APPLICATION . '. ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT SITE PJdlli REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date: 3/4/96 Fee Paid: $750.00 Receipt Number: This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Department. Twelve complete, sequentially numbered and assembled sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. An incomplete submittal will not be processed. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Proj ect Name: Knuth Rd. PCD Service Station 2. Applicant1s name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Andrews & copans Gas & Oil Co.,Inc. Address: 1231 W. Copans Rd. Pompano Beach Fl Phone: 305-977-4523 (Zip Code) Fax: 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Kieran J. Kilday, /Kilday & Associates, Inc. Address: 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach Fl 33401 Phone: 407-689-5522 Fax: (Zip Code) 407-689-2592 4. Property Owner IS (or Trustee,' s) Name:. ., Bill R. Winchester,Elsle A. Wlnchester, lndlvldually, Elsie A. Winchester as trustee, Ruby A. Winchester, THE WINCHESTER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP,LTD, Address: Bill R. Winchester General Partner POBOX 1240 Boynton Beach Fl 33425 Phone: 407-732-3961 ( Zip Code) - Fax: 5. Correspondence to be mailed to:* Kilday & Associates Inc. * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November 1991 A:SITEPLAN ( 2 ) 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (OWner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, ete.) Contract purchaser 7. Street address or location of site: ~1;hwest corner of Boynton Beach Blvd. & Knuth Rd. 8. Property Control II 43-45-30-01-009-001.0 Legal description of site: R~e Attached 9. Intended use(s) of site: Service Station 10. Developer or Builder: Same as applicant 11. Architect: Linoerfeldt-Benton & Morris, Inc. 12. Landscape Architect: Kilday & Associates, Inc. 13. Site Planner: Kilday & Associates Inc. 14. Engineer: Paul Lingerfeldt/Lingerfeldt- Benton & Morris,Inc. 15. Surveyor: OBrien, Suiter, OBrien, Inc. 16. Traffic Engineer: Simmons & White 17. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City commission for this property? Yes . lB. Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: $ 600,000.00 PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SltePlan 'II. SITE .DATA ( 3 ). The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use CategQ~hown in the Comprehensive Plan ~ommercial Low Retail .PCP Conditional Use 2. Zoning District Gross 1.13, Net 1.01 '" 49 295sf 43,995.6 sq. ft. 3. Area of Site acres .A. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown 8. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Residential, including surrounding lot area of grounds acres o , of site o Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) o o \ of site \ of site % of site \ of sitE 'Ii of sitE \ of sitE 'Ii of sitl !Ii of sit acres Water Area o acres o conunercial 1.01 89.4 acres Industrial o o acres Public/Institutional o acres o Public, private and Canal rights-of-way .12 10.6 acres Other (specify) acres Other (specify) acres j . acres Total area of site 1.13 100 % of sit · including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. .! 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor building .08 area ("building footprint") \ of sit acres 7% b. o acre!' o Water area \ of si t c. Other impervious areas, inclUding paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. acres .64 56.3 , of sil d. .69 60.8 % of si' Total impervious area acres e. Landscaped area .03 inside of parking lots (1l15sf) (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). 2.3 \ of si 1 acres PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 II: c; \ , f'Pll!l f. g. ( 4) . Other landscaped areas, .23 19.5 iii of site acres Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas 0 o % of site acres h. Total pervious areas . . i. Total area of site 6. Floor 1\rea a. Residential b. Commercial/Office c. Industrial/Warehouse d. Recreational e. Public/Institutional f. Other (specify) g. .26 \ of site 23 acres acres , of site sq. ft. 3488 sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total floor area 3488 sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-family detached o sq. ft. sq. ft. b. Duplex o c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1) Efficiency N/A (2) 1 Bedroom N/A (3) 2 Bedroom N/A ( 4 ) 3 + Bedroom N/A N/A Total mUlti-family N/A dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units d. 8. 