APPLICATION , AF'R-12-:~;ci liED 15:25 ID:K LDAY & ASSOC TEL t..jIJ: 407-689-2592 /:1066 P01 ..., . ~,a 11..... LIndIoIDt Arohl1lO1lll PlII . ,. ,., Forum PIlot S~1tI100A W. ,..Im ,,"h. r'1vrtUI 1 1<<1111B-1II22. FIX: l401 ..aau w m fn) APR I 2 /995 ~ \ 0/;":--. April 12, 19ge Ms, Tambrl Heyden Planning Director City of Boynton B Planning & Zoning Department 100 eut Boynton B Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL. 33425 R.: Knuth Road .C.O. Extension Request Boynton Beach P.C.D. extension Request and .... Oak. P,U.O. extension Request O...r Project No.: .1G Dear Ms. Heyden. Thl, letter will serve as several requests. Flratly, on behalf of my clients, I have been authorized to r uost an addltlon&\l thirty (30) day postponement of both the Knuth Road P.C.D, tne Boynton 8each P.C.D, As Indicated In my previous correspondence of March 16, 1995, my clients have been tJylng to firm up development time bles to address the concerns which were raised by the Planning CommlB81 n. They al'8 stili In this process and would pl'8fer the additional thirty (30) ay. to be In a better position to address these luu. bm,.. tne City COuncil. In the case of the Ti Oaks P.U.D., we do Intend to present the mattsrto the city Council on Tueada I April 18, 1005. In this J:lartieular ease, my clients have entered Into a cont ct with Pulte Homes who will develop the project. W. are requesting that repr ntatlves of Pul1e Hom~ accompeny us to the meeting to better explain their proposal to the COUncil. In all likelihoOd, because their housing type will squire modification of the master plan, a master plan modification I'8qUK would shortly follow approval of the extension. On Tueeday night, we can provld the Council with more details regarding their saIe8 program. However, given the ot that we are anxious to move snead with the Pulte Homes I Tara Oeks propo 8. I do need to get the impaot fee credits IHue resolved for the construction of nuth Road. You will recall, that I addressed this matter to you In a separate letter of January 24, 1996, (attached). Sometime ago, both the County Representa es and City Staff recommended approval of these Impact fee credits. However, I order to faollltate that approval, a resoluUon must be passed by the City Council 0 be submitted to Palm Beach CountY. Attached you will I ;,1._. ~'.I,......"" ~I__.,- WR-12-'95 WED 15:25 ID:KI . Y t~ RSSOC TEL NO:407-8B9-2592 ~066 P02 Ms. Tambr1 Heyden April 12, 1885 page 2 Of 2 flnd a draft of a resol on that contains the necessary Information according to the Courny Ordlnanc, I would reQuest that this matter be on tt1e agenda for action on Tuesday nl htB meeting as well .. the Tara Oak extension. R8IOIutton Of this Issue Is a reg Irement of our oontmct with Pulte Heme.. Please call me If you have any questions regarding any of theee matters. Stnaerely. -K\1I(D.~~~~l ~ Kieran J. Klldav Kilday & Associates, Inc. KJKlcdd\Cheyden.41 Auaohments 00: Mike Sch r: Sohrosder & Larche Carrie Parker. City of Boynton Beac", City Manager APR-1Z_-:::~ 95 WED 1~.:.26 ID:I<I 00'( & ASSOC TEL NO:407-689-2592 1:*066 P03 .. -t- o . ~ 1.,- II . I'. ....., .. AaIo .1.... LI",*",. AtoN-.ne'P ere 1.1 florum r.. lulM '* Yftet ,tlM a..ah. I=larld 3M01 1.-07) ",IIZI . Fu: 1040 I _ 2682 JanulUY 24, 1ea5 Ms. Tambrl Heyden, City of Boynton BeB 100 Saat BoVnton Boynton Baaah, FL IGnnlng DIrector Planning & Zoning Department h Blvd. 3425 Re; dita tor the Conetruotlon of Knuth Road .: 799,16 Dear Ms. Heyden. As you are aware, client. Mr. Bill Wlnohester, Is responsible for the constl\Jotlon of Knuth Road as part of the Conditions of Approval for the two Planned Commercial Development. and 0 . PIl\nned Unit Cevelopment whIch are ourrently being consIdered for Time E)Ctenslon Sinoe the projGQt& have been apprQved, tharo has been an assumption that the cats Incurred with regClrd to the oonetruotlon of t""l. road would bra credited against Pal eeach County TrAffic Impact Fees. aeoClU" Knuth Road Ie . collector road deslg ad on the City's Comprehen51ve PICln, tho VAlue of tho ccnetruotion of Knuth Road Is m e resident serving than project serving. In reviewing our files It appears that the Issue of Impact fee oredlt has never been finally eoordinated with Pel Beach County. I am attaching a letter written by Mr, Chris Cutro on May 28, '992 to r. Heney Frakes. It Is my understanding that our County stlllff II prepared to racom nd approval of tha Impact f88 credits, but 8 resolution requesting &u~h credlte neede 0 be adopted by the City Council, Attaeh.d you will11nd 8 draft resolution which w prepared by my office to assist Mr. Outro at the time he waO pursuing this matter, As you are aware, Mr. CutrQ left the City without tnls matt.r beins finally resolved. As ar as I know, this resolution has not be.n reviewed by your City Attomey or presents to the C~y Council for their approval. At this time, aSlumlng that the City Council app oves the extensions for these projects, ~ seems appro~rlat.to also resolv& this Issue, y getting this Issue resolved now, there .hould be no additional delays In moving th e projects forward within the time period allowed by the e><tenslon. If loan be of any as IstanQQ In this mattar, please do not hesItate to contaot me. Kieran J. KlldaV tclday 6; Auoclat.. I no. I "" .... ,...... WR-12-' 95 bED 15: 27 ID: KI Y & RSSOC , ,ji-f'l-:l-II-'~ 1\..