REVIEW COMMENTS STAFF COMMENTS . QUAIL LAKE APARTMENTS SITE PLAN .... '- <<l ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memo ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: See attached memo UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: See attached memo ,. .. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: See attached memo ,. ~ " PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memo FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST: See attached memo ;J POLICE DEPARTMENT: See attached memo .... ~ 0( I / ,: MEMORANDUM ./ ~ August 2, 1989 .. TO: Carmen Annunziato planning Director . FROM: Med Kopczynski Deputy Building Official RE: site Plan - Quail Lake Apartments ~ Upon review of the above mentioned site plan, the following comments must be addressed in order for the project to conform with Boynton Beach city Codes: 1,. . ~ 1. Fully dimension site plan. 2. Plans for permit need to be sealed by an architect or engineer. ~I 3. Show the type of construction and conformity to Table 600. 4. Show handicap access throughout. ,-.- 5. Show zeal Me~z parking detail. RECEIVED MK : bh xc: Don Jaeger AUG 1 1989 PLANNING DEPT. - (10 , 3 MEMORANDUH August 2, 1989 TO: Jim Golden Senior City Planner VIA: George Hunt Acting Engineering Administrator FROM: Roger Kuver Engineering Inspector ,. RE: TRB Comments Quail Lake Apartments 1. Provide concrete sidewalk adjacent to S.W. 19th Avenue as a required improvement of the City Subdivision and Platting Regulations. ~ 2. Revise typical parking detail on sheet 6 of Paving and Drainage plans to 4 foot separation between blue handicap stripes and include painted handicap symbol (blue) on pavement. '. 3. Revise 6 inch raised concrete curb detail to reflect the City's minimum standard (8" base). 4. Provide light pole imbedment detail and Engineer's certification for 120 M;P.H. wind loading. '- ROger~ "" RK/ck ~, </ MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director~~ ~ John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities t August 2, 1989 From: Date: Subject: TRB Review - Quail Lake Apartments - Site Plan .. We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: 1. Please note that this City will maintain the main line sewers only. Sewer services are to be private. . . ~ 2. Relocate MH2 slightly to the west for improved access. 3. All water services with either end under pavement 'shall be of type "K" copper. Service taps shall be made utilizing a short brass nipple and ball valve, with a square adopting nut on the valve. This assembly shall also have a valve box installed to grade. 4 4. Provide calculations justifying the water meter and water service sizing. 5. Two-inch copper tubing is available in maximum lengths of 45 feet. Some of the water services exceed this and should be re-designed. Joints in the service piping are not permitted. 6. We request the water main at the north end of the project be re-routed so as to pass under or near the entrance from 19th Avenue, thereby avoiding the buffer wall. dmt , bc: Peter Mazzella l<..ECEIVED \!J5 1 i98 PLANNING DEPT, s l Grayarc. P.O. Box 2944 Hartford CT 0610.4.290(4 CAt..,L TOLL FREE: 1-eoo,24HI~ REPL V MESSAGE . Fold At (.) To Fit Grayarc Window Envelope" EW10P \ REORDER ITEM' F2t. ~ ...._._._--~ r ..:rA.n?~ ~L-O€~ TO :::5":E-.....,. 'o'l.... O~ ~A/L!O't: I FROM ~~A!.r' ~~#2..s7' . #~-rNVB -/2,4~/~ ~~K/'.2?/~ . h SUBJECT: cf) ~ "OI..D . \ \ Q-y_~..L...<-- ~/<.~ ~..r DATE:~"'/~ hef:qse:- ~~,r e ~G"- -:TO --:z; t!!: OS~~ ~L.. --;;?>"""'~A/.s,,,o,JJ OF ~/u-tS:S ~r ;?y ~ V.l'~ It!!C' Ycd"c::..L-~. 4~.:5>~ Jt.6~.I';:- ~Pd2J:>~1 --;n;. -::ZAHY7r'~;,e- ~.J~ e#c.-c- "7'"b ~OR.~",;vc;.:z.::e,...,.., r='.!:'~ ~-1 ~~pc;r.e.. ,qr/C;;L~ 0'1= tf?6'~ tJ.h,~ ~~~D~ . PLEASE REPLY TO SIGN REPLY RECEIVED' DATE: SIGNED AUG 1 1989 PLANNING D - Item' F269 Grayarc. P.O. eo. 29<<. Hartford. CT 06104.2944 (S) Wheeler Group, Inc. 1962 THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED - MEMORANDUM August 2, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen s. Annunziato Planning Director RE: Quail Lake Apartments - Site Plan With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. There are approximately 24 units beyond a 500 foot radius of the recreation building. Therefore, 6 parking spaces are required as opposed to the 4 parking spaces proposed (Section 11.H.16.e(12)(a) of Appendix A, Zoning). 