9. e. Total number of dwelling units N/A Gross Density N/A dwelling units per acre Maximum height of structures on site 25' 1 storie feet 10. Reguired off-street parking a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan b. ~lSP/250 Gross 14 sp SF @ 3488sf = 14 sp. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTf'.1F.NT - November, 1991 rcc.-.::::tl-':;o wtLi 15;2"2 JO: TEL NO: U05~ FOI - ( S') III. &~RTIFICATION (I) (He) underatana that thi. application and all paper_ and plans submitted herewith become a pArt of the permanent records of che Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above ptatomsnts and Any .tat.men~. or showings in any pApers or plans 8ubmltted he~.w1th are true to the be..t of (my) four) knowledge ant! belief. 'fhls applicatiQn will not be aocepted unless signod according to the lnst~uat1onl balow. ~. I J' liJ)S- .L4L-<~ ~&'/{;P;t---_: 1~ &~i~T9.A~'o Si;n.tu~e 0 ownerOO or Trustee, of ~uthorlzed Principal if property 1. owned by . corporation or other bUBine.. entity. 2 ,~ .2 s> - '/? 2. - ;Z ~ - 96 . Date IV. A"TtJORI Z~'.fl0N or AGItf.t x ::2- d--~- q 0 Dat. S gna ure ot OWner 8 or Tru8tO&, or ~uthorll.d Prinoipal if property 1s owned by a oorporation or other busiQess entity. SPACE BELOW THIS ~INB FOR OFFICB USE ON~! .1gn.~ person .. ~my) thl& application. ..z.~ -2'1'-- fc; .. .2-~~- 9b Da~e ^ Review Sohedules Date Reoeived Technical aeview Board Planning , Zcning Board Community Appearanc. 8oa~4 Clty COIMll..1on Date Date r Date Date St1pulations of Final APprovall Other Government Agencies/Peraona to be contacted I Add1tional Remark.. PLANNING & ZONING DEP~Rn~ENT - Nov.mber, 1991 1'.ISltePlan EXHIBIT "A" RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other partiEs designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the C i t Y 0 f Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allowing the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this ~ ~ ~. rEf ~""A'::- ,19:!k-.. _1~~Gv~ i ness n~ 1~) M(nes -;;..., '. ~ DESCRIP TlON: THA T PART OF LOTS C, 0 AND E TRACT 9, THE PALM BEACH FARMS Co. PLA T NO. 8 OF SECT/ON 30, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, A CCORDING TO THE PLA T THEREOF RECORDED IN PLA T BOOK 5, PAGE 73 OF Ti-lE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY,FLORIDA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE A T THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 9 WITH THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WA Y LINE FOR STA TE ,ROAD 804, AS SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WA Y LINE IS SHOWN IN ROAD PLA T BOOK 2, PAGE 279 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, THENCE S.88"28'40"W., ALONG SAID RIGHT OF WA Y LINE, 75.07 FEET TO THE POINT OF 0~rlt((\I(t.'r. TI-IF^IC~ ('(1,'/ ;!^.!I/~ C' 88.28'40 "w AL ONG ---'___Vi ",,",>iV, ,~... L ____J" .-J_ ,). ., SAID SOUTh RIGHT OF" VVh'/ UfvE, 785.07 FEET,' THENCE S.O'OO'OO'E. , 264.00 FEET,. THENCE N.90'OO'OO"E., 785.00 FEET TO A LINE 75 FEET EAST OF AND PARALLEL WITH THE SAID EAST LINE OF TRACT 9;THENCE N.O.OO'OO"E., AL ONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, 268.92 FEET TO THE SAID POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 49,295 SQUARE ,FEET OR 7.7377 ACRES MORE OR LESS "'::'-t-. -' ~. '.1 .-' ~ .rv CXTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA COMMUNXTY APPEARANCE BOARD REVXEW APPLXCATION PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICATION TYPE CAB MEETING DATE: FILE NO.: ( o(P2> (X) Site Plan ( ) Sign RECEIPT NO.: ( ) site Modification ( ) other RECEIVED BY: PROJECT NAME: Knuth Road PCD Service Station PROJECT ADDRESS: POBox 1240 Boynton Beach, fL 33420 BRIEF DESeR! PTION OF WORK: Construct i ng . ,/"' . ~...-._" ,. ~~t .....---r- .- ..r Phone Number: ( 407 ) /32-39bl phone Number: (lffiT) bB9- 0~22 OWNER : Bill R. Wi nchester AGENT: Kleran J. K11day/K1lday & Assoc1ates A RBPRESENTATIVB OF THE PROJECT MUST PRESENT THE PROJECT TO THE BOARD. REPRESENTATIVE: Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & AssociateSphone Number: (407) 689-5522 ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place Bldg.100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 street City state Zip Code - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = = = = Identify the type of architectural theme that is specified on the Cowmunit Design District Boundary Map for your project location. Where compliance with the Community Design Plan is required, the building(s) and/or