AGENDA DOCUMENTS Matt Bradley, Vice Mayor Shirley Jaskiewicz, Commissi ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH OF ICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Date: erry Taylor, Mayor Lynne Matson, Mayor Pro Tem Sidney Rosen, Commissioner SUBJECT: Knuth Road PCD Stonehaven Attached please find a letter fro a resident of the Stonehaven Homeowner's Association regarding the vote to deny th service station at the Knuth Road PCD. A member of the prevailing sid of this vote would need to place it on the City Commission agenda to reconsider. Pleas let me know if you wish this item placed on an upcoming agenda. // /v/if/AJ 0. / / L-Vvvl...-{ (,W<'" Carrie Parker City Manager CP:jb cc: Tambri Heyden Bill Hukill Jim Cheraf s-rONEHAVEN HO EOWNER5 A5S0C P.O. Box 3341 Boy ton Beaoh, Florida 33424.3341 June 6, 1995 City of Boynton Beach City Hall 100 East Boynton Beac Boynton Beach, Florid Boulevard 33435-0310 Attention: Carrie Pa ker, City Manager Re: Knuth Road CD Dear Ms. Parker: \TION, INC. . RECEIVED ~IUN t ~ \Q9S CITY MANAGER'S OFFiCE It has come to ou attention that the City Commission recently denied the request of Bill Winchester, the owner of the Knuth Road PCD, for an extensi of a previously granted approval for a service station to located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Knut Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. This matter is of critical concern to our Association and its members. It is our unders anding that the property to our south, known as Tara Oaks PUD, is urrently under contract for the development and sale of residenti I townhouses and that, in conjunction with that development, K uth Road will be constructed from its intersection with Woo bright Road north to the L-25 canal, which is located at the south end of our community. It is further our understanding, that b th the City and Palm Beach County are anxious to have the balance f Knuth Road, the portion which would run along the western bou dary of our community, completed as soon as possible so as to educe the traffic at the intersection of Congress and Boynton each Boulevard and to provide an alternate means of access to t e Boynton Beach Mall from properties to the south. In June 1990, w en the Knuth Road PCD was first before the City for zoning appr val, we communicated our concerns regarding Knuth Road both to M . Winchester and his representatives and to the City. The City Commission made it clear that the eventual construction of Knut Road was inevitable. We explained to Mr. Winchester that the r'ght-of-way for the road was located in very close proximity to t e western-most homes within Stonehaven and that we were concern d about the adverse impact of the road upon property values and ur quality of life. Mr. Winchester agreed, and that agreement wa reduced to writing, that when the Knuth Road PCD was developed, t e property owner would construct a masonry wall and landscape uffer between the western boundary of our community and Knuth R ad, so as to mitigate the adverse impact upon our community. At th time we entered into our agreement with Mr. Winchester, we recogn'zed that it would be unreasonable to require City of Boynton Beach City Hall June 6, 1995 Page Two . him to construct the w II and landscape buffer until the Knuth Road PCD property was und r development and therefore generating a source of funds for c struction. In addition to the construction of the wall and land cape buffer, Mr. Winchester also agreed to make a contribution to ard the cost for establishing guard gates at the entrances to our ommunity. La ter , when loca ting a service s discussed this with u we, as the only res limits of Boynton objection. He then from the City. Winchester first discussed the idea of ation on the Knuth Road PCD property, he and we indicated to him, at that time, that dential community located wi thin the City each that is directly affected, had no btained site plan approval for the station We recognize tha Knuth Road is going to be built eventually. Requiring that this e done before development of the Knuth Road PCD property, however will create an unbearable situation for our community. It could e years before the wall and landscape buffers are built. The City has full power and authority to grant the extension requested b Mr. Winchester and it is our understanding that the developmen of the service station will be in full compliance with all oncurrency requirements. From the point of view of our communit , this situation presents to the City one of those rare opportuni ies to achieve the best of all worlds. This is a win-win-win si uation. The approval of Mr. Winchester's extension request wi I be a winner for Mr. Winchester because it will permit him to se I a portion of his property. The approval of Mr. Winchester's ex ension request will be a winner for our community, both beca se we will have, in close proximity, a well designed, attractive, service station for our use, to which we will have access wi thout having to struggle through the traffic at Boynton Be~ch Boulev rd and Congress Avenue, and because it will provide us with buff rs to Knuth Road traffic which will, in turn, mitigate any adverse impact upon our community. The approval of Mr. Winchester's ex ension request will be a winner for the ci tizens of Boynton Beach because it will permit the timely construction of Knut Road from Woolbright Road to Boynton Beach Boulevard at one tim and as one project simultaneously with the Pulte Homes townhous development of the Tara Oaks property. We are writing request that you mak and to all members 0 to them our request next City Commissi requested extension the only residentia to you in your capacity as City Manager to copies of this letter available to the Mayor the City Commission and that you communicate hat they bring up for reconsideration, at the n meeting, the issue of Mr. Winchester's f the service station approval. Since we are development within the City that is directly . ' . City of Boynton Beach City Hall June 6, 1995 Page Three impacted by the servic station and have, by this letter, clearly indicated our unqualif'ed support for the approval of the station, we trust that the ommission will seize upon this unique opportunity and grant the extension as requested. Very truly yours, STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INC. By: &11 ./ "'-J ~;vi'1 Rog Bennett President Its PING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-103 Agenda Memorandum for March 2 , 1995 City commission Meeting Carrie Par er City Manag r Tambri J. eyden Ijd Planning a d Zoning Director TO: FROM: DATE: March 16, 995 SUBJECT: Knuth Road PCD - CNTE 94-004 & MPTE 94-002 Time Exten ion - master plan and concurrency exemption Please place the ab ve-referenced request on the March 21, 1995 Ci ty Commission agen a under Development Plans, Non-consent agenda. DESCRIPTION: This s a request for approval of an eighteen (18) month retroactive and an indefinite time extension for zoning/master plan a proval and concurrency exemption, submitted by Kieran Kilday, agent for Bill Winchester, property owner for the Knuth Road PCD, loc ted at the southwest corner of Knuth Road extended and Boynto Beach Boulevard. The applicant is also requesting that a s rvice station be allowed to be constructed within the PCD, as his use would no longer be allowed at this location under the c rrent regulations, but would have been allowed under the regulatio s in effect at the time of the master plan approval. In additi n, the applicant is requesting approval of a phasing plan to uti ize all or part of the 6,722 combined, total trips per day that t is PCD and the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD are allowed prior to w. ening of Gateway Boulevard. The expired master plan depicts one hundred twenty thousand (120,000) square foot shopping center, which includes two outbuildings. RECOMMENDATION: Th Planning and Development Board, with a 6-1 vote, recommended de ial of this request. In addition, The Board recommended that th City Commission direct staff to change the land use and zoning of the property to the original, or a more restrictive, categor . TJH/pb c:ccmtg321.knu DATE: TIME: 4. PLACE: 1 J.. . ") .. . 3. 5. I /' ,. , / C I T Y 0 PLANNING BOY N TON B E A C H & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING AGE N D A /~ r , ~, J I Tuesday, M rch 14, 1995 7:JO P.M. Commission Chambers 100 E. Boy ton Beach Boulevard Boynton Be ch, Florida Pledge of Allegiance Introduction of Mayo, Commissioners and Board Members. Agenda Approval. Approval of Minutes. Communications and A nouncements. A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1) Final disp sition of last month's agenda items. 6. old Business A. TIME EXTENSIONS (POSTPONED FROM FEBRUARY 14, 1995 MEETING) 1. PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTIO ") .. . PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTIO 3. PROJECT: AGENT LOCATION: DESCRIPTIO Tara Oaks PUD Kieran Kilday Northeast corner of Knuth Road extended and Woolbright Road. Request for approval of an 18 month retroactive and an indefinite time extension for zoning/master plan approval and concurrency exemption/certification. Knuth Road PCD Kieran Kilday Southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Request for approval of retroactive and an indefinite for zoning/master plan concurrency exemption. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Kieran Kilday an 18 month time extension approval and South side of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard. Request for approval of retroactive and an indefinite for zoning/master plan concurrency exemption. an 18 month time extens ion approval and p~ge 2 Planning & Development Bo rd Meeting Agenda March 14, 1995 7. New Business: A. PUBLIC HEARING LAND USE ELEMEN AMENDMENT REZONING 1. PROJECT AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTIO B. SUBDIVISIONS Mainstreet Car Wash Jim zengage Forward Progress, Inc. Between NE 1st street and NE 2nd Street, Immediately north of Mainstreet Car wash Request for a map amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Medium Density Residential to Local Retail Commercial and rezoning from R-2 (Single and Duplex Dwelling District) to C-3 (Community Commercial) . Master Plan Mod fication 1. PROJECT NA E: Shoppes of Woolbright PCD AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTIO C. CONSISTENCY REV EW CCL Consultants, Inc. Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee Northside of Woolbright Road, east of the L.W.D.D E-4 Canal. Request to modify the previously approved master plan to subdivide outbuilding 3 into .895 acres, revise the outbuilding sizes (outbuilding 1 from 4,300 to 6,920 square feet, outbuilding 2 from 5,000 square feet to 5,755 square feet and outbuilding 3 from two- stories and 6,000 square feet to one-story and 2,625 square feet), add a driveway on the east side of s. w. 8th Street, 400 feet north of Woolbright Road, relocate the existing driveway on S.W. 8th street, 190 feet to 260 feet north of Woolbright Road and provide a median cut on S.W. 8th street for the relocated driveway. 1. Dental lab ratories as a conditional use in the C-1, office Profession 1, zoning district. D. OTHER 8. Comments by members 9. Adjournment Page 3 Planning & Development Bo rd Meeting Agenda March 14, 1995 NOTICE ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO BOARD WITH RESPECT TO AN RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING VERBATIM RECORD OF THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UP PPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE N WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S. 286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN IN IVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (407) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY (24) HOURS RIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLE ACCOMM DATE YOUR REQUEST. a.aqp&dmtq.314 6.A.2 KNUTH ROAD peD TIME EXTENSION PLANN NG AND ZONING DEPARTMENT M MORANDUN NO. 95-085 TO: FROM: Chairm and Members Planni g and Development Board Tambri J. Heyden .~il Planni g and Zoning Director Michae E. Haag~R~ Zoning and Site t;relopment Administrator March 9, 1995 THRU: DATB: SUBJECT: Knuth R ad PCD - File No. CNTE 94-004 & MPTE 94-002 Time E tension (Amendment to Planning and Zoning Depart ent Memorandum 95-038) At the request of the applicant, Kieran Kilday, the Planning and Development Board at their February 14, 1995 meeting postponed action on the request for a time extension for zoning/master plan approval and concurrency exemption for the above-referenced proj ect. The applica t requested postponement due to incomplete traffic information a d related unresolved issues. This memorandum serve to address these issues that could not be addressed in the or ginal staff report, Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-038. Based on recent Commission sentiment regarding approving multiple and retroactive time extension requests, st ff has required, pursuant to the concurrency management ordinance, raffic information to be submitted with such requests. The purpos of the traffic information is to identify any repercussions ass ciated with approving a time extension with an exemption from cu rent traffic requirements; the difference between traffic impro ements that were required at the time of the original development 0 der vs. improvements that would be required today. For example, t e original traffic study did not include all roadway links review d under the existing Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. As indicated in the riginal staff report, there was a concern regarding the traffi level of service of Gateway Boulevard, between Congress Av nue and Military Trail, currently over capacity. The Traffi Division of Palm Beach County has reviewed the updated traffic d ta supplied by the applicant's engineer for this Gateway Boulevar roadway link. It was determined that the current Traffic Per ormance Standards (TPS) would restrict construction of the PC's 120,000 square feet of general retail to 75,700 square feet 0 general retail ( 3 ,361 daily trips) until Gateway Boulevard is idened to six lanes, scheduled for fiscal year 96/97. The upda ed traffic analysis reviewed by the County included two (2) outp rcels; a 4,500 square foot bank with drive- through and a 2,000 s uare foot service station with convenience store and car wash, nerating a total of 6,221 net daily trips (find attached Exhibi "AA" - letter from Mr. Dan Weisberg, Palm Beach County - Traffi Division, dated March 7, 1995). It is staff's recomme dation that the square footage restriction identified in the four h paragraph of the March 7, 1995 letter from Mr. Weisberg be add d to staff's original recommendation of approval. This recomm ndation includes a re-evaluation at time of site plan review of t e trips generated for any of the proposed outparcels. Since out arcels are usually occupied by high traffic generators, such as fast, food drive-through restaurants, the square footage allowe to be constructed prior to the widening of Gateway Boulevard may have to be further limited. / Page 2 Knuth Road PCD Memorandum No. 95-085 The applicant is reque ting an agreement be made with the city that would allow either he subject project or the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD (which as the same square footage restriction) to utilize all or part 0 the total trips (6,722) that the projects would be allowed bef re the widening of Gateway Boulevard (see attached Exhibit "aB" ... Mareh 6; 1995 letter from Kieran Kilday). At this time, staff d es not have a recommendation on this issue until the County can espond on this issue. An additional issue id ntified in the letter from Mr. Kilday is the applicant's wish to etain master plan approval of the service station which was app oved by the City Commission on June 2, 1992 for the subject proje t. The location of the service station is shown on Exhibit "C" 0 the original report. Also, as indicated in the original report, n June 2, 1992 the City commission approved a preliminary plat a d site plan for the construction of the convenience store/gas station/car wash which expired on June 2, 1993. The gas stati n approval was granted under the previous service station regulations and the property does not meet the current service statio criteria. Therefore, the 1992 master plan modification is no Ion er valid. staff's position on this issue is that resurrecting this expired approval of a use which is no longer permi tted on this pr perty would constitute a grant of special privilege to the property owner. Staff questions the relevancy of the economic slow-dowl justification to service station uses which usually are least imp cted by this type of economic stagnation. Also, there is concerl that since development of one of the PCD's outparcels vests the CD, the City may end up with only a service station on the proper y for a long period of time. MEH:dim Attachments a:KnuthT~x.5~d/P&D ;:.. E H I BIT AA -") 2- 11AR-O':'-1 qg=.: 09: 27 - , :2222222222222 107 478 5770 P.02/03 Board of COlllll~' Commissioners Ken L. FostH, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice ChoUl'man Karen T. Man:ml Citroi A. Roberts Warrell H. Newell Ma1')' McCnrty \1aude Ford Lee county AdminIstrator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works Mar'ch 7, 1995 Mr. Mike Haag C1ty of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boul P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, fL RE: BOYNTON BEACH BOUL KNUTH ROAD p.e.D. TARA OAK..S P.U.D. Dear Mr. Haag; The PGlm Beach County Tr ff1c D1v1sion has traffic reviewed the three traffic analyses prepared by Simm ns & White for these three proposed developments. The three studies are updates to the K. S. Rogers traff1c studies prepared in 1990. They use the trip generat on and trif distr1but1on from the K. S. Rogers studies and updah the existing ra'Ffic va urnes (1994) and the future traff'lc (1997) volumes, lhase traffic s udies do not address traffic on Gateway Boulevard for the t'HO P.C,D.st as WI) d be required by the eXist1ng Traffic Performance Standards (TPS). A letter received yesterday frem Simmons & Wh1te provides some of the requested add;tio al information for Gateway Boulevard. The updal~d L~~rric stud addresses 120,000 square feet of genera' retail. The traffi~ study states tha the it address 110,375 square feet of general retail and outnarcels consist!n of a 5,625 square foot bank with drive-through and a 4.000 square foot high-t rnover restaurant. The outparcels are high traffiC generators and the traff c study does not properly address the outparcel uses. The 120.000 square feet f retail will generate 4,818 net daily trips with a build-cut of 1997. The s udy shows that the project will meet the requirements of TPS nn all roadways ~x ept Gateway Soul avard. Gateway Boulevard restricts the d~vplapment to 75.700 SQU re feet of general retail (3,361 daily trips) until it is widened to six-lanes n FY 96/97. .C.D ~.Q.rl Bea,:h B ~nuth R!lliL.P.....C.D. The updated traffic stud addresses a 120~OOO square foot shopping center which includes 110,375 square et of general retail and outparcels consisting a 4~500 square foot bank with dri e-through and service station with a 2,000 square foot convQni~ncQ storA and a car wash. The project will generate 6,221 net daily trip; with a build-out 0 1997. The study shows that the project will meet the r'Qquh"l,lmenh of TPS on al roadwaj's except Gateway Boulevard. Gateway Boulevard "An E 1:\\ OppmhJ:d}. - Affirm:ltiv.. Action r.mplnrL'I'" 4:~ pWnfld ~n fTX)"t','.tIiJ ~iI>~l,.r Do," 21229 cst Palm Beil(h, Florida 33-U&.12Z9 {4il7) 684-4000 4 t'h~P-137 -1 gg~.; 09 : 27 2~';.. o.c?222~22222222 -"17 478 5770 P . 03/03 March 7, 1995 Mr. MH.e Hug BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARDP C.D. KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. TARA OAKS P.U.D. page two restricts the development to 75,700 square feet of general reta1l (3,361 da1ly trips) unt1l 1t 1$ w1dens to s1x-lanes 1n FY 96/97. Tara Oaks P.ULD~ The updated traff1c stud d1scusses a proJect consisting of 192 mult1-fam1ly dwall1ng units and a 20, 00 square foot church. Th1s project would generate 1.498 daily trips. The s udy mentions an unidentified previous pet1t1on which accounts for 770 of the p ojects daily tr1ps. like the K. S. Rogers study, the updated study does not ad ress these trips. Rather. it addresses 728 daily trips I from an undefined project The updated" study shows that this undefined project meets TPS on all roadway, based on a build-out of 1997. In your letter dated Ja uary 20, 1995, your requested verification that the roadway improvements list d in the Simmons a White reports are still applicable. There is no information in these reports that allows me to verify the need for those roadway improvemen s. I am sorry for the delay n resQondln~ to your request. The form of the updated traffic studies and missing informatlon did not allow a timely review. If you have any questions regard"ng this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincereb, / OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENG NEER ~~~ Dan Weisberg. P.E, Senior Registered Civilngineer cc. Rob Rennebaum. P.E , Simmons & White File: lPS - Mun. - Traf ic Study Review h:\traffic\diw\boyn37 TOTAL P.0:3 ~ B 11 1- B 1- 't BB to I'HP-0:S-'':~5 r'DI 16:04 ID:I<ILDH'i-.