CORRESPONDENCE rrFte City of t1Joynton 'Beach . ..- , P!anning & Zoning 'Departnunt 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevard P.O. 'Bo;c31O 'Boynton 'Beadr., :rforida 33425-0310 (40i) 738-7490, 'j'f3.X: (407) 738-7459 March 11, 1993 Mr. Dan O'Connell 215 Northwest Third street Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: · st. Mark's Catholic Church, site Plan Review, Conditional Use, Parking Lot Variance and Community Design Plan Appeal Dear Dan: This is to advise you that, on February 16, 1993, the city Commission of Boynton Beach approved the site plan, conditional use, parking lot variance and Community Design Plan appeal at the above referenced location. This approval was subject to the following conditions: 1. -, '- . ., -' . Install 24 trees (19 missing from old plan and 5 new) on the church site. If possible, replacement can be made with available trees that will need to be removed during construction of pre-kindergarten and kindergarten building. If these trees are unsuitable, trees to meet City codes will be planted. A lanc1sc3pe entrance feature on N. E. 4th Avenue \"1ill be installed that contains 2 native flowering trees and 3 palm trees. Gaps in existing hedges will be filled to form a continuous hedge. The same specie of hedge material may be used. Existing hedges will be extended to within three feet of ingress/egress driveways. Plants shall be spaced 24 inches on center except that no lledge material is required along the east property line to screen thi~ vehicle use area. _____~~ricas qat~WlELto tlie Gu[[~trea~_____ To: Mr. Dan O'Connell Re: st. Mark's Catholic Church Page Two of Two 4. Submit drainage plans that correspond to the attached parking plan prepared by Michael Schorah dated January 27, 1993. This plan should be amended to show an accessway west of the new drainage area. This accessway must meet the code requirements for paving and landscaping. 5. Lighting on the site will be upgraded to meet the CBD Landscape Code, Article 3, Section 7.5-57 (1) g. & h. This approval modified to meet the above conditions entitles you to develop the property as shown on the approved plans. If you wish to modify the plan prior to submission of your building plan, please contact the Planning and Zoning Department. Modifications during the building permit process will be handled as part of that process. The approval of the Site Plan remains in effect for one year, until February 17, 1994. If an extension is needed, please forward your request to the Planning and Zoning Department 30 days prior to the expiration date. We have attached a list of submittal documents from the Building Department to assist you in assembling your building permit package. We have also attached copies of the comments must be met in the building permit submittal. We would like you thank you for building in Boynton Beach. If we can be of any further assistance, please feel free to call me. YO'Jrs truly, l~ l\ ---1......l-... ~-1.- ~~) Christopher cutro Planning and Zoning Director CC:ald Att. CC: Michael Schorah Rev. John Black A:APPROVAL.JM n GEE & JENSON Engineers-Architects-Planners. Inc One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach. FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407)686-7446 May' 11, 1993 Michael B. Schorah Schorah Associates 1850 Forest Hill Blvd. West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: St. Mark's Church Retention Pond Dear Michael, This letter centers as a follow-up to our recent telephone conversation wherein we discussed the existing percolation problems at the retention pond at the SE corner St. Mark's Church property. We had a discussion concerning our proposed revised outfall detail including the possible necesstty of having South Florida or DER review this outfall detail. At the conclusion of our telephone conversation you indicated you would do some checking on this and I was not to proceed with any comments until you got back with me. This problem is a continuing concern of both the Church and the City. I request that you reply to the City in a timely manner as to the status of modifications including demucking if necessary to get this pond to percolate as designed. Please call if you have any questions on this matter. (C. . Richard Staudinger, P.E. City Engineer ~ WRS/jer 92025/209 cc: J. Scott Miller Cary Parker Chris Cutro " r " 1/ c-x/l//5// LJ /62 SUITE 101 1850 FOREST HILL BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 MICHAEL B. SCHORAH & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS. PLANNERS. DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS TELEPHONE (407) 968-0080 January 27, 1993 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-310 Attn: Mr. Christopher Cutro, Director Re: ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH 1) New Classroom Parking 2) Parking Lot Dear Sir, Please allow this letter to serve as my response to the memorandum from Richard Staudinger, P.E., City Engineer, dated January 19, 1993. Regarding the request for access to the property to the east I have eliminated approximately 28 feet to allow the city access to the proposed Downtown Mangrove Park. To mitigate this loss of detention area I have increased the south swale by eliminating a further twelve (12) parking spaces making a total of twenty-six (26) spaces sacrificed in providing storm water quality. In response to the request that swales be constructed along our property frontage on N.E. 6th avenue, I will depict this requirement on the drawings. The memo states that no water quality treatment is required for the classroom addition, however Mr. Staudinger requests that French Drain Trench be provided in the drop-off area. It is agreed that a Trench will be provided pursuant to his request and the location can be decided at the time the engineering plans are prepared. I trust that this will now meet the intent of Mr. Staudinger's memo. Thank you for your cooperation in these matters. Sincerely, ~aa/f3.'x!~~ Michael B. Schorah, P.E. President ~..J~O ~~O 'L1~ ~~..: MBS/kmh cc: Reverend John Block, V.F. Daniel O'Connell CIVIL. STRUCTURAL · DRAINAGE · HIGHVVAYS · WATER & SEWER · SOIL MECHANICS