structure(s) proposed for the site shall be designed to comply with the appropriate architectural design. theme, On-site and off-site landscaping shall comply with the Community Design plan landscape requirements. The requirements of the B~ynton Beach Community Design Plan are specified in Chapter 7.5, Article V of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. ARCHITECTURAL THEME CHECK ONE: - - - - - - - - [] COASTAL VILLAGE ~J MEDITERRANEPJ;/SPANISH [] MODERN [] NOT APPLICABLE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = = = = = = = = = = = ----- ----- - - - - - - - - complete the following information for the proposed project and ensure tha the same information is identified on all plans submitted for the proposed project including colored elevation view drawings. Note: Color samples are required. EXTERIOR SURFACE ROOFING CANOPY CANOPY BEAMS CANOPY COLUMNS HECH, SCREENING FASCIA DECORATIVE HOLDING SOFFIT BEAMS COLUMNS TILE DECORATIVE MOLDING WALLS GLASS W~LLS BANDS/RAISED BANDS/RECESSED VENEER TILE DECORATIVE TRIM SHUTTERS VENTS GUTTERS/LEADERS MECHANICAL EQUIP. DECORATIVE LIGHTS DOORS/OVERHEAD SWINGING DOOR TRIM DOOR FRAME MATERIA~ COLOR:NAHE.NUMBER (~. ~ Cl-A~( G \\L.e-::;'J;;~~"J')--~~rzA, Q:J{"[;p... - fVk::?~~con;z.. _erucco- n~. LI~T.~t\ on 151:; ~11JCCO ... ~ /....IGr-!1"' G~~1 Er1 ISle ~o ... SH~' ~IU; t"i1'"" ~L~. BfL'1_ . ., ""'\l;r'hC~ 1+ . ;e).;;?l-'~,t;" c-(J~";~A-~113Z .gnJc:cc:::J - ,v;E~ UH L-16+-rr ~vt e>H ! SI 5 ~~GrtT G~ 1 ~1 ISI5 t:1fl,) CCf:::) o--"~ - .9nJ ccr:J - Gt,-1o:::::rH- J.../G-MT &;;"At! Gf.,..A.z:er.;:; GLAY ~&t..tY11..., -n:.1'Q-:;A 07f'.A e;;M 113/5 --- S;ru c.cc) " t I 'l<BD C-i.:I"':-:.:;" e:.:;""-;'(:;:..C)..) -1-1~ i-E;.ZT, L-10-rrr~A". al---'1 (t;IS ~'F=A r" TINWD iJ1 ~ LJ .l_1 r:--I-2Ac{ f?t-J1 /510 - .- (::7'~ -"".':1 .'J c..' ,. . ..... , _--r-~ ...-. '" -enD'l1+. ~p, ~~ L, , 'v..'....,.., ~.:;>'''''' ..' A,-A. l~-~ ,,-"" J - _ i :_...,.-...--! ~ .', r;:., ) eM I ?!e:, MeD Cr-:+2A.! ----- .~LJ.A./\ .- ~~a::::rt-\ 10.-BP ~Ay ~..I) IC,I;~ A!-U 1--1. -St-iCO'rH k,u ~'1 . -s t-100-n-t .J-..., ,....,..... ~ "..../ __-""-~~ ~ _ c..-:-~ ~ ~F':'~, .-:'--..;, , f:;~A,' 15'+0 BM ! S40 r/~(::=: I J ,. I SIM.~'ONS & WHITE, I"'~: January Job No. . ;' '1j I::' ,', Yo:' r;; ....1. I ,;., lh If.' !i 01 llJ I " l f"..l~~-'~~"""~',;U.'''''''----.'~''l, 1 '.'~ i Il " \ I II'1InIIR ' l i\J'1 rVr{ \ 5,--' ; 1 .~ 1 i ~ I j 7, 1992 ----pLA~ii-ii1iG A"lO . 92-005 _,~ill.-- Engineers. Planners · Consultants TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT Knuth Road P.C.D. Boynton Beach, Florida SITE DATA The subject parcel is located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Blvd. and contains approximately 13.9 acres. The site is currently approved for a 120,000 S.F. shopping center of which 34,000 S.F. is a major department store, 74,532 S.F. consists of miscellaneous retail stores, 6068 S.F. is a high-turnover, sit-down restaurant and 5400 S.F. is a bank with drive-through windows. The report for the above scenario was prepared by K.S. Rogers Consulting Engineer, Inc. dated January 30, 1990. The proposed scheme of development consists of a 34,000 S.F. major department store, 79,740 S.F. of miscellaneous retail stores, a 4500 S.F. bank with drive-through windows and a service station, car wash, and 1248 S.F. convenience store. For additional information concerning site location and layout, please refer to the site plan prepared by Kilday and Associates. TRAFFIC GENERATION Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. 90- 40, Article IV APPLICABILITY, Section 2(A)(3) requires that for the purposes of determining previous approval traffic, the generation rates and capture rates of the previous approval shall be updated to current pro forma traffic generation and pass-by rates, if appli~able, and shall be used to calculate previous approval traff~c. The proposed project traffic which exceeds previous approval traffic on the major thoroughfare system (if any) must meet the performance standards of Ordinance No. 90-40. The previous approval traffic for this development may be calculated as follows in accordance with the I.T.E. Trip Generation Manual, 5th Edition and local passer-by capture rates accepted by Palm Beach County Traffic Division: General Retail (2862 S.F.) Ln (T) = .625 Ln ( X ) + 5.985 T = Trips Per Day X = Area in 1000 Gross S.F. Ln (T) = .625 Ln (108.532) + 5.985 = 7438 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 - Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005 