REVIEW COMMENTS ~"7A FROM: Planning Director ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMO NO. 92-110 TO: Manager DATE: May 29, 1992 C::TT1::t.TlU""". 'PT~ 1 ; m; n::lT'T 'Pl::lT TnT KnnTh l)n::ln 'Pf"n /~d l"': ,.,' , " ;:.) "I p ENGINEERIN DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-104 TO: Knuth Road P.C.D. File FROM: Michael E. Kaz nas ft1.E ~ City Engineer C.-J DATE: April 28, 1992 RE: Preliminary PI t Knuth Road P.C.D. Service Station Engineering De artment Comments must be shown. Article VIll, Section 6.15 We have reviewed the reliminary plat and offer the following comments: 1) Plat must contain the water and sewer easement prior to submission to Planning & Zon'ng for approval. Article VIll, Section 5.C.2. 2) Plat shall contai a statement that no buildings shall be placed on easement. Art'cle VIII, Section 6.9 3) The P.O.B. shall e tied to the nearest quarter section corner or section corner or government corner. Article VIll, Section 6.5.h. 4) Width of Knuth Ro 5) City Seal should e replaced with separate seals for City Clerk and City Engineer. 6) Cost Estimate pro ided contained an error. Revised total $93,454. MEK/ck PLAN ING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-074 April 27, 1992 TO: Michael Kazuna 1 City Engineer FROM: Christopher ro, Planning and Zoning Director RE: Preliminary PI t and Construction Plans - Knuth Road P.C.D. (Proposed Ser ice station) The following commen is in response to the review of the above referenced document. Place the following ote on the cover sheet of the plat drawing: "Building setba ks shall be as required by the City of Boynton Beach Z ning Code." CC:ald C: KNUTH. PP c)~ (I -j;:A,/ / - " ENGINEERING TO: FROM: Michael E. Kazun s City Engineer DATE: April 24, 1992 EPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-100 MEMBERS ND RE: Preliminary Plat Submittal Knuth Road P.C.D. - Proposed Service Station Attached for your revie are the plans for the above referenced project which will be 'scussed at the Technical Review Committee meeting of April 28, 1992. MEK/ck attachment RECEIVED ~PR 2 4 1~9~ ;;. '" , MEMORANDUM tilities #92-041 TO: Christopher Cu ro, Planning Direc or FROM: John A. Guidry Director of Ut DATE: January 29, 19 2 SUBJECT: TRB Review - K uth Road, Preliminary Plat In lieu of approval. we ffer the following comments on this project: Show all utili y easements. Provide 20' cl arance between buildings and utilities where possible Plat can not b approved unless necessary offsite utilities are rovided. On site utilit es must extend to the property line and be designed to service adjacent property. . <-l . Cfr <',; v ~E.C€.\"€.O ~ ~<l1 f~9 ".!~\.' ,.. -.' .'. ,'l1AOf'. -.\ .. . .,!.....r'- eo,,~1(j\. ~,-.'"'. /gb xc: Mike Kazunas File ~'vri'i ..11 ~ .,. ~,,~~ FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordi at or of Engineering - ING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: ALL TECHNICAL REVIEW CO ITTEE MEMBERS 01/17/92 Re: Knuth Road PCD Preliminary Plat Submis Substitution of Origina Rossi Malavasi Engineer ion for Phase I Only Submittal with New Submittal , Inc. (Developer's Engineer) Please substitute the attac document which did not cont includes dedications and ot End of Memo plat document for the original preliminary plat dedication language. This most recent submission information necessary for a comprehensive review. ~ Vincent A. Finizio \ . I .~ cc: J. Scott Miller, City M nager w. Richard Staudinger, .E., Gee & Jenson TO: Christopher Cutro & Planning Director ENGTh. ING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM Rich rd Staudinger, P.E. City Engineer January 16, 1992 FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordina or of Engineering Re: Knuth Road PCD Preliminar Plat Submission for Phase #1 Only Bill Winchester Enrico "Ric" Rossi, P.E. Developer's Engineer) The Engineering Department ha received the above referenced preliminary plat submission. The submission s incomplete as an opinion of costs, development plans and a sufficient plat d dication sheet was omitted from this submittal. Mr. Rossi would In.~ the Tech its current condition and he fashion. Mr. Rossi is curre understands that his submissi Zoning Board until such time ical Review Committee to review the ~ubmission in elieves he can resolve all staff comments in a timely tly working on the associated development plans and n cannot be considered by the City's Planning and s full technical compliance is attained. Please add Mr. Rossi's submis ion to this months Technical Review Committee Agenda. End of Memo cc: J. Scott Miller, City Man ger Enrico Rossi, P.E., Rossi Malavasi Engineers, Inc. Note: Engineering Department will b responsible for transmittal of plat document(s) ENGll lING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Christopher Cutro & Planning Director Rich rd Staudinger, P.E. City Engineer January 16, 1992 FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordina or of Engineering Re: Knuth Road PCD Preliminar Bill Winchester Enrico "Ric" Rossi, P.E. The Engineering Department ha submission. The submission plans and a sufficient plat d Mr. Rossj would In.~ the Tech its current condition and he fashion. Mr. Rossi is curre understands that his submissi Zoning Board until such time Plat ~~-:Si.mi'.~) Phase 1f1~t\~~ - 7b ;J[. ,:JtCfi2//)vf1!o ~ . .,. . ~,._'..,..w' ,._...._._.......... ;'lJ;.f (.-.4 L~r' Developer's Engineer) received the above referenced preliminary plat s incomplete as an opinion of costs, development dication sheet was omitted from this submittal. ical Review Committee to 1:eview the submission in elieves he can resolve all staff comments in a timely tly working on the associated development plans and n cannot be considered by the City's Planning and s full technical compliance is attained. Please add Mr. Rossi's submiss.on to this months Technical Review Committee Agenda. End of Memo t 'L.~c.~*.6. ~6 cc: J. Scott Miller, City Mana er Enrico Rossi, P.E., Rossi alavasi Engineers, Inc. Note: Engineering Department will be responsible for transmittal of plat document{s)