LEGAL APPROVAL 6Al WEST BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. RETAIL/OIL-LUBE LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-211 TO: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board THRU: Timothy P. Cannon / Interim Planning Director ~~ FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: June 27, 1990 SUBJECT: West Boynton Beach Boulevard Retail/Oil-Lube - Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning Application Kieran J. Kilday, agent for Bill and Elsie Winchester, William A. Zeiher, and Michael A. Schroeder, property owners, is proposing to annex into Boynton Beach a .84 acre tract of land located at the northeast corner of Winchester Park Boulevard and West Boynton Beach Boulevard (see attached location map). The property is currently zoned AR (Agricultural Residential) in Palm Beach County and it is vacant. Included with the annexation request is a request to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to show this land as "Local Retail Commercial" and to rezone from AR to C-3 (Community Commercial). As outlined in the attached correspondence in Exhibit "A", the applicant has requested an amendment to the original applications to delete the parcel located north of the L.W.D.D. L-24 canal (1.6 acres). The attached location map reflects the elimination of the 1.6 acre parcel. The applicant is also proposing to develop the remaining .84 acre parcel for a fast food restaurant instead of a commercial center with a quick oil change establishment. A quick oil change establishment would not be permitted under the City's C-3 zoning district regulations as a principal use on a parcel of such small size. It should also be noted that readvertisement of these applications is not required, as the boundaries of the proposed annexation have not been expanded beyond what was originally advertised. Although the proposed use of the site is for a fast food restaurant, if the property is rezoned to C-3, it could be developed for any use permitted in the C-3 zoning district, unless otherwise restricted by the City Commission as a condition of zoning approval. PROCEDURE These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan and rezoning are being processed consistent with State Statutes and Boynton Beach Codes, Ordinances and Resolutions as follows: 1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. 2. F.S. 166.041: Resolutions. Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and 3. F.S. 171.0ll: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Act. 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning and Section 9.C: Comprehensive Plan Amendments - Rezonings. 5. Boynton Beach Ordinance *79-24. 6. Boynton Beach Resolution *76-X: Procedures for Annexation. 7. Boynton Beach Ordinance *89-38: Comprehensive Plan. PM No. 90-211 -2- June 27, 1990 These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Paraphrasing, these regulations require newspaper advertisements, public hearings with the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission, review by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), and Commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the Future Land Use Element and rezone. CURRENT LAND USE AND ZONING As previously discussed, this AR (Agricultural Residential). surrounding area varies and is the table which follows: property is undeveloped and zoned The land use and zoning in the presented for your information in DIRECTION JURISDICTION ZONING LAND USE FUTURE LAND Boynton Beach Boynton Beach Boynton Beach 'O;r~Lu~,~~ County USE AND REZONING C-3 PU PU AR Vacant Lift Station Post Office Vacant North East South West The subject parcel lies within the City's Reserve Annexation Area. Pursuant to Section 9.C.2(2) of Appendix A-Zoning, staff analysis of the proposed zoning is not required where rezoning is requested in conjunction with an application for annexation and the rezoning would be consistent with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan, or where the proposed zoning would be consistent with the zoning or land use recommendations contained in the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. Wi th respect to the above, the proposed land use and zoning categories requested would be consistent with the language for Area 7.g. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, which reads as follows: 7.g. Unincorporated Parcels Along North Side of Boynton Beach Blvd., east of Knuth Road Those parcels along the north side of Boynton Beach Blvd. which lie to the east of Knuth Road should be annexed and placed in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and zoned C-3 Community Commercial. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ANNEXATION POLICIES The proposed annexation is consistent with the policies pertaining to annexation contained within the Comprehensive Plan Intergovernmental Coordination Element. Palm Beach County has been notified of the proposed annexation. However, comments have not been received as of this date. A9~\.</~~( v{ rv,r",.,,,,<t /' t [/ The Planning Department recommends I that the applications submitted by Kieran J. Kilday for Bill & Elsie Winchester, William A. Zeiher and MichaelA. Schroeder be approved. This recommendation is based in part on the following: RECOMMENDATION 1) That the parcel is contiguous to the corporate limits; 2) That the parcel lies within a County pocket and it is in the path of urban development; 3) That the parcel is located within the City's utility service . area; PM No. 90-211 -3- June 27, 1990 4. That the parcel is located at the intersection of an arterial road and a collector road and it is suitable for commercial development; 5. That the intensity of the land use and zoning desired is consistent with the language for Area 7. g. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents; 6. That the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan annexation policies; and 7. That the zoning category requested is consistent with the proposed use of the site for a restaurant or other local retail land uses. (I /vl-u.-", .' .I I '...., i: ../',1;t. l.,Y,M.< JAMES J. GOLDEN JJG: frb Encs A:PM90-211 EXHIBIT "A" Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 '-' I-......~ _ oJ f , - -.., - - .:i _- _. -~'_....__.._-- ;;- - '-...... ~ - "'-' -- .'~';' ~ --~, ~ _~ c; __ __ .. _ .:.: :-. ;.....Jct:::..:___.. : .:<:. i. :.~ 1..~' :?~: c"'. _ I~ .,;; -'..::;.;;.. ~--- FPP!. -- .... -- -.;;...... ....:::..i.:.~--.;... -. , ;""- .'~ -...- -. ---...---_.- _J '_' -0. _ :::;; '::r, :..-.,....... .. -. ~-~ .-~ .: ~ : ?:. t ::.. c. ,-.; ....j :_~,~ . '-- f ...... 7'- ~ r: , ~ '...... '.A...... .- - .: a:,- '~ :..: __ _""...C &':;0\;~ ...;........'-....----_..::--. -' .:: _----r:-.-.;:~-~ ... ...... -- :;:.; S t..:-.. .....::. ..:::-.. .._ __~-o. _:._~'- .- -..... ---.--- --....,' - -...... '- :-.-- '- -.;. J c:; :. -~ ...:: ~ ..... -:.: , - '-' --- .- ;~i" fII -. ~ -, :.:.. . .....-........-... ,! 1 ' /0l<.:UtoC':; /~yP -L./ _'/ ' , 7/'7.' r . L. ~l/_6~.,\(..o. c,~/c>, ' . ,,',' " .':. BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION APPLICATION FORM NOTE: , This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required) " PROJECT NAME: ..' AGENT'S NAME: Kieran J Kilday/Kilday & Associates .... ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place 100A ',', . West PalmBeach,FL 33401 PHONE: (407) 689-5522 " OWNER'S NAME: Winchester, Winchester, zeiher (or trustee's) ADDRESS: c/o Michael A. Schroeder, Esq. & Schroeder a Florid~ ." General partnership' :,', " 'of, One Lincoln Place" Ste~~~} -. . ... . 1900 Glades Road, Boca Raton, FL. 33431 .', ,,'. ", . . . .~,' PHONE: 407-833-5605 ...... .". ,'.j.' t..... ..... . . .. . .~~ PROJECT LOCATION: Northeast Corner of Boynton Beach Blvd. and (not legal description) W1nchester, BLvd. . '. ~. .'. ......j . .. .' ...~:..:.::. ~ '. ... ..::. .:~/.:~:.: ..~;i~l~ . :.:::::;;"j~;'~~~~ ". ", :::",;):}/::~f1~~ ',:' : :,; CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: * (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. . 'I ,,' . -1- .. .... .' " . ~'.' :'.:;.:. ....! ./ . '-,''','.' ". ";-:,,::.':::~~ .. ....... :' '" ..' .':. :~,". ",i.,,;,..;~~,:::,:~,~~ I , ' '". ." CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION: DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: ORDINANCE~ DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: Winchester, Winchester, Zieher & Schroeder . A Florida General Partnership Area of sUbject Property: 36,717 Sq. Ft. or 0.84 Acres Estimated Present Population: -0- AR-Agricultural Existing Zbning: Residential Density Allowed:~du/5ac d.u.'s Proposed Zoning: Density Allowed: C-3 N/A d.u.'s EXISTING UTILITIES Water: Boynton Beach TTt:ilit:ip~ ~rI , '. . Wastewater Collection: Boynton beach Utilities Solid Waste (garbage): City of Boynton Beach ... -3- . "t. ~ ,.' .~ ,.:." . .:: STATEMENT OF USE Existing Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Fast Food Restaurant JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: See Attached EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED See Attached Exhibit "A" ~ -4- :~1~1~~~~",,'i'r~~"","""'" ~ ,-.;, ......\<t!'..I"....-..........I"....~J1:l:,~~~ EXHIBIT "A" PARCKL n .' A PARCEL OF LAf'l(1 LYING IN SECTION 30, . TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE ,43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA. SAID' PARCEL BEING A PORTION pF TRACTS A & B, BLOCK J OF PALM BEACH. FARMS COMPANY Pl.AT NO. a OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. PLAT BOOK 5. PAGE 73. PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, S~ID LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ;', : . r COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST GORNER OF SECTION 30', " TOWNSHIP "5 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST; THENCE WITH A BEARING OF.SOUTH'S7 32'''''7'' WES:r. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTfoN 30. A DISTANCE OF6q;OO'FEET TO ^ POINT 1.)N THE. WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE: THENCE C;vNTINUE AUIN';: 'THE AFOREMENTIONED COURSE EXTENDED.A DISTANCE OF, 733,71, FEET-TO A POINT: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 01<'18" 43", ,EAST', ALONG A LINE LYING 120.00 FEET WEST OF ANO PARAl.LEL TO TH& EAST LINE OF LOTS A & 8, BLOCK 3, OF THE ABOVE DESCRrBED PLAT OF 'PALM DltACfI FARMS COMPANY PLAT. NO, 0, A DISTANCE OF 2S.00.:FEET TO '/II POlNT: SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING: . .THENCE CONTINUE Al.ONG 'THE AFOREMENTIONED PARALL":1. LINE A DISTANCE OF' 191. 04 FEET Tll'A f'O,lNT i)N TilE NOHTIl RIGHT-CW-WAY LINE OF BOYNTON BEACH BLVD: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32' 47" !-lEST.' ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF BOYNTON BEACH BLVD" A DISTANCE OF 168: 43, FEET; nlENCE NORTH 46 52' S8" WEST, A DISTANCE OF ,35.71. FEET TO A POINT. ON THE EAST RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTER PARK BLVD,: THENCE WITH A BEARItlG OF NORTH 0118' 43" WEST. ALONG THE, EASTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTER PARK BLVD, ,A DISTANCE OF 165, ~4 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE WITH A BEARING 0'" NORTH 87 32' 47" EAST, ALONG A LINE LYING 25,00 FEEl SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LItlE OF SECTION 30. ^ DI STANCE ('\F 193.91, FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF 8KGTNNING. CONTAININ(; (.I,IJ4 ACRE::: f )~,"11! S.)UARI<; FH:l'l /1.)Rf. ')R LES~ AND SUBJECT r.~' EASEMENTS ANI'- RIGl/TS (IF I,M"" OF REGOR[1 " . fir .~' ~ I I I .. . .. ~ .. .. !II! 1 1....!- 1. 1 (l' City of Boynton,Beach 1?.!.8r:!r'lng Department Name of Development/Owner Winchester. W;n~hp~rprr 7.;pnpr ~ ~~nrneder Locate the subj~ct property on this map and shade in the area. i '. . ., : ... -5- ~l "'. .... --'- . , , (,;/, '.. OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. /, dd /;.L~Jit; Signature of Owner(s) of Record a~C'~ (/, ~ '-"Signature/ of A.pplicant / , ~ , Elsie Winchester, Gen. Partner William A. Zeiher, Gen. Partner Michael A. Schroeder, Gen. Partner Bill R. Winchester, Gen. Partner Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & As~ociate~ Type Name of Applicant " t~ 9290 Nickels Blvd. Street Address 1551 Forum Place, Ste. 100-A Street Address Boynton Beach, FL. 33436 City and State West Palm Beach, FL. 33401 City and State 407-689-5522 Telephone Number 407-689-5522 Telephone Number -6- ," , " r,_,; ....-;.... , ~:.::/..~~ :, ; ~:' '. " , . APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (1) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, ?lorida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true ,to the . best"of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) . understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of':. the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable~ \, " APPLICANT IS: Owner (?rhiLlbt/rl' t(h~idr/ A,- . SignatU?(of Applicant .t:/ ,~". Kieran J Kilday Kilday & Associates, Inc. Type Name of Applicant Optionee Lessee 1551 Forum Place IDDA Street Address xx Agent West Palm Beach,FL 33401 City and State Contract Purchaser (407) 689-5522 Telephone Number - . ,. .,',' -7- ..: '.,' '. . .'..; , \ .--- - ' ',- ~ k ~,";~::';'2 : AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ..- Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared ; t. Bill R. Winchester , who being by me 'first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the.fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "A" " (Attach if insufficient sp~ce) 2. .That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Adsociates,' ' to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. /6f(f~JL~Lz; (S~gnature of Owner)' Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~ -Sb\.-n'\~~~~ Notary ~ublic, State of Florida at Large ~ ~e""'''r:~ n-t.~..~:.. ~.A f. T ., h~...1 ~'~'.J,,"t ~~C!,ll cf F,ontl:% }.~v r.'1m".t1~~1:m t:~r;rc~ fc13. t3. lq?3 My Commission Expires: .!.o,,:~:lTbu~;~rf,dn-.nlut"nc,ln'. -8- ...-: ;"'.':':'"l.nl";; ...... '~ ~,.,' ... ~P~l"'''''''~Y"'')'j/lCf,t(~~'I'fl'',''..r.'''~~,~',\>"~,,,, .\~'" .' , .'\ , .~',' , EXHIBIT "A" :..'. ,'.,.' PAHCl-:L n .' ,,' , ' , .' ',' "'. i'" h . . . . ,',',I , :A':~^RCF;VOJl' LA~D;L'x'ING IN SEGTl'ON 30, . ,TO"-'NSHIP , 45 SOUTH. RANCE ,43 .EAST, : PALM BEACH, COUNTY, FLORIDA. SAIl> PARCEL BEING A PORTION OF TRACTS A & B, BLOCI< 3 OF PAI:-H DEACH.' FARMS COHPANY PLAT NO. 80F SECTION 30, TOtJNSHIP 45 SOUTH: RANGE 43 EAST, PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 73. ~U~LIC RF.CORDS qF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ,'\' :.'r: ;...~' t", ., " " " .... . .., . ,SAID LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ...