AGENDA DOCUMENTS t \:- 7Bl LAWRENCE LAKES MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #92-162 FROM: Planning and Development Board ~~ Christopher cutro, Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: August 6, 1992 SUBJECT: Lawrence Lakes PUD The owners of the Lawrence Lakes PUD are requesting a modification of the master plan for this development. The request from the applicant is to reduce the front building setback from 25 feet to 20 feet to establish a rear setback of three feet for screen roofed screen enclosures, an eight foot side setback for pools and 7.5 side setback for screen roofed screen enclosures. The City Commission has determined that this is a minor modification and forwarded the request to the Planning and Development Board for final action. The Technical Review Committee reviewed the requested changes and there were no comments on the requested modifications. The Engineering Department has commented on the deletion of recreation amenities. However, the previous owners paid the full recreation impact fee and the proposed recreation amenities were voluntary and not required by code. Other comments shall be made a condition to approval by the Planning and Development Board. The Planning and Zoning Department believes that the requested changes to the master plan for Lawrence Lakes are minor in nature and we recommend that they be approved by the Planning and Development Board with the conditions of staff and the added condition that a fully rectified master plan be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department within 15 days of the Board's approval or prior to issuance of a building permit. This item has been scheduled for Planning and Development Board consideration on August 11, 1992. CC:cp June 24, 1992 City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 BoynlOD Beach, Acrida 33425-0310 Ref: Lawrcoce Lakes Estates. Lots 1-32 Gentlemen; We recently acquired properties known as Lawrence Lakes Estates. c::oosisting of 30 lots. and two homes that bad been seriously vaodaliud. We bave experienced many inquiries as to our plans to build and sell the 1'eII1J1ining homes. It bas become evideut that a major portion of our prospective buyen prefer to bave their own pooL At present. we plan to build a home o( approximaaely 2000 sq. ft. under air. However, present front set back requirements, and rear pool set bac:t requirements. would prohibit an adequate pool and saeen enclosure. In previewing the Master Plan of the 32 101S, please observe the additiooal20 ft. easement abutting each lot surrounding the lake. With this additiooal2O ft. in the rear, we could ask the board to extend the propeny line in the rear to include this 20 ft. easement. or extend it to the center of the lake. However, it bas been suggesled to us. that requesting that the front set bact line be modified to a 20ft. front setback. and the rear 8 ft ID!l and saeen enclosure setback be modified to a 3 (L rear set back. would accomplish the same objecdvc. There would still be DO enaoaclm1ent of the easement itself, with these modifications, and it would enable the homeowner to put a 14 ft. pool and saeen enclosure in. & a builder with .fust band knowledge o( the danger and unsightly appearance of above ground pools, we would like to incorporaIe a resbictive covenant to our recorded documents prohibiting above ground pools. We therefore. respectively submit this master plan revision If) change the cwrent frontline set back from 25 ft. to 20 ft., and the rear fggl and saeen enclosure (saeea moO set bact line from 8ft. to 3 fL Remaining set backs (or the pool and saeen enclosure (saeea roof), will comply with the required zoning codes. We intend to make Lawrence Lakes a fust rate single (amily home development. aod feel this modification would beDefit everyone concemed. Your timely review and c::oosida'alioo would be most apprecia!ed. - nu~~. ~"aJf r~..-..;I' ~I~ -f n6M 7- ~I~ bOU VII.LAUI~ IOULI:VARD, IUITE 140 - WEST PALM lEACH, FLORIDA U40f.11 (407) __~ FAX: (407) ...1101 . _ ~GI-~EERS. INC. . CONSULnNG ENGINEERS June 17, 1992 City of Boynton Beach City Planning Department P . O. Bo x 31 1 Boynton Beach, Plorida 33425 ATTN: Mr. Christo~her Cutro City Planner RE: LANRI_CI LAKBS PROPOSBD MASTIR PLAH MODIPICATIOH Dear Mr. Cutro: . Pursuant to our telephone conversation, I am enclosing twelve (12) copies of the Master Plan for the referenced project, on which I have shown the following modifications. 1. Request that the front minimum setback be changed from 25' to 21'. 2. Request that the rear minimum setback for a screen enclosure be set at 3 feet. (15' setback to the structure remains as originally shown). 3. Request that the recreation area be changed' to show "Landscaped Area". The requested setback change is made to provide for swimming pools to be'constructed on the rear yard. Since all of the lots abut the lake, there will be no impact to abutting lots. As the developer, Mr. George Puller, has explained to you, it is difficult to justify maintenance cost for a swimming pool, bath house and tennis court for only 32 lots. Accompanying this application is a check in the amount of $588.88 as filing fee. