:~ (jateway to tfie (julfstrea11l ~ (1.5 r-, f '-.... {7;:~ \Jl;I PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-360 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~~ Christopher Cutro, Planning Director FROM: DATE: December 12, 1990 SUBJECT: Ray Flow Properties - Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission Agenda for Tuesday, December 18, 1990 under Public Hearings. DESCRIPTION: Request to show annexed land as "High Density Residential" amd to rezone from RM/SE (Multiple Family Residential with a Special Exception) and AR (Agricultural Residential) to R-3 (Multiple-family Residential) to allow future construction of mUlti-family units on the 1.25 acre undeveloped parcel and continuation of an existing day care center on the 1.41 acre parcel. Property is located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road at Knuth Road. RECOMMENDATION: ,The.Planningand Zoning Board unanimously recommended approval of the above-referenced.item, subject to the submittal of a conditional use application prior to adoption of the ordinance to annex the 1.41 acre parcel, and that 'building heights will be limited to two stories. CC:frb Enc C:PM90-360 )/0 ,.. ,.' I.... .' , ," Board of COjnty Commissioners .., , . ,.' . Carol J. Elmquist, thairma1'l' Karen T. Marcus, ~'icc Chair Carol A. Rob~rts}( ~ I Ron Howard .~, . . ) Carole Phillips County Administrator Jan \Vinters November 30, 1990 Department of Pl~mning, Zoning & Building Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director, City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: Annexation of the proposed Ray Flow day care center. Dear Mr. Cutro: The Planning, Zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of the proposed annexation of 2.66 acre property located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Beach Road and Knuth Road. Annexation reviews do not address questions of whether a future development order for the proposed annexation would be considered a previous approval vested against the 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance Standards. County staff comments are as follows: 1. PLANNING DNISION: Steve Morales, Planner , . The Planning Division has undergone a review of the proposed arinexationin accordance with Chapter 171, Florida Statutes and Palm Beach COUlity'S Interim Annexation Review Policy. The area to be annexed is contiguous to the City's current boundaries, and is located within the City's future annexation area. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: Bob Kraus, Environmental Analyst This site is not in a well-field protection zone nor are they considered environmentally sensitive. The Property has previously been developeu ClUJ does not contain sensitive native vegetation. 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator RECEIVED 4. SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT: Diana Newcomer, Criminal Justice Planner DEe 12 1900 PLANNING DEPT. Comments will be forwarded. Inclusion of this parcel into the city limits augments the already present mixed service area south of the Boynton Beach mall between Old Boynton Beach Road, Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach Blvd., and Knuth Road. Mixed service areas promote hazardous conditions for emergency responding vehicles because the agencies do not share the same communications systems. The Sheriffs Office recommends the city adopt proposals that both improve service levels for citizens and which does not increase the potential hazardsofor61~w400t 800 13th Street. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA jj'406. (41 17) ,W';, //1 @ printed on recycled paper Boynton Beach Annexation 12/6190 Christopher Cutro Page 2 enforcement officers. Having clearly defined lines for service and eliminating the mixed services areas will satisfy that recommendation. 5. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Allan Ennis, Development Review Engineer Comments will be fOIWarded. 6. UTILITIES: Linda Hammond, Civil Engineer, Engineering Division The properties are not within the County's service area. No Comments 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Richard Roberts, Assistant Director The proposed annexation results in the loss of ad valorem taxes of$761.09 as the above municipality does not participate in Fire-Rescue Countywide MSTU and the Library Taxing District. In addition, certain revenue (Le., utility service tax, franchise fees, sales tax and state shared revenues may be marginally reduced but cannot be estimated from the available information. 8. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Tim Granowitz, Principal Planner No apparent impact to the County's Parks Department. Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions. Please be advised that the comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners. Please include these comments with your backup materials for all meetings and hearings where this annexation is discussed. Sincerely, ~~~ Planning Director Attachment cc: Board of County Commissioners Bob Weisman, Administration Grace Johnson, Boca Raton Growth Management Bob Banks, County Attorney's Office Donna Kristaponis, Planning, Zoning and Building Bob Kraus, ERM Kathy Owens, Fire/Rescue Diana Newcomer, Sheriffs Department Allan Ennis, Traffic Engineering Division Linda Hammond, Water Utilities Richard Roberts, OFMB Tim Granowitz, Parks and Recreation Department Beth McCall, Zoning Division )Jf RECEIVED NOV 9 1990 PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director FROM: Sue Kruse, City Clerk SUBJECT: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of December II, 1990 DATE: November 9, 1990 Attached please find a copy of a public notice which has been scheduled for the December lIth Planning & Zoning Board meeting. Applicant: Owner: Ray F. Flow Ray F. and Sharon G. Flow Annexation and rezoning The notice was mailed to the applicant on this date and will be advertised in The Post on December 4 and 13, 1990. J~~ pr Attachment cc: City Manager City Commission //1 ,. CITY of I BOYNTON BEACH I : 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P; O. BOle 310 Boynton Buch. florId. 33435.0310 14071734.8111 : OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR November 1, 1990 Mr. Dennis R. Foltz Palm Beach County Planning Department 800 13th street . West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 RE: ~Ray Flbw ~ro~~~ties - File No. 553. Hypoluxo Road! Service Station - File No. 558 Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning Requests Dear Mr. Foltz: Enclosed you will find copies of the applications and related documentation for the above-referenced annexation and land use amendment/rezoningirequests. Please provide your comments concerning consist~ncy with the County's comprehensive plan and a summary of the County zoning categories which abut these parcels in the immediate vibinity by November 30, 1990. The first public hearing for these requests is scheduled for December 11, 1990. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~l~ Christopher cutro, A.I.C.P. planning Director tjh Enclosure .... A:PBCAnnex cc: Carmen' Annunziato,: Executive Director, Palm Beach County Wide Planning Council (with enclosures) central File . , . . ... /JV ;/ . . l , .\ PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-316 TO: Sue Kruse, City Clerk FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Assistant City Planner DATE: October 24, 1990 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Application (Ray Flow Properties) Submitted for October 1, 1990 State Deadline Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application and supporting documentation for annexation, land use element amendment, and rezoning for Ray Flow. The application fees have been transmitted to the Finance Department. The map advertisement has been prepared and forwarded to the City Attorney and will be forthcoming upon his and the city Manager's review. However, I am transmitting to you the original scale map used to make the map ad so that it may be utilized by the newspaper, if necessary, to print the ad without losing the details shown on the map. It is recommended that these applications be advertised as follows: \ Notice of property owners - at least 30 days prior to Planning and zoning Board public hearing First Map Ad - at least 7 days prior to Planning and Zoning Board public hearing 2nd Map Ad - at least 5 days prior to City Commission public hearing The above schedule still exceeds statutory requirement, but as you will note, the number of times the map ad is proposed to be publicized in the newspaper (prior to transmittal to D.C.A.) has decreased from past City policy for this type of application as advised by the City Attorney. Also, note that this application includes annexation and should be advertised for four consecutive weeks, consistent with Chapter 171.044, F.S., if approved by the City Commission and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. The advertisement forthcoming is to be used for both the notification to the surrounding property owners and for the newspaper advertisements. /} J~~~ TAMERI J. EYD TJH:frb Encs \ Jr?J l-___ . l REQUEST FOR.PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A co~pleted copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notic~ or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING OEPARTHENT: PREPARED BY: Tambri J. Heyden Planning DATE PREPARED: 10-23~90 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: , Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning ....' , . SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ~D REQUIREHENTS: (Size of Headline,. Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) One-quarter page map advertisement. Headline. must be 18 point letter size. Place ad in "Local News" section and not in legal or classified sections. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper, Planning Department Palm Beach Post NEWSPAPER(S) .TO PUBLISH: DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: Tuesday, December 4, 1990 and Thursday, December 13, 1990 APPROVED BY: ( 1) ~t.. b-L-:;~- (Dep rtment Head) October 23, 1990 (Date) ( 2 ) (Date) (.City Attorney) ( 3 ; (City Manager) (Date} RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COHPLET~D: }');? -'. NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE The City of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, change the use of land, and rezone the land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the Planning and Zoning Board on December 11, 1990 at 7:30 P.M. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. A public hearing on these proposals will also be held before the City Commission on December 18, 1990, at 6:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. c~A;l : :_r<<.} ~~:_~ _ ;'~ : ~.~ - .~-.,. -I" J LJ~ .SOYNTON SEACH MALL ~ iL' i i i i i i ~ .! I 1 ! I j I . ! I "0 < o a:: .W C,,) Z W c:: /I " t. r-r 3 ~ 8 ., ~ , , II H I I , i I . i r-gl~ APPLICANT: Ray F. Flow OWNER: Ray F. and Sharon F. Flow PROJECT NAME: Ray Flow Properties PROPOSED USE: Child Care Center (existing) and future multi-family residences LOCATION: Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - Residential 8 (Palm Beach County) To - High Density Residential (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - RM/SE & AR (Palm Beach county) To - R-3, Multiple-family Residential (City of Boynton Beach) ,f}; l...",,_ .. .. of' ~ , , . A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Jd~ L... . '- --....... .. . '--'" 8EE.10B~1I ..../ ,.... , e#'-" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ) ss ) BEFORE ME APPEARED__________________ /1988 THIS 14th OA'/NOV./ Pl::RSOtlALLY _______r!lBl~l!_!~_~~J~~________. WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES ANO'SAYS: That the accompanyino Property Ouners List is. to the ~est of his/her knouledge, a complete and accurate list of all property ouners, mailing addre~ses and properly co~lrol number~ a: recorded in lho lale~l official tax rolls in th. County Courthous~ for all property uithin three ~undred (300) feel of th. below de~cribed parcel of land. The property in quesiion Is leGally described as folIous: THE WEST 145.49 FEET OF TRACT 53, SUBDIVISION OF SECTIN 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH OF RANGE 43 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT DOOK 7, PAGE 19, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; LESS THE SOUTH 260.00 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 1.25 ACRES (54450 SQUARE FEET), MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND RIGTS OF WAY OF RECORD: FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Suor~~ to and of LJLt2!'.r.!!J<<< A, 0.. 19 _(!l&_ . me this .~ _L$!'..__ d a v subscribed before ~~'!'!:,..... ...'.~J:'" "\"........ e ~. /~ .. ..~:~..~\Jlf..,:...~: ' . U/'G NOTARY SE .l.l~'lr"'fr~::iV\~: Notary -Pub'lI- ---- ------ I\L. State of Florida at Large "OTARY PUBUC. !irAT~ 0,. m~~ alY COMMISSION EXPIREllIIlAR. 2. Inlh My Commission ~xpfrcs:___~~~~~:~~~:~~~~~~~~~~_~_________ 2~ J~ .- =, ~ ~ 'MI It.. -Po -, -('I \N .' ~ .'~ ~ ~ ,," ,. i : p}# -) ,Y... · of' _. . -- fl,; 'l.J .. ' __ .' -u -fc, -", -", . :~ ,.1.: ,I', ",,' ,"" ~...r v~ ....,~ ~ ~ .~. '&., , ~, ::-;.. y Y''' ~ _ ':'~t_ ~ - ~.: ~:.,'t ., t; _", 4 . - '" ~ l' ' J ...i ~\) 'd'/,~ 52./\.0 ~ 11 · ~\\:;. t . -;-..... < . />-. - 'v '1= . '~ 'f< _..... ' .,). .... c -.,.< . ,- .'!" ~'I : i 14- ',;- ~ c~. .a ~j. .ll1 _ ';'~' $- l:: . _._ ,-;-.. _ ... ~ i . . ' . -"C -- <. .' _ ~,:-.. .~ .' . ,. ...1' Ifl 1 ~. : G --....... ~ i~ t..'}.)"~' '. ~. -; p!!!'\ ~ '!:':. \ !.!". 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P. 9613 Knuth Road Boynton Beach, Fl. 33~36 3) 00-43-45-19-05-053-003.0 Crowell, Dennis C. 9587 Knuth Rd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 4) 00-43-45-19-05-057-002.0 Martin, Duke R. & Sandra J. 660 1 :~III~r'i <Jan SLr'ceL Hollywood, ("1. 33024 C ~Io 00-43-4~-1 y-U4-0 15-020.0 J Schul~, Gordon T. 3580 Ruskin. Ave. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 6. 00-1: 3, .L:5-19-0J:-0 1 !,..n?2. 0 Allen, John 11. & Ardith A. 311 Washington St. Wapakaoneta, Ohio 45895 7. 00-43-45-19-04-015-024.0 Williams, Richard P & Millie G. 3562 Ruskin Ave. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 ~. 00-43-45-19-04-015-027.0 Knapp, Richard F & Leslie A. 3546 Ruskin Ave Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 9. 00-43-45-19-04-015-030.0 Wade, John G & Wynett 3518 Ruskin Ave. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 ~ {2-7 __""W'"or.llI .....-~..... .111,..: " ..1 --.........- ~ - ............ ~~~~...... '( fr. t"~ Boynton Beach, Fl. 33q3b to. 00-43-45-19-04-015-042.0 Lamb, G V & Ernestine C: 3545 Old Boynton Rd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 11. 00-43-45-19-04-015-045.0 Gundlach J L & Esther M 233 Sw 8th Avenue Boynton Beach, Flo. 33435 12. 00-43-45-19-04-015-048.0 Williams, Richard P & Mille G. 3562 Ruskin Ave Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 13. 00-43-45-19-04-015-050.0 Castaldo, Jerry & Diane 3581 Old Boynton Rd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33435 c 14. 00-43-45-19-04-015-052.0 Valentine, Neil & Donna 1933 Tom-A-Toe Rd. Lantana, Fl. 33462 15. ffi-43-45-19-05-048-001.0 Knuth Road ^:::;cl(.' 1436 N. Congress Avenue West Palm Beach, Fl. 33401 16. 00-43-45-19-05-031-001.0 Boynton-JCP Assoc., Ltd. 7620 Market St. Youngstown, Ohio 44512 17~ 00-43-45-19-05-048-002.0 Mish, F C & Dorothy L. Rt. 3, Box 1203 Knuth Rd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33436 '8. 