2. There should be 9 (not 8) parking spaces provided for the swimming pool (see Section 11.H.14 of Appendix A, Zoning). 3. If one unit of the 135 total units is to be used as a maintenance room, which would be considered an ancillary use and would not require additional parking, then the parking requLrement can be reduced by 2 spaces for the rental units (section 11-H.9 of Appendix A, Zoning). 4. The net result of items #1 and #3 above is that one (1) additional parking space would be required. ,. 5. The dumpster enclosure configuration on the site and landscape plans should correspond. 6. This site must be platted (section 11 of Appendix B, Planned Unit Developments). 7. The existing median opening on Congress Avenue at the fire station driveway is to be striped and signed according to the Police Department recommendation, which "may differ slightly from that of the project traffic engineer. .. v- ..a.~/llz. CARMEN S. ANN ZIATO. JJG:frb cc: Central File 1 QuailLk MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: August 2, 1989 RE: Quail Lake Apartments - Site Plan The applicant should be aware of the following which pertains to the landscape plan: 1. The grassed median area of Congress Avenue in front of the project site should be landscaped/irrigated. The landscape plan must be reviewed by the Parks Division who will assume maintenance once the project receives a certificate of occupancy. The permit to do this work is from the Palm Beach County Engineering Department. . 2. The landscape legend should provide plant counts and sizes for inspection in the field. - 3. The landscape legend must reflect 50% native trees and 30% native shrubs when plants are selected from the list of alternates. This comment pertains to the individual unit types A1 and A2. ~~A~ ~ f? /J~ ~ in J. aJllahan -Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:A:QUAILK .. P~CEI'rED AUS -l ~S9 PLANNING DEPT. 8' r~ I \ V MEMORANDUM I I' . To: Mr. Jim Golden Date: 04 August 1989 ....-... From: Lt_ Dale S. Hammack Ref: Quail Lakes As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board Meeting of 01 August 1989, I am recommending the following: 1. Traffic Control - pavement markings and stop bars - . . (City Ordinance #5-142C). 2. Comply with parking lot lighting ordinance (5-142A). 3. comply with construction security ordinance (5-8G). 4. No U-Turn signs and emergency vehicles - only on each side of the median cut at the fire station (public --- safety) . 5. One way with directional arrow and Do Not Enter signs at center circle drive. (5-142C). ;{([?ff~ .... DSH/sab . . - iJ~ "'-.:rr'\T!1D ~ ;;..J..j'L.I~.;l. .,. ~ ~ NJI4.' ~ ".... - PLANN\i1G UE.PT~ . - ~ Cf . I'; . . , 7B5 QUAIL LAKE APARTMENTS SITE PLAN Brenda H. Arnold, agent for the Robert V. Jones Corporation, is requesting site plan approval to construct 135 multi-family rental units on 11.95 acres at the Quail Lake Planned Unit Development. The property is located at the northwest corner of South Congress Avenue and Golf Road. The Technical Review Board is recommending approval of this request subject to sta~f comments, copies of which are attached. h ,. t " I . .~. i.. SITE PLAN ~PPROV~L ~PPLIC~TION City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomp1~te applications will not be processed. Please print legibly or type all information. I. GENER~L INFORMATION 1. Project Name: OUail Lake Aoartments . 2. Date this application is accepted: (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): 3. Address: Robert V. Jones Corp. 601 S. Rancho, Ste. AlO Las Vegas, Nevada 89106 . . ~ Phone: 4. ~gent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Ki1dav'& Associates/ ~r.~ri~a H. Ar~ld. ~ddress: 1551 ~orum Place. Bui1dinq.100A ",:~'w~~-t Palm. Beach, FL 3340l (407) 689-5522 Phone: 5. Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: .' ~ddress: . Harry Kirsner 9190 Sunset Drive Miami, FL 33173 Phone: (305) 595-4288 6. correspondence address (if different than 'applicant or agent)"': Same as above * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 1/89 ij , 1 .. 10. . 11. ~12 . 13. 14. .15. 16. 17. .' 18. ." 