CORRESPONDENCE CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @' . ' .~.. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 13 October 1989 Mr. Dennis R. Foltz Palm Beach County Planning Director 800 13th Street West Palm Beach Florida 33406 Re: Boynton Nurseries - File No. 350 ~ Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment/ Rezoning Requests Dear Mr. Foltz: Enclosed you will find copies of the location map and application for the above-referenced annexation and land use amendment/ rezoning request. This project is located on the west side of L~wrence Road, approximately 1300 feet north of N.W. 22nd Avenue at the northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.D. L-21 Canal. Please provide your comments concerning consistency with the County's Comprehensive Plan, and a summary of the County zoning categories which abut this parcel in the immediate vicinity. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '\.. C-- ~ !'---7--~ CSA/cmc Enclosure xc: Central File Carmen S. Annunziato, A.I.C.P. Planning Director \ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @" .. . ::.. ,.~.., 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR January 17, 1990 Atty. Roger G. Saberson 110 East Atlantic Ave. Delray Beach, FL 33444 RE: Boynton Nurseries Comprehensive Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Saberson: As outlined in the attached correspondence, the City has been notified by the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs that the submittal of the Boynton Nurseries Comprehensive Plan Amendment is incomplete. Many'of the items indicated as being incomplete or missing by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) can be furnished by staff. However, DCA is requiring "a description of the availability of and the demand on: Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, Traffic Circulation and Recreation, as appropriate". This information must be submitted to the Planning Department in 10 copies for transmittal to DCA. As indicated by Mr. I Nave, the proposed amendment cannot be processed by DCA until the additional information has been furnished. Very truly yours, ~YNTON BEACH .. )?'~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Enc cc: Central File ~. ~~.~}.~.1:,;:.;~.P:.~~ ~ ~-'7'':=:-'''"''':::!'~-';'"-:'"-~-.-.L..!"i,~~'''.. .fT! L ~.~~-.~- . ....", ~.,~ ..... . STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399 I BOB MARTINEZ GowrllOl' THOMAS G, PELHAM SecreWy January 11, 1990 Mr. James J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Golden: We have received the proposed amendment to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, submitted to the Department as required by Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The amendment information is incomplete as submitted. The submittal requirements for amendments to lbcal govern- ment comprehensive plans are prescribed in the enclosed Chapter 9J-11, Florida Administrative Code, "Procedure Rule for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Amendments." In par- ticular, your transmittal letter does not indicate the proposed month of adoption, and whether the proposed amendment is an exemption to the twice per calendar year limitation on the adoption of comprehensive plan amendments. The requirements for the transmittal letter are outlined in 9J-l1.006(1) (a), Florida Administrative Code. Your submittal package for the proposed map amendment does not include: . Ten copies of the entire element being amended, 9J- 11.006(1) (b), F.A.C.; . A description of the availability of and the demand on: Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, Potable Water, Traffic Circulation and Recreation, as appropriate, 9J- 11.006(1) (b)4., F.A.C.; and ". tl~ .' .' I .'4 1 1 _. p__._ ~-':~_______~~_~~:!~'. ..::,,~:~ .~ '.. ,', ~::~~:.~~~M".~'''''~''. . Local Planning Agency and the local governing recommendations, 9J-11.006(l) (b)5(c), F.A.C. bo!}ECEIVED JAN 16 1990 PLANNING DEPT. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNIN't ANU MANAul:MltrH ~ ~"'Y1.r~._.'.."- TfJlI!Ao.r.___!IlliI!Il .-......:...ll~t''1i-.l''-~.wtA..L.... ~.. u A.. .."'........ .- .....-:n Mr. James J. Golden January 11, 1990 Page Two The proposed amendment, received January 5, 1990, will not be processed until all the required information is available to distribute for review, as required by s.9J-1l.008(2), Florida Administrative Code. If we may be of further assistance, please contact Georgia Kat~ at (904) .487-4545. . Sincerely, I<r!.of/lt q. Maw.. Robert G. Nave, Chief Bureau of Local Planning RGN/gkr Enclosure CC: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim City Planning Director , , ~:_'i..~~~-:~::';_'__': ~.=:~-::..~::::=~'?__ _~___ ~_~: - ~ ~ , . '.:.5r"z.," '-;I' , .1If!IIl_l~ _ ~. ,. .. ". :~ ., ~ /. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @......' -.; , .