00-43-45-19-05-051-001.0 Rascati, E J & Patricia C. 570 NE Sample Rd. Pompano Beach, Fl. 33054 c IJI ~ ---'- ____..A~....: ~ -.. -. . .. .---' >. . , .',.,. . ." :.. >' ,.:'; ,. . <'.., ' ~, No. 0 7 5 3 3 Miscellaneous Cash ReceIpt 'f.;' -:::h!a.'~.~'''Jb)' '., CITY OF BO~ BEACH . n ~ "-l I . . dc'... d-J Account N,/-cJcJcJ,- - #c{5: . N(TV',. 1990 ~cJ'-:;:::::-- . . I' $ Carvor TON 8~-r6 _ .lee:) Address fo, ~~~~ r3~, - ~.)7. ~_ -.5093 D'~, rX~ - ;11 0 6. ~ ;'-2 4 . 2 · 500. 0 0 0 q..,. u _...__.\_-'_...-'__.~. ......_:._.__. . ~~ D'P'.~~-~~~;r' Received of ~ ~- 'RdL" B a"f-""1"1~l ~~ 11 0 6. 9 8. 2 5 2. 8 0 0. 0 0 (~ !J 7 : J = ~-- . ....- I - :). d z €:.I -., "C .' ..... ~ ...~ ;, G:z ~ 10./"'62 I 5~ . ~ ---. . --:,.., ~ J ...L ..l!!,E ~ ~ 12 ~~ 29 '32 35 5 ;: ,~ 44 41 I ' T ,. .. + 70 6? 65 62 59 5b S3 5'0 47 7.'- rD A V ,\~ tJ ~~l: ;~I /.I /.2/0 /2 /6 /8 23 26 29 U - - 1;- ,,- 2:l 5.2. f8 65 62, 59 55 C"1 50 47 - -- 1>' , : .........."" ........ ". 1.2 1.1 6 9 /I /5. ).30 ,!;;l ,~ ~ ~r I( .11 . It I) , /. . '" " .. .s5 ~~ 7>- II ,- IS~ , 69 GO OLD "\ . I I .. .. . \ .~ ~ ./ ..., ,... (... 1'''\ q. i I .' . . 55 .. I ..,. ",~I I/'~ /2'r . . , -: a\ _' PH , - '''0 11 '. .,. I p ';: ,. 30 t I !. . ~. . .I., ". 1 . r-r--r ' : .' I; !' :'; .: i . ". . .,It .,1 { .. .Z8-L. ........ (,,12 ~' I ..~iI3''iP3 ,. In . ") .J . - , . . '. J .. ;. : , .'. ." ;"'." . "!,. :~.. 5;. ", I. " . 4 ;r "~~j~ JY~ ! 1= "...1., ,,:,...~. :.~... , '. . :,:1'..;,".... \'''~ J~.~:',. 47-1.4i I~ ......_ ..4,5SAC >ft.. . .' t.....;} .' ~'f:"i"'.'h . . ..;~i~~~;;;~.:> . , . ., .. ~\.:: ,.,... . , ,,_. , .r..~.; .~2~ -.,... .. 'i' . .J '.~ .\.-...... \.~'.. ,.~; ,,~~~~~;~~"..:.. fl. ':':'. I ," ./' ......t~......:./. . . ...,.~ .... . 51 .; r .....: o. '.. ""'(1 . ;. t .:;. . , A'.... r . .: /lJ., -~_. ~- J' ~ ,I <Il '" , ~~ r- ,. ~. of . ~,. . ' . . ! J. ,:< ... . '38 45 \ N TON 17 ~24 ~O~ ., ,~(W~ST- " . . 1 .!'/ : ' .. , , ,,2 ~ _ , . . . 1\ , " /'." . . , '. '54 ,-- ~ ~ ~ - .. l.. ;.--: 48 " , ':J ..) j.(" '.,.' - /... ~ ..Jt , . "'I'~T -':: ~ " A" .. ~ 3,51AC "!. t.... (, I.' :.. I CIj\JIo ...... . '"\ "*, .\ t._;~-" \. .~~. 3,., e. ,.-:. -~, ., \ . .;,. ,:J ~ -- , .... - · j 1 t.. _2 ,i Ir:-" ~ ... j).' ';. ~....~ .J . "'Y . PH PH'S '0 ID. ---:-.:;~~ I. ,!__.__~. ~ r t:: p 5 C t h ~ . · .C:j 7, ~ .... '..'. r" . 1 ."' - ,.i. ~ - O-A~wooili ]r~KEi~' ~~ .' ID~ /.,: ) .. '11 Fll I PH CO:ND Pit I \ 1/"'" 6C ;~:- I 5 B -l 1.'- \)0 ~~. ~ -.: .' ", ~Y~18'~r'\\l'I" ...~ - J ~ .921(" ~J .t, , r:- - . " I' . -(" - I I I I I I I I , ;'1 t T! '. f'~~' .~ ... l l f ~,';'H !~i: it' iU:' 4:' l: ,I ~ I .'./';; '; 'Ill ~'U t.r f~ii. ~ ;- , . !:>'i. r;:;; oll" . rf;~:. J !.i, .:,; ; ~~; i; '.'~ t;:'! :;1 tj:i ~ f.:;' :'~ l~,i:"~ ;'5~I:. r i.t:($ ~',j ~" ~l TR~:::L:~:~ ~::SIS Vi, OLD BOYNTON ROAD :,~I :,i( j~! . ~, : PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA i[1:. :'. ;}~ .:., J. '; ii, :i" I:;:jj W~I '1., hi, r't t~'.i k<1 DECEMBER 7, 1988 i,., ' ,; ,/ t','i- WT t: .~ l:i)l t1.'iJ .(.'11 {'Ii' ~,r r~' hi; Prepared By: ~ii . i fl.; !~r "\! ~,"! .:, ,~: , i;;: ~ f' "' ~I" j. y~; j ,;- , K. S. ROGERS, P. E. tt,:i h;;'l 'I~~ ':,~ .,.1 I Fla. Reg. No. 24068 E~.s. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC: ~ E,;! 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Sui te F 1(7 l~; West Palm Beach, FL 33406 A [iH 407-964-7300 hb(/ if ~ i5 lh~: rl. j/ "q: ' ~::,. 1;;/ f,~'1.C, I i I~ I ;' .' I ..' I ".1'."..,..------- - -- -' ,. i.j\:f 1'. .' ~::!:fi . ~~~ ".' ',;' ':"~:, .' r' FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 FIGURE 4 FIGURE 5 FIGURE 6 APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX t ~:. . ..;.... I ., ....., ~..: '.' f... ". r .1 c.' . i. {<Jh, :.,';;;: ::~ 1 t,! , .Il' ".' ~ I 'f 1.1 .>: I: ) P'i ~ 1/;''; ,:1 f. "I'" '.".: l' \, I~ I I'i'\: ..r:ii: I:J!;:. t, J:' i ! i: 'I;;:: j~ ,r. ,. ! i . "I' ,I. ;: I:. 1"..' " . .r.,1\ ' (,.' ~I, t' i.." : .' 1 /1.,- . . ~':" . f'~; . .I,j.',. \! f~':., '1:,J:~ t. " . ~il'i .; ,. .'01 t. ' k.' t::.:l' }'I . ~" f': 1 ~...H ': tll a:-tt ':'It ~,"" ;E '. {;:. A ~ ~ ~~ ~,' . to, . B .. . .. IF 1-:-~; " n:': ',~ . i ': I ,I":' , " . \. .:; t.] ( 1':::: 1';.,1. 7.::1 I ~'I\..: m~;' LIST OF FIGURES APPENDIX LOCATION MAP EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC TOTAL TRAFFIC A.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES P.M. PEAK HOUR VOLUMES CAPACITY AT LEVEL OF SERVICE "0" THRESHOLD VOLUMES THESHOLD VOLUMES FOR SIGNIFICANT IMPACT HISTORICAL GROWTH MAJOR PROJECT LIST 1 3tJ- I .' I I gl;i;' :1," " t';:~ .Ii ' .'~f~ :r,:; :. t"....~ ': 1,",':'-1- t'''~:i :,' , '", INTRODUCTION :',:",' ...:i::~ ti \,1 j~j i! I I I I I I This df~~ce has been retained to prepare a Traffic Impact Analysis fO~~. the proposed Little Dude Ranch Child Care Center to be located on the south west corner of Old Boynton Road and " ,. fll ~,! . . Knuth Road, ::.:.<in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County, Florida. Kr~th Road is located approximately 2,500 feet west of congressiivenue. This Analysis has been performed in order ~ \1 : to determinfiithe volume of traffic expected to be added to the roadway SyS~~~ as a result of the approval of this project, the effect r~~at this traffic will have on the capacity of the I, "'I! roadways if:[:I:;; the area of the project and what roadway improvements {rl>i f any, are necessary as a result of the approval of~~hiS project. In addition, this Analysis has been performed i~\I:;,.accordance wi th the standards and cri teria as established t~~ the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards or4Uln~nce 187-18. ~ll'/' Existing:j:l traffic counts, which were available from the Metropoli tan ~IP~lanning Organization and the Palm Beach County Traffic Divr~lon, were used when applicable and these counts ~Ii l~ ; . augmented by twenty-four (24) hour machine counts IF performed by ~:nis office. 1"(;:: ,d~: IJJ' 1" SITE INFORMAT ON f~P1C: , I..: This pr~fosed 200 student located on ~:' 1.4l acre parcel ,'l,!, by ~*ilday & Associates, shows two driveways Road.,t~i,;: A Li ttle Dude Ranch accommodates '\ and t~Fer school children. I;:.f:' . ~<!Lt: ;~~ ii ~:: A1.~.1 i;" '17.,\;;1~. I(W; ~~;t)' I",~J ; j, ,t., I' ~ i I :1 It"J'l< . .;.,1 :~. tit. ~~ilt~ :mt;;. were I I I I I I I I I day care of land. center is to be The site plan, as prepared Boynton students onto Old both day 13.3 ..~;J: JI [:1' . , ~t:;'>.' :-~i ! t i'l~.; l ::1:.' ' '!~,h ,; I " fl,! " , Ii :.- Based u9~n an in-house study, approximately 30% of the total studen1{~.WpoPu1ation is expeC?ted to attend this facility as after sC~~~l students. For the purposes of this Report, 140 students ~~ll be considered as day students and 60 will be after school students. I!ni! I: I' ;1"11.' J; i,':! . ~ ~: I! ~~ i. The SJ. te, I:, ;11S located in relation to the major roadways in liat ~I I~:; .,i. I'f I". li'I, . 1111,;1!': JI'I' I:'!II' EXISTING ROADWAy'CONDITIONS l,lll'! ' _i.k~ The majo,~i'i: road Boynton Road.\ .I~ f. Old ~. I, " . . Congress Aven~~ to ',.f"" Boynton Road ~apers down to a two lane road. According to the 1'1.. " Palm Beach co~rty Road Plan, Old Boynton Road, from Knuth Road ..l to Military ~iail, is scheduled to be widened to a five lane J ,I ~ (~ section in fis~~l year 1991 - 92. . 'R:l'~r ;) l n ~J!.,jl The exis~~i'n9 I~ ,11 ;: the roadway caf;i~:Fities }'{;F; r!h~' ;)j:,':' l:;{fJ ,-..I.t\'l. ....~I ,t,'llr.. l,l\i"; Prior to~f~he determination of a generation rate to be '~:'I I.di: used for thisliR~port, a review of the available literature was ;/llll' made includin?Ht10cally review did ne~> reveal It'!','; .. ~1 ~ .I ;:' ~i!i~'. ~ 1:1 ~, f:II'''';'' ,,!.. .,. f::;'::' UW. l:,'I'.l.: t~'l ,~," 'dr' ~!1l:~:;. f.oI.....; ~~j11'1. ~;A~:~'r I~~:~t.. ',1"1, ~r. i i~'~: t~l.