\,' . ILO' ':COHHENalNG AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION - 30". TOWNSHIP ~5 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST: . THENCE WITH A BEARING OF, SOUTH 87 32' 47" ,WES:,T" ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTI"ON 30. A DISTANCE OF 60,00' FEET 'TO '.,IA' POY.NT (IN "THE ,WEST RIGHT-Of-WAY 1.INE OF CONGRESS AVENUE: Tij]tNCE. (;(;NT INUE AU>NG'THE AFOREMENTIONED COUR.5E EXTENDED A DISTANCE 01",733,74 FEET', ',T6 A POWT: THENCE WITH A HEARING OF SOUTH 01 -18' 43.'~.i.EAST-. ALClNG'A .LINEquYING 120,00 FEET WEST OF ANL) PARALLEL TO Tk~ IAST'LINE OF LOTS A & B, BLOCK 3. OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PLAT OF:.r~bf':BF.ACII; FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. D. ^ DtSTANCE OF 25.00 'FEET TO';,,:, PO.INT:' SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING: T'HENCE CONTINUE ALONIJ .'THE AFOREHENTlClNED PARALLEl. LINE A DISTANCE OF 191.04' FEET 1<,,' 'j., 'PCIINT i)N TrIE NOHTII RIGHT-(l(o'-WAY LINE OF BOYNTON BEACI-I,BLVD: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32' 47" WEST. ALONG THE,NQRTH RIl;Hl'''OF-WAVLINE OF BOYNTON BEAr:H BLVD., A DISTANCE OF 16e:43'FEET; THENCE N(lRTH M;. 52' 58" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 3~.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTER PARK BLVD,: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 0118' 43" WEST, ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-"-'AV l.INE OF WrNCHE~TEH PARK Bl.VD,. A DISTANCE OF 165. 5~.FEET TO A POINT; THF.tK'E WI TH A BEARINC 01-' NORTH 67 32' 47" EAST....ALONC A LINE LYING 25.0(1 p'n:'1 SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH LHlJI OF SECTION 30. ^ DISTANCE: AF 193 <;04 FEET MORE OR l.ESS TOTIiE POINT OF BECINNINC, CONTAI~mG (.',,04 ACRES C3~. 717 SGIU^llr, FFF.Tl I-luAF, I)R LES~ AND SUBJECT T(I EASEMENTS ANI) RtCI/TS OF WAY OF Rf.f:....'W '. '.,", '; i'.' ....;1 . ",:. ,..., - ~ Kilday & Associates Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689.5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR RESTAURANT SITE AT WINCHESTER PARK BLVD. & BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. The petitioner is requesting the annexation of .84 acres of property into the City of Boynton Beach. This parcel of property is located at the Northeast Corner of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard. Winchester Park Boulevard serves as a main entrance to the Boynton Beach Mall from Boynton Beach Boulevard and is a signalized intersection. The land use designation of the property in Palm Beach County is Commercial High and in Boynton Beach is Local Retail Commercial. The proposal of the petitioner is to make the entire site zoned C-3 Commercial upon annexation. The Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan indicates this property to be located Land Use Problems and Opportunities Area 7.g. This section of the Plan states: "Those parcels along the north side of Boynton Beach Blvd. which lie to the east of Knuth Road should be annexed and placed in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and zoned C-3 Community Commercial." This petition accomplishes all of these goals. The petitioner proposes to develop the site using the permitted uses of the C-3 zoning District. For the purpose of defining impacts, a restaurant use has been designed and specified. The proposed use will have no adverse impacts as there are no neighboring residential parcels of land. ~ ',. '... - .t. ..~.. ... DI~cr/h'(;.q /- /9- j( / be~p.-~9.S_e~s~p.~~~I_B~QLQ8_8sIQ~I~~_eEEbl~eIlQ~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. (2) .'. ' Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. E5~5Bab_I~EQ8~eIIQ~ 1. Project Name: --~QQaa~~~~d~~aa~a~~_____________________ 2. Type of Application (check one) -------- a. Rezoning only -------- b. Land Use Amendment only XX c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning --------- 3. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department>: -------------------------------------------------------- . 4. Applicant.s Name (person or business entity in whose name this. application is made): Winchester,Winchester,Zieher & Schroeder A Florida J~. ~ Xl~:r. C!.. :L_~C!.:r;:.t.n_~:r;:.~.h..i.l2.. _ 9..LQ... _!1.:l<m.9-..U ..A.~....s..c1u:.Q.e.d.e.z:.~....E.s.p....._ ____ Ad d res s : _l~Q..Q.._G..l'l<l~$__liQ.<i.qL. _Q.1.te__L..iJ1.Q.Q.ln...-:el..ac..e.........5..u.i.t.e. _3..o.L__ _______ _I2..Q...<;"'9.._li9-..t..Qn........ll_ll4..ll.. _____ ____ ______ ___.___ ______________ Telephone NLlmber: 407-833-5605 -------------------------------------------------------- 5. Agent's Name (person~ if any~ representing applicant): Address: -~~~~-~~-~~~~~~-~-~~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~----------------- 1551 Forum Place, Suite 1DOA ---------------------.----------------------------------- _~~~t;._.R.~~~J~_~~~,L_n_ll'lQ..l.___ ___________________________ ,PI e\nni ng Depal~tment 1-86 page 1 . .,.'. :\.-.~:'.:::;'~~ ... // / -......, d'-"" .. ,. .' Telephone Number: 407-689-5522 6. Property Owner~s Cor Trustee~s) Name: ~~l!.<:.l}.e:...~~e:...~L_tii_Il.cJt~_~i;~~_...z.ciher....&....B.clu:.o.ede.r;.._____________... A Florida General Parnership c/o Michael A. Schroeder Esq/ lJ_O_O__~~C!.5te_S_~..9_aSI__Q!1S!__Lin.c.a.ln...P.l 0 ("'(:1 ,-..s.ui..te--J.O..l---------'--- ~o_~~_~~~o_~_Y~~_33_4)JL___________________________________ Telephone4JJ:~33:5~~5_____________________________________________ Number: Address: 7. Correspondence Address (i~ different than applicant or agent):* ___________________~J_A____________________________~_____ * This is the addres~ to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant~s interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, BUY,er, Lessee, Buildet-, Developer, Contract Purcha5er, etc.' ----------Q~~~~---------------------------------------------------- 9. S~reet Address or LocClti on of Subj ect Parcel: li.oJ'_tj1_e_.:u>_i;.._G..Q..~Il..EL~___ __~i_~~~~~~n~~~b-n~YD~_E_Nin~h~s~~I_ElYQ~_______________________ 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: ______:...__-S.e.e...Attach.ed.. Exh; h5 :t.._I~A.I~________________________________ ---------------------------------~-------------------------------- .11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre)': o . 8-4- acr.es ------------------------.......--------------.---------., ._--- ------------ Planning Department 1-86 page 2 . - -.... -.. -- ----- ---_.._...,--~ ....-.: ", '.' . .,' 12. Current Zoning District: ..AIL_-_ J>. g r; r 11 1 + 11 r M 1 -Re s.i-de4.l.t..:La..L 13. Proposed Zoning Distri!:t: _~~___________________________________ 14. Current Land Use Category: ~JL_~~L________________________ 15. Proposed Land Use Category: -_-C.omm.e.l:.c..-I- -Lo.ca...l-..r.e.t.a..;i..---------- 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: Fast Food Restaurant 17. Developer or Bui I der: __~~~~__~~_~El.:l~_Il.1::.________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Architect: __~~________._________________________________________ 19. Landscape Architect: _NJ_~__________,______________________________ 20. Site Planner: Kfld f.l ~-.&.....AfU:;()r. i rI :t..e.s...______________________________ 21. Civil Engineer: __Jl~Rogpr~, P R ........ .:;.". Tr a f f i c En gin eer : __-K.....B.......Ro.g.e..:t:.S..,......E...R_____.________________________ Richard L, Shephard & Associates, Inc. ....... .it.....:.. . Surveyor: II. ~aI~81eb~_IQ_~~_~~~~IIIs.R_~lI~_BEEbl~aIIQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies. ( c h ec k ) ~_a. This application form. _~__b. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. ____c. The following documents and letters of consent: _~__ (1) I f the property is under j oi nt or several ownershi p: A wri tter consent to the application by all owners of record, and (2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and ~ (3) If the applicant is represented by an authorized agent: A COP) of the agenc~ agreement, or written consent of the applicant, an~ (4) If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, Planning Department 1-86 page 3 .. ~ ';:":;"';2':.) ... (b) Existing and proposed grade elevations. (c:) Existing or proposed water bodies. (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common:~ spaces and recreational facilitiDs. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collectioh and treatment~ solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easement~ or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and ether public improvements or dedications as may be required. (11) For rezonings to planned zoning districts~ the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be s;"d:isfied. FLlrthermore~ ,111 materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. III. eeEblgaI!Q~_E~g~~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been ~dopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform ~he applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by' c~~ck, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. I V. ,g~8I1.El!;eIlQtl (I) (We) understand that this application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the PI anni ng and Zon i ng Board. ( I) (l'Je) hereby ,=erti"fy -that the above 'statements and any 5tat~ment5 or showings in any papers or plans submi tt~d he~-eNi th ,nre .trl_le to the best o'f (my) (our) knowl edge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed , accO~dinJ zto/~~ in~:;-l:rLlction5 belm'J. "I .dt-ffl~~~_~d1--~:f:.?!~~~~tS~, -' _d~~=_2_Q____" Signa~ure of Owner(s) of(-~rustee, Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by'a corporation or other business entity_ v. 6~I~QBIZeIIQ~_QE_e~~~I c:J:1' ~~ '. / ../ /.~al~ ' VJ1Q:\9-lA : U/ a..,Ultc/ I'..~-/ c- a";?Q~!C _ ________ __ _____________ __\00' / / .. _' ~ Si gnatun? of Authr::)J-j, zed (.'7",nt (I) (lIJe) hl?reby desi gnat,e 1:he .nbove s1 gned pel""son agent vJi'th/e~al-d to ,this application. ~~~~~~~~~----------- Signature of Ownel""(s) or Trustee, ----r::~~:~--- Date -r.!c. <:IS (my) (our) authorized ...< J 'c.:k-. ')0 ~D:;te Planning D~partm~nt 1-86 p,:lCJe 7 .' ~ ~~~,~;f~~~~RVt-.t!-""'-!.~\I!""":-'~~'W~"""""-'''' ..........~..~. . .' . .~. ,..... r.' "i ~. :""-.~~,~;.,:,:v~;'l!~;Y~:?,'" EXHIBIT "A" PARCI-:L n . .',"., .' :.A'; PARCI;:L"" OF LAtfD .,1. Y r NG IN SEqTl ON 30. . ,TOWNSH 1 P, 4S SOUTH. .RANGE ,I, 3 EAST, PALM BEACH. COUNTY, FLORI DA. SAID PARCEL BEING A PORTION OF 'TRACTS A ,~ B, BLOcI< :J ot.' PAJ,.H BEACH. FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. B 'OF SECTION 30. TOWNSHIP 4S SOUTH" RANGE 43 EAST. PLAT BOOK S. PAGE 73, PU~LIC RECORDS qF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, ,. .:', ,'/,10 ':"'r.:~. '", . ."!" .SAID LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ;\: :. :~:' -. . COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION' 30. TOWNSHIP 45 SOU)'H, RANGE 43 EAST:.' THENCE WI TH ^ BEARING OF. SOUTH 87 32' "7" ,WES,T,. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTfoN 30. A DISTANCE OF 6Q, 00' .FEET 'TO"'A" POINT ON ,'THF.; , WEST RICHT-Of-WAY l.INE OF CONCRESS AVENUE: TijKNCE CONTINUE ALf.lt/G'THE AFOREHENTIONEO Cl1URSE EXTENDED A DISTANCE OF; 733,71, FEET'. '.TO ^ POWT: THENCE WITH A BEARINC OF SOUTH 01 '18' /,3"".EAST'. ALOtfG:A,LINELYlNG 120,00 FEET WEST OF AND PARALLEL TO TH~ EAST'LINE OF LOTS A & 8. BLOCK 3, OF THE ABOVE DESCRrBED PLAT OF.'PA"i,H BF.ACf"FARHS COMPANY PLAT NO. 0, A DISTANCE OF 2S.00'FEET TO' ~;'" P01NT:', SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING: T'HENCE CONTINUE ALONa :THE: AFOREMENTIONED PAR^LL~:1. LINE A DISTANCE OF 191. 04: FEET Tl.' .i>,POINT Nl Tm: NC.HTIl RIGHT-CI!-'-WAY LINe OF BOYNTON BEACH .BI.VD: THE'NeE WItH A BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32' 47" WEST. AI.ONG THE.NORTH RIGHT,;OF'-WAY.LINE OF BOYNTON BEACH BLVD.. A DISTANCE OF 16&':"3'FEET: THENCE NORTH i;(. S2' 58" \.lEST, A DISTANCE OFJ~.71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EA$T RIGHT-()F-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTER PARK BI.VD,: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 01 18' 43" WEST. ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTEH PARK BLVD,. A DISTANCE OF 165,54 FEET TO A POINT: THErK'E WITH A BEARiNC <'W NORTH 87 32' 47" EAST..',ALONG A LINE LYING 25.0(1 FF.El SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH'LI~~ OF SKCTION 30, A DlSTAHCE ^F 19J,9~ FEET MORE OR LESS TO'THE POINT OF BEGINNING. COf'fTAHON.G (.1,,04 ACRES (J~,717 S(JUAIH', /o"F1':l'l /'i'_'nfo, .)R l.ES~ AND SUBJECT TO .EASEMENTS AN!.' RIGHTS OF WAY Or REf:I'~[' . i!, ~. -~--_..-... ~ Kilday ft Associates landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 REQUIREMENTS G. AND H. PROPOSED RESTAURANT Items (g) and (h) of the Land Use Amendment/Rezoning Application require a justification and a comparison of impacts between existing zoning and proposed zoning. In this case, the request of the petitioner is to bring the property into conformity with the Comprehensive Plan of Boynton Beach which recommends zoning of C-3 which already exists on other properties adjacent to the site. Currently, in Palm Beach County, the property is zoned AR-Agricultural Residential, a rural zone entirely inappropriate for this property which is located at the center of an existing urban commercial area. The application contained herein is consistent with the current County Comprehensive Plan designation of CH/8 (Commercial High) and the Boynton Beach designation of Local Retail Commercial. The current zoning would not allow any development on less than five (5) acres in size and then only a single family home would be permitted. 1. The current zoning in the County would allow for one dwelling unit per five acres which would not allow a lot of lesser size.- 2. The proposed uses are the retail uses permitted within the C-3 district. For land use intensity purposes a restaurant has been designated for the site. 3. The owner anticipates development of the property to commence upon final approval and permitting within the normal time restraints of proceeding through the process. 4. Employment projections: Assuming a restaurant use, two shifts of 15 employees would allow a total of 30 full time employment opportunities. ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, May 8, 1990, at City Hall, Commission Chambers, 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida, to consider a request for ANNEXATION, LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING covering the parcel of land described as follows: Legal Description: Parcel B A parcel of land lying in Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, said parcel being a portion of Tract 44 of the Plat of Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida and a portion of that part of the 25' road right-of- way for Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8, as recorded in Quit Claim Deed 4759, Page 1369, and a portion of Tracts A & B, Block 3 of Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No. 8 of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Plat Book 5, Page 73, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Said land being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of Section 30, Township. 45 South, Range 43 East; thence with a bearing of South 87032'47" West, along the North line of Section 30, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point on the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue; thence continue along the aforemen- tioned course extended ~ distance of 733.74 feet to a point, said point being the point of beginning; thence with a bearing of S 01018'43" E, along a line lying 120.00 feet West of and parallel to the East line of Lots A & B, Block 3, of the above described plat of Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8, a distance of 216.04 feet to a point on the North right of way line of Boynton B~ach Blvd.; thence with a bearing of S 87032'47" W, along the North right of way line of Boynton Beach Blvd., a distance of 168.43 feet; thence N 46052'58" W, a distance of 35.71 feet to a point on the East right of way line of Winchester Park Blvd.~ thence with a bearing of N 01018'43" W, along the Easterly right of way line of Winchester Park Blvd., a distance of 190.54 feet to a point~ thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 2193.99 feet, a central angle of 0039'11", and an arc length of 25.01 feet to a point~ thence with a bearing of N 87032'47" E, along a line lying 25.00 feet North of and parallel with the South line of Section 19, a distance of 193.80 feet~ thence with a bearing of S 01018'43" E, a distance of 25.00 feet more or less to the point of beginning. 1 ~ Containing 1.06 acres (46,412 sq. ft.) more or less and sub- ject to easements and rights of way of record. Parcel C A parcel of l~nd lying in Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, said parcel being a portion of Tract 44 of the Plat of SUbdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said land being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; thence with a bearing of South 87032'47" West, along the North line of Section 30, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point on the West right of way line of Congress Avenue; thence continue along the aforemen- tioned course extended a distance of 927.68 feet to a point on the East right of way line of Winchester Park Blvd.; thence with a curve to the right along the East right of way line of Winchester Park Blvd. with a chord bearing of North 00007'08" East, a radius of 2193.99 feet, a central angle of 03004'56", and an arc length of 109.59 feet to a point; said point being the point of beginning; thence continue along the aforementioned curve having a chord bearing of North 03008'08" East, a radius of 2193.99 feet, a central angle of 03010'18" and an arc length of 121.45 feet; thence North 83016'46" East, a distance of 269.64 feet; thence South 02027'13" East, a distance of 41.60 feet; thence South 68003'48" West, a distance of 297.76 feet; more or less to the point of beginning. Containing 0.51 acres (22,037 sq. ft.) more or less and sub- ject to easements and rights of way of record. WWZS Parcel A parcel of land lying in Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, said parcel being a portion of Tract 44 of the Plat of Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida and a portion of that part of the 25' road right-of- way for Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8, as recorded in Quit Claim Deed 4759, Page 1369, and a portion of Tracts A & B, Block 3 of Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8 of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Plat Book 5, Page 73, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Commencing at the Northeast corner of S~ction 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; thence with a bearing of South 87032'47" West, along the North line of Section 30, a distance of 60.00 feet to a point on the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue; thence continue along the aforemen- tioned course extended a distance of 733.74 feet to a 2 ~ point, said point being the point of beginning; thence with a bearing of S 01018'43" E, along a line lying 120.00 feet West of and parallel to the East line of Lots A & B, Block 3, of the above described Plat of Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8, a distance of 216.04 feet to a point on the North right o~ way line of Boynton Beach Blvd.; thence with a bearing of 87032'47" W, along the North right of way line of Boynton Beach Blvd., a distance of 168.43 feet; thence N 46052'58" W, a distance of 35.71 feet to a point on the East right of way line of Winchester Park Blvd.; thence with a bearing of N 01018'43" W. along the Easterly right of way line of Winchester Park Blvd., a distance of 190.54 feet to a point; thence with a curve to the right having a radius of 2193.99 feet, a central angle of 06003'33", and an arc length of 231.04 feet to a point; thence N 83016'46" E, a distance of 269.64 feet; thence S 02027'13" E, a distance of 225.38 feet to a point on a line lying 25.00 feet North of and parallel with the South line of Section 19 thence with a bearing of S 87032'47" W, a distance of 91.20 feet; thence S 01018'43" E, a distance of 25.00 feet more or less to the point of beginning. Containing 2.44 acres more or less, and subject to easements and rights of way of record. APPLICANT/ OWNE R: Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder A Florida General Partnership c/o Michael A. Schroeder, Esquire AGENT: Kieran J. Kilday & Associates PROJECT NAME: Retail/Oil Lube PROPOSED USE: Oil Change facility and Local Retail LOCATION: Northeast corner of Boynton Beach Blvd. & Winchester Blvd. REQUEST: REZONE from AR-Agricultural Residential in part / C-3 (City of Boynton Beach) in part to C-3 entirely. LAND USE AMENDMENT from CH/8 (County) & LRC-Loca1 Retail (City of Boynton Beach) to Commercial/Local Retail ALSO A PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the above request on May 15, 1990, at 6:00 P.M. at City Hall, Commission Chambers, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. 3 ~ All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter con- sidered at these meetings will need a record of the pro- ceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK PUBLISH: THE POST April 22, 1990 & April 29, 1990 cc: City Commission City Manager City Attorney City Planner slbjWINC.Z.S.2 4 I) r/1~ ~ <il ,.pI,} '.;;1\' ' ..tJ t.f1 o -( 0.. ,.r: r- l:J" !3- (I) '! .... m o tlO fT m f\,I 'aD ~ - - ~ ~. us ~ ~ ..' ~'..AIU.Hn' N\ IIA-Web ....II.. ... This jptdo11lttftrrantg Jttd Motel. .I.....bO J..y DQC-CVlW~\.."t D. 10 OS f" DtLL R. WI~lCHEsTtn '~-'-11"" C'OII..J d.. p......I.w. In \UNCIlES'l'ER, WINCHESTI::l\, zr.IIlEn " r.cnRor.01!:1'tt II Florida General PlirtTlI~rl'lhll' t "'~~"P<','''Jllr,..tlJNI'u Ol'l(, Lincoln PlaC:'l'.l, !;\litc 301, HOO clades noad, DOC3 RAton, rlo:id~ 33431, tn','"o!'H .....rt..J 11,r o'n"I....' r-...... _ ""'10. II.< ..._ ........,..... ,-, .'........... """"" .,. oM ,...lH ,. 11.1< ~ ..., tW M"-'... ""..r ...........I.~ ..J. .-..ai41U .J ...at....:............ ...... u.. ~ _I ....1.t- t( ~, 16itJtt$wh: nal I!.. ,,"""1111, 1_ #,,,1 In mn.IIJrtullt'h 01 It, 'UIIt of;! 10.00 Bnel 011." "41u.t1.~ 1M~IJ""'''(>It'' ~pt ..../...-..01 II l.......h artnblt..!.JOIJ, 1..,.Ll' gt4llU, Wo4ltu. ,.rll, ..11.1\1, t+- , Mt;;';, NI....,.'. ""'n...,, .n~ ew<!lrMI u../o I.~# c.a..'""', 0/1,1".1 N.r"l" ~ ,1l(Ut1, In Pl!,1m Bellch CIIUhl,. FI..nJn, ,.ltl S'Cl: EXHIDIT ",," ATTJ..CllEtl lIERE1'O J\ND 1)'/ ImFERt:NCE .T:UCORPOMTED lIEn.~rN. ~l)t"H':CT TO thl'lt c~r.tl\il\ l,lort':7^g~ ~xp.cut"d by BIL!. R. \ilNCfn~S'l'F.R ~:~ !'-"to'!' of 'NCND ~^-:rIO!-lAL !.lAm.: or- n..OR.IOA dated December G, 1985, , :~.~o r .01.0,' Oec('mber 11, 19l! S, l,mde r Clerk'!1 File No. 85-:26 4 ~ 9 G, ,>;' :'1,.. l~/.'~~.>rd9 o! Palm Be~eh CC:HH'ty, Florid/!. .... Tha tp.i'll pn:p~d.j ('~'l;vej'ed her.e!n j ~ '.Jl\.lrnpr("'t~d pl:opl!rty and 1ft not, nor ~~e= ha! ~een, the homestead or th~ Gr~ntor. ,",,-Of,., hi tol I 3/ ;Z $".00 I .. (rwr.~ :::,..":!hh r... "" ~:..M-~''''''Ut . .1 "grthtr, wl:r. "I: .' 'C",. .",p."'alt';~\t '.I. :'".dll..",...,. I1n.{ "')I.W'lon..,..,,~ ,hAl'''''' [,.,r..nu1nll' M In nn,., 10 lLtlJt a.nd t.o }\, ,...~ ,eI'"'* '''' /., ,iN.pl,. (GNPt'" Jtnd ,:... gronro, ""'''~r Nlv,n/l"I, loli/ 1I,.."t.. """ r/.. ",I~. It I..wft,,,y ,,,,,..,J ,,/ '1I11:1 J"nJ I.. 1... ,'mpr.; '),,,1 ,1,.. 11'....,0. "a.t good >1g!.' .",,/ /ou./,,1 au;'rlly I.. ,..rI ..n.1 ..on...,. .11',1 L.nJ, ..nJ I..... h 'lI4Ifw"" ,,,,, Illk 10 ,aJJ //1",1 O"J ..,,/I ,i,f,"'; ,I, .a.... "ao;..rt II.. Iow[ul ,/..l'l\.l (1/ all ~"'a,... cLdmlno r,.,., 'Ju.".....h D' U"J... d" ,./J 0"'" to', ' 1n lJ1il~ Whereof, ,T.. Ill)" L'...~I'" ,,,... 1..'..'"'.. ...r his '.."J ,,",l 10.[ t7.. J"., anJ 'fHll' /H' .1....... ..-nil.... . j' .:~\:;\~~b;.Z~='::=~ . , . r-'\(~-...._ r"-, ~ ~...t...QJLl.~.IUW~!,...l..;~~.h.~...,....-- , >.J ~ / '"/-1..1 ..~C({.4...)..A.~t.{G1.d:).--_.. CD BILl. ;'.. WINCHE:STER ......................,.,...,................-........,.....(D STATt OT rL~O^. covrrt"l' or ~0/:1'\ {~o...c...L l I ll!It7.11V C".ltTU"\' tlul "" .lob d..,., b.lon m., "" tlfkf.. cf..Iy sut1wr..s.,....J ;" IJs.,. iJaM' sJ~J .1r..~ .. c\or C~ fU" Lfbn"J..d. t. ,..d:C' ItCkMli'WModfM"'tI. 1'<<'M'A&l)y .~arc4 BILL T" '....!tlctIEST!r{ ...... . .. _ \......." ... t.. I"",.......... &.....,"'" i~ .....J .."" .....~ n., ,...".,;". ;............., 1I.t! h~ ~Odt"" "'t.... ~....., he .~tr".,d d.. ......." .....'," /,0:. C Wt~!$! "'!" "1M aNt .rtK-.d tld J4 1J\.t C....,,,ty afld .~u,., '-H' "((IiH'ui..i ,,,i, ~ C~.: J'~y ., .~ . ~c..Q.~/''',,-~' n. It O~'O /---"-~") '. '.';'.". 'lj ~c:r-~~a.~Qt~~...~~'" NOT^~Y PUBL~C ., . My CQmmission Cxpir..: MICIU\ };L 1,. SCHROI:DER, ~~SourltJ: tlOr~.tY l'(.1li(.1(1 UAT'f 00: t, -,.,... T Lo\Aa M!CHJ\.J':L 1\, SCHROEDER, P.A. Jo\Yl;Qll.N'5S1Ol'1Lu"<),."".:l r". One I,!nco::'n l'l~ce, Suite 301 ~.()0J')"'CV.W$lv. "1..... ~?OO Gllldt'~ nOi:lo n.:lCII: flltt.on. J'l......irh "'\~A" tflI .' .- . JAN-24-'90 WED 14:49 ID:KILDAY & ASSOCIATES TEL NO:407-689-2592 tt266 P02 \' . ".. Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder, Partnership - J:, Michael A. Schroeder, General Partner, hereby authorize Bill R. Winchester, General Partner, to sign all documents pertaining to Annexation, Land Use Amendment, Rezoning and Site Plan Approval applications for property described on STATE OF: COUNTY OF: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS a- ~ day of rs: A-r0 . M 0":JCA:--~ 4. c; CAtrto ~ U- , 1990, before me personally appeared to me known to 'be the person(s} described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. .' ~' WITNESS my hand and official sea~ in the state and county the day and year last aforesaid. (NOTARIAL SEAL) .... IOtA~T rustIC STATE 't FLORIDA IY CORXI~sror (~r, Aut 2~.10Vl .Olil>E. tltR\l G!:Il!:IlAl IRS, .u~D. . ._._~ '--''''-~--~'--_.....~-..- . --.., -~" -.,.-.....~............~.~.._---.-- :............'\ Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder, Partnership I, Elsie Winchester, General Partner, hereby authorize Bill R. Winchester, General Partner, to sign all documents pertaining to Annexation, Land Use Amendment, Rezoning and Site Plan Approval applications for property described on attached Exhibit "A". c:;LctU; cJ~ Elsie Winchester, General Partner STATE OF: COUNTY OF: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS 2 ~ day of Ja 11l( a ry , 1990, before me personally appeared ~~/e ~/.~c~~~~~ to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the State and County the day and year last aforesaid. (NOTARIAL SEAL) -. ~~-rn..,w ~M-~t::y\;:- Notary Public State of: My Commission Expires:- ~ 'Uc'Gry ~tiMi(, SfDfb 6( FrcriJd ' rf.~' C':.'::<:1~i~~:,\n lY':~;7C;S Fe!!. 13, 199$ BOhUtd 'n11'V Tr:.:, ;:'2i" -Ift\vrancelftc. -_._--~" --- -- _ ____ ~ R . ...--.--.----. ...-.. :r.'~ , . -- -~, JAN-24-'90 WED 14:52 ID:KILDAY & ASSOCIATES TEL NO:407-689-2592 "267 P02 Winchester~ Winchester, Zeiher & Schroeder, Partnership I, William A. Zeiher, General Partner, hereby authorize Bill R. Winchester, General Partner, to sign all documents pertaining to k~nexation, Land Use ~~end~ent, Rezoning and Site Plan Approval applications for property described on / attached Exhibit "A". STATE OF: COUNTY OF: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS 2,';t/C day of 11"f!1J . (l appearedw~Ur..tvYr" , 9;;:;z , 1990, before me personally to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument. WITNESS' my hand and official seal in the State and County the (NOTARIAL SEAL) aforesaid. . ~ Zvc-e 0 -a ~ otary Public state of: My Commission Expires: Notary Public, Stnte of Florlda at large My Commission Expires June 4 1991 Bonded thru Huckleberry & ASS~ciates day and year last ..J~'" .... ..'J ...._. _.. " r{ .. t......~'.,,' , '-0 'l}; # ~~~ -;,., ..11 .,'. '. ~;~".~~"'~,::.;,:_: ~ (~ A:?i'_;' . ". . . ;~' ;,~~~a.. . '.:;.....t .~.;.~~,T'. J" '7'<;i~~;-:" .. ',' .7.....'....':,.... ".. ..\."':~f'.'. ' ~." . ;"l,..?'- ,I... .. '. i.'~ ,,"! t-t~..6:~1.tr4.~ ,,.; :.' ,~: .'i'Y~:.....,..;~".1.......~::. . . ....' '1....',.........'.4:~-...,4'...,- ]il~i~.~ .~.'~;~~ i;....' '. '. :'..~;" '1 ~~:.7.~~~K~.:!;:X .,~:.~~!~L~:~;i ~ f;.~~~~J.~jr;~'.:~. ? ~.~~~~~:-;. \ .~':. ,~ ~~.~:~~~~~".;,~I,.;;'..;'~. :.: ~.f'II~~......:'..1 ~,.~ . ' ~i.-~1...~:.t't~ ~d~ . ,"" TJ'e,~~"",' , ":~...~~~~;i~~; ~ t,~ !":,"i'.', ~~~.;~~.j .- "'-... "~-'-~~ " ~.::; ~~~~:-~:..' .;~'i;.:r..-, ';".' '. JI1~J;~ . ~. ~.:' 'J.~$." . t",,; J' ....,. ,,:: :~~~.C.1'7: .'~;:~,4 , ;~s~~t1~;~:;r~ ":.,'" ..' ':. . , . -1.', " ,'! : :~~ '.'7': -.'.'~: '. ': ? ',.,_.....'....-'.........--.:. < q~~:.~~~~l:~~~f ,-c',.". " .'/ J.;,.. ~. -.; ,-~ . .... . .f ~~~~~~ , ,','11~~\,..........~. '.,.( f("~~t!~A~~:~t~ I~I; >'"~~':.-;,~I:t , :~; It$ts~:t~~t '-::.: 't..~~~,~:,~:~ ......_."'M".;;r.e'Y':...l."\,..... ,: ~~:~~4~~1~' ''l..' "i""" .,,~~tf,..'~~.\;: ~' .".r..r.-~~I~tl~I~' ~; ~~~RP~:'~ 01,. ~..~*-iw~'!Ii" , ~:~ ~~~~.!~~~~ "j. '~:'~"io!Z;~;:~' ""~",~....~.:,,.,.. :-:: '~~J~:'H,~?r .. ~"""'~-"':""'~V(i' , I, %~i,,:~~.~,i;" :~ ~~1!?J~1:;"\. ~ ;~~~ ..:.. .; " .~.. '. . .'.~r~B{t~:n ~.~'.~:-~:~'..: r lI' c) -f 0- ~ r r :r .:a .'~~:~,.' ",I..:2t.\;~{r:7~~... , m:.tt!nI~ "A" . ...;." ",'.' I :,..