APPLICATION CITY OJ! BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING , ZONING BOARD APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES TO PARKING LOT REGULATIONS This application must be filled out completely and accurately and subnitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type All Information. 1. Project Name of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Saint Mark Classroom Building,< Boynton Beach, Florida 2. Date This Application is Submitted: ---.J 2./ ~ ~ I'J 2- ( 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): The Most Rev. J. Keith Symons, D.D. Diocese of Palm Beach Address: 9995 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, Florida Phone: (407) 775-9500 33410 . (Zip Code) Fax: 775-9556 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant):* Daniel O'Connell Address: 215 Northwest Third Street Boynton Beach, Florida Phone: (407) 734-0786 Fax: (407) 736-9436 33435 (Zip Code) * A letter fram the applicant or owner authorizing the agent is required. 5. Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: Most Rev. J. Keith Symons, D.D. Diocese of Palm Beach Address: 9995 North Military Trail Palm Beach Gardens, Florida (407) 775-9500 33410 (Zip Code) Phone: Fax: 11-5-9556 6. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent)**: NIA ** This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING DEPT. - January 1991 A:PkLotVar (2) ,. What 1. applicant.. intere8~ in tho pr~8e. affectedl Owner t. ----JJ ~ (ownG&' F Buyer # Lessee. Bul1.der, Developer, eto.) 8. Streat Addxess of Location of Site Upon Whioh parkinG Lot 1s Locot.ed. 62. 9.B. 6th AVeDGe, 8ovnton Ucacb, Florida 33435 LI ~ ~v '- VJ ..... .. 9. Legal DcD~ript.ioD of Site Upon Which parking Lot is Locat:ech Lots 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 21 and 22, Dewey's Subdivision, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1 at Page 37 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. And, lots 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 2, Civic Center Subdivision, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the Plat thereof recorded in plat Book 12 at Page 68 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. And, lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 North Boynton being a subdivision by Robert S. Merritt, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, florida, according to plat Book 1 at Page 68 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. containing 19 acres, more or less. 10. J:nt8nded Use(B) of Site Upon Whicb Pa&'ldno Lot 18 Located: Addition of 2 olassrooms - wll1 ~e oxi~tin9 parkiDg lot OD adjacent lots --4. 1 ....... 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. 19.. 20. owned by S~ ovneX'. UIIr Developer or Builder: Daniel O'COnnell, GcDcral COntxactor. Inc. T -dl.... .. Arcb1.tect, L4ndsca~ ~ohitect: Site Planner: Eng1neer: Surveyor: Traffic Bng1neer; Ri.ch;.lrd Jo. SanGio'G'anD1. IUA, P.A. T v __ Bu~x Jaskela Richard 1. SanGiovanni. AlA, P.A. . (Site Enginecr) Mic:bael B. Sohorab, P.B. . v 11' -. O'Bricn. Suiter and O'Brien, Inc. - MIA - ~~N~ V (chcok )C~u~~.1C:: -- vi" ./ COpy of last recorded Warranty J)eed 1Ilclude4? Letter authorizing agent (if any) 1ucluded? (cbeck) Sl~~_ plan lint.! Iw;vey (2 copies each) .t~aahed7 (check) ... 21. N~r of variances requested on the fallowing _beets: 2 NorB. A lIeparate sbeet must be canple~e4 for (tach specific design requirement (sec. 5-141) O~ pe~t appllcatLon ~equltement (Sea. 5-142) to which . Ya~lanc. is rtaqU..ted. A:l?kLotVar (3) (a) The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board to grant to the petitioner a variance to Article X "Parking Lots", of Chapter 5, "Building, Housing and Construction Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as it pertains to the property described in this application, and for the reasons stated below: section, Subsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Code: Specific language is contained in Boynton Beach Code Article x. Parking Code Section 5-142 Paragraph (d) Landscaping. Nature of Variance Requested: There is no additional parking to be constructed and all landscaping is in place and mature. There are sufficient trees with more than adequate height and canopy already in place and all grassed areas are well established. Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or other reasons Justifying the Requested Variance (attached additional sheets if necessary) : It would be counter-productive to attempt to bring existinq landscapinq into compliance and the net effect would be to reduce the impact of landscaping for an initial period of 3-4 years while new planting reaches scale with existinq. (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best ~.