REVIEW COMMENTS DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-053 r, (2 (jiJ R n 1117 re rn l t>'f j ~ \~ l~~l L!; 1I \!J U; i II'jr--'--~ I I ') ; uU! i:AR I 3 1997 ~ March 12, 1997 L_.. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: Marshall Gage, Police Chief Carel Fisher, Acting Director of Public Works John Guidry, Utilities Director Charlie Frederick, Director of Recreation & Park Jim Ness, Acting Fire Chief John Yeend, P.E., Engineering Consultant Kevin Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist Michael Haag, Site Development Administrator Don Johnson, Building Compliance Administrator Ken Hall, Engineering Plan Check Inspector/Technician FROM: AI Newbold Acting Director of Development RE: LAWRENCE LAKE DEVELOPMENT Please review the attached letter and provide me with your comments and recommendation on whether the cash bond can be returned. Thank you for your timely response. ~ AI New ~ AN:bg Attachment -r;: /I L A!t:J.veoZD 4c. r;/\J~ /J i R-t::.,-~A (),.c .Ll:;vc ~f::.;.J r rPJtYJ i de-II#s'- 6, !:k4-G, IV Jl~ CvRf?~r /t.A/N'/I\/~ ~"R.I""V/af1>J\. (II4NIlII.1I4? 20,.,;. d ~ L>~ : J /;3/97 /f.,,6 '. C~;.I ~o - ~/:U~1lGt t.. #)4:;- LJ(;;.v~t.JJ??'1e,..Jr /~.e #2~ AA:> /SSu~-s f'+4~o 1'z) ?pc tAJIl &N<O ~ 1'7J.t: 'pl.4;IV"h.v" ?!NO ~fIJ;"'6 ~Crr4R~~T* C:\BOYNTONIDOCUMEf-.l \LA WRLAKE, WPD y h--~~ft7 D LEvY, KNEEN, MARIANI, CURTIN, WIENER, KORNFELD & DEL Russo PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION ..JEF'FREY 0 KNEEN WRITER'S DIRECT DIAL NO.: (sell 478-4711 COUNSELORS AT LAW SUITE 1000 1400 CENTREPARK BOULEVARD WaST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA. 33401 TELEPHONE (561) 478-4700 FAX NO. (5611478-5811 H. IRWIN LEVY OF COUNSEL March 10, 1997 m ~,~ ~,D;~ @ AtJflDING DIVISION Mr. Al Newbold Accing Development ~irector City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: LAWRENCE LAKES DEVELOPMENT Dear Mr. Newbold: Thank you for your letter dated February 10, 1997, regarding the issuance of building permits and certificates of occupancy for the last two lots in Lawrence Lake PUD. The purpose of this letter is to clarify any remaining issues regarding tt.e completion of Lawrence Lake PUD. As you may be aware, my client, Lawrence Lakes Development, Inc., purchased individual lots from the original developer of the PUD. Lawrence Lakes Development, Inc., did not ass~me any of the obligations or liabilities pertaining to the i~frastructure at the PUD which was installed by the original developer; however, in the interest of expediting the build out of this community. Lawrence Lakes Deve:opment, Inc., cooperated with the City and the existing reRidents regarding community issues. More specifically, Lawrence Lakes Development, Inc., has posted a $24,000 cash bond with the City to assure the completion of the landscaping improvements and irrigation. This cash bond replaced the bond provided to the City by the or=-ginal developer, T indus Investments, Inc., under 1 ts Agreenent with the City dated July 13, 1994. Regarding the release of this cash bond, I request that you provide me the City's position as to any additional actions necessary by my client in order to receive the refund of this bond. We would like to be clear as to exactly what the Clty is expecting to be accomplished at this tiwe in order to have the bond refunded. Also, c:onsiderlng that this community has been built out, except for the last two lots, we would request informati~n as to whether or not the City considprs there to be any other open items. Mr. Al Newbold March 10, 1997 Page 2 We believe that it is standard practice for the City to contact all relevant City departments to determine if there are any outstanding inspections or other community issues that need to be addressed at the completion of a community. We are not aware that this was done, and we would request that, if there are any issues, these be identified at this time. Thank you for your time and cooperation in assisting us to obtain this information. I will look fo r to earing from you. JDK/jf cc: Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Mr. Mike Haag, Planning & Zoning Department H:\5293,Q01\J310LTR,CIT , M E M 0 RAN DUM July 13, 1992 TO: Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and site Development Administrator RE: Technical Review Committee Meeting - July 9, 1992 MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION - LAWRENCE LAKES PUD - Request to change the front building setbacks from 25 ft. to 20 ft. The original established rear setback of 15 ft. and side setback of 7 1/2 ft. are to remain unchanged. Change the rear setbacks for pools and screen enclosures with screen roofs from 8 ft. to 3 ft. The remaining pool and screen enclosure setbacks shall comply with the setbacks established in the current zoning code. The request included the removal of the recreation area and associated amenities. Upon review of the above referenced project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City codes. I recommend that the applicant submit plans showing compliance with staff comments prior to building permits being issued for homes at the subject property. 1. Submit a warranty deed verifying proof of ownership of the subject property. 2. Specify on the sheet titled "Master Development Plan" the height of the proposed decorative white wood fence and add to the drawing a partial elevation view of the fence. The information is needed to document the configuration of the fence so that in the future when a drawing is submitted for a fence permit, it may be compared to the approved drawing. 3. Revise the lot layout on the sheet titled "Master Development Plan" to reflect the correct location and size of the lots as shown on the final plat drawing of the subject property. 4. Indicate on the typical lot drawing the side setback for the pool and screen enclosure (screen roof). The letter submitted for the proposed modification requested the zoning code setback of eight (8) foot side setback for pools and a seven foot six inch (7'6") side setback for screen enclosures. Specify on the plan that the screen enclosure is an enclosure with screen walls and screen roof. 5. The letter submitted for the proposed modification requested three (3) foot rear setback for pools. To show consistency, remove the word "deck" from the modification area highlighted on the plan. 6. Amend the development data as follows: i. Remove the text "recreation tract" and combine the acreage and percentage of the recreation tract with the perimeter buffer figures ii. Reword the total number of units section to read total project approved for 33 units (detached single family) 7. A call-out on the Landscape plan makes reference to Sheet L-l, L-2 and L-3 for landscaping. sheet L-l was the only sheet submitted. Submit all sheets that reference work in the proposed landscaped area and revise the call-out accordingly. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-180 TO: Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering DATE: July 9, 1992 RE: Technical Review Committe Comments Master Plan Modification/Lawrence Lakes Applicant: Mr. George Fuller Design Engineer: Enrico "Ric" Rossi, P.E. Request to Modify Front & Rear Setback Lines Request to Delete Recreation Facility Approved by Prior Commission During the platting process relative to Lawrence Lakes, P.U.D., the original applicant paid the City of Boynton Beach, Florida full recreation fees, but depicted upon their plans the construction of a tennis court, a pool, clubhouse and parking facility with handicap stalls and associated sidewalk improvements. Although it is the consensus of the Technical Review Committee that this change is a minor one as a result of the developer originally paying the full recreation fee, I feel it is necessary to provide the following comments for consideration by the City Commission. It is presumed that the aforementioned recreation facility was depicted upon plans as an enticement for the City Commission to approve this P.U.D. which is governed by the City's Code of Ordinances and applicable P.U.D. regulations. As the P.U.D. regulations provide special consider- ations and benefits to the applicant, reciprocally the City should also benefit from a lesser impact upon public recreation and park facilities by the construction and maintenance of the subject recreation area. It is my understanding that the basic intent of the P.U.D. regulations is to provide the citizens who reside within P.D.D. areas the benefits associated with having a self contained subdivision which provides, among other things, a suitable recreation facility such as the one depicted upon the existing approved City plans. It is my recommendation that the applicant's request for deletion of the tennis courts, swimming pool, clubhouse and parking lot with handicap parking facilities should be denied. The following is a list of corrections that need to be made on the submitted master plan: 1) The general note in the upper left hand corner of the plan indicating a conflict in land ownership relative to a 25' wide strip, shall be deleted as the original plat took this property into consideration and did not include it within the boundary survey. 