--.. l'1Jwr.t ^ ^ PAftCti. or tAND t'VING m .:t':. nON I!I, TO~'NSHlP ..~ $OUiH, R^NGE "3 ~A.sT. ?'ALM Et.'.^Cl-; COUNTY, ri..OR.IOA, SAID !','ReEL BEINC ^ rcm,TlON O~ TR^CT~ ~', ~D, ANO )11 ," ~ 'rH!:. I'L,^T Or SUBOfvtStCN OF StC'rJON l~, TO'A'N5}UP li~ SOUTH, r IOE.I/' EAST, AS ~r.CoRbr.D IN PLAt &:>OK 7, PACE 19, OF THE Pl ~IC RECORDS Of PALM n~^CH COUNTY, Ft..O~ID^, SAm LAND ~EI1JG MOR::: P^RTICUlARL Y DBCRJBEO AS FO!.,~01f'St ' COMM!:NCJNC ^ T THt: ~OtnKZ:^~T CORNER CF stCTlON ~Ot TO\1;!N$HIP Ii' SOt.:TH. J'(ANGI: 1./, E^51t THtNCt '\t'lil.1 A Bf:ARINC OF SCUTH !7' ,,' j'" 'It'EST, AlOt-.:G THE r-:QR1H lINE OF SECTION :W, A DI5TANCt OF }O.~~ FEET TO ,.l, POINT ON THE "EST RIGHT OF U'AY lINt:. OF CONGRESS AVENt:E.: iHE.NCE CONTiNUE. Al.ONe TI-IE AFORf..:;,U....JONED COVRS!; EXTE.NDED A DtST ANCE OF ,j7.6~ r-tET TO A POINT C:t'l 'r HE EAST RIGHT OF 'l'A Y LINE OF THI: MAlt ROAD; THtNCE ~/ITH ^ CUI-~vc TO THE RIGHT ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF '<<'AY UNlS CF lHE MAll ROAD U'ITH A CHO~D BEARING OF :-.tORTH 00' '9' OG" WEST, ^ R^OIV~ or :2193,9t FErr, ^ CE.NTRAL ANCtz; OF' 0" .)9' II'" AND AN ARC LtNGTH OF 2~.OI FEE.T TO A POINT: SAID POlS")' ~ttNCi THE f'ou.rr OF BEGJNNINCit it-rENCE: Cor-;:rINllE ALONG TH'E AFOREMENTJC>NED Ct:RYE HAVING ^ CHORD t\t^RINC/ or NOf(TH 00' 33' )1" tAST, ^ R:\Dru:; OF ,19;l.9? HET. ^ CENTr.A!. ANCi!.r: OF 7" 2" 4''', AND, AN ARC V.:NGTH OF 93,01 fEr:!'; THENCE V.'ITH ,; BE..I,RING OF NORTH S7" 31' "'" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 1J",FEETI THl:NCE NORTH &t" O~, -'IS" CAST, A OIS,.ANCE. OF ~71,~1I FEE:l THENCE!. SOUTH 0-;' n' 1.3" EAST, ^ DISTMlCE or- u.).n r-l:.E.T TO ^ porNT ON A LiNt L YINe Z$ FEr" NOft'r'/-l Of AND PARA!. Ltl. TO THE. SI.:'l''n1 L!NE OF SECTION I'); THENCE 'X'YTH A BI';ARIN(j or- ~OUTH ti''' )1' It'!.. 'J/Z!.", .Jo. DISTANCE OF :US.CO r-r.~T A1.0Ne THE. SOt.:TH l.INE Or steT ION 19' MOR-f. OR LESS TO THE POINT OF 6EGlNNING, CONTAINING O.!71 ACRES <3:"951.9 SQl'ARr: rEEl} MORE OR LESS, AND SUBJeCT TO L^stMENTS AND RIGHTS OF' WAY OF RECORD, '. PJ\RCEL C A PARCEl. Of L,...ND 1. YINe IN SECTION I~, TOWNSHlr' ~OUjH, RANGE. .., F..ASi. PALM BEACH C~"1-:n', n.OR: ,SA .'ARCH BEINC ^ PORTION OF TRACTS h. 110, "': ,j\ ), OF THY: .A T o~. ,'SLJ~~JVJStOI.. OF SECTION 19, iO'l'NSHIP 4S SOU'~\',. RI'.NGr. ,~.~ E.A_~:t ,... 7\"OROE~ IN Pl.Ai BOOK "I, PAGE 19, OF TI-H. ?)et.lc Kr:,...ORi..'~' or _M P.E.... _H COUNTY. f1.0P.lD,l" SAID LAND f:.t::.":':' MOlU !,....RTICUl,..'... . DI:.5CR,aED AS r:0L. tO~'$t OMMEW"ING AT THE. Nor~"HE^~ ':O~:-Jl:.? OF sr.c oJ )0, rC~'NSHIP IIj SOUTH, R~___Ncr 4) E^5T: THENCE '~ITH ^ DcAR!NC, ., :;OUTH po ~7' j'" WEST ALONG THE. NORTH L!Nt OF SEcr:CN :!O, ^ DI.>TANCE. Of ,o,,(j FJ:' E. T',.O A POINT ON THE. 'WES; RIGHl or v,' A Y L1Nf. OF' CO!'fGRESS ^ VI:.NUE; THENCE CONTINUE ALONG TH!! ,A.,fORl!MENTJONF,D COURSE ~XTENDED A DI$TANCr:. OF 937.6~ rEfT TO ^ i-'OJNT ON THE EA.$T RIGHT or 'I.'AY tiNE. OF THE MAlt RO^D: THENCE. 't'lTH ^ CUR V~ TO THE RIGHi' ALONG THE EAST RICHT or- 'I.'AY l-INE. OF THE: MAl.L ROAD ~'t"'H ^ CHORD BEARING OF NORiH DC. jJ' }low E/.5T. ;.. RADIUS or-;Zi9:U~ FE.ETt ^ CENTRAL ANelE 0;' (I). Oil' 5(,H AND AN I.J~C !XNCTH Of' 'I t.,n? FEET TO ^ POl NT; SATO POrNT BEING THe POL''i OF !>EC1NN1NC: ,t1 '1("f:. CO/-:T7NtfE ALONG :HE, AFOREMENTIONED CUTtvt H^,llIo/G ^ CHORD nEARINC OF NORTH li3 14 ~5" EAST - ^ RADlU!. OF 21?),9~ f{;,tT, A CEN7R^l ANCLE Of' 02" j7" 0'''. AND ".N 'ARC LE.NCTH OF' Il),~l FEET, THE.NCE "JTH ^ BEARING OF NORTH 3)0 lG' .l!C,N EAST ^ DI5TANCr: 0f',2';9.(.1I FEET: "(HENCE SOUTH or 27' I'" EAST', ^ DtSTANCr. OF '.I,~Cr FEET: lHE.NC( SOUTH 6l!" OJ' II!" V.:EST. ^ DISTANCE Or 17:>,)" rfET: THF-NCE. \tIlTH I. ~EARING OF SOUTH P" 32' or 'Q:EST. ^ DISTANCE OF 2).~~ f'EET MORl: OR U.SS TO THE. pOINT OF t\EClNt-nNC. CONTAJNING 0..5011 ACRES (21~39.2 SQUAR.E FEU) MeRE OR LESS AND SUBJECT T() EASEMfNTS AND RIGHTS OF 'tl/AY C'It RE.CORD. RtcOJttlER'S J.lEJJ0: z..nillJ;y1 I'ALU~~~ ~~~~ of w~t!nz:. ~ et' ~ JOliN lJ DlJlIlQ.E riA ~!~ in t.h3.I d~ o.1J~){ Cl1lCwr l"no.... .. ~.- _._"~--~_.~- ATSXWEST it {;J ... .' . .... oC' . ~~ .." '-m . '''' -.' , ~ ~, ,} JA~j-l9-''3Cl 16:30 If,: LAt~1 OFFICES PALM TEL ~o, TEL NO:407-~41-0ryqo - Jar\-'1':f_~" ~ ,',"'i:~ ;~. il I-- '-_f;('Ulm un lJ 3 5 ,P I 2 ~ : ihis ,JJ!tbtntk~\ l',nuh RI..~4" r". , ",- I 1~, lMW1M'f't P!~ by '" J~tr ,\uat,era, b1- l..lW o'II'Y"..J!OI tw' T~" ~ f".A. P'_ Q. a......... ftI ~ ~ ::. It. .., N ...,..,. ltb"tw':ti<'It In"C". n.()GtltM *,4. ,..., ,.." ..",..,.., .... ,.."......- ............... ~ At.M~ .. ~ ............... .. ~ .. .... I......... -tr-~. f CoO ... Q ~ CD /v., , -..a...., I .",__~, ,1tU :!l' "W ~ ~'Y ~, 'OlD, * .SnJl' aan and Ttrry~. ~SS. I ll~.lt ~ - 0') t... o{'h,Ctttmlljit! t;;J~./.,v..,lc.1 ,$hI"~ )tldll11l11 ,..-.-..."" lflHc:ms1"eJl, Vf~018mf;. ~llll'O!ll and s.o~k. .. Florida ~l1f1rbl "'Utl\,ffi,l~ j 6-~r;tnf,gfftu"bm", $ulto 200, COA;aOl'lww.lth 1164.. 21-3\ I:u.t ~~l~J:~nri#t.'~l';.J U ..I,'-C."",.tlff:! JfO':Ilrd .'ICl.fo{ florlda · ,fi1j~i: I li~ T:v1,.,.w"'fCAIO'I,/(If,,.jI"t~tU>,,~Il.t...-I 1t),c..~ lMAtK.l'!4l! ",,11M ".M MJ ~ ("(,Mid,,,,,,,,," t<o o.ld ".,,.IM "" ~ """ ~ uU ~"H.. tM ~,J ~ lk '-~6y ~.;,"~, hu If#tll#J. h-t,,,'~d ...d ,eU tD.At..J.J ~." /CH1li;/r'J Iw-In, NCT.>t~ .....t ~f~'f". 14I'IJ~Jn.t..4fvl""lWI.tllll4'#.I~~,rwl~/fI hht hach c.....".~to-'"'/I, 1hf W.u U~ fnt of 1\:1()(:k J, b.inl tl1Jt po\.ti~ or l.6U A . C lr1n, Kcn'th of Sut. ~cQ t().t, Pal. DOlCh Fanu e~1 PIAl. }Ie, a, .... ~Nod In 'In ~1t S 1'.\l~lJ 13, S.~Hon 3Q, Tt'tWlilthi,. (5 Soutl\, ~L1\!. .u Eut. f't,lrJt~ ~~J...:h 0 r J'.1111 lWllch County t florlda, . . ." ,. . .. \~ -." -..... lilJ"iJMl:NIAk\' :: . .... WM\ . f , . ... . . t' n.ORI J\ SUR T^X::: . .., I~Gt~Sfi ~ '. t ~: . ~-tl ~ ~ .' ::,. ... t'.I1. !.lrlc1' . .. ~ .. ,~ ....... ~ II ! Ii (~ II Y t/) II '" I /17; J 't '"1 ittr4d I'" ,"; t!Nl ~~ lvi/oj ~"'I/"I ,1r4 111/"" 1.1J /4.,.(,,,...d 11>41 drff'ft411o.t ioU\; ",,"'''''I fl." '-'I\J tI"ttll - IY'j~I;' "'"~~,~. /..,/ ,'... '1 ,,,,", ~ ~_ ' C,.nl,", "", I,..fflllllh' u( -er,r;/l/M', IoM.d 1/"'" ,"I '''1' lUll."" W1!' ~,.., .....},... ...'ri"...... '~,,~ S~~=:'~'~7~~"~~ ~,~'" J/i.~f~~st<<tJ I! 4f"'A,~f.!:?!~~~...,Y~r~' G::r'" :~4. ."I ~ I~ // . I _t.t...-J.t~_... ',,' .' V 1I,"~,,1 V(. ,c,,;,,'~ (s..../> ~ L'h'~.~.. ('.::~~~':.~. ::.~":':.~ h_.(.___--'5.." II , n~rt OJ Hlehl!,\I~ C~7(T'; !>1" ".t. K"--,t~ /'1 J) 1 UllIJI.l'." (. t. 1".r"y 0..- 1M tl." dlJ;I >.i/t>~ "", an oj!tNt ~I" ~1""\.Kt f,' ''11.. .rd,It"l<'IM'lOtf'''I1,l'''rJll~lIr .pptcwa __, ,--.w_ ......,tSHH I r.3I'Y N. "~.~, I ~-,Iffll'[''''~n..,.' Ie, iti),ul .a s\nlll'1 ",aft, 11' ,...0., ',0..... .\.'....... foIuttfti.; :i.;,.,~~~ ,,,,,,-.;t. . '... >'Unlt#<! IMII"tt"'~ I' ,,~"''''rotl ~"'" # "''''Ii t~nl "'!t1H - 1.... ~ ".' .. I tl"'" ~I....' km 'f.' " l' / .,'"" ...:: ,'. ~'1' 'f Itft':'W':f y... t ""fl'~~<'. ,1,_1-..1....:i..,!Irt4J~"it,)!;.,'''':t''''hf;.~..i4.j;'''''ttl,"I.J.......I..iJl;." ~. uil.,r..N"~.u.. '.&! " " ~ I . '. ., ,. ,~"1 ~'" ,. r..,.,~,,_, l''''' ;.;;;..-;..'.. _.I/,,!.:;,;".:.~: .....: ...,. r ' ~... ,-,,' ,/ ~.;,r::: ,:' ~~ " . .'...1 . " ...." "",', I"" .,": "t' - - - --. ~~, li'l ~ -. , , t. .... ,v. .' NI".rw~1.t 1,;0"" 'r,' :, .,.,: . ".0:,\., ".: . :.,..,....~ ~t..ov.H , ",,'; ~ '.. ..... t,:''.:'' ,1./., ...,lO""U......'..1,.r...'..".II!.'lU.'m~..~k..L-;.::-.. /il.l~Jtw . "II.. C'O.. \ot.~,,\,' ~~...... llO. ~I ~...llt ......~I;o.i~~~.. \4 ii 1-1021 P02 .!.t),,,"v I .V~ 1 (-.\ \, " LA!',J DFF r CES TEL No. TEL HC/:407-241-0798 1:t001 P04 Jan 19,YU IbllY P,U~ JA~I-19-' 90 16: 32 lD: ATS;":WEST PALM ,~.Ill - -1llI ~_. .... ...., ....., " ' " , .... .,......~ .~.. " .. ~ ....--- -""1iI ........4 . I... ...........'*_~l..........'....... ..... ._... .. .... - JU."11"1987 11:3711 Pi7.'<.! :-::';' ',":) RICHT-OF-WAV-OS&D - ..~~ .1 THIS INDENTURE: M&do thlQ 21th. day ot -Arlrf.L _, B~7, bqr..",oon \nNCIlES'rE:R. wINcHesnR, hIlleR "'~-SCHROE(}ER, l\ l"1.orida atlMraL Putl'ltr,hip, &8 ,,~rty Q' the tLrsl: p"r~, c\Ild the C:IT~ O~ OO'trnOH 9&ACII, l'LOIHOA. ~!l ""rt:.y ot I:.hO' second parr., Hl'ttlE:SSCTH, th~t tho ..~Ld r~r:\;,y of t:.n() HI'S!;. p.t:c't. for: and 1n <lona1d.rlltion of. the "vrn of One 1$1,00) DoUbt' M\~ Qthor v,. 1I....bl 0 con.1der;-"tlon$, paid, r.oo!.pt.' ol vhieh. h ilot6l:lY Icltno"'\<<tQ~, do hllL'eby Qrllnt, telldae, reLu..ft, quit claiM and cof\v.y unto tho porty ot th$ ucond pArt, it. ~ucce8SO[,8 .nd ,ua iOn. , aU tight. tltlft, inttlreU" elaiM 1I~ d~bI~nd \o{hl~h l;h\) p~r~)' ot th6 tirllt part:. hu In and to l;ht !o1.l.owln9 ~c.~db.d lind, .ituatc, tyln'1 and boln'.l In tnol! County of p.'l1m nueh, SUh' of rlorida. to-~it: ~~O t~hibit .AM ~~t.~h~ htr.to 11~ wiTNess \>.'HEIU:Ot',. fit'!3t PA;"ty h~D h2t'ounto "et its;; hand ~nd ~.ol tho d6Y 4nd yo~c f!rGt above ~itt.n, WINCIJESTtll, WI NCtfRSTeR I ze I Ilf;f{ AND CHRO&OCR, 3 rlort~a o.~ .1 p.rtnecship --b.. _ at"2137b6 Con 1.00 Doc .~ JOHN 8 OUNKLEICLERK. FB COUNTY, Fl'" ST^~E OF f~OR1D^ COUU'!"{ or PAt.~ BeACH I HEn~gy CERTIPY that on thL. day, before ~, an o(iicur du1y tvthoriz6d In the Stlltt' IIlrtd County 4~oce.,'dd 1:0 talle ~r:kno"'hdg.mont.., ~rtJonally .ppl){I~.d MIOIAr:I. A, SCI/ROUDl.:R . a (;eno,..l Partner o( WINCHESTER., WI~CHE:mR.-;-Zf.i1i-rr"'1iJ'.l"[r'sCiTRO((h;RI ,a Plo('hh g.nwr al p"t' tl~er8 h! P I who.. r1l1me L8 silo7nltd co tho ~l?ovc document. hu this day acxno....ladgt<l the UlI\O befor.e mQ in l'Iy ,u~lodlction ~fQ'.aald. WI'l'foJess my hand ~ml oH IdAl sed in th~ County.. .nd Stat.. hat aro(~uid .thi. ......&t..tlJ,____._, '~~l!:7'i:. . ' ....,'. "'-. . .. '1,.1 ~-.t.' '..~... ~ '."' ,....,. f.~ '.', , , ,r:-'w-...,.;...Lj;.l. r1" .,....~ : ;-: 'O""L'-.LL.~~.fl'''''''^'-=->i ; : usr,:,tC . . ",' .: <. .: . . '~'. II Ky Commi..ion t~pl'e~l UOy""v I'\'='L.:- ~. ...:. ,... .l"lC~':;" .:r (eMt',:"" I , . . " :-~. "~. ......'t1 t.,..." .... ,. -. ',..... ....."3....w~t,.Il&. " .~ (WIdl ) ," "n ~ e.e.::uwHT ~ aYJ'M~ AHo mv...l'C>; MWtI.l.~.~ 0.. t~ ,.,..,., JiII'. )II I~ ~ IIoool ...' ~''''''. ~ )J.tll ./ if}. !;.l.lf.1U ~ ~ '. ~. f~ j' : ' r It. I, I '. Itl!, ',: :'1 . , . '0' " ,0. .".', ,~ '.:, . .r '-0- , . JAH-19- "30 11:;::::~ 1 ID : LA!)) OFF iCES ATSXWEST P~LM TEL No. . __ .-......--.__ __........_ ... r.. Pill'" I ..,..... . .......:....... TEL t'IO: 4::17-2,J 1-07'38 11001 P03 Jan 19,90 16!19 P,03 " ' '. ..... Ifl~.' , W.'W,%,r.s. :vw roo I~ t" "i:: :'f{OPO$fO W}~STEP. w.J..t. ~ ::t:f." PAACl:L 0<" L#O UI' . SEC11~~ ;". ..If' T~tt" 1\; ~J ;nl:t; It, .~'tJ t.\lO! .. :t:. '~CEt. l'.t:lt'oG ,J, l"C'<<T :A-l Of' Lors A 1, e, t\l..oc,( '1 I.Y.m ~.TH OP STAT! ~ KOlt, 1<5 " ::. P.fCMf)I!D IN PLAT OV "}JJ-l e.~ FAPJotS ca.fl,tU'f FiAT' ~'. !, IN lItAl seo:' J, "1'2 'r~ OF .. THE MUC UCCAt>S O{l f'J\L'" -'N~ r.o.xtt, jtt(;~Utl\. S.ll,JO ~AAt;ft. !fm~ H)1tt m..1.:r ~; C:o.f.~Itol; AT ~ SOO'Tl"iEA~T ~It ~ S!CTICH J~._ T~'l'l'3BII' lts $W1't1, ~ If' fASt',. '.',: 'M:}I(:f WiTH J. ~~"f~ Of' ~WTH !7. ,H~' ~)1I ""nT, ..lJ..Cj-.I; n-e $CIJll'{ I,.I~ 01' SectION 1'3, 'i" A bJ$'T#.tE Of'" 957,1:5 l'f:!T] ~e: ttlni J.. a~"',iN~ t;f SOUTH 1. IS. ~,Il v-sr, A CHSTAI'U :"~:{. Of UO.5Cf ftET TO THE r-'V'( Il~U.(i n-€: POI'Hi Of' ~Qllflf~} ~cr; WITH ^ DlAAr~ 01' '/~ :\iOUrn ,It&t 51' ~,:." ::'.: " ,~ (;H':'..\~"!:. " . S.71 l"?;lrr TO A fIOIut t<< M ~l1i ~ICHT CR .~ \..' WAY LI~' !)(' ~Il'... t;IOY'.;'fv-J ,/l.CIAD ($,Ji. \~Ij) ~(;: WITK A BI!hW~ ~ S~7H 310 '2' 47" " , .,.;':, . 1<<ST, "J..~- , 7' -:,' k,."lR'!' ' ... or 'o/Nf ;.lNZ (;.:. ~n(i<:N ~~~ A l)tST!N:r.: 6l' :',.50 n!~ri ~ ~t { t I 1 :;..~,'. n-eNCf \.It"., A ~llii ~ ',<\!,:; 10 181 1t3" ~n, A OlSTm~ or 2S,SO I'E~ 1-tlRE. Of( ll!S~ ~,l. to n-\'.' l'OINT or at(iti-til~oJ'.i" :\ '~l! :, I:::" Ct"i\J'Itot' rc..Z'vu, ~o.. " .'.'1:/: I un'-Q :ittuU 1 l;Ko cuce.4110!:'1 and ass i qn., .n E~u~em";'. '.' r;Oflnec!:. to, u:'Ie lInd h. v.. ,"C'c.:u. to, wIthout. co.t, .xper;" ~ c.. o),.t(,2'" thc,t:'for,', Any ifld I'll drllinl19c systems, pipes, draLpt or portio..., th~.,~,,' now or hquaft~t' loeate<l in I \.Ind-lU:', OV(~l' or thrl,)uQf\ ..1l1 rl ,.ght-of-WiY or now or hereAfter p~ovidt"G tor storm ~attr dralnAge into th. L-~4 cAnal, "long with any and all drainaQ'" lyt.1;';.'''<1 pipe", d'C'al.na or por- - tions thet:e/)! '"'ow OY.' hereaftwr ~t'ov"'~' for d:rltn'Qf from any portIQn of u I.~ t:i9ht-of.........y !ono "~r (~. '.entLtJ!'l ~ond Eflrving ~~mo, l~elud!n~ tho ri~h~ to u.o dr4ln~Q9 llnoQ ~OW or horu3ft.~ under or thrcu?h the rlQht-o!-~.y, and, ~ C('ntof'~trO$t a~d expen5~, to 1n~t.ll ~nd us. 4d~lt!o~ll draLn.o~ l1n., un~er oc t.hrouQh .&::1t'. sy cI'HJ~ln~ uda Dud t,') be t"t., ',,..~l.d \/\ the P~lbl1c: R.cord13,ot U~.. "ucr CO'Joty, node:;, (jun~ , d(lU htreby con- sent: to the Ale. ~nt iont~d lfA..r:nl!lnt. rt.ervac: lor. and do.. grJlnt t.o Grantor it:. 'l,/er..~ '~l."P.- " J ~..i~~. c.h~ same IU,lI*t1'I9nt t'iOhttt, :a~ rG~o~vad .bov., lolL' h rQ~PQot to end Ln, vndot t~d th~ovon. any e~t,QrH: 10n or eoi'llt;r;!(. t ion of th. h*t-I.n deGt;;r:!bed rLQht'.of-way but~c~n Old soynto~ n~~d bnd Boynton Otach nouttvard .s they may froM timo to tlmm oxt.t. Txt ABOVE Cr:~CRt6Eo PROPERTY IS COtiVHEO fOR ROAD lUCI-IT Of 'KAY PURPOS,l:$ ONLY. R}o:COR.n.E~'~ MENoO: ~bWl', (l( Wrltlflf. 'f'ypinlllOT PrinUmr \lA8a.t.I.a!a.ctory In ~ ~\ . when ~...c-i v A~con!) VLA'F'IO P"'L~I ~ C "-Cli COUNTY, ft ,\, ::.....,. ~ 8. ::ttrr':l<.lt w. elRCl: : c',u~ "....- ........ ... ' " ~ " . ~ '" ". f ,,' o I: Grantor hereby reserves unto Grantor a perpetual easement through '! the north 40 feet of the property described on Exhibit "A" hereto I for the operation and maintenance of a drainage culvert. Grantee I may use the surface above the easement area for parking and landscaping. Provided, however, should Grantor deem it necessary I for the operation and maintenance of the culvert, Grantor and its authorized agents may enter upon the easement area' and perform I such excavation and other work as it deems reasonably necessary " for the operation and maintenance of the culver{: Grantor shall 11 prosecute the work with due diligence and, npon its completion, I; Grantor shall return the property to grade. I; !!! -' in !: c-~ , ILl ~ ~ I; C)..... I") I: (;) ~ >-..J :: t-<~":~ zcr.....:r. crO~(.) I'. ::I::r-< . ..... t- :E ILl 'I' ILl a:: . II) ! a:: 0 en >- I: ~iXi~ WO..J ' lll: I") ILl '. :5-0 :; \ .' ;' ',) --- ._'.-,-.-. -,-, ,. '. \. \ .....,. -- ~ .co Ln C) (:) CD co .:3- In N - x: Q.. P"- I x a -, ~ 52 .fT ..D " m: -i 0- cr Ltl r- :t- CO ^ , , \ . wWZS #-'4--" , ", ' . ,'I,"," " -, THIS DOCUMENT PREPARED BYIftECOftD AND R.ETURH m' MichIel A. SchMder. &Qtirt (Me l.iICOIII PlIca, ... 