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, EHGI NEE.RS, IHC ER/jh cc: Mr. George Fuller Jue .. r:' · ,. - ,. r ..... . ~.. C\i ;' '1-' . /. ;.\. ~~ Bar" f. . ,/::) , l~' h 0+ "<("'" . .; ~ <\~%. <P 'r; ....~ . ..1'>>11 C'd ~ ~~lt\' "" ~ a'!.... g r ~.~. j~~-r-r 't- ?J"tI ..~ .. t -- I . -0 -'0,., / ". c I 1-. . fl-.... ~ .' ..... . '. ~ q....,. I . ". ~ACH; f\.O ". ...,.. .' ~~.-.- ~--.~ _-.. -. I 1 !- ~ .~ ~ -.- J,;.- --- -'--- - - -- ./ MEMORANDUM July 30, 1992 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting - July 9, 1992 MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION - LAWRENCE LAKE PUD - Request to change the front building setbacks from 25 ft. to 20 ft. The original established rear setback of 15 ft. and side setback of 7 1/2 ft. are to remain unchanged. Change the rear setbacks for pools and screen enclosures with screen roofs from 8 ft. to 3 ft. The remaining pool and screen enclosure setbacks shall comply with the setbacks established in the current zoning code. The request included the removal of the recreation area and associated amenities that are located on the north side of the entrance to the project. Upon review of the above referenced project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes. I recommend that the applicant submit plans showing compliance with staff comments prior to building permits being issued for homes at the subject property. 1. Show on the landscape plan line-of-sight triangles on both sides of the ingress and egress driveways at the Lawrence Road entrance to the project. The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning ten (10) foot isosceles triangles on both sides of each driveway where it intersects the property line. The point where both ten (10) foot legs join shall be placed on the property line at the edge of the ingress/egress with one leg extending along the property line and the other leg along the edge of the ingress/egress with the remainder of the triangle being a line across the landscaped area connecting the end of each ten (10) foot leg. State on the plans that the vertical space between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet within the triangle area shall be clear of landscape material and tree limbs. 2. The plant list on Sheet L-l specifies 5 "OT" Quercus Virginianas located on the subject site. The actual number shown is 3. Adjust the plan accordingly. 3. The note number 8 on Sheet L-l states that fifty (50) percent of the total number of required trees shall be of a native specie. Revise the plan to specify a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the total number of trees listed and shown as a native specie. The total number of trees identified on the plan is 404 and presently 150 are identified as a native specie. 4. Show on the landscape plan the utility easement that runs parallel with the north property line and adjust the location of the tree landscape material so that it does not encroach into the easement. ichael E. MG) '~AKE.ALD r, ~ j . J,:" ~,'1 ~ n I , ~,,:J, " 2 ,.1: .......' f.'j ~l Cj f. ,-' j' .."", i"' .};' . .:,. '~f~ ] ?":1 '..1 (; j a.i 1[1..... ;:. i l-t '__' 1 ~ .' :: Jo.;. SJ J ~ 'I -: .,' . (. ! - ..\ ,~4 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM *92-159 TO: Dorothy Moore, Zoning and Site Plan Reviewer FROM: Carel Fisher, Assistant Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Modifications - Lawrence Lakes DATE: July 27, 1992 The Public Works' Department has no obj"ections to Site Plan Modifications for Lawrence Lakes per your attached memorandum. cafii!;~ Assistant Public Works Director CFlcr RECEIVED JUl27 \992 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-212 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: July 28, 1992 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments Master Plan Modification/Lawrence Lakes Applicant: Mr. George Fuller Design Engineer: Enrico .Ric. Rossi, P.E. Request to Modify Front , Rear Setback Lines Request to Delete Recreation Facility Approved By priorCommissil 1. During the platting process, relative to Lawrence Lakes PUD, the original applicant paid the City of Boynton Beach, Florida full recreation fees, but depicted upon their plans the construction of a tennis court, a pool, clubhouse and parking facility with handicap stalls and associated sidewalk improvements. Although it is the consensus of the Parks & Recreation Dept. that this change is a minor one as a result of the developer originally paying the full recreation fee, I feel it is necessary to provide the followin< comments for consideration by the City Commission. It is presumed that the aforementioned recreation facility was depicted upon plans as an enticement for the City Commission to approve this P.U.D., which is governed by the City's Code of Ordinances and applicab: P.U.D. regulations. As the P.U.D. regulations provide special consider< tions and benefits to the applicant, reciprocally the City should also benefit from a lesser impact upon public recreation and park facilities by the construction and maintenance of the subject recreation area. It is my understanding that the basic intent of the P.U.D. regulations is to provide the citizens who reside within P.U.D. areas the benefits associated with having a self contained subdivision which provides, among other things, a suitable recreation facility such as the one depicted upon the existing approved City Plans. It is my recommendation that the applicant's request for deletion of the tennis courts, swimming pool, clubhouse and parking lot with handicap parking facilities should be denied. 