~) HS9JC. TEL t[): 407-689-2592 ti340 P01 Klkler . NIOOIInM l.IndR4pe ArchltlOtll P1.nn.,. lllt1 ..arum Plac. Suite 100'" W." Palm ....h, "orld. 3340 loWl, _-&&:U . 1=..: 1.07' _ 211a2 MGroh 8. 1_ Ms. Tsmbr1 HI'Jd.n. PI nnlog Dlreotor City of Boynton Beach lannlng & ZoninG Department 100 Eat Boynton Beao Blvd. Boyn1on Bl!I4Ch, FL 6 Re: Knuth Road P.C. ,'and Boynton Beach P.C.D. Time extensions Our PI'OJeet No.: 99.18 Dear Ms. Heyden, Thank you for meeting ith Bill Winchester and myself lut week to dlSQuss the Time Extension. for B ynton Beach P.C.D. and Knuth Road p.o.e. Aa of thl8 dats, I am atlll waiting r verification from the County Engineer that phasing for each of the above proJ S would only occur after the trips generated by Men protect exceeds 8.381 trips per day. This number Is the number that was calculated by our trafft engineer. Mr. Robert Rennebaum. In assigning the 1" that Is allOWed to utlllz Gateway Boulevard and wor1<lng the b1pa backwards to the site baud upon th accignments oontalned In the original trafflo etudy. As you are aware. Mr. nchester 18 ooncerned that this project Is being required to retroactively meet p asing requirements when there are many other projects In the City of Boynton eh which have received extenAlons wIthOut any phasing roqulrQment. For that n, wO "nil requesting an agreement with the City that either project be allo to utilize 0.11 or part of the 6,722 total bip8 that the projects would be allo ad before .the reqUIrement ot phaSing. In other words, since each project wou d be pennltted to generate 3.361 trips It makes sense that we be allowed to assl n either all or part of the trips to one pmJect as It II likely that 011. project will m ve ahead quicker than the ether proJeot. One addltlonallnue Ich we discussed at our me.atlng which we would like to have resolVed at tl'l8 ti e of the consideration of the extension request Ie the faot that the Knuth Road P. .0. has an approval on It'8 Master Plan Including a ..rvlce station. While we are ware that the slIVlce station criterla which wal adopted after this approval wo Id not allow this use at this comer, our ability to proceed 7 , I.~~F:-O::.-' 35 tl:Jtl 16:05 ID:I<ILCY ,~ ASSD::. TEL ID: 407-t:.89-2592 __ te40 P02 MI. Tambri Heyden March 8. 189t5 Page 2 using our approved m er plan I. very Imrortant, In all probability. baaed on some very rlOent dl.o 88Ionl with usn 0 the Knuth Road P,O,D., WIt believe that the servIce station e will In fact be the Itrst pha.. of the development af this cent.r. Additionally, th the construction of the .ervlce station, we hop. to be In a position to const ct Knuth Aoad from It I current Wlnlnua and Is lOutherly to ttl. canaJ crossing. ara 0Ika P,U,D. will comlnue this constl'UCtlon lOU1herly to Woolbright Road.) At this time, we expea the petition to be heard by the PlannIng Commlaalon on March 14, 1995. I wt make myself available at any time should you wish to discuss these matters nher.' will continue to seek wr1tten oonftnnatfon from the COunt'i !nglneer that . ph.ln; requlrwn.,t referenced In thla litter '1 In fact corrlCt. slnc.r~ "., KJ8ftln J. Kilday Kilday & Ae8ooiates, J co: Mike Sohroede Bill Wlnoheater ---'----- 8 Chairman planning P NNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-038 TO: Members Development Board THRU: Tambri J. planning Director FROM: Haag Site Development Administrator DATE: February , 1995 SUBJECT: Knuth Roa PCD - File No. CNTE 94-004 & MPTE 95-002 Time Ext nsion (Master plan approval and concurrency exemption NATURE OF REOUEST Kieran Kilday of K'lday & Associates, agent for Bill winchester, property owner, is requesting an indefinite time extension for Planned Commercial Development (PCD) zoning/master plan approval and concurrency exe ption for the Knuth Road PCD (see Exhibit "A" - letter of request). The master plan consists of 120,000 square feet of retail, whi h includes two'outparcels; a 5,400 square foot bank and a 6,068 sq are foot restaurant (see Exhibit "B" - original master plan). The CD is to be located at the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boyn on Beach Boulevard. BACKGROUND On December 18, 19 0, the City Commission approved an ordinance annexing the subjec property. After review by the Department of Community of Affa'rs (DCA) and despite objections, they also approved ordinances for a land use element amendment that changed the Commercial 3 (P 1m Beach County) classification of the property to the City'S Local Retail commercial classification and rezoning of the property f om AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) to PCD, ith a specific master plan. The adopted comprehensive plan mendment was transmitted to DCA on December 19, 1990, along with re ponses to DCA's objections. In February 1991, the DCA issued a n tice of intent to find the comprehensive plan amendment in compl ance. These applications were submitted prior to the effective date of Palm Beach County's traffic performance standards ordinance and of the city 's conc rrency management ordinance. Therefore, concurrency exempti n for traffic and drainage was granted with the 1990 approval. On June 16, 1992, he City Commission granted a one (1) year time extension that exte ded the project's June 18, 1992 expiration date to June 17, 1993. No application for extensions was made since the June 1993 expi ation, until the subject extension which was filed in November 1 94; a period of one year and five months. This is the need for a etroactive extension. On June 2, 1992, the City Commission approved a master plan modification whic included replacing the 6,068 square foot outparcel restauran with a 2,512 square foot convenience store/gas station/car wash an decreasing the size of the bank outparcel from 5,400 square feet 0 4,500 square feet. The total square footage remained at 120,00 (see Exhibit C - master plan modification drawing) . Also, on June 2, 1 plat and site pI store/gas station/ northeast corner 0 92, the city Commission approved a preliminary n for the construction of the convenience ar wash on a 1.01 acre site located in the the PCD. The site plan and preliminary plat I page 2 planning and Develo ment Board Memo No. 95-038 Time Extension for Knuth Road PCD February 9, 1995 approvals expired 0 granted under the property does not m this aspect of th valid. June 2, 1993. The gas station approval was previous service station regulations. The et the new service station criteria, therefore 1992 master plan modification is no longer On April 8, 1993, the City Commission approved a master plan modification for t e Tara Oaks PUD to amend the condition of approval which requ red the construction of Knuth Road to be tied entirely to the Ta a Oaks PUD. The approval of the master plan modification allowe the construction responsibility for Knuth Road to be shared by the Knuth Road PCD. ANALYSIS Several sections 0 the code of ordinances govern these types of extensions. Regar ing expiration of the concurrency exemption for the project, secti n 19-92 (e) of Chapter 19, Article VI of the Code of Ordinances states that such requests for time extensions "may be filed not I ter than 60 days after the expiration of said certificate or e mption". It furthers states that "time extensions may be ranted for any length of time which does not exceed one year". Historically, retroactive extensions combined with a "current" ex ension that equate to more than one year, have been granted under ertain circumstances. Regarding the proje ts's previous exemption to the current drainage and traffic level of service, the project meets the current drainage requiremen s. A traffic study was submitted in an attempt to determine wheth r the project, subject to the original traffic conditions, would eet current traffic requirements. The current standards for traff'c studies would require evaluation of roadways not evaluated in t e original study. The study submitted was not complete in that i did not evaluate the additional roadways that would be affected. The Palm Beach County traffic division is coordinating the eceipt of this additional information and indicated that they would try to have a response to the City by the Planning and Develo ment Board meeting. However, they did indicate that if the time e tension were not granted and the project was required to meet urrent standards, Gateway Boulevard, between Congress Avenue an Military Trail, would be negatively impacted. Since, this road ink is not scheduled for improvement by Palm Beach County until iscal year 1996/1997, a development order could not be issued for the proj ect" earl ier than this, unless the developer made the improvements to the road, for which he could receive road impact fee credit. The only option available would be to phase developme t of the shopping center. The other section pplicable to this request is Section 9.C.13 of Appendix A - Zonin , wherein it states that the City Commission shall review any r zoning approval to a planned zoning district (PUD, PID or PCD) hat has expired and take action in accordance with paragraphs a. and b. below: "a. The city ommission may extend the zoning of the property for a pe iod of one (1) year or more, or may extend the zoning 0 the property indefinitely. If development of the prop rty in the manner specified above does not occur by the e d of said time extension, the city commission may gran additional time extensions or may take action in accor ance with paragraph b. below: 2. Page 3 planning and Develo Memo No. 95-038 Time Extension for February 9, 1995 b. The city ommiss ion may instruct the city manager to file an application to a more restrictive zoning district and/or f ture land use category. The zoning of the property hall