APPLICATION June 24, 1992 City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Ref: Lawrence Lakes Estates, Lots 1-32 Gentlemen; We recently acquired properties known as Lawrence Lakes Estates, consisting of 30 lots, and two homes that had been seriously vandalized, We have experienced many inquiries as to our plans to build and sell the remaining homes. It has become evident that a major portion of ow,: prospec~ve buyers prefer to have their own pool. At present. we plan to build a home of approximately 2000 sq. ft. under air, However, present front set back requirements, and rear pool set back requirements, would prohibit an adequate pool and screen enclosure. '~ i.. In previewing the Master Plan of the 32 lots; please observe the additional 20 ft. easement abutting eacl1lot surrounding the lake. With this ad,d.itional 20 ft. in the rear, we could ask the board to extend the property line in the rear to include this 20 ft. easement. or extend it to the center of the lake, However, it has been suggested to us, that requesting that the front set back line be modified to a 20ft. front setback, and the rear 8 ft IKK2l and screen enclosure setback be modified to a 3 ft rear set back, would accomplish the same objective. There would still be no encroachment of the easement itself, with these modifications, and it would enable the homeowner to put a 14 ft pool and screen enclosure in. --- " As a builder with first hand knowledge of the danger and unsightly appearance of above ground pools, we would like to incorporate a restrictive covenant to our recorded documents prohibiting above ground pools. We therefore, respectively submit this master plan revision to change the current front line set back from 25 ft, to 20 ft'l an4 the rear f!Xl1 and screen enclosure (screen root) set back line from 8ft. to 3 ft Remaining set backs for the pool and screen enclosure (screen root), will comply with the required zoning codes, We intend to make Lawrence Lakes a fIrSt rate single family home development. and feel this modification would benefit everyone concerned. Your timely review and, consideration would be most appreciated. ~ /' c:}C.~'f;.O ~e ~~ ~\\\\ t /p/// (/~~~ WATER MANAGEMENT LAKE TRACT I AI 20. 7.SO' 3.00' 8.00' ~ .......,. -.,....... TO IUILD I_ SIDE -.,~ TO IUILDI.. ~ SETBACK TO REM It PATIO SIDE SETBACK BUILDABLE AREA 20' MAINTENANCE EASEMENT 7,5' / / / , ~ o rt) . o o C d N ,'" I ~ ... ....' ': r- -::-r ~ - /, 'PROPOSED ~ C '.,.DRIVE,', d .~~.,. .... N , ..,,~, . " ..\.. ...'.... ," ... I,.C! I, ,.".. -0 -0 60.QO' LAWRENCE LAKE DRIVE -0 -0 c o c ... 0 0 0 -0 -0 -0 -0 PROPOSED SET-BACKS AND IMPROVEMENTS FOR LOTS 4 - 32 LOTS 1, 2 & 3 ARE FINISHED OR UNDER- CONSTRUCTION, BUT WILL MEET THE SET- BACK CRITERIA FOR THE POOL AND PATIO. ALL HOMES WILL HAVE A GARAGE. o ro . o o - 110' UT I LI TV E~SEMENT 7' DRAINAGE ~ UTILITY EASE. TYPICAL LOT SIZE SHOWN FOR LOTS 5 - 16, 18, 21 - 30. LOTS 4, 17, 19, 20, 31 AND 32 ARE PIE SHAPED LOTS, BUT WILL MEET THE ABOVE SET-BACK CRITERIA. LAWRENCE LAKE, A RU.D. ~... ~r-t...s M:.- \ , ,,,,,"PEl.- COr",e ",,,,,-, ea: 4_k92 ,0: ~y",'\ : ~ ~,~~ ~ rue . )548.!-- ~ .u- ~ ~ tp~..va. - ~ .' 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All. . __:.;,OOCUMENTARY' STAMPS \,'1'; :'rl~f, ~,:lG. ~ $4,182.00 INTANGIBlE TAX' I . , . .720.111 : .'. ;;, r r,J (~tfl.a.======...... .. TOTA[' FEEs out! . $5.034.00 .. .2625 ____.L-_'J,,041i1lJ 2646 ,t1.992.9O _-:.::AKOUNT."JENDERED ,l{t,or *5.034.00 . :=========a=== 7". ~11 "'''1M:''' ;\:,l .. ,!t'..:o;':~\ ~.. .iCl!~\It'':I.:tanI ~ nn gn..,1'II1\I~_ __.....__,..~..-......... -, ww .._ .....LI . ["" llii""i1 II 1a' . OFFlICIAl. RECEIPT : ~ i '~ ' : : j \ I ,..~. ""... , .. ....~...:; . :." . . .... ....... . . - ._- :" 'I~J , t .,1 ,. , f,r. :: -: . I ; I~ ~ ' , , , , - - .. . .. - - - - .. - - .- - ... - -- ..- . , cr.lf ,ftH):')~ I,'. . !:ill.:tO...., :IC'-M t?nlx :..)unl L :1';;' ~~a 'i,f\jn!,Hla:O - -.----.--- . J",T 9Idl~I"f!,JnI '1 foe' ~ -..... .. .-- .... .-...-'...~ . . "'I' : .1.1 I.'. ,lA/lar , , I ; I ~ ~'" . '! I; . _. ......&.I.~ ~Ut."