LEGAL APPROVAL \ ,~ ~3f) BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM ,90-384 August 28, 1990 " . : ~~~' .R.ECEPlED I' ' ~ l. . . ~ ~; , '.' IH~' (': , i ;:', ~'.~J (.:~ 131J ;N;J..rL~NNlNG D;PT.P ,Ii. . \ : . --- - - - TO: Technical Review Board Members '!P' . ,.l ',t FROM: JJim,:Golden'" Interim Planning Director Vincent Finizio Admin. Coord. of Engineering Ed Allen Fire Chief Ed Hillery Police Chief John Guidry Utilities Director Bob Eichorst Public Works Director Charlie Frederick - Parks & Recreatio~/~~ector Don Jaeger, Building and Zoning Director~ Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Administrator THRU: RE: ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Whaler's Cove (FKA Quail Lake Apartments) 2301 S. Congress Avenue .Robert V. Jones Corporation ~:__.. . Tlie'~'above referenced project is nearing completion, and a Certificate of Occupancy for Individual BUilding or Unit is being requested. Prior to the Building Department finalizing the site, I would like to ensure that your department has no outstanding or pending issues that need to be rectified, (excluding issues that are covered entirely with a city approved surety). If the issues are related to permits issued by the Building Department, please provide this department with the permit number and nature of unresolved issues. If the unresolved issues are not permit ,related, notify the owner or the owners agent to ensure that the issues are rectified. Please inform this office once your unresolved issues have been rectified. J. Scott Miller Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Pete Mazzella, Utilities Lt. Dale Hammack, Police Warren Shelhamer, Public Works John Wildner, Parks & Don Johnson, Inspector J. Broomfield, Comm. Imp. Kevin Hallahan, Forester File ;1 MH/sd t FINAL CO. SDD ( U'",.J ~ ,t ~] \' i\j . '. ". ' r-~. ')', .... f.~ ---::'_'/ '> ~. /13~ ........... ~ ~ ~ ~ Robelt"E' Jones, COI]). February 26, 1990 HAND DELIVERED Mr. Jim Golden City of Boynton Beach Planning Department ~00 East Boynton Beach Boulevard C Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 .. Re z Whaler's Cove (alias Quail Lake Apartments) Dear Jimz Enclosed please findz '- ,. ~ 1) 2) 3) 4) A check in the amount of $200.001 6 copies of our revised Site Plan~ 6 copies of our revised Landscape Plan1 6 copies of our Building Elevations. , ',Jim, our Building and Parking Locations have not changed. However, 'a number of miscellaneous items, all minor in nature did change as q result of the development of our landscape plan,' which is greatly upgraded from our last submittal. They includez 1) Dumpster locations and enclosure details~ 2) Entry wall location and design~ 3) Pool and Recreation Areas details - including tennis, volley ball and outdoor exercise stations; 4) The shifting of landscape "Fingers" in the parking lot to accommodate pedestrian traffic crossing the lot1 5) The reduction of iome parking spaces to accommodate our larger pool. In addition to these site changes, some other miscellaneous items that we'd like to bring to your attention includez 6 ) 7) 8) 9) The name "Whaler's Cove" has been selected for this project~ Changes in the ownership entity, address and telephone numbers1 Minor unit elevation changes that do not effect building height or footprints. Building footprint and elevation changes to the Recreation Building. ~ 1535 S.E. 17tl] Street · Suite 103 · Fort La uderdalc. Floridtl 333 J 6 · (305) 462-062 J . '1~O .... Upon your approval of these revisions, we will authorize Shalloway to proceed with the necessary modifications to their civil drawings. 1. r'i If you need additional information, please don't hesitate to call me immediately. Very truly yours, , .:. e HP/cv 6: Enclosures r.. ......' ,,,,. , \ " .;. 6 'I . -p' .. ~Jb ., CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @...'.'. .~" 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. BOlt 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 6 June 1990 Ms. Ruby Shen Security Pacific National Bank 202 Avenue of the Stars, #300 Los Angeles, CA 90067 Re: Whaler's Cove Apartments N.W. corner of Congress and Golf Dear Ms. Shen: Per the approved site plan, which was approved by the Boynton Beach City Commission on 3/20/90, and current zoning, which i{;-PUD with a Land Use Intensity of 4.1, the construction of 135 rental apartment units is approved for the above referenced site and is in conformance to all applicable zoning ordinances. ,'" Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~~~ Timothy P. Cannon Interim Planning Director TPC/cmc :. .. ~ JUN 6 '90 16:~4 FROM ROBT. U. JONES ,Pt:lGE.0~1 ... -... 