LEGAL APPROVAL MEMORANDUM I ?'1J r:r: July 12, 1989 TO: Charles Frederick Recreation & Parks Director : I Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Rolling Green Park - Parking Lot Variance FROM: I. '! -~;.-- ~ Please be advised that on Tuesday, July 11, 1989, the Planning and Zoning Board conducted a public hearing at which ,time they approved your request for a variance to section 5-142(f) "Drainage" of the Parking Lot Regulations. Should you have any questions concerning this matter, do not hesitate to contact me. , .. a.._._~~ CARMEN S. . ANNU lATO ,.. ~ CSA:frb cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Central File rgrpk.711 I --..--- , ... ..' ..-.' .. '. ?~, ~ MEMORANDUM July 3, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: ROlling Green School Park - File No~q3 . Parking Lot Variance ~ section 5-144(c)(4) of the Code of Ordinances requires that when a variance to Section 5, Article X, Parking Lots is requested, the Technical Review Board must forward to the Planning and \ Zoning Board a recommendation, and that the recommendation forwarded is to be made part of the public hearing proceedings. To that end, this memo is forwarded, consistent with 5-144(c)(4). The City of Boynton Beach has requested a variance to Section 5-142(f) Drainage of the Parking Lot Regulations which requires, among other things, that storm water be contained on site at a minimum capacity of two and one-half inches of rainfall in one hour. In this instance, the City is requesting that two-thirds of the drainage be allowed to drain into the grassed swale within the N.E. 26th Avenue right-of-way and one-third of the drainage ~ be allowed to drain onto the park property leased by the City from the school board. The site plan for the park was approved by the City Commission May 16, 1989, contingent upon approval of a parking lot variance. For an explanation of the Code requirement, the nature of the variance requested, and the variance justification, please refer to the attached Notice of Public Hearing, application and site plan diagram. On Thursday, June 29, 1989, the Technical Review Board (TRB) met to review the plans and documents submitted, and to formulate a recommendation with regard to the variance requested. After review and discussion, the TRB recommended approval of the variance as submitted for the following reasons: 1) meeting the drainage requirement by providing retention areas would allow less room for public recreation use. 2) due to the narrow width of the City property (50 feet) and the code requirement to provide a total of 52.5 feet for a minimum two and one-half foot landscape strip on the north side of the parking lot, 45 feet of pavement width for parking and access aisle and a minimum five foot landscape strip between the edge of ;L 1 '~-<13 · €.:T' . pavement and the N.E. 26th Avenue right-of-way, for which a landscape appeal was approved, there is insufficient room to provide additional swales for drainage. 3) of the numerous site design solutions discussed during the TRB review of the site plan, the parking lot layout approved by the City Commission enabled six mature trees to remain and provided a five foot wide landscape strip to buffer the parking lot from the interior of the park, two and one-half feet more than required by code. ~:-IiMEN s. tNUN#"W-Z: . , TJH:frb Encs cc: Central File I . -. RGRSCHPK 2 ) _. ,- .... .. ..,.