REVIEW COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERI G DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-197 r'mo rn@.rnu'W8 I E'..-.- , " : , ,) r' I~J ;. d ! PLANNltJ'GAND L ZONING DEPT. .'....,.,.b.'l '. TO: , ~~~~e A. arker, City Manager ~~~lam Hu P.E., City Engineer June 20, 1 : j ! l~ FROM: DATE: RE: KNUTH ROAD PCD f""' ~ The June 6 Bennett Ie ter referred to this office on the 19th seems to assume conditions not prevailing at this time. The entire letter seems to be witten to support the Winchester gas station which, of course, is certainly within the purview of the writer. The problem is that pproval of the gas station is not the Knuth Road construction tr'gger - development of the Knuth Road PCD is. It is my opinion th included both constru buffer. They were no states that a writte the Knuth Road PCD development acceptance tion of the road and provision of a wall and only conditions of approval but Mr. Bennett agreement to that effect is in existence. There is no periphera legitimate reason to leverage approval of a gas station onto t e site simply because a development, any development I wants a remote wall immediately. The station should stand on its own mer'ts, and it did. If the commission wishes to reconsider, so be it. But the reason to change the decision should be based on the n ed for a station at that location, not accelerated construct 'on of a distant wall and the desire for guard gates. The Knuth Road situat on right now as I understand is that the Tara Oaks developer (south of Stonehaven) will build Knuth Road west of Tara Oaks simultaneou short missing link developer. That conversations in whi participated reached consensus was that t at one time, with developers. ly with construction of the development. The ust be constructed by the Knuth Road PCD construction schedule is unknown, but h Mr. Winchester and Tara Oaks developers consensus, in my opinion. That developer entire remaining road would be constructed costs proportionally distributed to the With regard to the Be nett comment that "it could be years before the wall and landscap buffers" are built is true only if the Knuth Road PCD is not deve oped and Mr. Winchester does not honor his commitment to Stoneha en. The City has no control over that, and should not approve a non-permitted use (gas station) solely to accomplish (right now Mr. winchester's commitment if, in fact. one exists. xc: Tambri Heyden, Panning & Zoning Director WVHlck C:KNlfrllPCIl FIRE PREV NTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-202 WDC TO: Planning De artment FROM: Fire Depart ent DATE: January 17, 1995 RE: Time Extens'on Tara Oaks P D Knuth Rd PU Boynton Bea Blvd PCD We have no objection to the time extension on these projects. However, reviews eve y six months to insure maintenance of the parcels should be man atory. William D. rn ~ @ ffi " 'If] ~.~ i ' PlMmlNG AND .\iD.-.' 70Ni~)G DEPT. .'~-W j