2. Should the City Commission rule favorable on the applicant's request to delete the recreation facilities, the plat document will have to be replatted to delete the recreational tract.(or record separate instrurnen 3. Additionally, the original approved set of "Sign-Off" plans showed sidewalks on each side of the entrance road. Revise the Master Plan to indicate sidewalks on each side of the road or a bike path on one side and a sidewalk on the other side. Plans shall be revised accordingly. 4. Regarding the requested modifications to setbacks, the Engineering Department has no comments. ~~~~ W. Ric ard Staudi ger, P.E. Gee & Jenson Vincent A. Finizio Admin. Coord. of Engr. VAF:WRS/ck ~cE.\"e.o f\~ __ 1\)\. 1. , TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO.92-241 woe PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT JULY 7, 1992 LAWRENCE LAKES PUD WE HAVE NO OBJECTIONS TO THE PROPOSAL SUBMITTED. ~~~ ~~C; ~ ~~\, \\ ' llakes.wdc AM D. CAVANAUGH, FPO I DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE MIKIUVUQI UTILITI~ DEPAR'1!efl' NO. 92 - 267 TO : Christopher CUtro, Plarming and Z FRat : John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE : July 13, 1992 SUBJECT: Master Plan Modificatim - Lawrence Lakes. We can approve this project subject to the following ccnc1.itims: 1) The cmtractor shall assume responsibility for proper abandonment of water and sewer utility services to what was the recreation parcel. All services shall be capped or plugged at the l11Elin tmder utilities department inspectim. Please refer any questions on this I11Eltter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVH be: Peter Mazzella xc: Skip Milor File RECEIVED COMfV\ E)0\ W lit-\, oa..~\N'0 l,..,j l., <::,\-i'l D'F FV-rvfLe: w):::,.~ ~ ~~ U'SE bt JUL 14 PLANNII~G DEPT. '\ . .. - ~p. TIL~\U2iL. tv\~ 10-1 S-<\'L MEMORANDUM POLICE '92-146 TO: Christopher Curto Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Lt. Donald I. Thrasher Community Relations Division DATE: 27 July 92 SUBJECT: Master Plan Modification - Lawrence Lakes After review of the amended plans for the above, I have no objection to the plans. DIT/dmj RECEIVED JUl 2 11992 RECREATION' PARK.MEMORANDUM '92-223 TO: Chris Cutro, Planning Director FROM: John Wildner, Superintendent of Parks ~v/ Charles C. Frederick, Director of R~eation & Parks THRU: RE: Master Plan Modification - Lawrence Lakes P.U.D. DATE: July 9, 1992 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the master plan modification request for Lawrence La.Jees P.U.D. The following comments are submitted: 1. The full recreation impact fee of $28,000 was paid in September, 1989 by a previous developer. 2. Original approved master plan for this site included a swimming pool and other private recreation elements as part of an entrance area to the development. Since the recreation impact fee was paid in full, the private recreation shown was not a requirement under the subdivision ordinance. 3. The new developer's request to substitute a landscaped common area at the entrance to this subdivision appears to be a minor change and would not be opposed by this department. JW/CCF:cm RECEIVED JUl 9 PLANNING DEPT. RECREATION , PARK MEMORANDUM '92-235 FROM: Chris Cutro, Director of Planning Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist K~1f TO: RE: Lawrence Lakes P.U.D. - Master Plan DATE: July 17, 1992 The developer originally preparing the Tree Management Plan has not completed it in accordance with the attached memorandums. The new developer must complete the Tree Management Plan for any of the existing trees on the site. . 'This information should be part of the comments addressed prior to issuing building permits. KH:cm Attachment RECEIVED JUl2 0 1992 r MEMORANDUM Cal:rren Anrnmziato Planning Director DATI November 24, 1987 "'''. '~.. Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist sueJln Citrus Glen Phase I, II and Lawrence Lake P. u.o. 's I am working with the developer in preparation of the Tree Management Plan for these Planned Unit Developtents. 'l1le landscape architect will be sermng <:q?ies of this plan showin;J details and incorporation into the Haneowner Asscciatial docl1rents. I/~~~U- tevin J. I KJH:ad .. -- ~"', ~,.I.. J. .' . " .. ---" -... , " OCT r: ~., ~~ .'.~. MEMORANDUM fLAP I,".i'. ": " .' I" "I.,~ :..t:.... I. TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: October 23, 1987 SUBJECT: Citrus Glen Phase I Citrus Glen P.U.D. (Phase II) Lawrence Lake P.U.D. The following comments pertain to the Master Landscape Plan for the above projects: 1. The developer should provide a more accurate tree survey in conjunction with the aerial photograph which addresses: a. All species and quantities of existing tree. b. ,Which trees will remain, be transplanted, removed and replaced. c. Which trees will be available to the City of Boynton Beach and/or the School Board of Palm Beach County. d. A comprehensive Tree Management Plan for the tract. 