CORRESPONDENCE Sep 07 01 02:22p 561-752-0303 .1 --...~...." ;.:\'~ ~ ~ ~~"''', I., ~t.~ ,,__,,",," <, ,~",~,'4 ~', ' \c, \P ,~',..- " , ,.. r--' ~:~,<,.. .. , u \ \.-' '; \\} 1..~' \~\~ S~. .:~.-J ',\""",,.'" ,~. ~\,;.<" \,~, ,...:,.,,,..,,.... BoYNTON BUCH FAITH BAS. COWIVIUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~nON "rl''' _,~"X POST OFFICE BOX 337 . BOYNTON BEACH, FL 3342~37 . PALM BEACH COUNTY PHONE (561) 752-0303 FAX (561) 752-0302 Bo~nton Beach FBCDC Fax TOI ;YJI( iF {ZVVL1PF 7.Y 2 -62..5/ From; rZ6 3 j)uJtlLt Fme: Pag..: ....... .. Date; snlO1 .... "" cc; o Urgent 0 Far Review 0 PI.... Comment 0 PI.... Reply . Comments Sep 07 01 02:23p Bo~nton Beach FBCDC 561-752-0303 p.3 ," . ~ 24' AS~"/+-... ~ ~ //7'A /lP'FAJ/c W4iM,,, A..w- .4/e U'M~ "S'.I; S ~"'e&"" tN,rA..w ~S 4Un--w#Sr ~-I Cft '" , ... se~ 'k" :. . . eel ,.. ~:. .\~~ '~'&l ,'-"'- ." ... -~~ .~ :~ - . .. ......... UT41/ ~ \\i ~ " h-.J:StlJd ,6nl!..,~ ( i?f'H! :; Iw 'Y .. S""GJ:Ej -,.. ) ; "" 70S' ~/IJ %. /"'~A /"~./" N'~ ~ l.4r !It,l ~ Ii ~ ls"'AI."" S P. .t::'tt' ' /5' /ltr '. S'J' j S"e"",,'et: I .. .. .. 1 /?"I.." ~ MIll, ,.ITI' s;..I ~/~ " .1..,' /~N,/4;, .L.L s ~ , #"e/dZ ~ ~ -1C '\ ~ tlr ~/4 ~ \ ... ~~ - ~~ ,~ .. ~i , " .,... ~J/N ,,..-,;'/ "",c #--- ~r~ 1 ~L · ClIU ADD "" I~ ~ V) ~ r~ ~ ~ BOY fU)O COlI 51' I ~ ~"~MA'~ ~......,.., .~~.-.... ~.1 ~ ---- ------- SefO 07 01 02:2210 Bo~nton Beach FBCDC 561-752-0303 10.2 BoYNTON IIEActt FAITH B"... CoM......-rY DEVB.OPMDIT CORPORA'I1ON POST OFFICE BOX 337 . BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425-0337 . PALM BEACH COUNTY PHONE (561) 752~ . FAX (561) 752.0302 September 6, 2001 Mr. Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director City d Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Po Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl33425 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Pursuant to our phone conversation and the recent adoption d Ordinance No-01-48 amending Chapter 2 of the l...sr1d Development Regulations, I would like to officially withdrawal all 3 of OW' variance requests for Cherry Hilla SUbdMsion. 400 block NW 11 Ave Lots 312 and 313. The reason for us withdrawing our request is as foIkMs: Frontage and Area Variance: Due to the passage of Ordinance No 01-48, the home that \Ne are proposing will faU under the amended nonconforming lot criteria, and therefore, will not require a variance for the lot frontage and the square footage (the lot is 50 x 102). Rear Setback Variance: \Nhen we originally submitted our permit application to the building department. YJe submitted a house plan that met the current 2S-foot rear set back (see attached). We did this because the buyer didn't 'Nant to wait for a varia1ce to be processed. However, when we found out that \Ve \Vere going to have to apply for a variance anyway, because of the old guidelines in Chapter 2, IN8 submitted as part of the variance application a bigger house plan that would need a rear setback variance, Now that 'N8 no longer need to apply for the variance for the other tv.o criteria, we win just stick with the original plan that didn't require a rear set back variance. This house is reflected on the pIals that are currently in the building department. On behalf d the entire organization, I'd like to thank you and ~ur staff for VtOrking with us on this issue. Once again, I found \AOJ'king with your department to be a very p1essurable e~~1 . passage of this ordinance has helped to remove a barrier to the d/~ s community. We greatly appreciate your hard \\Or1<. COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Schedule of Regular Meetings 2nd Tuesday of each month Conference Room C - West Wing Boynton Beach City Hall 6:30 P.M. PLANNING &. ZONING AGENDA ITEMS September 11, 2001 A. PUBLIC HEARING Variance 1. