LEGAL APPROVAL Nature of Variances Requested: To allow the eXisting landscaping to remain in place and not modify the site to comply with the landscape requirements specified in the Comprehensive Plan or Article III of the Landscape Code. To allow the modifications proposed to the existing drainage system be acceptable as a condition to vary the drainage specifications required by the code. Use: Pre-school facility serving a maximum of twenty-five (25) students. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of proceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS January 28, 1993 REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney eight (8) working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Plannina and Zonina Department PREPARED BY: Michael E. Haaq DATE PREPARED: 1/19/93 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: parkina Lot Variance for st. Mark's Catholic School - February 9. 1993 Planninq and Development Board Meetina. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) Standard Leqal Ad SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper and applicant. NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: To be determined by City Clerk DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: To be determined bY City Clerk APPROVED BY: (1) e~~ ~ (Department Head) -41 ~J B ., JDate) ( 2 ) (City Attorney) (Date) ( 3 ) (City Manager) . (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: A:REQPUB.SDD Thia ;~:t~~~nt W.U p~-pa~"~y:- - - -- / N~ml! _ Gene Moore I L~er" Addren . 639 E Ocean ^Veriu. - Do nton Beach Fla. 3 3~ Retum 10: ' Nam~ Gene Moorel Lawyer AddrcqL 639 E Ocean Avenue . Doynton Beach, Florida 33435 I Gl1lnlfl! Nl f'S.~o. C,.,ntce #2'S.'i. No, Pro~ ApprllUler'. Parct!.lldentification No. 0a 43 45 22 02 002 0040 APR-ZD-1991 09:38am 92-11 7267 ORB 7207 P9 1968- Con 90,000.00 Doc C)40.' CLERK OF THE COURT - PB COUNTY, FL ' ': 1 ;.'! Ii h\ ' III \' I: IIi I DEe 2 8 1992 WARRANTY DEED (ST A TllTORY FORM - SECTION 689,02, F,S.) , I ( I' This Inslenture, m,adetfU' 13th OCtyoi April DOROTHY DAL~ON, an unmarried woman whoseposto((iC1!addre5'~5 340 West Horizons Way, Boynton Beach, Florida 33135 ofthp. County of palm Beach ,Stateo( Florida ,gral'\tor',and Tbe Most Reverand J~fKeith SYIDonSL as Bishop of the Diocese of Pal~ Deac~ h15 su~~es~ors ~n Or ~Ce ana Ass~~ns foreve~, a Corporat~on sole who!.e post 0 hee a are~1I11l % ~dward Lewis, Esq. 321 Hoyal poinciana P laz a, Pa J m Bt: Ci( oil he Counly of Palm Beach ,Sta1eof Florida 33480 ,grant~'. Witnesseth that said grantor, (or and in conslderallon oC the 5um oC TEN-- ------ - -- ------------------ ----------no/1 0 0 C~)Uars, and other good and voluable conslderalionll to 5o.'11d grantor in hand p<,id by said grantee, the receipt whereof Is hereby acknowledged, flU gtantod, bar6ained and aold to the said grl1nt(:C, and grilntcc's hcir!l and ;lggigns forever, the forowing dC$Cribed land, situate, lying and being in Pa 1m Beach County, l-lorid<J, tlTy....it 1992 , Between LOTS 4, 5, 6, and 7, BLOCK 2, CIVIC CENTER SUBDIVISION, a subdivision according to the Plat thereof on file in tbe. office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Flprida, recorded in Plilt Book 12 at page 68. SUBJECT TO: easements, reservations, restrictions, road-right-of-way of record, if any, and taxes for the year 1992 and thereafter. and said grantor d0e6 hereby fully warrant the title to llaid laMd, ~nd wUl defend the $ame agilinet lawful claims of a':l person!> wnol'llsoover. ""Grantor" ahd "grail tee" are used for singular Or plural, as context requires. In Witness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seallhe day and year first above v."tiH<:t\. Si8n~, .nd delivered In ou~~.; r ,;:--)Y-<1~~-5l :Jct.,( (First Wilncss) Printed ~POO name; Susan A~~ '-'" . '--:;;:.JC;"'- ~ .{.....(_4.--- , '~~'::f;;~)Nme: BQrha'ra' '" f Rollf.~ ...-' t ~B f[L.JQ~~~ A ~\. ~ < , ( Grantor Prlnledor typed name: Dorothy Dalton (Se.11l (Sea I) Gronlor -Printed. or't,ypcd name:- ' STAiI'.Or: FLORIDA COUNfYOF PALM BEACH , n IE POREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me lhll; 1 3 t h day of --Ap r 1 1 - , 19_9-2 by _.RQj,'-:O_tl1Y-~_t.QlL_-"n_unllli\J:xLe..d_Wj)lnan, who is (or are) pcr!<Jnallyknown tomcor who ha.