2. The littoral zone plantjngs around the lakes should also address the following: a. A littoral zone Management Plan document detailing how to correctly manage this area. b. A detail sketch of the littoral zone plantings, showing how the materials will be installed (species, locations, quantities). This should be for field inspection when lake plantings are completed. c. This document should be referenced in the Homeowner Association documents and comments made to this effect on the approved plat. d. All TREES so designated in the landscape plan must be 8' in height at time of planting. e. The installation of the littoral zone plantings should be completed as the particular lakes in question are complete and graded. ~ -j 3. If any existing Citrus Trees are to remain or transplanted to common areas in the P.U.D., a special Tree Management Plan for these trees should be compiled and also become part of the Homeowner Association documents. Referenced also on the plat. 4. A landscape buffer required between any P.U.D. and an adjacent road R.O.W. where applicable should be in9luded in the plan. -~...~/~~~/ evin J, a lahan KJH:ad DOC: CANNUN 3. 00. ~ IIET1tM:IC TO REM t -,00' ftATIO SIDE ~IC ~ 1U1LMa.E MIA MATER MANAGEMENT LAKE TRACT · AI ------------------ ---------- 20' MA I NTENANCE EASEMENT ~OTS 1, 2. 3 ARE FINISHED OR UNDER- CONSTRUCTION, BUT WILL MEET THE SET- BACK CRITERIA FOR THE POO~ AND PATIO. ALL HOMES WILL HAVE A GARAGE. .0 ro . o o - - o ro . o o - l~ =UT~lITY E~SEMENT 7' DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASE. 60.00' lANRENCE LAKE DRIVE . - - ... = = ... = = . - - ..; - -#-CJc.~ _ ~\\.. t \ PROPOSED SET-BACKS AND IMPROVEMENTS FOR L.DTS 4 - 32 TYPICAL LOT SIZE SHOWN FOR LOTS ~ - 16, lB, 21 - 30. LOTS 4, 17, 19, 20, 31 AND 32 ARE PIE. SHAPED LOTS, BUT'WILL"IET THE ABOVE SET-BACK CRITERIA. LAWRENCE LAKE, A RU.D. l' r I .j ~'f , { PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #92-156 TO: J. Scott Miller, city Manager u.~~ FROM: Christopher cutro, planning and Zoning Director DATE: July 30, 1992 SUBJECT: Lawrence Lakes PUD The owners of the Lawrence Lakes PUD are requesting a modification of the master plan for this development. The request from the applicant is to reduce the front building setback from 25 feet to 20 feet to establish a rear setback of three feet for screen roofed screen enclosures, an eight foot side setback for pools and 7.5 side setback for screen roofed screen enclosures. The Code of Ordinances requires the City Commission to determine if this is a major or minor modification. If found to be minor the request is forwarded to the Planning and Development Board for final action. If found to be major the applicant must submit a new PUD application. The Technical Review Committee reviewed the requested changes and there were no comments on the requested modifications. The Engineering Department has commented on the deletion of recreation amenities. However, the previous owners paid the full recreation impact fee and the proposed recreation amenities were voluntary and not required by code. Other comments shall be made a condition to approval by the Planning and Development Board. The Planning and Zoning Department believes that the requested changes to the master plan for Lawrence Lakes are minor in nature and we recommend that they be forwarded by the City Commission to the Planning and Development Board as minor changes. This item has been scheduled for City Commission consideration on August 4, 1992. CC:cp r-" M E M 0 RAN DUM July 30, 1992 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting - July 9, 1992 MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION - LAWRENCE LAKE PUD - Request to change the front building setbacks from 25 ft. to 20 ft. The original established rear setback of 15 ft. and side setback of 7 1/2 ft. are to remain unchanged. Change the rear setbacks for pools and screen enclosures with screen roofs from 8 ft. to 3 ft. The remaining pool and screen enclosure setbacks shall comply with the setbacks established in the current zoning code. The request included the removal of the recreation area and associated amenities that are located on the north side of the entrance to the project. Upon review of the above referenced project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes. I recommend that the applicant submit plans showing compliance with staff comments prior to building permits being issued for homes at the subject property. 1. Show on the landscape plan line-of-sight triangles on both sides of the ingress and egress driveways at the Lawrence Road entrance to the project. The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning ten (10) foot isosceles triangles on both sides of each driveway where it intersects the property line. The point where both ten (10) foot legs join shall be placed on the property line at the edge of the ingress/egress with one leg extending along the property line and the other leg along the edge of the ingress/egress with the remainder of the triangle being a line across the landscaped area connecting the end of each ten (10) foot leg. State on the plans that the vertical space between thirty (30) inches and six (6) feet within the triangle area shall be clear of landscape material and tree limbs. 