---)-~3 '. I __________.... . " .... ~, ," . . , ' I ,: ~,..-,.....' I.. '. " "I--.")"'}': ,.... -"--J ...../ "-- ! ".'. .' I ' I. . ,; I: I .lI ,_..' , ..........,... " i' Hi i...Hl_L.:r\:..i:~'. ri J:'..: "'5:" '. _:.l.I1=" ::..!:... :: ~~:;. . . 1'1. .. ROLLING GREEN SCHOOL BOYNTON BEACH ,FLORIDA .. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS APRIL 1989 I I ~ i I I I I i I .. W ~f",T-' ""- 17'.....-...-.~ .....,'- .:,,- ;.'t.o." ,.:-~~. ':; \1: ,~ t:..~" \r_\'I'\ ~)~ ~'; : ' F.,..}. \,~ I~; .\ \; ~ ,- .............. -'"' .....'. ...... ,; 11:' 1 . ,"1'" ...... (' ~ :: ;~~ t:.~.j ...::~ 't. : !,~. ~ , I' "'( "r' 1"':'t9 ,~J; ...;..j >~ ------ - --.-.--.--.-- _..-~.. ---.. .- -----.---.- ".. I .. .- -"'. I .:-" ,,>-:" ~:.:::._ '" To _U-2j'. ~~c:~<_'\, ". . ::.' " II . . . \. -- ". \ 0':;; i~8~:'.~' . - -1- " " - 4 _ ,,- .... ... ::..2~ 6;}:..<>\: 0 i PROJE.CT Mf\l~AGER - . . .. ? ~ f/?J --~ D:lll':. Lf- 7.8'7 llj~ .~tUJI":i.. .;~.: ! i.Jr1..l.I.' _,J: . . . _~cJl:~~I_~~pi. . 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S v 11\.yY\A"Y he,/o w) 4 (e th...e. onl, d"$ttllvhed o.vet\S 011 fl1.-l ~,'k, 11\12 SUW\ of fuse. ar'ta$ w,' tJ he Nw//-"fi:ed. by /, 2 ~1/I1W.1.ht'e ~,.. e~ lJ"r.'tt11t n1~'lCU\le{,.~) Tn t.oMfvfe tL J,'s/-vr'be4. 41'~ Ie... ttl~/e,.. 1 va, /'7 (,q/c"t;/qf.'rJ)1S. 'j).'~flJr'hed Arta.. .:. {rmfuv,'tJV1 ~ f P~/e"1.f.'t:t0 X I~Z ~ (L/e,1/~ of- Ilf,4-00) /, Z ~ 75,7'38 sf. F.'f~1 JntA, ~ 1,'~x75",738Jtx 11'/,z.,'''1 ==-03/lcf' i J]le ftOrose} ~~/ew, :~ reftAlll:on; ~etd I c,.;' 50~ ell' f1...e 4tt1.,,~! voluYr\<. to." cJ /elier}. fJo,.. fI..t. 1.'1$';' ,';,d /t1(/S 1- ke fyude.l,. . I ~. rJ,/.",e -{. be fa.lel';;, 1-/4&-1' '1IM/j i :::: {p3/1 e,f ;( ,5" ..i ::;; ?,I;tp t,-pl i J\ , . '?/:;- , '. . . ./ ;', '. .~?t'\~'~~__PE:~'_~:!:_,=--~.IL~'j_~a'~?_J'1 >-.Uii ,\ " : .---'pf;_Qll 1!.rl": LJ. ~ 7 ~ 8_~L ; .::_.---P(.~;,^QS~~.It.S By.~mf '. ~ ~ ... . . " . j____-."-~.1 ,_.! '...., ) ~ , . \ , r~ :: 1 j~ ) j-j . ....-..::::.. ..- ... ~ !: . \... ..... 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(p I depth .h, LJt\tev -ht~le. wh:J, wo~ld '-Dlfespov.J.. ft> 0.. ,umMula1:v.t Wt'Ju- st-ow'a..se ~t l't,&> ,'ra. uV\du u",J; s-tuv'W pe-vv;OL-i,S a(u:t~. e1V\tt. 14-.~B I',.,. l.H'lde--r l.OY'(\p~c..+d pttl\l: OL-iS o.l~? C. ~ ~ v : v ~ I ~ t ~o: I St"",o. ~ . ($) 11J'- to+C\\ rU\1:01.o\S Q{e..a.., of ~.t;1 ~c. .1 &t(../U~ ~""'e-tleJ. (wd 5.8/ Qtte5 fo '--~~-~7.~:.(\j _~~J I f.:',eIJf _!_]}~~JE..(e_I_~ 5Q ,'I ~ ~ ,-0 Ila'.^J$ . Jr. 3, f<e-ftw'..J-:oVl V'o/tlMe PeAel1t:oYl AfetJ,::i- P(oLf;ded 5r..)(ftl-,(-e A(~ (s+') 3t.fSO {Poo '2. .. 1500 '3 If ~ (p 1 .. 3000 fD tfoo 4-700 ~(goo " :1J[. I I DepH" Vo I UWle. Ce-f J f.t, " nzr;; If" -;too . {p " ~ 7!;O {p " '/500 {p" 3UJo bll (0" c,a"'s:sh "f' 4f1'a)(";.o~fe'; \ ~e iff! 4.5 ,'.s- S-b'A.$2~~ C.t;r->fvlt!l 1f)..J /. ~ ": '. I I " I . : "....... J(....')l...-.".~"Tl,.,...t ..,1_ .J '--J J\ L ,t.)\ Lt'" i.. . "1"" I 'I.. _ 1" .1.... I ., . . .-':'.1 :..!..f/.._._'...:'(i.,<:, 1. . 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(Z5y(, '3Jtlp ~o:1 5tt'(C13~ ,(~) ~orJoFF I Q * "Ee f lt1t.I()., ~-h,(P.jt: Pis J'\o..Ij e mE - ~::r - 7,~3 1&,'6/ ;~ 19,(P ~, e. ,'., (3. 