REVIEW COMMENTS i_ ill'~ @ is- ~'l ~ 3 - . :IIJ II APR 2 I~ ~ - " LJ ! l 1 1 ~ BOYNTON BEACH POUCE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: FROM: DATE: REF: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS 19 APRIL 96 KNUTH ROAD PCD SERVICE STATION -NEW SITE PLAN - 2nd REVIEW MEMO #0227 ~" I have reviewed the above ~l~s and f?~~~, r~t9~~ldaY and Associate~ Inc. .The comme~ts state that an a~dIti~na~ It:~?tjlt,i;J~' f~r a d~,~1~n lane (turn Lan~) IS d~Ict~d o~ the SIte plans and engmeen.~'fplae!t,;;:AfSo. that this tUI'j~,Jabe. wI~e cons~cted In conjunction wIth further PCD phases. I t~~honea MarCIe rlllSley, WIth ~}d3~ AsSOCIates and spoke to her about this. She advised me,,J'liJt Simmons & White, Inc. (E' ",Planners,Consultants) supplied a traffic study of ~is ~a and the amoUDt of generated t ~ I~or the Service Station. They also state that cons@ctio\i of the turn lane is scheduled for ~ nw phase of this area and will be constructed at thar.:flmt Other than this issue, I see no oth~ij,lems at this time. ~. ,r't.~,,,_, .~"":::_:~ ~\ J1~1 ~lq ~ ~' '" 0 ,," ..~"",., \, , '1 i~/'-" t,:::::;~::;:\:,., n (' /" ;"''S v' (' Ii IJ ~ ~y /;vI, ~^ rfL~/)~-. 7 -J >l ---- [L/y1/", ~. ~-~ /')/'( ~'~111 r/ IJ 0 1/ jJ~ 1J}-'v,~ v~. ~ '1J r- ~i~ !Jl~~ fHVcfil ;2 ~. jUffY./1JY<t ~J.? ~'\ ;/~' ~ fftJ./' J '>:^......"\.:'~......."*x....~:-.. ~f~\. tQ')n f....~W>..,~~~:::) ~,."'....."\:\ ~~ :-.. i:::::.i ......." .' ' -<.,''''~. V >o\. '<~~) [gO) "I r-' U i;.....".,~"'":'....-::-..;. H""""""'1 H t, ~ ~ ~' ~ "'" ~ t",_~,~/ '''~ w b-...,",,~""""''' W 1/ ~ r--1~-1 ~< 1. ,~ cpO~ \"1'O(be' LPr" ~ l"O'T? P IV l?( 0 tJ':'. ~l~ .:sue()\tfl?\Of'h rrOe. A VI.- Ar-JO CA \""t COt) ~ O1V(?littJ~. <;(t1($ ~f-Cj~ 1 t-JV()L.~~ Al <Sfibl1l'r p~ ~ ~ oR. ~ '" r .., ~ "'5H'ovvDfV r '2 l F ~ \~ ""7~~~ ~ ~t1 ~~ ~. ~ ~O\J'f" MtvO ~ ~ ut.-nn~ 3~^0I(:., (pv~ ~ ~(~ Vtrve , Oe1JI~N / 0e:0(~ ~!:f:!, vmf7~ t ~, e.-~t....J. ~ ~{)JtJG 4. W-hP BJ~ ovJp..I67 p~ "11> ~ ~f'JG- ~~~ 00llV1-1' ~ ~pi3 ~ ~ ~~ p~\Jc,.. _ oAA1~6--1?o .r;. pv~(~ E::.- ~ ?4~~ V<~N&- ~lJ& ON I 6'Y --l - ~ f~, 6@t(,.., ~. Bw'D t. ,,~ (~ I -j\<;:S' "'.~ ~Vl ~ <JJ ~ !:Iv 1 C'\ J ( t\\) }(, ~ ._,,-_.....~_._._"-_._-_._--_._---_.__.~.- 1/z/?t v;;/2e/- . - -m r::~--" U/J A y~Ji'-.~3frJ/ /J;t-:l// In /--FU'--~ c ~-- --y~ (" -.q ~ )~ tl~~::-e~,!r' 7r~' ~v; r~~ ~ /-k?L- . T' . r < ff-./1-L- f!~~ ~c~.~c~~ ~ f:;)~ ~< d!~~ ~(::;; ~/ <, i':,/f ~(p()~~ ;/- r (~1 ;!J rf 0, / (?/,f " j{p~ .' ~U<~ ~fA->>1 ,. d ,u' ~ ~ -;., Y'b ,AJ-€.. ~ ;fJtP jlL. .'!r ~ ;t~ ~.. r' - ",flMp0kA ~' -0 - ~~ · IIY()~ cj~~ lt~~..L<~.'-;-h.~ ~.~~~ _p-~~,p: J:1; of' ~,~~? ~~~~ ~v t)U"'::' 0/{ ~~ ~,,^, /)d~ o A ~ Ch~ ,ldP...... t;fr-, f --..----------------------------- (,OrJOl nON!\. v U~~ .J\W/Ulv?\(.., I~ ~MI~ lLtJO\V1 ~ !iN; CN~ Z, ~7 oM. , -~,ze o~ I II- ~ F~M1\~ Ore,. ~&~. 2. Oa.IW~ l~ l.,~~ '(\1M-J 110 ~r r~~ Jt:t1t1~~ ~ ~O..LJ. ~~i~~v.4\,,( IS -:tl6 ~ pa.Qt1 1~IOe \A)\ l4M;? ("30 f-~ 1'7 A. L;.r;~~ 61.011l..() e,t- ~~lJ~ pIZo14 "'('M5 (}vll\7~ f.l;t.fA.VItZ.GD) i2-o-w 5" b~ .-:, t'WIJt..D a:::-- t7 bA6l./ (li.E.D ~ M ~ ~ r'~.e6'1 f(){)J~O,.J OF ~ 8Jllp/f.J6-. 6. P~I~ .vJ~P'\ Nce f:?~~tJ )1..1t; ~ ~N ~t.o.p~ /,..{~ ~p ~ e.vos~. ~C;lpbr-JC..t. . I "\~! '/ ..~.h,"'" ,,~~. . -- 0cA:1. t fJI ~/K~JJ. if););' DRAINAGE SUB-ELEMENT Goal 3B The City of Boynton Beach will secure, maintain, and finance adequate stormwater drainage facilities to provide protection from flooding, to prevent degradation of the quality of receiving waters, and to meet the requirements of designated land uses. Objective 3B.1 Adequate Facilities. The City of Boynton Beach will require and enforce standards of the SFWMD and the LWDD such that sufficient stormwater drainage facilities to address existing deficiencies, minimize damage to public and private property. protect surface and aroundwater auality and auantitv. and meet future needs are constructed and maintained in the city limits. The facilities needed in the City will be determined through a drainage master planning process which will include amendment of the Comprehensive Plan by December 31. 1991. Policy 3B.1.1 Adopt a Level of Service Standard for drainage facilities designed for a 3-year design storm for a duration of the time of concentration for the watershed. Policy 3B.l.2 New stormwater drainage facilities will be constructed to eliminate deficiencies in the existing system if they become necessary. Facilities and proiects needed will be specified in the drainaae master plan. Policy 3B.1.3 SUbsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to provide that all future :land use and zoning decisions will incorporate considerations for the provision of adequate stormwater drainage facilities. .All new development must meet SFWMD and LWDD, or city of Boynton Beach requirements for drainage facilities, whichever is more stringent. .First floor flooding will be minimized by requiring that first floor elevations be set at, or above, the level of the 100 Year Flood Elevation. Policy 3B.l.4 ~he A drainage master plan w4ii shall be prepared to identify and prioritize needs for expansion, replacement, and improvement to the stormwater drainage system-ewaea-ay in the City. The drainaae master plan will be initiated by the City by June 30. 1990. and completed bY June 30. 1991. A draft copy of the drainaae master plan will be forwarded to the LWDD. the SFWMD. and the 46 Palm Beach County Department of Enqineerinq and Public works for input prior to adoption. and to coordinate inter-iurisdictional stormwater planninq and manaqement issues. Policy 3B.1. 5 Drainage problems that cause street flooding, first floor structure flooding or traffic hazards will be priority projects and will be corrected as soon as funds become available. Policy 3B.l.6 Nuisance flooding will not be considered a priority drainage problem. Policy 3B.1.7 A regular program of street cleaning will be provided by the City. -"' Policy 3B.I.8 Miscellaneous facilities such as open ditches will be cleaned on an as needed basis. Policy 3B.l.9 Drainage facilities owned by the SFWMD, LWDD, DOT, or county that are in the City should be maintained by the entity that owns them. The City will inform and cooperate with these entitites as they repair or maintain their structures in the City. Needs related to these facilities will be determined in the drainaae master plan. Policy 3B.l.lO Priorities for replacement, correcting existing deficiencies, and providing for future needs will be made according to need. The need shall be determined by the Be~ar~Meft~-ei-Rft~~ftee~~ft~ City through a drainage master planning process. The priorities shall be reflected in the CIE such that the improvements of highest priority and needed:first shall be implemented first, in order to provide for public health and safety, the adopted s~aftaa~a level of service, and operational efficiency. Policy 3B.l.lI The comprehensive plan will be amended~ December 31. 1991 as-fteeessa~Y-~~~M~~eMeft~ to include the recommendations and implementation strateaies of the drainaae master plan. Objective 3B.2 Protect Receiving Waters. The City of Boynton Beach will protect the quality and quantity of surface water and qroundwater feee~V~ft~-Beaie5-ef ~~eM-eeft~am~fta~~eft-~e5~i~~ft~ from direct discharges of stormwater runoff. Policy 3B.2.1 The city will abide by the most recent quality criteria set by the SFWMD and LWDD for drainage discharge. 47 Policy 3B.2.2 Policy 3B.2.3 Policy 3B.2.4 Policy 3B.2.5 Appropriate stormwater management facilities will include, but not be limited to, those that emphasize the filtering of stormwater and the reduction of the peak runoff rate, runoff volume, and water pollution, particularly sediment. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations so that rainwater runoff will be minimized by requiring site plans to maximize infiltration by percolation into grassy swales, medians, golf courses, landscape areas, nurseries, parks I lawns, etc. The use of soaking pits beneath impervious surfaces such as paved parking lots will be minimized. At least the first flush will be required to pass through a grassy area if possible. Exfiltration drains will be used to alleviate small drainage problems in currently developed areas whenever possible. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations so that all new development plans must have approval or letter of exemption from the SFWMD and LWDD. Policy 3B.2.6 Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations so that all new development will have approved detailed construction plans that include drainage facilities and identify all nearby areas of groundwater recharge. Policy 3B.2.7 Redesigned and proposed inlets, catchbasins, and drainag~ control structures shall include sedimen~ settling basins that can be cleaned of deposits by typical means. Sediments will be disposed of at appropriate sites. Policy 3B.2.8 Retention and/or detention in new developments will conform to the water quality requirements of Chapter 17-25, FAC. Policy 3B.2.9 Storage and recharge potential of properties shall be maintained and where possible enhanced. Policy 3B.2.10 Post development runoff volumes shall not exceed pre-development runoff volumes. Objective 3B.3 Prevention of Urban Sprawl. Development and redevelopment will be encouraged in areas presently served adequately by existing drainage facilities. 48 Policy 3B.3.1 Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations so that new development will pay for its fair share of existing or planned capital facilities through a Drainage Charge system. -------- Objective 3B.4 Land Development Code. By 1990, the stormwater drainage regulations contained in the City's land development code W~%% shall provide for protection of the City's natural drainage features, which are the Atlantic Ocean, the Intracoastal Waterway, and Lake Worth; and shall ensure that future development utilizes stormwater management systems compatible with the City's drainage sub-element. Policy 3B.4.l The City Piaftft~ft~-Be~a~~meft~ will prepare amendments to the stormwater drainage provisions of the land development code to ensure that new developments are required to manage runoff from a three day 25 year storm. 49 Policy 4.2.5 Policy 4.2.6 Policy 4.2.7 Policy 4.2.8 Policy 4.2.9 Policy 4.2.10 Policy 4.2.11 Policy 4.2.12 policy 4.2.13 Policy 4.2.14 discharge drainage outfalls with drainage retention ponds. The City shall continue to support the water quality regulatory programs of the state of Florida, Palm Beach County and the south Florida Water Management District. The City shall promote and participate in periodic areawide waterway clean-up programs. The City shall investigate the financial feasibility and potential funding sources for implementing a canal maintenance dredging program to eliminate polluted sediments, to reduce resuspension of sediments through prop dredging and to improve tidal flushing. The City shall continue to require sanitary sewer waste disposal as a condition of project and permit approval and water service. The City shall continue to enforce subdivision regulations which require the channelizat.Jon of sto.rm~~~er run-off through ve~etation prior to entering a receiviil-g--water body. ------ n_ The City shall stay apprised of continued advances in street sweeping technology with regard to feasible and effective mechanisms to remove roadway contaminants; in the event that the technology emerges, the City shall consider the individual or shared purchase of the machinery. The City shall require sanitary sewer wastewater collection as a condition for the provision of potable water customer service. The City shall initiate discussions and coordinate with regional and state water management agencies on establishing criteria and or ordinances to restrict (or ban) the use of phosphate fertilizers. The City shall continue to review and where ne~essary require environmental review and approval of occupation licenses for those businesses categorized as users of potential groundwater contaminants. Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify land development regulations to be consistent with the requirements of the Treasure Coast Regional 59 2 J~l / (/1 /I'L~ / ~1'~; . ( . .--. / f.>/)I 4t?10(~f! '~../.:.- ( r ,_ /), /')- L L- .//4//1/5 / A/l) / (.~ 'ft:-- fJJr--:: ,k:v;./ /7./ ;Co/ S t:,J2A.M. t: .!:. fA r!.)/l ::::V/";11.:L A,~:- 4< Ui....) ~ ,4"'/.0 {~II./,)!/l.uc. n:c '* tJIJ/tx"';/( C...d:.l2',,:.9{ (=C)I.\.; -- ;Cb.1-fhl/ ,P~'/y! tE./vl- /J:x:.s.mS ,/~'..t,"J Z-()t'(j;u":,,, (-61)&= j?c-G,.J.417ilNS C ~ C /N7::::Po..:,.,;.