2. The plant list on Sheet L-1 specifies 5 "OT" Quercus Virginianas located on the subject site. The actual number shown is 3. Adjust the plan accordingly. 3. The note number 8 on Sheet L-l states that fifty (50) percent of the total number of required trees shall be of a native specle. Revise the plan to specify a minimum of fifty (50) percent of the total number of trees listed and shown as a native specie. The total number of trees identified on the plan is 404 and presently 150 are identified as a native specie. 4. show on the landscape plan the utility easement that runs parallel with the north property line and adjust the location of the tree landscape mater1al so that it does not encroach into the easement. A-- "~/N6 i~~/Nt,. /)Pl. I June 24,1992 City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Ref: Lawrence Lakes Estates, Lots 1-32 Gentlemen; We recently acquired properties known as Lawrence Lakes Estates, consisting of 30 lots, and two homes that had been seriously vandalized. We have experienced many inquiries as to our plans to build and sell the remaining homes. It has become evident that a major portion of our prospective buyers prefer to have their own pool. At present, we plan to build a home of approximately 2000 sq. ft. under air. However, present front set back requirements, and rear pool set back requirements, would prohibit an adequate pool and screen enclosure. In previewing the Master Plan of the 32 lots, please observe the additional 20 ft. easement abutting each lot surrounding the lake. With this additional 20 ft. in the rear, we could ask the board to extend the property line in the rear to include this 20 ft. easement, or extend it to the center of the lake. However, it has been suggested to us, that requesting that the front set back line be modified to a 20ft. front setback, and the rear 8 ft DQW and screen enclosure setbac.k be modified to a 3 ft. rear set back, would accomplish the same objective. There would still be no encroachment of the easement itself, with these modifications, and it would enable the homeowner to put a 14 ft. pool and screen enclosure in. As a builder with ,first hand knowledge of the danger and unsightly appearance of above ground pools, we would like to incorporate a restrictive covenant to our recorded documents prohibiting above ground pools. We therefore, respectively submit this master plan revision to change the current front line set back from 25 ft. to 20 ft., and the rear.ew and screen enclosure (screen root) set back line from 8ft. to 3 fL Remaining set backs for the pool and screen enclosure (screen root), will comply with the required zoning codes. We intend to make Lawrence Lakes a fllSt rate single family home development, and feel this modification would benefit everyone concerned. Your timely review and consideration would be most appreciated. , ~- ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ -f t(6M+ ~I~ 580 VILLAGE BOULEVARD, SUITE 140 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409.1904 (407) 889.0554 FAX: (407) 889.1109 June 17, 1992 City of Boynton Beach City Planning Department P. O. Box 3UiJ Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 ATTN: Mr. Christo~her Cutro City Planner RE: LAWRERCE LAKES PROPOSED MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Dear Mr. Cutro: Pursuant to our telephone conversation, I am enclosing twelve (12) copies of the Master Plan for the referenced project, on which I have shown the following modifications. 1. Request that the front minimum setback be changed from 25' to 20' . 2. Request that the rear minimum setback for a screen enclosure be set at 3 feet. (15' setback to the structure remains as originally shown) . 3. Request that the recreation area be changed to show "Landscaped Area". The requested setback change is made to provide for swimming pools to be constructed on the rear yard. Since all of the lots abut the lake, there will be no impact to abutting lots. As the developer, Mr. George Fuller, has explained to you, it is difficult to justify maintenance cost for a swimming pool, bath house and tennis court for only 32 lots. Accompanying this application is a check in the amount of $500.00 as filing fee. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ER/jh cc: Mr. George Fuller JUl r'-',. r, ~.... , ' ENGINE~RS, INC -r--=- 7'--t-r-:-- ~ -c"" ~n, i " ) i:'" .~, .~,,, ~..-/ ..&::...~ -..J~""" :..~____4.~_--' .." ...-:::: MEMORANDUM o Cannen .Annunziato Planning Director DATil November 24, 1987 "'..- ~o" Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist ~U.JaCT Citrus Glen Phase I, II and Lawrence Lake P. U.O. I S I am working with the developer in preparation of the Tree ManageIreI1t Plan for these Planned Unit Developrents. '!he landscape architect will be sending copies of this plan showing details and incorporation into the HaIeOWller Association docurcents. j(~~ ~~ Kevin J. 1 KJH:ad - --- -- ~'-', -,-I.. J, ',' - -- -'< - ~ - . . , , 'f OCT ~:; 1: ,'1-, .'