19. \ Page 2 7. What is appiicant's interest in the premises affected? (Owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Contract purchaser, Developer. 8. Street address or location of site: Northwest corner of ~nnqress Ave. and Golf Road, Boynton Beach 9. Legal description of site and property control i: ~pp ~:t-TjH~hfia Intended use(s) of site: 135 unit apartment complex with Pool and Clubhouse facility Developer or builder: Robe~.t V.. _~6)n~ s, Corp. Architect: Dudiey O'mura & Casey, Inc. Landscape Architect: Kilday & Associates Site Planner: Kildav & Associates Engineer: Shallowav Surveyor: 'Shallowav Traffic Engineer: Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? Yes . Estimated construction' costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: Not known Planning Dept. 1/89 /e< ... II. SITE DATA Page 3 The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan 2. Zoning District 1. pun 3. Area of Site c:;?n,C:;./l? acres 11 qc:; . 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including In ~~ acres surrounding lot area or grounds RO b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) 1.3 acres 11 c. Water Area NA acres d. Corrunercial NA acres e.' Industrial' NA acres f. Public/Institutional NA acres ,g. PUblic, private and Canal rights-of-way h. Other (specify) NA acres NA acres i. Other (specify) NA acres . sq. ft. , of site \ of site o \ of site \ of site o o \ of site \ of site o o \ of site \ of site , . o o \ of site 11 qc:; acres , of site j. Total area of site 100 . . . * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover t, a. Ground floor building 7Q.700 sq.ft. area ("building footprintll) b. Water area n sq. ft. c. other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. ~./l ~'./lsq.ft. . d. Total impervious area ?1 c:; 1111 ~?l1 sq.ft. . ] ~ , of site n \ of site h c:; \ of site \ of site e. Landscaped area 6,438 sq. ft. inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of ". Landscape Code). Planning Dept. 1/89 \ of site' ~:..-. --..--. . . ..-- .01 <1 .. g. Other (specify) o sq. ft. h. Total floor area 124,866 sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-family detached 0 dwelling units b. Duplex 0 dwelling units c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) . .' ( 1 ) Efficiency 0 dwelling units ( 2 ) 1 Bedroom 64 dwelling units .. ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom 71 dwelling units ( 4 ) 3+ Bedroom d.welling units d. Total mUlti-family 135 dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units 135 8. Gross Density 11.29 dwelling units per acre 9. Maximum height of structures on site 32' -10 "feet 2 stories 10. Required off-street parking a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces Residential 2 space/unit x 135=270 b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan 270 Recreation 1 soace/4 units beyond 500' radius from club- house = 4 4 Pool Wnrpr surface area - 975 s.f. = 8 Planning Dept. 1/89 8 TOTAL =.282 TOTAL = 282 /~ _.. WR~:.':" . ......~.. .^...:YNlwi....-. . .... .........~..,._.. ...~..-I- . :, . ' , Page 9 IV. MISCELLANEOUS The following materials must be submitted in one (1) copy: (check) / 1. A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, as pet the attached fee schedule. 2. For projects that generate at least three thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty. (250) single directional vehicle trips in a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis must be submitted I . , 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be required by the Technical-Review Board to determine, compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and' plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to. the instructions below. bOA^- L\. Q,IVVn sic;fnature 6f Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. VI. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT tt~::a~;.0:f~&t~~~~~~ ~~. Ju D.d ~" 9Jq Db. e ,lu.\~~, ffI ,.. r) .A . - .0 authorized agent in regard to this application. J --- 'fh. ,.;;: ~ W . 1f:Ci/~~ ~/)!h~A(,~~ '/ fief . . 7 .'Signature 'of OWner,s' or Tr stee, . " 1Da~ 0/ or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (ou SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received: Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Commission Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Date Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: "Additional Remarks: 7.)'