_, _ .1;11."1 '_ _ _~ . ...... .4 Return to: / "'y irre! to~ ) - . APR-P6-1992 11:13am 92-100513 : ORB 71 88 P9 1 715 . Con: 505,000.00 Doc 3,030.00 CLERK OF THE COURT - PB COUNTY,- Fl This Instrument Prepared Bv: James F. Basque, Esquire Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation P.o. Box 725003 Orlando, Florida 32872-5003 (407) 282-7575 QUIT CLAIM DEED \ THIS INDENTURE made this cQ~ day of ~ \ ' 1992, by FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, as Receiver for Bank of South Palm Beaches, as sole shareholder of Military Trail Holding Corporation, a Florida Corporation, hereinafter called the Grantor, whose address is 5778 South Semoran Boulevard, Orlando, Florida 32822, and 'Tindus Investments, Inc., a Florida Corporation, hereinafter called the Grantee, whose address is 11298 Manatee Drive, Lake Worth, Florida 33463 and whose tax identification number is ',' 6 When used herein, the terms "Grantor" and "Grantee", include all parties to this instrument, their heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations. WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND 00j100THS DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, paid by the Grantee, receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and forever quit claim unto the Grantee, its heirs and assigns, all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the following described real property situated in the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, to-wit: Lots 1 through 32, LAWRENCE LAKE, a P.U.D., according to the Plat thereof on file in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, recorded in Plat Book 64, Pages ,106 and, 107, said lands situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. .J Tax Parcel Numbers: 08-43-45-1813-000-0010; 08-43-45-1813-000-0020; 08-43-45-1813-000-0030; 08-43-45-1813-000-0040; ...,~":;;;o ,'..c?:" "./ I~""")"" . SDU ;,-.A !, . I J I ,,' (",. '. : ...., ..,. I ' .::,.... >tJf\... - , '. L,' /V ' / /' / ) ) ORB 7188 P9 1716 08-43-45-1813-000-0050; 08-43-45-1813-000-0060: 08-43-45-1813-000-0070; 08-43-45-1813-000-0080: 08-43-45-1813-000-0090; 08-43-45-1813-000-0100: 08-43-45-1813-000-0110: 08-43-45-1813-000-0120; 08-43-45-1813-000-0130: 08-43-45-1813-000-0140: 08-43-45-1813-000-0150: 08-43-45-1813-000-0160: 08-43-45-1813-000-0170; 08-43-45-1813-000-0180; 08-43-45-1813-000-0190: 08-43-45-1813-000-0200: 08-43-45-1813-000-0210: 08-43-45-1813-000-0220: 08-43-45-1813-000-0230: 08-43-45-1813-000-0240; 08-43-45-1813-000-0250: 08-43-45-1813-000-0260: 08-43-45-1813-000-0270; 08-43-45-1813-000-0280: 08-43-45-1813-000-0290; 08-43-45-1813-000-0300; 08-43-45-1813-000-0310; 08-43-45-1813-000-0320. THIS DEED IS WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY (WHETHER STATUTORY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED), AND GRANTOR DOES NOT WARRANT TITLE TO THE REAL PROPERTY HEREBY CONVEYED. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused the~K?fesents to be signed by its Attorney-In-Fact this ~ day of ~\ 1992. FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, as Receiver for Bank of South Palm Beaches as sole shareholder of Military Trail Holding Corporation, a Florida :~P~Qti.OTI . .~ Name: ~1.~ / Attorney-In-Fact 5778 South Semoran Blvd Orlando, Florida 32822 WITNESSES: Name: SUG J4tcJey-mJf'0 ~ S:\LEGAL\FORMS\FRM003.91 02101191 / // / ) ) ~ JRB 7188 pg 1717 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE I HEREBY CERTIFY, that on this ct~ day of ~~ \ , 1992, before me personally appeared FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION, as Receiver for Bank of South Palm Beaches, as sole shareholder of Militaf~ Trail Holding Corporation, a Florida Corporation, by OA\ll~ W. \lJA Ng,V its Attorney-In-Fact, to me known personally or has produced ~~NAu.Y l~tJ -W ~ as identification and did take an oath, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his/her free act and deed for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. WITNESS my signature and the County of Orange. offiCia~e 1 at O;lan,do, Flor~:\:~~_t~-;,~\ ~ ,"\....'. -ball, ' ... ,. . !t.,t' /') " NOTARY PUB IC C9M.<d,,,~-6"$ r " v(/:\ Name: ~"Yk.~M4 of. a~l.t ,aJ~;SI~.J I J (J --2$''-'0 -_,i " ,'"',,., n ' My comm1.s~pJj;m1?5tltf~.ffoti(f;~t[arse," \Y ~ My Commission Expi(es APri(2.h } 992 '>; 1:::- [NOTARIAL SEAL] r .'_ "-- 0 ({i,:"'" ;;Z;:;~:~'~;:~.:~~!~\>"- " , - 1"If"...." ). S:\LEGAL\FORMS\FRM003.91 02/01/91 ~ RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLA CLERK CIRCUIT COURT ' - L__ .....