.....,,1 M E M OR AND U M PLAr.~i\jL\~ L;__. j. TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: October 23, 1987 SUBJECT: Citrus Glen Phase I citrus Glen P.U.D. (Phase II) Lawrence Lake P.U.D. The following comments pertain to the Master Landscape Plan for the above projects: 1. The developer should provide a more accurate tree survey in conjunction with the aerial photograph which addresses: a. All species and quantiti.es of existing tree. b. Which trees will remain, be transplanted, removed and replaced. c. Which trees will be available to the City of Boynton Beach and/or the School Board of Palm Beach County. d. A comprehensive Tree Management Plan for the tract. 2. The littoral zone plantjngs around the lakes should also address the following: a. A littoral zone Management Plan document detailing how to correctly manage this area. b. A detail sketch of the littoral zone plantings, showing how the materials will be installed (species, locations, quantities). This should be for field inspection when lake plantings are completed. c. This document should be referenced in the Homeowner Association documents and comments made to this effect on the approved plat. d. All TREES so designated in the landscape plan must be 8' in height at time of planting. e. The installation of the littoral zone plantings should be completed as the particular lakes in question are complete and graded. .....-- ~ ..,.? 3. If any existing Citrus Trees are to remain or transplanted to common areas in the P.U.D., a special Tree Management Plan for these trees should be compiled and also become part of the Homeowner Association documents. Referenced also on the plat. 4. A landscape buffer required between any P.U.D. and an adjacent road R.O.W. where applicable should be in~luded in the plan. -~'rl~/t?~,(~./ evin J, a lahan KJH:ad DOC:CANNUN ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-212 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: July 28, 1992 RE: Technical Review Committee Comments Master Plan Modification/Lawrence Lakes Applicant: Mr. George Fuller Design Engineer: Enrico nRicn Rossi, P.E. Request to Modify Front & Rear Setback Lines Request to Delete Recreation Facility Approved By Prior-Commission I. During the platting process, relative to Lawrence Lakes PUD, the original applicant paid the City of Boynton Beach, Florida full recreation fees, but depicted upon their plans the construction of a tennis court, a pool, clubhouse and parking facility with handicap stalls and associated sidewalk improvements. Although it is the consensus of the Parks & Recreation Dept. that this change is a minor one as a result of the developer originally paying the full recreation fee, I feel it is necessary to provide the following comments for consideration by the City Commission. It is presumed that the aforementioned recreation facility was depicted upon plans as an enticement for the City Commission to approve this P.U.D., which is governed by the City's Code of Ordinances and applicable P.U.D. regulations. As the P.U.D. regulations provide special considera- tions and benefits to the applicant, reciprocally the City should also benefit from a lesser impact upon public recreation and park facilities by the construction and maintenance of the subject recreation area. It is my understanding that the basic intent of the P.U.D. regulations is to provide the citizens who reside within P.U.D. areas the benefits associated with having a self contained subdivision which provides, among other things, a suitable recreation facility such as the one depicted upon the existing approved City Plans. It is my recommendation that the applicant's request for deletion of the tennis courts, swimming pool, clubhouse and parking lot with handicap parking facilities should be denied. 2. Should the City Commission rule favorable on the applicant's request to delete the recreation facilities, the plat document will have to be replatted to delete the recreational tract (or record separate instrument). 3. Additionally, the original approved set of "Sign-off" plans showed sidewalks on each side of the entrance road. Revise the Master Plan to indicate sidewalks on each side of the road or a bike path on one side and a sidewalk on the other side. Plans shall be revised accordingly. 4. Regarding the requested modifications to setbacks, the Engineering Department has no comments. w~~~~ Gee & Jenson Vincent A. Finizio Admin. Coord. of Engr. VAF:WRS/ck ~cf:S~E-O ~~ -- l\\l1. , RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #92-223 FROM: Chris Cutro, Planning Director John Wildner, Superintendent of Parks ;tv/ Charles C. Frederick, Director of R~eation & Parks TO: THRU: RE: Master Plan Modification - Lawrence Lakes P.U.D. DATE: July 9, 1992 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the master plan modif ication request for Lawrence Lakes P. U. D. The following comments are submitted: 1. The full recreation impact fee of $28,000 was paid in September, 1989 by a previous developer. 