0; At-oN) 7,(;3 1{P.31 ;n 1L>.2.. 5.8,',.., (3.67 A",ft) .3g 3.2'/ A? -ff o '3.05" A,-,ff f IIJ IS He D F L.oo f?- li111J/t.1 U/11 1l....t s:te ;5 {tll~t(j;" Flo~cI Ca....e. "e" (F/f?m-afUts of' fI1:n: hl~ I flot>J..~). 7hL rt S !t't't'rr1 /}"':steJ {~,.( ek~1J, {.'an ks -r,...pfiit""e.. bu.,... ~t ~/J ~b"ve e;(,'sf,~ ..Jf"~de.. . () , e." " ~'. ~ ,.... .~ ;: t '\. ." '. .' L,~~ ,,_~ ('j i'T), '1":; 1" ." ~ .; ...... l... I. ".&. J ~-~ ~ ~ : : . '. .' f)~ill:: ~ "" _ . '. J ~' .: _.. ~ I ,. .. I.';;'. :_.j~I~J:';l:.:!.... n .;d.(:-....~/}l ...,;.... -..;. ~ "':~ t). . ." . SOILS REPORT , II 1 - I I I i I I I I , I I I I i I I I i i . i I /~ , ATEe Associates, Inc. ~~ 3520 Investment Lane, Suite 1 "'-TI West Palm Beach, Florida 33404-1774 (407) 844-1166 ..293 PROJECT #71-82032 LAB #1528 City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Flo~ida 33~2S RE: Soil Bo~ings I Pe~colation Tests - Rolling G~een Pa~k Gentlemen: . Pe~ you~ ~eQuest we have pe~fo~med soil bo~ings and pe~colation tests at the ~efe~enced P~OJBct. Attached a~e the bo~ing logs and pe~colation test ~esults. Respectfully submitted. .. ~ Stephen G. Ande~son. P.E. Dist~ict Manage~ II' SGA:dg Attachments A Subsidiary of American Testing and Engineering Corporation Offices in Maior U.S. Cities 'Since 1958 Consulting Geotechnical, Materiats and Environmental Engineers [ 1-- . . ATEC Associates, Inc~ 'TV 3520 Investment Lane. Suite' 1 "-VI West Palm Beach. Florida 33404-1774 ~ (407)844-1166 . .;13 PROJECTD 71-92032 LABiI 1528-A DATED 2-24-89 CLIENTU 212 CLIENT: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P. O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 PROJECT: ROLLING GREEN PARK REPORT ON PERCOLATION TEST (P-l) " The following is a report on percolation test conducted referenced project on February 24, 1989. The test was using the S.F.W.M.D. "Usual Condition" test procedure. results were as follows: at the conducted The Test SOIL PROFILE: 0-1' Brown sand 1'_7' White sand . Water Level Average 10 Minute Pumping Rate Test Hole Diameter Hydraulic Conductivity (k) - Not encountered 6.3 gpm 7 incles 3.0 x 10-4 CFs/FT. 2- FT. HEAD o Respectfully submitted, ~ Stephen G. Anderson, P. E. District Manager A Subsidiary of American Testing and Engineering Corporation Offices in Major U.S. Cities/Since 1958 Consulting Geotechnical. Materials and / Environmental Engineers . . ATE~ Associates, Inc. 'W~ 3520 Investment Lane. Suite 1 '''';I' West Palm Beach. Florida 33404-1774 (407) 844-1166 CLIENT: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P. O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 PROJECT: ROLLING GREEN PARK REPORT ON PERCOLATION TEST (P-2) . PROJECTD 71-92032 LABU 1528-B DATE: 2-24-89 CLIENTO 212 The following is a report on percolation test conducted at the referenced project on February 24, 1989. The test was conducted using the S.F.W.M.D. "Usual Condition" test procedure. The Test results were as follows: .. SOIL PROFILE: 0-1' Brown sand 1'-7' White sand . Water Level Average 10 Minute Pumping Rate Test Hold Diameter Hydraulic Conductivity (k) - '" Respectfully submitted, ~ Stephen G. Anderson, P. E. District Manager . A Subsidiary of American Testing and Engineering Corporation Offices in Major U.S. Cities/Since 1958 Not encountered 4.8 gpm 7 inches 2.3 x 10-4 CFS!FT.2 FT. HEAD ;93 Consulting Geotechnical, Materials and Environmental Engineers 1 j .