REVIEW COMMENTS 7 .A. 2 ROMANO'S MACARONI GRILL AT THE CATALINA CENTER SITE PLANS Major Site Plan Modification PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-672 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION December 8, 1995 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Project Name: Romano's Macaroni Grill at Catalina Center Plat No. 1 Applicant: Kevin Connell c/o Brinker International Agent: Roscoe L. Biby, P. E. with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. Location: 1501 N Congress Avenue (see Exhibit "A" - location map) File No.: MSPM 95-008 (Major Site plan Modification) Land Use Plan Designation: Local Retail Commercial (LRC) Zoning Designation: Community Commercial (C-3) Type of Use: Renovation of an existing vacant restaurant building for use as a new restaurant with an increase of 42 seats. Number of Units: N/A Square Footage: Site: 11,912 square feet (.27 acres) Building: 8,998 square feet Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning District: North - Catalina Center shopping center (Plat No.2), zoned C-3. South - Holiday Inn at Catalina Center (Plat No.1), zoned C-3. East Congress Avenue; farther east is the Motorola PID. West Catalina Center shopping center (Plat No.2), zoned C-3. Existing Site Characteristics: On the property, which is an outparcel (separate lot of record) within the Catalina Center Plat No. I, exists a vacant building that was previously occupied by Marie Callender's restaurant. Site plan approval was granted in 1990 for a seating capacity of 206. Proposed Development: This request proposes modifying the exterior of the building to tailor it to Macaroni Grill's corporate identity and to increase the seating capacity of the restaurant from 206 to I Page 2 Memorandum NWSP #95-672 Site Plan Review Staff Report Romano's Macaroni Grill 248 seats under a revised shared agreement (further discussed below) Exhibit "B" - site plan. parking see Concurrency: Traffic - The project is vested for traffic concurrency as an outparcel of the Catalina Shopping Center. Drainage Drainage certification is not needed since no changes to the parking lot or paved areas is requested. Driveways: The outparcel relies on cross access with the Catalina Center shopping center to provide access since it does not have direct access to a public right-of-way. The shopping center has a two-way, major driveway off of Congress Avenue which serves not only the subject restaurant, but also the Holiday Inn. Parking Facility: The Catalina Center shopping center, the Holiday Inn, the subj ect restaurant and the future (unbuilt) 75,000 square foot office/health club building to be located immediately west of the Holiday Inn were approved under a shared parking agreement (and also cross access agreements). Consistent with code, the shared parking agreement for the center (originating in 1985) permits fewer than the city required number of parking spaces, based on data that indicates that due to the type and mixture of all the uses under the agreement, sharing of parking can occur. Sharing of parking can occur without competition for the same parking when the peak parking demand for one use occurs at a different time of day than the use (s) with which it is sharing parking. For example, retail uses have a peak parking demand at approximately 1:00 in the afternoon, whereas motel uses have a peak parking demand between lO:OO at night and 6:00 in the morning. The shared parking study for the center has been revised many times in the past as part of development of the property and changes in building occupants. With the exception of the future office building previously mentioned, the property is built out. This office building was approved in 1988 and has expired, however traffic concurrency was vested as a result of a plat which was recorded. This site plan approval would have provided 93 parking spaces to share among the various uses covered under the shared parking study. The study continues to assume sharing of this future parking (see further comment on this below) . The shared parking study was last revised in 1994 to allow conversion of the former Flagler Bank building within the center to a Boston Chicken restaurant. The shared parking study approved at that time indicated that the peak parking demand for the overall center was 8:00 P.M. weekdays and provided the required 10% c2 Page 3 Memorandum NWSP #95-672 Site Plan Review Staff Report Romano's Macaroni Grill buffer, plus a surplus of one parking space. The study used Boynton Beach generation rates for those uses specified in the city's code and ULI rates for uses not