be considered to be extended until final adoption f the more restrictive zoning district and/or future la d use map use category." Board Road PCD Consistent with Sec ion 9.C.13 of Appendix A - Zoning, the Planning and zoning Departm nt is forwarding the request for review and direction regarding the status of the approval. If the approval is not retroactively extended, the City Commission may wish to instruct staff to file a rezoning and/or land use amendment application to a mo e restrictive zoning category. If the approval is retroactively e tended, the City Commission should specify whether the approva is extended indefinitely or for a set period of time. -.. One of the original DCA objections with the change in land use on a portion of the pr perty from residential to commercial was based on staff's determi ation that there was an excess of commercial land at build-out, therefore the City should not further change land use to commer ial categories. staff's determination was a result of the discu sion of Supply and Demand of Commercial Land in the Comprehensive P an Future Land Use Element support Documents. This analysis is fi e years old and the City is required to submit its EAR (Evaluation and Appraisal Report) of the comprehensive plan by August of next y ar. As part of the EAR, staff will reevaluate the appropriateness of the land use of the property, if development has not commenced. The applicant state that the time extension is warranted because various improvemen s were made to initiate project construction. As part of the cons ruction of Knuth Road, the Knuth Road culvert crossing over the L.W.D.D. L-26 Canal is in place, however it has not been verified 0 the Engineering Division that the work was certified. A cle ring and grubbing permit for the Knuth Road right-of-way was is ued on March 24, 1993 and an excavation permit was final inspect d on January 21, 1994. It has not been determined whether a clearing and grubbing permit was final inspected. RECOMMENDATION For the above reas ns, on January 10, 1995 and January 24, 1995, the Technical Revie Committee reviewed the request and recommended that a time extensi n be granted, subject to all previous comments and conditions of r zoning and master plan modification approval. However, rather tha granting an ~xtension for an indefinite period of time, staff is ecommending that the extension expire on June 18, 1996. The ex ens ion , if approved as recommended by staff, would equate to a retroactive extension from June 18, 1993 to February 21, 1995 (one year and nine months) and an addi t ional extension from Feb uary 21, 1995 to June 18, 1996 (one year and four months) . As a point of infor ation, at the January 24th TRC meeting, it was not known that the e was a traffic level of service problem with Gateway Boulevard, between Congress Avenue and Military Trail. Therefore, the RC's recommendation does not include a recommendation to t e Planning and Development Board and Commission as to whether the pproval of this time extension should also be contingent upon corn liance with current traffic levels of service. MEH:dim attachments xc: Central File .:XnuthTi.,lxt 3 E H I BIT A ~ 4 Klld., It Auocl.t.. Landscape Architectsl Planne 1551 Forum Place Suite l00A West Palm Beach, Florida 1 (4071 689.5522 · Fax: 1407l -2592 November 23, 1994 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director City of Boynton Beach Planni g & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blv . Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Request for Time Exte slons PROJECTS: Tara Oaks P.U. . (Ordinance 90-75) Knuth P.C.D. (0 inance 90-70) Boynton Beach oulevard P.C.D. (Ordinance 90-13) Dear Ms. Heyden, This letter will serve as a fonn I request to have the City Commission of Boynton Beach review the status of the abov three (3) Planned Developments and to grant further time extensions for their commenc ment of development. I have reviewed your Zoning Code in an effort to detennine the p per procedure for extending these project approvals. It appears that the only process available at this time is contained In Section 9, Article 13, Time Limitation for Develo m nt of Pro e . In fact, this section was the basis for a similar review of the Capitol rofessional Center PCD (located at the southeast comer of Knuth Road and Old Boynt n Road). In that case, the Commission, after determining that the existing Planned Co mercial Development zoning was the most appropriate zoning for the property, grant an indefinite time extension. I have attached the staff report and time extension lett r for your review. .- All three (3) of the above eferenced Planned Developments were approved on December 18, 1990.. Since t at time. while there has been some activity concerning each of the projectS, there ha not been formal final development plan approval and/or construction. The original ei teen (18) month time limit of the approvals would have expired on June 18,1992. H ever, on June 16, 1992. the City Commission approved our request to extend the expi tion dates of the three (3) planned developments for one (1) year until June 17, 1993 (s attached letter from Chris Cutro dated June 29, 1992). No action or review has take place since that time. Due to the down swing in the economy, the property ow ers have been unable to successfully commence development which, in this e, is recording of a plat of record for the first phase of development. However. the roperty owners have worked continuously on all three projects since the last extensi n in an effort to commence development. "' rn ~U\'II~rn ~ s Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 2 Since the expiration of the ti e extension on June 18, 1993, the properties have been In a sort of limbo. If you r all, the two commercial properties were annexed into the City of Boynton Beach at the same time that they were rezoned. Therefore, the Planned Commercial Development Z nlng District Is the only zoning district that has ever been assigned to them within th City of Boynton Beach. With regard to the Tara Oaks property, the project was al eady an existing Planned Unit Development when It was modified to Its current ma er plan status. Therefore, assuming that the Planned Development approvals hav expired for all three projects, I have no idea what the actual underlying zoning would be. I believe that is why the provisions of Section 9, Article 13 were provided in the Code. s in the case of the Capitol Professional Center PCD, the projects clearly need to be r visited by the City Commission to detennlne whether the existing zoning is the most ppropriate zoning and, assuming that It Is, fOiTllal action should be taken regarding t e extension of these approvals. Needless to say, my clients e actively seeking extensions of these approvals. Despite the economic problems whic prevented these projects from moving to the next step Itl" the development process, t ere has been activities undertaken throughout the entire timeframe of the approvals t ready these projects for development. For the purpose of your analysis regarding the status of these projects, I have prepared a summary of activities for each project be ow. Additionally, I will be calling your office to set up a meeting to review these proj ts with you and I will be prepared to be present at the time of their consideration by the ity Commission. At this time, I am not aware of any formal application procedure. How ver, if there is an application document, we will be ready to submit it to you promptly. I. Tara Oaks Planned Unit Development. This project received a rezoning approval from P.U.D. - Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 4.0 to a P.U.D. - Plann Unit Development with a land use intensity of 5.0. This project also received a land use amendment approval from Low Density Residential to Medium ensity Residential. Both of these ordinances were passed on final reading by th City Commission on December 18, 1990. As part of the rezoni g and land use approval, the applicant entered into an agreement with the S onehaven Homeowner's Association which required the applicant to commit t numerous conditions of approval including providing a buffer wall on the proj t's north property line along with a twenty-five foot wide landscape buffer and 40' setback for all buildings from the north property line of Tara Oaks P.U.D. ( opy attached.) This agreement is still active and binding. Since the approval of he project the applicant has done the following: 1. Pursuant to the approved master plan, the south portion of the property was designated for utilization by a church. In fact, this property was sold J o Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 3 to the Church 0 Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on June 26, 1992 (see attached warra deed). Therefore, the Planned Unit Development now has two separat owners, the applicant and the church. 2. In order to dev lop this first phase for the church parcel, the applicant requested an a proval for road Improvements for the Tara Oaks P.U.D. This request wa made by Rick Rossi of Rossi & Malavasl Engineers, Inc. to construct a rtlon of Knuth Road at the 80uth end of the Tara Oak. P.U.C. to .000 mod.te the pendlnQ pureh... of the church parcel. Subsequently, June 2, 1992 the City Commission granted approval of the partial Knut Road improvements required by the Tara Oaks P.U.D. (see attached Ie er dated June 12, 1992 from Chris Cutro). Also attached is a letter from t e Boynton City Engineer dated June 19, 1992 Indicating what additional ork was required to obtain a land development permit for the road cons ruction. The applicant expended over $4,000.00 in conjunction wi h obtaining approval of these preliminary plans. Additionally, th applicant has obtained the previous construction plans'." from the previo s owner which will be modified in order to obtain final permits. (It sho Id also be noted that over $100,000.00 has been set aside in an escrow a count to guarantee construction of this portion of Knuth Road at such ti e as the church Is ready to pull building permits for the development of the site.) 3. The applicant as complied with the zoning condition of approval to dedicate to the ity of Boynton Beach twenty-five (25) feet for Knuth Road pursuant to the attached right-of-way deed (ORB 7324, Pg. 1159, dated June 26, 1992). 