2. Original approved master plan for this site included a swimming pool and other private recreation elements as part of an entrance area to the development. Since the recreation impact fee was paid in full, the private recreation shown was not a requirement under the subdivision ordinance. 3. The new developer's request to substitute a landscaped common area at the entrance to this subdivision appears to be a minor change and would not be opposed by this department. JW/CCF:cm RECEIVED JUl 9 PLANNING DEPT. i'-U" ii" \ \\\ \\\ \ J\~\ .\ .1 t la · \ II, U" I ,I l'V,,'1 , , \ i., 'I, W" \ i\\ . ,h \ i." \1~ ~1~ JI', l;!P;\ Ii .. ._ ...- c ,...00"" ~ . ....\\ _~ .!'.m!.....'l;t.e!A"- .. "w'" .~ \\\. . \'~- \ :',,' ( 1\%~' r', "" 'J' \~ 1 I 'i' \1 . S.i~" ~~ - ". \ \" I ~\ ~ ;.~l' · .. .':..... t ~ I ~', ~ ! rt \ \~\ 'Ie. \ \ , . l" \ ~. \: , · \ ;; . I iioIi ... \ I ! "l 1'- I' - 'l ~.l 'I' 'I' "IIn II i~ , '\11'~tI 'lilll , 'l' \,1 'I ,,,_ ~,-, ,,,III " I,~I" ~ \i\ ii' l' "~i ~ I. \ I,~' I\~' Ii ,v",.m ~,~ Ii' ;\ ,t, i1\ iW ~ \\ , \ , f" \ ;i U \; \,1 I! ~ i'i 11 ;~~i~ ..1 i_i. ;ljj "i~;;~ ., : IIi It ......p. 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LC'~ATION MAP' LAWRENCE LAKES -; 'it'::~'\. u - - ... -. . ~~ ~ ITITlUv 9'q mn~ "11irflllJ 1.1 v;::' II 11III II I fffllllll 1111""'- \l/~~ "''''''~~: .~ '~~Ml ~\91~~.~ ; ~ ' 1iV~~ \~ \ @~~~e~~ ~ ~"ffiW3L!! - = ( ). ~ /1 _..... 1--\ \ J -~ r I J c- '" "- / 1 I I I I I I 11 I I I \ "v, I I ~ ..II " -'nll'li"'rriICI III 7~ I~/:- --, o I. IT~ '. = ~;------:~ I--<.~n \' = ::::'~" ,.-:\ ,,\1~, - f-~_., ':~J~ \) -- r 2<~ "v '- 'A"':',:", =1;--'1 ~ II 1/ '- r,.' -----,,~ ~- :::t, ._~ ,-- I I- ~ I '\. '/~:"-x_' " -~ to ~ Ll ,-- ~ ~ I ," , 11 \ 'I. '" p.- r' \ \ ... . =.- ~t- )i~':7rtr;:f~ t (~r+i-""[.l'r'f!-( j ~ ~= ~ 1= 1-- "CITRUS GL EN 211 e . t= == I .1=-_ PUD LUU4.D. .: = , "\ c: -.~\.~ '~~~~ ") , \f1~ ~ Pl .re ../' il'Vi~ ~ LUIIlIl!l:;~, :f!,ll~-(V~ ~ ~ ~ r1. :.~.o! .---'" ~ 2 ~~~-_/;-; / \ -"MEL~~ RTV' ~ \j ~ ~ \: R'IAA ._ \,: ~T.:_.au_ I - -. n' ---.-.-...--- ----.- -..-. ~I ,.---- '-, ~ \~' '; I .':)1 i ~ T. w 0 l '. ., . ~ .. \' '(::" . \~/ , itS- /"> ~ ":::'. "s . . , , ~ ....... .... W ._D ~ " ~N"L. .,?-;...;~ 1:,\ \::"-)} ~ ~L I , . ~ ? , , 1 AI ~ -11 - ~.. oI;..f:j ~ - to.. :' an- I wan: , II WI \: ' ~~'~' ~ 2 c( " ~ O.J ',I c,c p 11(f~~m .,' \_~~ , ~i'~~ ~I~::; I -- ~~I - ...- ~ 1 l D, ------: _.._--~ L..... ",:3 ~[-- ~ - ~ . / , . , . ~ ~ BEACH off RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #92-235 TO: Chris Cutro, Director of Planning K~tf FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Lawrence Lakes P.U.D. - Master Plan DATE: July 17, 1992 The developer originally preparing the Tree Management Plan has not completed it in accordance with the attached memorandums. The new developer must complete the Tree Management Plan for any of the existing trees on the site. This information should be part of the comments addressed prior to issuing building permits. KH:cm Attachment RECEIVED JUl2 0 1992 MEK>RANIDt UTILITIES DEPAR'lMENl' NO. 92 - 267 FRCM: Christopher cutro, Plarming and zo~' rector John A. Guidry, utilities Director July 13, 1992 TO: DATE: SUBJECT : Master Plan Modification - Lawrence Lakes. We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: l) The contractor shall assume responsibility for proper abandonment of water and sewer utility services to what was the recreation parcel. All services shall be capped or plugged at the main tmder utilities department inspection. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Skip Milor File RECEIVED JUL 14 PLANNING DEPT., '\ . .. TO: FROM: DA'I'E: RE: FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM No.92-241 WDC PLANNING DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT JULY 7, 1992 LAWRENCE LAKES PUD WE HAVE NO OBJECTIONS TO THE PROPOSAL SUBMITTED. ~~~ ~~O , ~.,.. ~\\~ \ llakes.wdc AM D. CAVANAUGH, FPO I DEPARTMENT REPRESENTATIVE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #92-159 TO: Dorothy Moore, Zoning and Site Plan Reviewer FROM: Carel Fisher, Assistant Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Modifications - Lawrence Lakes DATE: July 27, 1992 The Public Works Department has no objections to Site Plan Modifications for Lawrence Lakes per your attached memorandum. ca~~ Assistant Public Works Director CF/cr RECEIVED JUl 2 1 \992 M E M 0 RAN DUM POLICE #92-146 TO: Christopher Curto Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Lt. Donald I. Thrasher Community Relations Division DATE: 27 July 92 SUBJECT: Master Plan Modification - Lawrence Lakes After review of the amended plans for the above, I have no objection to the plans. DIT/dmj RECEIVED JUl 2 7 1992 MATER MANAGEMENT LAKE TRACT · A' 20.00' FRONT fIET8ACIi: TO IIU lLD 1 tIti -- .,...., stDE ETMCIC TO aJlLD U. .c. ~ -.1--.011. TO ... t. ..00' ""TlO 81DE .-nJM:1C ~ BUILDABLE MEA ------------------ --------- - o ro . o o - 20' MAINTENANCE EASEMENT LOTS I, 2. 