specifically set forth in the code. The approved shared parking study has been revised to reflect the request for 42 additional seats which would otherwise require 17 additional parking spaces to be provided. A copy of the shared parking study is attached in Exhibit C. The major difference in the proposed study and previous studies for the center and other studies approved in the city for various uses, is that a different methodology from the previous study has been used. Rather than using Boynton Beach generation rates, the study reflects a combination of ULI and ITE rates, which require less parking than city rates, in addition to apply shared parking/ maximum parking accumulation at peak parking demand. The applicant states that use of these rates is justified based on actual field counts that were taking on site during times the applicant considered to be peak hour and peak season. Staff cannot support the shared parking study submitted based on a determination that although the code allows for shared parking using ULI (or equivalent) data to determine parking accumulation, it does not allow relief from the city's parking ratios; relief from the city's parking ratios is appropriately provided through the variance process. Furthermore, staff's position is that the code reference to use of field studies and traffic counts, where appropriate, is not appropriate in this case since the uses and combination of uses are not unique and are already documented in ULI and ITE publications. Landscaping: The proposed development includes all required minimum landscaping required by code. Building and Site Regulations: The proposed development meets the requirements of the building and site regulations. Total site area is 11,912 square feet, building coverage is 8,998 square feet or seventy-five percent (75%) and the height of the existing one-story building is twenty- two feet (22'). Community Design Plan: As previously mentioned, the exterior of the existing building is to be modified to incorporate Macaroni Grill's corporate colors, features and materials to the greatest extent possible, while maintaining an architectural continuity with the rest of the Spanish/Mediterranean style shopping center. The color of the stucco building will be changed from a light peach to a very dark peach. Some of the shutters will be changed 3 I I I L_- I J 'I 'I II II ill ill I i1 .I j 'I Jdi j!J~ IIIl I Page 4 Memorandum NWSP #95-672 Site plan Review Staff Report Romano's Macaroni Grill from off-white to dark green and some from off -whi te to tan. The teal canvas awnings will be replaced with medium brown awnings. Lastly a new arched entrance feature will be constructed which will have a rustic stone veneer. Signage: Building signage will be dark green and red. RECOMMENDATION: Staff comments are attached in Exhibit D Administrative Conditions. Consistent with the above discussion and concerns with the shared parking study, this request is recommended for approval, with the exception of the requested increase in seating. DDC:ddc xc: Central File a:stffrpt,rom if ~N 211 II: 4.0 ~~OCATION M.A,P ROMANO'S MACARONI GRILL ~ .l':\- ~:. --IVIt=L~ \-r--~-""'. · I I !~~',' - : ..----(. 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Inn II"J -, I 11~~e ; II f II, J illl, ; iii Jiiit I I~ I fl_ JI,f~1 ;1 · i;f .. DO. > [IlL1~~~~~~~Q. ~~[J~~ DlilD~~LJ~LJ~l2J,~~U~ U, ~ ,I '" I~ 11',IIIII~f1IJ1I~I: 'I~H~ Ii I~ If i r , ; ! I I! I I ii" . I IiI' I;' ~~ J ~I :~:::~~F~~carO~i Grill fl. I " I I hi' I ;: Llndsclpe Plan ) s \ I I i J I \ ~,~ "IN-, ~~ ~~ :-iN-, :>:i~ ~, ~ "lit ,,'i ""'t', ,~ "'Ill L...------~ I '-~ c~ - '::' c , ~ ;;.. \ ~ti ~< ~~ ~'" c:::~ ~lIJ .....~ ~~ ~\:) ",,>il "''\:) ~' ~~ ~~ 1;) '" ';" "\> I' ~ , \ ~\ "'\ "'l'\ 1::' ~\:) :\ "'~ ~:c\ ;;:; ~~ "" ~" '-> ..... ~ il!\ b l" :::;: lit ~ ~ ... '" b ( '''-v '9~ ~ \ ~ \- ~ \ ::t:> (f> l.,,~ 1;) t', e::. )\ l> t',I;j~);) 'C:>" h'=_- );) ~ ,~ '" ""' ~ i. ~ t 'Q'OI:JC:> r-- c::. r- 'i )>. );.{'l\r' +~~ \ ~'~~~ 0) ~ }), ~~~~ ~'t<: ~'\J~ C'~ ~\ ~~ '- 'C' ';> .. ~, ,~~,~ ~ :t, ~ ::( ~ iJ, "\ ~ <::> .'Il \, , ''/: ,'>' "- .~a;~ ~ ." " c: .: ~ =(. '.--:', \ ,~~~'\ 5 \~ 1. i- f :;: "', '~. 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');l 111\11), -.: t'\ tJ it"'" -~(.., ~'h~ ~), ~ l'\~t f'< "i Il', Il1 ~ '\ .. ~~ ~~ t:a'" .'" ..'I ~t} ~~ I::lIJ, ~'1 'l\t:a . ~'" -.:;<"1 ",':1 \J\ \I'> ,C')l'\ ~~~ ~~~ >;j~l!