January 7, 1992 - Page Two GENERATION RATES (CONTINUED) Pass-By I. = 45.1 - .0225 ( X ) = 45.1 - .0225 (108.532) = 42.661. = 7438 7438 ( .4266) = 4265 NET Hiqh-Turnover. Sit-Down Restaurant (6068 S.F.) 6068 S.F. x 201 tpd 1000 S.F. = 1220 tpd Less 151. Internal = (183) Less 151. Capture = (156) NET = 881 tpd Bank With Drive-ThroLlQh (5400 S.F.) 5400 S.F. x 291 tpd 1000 S.F. = 1571 tpd Less 18.051. Internal = (284) Less 461. Capture = (592) NET = 695 tpd The previous a~proval traffic based on current generation rates and pass-by rates is 5841 tpd as follows: 4265 + 881 + 695 = 5841 tpd The total traffic to be generated by the proposed Knuth Road P.C.D. may be calculated as follows: General Retail (113.740 S.F.) Ln ( T ) = .625 Ln (X) + 5.985 .625 Ln (113.74) + 5.985 7659 tpd = = _J,'~' . ttfII -- Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005 January 7, 1992 - Page Three GENERATION RATES (CONTINUED) Pass-By I. = 45.1 - .0225 ( X ) = 45.1 - .0225 (113.74) = 42.541. = 7659 - 7659 ( .4254) = 4401 tpd NET Bank With Drive-Throuqh (4500 S.F.) 4500 S.F. >~ 291 tpd 1000 S.F. Less 18.051. Internal Less 461. Capture = 1310 tpd = (236) = (494) NET = 580 tpd Service Station NET = 748 tpd = (105) = (373) = 270 tpd Service Station Less 141. Internal Less 581. Capture Car Wash Car Wash = 166 tpd Convenience Store (1248 S.F.) 1248 S.F. x 887.056 tpd 1000 S.F. = 1107 tpd Less 501. Purchase Gas = (374) Less 451. Capture = (330) NET = 403 tpd , ," l ~ Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 92-005 January 7, 1992 - Page Four GENERATION RATES (CONTINUED) The total traffic to be generated by the proposed Knuth Road P.C.D. is 5820 tpd as follows: 4401 + 580 + 270 + 166 + 403 = 5820 tpd CONCLUSION , The proposed site improvements generate less trips per day than is currently vested to the site by the above-referenced previous approval. The above methodology has been discussed and approved by representatives of Palm Beach County Traffic Division and is in conformance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance No. 90-40. This site is ther fore approvable with regards to traffic performance. R rt F. Rennebaum, P.E. Florida Registration No. 41168 ww.. "''''.. <<< :0::'" 000 ,,"''''' ..,."... ssg '::1:::: "''''., 000 ll")~:::: _NO.- CDGlJCIO:l MMM. NNNi .............., ~~.i ~ ". t SIM~ONS ~ h/fI/TE.I/Vcl _, 92-005 //8/12 R-P/2. KIJIITfI Ro/JP ,P60 "&;M, pK. 1I,e. -rV,e;\J/N6 MIJII€;tf6N'/S /CGr~/L 765'1 -t?d. f# pJ<, HtJl/,e 7: Lrl (r): , ~37 Ln (X) -I- ~553 ::. 163'1 Ln (1/3. 7'1-) + ,3,SS3 ;: 712 ;:.K. hI', cr'jJs sox eNTE,e. 50~ IEx/r 13 4N/C /,,;< I? J.I. F: /3/0 tpd - 236 (;l\IrEIV./.Iu.) = /07'1 t-~tL 1{)7~ x. ~ /6 = /12 ?k, hr. tris '1IJX ENTE,€ .s2.~ EXir L -', 1'1-8 - 105 (ljV~;JIJL) : ~ 'f3 i:1'~ /6C, 'Cft:! ,//()1-37'/ (G/JS ffJ,etHIJSat) f: 733 CI"- SE./ZVIC€- -s TRnoN c~eJlt)4SH CoN v~ S n;~E 15'1-2 X- . o~ =: ~ ..,-orAl- /5l/Z. -c;;ti fl, II, r. ~ 5" % 77 -'-jG. ilr rrljJS 507! EIVT€/l; 507- EX/I iCJr,4L -- 77 + 7/Z + 172 ~ 96/' ~ 50% /# .5()~ ()()r KNvrfl ~ '> ""4 ~ ~ ~ 25% zz% - 22~ P,€o:TE C I 3/% "::t. _ p, 1 * * * COMMUNIL., 1 nON RESULT REPORT ( APR, 4, 1996 ~..., 32AM ) * * * TTI KILDAY & ASSOCIATES _~~~~_~~~~_____ _ OPTION ADDRESS (GROUP) RESULT PAGE 007 MEMORY TX- ---------------------------3756357------------------------------------------------- OK p, 5/5 ----REASON-FOR-ERROR-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E-1) HANG UP OR LINE FAIL E-2) BUSY E-3) NO ANSWER E-4) NO FACSIMILE CONNECTION I ,--...... . ~ . "', . 'SIMMONS & WHITe, INC: ,. , ~ Engineers. Planners , ConsuJ~ants Janua...y 7, 1992 Jqb No. 92-005 TRAF~IC IMPACT STATEMENT i Knuth Road'P.C.D.. Boynton Beach~ Florida SITE DATA The subject parcel is located in the southwest qua~rant pf the intErsecticn of Knu~h Road and BQynton 9~ach Blvd. and contAins approximately 13.9 acres. The $ite is ~u...rantlY approved for a 120,000 S.F. shopping center of which 3~,OOO S.F. is a majcr department store, 74,532 S.F. consists: of misaellaneou$ retail stores, 6068 S.F. is a high-turnover, ?it-down restaurant and ~400 S.F. is a bank with drive-through windOWS. The report for the above scenario waS prepar.ed by K.S. Rogers Consulting Engineer, Inc. dated January SO, 1990. ' The proposed scheme of development consists oi a 34,000 S~F. msjor department store, 7~,740 S.F. of miscellaneous retail stores, p 4500 S.F. bank with drive-thrDugh windows and a s~rvice statibn, car wash, and 1248 S. F . convenience store. Fer addi t,iona.!l informati'on concerning site loca~ion and layout~ please ~ef~r to the site plan prepared by Kilday and Associates. ~ TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Honorable Mayor, Vice-Mayor, and Members of the City C James A. Cherat, City Attorney l^,d~ Stonehaven HOA/Knuth Gas Wall Construction Agreeme ~ \J-- \ ';IJJ ~ ~V ,) 1~_f\Y9~f& ~~1C iiic@ [:; [' ~-8 PU' . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MEMORANDUM July 8, 1997 ,(!~!~ . On June 19, 1990, Bill R. Winchester and the Stonehaven Homeowners' Association entered into a written agreement (Exhibit "B" to the Wall Construction Agreement), wherein Bill R, Winchester agreed to construct a wall on property owned by the Association. In October, 1996, Bill Winchester and others sold the property to Knuth Gas & Oil, Inc. for the development of a service station. The City of Boynton Beach conditioned the issuance of a building permit for the service station on the construction of a wall to act as a buffer between a residential and commercial-zoned properties. The former City Engineer indicated that this condition would be deemed satisfied if Winchester posted a cash bond in an amount equal to 110% of the cost of constructing the wall, This was necessary because the time it would take to construct the wall would delay the issuance of the building permit for the service station. The attached Wall Construction Agreement serves two purposes: 1) the City agrees that the posting of a cash bond by Winchester in an amount equal to 110% of the cost of constructing the wall into the hands of Schroeder & Larche, P.A., as escrow agent, is deemed to satisfy the condition precedent for the issuance of a building permit for Knuth Gas; and 2) the agreement sets forth details of the wall construction as well as Winchester's obligation to construct the wall and the consequences of failing to do so. Winchester has entered into an agreement with Tom McNulty, Inc, for the actual construction of the wall for a total of $81,150,00. A copy of the fully executed Construction Agreement is attached hereto for your reference, Therefore, Winchester will deliver $89,265,00 to the Escrow Agent as a cash bond guaranteeing the construction of the wall, Accordingly, this office recommends execution of the attached Wall Construction Agreement to effectuate development of the lot along Knuth Road and abutting Stonehaven, Pursuant to Winchester's agreement with the wall construction company, the wall must be completed by October 30, 1997, tering into the "Y.~onstNGticn.Ag~!l'J~!l1 thEt-.City is . , permitting Knuth Gas tp ob in a buildin witt:1oulq~!ay,._~ile at th~. same time, assuring ~_t~~t ~~~-=O~~i~i~~S f~~ issuanc~ of the permit are satisfied. MJP/.. wp\delleloplStoneh.venlCommi..ion memo cc: Kerry Willis, City Manager AI Newbold, Deputy Director of Development Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director Alan Pellingra, Esq. .---- I/k fA ~f!- j{/~ YG[) ~s</k, 'j/W SP This Agreement entered into this , ah day ot June, 1990, by and between STOHEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS AS~ON, INC., a Florida corporation ("Assooiation") and DILL R. wmqmSTER ("Winchester") and MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE ("Schroedertt). ..- AGREEMENT WHEREAS, there ara currently pendinq before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, applications for Annexation, Future Land Use Elament Amendment, Rezoninq and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment: for projects known as "Boynton beach Boulevard PCD" and "Knuth Road PCD" And an application for Future Land Use Element Amendment trom IILow Density Residential" to "Medium Density Residential" and rezoning from pun with a Land Use Intensity of four (4) to PUD with a Lan~ Use Intensity o~ r~ve (5) to allow for the construction ot 192 multi-family dwellJ.ng- units and a church with respect to the project known as "Tara Oaks PUO"; and WHEREAS, Schroeder is the Applicant with respect to the application, known aa "Boynton Beach Boulevard peo" pending before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and is the Contract Purchaser of t.he property which i. the subj ect or the Boynton Beach Boulevard application; and WHEREAS, Winohast.er is the Applicant: wit:h respect to the application known as "Knuth Road PUD" pending- betore the city of Boynton Beach, Florida and as a general partner of the Partnership which owns the property whioh is the subjec~ ot the Rnuth Road POD application can bind the owner of