<.;t"'Z>,-.Jt ( I! I" 76<:;. --rJJ=- t/S& /S, j1.AJT gL'-<Jv0'~~ . I.~CI;17J~.,;jTtfJ~{fJ_.... 'I {(',.-6.4',.....~iC'.-. I)) ('/.1_ .#t1AJ;- ~~..;.61) R'.;; 4(1/0 . 77J:~.-?1 r:~ ,4;;C'(/C~/Zf,/'J ~t? II)./D, (,A.NJ4r ICc(:xA..<4.JiJ""_}' r, ~'t: Zo.~....u.) CvtJ.:" lh..'> ID/... I.l,..JJJo:- Vi 1'7;> (~R...s/:fU")'~"''::- Jrt: 12+1.J./'" tUG:: .,d<J'(/) 1&/1- 1-../ //fJ/<J;,7:1-;.u':-I)_" ItNVl1J ~l c~ /1'~.ijj -c'zJ (;N,.t...L 8;. j):'.I${~/H::> ,...;.~A"--' ,hvl'-(f) 41V~~'/~E: S..:I,.{) ItF>. ;1{ S~<;;-t.: JlTi.<1...;)t;'C" (}/2. /l? I/LIJ. ' 8/lsl>~- I L =, .1 . 3/21ff0 // ",.. ~.,1. -/ ..., / /I'jL~ .~. .' -C /2--- ~/ L:.cA <i' /l~tc/:?-L~hC-YW j- /-. .. '. / 1 .. / I" ," 1_'. L- ';t&- / ~"-, /}:'b'~A. ~~La~/ ~d- /7'/- j /)I/l ~~~, f/ '-- /~ /1 ,'-'~//' - r ~L~- . .~." C" . aj/.-yy'~ ee ~ ~ - . :' /) p 1/4 r..Co,.. ~~ J;/Ur& C>L-L~^: ~:I c/.J.4~<:J.4~~L 1,'Z~:h7<-'_6r It .' /...--;- .,r. t 'Ivt!~_~{..,-/~~U{-L,,-- ',) (jkX!~--- 'f-d~-? - f~ (&__r,-~:..y;J?'-k:rl-L " .- t.J(.,,,,.. /)1- ~..... -1 ".~. ~ __., -- ;' / 3' r/ /1/. .. -1- .. / +.. ~_..- i-......... .(;~ 1/)/''/ ';t I {,v't../t,,~CL, /{>f C<-!--d"- tt+-' r)" '~-'. U Cd~T)L.t,-\ /~- ..A_;"7- /!7<l1 .. I' f-- tLti4- }-~:ta~ {U!.J!.... V~ I~~~ ~.... !>1~ ...~ / .. y tflNUTES CITY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUsr 15, 1995 e felt a traffic signal is in order to increase safety. In addition, he would like the developer to consider the hours of the gas station and convenience store. He felt the likelihood of crime would be reduced dramatically if there were a midnight, 1:00 a.m., or 2:00 p.m. closing time. I Commissioner Rosen said two weeks ago when he asked what was going to be done about the next request, the answer was, "Okay on this one; but no more. II This was not his kind of idealism. Vice Mayor Bradley stated that in 1992. the Commission directed that service stations would only appear on major intersectioDS. He felt this WI! a good idea; however. he felt ordinances are put in place to accomplish a greater goal than just to have rules. He felt we need to make an exception because of the circumstances in this situation. Mayor Pro Tern Matson said she was one of the Commissioners who worked on the 1992 ordinance and when it was being drawn up. this project was already in the loop as one of the existing gas stations. Therefore. this really is not an exception because this was already considered as an approved gas station. Commissioner Jaskiewicz said it was in the loop; however, the developer permitted it to e expire. Otherwise, we would not be in this situation this evening. Motion Mayor Pro Tern Matson moved to approve the 18 month rettoactive pl1!S 24 month time extenion for zoning and master plan approval with County phasing as it relates to trai:fic concurrency, allowing the service station constrUCted under current code requirements. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2. Commissioners Jaskiewicz and Rosen cast the dissenting votes. D. \ Project Name: " Agem: "- Owner: Location: Description: ,..r \ ..---- LoDolce- WareIIDuse ~./. ,., ..... George c. Da~is. Ar,chiteet / Charles J. LoDeF Lot 10. Lawson Ihdustrial Park (S. W. 14th Place) New Site Plan: R~est for site plan approval to construct two warehouse.!'uildings totalling 12,000 square feet on a.97 acre lot .~ 31 . - ._.._------_._----~ ~'88 BoanI 01 SupervtsOlll C. SlaI'IIey Weaver Kermit Dell John I. Whitworth III SecnIlarylManager William G. Winters Alatslant Manager Richard S. Wheelihan Attorney Perry & Schone, P.A. LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA 33484 June 5, 1996 'ID) ~ in U \Yl rn ,rn1 Ul] JUN I 0 r995 I.PJ i , I i ! , Tambri J. Heyden, Director City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Dear Ms. Heyden: Subject: Technical Review Committee Agenda The Lake Worth Drainage District offers the following comment regarding the items on the May 24, and June 4, 1996 meeting agendas: 1. Knuth Road PCD Service Station ~ No objection. 2. Quantum Park PID - No objection to the proposed change. 3. Boynton Commons Corporation - No objection. 4. Flowers WarehouselDistribution Center (Quantum Park PID) - No objection. Please be advised that a drainage review will be needed prior to any construction which may alter the current drainage patterns of any project in the L \VDD. We appreciate being given the opportunity to comment on the above. Sincerely, .-" P AM/SJW/mfb c: Shaughn J. Webb, Chieflnspector, L WDD Delray Beactl & Boca Raton 498-5363 . BoynIDn Beach & West Palm Beach 737-3835 . FAX (407) 495-9694 PROJECT NAME: KNUTH ROAD PCD SERVICE STATION CONTACT PERSON: NAME KIERAN J. KILDAY, KILDAY & ASSOC., INC. PHOMt" J. nl.l. 407-689-5522 FAX: 407-689-2592 TYPE OF APPLICATION: _NEW SITE PLAN FILE NO. ~ NWSP 96-003 1st REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 3/22/96 PUBLIC NOTICE: TRC MEETING DATE: 3/26/96 RESUBMITTAL DATE: 4/15/96 2nd REVIEW COMMENT DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED: PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: 5/14/96 CITV ~~UUI~~IO~ Mt'E~IM~. J. I.Ivnn 1.''-' h 1&1.1 J. 1~1J I 5/21/96 BOARn O~ ADiU~~Ut'~~ Mt'E~TN~' \.I.I.L U U J. n.LllU L.u J...L IJ. a: ~rCj ec:. :~:\i: 'J'HJ\c...;KING LUG - til'J'I~ PLAN HI::V.lI~W tiUtlMl'J"J'AJ. KNUTH ROAD P~Dj)ERVICE STATION F 1 Lt: NU. NW~P 96-003 NEW S ITE PLA1~- NEW SITE PLAN X MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 3/4/96 AMOUNT: 750.00 RECEIP'r NO.: 04019 Pf{IJJBC'l' 'l'l'l'LE: IJEtiCRlf"l'lON: 'l'YPE: lJA'l'E REC' D: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: COLORED ELEVATIONS REC'D: 3/4/96 3/4/96 (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The Planning & Zoning Dept. will number each sheet of their set. The Planning Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: m\TE: ACCEPTED 3/4/96 -DENIED DATE: DATE OF LET'rER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 2nd SUBMIT1'AL ACCEPTED DATE: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: REVIEWER'S NAME: DENIED DATE: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Label TRC Departments on each set of plans) DATE SENT: 3/11/96 DATE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. 3/22/96 MEMO NUMBER: 96-112 RETURN DATE: 1st REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLANS MEMO" / DATE / "C" ~~~~. ~fil~ ll!il+ Par k s ---L- --..:..<) M. / - ~- to / c:.- ~ire -L.. C(c.,')J\ / ,1~~'1 / C ~olice ~ OaK~ /~ \ (/:'; , / V -i- q:--J-3i :3 h-? TYPE OF VARIANCE(S) Planninn Building liJiR,in.aar Engineer Forester PLANS MEMO" / DATE / lie" / /- Clt'n-OCj ~ / <,- i ~- cl~/-L- / / ~k lerr' / 3-J.7f)(~ /---,y- 'I Qh--\3S-'I" / S-\8~~ ir-.. 'J fc, -1 (,:1' 'f }Y(9' e-__ DATE OF MEETING: DATE OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. & checklist sent out w/ comments NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC' D: MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM 2nd REVIEW. / . ) DA'l'E SENT: '1//1 MEMO #: c;zoL! 0::..03 _ , RETURN DATE: Lff2.:3 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL utile P.w. Parks Fire Police PLANS Y' I: :i::::. /"R/D" /V le-- I C ---- I C1-- / r.......-- Planning Building Engineer engineer For ester PLANS Y -/' y /"R/O" / c /t!-- I C'---. 1__.. /C~ MEMO" I D TB ~-.' 1~26 . , - / . v Ii.. z<~ i I Lfl,-/9t / '-1/:13 LETTER TO APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT/SIGNS INS1'ALLED: S -'\ '--'\' ~G SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD DATE APPROVAL LETTER SENT: DEVELOPMENT SIGNS CC/CRA s ~ d\ ,9C"} , A: 'I'RACKING. SP * PLANNING AND WNlNG DEPARTMENTMEMORANDuM NO. 96-226 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jerzy Lewicki :::r L.- DATE: April 26, 1996 SUBJECT: New Site Plan - 2nd Review Project: Knuth Road PCD Service Station Location: Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road Agent: Kieran Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. File No.: NWSP 96-003 The following is a list of comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories. The first category is a list of comments that identify unresolved comments either from the first review or new comments as a result of the second review. To show compliance with these comments will not substantially alter the configuration of the site and design of the building. The second category is a list of recommendations we believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project. All comments and recommendations can be rectified on the plans at time of permitting if the site plan request is approved. The applicant must understand that additional comments may be generated upon review of the documents and working drawings submitted to the Building Division for permits for the proposed project. I. SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. On Sheet 3 of 18 - Site Plan, the side yard setback of the car wash structure is 20 feet. On Sheet 18 of 18 - Elevations, the width of the overhang of the carwash is three (3) feet, which constitutes an encroachment into the required side yard of three (3) three feet. Eliminate the 3-foot encroachment into the side yard or apply for a zoning variance from this requirement. 2. Add a comment on the site plan that the stipulations of the agreement between Stonehaven Homeowner's Association, Inc. and Bill R. Winchester, dated June 19, 1990 will be met. The following improvements should be completed before a building permit for the service station will be issued: a. construct all buffer masonry walls, and provide landscaping as stipulated in the above referenced agreement. b. install a traffic light at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road as stipulated in the above referenced agreement. II. RECOMMENDATIONS 3. If proposed off-site temporary drainage area is to remain as shown on Sheet 3 of 19, on Sheet 2 of 19 include an appropriate drainage easement. 4. Since the ownership of the property will be transferred, the staff recommends that a plat be filed with the Development Department in accordance with Chapter 5 - Platting, of the City Land Development Regulations. Page 2 Memorandum No. 96-226 2nd Review - Knuth Road PCD Service Station NOTE: If recommendations are approved, they shall be incorporated into the working drawings required for permits for the project. JL:dim xc: Central File a:Knuth2co.MSM/JLl RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #96-201 ill TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Department John Wi1dner, Parks Superintendent it) Knuth Road PCD Service Station,~ew Site Plan - 2nd Review FROM: RE: DATE: April 23, 1996 m u WI APR 24116 m The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the Knuth Road PCD Service Station, New Site Plan. There are no recreation related comments. The project may continue through the normal reVIew process. JW:ad D " ~. fli1l "',.. \.:II ~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #96-198 , PlANNING ;'~, ZONING DEPT. TO: Tambri Heyden, Director, Planning & Zoning i-* FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Knuth Road PCD Service Station DATE: April 23, 1996 The applicant has addressed my comments. Please proceed to process this application in the normal review format. KH:ad FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-252 TO: Tambri Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning Department FROM: William D. Cavanaugh, FPO I Fire Department -q ,- DATE: April 23, 1996 /t4 (Jt:W~~ RE: Knuth Road PCD Service Station - 2nd Review Boynton Beach Blvd, & Knuth Rd. NWSP 96-003 rn 00 APR 2'. PlANNING A ZONING DE There are no further objections to this project. This project may move forward to the Planning & Development Board. cc: Chief Jordan FPO II Campbell File .... n ,- TO: THRU: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #96-092 Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director \<-- Larry Quinn, Sanitation Superintendent New Site Plan - 2nd Review - Knuth Road PCD Service Station April 22, 1996 1m rn ~::~rn!rn I PLANNING p,'m lON!\1G GEPT. "",=,~c>....__...... The dumpster enclosure shown on the drawings of the above site does not meet the specifications required for Public Works to provide service. The inside dimensions of the enclosure are shown at 9 feet 8 inches and is required to be 1 0 feet, also the drawing shows the gate posts are on the inside of the enclosure and would shorten the inside dimensions another 10 to 12 inches. This would makeihe actual width of the enclosure 8 feet 8 inches. /,/;- .... arry Quinn Sanitation Superintendent LQ/cr BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-143 April 22, 1996 ] ffi :R~2:~ ~ PlflNNING {1.