-': ~l~ ',- I~H..~Y ,~ ~~ TEL ~D:407-689-2592 II:!. ..N.JI~r'-t#;I-~ t:t066 P04 ~~ - . MaY 28, 1112 fIU.y l'raJUllI ~.~.~.n~ coun~ IA9~..r r.~m ...qb ~g~ y In;~nelr1n9 ~ '~~Le WO~~. 100 I, Au.~r.l~ n Avenue, Airport Mllton Cener. Wilt 'a.. a..;h fL J3607 C~.d1t fo~ Road construction 1n L1eu 01 paym_nt of %~P&ct reeB tor utb RQ&d (~1nk ~otw..n WOOl~r1;nt 10&4 and IOUDtan a. ch aQulevarQ) D..r HI', rr-ak.. RE: Pur.Uabe to ..e 1Qn 12-2' ~x.~p~10n and ~.41t. .,gt~on of tht PA!. .~ ~OM~ :aUT~ON FOR ROAD IM.KOV_HlNTI ORDtNAKCI, % am wri.~n9 .0 olar fy that KnU~n AOad, . ma,or col1.ctcr .ho~ Q~ .k. ."y'. Tbo~ ~vhf.~ trotee~10n N.p W111 ~. .nt,tl.~ to ~...LV. tbo G~. ~~ fo~ .mp.c~ Fe.. prOV14.4 ~or 1n tbe Ord1DaDCI. Aee..k.. VO~ ~i 1 f~A. . ~QPY ~: th. .~gfted Tng.oughfarl 'lln Map lo~ ek. CL~ ~! ~o~~gn a.aQh. lA~tb ~Q.4 11 .hown on th1. sap .. & oo11.e .~ 1.~.1~~y I_~ Wgg~~.1gn~ ~O.Q not~D.rlY to thl ..ynuon ..4ch H 1~. A~~1tiQn.11Yt co~n ~D. Cl~~ ana the tountI .pp..~v.d. ne." al ,n-ment. tc. ~. nortll 'nQ o~ lA~th Road .IV':' y..r. .'0 to &1 ow tor ~.tt.r utilization of Chi. road I' an alt.~fta~~v. nor h/.e~tn c~l~.;tgr aervini tbl H~~l (Tn. nlw .~~~Rae~t P~gV~ .4 for the no~tn tlrmLnUI ot Knuth Rol4 to a11vn d1reetly w1th ~ . w..t.~ly entranc. to tbe Mall.) tn. road haa alway. b..n env .1oned a. a~ llt.rn.tiva to Con;r... Av.nue whiGh 18 at tb1a ~1.. the only north/lcuth arttr1al in ~k. area. eurr.ntlY, . p~ t10n of Xnuth Road 1. CQn.truct.d louth of laV"ton 18&ob. laYArd. In the past, ~.caa.. Wool~r10ht Road did ~ot .H~'t ~ tw..n COnQre.3 Av'n~. and M1L1ta~ ~r.il, t,. r..ainift9 Gon.t ot1o~ ol th1. link w.. na~ a pr1or1ty. HOW.Y.~, ~e~ wi~h Woclb~ h~ ~oad o~en Aft~ op.ra~inq .~tb .iin~~lG.h~ tr.f~1e, th. ~Q tr~ct1oD of Knu~h RQ.4 woul. Ql..~~y ~. d..~.&bl. and w rant.d. .. Jh''1rUQ,s 9/l.~'~Y to t~e fi~lfstmJm 1t""."I'. .......~ . , ' '" , I'" .APR--12-'9S LJED 15:27 ID:f<I' MY & RSSOC ..J~,j-10- · 95 T~ ~: IZl5 ,~ - 'd I..tf:lY I) ~O::~'(: \. . .. ~ ... . B'A.)' rJ:au8 TEL t~:407-689-2592 .. Tel-N'.11 4W-~-":'.--'~ t:i066 P05 =283 P0S - -&- HAY ZG, 1"t ~~..h~ly, ~... 0._ tWQ ~rgj.ct. MhLQh have ~.o.~v.d .PPCQval ~.om th. City wb Gh in .~!tl~n to baViAI f~o~t.9.. O~ .1tb.~ Woo~r1gb~ ~.4 ~ Boynton ...cb DcUl.V&~41 a1.o h.v. 'rOft~a9.' O~ Kn~th Road, . pDrt of the 4oY.~o,n.nt ..p~ov.l p~OG..., tb. CltY w1eb.. to h V~ .1tn.~ Qn. or ~o;h o~ ~b... P~O~.Gt. Gom,let. tbe m1.8~nq link of Kn~th Road. The developer. of t~~.e pa~o... h.ve r.~..t.4 a ar1!1eation as to whIther im,aat !.. erld1t can oe obta1~ed for he ee~.!ruet!e~ ef Knuth Road wh1eh 18 not ~1r~etly rAl.t..~ to ~he n~ed ~f ~h@ ~roj.e~ pur.uant to 'lct1on 22-21 oe tbe aO& .~p.ct r.. or~1nane.. Ba..d upon my r..dinq of ~~. CI".U,nano. an tIn. 4.:!1u1 t~C)n ot I'. ."jol:' 1:'0.4 n.<t"'Q&'"k .Y.~..", % ~.l~. . ~h.. Kn~~h RO.~ .boYl~ ~a1i.y .. ~h. ..~or e.l1.c..~ wo.. w ~ch ~. .nv~.io..4 1a t~1. O~4Lftaft=.. Additionally, ba aU8a Xnu~h aoad will prov14a ~h. .~r.t ...eerlV north/south al~~ n~~1ve to ~onar... Avenue, 1~ ahou14 provide ~.11.f aa4 ~h.~. ~r~ ~d4~~iona1 eapa~ity for convr... Avenue .. ..11. t would apprec1a , your response te th1. latt.r. N..41... to lay, we expect e It w. would n..d ~o m..e 111 of ebt ~'~Ulr...at. of :be ord1nance W1t~ ra.p.et to ~roe.our..~ COlt ..t1mat..r a~d ,cop. of eon.trut1on activity. ~ah~ you for Jour eOD.S,d..&-.tioll. ce : c:p InG. A,.S.:a.day . .inoerely, ~~ Cb~t.t~b.~ Cq;~O, _ICP 'lanntnc an4 ZOOiD; DireQ;or - I.,..... .M 1J1 L ~ . APR-12-'95 kED 15:28 ID:K DAY & ASSOC TEL NO:407-E89-2592 JJ:N-1a-'95 TU: Q9IGlJ - 'K'1L.0I:l'T' a. A6SOC TEL t-()14?-~ '2 ~P06 *l2SIS Ni2 ., .,. ~ ." ID()rl~ti .. I 'IOIOIID DIOL WIIIItD. tho a.r ton J..oh Oompr.h.nai.ve ~1.1t, OrcU..n."". '~-2', i.d6ntU!le. Knuth Rot.cl I., It CL_:t a<>11.oto.~ (IJKhl~!.~ A), aft. WHIRIAa the c~ty o! Baynton Beach ha. ob~.1Ded and p~o~....d ~he R1ght.~f-W.~ fg lnutb Road as part of it. adoptea Tbo~OQ9hf~. 