301 1900 (Wa ItiDId eoca Raton, Florida 33431 Doc. No. 3980-B , OUIT.CLAIM onD RAMCO FORM B lhis t1uit-tlaim .llttd, Expcu/(.d IIlis 18th da). of December LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE D~STRICT, a special taxing district firsl parI)', 10 WINCHESTER, WINCHESTER, ZEIHER AND SCHROEDER, a Florida General Partnership, u,hosp.poslolficl'addrC'ssis c/o Michael A, Schroeder, Esq., One Lincoln Place, Suite 301, I! 1900 Glades Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 !. !oC'C'onrl porI)': , A, D, 19S5 ,b)' I I I! i: II II II II .' (Whn.,'u u..d h.,.in I". Irrm- "II", pu,'" and ....roon<l p.ra~'" .h.1I IRdud. .i...ubl ...e! 1.lu,.I, ".ira, I.~al rrprtH'nLalin',. ,and as.,i~ns nf lndh"iduat" and lhr lU(CtUClU and ani~n' of ('o~p(Jraliun~. "",hC'rt\"rr .ht ItOnlr~t '0 .dmic, or nquirrs.) ~itnessdh, Tltal IIIl' said firsl pc.../)', for am/ in considl'TolioTl of lilt> SIIr>! of S 10.00 in hand paid by IhC' said sl'cond parI)'. I/IC' rC'cl'ipl u.hC'rcof is 11l'rC'b)' ocknowlC'd!jC'd, dol':; 11l'rl.b)' rl'misl', rC', Il'asc and qui/-claim unlo ,hl' said sl'cond parI:>, forl'l'l'r. all II,l' riglal, /i1lC', in!C'rcsl, claim and dl'mand u,/.idl Ihl' said firsl parI)' has in and 10 111l' follou.'ino dcscribl'd 101. pil'cl' or parcl'l of land. siluall'. I)'ing and bl'ing in Ihe Counl)' of Palm Beach Slolp of Florida ,lo.tlIi1: See Legal Description attached as Exhibit U""" h /O,UV 10, ~() ,50 uoe_Urr or.x p,f t ' S- 0 ~ . InUlIllbl. Tu N. Cl.~'larltB " " i! 11) 11avt and to l~old ,liP samt> logl'llll'r wi/II all and singular 111l' appurll'nancC's ,hl'rC'unlo bl'longing or in' an)'wisl' appprfaining, ond all ille' pslalC', righI, 1i/1C', inlC'rl'sf, liC'n. l'quil)' and claim whol- sOPI'er of ,liP said firsl parI)', E'illll'r in lou- or l'quit)', 10 111C' onl)' proppr usp, l)l'nl'fil and bE'hoof of ,11(' said sl'cond parly forl'l'l'r. " ;1 II !! il I' 10 !I I I, I. Ii q In Witness ltfhercof, ThC' said firsl parI)' lias firsl ahoul' u,rif/C'n. Signed, sealed and deliucrl'd in prl'Sl'ncl' of: Q.. 1~ ... ........................................................ ,~i!JnC'd ane/ sC'olpd I/IP,~l' prl'sC'nls 11,l' dOJ' and Yl'ar LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT : :~: > ':: .....,... ............"... ...., ,.. .......',,, ............. ..... ........................:: ~ , I ~ ..J:;(l..1H:..,Cb,~, :!.~,C:-:J.,~'1-'''''''''''. ...... ......'".. ST.'" TE OF FLORIDA, } COl':\TY OF " I, II !! I 'I ;, KERMIT DELL AND JAMES H. RANSON ;1 Ii I: .l REBY CERTIF.... lhOlt on lhis dart bdoTf' mf'. an orrit-t'r dul)' OIuthoriud in thl' Stale afoTt'said and in thl' Cou n'r aforesaid 10 ta\.;r: acknowll'dsmt'nts. pt'Tsonall)' appcart'd of LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ....ho exC'cu It'd th.. fort'~oin~ inslTumrnl and they al'\.;nowlC'd~ed ' " I. to me known 10 bl' lht, pl'nonS described in and beraTe mt' lhal they I'xf'culrd thC' samt', WIT~ESS my hand anc! oHiciOlI st'0I1 in 00 01 December .1\, D, 1985. 'l~th da~' of, . . C ' .' . '-." C l ~i ~ J \. (-.: . (' ,.A',t,(.L ..l.,l,..f....,..,. -,..,."......',...., '. ,(JI.......,........,........,...,..... - . ~.. '. ,'/....,,... 1 . ".',' ...I.......,'f'IIl"..tt::. $...tc O'';'~' n.,.. ... ..... I'... ....." . r .ri. ,,') C.,..,m"H~!;II:l~ l1.!:',;,"!- .1:,r', .',' :.~'J . .. ""..= I, !l.",: i ~f" ':l~.ft,:l.t~ · ..':. . ,,- ," . .. " , tht', County and Slall' las. ..!oTi,.:I:d this il I' ,q "I, 'F111:1 JII.f/n/111f'11/ prrpl1mll')': .".. ." MICH]\EL A. SCHROEDER, ESQ. 1.1 i ..., \ -... .... .' -t' or Authorized Principa if property is owned by a corpora ion or other 'business entity. .' ~<:. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review and Processing Schedule: ____________Date Accepted by Planning Dmpartment ____________Date Transmitted to City Clerk ____________Date Notification~ Mailed to Surrounding Property Owners ____________D~t.es o'r Advertisement in Newspaper (rezoning and/or land use amendment ____________Dates of Advertisement in Newspaper (anneHation) "4 '; .:' .,.... Date of Transmission of Ddpartmental Review Forms to Department Heads ____________Date of Review by Technical Review Board ____________Date of Pre-Hearing Conference ____________Date of PLlblic Hearing Be'rore F'lanning and Zoning Board ____________Date of Public Hearing Before City Council _________---Date of Transmission o.r Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Florida Department of Community Affairs, pursuant to Florida Statutes, s. 163.3184 (1) (a) _____._______Date of Tr.::\T1smi !:isi on of F'I-oposed Comprehensi ve PI an Amendment to Other Governmental Agencies Requesting Noti'Fication, pursuant to Florida S.tatl.ltes, s. 163.3184 (1) (b) __~_________Date of Receipt of Notice from Florida Department of Community Affairs regarding Comprehensive Plan Amendment, pursuant to Florida statutues, s. 163.3184. (4) ____________Date of Hearing before Florida Division of Administrative Hearings, pursuant to Planning Department 1-86 page 8 ~-~- - - --~-- .. .c r- ,." -i 0.. 0- .U1 r- ::t- to ;,"'- , ! That portion of the South 25 feet of Tracts 44, 50, and 52, all in the Subdivision of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East,' as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying immediately north of and abutting Parcel A described below. TOGETHER WITH that portion of the North 60 feet of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, lying directly South of the above described land, also described as: The North 35 feet of Tracts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 and the 25 foot road lying between these tracts and the North section line of Section 3D, all in Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No. 8 of Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying immediately north of and abutting Parcel A described below. Parcel A The West 194 feet of Block 3, being that portion of Lots A and B lying North of State Road 804, PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. 8, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, Section 3u, Township 4~ South, Range 43 East, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, LESS the North 35 feet of the West 193.7 feet. RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLA JOHN B. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COtJR1' #~ I'. ./ ,. t:~ PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT r THIS PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT made this day of August, 1979, by and between BILL R. WINCHESTER, ELSIE WINCHESTER,WILLIAM A. ZEIHER and MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, (herein referred to individually as "PARTNER" and collectively as "PARTNERS"). In consideration of the mutual promises hereinafter contained, the PARTNERS agree as fo~lows: 1. FORMATION AND NAME: The undersigned parties do hereby form a General Partnership under the name WINCHESTER, WINCHESTER, ZEIHER AND SCHROEDER, a Plorida General Partnership. Each PARTNER agrees to execute the necessary documents to comply with the Florida fictitious name statute. 2. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: The principal office of the Partnership shall be located at 9290 Nickels Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. The PARTNERS may change the aforesaid office or have additional offices as the PARTNERS shall deem advisable. .; 3. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Partnership is to purchase property described on attached Exhibit "A" (Partnership Property) and to lease and/or sell such property as determined by the PARTNERS. The business purpose of this Partnership shall be limited to this transaction. " 4. TITLE: The legal title to the Partnership Property described in the preceding paragraph is to be held in the Partnership name. 5. TERM: The term of this Partnership shall comm~nce on the 30th day of August, 1979, and continue-until August 30, 1999, unless sooner dissolved or terminated in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. / l ~i ,'-- 'a 6. CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION: A. Percentages: Capital contributed. ,to the Partnership shall be in the following percentages: Bill R. Winchester.: ,25% Elsie Winchester 25% William A. Zeiher 25% Michael A. Schroeder 25% B. Initial Contribution: On or before the date of the closing of the purchase of the Partnership Property, each PARTNER shall contribute in proportion to his respective percentage" all of the cash necessary to pay for the cash down payment, closing costs and other sums necessary to close ~he purchase of the above described property. PARTNERS will make their initial contributions in accordance with the schedule attached hereto as Exhibit "B". The PARTNERS shall contribute additional capital to the Partnership in proportion to their respective percentages only if such contributions are required to enable the Partnership to satisfy obligations which shall arise after the date of this Agreement, and are to be used exclusively to cover the costs of: (1) Real estate taxes and assessments on the property or improvements; (2) Payments required to be made pursuant to any mortgage on the property or improvements as well as the expense of curing any default under any such mortgage; (3) Any costs expended for the maintenance or ordinary operation of the Partnership Property. (4) Any alteration, repair or replacement required by any present or future law, ordinance, order, rules, regulation or requirement of any federal, state or municipal government, department, commission, board.or officer, or any order, rule or regulation of/the National -2- Board of Fire Underwriters or any other body exercising similar functions; I (5) Any amount required to be paid pursuant to any final order, judgment, or decree of any court or governmental body having jurisdiction; and (6) Any other item of expense if approved by the PARTNERS specifically or by inclusion in a budget which has been approved by the PARTNERS. D. Delinquency. If any PARTNER fails to contribute any portion of his capital, or additional capital contribution to the Partnership as provided for above, such deficiency shall not reduce the delinquent Partner's share of'the profits and losses set forth in Paragraph 7 below. Such deficiency shall be paid out of the reserves provided for in Paragraph 8.A.3 below to the extent such reserves can cover such deficiencies. If these reserves are insufficient to pay such deficiency, then any PARTNER may make a loan to the Partnership to cover the balance of the deficiency. Both the money expended from the reserve and any money loaned to the Partnership by any PARTNER for payment of same shall bear interest at the rate of ten (10%) percent per annum from the date it is paid to the date of repayment. The interest due and the money loaned by any PARTNER and the money expended from said reserve shall be repaid out of the percentage share of distribution due the PARTNER who has failed to contribute his share of the needed capital of the Partnership, or out of his capital interest in the Partnership assets in the event of the termination of his interest in the ~artnership for any reason. To the extent that the percentage share of distribution due the delinquent PARTNER is insufficient to pay the sums due the Partnership or a / -3- >,: l .. PARTNER for any monies lent in accordance herewith, the Partnership, or the PARTNER loaning the money, shall have a lien on the delinquent PARTNER'S capital interest in. the Partnership. Any and all payments from the share of'the' delinquent PARTNER'S distribution or capital interest ,shall first be applied to the interest due and then to the repayment of any capital deficiency. '7., PROFIT AND LOSSES: Each PARTNER shall have.a percentage interest in the net income and net losses of the Partnership, including cash losses, and in the net cash flow distribution defined in the next paragraph, in accordance with the following percentages: Bill R. Winchester 25% Elsie Winchester 25% William A. Zeiher 25% f1ichael A. Schroeder 25 % 8. DISBURSEHENTS: The rents and other funds (other than funds received by way of initial or subsequent capital contribution by the PARTNERS) earned or received by' the Partnership shall be disbursed or distributed as follows: A. On Behalf of the Partnership: (1) In payment of all expenses incurred in the normal operation of the Partnership business. (2) In payment of the total indebtedness due on the mortgage obligation incurred or to be incurred with respect to the Partnership Property. (3) In retention and reserve for replacement, ~aintenance or improvements of the Partnership property as determined by the Partnership. B. To the PARTNERS: {l) The net operating cash flow as defined herein shall be apportioned among the PARTNERS and the net losses of the Part~ership shall be borne by the -4- ~, '" Partners in accordance with their respective percentage shares as set forth in Paragraph 7 above, provided, however, no PARTNER shall be entitled to his share of the net operating cash flow if on the date of any distribution any sums are due from said PARTNER for capital, including additional I capital, contributions as provided for in Paragraph 6 above. (2) The term "net operating cash flow" as used herein shall mean: (a) All monies received during the calendar year, other than capital contributions, and the proceeds of loans; (b) Less all monies expended during the calendar years; (c) Less any reserve for contin- gencies provided for above. (d) The net operating cash flow of the Partnership as thus computed shall be distributed at reasonable intervals, as determined by the PARTNERS at their discretion but at least within three (3) months' after the close of the year in which earned. (e) The depreciation of the building, equipment and other improvements shall not be considered as a deduction within the aforesaid definition, but the method of depreciation for tax purposes shall be determined by the PARTNERS. c. Treatment of Losses: All losses incurred by the Partnership shall be allocated to and borne by each PARTNER in proportion to his respective income percentage as set forth in paragraph 7 above. 