same; and , WHEREAS, Winchester is the Applicant with respect to the application known as "Tara Oaks PUD" pendinq be.tore the City ot Boynton Beach, Florida and is the Contract purchaser of . the property which is the subject of the Tara oaks PUD application; and WHEREAS, Association represents the property owners wi thin the residential development known as "Stonehaven PUD" lying within the City of Boynton Beach, Florida 1 and WHEREAS, Association i. enterinq into th1. Agreement after having II member.hip nt8etinq at which a quorum was pr..ent and havinq raceived the Approval ot a substantial majority ot its members as evidenced by a signed petition; and WHEREAS, Assooiation and its members have had the opportunity to . review the various applications and to make suoh inquiri.. with r..p.c~ ~o .ame .s they dee.ed appropriate includinq meetin~ with representative. ot ~e applicants; and WHEREAS, Association is opposed to ~a development ot the property which is the SUbj act of the "Boynton Beach Boulevard peDn as high density residential and to the development ot the ~t~~j15':". :.::A...... 'Ydlf UlJI':'Udlll ('J~r1-~ ,-1- - I~. . ..... (e) construction ot wal_ and berm shall occur simultaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any buildings. (2) Maintenanoe ot the wall, berm, and landscaping on both sides ot the wall shall remain the obligation ot the developer/owner. (3) All Austral ian p ina. wi 1:11 in tl~'ty (SO) taet ot the stonehaven PUD property line along' Banyan Creek Circle North and within the southernmost ten (~O) acres of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD shall be removed by the developer/owner upon initial approval ot the application by the City commissioners ot Boynton Beach, Florida. . 1 (4) Entry into and maintenance in effect of a contract to provide cont.inuous rodent and pest control, such contract to be entered into prior to commencement of closing/site work to cover allot the property which is the subject ot the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD application. (5) Building heights will be' limited to one story (maximum 25 teet) tor anchor store only, balance of shopping center to be maximum of twenty-two (22) teet high. (6) All liqhting shall be ot low intensity and shall be shielded and directed away from surroundinq properties and rights-of-way. (7) The arch! tect.ural treat.ment at the rear ot the shoppinq center i. to match the front of the shopping center. (8) Soreening and noi.. mitigation is to be provided for all exterior mechanical equipment and to be located at ground level it approved by the City Commission, City of Boynton Beach, Florida. B. In consideration ot the toregoinq promises, the Association endorses the "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" application and requests that the members at the City Planning and Zoninq Board an4 Ci~y Commission approve it. II. "Xnuth Road PeD". A. Winchaater aqr... that, p~ovid.d the requ1.ite final 9ov.rnm.n~ approvals tor the Knuth Ro.~ POD .pplica~ion are obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereot, ahall make" or cause to be, made, the following improvements and other arranqeman'ts in connection with the development of the property which is the subject ot the Knuth Road pcn application: (1) A aix (6) foot. maaonry wall ahall Re built. -3- ,~r ~. L -.,.."...........- _ /'" ,~,'.., . ~'.. "... _. _ ......,/11 W ~. . . 'I,:" . ~~___~ . .~ '': all pursuant fa .:.-....__:... :'.., t', ( .... J', VJ _ I. _ ..% ." - .', 'G-~~ _....... adj acent to tho t. .at right-ot-way line o. Knuth Road trom Stonehaven PUD's north property line (a~jacent to oftice buildIng) south along the north right-ot-way line of the LWOD L- 25. The AS5ociation agrees to assist the developer in obtaining approval to include this wall section in the development plans for Knuth Road PUD subject to appropriAte impact fee credits. However, if impact fee credit can not be obtained, the developer/owner shall construct this wall from his funds. Where said walls meet at Knuth Road and stonehaven Drive the placement of said walls shall be done in manner reasonably suitable to the Association. xt is the intention of the Association that these walls contorm with the existing layout of the present entrance into stonehaven PUD and to accommodate loca~ion ot guard gates. (See II.A.