~L' ~H~l! blf; " I .. I I I I Figure 1. I I I I I I I GENERATION I I information. serving as Boynton Road Knuth Road. access to this site is Old is a five lane road from West of Knuth Road, Old roadway average annual, daily volumes and are shown in Figure 2. produced generation any reliable daily reports. This trip generation -2- /3J.?f 1~1:11;11 g': . Hill 11[11' \, i:f; . ~ III ". ~t,l[i: ~l' :1 :h~!~ilj., ~~I:i : j~lQ L llijlir:' ~!; ::, ~h,! 1.,11 . k, s. r09(;rs, comult i~~:: I~L I. ~ngirlt:.:(;r. inc. ' III / ! . I, ' wd l,dm bt"Och..!!llh .,11 '1 I" I I I I I I I I I I r I I I " uJ ~\ ~~ EnN3AV avou lIVU.1 l1 ~~~:~~.~ : o z C\I C\I :"j" l'~ .. ~" I,. ;1 'I' · 'III~ ;o.,! .;l ;;r. ,l., '"l'; 1 .~ ! I..,' ,: et, ~l P4." .ll ''; ;,1 .. .; ~!', i I~PJ . ~ ~lq 'I ' ,~ ,if!!' .. .11 If! ...." ~ "J't 1'1 ," .jl. . fl 1 ~ I'~~W ;tl:1 t!- ~ It ~ I ,. ,L "'t'r': ~i: ! 1, "f "'i' . , ' \ ;~ I: Ii :1: " 'It.' Iff l": I . 'j:. " 'HI 'J! : '1,1, 'I :1,1, ,,:1 ~ '; ; i 'jl' :;1)1' , l'll'f' 'l~I!lf:. I,;,II~! ! 1; ~ t II 11. : ~ z I' ". )\i r 'I~ [I': 11. ',Il!I" ~11'IF l~.l.... , II.' ,J,lI:L . U ill ~l; 'I' I, ! ~ ' !! :h:, ' :i :;t" '.'f ~ i~ ill; Ua~ IJ'" ,." Ii ,i/Wi' .f !:l1" 3:lN3UMVl z o to- Z > o CD , , o < o a:: S9) o -I o I o a:: < > W -I ::l o CD :r () < LU CD z o to- Z > o CD LOCATION MAP SS3UONO:l AUV .1111~ dule DEC 88 ligUle 1 I ... ~ (3) l I , , \ \ \ . .- . ,. . / I'" """ :, ;)t I.N\::: 'Iq IIH. . ~~i\1 I ~~~ ctl_1f) .... . 1'lI. \t~. co 0 ~l rl ~ ~:~ . :t- 11'" .; ,. '. ~ ;~j\: 4- j".;"j ~~~ ~~co ~~ ,!r. co"<tCO OlD ' If 0 (')..,0 0: ~ ' .1 c( ~I~ 1 ~ICO > . d!\ w ~- co co .~.\ I j ....oco 0 ..I 'If .... 'If . rr If) 00 ct. => (II ..; ~ 0 ;. : iJ (\,1M 0 0 ~- , 1.:\' " . 0: to . 3nN3^V 0 nr -, SS3l:1DNO::> z \ \ \\: (\,I cor COI (\,I lDO"<t M 0 ...O~. .~M If) t!~lf 000 M ' II ' ...M ~ 0 lco . ClOII'l i~~ ~) t,il' ~r \\t ' 'I;. .. .... olf) ~ir ... -lX!' _MO ~\go li\ 'f \;:. CO~~ ... ... ;: co ", (\,I_'If 'If ' If)Mo Z -.-....,..... U'l 0 n:w' ... - . 1 ~ r \ I: . ovOU nt 3::>N3l:1MVl ;z ,I . \\ ~ I ::t: 0 0 t111r I- < ; z w \1\ >- to 0 co t~~F' l;(~ \ f:f:\ q r ~\glf) ....r en ...If) ",ot- ;: (') 0 co",'" ,AI ... "'lDO fl' . (\,I'" I'l ~i: en~ \W~ co 0 (')_'If ~,f.h\ ctlM"; 0 ...- ..I c' ,I , 0 lIVU~ \lt1!\ -, Al:1V ~111v-i )0- r I- \\\\1 ~g.... 0 0 c( t= It -~ ~ c( t ;z 10M"; 1-< a; ...... 00 ~. ..~. 0 <0 ~ . -. t.: t- < ..10 > .1 I" Z Cl o. Cl \\tr >- 0 o ~ ~(/) z Ji. to Z ... wO t= ,. , . Ul ~ a; ..I (/) ~rr \. Clx:I:l-x . \ ~W"'c(w . " . 11", '\T\~r cPr ~ coO 'If. \ :I . . 'If'" . .,\ If)M 0 t,\h '. - \. ~I ' \ , i:',~:\. ~ k.5. rog'2!r 5. consu1iif\f) dole ~~. DEC Be .' ~:. EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS E::nqn~ :('r. In<... i: f~! ; .... 1 ~ ,', i \Nt ~~I pollfl h:i Jc..I tt\ H. I if-jlJl':' / ,.J. 2 lit. ~\ ' - - --_...--_..~. - .4 F.~lJn 3 .' l";:\~:;':. f~t;: .'ilJi; II ;,i~ I' l:''il i paper '(!L11presented at the Si te Development and i"i,'~ Transportation I;~:i! ',i"Impacts Conference, Orlando Florida, March 1986, titled )':\1 ,','Trip Generation Rates for New Types of ",I I, Generators", ~i\'~Kenneth o. Voorhies, P.E., presented A.M. and hi\ ;- P.M. peak hoq~liil generation rates for day care centers. A -... . discussion With:ll' Mr. Allen Ennis of the Palm Beach County Traffic DiViSl'!J~.~, revealed that a conversion of these peak hour !,l\p: volumes into rwerage daily volumes approximates a daily trip generation rateJ/6t three (3.0) trips per day per student. J" Id.. t:'ll.,.., \; ,I~ Ii ; , ~... .'"' a ~~view of the above and previous information by ~':'\~\is office on operating characteristics of day ,;,lllli: care centers, :dtrip generation rate of 3.19 trips per day per student shall t:W:: used in the preparation of this Report. This UI~:! generation rat~ill~:~ was based upon the following analysis of the 1i'lUIII' proposed uSeage\h~:'~ this 200 student day care center: [\1 II' 'j\ 'I' !~ll1 140 day st j:l,,~nts @ 4 tpd/student = 560 60 after ,~'pool students @ 2 tpd/student = 120 4 school \iijJlS trips = 4 20 staff "~wbers @ 3 tpd/staff = 60 30 miscel ~~~ous trips/day = 30 i1i'!'f I I" '~;,,) For the p~f;poses of this Report, it shall be assumed that 20% of the cht~~ren at this facility will have another family member at thet~~~.t~ite or will car pool with another student. Th~S . figure 0 ;:II~,r20% was based upon operating records of eXlst1ng day ~I~are centers owned and operated by the Peti tioner. ThUs:HLthe total generation is calculated to be: l',llls, (' l"1~!\~ r ~il' 560 full t~m~ student trips. x 0.80 = 120 after ~qhoo1 student trlps x 0.80 = 4 schooltBtis trips = 60 staff t~l'ps 30 miscell~~eous trips ".~~I ~ i~~~ The total W~~erage, daily driveway traffic expected to be fol}"' generated by th "~~~~roject is 638 trips per day. :J1'~'I' ~r1~~' 'l'~' t "1~ 1 , '" ~~! jillh~ , ~: t Ii l:i i" A After collected = 448 96 4 60 30 638 tpd = -3- 137 I f,?l"H1 ~ :.f .' ' , ~:T::!' " '''I Ii: "If i" t~~ ; ~. r;', l~!!';l!' '!.lir \~illa\: . .111,' For m~n~ different land uses, the Traffic Performance . d~\ Standards q~~fnance allows A day car~~~~enter is one ~ "1','" traffic maiJ~~ considered. ,," ,'. for the in~b~poration of 10% captured traffic. Thus, the Pi'i,': total, aver~9~' daily traffic expected to be generated is 574 trips per da*ilf,\i~: "'~'l' , ~H'I ' .,~ ' , fl~ll!i DISTRIBUTIONt,! ~!l~i :l ~ t,: ~ ,: IJ prepa::: :~;!' ,:::t~::e :::~:S~:d :::: b~:e:h~:i::~or:a:::l~p:: an analysis, f the existing and proposed land uses and of i observed tr, 1 patterns, the following distributional splits · J'. r, ' will be used I;~~r this Report: . "~l~r :litl: NORTH tll;;~ EAST r ,:! SOUTH 1, ,,, WEST I , . I'!: ,(H The diS~~'Jbuted traffic volumes for this day care center j~..[1 . are shown ~n~ F1gure 3. In accordance with the Traffic .\:.:~ 1\' Performance ~,~andards Ordinance, the distributed traffic was brought tw4it!~iles from the site, or until the project .;r~t, ~~ generated l~r.~ than 1 % of the capaci ty of the roadway (InSignifiCa~~~;\yo1ume) . 'Jj~ .... ..~,. i t :~', '1'111/,_, . II J. ~ :~ ~I {. ~~ !l::l' I ,rl 'I. ;1' }Ilk >'.:111r' :\ Ilf " '~ 'H'~ "t~: 1(1. fl ii~' (. ~! for the capture of passing traffic. of the land uses for which captured TABLE 4 of Ordinance #87-18 allows I.' I I I I I I I I WORK BASED HOME BASED 20% 33% 39% 8% 29% 13% 21% 37% -4- 13~ I" I I I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I rji~:i ' 5:~~t i:1L: I",',. ,.': \)~,~., !i!., ! W~i;;~'i; l.;;;t~! ....f, " EFFECT ON CAPAdI~Y l~ll~ :i~ The pal~~~ Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance de '~~'eates .very specific criteria which must be met . m ;IR. S' 1 E' b . pr10r to anr::/r,i ezon1ng or pecla xcept10n Request elng approved. ~e itions are classified as being either a J ril jl "Significant ~ioject" or "Insignificant Project" according to t" PI: the project ~~wpact on roadway links and the capacity of the impacted roady.~I:~~ links. tl!' "~'I A "Sign Iticant Project" is defined by Ordinance #87-18 In" ' . 1..1 . as a proJecli!(WhlCh generates more than one percentum (1%) of the thresho1 '~Nolume at Level of Service "0" on any link with I; "i 'I' ',.1 the project I ::; :h.radius of development influence. The threshold vol urnes for 1,r11~ignificant Projects" are shown in APPENDIX B. For a two 'an'e road, the threshold volume for a significant impact is ll~~l trips per day, is 300 trips per day for a four lane ~i vided f:rj~WOadWaY a~d/or fi v~ ~ane undivided roadway, and 464 trlps per :~~y for a SlX lane dlv1ded roadway. Ul:1l. fPJr.[ Reviewin9,)ii;the project vol urnes in Figure 3 wi th the threshold vol~mes in APPENDIX B, it is seen that this project .:. i';' creates a slgnlf1cant impact on the following roadway links: . l'I'i'~ll( TABLE 1 {, l!: A.'