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Cherry Hill Subdivision Lots 312 & 313 Robert Dwelle Boynton Beach Faith Based Community Development Corporation 400 Block NW 11 Avenue, Lots 312 and 313 Request for three (3) variances from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5, F.2.a. to build a single-family home on a non-conforming lot zoned R-2: 1) to include a 2-foot reduction from the twenty-five (25) foot rear yard setback required by code to allow a 23-foot rear setback; 2) to include a 10-foot reduction from the minimum of sixty (60) foot frontage required by code to allow a 50-foot frontage; and 3) to include a 900 square foot reduction from the minimum 6,000 square foot lot area required by code to allow development ofa 5,100 square foot lot. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\AGENDAS\CRAB\CRA P&Z Agenda items 9-11-01 ,doc . v, U 1 02: 22p .- BO~nton B@aeh FBCDC 581-752-0303 . ....)... '-~;1"J:,:1.'<".l:r;""~'~'~1iaI . " ';t~":~'~)i~ Bo'YNroN IIeAc:tt FAint e"4lIID ~ ~ CORPoItAnON - , ;; ::"- 7: /:1 < :"/ , " r:, ::, '; " " ) rrf"" '/ " ......,':~ ('" ,t { ~- ,,' 'i/<;' tI tf, \ .,;{, . " _ r- ~.~_{ w , /:i\, Septeni)er 6, 2001 PosT OFFICE BOX 337 · BoYNTON BEAcH, Fl3342S<l337 . FALM BEACH COUNTY PHONE (561) 752-0303 . FAX (561) 752..0302 Mr. Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director City Of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Po Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl33425 Dear Mr. Rumpf. ~l to OUr """"" COI1VenIation and the _ lIdoptjo" C# Ortfinance N0.01-48 .'-'dIng Chapter 2 C# the u.,d DeveIot:>man, Regulalions, , 1Nlltlld like to officially Wth'*"-' ;ofI 3 of our valance """""'Is lOr Cherry HIIIlI SuIxrMaIon, 400 blOCk NW 11 Ave lota 312 and 313. The reason for us WHhdrawing our request is as follows: F~ - &sa Vananc..: Due to the I'USage C# Ordi_ No 01-48, the home lhalwe are Pl<lPooing 'Nil fall UI'ICler the -"" l1OIIc:onIi:>ming lot Cffterla, and lherercre, will not require · --.".". bolhe lot frnntage and the 8qUare fooIage (the lot is 50 x 102). Bl>ar l!!!!!!ac:k v~ IIIIhen we originally submitted Our P8tmlllIppIication III the building det>81ment we suIxniIted · house plan that mot the ctm'ent 25-foot rear set back (_ atIached). We did !his because !he buyer didnl I'lIInl Ill_ for . \Iariaoca to be PICC:essed. ""-'. wilen we fa.md OUllhal we -.. going to haIie III apply bo . VllIia1ce 8/lyWoy, because C# the old guidelines in Chapter 2, we SUbmiItect as part C# the IIIIriance 8ppf1Clltion a bigger house plan !hat - J-.:t a rear __ ----. ~1hat "'" no longer J-.:t to apply for !he lI8riance for !he other two crilerie, "" will just slick wlth the original plan that dilt!l require · '- set back variance. This house is refIec:ted on !he plana that are currently in the building department On behalf d the entire organization, I'd like to lhenk you and loOUI' staff for ~ wlth us on !his issue. Once egaJn, / found _I"g wlth )QJr def:>artment III be e very ~'" ~ . ~ C# this ord1nence has he/ped III """""" a barrier to !he d_ s COIrwnunity. We!lTO<dly """""'"'" YOUr hald_. -.":' ~ ..----------.--