CORRESPONDENCE MAY-17-96 SAT 3: 43 PM BlLL R. 1U1NCHESTER FAX NO, 407 '7':)') i -:'.'~ 3993 P. 2 I':IRS"l' .AMBNDMBNT TO A<JRBJDO!IN'l' . 'rBI:S F:t1t.ST AXBNDJO:NT TO AGRBJ!:MBNT is .n~.r.d into by and between STONBHAVBN BOMBOWNBRS ' ASSOCIATION, mc. , a Flox-ida oorporation (-A..ociationn) and BILL R. W%NCBBSTBR (-Winobe.tern) and M:ICBABL A. SCHROEDER, TRUSTEB ("SCHROBDER"). WHEREAS, ~he parti.. entered into ~hat certain Agreemene 4ated June 19, 1990, with respect to various ..~~e~. pertaining to the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD, bueh Road pen and Tara Oaks POD (the .AgZ'.~eD~.)' and WS..BAS, the parties are desirous of modifying the Agre8ment in oertai~ respects. NOW, THERBFORB, in oonsideration of the conditions herein contained and other con.ideration., the reoeipt and 8ufficiency acknowledged, the parties agx-e. as follow.: mutual covenants and gooel and valuable of which are hereby 1. Agreement paragraph :I:I.A.(3) is hereby modified to read as fo11ows: MThe wall .hall be buil~ a. par~ of the project for the con8t~ctioD of the pr...ntly \II1completed segment of Knuth Road, running north frcm ~e Lake Worth Drainave Di.~ric~ L- 25 Canal to 1~. presen~ ter.minu.. :tt i. the intention of the partie. that this roadway .egment not be opened for us. by the public ~ti.!. ~'.loh t',me ~1I the wall i!! c::onst.ru~ted and it is fur~her oontemplated that ~he C08t of building the wa~l will be incluaed in establishing the amount of any bond or other securit.y to be posted. with toh. Ci~y of Boynton Beach 1n conjunction with road oonstruction." 2. Agreement paragraph :t:t.A. (4) (b) shall b. lIIOCiifiec:l t.o r..cl as fo1.1.o,.,s: IICons~ruot1on of the following masonry ..,.11 .egments, which .hall OQcur contemporaneously wi th tbe con8truction of the wall segmen~ referred to in .uhparag~aph ~I .A. (3) above and: . . . II . MAY-17-96 SAT 3: 44 PM BILL R. 1}ilNCHESTER FAX NO, 407 71? 3993 p, 3 3. Bxeep~ as modified bereby, the Agreement remains in full force and effect. STONBBAVD HOMB01fN!lRS ASSOCXATXON, XHC., a Plorida corporation By. .tl J / (d ~~- ROO{K ::;;~~~ Its: President Date. ~ /~ /,~~ ~ ~ ;L'.l-iJ- BILL R. WINCHBSTBR I J:CIIAIIL A~BDBR' TRVlilTBB Daeel r, \6lq~ 2 PLAh~ING AND ZONING DEPARTh~NT PLEASE SIGN BELOW FOR RECEIPT OF: CC~. ~f\~\f\ \ (< ~ (;J ~"~b~~\C~ (".. \<01C\"-1 ~ ~,D DATE: ]'J~ SIGNATURE:'it -, --- d - ~ <<> ~- ~ PRINT NAME ~,-~v--:,../~j\'" l.-J.) 'f= -c ~ N~. 'S (1- QC4YiJ \<" ~ rJ COMP ANY : ) \ ',-- . - "--'Oi~ \A'-.. ~~5~~ CONTACT PERSON: t:::) ~.~~ ~ TIME: K\C:n,~ ~ l\'-hl( ,. \ O'.S3A. (c:CX9 - SSd--'d-. DATE CONTACTED: a:\pkuprecp.frm' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PLEASE SIGN BELOW FOR RECEIPT OF: ~~\) ~~ ~ ~\V\~~...C~ (]) ~" ' ~ \ (i) ~ '~ t'-'\M'-'f\\ CC\ )N() <e- lJ1\-\ ~~ ~C 0 ~\I\c.':- l' ~0\'':~ DATE: ~\~ SIGNATURE: .. ' . ~$t - i PRINT NAME~~\"'N2:>) l.).....-:).p::rW- COMPANYP':)~-;\t:\\ \.\\"c\SttQ ~c. " CONTACT PERSON: ~~'1 \ ~-\<1o\(,., TIME: '0\f\u:J.E:;-- \(\~ ~ it: IS' A)~oe " Cr'l:P\ -SSdd-.- DATE CONTACTED: a: \pkuprecp.frm --~--~--------_.- - ~ PI~\lNING AND ZONING DEPARTMEN PLEASE SIGN BELOW FOR RECEIPT OF ~ '.3 15'1 . ~(V\t"1I,\T .~ l - fu}\&,.J ~\j(LA e~\) :..., NA..\J\\CA ~G. )ND DATE: t4&(, \-\S~lo {)-t- /J /. - \ /? L /.' SIGNATURE: ~tuU-- Uu:a,~ L 8IJ.g..Y'~ A SUBJECT: DATE CONTACTED: AQcu.,,--~ ~\ ~ qG ~('\P- ~Lt~ ~,~SSaC_ CONTACT PERSON: PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT P EASE SIGN ~~ ELOW FOR RECEIPT OF:~AJ~ ~~tL IJ ~', J . ~ 6nn/fY)-~11h DATE: SIGNATURE: JU.;J,rfm-1/~ PRINT NAME: SJ...>'i"1 S()!~,;--"- COMPANY:~~~ DATE CONTACTED: TIME: CONTACT PERSON: a:pkuprecp.frm {U;n ~ ~-f ' 100 'E. 'Boynton 'BeD&. 'Bou1evartf P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'B~ %>>itfa 33425.0310 City 9fafl.. (407) 375-6()()() 1"JU: (407) 375..(j()9() 1996 Kieran Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: Knuth Road PCD Service Station Property Location: Southwest Boulevard File No. NWSP 96-003 corner of Boynton and Knuth Road. Beach Dear Mr. Kilday: The attached package will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on May 14, 1996 (see attached agenda) and then to the City Commission May 21, 1996. Permit plans shall be amended determination of your request and generated by staff following review permit documents that are required to of the project. to comply with the final additional comments may be for technical compliance of be submitted for development For your convenience, attached is a list of documents required for permit submittal. An approval of the site plan by the City Commission shall be valid for one (1) year, unless a building permit from the Building Department is secured. If the applicant fails to secure a building permit in that