.:! J;: ~1"'IlI1'~" OLD BOYNI'R~ ROAD OLD BOYN, ~~, ROAD . nln 'j iLl' J~jii- It is r~QFluded that this "Significant 1'~6j..'ect" according to N~ll' 14~'I; l~ ~ i ,t ~'~ ,h!,', , \~.~'I ,~." !' ~f~": }litb ,.,. ,I ~~. i.i , '1 ~1 , "I ~III fJtiil .,!hl' t:,ntt---.---.- Knuth Road to Congress Avenue Lawrence Road to Knuth Road project is classified as a Ordinance #87-18. -5- 13' .' . . I I - I I I I I I I I I I Ml'" " ~ t ,: I, , , .. . r ~1jJt: ' r'" .,,, Ii I'" ~ t ~ t j\ ,J '. .. It rilli , .t" If":' ul f {J ~\ ,I ~ 'I. i ')[; If 1~ ,;" t-I- ~ 10(') ~)l:i:' r - !., ..~ I, . fll: CO,. -CO " IF Cl -. ex: l ~I' cc > , 'I' w "i. ill 0 I. 'f ~o . ..J .'0 1 L . "" :;) !r',' I 100 0 ~ 0 (')0 l. I":; (') a: m co(') 3nN3^,t' 0 ~pr SS31::10NO~ z 'llJI~J (\I (\I ~a 1!.'~r !~l'N'i . (')10 .0 : 11 tl" (')(') :I: ,V, I ' 11,r,}f"i I' 1\,:\1 c,~ II...:"" t li'~ll' W 1~ I ' /: ",'. 01P- !: ~HJ'I ...(') (/) 1\li:. (\Ip- ::: :"ii ". .. tili~:f 'I OIP- Z (')(') 101- "1 ~ 4,' 10(') ,:j,I P- ;P- 0\101::1 rr 3~N31::lMV1 z , :r ,ri:: 0 U I- CC Z w i 'i[' >- m 0 ~ ~r' m 1tl : ,;! . II~i II< ~Ilr ' .~ " lOr r: ...(') ... - rtr/Il ., dl- d'!' 11'lf t" j I l' , 1. if!' 0 ':!I,:i I- ~ 1 lid 4 ..J 0 0 CCI- 11Vl::li it;' : wn.U li,.' AI::IVil1l~ ~~c( U -n. t.l11 !.; -:)I-~ LL..J:z.- 'it" LLOCCI- ~~ 4 I' j~:1H: c(>uz z a:O-c( I-..J!!::U Ill" 0 I-OZ- I- 0 UXCl!!:: z Z w(/)-z >- -'W(/)Cl "I, ~. 0 W Oa:a:- ~Il ~: m C) a:xo(/) Jt 1~' . ~ W n.I-LL~ rr, . , ~ -' 11 : ....., OIP- 'jii -(') . I -ii (\1_ ll( f ' 'I . . 11 '~.1! ~' "'1'" dalO k. s, r0gL'ls. (on.~ l)['9 . . q ~1 il DEe 88 ~ng",,,"r. ,"c. hi:j:: DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC f iglJre ""01/ ".1 rJu1rra Lf::\r~ k' f I \... '" . 3 , .. r J ~,I ~ ~ \ , l' ~ !~:J1 '!JH.. ) II I fti i:1;H, f..t:....l-r t.,;;~ S:.; '.lJ .., " !.~,'.~i; , ~1.l.1 : ~I.l :;~ "'h, .. rt,. I fi~'f.i!i" '{I I f.,,,; ;:ll~ il: ' , r)li.htfl' !I ' ; ~' I, "i,~;,' ~ '; .!: ~.~ ; t A "S~'9iiq:ficant ,;,,,I:llffl, be approveQ~~,!I: The first Pd'}' performancEfUI;'i~tandards Ordinance requires that for any roadway ~ :..;.~I, link for ~~~~h the project creates a "Significant Impact", the total trafif~~ on that roadway link must not exceed capacity during the t~:~I~i~ldout period for the project. t!11. , r 1M! I~,i The ~uI~dout period for this project has been established tl!1~!M . as 1989 1~i~rhe Developer and owner / operator of the proposed day care ffrter. Thus, to meet the Link Test, the total traffic o~N~fhe link listed in TABLE 1 should not exceed capacity dUm~~9 the buildout of the project (during 1989). t{IIFi~ The tl~~l traffic is defined as the sum of the existing , ,!I;" average, arual, daily traffic, the project traffic plus the background 'IA't~ffiC. The background traffic is further defined as the sum;i'~! the historical growth, plus traffic generated by Major projftR"~'s, which are in excess of 10% of the capaci ty of the affect~~j~:roadWay link. The total traffic volumes are shown in Fifi"'Hr.e 4. ";l'~; . 11':d;: "'r The lP~~ projected traffic has J ~ ~ I ~.; . the sum of.:;~the 1988 AADT, pI us t ~: ~ 1 ' growth, pl~~~,the traffic generated from Major Projects which are in exc~~s'of 10% of the roadway's link capacity. The 1988 'lI..,q\;1~"! AADT volum,~~~!are not available for Old Boynton Road as there ;. t., ,'" are no co~rr~r count stations on Old Boynton Road. The 1988 AADT used X~~, this Analysis were calculated from field counts performed ~~nD:this office. The historical growth calculations are shown l*~' APPENDIX C. The major project traffic volume calculation~~~re shown in APPENDIX D. Flii~ 1~~il~i; '~~:: lil!, 'f ~i~i: ; ,.' ~~..' ~;; ~r ':.li</l',.' , ,~>,: r{ ~"',! ~ ,~.lllh 'II, It :'1,'" ~. ,,~!:l; '}. , . Project" must pass two tests in order to test is the Link Test. The Traffic I:' I I. I - I I I I I I I I I I been determined by taking the projected historical I I I I I -6- If( I ~ I I I I I I I I I ;.:(11!: , ..L {II , r- ", ~~:: .;.l. I ~ it' :~'D> :~'l" rll;~! .. f:~ l' '11 r:g,tJ:lj' ,Iii''\:, l':~):Ij.'i: ' h;'l;; !/,ilr' A review'i'~,;pf the available information did not reveal any (" 'lit)!: , major project~~~~WhiCh would generate more than 10% of the capacity of an,y,':,road link on which this proposed project would 1,.,'1'1' . create a signl%;cant impact within the buildout period. Thus, I ': ~r.", I, . , the backgroun ,:1, 'traffic shall be comprised of the historical , t;'I';[Ji growth_"l' th' ,J !.llll' 'II,: I ,II ~,:"; t;~. t The tota djr~traffic volumes for the buildout year of 1989 are shown wi 'hl~the roadway capacities in Figure 4. Reviewing the total vo~~:~f=!s and the roadway capacities in Figure 4, it is seen that~nl'd~,the roadway link which this project creates a " II',~. I" 'I' significant " m~~ct, the total traffic does not exceed capacity. Ther~~~Fe, this Application meets the Link Test. I. :WFI7 "!'I'11 : 'llr.i~1iI; ',htl, I.~~il";; 'II" .nl!' The seco ;~Il!;test that the Intersect 'Q,~ Test. lI~u, intersections ,fij~~hin the radius of 1,1t.1 analyzed thro~~b which the project generates 10% or more of the total trA:ffic on any link of the intersection. Further, 'i.;i: no intersectif:f}~' as above described, could have an average peak hour votNfue that exceeds threshold Level of Service "D" during the bpildout period. Reviewing the volumes in Figure 1; ."111 3, it is co a~~ded that this project does not generate more I':,' . than 10% of :~re total traffic on any link of any major J"~, , intersection. ~ ~\'I'herefore, this project also meets the . l~r.I' ~ \ Intersectlon T ,~~~ ~J~!;;' ,irh~1 addi i~!:', the ."n, t'nf ,., ,,~~~,~s shall .,I'.i.. to. ~~1Ifdirectly ;~~ II, " "t3'~ I' iU~ ,. ~\ .~i t ~.'1'e"',1' \' 'i~lir.~ ~! C", tl, ~tM .:/' I {il,';S .' ~;~l~j ;,;\I~,~U' {: :'1. ,~j~'r . ':)14/' id..!; ';JlJt PEAK HOUR a "Significant Project" must meet is This test requires that all major development influence be In Ordinance requires be analyzed where accessed links. peak hour project's that the turning move traffic meets -7- fir I ~ . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ..r 3nN3^V OVOt:l 1IVt:lJ. 7:l w ~\ ~, ~ 1 ~, l~! o z C\I C\I ~':=l ~ ;~~" . ~'.IN:;l!':', :l! Iii :il' '. i l~"" ! M,.,I"I'/ l}i:/'l::; i~(' ,~!! Hi,.:llj'. "j ~ I" ! "'.',,'U ; /')':ro,':!; ! '~:,'~" t:!:/;jf~ 11' ~ Ii,'': I~"" :tl~i.~Pi:ll L jp, li'r1jlhl-I" :'1""1" , i' :""'" I; ~"II'll I",,', I , ,>1,: ," 1'1'1,1' , h.,,!, " H\;'I,ii'.1 .. " ,t, 'J.~.M~' h, J(h\.l. IH'll'l . Jl,I" , 1 ~ II t i: I lllt.JIII::! lPll' I !lit ,;. 1:1. " . ;';1". :,:: . j!1 l~r ,I. , J, (, . ,. fl\k 1'( J~. ~ It:l..' ji<' i i~I;I' , ~~,J" ~ ~:i~r' t, 1:,"\ 11~~f ~ , ,/,": . I t", , ~ . ; I l' jl!~t r~eT::" ;, ~a ~:l.' : ..i"'~11 iI4'1" '" ~ I:!U{: 11\0,,,,>,-1 :rl~I'" , .,1" " 'i" I .,i;J ,t : :t.!I"I' . }.t,'I''; llI,t. 'I"~ )r. II I'~f .!~; . 'hlj, ' fk!7( , I I)' ~I:: ' I'Ji::;11o:' ....;., . . ~. l. l 1\" :fi:i~1 : l" If ' ......ol; . I' II '~'.' ' :.:l&.~:. k j;:ll." :" 'i' ~ z l:j;!I~,I; W~II! Jul~ll' l~rmn' '..I~l,!ll LJI~' ~ k. s, rogers, consult'.r:J.~8'; . · :~ .;\ i.i : engineer, inc. ~lj!t:! . .t ';'" west palm beoc~>'ft lfll;. ' . , .1. . !Ju.t Ul M "'10 UlOltUl.... UlMCDUl o ... ... ... 0) 0 UlIIl> "'....(\1... ...N......... ... (\/ ... ... 3:>N3t:1MV12 o I- 2 >- o m . '\ o -: o a: n~)"', &.;.;'" w t: (f) o .J o o 0: -: > w .J ;:) o m :r: o < w m z o I- Z >- o m TOTAL TRAFFIC SS3l:l0NO:> Al:lV J.1l1r4 o u: ~ 00< --a: ttttl-O <<oU: a:a:2~ 1-1-:;)< 01-00: zoa:1- ot=w<.:).J Z (f) -, laC ..c: w _00 I- Cl xa:< 0 W wn.m I- ..J 0) 0 UlIIl> ,.......N.,... ... C\I.... ... ... C\I ... ... dole DEC 88 figure 4 ..J /13 Iy I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "lj;;;IJ.";:~ .f.."I. ~ .it:~,~ll t ~ l~F~ I!> {\,!,i!: i. /~ i~;~ -.,f c,t .j..