'lan, and WBBkBAI ~nuth Ro d p~Q\'id$. . Q~it!o.l NQrth/Sauth al~.rn.tiv. ~Q eO~9~... Avenue etwe~n Woolbright Roed and Old Boynton fto.d, and , wa.liftBAtt 'Coll. Cit ot 3Qy.aton aeach b.. .~prCJved KIl\lth !\oad reD j (O~din.n~. 0'0-1 J and ~UT.. Oak. .UD (Ordinonge O'O-'S~ whicb botb I C5'en~ on. .n.u:toll 1\ ad" and I~._~' .v~~l ~.WB.~ tn. ci~7 ot DOrn~~n D.a~h h.. ~.qui.~ en. pe~1~10n.r. ot ~~ JIl,~? ~nu'Ch _oaCS 1t0D a d 'tara Oak. reD to COtl.t~uot tb. m...11li link af ~~lll .. Kl\u'th J\oad. bet-v.. lioynt-on E1..ch Doul.va:r:d an~J!!'-.9~.br19ht. I'oacs, and j) /J L1--..m1ASA8 ~he con. ta=uction 0:1: Knuth Itoacl 1.../~o't 1 8lte :related (~;;4~!r.matlt of . thor Knuth ftoad FCD or T.~;UC, an4 n&'RI:AI the CIon t.r'QClt.:i..on of ltn.~tb. Rocad J.. ~gn.idu.~ fa" o:f ~mpl.~ion of tbe major road network ot the city of Io7ntoD a.agh, and WliIR.IAS the c:ltil n. of Boynton Sflach and u.nincorporated >>.1iA "&Oil County will b8n. 1t fram th. oompleted link of Knuth Xaad betve.n Woolbright ROAd d Old Boynton Road., and WBIR!AS Article 1 .1 ~.l.g, ot tha Palm Beaah County Unified Land De\felopment Code rovide. impact f.. credits whEe cODatructioft of a po%tian of a mA 0: .road network i. proposea, and 9IIlBQAS tbe C.lt of Boynt.on a.ach ba. det8mJ.necl t.hat tII. coo.t~gtion of I ~th Road m..t. the standard. for or.dit of read ~=t i..., ot ~ therefore RBSOLVID that, TBB Clty or Born en B.ach requ..t tbat Palm .Beaeh COUDt, _ke & tlnd1n~ ~h&~ cred t fo~ the preparat10n of plan. aDd oon.~rue~toa of Knutb Road 81 approved by the city of Boynton B8aeh and ,.1m ~.C'lh County b. 9 I!lnted dga in.t thl!!! Road Impact: Pees due trOll tftuth lIoad reD and ~a%. Oak. PlJD~ ... 1M1I ;+ is .--= ? <lP ,"1,~~ ~ :1\ .t! r'lHf:l-l'":'-"?':, FPI J';'::::3 ID:f<l [HI ,~~ A%CiC. TEL tj[l: 4D?-t:,;:j'3-25':32 1:*450 F'C11 ...., . _eM_ ~pe Atcl1ltlC1l/PlII\ 1 ti& 1 fl9rum PIle>> suitt 'OOA Wwt p'l)lm a..ah, Florid. 1 \4011 0I!e-1MJ2Z . "x: (4()7) ~ Maret, 18, 1995 Me. lamb" Heyden, Dlreotor City of Boynton e Planning & Zoning Department 100 Eaat Boynton ch BlVd. ' Boynton Beach, FL " RE: Tam OakS P. .o.J, Knuth Road P,C.t?1. Boyntl)n BMOh 90utward P.C.O. OUR PROJECT NO.; 78S.i"(}-----u-- Dear Ms. Heyden, . request to postpOne consid,~n of the above three (3) extension requests a pertOd of thirty (30) daYf~ untll the City commission Meeting of Aprtl 18, 1995. We are requestl'lg thl.. postpOnement In order to prope\1y ass888 effects of the Zoning Commissions recommendations ~ rttgarding th... proj ts assuming theal are adopted by the CIty Council. At the Zoning Com Isslan Meeting, It $eemed appererrt that the Commissioners Wl8I"I&'J to nave t)ett reassurance that these projects will In faCt move forward to develop If time ext nsions are granted. Aa there are ongoing dl8CU88lons regarding the develo ment of all of the propertlN at this time, we feel that during the additional thirty ~ days we can try to solidify time tables for development &0 we can better it ress this Issue at the CIty Council Meeting. this time to assess the effect of B denial of these petitions u ths status of pnwloU5 dRdlcatlans of right-of-way which loue approvals. WIth regard to these le8uee, our attOmey to mG. with the City Attomey 1m dlsQUSS the ramfflcatlons m the City Councfl's adopting the recommendatlonl of the Additionally, we will Includ ing sueh Issu rMultod from the pr wlstleB adequate tlm whiOh would result Zoning Commission --..- -. .-.-..'-.... . ......--- ~ ~ :~2: ~"~ ~ ~ PLt\NNINGE"'pNlO lONING D . --.......,... .", -" rJtt~-l',.--'~':., H i ~ ;'; ':':4 Il':IIL-I;H, H=bU.. i ~L flU; .4:j.'--I.:,:::;).,j--,,5'::3c' i:i4511 PlJ2 ... Tharlk you fOr your Slnesrely, /" -~~. Kieran J. Kt Cia KIlday & 1-*, nc~ OC~ Mike 80hr0ed$r KJKlodd\cheyden.31 ~ Board of Counly Commissioners Ken L. Foster, Chairman Hurt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee COllnl v Administrator IZobert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works March 7, 1995 Mr. Mike Haag, City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boul ard P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL RE: BOYNTON BEACH BOULE KNUTH RoAD P.C.O." TARA OAKS P.U.D. Dear Mr. Haag: The Palm Beach County Tra fic Division has traffic reviewed the three traffic analyses prepared by Simmo s & White for these three proposed developments. The three studies are updates 0 the K. S. Rogers traffic studies prepared in 1990. They use the trip generati n and trip distribution from the K. S. Rogers studies and update the existing t affic volumes (1994) and the future traffic (1997) volumes. These traffic st dies do not address traffic on Gateway Boulevard for the two P.C.D.s, as woul be required by the existing Traffic