\ 'ICll'l ~~~ Ill">: ,~ ~ ~ Cll ~ ~ ~ :1\ - . BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-308 rn August 12, 1996 rn~ pU; I 2 1996 TO: Technical Review Committee Members PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT. Marshall Gage Bob Eichorst Charlie Frederick John Guidry Tambri Heyden Floyd Jordan Police Chief Public Works Director Recreation & Park Director Utilities Director Planning & Zoning Director Fire Chief FROM: Don Johnson, Building Compliance Administrator RE: .,v- I. "v ..... ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MACARONI GRILL Permit #96-0747 1501 N. Congress Ave. SHAWE-AGER The above referenced project is nearing completion. Prior to the Building Division issuing the Certificate of Occupancy, I would like to ensure that you do not have any outstanding or pending conditions concerning this site that must be rectified (excluding issues that are covered entirely with a city approved surety) . If any outstanding conditions are related to permits issued by the Building Division, please provide this division a memorandum containing a description of the unresolved conditions. If the unresolved conditions are not permit related, please notify the owner or the owner's agent to ensure that the matters are rectified. Please respond to me, within ten (10) days in order that we may proceed in a timely manner to issue the Certificate of Occupancy. No response is necessary if your department is satisfied with the current state of the above referenced site. Thank you for your cooperation. D~9d~ xc: Carrie Parker Kevin Hallahan Ken Hall ~ R/ ~~ A:TRCMEMO AUG rn BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-308 rnoo~U August 12, 1996 rn ;SE TO: Technical Review Committee Members PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Marshall Gage Bob Eichorst Charlie Frederick John Guidry Tambri Heyden Floyd Jordan Police Chief Public Works Director Recreation & Park Director Utilities Director Planning & Zoning Director Fire Chief FROM: Don Johnson, Building Compliance Administrator RE: ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY MACARONI GRILL Permit #96-0747 1501 N. Congress Ave. SHAWE-AGER The above referenced project is nearing completion. Prior to the Building Division issuing the Certificate of Occupancy, I would like to ensure that you do not have any outstanding or pending conditions concerning this site that must be rectified (excluding issues that are covered entirely with a city approved surety) . If any outstanding conditions are related to permits issued by the Building Division, please provide this division a memorandum containing a description of the unresolved conditions. If the unresolved conditions are not permit related, please notify the owner or the owner's agent to ensure that the matters are rectified. Please respond to me, within ten (10) days in order that we may proceed in a timely manner to issue the Certificate of Occupancy. No response is necessary if your department is satisfied with the current state of the above referenced site. Thank you for your cooperation. Jf"~ j ~ 1Uli1Jb: ~ S Don Jo son -r~fr1~/c~AJt.. .rp4c.6i (A)) ~c..o~'::'l t}-tcl'Jo y;.Jt:: Weir ~II)= p t- ;1Jt: ClJrA LiNe. C- ~ J)tCJ-e....r s~~I.r'- z:.iV' . - 0 8.5 Cd.'VIP U:..l~-"l /f?''; (l, , r D B - ", I ('j"lJ!.O r?)R- /I 6 ,,&:',',1.> - .- ~ ~ o. _->QA,V' , I" . If!v"". #.4C~f2~t.JJ G/2~~~c /~ ; I U ~/ ~.(/1~. xc: Carrie Parker Kevin Hallahan Ken Hall A:TRCMEMO comments in Exhibit "en including statt and the applicant working out the applicant's concerns with comment 5, regarding the building exterior changes. Please note that although the recommendation is for approval of the request, the staff comments include a negative recommendation regarding the shared parking methodology and therefore, increase in seating. With respect to exterior elevations, comment 5 is proposed to read as follows: 5. Retain the existing building color, change the color of the awnings from brown to dark green and limit use of stone veneer to the columns on all sides of the building and to the arched door entrance feature on the north elevation. This has been discussed with the applicant who has granted acceptance, subject to his field visit. EXHIBIT "D" Administrative Conditions Project name: Romano's Macaroni Grill File number: MSPM 95-008 Drawing reference: Nine sheets submitted by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. marked "Second Review" and havinq a Planninq and Zoninq Department date received stamp of November 9, 1995. Comments: NONE INCLUDE ! REJECT ! I I DEPARTMENTS PUBLIC WORKS UTILITIES Comments: NONE FIRE Comments: NONE POLICE Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 1. There is a discrepancy between the site plan and the landscaping sheet. Proposed pedestrian walkways connecting to sidewalks on the site plan are not shown on the landscaping plan. 2. The sidewalk appears to terminate at a light pole. Adjustments need to be made to alleviate difficulties for pedestrians in wheelchairs. I PARKS AND RECREATION I I I Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 3. The shared parking report dated January 21 1996 from Berry & Calvin, Inc. is not acceptable since it does not use Boynton Beach generation rates. Therefore, a variance for parking is needed or a reduction in seating to the original 206. If the City Commission approves the study, a note shall be added to the site plan to reference the date and conclusion of the study. 