- Planning Dept 1/89 "I := ~:_ ::....... ' ~~t'I '2: ~ QUAIL LAKE APARTMENTS Do ..... , . ", "'..,,," IU. .':::_.".~!.... ,;,::..:.:, l...~:;~-~ Boynton SiKh, florid. ~......... --_.. --.' ... ::".:..:: "0. :.~.... . ___. ... ,,;.__, .._, '. ,. ,.__ SIt I Plan '. .' :"'___'_.. . '-'..r..,,- ..,_~':--",":-",:~~,...,....-r 4 I l . " 1 I \ . I I i , I I E J I . I , '. ;. ~ · If I ~ ; II I ~ .. ~I' q,. ! fir ~ ,11: . .. It' , : I f~~! . ' Commtrel.' j' . '. S~th AVE:::) I f ; :\.,;t f" '" ~ . ' ..:.....: , ...... . ',. ~: ;;,:' . .". I ~ CQ ... .. t r :- : ~: i:'; It,: -:, . ~, ::. " . . . I ~.' ".," .: ".;/~~ . I , I I I! L :II . '" ," .:~ . j " :~!II .... ~ .". ,I.:'~ :. - ',: /;:':~,~~..,::~! I I f' : i i I : I ':~ E:- "': . II . ~ I I : ill 1'.;1,. f:~,: ':!ilil~ffiJi~ if I" I ;.:.rIU'till. I: r:f ~ -~. : 'il! 'ImnIJ~J H " i !f: rill: i :. !f' ui i h. ..i', . .'. II. ~ I . 'I · I,..... : ill' tl " J i = e "-r.-...~I-II ~ = !f, f r; J ~~ . r , . r. ' . !: ," r<<J i . I r I " n .jl !:i . I ':: .. . " Ruld.nUII KoIdlY .. 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I : I: : ,:, I t 'I ) j ~;:. i 'i .:, :::;oYijilrj"1; IJ tJfJ.. "'0 ',~00.'800 . .160.0 iiF~~T; :! ~ ~ z ,.-.' :'r~'IY"'::~~ ~ <,:~;:"':.:":.:<.: .::iJrjjf;,~ 1#::1 I I III I!: .lli!:'._ . PL,ANiVlN6 I [)c.pr:.~"/89, ,:";'J.,,:.;~',"" "<.' ,;"." ".'~'..IJ III _ .j ..t ~. ~ ~. . - ~: t~ ,~ ~ . f':.... Ty.' I ~~~. ~ 9,i, .' ~ ~1f ~ . , . '~.-~-''''''''C'' . ..... ~,:~~' :..: /', ' ';' .' .",. '. ".. .~ Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (4071 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 June 30, 1989 Mr. Jim Golden, Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach . 200 N. Seacrest Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Quail Lake PUD Dear Jim, As you are aware, I am currently working with a client on the Quail Lake parcel, formally known as Sutton P~ace. We are requesting an access point onto Congress Avenue and understand that a modification of the PUD is required. Could you please respond by letter as to the submittal requirements, procedures and dates we will be heard on. " Also, I need to know whether or not this new access point would trigger a revised traffic report. We need to meet the most immediate submittal date as there is a time limit on the sales contract, your immediate attention will be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Very truly yours, ~ Brenda H. Arnold cc: File #839.1 Mr. Frank Wyatt; Robert V. Jones Corp. Mr. Alex Garcia; Shalloway Mr.' Dudley O'Mura; O'Mura, Casey Architects REC1~J'lE1J lS~l\ J\ \\. ~\ t),' r\_N~N\I'..G \)c.,:1. .,r ~ ~~L /1> -\ I, ? '.~/ ("\, ~ ( , - , " Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 2627 N.E. 203rd Street (Ives Dairy Road), Suite 207 Miami, Florida 33180 USA MEM)RANrlJM'lO: City of Boynton Beach, Florida Phone: (305) 935-0410 Fax: (305) 931-1097 roP'l 'lO: Frank E. Wyatt Bren:Ja H. Arnold FRCM: George ~an Peter Fernan:lez mTE: July 18, 1989 Q.1ail rake P. U. D. Parcel' Access Analysis SUBJECl': '!he Quail rake P.U.D. is located on a parcel of lani in Boynton Beach, Florida l:x::Iurrled by WOOlbright :Road on the north, Corgress Avenue on the east, ani Golf :Road on the south. It was originally approved in 1978 with a total of 640 dwellirg units. Figure 1 shows the location for the entire P.U.D. '!he parcel that is the subject of this analysis occupies the northwest quadrant of the Golf :RoadjCorgress Avenue intersection (southeast comer of the P.U.D.). '!he parcel is approved for 135 rental apartments with access provided by driveways on Corgress Avenue ani N. W. 19th Avenue. '!he Corgress Avenue driveway provides partial access into the site (right-turns in ani gut). '!he N.W. 19th Avenue driveway provides full access just west of Corgress Avenue. '!he roadway gecmet:l:y at the intersection of N.W. 19th Avenue with Corgress Avenue provides for all tmni.n:J IIOVE!lOOl1ts. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. was retained by Robert V. Jones Co:rporation to analyze the iIrpact of the Corgress Avenue driveway on the Congress Avenue/Golf :Road intersection, ani on the fire station access located approximately 195 feet south of the site. '!his lllemJraOOum summarizes the data collection, assumptions, analysis, ani results of this study. ASStlMPl'IONS Since the site has an approved site plan as part of the Quail rake P.U.D., ani this approval was based, in part, on the traffic study corxiucted by J05eli1 F. Rice, P.E. in 1978, the general assumpti.ons ani analysis used in that traffic study were assumed to still be correct. The specific assurrptions used fran the previous analysis, alon:J with new ani additional infonnation are documented in this section of the lllemJraOOum. ~ /'r " .... ,.....,. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. MEM:>RANr.UM '10: City of Boynton Beach, Florida July 18, 1989 Page 2 r. Scope of study. Based on d;~ions with city staff it was a.sstIIOOd that the sc::qle of this study was to detennine the inpacts of the proposed deve1q;::.m:mt's traffic on the Q:n)ress Avenue/Golf Road intersection arrl the Jredian opening providi.n3 the fire station access onto Con:Jress Avenue. 'lbe analysis previously c::orrluct:ed for the entire P.U.D. was a.sstIIOOd to be accurate in tenus of the inpacts to the other intersections arrl roadway links that the deve10pnent of this site may have on them. Trip Generation. 'lbe trip generation characteristics of the proposed development was determined by using the Institute of Transportation Encdneers' Trip Generation Reoort. Fourth Edition. 'lbe projected P.M. peak hour trip generation for the 135 rental aparboonts was detennined by usin:J the fonnula given for ITE I.arrl Use O:x1e 220 (Aparbrent): T = 0.39(X) + 59.0, 68% in 32% out Where, X = Number of Dwe1lin:J Units T = 'lbtal rnnnber of P.M. peak hour trips 'Ihe total rnnnber of trips generated by this deve10pnent for this pericx1 will consist of 76 inbourrl trips arrl 36 outbourrl trips. T-rip Distribution. 'Ihe distribution for this analysis was based on the Traffic Inpact Analysis for the Quail lake P.U.D. corrluct:ed in 1978. 'lbe cardinal directions of ~roach were as follows: North - 36 percent; South - 14 percent; East - 24 percent; arrl West - 26 percent. '!his distribution was further refined in the original report in order to assign project traffic onto the adjacent roadway network. '!his distribution was as follows: - . -. n -<0 .. (\ (', - . -. 0. .. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. MEMJRANIlJM ro: city of Boynton Beach, Florida July 18, 1989 Page 3 Percent of Project Traffic NB SB EB WB ~ Avenue Golf Road 36 14 25 25 Figure 2 shows the project traffic assigrment at the site driveways am at the ~ Avenue/Golf Road intersection. ExistinCf am Future Traffic Volumes. P.M. peak hoor t:umi.n;J nxwement counts were corrlucted on July 11, 1989 at the intersection of Golf Road am Con3reSS Avenue. Figure 2 illustrates the existing t:umi.n;J nxwement volumes at this intersection. Future traffic volumes at this intersection were developed by adding the existing volumes to the project traffic assigned to · the intersection. ANMaYSIS Intersection Capacitv The existing P.M. peak hour turning movement volumes for the Golf RoadjCc>rgress Avenue intersection were analyzed usinJ the Federal Highway Mministration 1985 Highway Capacity Software. '!he intersection was f01.1I'Xl to be operatinJ at Level of Sel::vice "C." '!he 112 P.M. peak hour trips generated by the site were then distributed through the intersection am it was re-analyzed usinJ the total traffic volumes. '!he results of this cinalysis was no change in the level of service of the intersection. Figure 2 illustrates the turning movement volumes used in conducting these ~yses. '!he capacity analysis worksheets are attached to this meI'OC)ramurn. The Congress Avenue site driveway was analyzed as an unsignalized intersection, also usinJ the 1985 Highway Capacity Software. '!he results inlicated that all t:umi.n;J nxwements provided at this intersection YJOuld be operatin:J at IDS A. (As a technical note) Due to constraints with the software, an adjustJoont was made to the through volumes on Congress Avenue at this intersection. '!he software does not allow a T-intersection to be entered with three through lanes: therefore, a multiplier of two thirds was applied to the through volumes to s:inu.11ate a four-lane roadway. e2/ ~ .. r Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. MEM:>RANIXIM