APPLICATION '-- APPLICATION TO ABANDON/V~CATI Th~ l1nd~r~dgn~d, pursuant to ordinanc~ Ho. 1/;-27 ot th~ ct ty of Boynton B~ACh, FloridA, hpr~by Appli~s to th~ city commission to vacat~, Ahandon, and ~lscontfn"~ th~, (check one): ( ) 1\LI,EY ( X ) STRF.F.T ( ) srEct1\t rURrOSF. E1\~EHENT ( ) OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY a9 deAcrih~d in AttAch~d Exhihit "A", And to renounce and disclaim Any right of t.he city and the public in and to any land in connection th~rewith. said appltcP\tion 1s to b~ fil",d with th~ rlanning Departml?l)t in trIplicate And applications involving mor~ than one of th~ above listed nonf~~ Int~r~st.R shall h~ filed sepArately. Each application so fil~d shall b~ complet~ in eVery respect. Ttie undersigned hereby certify: 1, That a compl~t~ And accurAte l~gal df3scriptlon with the sp~cific property interest sOllght to he vacated or abandoned, including wh~re pos~dble a plat map or drawing shOWing the genetal area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "1\" attached hereto. 2, That the title or 1nten:sst of the City i'1nd public in and to the sp~ciflc property interest described above was acquired and is evldpn~ed by, (check one): ( x ) DF-F.O ( ) nF.OIC1\TION ( ) rRESCRlrTION Rt:scorded in _QIll.cial Record Book 2308 , rag~ 157 , Bnd Public Records of Palm Beach county, FloridB. 3. That no similar application has b~~n ~onsldered by thp rtty at Bny time within six (/;) months of the d~te hereof, and should thi~ appliCAtion h~ grantert, such abanrtonment Bnd vacation will prev~nt no oth~r rroperty owners from A~ce~~ to and from thptr property and no other prop~rty owners in the vicinity will he Bdversely effected. 4. That the above des~ribed rroperty int@rest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Comm1~sion of the city of Boynton BeAch, FloridA, is not B part of Any state or federal highWAY Rystem, And Was not acqUired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. 5. That the follOWing ~onAtitutes a compl~te and accurate schedule of All own~rs And occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. HAHI ADDRESS Hunters Run Property Owners Asso. 3500 Clubhouse Lane Boynton Beach, FL 33436 Hunters Run Golf & Racquet Club Palmland Asso. Inc. same ;l ~ above c/o Palmland Villas Condo Assoc. 1906 Palmland Drive Boynton Beach, FL 33436 6, That the following grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application: Abandonment of !,;l1rpll1!=: ri'Jhr nT t.1~y to prouidQ additional riqht of way for orivate roadway purooses. DATIl): ;P~Lit<<:AT~PLEASE SIGN) ADDRI!:SS JJNc)'II-w~~ ~ ;jc)i)'f- OJ F/~ (IY$~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above name applicant(s) being first duly a~otn b~ ~e the date and year above indicated, deposed and stat~d that '~he__ are/is the applicant(s) in the foregoinq Application to Ab~hdon/vacate; that they have read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knOWledge. My Commission Expires: GffIC1Al NOTARY SUl DAflttNE E DODSOII ~ PUIIUt SlATE OF R.OIlIa COMMISSION NO, CC383920 II\' COMMISSIOtf EIP. JUNE 16. 1. Description For the Abandonment of Portions of Right-of-Way in Sec.6 TWP 46 S., RGE 43 E. Referred to as Parcel "e" A portion of right-ot-way in Section 6, Township /,(,6 South, Range /,(,3 East as recorded in Official Record Book 2308, Pages 157-159 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, referred to as Parcel "C" being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Summit Plat No. 1 as recorded in Plat Book 36, Page /,(,9 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence South 88-13'31" West, along the North line of said Summit Plat No.1, (Bearing Reference North Line of said Summit Plat No, 1 bears North 88013'31" East according to the Plat thereof, and all other lines are Relat_ive thereto), said line also being the South line of Charter Drive North as recorded in Official Records Book 2308, Pages 157-159 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 596.47 feet; thence South 43013'31" West along the border of said Summit Plat No, 1, a distance of 70.71 feet; thence c(mtinue along the border of said Surnrni t Plat No.1, South 0101",.6' 29" East., a distance of 50.62 feet to point on the Northerly Right-of-Way of Summit Drive as shown on said Summit Plat No,l, said Point being the Point of Beginning; thence continue South 0101",.6'29" East, a distance of 30,/,(,0 feet; thence South 88-13'31" West, a distance of 60.00 feet; thence North 010/,(,6'29" West, a distance of 1.00 feet; thence departing said Plat No.1, North 35~05'16" East, a distance of 36.71",. feet; thence North SS.13'31" East. a distance of 37,96 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing O,03~~ Acres (1.500 square feet), more or less, CUNNINGHAM & DURRANCE Consulting Engineers. Inc, '\ o~ \ LO'l w- 'P.-' :,.\ "'1'\ ?'o;:; r ~ \ '?9\ J!.~. N \~ . % ""\J~; \J::-.~ ~t~ If g\1"'; '\ \ \ :-' I. \ ~ \ \' ' I \ \ \ ~ ~, \~ \~ \~ \'?9 /.., , . r:, \ . \ '1>. \0-" \ ", /"6- \6' / ~' I \ / I I .;, \ \ ~ ~~, \ \ \ \ \ \ .~ \ \ \ ~ ~ \ :& ~ U' '\" r C;~>t- ''\ L './' , \ \, <::? -9 '\ ./'~ (-' I I \ \ \ \ I on . ::x: :0"):0- , :D (P-i , r<1 :0 NO W:o 0_ '\ ?" <. ' r<1 ' " ' -08 c;')~ I ~%!fl:o \ rn -t -of . r"C)....-:r ' ...., U1 C\\\ " ,'\" ~, '"",- \ " ,,\ '"" , '" "'~~ '~' / .{~ " ~'" '" ~s' ", y~ "t e I " """" ' , "\ i:{ " '" , '", """ ;~i '"", \ ;~r \ "'\ ~ \ ~ '~ \ \ \ \ ~ i~ \ \ \ ~\ tit , \ ~~J' ni , \ \: i c \ , \~ ~ l \ \ \ ~_\ i' , '-I ~i m~\ \\\~, \\ ~S,' \, I ,,~\ ~i i\~A ,\ \ \\ 1~ l~i~ .. " I I ~I' ~til ~ \ \ " \ b;l '. \ \ '. ~i" \ \ \ \ ~ go ii11 ;!!~l ~ \ \ J- ~-,~ obi \ \ I'" \ \t \~~\ I I \ . 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