9. l1ANAGEMENT OF THE PARTNERSHIP: A. Overall Hanagement: The overall management and control of the business and affairs of the. Partnership / shall be vested in the PARTNERS collectively. Except where, . .' -5- . . . , . herein expressly provided to the contrary, all decisions with respect to the management and control of the Partnership approved by fifty-one (51%) percent of the PARTNERS shall be binding on the Partnership.and all the PARTNERS. B. Major Decisions: No act shall be taken, sum expended, decision'made or obligation incurred by the Partnership or any PARTNER with respect to a matter within the scope of any of the major decisions (hereinafter called "Major Decisions") as enumerated below, unless such of the Major Decisions have been approved by fifty-one percent (51%) of the PARTNERS. The Major Decisions shall include: (1) acquisition of any land or interest therein; (2) financing of the Partnership, including but not limited to the interim and permanent financing of the improvements and operations of the Partner- ship; i (3) sale or other transfer, or leasing for any terms; (4) mortgaging or the placing or suffering the placing of any'encumbrance on the Property of the improvements or any parts thereof; (5) terminating or modifying any lease or other arrangement involving all or any part of the Partnership Property or space in any of the improvements if such lease or other arrangement was required to be approved by the Partners pursuant hereto or if such modification would result in a modified lease or other arrangement which, if it were a new lease, would be required to be approved by the PARTNERS pursuant hereto; -6- /' .' ',' \ " (6) construction of any improvements or the making of any capital improvements, repairs, alterations or charges not provided for in the budget; (7) selecting or varying depreciation and accounting methods, changing the fiscal year of the , Partnership and making other decisions with respect to treatment of various transactions for bookkeeping or'tax purposes, consistent with the other provisions of this Agreement; (8) approval of all construction and architectural contracts and all architectural pla~s,. specifications and drawings prior to the construction of any improvements contemplated thereby; ,. (9) varying or changing any portion of the insurance program required by paragraph 13; (10) De'termining whether or not distributions should be made to the PARTNERS except as set forth in Paragraph 8; (11) making any expenditure or 'incurring any obligation by or of the Partnership involving a sum'in excess of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for any transaction or group of similar transactions. (12) determining the maximum and minimum working capital requirements of the Partnership; (13) the adjustment, settlement, or the compromise of any claim, obligation, debt, demand, suit or judgme~t against the Partnership or Manager; and (14) any other decision or action which by the provision of this Agreement is required to be approved by the Partnership or which materially affects the Partnership or the assets or operations thereof: / I -7- n (15) approval of management contract. 10. COMPENSATION: No PARTNER shall be entitled to any compensation for services rendered to the Partnership in the transaction of Partnership business. 11. BANK ACCOUNT: The funds of the General Partnership shall be deposited in l , in the name of the Partnership or name of its appointed, agent managing the funds of the Partnership. Withdrawals from any such accoun't shall be made upon the signature of anyone PARTNER. 12. BOOKS AND RECORDS: At all times during the continuation of the Partnership, the PARTNERS shall keep or cause to be kept, full and true books of account' in which such shall be entered fully and accurately each and every transaction of the Partnership. Such books of account, together with a true copy of this Partnership Agreement and all amendments thereto, shall be at all times maintained at the principal office of the Partnership, and shall be open to the reasonable inspections of the Partners and their duly authorized representatives. A copy of the Balance Sheet and Annual Income Statement of the Partnership shall be transmitted to each PARTNER within sixty (60) days of the end of each calendar year. If any PARTNER desires the books and records audited, he may so request within sixty (60) days prior to the end of such calendar year and such audit shall be at the expense of the PARTNER requesting the audit. The books of account shall be kept on the basis of an accounting period consisting of a calendar year and utilizing the cash method '. of accounting. 13. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS:' The Partnership. shall carry and maintain the following insurance, the premium .for / -8- .-J!. ".~'". ., ,.., "'.'-J J ,O~ loDtJ~ hf.t..:.-- 1 ( p-'l'J I .~r:-\ which shall be ~aid as a cost and expense in connection with the operation of the business of the Partnership: A. Comprehensive Liability Insurance: A Comprehensive Liability Insurance Policy on an "occurrence" basis for the benefit of the PARTNERS and the Partnership, insuring against claims for personal injury liability, bodily injury liability, including death and property damage li.abilit~. Jrt) d The limits' of insurance shall not be less than per occurrence for bodily injury and not . less' than , IJ J per occurrence for property damage. Said bodily injury, and property damage coverage shall'be extended to include hired cars on an "if any" basis. arid employer's non-ownership coverage. B. Insurance During Construction: If the Partnership ente'rs into' a construction contr<;tct, 'the Partnership shall be supplied with Certificates of L~ability Insurance from contractors and .subcontractors providing for liability limits in accordance with Paragraph l3-A above, an~ naming. the Partnership as an additional insured, and shall obtain Certificates showing contractor has required coverage under Workmen's Compensation Insurance laws. ... C. Other Insurance: Such other insurance as may be required by any mortgagee lo~ning money to ~he Partnership may be obtained and the limits of the above described policies increased if required by said mortgagee. D. Partnership and PARTNERS - Named Insureds: ~ll of the aforesaid policies shall name the Partnership and each PARTNER as the named insured. 14. TRANSFER OF INTEREST OF A VARTNER: Any PARTNER may transfer all .or any part of his Partnership interes~ to his spouse or children, without / -9- o '-., .. r obtaining the prior written approval of the PARTNERS. Such transferee shall be bound by all of the terms and co~ditions of this Agreement with same force and effect as if such transferee had been a signatory and original party to it. Such transferee shall by ~Titten instrument, delivered to the other PARTNERS, expressly assume all of the obligations of the transferor to the extent of and in proportion to the interest transferred to such transferee, except those obligations which are enforceable against the transferor only by foreclosure of lien or encumbrance on the Partnership Property and the improvements situated thereon. B. General: Any PARTNER 'shall have the right to assign, encumber, sell or otherwise dispose of his interest in the Partnership, after serving notice of his intention to do so on the other PARTNERS not less than ninety (90) days prior to the transfer, and provided the option granted to the remaining PARTNERS under subparagraph (1) below is not exercised. For this purpose, the date of . postmark of the notice shall be considered as the date of its service. The right of transfer shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: (1) Option to Purchase by Remaining PARTNERS: One or more of the remaining PARTNERS shall have the right to purchase such interest. This right may be exercised by serving written notice'upon the selling PARTNER within thirty (30) days after the receipt of the notice of intention to sell, assign, or encumber. For this purpose, the'date of the postmark of the notice of exercise of r~ght to purchase shall be considered as the date o~ service. Any portion of the Selling PARTNER'S interest, upon which there has not been an exercise in writing. of the / -10- ,(""\, '.. . . established and ,paid i~ the same manner as provided for the purchase of a deceased PARTNER'S share in paragraph 16 c. 15. THIRD PARTY OFFER: If a bona fide offer is made by some third party to purchase all of the Property owned by the Partnership and all of the PARTNERS, except l . one, desire to sell in accordance with the terms and conditions of said bona fide offer, the PARTNER not desiring to sell, shall buy the interest of the other PARTNERS desiring to sell by paying a price equal to the price offered by the third party times the total percentage interest of such Pa~tners desiring to sell and upon the same terms and conditions as set forth in the third party offer. If the PARTNER not desiring to sell in accordance with said bffer does not purchase the interest of the PARTNERS desiring to sell within thirty (30) days of the date of the receipt of the notification of the third party's bona fide offer and the acceptance thereof by the PARTNERS desiring to sell, then the Partner not desiring to sell shall be deemed to have consented to the sale of the Partnership Property to the third party in accordance with the bona fide offer and all parties shall sign all documents and agreements necessary to close the sale of the Partnership Property to said third party. 16. DISSOLUTION OF THE PARTNERSHIP: A. Acts of Dissolution. Any of the following acts shall dissolve the Partnership: (I) Withdrawal of a PARTNER. Any PARTNER shall have the right to withdraw from the Partnership as of the end of any accounting year. Written notice of intention to withdraw shall be served on each of the PARTNERS at least six (6) months before the end of the accounting yeari / -12- r , (2} Death or incompetency of a Partner, or commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings for or against a Partner. The death or adjudication of incompetency of any individual PARTNER, or the filing of a voluntary or I involuntary petition of bankruptcy of the commencement of any other bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings under applicable Federal or State law with respect to any PARTNER which is not dismissed with prejudice within ninety (90) days after same is filed, including assignment of such PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership for the benefit of creditors, shall dissolve the Partnership. Written notice of such death, etc., shall be served on each of the PARTNERS by the executor, administrator, trustee, personal representative or assignee of the deceased or incompetent PARTNER or by the Trustee in Bankruptcy or Assignee of the PARTNER for whom bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings have commenced, within sixty (60) days after the qualification of such executor, administrator, trustee or personal representative of the deceased or inco~petent PARTNER', or within ninety-five (95) days the date of commencement of any other bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings or within sixty (60) days from the date of assignment of such PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership for the be~efit of creditors, such notice to be made to the last known address as shown on the records maintained at the principal office of the Partnership. B. Effect of Dissolution: (1) Election to form new Partnership: Upon the dissolution of the Partnership by reason of the death, incompetency, withdrawal, or termination of, qr the filing of a petition in or commencement of any other bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, including assignment' of a PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership for the benefit ;' -13- ~ \"",' of creditors, with respect to a PARTNER, the remaining PARTNERS, (including the executor, administrator, or personal representative of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER)., may be vote of not less than fifty-one (51%) percent in interest of f such PARTNERS elect to form a new partnership to continue without interruption the business theretofore carried on by this Partnership. (2) Effect of notice of withdrawal, bankruptcy or insolvency of a PARTNER and notice of 'death or incompetency from a personal representative of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER: Immediately 'upon the receipt of the notice of withdrawal of a PARTNER under Paragraph A (2) above, or notice of death or incompetency, or notice of commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, or an assignment of any PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership for the benefit of creditors, as provided for in Paragraph A (1) above, a right to purchase the interest of such PARTNER shall vest in the remaining PARTNERS. This right may'be exercised by one or more of the remaining PARTNERS by service upon the withdrawing PARTNER, or the trustee, personal representative of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER or assignee of the PARTNER for whom bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings have commenced, including assignment of the PARTNER'S interest for the benefit of creditors, of written notice within sixty (60) days after receipt of the notice of withdrawal or election to sell from the personal represen- tative of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER to sell or within sixty .