4. Correct the elevation drawing discrepancy between the materials/colors shown in the legend and the corresponding materials/colors on the various elevations. Recommendations: 5. Change the color of the walls of the building from dark peach to a shade of tan lighter than that proposed for the trim and change the color of the awnings from brown to dark green. Minimal use of the stone veneer is also recommended for the columns and main entrance only. 6. Use melaleuca mulch instead of cypress mulch. )9~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-019 Agenda Memorandum for January 16, 1995 City Commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker City Manager FROM: ~d Tambri J. Heyden /~1J' Planning and Zoning Director DATE: January 11, 1996 SUBJECT: Romano's Macaroni Grill at Catalina Center Plat No.1 (File No. MSMP 95-008) Major site plan modifioation (renovation of an existing vacant restaurant building) Please place the above-referenced request under Development Plans for the January 16, 1995 City Commission agenda. DESCRIPTION: The above request was submitted by Roscoe L. Biby, P.E. with Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. agent for Kevin Connell, Brinker International, to renovate the exterior of an existing vacant restaurant building for use as a new restaurant with an increase of 42 seats. Since no additional parking is proposed to be added for the increase in seating, a shared parking study is also part of this request. The restaurant is located at 1501 N. Congress Avenue, an outparcel within the Catalina Shopping Center, previously occupied by Marie Callender's restaurant. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, with a 6 - 1 vote, recommended approval of this request, subj ect to staff comments in Exhibit "C" including staff and the applicant working out the applicant's concerns with comment 5, regarding the building exterior changes. Please note that although the recommendation is for approval of the request, the staff comments include a negative recommendation regarding the shared parking methodology and therefore, increase in seating, With respect to exterior elevations, comment 5 is proposed to read as follows: 5. Retain the existing building color, change the color of the awnings from brown to dark green and limit use of stone veneer to the columns on all sides of the building and to the arched door entrance feature on the north elevation. This has been discussed with the applicant who has granted acceptance, subject to his field visit. TJH:dim xc: Central File a:CCAgdmem,ROM BUILDING DIVISION ,-~ff~ ~ n Wi rn rn~ ,.;,! r-- . I '.. "\!j . J: 'U\ NOV 2 I l~i ----rLANNING Ar>.JD ZON!NG DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 95-413 November 21, 1995 From: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Al Newbold, Deputy Development Director To: Re: Romano's Macaroni Grill at Catalina Center 1501 North Congress Avenue In reviewing the above captioned plans, the Building Division observed the following: There is a discrepancy between the Site Plan and the Landscaping Sheet. Proposed pedestrian walkways connecting to sidewalks on the Site Plan are not shown on the Landscaping plan, The sidewalk appears to terminate at a light pole, Adjustments need to be made to alleviate difficulties for pedestrians in wheelchairs. This can be done before permitting, therefore, we recommend the project going forward. All previous concerns outlined in our 10/11/95 Memorandum No. 95-375 have been addressed. $~~ Al New t!