~D ZONING DEPT. To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Development Director Re: New Site Plan - 2nd Review Knuth Road PCD Service Station The Building Division, after reviewing the submitted plans and responses to my first review comments, I offer the following: 1. Comment No. 1 is pursuant to Chapter 21, Article 4, Section 3 B, but does not apply to this project because this is not a shopping center or public use district. As the topic of Section 3 addresses. I would like to advise the applicant that the section he states requires both streets to be a collector and/or arterial roadway. Knuth Road is neither (See attached Road Classification Sheet). 2. Because the site is not for a shopping center, this project can only have one free- standing sign pursuant to Chapter 21, Article 4, Section 2 B. Signs allowed in Commercial. Non-residential Districts not otherwise excluded. Based on the above comments, we recommend that the project go forward to the Planning & Development Board, providing that one sign be omitted from the permit plans or the applicant obtain a variance from the Board of Adjustment by permitting time. AN:mh 4~ Al New 01 Attachments: Plans Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, Page 61 (Road Classification Sheet) cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Development Director C:\WPWIN60\WPDOCS\MISCMIDKNUTHRD.WPD r . ~ , , ~ .t< I . CM . tJ IIIHER III 22 AVE CM i I a BOYNTON RO C BOYNTON BEACH SM HYPOlUXO AD CM I~ ~I I I~ ~f I I~~\. I I I: , ~ I Jgl ~ . / Q I ~ 1/ . j I. / It! / /. I I. "~ 4!~ 1/ I~ AVE) I ~ 'I I ::: II I ~ /. I ~ I-;~ I~ I ~J " /. I ;131 Ot;1 I "/ ; 1/" . i I fi! ~ CM CC fi! ~ i lD LEfiENO SP - SlA TE' PRINCIPAL ARTERIALS SN - SlATE' N.lMR ARTERIALS CN - COUNTY NINfY/ ARTERIALS CC - COllNTY COLLECTfRS C - CITY COLLECTCRS NOTE:: lINNAR<EJ) ROADNAYS NOT ON STA TE' CUSSIFICA lION ~ fi! I i ~ a as t; i Ii NINER III C CAf If B 3; ~ Gi 00 N.T.S. BLVD SM ~ ~ en ~ ~ ~ U WOOLBRIGHT RO eM 23 AVE CC Gi BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FIGURE 18 - FUTURE FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION -61- WALTER H. KELLER JR.. INC. Consulting Engineers G Pli1/1llers Coral Springs. Florida PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NC FROM: T A_ - N(' ( . ~ . Tambri J. Heyden ~ I ~ _ Planning and Zoning Dire II ~~~~ ~~ Jerzy Lewicki ::::J L- Ur/i~ ~ ~ April 22, 1996 . ~ ~~ ~5: 1f- q ,10 ~ */L New Site Plan - 1st Revj Project: Knuth Road pcr Location: Southwest cor and Knuth Roac Kieran Kilday Kilday and ASf File No.: NWSP 96-003 'd TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Agent: = The following is a list of 1st review comments regarding the site plan review of the plans for the above-referenced proj ect. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories. The first category is a list of comments that identify deficiencies from the City's Land Development Regulations (L.D.R.) that are required to be corrected and shown in compliance on the plans and/or documents submitted for second (2nd) review in order for the project to continue through the site plan review process. The second set of comment(s) lists recommendations that the Planning and Zoning Department staff believe will enhance the proposed development. The applicant shall understand that all documents and plans submitted for site plan review are subject to additional comments. I recommend that the applicant/agent contact me regarding questions related to the comments. If the applicant is not intending to correct code deficiencies and they request that the project remain on the review schedule identified in the attached letter they should contact me regarding the procedures, application forms, fees and submittal deadline dates for seeking relief from the code requirement. I. SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. The city's Land Use Regulations, Chapter 5 - Platting, requires a plat to be submitted if the land/parcel is split into more than two (2) lots. Provided survey indicates that, in addition to creating a new parcel, three (3) existing lots were split. File a plat with the Development Department. 2. According to the previously approved Master Plan, a 10- foot strip of land along Knuth Road and a 12-foot strip of land along Boynton Beach Boulevard should be dedicated for future roadway improvements. Provide verification of this dedication. 3. Modify location of the Boynton Beach Boulevard entrance to the development to meet the criteria of Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11.3.d 4. All setback measurements should be dimensioned from the ul timate right-of -way, rather than from the current right-of way. Correct drawings appropriately. 5. Sheet 3 of 18 - Site Plan the side yard setback of the car wash structure is 20 feet. Sheet 18 of 18 Elevations indicates an overhang of the carwash of three (3) feet. Clarify that the distance is measured from the overhang and not from the face of the wall. If this is not true, amend the Site Plan appropriately. 6. Environmental Review must occur concurrently with the site plan review. Please complete and file the attached application with the Planning and Zoning Department as soon as possible. Page 2 Memorandum 1st Review Knuth Road No. 96-156 - Major Site Plan Modification PCD Service Station 7. On sheets 17, 18, and 19 of 19 identify color of all exterior building materials to be used for construction. Depict their color codes and manufacturer's name. 8. Provide samples of all exterior building materials to be used for construction. 9. Make a comment on the site plan that the stipulations of the agreement between Stonehaven Homeowner's Association, Inc. and Bill R. Winchester, dated June 19, 1990 will be met. 10. Before a building permit for the service station will be issued, construct all buffer masonry walls, and provide landscaping as stipulated in the above quoted agreement. 11. Install a traffic light at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road as stipulated in the above quoted agreement. II. RECOMMENDATIONS 12. If proposed off-site temporary drainage area is to remain as shown on Sheet 3 of 19, on Sheet 2 of 19 include an appropriate drainage easement. NOTE: If recommendations are approved, they shall incorporated into the working drawings required permits for the project. be for JL:dim xc: Central File a:Knuthlco.NSP Dept. of Development, Engineering Division Memo No. 96-141 Re: Knuth Road PCD - 2nd Site Plan Review April 22, 1996 Page #2 The following additional comments are offered: 33. Show handicap ramps and pedestrian crosswalk on Sheet PD-l for accessibility path to south side of Food Mart. 34. Handicap pavement symbol shall be white. 35. On Sheet 3 of 18 double yellow line to south is in wrong location. 36. All post mounted traffic signage including stop signs shall be anchored in concrete. 37. Construct approved handicap ramps at each end of north! south sidewalk to Food Mart. The following additional recommendations are also offered: F. Provide a "D" curb and "F" curb detail on detail sheet. G. Provide a cross-section of south asphalt roadway built to City road construction standards. WVH/ck C:KNUTHREV DEP ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-1 rn @ ~ ~ W \~ FROM: Tambri 1. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director tJt11J:n Hukill, P.E., City Engineer March 27, 1996 ------ PLpJ~,~~\NG \~~}'j ZG": ;'.0..Q:::-:._- TO: DATE: RE: KNUTH ROAD PCD - SITE PLAN REVIEW We have reviewed subject documents (for Service Station/Car Wash) and have the following comments: 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. 2. Revise documents to reflect all comments. 3. County road entrance sign requires PBC approval & State road entrance sign requires FDOT approval. 4. Modify lighting system so that illumination levels will not exceed twice the minimum required illumination. Shield perimeter lighting where required to contain illumination within the site. Chap.2, SecAN7, pg.2-13 5. Indicate location of off-street loading space. Chap.2, Sec. 11 J2a, pg. 2-110 6. Site requires an environmental review and subsequent permit prior to any site plan approval and Land Development permit. Chap.2, Sec.ll.3, par.6, pg.2-133 7. Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by appropriate agencies. Chap.3, Art. IV, Sec.3R, pg.3-5 8. Provide Traffic Impact Analysis. Chap.2, Sec.9C4h(5), pg.2-85 and Chap.3, Sec.3S, pg.3-5 9. Install double yellow stripes perpendicular to the stop bars and 25' in length to delineate ingress and egress lanes. FDOT Index No. 17346, pg.l. Also, stripe double yellow line from end of car wash into and around to the stop bar at Knuth Road. Also install appropriate arrow markings. ChapA, Sec.8Cl, pgA-7 10. Site must be in conformance with City and County Thoroughfare plans and in compliance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Ordinance. ChapA, Sec.8C7 & 8, pgA-8 11. Extend length of subject parcel to the south side ofthe proposed median and construct median and related landscaping. This area provides the necessary access into the site and should be an integral part of the site. ChapA, Sec.8E, pgA-8 12. Provide Certification by Developer's Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes and standards. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 13. Minimum 15" pipe must be used in storm sewer. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 14. Provide utility easement for 8" storm sewer running south from site. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec,SA, pg.6-9 IS. Parking lot section must conform to City code. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.IOF, pg.6-l2 16. Need SFWMD & L WDD acceptance prior to Engineering approval. Chap.6, Art. VII, SecAB, pg. 6-24 ill rn @ i~ :; \,7 r, rn _J ::_-',;..-'2l APR 2 3 1996 . BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT PLANNING A!'-JD ZONING DEPT. TO: FROM: DATE: REF: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS 19 APRIL 96 KNUTH ROAD PCD SERVICE STATION -NEW SITE PLAN - 2nd REVIEW MEMO #0227 ;::;'~';~-'~'~:::::~~~:~i' I have reviewed the above plans and f?.!~ ::ttll d6~ts JW!ij,,,~lday and Associates, Inc. The comments state that an additionalli::Jff',.,..,:,.;,watfpr a d~;re~~n lane (turn Lane) is depicted on the site plans and engineeri~glpl~s~~;;:Algo thatihis tur1(Jahe'willJt~ constructed in conjunction with further PCD phases. I t~@horieaMarcie Tinsley, with Kilpay:~~ Associates and spoke to her about this. She advised riieJll)t Simmons & White, Inc. (Ehsifi~~s,Planners,Consultants) supplied a traffic study of tis Wa and the amount of generated ttAffi~:{or the Service Station. They also state that consfttlbtioJ' of the turn lane is scheduled for ilk n~\t phase of this area and will be constructed at that:Hifit Other than this issue, I see no oth~liQblems at this time. .x. r~~;~:~~:::~::::'~,:" ',",' ...... :: ::: -~ ~: ~ ~~...............:-~;:~l :: k.;...;..........:..:..~..;:::. L~:::::::~i~:): D ri;::::;::::::::;%\ ~! ~""""",',',';.~:::.l~' H~~~~~~.;;.;~~)c:: ~:>:>;"';-:';';:';':':""":>;:>" ~ r....:.:.:.~.;..:::~~. .:~ ! i:::::::::::::::::::::l ::....;~ ~:::~~ [))n ,~,:'>.""',,,:,""""'.'" '0:.:.:,' ~~ ..~";';"'..~. \Q) ,<>.":,,,,'~"<"":' ~ ...>;: S M lou(~""~": .\: gt. ,,~ ~ flaws "~'~('\:~.\~:::::~::>~ n (y\;) ~:.~.;;:' ~ };':"':-;' Ifll] MEMORANDUM Utilities # 96-143 00 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Z 1 FROM: John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities Date: April 18, 1996 SUBJECT: Knuth Road PCD Service Station, New Site Plan - Second Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: Utilities has no additional comments at this time. It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. R (r': i; n IIn re LS ,~~-... ,;.~..~.._ u \.'1 ~ APR I q 1::l96 PlANNING AND IMe DEn If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm/knuth2 xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella rJ File ill , ~~~~'1J~~ '\ 0 U l\n 9- Plt>.NNING t>.~1) lONING DEPT. TO: Tambri Heyden, Director Planning Department FROM: William D. Cavanaugh, FPO I Fire Department DATE: March 29, 1996 RE: Knuth Road PCD (out parcel) Gas Station & Convenience Store Knuth Rd. & Boynton Beach Blvd. NWSP 96-003 Please relocate tne fire hydrant shown at the south entrance, to the first planter island west. * Also, see Utilities comments. ,. .:. cc: Chief Jordan FPO II Campbell File <:V~ Ju-i" , J ~. ~I L-G t;) rn 0 \Vi ~ OO! , n Boald of Supervisors _ lC1Q.... ,'U C. Stanley Wefri&r , . " ~ . Kennlt Dell I pOhn I. Whitworth III _ I Secreta1y/Manager PLANNING AND I William G. Winters ...