(4) (0) below.) (2) The l<nuth Road pen property owner shall be required to provide maintenance for said walls for five (5) , years. (3) Construction of the wall shall occur simultaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction ot any buildings. (4) The owner of the :Knuth Road peD property will participate as rollows in providing additional security of stonehaven PUD: ~ (a) Assist in preparinq applications and seeking approval for the abandonment by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, ot Stonehaven Drive from Knuth Road to LWDD L-25 to secure the satety, well beinq and property values of the re~ddents of Stonehaven PUD. These applications will commence upon approval or this project ~tha--City Cn'ft\mtssion of Boynton Beach, F19~idh __-------- -~-~-- ---_ ~----. --~~ --- ~~. ---~~ (! (b) Construction ot 'the following mason~, wall ..gments which ahall occur simultaneously with ait8 I preparation and prior to the commencement ot const~ruction of any/ buildings and (which will not be subj ect to any impact f credits): "------- ' ---~-- 1. . A section ot a six (6) foo~ hiqh masonry wall identical to wall in II-A-(l) fitty (50) ~..1: in lenqth .xten4in9 from the .a.~ ~1;h~-ot-w.y of Xn~th Road adjacent to the existing ottice building parking area along the north property line of stonehaven PUD. 2. Construotion of a six (6) foot masonry wall iden~iQal ~o wall in XX-A-(l) alon9 ~he north right- of-way line ot LWOD L-25 trom a point parallel with the east property line ot "'l'~ra Oaks PUO" easterly to the west righ't-of- way line of Stonehaven Drive. Said wall .ection shall oommence . -4- , ~I,rt-NJMi4<~e',~.._1 ~M1'" - ~r'- ~,' ~.' , '- ~t:.{1t1;I~H!!Il,g:g;,. ,;..:.;&:' ;Walr pursLiant_to '(,<,.~._' __'();:,",- ',' · - ,t;,~ - '.r::~~ . ~ ~/V'l,lf nl're.,.....,..,.._ ,_~'"'.,__ , . '.\, ." -, from the' termination point of the wall section referenced 1n section III below and will be the obligation of "Tara Oaks PUD". 3. Construction of an identical wall extended from the east riqht-of-way of Stonehaven Drive along the north right-oi-way line of LWDD L-2S. This wall shall be of an appropriate lenqth, not to exceea fifty (50) teet, in order to create a suitable accented entry. 4. Provide landscaping to the extent possible adjacent to the wall sections. subject, to a final determination of land area available. Provide landscaping in the form of twelve (12) to fourteen (14) foot shade trees on thirty (30) foo~ center in those areas where adjacen~ property is available within Stonehaven PUD and agrees to provide maintenance tor said walls for fivQ (5) ,years. (0) Upon a Buccesstul completion of the abandonment of Stonehaven Drive, the developer/owner of the Knuth Road PCD property contribute to the cost of the construction of quard gates at the north and south entrances to Stonehaven PUD up to a maximum of Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00). Type and style of guard gates along wi th the type of electronic entrance systems to be used with these guard gates \rill be determined by the Association. Upon completion or construction of all walla required to be built pursuant to this Agreement, the developer/owner of the Knuth Road peD property shall deposit into escrow, with an escrow agent reasonably acceptable to the parties, the Thirty-Five Thousand Dollar ($35,000.00) amount' contemplated by this Agreement. These funds shall be held 1n an interest bearinc; account. Funds shall be disbursed from this account, in an amount up to ~hirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00), in satisfaction of the Knuth Road pce property owners obligation to contribute toward guard gate construction costs aG Get forth in this paragraph. Upon completion ot construction or disbursement o~ Thirty-Pive Thousand Dollars ($:35,ooo.QO), in the aggregate, the remaihing funds shall be released to ~he Knuth Road PCO property owner. (5) Installation of a ~rattic light in accordance with 9overnm.n~al requirements a~ 'the in-t:er..gtion ,ot Boynton -_-Beach Boulevard and Kn.uth Roacl-.-------- B. In consideration of the toregoing proJllilles, the Association endorses the lt1(:nuth Road PCD" application and reque.ts that the me~.r. ot the City Pl~nnin9 and Zoning Soard and City commi..ion approve it. IZI, "Tara Oak. POD", A. Winohester Agrees that, provided the requisite final government approval. tor the Tara Oak. PUD application are -5- _____---=-~-__"_.:LY~~________. _..______~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ...;J.........,_____.~L.\o..__'_L~_...,_._:.._,___._.__ .. . '" . I .