3 ARE FINISHED OR UNDER- CONSTRUCTION, BUT WILL MEET THE SET- BACK CRITERIA FOR THE POOL AND PATIO. ALL HOMES WIll HAVE A GARAGE. - o ro . o o - .. o d N 110' UTILITY E~SEMENT 7' DRAINAGE' UTiliTY EASE. 60.00' LAWRENCE LAKE DRIVE - - .. o o .. o o - - - - ~\" PROPOSED SET-BACkS AND IMPROVEMENTS f\f:,C~ ,&\'l. FOR LOTS 4 - 32 \~\\ t ~ TYPICAL LOT SIZE SHOWN FOR LOTS ~ - 16, lB, 21 - ~ 30. LOTS 4, 17, 19, 20, 31 AND 32 ARE PIE. SHAPED LOTS, BUT.WILL M~ THE ABOVE SET-BACK CRITERIA. LAWRENCE LAKE, A RU.D. (/) w ~ ::5 w o z w a: ~: <( ..J ~ .2 ~ i- II .~ ~ II!I!!I! ~'tIII nitl i J. tI _ ,eo...~ M ..c,c~.&o. I r I, · ,!:,;. '.~l :. r-- ,-1. -- 2 \ : ~ .'. . I 1,"- ~', '1\ I 1 : I !! j ! N I . . J"' I y" I - ~ . I : II , I ' c~: i: Ii ... ~~ xI "/ ' i II.J : !. ~ II !!! . I i JI II ~ I; : J ~ 1 \ \ .. N ~J i t 1lI o ... 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U - Ii I hrf ,_ H ~(~l! il 'f ll:1 i." H i:i! liil 1.1 1111 Ii I Ir" a. !;: iilf! Ii ;It' It. .- I !h; Uti Ii ,. . \ . en w ~ :5 ~ h If! : I IHo 1! i !Jl ,! 1 d=ls!i! I :i-;~~' W ." l,!p,1 f J ' () !i~ ~PI~il; :I Z hl'l ij~ Ji~11 · . W l~iH iJifll:I') ili.. ~ II: ;~]!i; Ilji It' I ' :> ! H ~ ! i 111 : I J I, it) I I ~S t~~tsll;lJ;!i -j . :iHLulll'lll; I I IIII J l---i!iJ phi I ~ . : 1: a! : . =- 1 i ~I ~ i I. I IIII c .;.;. .... .;. ., . ~~~~ ~ ""1 , : I ! : = I = = : : == ! :; . t . ! I 'II: I ~ ~ I - : I. . I I I II I ! ! I . '-_...._~~_.C'.s. ~:.. .. ... , :. :. :. ~ . , ~ ~ ':, 1: !~I: : "J'a"ial! :'il~~11 h11:1 I!- if - 31fl. . 111'inilll! il 6 .il..c iiUJi ! i'ill i I i i I f II ,I UPt! I ! :I I .... ~.-.. ------- ....-.--,---- . .~.,... .-..-,.-" ] ! 1;' I; I ~ , .. "1 :a I ~ .. .. ... AI rJ . t .. A :' :' ... e' :.. = ,.. . .. .. !: 1::'': I . . . . .. , I , . I ~ . . . . . I I ~ ......... j I' 0 Of Of 0.. I I ;Ill i i II ! I' 111111111111 I lot-_._. . . '- I. ... ~ :, , ~ d I A 5 j ! :~ ~ ,1 ,j, ~ ~ 'I I ~ i" III !i ;..; ~ i ~ i il U .. ~III a I j i II -- } (,i I '! I ! 'I : W~ . "-~ J I H al .~ I ."6 ~ I/~t~ "'1' - { ~ ----.- (,; , I I . j J l~ \ ':.:sr . (.) (.: , I ",~i " , ~ I '..... " " - ( , , .. c :I ~ III . .. .: Ii _J ~-~ . "1P::>....~""...., .. 1. f ~, f t . ~ !l tJ .., ~ ... " PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM July 23, 1992 TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Vince Finizio, Admin. Coordinator of Engineering Richard Staudinger, Gee & Jenson Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utility Directo+ Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department ~ John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ' Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning and Site Plan Reviewer RE: TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING - JULY 28, 1992 The applicant has submitted amended plans for the Lawrence Lakes Master Plan Modification. The project and request was reviewed and forwarded to the City Commission for a non-substantial determination by the Technical Review Committee at the July 9, 1992 meeting. The applicant wishes to rectify the plans to the best of his ability within the time frame allowed prior to the request being forwarded to the City Commission and the Planning and Development Board on August 4 and August 11 respectively. Please add the request to the July 28, 1992, TRC meeting. Comments and/or revised comments and plans are to be submitted to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department no later than 5:00 P.M. on Julv 30. 1992. ~~') Dorothy Moore DM:ald Attachment XC: (Memo Only) Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire chief Charlie Frederick, Parks & Recreation Director Edward Hillery, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Project File Chronological File C:TRC.J28 ci a:u~- J-t.-lZ..z- ? qJ TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Pete Mazzella, Asst. to Utilities Director Lt. Don Thrasher, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Mike Kazunas, City Engineer FROM: Dorothy Moore, Zoning & Site Plan Reviewer DATE: June 30, 1992 RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting Thursday, July 9, 1992 The TRC meeting schedule for the second half of the year is attached, as is the schedule of Procedures For Submitting Projects for TRC meetings, routing of plans and back-up materials. Please be advised that the Technical Review Committee will meet on Thursday, July 9, 1992, at 9:00 A.M. in Conference Room "c" (West Wing) to discuss the following: MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Lawrence Lakes a PUD: Request to change the front building setbacks from 25 ft. to 20 ft. The rear setbacks to remain as originally approved. Change the rear setbacks for pools and screen enclosures with screen roofs from 8 ft. to 3 ft. The remaining pool and screen enclosure setbacks shall comply with the setbacks established in the current zoning code. ~-*~ ) DM/jm Atts. Technical Review Committee Page 2 cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Don Jaeger, Building Official Ed Allen, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Edward Hillery, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director Tambri Heyden, Senior Planner Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator Steve Campbell, Fire Department Central File City Commission (5) Project File Chronological File A: TRCAGDA.JM