~.-?QNI~!~_OEPT. -~-~ichar~~~~':= Attomey Perry & Schone, P.A. ~'88 rm ~ 1]1 I LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 March 28, 1996 Tambri J. Heyden, Director City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 LLVf)D.- ~p.c jf .J;P~RlIiS&'/-~ /k~r/'1j':' hA-1 r WL;LJ#~,L,{j 1I f1(I:!::/L /Jk:. It::)r,f/~()I- rJ-if.:. ~;tJ,tJn.; 4~(/C~';;.4)~~ _ t.:eI,~'1 ~"/-'<Gti-)L.-L..'" r ~A-OI> "J~ / Jr J;:-I7j~ -4-7 pr! iAi Dear Ms. Heyden: Subject: Technical Review Committee Agenda Items 1. Project: Nautical Sound (FKA Knollwood Groves) - No objections. 2. Project: Knuth Road PCD Service Station - A drainage permit has not yet been issued. 3. Project: Cedar Ridge Townhomes - Not is the L WDD service area. 4. Project: The Village Pub at the Villager Plaza - On January 3, 1996, the L WDD contacted Robert Bosso, P.A. regarding the failure of a portion of the drainage facility associated with this shopping plaza. To date no follow up contact or repairs have been made. We would like to thank you for the opportunity to comment on this Agenda. Our response would have been much more timely, however, it was received on March 26. Sincerely, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~J;~~ Chief Inspector SJW /mfb c: Patrick A. Martin, P.E., District Engineer, L WDD Delray Beach & Boca Raton 498-5363 Boynton Beach & West Palm Beach 737-3835 FAX (407) 495-9694 TO: FROM: DATE: DEP ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-1 rn@~nWL~ , .j ..'1 Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director tJ{1IJn Hukill, P.E., City Engineer March 27, 1996 Pl",NNlt~G t;t~D zo:'; 1l0..!2lt.;._~ RE: KNUTH ROAD peD - SITE PLAN REVIEW We have reviewed subject documents (for Service Station/Car Wash) and have the following comments: 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. Revise documents to reflect all comments. County road entrance sign requires PBC approval & State road entrance sign requires FDOT 11 A . A .1 ~~ . ~~ Modify lighting system so that illumination levels will not exce c' e minimum required at.:r u illumination. Shield perimeter lighting where required to contain illumination within the site. f,,: C. Chap.2, SecAN7, pg.2-13 ~' Indicate location of off-street loading space. Chap.2, Sec.l1 J2a, pg. 2-110 fl>f I Site requires an en~ironmenta1 review and subsequent permit prior to any site plan approval and Land Development permit. Chap.2, Sec.ll.3, par.6, pg.2-133 Provide a statement that all utilities are available and ~ll be provided 1'1 appropriate agencies. Chap.3, Art. IV, Sec.3R, pg.3-~ftck ~~A--.~ Provide Traffic Impact AnalySIs. Chap.2, Sec.9t4h(5), pg.2-85 and Chap.3, Sec.3S, pg.3-5 Install double yellow stripes perpendicular to the stop bars and 25' in length to delineate ingress and egress lanes. FDOT Index No. 17346, pg.l. Also, stripe double yellow line from end of car wash into and around to the s~op bar at Knuth Road. Also install appropriate arrow markings. ChapA, Sec.8Cl, pgA-7 ~:r:.s if t4t.f- ? Site must be in conformance with CitJ and County Thoroughfare plans and in compliance with the Palm Beach CoUnty Traffic Performance Ordinance. ChapA, Sec.8C7 & 8, pgA-8 Extend length of subj ect parcel to the south side of the proposed median and construct median and related landscaping. This area provides the necessary access into the site and should be an integral part of the site. ChapA, Sec.8E, pgA-8 Provide Certification by Developer's Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes and standards. Chap.6, Art.lV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 Minimum 15" pipe must be used in storm sewer. Chap.6, Art.lV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 Provide utility easement for 8" storm sewer running south from site. Chap.6, Art.lV, Sec.6A, pg.6-9 Parking lot section must conform to City code. Chap.6, Art.lV, Sec.lOF, pg.6-12 Need SFWMD & L WDD acceptance prior to Engineering approval. Chap.6, Art.VII, SecAB, pg. 6-24 2. 3. 4. .- /. 5. 'r~~ fJJ1;~cY;, ~\fi1r;; ~: ~'f~.A~ . ~O ~:J.9l . ' ~ '7 Y.A \ ~l" If'' /(~ \/ 10. .l. ~ ~~:ttL ~~~ r:4~ k~:\ .a~~.L 12 V' y"~, .;w- /' I b~ 51,lP-., .~ .\Jj)_9>-~ f\,.-1,.--' -l'; 14. cpj It" (v) ~~ 15. 16. Dept. of Development, Engineering Division Memo No. 96-105 Re: Knuth Road PCD - Site Plan Review March 27, 1996 Page #2 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. ---- 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. , j(~r+-~ ~, ~ iY"" ~"- ~~ .~. GL- ~ .t'~ r. f "g ~L.t-.' 29. ~b.s , ? 30. , 31. 32. County and/or State permits required for construction in R/W. Chap.6, Art.VII, SecAB, pg.6-24 Designate areas of sodding and seeding. Chap.7.5, Art.II, Sec.5c(6), pg.7.5-15 All swales, detention areas & disturbed areas must be sodded. If not irrigated, use bahia sod. Chap.7.5, Art.II, Sec.5C6, pg.7.5-15 Specify clear sight triangles at all driveways and adjust landscape plan if needed. Chap.7.5, Art.II, Sec.5H2, pg.7.5-17 Permits must be obtained for work within R.O. W. Chap.22, Art. II , Sec. 7 A, pg.22-3 Submit proof ofR.O.W. deeds to the City and County for the ultimate R.O.W. shown. Chap.23, ArtJ, Sec.5B 15, pg.23-5 Location of proposed curbs is not clearly defined on the drawing. Chap.23, Art.1, Sec.5B 15, pg.23-5 Photometrics must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before building permit ~~T! be issued. Chap.23, Art.II,Ala, pg.23-6 Provide a satisfactory lighting plan. Chap.23, ArtJIA, pg.23-6 Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Chap.23, Art. II , pg.23-6 Construct deceleration lane within Boynton Beach Blvd. if required by PBC Engineering and/or FDOT. Chap.23, ArtJIB1, pg.23-7 Provide information regarding proposed median into proposed shopping center to determine ultimate circulation pattern for exiting site to Knuth Road. Chap.23, ArtJffi 1, pg.23-7 At Boynton Beach Blvd. driveway install "one-way" arrow sign in median across from egress aisle. Chap.23, ArtJIB, pg. 23-7 Stormwater shall be contained on site. Chap..23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 Provide acceptable handicap ramp detail for accessibility to store entrance. Chap.23, Art.I1K, pg. 23-9 If Boynton Beach Blvd. driveway is concrete, install thermoplastic crosswalk lines to delineate pedestrian path. Chap.23, Art.IIP, pg.23-1O Recommendations: A. B. c. D. E. WVH/ck C:KNUTHRD Consider installing handicap signs on building wall to eliminate the handicap sign posts. Relocate the two trees in the two islands on the east side of the Food Mart identified for light poles. Trees in these locations will eventually shade light from parking lot. Extend sidewalk on north side of store in front of parking stalls northward two additional feet. This will eliminate the need for wheel stops and potential tripping hazards. Consider installing curb and gutter along the south property line. This will provide a mor~t:biff.9site, increase pervious area, and eliminate maintenance of any wheel stops. ~f' At Boynton Beach Blvd. just inside the ingress aisle, move the curbed area and light pole back (westward) to provide a straight-in path for the car wash traffic (will provide a better stacking lane too). Provide additional R/W for deceleration lane subject to County review and approval. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-1 j ~ rn@rnowlt, MAR 2 8 1996 DATE: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director _Hukill, P.E., City Engineer March 27, 1996 PlANNi'NGAN'iJ' . ZQN\NG..DEf::L_,_. TO: FROM: RE: KNUTH ROAD peD - SITE PLAN REVIEW We have reviewed subject documents (for Service Station/Car Wash) and have the following comments: 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. 2. Revise documents to reflect all comments. 3. County road entrance sign requires PBC approval & State road entrance sign requires FDOT approval. 4. Modify lighting system so that illumination levels will not exceed twice the minimum required illumination. Shield perimeter lighting where required to contain illumination within the site. Chap.2, SecAN7, pg.2-13 5. Indicate location of off-street loading space. Chap.2, Sec. 11 J2a, pg. 2-110 6. Site requires an environmental review and subsequent permit prior to any site plan approval and Land Development permit. Chap.2, Sec.ll.3, par.6, pg.2-133 7. Provide a statement that all utilities are available and will be provided by appropriate agencies. Chap.3, Art. IV, Sec.3R, pg.3-5 8. Provide Traffic Impact Analysis. Chap.2, Sec.9C4h(5), pg.2-85 and Chap.3, Sec.3S, pg.3-5 9. Install double yellow stripes perpendicular to the stop bars and 25' in length to delineate ingress and egress lanes. FDOT Index No. 17346, pg.l. Also, stripe double yellow line from end of car wash into and around to the stop bar at Knuth Road. Also install appropriate arrow markings. ChapA, Sec.8C 1, pgA-7 10. Site must be in conformance with City and County Thoroughfare plans and in compliance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Ordinance. ChapA, Sec.8C7 & 8, pgA-8 11. Extend length of subj ect parcel to the south side of the proposed median and construct median and related landscaping. This area provides the necessary access into the site and should be an integral part ofthe site. ChapA, Sec.8E, pgA-8 12. Provide Certification by Developer's Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes and standards. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 13. Minimum 15" pipe must be used in storm sewer. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 14. Provide utility easement for 8" storm sewer running south from site. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.6A, pg.6-9 15. Parking lot section must conform to City code. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.10F, pg.6-12 16. Need SFWMD & L WDD acceptance prior to Engineering approval. Chap.6, Art.VII, SecAB, pg. 6-24 . Dept. of Development, Engineering Division Memo No. 96-105 Re: Knuth Road PCD - Site Plan Review March 27, 1996 Page #2 17. County and/or State permits required for construction in R/W. Chap.6, Art.VII, SecAB, pg.6-24 18. Designate areas of sodding and seeding. Chap.7.5, Art.II, Sec.5c(6), pg.7.5-15 19. All swales, detention areas & disturbed areas must be sodded. If not irrigated, use bahia sod. Chap.7.5, Art.II, Sec.5C6, pg.7.5-15 20. Specify clear sight triangles at all driveways and adjust landscape plan if needed. Chap.7.5, Art.II, Sec.5H2, pg.7.5-17 21. Permits must be obtained for work within R.O.W. Chap.22, Art.II, Sec.7A, pg.22-3 22. Submit proof ofR.O.W. deeds to the City and County for the ultimate R.O.W. shown. Chap.23, Art.I, Sec.5B 15, pg.23-5 23. Location of proposed curbs is not clearly defined on the drawing. Chap.23, Art.I, Sec.5BI5, pg.23-5 24. Photometrics must be approved for both pedestrian and parking lot lighting before building permit can be issued. Chap.23, Art.II,Ala, pg.23-6 25. Provide a satisfactory lighting plan. Chap.23, Art.IIA, pg.23-6 26. Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Chap.23, Art.II, pg.23-6 27. Construct deceleration lane within Boynton Beach Blvd. if required by PBC Engineering and/or FDOT. Chap.23, Art.IIB1, pg.23-7 28. Provide information regarding proposed median into proposed shopping center to determine ultimate circulation pattern for exiting site to Knuth Road. Chap.23, Art.IIB 1, pg.23-7 29. At Boynton Beach Blvd. driveway install"one-way" arrow sign in median across from egress aisle. Chap.23, Art.IIB, pg. 23-7 30. Stormwater shall be contained on site. Chap..23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 31. Provide acceptable handicap ramp detail for accessibility to store entrance. Chap.23, Art.IIK, pg. 23-9 32. If Boynton Beach Blvd. driveway is concrete, install thermoplastic crosswalk lines to delineate pedestrian path. Chap.23, Art.IIP, pg.23-10 Recommendations: A. Consider installing handicap signs on building wall to eliminate the handicap sign posts. B. Relocate the two trees in the two islands on the east side of the Food Mart identified for light poles. Trees in these locations will eventually shade light from parking lot. C. Extend sidewalk on north side of store in front of parking stalls northward two additional feet. This will eliminate the need for wheel stops and potential tripping hazards. Consider installing curb and gutter along the south property line. This will provide a more esthetic site, increase pervious area, and eliminate maintenance of any wheel stops. D. At Boynton Beach Blvd. just inside the ingress aisle, move the curbed area and light pole back (westward) to provide a straight-in path for the car wash traffic (will provide a better stacking lane too). E. Provide additional R/W for deceleration lane subject to County review and approval. WVH/ck C:KNUTHRD PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-156 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jerzy Lewicki DATE: March 25, 1996 SUBJECT: New Site Plan - 1st Review Project: Knuth Road PCD Service Station Location: Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road Agent: Kieran Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. File No.: NWSP 96-003 The following is a list of 1st review comments regarding the site plan review of the plans for the above-referenced proj ect. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two ( 2 ) categories. The first category is a list of comments that identify deficiencies from the city's Land Development Regulations (L.D.R.) that are required to be corrected and shown in compliance on the plans and/or documents submitted for second (2nd) review in order for the project to continue through the site plan review process. The second set of comment(s) lists recommendations that the Planning and Zoning Department staff believe will enhance the proposed development. The applicant shall understand that all documents and plans submitted for site plan are subject to additional comments. I recommend that the applicant/agent contact me regarding questions related to the comments. If the applicant is not intending to correct code deficiencies and they request that the project remain on the review schedule identified in the attached letter they should contact me regarding the procedures, application forms, fees and submittal deadline dates for seeking relief from the code requirement. I. SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: 1. Submit a plat for the development in accordance with the Florida Statues, as well as city's Land Use Regulations, Chapter 5 Platting. These regulations require a subdivision to be made if the land/parcel is split into more than two (2) lots. Provided survey indicates that, in addition to creating a new parcel, three (3) existing lots are affected by this subdivision. Also, according to the previously approved Master Plan, a 10-foot strip of land along Knuth Road and a 12-foot strip of land along Boynton Beach Boulevard should be dedicated for future roadway improvements. 2. Modify location of the Boynton Beach Boulevard entrance to the development to meet the criteria of Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11.3.d 3. All setback measurements should be dimensioned from the ul timate right-of-way, rather than from the current right-of way. Correct drawings appropriately. 4. sheet 3 of 18 - site Plan the side yard setback of the car wash structure is 20 feet. Sheet 18 of 18 Elevations indicates an overhang of the carwash of three (3) feet. Clarify that the distance is measured from the overhang and not from the face of the wall. If this is not true, amend the site plan appropriately. 5. Submit a Unity of Title document which warrants the use of adjacent lands for access and drainage. 6. Colors used for painting should be identified by the color code and manufacturer's name. "......"'...._...~ "'J r.fL.@ .& ~_W.Jt- !.I MEMORANDUM Utilities # 96-107 'if.{ 2 5 1995 I -~-"'._--' , , [ i'.,j (~ ;1.\ N ,~) . " i' ~:P"! "" '''~'''--'~-.,,,~~... TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & zonin~ec;/or John A. Guidry, Director of Utilitie1 March 22, I 996 FROM: Date: SUBJECT: Knuth Road pen Service Station, New Site Plan, First Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1. Plan shall show location of all utility easements, (Sec. 26.33(a)). 2. Fire hydrants shall be within 200' of all points on every commercial building. Please relocate the fire hydrant shown in the Knuth Road R.O.W. north to the first island in the proposed project, (Appendix C, Art. X, Sec. 16). 3. City water will not be supplied for irrigation. Please show water source for irrigation on the plan, (City Compo Plan, Policy 3C.3.4). 4. Palm Beach Health Department permits will be required for water and sanitary sewer, (Sec. 26.12). 5. Utilities requests a meeting with the owner/project engineer to discuss water and sanitary sewer plans for permits. 6. A Capacity Reservation Fee of$1.205.82 is due within Thirty (30) days of Commission approval or upon request for my Signature on HRS/DEP forms, (Sec. 20-34 [ED. It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm/knuth 1 xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella !l. File FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-231 1m &; ~9U~ &i@ , .I PLANNING AND ZONiNG DfPT. TO: Tambri Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning Department FROM: William D. Cavanaugh, FPO I Fire Department Aq1 DATE: March 18, 1996 RE: Knuth Rd PCD Service Station SW comer of Boynton Beach Blvd. & Knuth Rd. NWSP 96-003 No objections at this time. cc: Chief Jordan FPO II Campbell File '8,. U \q-.~ruf In 'i (j ~ii \ "" I 8 1996 . ,I '.-.".) RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #96-135 If' I'~: ~ lr~ -.~! I ,,! l~-'"" (' '" UU! TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist F J W Knuth Road PCD Service Station - Site Plan RE: DATE: March 18, 1996 The applicant should indicate on the landscape plan any existing trees with the appropriate management plan. The project should continue in the normal review process. KH:ad I)) rn I!l rn 0 w rn rm! ll1l . ... I~l BOYNTON BEACH POLICE nEPARTMEN TRAFFIC UNIT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: FROM: DATE: REF: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS 16 MARCH 96 KNUTH ROAD. PCD SERVICE STATION MEMO #0216 NEW SITE PLAN ...o;................~....~~.. I have reviewed the above plans and fin.d,,~:~(ot5Iin:$~whh.the..site plans. In viewing the existing ...".-.......~;a. ...... _ '\;" ,'x -':-. ..~.':- . ...... approved Master Plan for this projep . ~~~),Jjdjqt~ng sh.9Pp~:~enter, it has been recommended by Palm Beach C{)unW " '.. gtneering & Pubti.~tW orks",tl;1at a right turn lane, west 0:'''' .... ......,.. ..... ....,.......;:t. approach, on Boynton Beach.#pulev'ard, at Knuth Road, be co~~led incongruent with Knuth Road improvements. I also ~p~end that this right turn lam;:b,i~1lqstructed at the early stages of this proj ect. .". ",::.",. t, ("'\;'l' [:;...:.,:,:',.....r,.'::.,.~.:,:.'..'...:.~.'..:...';:...'::.,::?:.i? h . .. ,> \~U ,~~:::~::~~:::::~::::j c::::;~) ~~""~>''''':~:~:~;:\.. :::, ~. "::.:::; \;:~::~:::::~::J /Jfn) :.' :.' :-~'~'Il rI~~:::;:::::::;~:\ !"":'{:~:;::;~~:::\\: lf~~~~ ~~ ~ ,<~~~J~i\ Sgt. Marlon HamM l i' "~<'" :~::,.~::;~jt -::;" ";::'" o cd1;Q; lS ri:~::::~::::~:~;)i: u tI:,;;;~;~:') C! \ " ~ ......- I ~ I -- Z I { G) \ ~ \ \ \. '- -0 - ;\l 'JJ ~~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ( ~ ~ -0 \ \1 ~ f ,,\ \t e o~'8 JC ~ t~ ~~ '")I ~~ ~\l \l ~\l ~~ \\~ \\ t"~ 3 ~t c\ \~ it . 'a"~ t~! lro \ \~o ~ \~ 0 -0 o (j) rn o ~ ':P ~ ~ -0 \ ~ ~ o o -n ...... () ~ ...... o z \ \\~ ~ ~ . ,.. --\ ~ t'6~ I' o (jl ... 0 ~~~\~ , 6",~~" ~ 7..'j'l' ~i lt~!l~ ~\\!~ ~\~~~~i~~ ~,\i~ ~ ~\:~ 1: \Un\~~'\~'~ ~ ~i:l~ '".,~ _ ,'i' < '~., '."" - ...' z ,-. 00 .~l" ". ,"" \ih gi~, gi.t~ g\,. ~i~t i1\' !l d \w~ llii ~ ~~\:" \\.ll \\~, \\~. ~ l; ~~.. ~ } ~ '! \ ~ tl.S~ il~' ~'a I, ,i,\ Ii ~ ~~~.1 '8 ~ ~ - .t~t\ ~~l h~ ~ ~" ,-~ ..'.IiQ ro Q ~ ~ tfil-<"t" l · \. ., '!'~ n\ "" ~ ~ ~ ~i\i~ ! ~~\& 1"> g ~~ &\,M, t ~ ~~ l~~~~ ~ "i. ,~~ t gC~~: ~ ~~~! ~~lilJll ~~..c;,,? .."....,_8"';;0..; ~if,2 ... -l" 1:l.lil" " h....~'4llQ.. ,., ~~a~ ~;l';li'" lJ":O"" ,,"uti ~~ ~~~ ," ~~~~ Bo.rd of. County. CDmritlulonen Karen T. "',arcu.. Chair Carole Phillip', Vice Chair Carol A. Ro1i.rt. Carol J. Elmqul.t Mar)' McCarty Ken FOlter Maude Ford Lee .. U .. ~._~~-. '. ....,..... . ''--'''-'''-''''''';\U\Ldh 0 H - tL ~d:( PIC\. ~ : r~ f~'_ -;' ;, ,ri f;~ --~, '''' , ~ IUXA, - I. " U! r~-;L_.~- '., ' Ii' Count" .ldmlnl..rator ~ 1 ; : : ~ 1 ! MAR I 8 1996 Jan Wlnren il..<m;L ~. ___ PLM,)i:,"G ,':~D 1m;: ~jiL8IL._.__...."., Department of Englneerlnl and Publlc Works February 10. 1192 .' Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning . zontna Director City 'of Boynton .ach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. FL 33436 SUBJECT. KNUTH ROID, P.C.b. - SOUTHWEST CORNER OF BOYNTON BIACH BOULEVARD ARD KNUTH ROAD INTERSECTION Dear Mr. Cutro: I am writing in. r.spon.. to your letter of ~.nuary ZB, 1992, wh'ch set forth proposed r.vi.ion. to the subject project. Whil. the roads adjacent to this project Ire not County ma'nta1ned, we would like to recommend that the following be tmposed as cond1ttons of this approval. 1. Dedication of the ult1.lte rOld r'ghts-of-WIY shown on the site plan. " Dedication of right~Df-wIY tar, and the construct1on of a right turn lane, welt apprDach, on Boynton Beach Boulevard It Knuth Road, outside of the existing s1x-lane sect1on. Thts should provide for a 12' wid. lane with ZOO' of storage. and I 180' taper. The opportunity to comment on this matter is sincerely appreciated. Please feel free to contact thts'off1ce if you have any Questions. 2. Sincerely. File: Intersections - Boynton Beach Blvd. and Knuth Rd. ash\knuthrd.bbk ) fJllfltfd c;In ,.~tl'tI PIP" "An Equal Opportunity - Afftrmat1ft kUon RmplDJ1el" Baa 11110 WDT 'ALII B&ACB. 1'LOlUD.A. 88418-1828 (407) 184-4000 00 rn@ rn ~ ".w... lliJ ~ ,5 I'~r)r IAI~R ~ ,1..1'. I b.-".....",...,...,'" BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-098 March 15, 1996 To: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director From: Al Newbold, Deputy Development Director Re: Knuth Road PCD Service Station - Site Plan Review Pursuant to your request, the Building Division has reviewed plans for the above project and offer the following comments: 1. Only one free standing sign is allowed, not to exceed 64 Sq. Ft. 2. Handicap walkway from the public right-of-way to the building entrance shall be shown on plans to comply with Section 4.1.2 of the State Handicap Code. 3. Setbacks do not comply with the PCD Zone. At permit time, proof that setbacks on the Site Plan override PCD criteria must accompany permit application. 4. Not enough detail as to proposed square footage of wall signs. Based on building frontage, the maximum allowed is 78 Sq. Ft. AU~/! AN:mh cc: William V. Hukill, P.E., Development Director C:\ WPWIN60\ WPDOCS\MISCMIDKNUTHPCD.WPD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #96-054 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Review - Knuth Road PCD Service Station DATE: March 14, 1996 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site plan. RE/cr 00. r. ~_@jl . G_.,WJ, ~.i. ! ; t iI! f' 1 r !()()C <i i , ~ vlt., :'. ",)!"" ; I ~ ",' I L,--...........-.. PL",! ' LUi :".. ; \,......"'''''' - .._---......... ,,-.> \ , ~ \' ~~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-112 TO: Carrie Parker, City Manager Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Dept. Chief Field Insp. Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department Al Newbold, Building Division William Hukill, Director of Department of Development Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director-Y-~ DATE: March 8, 1996 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1st Review - New Site Plan Project - Knuth Road PCD Service Station Location - Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road Agent - Kieran Kilday c/o Kilday and Associates, Inc. File No. - NWSP 96-003 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Site Plan Review approval for this project will be granted by the City Commission. To ensure that the project stays on line with the review time frame, I request that the plans and exhibits be reviewed and for.mal written comments transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on March 22, 1996. Do not return plans and exhibits. Retain same for the review of the amended plans (second review) . Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete based on the submittal requirements identified in Section 7 of the Site Plan Review Ordinance. However, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer through the Planning and Zoning Department. 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. 