time, all previous approvals shall become null and void. Very~rUlY y:u~~l ~ &~/~(1-1;/ ~~ ~ ' , ( M~el E. Haag Planning and Zoning Administrator MEH:bme attachments xc: Central File a:P&Dpkgltr.KNU 5tmerUa's (jateway to tfu (jutfstream 'l1ie City of tJ3oynton tJ3eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'BttUn tJJoulevartf P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'BttUn, 7Coritfa 33425-0310 City:Jfaf[: (407) 375-6()()() 1"!JI.X: (407) 375-6090 April 22, 1996 Kieran Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE: Initial Review Comments - Knuth Road PCD Service Station File No. NWSP 96-003 Dear Kieran Kilday: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the documents submitted for the above-referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (including surveys) of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for second review and recommendation to the appropriate boards for approval or denial (see attached meeting schedule). A recommendation for denial will be made if there are major comments that have not been addressed on the resubmitted plans. JitmerU4 s (jateway to tlie (julfstream MWTlkfj/dLewicki,418 ~ Klldey It AaocI8tea Landscape Architects! Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 14071 689-5522 · Fax: 14071 689-2592 ~, 00 R (iU f? I' 1l~ ,- r'm 15 U9 ~UL~tJ.L~; PI ; Ii i , ! ~ ~ ~ APRI51996 " ZONING DEPT. April 15, 1996 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, Planning Director Mr. Jerzy Lewicki City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Knuth Road PCD Service Station Site Plan Technical Review Committee Follow-up File No. HWSP 96-003 Our Project No.: 949.4 Dear Ms. Heyden and Mr. Lewicki: Pursuant to your letter of March 29,1996, please find attached twelve (12) amended plans and documents (including surveys) for the Knuth Road PCD service station. Additionally, pursuant to the checklist attached to the aforementioned letter, please also find included with this submittal, color photos of existing buildings that are located on the east and north perimeter of the subject property. Each photograph has been labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. Also, included with this submittal is an Environmental Review Application as requested at the March 26, 1996, Technical Review Committee meeting. Finally, please find enclosed an 8% x 11 transparency of the landscape plan drawing which will be used on an overhead projector at the upcoming board meetings. An amended Site Plan review/conditional use application is not being resubmitted with this submittal as there were no changes resulting in revisions to the site tabular data of the aforementioned application. The following are the responses to the staff comments: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-107 1. The Engineering Plans will show all utility easements. 2. The Site Plan and Engineering Plans have been revised to relocate the fire hydrant shown in the Knuth Road right-of-way to the first northern landscape island. The landscape plan has been adjusted to avoid any conflict with proposed trees. 3. A well for irrigation purposes has been added to the Site, Landscape, and Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Mr. Jerzy Lewicki March 11, 1996 Page - 2 - Engineering Plans located behind the car wash. 4. The applicant acknowledges that permits will be required from the Palm Beach County Health Department for water and sanitary sewer systems. 5. The project engineer will contact the Utilities Department to set up a meeting as requested to discuss water and sanitary sewer plans for permits. 6. The applicant acknowledges that a capacity reservation fee will be required within thirty days of City Commission approval, or upon request for Utility Department signature on the HRS/DEP Permit Application. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-054 The Public Works Department had no comments within their memorandum, or at the March 26, 1996, Technical Review Committee meeting. RECREATION AND PARKS MEMORANDUM NO. 96-145 The Recreation and Parks Department had no comments within their memorandum, or at the March 26, 1996, Technical Review Committee meeting. FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-239 1. The Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Engineering Plans have been revised to relocate the fire hydrant as requested. FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-231 The Fire Department had no comments within their memorandum, or at the March 26, 1996, Technical Review Committee meeting. BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 0216 The Site Plans and Engineering Plans depict an additional 12' right-of-way for a deceleration lane (turn lane) pursuant to Comment NO.2 of the letter dated February 10, 1992, from Charles Walker, Assistant County Engineer. The trips per day will not impact Boynton Beach Boulevard enough to warrant the construction of a turn lane. Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Mr. Jerzy Lewicki March 11, 1996 Page - 3 - This turn lane will be constructed in conjunction with the further PCD phases. BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-098 1. One free standing sign is allowed per right-of-way frontage pursuant to Chapter 21, Article 4, Section 3B. The proposed site plan proposes two signs; one for each frontage. Neither will exceed 64 square feet in sign fence area. 2. A handicap walkway from the public right-of-way to the building entrance has been provided on the site plan, landscape plans and engineering plans. This walkway will comply with Section 4.1.2 of the State Handicap Code. 3. Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section 11 L.1., the development standards of the "commercial establishments engaged in the retail sale of gasoline or gasoline productions" section overlays the development criteria stated in the zoning district in which these uses are allowed ( Le., the setbacks stated in the above chapter overrides the PCD requirements). 4. The sign detail drawings have been revised to add more detail of the proposed square footage of signs. ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-105 1. The applicant acknowledges the comment and will incorporate it into the permit application submittal. 2. The Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Engineering Plans have been revised to reflect all comments. 3. The County road entrance sign will receive Palm Beach County approval and the State road entrance sign will receive FDOT approval. 4. The lighting plan has been revised to shield perimeter lighting to contain illumination within the site where possible. 5. The Site Plan and Engineering Plans have been revised to add a loading space in front of the proposed Foot Mart. 6. A site Environmental Review Application is included in this submittal package. 7. A signed and sealed statement prepared by the developer's engineer has been included with this submittal that all utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. 8. An updated traffic impact analysis will be provided to the City Engineer as soon as possible. 9. The Site Plan and Engineering Plans have been revised to provide a double yellow stripe perpendicular to the stop bars, which will be 25' in length, to Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Mr. Jerzy Lewicki March 11, 1996 Page - 4 - delineate the ingress/egress lanes. Also, a double yellow line has been provided from the end of the car wash area into and around to the stop bar at Knuth Road. 10. The site is in conformance with the previously approved roadway plans and incorporates additional right-of-way needed for turn lanes, as well as in compliance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Ordinance. 11. It is the intent of the developer to construct the north portion of the Knuth Road ingress/egress as depicted on the previously approved and current Site Plan. This single lane will initially provide two-way traffic flow. The south portion of the entrance will be constructed in conjunction with the development of the remaining phases and the traffic flow modified. 12. A statement has been included with this submittal by the developer's engineer that the drainage plans comply with all City codes and standards. 13. A minimum 15' pipe will be used for in storm sewer. 14. The Engineering Plans have been revised to show a utility easement for an 8" storm sewer running south from site. 15. The parking lot section conforms with the City Code (Chapter 6, Article 4, 10.F, pp. 6-12). 16. The developer's engineer acknowledges that permits will be required from SFWMD and LWDD prior to engineering approval. 17. The developer acknowledges that County and/or State permits will be required for construction in the right-ot-way. 18. The Landscape Plans show the areas ot sodding and seeding. 19. The Landscape Plan has been revised to show Bahia sod in the detention area. 20. The Site Plan and Landscape Plan show the site triangles at all driveways. 21. The developer acknowledges that permits must be obtained prior to work within the right-ot-way. 22. In conjunction with the plat submittal and approval, proof of right-of-way deeds to the City and County for the ultimate right-of-way will be provided. 23. The Site Plan, Paving and Drainage Plans depict the location and types of the proposed curbs. 24. The developer's engineer acknowledges that photometries must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting prior to the issuance of building permits. 