~ ..... . -' ATEe Associates. Inc. ~~ 3520 Investment Lane, Suite 1 · '"VI West Palm Beach. Florida 33404-1774 (407) 844-1166 PROJECTD LABD DATE: CLIENTI! CLIENT: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH P. O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 PROJECT: ROLLING GREEN ~ARK REPORT ON PERCOLATION TEST (P-3) . 71-92032 l528-C 2-24-89 212 . The following is a report on a percolation test conducted at the referenced project on February 24, 1989. The test was conducted using the S.F.W.M.D. "Usual Condition" test procedure. Test results were as follows: SOIL PROFILE: 0-1' Brown sand 1'-7' White sand . Water Level Average 10 Minute Pumping Rate Test Hole Diameter Hydraulic Conductivity (k) c Respectfully submitted, StePh~rson, District Manager P. E. A Subsidiary of American Testing and Engineering Corporation Offices in Major U.S. Cities/Since 1958 Not encountered 3.9 gpm 7 inches 1.9 x 10-4 CFS/FT.2- FT. HEAD .}tj3 Consulting Geotechnical, Materials and Environmental Engineers ?o A. ce Associates, In~. -2tp Project No. 71-92032 Client CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Project ROLLING GREEN PARK Boring No.S-l Date 2-24-89 Sheet-L.ofL Type of 80rlng ASTM 01586 Rig Sampler 1.50" 1.0. x 2.00" 0.0. x 24" 80ring begun 2-24-89 Boring completed 2-24-89 Ground Elevation Existing referred to Location of 80ring: SEE DRAWING Water Level 15' Time Immed. Date 2-24-89 Datum Field Party: A. D. & G. E. . .t:: 8! :J: 0 i-o:- no z DEPTH < . CI VISUAL DESCRIPTION CI '0"';"1 ::::e : ::l ~ "ii ClE_ ~Cl z- IN C) . Cl E "iiec oll) . > ..J ~ e-c;. iDfi FEET Cl 0 CI) If) r- - o _ ..-... t- Brown sand / t- - 1-= - ~ / r- White sand 1-2 t- 2"': t- :. / to- t- 3": - 3-4 / - - White sand - ,,- 2/3 - - Loose 'White sand - 5 - u - 5-6 3/4 - - Loose brown sand - 6- .----. 3/2 - .: - 7- '" - 7-8 3/4 - - Loose broyn sand - s- - 4/4 - - " 9- '" - 9-10 4/5 r-- - l~on!;e broYTl sand f- 10- t- - t- - t- - 11- ~ ~ ~:ln(l f- 12": f- - f- -: f- 13- - /3 - - 0 - 14 ...: 3/4 7 - -: T.nn~p hrnvn ~:ln(l 14-15 - 15 _ - -: EOB-15, I- 6-: f- - - - 7- - - -= l- S- I- - I-- - f- 9"': - - - - ----_. 0- - - =- - - 1-= . . " dJM /~ EC Associ6~es, [n" . .293 Project No. 71-92032 Client CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Project ROLLING GREEN PARK Location of Boring: SEE DRAWING Water Level 13' Time Immed. Date 2-24-89 Boring No.S-2 Date 2-24-89 Sheet~ of~ Type of Boring ASTM 01586 Rig Sampler 1.50" 1.0. x 2.00" 0.0. x 24" Boring begun Boring completed Ground Elevation Existing referred to Datum . 0 .z:. ... :x: Ci. -c. c.. Z C) C) =- 80. DEPTH -< 'g-:-: :::E G> .. : ::I 0: VISUAL DESCRIPTION . a. IDE_ ~.. z- IN C) o.ee oU) . .. E . > ..J ~ E-c i:iie FEET ~ 0 0 on - - 0 --..-- - Brown sand / :- - - .-- 1- 1-2 / E- .: White sand 2-= .... - / ~ - 3-= 3-4 / ~ :.. White sand .c - ... - 2/3 :- - - 5-= T -.-- - 5/6 4/4 - - 6"::' Loose ",hH.Ll?al1d "'/~ - .: ~ 7-:;' .- :.. 7-8 6/6 - Medium white sand 8 - - 6/8 - - Medium brown II. 9 sand ., - 9-10 6/18 - - - 10 - Verv dense brown hard pan :. .: 11-= - :::. - - ~loZIl..