Performance Standards (TPS). A letter eceived yesterday from Simmons & White provides some of the requested additiona information for Gateway Boulevard. Bo nton Beach Boulevard P. .0. The updated traffic study ddresses 120,000 square feet of general retail. The traffic study states that t address 110,375 square feet of general retail, and outparce1s consisting of a ,625 square foot bank with drive-through, and a 4,000 square foot hi gh-turnov'er staurant. The outparcel s are hi gh traffi c generators and the traffic study does not properly address the outparce1 uses. The 120,000 square feet 0 retail will generate 4,818 net daily trips with a build-out of 1997. The st dy shows that the project will meet the requirements of TPS on all roadways exce t Gateway Boulevard. Gateway Boulevard restricts the development to 75,700 squa e feet of general retail (3,361 daily trips) until it is widened to six-lanes in FY 96/97. Knuth Road P.C.D. The updated traffic study ddresses a 120,000 square foot shopping center which includes 110,375 square fe t of general retail and outparcels consisting a 4,500 square foot bank with driv -through, and service station with a 2,000 square foot convenience store, and a ar wash. The project will generate 6,221 net daily trips with a build-out of 997. The study shows that the project will meet the requirements of TPS on all roadways except Gateway Boulevard. Gateway Boulevard "An Equ I Opportunity - AffirJll<1tivl' Action EmploYl'r" ~ printed on recycled paper Box 21229 W 5t Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-40011 March 7, 1995 Mr. Mike Haag BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD .CD. KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. TARA OAKS P.U.D. page two restricts the developmen to 75,700 square feet of general retail (3,361 daily trips) until, it' is wid~n to six-lanes in FY 96/97. Tara Oaks P.U.D. The updated traffic stud di scusses a project consi sti ng of 192 multi-family dwelling Ynit~. and a 20, 00 square foot church. This project would generate 1,498 daily ~rips. The s udy mentions an unidentified previous petition which accounts for 770 of the p ojects daily trips. Like the K. S. Rogers study, the updated study does not ad ress these trips. Rather, it addresses 728 daily trips from an undefined project The updated study shows that this undefined project meets TPS on all roadways, based on a build-out of 1997. In your letter dated Ja uary 20, 1995, you requested verification that the roadway improvements list d in the Simmons & White reports are still applicable. There is no information i these reports that allows me to verify the need for those roadway improvement . I am sorry for the delay in responding to your request. The form of the updated traffic studies and missi g information did not allow a timely review. If you have any questions regard ng this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGI EER 090-- Jv~ Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior,Registp.rert C~vil cc. Rob Rennebaum, P.E. Simmons & White File: TPS - Mun. - Traff'c Study Review h:\traffic\diw\boyn37 I ! '.~.'. Ii; -'-"f;'~ ii" .1 n) c''!. ...I~L,': ....L .. IIJ!'ll ' . , ill ' ! L--....-.-.... i PUi;\!Nli~G Iti:O Qh i zQNlliQJJ.ltL..... \y -... U::.. A6. /II~ '9'1- 6()~ 1 -60 Kilday & Auocl.tes Landscape Architects/ Plan rs 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 1 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) -2592 January 19, 1995 Mr. William Hukill, Director 0 Development City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Bo levard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Knuth Road PCD, Bo nton Beach Blvd. PCD and Tara Oaks PUD, Boynton Beach, Flori a Our File No. 799.16 Dear Mr. Hukill, Pursuant to our discussion, lease find attached three (3) separate traffic studies for the aforementioned projects. As discussed, these reports have been prepared by Simmons & White, I nc. for the purp se of reviewing these projects pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards add ssed in the previous Traffic Impact Analysis under current roadway volumes and growt rates. Please feel free to contact this office if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, c:z:.~Z' U' '- 7 If /'.1 '.. / .'. . {~J..