2) Under the general note section, lower center portion of the plan, Item #l specifies the placement of "Children Playing" signs along the local streets. This comment shall be deleted as the City does not advocate the "Children Playing" signs within public or private roadways and the posting of such signs are inconsistant with the Institute of Transportation Engineers publications relative to this subject matter (see attached publications entitled "Won't a Children At Play sign help protect our kids?" and "Why won't they put up Children At Play signs?") P}~CEIVED JUl 9 P'_,:':_~.: ~,1 ~ ;\,\ G r'; r c~y. Engineering Department Memorandum No. 92-180 TRC Comments/Replat of Lawrence Lakes, P.D.D. July 9, 1992 Page #2 3) The master plan, as submitted, indicates the presence of thirty-three residential lots which conflicts with the plat document specifying the existance of only thirty-two lots. Revise plans accordingly. 4) The legal description situated on the master plan, lower left- hand corner, does not comply with the legal description of the recorded plat document. Revise master plan accordingly. 5) The master plan's development data block, under Item #1, indicates a total acreage of 13.54 acres which is in conflict with the approved and recorded plat which specifies a total acreage of 13.343. Revise plans accordingly. 6) Within the development data block, Item #3, the master plan indicates a density of 2.44 units per acre. This statement conflicts with the original plat document which approved a lesser density of 2.40 units per acre. Revise master plan to compliment the approved recorded plat. Regarding the requested modifications to setbacks, the Engineering Department has no comments. VAF/ck attachments: Florida Section, Institute of Transportation Engineers Publications. Note: Should the City Commission rule favorably on the applicant's request to delete the recreation facilities, the plat document will have to be replatted to delete the recreational tract. Additionally, the original approved set of "Sign-off" plans showed sidewalks on each side of the entrance road. Revise the Master Plan to indicate sidewalks on each side of the road or a bike path on one side and a sidewalk on the other side. Plans shall be revised accordingly. . I . ~. - I . - J ._, I e - . m I -j I i I t - 0 I CtIILOQEN AT PLAY WHY WON'T THEY PUT UP "CHILDREN AT PLAY" SIGNS? An often heard neighborhood request concerns the posting of generalized warning signs with "SLOW-CHILDREN AT PLAY" or other similar messages. Parental concern for the safety of children in the street near home, and a misplaced but wide-spread public faith in traffic signs to provide protection often prompt these requests. Although some other states have posted such signs widely in resident ial areas, no factual evidence has been presented to document their success in reducing pedestrian accidents, operating speeds or legal liability. Studies have shown that many types of signs attempting to warn of normal conditions in residential areas have failed to achieve the desired safety benefits. I f signs encourage parents and children to believe they have an added degree of protection, which the signs do not and cannot provide, a great disservice results. Because of these serious considerations, California law does not recognize, and Federal Standards discourage, use of "Children at Play" signs. Specific warnings for schools, playgrounds, parks and other recreational facilities are available for use where clearly . justified. Children should not be encouraged to play within the street travelways. The sign has long been rejected since it is a direct and open suggestion that this behavior is acceptable. )\L. f, \' "..C. kl/ -;-;-- . . . . . . , , , I I ~ "WON'T A 'CHILDREN AT PLAY' SIGN HELP PROTECT OUR KIDS?" At first consideration, it might seem that this sign would provide protection for ~ youngsters playing in a neighborhood. It doesn't. Studies made in cities where such signs were widely posted in residential areas show no evidence of having reduced pedestrian accidents, vehicle