4. Technical Review Committee member(s) shall identify in their comments when the plans depict or when the location and installation of their departmental required improvements may conflict with other departmental improvements. page 2 of 2 Knuth Road PCD Service Station To: TRC Members Re: Planning & Zoning Memo 96-112 5. When a TRC Member finds a code deficiency that is outside of his/her review responsibility, the comment and the specific code section may be included in their review comments with the name of the appropriate TRC Member that is responsible for the review specified. 6. If a TRC member finds the plans acceptable, he/she shall forward a memo, within the time frame stated above, to the Planning and Zoning Director stating that the plans are approved and they do not have any comments on the plans submitted for review and recommend the project be forwarded through the approval process. All comments shall be typed, addressed and transmitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department for distribution to the applicant. Please include the name and phone number of the reviewer on this memo. Michael E. Haag will be the Planning and Zoning Department staff member coordinating the 1st review of the project. The Planning and Zoning Department will send the applicant a cover letter which includes the comment(s) and directions to amend the plans to comply with the comments and the procedures for resubmission. When the Planning and Zoning Department receives the amended plans, they will distribute the plans with a cover memo to all TRC Members for review and approval. TJH:bme Attachment xc: (Memo Only) Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charlie Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Marshall Gage, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Central File A:lstREV.knu/TRC / tt pr:.f) ~~ 'nil ()J11 ~~x~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-81 May 5, 1992 TO: Members of the Planning & Development Board FROM: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director RE: Master Plan Modification - Knuth Road, P.C.D. The owner of the property is requesting approval of a Master Plan Modification to the Knuth Road, P.C.D. The Knuth Road, P.C.D. is an approved Planned Commercial Development (PCD) located at the Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. The original approval consisted of a 13.87 acre site with a total of 120,000 square feet of area for retail/office buildings. The project included two (2) outparcel buildings - one a 6,068 square foot restaurant and the other a 5,400 ~quare foot bank. The 108,532 remaining building square footage was identified as retail building with the remainder of the site dedicated for parking area and open space with landscaping. The following is a description of the requested changes: i. Omit the outparcel restaurant and replace it with a service station that includes a 2,000 square foot convenience store, gas pumps covered with a canopy and a detached 512 square foot car wash building. ii. Decrease the size of the bank from 5,400 square feet to 4,500 square feet. iii. Redistribute the ~emainder of the allowed square foot area throughout the main building. Note: The proposed changes will not cause a change in the approved original overall total of 120,000 square feet. iv. Add an ingress/egress to the service station from Boynton Beach Boulevard and, as recommended by the County, dedicate land for a right turn lane for traffic traveling East on Boynton Beach Boulevard to turn onto Knuth Road. v. Re-Iayout the parking and landscape areas to accommodate the new design. As required by Section 6.F.13.b, Changes in Plans, of Appendix A-Zoning, Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances: "Modifications to approved plans which result in an increase of less than ten (10) percent in measurable impacts as determined by including any changes in traffic generated, water consumed or sewage to be collected will require review and recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Board and final approval by the City Commission. The City Commission decision to approve, approve with modifications or deny, shall be predicted upon a finding of consistency with the comprehensive plan and a finding that any such increase will not result in a negative impact on infrastructure delivery systems or the surrounding area in general. It is the intent of this section that all additional impacts be mitigated. Modifications which result in an increase of less than ten (10) percent in measurable impacts shall not extend the expiration date of the eighteen month approval of apeD classification." The applicant submitted documentation to support the fact that the proposed changes do not exceed the ten (10) percent threshold (See attached exhibit A) and after review by staff, the documentation was not challenged. However, the increase in traffic trips noted in the traffic report submitted by the applicant is required to be reviewed by the county. Presently, the County is reviewing the traffic report. As stated in the Z 6" ~ ;~'~ . .1' Y:. .,1 ;.: ,....,...:. . c';' To: Planning and Development Board ' Re: Master Plan Modification - Knuth Road, P.C.D. Page Two of Two traffic report, the improvements shown on the revised Master Plan cause a net increase of 380 trips per day which results in a 6.5 percent increase over the previously approved Master Plan. As indicated in the documentation (exhibit A), the water consumed and sewage collected for the project as proposed with the modification is less than what was proposed for the original project. This reduction is a result of the deletion of the restaurant and substitution with the service station, therefore resulting in a negative impact on the infrastructure delivery systems or the surrounding area in general. Also, as noted, in the letter from Rossi and Malavasi Engineers there will be a negligible change in the storm water generated at the site. Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Department recommends that the Board find the proposed changes consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, and that the increase and/or changes identified will not result in a negative impact on the infrastructure delivery systems or the surrounding area in general. The Department further recommends that the Board forward the modification to the City Commission for their approval subject to the applicant implementing the improvements that the County recommends for the project. As identified in the code section listed above, the intent of this section of the code is that all additional impacts be mitigated. CC:ald I. /. ::> -.' .?,' i I'. d," ' _.r Ttv',,/~ d,4n~.I1,J ~ '611t tJ. i" (.,. i?.bt. "'J I [/VI ".' (. . . (. ~~,(~ ~ ' ~ ,'J ~ . ~ I f <, ';':'!, ~... ,.,. ,'~ t .~'-:\ f'J,.l ,- ,.t,,' --..... ~ i! l \,4/.() l'lt,;;,':..;...;t1I~"")] .,,::, """';+"1./ {i. p6 (C ,t. ( "1 i! ... rr (') Kc. OA,1../)IIVv I( ot-lM , ~. . '-.';'; "~ C:KNUTHPCD.MPM , 4\,-e -Q~ q:2 ~ c f)rl~~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-105 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director if / ,/ FROM: Michael E. Kazunas City Engineer /11~ DATE: April 28, 1992 RE: Second Review - New Site Plan Knuth Road, P.C.D. - Service Station S.W. corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road File No.: 663 We approve with the following comments. 1) Sidewalk shall continue across the northeast entrance to the limit of construction line. Handicapped accessibility must be provided on all walks. 2) Yellow centerline should be added to the Knuth Road entrance. 3) Plans as submitted are incomplete with respect to drainage. Applicant must provide drainage calculations verifying capacity of temporary dry retention. The contribution of off-site runoff must be considered. Also, since pretreatment is being accomplished off-site, a third party agreement is necessary along with a statement of how future pretreatment is to be accomplished. 4) Applicant must obtain a South Florida Water Management District permit or exemption and a Lake Worth Drainage District permit prior to permitting. 5) Statement #6, Sheet C-2, requiring unsuitable material to be disposed of on-site should be clarified by distinguishing between topsoil and unsuitable debris. 6) At time of permit a blowing dust and sand mitigation plan must be submitted for City approval. 7) Improvements to Knuth Road, including a bike path from Boynton Beach Blvd. to the Knuth Road extension at Tara Oaks P.C.D., are a condition of the larger P.C.D. Plans showing the location of the bike path along this property have not been submitted or approved. Approval of the 5' concrete sidewalk on the west side of Knuth Road implies the developer's intention of construction of the bike path along the east side of Knuth Road. Developer shall confirm this assumption. 8) Bench mark must be shown on the construction plans. 9) The driveway on Boynton Beach Blvd. is located within 25' of the proposed property line. 10) Access easement or suitable third party agreement for the Knuth Road entrance must be provided prior to permitting. 11) Since there is an increase in trips per day over the previously approved site plan, it will be necessary to submit the revised traffic analysis to the County for review. MEK/ck RECEIVED APR 2 9 1992[L (J MEMORANDUM February 4, 1992 TO: Christopher cutro, Planning and zoning Director FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning and Site Plan Reviewer RE: KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. - SERVICE STATION S.W. corner of Boynton Beach Blvd. and Knuth Road Applicant - Bill Winchester, Elsie Winchester File No. 663 The following are comments in response to the submittal of the site plan for the above referenced project. The project is scheduled for review of comments at the February 13, 1992 Technical Review Committee Meeting. 1. An approved variance shall be required from the Board of Adjustment due to the fact that the location of the property line of the proposed service station is within the minimum 1000 feet of the nearest property line of the lot or plot of land upon which a semi-public club "The Lions Club" where large numbers of people congregate and a church the "Corner Stone Christian Center" has services. Both the "Lions Club" and the "Corner Stone Christian Center" share the same location (3615 W. Boynton Beach Boulevard) on different days of the week. Since these uses are outside the City we are verifying the comment with the City Attorney and will inform you if this comment is valid. An application for a variance from the Board of Adjustment can be obtained at the Planning and Zoning Department. 2. The site is located in the II. Mediterranean/Spanish Design District. Colors for the exterior elevations identifying color by name, manufacturers and model or architectural style has not been submitted or identified on the plans in compliance with the Mediterranean/Spanish Design. Landscaping/ground cover do not comply with the Mediterranean/Spanish Design District. The applicant shall amend the plans to comply with the requirements of the Community Design Plan. (Section 8.5.4, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review) 3. When reviewing and comparing the submitted site plan drawing sheet 2 of 7 and floor plan drawings sheet 5 of 7, there are inconsistencies with the shape, size and location of the canopy above the pump island. There are also inconsistencies with the pump islands. The plans do not match. Submit drawings that match. 4. The required off-street parking spaces are not clearly identified and shown on the site. 5. The following have inconsistencies in the drawings for the on-site required parking: 1. Site plan - Sheet 2 of 7 2. Floor plan - Sheet 5 of 7 3. Drainage plan - Sheet 7 of 7 The above drawings do not match. (Section 7.2, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review) Submit corrected site, floor and drainage plans that match. 6. A clearly defined vehicular circulating system cannot be determined due to the inconsistencies on the submitted drawings. (Section 7.2.2 and Section 8.3, Chapter 4, Site plan Review) 7. The limits of construction shall be clearly indicated on the plans. (Section 7.2.1, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review) Identify on the plans. 