25. A lighting plan has been provided in this re-submittal. 26. Pursuant to Chapter 23, Article 2, p. 23-6, the parking lot dimensions, striping, isles, stalls, radii, signs and landscape conform with the Boynton Beach City code standards. 27. Twelve teet of additional right-ot-way has been proposed along Boynton Beach Boulevard tor a deceleration lane. This deceleration lane will be constructed pursuant to Palm Beach County engineering requirements. 28. The Site Plan shows the proposed median and ultimate circulation pattern for exiting the site to Knuth Road. Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Mr. Jerzy Lewicki March 11, 1996 Page - 5 - 29. The Site Plan has been revised to add a "one-way" arrow sign within the median across from the ingress/egress. 30. It is the intent of the property owner and the developer to enter a contract and/or agreement in regards to offsite retention. This contract and/or agreement will be submitted to the City Engineer to review. 31. The Site Plan has been revised to add handicap parking detail for accessibility to the store entrance. 32. The Boynton Beach Boulevard driveway will be constructed with asphalt. Recommendations: A. The Site Plan and Engineering Plans have been revised to show the handicap signs on the building walls to eliminate the handicap sign posts. B. The Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Engineering Plans and Lighting Plans have been revised to relocate the two trees in the two islands on the east side of the Food Mart identified for light poles. C. The applicant has taken your comment into consideration, but would rather install wheel stops and keep the 5' sidewalk. D. The curbed area on the north side of the car wash is provided to maintain a better traffic flow and design, as well as direct customers towards the gas pumps. The design intent is to discourage patrons from mistakenly entering the car wash. The signage required will also further this goal. E. Twelve feet of additional right-of-way has been proposed along Boynton Beach Boulevard for a deceleration lane pursuant to Palm Beach County. RECREATION AND PARKS MEMORANDUM NO. 96-135 The subject site does not have any existing trees to preserve, therefore, a Management Plan is not required. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-156 1. The subject site will be platted following final site plan approval. Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Mr. Jerzy Lewicki March 11, 1996 Page - 6 - J2. \;} 3. The Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Engineering Plans depict a 10' strip of land along Knuth Road and a 12' strip of land along Boynton Beach Boulevard which will be dedicated for future road improvements at time of plat. The Boynton Beach Boulevard entrance has been revised to meet the criteria of Ch , . The Site Plan has been revised to show all setback measurements from the Itimate right-af-way, rather t an from t . ht-of-way. Sheet 3 0 1 an sheet 18 of 18 have been revised to e ete the 3' overhang om the car wash into the setback area. The app Icant acknow e ges t a an environmental review must occur concurrently with the Site Plan review, hence an Environmental Review Application has been included with this submittal. Sheets 17, 18 and 19 of the architectural plans have been revised to add the color and manufacturer's name of all the exterior building materials used for construction. 8. Samples of all exterior building materials have been provided. 9. Pending engineering approval, an easement will be provided for the off-site drainage area. "-7. It is my understanding that Plan is scheduled for the May 14, 1996. Planning and Development meeting and for the May 21, 1996, City Commission meeting. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to these plans or any other item contained herein, please do not hesitate to contact me immediately. Sincerely. /b( ~ fAJ. ~~ Marcie W. Tinsley Kilday & Associates MWT Ikfj cc: Nathan and David Kalichman Paul Lingerfeldt; Lingerfeldt, Benton & Morris Rob Rennebaum; Simmons & White LlNGERFELDT -BENTON & MORRIS, INC. Paul E. Lingerfeldt PRESIDENT 5653 N.W. 29TH STREET MARGA TE. FLORIDA 33063 Telephone (954) 975-8764 Fax (954) 975-0087 April 10, 1996 City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 ATTENTION:MS. TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, PLANNING DIRECTOR MR. WILLIAM HUKILL, P.E., CITY ENGINEER RE: KNUTH ROAD PCD SERVICE STATION UTILITIES STATEMENT/DRAINAGE STATEMENT Dear Ms Heyden & Mr. Hukill, Please be advised that at time of permit the drainage plans shall comply with all City Codes and Standards as outlined in Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5A, Pages 6 & 7 as well as Chapter 23, Article IIF, Page 23-8. Please be advised that all utilities are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies as governed by Chapter 3, Article IV, Section 3R, Page 3-5. Should there be any questions regarding these items, please contact me at your convenience. & MORRIS, INC. \ cc: Kilday & Associates File 96028 L1NGERFELDT-BENTON & MORRlf ~C. Coral Gate Professional Plaza 5653 NW 29th Street MARGATE, FLORIDA 33063 DATE [L~vv~w ,-:)[p (954) 975-8764 FAX (954) 975-0087 / . ~\~' Of 12rlf'-nl"")t\ ~T\ rL,)\~\::~19N1,n TO o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o Prints o Plans o Samples the following items: o Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU o Attached o Under separate cover via > o Change order o COPIES DATE NO, DESCRIPTION ! 3J22- '!?xl]::" t:LE C'-)AHnk, , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval KFO' yo", use o As requested o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Resubmit copies for approval o Submit copies for distribution o Returned for corrections o Return corrected prints > o For review and comment C REMARKS o FOR BIDS DUE ~A(j\:'l~ ''tG--::. ~.p...sc. 19 p::..... ,.... r:" ~.-<.:nc" c_ ~ l -~ ~~ ~ ~) o PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US \i-~~":::.~ C;,\...-.;. K~ ..,., CAI/ COPY TO ~ t t ~\ (. \ ~ ) ~,~ . ~J ij~s.v I ~/'ib SIGNED: ~d ~,\ If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. \ . '4 \. 'I \<;\ ~,../'V""'''' 1 tJJie City of 13oynton tJ3eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 1JuI& 'Bouleva.rri P.O. 'B~310 'Boynton. 'Btadi., 1fori;fa 33425-0310 City 1faf!: (401) 315-6000 r.9lX: (407) 375-6090 March 8, 1996 Kilday and Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attn: Kieran Kilday RE: Knuth Road PCD Service Station - File No. NWSP--96 - 003 Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Submittal Documents New Site Plan Dear Kieran Kilday: On March 4, 1996, your submittal for Site Plan Review of the above- referenced proj ect was reviewed for completeness. It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing. Jerzy Lewicki, Assistant Planner, within the department will be reviewing and coordinating your application through the remainder of the Site Plan Review process and can be contacted if you have questions. The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) will meet on March 26, 1996 to discuss the first review comments. The results of the review will be available to you on March 29, 1996. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 375-6260. I:-~:)A: llrE' Ji~ ;(s-'ii Tiffibri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme a:lstAcptLtr.knu 5tmerica s (jateway to tlie (jutfstream KIId8y & AaocI... Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 o MAY ? , I~ ~ PLANNING AND May 20, 1996 Tambri Heyden Director of Planning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Knuth Road PCD, Amended Conditions of Approval Our Project No.: 949.4 Dear Ms. Heyden: Thank you very much for your consideration on the proposed Conditions of Approval for the Knuth Road PCD. As we discussed at last week's Planning and Development Board Meeting, there are several revisions that we wish to see incorporated into the Conditions of Approval, specifically as they relate to the agreement between the Stonehaven Homeowner's Association and the property owners. I do believe the Condition in regards to the governmental regulation of the signalization was resolved. Attached with this letter is a copy of an amendment to the agreement between the above-referenced parties. When the agreement was originally drafted, the assumption was that the main portion of the shopping center would be developed first and that Knuth Road would be constructed at that time. The main intent of the buffer walls along Knuth Road adjacent to the Stonehaven development was to buffer the development from the traffic from Knuth Road, as opposed to buffering it from the shopping center. As the service station outparcel will be the first phase of development, and as this outparcel is located a substantial distance from the Stonehaven development and the proposed buffer walls, both parties have agreed that it was not the original intent to install these walls under these circumstances. Henceforth, an amendment to this document was made and signed by all parties, a copy of which is attached for your use. At the City Commission meeting of May 21, 1996, we will be requesting that Planning and Zoning Comment No. 23(A) be amended to reflect the recent change in the agreement. Thank you in advance for consideration of this request. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to it, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~~W~ Collene W. Walter cc: Bill Winchester Nathan Kalichman ....