LEGAL APPROVAL I .:,., . ~'~ ).~ . ,. i..1 . .:~~ . . .. 4_.~.,- . .,. ~.,J~ ~ if' '. "',~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @.... ~.....:.... , .. ;, . . .. . 'r: ' . . . 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR February 21, 1990 " Roe/Eliseo, Inc. Attn: Mr. Richard E. Atwood 7800 Southland Boulevard, Suite 158 Orlando, Fl 32809 RE: Motorola - Site Plan Modification - File No. 405 Dear Mr. Atwood: Please be advised' that on Tuesday, February 20, 1990, the City Commission approved the referenced site plan modification, sUbject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. '. These plans were approved subj ect to your compliance ,at-tached stipulations. After you have amended your reflect these stipulations, please submit two copies plan drawings with the changes .ancorporated . to the Department for permitting purposes. The approval of. the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site. plan will be . viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. with the plans to of final Building Very truly yours, . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director .JJG: frb Encs cc: Joseph F. Sperlazza, Motorola, Inc., 1500 NW 22nd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Fl 33436 . Technical Review Board ::? ,- ./- / ,"i ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT: !: .... ,-- "II( STAFF COMMENTS MOTOROLA SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 6 See attached memorandum MEMORANDUM February 6, 1990 TO: Timothy Cannon, Acting City Planner FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: MOTOROLA - lillD TANK FARM AND ENCLOSURE Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach ~_ City Codes: .>;-=. " 1. The new vehicular use area, as seen from the south and east property line, requires a visual screen barrier (preferably hedge material). Identify appropriate location, type, size and spacing of required screening material. 2. The new vehicular use area, as seen from the west property line public right-of-way, requires visual screening (landscape material or wall) and trees planted forty feet (40') on center. Identify appropriate location, type, size and spacing of required screening material and trees. c '" ael E. Haag .. meh:eaf cc: Don Jaeger MOTOROLA.SDD 4 . .' . .. ' SITE PLAN APPROVAL APPLICATIO~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accuraeely and submitted in one (1) copy to the Planning Department. :nccmpl~te applications will not pe processed. Please print legibly or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Aireo Industrial Gases Tank Farm For Motorola, Inc. <II Boynton Beach Facility, Boynton Beach, Florida <:I 2. Date this application is accepted: (to be filled out by Planning Dept.) 3. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Motorola, Inc. Address: 1500 NW 22nd Avenue Phone: Bovnton Beach, Florida 33436 (407) 738-2132 (Joseph F. Sperlazza) ~ .. 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Roe/Eliseo. Inc. (Architects. Planners, Interior) Address: 7800 Southland Boulevard, Suite 158 Orlando. Florida 32809 (407) 859-1756 (Richard E. Atwood) Phone: 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Motorola, Inc. Address: 1500 NW 22nd Avenue Bovnton Beach. Florida 33436 Phone: (407) 738-2132 6. Correspondence address (if different than applicant or agent)*: same as agent ", * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Dept. 1/89 .--- o # , 7. 8. 9. .; 't;O page 2 What is applicant's interest in the premises affec~~~: (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, cont=ac~ purchaser, etc.) owner street address or location of site: 1500 NW 22nd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 1141n Legal description of site and property control H: A 'Darcel of land within the:plat oLHotorola~,'as.recorded- . in Plat Book 43, pages 139 - 140 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 10. Intended use(s) of site: . Storage hydrogen and nitrogen liquids and distribution of the respective gases to the adjacent e 11. .. 12. 13. 14. .. 15. ...: 16. 17. 18. electronic manufacturing processes. Developer or builder: N/A Architect: RoetEliseo, Inc. (Architects, Planners, Interiors) Landscape Architect: Roe/Eliseo, Inc. site Planner: Burns and Roe Engineer: Burns and Roe Surveyor: Dailey-Fotorny, Inc. Traffic Engineer: Nt A Has ~ site plan been previously approved by the City Comm~ssion for this property? Yes 19. Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: $300,000 6 Planning Dept. 1/89 II. SITE DATA ?age 3 The following information must be filled out below and ~us~ appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the si~e ~lan. 1. Land Use Cateaory shown in the Comorehens~ve Plan Light Industrial 2. Zonina District P.I.D (Planned Industrial Development) 3. Area of Site . 