8. The property line shall be identified. It is not shown on the drawings. (Section 7.2.1, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review) Christopher cutro Knuth Road p.c.n. - Service Station Jge Two of Two I' 9. If the property line is to be maintained, a perimeter landscaped barrier shall be provided to form a continuous screen between the off-street parking area and other use areas and shall be located between the common abutting line of both properties. An administrative appeal to the Landscape Code is required for a variance from this requirement. 10. Prior to or with building permit applications, a cross access and cross parking agreement between all concerned property owners shall be submitted with the site plan documents. 11. There are no setback dimensions shown for the car wash building on the south side of the site. (Section 7.2, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review) 12. The vehicles that exit the car wash are immediately in the ingress/egress access aisle that passes directly in front of the exit side of the car wash. This created an unsafe condition with regards to the line of sight for the driver exiting the car wash. The car wash should be repositioned to a location that would allow for an area at the exit of the car wash to accommodate a vehicle. The new location should in no way decrease the existing distance allocated at the entrance of the car wash. The plans presently show a stack allowance for three (3) cars. 13. The County Engineering Department is presently performing a traffic analysis of the Master Plan for the Knuth Road P.C.D. site which includes the service station. The analysis is required because of the ingress/egress on Boynton Beach Boulevard that was added to the service station site and other minor changes to the entire project. The applicant must incorporate into the amended plans the conditions that may be required as a result of the traffic analysis. 14. Identify setbacks on the site drawings for the sign on the Northeast corner. (Minimum setback is 10'OU) 15. The attached Community Appearance Board application form must be completed and submitted by the applicant with a fifty dollar ($50.00) application fee. Color samples of the exterior finish materials are required to be submitted with the Community Appearance Board application form. (Section 19-43, Article III, Chapter 19) 16. To determine compliance with the Landscape Code, the following information must be added to the landscape plan: Identify the site specific landscape specifications regarding the placement, location and spacing of required landscape material. The specifications shall be noted as identified in the text of the Landscape Code. Complete the specifications by identifying the actual distance in feet and/or area in square feet for each type of required site specific landscaping for the proposed site. (Section 8.1 Chapter 4, Site Plan Review) NOTE: The trees located in the perimeter greenbelt must comply with the previous Planning Department comment regarding the entire pcn. ~~~ DM:ald C:KNUTHPCD.SDD -~. -,'. Board of County CommlssJODrrt Karen T. Man::us, Ch.il' Carole Phillip., Vice Chair Carol A. Roberta Carol J. Elmq uist Milry McCarty Ken t. Foster Maude Pord Lee County AdanU\l.tntaf Robert Weisman Deputrnent of Eftslntcfin8 IoJ\d Public Work. May 22. 1992 M~. Michall E. HalO City or Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. 80x 310 Boynton Beach. Fl 33425.0310 REa KNUTH ROAD peD REVISED TRAfFIC STUDY Dear Mr. Hug: The Palm Bllch County Traffic Division has reviewed the revised traff;c impact study for th-. project entitled KIWib Rpad peo pursuant to the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code COrd. No. 90-40). The study addresses a chang_ to tM s previously aPPY'oved project which consisted of 108,532 square feet of genera' retail, a 6,068 square foot high-turnover s1t-down restaurant and a 6,400 square foot drtv.-in bank. lhe proposed project consists of 112.9BB square fe;t of general retail, . 4,JOO square foot drive-in bank and I service station with a car wash and a 2,000 v$quare foot convenience store. The chlnges to the project results ;n a net tner8~se in traffic of 380 trips. The bu11d-out of the project is proposed for 1993. Th. T~aff1c Diviston has determ1ned that the ~hange to the project meets the standards of the 1990 Countywide Traffic Perrormance Standards tode. If you have any questions regarding the detertlinat10n of the County Trlffic 01v1s1on. please cant Get Dan Weisberg at 684-4030. . Sincerely, OFfICE OF THE COUNTV ENCINEER ~ :J+~ e.ft Charles R. Wa1ker, Jr., P.E. Acting Assistant County En9inee~ CRW:DW file: TPS - Mun. - T~affic Study Review .. h:\traff1c\d1w\boyn13 "An Equal Opportunity. A.Ml'l'l\ati"e Action Employer" -~. "'')''0 W..c. Palm Beil(h, Florida ~3416.t229 (401) 684-400D REceiVED MAV 2 9 1992 " PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 ~man & Members, Planning & Zoning Board ,8 8, 1990 ,ge 10 the proposed rezoning would not be compatible with the ( current and future use of adjacent and nearby propertie~due to the additional traffic that would be generated along Stonehaven Drive and the proximity of the shopping center to the homes in Banyan Creek, as provided for in Policy 1.17.1 of the Comprehensive Plan. 9. The property is physically developable under the City's current Moderate Density Residential and Local Retail Commercial land use designations for 77 dwelling units and 55,170 square feet of retail floor space respectively, and it is arguable that the property could be developed economically under the existing zoning. 10. It is arguable that the proposed rezoning is not of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole; 11. Approval of additional retail development in this area of the City may limit and compete with prospects for redevelopment in the Central Business District, u.s. 1, and Boynton Beach Boulevard east of I-95; and, 12. As outlined in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, and formalized in POlicy 1.19.6 of the Comprehensive Plan, there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the-proposed use, as well as in the City's Reserve Annexation Area. PROJECT APPROVAL If it is the desire of the Planning and Zoning Board to recommend approval or the City Commission to approve these requests, it is recommended that approval be contingent upon the following: 1. Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Area 7.j. as modified below: 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14 acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational land use and zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. regardless of how the property is developed, the owner should be required to submit an application for annexation. If the land use is changed to Local Retail Commercial, the property should be developed as a Planned Commercial District (PCD). In addition, the fOllowing restrictions should be placed on the development of the property if rezoned for commercial land use to minimize adverse impacts on adjacent residential communities: a. Building heights should be limited to one story (maximum 25 feet). b. Pole-mounted lighting should be provided instead of building-mounted lighting and lighting fixtures should be properly shielded and directed so as to minimize glare on nearby residences. ~ ! ,;:: r .. r " . , ., f 'PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 an & Members, Planning & Zoning Board 8, 1990 e 11 Screening and noise mitigation should be provided for all exterior mechanical equipment, and all such equipment be roof-mounted. d. The architectural treatment at the rear of the shopping center is to match the front of the shopping center. c. e. Trees planted in the perimeter greenbelt are to be placed 20 feet on center with canopies above the 6 foot high concrete block wall that is required adjacent to residential zoning. 2. The staff comments contained wi thin Exhibit "E" of this memorandum. JJG:cp NOTE: J;JJ1. ----~~.J. GOLDEN Pursuant to Section 163.3174(4)(d), Florida Statutes, the Planning and Zoning Board, as the Local Planning Agency, is required to make a recommendation to the City Commission with respect to the consistency of these proposed amendments with the Comprehensive Plan. ( .' \-. _. aO'lNToN BeAC\-! ~'!~3B.~04 -=---- 'c=--.~ ~-==-c:::.C ~-~ .~ ('.._ " 1'. . ...~~-.. - l{;;.- --- --- -- - , - ~~~ l~~\i \!\!i"\~ I ~\ :,' --=....~ .- ~ · r It' 'iil1 \l%~t\~i~ ~ ~, I · ~ ~i~\ \\i\t i,t\~~\\ \ j)' ~ \1 \ i ~ ~ \'~\~ %~~\J~it~ ~ ~ .~ \I n ,,~t~'" eo :t.. 0 \ i" ~~~ s ~\r. \"l~~r.\\~ i 0 ~ lit \\ ~l! \ l,\~\~ii ~ 6\ ~\ ~a ~\\, ~t~i\t~\ i 3', ~ It\~ ~t ~i.~~ J\ill~\~ ~ ~\~ \ o ~~ n~ Il r & . ~ Ii ii" \3 \t1 :~~~ ~ ~\ ~ 1\:>, ()~ \1 ~~ 11 ::i \JI ii\\\ ~ \\~ ~i %~l ~~ ~i" ~\ \\~ tl IA"!: 'il~t ~! i\i ii, . ll"~ t~! 10 \ \~o ~\ -0 ~ o -0 o (j) rn o ~ )::at ~ m ~ -0 , )::' Z ~ o o ....... -n --- () ~ ....... o z />.Q QU/>.l. ~ p\../>. T NO '20 pe ~o p \75 \., \~~~ · 5 --\'1 ~ 9 \al. o U\ . -- a i~~\; \ 1',,8. ...i ..-;is;...... t" Ul '""~!I!~ ~\~ ~~~h'\\9~ ~ \lr!~ i9~ if.i ~!f.9 ro L~t.JI ~~~T'U ;,~~ 0 ~~%~t, "t" ~%~ l> ~ ~T.~~; \ ~ '; 1"> w.~~tiil ~ ~ ~ :o~t.~ 5 % ~ ~~~~~ ~ ;; ~%t'~ jil - bt i '~~~~ j~ g~~~~ ~~U ..; ~ }~l~;;. il.l>; p~<:::\l~~~ 't ,"1- o;:.('\{; ~~~ :.:~~~ ~~s~ ~\\l' \\~t~n~~ }\i~ ~ i\~~ ~2' .. :i~ l~i s " ~ r;. ..... '\ ~t. - \~h 1~t, 1~t\~ 1\t ~i~r \~ : ~~ ';' \\i' i\i\ \\ t. ,\\~ i~~l ~ ' \1\ ;~\ ~i~a 1\ j?\\ -~ i! ~~\il ~ l,,-,-a ~,,~,. ,,- --I ro 'r <> l " -<f; - -I' ~~~~ """ ~ ti ~\~~- 111 tJ i!I -'Q\I-I' 1"> 0 t:il\ 7' - J~~i '- ~"~\t~ 7 ~~$li . ~6 ,? TO: FROM: RE: Honorable Mayor, Vice-Mayor, and Members of the City C James A. Chemt, City Attomey ~\~ Stonehaven HOA/Knuth Gas Wall Construction Agreeme -0" ;;(0 XI \J- \ ~ { 0j..~ ~~U"; ~.+c 1'(;;,. 5~~k iiicffi it' G_i~c rUe' . zz> '. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MEMORANDUM DATE: July 8, 1997 On June 19. 1990, Bill R. Winchester and the Stonehaven Homeowners' Association entered into a written agreement (Exhibit "B" to the Wall Construction Agreement), wherein Bill R. Winchester agreed to construct a wall on property owned by the Association. In October, 1996, Bill Winchester and others sold the property to Knuth Gas & Oil. Inc. for the development of a service station. The City of Boynton Beach conditioned the issuance of a building permit for the service station on the construction of a wall to act as a buffer between a residential and commercial-zoned properties. The former City Engineer indicated that this condition would be deemed satisfied if Winchester posted a cash bond in an amount equal to 110% of the cost of constructing the wall. This was necessary because the time it would take to construct the wall would delay the issuance of the building permit for the service station. The attached Wall Construction Agreement serves two purposes: 1) the City agrees that the posting of a cash bond by Winchester in an amount equal to 110% of the cost of constructing the wall into the hands of Schroeder & Larche, P.A., as escrow agent, is deemed to satisfy the condition precedent for the issuance of a building permit for Knuth Gas; and 2) the agreement sets forth details of the wall construction. as well as Winchester's obligation to construct the wall and the consequences of failing to do so. Winchester has entered into an agreement with Tom McNulty, Inc. for the actual construction of the wall for a total of $81,150.00. A copy of the fully executed Construction Agreement is attached hereto for your reference. Therefore, Winchester will deliver $89,265.00 to the Escrow Agent as a cash bond guaranteeing the construction of the wall. Accordingly, this office recommends execution of the attached Wall Construction Agreement to effectuate development of the lot along Knuth Road and abutting Stonehaven. Pursuant to Winchester's agreement with the wall construction company, the wall must be completed by October 30, 1997. ~nto the Wall ~onstrudion-.~i~'L~ntJ!t1e City is permittin9~!!uth Ga_~~ obt~in~_~LJildil1gj)ennlr.withou~~~h~~._~tttJ~L~ilme time, assuring ~artl1E! conditions for issuance of thepe.rmit ~re satisfied. MJP/.. wpld_loplStoneh.venlCommiuion memo cc: Kerry Willis, City Manager AI Newbold, Deputy Director of Development Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director Alan Pellingra, Esq. !1)';'~'1iJ-' /I","\t ,i 1/ ... '---N.[. ~..' > .......... (' i "'.' -., '..;..J.... I' 1"1 A -' --. - ... J- I ....