~.- APR. 4.1996 4:59PM KILDAY & ASSOCIATES NO,025 Kilday & . _,Iociatll Landscope Architects/Planners ,1551 Forum Place , Suite j OOA . W$st ,Palm Beach. Florida 33401 (407)"689.;..5522 .Fox:(407) 689-2592 fD) ~ @ ~ D ~J 8,,~ ~ l A~~ _.~;; , . . __,..".......,.,..""'_.":.,:--"_,..,..~_.u..'. ~ I. ~ PU\NN\ ~~~ G l~Np ~ n .i,l!'i., l1i-fJL ~ , .~ '. . , . CWENT NAME: PROJEGT NUMBER: C\ I.{ '" . 4 FAA TRANSMISSiON TO: .J .... r~ '" Lu.o..> I C \i I 't> ~ L- FAX NUMBER: . 3 J ~-- bD q rD ' DATE: lA. - I..[ - Q l.. FROM: rY\ ON '-\ t \" I~ -s\~ SPE.CIAl. INSTRUCTIONS: \ ~. ~ "l LA \ < 1\....... 6 \ 5~"'~"" ... 1 It. '" ...J..~ j2. d . q v ~ ~"^c::> "'" ~ >>y L.r'Y ~..pPi,t:v(~ ~ . I . 1\,000, , r~'. '5 , c~ l ~ ~ " . l FAX COPY WILL ee ORIGINAL DOCUMENT - _ ORIGINAL DOCUMENT TO FOLLOW IN MAIL NUMBER OF PAGES:'~ (INCLUDING THE COVER SHEET) 4" . APR. 4,t996 5:00PM KILDAY & ASSOCIATES NO. 025 P.2/2 -, January 22, 1996 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Plannins Director City of Boynton Beach 100 Bast Boynton Beacb Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach. FL 33425-0310 Re: Lee's Square Service Station Our Project No.~ 949.3 Dear Ms. Heyden: , Thank you very much for meeting with Nathan Kalichman and myself on January 18, 1996 in regards to reaotivating the Site Plan ApprovaJ for the service station outparcel at the Knuth Road FeD, As you a,rc aware, the Boynton Beach City Commission extended the Planned Commercia,l Development including the service station use, Unfortunately, the site plan approvDl had expired, Pursuant to our meeting, I am under the understanding that a new Site Plan Application must be submitted and processed through tl1e City's site plan approval process to obtain a new site plan approvlll prior to plAtting and site construction. My clients, Nathan and David Kalichmanl have a contract to purchase the service station outparcel and plan to constmct a facility on this site. The site plan layout will differ from that originally approved, hut will meet all current 2:oning code requirements for the service station use. QUI" office antioipllte5 lSubmitti1j.g this application on January 26, 1996, I would appreciate it if you W'Quid make your staff aware of this forthcoming Petition, If' you have any questions or concerns. or if you dlugree with any of the information I;ontained herein. please contact me ~ately. Since~1y1 KiKlldJ/cIhe)'delI.] 22 B~ ..rd r:r Count, Comml..lonen Karen T. MarcuI, Chair Cuole Phillip., Vice Chair Carol A. Ro6ert. Carol J. Elmqul't Mar)' McCarty 1<.n FOlter Maude Ford Lee ,tAr '42 lAOn~ . kl\uth Rw.tL - ~iu.., PI" County Admlnll.Ntor Jan Wlnten February 10, 1192 Department of Englneertn' aud PubUc Works .' Mr, Chrtsto~her Cutro Plann\ng . zonina Director ctty 'of Boynton each 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Belch. Fl 33436 SUS.1ECTI KNUTH ROAb, P.C.b. - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD AND KNUTH ROAD INTERSECTION Dear Mr. Cutro: I 1m writing in. rlspon.. to your ,.t~er of ~.nu.ry 28. 1992. which set forth propolld 'Ivtlion. to the subject project. Whil. the roads adjacent' to thts project are not County ma1nta1ned. we would likl to recommend that the following be imposed as cond1tions of this approval. 1. Dedication 0' the ultiMate road rights-ot-way shown on the site plan. Dedication of rtght~of.wIY tar, and the construction of a right turn lane. west approach. on Boynton Beach Boulevard at Knuth Road. outside of the ex1st1ng SIX-line sect1on. Thts should provide for a 12' widl lane with 200' of storage, and a 180' tap~r~ 2. The opportun1ty to comment on this mattar is sincerely apprectated. Please feel free to contact thts.off1ce tf you have any questions. S1ncerely, file: Intersecttons. Boynton Belch Blvd. and Knuth Rd. ash\knuthrd.bbk ~ P''''tMll1rl "c'(c/,tJ PIP" "An Equal Opportunity - AftJrmatm Action Employer" Bn IlliG WEST PAUl BaACB. FLOIUDA 88418-1128 1407) 88....000 ~ City of 1Joynton tJ3eacn P!a.n.nine & Zonine 'Departme.nt 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi. 'Boukvartl P.O. 