4. The applicant h s expended over $28,000.00 for the construction of the canal crossing t the intersection of Woolbright Road and Knuth Road. Attached is corr spondence concerning the canal crossing including: a. A letter d ted April 24, 1992 from the Department of Environmental Resourc Management indicating that no permit would be required pursuant 0 the Palm Beach County Wetlands Protection Ordinance. b. A letter f om South Florida Water Management District granting a permit emption dated April 29, 1992. This letter indicates that the South FI rida Water Management District will not be analyzing the surface ater management system. .' 7 Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 4 c. A letter ated May 8, 1992 issuing a pennit for the culverting of Knuth oad from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulati n. d. A letter ated June 11, 1992 from the Lake Worth Drainage District approvin the pennit for the Knuth Road/Woolbright Road intersect n and culvert at the L-26 canal. e. A letter f m the Lake Worth Drainage District dated April 14, 1993 indicatin final acceptance and final inspection of the Knuth Road culvert c ossing. f. A pennit from the Palm Beach County Land Development Division dated J ne 18, 1992 for Right-of-Way Construction Indicating approval to connect Knuth Road Into the north right-of-way of Woolbri ht Road. -: g. Three ( letters from the City consultant, Gee & Jenson, dated January 8, 1993. April 9, 1993 and May 4, 1993. These letters referenc City Commission approval for the extension of Knuth Road to the ara Oaks church site and correspondence regarding construc ion plans that were prepared and submitted by Rossi & Malavasi to the City for approval. 5. Received appr val for an excavation and fill pennit by the City Commission on April 8, 199 for the construction of Knuth Road (see attached minutes). 6. Cleared Knuth Road right-of-way pursuant to a clearing and grubbing pennit for $6.0 0.00. 7. Requested a inor amendment to the master plan to amend a condition of approval re arding construction of Knuth Road from the Stonehaven P.U.D. on the north to Woolbright Road. This request was made on June 15, 1992 nd the petitioner paid a fee of $500.00 (see attached cash receipt) . II. Knuth Road p.e.D. T is project received annexation, future land use amendment approval, from Coun Commercial High to Local Retail, rezoning from County AR - Agricultural Residen ial to City P.C.D. - Planned Commercial Development and an approval for a te amendment to the City Land Use Element pertaining to .' .. 8 Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 5 planning area 7, 7.J. s part of the rezoning and land use amendment approval, this project was also he subject of an agreement with the Stonehaven P.U.D. Homeowner's Associa ion. This document is also attached for your reference. Since the time extensi n granted by the City Commission on June 16, 1992, the property owner has d ne the following: 1. Received a m ter plan modification and site plan approval from the Boynton Beach ity Commission on June 2, 1992. This modification was to allow the repl cement of a restaurant on a comer of this P.C.D. to allow a convenience tore with gasoline sales. 2. Obtained a min r amendment to the master plan to split the construction costs of the ext sion of Knuth Road from the Stonehaven P.U.D. entry south to Woolb ght Road. The applicant paid $600.00 for the request of this modiflcatlo . III. Boynton Beach Boul yard p.e.D. This project received annexation approval," rezoning approval fro County AR - Agricultural Residential to City P.C.D. - Planned Commercial 0 velopment, a Comprehensive land Use Plan amendment from County Comme ial High to City Commercial Local Retail, and a text amendment to the City Land Use Element deleting language indicating that this property should be pia ed in a High Residential land use category. This project also was the subject of n agreement with the residents of the Stonehaven P.U.D. which abut the prope to the west. Since the approval of the project, the applicant has done th following: 1. As part of the or ginal approval, the property owner agreed to comply with a specific reque t from the Stonehaven P.U.D. Specifically, the removal of several large Au tralian Pines along the portion of the property which the neighbors consi ered to be a danger to adjacent property. Immediately upon approval f this project, the property owner contracted with Arbor Tree Services, I c., who removed said trees. 2. This project als was the subject of a request for a minor master plan modification in n effort to split the construction costs of the proposed Knuth Road e ension. As previously stated, the City Commission approved a req est for minor master plan modification for this project on April 8, 1993 to 1I0w all three (3) Planned Developments to split the Knuth Road link const ction costs. .' 9 Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 6 3. Received app vat for an excavation and fill permit from the City Commission on November 16, 1993 (see attached letter dated November 23, 1993). We have appreciated your rking with us in the past. Recently, with the economy Improving, the applicant has eived significant Interest In the development of all three parcela. We are, therefor., ptlml.tlc that with the prop.r _en.lon., we can move ah.ad In their development. I that regard, I am forwarding to you under separate cover a request to finalize the Impa fee credit agreement for the oonstructlon ot Knuth Road. Please feel free to contaot m It you have any questions. -:: cc: Bill Winchester Michael Schroeder AKJKljb/heyden.n16 " 10 E l11.B1.'T B " /1 o :0 - Ci) - z )> r- ~ )> en -I m :0 -c 5: z " z c: -I ::t :0 ~ o -0 () C . ,...;,- _~o ~~;~~~~'ID~;~'~04'~.;~:c:"--=.~l_,,_~~,:-'_~ ~'i ....1 . . -:~jt. ~. .~- - ~ . i . ::..-::.:~ :. .- - ..""'." 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' .llt il.i\ ~ \_. . \\I\i ~ :-'.U ,,\~ ; n~\ if I~ .Ir'- f 1~1l "'\lII1 Z \1'0;1"; ~ "i. ~ ~~ . \e~~ ,.-\; ~ )> ~ ~ -0 t; Z ~ o o --- -n ...- o !\ ...- o 2 /'f- LOCATOR MAP KNUTH ROAD PCD :: lu : ~i~h11j I; I t.~';-;'-' -. . 1..,_= ~ '~ ,t~. I l JTn J I /,1.. ;> I ~ \ . _. - I,: ..~_-.I.. i.~_IIII' . .~\~ "'.. I .~:' , .~-: I~ 'R3 p' --'" -.. -, --l~iI I, F' !I I : := f;' tJ. - ,; g r- ;/ -R3 ~ ;u,~~~ ... 'II AC:~ ~- =1 ' ~'Jr I) " f2ii~' rr~, ~ t,,_ - n!~ _ .,U =- ~ I~ ~~ '~./ '~~ti: ~v r~- u ,lC1~--' - 1 -: r'.' -nZ;;"-' _'~ .... '. /-Irf '+j , , . T,",~, rJ11 L .~.~ _,'! 31 J. U,.~. __ ~J _i" I,..~CD 6~A I ~! -..~ PI ~ 1 ' . t.' ,"1= [C. U j · . . - I I.. .' : : : ~ ,g:~ ,~, .-" ~ .. 1"-:.R,3",. '_, . : in,. OJ . ,;:/:~ Qb! ,', I :: ; ....' 'I,: T 11'l ' . /~;-:/~ ~ "," NIC r1r- -- .~; r r \ \ {Ii ~dl " .. -:, _ SITE lfl ! _U.'~~ ~).. REi:: 1--.s:1~ ~ 3~bN~:', "'',;,' I' R I.jR~C P:~' Lj IJ ~. - 0 I:l ~L." i \l~ ~~H. 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Report from the planning and Zoning Department. Final 6. Old Business None 7. New Business: A. SUBDIVISIONS Mast PROJECT Cedar Ridge Estates PUD 1. AGENT: Dennis P. Koehler OWNER: Condor Investments of Palm Beach county, Inc. LOCATION: East side of High Ridge Road approximately 800 feet north of Miner Road DESCRIPTIO Request to modify the previously approved master plan to revise density, acreage, unit type, layout, setbacks and roads B. SITE PLANS NEW SITE PLANS 1. PROJECT N E: Whipowill Arms OWNER: Burton Metsch LOCATION: Between F.E.C. railroad and S.E. 4th street, approximately 100 feet north of S.E. 5th Avenue DESCRIPTIO Request for site plan approval to construct a 20,738 square feet, 2 story, 39 motel apartments with associated parking and landscaping. PAGE 2 Planning & Development Boa d Meeting Agenda February 14, 1995 2. PROJECT N AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTIO C. ADMINISTRATIVE 1. PROJECT LANDSCAPE APP A AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTIO D. TIME EXTENSIONS 1. PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTIO 2. PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTIO ODIFICATION Brisson Medical office Building Thomas J. Twomey, P.E. Dave Brisson Southwest corner of s. E. 23rd Avenue (Golf Road) and S.E. 2nd Street Request for site plan approval to convert an existing, unoccupied bar/restaurant to a medical office building and upgrade building and site improvements. Brisson Medical office Building Thomas J. Twomey, P.E. Dave Brisson southwest corner of S.E. 23rd Avenue (Golf Road) and S.E. 2nd Street Request for approval of an appeal to Section 7.5-35 (d) of the Landscape Code regarding the width of the landscape strip along adj acent rights-of-way. Tara Oaks PUD Kieran Kilday Northeast corner of Knuth Road extended and Woolbright Road. Request for approval of an 18 month retroactive and an indefinite time extension for zoning\master plan approval and concurrency exemption/certification. Knuth Road PCD Kieran Kilday southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Request for approval of retroactive and an indefinite for zoning\master plan concurrency exemption. an 18 month time extension approval and PAGE 3 Planning & Development Bo rd Meeting Agenda February 14, 1995 3. PROJECT: AGENT: LOCATION: DESCRIPTIO D. OTHER 8. Comments by members. 