9030 ....... . . Robert V. Jones Corp. - If YOU have any questions concerning this fa~ pl.A~e ~all (305) 462-2575 PAX HDSSAGE '1'0. r:I Or /JOY~7'b;J ~ , /v f ,JIM 'G6~Z)&J ' NUKeB~ I'AXED TO I y4 7 - 7:J? -1 f.J1 ~I\O". jJo!.JJtf .' ~~ArE. 4~/Po PAGES '1'0 FOLLOW I - 1- ;.... .. NO'1'ElSa ~G92l~ .i. ,1'0 ~l ~ " CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR Robert V. Jones, Corp. Attn: Mr. Howard Perlman 1535 S.E. 17th st., #206 Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33316 March 22, 1990 Dear Mr. Perlman: RE: Whaler's Cove - Site Plan Modification - File No. 430 L" "fJb Please be advised that on Tuesday, March 20, 1990, the City comrr4ssion approved the referenced site plan modification, subject to the changes recommended by the Community Appearance Board at the March 19, 1990 meeting and staff comments, copies of which are attached. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations. After you have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations, please submit two copies of final plan drawings with the changes incorporated to the Building Department for permitting purposes. The approval of the City Commission entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, 'please do not hesitate to contact me. JJG:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board Whlrcove Very truly yours, CITY. OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~~ '?? ~ /'7- -'~7/"'~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director ? . ~3~ STAFF COMMENTS WliALER'S COVE SITE PLAN MODIFICATION . ;.... BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST: See attached memorandum " BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-106 . '~.!rJ March 20, 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~~ '~~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Deve~oprn~t Administrator RE: COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD - MARCH 19, 1 90 MEETING The Community Appearance Board met on Monday, March 19, 1990, and took the following action: NEW BUSINESS 1. PRELIMINARY PLAT: a. The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow for landscape in common areas at Citrus Park. 2. SITE PLAN: a. The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow for construction of a truck storage and repair facility at Waste Management. 3. SITE PLAN MODIFICATION: a. The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow for changes in site plan layout and design at ':Whaler's Cove with a stipulation that a complete site plan be submitted showing the location of the relocated site wall and dumpster and that the appropriate agencies review and approve the locations of the site wall and dumpster prior to permitting. 4. SIGNAGE: a. The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow for signage' at Whaler's Cove. If I can be of any further assistance, please advise. / me, . eaf ~tachrnent xc:Honorable Mayor and Commission Timothy Cannon, Planning Dept. CABMAR. SDD 9 '?SI BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-080 March 7, 1990 TO: Timothy Cannon, Acting city Planner THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~~ FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: WHALERS COVEl fka QUAIL LAKE APARTMENTS SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: On site plan drawing, show location of safety enclosure and gates for pool and spa. Include a section and elevation drawing of each type of proposed safety enclosure fence complying with the swimming pool code. Identify the type of material and width of proposed sidewalk and identify type and location of pedestrian lighting. On plans, identify that all required shrub and hedge landscaping material shall be spaced 24" on center and at planting be installed 18" high. 13. Provide a total count of each species of trees, shrubs and ground cover and show total overall percentage of native species. .. 10. 11. 12. 1. All plans submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional shall show original raised seal (legible) and signature of the Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings. 2. Specify/locate each proposed change on all submitted drawings with a symbol that relates to a description of the change. t' 3. Show parking space computations for recreation area clubhouse, pool area, volley ball court and tennis court. .... 