-. AN:mh Atts. 2nd Review Plans cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Development Director A:RO~ANO,TRC PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-673 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Dan DeCarlo Assistant Planner DATE: January 2, 1996 SUBJECT: Major Site Plan Modification - 2nd Review Project: Romano's Macaroni Grill Location: 1501 Congress Avenue Agent: Roscoe L. Biby, P.E. c/o Kimley-Horn and Associates File No. : MSPM 95-008 The following is a list of comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories. The first category is a list of comments that identify unresolved comments either from the first review or new comments as a result of the second review. To show compliance with these comments will not substantially alter the configuration of the site and design of the building. The second category is a list of recommendations I believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project. All comments and recommendations can be rectified on the plans at time of permitting if the site plan request is approved. The applicant must understand that additional comments may be generated upon review of the documents and working drawings submitted to the Building Division for permits for the proposed project. I. SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. The shared parking report dated August 23, 1995, is not acceptable. A 10% buffer was not added to all of the spaces in Table 7 that were determined to be required at peak as required by code (Table 7 shall be the basis for acceptance as it reflects Boynton Beach generation rates) . The applicant's response to the Planning Department's first review comments dated November 8, 1995 is not sufficient to address the Boynton Beach generation rates as required by the Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. A reduction of seats in the proposed restaurant is the only remedial action available to meet the City's requirement. II. RECOMMENDATIONS 2. Signage should be addressed administratively at the time of permit review. 3 . Recommend using melaleuca mulch instead of cypress mulch. DDC:dim xc: Central File a:2ndcomm.rom 511 2. Each. town house shall have a direct automotive access from the off-street parking space to a public street. 3. All outdoor, rear yard areas used for drying of clothes shall be screened frOB view from the street and from adjoining yards and lots. 4. Parking space shall be provided for as by Section 11-H. H. PROVISION OF OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES. 1. All off-street parking areas shall conform to the design and layout requirements of Chapter 23 of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, and shall be approved according to the procedures contained therein. 2. All off-street parking facilities shall be maintained and drained so as not to cause nuisance or danger to the public, or to adjacent public or private property. 3. A certificate of occupancy for a structure or premises shall not be issued until the required parking area has been inspected and approved by the development director. 4. Driveways shall satisfy the parking space requirements for single-family detached dwelling units, duplexes, and multifamily dwelling units containing garages, provided such driveways are of sufficient size to meet the parking space requirements of this subsectioD. 5. No fewer than four (4) parking spaces shall be provided for any nonresidential use. 6. Stabilized sod may be substituted for up to fifty (50) per cent of the required parking spaces, where eighty (80) per cent or more of the parking demand falls within a twenty-four-hour period each week. Sod may be substituted only for the area of parking stalls. All driveways, aisles, and maneuvering areas shall be hard-surfaced and shall conform to the design ~irements contained in Chapter 23 of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. Sod parking stalls shall have a base consisting of not less than eight (8) inches of stabilized shell rock, lime rock, or sand, or an equivalent material as approved by the development director. Sod parking areas shall have dimensions equivalent to the dimensions of paved parking areas with ninety (90) degree parking stalls and two-way traffic in aisles, Adopt.d April 4. 1"5. Ordia.ac. "5-02 ..vi..d 2-101 511 as specified in Chapter 23 of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. 7. Parking space requirements shall be computed on the basis of the principal use of a structure or lot, and using gross floor area unless stated otherwise in paragraph 16 of this subsection. Gross floor area, for the purposes of this subsection, shall include the floor area occupied by the principal use, plus the floor area occupied by all aceessory uses, including storage rooms, maintenance and mechanical rooms, offices, lounges, restrooms, lobbies, basements, mezzanines, and hallways. 8. Where several principal uses exist in one structure or on one lot, parking space requirements shall be computed separately for each principal use, unless stated otherwise in paragraph 16 of this subsection. Where parking spaces are required in paragraph 16 for each of several principal uses that commonly occur together, this is done for the purpose of clarification only, and shall not limit the application of the requirement contained in this paragraph. 