- / Kieran J i1day :'b . {-/~0 . cc: Mike Haag Mike Schroeder Bill Winchester Rob Rennebaum Enclosures LAWll/jb/hukil1.119 SIM ONS & WHITE, INC. E gineers . Planners · Consultants January 18, 1995 City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beac P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Attention: Mr. William Hukill Direct of Development 33425 Knuth Boynto Dear Mr. Hukill: ad P.C.D. Beach, Florida Re: This office has been retained to revisit the above referenced project with regard 0 Traffic Performance. A Traffic Impact Analysis was prepared by K.S. Rogers, Consulting Engineer, Inc. dated January 30, 1990 The Analysis addressed a total development of 120,000 S.F. consis ing of 108,532 S.F. of retail area with two defined outparcel use The outparels consisted of a 6068 S.F. high-turnover, sit-dow restaurant and a 5400 S.F. bank with drive- through. Subsequent reports prepared by Simmons & White, Inc. dated January 7, 1992 nd April 14, 1992 have revised the original scheme of development for this 120,000 S.F. center. The revised scheme includes 112,98 S.F. of retail ~rea, a 4500 S.F. banK with drive-through, a serv'ce station with 2000 S.F. convenience store and 512 S. F. car was. Please refert:o the site plan on file prepared by Kilday & ssociates. d,53;; rp rCi":' +- S>4c ~ <'.. ..k ~, O/';ltes,{ ...;.! ' \. 1 Site access to. the par el remains unchanged with two proposed full connections to Knuth Road and two right-in, right-out only connections to Boynto Beach Blvd. The original analysis assumed a build-out or compl tion date of 1993. The review presented herein will assume a uild-out date of 1997. The purpose of this review is to demonstra e that the proj ect will continue to meet the .. Traffic Performance S andards addressed in the previous Traffic Impact Analysis under current roadway volumes and growth rates. /~ 4623 Forest Hill B ulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - Pa Two TRAFFIC GENERATION The original traffic eneration rate and passer-by capture rate yielded an anticipated external traffic generation addressed in the original analysis of 4818 tpd as follows: RETAIL 120 000 Ln (T) = 0.65 Ln (120) + 5.92 T = 8365 tpd Pass-By % = 45.1 - .0225 (120) = 42.4% NET = 8365 - 8365 ( .424) = 4818 tpd As stated above, a su sequent report prepared by Simmons & White, Inc. dated April 14, 1 92 revised the scheme of development for the shopping center. The generation from the approved report may be summarized as follows: Bank With Drive-Throu S.F. 4500 S.F. x 29 1000 Less 18.05% Inte Less 46% Capture NET Service Station Service Station Less 14% Interna Less 58% Capture NET = 1310 tpd = (236) = (494) = 580 tpd = 748 tpd = (105) = (373) = 270 tpd Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - TRAF IC GENERATION CONTINUED Car Wash Car Wash = 166 tpd Convenience Store 2000 S.F. x TOTAL = 1774 tpd = (277) = (674) = 823 tpd = 6221 tpd Less 37% Less 45% Capture NET For the purposes of t is review, the most recent total generation of 6221 tpd will be a dressed. It is important to note, however, that this total genera ion is approximately 30 percent higher than the generation addres ed in the original K.S. Rogers, Consulting Engineer, Inc. repo t and is due largely to local agency interpretation of gen ration methodologies. Based upon the exist' ng and proposed geometry of the roadway network, a review of he existing and historical travel patterns, as well as a review of the proposed development and improvements in the area, the traffic distribution assumed in the original K.S. Rogers reports contin es to appear applicable: IC ASSIGNMENT DISTRIBUTION 25.7% 25.8% 21.7% 26.8% The prorated distribu ed traffic volumes for the project may be seen in Table 3. The roadway conditions and daily volumes in the area of the subject parcel have changed c nsiderably since 1990 for the better. The following Table summ rizes the 1989 volumes, roadway laneage, historical growth rat s and calculated roadway volumes at project buildout in 1993 from the original report: Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - CONTINUED TABLE 1 LINK 1989 HISTORICAL ESTIMATED VOLUME GROWTH RATE 1993 VOLUME A. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. 1. EI Clair to Military 6L 46,300 23,660 7.6% 27,661 2. Military to Lawrence 6L 46,300 24,420 6.7% 31,652 3. Lawrence to Knuth 6L 46,300 27,365 6.7% 35,469 4 . Knuth to Mall Rd. 6L 46,300 27,365 6.7% 35,469 5. Mall Rd. to Congress 6L 46,300 27,365 6.7% 35,469 6 . Congress to Old Boynton 6L 46,300 31,972 8.5% 44,309 7. Old Boynton to I-95 6L 46,300 43,886 8.5% 60,819 B. OLD BOYNTON ROAD 1. Military to Lawrence 2L 13,100 11,383 6.5% 14,644 2. Lawrence to Congress 2L 13,100 11,383 6.5% 14,644 Four Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - Pag Five TRAFFIC ASS GNMENT DISTRIBUTION CONTINUED TABLE 1 LINK 1989 VOLUME HISTORICAL ESTIMATED GROWTH RATE 1993 VOLUME C. CONGRESS AVENUE 1. N.W. 22nd to Old Boynton 4L 30,000 29,808 11.2% 45,578 2 . Old Boynton to Boynton Beach Blvd. 6L 46,400 29,808 11.2% 