4. 5. Identify clear finish height of wood arbor. Show the overall size of each sign (all signage must comply with the sign code) and dimension location of all signs from two adjacent property lines. 6. Show an elevation view of south property sign and a plan view location of the sign. 7. Identify the location of the source of illumination for the project development signs. 8. 9. Identify that all landscaped areas will be irrigated. Show the location of a handicapped parking space in the north western portion of parking area. ; I I i I 14. On plans, show a detailed cross section drawing of proposed landscape area at east property line. Include the elevation of Congress Avenue, the elevation of the on-site parking area and dimension the location of existing easement running parallel with Congress Avenue. J ! / I , I ~/ '?~d Memo: Timothy Cannon March 7, 1990 Whalers Cove Page Two 15. Specify that the landscape material will be Florida #1 or better. 16. All code required vine material will be installed at a minimum of 2' in height. 17. Secure approval from Boynton Beach Utility Department and other utility companies, including Florida Power & Light, for location and type of trees planted within utility easement areas bordering on public rights-of-way. 18. Provide paving and drainage drawings matching site and landscape plans. Paving and drainage drawing to include a detail drawing of parking area striping meeting City standards. .. 19. Identify on plans, total square footage of recreation building. Provide floor plan drawing of recreation building. 20.' Show on landscape plan drawings, location of proposed patio area. Provide floor plan drawing for each building showing location and size of proposed patio area. ... This reviewer recommends compliance with the comments that are not code requirements to expedite the building permit, site inspection process and ensure that the development of the project is consistent with the owner and designer's intent. meh:eaf cc:Don Jaeger WHLRSCV.SDD // TO: FRa.1: RE: .:, ENGINEERIN3 DEPAR'IMENI' MEM) NO. 90-049 J. Scott Miller City Manager Vincent A. Fini'zio Acting Assistant to tee City Engineer T.R.B. Canrents Whalers Cove Site Plan Midifications March 7, , 1990 930' The applicant in confonnance with applicable regulations, shall sul:mi.t too following: 1. A Paving and Drainage plan representative of the proposed m::x9.i.fications. Section 5-142 (g) "Constnlction Standards" and Section 19-17 (k) "Teclmical Data" . .. , " '.' VPF/ck cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Plarmer L)~..---\:A~ Vincent A. F~izio , /~ ~lJ MEMORANDUM Utilities #90-154 FROM: Timothy Cannon Interim Planning Director John A. Guidry \~~IIt6 Director of Utilities ~ r TO: DATE: March 7, 1990 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Whalers Cove (fka Quail Lake Apts.) Site Plan Modification We can approve this project. subject to the following conditions: " 1. Indicate the location of approved fire hydrants and water meters on the site plan. Where these items are near land- scaping, indicate the clearance from the trees and shrubs to the meters and hydrants. 2# Only those tree species specifically approved by the Utilities Department may be placed in utilities easements. Berms greater than 3 feet high are also not permitted in easements without _ specific written approval from this department. I 3. Dum~sters and enclosures are not permitted in utility ease- ments. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella ~ '~Jf) PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-049 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board THRU: Timothy P. Cannon r-c: Interim Planning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner DATE: March 7, 1990 SUBJECT: Whaler's Cove at Quail Lake PUD (f.k.a. Quail Lake Apts.) - Site Plan Modification - File No. 430 " Please be advised of the following Planning Department staff comments with respect to the above-referenced request for a site plan. modification: 1. No paving and drainage plans have been submitted with the .revised site plan. Appendix A, Section 11(A) 6. 2. Arrows are drawn on the site plan indicating that outdoor fitness stations will be provided; however, no information is given specifying where or what these stations will entail. Provide location on site plan and details. Chapter 19, Article II, Section 19-17(i). 