88.39 acres 3,850,268 sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreaae Breakdown a. Residential, including N/A surrounding lot area or grounds acres . b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) 3.12 acres .... .. c. Water Area 5.67 acres d. Commercial o acres e. Industrial 6.75 acres ~ f. Public/Institutional g. pUblic, private and Canal rights-of-way h. Other (specify) acres o acres 2.22 acres 14.2 :; Darking i. Other (specify) 56.43 acres o :3 2 16 64 % of site % of site 7 o 8 o % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site % of site .. j. Total area of site 88.39 acres % of site 100 * Including open space suitable for outdoor =ecreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft.. by 50 ft. 5. . Surface Cover proposed 2880 sq. ft. total a. Ground floor building 294,030 sq.ft. area ("building footprint") b. Water area 247,025 sq.ft. c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, proposed decks, and athletic 4569 sq. ft. courts. total fl?',41Q sq. ft. d. Total impervious area l,lfl4.474sq.ft. 16 30 8 % of site 7 % of site % of site % of site e. Landscaped area %, q,O sq. ft. inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of .. Landscape Code). Planning Dept. 1/89 '} 1 % of site' ~, ?age . ... f. other landscaped areas, 897 , 712 sq. ft. 23 ". c= ::;ite excluding water area g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural area~, yards, and swales, but excluding of site water areas 1,753,132 sq. ft. 46 '0, h. Total pervious areas 2,655,794 sq. ft. 70 ~ c:: site i. Total area of site 3,550,265 sq. ft. 100 % of site 6. Floor Area . a. Residential 0 sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office 0 sq. ft. ., \. c. Industrial/Warehouse 2880 sq. 'ft. d. Recreational 0 sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional 0 sq. ft. f. Other (specify) 0 sq. ft. ~ g. Other (specify) sq. ft. . h. Total floor area 255U sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwellina Units a. Single-family detached N/A N/A dwelling units dwelling units . b. Duplex ... c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1) Efficiency N/A (2) 1 Bedroom (3) 2 Bedroom (4) 3+ Bedroom d. Total mUlti-family N/A dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units o 8'" 9. Gross Density N/A dwelling units per acre Maximum heiaht of structures on site feet 2 stories 10. Reauired off-street parkina a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b. Off-street parking spaces, provided on site plan 1509 current spaces (0) additional employees = 1705 parking spaces (0) required soaces - Planning Dept. 1/89 ? Pac;~ 9 IV. MISCELLANEOUS (check) X N/A X . .. .. v. ! ... VI. a .. r).; The following materials must be submitted in one (:) copy: 1. A check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, as per the attached fee schedule. I 2. For projects that generate at least three thou~and (3,000) vehicle trips per day or two hundred and fifty, (250) single directional vehicle trips in a o~e (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis must be submitted 3. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be . required by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and' plans submitted herewith become a part of the ,permanent I records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith ,are true,' to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not ~e_~:pye~un)ess st~ned according to, the instructions below7f#1 ~ .:J..'t/C;o )( ~.--J~frlf Signature of Ow res) or Trustee, Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. I )Z6fte 0 (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (au authorized agent in regard to this ~r~) or Trustee, or Authorized principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY application. . IlLer I fo Date Review Schedule: Technical Review Board Planning & zoning Board Community Appearance Board City Commission Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Received: Date Date. Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: Cj Planning Dept 1/89 . ._..~"._..--,---_-...,....~~... ...."".. .... ., ..~, .. .~. .......:lo-.._....;...,e:...::....t.. ., ,., h rANK FARM I@ 8!!!~!:~!!2!.-~A\ I _____ I .- , 1 I I I I i I I i C.3 P.I.D \\ ... " q :J a: 22NO .. E r l 1 1 .;) . ) ui ) ] ~ % , C. J U 9 ~ I J I : I . I . ) EMPLOYEE PARKING B ~ .. II> II> '" a: o Z o u C D M . ( CO) d TANK FARM FOR MOTOROlA ;. . ",. o E -;488.02' I I I I ...... ... "::'".. ..- .- - --=- BOYNTON CANAL C.l' MASTER PLAN EB R1.AA. 1'-200'-0. )(j .i:1 ~ I II Ji ~ k' 0 ';'<:."" 0 ...'....4. ..... '" .' 0 'll, o o ~ -'~~Wl"".'- I I' I' I I J u ~ ;.' ,9 .. :t'. , . ,. ~ I Ii 9 . :.~ o 1111 l), '! 0 00 9 0 -8] 0 '-BJ 0 1+0 '" I a~."....'..- . ....:;~.)..;:~.' .: i , , . ~_~tJ'I ';': :'. '.' -. ..~. . .' ......._.._,...ro.u............":r.7~~ R J ~~~~.... . ~"..:.J":"""~'J'':'~:...~,.",~ "--"~ir~~~\t;:. '-~'."" Aa.... 14 ~ !!'" J~i '. ~ f ~i ~ i UI d I b I ' i .. ....(.: JJ) $' it. E! J I' . ~111 ./ , ~ ,. .,-----"-. ~- ." .; 'i .fa :// r . ~ \'" :::'...