45,578 3 . Boynton Beach Blvd. to Woolbright 6L 46,400 25,170 9.8% 36,584 D. LAWRENCE ROAD 1. N.W. 22nd Ave. to Old Boynton 2L 13,100 8,680 7.5% 11,592 2 . Old Boynton to Boynton Beach Blvd. 2L 13,100 8,680 7.5% 11,592 E. MILITARY TRAIL l. N.W. 22nd to Old Boynton 6L 46,400 22,105 11.9% 34,658 2 . Old Boynton to Boynton Beach Blvd. 6L 46,400 22,105 11.9% 34,658 3. Boynton Beach Blvd. to Woolbright 4L 30,000 23,662 11.9% 37,099 Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - Pag Six TRAFFIC ASS GNMENT DISTRIBUTION CONTINUED TABLE 1 LINK 19 9 EAGE/ CA ACITY 1989 VOLUME HISTORICAL ESTIMATED GROWTH RATE 1993 VOLUME F. N.W. 22ND AVE. 1. Military to Lawrence 9,188 14.5% 11,818 2. Lawrence to Congress 6,876 14.5% 14,876 Updating the above Ta Ie to address the 1994 volumes and roadway laneage, current hist rical growth rates and calculated roadway volumes at project bui d-out in 1997 yields the following: LINK TABLE 2 1994 VOLUME HISTORICAL GROWTH RATE 1997 VOLUME A. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. 1. EI Clair to Military 6L 45,000 30,292 8.93% 39,153 2 . Military to Lawrence 6L 45,000 30,729 2.92% 33,500 3. Lawrence to Knuth 6L 45,000 31,899 0% 31,899 4 . Knuth to Mall Rd. 45,000 31,899 0% 31,899 5. Mall Rd. to Congress 45,000 31,899 0% 31,899 6. Congress to Old Boynton 29,554 0% 29,554 7. Old Boynton to I-95 6 /45,000 40,494 0% 40,494 Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - Pa Seven CONTINUED TABLE 2 LINK 4 1994 HISTORICAL 1997 EAGE/ VOLUME GROWTH RATE VOLUME ACITY B. OLD BOYNTON ROAD 1. Military to Lawrence 4L 29,400 8,655-0 0% 8,655-0 2. Lawrence to Congress 4L 29,400 10,099-0 0% 10,099-0 C. CONGRESS AVENUE 1. N.W. 22nd to Old Boynton 6L 45,000 37,777 4% 42,494 2 . Old Boynton to Boynton Beach Blvd. 6L 45,000 37,777 4% 42,494 3. Boynton Beach Blvd. to Woolbright 6L 45,000 30,818 2.28% 32,974 D. LAWRENCE ROAD 1. N.W. 22nd Ave. to Old Boynton 2L 13,400 10,733 0% 10,733 2. Old Boynton to Boynton Beach Blvd. 2L 13,400 10,733 0% 10,733 E. MILITARY TRAIL 1. N.W. 22nd to Old Boynton 6L 45,000 25,952 6.7% 31,526 2. Old Boynton to Boynton Beach Blvd. 6L 45,000 25,952 6.7% 31,526 Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - Pag Eight TRAFFIC ASS GNMENT DISTRIBUTION CONTINUED TABLE 2 LINK 1994 VOLUME HISTORICAL GROWTH RATE 1997 VOLUME 3. Boynton Beach Blvd. to Woolbright 4L 45,000 26,486 0% 26,486 F. N.W. 22ND AVE. 1. Military to Lawrence 6L 45,000 * 15,388 25.46% 30,388 2. Lawrence to Congress 6L 45,000 * 21,791 15.26% 33,367 * Scheduled for c nstruction by Palm Beach County in Fiscal Year 199 /1997 as a six-lane section. Due to the opening of he interchange at I-95 and N.W. 22nd Avenue (Gateway Blvd.) as wel as the construction of Woolbright Road from Military Trail to Cong ess Avenue, the above-referenced links are anticipated to have ad quate capacity at project build-out in 1997 for the trips to be ge erated by the project. The following Table identifies the previo s traffic assignment (based on 4818 total trips), the most recen traffic assignment (based on 6221 tpd), the total 1997 volume and the Level of Service Standard. All of the following links are sh wn to meet the Level of Service Standard at project build-out in 1 97: Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - pag Nine TRAFFIC ASS GNMENT DISTRIBUTION CONTINUED TABLE 3 LINK PR VIOUS CURRENT TOTAL LEVEL OF AS IGNMENT ASSIGNMENT 1997 SERVICE {48 8 TOTAL {6221 TOTAL (includes STANDARD t d tod) current assiqnment) A. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. 1. EI Clair to Military 243 314 39,467 45,000 2. Military to Lawrence 1 038 1,340 34,840 45,000 3 . Lawrence to Knuth 1,604 2,071 33,970 45,000 4 . Knuth to Mall Rd. 2,575 3,325 35,224 45,000 5. Mall Rd. to Congress 2,431 3,139 35,038 45,000 6. Congress to Old Boynton 929 1,200 30,754 45,000 7. Old Boynton to I-95 794 1,025 41,519 45,000 B. OLD BOYNTON ROAD 1. Military to Lawrence 138 178 8,833-0 29,400 2. Lawrence to Congress 164 212 10,277-0 29,400 Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - TRAFFIC AS DISTRIBUTION CONTINUED TABLE 3 LINK CURRENT TOTAL LEVEL OF ASSIGNMENT 1997 SERVICE d (6221 TOTAL VOLUME STANDARD tpd) ( incl udes current assianment C. CONGRESS AVENUE 1. N.W. 22nd to Old Boynton 535 691 43,185 45,000 2. Old Boynton to Boynton Beach Blvd. 611 789 43,283 45,000 3. Boynton Beach Blvd. to Woolbright 842 1,087 34,061 45,000 D. LAWRENCE ROAD 1. N.W. 22nd Ave. to Old Boynton 384 496 11,229 13,400 2. Old Boynton to Boynton Beach Blvd. 472 609 11,342 13,400 E. MILITARY TRAIL 1. N.W. 22nd to Old Boynton 438 566 32,092 45,000 2. Old Boynton to Boynton Beach Blvd. 402 519 32,045 45,000 3. Boynton Beach Blvd. to