-SRn rl ~ 12-:: - - I- - I- 13-: /2 I- - I- 14-= I- - 2/3 I- - Loose brown sand 14-15 5 - 1 - _ 5_ :- - tOB-15, - - 6- - - - - 7-= :- - - - 8- - - - - - - - 9- - - - ~ - 0-:: - - 1-= Field Party: 7. n. F. r.. F.. . ,. A~ Jl- . ; 1 ~. " ~ t_.,. ~'~ . .JljJ A. E.C Associates, [n~. Project No. 71-92032 Client CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Project ROLLIl~G GREEN PARK Boring No.S-3 Date 2-24-89 Sheet-Lof~ Type of Boring ASTM 01586 Rig Sampler 1.50" 1.0. x 2.00" 0.0. x 24" Boring begun Boring completed Ground Elevation Existing referred to Location of Boring: SEE DRAWING Water Level 13' Time Immed. Date 2-24-89 Datum . .c .. J: 0 Ci -II> n.. ::z: 8a. DEPTH -< . ClC=:- II> VISUAL DESCRIPTION II> 'tl'":"1I> ::::E : ::J 0:: a. II>EII> ~.. ::z:- IN C) a.e~ oU) - .. E iii& - > FEET -' ~ E-c;. 0 ~ VI - -- 0- .--.. - - Brown sand - _. --- - - / - 1- / - - 1-2 - 2-= White sand :. . - '/ - 3- - 3-4 I '- - White sand - ~- t:- - 2/3 - , - 5-= .... :. - 3/4 - Loose white sand 5-6 - 6- .-.--.-.-. 3/3 ~ .: - ~ 7":' u Medium white sand f- - 7-8 5/6 ~ - e- ~ - 6/6 - - - 9- ....oJ I- - 9-10 9/8 f- - Medium brown sand I- - _ 10-: - - - 11"":: - - - - Brown sand - 1 - 2-: - - - 13- - - /4 - 14- - >- - Me,,,",1Im n -nt.r !'lAnd 14-15 5/6 11 I- - 15- - - - F.OB-1t;' - - 6- I- - '-- - - - I- 7-: - I- - e- - - - - - 9- - - ::- -: - 0- - t- - 1-= Field Party: Z.D. & G.E. . . -JI ~3 AA '. A:~.2G Associates, [nL.. .2~ Project No. 71-92032 Client CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Project ROLLING GREEN PARK Boring No.S-4 oate2-24-89 Sheet.LofL Type of Boring ASTM 01586 Rig Sampler 1.50" 1.0. x 2.00" 0.0. x 24" Boring begun Boring completed Ground Elevation ExistinR referred to Location of Boring: SEE DRAWING Water Level 15' Time - . Date 2-24-89 Datum . .c: ~ :t: 0 Q. -CD c.. 2: eo:::- 8'ii CD DEPTH -< VISUAL DESCRIPTION . co 'tl":': ::::E : :I 0: 'ii llIE_ ~C1 2:- IN C) a.ec: 0(1) _ till E iii~ - > FEET ..J ~ E-e;. 0 CI (I) I/) F --: -- 0- - Bro\m sand / f-- f- 1- - - White sand 1-2 / - 2-= f- / '- - f- 3': ~ - White sand 3-4 / f- - 4 ~ - 3/3 I- - , I- s-: v 5-6 3/4 f-- - Loose w1l1te sana ~ - 6- .----. 3/2 - -= hn - 7 - 8/25 - ..: Dense brown sand 7-8 - 8- - - - 6/13 -, 9- ...... - 9-10 13/1 - -: Medium brown sand - 10- - - - - 11- - ~ - '--- _ 12-:: - - - - 13- - - /3 f- -: ~ 14- ~ - 4/4 8 f-- - Loose brown sand 14-15 I- 1 - _ s_ t" - EOB-15 · - 6- - - - - - - 7- :- - -: - 8- - - - - - 9- - - - -: - ~ 0- - i-- - I- 1": Field Party: Z.D. & G.E. . . .--_..~...._...- AA c:L1 A. ;:e /~s'sbciates, (nl J Boring No. 5-5 Date 2-24-89 Type of Boring ASTM 01586 Rig Sampler 1.50" 1.0. x 2.00" 0.0. x 24" Boring begun Boring completed Ground Elevation Exis ting referred to )4;.3 Sheet2- of~ Project No. Client Project Location of Boring: SEE DRAWING 12' 71-92032 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ROLLING GREEN PARK Water Level Time Date oatur . ~ ... :l: 0 C. -.. Il. ;z ..a::- 8a. .. DEPTH 00( VISUAL DESCRIPTION . .. og'":'l ::::E r = a:: a. "E_ ~~ ;z- IN C) oC/) - .. E 'aoe - > FEET ..J ~ E .:: e- mS 0 .. C/) &n - - o - -....