(60) days after the receipt of notice of the . commencement of bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings, ,including assignment of intere'st for the benefit of creditors. For I I -14- ! this purpose, the date of postmark of notice of exercise of the right to purchase shall be considered as the date of' service of such notice. Such right may be exercised.in such proportion as the percentage interest of each purchasing PARTNER bears to the total percentage interest of all remaining PARTNERS. Any proportion of such PARTNER'S interest upon which there has not been an exercise in writing of the right to purchase, may then be purchased by one or more of those partners who exercise their right to purchase within'sixty (60) days after expiration of the first sixty (60) day period, by the service of written notice upon the withdrawing PARTNER or upon the trustee, personal representative, of a deceased or incompetent PARTNER or assignee of the PARTNER for whom bankruptcy or insolvency proceedings had commenced, including assignment of such PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership for the benefit of creditors, who shall be required to honor such notices of exercise in full in the order received. The price at which the interest of such PARTNER may be purchased shall be as described in Paragraph C below. If none of the PARTNERS elects to purchase the interest of such PARTNER, the interest may be transferred to a non-partner under Paragraph 14 above. C. Purbhase Price of Withdrawing, Bankrupt, Insolvent, Incompetent and Deceased PARTNER'S Interest: (1) Purchase Price of Deceased PARTNER'S Interest. If' the surviving PARTNERS shall elect to purchase the decedent's entire Partnership interest, the purchase price shall be the book value thereof, as it appears on the' book~ and records of the Partnership as of the close of business on the date of death or such decedent, as adjusted I -15- ~ ( , ~ by substituting the fair market value as of such date in place of the book value of any real estate owned by the Partnership. Such book value, adjusted as herein provided, shall be computed by the accountant regularly employed by l the Partnership in accordance with the accounting practices regularly followed by the Partnership; in- cases not covered by.such practices, in accordance with good accounting practices. l~o allowance shall be made for goodwill,. trade name, patents, or other intangible assets, except as those assets may be reflected on the Partnership books immediately prior to the decedent's death. Such book value shall include and reflect the decedent's capital account as at the, end of the last accounting year as shown on the Partnership books, increased by the decedent's share of the Partnership's net cash receipts or decreased by the decedent's share of the net cash losses for the period from the beginning of the accounting year in which his death occurred .until the date of his death, and increased by contributions to capital and decreased by withdrawals during such period. In making the adjustments for the fair market value of the real estate, the accountant shall rely on and use the written appraisal of a licensed real estate appraiser, agreed upon and retained by fifty-one' (51%) percent of the PARTNERS for that purpose at the expense of the Partnership. A statement showing such book value as thus adjusted, and supporting items and computations, including without limitation a copy of the real estate appraisal relied upon, shall be completed by the accountant and copies delivered to the legal representative of the deceased rARTNER'S estate and to the surviving PARTNERS before the expiratlon of the period in which to exercise the aforesaid options. Such book value, as adjusted, as set out /1 -16- ~. ,/ ~ ~ in the accountant's statement, shall const{tute and be deemed to be the purchase price for the decedent's entire interest, binding upon all parties hereto, unless and until changed by written agreement of the parties, or by arbitration award as hereinafter provided. l . (2) Pa~ent of Purchase Price. If the deceased PARTNER'S entire Partnership interest is purchased by two (2) or more surviving PARTNERS, the portion of the: purchase price payable by each surviving PARTNER shall be the sums determined by multiplying the purchase price for the entire Partnership interest by the fraction representing the portion thereof purchased by such surviving PARTNER. The purchase price to be paid to any PARTNER shall be paid in cash on date of closing. (3) Closing Date and Place of Closing. The closing date shall be within thirty (30) days after the date of the last election by any PARTNER to purchase the. deceased PARTNER'S interest. The exact date within such period of time shall be agreed upon by the purchasing PARTNERS, and the. closing shall be held at the principal off~ce of the PARTNERSHIP, or at any other place agreed to by the parties.. (4) Closing Documents. On date of closing, the purchasing PARTNERS shall execute and deliver to the decedent's personal representative the cash provided for above. The decedent's personal representative shall deliver to the respective purchasers appropriate duly executed instruments of transfer and assignment, assigning and transferring good and marketable title to the portion or portions of the deceQent's entire Partnership interest thus purchased, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, or rights of others therein. Also, on date of closing, the personal representative I -17- ~ . ~. ' f shall deliver copies to each of the purchasing PARTNERS of a specific Release of Lien for Federal and Florida Estate Taxes. The decedent's entire Partnership interest thus transferred shall comprise all of his right, title, and interest in and to the Partnership, its firm name, and all assets thereof, including but not limited to the decedent's capital account as of the date of his deaih, his share of any undrawn profits for any fiscal year'up to the year of his death, and his share of any net profits from the beginning of the fiscal year in which his death occurs, and for all periods after his death. The distribution percentage of each'purchasing PARTNER shall be increased by that portion of the decedent's percentage therein equal to the fraction of the decedent's entire Partnership interest purchased by such purchaser. (5) Arbitration. The adjusted book value (purchase price) as determined by the accountant pursuant to the preceding subparagraph C. (1) shall be subject to increase or decrease as follows: If either the decedent's legal representative or any of the surviving PARTNERS, should dispute the adjusted book value shown on the accountant's statement, such parties shall give to the other party and all other surviving PARTNERS written notice of the dispute containing specifications of the reasons therefor, within twenty (20) days after the receipt of the report. If the dispute is not settled within twenty (20) days thereafter by written agreement between the decedent's legal representative and the surviving PARTNERS (the agreement of the majority of the surviving PARTNERS shall constitute the agreement of, and be binding upon, all surviving PARTNERS), the arbitrated value shall be determined by a committee of appraiser's each i -18- t""'1 ~, '; . '. . ~ of whom shall be a member of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers, appointed within ten (10) days after the termination of the aforesaid twenty (20) day period. One such appraiser shall be appointed by and represent the Purchasing Partners, the second appraiser shall be appointed by and represent the deceased or incompetent or selling PARTNER, and the third appraiser shall be chosen by the other two (2) appraisers. They shall within thirty (30) days from the date of the appointment of the last appraiser, report their finding in writing to all parties which shall be binding on all parties. The fee of each appraiser shall be borne" by the party who selected him except that the fee of the third appraiser shall be borne one-half (1/2) ,by the Purchasing Partner or Partners, and one-half (1/2) by the executor, administrator, successor in interest or personal representative of the deceased or incompetent partner. If the amount of the adjusted book value as shown by the accountant is changed by agreement or by arbitration award, then the new amount shall govern and shall be the purchase price of the decedent's entire Partnership interest hereunder. If such new amount is not fixed and determined until after the date of closing, then any increase in the purchase price thus affected shall be paid in cash to the PARTNER'S estate, either six (6) months after the date of such agreement, or such arbitration award, or the thirtieth (30th) day of January immediately following the calendar year in which the closing date occurs, whichever is later; and any decrease in the purchase price thus affected shall be within thirty (30) days ~f the agreement, repaid in cash to the purchasing PARTNERS. I I -19- ~, \. 'A (6) Purchase Price of Withdrawing Partner. The purchase price of a withdrawing PARTNER shall be equal to the net book value of such PARTNER'S interest in the Partnership, and determined by the independent accountant 'then serving the Partnership as of the date of withdrawal, l which shall constitute the end of the month preceeding the date on which notice of withdrawal is given. If the notice of withdrawal is given within three (3) years after the date of the purchase of the property of the Partnership, then the term "net book value" of such PARTNER's interest shall be determined by taking assets of the Partnership per books and computing depreciation on buildings, other structural components, or'depreciated assets thereof owned by the Partnership using straight-line depreciation, regardless of the method of depreciation used by the Partnership for tax or book purposes. If the notice of withdrawal is given after the aforesaid three (3) year period, then the net book value of the Partner's interest shall be determined in accordance with Paragraph. C (1) subject to the arbitration provisions of subparagraph c. (5) of Paragraph 16. (a) Payment of Purchase Price. The purchase price to be paid to the withdrawing PARTNER as provided for in subparagraph (6) above shall be payable as follows: Twenty (20%) percent thereof in cash on closing date as hereinafter defined; the balance by such purchaser's execution and delivery, of a promissory note providing that the principal thereof shall be paid in five (5) equal annual installmentsj with interest at the rate of nine (9%) percent per ~nnum, payable annually, made payable to the order of the withdrawing PARTNER, such interest and principal payments. to commence within one' (1) year after the closing date, and continuing thereafter annually until paid. " / ... -20- - l (b) The promissory note described in subparagraph (a) above shall provide for the privilege of prepayment at any time, without penalty, and shall recite that all sums thereunder may become due and payable if the maker thereof remains in default in the performance of the terms of said promissory note for a thirty (30) day period. Said promissory note shall be secured by a collateral assignment of the withdrawing partner's interest being purchased. If an adjustment in the purchase price is made by reason of arbitration made pursuant to subparagraph C ,(5) of Paragraph 16 above, then within thirty (30) days after the date of the arbitration report, the amount due under the promissory note shall be increased or decreased according to the adjustment made in the purchase price, such increase or decrease shall be made by way of an endorsement to said promissory note. (7) Purchase Price of Bankrupt or Insolvent Partner's Interest. The purchase price of the interest of a PARTNER against whom any bankruptcy proceedings have commenced without being dismissed within one hundred twenty (120) days after the filing of same; including the assignment of such Partnership interest in the Partnership for the benefit of creditors shall, if during the first five (5) years after the purchase of the Partnership property be the amount of the original investment of such PARTNER actually paid in, plus interest at the rate of six (6%) percent per annum from the date of such investment until the date of sale; or if after the aforesaid five (5) year period, the appraised fair market value of the assets as determined in the case of death as of the date .of the filing of the voluntary or involuntary petition of bankruptcy of insolvency proceedings or the date of the assignment of the PARTNERS interest for / -21- A l\":'/ ...--" the benefit of creditors. The payment of the purchase price shall be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments with interest at the rate of six (6%) percent per annum. (8) Closing of Purchase of Withdrawing ! Partner Interest or the Interest of a Bankrupt or Insolvent Partner. The closing date of the purchase OI a withdrawing partner or a bankrupt or insolvent partners interest as provided for above, shall be within thirty (30) days after the date of the last election by any PARTNER to purchase the interest of such PARTNER in the Partnersh~p~ The exact date shall be agreed upon by the purchasing PARTNERS and the closing'shall be held at the principal office of the,Partnership or 'at such other place as may be agreed upon by the parties. 17. NOTICE: Each PARTNER shall keep the Partnership informed as to his current address. The Partnership shall have the addresses furnished by the PARTNERS on file at the Partnership's office and any and all notices required under the provisions of this Agreement mailed to a PARTNER by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, shall constitute the notice required under this Agreement. 18. GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. In the event that any portion of this Agreement shall be contrary to the laws of the State of Florida, at the present time or in the future, said provision shall be deemed null and void, but this shall not affect the legality of the remaining provisions of this Agreement. The Agreement shall be deemed to be modified and amended by the elimination of such provision and the Agreement shall then be construed in such a way as will serve the intention of the parties at the time of the execution of the Agreement. / -22- , --, --:;- ..- ". . \ \.(/'t ~ ~tv uJ uJ-..1 .. .. -..1 -..1lJl -l -l.Po ,to. ,to. CO 0 00 0 00 ~ ~ 1-" ro ~ ~ t1 l-' 1-" l-' tr1 H H 1-" III z: z: rt rt 8 ....) '< ~ t'1 t'1 rt m ,:l H (\) tr1 ';j U) U) III 8 1-3 1-3 1 c ~ K X . ll' (\) ';j III 0 C4 C4 (\) ~ ~ c c ~ :J:>' ~ ~ l-' l-' '-0 1.0 co co N l-' ~ olJ) .(/'t H l-' tv z: uJ C\ 0 0 tv l-' ,to. ~ '-0 I.W 1.0 -l t'1 '-0 '-0 U) 1.0 co 8 tv C\ ,to. VJ .t'1 C\ tv ,:l ~ .. 1-1--, . ~ i1 ,"" H "" 'Z ~!2.. ;; () ~ \.P t'1 - en -t 1-3 .. I:'l ~ ?J t-:I - t'1 N H 0 ~ t'1 -It ?J N - ~ ,to. 1.0 0 en tv .Po 1.0 U) () CO -l ~ -l ,to. ~ t'1 0 t'1 ?J ,to. 1.0 en N ,to. 1.0 . CO -s -l ,to. i ...." '..<, ~ ~; ~ ~ ...... ,-<n-o .~~~ vJ.. i-3 .. I.JJ (;) -1",,:p -.1""G1 .t>-. t<3 . 0 00 o H ~ t<3 ~ Ul 8 C-t ~ C ~ ~ \- W~ ~'R ~~~ ~ \0 0:> o -<n- ~ .. I.JJ "" ~ I.JJ "" \0 . . 0' 0 0' 0 ~ '~ -==> ~, ~ ~ ~ c. '? <-... ~... "'" ~ t.~ .. \ r ~ .... ,~~~ . ~0C1 ~ ~~ l' ~'~~ ~- ~.~ ~ - -' o -t\ '" --' .t:>- I.JJ 0:> .t>- V' .. V' .. "" .. ~ co ~ C1' \D , C1' V' . I U'I . 0 I . "" U'I "" U'I ~ .t>- V' vJ ~ }- \... co . V' 1 VI \0 -:? -:> ~ l-3 ~ ~ . V' \0 C-t l.\l ? C-t l.\l ? ~ \0 0:> "" , , , , I , ~ \0 0:> ~ .. .t:>- C1' V' .. ~ V' .. "" , \0 .. ~ 0:> , . ~ 0' \0 , \J\ 0' \J\ . \J\ \J\ . 0 . "" \J\ "" V' -..,,> V' ~ ~ ~~ 1 w ~ .. ~ C-t l.\l ? d ~ ~ \0 co o ~ .. 0' 0:> "" 0:> \J\ ~~ --)~ ~ 1~ 1Jj H ~ ~ ~ !." ~ ~ ~ . tJl 0' 8 \0 t<3 'fd 00l ~ I.JJ ~ ~ tJl H t<3 -<n- .t>- ~ I.JJ .. 1-\ VJ .. "" 'Z .. V' \-' () :. ~ ':' ~ VJ . V' tJl . 0 0 H V' \J\ t<3 o ~ A ~ ~~ <;..... ~ ~~ t~ ..e L", ...::) -f~ ;t 00 ~ ~ .. .t:>- .t>- I.JJ . \J\ o J.,"IU!1l'){'a \lUll ~ ~ ~ "" V' .w t, C-t C Ul H ~ "d 'fdo H () t<3. ~ ~ (1) -<n- ~ .t:>- '$. o ,:!. t-3 G1 ~ t<3 .(j) \J\ 0:> 'g Ul Ul ~ 'g to ~ t-3 ~ .. .t>- -1 .0:> o"d :pC ~f,f)~ C)~~ ~~~ ~t-3tt1 to tr1o"d 'Zb?J f,f)f,f)H tr11-\O tJl.ztr1 G1 ~ H t'1 ';Xl b u c (/) H ~ 'Z '8 tn -<n- .t>- ~ .. I.JJ "" "" .(j) \J\ 0:> ~ -1 .. "" o o .. l-' V' 0' . o o . ~ \0 . o o . ~ \0 l.