~r ___' I ,.' . t'----: ~ tk'A ~~tv- AGREEMENT }lie&' ~:;!:-- ,A/ W ..J7] \ This A9reement entered into this filh day Q~ June, 1990, by and between STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS AS~ONr :tNC., a Florida oorporation ("Associat.ion") and B:ILL R. wmqmSTER ("Winchestertt) and MICHAEL A. SCUROEDER, TRUSTEE ("Schroedert'). -- WHEREAS, there are currently pandlnq before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, applications tor Annexation, Future Land Use Elemen~ Amendment, Rezoning and comprehensive Plan Text Amendment:. for projects known as "Boynton beach Boulevard peD" and "Knuth Road peD" and an application tor Future Land Use Element Amendment tram "Low Densi ty Residential" to "Medium Densi ty Residential" and rezoninq trom PUD with a Land Use Intensity of four (4) to PUD with a Lan~ Use Intensity or ~iva (5) to allow for the const.ruction ot. 192 multi-tamily dwelling units and a church with respect to the project. known as "Tara Oaks PUO..; and WHEREAS, Schroeder is t:he Applicant with respect to the application, known aa "Boynton Beach Boulevard pcon pending before the city ot Boynton Beach, Florida and is the Contract purohllser of' the property which i. the aubj act of the Boynton Beach Boulevard application; and WHEREAS I Winchester is the Applioant: wit:h respect to the appliclltion known as "Knuth Road PUD" pendinq before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and as a general partner ot the Partnership which owns the property which is the subjec~ ot the Knuth Road POD application can bind the owner or same; and , WHEREAS, Winchester is the Applicant with respect to the application known as "Tara Oaks pUD" pendinq before the City ot Boynton BeAch, Florida and is the Contract Purchaser of the property which is the subject of the Tara Oaks POD applicat.ion; and WHEREAS, Association represents the property owners wi thin the residential development known as "Stonehaven POD" lying within t.he City of Boynton Beacn, Florida, and WHEREAS, Association i. entering into th1. Aqreement after havinq a membership meeting' at which a quorum wa. pr..ent and havinq received the approval ot a subat.antial majority ot its members as evidenced by a siqned petition I and WHEREAS, Association and its members have had the opportuniey to . review the various applications and to make auch inquiri.. with r..p.c~ to .Am. .a ~b.y deemed appropriate including meetin9 with representatives of ~8 applicants; And WHEREAS, Association 1s opposed to the development of the property which is the SUbj ect of the "Boynton aeach Boulevard PC!)" as high dens! ty residential and to the development of the ~... ~ ~~~!'f ~~___~ ......&.-~_- r'f~:l _..JlII:;;;U.:1I'1 ".J~,..~____p~_,--_---L-_ -, property' which is the subject of the "Knuth Road peo" property as moderate density residential as contemplated by the current Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, Association wishes to evidence its support for the approval of the application with respect to "Boynton Beach Boulevard Peon, "Knuth Road peo", and "Tara Oaks PUD" provided the Applicant with respect to each of same agrees to assure the Association that such Applicant will, subject to the terms and conditions Bet forth below, cause certain improvements (described below) to be made on the real property Which is the subject of such application and on the real property of the Association adjacent thereto; and WHEREAS, Winchester and Schroeder wish to assure the Association that they, resp,ectively, will, subject to the terms and condi tions set forth below, cause such improvements to be made. NOW, THEREFORE, in considerat.ion of the mutua.l covenants herein set forth, the parties agree as tollows: I. "Boynton Beach BOUlevard peo". A. SChroeder agrees that, provided the requisite final government approvals for the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD application a.re obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereof, shall make, or cause to be made, the following improvements and other arrangements in connection with the development of the property which is the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard peD application: (1) The installation of A minimum twenty-five (25) toot wide landsoape butter betw..n the project and Stonehaven PUD along the entire length of the adjacent property lines. Buffer .hAll include: (a) Four (4) toot hiqh berm, (b) six (6) toot h19h masonry wall 'locate4 in the center of the buffer; (0) Barbed wire barrier on top of the wall subject to city o~ Boynton Beach approval; , (d) Landscaping which consista of a minimum of two (2) rows of shade trees twelve (12) to fourteen (14) feet in h.i9ht at time ot planting, locata4 on thirty (30) toot centers. One row shall be placed on each side of the wall. Tree location shall be staggered to provide the effect of fifteen (15) feet on center separation. -2- I F- 'e) construotion of val and berm shall occur simultaneous~i with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any bulldinqs. (2) Maintenanoe of the wall, berm, and landscapinq on both sides o~ the wall shall remain the obliqation of the developer/owner. (3) All Australian pin.. within fif~y (SO) teet ot the Stonehaven PUO property line alonCJ Banyan Creek Circle North and within the southernmost ten (~O) acres of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD shall ~e removed by the deve1aper/owner upon initial approval of the application by the City commissioners of Boynton Beach, Florida. . 1 (4) Entry into and maintenance in affect of a contract. t.Q provide continuous rodent and pest control, such contract to be entered into prior to commencement of closinq/site work to cover all of the property which is the subj ect of the Boynton Beach Boulevard peD applioation. (5) Buildinq heights wil~ be'lfmited to one story (maximum 25 feet) for anchor .tore only, balance of shopping center to be maximum of twenty-two (22) fee~ high. (6) All liqhtinq shall be ot low intensity and shall be shielded and directed away from surroundinq properties and rights-of-way. (7) The archi tect:ural t.reat:ment: a~ 'the rear ot the shoppinq center 1- t.o .aten tne front of t.he shopping center. (8) Soreeninq and noi.e mitigation is to be provided for all exterior mechanical equipment and to be located at qround level i: approved by the City commission, City of Boynton Baach, Florida. . B. In consideration of the foregoing promises, the Association endorses the "Boynton Beach Boulevard peo" application and requests that the members of the City Planning and Zoning Board and Cit:y Commisaion approve it. II . "Xnuth Road PeO". A. Winchastar &9ra.. t.hA't, provided the t'8qulaita f!nal ~cv.~nm.nt. approval. tor the ~nu~b .oa~ POD application are obtained, he, as t.he developer/owner thereof, shall make, or cause to be. made, the tOl1owinq improvements and other arrangements in connection with the development. of t.he property which is the subject of the Knuth Road PCD application: (1) A aix (6) foo~ maaonry wall ahal1 );)e );)uilt. -3- _. <rf":':!or".~ ~.'W.~~,l . ~~ "!~i~, . ,..;1-=:';, ~ ~'!IQI' vv .I.'~ ~.I..',.., ., ...,~f':"}J"'_!1 - 1_ ',~-. '1.1'.:. __ ...... ')lIrs:Jant-;. .~, '. 'W /: . ~ - ", i-::...,-;j _._ J'.I..'.' :J ...... ,,-.. adjacent to tho st right-ot-way ~e 0 Knuth Road trom Stonehaven PUD's north property line (aaJacent to office building) south along the north right-at-way line of the LWOD L- 25. The Association Agrees to aasis~ the developer in obtaining approval to include this wall section in the development plans tor Knuth Road pun subject to appropriate impact tee credits. However, if impact fee credit can not be obtained, the developer/owner shall construct ~is wall trom his funds. Where said walls meet at Knuth Road and stonehavan Drive the placement of said walls shall be done in manner reasonably suitable to the Association. It is the intention of the Association that these walls conform with the existin9 layout of the present entrance into Stonehaven PUD and to accommodate location of guard gates. (See II.A.(4) (c) below.) (2) The Knuth Road peD property owner shall be required to provide maintenance for said walls for five (5) , years. (3) Construction of the wall shall occur simultaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction ot any buildings. (4) The owner of the Knuth ROAd peD property will participate as follows in providing additional security of stonehaven PUD: (a) Assist in preparing applicA~ions and seeking approval for the abandonment by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, ot stonehaven Drive from Knuth Road to LWOD L-25 to secure the satety, well being and property values of the re~lid.ents of Stonehaven PUO. These applicat.ions will commence upon approval of this proj ect by .t.ha.- City cnmmi-ssion of! Boynt.on Beach, Florida. - (b) Construction ot the following masonry wall segments which shall occur simultaneously wi~h ai~a preparation and prior to the commencement at construction of any buildin9& and (WhiCh will not be subj act to any impact fees orad! ts) : . 1. . A section of a six (6) foot high masonry wall identical to wall in :rI-,A-(l) fif'ty (50) feet in length extenaini from the ..at ~1;bt-of-w.y of Knuth Road adjacent to the existing ottica building parking area along the north property line of Stonehaven PUD. 2. Construction of . six (6) toot masonry wall iden~icAl to wall in II-A-(l) along ~Q north right- of-way line of LWOD L-25 from a point parallel with the eaet property line ot "Tara Oaks POD" easterly 'to the west right-of- way line of Stonehaven Drive. Said wall ..ction ahall commence I -4- , ~?!!~ r~~:I_l___~~_L W-;II ;mrsuant ~~;;~~:':':j,.,:-,~ ,-, , .. , ,. , . ~~~ /./ II"" /I nil r ~" - ~: " '_ from the' tenuination point of the wall ..ction reterenced in section III below a.nd will be the obligation of "Tara Oaks PUD". 3. Construction o~ an identical wall extended from the east right-of-way o~ Ston.haven Drive along the north right-ot-way line of LWDD L-25. ~is wall ahall be of an appropriate lenqth, not t.o exceea fifty (50) teet, in order to create a suitable accented ent.ry. 4 . Provide landscaping to the ext.ent possible adj acent to the wall sections. subject, to a final determination of land area available. Provide landscaping in the form of twelve (12) to fourteen (14) toot shade trees on thirty (30) foot center in t.hose areas where adjacan~ property is available within Stonehaven PUD and agrees to provide maintenance for said walls for five (5) .years. (c) Upon a successful completion ot the abandonment of stonehaven Orive, the developer/owner or the Knuth Road peD propert.y contribute to the coat af the construction of guard qates at the north a.nd south entrances to Stonehaven PUD up to a maximum of Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00). Type and style ot guard gates along with the type of electronic entrance systems to be used with the.e guard gates "ill be determined by the Association. Upon completion or construction of all walla required to be built pursuan~ to this Agreement, the developer/owner of the Knuth Road PCD property shall deposit into escrow, wit.h an escrow agent reasonably acceptable to the parties, the Thirty-Five Thousand Dollar ($3~,OOO.OO) amount' contemplated by t.his Agreement. These funds shall be held in an interest bearin9' account. Funds shall. be disbursed trom this account, in an amount up t.o Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00), in sat.isfaction of the Knuth Road PCD property owners obligation to contribute toward guard gate construction costa as set. forth in this paragraph. Upon completion of construction or disbursement of Thirty-Pive Thousand Dollars ($35,000. QO), in the aggregate, the remaibing funds shall be released to the Knuth Road peD property owner. (S) Installation of a ~raffic light in accordance with governmental requirsments at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. B. In consideration o~ the toreqoinq promises, the Association endorses the "Knuth Road peon application and requ.ata tha~ the .ember$ ot the City Planning and Zoning Soard and ei~y Commission approve it. III. "Tara Oaks POD". A. Winohester agrees that, provid.ed the requisite tinal ~Qve~nm.n~ approvals for the Tara Oak. POD ap,p1icAtion are -5- " I' ..,.j ~ ~_~ .....-10_ . . 1-; ....., "3. ~ 1 1\'" o' ". -' ,If. , ~ 'I ~ I, .~. ;1~ f ~I , t. ;:f !.. 1 ,!S. ~CH BOULEVARD~ 1 j ,,- .\.f o. I ",.," ., ".1'\,':-' ~ .., iIP,.... ~ '~) ({'J' .~" ...,..; ,~~~.' " ~ . .;{ r--., ~,..,.., , ' . . ~ . ~ r:, '., .r-,j of. , ..~ . r::..~ pursuant to section :,:~~'rg ~.: ). ~...n~ r. I 11~(4J(b)2 I. i';Il:;.~ ,~ "'~ . II,A \.1 r. ~ ., '\.: ~ ,NORTH. SCALE r= 200' ,-