TO: city of Boynton Beach, Florida July 18, 1989 Page 4 left-turn lane storage requirements were checked for the Congress Avenue/Golf Road .intersection. '!he mi..ni.m.nn lenfth required arrl that provided for each lane is listed below: I.en:Jth of lane in Feet Requi.redl Provided III' III' Con:Jress Avenue - NB Con:Jress Avenue - SB Golf Road - EB Golf Road - WB 77 105 125 98 200 200 173 173 lstorage lenfth required based on red-time foD1ll1a. . r:, Warrants for a right-turn lane at the CoIXJreSS Avenue driveway to the site were checked using the Technical Guidelines for the Control of Direct Access to Arterial Hidhwavs. Volume II, p.lblished by FHWA. In order to warrant a right-turn lane two warrants ImJSt be met. One, the main roadway should have speeds in excess of 35 miles per hour arrl a volume of 1'OC>re than 10,000 vehicles per day. Arxi the driveway shciu1d have both a mi.nilnum of 1,000 vehicles per day arrl 40 peak hour right-tunrlng vehicles. 'Ihe total daily trip generation for the site is 823 vehicles arrl the peak hour right-turns projected for this driveway is 18. 'Ihus, a right-turn lane is not warranted at this driveway. Conc:rress Avenue Drivewav Conflicts with Ernerqencv Vehicle Movements A "fire station is located across from the site on Congress Avenue. Figure 4 illustrates the fire station's proximity to the CoIXJreSS Avenue driveway of the site. As can be seen in Figure 4, the main entrance to the site is located awroximate1y 195 north of the 1OOdi.an opening across from the fire station. At present, a flashing signal regulates traffic flow in front of the station. When emergency vehicles are exiti.rq or maneuvering to enter the station the signal is triggered to go to red from within the fire station. . . . -. (', 0/< .... ,r"'\. r' -. (' . , .. Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. MEM::>RANIUM rro: City of Boynton Beach, Florida July 18, 1989 Page 5 . '!he possibility exists that traffic generated by the prcp:lSed develc::pnent may inpact the emergency vehicle access by either; (1) bloc::kin;J the median openin:J; or (2) a1:t:eJrpti.rg to make U-turns at this location. '!he purpose of this section of the IOOI'lOrarrlurn is to analyze each of these potential events am develop :rec:c:mte'rlations for the prevention of each if warranted. '!he previcus section of this IOOI'lOrarrlurn n;!::t"!IJSSEld the required am provided storage for left-turning vehicles. As can be seen from this table sufficient queued vehicle storage is provided for the left-turns at the Congress Avenue/Golf Road intersection. In addition, the fact that the intersection will operate at roo c when this develc:pnent is constructed suggests that all vehicle queues will clear during each signal phase. '!hus, based on this analysis, the median openin:J for the fire station will not be blocked by the traffic generated by this develc:pnent. '!here is always a possibility that traffic generated fran the development may att:enpt u-tmn maneuvers in order to head nort:hbourn after exiting southbourrl at the Congress Avenue or N.W. 19th Avenue driveways. '!he possibility of this cxx:urring is :reJOCrt:e due to the nort:hbourn access available at N.W. 19th Avenue. In order to n;~.lrage this fran ha~ both for project am existing traffic in the area the following i.nproverrents are :recamnerxled at this. median openin:J: 1.. Erect two No Turns (M[JICD RJ-3) signs at this location. One on each side of the median openin:J as prescribed by the Manual on Unifonn Traffic Devices. 2. Provide a painted (cross-hatched) median alorq the entire median openin:J as n;~ in Section 3B-10 of the MlJIO). c2J .: ('. .r-~ - . '" . ~p-:EE~DD"\ ~~:~, ; ..., Itvn .w. ..... 0 " I~! "'" I~." . I~~~I .......tu..___eo.. ., '7; ~~..~; .. un (S).'(j) \,!}.I III .. 'LAO ^ I ..'"^, '0'.0 \!J~' <:V!P . ! 5T.. .~:< ~~ , . ~i'f . ~ J i ... ~.. ... -- . ..,.-~.c ,., /,: . ,. III \,...... ,,- "'C"'h- o g;s:!Jt 1 ~~~ Oolf :~~~ . i~i', ..3.S............ .. L".:"_ _. CUt"'UI "D , ,_.r;r.t.rf, I~~~UI : I HU",U...":CI..lI ., ~ :~~~:II:~~~1 i . .'AMIHGOLA J :;~cig~~::." , MOCKINOIUIO . C..O'N.L LA t COUNUlIY MAN .' .. QUAIL LAKE' P.U.D. [." -, . __ ~~ ~ ru..b~ JJlj ~:~ ~~$' .t:: :L""".""-"-'.....i.~:~~...~ 'I' \ ,uM22}" o. . '.: fJP"~:t ~ '..V:.. . ~ \'~ .. il :~t I. "C'Do ~ ..