~ .;~ ,t" / ~!;:. ~l ;r:. {;it~:r: r.~ ~ ", ~ !" The pe:~~}' hour volumes generated by this project were i !':r d.' calculated:1'l~ order to determine what site related # I 'i' ~ I" improvements:~;f~,~f any, will be required. J~~::t ~H,: }" l'I" f!:-lt:Jt~ . The P~+~:I:'; hour volumes were determined based upon the generation W~}.~s published in "Trip Generation Rates for New Types of 1n~~rators'" by Kenneth o. Voorhies, P.E. The peak hour generation rates used are: {'''. fj';I;"_ ; '~ra~l 1. ',II,! I, j"V~il'ji, ~u'r . ~~ ~~~~ I: ~~'''llli '1,1.,11' sl ~r"d above, approximately i:-rl, enrollment . t~;' expected to be comprised of children there for after schoqf!lr/day care. The A.M. peak will be calculated on 140 student.~~hl,and the P.M. peak will be calculated on 200 h:":~ students. T~f'peak hour volumes are: ~JJI ' ~I~![ :; ljr:;1 ': I ~r 'l'> A.M. PEAV:!l 'm.,,J P.M. PE~lC~1 tjl:'; ,> I ,';~ HF~i ,t J:T These p'BA~ hour volumes are shown in Figures 5 and 6. Ii f;~I:' lNI' Based t~~~n a review of these volumes, it is recommended that the ~~~~ting left turn lane on Old Boynton Road, on the west apprO~;qhr: to the intersection of Knuth Road, be restriped iJ~~, ' to allow or ; a common left turn lane. The common left turn t t~" f . lane will '~~LFetween this project's entrance and Javert Street (extension ~~fnuth Road). ;~:h~(I'~ ! ! :li!t L' '-111": " ;:l~f.: I, I ~1~i; ':, "l'~ ,1. I i , (:' ~l'! , 11'~I, " j "Jill' .! , ~~l~~ J :t ,\j , ):l~~. . .~.~,~ : f',r'J"i Itl,;,t;l~; ... As IN (trips/ student) OUT (trips/ student) .34 .26 .28 .28 30% of the total IN OUT TOTAL 48 trips 52 trips 40 trips 56 trips 106 trips 124 trips -8- (iLl .-.-....----... .. -- / I- . I I I I I I I I I - I I I I I I I I I ... J,~~n~)~ f ....'.. .' , ~q~N " ibfi" '/,1 .~..L 6.1'11' ~,,: ~~''; ,II_ ,I ~. ~'~, ~~~,IJ. 4 ""tJ' il',IH!~ ' I 'I" ~!~' , ~li ~:r i~ }"I' ;I:I'! H'~II" ilq;:H11"l J ..h:~ .It ' :,' !"!;,!tl.l/r! fi' "1::11 , ~~:,' ,! L II, i'lt~~1 .1.1 ", I, ~ ,1- lith ,: f i' ,.. ' " 'I'" T~1: ; .~s 1:lH3^Vr I' J,i1P~ 1 t.f , ,!jl~ ~j f ,!: [ tIt f : I~:jll.~"" ! ,'if. 1 ';1 j ,{ ,,~'/ liirlll! j~f'l ~, ti :!fl fl' kl ;' L ) f:'" i lhlrt Ili!lll,1 ::,',: I'l:, "I' . I ~ J t: I; I' I, f ~L If "'l~"P I J .,~. r 1i II ; I ;:f ,I 'I; I. .il ft.;; -.,: nt'" I:' r!~~,~ J: ,\~ :!. ,.\ . ~; ~ ~r , il(~ i I ~ , I ~ ~ Ij ~ . j ;' I. ,t : , ,':, t'i' . · ;'j : 'I'" : ~ r"" · ! ~of " , l~fj: l: 1 r ' " 11'/' "1. ,J !, : ~. ~f:' . ...} ~ ',,' 1,'III,r ; i ~ I '.: ~j , '.' I r, r " :' 'I I , M k. s. .roger~. cons~!'!!I!;r:iP engineer, Inc. I j. ~ t:! : 1 r.' r ' west palm beo~?ln, f11'WJ. J.l. ~ .~. t. l o << o a: I I '-u. ,- ~ ~ \ OVOU H!nN~ I I enl "\1 ( ,... N L.-----______---l :z o .... :z ~ o CD W t: en w ~ 0 ;:, ..J ..J 0 0 > a: C;:' z~ W~ 04( Ww -Ie. en - \ AM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES -, I I I I I I I dote DEe 88 figure 5 113-- I~ I I I I I I I I I r I I I , I , ~~l~:~rj; I ~. .: I I, I t , '. , I','Jo"'l .... i'll"ih:t; ~:tl'~q+ iP~J,h;:', , '/1j, /;I' nl!;',;: ,1," lrl, qll~:t; ,'~::rJ-C r:"" I "l:i1i .~ ~~;j;: it ~ :'\ ill, : iJ I~T '1:1' l:i1ri :lii, ~r~~ .;t:'f il~i;lrf: ""'1' r' t ' j~;~;I~' II! I!. '1:1'1" I'!! '~S~,!.'I ~'3^Vr m;rf,il , !!;jPI' ;!~:[:+ , ,\dq, ",:,1;1 I:: :~:;, t ",. ;iW'I'j, i'll I~' ft': 1:1 ;ill i rfl\ 'j:;j.' ,I! :11" I .' j'lt"li ff" ,1 : ~~ I ; , t '. tt~;:,' l fL .11 ~ 'I,{:fl:rl! L 'jf1ti, ;1 .i~,t ~'~ 1\", trWI ' . t.ll '. ' ll,:ifl ~ .('tt.:ll ~ ~ ti~J:', 1.I,tq, ,! 'Ilhi , ,:ff:.: :'1 "i, ~:~ ~~ j'l"'I: 'I' . 'I III ~ ~ . Ir, Ii' " , I: :t!!' "I,' ,rtt' t:t'l,!, :: ! fl ~ . 'I. ~ /'1; : '\ " I';'::" '~ ' , i I~ .J ~ f" ,,,..,\, , 1:;t!\J~ r Lt. ._i.. ii!VT l"l!~'il H HI :. I ~ ;!: '~. ~"~ 11: , k. S. ,roger:, consl: III,~P engineer, Inc. 1;1'1! : west palm bea9n;r!fl: ll'int: ; ";~l" , U1l:{ o .c: o a: I I '- sz ,-u: I I -I \11 ( - \ ovo~ H!nN~ w C (I) --, I I I I I I I - L...-_____ _____--.J z o .... z >- o CD w ~ 0 :J ..J ..J 0 0 > a: C :J ZO wJ: C) :.: w< ...w CL - ..,. \. PM PEAK HOUR VOLUMES dole DEe BB figure 6 ~ /fro , ~~~::~\~\\: . ~(j:~ ,(~,., ~~,:\ ~1 \' ;.1 ~'~t,,-,\;\ ~ i,~ \1\~"tt \(..\1\ :~\ ~, ~w:'n' 'thiS 209/\}ir,tuaent an a"erage of,';638 trips \~~~:\~V' lth hl;U'\\'\t'h.\S p"CoJ'ect is classified as being a A oug \ 111,\1'\ ... " , !" , 1 t ff . "S' gnificant ~\\?rJ"'Oject.' it is concluded that the tota ra 1C 1. ~I<' I' on anY link\'~\ 'l?pn "hich thiS project create~ a ~igni~icant 'ropact does :'"bt exceed capacitY during the proJect s bU1ldout 1. \'\\~" pe"CiOa.' ~.~'\\\ \~:: . ';\\i'\\ :;,1' ,\\~~ \, \ ;:. 'l.l\,.."t ~his pr~iift' therefore, pat~t\'::,l?>each county . ~:~ ',t1.~ ,.:~: i871~ ~!; 1,"\."',':' .\.\ ,\t';'" tit:" . "'1';:" '. .'\~ ,,~\i.\X;.: . \i"i~\\"": ,\,,,,,\l'i. '~{i\\\,i~" ;\llJ\,.- ,\\.t~\\" W.\' t,~.'. \U'"i \., ,. l't"~'\f!\"'" . l ;;~,';i:t\;,l~!. \:.~,;;.',\:,,:,' \ 'l'iNt,\ . ,~tJ.Sl\\1\~ ,': i; ~;!i\\i\;: 1:' ~)\\t.,t\.. : \,.\',,:Vi\\; ~..:..::AV1'\ ' ~ \:! \\ \~.\. , ~.!~.\\,\,~\,\:; ~\\ L 1\1\\ ,~\X\.! \\\\\\~\ ;,\ W~'~t \: . ';,\iih~\'J . "tnW. '~ ~l; ~":\ '\:k~\....l\ t~'\0~'\~,,\\. t~\\\\:' ,!\, i\i\l\,i' \'11 : \ f'i,t'\~.~l ,,\'\Vl.'1' ~' ~1\"~;\ "if ~ 'J ~'J\\iL':.~' ' '!i;\i\'.+ ~~\i"" r '~.~'~~1" · \,~ \I~ i\ ~~'\\'\' :I~' . '/~'H~';:' "~'\' ":,'t\ ~'~~ \\\\ ~\ ~.~\\\;:~\ . ~'6 \: ."'i \,,\\)\':'L 1'\1.'\l\l\. ,\,/;\,,1',\ I"~ ..~ \~ '\" '\ 1\" \. J1";'\:"t" !.'l.b:f' l\n~ A~\'\ ~i~~~:~\ \ :,~r~~i\'\ ~kr.;:t 1 . daY care center is expected to generate per daY at the project's dr,ve"ay. S9NCLtJS1:0~ \o1ith the o"Cainance a , , , \ \ \ , \ \ can be appro"ed in accordance ~raffic performance standards -9- / j , ' , .,' , ':;r ';~k.: '11' , rtf.. ; '--" "~'L. .;~:;>;;( l:\l.! 1} j:: : ,tin 1: pl:!!I, , l'I'liJ1,'1 l"lJt lillII':' , ::I,j 'jlil!) , , ~. I",:; ,. i ,~I ~ C '~~~, 'j i. RO~DWAY ~Ir'. Tw~l :,~ane :i I FO~F.Lane Undivided FO~~ Lane Divided ,1\1, d, 'd d Fl.YiIT'Lane Un l.Vl. e si~I;Lane Divided jj,' Ei~h~ Lane Divided ~! 1,11 Si~!':~ane Freeway 'l,~ f:' tl',1 'H:, ~. ! ',;,...:. 1~: :i i:: ~ : .; . "D" APPENDIX A THRESHOLD VOLUMES LEVEL OF SERVICE (AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC) ~ II II III , II II , I II ,- Ii I t.:,.; 1:,' ~ ., ' ./" . ",'~" I.' '':" ~~:~; ;' ~:1: r:'l;'} ttl i i '~;11:: /'1'''' 1'1', . ~":'l ' '1";'1. I?tl! f,.t ,,' ~:'F ~:!i,; \d ;! ~~! ;: %1,(; . .i...::.., ' "f:1t': ~i,t ! ~\jll. ~'i:! /' ".I '~,ll: ~: .... ~ f !l j rl, ~ l'li f'l Ii r!j' ' ~, 'f . '., j TPD 13,100 27,800 30,000 30,000 46,400 60,000 95,000 11? ':\' \.',' \\" r ,,\ ,\ ,\:.\ ft-,; . IV" \~;'\ ,\ \: \ :t','; \ \Hi.\ ',-t: ,..PPENOl)(. "a" ~'.\'l ,..\ \ ~. \, \'\~"\' , .\ \ ~ , ;"1' . ~~. ~\ t,.,\, f"\" {Ii" t\::" ~aREsao~D VO~U~ES FOR SlGNl~lC"'N~ l~P"'C~ ~lNl~U~ 'lOt,UME ~ ~aOROUGaF"'RE':t'lPE Y;"\ \,'\r:: '\~).::Y ~'flO lane {:~. , ~ou" lane hPi vided) J;;" ,'\ i ';' F~"e ).ane '~\i\lnd~,,~ded) v', '\' S~~ lane ~p'ivided) ... ~"'l' Eight lane\\\,{ 1)i vided) 9; \\~ Si~ lane ~~,',.~"press~aY) \~ \, 1:\\1 \j ," \\'\\\~ \',\;\\. '1\ ?,\' \\.\. f'!..,1'. \\","\1 ~:\\~\ \~, ~~ ~ '~i,.'>\ 1(;':'::\ \\: I'" 1',,' I; l 1-/ I I , , , , , \ , \ , '~\\' \: \ " ' ,\' \ ~ j, .: . 'I" I- ~.. " , \":,\i',' ~.\., 1/.~;.\ ~ v.~\'.,. \. \l> \\.' < . ~. :~ <it\ \\' ~';; 1\'.',1': h~.;' "! . '\-. ".,.'~ ~l .1\);. L':,\ \!;}.~\i ;11\ Ie' \. ..\~', ~',~ . 't .~~:~\: ~~"\ \ .:,t~\ ;.\' ~,~ " "~' ," .. l3l 300 300 464 600 950 .. ii"!- 1','; r:: : If " , , 1" J, .' '1., f. F: I :. ~ 1,- APPENDIX C ~!i LITTLE DUDE RANCH OLD BOYNTON ROAD AND KNUTH r'. !li,: in..::': I.' . HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS ~"il, ',I'I;! ,LIlt ~;t:l; ~ !;il': ~', li . t ~i ' 1")' I ROADWAY/LINK I~/.:~; :., : ~ I f! l'I' !i OLD BOYNTON ROAD: ~.~ fi ~ '!' Military Tr. ::t'o Kirk Rd. Knuth Rd. to,'<;ongress Ave. !~::J!: It, : ~ Ii :' , HISTORICAL GROWTH FACTOR 1 .065 1,065 " , ~':~ .:' '. ' , , '~.. . ~: :', .1, :!