--.. .: Brown sand .. - --- I - 1- -.. . . - 1-2 / - - White sand 2-= I - - 3-= 3-4 I - .: White sana - 4~ f-- - 2/2 - - c: - 5-= - :: 3/3 - Loose wh~~~-2anp E;-f; 6 - "),/2 - .: ,. - 7-= - -: 7-8 4/13 - Medium white sana '- B-:, 15/11 - 10 9- - 9-10 8/8 - - Medium brown sand 1""10-= - - - - 1 1--= - r-- - '- - 12- - - - - - 13- - /6 r- - I- 14~ ~ - 6/7 ~ - Medium brown sand 14-15 13 I- 1 S ...: - - f- -: - 16- - - '- - - - 17- ~ - l- I"" 1 - B- t- - /2 ~ - - 19-= I- - - - Loose gray sand 19-20 2/2 4 2 0 ...: - - - - - - 1-= I I I Field Party: z. Davis & G. Ellen . . A~ /J] '" A. 2C Associates, in~. 2't3 Project No. 71-92032 . Client CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Project ROLLIl,G GREEN PARK Location of Boring: SEE DRAWING 2' Boring No.S-5 Date 2-24-89 SheetLofL Type of Boring ASTM 01586 Rig Sampler 1.50" 1.0. x 2.00" 0.0. x 24" Boring begun Boring completed Ground Elevation Existing referred to Water Level Time Date Oatun . 0 .c: ... :I: Q. -CD a.. Z 11>0:- 8'Q. DEPTH < III 't)-:-I :::E CP : ::J c: VISUAL DESCRIPTION . 'Q. .!!E_ It.. z- IN C) E a,0c;: oU) . CI . > ..J ~ E .:: c::. aig FEET .. 0 U) Of) - - 0- -. . - - - - - 21- f- - ~ - I- 22- f- . I- - 23 ..: ~ - /1 f- - I- 2.c": I- - 24-25 1/2 3 I- - Vprv 1nnce orav sand i- 2S": f:- ~ - 26- ..---.. - - - - - 27- - - - 2B- - 11 - - 29 ....: - Verv loose 2ray sand - - 29-30 010 0 - 30': - - - - _ 31-: - - - _ 32-: ;: -:: 33- - - /8 i- - I- 34 ..: I- - 34-35 8/6 14 ~ - Medium cemented gray sand w/gray - - sana 35- - - Very dense cemented gray sand I- -: - EOB-35.5' - 6- - - - - - 7- - . - -: B- - ..: - - - 9- - - - 0-: ~ =- - ,..:. Field Party: Z. Davis & G. Ellen . . ~AA ATEC PROJ'EC" 1171-92032 01'- "DRA'WING "PROVIDED 0'" CLIENT" , ' ..' ". .., "\. .. -.,. .".,"" ..... "'. ,.rlll:,.CI: w, '..t'~" I ~., ".' I CtiA ... .~j _J.~~ , ~;- .) _,. :,v .. ~";'",i :- .~. ~'\~~ ~. , ,.-... r...... '.",~ 'J .,"-' ~:.: ~~.., , .....---- -. ." . ~ . @ "" ,.;,..t&. , ~,: ._ ,.~ "_~~.--3"' , ~._.. ",' (-- D.. ",t. -g~~ ",,:_--~.... .... . _.- ~ !O" f :;~ -:-'" ."., .. -.- ..~~: '\"'. .!.. ,.. ....' ~ .,.. .,. : 6(1' ..: ., r:.'TIS ,\ :IT> .,.' '. ~...' ,,~, . # .t(tt.r;t. . \ : ~ \.. .. . ~\. : 't\. \ . \ &': , . !l00' -,. .. ...;) ....; .. ~ >\' t" t.." .... 'l-.~t....l - 7. ..:...~"" 1.~! i'.,% .,1t.t:' \ v. .' -tl. , . -p;.tr' ~. \'" ~ t1 \ <',14 f' " . .. .. ., .' "'. -_.- ! . . '" . ., ., ., L. i':' " .~~. <... \ \ .J.:....', ". ! .. 1 ....... ., ... · I ..' . '. .,..., ~. '" . .. ~ ...... .....;, " .~. ,,,,,," . ...",y._ ",...' :.J '. >I- 'i'<.' ... -- ,'i'<...,.....' 'i;~',~'';'' , ' .,_ . .".. ,....l.... ~ .~,~_. 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'~;' .-','" '.' i ;: ,'" ; ~tJ LEGEND TO BORING LOGS STANDARD PENETRATION TEST RELATIVE DENSITY (SAND-SILT) VERY LOOSE LOOSE MEDIUM DENSE VERY DENSE . Less than 4 blows per foot 4 tolO blows per foot 10 to 30 blows per foot 30 to 50 blows per foot More than 50 blows per foot Note: The water level shown on the boring logs is intended for general information only, and is. taken immediately upon completion of the boring. The apparent level may have been altered by the drilling pro~ess. Ground .w~~er level, if desired, would have to be determined over'a longer time interval vith monitoring wells. SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION CEMENTED SAND AND SHELL Sand and shell which have become rocklike because of the accumulation of cementing minerals. A cemented