9. Adjournment ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO BOARD WITH RESPECT TO AN RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING VERBATIM RECORD OF THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UP Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Kieran Kilday South side of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard. Request for approval of retroactive and an indefinite for zoning\master plan concurrency exemption. an 18 month time extens ion approval and NOTICE PPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE N WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S. 286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN IN IVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (407) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY (24) HOURS RIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLE ACCOMM DATE YOUR REQUEST* C:a\lpardllt\l,Z14 " 7. D. 2. KNUTH ROAD PCD TIME EXTENSION SUBJECT: PLA NING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-038 TO: Chairman Planning Members Development Board THRU: yden Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Zoning and Development Administrator DATE: February 9, Knuth Road Time Exten exemption) CD - File No. CNTE 94-004 & MPTE 95-002 (Master plan approval and concurrency NATURE OF REOUEST Kieran Kilday of Kil ay & Associates, agent for Bill Winchester, property owner, is equesting an indefinite time extension for Planned commercial D velopment (PCD) zoning/master plan approval and concurrency exemp ion for the Knuth Road PCD (see Exhibit" A" - letter of request). The master plan consists of 120,000 square feet of retail, which includes two outparcelsi a 5,400 square foot bank and a 6,068 squa e foot restaurant (see Exhibit "B" - original master plan). The PC is to be located at the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynto Beach Boulevard. BACKGROUND On December 18, 1990 the City Commission approved an ordinance annexing the subject roperty. After review by the Department of Community of Affair (DCA) and despite objections, they also approved ordinances or a land use element amendment that changed the commercial 3 (Pal Beach county) classification of the property to the City's Local etail Commercial classification and rezoning of the property fro AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) to PCD, wi h a specific master plan. The adopted comprehensive plan am ndment was transmitted to DCA on December 19, 1990, along with resp nses to DCA's objections. In February 1991, the DCA issued a not ce of intent to find the comprehensive plan amendment in complia ceo These applications w re submitted prior to the effective date of Palm Beach County's t affic performance standards ordinance and of the City's concur ency management ordinance. Therefore, concurrency exemptio for traffic and drainage was granted with the 1990 approval. On June 16, 1992, th City Commission granted a one (1) year time extension that extend d the project's June 18, 1992 expiration date to June 17, 1993. 0 application for extensions was made since the June 1993 expira ion, until the subject extension which was filed in November 199 ; a period of one year and five months. This is the need for a re roactive extension. On June 2, 1992, t e city Commission approved a master plan modification which included replacing the 6,068 square foot outparcel restaurant ith a 2,512 square foot convenience store/gas station/car wash and ecreasing the size of the bank outparcel from 5,400 square feet to 4,500 square feet. The total square footage remained at 120,000 ( see Exhibit C - master plan modification drawing) . Also, on June 2, 199 , the City Commission approved a preliminary plat and site plan for the construction of the convenience store/gas station/ca wash on a 1.01 acre site located in the northeast corner of he PCD. The site plan and preliminary plat I Page 2 Planning and Developm nt Board Memo No. 95-038 Time Extension for Knuth Road PCD February 9, 1995 approvals expired on June 2, 1993. The gas station approval was granted under the p evious service station regulations. The property does not mee the new service station criteria, therefore this aspect of th~ 992 master plan modification is no longer valid. On April 8, 1993, t e city Commission approved a master plan modification for the Tara Oaks PUD to amend the condition of approval which requir d the construction of Knuth Road to be tied entirely to the Tara Oaks PUD. The approval of the master plan modification allowed he construction responsibility for Knuth Road to be shared by the uth Road PCD. ANALYSIS several sections of he code of ordinances govern these types of extensions. Regardi g expiration of the concurrency exemption for the project, Section 19-92 (e) of Chapter 19, Article VI of the Code of Ordinances sates that such requests for time extensions "may be filed not la er than 60 days after the expiration of said certificate or exe tion". It furthers states that "time extensions may be gr nted for any length of time which does not exceed one year". H'storically, retroactive extensions combined with a "current" exte sion that equate to more than one year, have been granted under c rtain circumstances. Regarding the project 's previous exemption to the current drainage and traffic levels f service, the project meets the current drainage requirements. A traffic study was submitted in an attempt to determine whether the project, subject to the original traffic conditions, would me t current traffic requirements. The current standards for traffic studies would require evaluation of roadways not evaluated in the original study. The study submitted was not complete in that it id not evaluate the additional roadways that would be affected. The Palm Beach County traffic division is coordinating the re eipt of this additional information and indicated that they w uld try to have a response to the City by the Planning and Developm nt Board meeting. However, they did indicate that if the time ext nsion were not granted and the project was required to meet cu rent standards, Gateway Boulevard, between Congress Avenue and ilitary Trail, would be negatively impacted. Since, this road Ii k is not scheduled for improvement by Palm Beach County until fi cal year 1996/1997, a development order could not be issued for he project earlier than this, unless the developer made the i provements to the road, for which he could receive road impact f e credit. The only option available would be to phase development of the shopping center. The other section ap licable to this request is Section 9.C.13 of Appendix A - Zoning, wherein it states that the City Commission shall review any re oning approval to a planned zoning district (PUD, PID or PCD) th t has expired and take action in accordance with paragraphs a. a d b. below: "a. The city c mission may extend the zoning of the property for a peri d of one (1) year or more, or may extend the zoning of he property indefinitely. If development of the proper y in the manner specified above does not occur by the end of said time extension, the city commission may grant dditional time extensions or may take action in accorda ce with paragraph b. below: z Page 3 Planning and Developm nt Board Memo No. 95-038 Time Extension for th Road PCD February 9, 1995 b. The city co may instruct the city manager to file an applica a more restrictive zoning district and/or fut re land use category. The zoning of the property sh 11 be considered to be extended until final adoption of the more restrictive zoning district and/or future Ian use map use category." Consistent with Secti n 9.C.13 of Appendix A - Zoning, the Planning and Zoning Departmen is forwarding the request for review and direction regarding t e status of the approval. If the approval is not retroactively e tended, the City Commission may wish to instruct staff to ile a rezoning and/or land use amendment application to a more restrictive zoning category. If the approval is retroactively ex ended, the City Commission should specify whether the approval is extended indefinitely or for a set period of time. One of the original CA objections with the change in land use on a portion of the prop rty from residential to commercial was based on staff's determina ion that there was an excess of commercial land at build-out, t erefore the City should not further change land use to commerci 1 categories. Staff I s determination was a result of the discuss on of supply and Demand of Commercial Land in the Comprehensive PI n Future Land Use Element Support Documents. This analysis is five years old and the City is required to submit its EAR (Evaluation a d Appraisal Report) of the comprehensive plan by August of next yea As part of the EAR, staff will reevaluate the appropriateness 0 the land use of the property, if development has not commenced. The applicant states that the time extension is warranted because various improvements were made to initiate project construction. As part of the const uction of Knuth Road, the Knuth Road culvert crossing over the L. .D.D. L-26 Canal is in place, however it has not been verified to the Engineering Division that the work was certi f ied. A clear ng and grubbing permit for the Knuth Road right-of-way was iss ed on March 24, 1993 and an excavation permit was final inspected on January 21, 1994. It has not been determined whether clearing and grubbing permit was final inspected. RECOMMENDATION For the above reason, on January 10, 1995 and January 24, 1995, the Technical Review ommittee reviewed the request and recommended that a time extensio be granted, subject to all previous comments and conditions of re oning and master plan modification approval. However, rather than ranting an extension for an indefinite period of time, staff is re ommending that the extension expire on June 18, 1996. The exte s ion, if approved as recommended by s taf f , would equate to a r troactive extension from June 18, 1993 to February 21, 1995 ( ne year and nine months) and an additional extension from Febru ry 21, 1995 to June 18, 1996 (one year and four months) . As a point of inform tion, at the January 24th TRC meeting, it was not known that there was a traffic level of service problem with Gateway Boulevard, etween Congress Avenue and Military Trail. Therefore, the TR' s recommendation does not include a recommendation to the Planning and Development Board and Commission as to whether the ap roval of this time extension should also be contingent upon comp iance with current traffic levels of service. MEH:dim attachments xc: Central File a:KnuthTill.l!xt .3 "'" ,1 EZ-\\"1B"1'r P. A Kilday & Auoclates Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (4071 689-5522 · Fax: (4071 689- 2 November 23, 1994 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director City of Boynton Beach Plannin & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Request for Time Extens ns PROJECTS: Tara Oaks P.U.D. Ordinance 90-75) Knuth P.C.D. (Ord nance 90-70) Boynton Beach B ulevard P.C.D. (Ordinance 90-73) Dear Ms. Heyden, This letter will serve as a formal aquest to have the City Commission of Boynton Beach review the status of the above tree (3) Planned Developments and to grant further time extensions for their commence ent of development. I have reviewed your Zoning Code In an effort to determine the pro er procedure for extending these project approvals. It appears that the only process a ai/able at this time Is contained hi Section 9, Article 13, Time Limitation for Develo me t of Pro e . In fact, this section was the