speed or legal liability. In fact, many types of signs which were installed to warn of normal conditions in residential areas failed to achieve the desired safety benefits. Further, if signs encourage parents with children to believe they have an added degree of protection - which the signs do not and cannot provide - a great dis- service results. Obviously, children should not be encouraged to play in the roadway. The "children at play. sign is a direct and open suggestion that it is is acceptable. to do so. Federal standards discourage the use of .children at play. signs. Specific warnings for schools, playgrounds, parks and other recreational facilities are available for use where clearly justified. MEMORANOOM UTILITIES DEPAR'lMENT NO. 92 - 267 '1'0 : Christopher cutro, Plamring' and zo~'rector John A. Guidry, utilities Director July 13, 1992 FRCM : DATE: SUBJECT : Master Plan Modification - Lawrence Lakes. We can approve this project subject to the following conditions: 1) The contractor shall assume responsibility for proper abandonment of water and sewer utility services to what was the recreation parcel. All services shall be capped or plugged at the main under utilities department inspection. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Skip Milor File RECEIVED JUL 14 · PLANNING DEPT. . '\ .. RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #92-223 FROM: Chris Cutro, Planning Director John Wildner, Superintendent of Parks Jt~ Charles C. Frederick, Director of R~eation & Parks TO: THRU: RE: Master Plan Modification - Lawrence Lakes P.U.D. DATE: July 9, 1992 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the master plan modification request for Lawrence Lakes P.U.D. The following comments are submitted: 1. The full recreation impact fee of $28,000 was paid in September, 1989 by a previous developer. 2. Original approved master plan for this site included a swimming pool and other private recreation elements as part of an entrance area to the development. Since the recreation impact fee was paid in full, the private recreation shown was not a requirement under the subdivision ordinance. 3. The new developer's request to substitute a landscaped common area at the entrance to this subdivision appears to be a minor change and would not be opposed by this department. JW/CCF:cm RECEIVED JUL 9 PLANNING DEPT. BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-156 May 26, 1995 From: Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official tiilJiam V. Hukill, P. E. ~rtment of Development Director Lawrence Lakes Estates - Custom Lot #4 To: Re: It is my understanding that GRB Construction of Palm Beach Gardens has applied for a swimming pool permit at subject location. The fact that Permit No. 94-4334 for the residence at that location in not finalized is not a factor in consideration of the pool request, as the pool will generate a separate permit. Nor is the fact that the pool is in a different location than previously thought of any significance. The pool application must stand on its own merit just as it would if it had been submitted for a long-existing residence. If the pool complies with all codes, ordinances, rules, regulations, setbacks, easements, etc. a permit should be issued promptly upon completion of plan review. WVH : mh cc: Carrie Parker, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Mike Haag, Site Milt Duff, Chief Plans Examiner ..~' ",.,~,.,.~..,....,., ._. .~. ... .........'"'--_.....~'--"'~--t :'~,:' 0) ~ n \\11 rr; r""'~! ~J t5 U \.J ll; .nl~ .,=".,_,_~=c~,_~. I.,., i; ~ ~ ~ ' ~ f I H! ,) 0 IGOr'J ~;\ v ,~... '.,J ~._."'" .".,"'_...........n... r,l ;~:;~})'.~"~~ : :~. ~..:~.'.""".....,_"..,.,......\.,..,._'n.... A:LAWRBNCB.LIt ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ ..f t<.M+ ~I:!..:Y 580 VILLAGE BOULEVARD, SUITE 140 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33409.1904 (407) 689-0554 FAX: (407) 889.1109 c J ~/j ~ /t&C1evgCJ '. Jt/J ;J11lJtyli,.; &Jdrfc$h. mz 6de; -11- is r~ ATTN: Mr. Christo~her Cutro L " Ci ty Pl anner VI 6J.;(;:/.-I!EK!--) , . RE: LAWRENCE LAKES 0 r~/jJtl ~J U;/'oJU; PROPOSED MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION ;$~~ "i/Z <: ,4j(3.Jt:)6 Dear Mr. Cutro: ~A~~ ec. V(,.J(...e:' (Y/ pi 7+ 12 Pursuant to our telephone conversation, I am enclosing twelve (12) copies of the Master Plan for the referenced project, on which I have shown the following modifications. June 17, 1992 City of Boynton Beach City Planning Department P.O. Box 31" Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 I. Request that the front minimum setback be changed from 25' to 2"'. 