Woolbright 268 346 26,832 45,000 F. N.W. 22ND AVE. 1. Military to Lawrence 192 248 30,636 45,000 2 . Lawrence to Congress 96 124 33,491 45,000 Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - pag Eleven PEAK HOUR The P.M. peak hour urning movement volumes and directional distributions for the 20,000 S.F. shopping center were calculated as follows in the orig'nal K.S. Rogers, Consulting Engineer, Inc. report: 120,000 S.F. IN OUT LAND USE 85 336 349 The P.M. peak hour tra to be generated by the overall shopping center with the pro osed bank and service station facility considered separately ay be calculated as follows: USE TOTAL TRIPS P.H.F. PEAK HOUR TRIPS DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (% IN / OUT) DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION (TRIPS IN/OUT) RETAIL (112,988 S.F.) P.M. 7628 9.3% 709 50% / 50% 354 / 355 978 16.5% 4500 S.F. BANK WITH DRIVE-THROUG P.M. 161 48% / 52% 77 / 84 SERVICE STATION AND CAR WASH P.M. 2008 5% 100 50% / 50% 50 / 50 481 / 489 P.M. TOTAL: The above total P.M. p ak hour trips have been distributed to the project's access point and to the intersection of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Blvd. as follows: Eastbound Right-Turn I t Entrance Ri ht-In Ri ht-Out Onl Bo ton Beach Blvd. Eastbound Right-Turn I 202 pht Bo nton Beach Blvd. Ea t Entrance Ri ht-In Ri ht-Out Onl 46 pht Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - Pa e Twelve PEAK HOUR CONTINUED The original analysis repared by K.S. Rogers, Consulting Engineer, Inc. recommended th following roadway improvements at the intersection of Boynt n Beach Blvd. and Knuth Road: unrestricted Knuth Road North Southbound Right Turn Northbound Left Turn 159 pht 2 pht Knuth Road South Unrestricted Southbound Right Turn Northbound Left Turn 59 pht 13 pht Bo nton Beach Blvd. Road Eastbound Left: Eastbound Right: Northbound Left: Northbound Right: Westbound Left: a. Lengthen the exis ing left turn lane on Knuth Road, south approach to accom odate additional left turning vehicles. b. Signalize the int rsection, when warranted, as determined by the County En ineer. Because of the close proximity to the intersect on with Mall Road, these two signals should be inter- onnected. Based on a review turning movements, applicable. the above and the anticipated peak hour above recommendation continues to appear CONCLUSION This proposed 120,000 quare foot mixed-use retail development was addressed with regar traffic performance by K. S. Rogers, Consul t ing Engineer, in a Traf f ic Impact Anal ys is da ted January 30, 1990. he project was expected to generate 4818 additional trips per d y with an anticipated development build-out date of 1993. Mr. William Hukill January 18, 1995 - Pa e Thirteen The analysis presente in this letter has demonstrated that the project will continue to meet the Traffic Performance Standards addressed in the prev'ous analysis under current roadway volumes, adjusted growth rates and traffic generation rates through 1997. In short, all of the addressed links will meet the applicable Traffic Performance S andards in 1997. ONCLUSION CONTINUED If you have any comme ts concerning the above, please call. I am available to respond 'mmediately to any questions you may have. Sincerely, SIMMONS & WHITE, INC. /' /;..>--;:'~ .~~-:.<--- - -- -- --------------=-:a ~~t F. Renneb~um, P.E. RFR/jp 95-008 cc: Mr. Bill Winches Mr. Kerry Kilday Mr. Michael A. S Mr. Mike Haag / rrIie City of t.Boynton t.Beacli hU:: M fJffrt 9Y.'_fJlA) f Gv rE=. 9'-1- 0-0 </ tJJOuUvartf 10 tJJoynton tJJeadt., :Fro 33425-0310 City 1fa[[: (40 375-6000 :FJU: (407) 3 '5-6090 January 20, 1995 Mr. Dan Weisberg Palm Beach Co~~ty D partment of engineering and Public Works - raffic Division P.o. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Attn: Dan Weisberg Senior Engineer RE: Boynton Beach oulevard P.C.D. Knuth Road P.C D. Tara Oaks P.U. . Dear Mr. Weisberg: Enclosed please find the original traffic impact analysis, prepared by K. S. Rogers, Co suIting Engineer, Inc., and recent summary, prepared by Simmons White, Inc., documenting the trip generation of the above-refer nced projects. The original traffic impact analysis for all tree of the projects assumed a build-out or completion date tha has elapsed. What impact does this have on their trips? Have they lost their trips? Please verify the applicability of th roadway improvements listed in the Simmons & White reports. We understand that request, we would a to our office as suffice while a wri prompt response. you have thirty (30) days to respond to our reciate if you could provide written comments oon as possible, a phone conversation will ten response is provided. Thank you for your 5lme . as (jateway to tlie (jutfstream page 2 Mr. Dan Weisberg If there are any que tions, please contact me at (407) 375-6260. Sincerely, ?