basis for a similar review of the Capitol P fessional Center PCD (located at the southeast comer of Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road). In that case, the Commission, after determining that the existing Planned Com ercial Development zoning was the most appropriate zoning for the property, grant an Indefinite time extension. I have attached the staff report and time extension letter or your review. All three (3) of the above re erenced Planned Developments were approved on December 18, 1990. . Since tha time, while there has been some activity concerning each of the projects, there has ot been formal final development plan approval and/or construction. The original eigh en (18) month time limit of the approvals would have expired on June 18, 1992. How ver, on June 16, 1992, the City Commission approved our request to extend the expira on dates of the three (3) planned developments for one (1) year until June 17, 1993 (se attached letter from Chris Cutro dated June 29, 1992). No action or review has taken lace since that time. Due to the down swing in the economy, the property own rs have been unable to successfully commence development which, in this cas , is recording of a plat of record for the first phase of development. However, the pr perty owners have worked continuously on all three projects since the last extensio in an effort to commence development. ~D\VJ~ill Nt"" 2 3 . - : ., ...." .' ~ -- S Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 2 Since the expiration of the tim extension on June 18, 1993, the properties have been in a sort of limbo. If you reca I, the two commercial properties were annexed into the City of Boynton Beach at the s me time that they were rezoned. Therefore, the Planned Commercial Development Zon g Dlstrfct Is the only zoning district that has ever been assigned to them within the Ity of Boynton Beach. With regard to the Tara Oaks property, the project was alre dy an existing Planned Unit Development when It was modified to Its current maste plan status. Therefore, assuming that the Planned Development approvals have e plred for all three projects, I have no Idea what the actual underfylng zoning would be. I elleve that Is why the provisions of Section 9, Article 13 were provided in the Code. A In the case of the Capitol Professional Center PCD, the projects clearly need to be rev sited by the City Commission to detennlne whether the existing zoning is the most ap ropriate zoning and, assuming that It Is, formal action should be taken regarding the extension of these approvals. Needless to say, my clients ar actively seeking extensions of these approvals. Despite the economic problems which revented these projects from moving to the next step in the development process, the e has been activities undertaken throughout the entire timeframe of the approvals to r ady these projects for development. For the purpose of your analysis regarding the st tus of these projects, I have prepared a summary of activities for each project belo . Additionally, I will be calling your office to set up a meeting to review these project with you and I will be prepared to be present at the time of their consideration by the Ci Commission. At this time, I am not aware of any formal application procedure. Howev r, if there is an application document, we will be ready to submit it to you promptly. I. Tara Oaks Planned it Development. This project received a rezoning approval from P.U.D. - Panned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 4.0 to a P.U.D. - Planned nit Development with a land use intensity of 5.0. This project also received land use amendment approval from Low Density Residential to Medium D nsity Residential. Both of these ordinances were passed on final reading by the ity Commission on December 18, 1990. As part of the rezoning and land use approval, the applicant entered into an agreement with the Sto ehaven Homeowner's Association which required the applicant to commit to umerous conditions of approval including providing a buffer wall on the pro) 's north property line along with a twenty-five foot wide landscape buffer and a 'setback for all buildings from the north property line of Tara Oaks P.U.D. (co y attached.) This agreement is still active and binding. Since the approval of th project the applicant has done the following: 1. Pursuant to the proved master plan, the south portion of the property was designated f r utilization by a church. In fact, this property was sold o Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 3 to the Church of J sus Christ of Latter Day Saints on June 26, 1992 (see attached warranty deed). Therefore, the Planned Unit Development now has two separate wners, the applicant and the church. 2. In order to devel this first phase for the church parcel, the applicant requested an app val for road Improvements for the Tara Oaks P.U.D. This request was ade by Rick Rossi of Rossi & Malavasl Engineers, Inc. to oonstruct a po Ion of Knuth Road at the south end of the rara Oak. P.U.O. to looom odate the "eneUno purchue ot the church parcel. Subsequently, on une 2, 1992 the City Commission granted approval of the partial Knuth oad improvements required by the Tara Oaks P.U.D. (see attached lette dated June 12, 1992 from Chris Cutre). Also attached Is a letter from the Boynton City Engineer dated June 19, 1992 Indicating what additional w was required to obtain a land development permit for the road constru tlon. The applicant expended over $4,000.00 In conjunction with obtaining approval of these preliminary plans. Additionally. the plicant has obtained the previous construction plans from the previous owner which will be modified in order to obtain final permits. (It should also be noted that over $100,000.00 has been set aside in an escrow acc unt to guarantee construction of this portion of Knuth Road at such tim as the church Is ready to pull building permits for the development of th site.) 3. The applicant ha complied with the zoning condition of approval to dedicate to the Ci of Boynton Beach twenty-five (25) feet for Knuth Road pursuant to the a ached right-of-way deed (ORB 7324. Pg. 1159, dated June 26, 1992). 4. The applicant has expended over $28,000.00 for the construction of the canal crossing at he intersection of Woolbright Road and Knuth Road. Attached is corres ondence concerning the canal crossing including: a. A letter dat April 24, 1992 from the Department of Environmental Resource anagement indicating that no permit would be required pursuant to the Palm Beach County Wetlands Protection Ordinance. b. A letter fro South Florida Water Management District granting a permit exe ption dated April 29, 1992. This letter indicates that the South Flori a Water Management District will not be analyzing the surface wa r management system. 17 Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 5 planning area 7, 7.J. As part of the rezoning and land use amendment approval, this project was also th subject of an agreement with the Stonehaven P.U.D. Homeowner's Associati n. This document is also attached for your reference. Since the time extenslo granted by the City Commission on June 16, 1992, the property owner has don the following: 1. Received a mas r plan modification and site plan approval from the Boynton Beach C ty Commission on June 2, 1992. This modification was to allow the repla ement of a restaurant on a comer of this P.C.D. to allow a convenience st re with gasoline sales. 2. Obtained a minor amendment to the master plan to split the construction costs of the exte sian of Knuth Road from the Stonehaven P.U.D. entry south to Woolbrlg t Road. The applicant paid $500.00 for the request of this modification. III. Boynton Beach Boulev rd p.e.D. This project received annexation approval, rezoning approval from County AR - Agricultural Residential to City P.C.D. - Planned Commercial De elopment, a Comprehensive land Use Plan amendment from County Commerci I High to City Commercial Local Retail, and a text amendment to the City's and Use Element deleting language indicating that this property should be plac in a High Residential land use category. This project also was the subject of a agreement with the residents of the Stonehaven P.U.D. which abut the prope to the west. Since the approval of the project, the applicant has done the J "owing: 1. As part of the orig al approval, the property owner agreed to comply with a specific request rom the Stonehaven P.U.D. Specifically, the removal of several large Aust alian Pines along the portion of the property which the neighbors consld red to be a danger to adjacent property. Immediately upon approval of his project, the property owner contracted with Arbor Tree Services, Inc , who removed said trees. 2. This project also as the subject of a request for a minor master plan modification in an effort to split the construction costs of the proposed Knuth Road exte sion. As previously stated, the City Commission approved a reque t for minor master plan modification for this project on April 8, 1993 to all wall three (3) Planned Developments to split the Knuth Road link constru tion costs. 9 Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 6 3. Received appro at for an excavation and fill permit from the City Commission on ovember 16, 1993 (see attached letter dated November 23, 1993). We have appreciated your wo ing with us in the past. Recently, with the economy Improving, the applicant has r eived significant Interest In the development of all three parcels. W. .r8, therefore, 0 tlmlltlo that with the proper eKtenllona, w. can move ahead In their development. In hat regard, I am forwarding to you under ,.parate cover . request to flnaltz. thelmpam .e oredlt agreement for the conltruotlon of Knuth Aoad. Pl.... ,..1 tree to oontaot m. you have any questions. cc: Bill Winchester Michael Schroeder AKJKljb/heyden.n16 10 E~U1.B1.rr B /1 o :D - G> - z )> r- ~ )> en -I m :0 1J ): Z " Z c: -t J: :0 ~ o "'0 o o ~ ;!J t- -10 ~~ UF ~ !Jl }J t.O Ow. U ., lP I I J J I ~ ,- ~ f~- : ~: r~ ~ ~!~ ~: ~: ~ :~ (~i:.\ f: ~_ \ P - II \. I.~ ~." :~ : ) ~/~--- I ~ 3 ~- n ~ I .. ? / I . / : I :-W I ;;~~~ \, 2~~~ (:'--,1 ~\': /':1' '<4 I ~~~ '\?~/ I ~ . . ~~~ \ I I \ / I I I a I ) .._~ \ U1 '<;',_-r;~Y1UJI U ILU1D~LJW'~JlliH ! ~ L- _ _1 r'....:.~f';) ~-L- - ~ - . .. or ,.- v ,.,.oct """"'" c . AR QUAL RIDGE PLAT NO 20 P8 40 P 175 /~ ~ 111.131.'1' C /3 \\\~~~ o t.O 1: 6 .., ~ It./- ~ .", ~ ~ -0 ~ ~ o o =n -- o !