~!!' :. I . I ~! i .' ~~ j :' :I,; . .4..,. J. 'l~"l,~ t 11" " ;. I " I .' I I i; '!," . ! ti' I I ,,' ;t:~ : . ': tl , ' t,': ~, j ~. ,\ \ ' '.. 11': 1', ~ ~. I,. I :t . '" .' ~ "1" "I, ~I 'If 1FiH II",H; l' I" , r'll ,..If "U ~.rt I'; , . ~'ihJ 'r- Ii:!!' ":rhli. ~ " j . .k ~~:l ':I,ill ,~,,:; : ,;..:. ;1 I I I ::' .; 1988 AAOT 11,179 10,166 1989 AAOT 11,905 10,827 1)0 .' I. '. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ;L~ '.:' ,r' . ~ :. ',{' . ;+ ';t ~ \" ':/t,.. ' APPENDIX D "I', '" ; , :! h.;', 11, ;: 1'" I jl ,~,,' : f. I' ~ ~fl . iili1j 'II';:: Ii \11, .! I A. LIST 9.r;, MAJOR PROJECTS IMPACTING ROADWAY LINKS WITHIN PROJECT STUQY\AREA: Iii, ji \ t,' 1'1' l! I!~ I ":! BOX~TON BEACH MALL MO~p~OLA QUl)~~UM PARK lr.i: ',i I" . ~l .." !. B.. TRAFFIO,i :' FROM THESE MAJOR PROJECT WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THE MAJOR PROJEqrlDISTRUBUTION FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: :'11"':1 :;,:i,11 ' :r " I " 1. Noq~lof the proJects ~1sted above are expected to generate 1n excess of 3,000 trip~ per day on Old Boynton Road east of :~nuth Road or l3l0 trips per day on Ol~;;:,~oynton Road west of Knuth Road during the: :buildout period of this day care center (1989). ~l '.' j; ~i ' :f: ;l LITTLE DUDE RANCH OLD BOYNTON ROAD AND KNUTH MAJOR PROJECT TRAFFIC l. 2. 3. :' , : ( Ii: ' Ii, ' l\ i, .; . l ~ 'I' ;, l', i' q :; j,j'l Itni~ i " -j \:: '\ 'I; ~. . i.f ~ ~;I\ ~ 'il :i: f .d! r,' , iii, , : ' 111 ,1 ," . r )" 1 ~!.! i ~, ;1'. J ~I ,Ii! ~ !::t' J :' I. i u : ~ ~,\ ~ It :/ [ 1\, I 11;, t i! i, ' _._-:t]," - . ;[/ ( I Written Assessment " ' Most of the site is cleared except for sporadically located Brazilian Pepper. There is one Ixora on the site. It is primarily covered in grasses and weeds. All envasive species will be eradicated. c c 15~ ......-- 'r' .~ DRAINAGE STATEMENT FOR RAY FLOW OLD BOYNTON ROAD , The subject si te is a' l. 25 acre parcel of land located on the south side of q1d Boynton Road approximately 200 feet west of Knuth Road, in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County. It is proposed to rezone this site to allow for 10 multi-family dwelling units. No site plan has been prepared for this petition at the time that this report was prepared. Typically, this type of development will have 65-78% impervious area and 30-35% pervious area. Palm Beach County requires that all properties retain on-site the runoff from a three year - one hour storm. For this property, a three year - one hour storm is calculated to be 0.29 Ac-ft of water. It is proposed to accommodate this rainfall through a system of surface storage in the open space areas on the site and through a system of interconnected underground exfiltration trenches. Preliminary calculations indicate that approximately 200 feet of ~ix foot exfiltration trenches will be required in addition to the surface storage. Prior to development and final permitting, a detailed report and construction plans of the drainage system will have to be submitted to the Permit Section of the Land Development ,Division for final drainage approval and permitting. Prepare.:.! By: ~~--=s K. S. R~'P.E. Fla. :Reg. No. 24068 November 22, 1988 K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. l495 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 p~BB /53 DRAINAGE STATEMENT FOR LITTLE DUDE RANCH OLD BOYNTON ROAD The subject ~ite isia 1.41 acre parcel of land located on the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road, in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County. The site plan, as prepared by Kilday & Associates, shows that approximately 0.49 acres (34.8%) of the site is impervious area and that 0.92 acres (65.2%) of the site is pervious area. Palm Beach County requires that all properties retain on-site the runoff from a three year - one hour storm. For this property, a three year - one hour storm is calculated to be 0.35 Ac-ft of water. It is proposed to accommodate this rainfall through a system of surface storage in the open space areas on the s~~e and through a system of interconnected underground exfiltration trenches. Preliminary calculations indicate that approximately 100 feet of six foot exfi1tration trenches will be required in addition to the surface storage. Prior to development and final permitting, a detailed report and construction plans of the drainage system will have to be submitted to the Permit Section of the Land Development Division for final drainage approval and permitting. .Prepared By: ~ -:::::s K. S. ERS, P.E. Fla. Reg. No. 24068 November 22, 1988 K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 ;:2 3 ~". Be- /51 /, J .' / ' - --- --J Kilday & Aaaoclatea Landscape Archltectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT r The petitioner is requesting the rezoning of this 1.25 acre parcel in order to reduce the non-conformity of this lot within the AR-Agricultural Residential Zoning District. The companion portion of this lot (under the same ownership) to the east is the subject of a petition requesting Rezoning from AR to RM with a concurrent Special Exception to allow a Day Care Center. As both the subject parcel and the proposed Day Care Center will soon be absorbed via annexation into the City of Boynton Beach, the rezoning of this parcel would allow the continuance of zoning congruity. Currently, there Is a pending water service agreement with the City of Boynton Beach on both parcels. The property is located approximately 170 feet west of Knuth Road on the south side of Old Boynton Beach Boulevard West Road. /5.5 KIlday It ANOdatee Landac:ape Archltectal Planner. 1661 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Aorlda 33401 (4071 689-6622 · 'Fax: (4071 689-2692 Justification statement This 1.41 acre property is located on the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road. Proposed is a two hundred child day care facility to be operated by Mr. Ray Flow and the Little Dude Ranch. Please see the attached letter from Mr. Flow regarding his views on the sUbject property. It is a well known fact that the shortage of reliable and affordable child care is a high concern of all working parents. This project will provide a convenient day care facility along a major roadway in the heart of a growing Boynton Beach area. The site provides ample area for outdoor play facilities and being a corner lot, abuts only two surrounding properties, both of which are vacant. There are large residential developments under construction within a five mile radius, ~ and those persons travel Old Boynton Road. This proposed day care will service residents in the area with a convenient, quality facility and help to alleviate the shortage of such facilities in the area. ~ /5~ ~ " ~ .......,I ~~-t~.~..:(.ri .,;...'~ . .~.t!... ..pJ:"(I~' ..:: .~.'