3. Two additional parking spaces are needed for the tennis and volleyball courts and two additional spaces are needed for the recreation building; a shortage of 4 parking spaces. Either these spaces have to be provided or the size of the pool or the number of recreational amenities has to be reduced. Appendix A, Section 11(H)16.e.12. 4. A sign program is required to be submitted for this project as it is a planned unit development. Unless details can be provided regarding the project signage, such as types of signs, locations (including setbacks), colors, materials, size, and lettering, no later than the C.A.B. deadline, a future site plan modification will be required. Chapter 21, section 21-14(M)2. .J~Q.F4~ TAMBRI J. H~EN TJH:frb xc: Central File Whaler's /:/1' 9JrJ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-120 TO: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist ~ SUBJECT: Whalers Cove - FKA Quail Lake Apartments Site Plan Modification DATE: March 7, 1990 1. The applicant must show that 50% of the trees and 30% of the shrubs/hedges are native species. Changes to the plant list must occur if these percentages are not met. 2. The applicant must resubmit the median landscape plan for Congress Avenue and discuss any landscape changes. 3. The types of trees planted over the underground utilities may have to be changed after review by the Utility Department. 4. Non-potable water must be used for all landscaped areas. KJH:ad /J 9P MEMORANDUM 26 March 1990 TO: Mike Haag, Site Plan Administrator FROM: Tambri Heyden, Assistant City Planner Transmittal of Renderings RE: Accompanying this memorandum, you will find colored elevations and/or color chips, material samples and photographs for the following projects which were approved by the City Commission at the March 20, 1990 meeting. SITE PLAN ," 1. Waste Management South: (New truck storage and repair facility) One (1) colored elevation, color chips, material sample and photographs of adjacent buildings. City Commission approved subject to staff comments. SITE-PLAN MODIFICATION 2. c:"Whaler's Cove (f.k.a. Quail Lake Apts.) at Quail Lake PUD: . (Changes to parking lot, dumpsters, recreational amenities and building elevations and approval of sign program). Three (3) colored elevations. City Commission approved subject to staff comments, P&Z recommendation that signs meet F.D.O.T. standards and C.A.B. recommendations for landscape buffer and wall changes. Also transmitted herewith are the three previously approved colored elevations that were borrrowed for the P&Z meeting. The name of the project and date of City Commission approval have been placed on the elevations and photographs. ~~'O~ TAMBRI J. tHEYDEN" /bks A:Haag 4 , ,. ~ . , ~..,. ~~ .. SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATION City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please print legibly or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION ** 1. Project Name: WHALER'S COVE (alias Quail Lake Apartments) 2. Date this application is accepted: (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) ** 3. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): .' - Robert V. Jones, ~orp. Address: 1535 S.E. 17th street #206 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Phone: (305) 462-0621 ** 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Robert V. Jones, Corp./Howard Perlman Address: 1535 S.E. 17th street #206 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 Phone: (305 ) 462-0621 ** 5. Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: The Jones Olen Company Address: 1535 S.E. 17th Street #206 Phone: Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 (305) 462-0621 (305) 462-0621 6. Correspondence address (if different than applicant or agent)*: SAME AS AGENT * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. ** Changes which have been made on the revised __<< application. l Planning Dept. 1/89 /7 ~ f ** 7. ** 8. ** 9. '&D Page 2 What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (Owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Builder, street address or location of site: 2300 South Conqress Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Legal description of site and property control #: Plat of Quail Lake lying in the Northeast "quarter (NE 1/4) of Section 31, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 40 Page 47 and 48 Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Total area = 11.74 acres. 