\ -- o z LOCATOR ~IAP KNUTH ROAD PCD :: ... 1~1'~"i!i :I"I'~ III ~ Il ,'r'- -- ,1.11.-= ~ '; - ~ I ~ 1.lL1lu!"t1 "II) I\!)\ : i~ --_:.\: I rrrn II I, ,_ . 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Ip .:_ I !II :llr~.. ..,-o(~~:~\t :Y",-<<~'" ' . · . . , ", ci -l -'\.: ~ \,) '.. _ .' ~r-l 7~ -..Y.', 1600 . FE ~T · I~~,' I T r'- ~:\' ~ ,-1 ~ ~ "~". ' ~~ I I j II ~'<'Y \ I-~Jr~t4 ,L,IIII~~y~~.x,' '~~:'1 ~ . .' /,"'" r..:J r : \ \ \ .0 .400, .800' , <\ ...-" .,.. f i 7.0.1 TARA OAKS PUD 7.0.2 KNUTH ROAD PCD 7.0.3 B YNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PCD TIME EXTENSION HANDOUT r--J ~~, ~, '. j ,_,,- .l....J. -tu ! L.I. ., L-l....j I I '-" t'l...J..Jl-"'__. lei"'" . _...od,,* 1I1'lcSKllpt A~hlttc"/P" '*' 1111 Forum P1a0l SuIte 100.6. W..t Palm BliGh, 1110 '4071 56622 . FIX: ( February 14, 1995 t LL I IU- '-tL11 U,-l~ c.-J~''::'' Mr. Mike Haag, Zo Ing and sna Development Administrator City of Boynton B h Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton each Blvd. Boynton Beach. FL 3~5 ++1".)..) rld1 m&mnWfl : : i; I Pz,LANNING AND ONING DEPT. Ae: Tara OakS P 0, Knuth Road POD. Ind Bovnton a"ch Boulevard POD Our Project No.: 79 .16 Dear Mr. Haag, This letter serves as a request for a postponement to the March 14. 1995 Planning and Development ard Meeting of the aforementioned projects currently being reviewed for a Tim Extension and Concurrency Exemption Certlftcatlpn. These Items are schedul on tonlghts February 14, 1;;5 Planning and Development Board Meeting, ho .'lier, the petitioner Is requesting this postponement to allow tlddltlonal time for t elr Traffic Engineer to address concem& r'I!Ilsed by the Palm Beaoh County Traff c Division for these projects. Thank you for your continued cooperation with th matter. Should you have a y qLleetlons regarding this postponement, please f.el tree to contact this office. Sincerely I ~.W~ Kilday & Assooiate ,Ino. co: TO: FROM: DATE: PLMrn d'G AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Ml!&MORANDUM RE: Technical Tuesday, eview Committee Meeting uary 24, 1995 Carrie Pa ker, City Manager Robert Ei horst, Public Works Director Bill Huki 1, Development Department Al Newbol , Building Division William C vanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Lt. Jim C ings, Police Department John Wild er, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hal ahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Sk' " Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Tambri J. Planning and Zoning Director .~At January 1 , 1995 Please be advised Tuesday, January 24 Wing) to discuss th I. hat the Technical Review Committee will meet on 1995, at 9: 00 A.M. in Conference Room "c" (West following: LAND DEVELOP ORDERS (other than site plans) A. /Final Plat NOTE: The Engineering Division has previously distributed the following three projects to the TRC members. Technical comments d questions should be directed to the Engineering Division. B. 1. 1. 2. 3. Citrus Park PUD File # PLAT 95-001 East side of Lawrence Road, approximately 1,750 feet north of Gateway Boulevard (NW 22nd Avenue) Vinings PUD File # PRPL 94-003 East side of SW 8th Street, approximately 1,400 feet north of Woolbright Road Nautica PUD I & II File # PRPL 94-004 and PRPL 94-005 Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the LWDD L-21 canal Modification Cedar Ridge PUD (resubmital of project) File # MPMD 94-009 East side of approximately 900 Road. High Ridge Road, feet north of Miner Request for modification to the previously approved PUD master plan to allow exclusion of 11 acres from the PUD, a reduction in the number of units (197 to 148), change in type of multi family units (garden apartments to townhouses) and establishing setbacks for same, phasing of the required improvements and amended master landscape plan. Page 2 Technical Review Co it tee Tuesday, January 24, 1995 Written cents (on legal sized paper) and plans/documents, are to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director by nuary 27, 1995 at 5: 00 p.m. (three working days he TRC meeting). NOTE: II. REVIEW OF TEC ICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED A. NEW 1. Nautica PUD File # NWSP 94-009 Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and LWDD L-21 canal. Request for site plan approval of the private recreation area, perimeter landscaping and entrance walls. 1. B. MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 2. PROJE T: LOCAT ON: DESCR PTION: PROJE T: LOCAT ON: DESCR PTION: 1. C. TIME EXTEN ION PROJE T: LOCAT ON: DESCR PTION: Christian Come Alive Deliverance & Conference Center, Inc. File # MSPM 94-009 3664 Old Dixie Highway Request for approval to modify the previously approved site plan to convert a construction office to a church and upgrade site improvements. Outpatient Properties, Inc. File # MSPM 95-001 Southwest corner of Seacrest Boulevard and S.W. 23rd Avenue. Request for approval to modify the previously approved site plan for the Ambulatory Surgical and Endoscopy Center to incorporate the vacant parcel, at the above-referenced location, to construct additional parking. Tara Oaks PUD File # MPTE 94-003 and CNTE # 94-005 Northeast corner of Knuth Road extended and Woolbright Road. A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PUD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. Page 3 Technical Review Co ittee Tuesday, January 24, 1995 2. PROJE T: Knuth Road PCD File # MPTE 94-002 and CNTE # 94-004 LOCAT ON: Southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard DESCR PTION: 3. PROJE T: A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PCD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Filed # MPTE 94-001 and CNTE # 94-003 South side of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard LOCAT ON: A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PCD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. DESCR PTION: Written co ents (on legal sized paper) and plans/documents, are to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director by Friday, Ja uary 27, 1995 at 5: 00 p.m. (three working days following he TRC meeting). NOTE: III. OTHER A. TRC Schedu e - Find attached the TRC schedule for the first half of 1995. Please take note of the text following the schedule. NOTE: Please conta t the Planning and Zoning Department (375-6260) if back- p plans and/or documents are missing. cc: MEMO ONLY City Cormnission Floyd Jordan, F Charles Frederi Thomas Dettman, John Guidry, Ut Pete Mazzella, Steve Campbell, Larry Quinn, Pu Central File Applicant Tambri Heyden, Mike Haag, Zoni Mike Rumpf, Sen Gary Lanker, La Project File TRC File (Origi Bulletin board a:trcagnd.j24 3 ( 5 ) re Chief k, Recreation & Parks Director Police Chief lities Director ssistant to Utilities Director Fire Department lic Works lanning & Zoning Director g and Site Development Administrator or Planner er Engineering PLANNI G AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM FROM: Carrie Par er, City Manager Robert Eic orst, Public Works Director Bill Hukil , Development Department Building D"vision William Ca anaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Lt. Jim C ings, Police Department John Wildn r, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hall han, Forester/Environmentalist ClYd~'Ski ~I .M~~l'. Utilities Chief Field Insp. T ~~~ng & Zoning Director TO: DATE: January Committee Meeting 10, 1995 RE: Technical Tuesday, J Please be advised t at the Technical Review Conunittee will meet on Tuesday, January 10, 1995, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "C" (West Wing) to discuss the following: I. LAND ORDERS (other than site plans) A. Master PIa 1. T: Hills at Eden Lake (fka Rollingwood) LOCAT ON: Northwest corner of Southwest 36th Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard DESCR PTION: Request for subdivision master plan approval. NOTE: Plans previously distributed by the Development Department (per Engineering Division Memorandum No. 94-104). B. Master PIa Modification 1. PROJE T: Cedar Ridge LOCAT ON: East side of approximately 900 Road. High Ridge Road, feet north of Miner DESCR PTION: Request for modification to the previously approved PUD master plan to allow exclusion of 11 acres from the PUD, a reduction in the number of units (197 to 148), change in type of multi family units (garden apartments to townhouses) and establishing setbacks for same, phasing of the required improvements and amended master landscape plan. NOTE: Written comments (on legal sized paper) and plans/documents, are to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director by Friday, January 13, 1995 at 5: 00 p.m. (three working days following the TRC meeting) . Page 2 Technical Review Co ittee Tuesday, January 3, 1995 C. TIME EXT ION 1. Tara Oaks PUD Northeast corner of Knuth Road extended and Woolbright Road. A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PUD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. 2. PROJ T: Knuth Road PCD DESC IPTION: 3. PROJ NOTE: Southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PCD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD South side of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard. A request to grant an 18 month retroactive extension and indefinite time extension for PCD master plan approval and concurrency exemption. Written comments (on legal sized paper) and plans/documents are to be returned to the Planning and Zoning Director by Friday, January 13, 1995 at 5: 00 p. m. (three working days following the TRC meeting) . II. REVIEW OF TEC ICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED A. NONE III. OTHER A. NONE NOTE: Please c ntact the Planning and Zoning Department (375-6260) if back up plans and/or documents are missing. Page 3 Technical Review Co ittee Tuesday, January 3, 19954 cc: MEMO ONLY City Commissio (5) Floyd Jordan, ire Chief Charles Freder'ck, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, U ilities Director Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utilities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Bob Gibson, Pu lic Works Central File Applicant Gary Lanker, L nker Engineering Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Mike Haag, Zon' g and Site Development Administrator Mike Rumpf, Se ior Planner Project File TRC File (Origi al) Bulletin board a:trcagnd.jlO 3