~.... . obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereof, shall make, or oause to be made, the following improvements and other arranqementa in conneotion with the development of the property whioh is the subject of the Tara Oaks PUD application: I (1) Construction of a six (6) foot masonry wall along the north right-of-way line of LWDD L-25 from the east to a point parallel with the east property line of "Tara Oaks PUD". It is the intent that his wall section oonnect with the stipulated wall section contained in the conditions or "Knuth Road PUD". This wall shall be landscaped in the same manner as the wall, in II-A-(4)-(b)-4 and developer agrees to provide maintenanoe for said wall for five (5) years. (2) Creation ,of a twenty-five (25) foot wide landscape buffer along the ,north property line adjacent to the south riqht-of-way line of the LWDD L-25 Canal. That buffer will consist of landsoaping which cons lets of a minimum of two (2) rows of shade trees twelve (12) to fourteen (14) feet in height at time of planting located on thirty (30) toot centers. Tree location shall be staggered to provide the effect of fifteen (15) feet on oenter ueparation. (3) No buildings shall be located closer than forty (40) feet from the north property line of "Tara Oaks PUDIt. This setback creates a minimum separation of one hundred seventy- five (175) teet from the most northerly building to the closest individually owned south property line of Stonehaven PUD. B. Based on the foregoing, the Association e~dorses the "Tara Oaks PUD" application 4\nd requests that the members of the city Planninq and Zoning Board and city commission approve it. IV. Miscellaneous. A. Walls oontemplated by this Agreement shall b. masonry walls provided by Anchor Wall systems, or .imilar oonstruct.ion, inoluding pilast.er oaps on all columna with the Assooiation approv1n9 the color and ~extur. on all such walla. D. Winchester and Schroeder agree to pay reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Association for its law tirm to review thi. Agreement. V. Aareement to Run with Land. It is the intention ot the partie.. that the obligation to make the improvements and other arrangements desoribed in this Agreement, with respect to each of the real properties which are the subject ot the applications, shall if the applioations are approved, become covenants running with the land and shall be bindin~ upon the initial d.v.lo>>.~/own.~ ot the ~~cp.rty an4 .aQh p~op.~~Y owner -(5- 1""\ { " thereafter 50 long as that person or entity shall have an ownership interest in the property. Neither Winchester nor Schroeder shall be under any personal obligation to make, or cause to be made, the improvements and other arrangements provided for in this Agreement with respect to the real properties which are the sUbject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard pen, the Knuth Road pen and the Tara Oaks PUD applications if the provisions of this Aqreement with respect to all of such improvements and other arrangements are, by the filing of appropriate instruments, made covenants of record running with the land and binding upon the person or entity having fee simple title to such real properties. The Association shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction and to obtain affirmative injunctive relief to enforce specifically the full and timely performance of the obligations set forth in this Agreement concerning the ma.king of such improvements and other arrangements and to enforce any such covenants of record. Any provision hereof to the contrary notwithstanding, neither winchester nor .Schroeder shall have any personal or other obligation to make, or cause to be made, the improvements or arrangements prov ided for in' this Agreement as to any of the properties, which are the subject of the referenced applications, unless the application pertaining to the property in question receives all final requisite government approvals and final ordinances are adopted by the City of Boynton Beach with respect to same. AS ~O B~LL R. WINCHESTER , AS ~O MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE (Winoh..ter\stonel.Aqm\06/19/90) -7- , Wall . ,:)U:SlIant' t) Sf~'Ctl:'~ I.A,i')(al~ and I.A \ , j A 7t~~' -\' .i.""~.'11 \ ....... t,,:L' . .r,.,: 'W'..~,,, . -,,';i,:\. ~ "J~', ~:htY:{..: . ~~(~ ;{~~. ~. ~'k:' '~~~;.~/. . , /4 :~,.' '"Y' . ~ '~. '. ...,..,f' , ;:, : : ~'~.:. '~ ({. , ....1 ,..:. , -"oW ,J~'" '. ' ....,. .:.{ ~f~'" . , ,"'. , ' . . . r; ~:.". ~. . ~ .., ... :~,i ...., t. 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