10. Intended use(s) of site: 153 Unit apartment complex with pool and club house facility .' - ~ 11. Developer or builder: Robert V. Jones, Corp. ** 12. ** 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Architect: Omura, Rainwater, Casey, Inc. Landscape Architect: Danny Powell Site Planner: Kilday & Associates Engineer: Shal10way Surveyor: \ Shalloway Traffic Engineer: Barton & Aschman Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? Yes Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: NA 1 Planning Dept. 1/89 /~ 9J() Page 3 II. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive Plan PUD 2. Zoning District PUD 3. Area of Site 11.95 acres 520,542 sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including 10.65 acres 89 % of site surrounding lot area or grounds Recreation * ** 1.3 11 site b. Areas acres % of (excluding water area) NA 0 c. Water Area acres % of site Conunercial NA 0 d. acres % of site Industrial NA 0 % of site e. acres . f. Public/Institutional NA 0 % of site acres g. Public, private and NA:, 0 Canal rights-of-way acres % of site h. Other (specify) NA:': acres 0 % of site i. Other (specify) NA acres o % of site j. Total area of site 11.95 acres 100 % of site *** Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor building 88,622 sg.ft. area ("building footprint") 17 % of site b. Water area o sq.ft. o % of site *,* c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic 35,596 courts. sq. ft. 6.8 % of site ** d. Total impervious area, 125,218 sq.ft. 24 % of site e. Landscaped area 6,438 sq.ft. inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). Planning Dept. 1/89 .01 % of site l /'r \1 '-IJ '0 Page 4 * * f. Other landscaped areas, 379,266 sq. ft. excluding water area g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas 9,620 sq. ft. 73 % of site 2 % of site h. Total pervious areas i. Total area of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential b. Commercial/Office c. Industrial/Warehouse d. Recreational e. Public/Institutional ~ f. Other (specify) g. Other (specify) 397,296 sq. ft. 520,542 sq. ft. 76 % of site 100 % of site 172,344 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. :!: 2,450 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. o sq. ft. d. Total multi-family ****135 dwelling units ****Additional unit will be used as a maintance room 135 8. Gross Density 11.29 e. Total number of dwelling units dwelling units per acre ** 10. Maximum height of structures on site 32' 10"feet Required off-street parking 9. a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces 2 space/unit x ~35 = 270 2 storie"s b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan 270 radius from clubhouse = 6 1 space/4 units beyond 500' 6 19 , water surface area 2, 200sf ,= ,19 TOTAL - 295 TOTAL = 295 Planning Dept. 1/89 L .. ..<'lJ . . ~JD . ' ~ ~9 IV. MISCELLANEOUS The following materials must be submitted in me:: ((n)) cc:opy: (check) 1. A check, payable to the City of Boynton B~Ero:lhll as per the attached fee schedule. 2. For projects that generate at least three ~k~~~~ (3,000) vehicle trips per day or two hund7eUlamm Iifty (250) single directional vehicle trips in ~ ~ <<~D hour period, a traffic impact analysis mu~, lliE stibmitted 3. Any other engineering and/or technical da1ta" c?s ~ be required by the Technical Review Board tm ~~Emmine compliance with the provisions of the Ci~~'5: ~ @I Ordinances. v. CERTIFICATION - (I) (We) understand that this application and ,all ~~ and plans submitted herewith become a part of th~; pe:r.mliIDE:Irt: records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (CWe1)) lhereby certify that the above statements and any statEmemtts ex showings in any papers or plans submitted here~allih ~ true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief_ ~ application will not be accepted unless signe~ ~~ to the in tr ctions below. , ~d6 .' .. Sig re of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. VI. Si Agent #~ IDli-i::1 re; (I) above signed persIDnt. a:~: ({mw) (ou r) this apPlica~~ ()" Signature of Owner(s) r Trustee, e or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Da te RecEiLv,ed~ Technical Review Board Planning & Zoning Board Community Appearance Board City conunission Date Date Date Date Stipulati~ns of Final Approval: Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: l Additional Remarks: Planning Dept 1/89 ~/ Comrnen:lll tifJO 11 i~ H t '.. J III ~ C1 ,i1 '~~t . f 1 J7- j b f 1 Nf ,; r ! !I I i { . tI ! II ~ 0 I ! ' " i ' I .r . " I , .' . , , 'III.,! oJ ' .0 0 ; -e i '6 '" ,. .- - .. ,.,~ :. .: ..