\l (t' \0 clP ..... r i '\ 1("1 . ~ EXHIBIT "A" Description of Property The West 194 feet of Block 3, being that portion of Lots A and B lying North of State Road 804, PALM BEACH FARMS PLAT 1/8, according to the plat thereof recorded in Piat Book 5, Page 73 of the Publ,ic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being in Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East. , , / ... '." ... .' \ If, ,I I,. ,. / ,/ 19. CONSTRUCTION: All pronouns and other variations thereof shall b~ deemed to refer to the masculine, feminine, neuter, singular or plural as the identity of the organization" person or persons may require. Except as herein otherwise provided to the contrary, this Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their personal representatives and assigns. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts bearing the signatures of the PARTNERS and one or more of the PARTNERS and each such counterpar~ shall, for all purposes, be deemed an original, but all such counterparts shall together constitute but one and the same instrument. 20. INTEREST HELD BY TENANTS BY ENTIRETY: The death, incompetency or withdrawal of either spouse while holding a partnership interest by a tenancy by the entireties or any transfer of any portion of that interest from one to the. other shall not cause a dissolution of the partnership nor give rise to any option to purchase on the part of the othe~ PARTNERS .anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have sworn and subscribed to this Agreement. Signed, sealed and delivered presence of: dHM~) BILL . \ INCHES'fER ~ g~~~ U---,J flL:W 71}~; A ,U}..QJ'f\ (i\, f (lll J:o 3 /L~<-J) tL...~ /~. c-~) G~~ ELSIE WINCHESTER '/' .:. _..-' //?- ~U----- ,//" IL(IA11 A. !E~l$R ~r'. ~ HI :HA;'L ~~~Lv ]}1 CV,/lMJLAf\ ' 0 . r~ -23- /'- 8EEI08~II STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) S5 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) BEFORE ME APPEARED____________~_____ THIS 29th DAY Jan/90 'PERSONALLY Devra Newell --------------------------------, AND SAYS: WHO BEING DULY SWORN~ DEPOSES That the accompanying Property Owners List is, to the best of his/her knowledge. a complete and accurate lisf of all property owners, mailing addresses and properly control numbers a~ recorded in the latest orricial lax rolls in the County Courthouse for al J property withjn three hundred (300) feet elf tho btdo\.J d(!:.cribed parcel of land. ' The property in question is Jc~ally descr-ibed as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" o. " '-. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. iLww (Signature) Sworn to and of_ol.9-.D.'d9-.r:y___ A.D" 19_29.__. C!~f)f)~ Notary Public State of Florid~ at Large subscri bf::ld before me this _ _2..3..t..l1..__ day NOTARY SEAL f1y Commission NOtARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXP. APR.ll,1992 BONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UNO. Expircs:______________________~_~~----------- 22 it )/ . . . ~ ~ ~ j ~ "'\) ,', '\~., .~ .' <{r, .' ;1 ~ :fi!i i' 'I , ) I- Z => o u :r u a: '" '" C -J a: 0.. -J -J o OC x <r: >- > >- OC W 0- o OC 0.. ..J a: ,W OC Q; a: ..J ::I .., '" Q; c c - Dl: o - I&. Cj 1&.- Oz , ~I iwlO . ....1....: <101 L-iW' I r-I~! I '" 14C(: "Z ~' .. o \ '\ . ZI wv .<.:lID. "'0 M (T. .- (To r-_ M", . 0 ,. rJ" r- Co v' _ - r- ",r- (\J 00 r- '" "'M 0(\, "'IT' o~ y y- <t<t 00 v. (To I'\)T l.f\ l"\Jr- _ (0', (To TM ,. ,. 00 1/' M"" "'''' "'V, cr. 00:T CO 0"" I'\) I'T M M'" 00 0'" I'\) 1'''' ,. e _N IT>M r-CO '" (T. 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II.;,. .'f...-' 1 - ......f...... ._':,4. ~"~~d_}~~;.,-",... .....! . .~..~~ . ':!;.. . ,.-~~~~~~_:T_ .~.,~:;..'?~,. .( . ,.~ I ,.. .;If;:-O.....~ ~ , ''-- - '.- t"',O'.,,,, -I 0" ~. - ~I, :::, ,:~y~!:~;?~'I:[~~: f ....~~:~tlij~-' ". >;~ , ':;i;.i~;,i~.~. ~, . .~ >' :.1 l.~' l., -I'" I .~ ~I <"It CID~": ~. -.. "j ..... \t L> .'.p.....:.:., ~ ,. I ..... , :f'--;:+.,: , q'" , -r' -l.> -.:.1'" CID 1'- c>. I<) c> C\J'~ '\j- ciS ~ I' -, ~ 0, ~'M;!I ~.l' , .. I" I ... , . 'I fJ'l '<t ..'~:.O'.' .~ .\~,' .' .. 1.'; -ii """ ..(' , 'l'c' fl.. ( k~' . .'. .... ....'- '. 'i.' " ... t \ .:.,', :~~~~ ,. '~. ,. .....\( ".:.}:S~-~ ;.. .~-~ I ~:',~;;~~,~ q .~~ ... 'n? ~. t ~~ ."l8/# ~ ~ ."":.......-... I i --u "<( -1- , I Ltl 0)"; 't, -,... -I I ~I ::1 :;; I ,; -tf EXHIBIT "A" WWI.lJ 1'^I(~I'.I. A "ARCr-I. OF" I.ANO I"VING IN Sr::CTION 1'). TOWN51l1P 1\5 SOUTII. RANGr. 1\3 EAST ," -p,M.M OF:^CII COUNTY. roT.On rD^ , $^ 1 I) f'M~Cr:L HE t Ne: A l'OIlT ION OF' TRM:,r.c-t OF" "IIF. rr.NI' 01" SlJnllIVIr.TON OF SECTION 19. 'fOWNSII[T' -15 SOIJTIl. RANGe "3 P.:A5'r, ^S, RECOROIm IN I'I,^T nOOK 7. PM;E 19. 01' 'rilE punr.IC ny.C~RO::; 01" I'M,M O'f.^CIl COUN1'Y. I'"r.on T r>A AND A POR'rION Of" 'rJwr PAnT OF' Tile 2S' HO^D RIGIIT-Or-WAY 1'"on rAI.M Ur.ACII' F'AIlHS COHPM1Y PI,AT NO. (1, AS Rt:CORllEll IN, QUJTCI,A 1M "FoP-D .j 7~9, rAGr-: 1369, AND A l'OH'r.lON OF' TIt^CT5 ^ , 0,' OI.OCK J 01" PALH OEACII f'^ItMr. CO~IP^NY pr.AT NO. n Of" SJ::CTION 30, 'ro~m:;Jllr, ~5 'SOUTII,. IlMJGF: -13 r-:AST. PI.AT DOOK 5. (,AGI': 73, PUIl(,lC nF:CORI>S ,OF I'^LH nEAClI CC?UNTV. F1.0nIOA. COMMF:NCING AT TilE NORTIlEAST conNlm 01' SECTION 30. TowNSllr p -t 5 50UlIII, . R^NGILU ' EA5Tl Tllr::NCr. WI'fll ^ nf:ARIIJG OF' SOUTII 07-32'0" WI~5T, AT.ONG , 'l:IIE. NonT" I.INE 01" Sr.CTT.Otl 30, A IHs'rANCF. OF 60.00 1'1':1':'(' 1'0 A POINT ON 'TIIF: WF.S1' , n Ie:IIT-OF"-W^ yo I, fNl:. 01' CONron r-:m; ^VENl1r.; I'll ENCF: CON'rl NUE AI.ONr. 1'1Ir. .^l:,onr::Mr:NTIONF:O coun:;r. F.XTI::N1mo ^ ()JST^NCl'~ 01" 73:1.701 n:F:1' TO A I'OIN'T.' s^il) rOINT' IJIUNG 'fll.P. rotH1' 01' Ilf,GINNING; 'rllF.NCE' WI'l'I1 ^ Ilr::AnTNG or S OL"1n'43". ~, .^LONe: 11 l.lNF. I,VING 120,00 FEin WP.ST or ^NI> P!ln^'.I~I':I. 'TO Till:;' FoAST r.INE OF 1001'S 11 , n. JlI.OCK :I, Of' TilE MJOVF: Dp.scnIDlm PI,^,r 01' I'AI;M Of-lICIl r^,~M5'COHrANY I't.lI'r NO, 0, ^ DISTANCF: O~. 216.0" 1"1':1,1' TO 11 '1'01111' ON Till:: NORTII nIGIIT Of' WAY t.INE 01" OOYNTON DE^CII nI,VI).; TIIF:NCF: WITH ^ n~^RJNC.'OF 87"32;"7" W, !lI.ONG TilE NORTII RIGIIT Of' WAY I.INE OF" l\OYNTON'QF:ACII DINO'.,:J\ DISTANCE 01" 168.0'1"EI::1'; TIIF:NCE N 46"52'50" w. ^ DiSTANCE OF,. -3$.:7,1.' r...:JST:TO^ rorN1' ON TilE EAST RIGlIT Of' WAY I.IN~ 01." WI NC(J&:;TF.R, rARK PLVD;; :Tllr::Ncr; WITIl A or::lIRING OF' N 0.1" 18'''J'' W, A(,ONG. , ':TIIE E^STEnl.Y n:tGUT 01" WAY LtNF:. 'Of' WI NClIESTER 'PARK OI.VI).. A OISTANCF: 01" 190'.54 FEET TOI\'.~~()l:NTf' Tf1r::NCr::, wITH ^ CUHVE TO TilE RIGilT IIAVING A 'R1\otuS, Of' 2193.99 I"Y.ET, ^ C~NTn^,.. 'ANGLE OF' 06- 03'3)". AND ,AN ARC . I.ENGTI!' OF" 231.0-1 FEP.T TOA' 1'0IIJ'r, 'l'II~NCE'N 83"16'''6" 1':. 11 OIST^NCF. Of' .,'::.2li9~'6'" J-'f':F:T.: ',Tllet'fcr. S"O".27.1J...,.R."A:.O.IST^NCE 07 22S.JIJ FEI';T,.TO A " l'orNT ON. A I,INI': r.VING 25.00 F'f:Y.T' NOIlTIl.'Of" ^NI) .I'ARAI,r.F:r. WITlI 'CIIE SOIJTIl LINE or SECTION ,'l!)'ru'ENCr. WITII I\~, i'.mAllINC or S 117- 32' n" w. 1\ OI'5TANCr, ,01"91.20 rlmT; 1:IlENCP,.'S Ol.lfI'<I)"I~,^'DrST^NCE Of 25.00 f'e~T MORF. on '(.Po5STO,TIlF:. roniT Of';nECINNWG, . . CONTAiNING. 2.401 ACIt~S HOng onI.ross. AND SUnJECT TO J;^5I':MENTS ^ND. " RIGIITS 01' WAY OF RECORD, ~~~1'1.\~111""~;"";''''''''''',....... '~."" .".." , EXHIBIT IIAII ,.', PARClo:L n . . '. .. ~ :,^':~^RCF;VClJ7 LAND:,LYING IN SEGTlON 30. ',TOWNSHIP. AS SOUTH. ,RANGE .43 ,1V\SI..'PALM BEACH, COUNTY. FLORIDA, SAID PARCEL BEING A PORTION ,oF TRACTS A 8. B, BL6cl~':3 OF PALM BEACH, FARMS COHPANY PLAT NO.. 8 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 4S SOUTH': RANGE 43 F:AST. PLAT BeeK 5. PAGE 73, ~ueLIC REceRDS'OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. . , . < ) f '- ,S.AID LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FeLLOWS: ..': "" JC6Mt~S'ENCIN(j AT THE NORTHEAsr (:ORNER (IF SECTION. 30:. TOWNSHIP 4~ ':SOU.TH, RANGE 43 EAST: . 'THENCE WITH A BEARING OF. SOUTH .87 32' 47" ,WESl;.ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTI'ON 30, A DISTANCE OF 6Q.OO'FEET '1'0."1\" POlNT l..)N 'THE, WEST IUGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE: Tij]tNCECONTINUE ALf.lN.G'THE AFOREHENTI(lNrW Cl,)URSE EXTENDED A DISTANCE 0.11",.733.7/. FEET.',TOA POWT: THENCE WITH A HEARING eF SOUTH 01.'lS' ,.:J,..."E^ST~. ALONe.' 'A ,LINE ,LYING 120.00. FEET WEST OF, AND PARALLEL TO. TH~ !ASTLINE OF LCTS A & B, BLOCK 3, OF THE ABOVE DESCRrBED PLAT of:r~:iif'BF.ACII' FARMS CeHPANY Pl.AT NO. 0, A D[STANCE OF 25.00 'FEET TO ';A,"PO.INT:', SAID PCINT BlnNG THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE CONTINUE ALOHO :tHE AFOREMENTIONED P^R^LL~:1. l.INE ^ DISTANCE eF' 191~04: FEET TI..I 'A'P('lNT i)N Tm: NOHTII RIGHT-CW-WAY LINE OF BOYNTON BEACH.BLVD: THE'N(:E WITH A BEARING CF SOUTH 87 32' 47" WEST. ALONG THE.NORTH RIGHT~OF-WAY'LINE OF BOYNTON BEACH BLVD., A DISTANCE OF 16a~43'FEET: THENCE NORTH <.f;. 52' 58" WEST. A DISTANCE OF.3~.71 FEET TO A POINT ON tHE F.A$T RIGHT-I)F-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTER PARK BLVD.: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 01 18' 43" WEST, ALeNG THE EASTERl.Y RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE (IF' wrNCHE~TEr{ PARK BLVD.. A DISTANCE OF 165.5i<.FEF.T TO A POINT: THF.NC'E WITH A BEARING 0'" NORTH 8732' 47" EAST.....ALONG A LINE LYING 2S. 00 P'r:~n SOUTH OF AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH. LINE OF s!CnON 30. ^ DISTANCE AI' 193,94 "'EET HORE o.R LESS TO THE 1'0 I NT OF PEe rHNl HG . CONTAI~nlG (.I" 04 ACRE~: (36,717 S(JUAH..: FFF.1"l !i'.'Rf, ,)R LES~ AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS Mm R refiTS OF WAY OF R~;(:('IIW , ~ j ,~ , j j ~ i \ t J' ,I ~ ,. ."... .. "',"< ,~i'.;r7f. p' "-.:, , , , , . ", . . ;:':':,~~ \ : I:' " ..\:~;~;: . --- -----.:.:.--:...- ~~,"~~m""\Of.!-"'''''''''~''''-' . EXHIBIT "A" " ..... PAHCIo:1. n . ~I; " :,A':~ARC~VOf1' I..^ND~LYING IN SEc;rION 30. ,.TCWNSHIP.4S SCUTH, ,RANCE .43 .MSr.:.PAl.M BEACH,: COUNTY. FLCRI DA. SA Ill' PARCEL BEING A PORTICN ,oF TRACTS A ~ B. BLOCK 3 CF PA",H BEACH, FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. 8 CF SECTICN 30. TO,WNSHIP 4S SPUTH: RANCE 43 EAST. PLAT BOCK 5. PACE 73. ~U~LIC RECCRDS QF PALM BEACH ,COUNTY. FLCRIDA. , < .SAID LAND BEINC MORE PARTICULARl.Y DESCRIBED AS FCl.l.CWS: ...a,' . I L.' "COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION' 30, TCWNSHIP 4~ '5CU'1>>. RANCE 43 EAST: . 'THENCE WITH A BEARING CF SOUTH 97 32' 47" . WEST;. Al.ONG THE NORTH LINE OF SECTI'ON 30. A DISTA'NCE CF60.00' FEET ".TO',;i^" POINT QN.~THE' WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF CONGRESS' AVENUE: Tij'ENCE .CONTINUE ALf.IN.C'THE AFOREMENTI(INrW C<.)URSE EXTENDED A DISTANCE o.F, 733,71, FEET" ',TO A POINT: THENCE WI TH A !-3F.ARINC OF SOUTH 01 '18' 43:",J,EAST'. ALONe.' A ,LINE,L''J'lNG 120.00 FEE1' WEST CF,AND PARALLEL TO THg !AST'LINE OF LOTS A & B. BLOCK 3. o.F THE ABCVE DESCRIBED Pl.AT CF:,~^'~_,BF.ACIIF^RHS CCMPANY PLAT NO.. O. A DISTANCE CF 25.00, FEET TO',}.. PC;CNT: '. SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE CCNTiNU~ AL.ONa :T1-!E AFCREMENTIONED PARAl.!.!-:!. LINE A DISTANCE OF 191.04' FE~T T<.' ,A POINT i)H nll~ N(lHTI/ RIGH1'-OF-WAY LINg OF BOYNTCN BEACH ,13LVD: TH.E'NCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32' 47" WEST. ALONG THE.NORTH RIGHT;;CF-WAY.L.INE OF BOYNTON BEACH BLVD., A DISTANCE OF 16a~43'FEET: THENCE NORTH 1.6 52' 58" WEST. A DISTANCE CF 35.71 FEET TO. A POINT ON tHE EAST RIGHT-I)F-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTER PARK BL.VD.: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 0118' 43" WEST. ALONG THE EASTERl."i RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WWCHr;:~Te:R PARI-: BLVD.. A DISTA.NCE OF 165. 5~ FEET TO A POINT: THENCE WITH A BEARlt~C or NCRTH 87 32' 47" EAST ..'.ALCNG A LINE l.YING 25.00 FEE'I soum OF AND PARAl.LEL TO THE NORTH. LINE OF SECTION 30. ^ DISTANCE '''F 193<;11, FEET HaRE OR LESS TO 'THE POINT Of' 8EGINNING. CONTAINING (.1.,04 ACRE~: 13tS.717 $(JUAHI-: FFF.T1 l'k'~F. .)R LES~ AND SUBJECT T0 EASEMENTS AN!.l fHGIlrS \."IF WAY (IF REI':I"IH' ..... . . ~~,.. '..'''.-....'~-;..... ,.: "I :, .. . ".' ". ,i :~'., ". ,', 9' ,'\. . .. ",' 'I; "''; '., ".~. /: .;..:.~~,:,';~.:~;i:( .~ ..:,;. ' ;".. , ' ,'.. ' '=> .., .' .., . ~~~)J:".f~Il'Vt~"""'''''':':''''~II..r''..."........:"'-"""",,, ~r:'~~"1f..,~.04., ., . - " EXHIBIT "A" "", .1..' "', '.:-. PAHClo:L n " . ' ' ~ ..', .... J . '" ;,A~:P.ARC~L"OJ7 l.AND:,LYING IN SE<;:nON 30'. :,TOWNSHIP. 45 SOUTH, ,RANGE ,43 \E.AS!;.'P.Al.M BEACH,: COUNTY.' FLORWA, SAID'PARCEt.' BEING A PORTION pF TRACTS A & B, BLOCK 3 OF' PA~ BEACH, PARMS COMPANY PLAT NO, a OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 45 SPUTH: RANGE: 43 EAST. Pl.AT BOOK 5, PAGE 73, ~U~LIC RECORDS'qF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. .,,; i: '. " ~ '" '. ;','," . < ,SAID LAND BEING MORE PARTICUl.ARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ...\" . ILl ' : ':COMMENC1NG AT THE NCIRTHEASt CORNER (IF SECTION' 30~ TOWNSHIP 4S :SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST :,' THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32' "7" ,WESj,. Al.ONG THE NORTH 1.1 NE OF SECT fON 30, A 01 ST A'NCE OF 6Q; 00' ,FEET 'TO:""A" POI-NT (')N ','THF.:' WEST RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE: Tj.ptNCE,C<.JNTINUE AlhNC'THE AFOREMENTIONED COURSE EXTENDED A DISTANCE OP"': 733.71, FEET', ',TO A POtt~T: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH OL'18' 43:'\ ',EAST', ALOOO."A ,LINE ,LJYING 120.00 FEET WEST OF ANll PARAl.l.El. TO TUW EAST 'LINE OF LOTS A & B. BLOCK 3. OF THE ABOVE DESCRrBED PLAT OF'.'r~'iJ.f':DF..AC"'F^RMS COMPANY PLhT NO. O. A DISTANCE OF' 25.00 'FEET TO';',.\"POJNT:' SAID POINT BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING: THENCE CONTiNUE, Al.ONG :THE AP'OREMENTIONIW PARhLI.J.:I. LINE ^ DISTANCE OF 191.0'" fIo:ET fl... 'ApCtlNT i)N Till-: NOHTII RIGHT-Of-WhY LINE OF BOYNTON BEACH ,BLVD: TH.E'NCE WITH A BEARING OF SOUTH 87 32' 47" WEST,' ALONG iHE.NORTH RIGHT"OF-WAY'l.INE OF BOYNTON BEACH 8l.VD., A DISTANCE OF 16a:43'FEET: THENCE NORTH M;. S2' 58" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 35,71 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST RIGHT-I)F-WAY LINE OF WINCHESTER' 'PARK Bl.VD.: THENCE WITH A BEARING OF NORTH 01 18' 43" WEST. ALONG THE EASTERl.Y RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF WINCHERTER PARK BLVD.. A OIST^NCE OF l(.S.54,.FEF.T TO A POINT: THENCE WITH A BEARING C.W NORTH 87 32' 4'" EAST ....ALONG A l.ItlE l.YING 25.0(1 FEE'I SOUTII OF AND PARALLEL TO THE NORTH .LItI,E OF SJtCTIOfo/ 30. A DISTANCE ("F 193,9', FEET MORE OR LESS TO'THE POINT OF 8KCJNHiHG. CONTAIN,JNG Q,.04 ACRES eJtS.117 S(JU^H~, FF:F.n 11<..Rf, OR I..ES~ AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS A/'m R fGIfTS OF W^ Y OF R Et'~':'ISW ',' , ',". " . . I.' .__,__..___..-t_ ...,.