AGENDA DOCUMENTS 8Cl KNUTH ROAD PCD SERVICE STATION NEW SITE PLAN r. SITE PLAN REVIEW FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CITY COMMISSION Applicant: Bill Winchester Agent: Kiernan J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates Location: S.W. Corner Knuth Road & West Boynton Beach Blvd. Land Use Plan Designation: Commercial - Local Retail Zoning Designation: PCD Type of Use: Service Station with automatic car wash/ convenience store Number of Units: N/A Square Footage: Site: 39,875 Building 1,760 Description of Project: The owner of the property wishes to develop the property so that he can attract ~ gasoline sales dealership to the site. The applicant, on behalf of the owner, has proposed to erect a combination service station/convenience store/automatic car wash at the S.W. Corner of Knuth Road and West Boynton Beach Boulevard. The present site is an undeveloped 1.13 acre tract. The proposed plan was submitted to staff prior to first reading of the new service station ordinance and was reviewed under the old service station ordinance. This code section was recently replaced by the City Commission. The following paragraphs will address the criteria in the old city regulation and the ability of the applicant to meet this criteria. 1) The site is not within any conflicting or reciprocal distance requirements, for a service station within the city. 2) The minimum required site size is 17,500 square feet and this site is 49,223 square feet. 3) The site will contain more than ten (10) percent landscaping with proper irrigation. The bulk of the landscaping will be located adjacent to public rights of way and meet the 5% requirement. 4) The gasoline pumps will be located more than 30' from the front property line. The code required 15' minimum. 5) Driveway entrances measure 35' across and are located at a distance more than 40' to any intersection. The driveways are not nearer than 25' to any interior property line. 6) The Safety Island will not be required at this site. 7) The masonry or concrete louver wall will not be required at this site. Page 2 8) The entrance to the car wash building is located on the lot providing a minimum distance of seventy-five feet (75') to provide off street area for waiting vehicles. As can be seen from the above, the requirements of the old code have been met. It is not anticipated that a retail gasoline convenience store and car wash service station located on this site would adversely impact property values in the surrounding area. The site will be improved from an aesthetic point of view. The colors proposed for the exterior finish materials are described on the Community Appearance Board application. Review of Department Comments: The comments from the reviewing departments are attached. The Planning and Zoning Department reviewed the project for consistency with the Community Design Plan, Landscape Code, Building and Site Regulations and Parking Lot Layout and found the plans consistent with these ordinances as well as the Site Plan Review Ordinance. The comments from the Forester/Environmentalist, Utilities, Engineering, and Planning and Zoning Department may be corrected at the time the applicant submits working drawings for permit review. Recommendation: The Planning and Zoning Department recommends that the Board find the plans acceptable and forward same to the City eommission with a recommendation to approve, subject to the applicant submitting working drawings for permit review that depict the project in compliance with the City Code of Ordinances and the attached staff comments. C:Kieran.cp " . ,-"~.~...... CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD REVIEW APPLICATION "'~ PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE APPLICATION TYPE (i) Site Plan ( ) Sign ( ) Site Modification ( ) Other CAB MEETING DATE: FILE NO.: ( 0(03 RECEIPT NO.: RECEIVED BY: PROJECT NAME: Knuth Road PCD Servi ce Stati on PROJECT ADDRESS: POBox 1240 Boynton Beach, t- L 3342!) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Constructing Service Station OWNER: Bill R. Winchester AGENT: Kleran J. Kl Iday/Kl Iday & Assoclates Phone Number: ( 407 ) /32-3Ybl Phone Number: (1ffiT) b8Y- !)!)22 A RBPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST PRESENT THE PROJECT TO THE BOARD. REPRESENTATIVE: Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & AssociateSphone Number: (407) 689-5522 ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place Bldg.100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Street eity State Zip Code = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Identify the type of architectural theme that is specified on the community Design District Boundary Map for your project location. Where compliance with the eommunity Design Plan is required, the building(s) and/or structure(s) proposed for the site shall be designed to comply with the appropriate architectural design theme. On-site and off-site landscaping shall comply with the eommunity Design plan landscape requirements. The requirements of the Boynton Beach Community Design Plan are specified in Chapter 7.5, Article V of the Boynton Beach eode of Ordinances. ARCHITECTURAL THEME eHECK ONE: [] COASTAL VILLAGE P<i MEDITERRANEP.]:;/SPANISH [] MODERN [] NOT APPLICABLE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = = = = = = = = = = Complete the following information for the proposed project and ensure that the same information is identified on all plans submitted for the proposed project including colored elevation view drawings. Note: Color samples are required. EXTERIOR SURFAeE MATERIAL eOLOR:NAME.NUMBER ROOFING Clay Barrel Ti le Terra Cotta mixed blend eANOPY Cementitous Simulated Wood BM# 1540 CANOPY BEAMS Stucco BM# 942 CANOPY COLUMNS Stucco BM# 942 MEeH. SCREENING Roof Tile Terra Cotta mixed blend FASCIA Stucco BM# 942 DEeORATIVE MOLDING N/A N/A SOFFIT Stucco BM# 942 BEAMS N/A N/A COLUMNS Stucco !:SMff Y4i::: TILE Glazed Clay Terra Cotta DECORATIVE MOLDING N/A N/A WALLS Stucco/Exposed Conc. Block BM# 942 lStucco); !:SIOCK I a rma c tlu28 GLASS WALLS Fixed"Glass Grey Tinted BANDS/RAISED Stucco BM# 942 BANDS/RECESSED Stucco BMff l!)j~ VENEER N/A N/A TILE Glazed Clay !:SlaCK DECORATIVE TRIM N/A N/A SHUTTERS N/A N/A VENTS N/A N/A GUTTERS/LEADERS N/A N/A MEeHANICAL EQUIP. N/A N/A DECORATIVE LIGHTS N/A N/A DOORS/OVERHEAD Alumimum & Glass BMff l~j~ bray Glass SWINGING N/A N/A DOOR TRIM Aluminum BMff 1~j8 DOOR FRAME Page 1 of 2 Community Appearance Board - Page 2 File No.: ., WINDOW GLASS Glass WINDOW FRAME Aluminum WINDOW TRIM N/A SCREEN ENCLOSURE FRAME N/A , RAILINGS ~/A AWNING Car::l"as SUPPORT (S) Tubul a r Steel WALL SIGN FRAME N/A FACE Plastic COpy Plastic Individual SITE WALL N/A TRIM N/A FENeE N/A DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE Stucco FREE STANDING SIGN SUPPORT r.oncrptp FRAME Stucco FACE Pl.'lc;tic eOpy Plrlc;tic DECORATIVE SITE LIGHTING POLE/FIXTURE N/A DECORATIVE SITE PEDESTRIAN LIGHTING N/A DECORATIVE DRIVING SURFACE' N/A DEeORATIVE WALKING SURFACE N/A OTHER Gray Tinted BM# 1538 N/A N/A N/A , N/A Letters N/A N/A N/A BM# 942 N/A RM# 942 N/A ~f~ N/A SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: The following shall be incorporated as part of the Community Appearance Board 'application submittal: 1. Application form filled out completely and legibly. 2. Application fee of $50.00 (payable to City of Boynton Beach) 3. Submit a scaled locator map that identifies the location and perimeter boundary of the site and the surrounding roads and current zoning districts including the district of the subject property. The map shall show and identify bY,name the roads surrounding the site and the roadway path that links the site to the closest arterial road with the names of the roads and arterial road(s) identified. The map shall show the zoning district line and the title of the zoning districts that abut the perimeter of the zoning district where the subject property is located. The map shall have the North compass direction and scale identified. Maximum size of locator map is 8 1/2" by 14". 4. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 8" by 10". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. 5. Submit a 8-1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. 6. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that where submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do no submit on board of any kind. 7. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identities the color by name and numerical/letter code from an established color chart. 8. Where a specific exterior surface is not applicable to the project, signify by placing a "N/A" on the appropriate line. 9. Submit a copy of the legal description of the subject property on an 8 1/2" by 11" sheet of paper. COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD MEETINGS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIe Bill R. Winchester Name of Applicant .~~ ~~ Signature App).i,c~n~/1 B/.<- '- ,z:z..., tv /;..7Ch/ ",-,-::> T =7'-- -4 -;;2/-72- Date Approved/Denied CAB ehairperson/Acting Chairperson Name Date A:eABAPP.SDD 2/92 - b\, - - - ~....--~- , . ----....c- boNGRESS AVE~ , . --=-; D . . ... --- --- '- ~ ------ ~ o 11 tal 1\ ~ }> ~ ta111' ,.... 0- -- - .- 0- o '. , n.O) . - v' 0-- ()O ~ ttl ~ cn- \.0 .0 1\ . m m:~ -t ~-----= o - c;. " .. \ ~~-- -----.......-;--- I I!.I L/0~_ --111 I Ij! IJ ~ t' I " .r * ;;il Ijw . ~i~ ~~i It S..I I~ Ii .. (fl ]0 ~I- ~z~ .. 0 -. ~ ~ Jt> ~ o 0 " r;-q g -- """''4J.!!=--- " hl':.1L~ T. l!rr:'1o~iill.J~ r.=:~~~ nl.".....:.I'IllQ~ IIlh...r."_.L.nt:...__::u. -- BOYNTON BEACH BL YD. S.R. 604 , JCl _: .-1--'" II I !eo ~I 'rrr 'u ' I I I r I n 'f' , , 'I '.1,' .' I L i.)J.. ;" f / -' L'//' i~.. .;~ : c:::::::::: ::: ::: ':::"..::::':' -,-: ~r 'f'r' - ~-------------I--'--i-~ · BJ~ I liJli~ ,i I~ i!f 8 :ae'; hli ii m ~ill~1 · Ii i Ii 1~ll~ i y I I. ~G~~g ~ ~~ 1 i, DSai~ ~ !. J~ :l~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~gi!5 fi i ~ ~ .a~~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iI:, ;: ji~ li~ i:!~ ~ 2 ~ 2 ~Ji ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ )> ~ R; I;l 1) ~ ~ ~ .. f!: J II ~ll 0 ill I\) ~ )> ~ g ~ l! 0" ~ ~ i! II ~I~ ~~ )>' -< Knuth Road p,e,D, Service Station 1Jo1llloll Recach. norldca . l.AHllSCAPF. PUN Klldoy Ie AuocIQI.. Landscop. Archll.cll/rlonne,. 1551 Fo",", Plo.. Sull. 1001. W..I P,,'m o.och. 'JorJdo J140 I (407).6119-5:122 'Fo.:(407) 619-1512 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-132 June 12, 1992 FROM: Don Jaeger, Building Official ~l~h~tro, Planning and Zoning Director TO: RE: TRANSMITTAL OF APPROVED SITE PLANS FROM THE JUNE 2, 1992, eITY eOMMISSION MEETING Accompanying this memorandum you will find the approved site plan package for the project{s) listed below. The site plan package will include the following items: 1. A copy of the City issued approval letter 2. A copy of the comments made by the Technical Review Committee (TRC) 3. A set of plans reviewed by the TRC 4. The original color elevation view drawing(s) and the associated color samples 5. Photographs of existing sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property 1. Knuth Road PCD Service Station: Service station with a convenience store and an automatic car wash. The new site plan was approved by the City eommission at their regular meeting held on June 2, 1992. 2. Don Fisher Apartments: Two (2) four (4) unit apartment buildings with a detached three (3) car garage. The new site plan was approved by the City Commission at their regular meeting held on June 2, 1992. 3. Bovnton Beach Promenade: Raze portion of shopping center and rearrange square footage on site. The site plan modification was approved by the City Commission at their regular meeting held on June 2, 1992. ce:ald Attachment XC: (Memo Only) Al Newbold eentral File Project File