%e City of
'Boynton 'Beach
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Pfanning 6" Zoning 'Department
100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadr. 'BouferJara
P.O. 'l3o;r.31O
'Boynton 'Becun, '.Jfcrida 33425.0310
(40i) i38.i490, '.J:U: (40i) i38-i459
July 21, 1993
Mr. Ronald L. Aylor, Pres.
Newport Place
4735 N.W. Seventh Court
Lantana, FL 33462
Dear Ron:
This is to inform you that on July 20, 1993, the City Commission
approved your proposed sign program for Newport Place.
The next step is for you to apply for building permits for the
signage approved by the City Commission. Please be certain that
your signage complies with other requirements of the sign code
such as setback and landscaping. If you desire, we will be happy
to review your submittal prior to applying for building permit.
If you should have any further questions, please feel free to
call me.
eDt,,-A~n/-~ C.1u?
Christopher Cutro ACIP
Planning & Zoning Director
.1merica s gateway to the yuifstream
Pinellas (813) 573-7157
HiIIsborough (813) 932-4014
WATTS 800 526-3325
FAX (813) 573-0328
June 24, 1993
Mr. Christopher Cutro
Planning Director
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Dear Mr. Cutro,
Please find enclosed twelve II" x 17" black and white copies,
one blueprint, and two color renderings of the free standing sign
"NEWPORT PLACE" would like to install at their development
located at 4735 NW 7th CT. in Boynton Beach. As you can see from
the color drawing, this is a very tasteful, informative sign.
Also, please note the size of the lettering for "NEWPORT PLACE"
which is limited to 8" upper case letters and 6" lower case
letters ( very small but adequate). The sign colors have been
selected to match the colors used in the building itself and will
coordinate very nicely.
I have also enclosed a survey of this property with the proposed
location of this same sign shown on it. (highlighted in yellow)
We respectfully request the board's approval to install this
sign as submitted.
Should there be any questions, or if I may be of any further
service, please do not hesitate to call. Thank you!
Mike R1ggins
Sales Representative
JUN 2 5 1993
cc: Mr. Ron Aylor, President
Newport Place
10990 - 49th Street North · Clearwater, Fl 34622
Newport Place
A Full Service Retirement Community
June 25, 1993
Mr. Christopher Cutro
Director, Planning & Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Dear Mr. Cutro:
We are making application for a permit for the Stanford Park
P.D.D. for a pylon sign to be erected on Parcel 2 fronting the
south side of Hypoluxo Road to the west of NW Seventh Court.
This would be placed in the general vicinity of the existing
construction sign which identifies Northwestern Mutual Life
Insurance Co. as the lender. The exact location desired will be
in our drawings.
As can be seen from the drawing provided by Thomas Sign & Awning
Co., Mike Riggins, the sign is in keeping with the style of the
building and, in fact, will have a simulated stucco finish to
match the building exterior. Our reasons for wanting to erect a
pylon sign, rather than a residential monument sign, are 1) it is
very difficult for our elderly clientele to see a low lying sign
from a distance and adequate reaction time is needed for safety
in preparing for a turn onto NW Seventh Court, 2) for the
reasons above, a larger sign is also advantageous, and 3) NW
Seventh Court is a virtually unknown street and Newport Place is
locat.ed behind other businesses. Adequate signage is cri tical
for our visibility and marketing efforts.
We have begun our marketing of Newport Place with a direct mail
piece and hope to open models in July. Our need for adequate
signage is very critical at this time as we try to direct
prospects to Newport Place and as we work to develop name
recognition in the community. We understand the process for
approval for th is sign and want to provide you wi th everything
that is needed as expeditiously as possible. Please let us know
of any information you require and thmtk you for your actfons on
this permitting process.
Sincerely yours,
JUN 29
Rona.ld L. Aylor
4735 N.W. Seventh Court, Lantana, Florida 33462 (407) 586-6455
Newport Place
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Attention: Tambri Heyden t' ..r .",1. tLA <P' i{1~
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Reference: Permit 93-5260 and 93-5258 'Ai ~t O,f;L~f:,., I
Modification to Sign Program for P.U.D. t., ~- tJ~ ~~,fa ~l r IP'! ,,)p'
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Dear Ms. Heyden: I 101,-11> ;10 tJJt ~f' -&~.
Enclosed are a site plan, showing sign locations, construction details, color ~ ~\I! ~
copies of a representative sign and sketches of the proposed signs with their Ab 11'
dimensions. This is being forwarded to you after conversations with Philip Sy . ,..
and Mike Haag.
A Full Service Retirement Community
November 22, 1993
Ms. Tambri Heyden
Acting Planning & Zoning Director
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
POBox 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
We are very anxious to have these signs installed in order to provide direction for
residents, visitors and vendors. If you require anything further in order to
expedite the review process, please contact me.
Very truly yours,
Ronald L. Aylor
Managing Partner
Enclosures: 12 sets of site plan, construction details, laser photo
4735 N.W. Seventh Court, Lantana, Florida 33462 (407) 586-6455
Newport Place
A Full Service Retirement Community
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Newport Place
A Full Service Retirement Community
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