-"'.... ~ Il!l I l J .J' Y." ..... ~. . r '1 "........ . .. ':"\1 '_ 1..! 4 ~6 . ::c::~..:.I&-\, '~, w~~ ' '-rO(.Il~IHG... ~ .... U~ &1DCE. . ~'~ '''''41 -~,' rl!i I - I ,..... ".....COLl COum: s IT~:i - ,...~,,~ '~1J ) . ..\.. !" .on,..... f~ . I: "Y" ~ :IS ;~~ "0 # f 'S ........ '~". ":--"r . .. :5~_ ~q,.... . .,oe;.:' ...'/. I. ...::;. . ~ ' ~ 4~9:";F~".lblnl'i:~O~~::~~A:'l~' ~t'~\\I~i{~~~ltf'b'\)'~ "", ~- :"I;~ ~;:; . ...=!;! ..-.:.<z 111/ t ~ .....~; "'hIlL..- -jl1 ;;;~;//, r/i ': ~ ('::I....~ c- -.. (:) . 'if.:' ti...l i. ~. 'II.''/- ~ : . ~:\),[j 13~"~ no . . / I I ....w..." . _ :!J ' I ,f- !'! . ,.~~ . .. Z ," " . ., . -' - ::~~"r.::l 'L:&4 :i36-..I';!. C1" '2t,;t(l1l'; ~ I~.. ;\ t'~ ..~~.I' 8"O?<TD'S.' ;...---IUH' . '" ~.! :::~~ !j1!~J't':~ n. ,.J.'\J. t. : o;:..~ ,-c....... l' .."n I . III IO.'Olloou to.elf'WOOD". I:~ 1IA : ~ "I -,&7...~ ~ ~, ~ 'UN"""" .-..... ....~. '/.- 1"'''""' L. "J ~ ._...-It..:\: i) . ~ '".11"'''.0' IC......O. I' 'I.' 0 p.&...- . ",,",r~' CI : "'ALl ... I...., co'- . . ~ ::::.~<::?.?~:...I.~ fI ~'J. . ~. vv -1 _ e \of.... . "".,"CAUT.O I.. fc.....~..o....... 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Flgure 1 JY .__ .. . .. , .-..-__.... ,.a. ...... -'._--- ,._.__. .._,....__........ "" '. _ . ~ ~ Quail Lake P.U.D. r'- G') WOOLBRIGHT ROAD w ::> z ~ .. NW 19th AVENUE .. . I r: I SITE J I I. I I . I -- ....~.. co ('t) C\l ...- C\l "<t" "'-1.0...- ~~~~ "'- 9 2 <t- 213 or- 98 .' GOLF AVENUE 106 ~ 161 -+- 67 ~ ') ttf. o C\J r-- ...- ...- 0 ...- co...- . . en en w a: C!:) ~l (.) . ... . . r', Existlng P.M. Peak Hour, Turning Movement Volume ( Figure 2 ;lJ-' , , ---.-..-. ....-.---.-----.--..,..--.---< -- .. ,.-.-..... < .. . Quail Lake P.U.D. ~ ..~,:,) ~.. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD w ::> z ~ ,. NW 19th AVENUE .- -- I - co ~ - - co ~ -.. ~ r~ I . SITE (0)[23J {23}~ I .,~ .. J I - -co - .....N~ Nit) ~ =""""''''''''"' ..-. u; ...... . ~..... 0)-.. ~ -.. ". ......c; ........ Jt...:... (92) [18] {110} ~N ~ I ~It) ~ ..-(213) [0] {OJ .. . .{r~C r(98) [0] {OJ I .. (106) [19] {12S} J ~ tt...... (161) [0] {OJ --. (67) [0] {OJ ~ --- o M 0 -N- C/) _co'O 0-....... C/) ....... - (00) Existing w o ~ ~ a:: ~ ....... 0 . . (!) ~ ..... ~ [ool Site z C\l -- ~ 0 co {OO} Total <:..:> . ; . " , GOLF AVEN.UE Future P.M. Peak Hour Turning Movement Volumes .f', ( . Figure 3 oJ/, . .......- .~. ........... -.. -... ...~...._--~...---_.................._.. ..~..~....__.p~ . . . -... -... ...... -'- .' ... - ..' .. . Quail Lake P.U.D. r G) . ' WOOLBRIGHT R . w ::l Z ~ , - NW 19th AV .- -- . I I , . . .. I , I SITE "' .... ~. . " . J I. in . C> - . . . ..:l : .-, M, Fire I median opening v Station - . ~.~ ... . I . . : I GOLF AVE - . en ' , en 9 .. w c: C!:l Z 0 OAD r--.... ENUE NUE . - . (.) (', SITE DRIVEWAY LOCATION (W.R. T~ FIRE STATION) .- Figure 4 .27 1985 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECrIONS SUMMARY REroRI' ************************************************************************** (""', INl'ERSECI'ION. .GOLF ROAD/CX>NGRESS AVENUE AREA TYPE. . . . .OIHER MW...ysr. . . . . . . GEXJRGE GAIAN DATE..........7/12/89 TIME..........B1 PEAK HOUR. COMMENT.......QUAIL lAKE P.U.D. VOIIJMFS . GEX:I1EI'RY . EB WE NB SB : EB WE NB SB I.ll' 106 98 110 142 . L 12.0 L 12.0 L 12.0 L 12.0 . 'IH 161 213 812 523 . T 12.0 T 12.0 T 12.0 T 12.0 . Rr 67 92 107 118 . TR 12.0 R 12.0 T 12.0 T 12.0 . RR 0 0 0 0 12.0 12.0 'IR 12.0 'IR 12.0 .. 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 . 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 . ADJUS'IMENT FACIORS GRADE . HV ADJ PKG' . roSES mF PEOO PED. IDl'. ARR. TYPE (%) (%) Y/N Nm Nb Y/N minT EB 0.00 2.00 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 31.8 3 WE. 0.00 2.00 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 31.8 3 NB 0.00 2.00 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 25.8 3 SB 0.00 2.00 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 25.8 3 PH-1 .ED. III' X (--. 'IH Rr " PO WE III" X 'IH Rr PO . GREEN 6.9 YEU!M 0.0 SIGNAL SEITINGS PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 X NB III' X 'IH X Rr,.,"" .J PO X SB III' X 'IH X Rr PO 33.3 ' 'O~'o 0.0 GREEN 3.0 0.0 0.0 YELI.CM crCLE I.ENGIH = 120.0 IH-1 ffi-2 ffi-3 IH-4 X X X X X X 24.4 49.4 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 lEVEL OF SERVICE IANE GRP. V/C' G/C DEIAY LOS EB "L '0.280 0.335 22.7 C TR 0.281 0.278 22.0 C WE L 0.262 0.335 22.4 C T 0.479 0.278 23.8 C R 0.243 0.278 21.8 C NB L 0.405 0.178 33.7 D .