~ produced wl,o l.S personally known by me ....>..:~identjficat;Ol\and::-:)did:~Jn~~~kcilnO;\th. M I I I o/"?7./a'...~ ~~....~ ~11, ~ (/.L~:<'4'A~;':-' y comm ss on exp rell; 1 ( ..,.., (__ ,-=-::z;.~ ~~ Notary Public Printod, typud, or 5tatnpcQ name: PAL/\~'~~~~~ ~~ '" BAR.8AAA A. RANTA Notary P\dc: .. 51010 ~:!, F~o(lda My comml~$lor. (..,..1_3 Se~bAr n 17rz. M600;"C;. GLt;Hi\ CfHL:U" .A..:.~ .-/J3 ,6t:J 3 1(; (Serial Number, if Bny) F.1G I (ro'l. 1219 t) Date 'Submitted: 12.]?-( 1'1'2- ( The Most Reverend J. Keith Symon~ n n -. , Appl~cant Name: Applicant Address: Diocese of Palm Beach 33410 9995 North Military Trail, Palm Beach Gardens, FL (Zip Code) Phone: (407) 775-9')00 Fax: Site Address: 624 N.E. 6th Avenue. Boynton RpArh. F'T. 11.115 Legal Description: Lots 4,5,6,and 7, Block 2, Civil Center Subdivision, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 12 Page 68 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida Project Description: Classroom Building for Pre-Kinderaarten Students ..,.. (l'. ~~ r '- S.!..gnature OWNER , ( h OWNE as hereby des- ignates the above signed person to act as his agent in regard to this petition. (To be executed when Owner designates another to act on his behalf. ) P~ANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:CUse.app '" NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, Februar:y 9, 1993, at City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, to consider an application for a PARKING LOT VARIANCE on the following described property: Agent: Dan-iel O'Connell owner: Most Reverend J. Keith Symons, D.O. Legal Description: 'Lots 5,6,10,11, 12,21 and 22, Dewey'S Subdivision, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 37 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. And, lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 2, Civic Center Subdivision, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 12 at Page 68 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. And, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 North Boynton being a subdivision by Robert s. Merri tt, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to Plat Book 1 at page 68 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Containing 19 acres, more or less. Address: 624 N.E. 6th Avenue Variances Requested: Relief from Article X - Parking Lots, section 5-142, Required Improvements of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances: (d) Landscaping. Each parking lot shall be landscaped consistent with Chapter 7.5, Article II, Landscape Code, or in the instance of the Central Business District, Chapter 7.5, Article III, Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. (f) Drainage. Storm water shall be contained on site. Containment capacity shall be designated for a minimum of two and one- half (2!) inches of rainfall in one (1) hour. Drainage structures and French drains shall comply with minimum city standards established by the city engineer. For impervious areas exceeding twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, the design of the parking lot and facilities shall be done by an engineer register~d in the State of Florida, and the plans submitted shall be sealed. Maximum storage capacity of soil shall be considered at the rate of one (1) inch of water for each six (6) inches of soil above the water table. Drainage calculations are required in all instances. The hydraulic conductivity of soil shall be determined by tests made at the site using test procedures recommended by the South Florida Water Management District or other procedures which have been approved by. the city engineer. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Chris Cutro Planning Director DATE: January 27, 1993 FROM: RE: Planning & Development Board Meeting of Feb. 9, 1993 Sue Kruse City Clerk Attached please find a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing for the Parking Lot Variance application filed by Rev. J. Keith Symons for the St. Mark's Catholic Church. This item is scheduled for the February 9, 1993 Planning & Development Board meeting. The Notice will be advertised in the Boynton Beach News on Thursday, January 28, 1993. ~/-' ~-CJ/ ~ SK: sIb attachment cc: City Manager -, -RECEIVED JAM 26 PLANNING DEPT. ---------- ----- --- tJJ - 1 \ M..F' ,}( l..J~. t