~:: ' ..~" ~, Ct) '. . ~~ --. JJJfJ J ..... . u.... , , '. j/rl,~ 1'5', Ir.nl r: I ; 111 I; . Ii':, I ;'1 . '.' . . I I II ~ i : , I. i f! II I I ! I . :. .~"/ . o .' ~'" ; , ;".~ . m '. r',,' . ;Y'... :'.'.;.~:;.:::',: 0( ;. ~!;?~M~w.ii. '. . ,. LOCATION MAP., .' MOTOROLA I, .~ r:: f" ... .' " ,,~ .......:.~;: ~,.-.:~~.~,..::.~(.'~~.:..~'~~.:.:~_: ":~":';~.~,."',~', ..,.... ',:.' ,'o'f.. ..r .. :: .. . I, t.,'.... : . .r .;':; :<".(~~..~,,~::'~ i.:..: .' ~ _., I '\ r(' .,,-,':. .....',' I; ,;it.;lif~r:;,~ :::.~~~.~ f: :,.' :.~:,' ;. 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R~c~jved of\- kSoe - lor {l~~~ y~ / - Oa"C:J - .1/ - t/ 3 <1 - ;;z.. 0 ~ ~'"'~__., &~-&a ~~~ . o 3 1 ~, 9 0 8, 28 1. (~ ~ a 0 0 E1 ,I\.' , ..... . . .: ,.1. t, ~ " ~j'V-'~ 'yf ',,y Address Dept. . ,- to .- . c I'II'AIRCO January 23, 1990 Mr. James J. Golden Senior City Planner Planning Department city of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Golden, .Airco Industrial Gases 301 Lindenwood Drive Suite 210 Malvem Pennsylvania 19355 Telephone: 215-296-0300 Re: Tank Farm at Motorola Inc. Thank you for taking the time to meet with us on the 17th. We appreciate your input and will implement these thoughts in our,plans that we submit for review. 'Ill Si7e1Y, ? ~ /1J:Z Robert M. Sutter Principal Regional ..... Engineer A member of The BOe Group /1 @ MOTOROLA INC. January 29, 1990 City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 AU.: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner Q Re: Roe/Eliseo, Inc. '.. Dear Mr. Golden: This letter is to notify you of Motorola's intention to retain Roe/Eliseo, Inc., 7800 Southland Boulevard, Suite 158, Orlando, Florida, as our agent for the purpose of preparing architectural and engineering drawings and specifications for the proposed tank enclosure of our Boynton Beach Facility at 1500 N.W. 22nd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida. .. ~ . JFS/lc Sincerely, ~/ /~4r- Joseph F. Sperlazza Central Services Manager .. Paging Division 1500 N,W. 22nd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426-8753, (407) 738.2000 ,-- /J . ,."...~'.Ir ..,....,.~..~....._ ;/ " TO: THRU: FROM: RE: .~ _.0,.._. BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-057 ~ February 16, 1990 J. Scott Miller, City Manager . Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~~~ . Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site DevelOpmen~dministrator COMMUNITY 1\PPEARANCE BOARD - FEBRUARY 15, 1990 MEETING The Community ~ppearance Board met on Thursday, February 15, 1990, and took the following action: 9 NEW BUSINESS 1. SITE PLAN .~. a. Target Shopping Center - The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow.construction of a .; " 140,000 square foot shopping center, including a junior department store and three outparcels, subject to' sta~f comments with the following. stipulations: _ ., i. In addition, a minimum of sixteen (16) landscaped islands, with trees, are to go into the main parking lot directly in front of Target. ii. The entrance into the Target Shopping Center will have decorative stampcrete floor surface material, similar to the entrance to Service Merchandise. iii. The visual barrier to screen outside storage in the garden area will be decorative metal, other than chain link fencing. iv. Enlarge the landscape strip directly behind the Target store to eight feet (8') wide. I;. b. Quantum Office Park - The Board unanimously recommended approvFl, 7-0, to allow construction of a 50,978 square foot o~fice complex 'consisting of two buildings, SUbject to staff comments. 2. SITE PLAN MODIFICATION a. Casa Blanca ~partments of Boynton Beach - The Board unanimously recommended approval to allow for change~ in building layout and design, subject to staff comments with the following stipulations associated with the attached.letter: I i. ~ll of the proposed changes were recommended for approval, except that #1 was rejected. " )10 .. . ~ ... ... Memo to: J. Scott Miller. Re: . February 1990" CAB Meeting February 16, 1990 Page Two ii. Request #4 was deleted from the list by the applicant. The curved arches will remain as shown on the original plan. c. Airco Industrial Gasses Tank Farm - The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow for the addition of a tank farm to the Motorola project, subject to staff comments. III 3. SIGN APPROVAL I a. Two (2) City of Boynton Beach Welcome Signs - The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow for the placement of "Welcome to Boynton Beach" signs at South Federal Highway at the City limits and West Boynton Beach Boulevard at the City limits (in the medians). .:' i If I can be of any'further assistance, please advise. " \ lI! ~ I:, .. ..,' MEH:eaf attachment cc:Honorable Mayor and Commissioners Timothy Cannon, Planning Department Johnnetta Broomfield, Community Improvement Dept. I' CABREP.SDD }7