9. A use shall be considered a principal use, for the purposes of this subsection, if it could exist separately from all other uses in the same structure or on the same lot, and would by itself generate significant parking demand. 10. Where a use is located in a shopping center, office building, or office-retail complex, the parking space requirement for the shopping center, office building, or office-retail complex in which it is located shall apply; except that where a theater is located in a shopping center the parking space requirement for theaters shall apply for the seating or gross floor area of the theater. 11. Where several principal uses exist in one building or part of a building, and the floor area of each principal use cannot be clearly delineated, the parking space requirement for the use requiring the greatest number of parking spaces shall apply. 12. Where a use is not listed below, parking space requirements shall be determined by the City Commission after review and recommendation by the planning and development board. 13. Parking spaces required in this ordinance for one use or structure may be allocated in part or in whole for the required parking spaces of another use or Adopted April 4. 1"5. Ord1aeace 0'5-02 .evieed 2-102 511 structure if quantitative evidence is provided showing that parking demand for the different uses or structures would occur on different days of the week or at different hours. Quantitative evidence shall include estimates for peak hour/peak season parking demand based on statistical data furnished by the Urban Land Institute or an equivalent traffic engineering or land planning and design organization. Quantitative evidence may also include, where appropriate, field studies and traffic counts prepared by a traffic consultant experienced in the preparation of parking studies. In addition, a minimum buffer of ten (10) percent shall be provided to ensure that a sufficient number of parking spaces are available at the peak hour/peak season of parking demand. Calculation of said buffer shall be based on the total number of parking spaces determined to be required at the peak hour/peak season of parking demand. Evidence for joint allocation of required parking space shall be submitted to the technical review board, and approval of joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be made by the City Commission, after review and recommendations by the planning and development board. 14. Where the number of required parking spaces as computed includes a fraction, the number of required parking spaces shall be the computed number rounded to the next highest whole number. 15. There shall be provided off-street handicapped parking spaces consistent with Chapter 23, Article II.K of the Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations at the time of the erection of any structure or the enlargement of any structure. 16. There shall be provided, at the time of the erection of any structure or establishment of any use, a number of off-street parking spaces in accordance with the following minimum requirements, and subject to paragraphs 1 through 15 of this subsection. Where a structure or use is enlarged or increased in capacity by any means, including a change in building occupancy which requires the provision of additional parking spaces, or a change in use to or e which requires additional parking spaces, the minimum number of parking spaces shall be computed by applying these requirements to the entire structure or use. a. Dwellings, lodging and other buildings for habitation: AdopC.d April.. 1"5. OrdinaDc. 0'5-02 a.vi..d 2-103 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-195 TO: Tambri 1. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Review - 2nd Review - Romano's Macaroni Grill at Catalina DATE: November 17, 1995 The Public Works Department has no problems at the above site, The plan can be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board/Community Redevelopment Advisory for consideration. ~6ch/JL<>1- ~ Robert Eichorst Public Works Director RElcr TECHNICAL COMMITTEE c.o.("('.,..o~ FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW I" ~dg. Dept. Date Date Date Date Date -- -_ Date Date Date_ Date Date f\C f\ C - ~e Oept. C\ C. - Eng ['ept. n C. - .vUtil. Dept. f\ <.:. _ /" - tVPol rC3 i: ept. tA"': i;J. [:ept. Ci'b) r:anner '^ c. - ~c. Djr. '(\ C- \,.korester -. " PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-653 FROM: Carrie Parker, City Manager Robert Eichorst, Public works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention officer clyde "Skip" Milor, Utility Dept. Chief Field Insp. Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist William Hukill, Director Department of Development, I -::1>'-' ~ N- Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director I Y' TO: DATE: November 9, 1995 FileNo.: Review - 2nd ReVlew Romano's Macaroni Grill at Catalina Centl'e 1501 North Congress Avenue Roscoe L. Biby, P.E. c/o Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc. MSPM 95-008 SUBJECT: site plan ProJect: Location: Agent: Attached is the amended site plan submittal for the above referenced project for your final review and recommendatlon. We would ask that you review this amended site plan submittal to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments previously made by your department. If your comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zonlng Department in writing. It your comments have not been met, please advise the Planning and zoning Department in writing. Finally, we would ask that you include in your memorandum a recommendation as to whether the proJect should be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board for consideration. Please return your memorandum and the amended plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P.M. on November 20, 1995. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Michael E. Haag at Extension 6260, who is coordinating the review of this project. cc: (Memo only) Floyd Jordan Charlie Frederick Tom Dettman John Guidry 8:2ndRevMelll.rOIl , i , ('m~/,., T rm,nb b'YJ I it ' .. _ "~ .Y. lWal :... >. I" ' '~ ' I~ ,,1<;- ~ ~ \rHl ~ ,/ . /' ~ ': I' ~ :; , ~, :" ~ ~ ~ I~~h , 'l;....W ~ :?:It-J " "l:' I.t.I tll~4J ~ Ql,J:ll, ti "{~~ ttI Q;:, ...I t ,~1~ ~ . ~ ~~~ ~\{\~ ~K ~~~ !ih~ ~~~ (:)1;t~ "", ~ '> ,," ~~ I.j~ . . ~ . ~~ ~~ ~~ ~. ,~ ~~ ~ H .,l:! ~~-~ ~c I._ ~~ "- \ ~ 1j~ .. '14.~ -~" ~~ - ' ~o-!~ .' "~- '" ~t:: ~ 4JiS <: r~~ -- " " >: , ~I<> ~ ~!:::;:~ ~i:'< ~ I! ~ v I 'l ~ Ii ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ > " ~ ~ I ~~ ~ '" / ~ '" / T . ~. ~ ~(( I , ..'< ,,~ 'G~ ~ , , ~ Ii '" I , " r ~~ , ". ~~~', I ,~ ~ ,,~ ...~ ~~, "'- ~~ 0 ~ k~ ~~ <~. ~ ~,,~ 0 I ~~ - > , ~ ~ "'~ l.>t:il-.; "~ .... ~q I ~ Oi~ ~, . ,,~ , ,,~ ~h ~~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ ) ~~ ~ ~~ ~"" "'~ ~ "'~ l. ~ <0 ~ 0 c ~ ~ "~ .. 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'S~ <,~ ~\ ^~ G~ "'~ ~~ ~~ '" <t.... .~~ '" '~ , , ~" ~lt;;: ~ ~ \~ ..., ') ') ~ l..'Jj'Q.. ....!:I::: ",":I f...1t.;c:t: , 0" l..,~ ',I I..l.. ~!l-ln , ~ ~ ..JI'J~ '" h. ~~..J ':)""-l~ Cl J~ ~ . ".","''::' ,,,:; " i(':)~~ l\:?CS I..] ~ l..<;:) 1-4.1 ..........'J\!) J <~ .. I " + ,;, " ~ . ~ ~~ ~~ ~'" ~~ ~~ ,,~ :r- ~ ~ '" .... I; I , ~ ~ "" 1";: '" ",,"''-'' ;; ~';.. ~ ~~ ~i! ,,> ~~ ~ii: ~~ R""" "t f:::J ,,~ ~~ <~ a~ J ~. ~ , ..., ~ ~=n , . .E~~ -KJ iH ~,~ . II r II '\ :j 1995 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Engineering Planning and EnVIronmental Consultants November 8, 1995 Ms, Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Romano's Macaroni Grill at Catalina Centre BBFN:MSPM 95-008 Dear Ms, Heyden: This letter will serve as our response to City Staff's fIrst review comments for the above referenced project. Attached with this written response are the appropriate quantity of amended plans and documentation, The responses will appear in the same order as your comment letter CHECKLIST I, The amended documents for this submittal do not require changes to the Plan Review/Conditional Use application form, 2. Twelve (12) copies of assembled and complete sets of plans and documents including surveys in compliance with the Code of Ordinances and TRC comments are submitted with this package, 3. Color photographs of the existing building and surrounding buildings are included with this submittal, 4, Colored elevation view drawings of each side of the building and the signage is included with this submittal. The elevation drawings (not colored) show the paint color specifIcation and material specifIcations, matching the color and materials submitted for site plan review, 5, A color and material board is submitted with this response. . TEL 407 562 7981 FAX 407 562 9689 . Suile400 60121stStreel Vera Beach, Florida 32960 ~ .