~ : .... " U II ;:. I '.1 i~ 'I I ;:. I 00: I r . f:: , j'" I t~ . I~ o If : ;( ~ 11 : ir' ~ I I 1 .. 'II :: II I~J! ~ . l5' "'" , III ct _ h" - ~...~. .-... - 1l1t! r- 'lll ! 'Ih (II! If &1 HiI ! J:l ... i.l! '1 ~f I . , f: 1ft Iii !ll ill : ~'~ 14 - -- ,!.. -f- --.," '. .,n I , tf h I DMUI.. . . =.... ,o_p. . i I Golf Road Re.~dentlal, : W "<<!'I"" - e....r ~"".l:rl/"""""''' QUAIL LAKE APARTMENTS "1'1 I' lI;" .L' I .. ~ ~ . - ! 1: . [ f ,"\ i 'II ~ :5 : r: r :i :~ I :I . 1- " I . r I I r I I J : r I . I I! .. -i .:~ -I :liS;' .... .. Cl" 0 ..... UI ;J~_ .~S.i!~iiSll ; ;!I'iH~~!..f:i. i;.I ~ . "i:-:f~fnl. i- - II'iHUi:~ rl .. ; iH Iii i "t-, i I- D , !', I : _I -.. · i cf. ; . i c;: ~ .. ..l ~.I~= ... ..l;:~i .r~ ".. .."eo ._. 0 ~J.. II oIcIe. . A.....,..... t..............'."'"""'h ............-. ...~------ /froO . .,LOCA TION MAP. .. . . -. ..'-. . - " ' QUAIL LAKE APARTMENTS 'I .,1.i? r:;- ....1..'.l..\ I '7~ \ ~.,. I .., ..~ '~'l' ~ ... .-.,.. , ~~ '7.II')K;R r~~; '.i 1:' ':', " I' ~~ '; "~'; J ~',.', ',~rV.;v',:~ ~~';~ ~~'" ~,~~~: ",' : ' I '..' . " .. " " ", ~,R,"\' 'Ii. ' , . '~, " ' (".: \ . ,I~.,:I. I' ", ',,',,' I:'~' 'i,./;i, ':~ '. ,,11:'\"', ~.~ [\ : ' ' :'..,~, rf'l - .~W ' , ...' ~ . ",' f. . \l l 1 ~~', .' ,," '\ 'i ,,!,.,~' " ,,~,:', l~."f-/ .:.:t eX,. ~V,. ," ; .~:-:"J' ,~ .. ':'t-' VC:~. .' " , ;'" . 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MEMORANDUM NO. 90-063 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager FROM: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim planning Director DATE:,. Mar,ch 14, 19.90 SUBJECT: Whaler's Cove (f.k.a. Quail Lake Apartments) Site Plan Modification Please place the referenced item on the City Commission agenda for Tuesday, March 20, 1990 under Development Plans. DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Whaler's Cove (f.k.a. Quail Lake Apartments) for approval of an amended site plan to allow for changes in site layout and design. Location of property is South Congress Avenue at Golf Road, northwest corner. # RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. In addition, the Board specified that traffic signs must meet the requirements set forth in the Florida Statutes and must be ' reviewed by the Engineering Department prior to permitting. The Board also expressed concern that the proposed berm and landscaping constitute, a noise and visual buffer equivalent "to' the "perimeter wall which is proposed to be deleted and recommended that the developer meet with the representatives of neighboring developments prior to the Community Appearance Board meeting to discuss this issue. p ~ Z~--<"-- TIMO P. CANNON JJG:frb Encs. A:PM90-063 "IJ7J -'f ... '. ...' ~/. - " " ~Jb .......... .- ;... ~.-::. Robe17 v: Jones, COI1). v-- February 26, 1990 HAND DELIVERED Mr. Jim Golden City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Res Whaler's Cove (alias Quail Lake Apartments) Dear Jim: Enclosed please find: - 1 ) 2) 3) 4) A check in the amount of $200.00; 6 copies of our revised Site Plan; 6 copies of our revised Landscape Plan; 6 copies of our Building Elevations. e Jim, our BUilding and Parking Locations have not changed. However, a number of miscellaneous items, all minor in nature did change as a result of the development of our landscape plan, which is greatly upgraded from our last submittal. They include: 1) Dumpster locations and enclosure details; 2) Entry wall location and design; 3) Pool and Recreation Areas details - including tennis, volley ball and outdoor exercise stations; 4) The shifting of landscape "Fingers" in the parking lot to accommodate pedestrian traffic crossing the lot; 5) The reduction of some parking spaces to accommodate our larger pool. In addition to these site changes, some other miscellaneous items that we'd like to bring to your attention include: 6) The name "Whaler's Cove" has been selected for this proj ect; 7) Changes in the ownership entity, address and telephone numbers; 8) Minor unit elevation changes that do not effect building height or footprints. 9) Building footprint and elevation changes to the Recreation Building. 1535 S.E. 17tl1 Street. Suite 103 · Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33316. (305) 462-0621 . , . '. ~. -', "130 Upon your approval of these revisions, we will authorize Shalloway to proceed "with the necessary modifications to their civil drawings. If you need additional information, please don't hesitate to call me immediately. Very truly yours, JONES, CORP. HP/cv Enclosures " .. Cd o?, , i'