sand and shell sometimes with coral and fossils. Any man made soil deposit. Fill materials sometimes cannot be distinguished from natural materials in soil boring samples. Soil composed largely of particles from 2mm to 2" in diameter. A condition in which a soil layer has been cemented together by organic fines or other cementing material. Generally found at or above ground water level. LrMEROCK - A local term applied to a material consisting of relatively soft (sandy) limestones with sand, silt, marl, and/or organic materials. The percentage of "rock" material generally can range from 30% to 90% vith the remaining voids infilled vith the above materials. This term might be used to indicate a natural material which may have some kind of cemented structure or might be appl~ed to indicate a fill material consisting of natural limerock which has been broken through excavation and/or processing. The permeability of these materials can vary considerably due to variations in void content. MANGROVE (MUCK) - A muck or peat consisting of the decaying remains of the the mangroves. A silt composed largely of calcium carbonates. A soil consisting of organic materials mixed with granular mineral soils. . COQUINA FILL GRAVEL HARDPAN MARL MUCK (continued . . . ) AA-31 ~ . ... ,. ,j" '. . ~'JJ LEGEND TO BORING LOGS SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION (continued) FEAT SAND SILT SLUDGE TOPSOIL A soil containing large quantities of fibrous organic material. - .Soil composed largely of particles from O.OSmm to 2mm in diameter. Fine grained soil of low plasticity, sometimes a very fine sand. A limerock quarry waste material consisting largely of lime fines. Surface soils generally containing organics. GENERAL NOTE: Data presented on the boring logs is factual information at the specific boring location. Due to the fact that soils ar~ generally naturally deposited material and variable in nature, it must be realized that conditions can vary considerably over even a short distance. ATEC ASSOCIATES, INC. does not warrant or imply that the soil conditions shown on the boring logs are indicative of subsurface condition except at ~he ~p'ecific boring locations. Soil samples will be retained by us only for a period of six months unless otherwise directed in writing by our client. As a mutual protection to clients, the public and ourselves, soil samples should be reviewed by~ the client/Engineer and/or Architect 'prior to land purchase, design, or construction. . AA.3b Z;J -,- -, . ...., " . J.~ LOCJ\1"'ONMJ\P . 'ROLL\NG 'GREEN 'SCHOOL PARK \,,:, . ~.. .... . .1.. ' - . .?\\\\\B \ 11\, \ . '0 .400'BOO ~ '" d J\I~ , I< N N ~r. -=- u~ . ' ' --- ------ r "I FROM TO ~Bill DeBeck, prbject Manager ~ Carmen s. Annunziato Planning Director cf\ d\ SUBJECT: Rolling Green Park DATE: 9/11/89 "'OLD. Please be advised that the proposed Rolling Green Park is compatible \-lith the existing zoning. ) /bks cc: .Charles Frederick .! . PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED REPLY / . .----- ----....~.....-:'" '.;t..:.:-- . DATE: SIGNED , Item.' F269 e Wheeler ~ouP Inc. 1979 .: '" .to'--"~- '- ,. .-, 1 DETACH THIS........:.:.::.;.;.~:AIN FORANSWER..~END WHITE~ND PINK CO.PIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. --