~ :el E. Haag g and Site Deve opment Administrator MEH/pb Attachments cc: Bill Hukill, Ci y Engineer Central files Board'\lI' County Commissioners County Administrator Jan Winters CarolJ. Elmquist, Chairman Karen T. Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Ron Howard Carole Phillips June 5, 1990 Department of Engineering and Public Works James J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-031 ---~ FOR .", PCD AND KNUTH ROAD PCD ' ''-'-_''''--'------ " RE: TRAFFIC IMPACT ANAlYS BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVA Dear Mr. Golden: As requested by your lett of April 3, 1990, the Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the t affic reports for the two proposed shopping centers entitled Boynton Beach Boul vard PCD and Knuth Road PCD. The following comments are submitted for your con ideration: 1) Based upon copies of correspondence from your office to the applicant's agent (Kilday & Ass ciates, Inc.) dated February 13, 1990, we do not consider the applica ions for these projects to have been complete prior to February 1, 1990 a therefore vested against the new Countywide Traffic Performance Standard (County Ordinance 90-7) as per the Municipal Implementation Ordin nce (County Ordinance 90-6). To comply with these County Ordinances, ew traffic reports need to be submitted by the applicant to your of ice as well as our office for review. 2) If the outparcels 0 each of the shopping center site plans will be specifically limited to restaurant and financial institution use, their trip generation shou d be separately calculated at the higher rates that are representative 0 these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail comme cial area. @ prmted on recycled paper 3) Under Test #1 of the ew Countywide Traffic Standard (which is comparable to the previous unin orporated area standard - County Ordinance 87-18), significant project raffic would occur on two links of Boynton Beach Boul evard that are projected to exceed thei r exi st i ng and committed capacities. No impro ements are recommended for either of these two links (Military Trail to El Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95). Without some c mmitment from these developers to improve~~e two links trre traffic st ndard is violated. Jr(~:C'l)I~ . -C_ VJ:;7"'), -.... -*..d* ..(fII 1J PlA. -- ~ 1990 '..\n Lqu 1 Opportunit\ - .\ffirIl1Jtil.c :\ctio/1 hl1ployer" NNING Dr- c.f>r BOX 2429 WEST ALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 684-4000 . James J. Golden Page 2 June 4, 1990 Your transmittal of thes traffic reports for our review is appreciated. Please do not hes i tate to con act me if you have any quest ions concern i ng these comments. Sincerely, ~OU4 NEER Allan A. Ennis, P.E., AI Development Review Engin AAE:sb cc: Audrey Wolfe, Speci 1 Projects Coordinator - County Engineering Dept. File: General - TPS - M nicipalities - Traffic Study Reviews Intersection: "B ynton Beach Blvd. & Knuth Road" General - TPS - M nicipalities - Vesting Determinations aae\BB&KnPCD '~ Kilday &- AuocI.-e Landscape Architectsl Plann 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 1 (4071 689-5522 · Fax: (4071 2592 December 28, 1994 Mr. Mike Haag, Site and Zonin Administrator City of Boynton Beach Plannin & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach .Boule ard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Request for Tim Extensions Tara Oaks P.U.D Knuth Road P. C. . Boynton Beach Ivd. P.C.D. Our Project No.: 799.16 Re: Projects: Dear Mr. Haag, Pursuant to our telephone conv rsation, please find attached three(3) checks each in the amount of $125.00 payable to the City f Boynton Beach. As discussed, these checks represent filing fees for requests for time exlen ons for commencement of development of the above referenced projects. It is my understanding thatthes items are scheduled for the January 10,1995 Technical Review Committee meeting at 9:00 a. . It is also my understanding from our conversation, that these requests will be heard by the C y's Planning and Development Board on February 14,1995 and the City Commission on Febru ry 21 ,1995. If any of this information is incorrect, please contact me at your earliest convenienc . I will be contacting you next w ek with regard to the TRC meeting, however, please feel free to contact me if you have any qu stions or require further information. Sincerely, /0/'. :7 ~Jn4~. Lindsey A. Walter cc: Michael Schroeder Bill Winchester