2. Request that the rear minimum setback for a screen enclosure be set at 3 feet. (15' setback to the structure rema ins as originally shown) . 3. Request that the recreation area be changed to show "Landscaped Area". The requested setback change is made to provide for swimming pools to be constructed on the rear yard. Since all of the lots abut the lake, there will be no impact to abutting lots. As the developer, Mr. George Fuller, has explained to you, it is difficult to justify maintenance cost for a swimming pool, bath house and tennis court for only 32 lots. Accompanying this application is a check in the amount of $5""."" as filing fee. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, ENGI NEE,RS, INC .-.---- /~< " ';. c:v: /'.> , ~~ BO)'4'f-' ,,/;:) l . ...~" ~" 0+ y,. : . \ ~ ltCr:~_ <S' '(I 'J, J . - b~t,>> -.o'fI'C>d ir'" V::. ,,~. ' " .' ,"6V1Iff1 1 :r:- r .t; \'i':ii, ~.~8 i$~g. C<.p . .:. 'to OJ~. . ,'~ I--/ ' '.; ;'b...: ~Q/'t<::t; -..J1t. /-, Cc, . " ". .",.' . If> ...V' ,'C' ,..>!.,~.. '. .~'" ' .~, ,'." .. "'., "ilICHI f\.O . ,<.......j .' "","",";f.. ,/- . ". "';;' \.,;Jv' - --------'- --. Ro s s i, P. E. ....~lr--r.\ \..:) RECTIl \' ~.:.-./ JUC 1 ER/jh cc: Mr. George Fuller PLA!~hi, C,j DU~', "- RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #92-235 TO: Chris Cutro, Director of Planning +<~tf 1/ FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist RE: Lawrence Lakes P.U.D. - Master Plan DATE: July 17, 1992 The developer originally preparing the Tree Management Plan has not completed it in accordance with the attached memorandums. The new developer must complete the Tree Management Plan for any of the existing trees on the site. This information should be part of the comments addressed prior to issuing building permits. KH:cm Attachment ....-- - MEMORANDUM co Carrren Annunziato Planning Director DATI! November 24, 1987 ,.ILI! ~ _OM Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist !IU8nCT Citrus Glen Phase I, II and Lawrence Lake P.U.D.'s I am working with the developer in preparation of the Tree Managerrent Plan for these Planned Unit Developrents. The landscape architect will be sending copies of this plan showing details and incorporation into the HClIeOWI1er Association d.ocuIrents. Li~ ~ ~U--- Vlll J. 1 KJH:ad ... -- -- ~,-, ,-,-/.- J......_--',_,_.. , ,- I , , OCT ?:; ]:' ,?-. '.......,1 M E M 0 ,R AND U M PI ,., t ',',j'. .': ;' .' L.r\L .1.\,-, vi.., I, TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: October 23, 1987 SUBJECT: Citrus Glen Phase I Citrus Glen P.U.D. (Phase II) Lawrence Lake P.U.D. The following comments pertain to the Master Landscape Plan for the above projects: 1. The developer should provide a more accurate tree survey in conjunction with the aerial photograph which addresses: a. All species and quantities of existing tree. b. Which trees will remain, be transplanted, removed and replaced. c. Which trees will be available to the City of Boynton Beach and/or the School Board of Palm Beach County. d. A comprehensive Tree Management Plan for the tract. 2. The littoral zone plantjngs around the lakes should also address the following: a. A littoral zone Management Plan document detailing how to correctly manage this area. b. A detail sketch of the littoral zone plantings, showing how the materials will be installed (species, locations, quantities). This should be for field inspection when lake plantings are completed. c. This document should be referenced in the Homeowner Association documents and comments made to this effect on the approved plat. d. All TREES so designated in the landscape plan must be 8' in height at time of planting. e. The installation of the littoral zone plantings should be completed as the particular lakes in question are complete and graded. .......-- ....i 3. If any existing Citrus Trees are to remain or transplanted to common areas in the P.U.D., a special Tree Management Plan for these trees should be compiled and also become part of the Homeowner Association documents. Referenced also on the plat. 4. A landscape buffer required between any P.U.D. and an adjacent road R.O.W. where applicable should be in~luded in the plan. - ~ '''''~/'''''L --~ evin J a lahan"hl' KJH:ad DOC: CANNUN