~'" . :-:,'. .1..... \ '- , , Ray'R Flow 722 South Lakeside Drive. Lake Worth, Florida 33460 . As the American work force recruits increasing numbers of mothers of young children the need for high quality child care becomes more acute. Even though'private industry seems to be meeting this need over all, there are pockets of shortages that arise because of home building patterns as well .as other factors. The Boynton area has a shortage at this time. For several years I have watched this Boynton trend from our nursery school in Lantana. Approximately 30% of the students enrolled there are from Boynton and during certain times of the year we deny enrollment to many others. For those people living in the enormous residential areas being built to the west this seems to be a favorable route to work. It will be a great convenience to them having a child care center at this location as well as for those parents working at the adjacent Boynton Mall. Ray Flow '\ " 1;-1- eEEI08~1I STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM 8EACH ) ) 55 ) THIS l!Jth 11988 DAY NOV, I PERSOtlALL Y 8EFORE ME APPEARED__________________ __________fJ1Bl~1J_Ju_~lJl____, UHO 8EING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accomp~nyino Property Oune'I LSlt Ss, to the ~elt of hSs/her knouledge, a complete and ~ccurate list of .11 property ouner~, mailing addre~sQs and propQrty co~trol numbert a: recorded jn tho late~t offJclal tax rolls in th~ County Courthoute for all property ulthln three ~undrQd (300) rQel of th~ Lelou d~scrjbQd parcel of land. : The property In qu~stjon Is IQgally described as folloust TRACT 53, SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP ~5 SOUTH, OF RANGE ~3 EAST, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDD IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 19 '. PUDLIC RECORDS OF PALH DEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS THE SOUTH 260,0 FEET THEREOF AND LESS THE WEST 145,49 FEET THEREOF. CONTAINING 1.41 ACRES (61571 SQUARE FEET ),HORE OR LESS, SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS, RESTRCTIONS,RBSERVATIONS AND RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD, FURTHER AFFIANT SA'/ETH NOT. Suorn to and of N}J.1.IIU.f...a.-- . A.D.. 19 _lSA._' me thl, _J~~_ day sul.s cr J be d before _~___S.,-hJdd~_____ Notary Public Stat. of Florida at Large HOTll/V' l'rmf.lC'. rOUE 0' JrCOllllfl'. MY COMIU:;~IOH ~nIHl!:S: MAR. al. ..... . ~y CommSsslon Expjrosl_:::~~:~:::~:~~:~~~:~~~______________ NOTARY SEIIL " , . ":4h~. 'l.:-::'~~ . ~ .: ;..itf:i'.., ....,.~;~..;: ., . " ...~~~ ....'.;'..... ~ ~'J~.'.r'( !~..., ..,,..~ .: . ~~l:t~..~.I{':~'::::'~"';~:'.. '.'~ ,'. .' . '''~f ;1" .,.J.:-(."" ,,;. '., l.:f' :,"'t..:.:t~...f. . '~" ;;,;.t,.:r~' }:;~. ~,jlo~!~~",. :; -':. ~\i'.,,~~ :'1.&;1':t:.r( ......"\....... .. l.itl?i;j;~:,~~'H~, :,;..,;' .:~: ., " . 0,,* . ~..nt~X$~: .~~.:" I 'J 2~ /ry >. PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN A 300 FOOT RADIUS FROM PROPERTY CONTROL NUMBER: 00-~3-~5-19-05-053-001.0 . . . Ernest R. & E1iz. P. Gilmer 9613 Knuth Road Boynton Beach. Fl. 33436 . . . . 1) 00-~3-~5-19-05-05~-001.0 Klatt, r,rnest & Violet M. P.O. Box 1477 Doynton .Deach. Fl. 33425 2) 00-~3-~5-19-05_053-002.0 Gilmer. Ernest R. & Eliz. P. 9613 Knuth Road Doynton Beach. Fl. 33~36 3) 00-~3-~5-19-05-053-003.0 Crowell. Dennis C. 9587 Knuth Rd. Boynton Beach. Fl. 33~36 ~) 00-~3-~5-19-05-057-002,O Martin. Duke R. & Sandra J, 6601 Sheridan Street Hollywood. Fl. 3302~ I . ~ .....I 5) 00-1'3-145-19-10-000-065,0 6) 00-43-45-19-10-000-066.0 Edmal Ltd. 27/31 Blandford St. London WIll : 3AD England Edmal Ltd. 27/31 Blandford St. London WIH3AD England 7) 00-~3-45-19-10-000-067.0 Fronrath. Rita 3613 Silver Lace LN/U6, Boynton Beach. Fl. 33436 8) 00-43-~5-19-04-015-011.0 Arbour. Rose M. 3626 Ruskin Avenue Boynton Beach. Fl. 33~36 Stalfa. F J & Dorothy 360~ Ruskin Ave, nt. 3 Boynton Deach, Fl, 33~36 IJI , 9) 00-~3-115-19-0'I-015-015.0 I '~10) 00-~3-~5-19-0~-015-01B.0 Duffy, Alice E. 3590 Ruskin Avenue Doynton Deach, Fl. 33436 /:S7 . 00-43-45-19-04-015-020.0 Schulz, Gordon T, 3580 Ruskin Ave. Doynton Bench, Fl, 'n'l il, 12) 00-': ::,,':rj-19-0J:-O r~_o:t~, n .\llcn, John Ii. t. A,'c.lllla A. 311 Washington St. Wapakaoneta, Ohi 0 JI~8(Jr.) 13) 00-43-45-19-0~-015-024,O Williams, Riehnrd P & Millie G. 3562 Ruskin Ave, Doynton Deneh, Fl, 33436 14) 00-43-45-19-04-015-027.0 Knapp, Richard F & I.eslie A. 3546 Ruskin Ave Boynton Deaeh, Fl, 33~36 15} 00-43-45-19-04-015-030.0 Wade, John G & Wynett 3518 Ruskin Ave, Doynton Deneh, PI, 33~36 , ~ 16) 00-43-45-19-04-015-0~2.0 Lamb, G V & RrnenLine C, 3545 Old,Doynton Rd, Doynton Deaeh, Fl, 33~36 17) 00-43-45-19-0~-015-0q5.0 Gundlach J J. & Est.her M 233 Sw 8LhAvenue Doynton Deaeh, VIa, 33~3~ 18) 00-43-45-19-0~-015-0'18.0 Williams, Riehar'd I' & Mille G. 3562 Ruskin Ave Doynton Deneh, 1;'1. 31'13(. 19) 00-43-45-19-0~-015-050,O Castaldo, Jerr'y & IH;Hl(~ 3581 Old DoynLon lid, Doynton Denetl, 1-'1, 33'111, 20) 00-43-45-19-0~-015-052,O Valentine, Neil & Donna 1933 Tom-A-Toe nd, Lantana, PI, 33~62 G !~iJ -- -~ - --_...: . . 00-43-45-19-04-015-054.0 Ratty, Walter Jr. & Rosemary 3601 Boynton Rd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33~36 22) 00-~3-~5-19-0~-015-057.0 Acosta, Vincent & Victorin 3617 Old Doynton Road Boynton Dench, Fl. 33~3G 23) OO-~3-45-19-05-0~8-001.0 Knuth Road Assoc. 1~3G N. Congress Avonue West Palm neach, Fl, 33~Ol 2~) OO-~3-~5-19-05-031-001.0 Doynton-JCP Assoc, , I.tel, 7620 Market St., Youngstown, Ohio ~~51? 25) 00-~3-~5-19-05-0~8-002.0 Mish, F C & Dorothy 1., Rt. 3, Dox 1203 Knuth JIll, Doynton Dench, 1,'1, J]'13(, '-' L /~( . t CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ ". . : . .~. 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd. p, o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR September 25, 1990 Mr. Ray F. Flow 722 South Lakeside Drive Lake Worth, Fl 33460 RE: Annexation of Little Dude Ranch Dear Mr. Flow: We recently received the additional information you submitted which addresses items 1 and 2 of my previous correspondence, dated July 17, 1990. You have not yet addressed items 1 through 5 on page 2 of the above-referenced letter. Please either come into the office and revise these pages or submit modified pages as soon as possible as weare approaching the City's deadline for the processing of these applications. Very truly yours, C~F;~;;;;:EACH {~ES J. GOLDEN Interim Planning Director JJG:frb C:RFlow fC,?- f ~ -( · CITY ':of BOYNTON BEACH ?r~ @...,.. ;~ 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, p, O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, florida 33435,0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR July 17, 1990 Mr. Ray F. Flow 722 South Lakeside Drive Lake Worth, Fl 33460 RE:' Annexation of Little Dude Ranch Dear Mr. Flow: In connection with the requirement of your water service agreement with the City of Boynton Beach, I have reviewed the applications that you submitted in late April, 1990. Since the applications you submitted were substantially.incomplete and were submitted several weeks'after our April 1, 1990 deadline, the applications have not been processed. Your next opportunity to have these applications processed, pursuant to the twice a year limitation on plan amendments in the Florida Statutes and the City's review schedule for same, is October 1, 1990. With respect to the above, the following items were not included in your submittal and are required for processing of this annexation: 1. A\lPF-esSt=P Two copies of the completed application for annexation' form. A blank copy of the application form is enclosed. 2. A~ PP-~S's ~j) , Application fee for processing of the annexation application and the application fee for processing of the land use element amendment and rezoning application ($500 and $800 respectively). /U?:3 ^ ,.' fJOI ^.P.Pfi~.\S s-f ts~ 'f' TO: Mr. Ray F. Flow -2- July 17, 1990 In addition to the outstanding items listed above, the following corrections must be made to the application form for land use element amendment and rezoning: 1. Page 1, item 2. A check mark should be placed next to item "c". 2. Page 3, item 13. The proposed zoning district is the City's R-3, not the County's RM. Page 3, item 14. The current land use category is "Residential 8" in Palm Beach County. 3. 4. Page 3, item 15. The proposed land use category is "High Density Residential". 5. Page 3, item 16 should read "day care center (existing)". If you have any questions concerning above, do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, r::-/B~);LEACH JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior City ~lanner JJG:frb Encs cc: City Manager Utilities Director 1ft f