LEGAL APPROVAL RESOLUTION NO. 89- ppp A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNIDN BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVIN3 THE FINAL PLAT FOR A RE-PLAT OF 1 Iill IN LAWRENCE LAKE,~ P.D.D. IN SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 45 SOU'IH, ~43 FAST WHEREAS, Resolution No. 89-PP approved the final plat for Lawrence Lake for which a Performance Bond in the arrount of $181,500.00, a Letter of Credit in the arrount of $217,800.00, an AdrrUnistration Fee of $7,370.00 and a Recreation Fee of $28,000.00 have been paid, and, WHEREAS, the cost for the irrproverrents have not changed for the previously platted Lawrence Lake, and, WHEREAS, an additional filing fee of $250.00 has been paid. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNI'ON BEACH, FLDRIDA: That the plat is hereby resolved to have received final plat approval by the City Corrmission in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, with all conditions previously agreed upon and subject subdivision is hereby affirmed and adopted. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIsdl/day of !YbtlembBY ,1989. CITY OF,/~/'~' ~7~RIDA /' / / ,t:'/. /' ./' , -~ " /'7 / // . . / BY: J~ (\~--, I J _~~ .,.'-J '. ~__ Vice Mayor . Jt~ <</~~ Ccmnission Member Corrmission Member I '--~ (' { / '-L---L':'l~: , . -L~ ~ Commission Member ATTEST: (Corp Seal) RESOLUTION NO. 89-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT fu~D A RETROACTIVE PRELIMINARI_ PLAT EXTENSION FOR LAWRENCE LAKE, A p.U.D.-rN--SECTION 18, TOHNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST WHEREAS, a Letter of Credit in the amount of $217,800.00 for earthwork and roadway construction and a Performance Bond in the amount of $181,500.00 for water, sewer and drainage are being held according to City Ordinances to insure that subdivision improvements are installed, completed and paid for in accordance with applicable requirements, and, WHEREAS, the administration fee of $7,370.00, the recreation fee of $28,000.00 and the filing fee of $250.00 have been received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: That the plat is hereby resolved to have received final plat approval and a retroactive preliminary plat extension by the City Commission in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, with all conditions previously agreed upon and subject subdivision is hereby affirmed and adopted. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS J<l~ay of 53? zm beY ,1989. ~~ CITY J-F/B9~~ ' LORIDA -_//~/ ~ -l3y: ,,/ //Mayor ;/ Corom" sion Member ! . -tH: .u . , / , , ~- // ~(~~ Co lssion Memoer -; - - / /(~/L-- ATTEST: Cit~~/~ (Corp. Seal)