APPLICATION ~. .lJ44 03.\:J~;~.243.5250 REPLY MESSAGE ~ .. C.) To Fit GrayllrC WIndow EmMIope. EW10P REORDER ITEM, F2II . r -, FROM 1l) Grady Swann, Finance Director Vincent A. Finizio, Administrative Coordinator of Engineering SUBJE<:T: Knuth Rd. peD, Phase I n1 - Pre1iminar Plat Filing Fee "OLD. ~11E:January 17, 1992 Attached is a check in th amount of $502.00 for the above referenced project. Please deposit in the app opriate account. Thank you. VAF/ck attachment: 1 check for $ 02.00 PLEASE REPLY TO D ~. .. SIG . ... REPLY D~ 11E: SIG D Item' F269 Grayarc. P.O. Box 2944. HartfonI. CT 06104-2944 @ WhMler GrouP. Inc. 1982 HIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED L .. PERSO ADDRESSED RETURN THIS COpy TO SENDER BILL R. OR ELSIE A. WINCHESTER P. O. DRAWER, NO. 12 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 3700 19 'l'.z.. 63-623906 - 670 -< ...~ $ .s"t7?-, ~ DOLLARS DELUXE~ SECURE MEMBER ~,(2,/4~ laD :lOb~~OaB". :1700 ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ -f rt6Mi- ~I~ 580 VILLAGE BOULEVARD, SUITE 140 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409.1904 (407) 889.0554 FAX: (407) 889-1109 January HJ, 1992 City of Boynton Beach City Planning Departme t P.O. Bo x 31 '" Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 ATTN: Mr. Christopher Cutro City Planner RE: BILL WINCHESTER - KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. MASTER PLAN AMEND ENT De a r Mr. Cu t r 0 : Enclosed please find sx (16) copies of the conceptual Paving and Drainage and Water an Sewer Plans which have been modified to provide for a new Site Plan which incorporates a service station. Should you have our office. stions, please do not hesitate to contact Ver y tr ul y yo ur s , ROSSI AND "t:(ALAVASI ENG NEERS, INC. -' . , ~~~ ER/jh enc. ROSSI AND MAlAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ -f I"'(.U + ~I~ 580 VILLAGE BOULEVARD, SUITE 140 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409.1904 (407) 689.0554 FAX: (407) 689.1109 January Hl, 1992 City of Boynton Beach City Planning Departme t P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 ATTN: Mr. Christopher Cutro City Planner RE: BILL WINCHESTER - KaUTH ROAD P.C.D. SITE PLAN APPROVA De a r Mr. Cu t r 0 : Enclosed please find s and Drainage and Wate to provide for a new station. xteen (16) copies of the conceptual Paving and Sewer Plans which have been modified Site Plan which incorporates a service Also included are sixt en (16) copies of the preliminary Plat No. 1 of Knuth Road P.C.D. Should you have any q estions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. \ .j ~~ Very truly yours, ~o~~J-~~ MALAVASI ENG NEERS, INC. / /' ( ER/jh enc.