~=n Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc, Ms. Tambri Heyden, Page 2 6, An 8-1I2xll" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing is included with this submittal. BUILDING DIVISION I. Our original application proposed only to renovate the existing vacant building. It has been vacant for some time and is in disrepair, The applicant did not propose to modity the site plan other than enhancing the landscaping in front of the building by adding annual color beds (a signature for Romano's Macaroni Grill). The revised site plan shows the addition of a pedestrian access sidewalk from the sidewalk on Congress A venue to the subject parcel. 2, A sign plan is included with this submittal showing proposed sign area and allowable sign area, BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT No response necessary, RECREATION AND PARK MEMORANDUM #95-452 No response necessary, PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT No response necessary. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION No response necessary, FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM 95-361 WDC No response necessary, UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 95-319 I, This application proposes no additional landscaping or changes to easements. 2, Notes have been placed on the site plan stating that City water will not be used for irrigation. The restaurant is irrigated from the Catalina Centre system which comes from the detention area on the west side of the project. ~=n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, Ms. TlIII1bri Heyden, Page 3 3, The applicant proposes to change the fire line backflow preventer to a City approved double detector check valve assembly, A note has been added to the site plan. 4, Existing water and sewer services are shown on the site plan. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 95-610 I, The existing mechanical equipment is screened by a screen wa1l above an existing parapet wa1l, This wall totally screens the view of the mechanical equipment 600 feet from the building according to City code. The applicant proposes to use the existing mechanical equipment and make no changes to the screen wa1l except to paint. 2. The building height is shown on the elevation drawings, 3, A landscape plan is submitted with this application including method of inigation from a lake source located on the west side of the Catalina Centre, 4, The site plan is amended to show setbacks, off-street parking, driveways, sidewalks, and traffic control. A1l site improvements are existing and not proposed to be changed (per Chapter 4, Section 7,B.2" LDR) 5. The site plan shows site lighting, dumpster, loading zone and handicapped parking (per Chapter 4, Section 7.B,LDR), 6. A drainage plan of the previous development (Marie Ca1lender's) is submitted with this response. 7. The tabular data (per Chapter 4, Section 7.E, LDR) has been added to the amended site plan, 8. The overa1l site plan attached with this submittal shows the parking space count for all existing parking. 9, The sheet showing the Catalina Centre has been deleted. 10, The building colors have been indicated on the elevation drawings, the color board, and on the colored elevation sheet. 11I""I,-" .~_u Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, Ms. Tambri Heyden. Pate 4 11. The City's code allows for peak parking demand based on statistical data furnished by the Urbau Land Institute (ULI) or other recognized land planning and design organizations. We have' included a 10% buffer to the ULI and ITE rates as eXplained in Kimley'Horn's letter dated September 27,1995 (attached). It is our professinal opinion that adding 10% to the ULI rates provides an adequately conservative buffer. The City parking rates have included a buffer within them to account for fluctuations. Adding' an additional 10% above the City rates would be more conservative than necessary as stated in the same letter. There is a clarification or correction that should be pointed out in the August 23, 1995 parking study. On page 4, fourth paragraph, representation was made that sufficient parkiug spaces are provided on site even without considering shared parking spaces based on ULI and ITE rates. That would only be true using ITE rates. In reponse to shared parking during weekend time frames, the weekend would not be the critical peak parking usage because of the absence of the office use. 12. So noted. We trust these responses and the enclosed plans and documentation will be sufficient for staff to recommend approval of this project to the Planning and Development Board and schedule this item for the December 12, 1995 meeting. In the meantime, please call if you have any questions or need additional information. Associate RLB/jp enclosures cc: Kevin Connell Warren Streitzel Joe Pollack File