'Bo~JlO 'Boynton 'BUJdt,:J{orUfa 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490, '.flU: (407) 738-7459 May 28, 1992 Haney Frakes Assistant County Engineer Palm Beach County Engineering & Public Works 160 S. Australian Avenue, Airport Hilton Centre West Palm Beach, FL 33407 RE: Credit for Road Construction in Lieu of Payment of Impact Fees for Knuth Road (Link between Woolbright Road and Bounton Beach Boulevard) Dear Mr. Frakes: Pursuant to Section 22-25 Exemption and Credits section of the FAIR SHARE CONTRIBUTION FOR ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ORDINANCE, I am writing to clarify that Knuth Road, a major collector shown on the City's Thoroughfare Protection Map will be entitled to receive the credit for Impact Fees provided for in the Ordinance. Attached you will find a copy of the adopted Thoroughfare Plan Map for the city of Boynton Beach. Knuth Road is shown on this map as a collector facility from Woolbright Road northerly to the Boynton Beach Mall. Additionally, both the City and the County approved new alignments for the north end of Knuth Road several years ago to allow for better utilization of this road as an alternative north/south collector serving the Mall. (The new alignment provided for the north terminus of Knuth Road to align directly with the westerly entrance to the Mall.) The road has always been envisioned as an alternative to Congress Avenue which is at this time the only north/south arterial in the area. Currently, a portion of Knuth Road is constructed south of Boynton Beach Boulevard. In the past, because Woolbright Road did not exist between Congress Avenue and Military Trail, the remaining construction of this link was not a priority. However, now with Woolbright Road open and operating with significant traffic, the construction of Knuth Road would clearly be desirable and warranted. ~~...1~r.__,___ CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: Knuth Road PCD Service Station (File No. NWSP 96-003) 1. Submit an amended Site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. 2. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. 3. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 5" by 7". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. If the abutting property is vacant photographs are not required. 4. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colors shown and described on the colored elevation views shall match the colors identified on the elevation drawings submitted for site plan review. All exterior surfaces of the structure (s) shall be colored and the color name, associated color code and manufacturer identified. The type of exterior surface material shall also be identified on the drawing. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do not submit on board of any kind. 5. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name, color code and manufacturer. The colors should be referenced from an established color chart. 6. Submit a 8 1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. MWTIkfj/dLewicki.418 1\ \Lc ( I '. \, ./ I - ~ rr,' ,{{ ').iJ - ! Y ,-" L ' 1\ . '" i} ). " ,;)' f, J/v,,{. ot. Ie \ \,. ''\ 'ox JAN29- Kilday & AaocI8t.. Landscape Architectsl Planners 1561 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (4071 689-5522 · Fax: (4071 689-2592 . ~,v, ,~ ..\..,_\~..y ,1./'-.... PlANNIN AND January 22, 1996 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Lee's Square Service Station Our Project No.: 949.3 Dear Ms. Heyden: Thank you very much for meeting with Nathan Kalichman and myself on January 18, 1996 in regards to reactivating the Site Plan Approval for the service station outparcel at the Knuth Road PCD. As you are aware, the Boynton Beach City Commission extended the Planned Commercial Development including the service station use. Unfortunately, the site plan approval had expired. Pursuant to our meeting, I am under the understanding that a new Site Plan Application must be submitted and processed through the City's site plan approval process to obtain a new site plan approval prior to platting and site construction. My clients, Nathan and David Kalichman, have a contract to purchase the service station outparcel and plan to construct a facility on this site. The site plan layout will differ from that originally approved, but will meet all current zoning code requirements for the service station use. Our office anticipates submitting this application on January 26, 1996. I would appreciate it if you would make your staff aware of this forthcoming Petition. If you have any questions or concerns, or if you disagree with any of the information contained herein, please contact me imm~diately. Sincerely, KJKIkfj/dheyden.122 Haney Frakes -2- Hay 28, 1992 Currently, there are two projects which have received approval from the City which in addition to having frontages on either Woolbright Road or Boynton Beach Boulevard, also have frontages on Knuth Road. As part of the development approval process, the City wishes to have either one or both of these projects complete the missing link of Knuth Road. The developers of these parcels have requested clarification as to whether impact fee credit can be obtained for the construction of Knuth Road which is not directly related to the need of the project pursuant to Section 22-25 of the Road Impact Fee Ordinance. Based upon my reading of the ordinance and the definition of "a major road network system", I believe that Knuth Road should qualify as the major collector road which is envisioned in this Ordinance. Additionally, because Knuth Road will provide the first westerly north/south alternative to Congress Avenue, it should provide relief and therefore additional capacity for congress Avenue as well. I would appreciate your response to this letter. Needless to say, we expect that we would need to meet all of the requirements of the Ordinance with respect to procedures, cost estimates, and scope of construction activity. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, ~~ Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning and Zoning Director CC:cp Ene. A:Kilday rz7ie City of --- 'Boynton 'Beach -M~ p*' f1 ool-=-I C. . ,-'q t -. a'." · ~,"~~, ' (e 4' - i ,. ~ Pfanning & Zoning 'Departme.nt 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bwdi. 'Boukvarti P.O. 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Be~ 1"fori.44 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490,1"!U: (407) 738-7459 January 28, 1992 Mr. C. Walker Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works - Traffic Division 160 Australian Avenue, Suite 303 West Palm Beach, FL 33406 RE: Knuth Road, P.C.D. - Revised traffic study (Change of use and added ingress/egress to the Northeast corner of the proposed site) Dear Mr. Walker: Please find attached two (2) copies of the undeveloped Knuth Road, P.C.D. Master Plan. One (1) copy is identifying the existing conditions. The other is showing a requested change of eliminating a restaurant outparcel and replacing it with a service station. The remainder of the project size and use remains unchanged. Simmons & White, Inc. prepared the enclosed revised traffic study of the area regarding the change. Does the change in use and added ingress/egress require additional right-of-way improvements different than the improvements that were previously identified by Mr. K.S. Rogers in a January 30, 1990, traffic impact analysis as follows: 1. At the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road: a. lengthen the existing left turn lane on Knuth Road, south approach, to accommodate additional left turning vehicles. b. signalize the intersection, when warranted, as determined by the County Engineer. Because of the close proximity to the intersection with Mall Road, these two signals should be inter-connected. .51.merica's yateway to the (juijstream Kilday & A.uocletM Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (4071 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 889-2592 April 19, 1996 Mr. Jerzy Lewicki Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 1 00 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Knuth Road PCD Service Station Our Project No.: 949.4 Dear Mr. Lewicki: This letter is in response to AI Newbold's Building Division Memorandum No. 96-098 dated March 15, 1996. Item number three of this Memorandum states: "Setbacks do not comply with the PCD Zone. At permit time, proof that setbacks on the site plan override PCD criteria must accompany permit application." Pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 11 L.1., the development standards of the "Commercial establishments engaged in the retail sale of gasoline or gasoline productions," section overlays the development criteria stated in the zoning district in which these uses are allowed (Le. the setback stated in the above chapter overrides the PCD requirements). Pursuant to our previous phone conversations, it is my understanding that you are in agreement with me that the setbacks for the service station section of the code overrides the PCD criteria which includes the building setbacks. I would appreciate it if you could confirm this in writing for my files. Please provide me with any additional comments that you may have regarding the above. In addition, please let me know if there are any other requirements that I am unaware of. Sincerely, lI{i '7j Marcie W. Tinsley Kilday & Associates, Inc. MWT IIdj/dLewickiA18 To: Mr. Walker Re: Knuth Road, P.C.D. Page Two of Two Would there now be any additional requirement for a deceleration right lane for vehicles approaching the Knuth Road intersection traveling East on Boynton Beach Boulevard? We would appreciate input from your office on what portion of the required improvements should be implemented if a service station is constructed and what additional improvements would be required by your office for the service station use. Your prompt attention and response to the review would be greatly appreciated. ~~~ Christopher cutro Planning and Zoning Director Cc:ald Attachments xc: Project File Chronological File