~ TR 0.519 0.412 17.2 C L 0.523 0.178 35.3 D TR 0.366 0.412 15.8 C .' APP. DEIAY 22.2 23.0 APP. LOS C C 18.8 C 19.1 C ~ -!NrERSECI'ION: LOS=C ('- Delay = 20.0 (sec/veh) V/C = 0.493 0/8 1985 Ha.1: SIGNALIZED mrERSECrIONS SUMMARY REroRI' ~, ************************************************************************** , mrERSECrION. .GOlF roADjOONGRESS AVENUE AREA 'IYPE.. . . . OIHER ANALYsr. . . . . . . GEORGE GAIAN ~..........7j12j89 TIME..........R1 PEAK HaJR cx:M1ENT.......~ IAI<E P.U.D. /.HC~{)OI";G .sITE: 7RAFFIC! . VOIJJMES . GEX:MEIRY . . EB WB NB SB : EB WB NB SB r.rr 125 98 110 151 . L 12.0 L 12.0 L 12.0 L 12.0 . 'IH 161 213 823 528 . T 12.0 T 12.0 T 12.0 T 12.0 . RI' 67 116 107 127 TR 12.0 R 12.0 T 12.0 T 12.0 . RR 0 0 0 0 12.0 12.0 TR 12.0 TR 12.0 . 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 . 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 ADJUS'lMENT FAcroRS GRADE HV ADJ PKG roSES mF PEOO PED. Wl'. ARR. 'IYPE (%) (%) YjN Nm Nb YjN minT EB 0.00 2.00 N O. ' 0 0.90 0 N 31.8 3 WB 0.00 2.00 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 31.8 3 'NB 0.00 2.00 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 25.8 3 SB 0.00 2.00 N 0 0 0.90 0 N 25.8 3 SIGNAL SEITINGS CYCIE IENGIH = 120.0 tH-1 tH-2 tH-3 tH-4 tH-1 tH-2 tH-3 tH-4 .......... "EB' r.rr X X NB r.rr X r 'IH X 'IH X RI' X RI'" ~, X " po.. ,I PO WB IlI' . X X SB IlI' X 'lH X 'IH X RI'& X RI' X PO , . PO GREEN 6.9 33.3 ' 0.0 0.0 GREEN 24.4 49.4 0.0 0.0 YEU.CM . 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 YEU.CM 0.0 3.0 1).0 0.0 lEVEL OF SERVICE , IANE GRP. . Vje GjC DEIAY IDS ' APP. DEIAY APP. IDS EB L 0.331 0.335 23.4 C 22.5 e TR 0.281 0.278 22.0 C WB L 0.262 0.335 22.4 C 23.1 C T 0.479 0.278 23.8 C R 0.307 0.278 22.2 C NB L 0.405 0.178 33.7 D 18.9 e . ~.. TR 0.526 0.412 17.3 C SB L 0.556 0.178 35.9 D 19.4 C TR 0.375 0.412 15.9 e . . . mrERSECI'ION: Delay = 20.1 (secjveh) Vje = 0.505 IDS=e ,f"', 021 ~ r-, 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED rnTERSECl'IONS Page-1 ********************************************************************* IDENrIFYING INFORMATION AVERAGE HJNNmG SPEED, MAJOR Sl~l'.. . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 PEAK H<XJR. FACI'OR................................. 1 ~ FO~ON.................................. 150000 .. :tW1E OF 'l1IE EAS'I'jWEST STREET..................... ~ IAKE ~CE . (~ - e. . - . ,--. I ' :tW1E OF 'l1IE NORllVSCXJIlI STREET.. .......... ....... cx:>NGRESS AVENUE :tW1E OF 'l1IE Mm,Lysr.............................. GEX::>OOE GA.lroi ~ OF 'l1IE Mm,LYSIS (mrnVdd/yy).................. 7/12/89 Tn1E PERIOD Mm.LYZED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. m PEAK lia.JR . OIHER INFORMATION: ~L IAKE P.U.D. INI'ERSECl'ION TYPE .AND OONI'ROL . INI'ERSECl'ION TYPE: T- INI'ERSECl'ION . J MAJOR t)'l~l' DIRECl'ION: NORIH/SCXJIlI OONI'ROL TYPE FASTB:XJND: SIUP SIGN .... ~. ... ~ TRAFFIC VOI.IJMES .. EB WE NB SB LEFT ~ o o o 709 o o 713 18 RIGHI' 23 NUMBER OF IANES EB WE SB NB IANES 1 2 2 .' jo [' ADJUS'IMENl' FACIORS Page-2 PERCENT RIGHI' '!URN aJRB RADIUS (ft) ACCErERATION IANE GRADE ANGIE FOR RIGHI' '!URNS FOR RIGffi' '!URNS E'AS'l'BXJND 0.00 90 20 N WES'I'OCOND - NORIHBXJND 0.00 90 20 N SOUIHB:XJND 0.00 90 20 N " . VEHICrE . cx:t1fOSITION % SU TRUCKS % a::t1BmATION AND IN'S VEHICIES % M:Y.rORCYCIES E'AS'l'BXJND o o o . WES'I'OCOND NORIHB::XJND o o o . o '. ,~ r SOUIHB:XJND o o ... ~. .. .J ": CRITICAL GAPS .. ."" SIGffi' DIST. "TAJ3UIAR VAII.JFS ADJUSTED FlNAL (Table 10-2) VAI1JE ADJUS'IMENl' quTICAL GAP MINOR RIGHl'S .- EB 5.90 5.90 0.00 5.90 MAJOR IEFlS NB 5.70 5.70 0.00 5.70 MINOR IEFlS EB 7.60 7.60 0.00 7.60 - e. . - . ('""'-. , ' ~/ '" . .. " I CAPACITY AND li.VEIr-OF-SERVICE Page-~ rorEN- ACIUAL . FI.CM- 'rIAL MJVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MJVEMENT V (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c (pcph) c=c -v LOS . P M SH R SH MINOR S'ffiEET 'I:l EB !.EFT 0 77 77 > 77 > 77 > E > 651 > 626 >A . RIGHI' 25 651 651 > 651 > 626 > A MATOR S l.1<J:~.;t;'J.' NB !.EFT 0 470 470 470 470 A /', . .. '" ;-. J . .'" t. , .. .' . - eo .. - . l' 3.2