(our)edge. This application will not be accept un~ si l~. Signature of applicant or agent: .' <2-( Da te : I 2.. J '2 ';) / q '2.... A:PkLotVar ( 3) (b) The undersigned hereby petitions the Planning and Zoning Board to grant to the petitioner a variance to Article X "Parking Lots", of Chapter 5, "Building, Housing and Construction Regulations", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as it pertains to the property described in this application, and for the reasons stated below: Section, Subsection, and Paragraph number of specific requirement to which variance is requested, and exact language contained in the Code: Specific language is contained in Boynton Beach Code Article x. Parkinq Lots Section 5-142 Paragraph (f) Drainage. Nature of Variance Requested: No additional parkinq is beinq constructed but we have designed a system at the east end of the site to mitiqate the historic run-off and provide some water quality prior to discharge to the mangroves. It should be pointed out that this site receives run-off from public roads and adjacent private parking lots. Statement of Special Conditions, Hardships, or other reasons Justifying the Requested Variance (attached additional sheets jf necessary) : It would be a cost prohibitive project to provide catch basins, drainage control structures and exfiltration trenches for the addition of the small proposed building. (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers or plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any plans submitted herewith are true to the best 0 ow edge. This application will not be accept lVW. Signature of applicant Date: J ').. / ')... ~/ q 2. A:PkLotVar L>tlflI3IT "8/1 vANIEL O'CONNELL /t)f.IJ TELEPHONE 407.734-0786 FAX 407-736-9436 GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. ESTABLISHED 1979 215 NORTHWEST THIRD STREET BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 January 20, 1993 Mr. Michael Haag Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH PARKING LOT VARIANCE Dear Mr. Haag: By this letter and as agent for the above referenced variance, I am requesting relief from the Landscape Requirements as specified in the Comprhensive Plan and the Central Business District Landscape Code, Article 3, for the subject property. I am also requesting that the existing parking lot landscape be accepted as is with regards to species and location of material because it is fully matured. Moreover, the site of the new classrooms will be landscaped as shown on the LANDSCAPE PLAN submitted with the project. I appreciate all the assistance you are providing in this matter. Very truly yours, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. \ DJO'C:jmr cc: MiChael B. Schorah Richard L. San Giovanni . RECEIVED. JAN ? 0 PtANNi. ,;3 112 W. ATHENS STREET · WINDER, GEORGIA..JQ'ii9 - (484) M/-/g"'SS' _; [r'",........-r uANIEL O'CONNELL t1l>~'I TELEPHONE 407-734-0786 FAX 407-736-9436 GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. ESTABLISHED 1979 215 NORTHWEST THIRD STREET BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 January 29, 1993 Mr. Michael Haag Planning & Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Bovnto~ Beach, PL 33425-0310 RE: ST. MARK CATHOLIC CHURCH PRE-K AND K CLASSROOM FACILITY PARKING LOT VARIANCE Dear Mr. Haag: Please consider this letter as a follow-up to my January 20, 1993 letter wherein we requested a variance for the parking lot at the above referenced project. By this letter we will define more specifically the Article and Sections of the code that we wish to be included in the requested variance. They are in Chapter 7.5, Article III (Central Business District Landscape Code), section 7.5 - 57, (Central Business District Landscape Requirements) and are as follows: 1. Landscape Areas: a. Perimeter strip Landscapinq. including minimum requirements 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 & 7. ..... ..., . Intericr parkincr T.CtJ'lr!Rcapi ncr. inr.lud i ng mi nj 'l!ll1.!!1 requirements 1, l, 3, & 4. c. N.A. f. service Areas and Dumpsters 1. Concrete pad exists, however, we seek variance to item number 2. rX;.\'-J1C.O Y\~V ~ \\~ ~~\\ 'L d. Entrance Treatments e. N.A. g. Parking Lot Lightinq. including requirements 1, 2, 3, & 4. 112 W. ATHENS STREET · WINDER, GEORGIA 30680 · (404) 867-7985 Mr. Michael Haag January 29, 1993 Page 2 of 3 3t1 h. Pedestrian Liqhtinq. including requirements 1, 2, 3, & 4. i. Pedestrian Walkways j. Exterior Furnishinqs k. Curbs 2. Planting specifications a. Shade Trees. including minimum requirements 1, 2, & 3 (i, ii, iii) b. Small Trees c. Shrubs. including requirements 1 & 2. d. N.A. e. Ground Cover f. N.A. ~~o ~t(;.G~ ~ ~ ~~\\ t g. N.A. h. N.A. i. Native Veqetation j. Mulch and Ground Cover Please note that the existing landscape is irrigated and well maintained and we are not seeking any variance for the maintenance of, or irrigation of, the materials that exist on the present site. We hope the above will clarify our letter of January 20, 1993. We appreciate all the assistance you are providing in this matter. +'6'/ Mr. Michael Haag January 29, 1993 Page 3 of 3 Very truly yours, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. '\ DJO' C: jmr cc: Michael B. Schorah Richard L. San Giovanni ~~o ~~CJ ~\~ ~~...