~.. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR December 28, 1989 . Florida Dept. of Community Affairs Attn: Mr. Ralph Hook Division of Resource Planning & Management Bureau of Local Planning 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 RE: Transmittal of Proposed Local Government Comp~ehensive Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Hook: Accompanying this.' letter you will find materials which are related to a comprehensive plan amendment for the City of Boynton Beach. This amendment, hereinafter referred to as Boynton Nurseries, was considered by the Planning and Zoning Board, si tting as the local planning agency, and also' by the City Commission, at public hearings which were held after due pUblic notice. The City Commission of Boynton Beach has approved the transmittal. of this plan amendment to the Department of community Affairs. With respect to Rule 9J-11.006, which outlines the procedure for SUbmitting comprehensive plan amendments, please be advised of the following for the Boynton Nurseries application: 1. A public hearing for this request was held before the City Commission on December 19, 1989, at which time the Commission approved this request for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. 2. This amendment constitutes the first set of compre- hensive plan amendments for calendar year 1990. Pend- ing review and approval by the DCA, it is anticipated that the ordinances for this transmittal will be adopted during the month of April or May, 1990. ~ .====-~"_.._- . "~~..- -,:,,:,=~_.:..=-~-~- .1.:.r-:T."!"~~:'.!.~~1'~!::':;:~~l~~t~~ ~h.t-.. ,.J~.-~ -- . . Mr. Ralph Hook -2- December 28, 1989 3. The local government contact person is: James J. Golden Senior City Planner P. o. Box"310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Tel: (407) 738-7490 4. Enclosed you will find ten (10) copies of the staff report including a location map and one blueprint copy and ten (lO) photocopies of the Future Land Use Plan Map which address items (b) 1 through 5 of Rule 9J-11.006. The subject property has been highlighted on the Future Land Use Plan Map. ~ ,..-- - - #: a. ~ ~~/~ ICU ~!- ~ TJH:frb Encs Lng the recommendations from staff, the local 1 agency and the local governing body, the staff ldation is outlined on the last page of the ~port. The local planning agency (Planning and Board) recommendation was for approval of the e element amendment and rezoning subj ect to lmments. The local governing body approved the se amendment and rezoning application as d. tion to the above, all relevant information ng the Boynton Nurseries application should be i within the staff report. Llestions regarding this plan amendment or you luire additional information, please contact !s J. Golden at the address or telephone number ~3 above. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ ~ ~~~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director xc: Daniel M. Cary, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Central File DCA It 'T\~' . _ ":~'~~__"Jffl~~';il't. .:r.~ _~~:~~~:1.","w...r..:D"...!.BNl""''''''."Mf-- d IH~~.~Z:;''7::...L:..:l __"' ............. l"r.rr_'''~ _.r t.. ti~~ ~~ /Ua~. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 211 South Federal Highway P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES February 15, 1990 Mr. Enrico Rossi, P,E. Rossi & Malavasi Engineers, Inc. 580 Village Blvd" Suite 140 West Palm Beach, FL 33409-1904 Dear Mr. Rossi: SUBJECT: Proposed annexation of 83,85 acre parcel owned by Boynton Nurseries Under the concurrency management guidelines of Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, and in accordance with the City's comprehensive plan, we must be able to demonstrate that the service for water and sewer will not decrease below adopted levels. Insofar as the referenced project is concerned, we believe that the City will have sufficient water and sewage treatment capability to serve 86 units in 1991 and the remain- ing 316 units in 1993, if current plans for water treatment expansion are realized. The City Commission has authorized expenditures to uprate the east treatmont facility. Although this project has not been awarded yet, we expect the uprating to be completed by mid to late 1991. Until such time as a signed contract with a firm completio~ date is obtained, we can only give conditional assur- ance that capacity will be available in the time frame you described. However, we should have more definite dates on construction by the time Pod E is ready for platting, at which time we will make a concurrency determination. Sewage treatment capacity is existing for the projected flows at this time. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella. Sincerely yours, CI]~TON BEACH Jo A. Guidry Director of Utilities dmt . bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Tim Cannon lQjCEI:"~~D ~J:..; fEB "'>') ~ .t P. p~..,,:? I:,'--~Ntv,:. . .vl.,'d' II ';.. O' ... ,.... '""" t.::.,ul. D R AFT CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ - OFFICE 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734-8111 OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR March 23, 1990 Atty. Roger G. Saberson 110 East Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach, FI 33444 RE: Boynton Nurseries - Rezoning to PUD - File No. 385 Dear Mr. Saberson: Please be advised that on Tuesday, March 20, 1990, the City Commission approved the above referenced rezoning request, subject to the attached staff comments as modified by the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Board listed in Memorandum No. 90-058 from the Planning Department (see attached). With respect to items no. 2 and 7 in memorandum 90-058, please be advised of the following: Item No.2 The traffic study prepared by K. S. Rogers, Inc., dated March 8, 1990, as amended by the Addendum dated March 15, 1990 will require review and approval by the City Commission. This will be done prior to second reading of the ordinance to rezone the property. Item No.7 The barrier shall be two posts and a chain constructed to meet the requirements of the Fire and Police Departments. Please also note that, per the discussion at the public hearing, it will be necessary to show a barrier and/or buffer along Old Military Trail on the plat or site plan for this portion of the project. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs A:Saberson CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 1! \f4I 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR March 23, 1990 Mr. Robert G. Nave, Chief Bureau of Local Planning State of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 Re: Supplements to December 28, 1989 Transmittal of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment known as "Boynt0n Nurseries" Dear Mr. Nave: Accompanying this correspondence you will find the information requested in your letter dated January 11, 1990, to complete the transmittal of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment known as "Boynton Nurseries." In addition to the ten copies of the enclosed information describing the availability. of and the demand on sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable water, traffic circulation and recreation, please be advised of the following: 1) The proposed month of adoption will be based on favorable completion of the 90 day review period. It is anticipated that second reading of the ordinances to annex, amend the future land use element and rezone will occur within two to three months of notification from your agency of successful completion of the 90 day review period. Assuming that the material and information contained within this transmittal are sufficient, it is anticipated that the ordinances to annex, amend the future land use element and rezone will occur in September, 1990. 2) The December 28, 1989 transmittal is the first Comprehensive Plan amendment for calendar year 1990. 3) The recommendations from the Local Planning Agency and the Local Governing Body are contained in the minutes of the Planning and Zoning Board meeting of December 12, 1989 and the City Commission meeting of December 19, 1989. Ten copies of these minutes are enclosed. TO: Mr. Robert G. Nave - 2 - March 23, 1990 4) The availability of roads to serve the project is addressed in the Local Governing Body's approval of the rezoning to Planned Unit Development. With respect to this approval, copies of the following are attached: a) . Staff Report (Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-052). b) Recommendations from Local Planning Agency (Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-058). c) Review of the Traffic Impact Study, dated December 26, 1989 and prepared by K.S. Rogers, Inc., which was done by the City's Traffic Consultant (Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc.) dated February 5, 1990. d) Revised Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by the applicant's traffic consultant (K.S. Rogers, Inc.) dated March 8, 1990 with cover letter dated March 13, 1990. e) Addendum to revised traffic study prepared by K.S. Rogers, Inc. dated March 15, 1990. f) Draft approval letter dated March 15, 1990 which outlines and clarifies the conditions of approval. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~y~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:cp Encls. cc: Roger Saberson Central File A:Suppleme CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Planning Departaent 100 E. Boynton Beacb Boulevard P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beachr Florida 33425-0310 FAX HUMBER (407) 738-7459 OFFICE HUMBER (407) 738-7490 FAX TRANSMITTAL COVER LETTER Date: 8-' / )L- :;?d Time: To: c;;? 124-0/ 0~ , Fax Number Transmitting To: From: cover letter): d Number Remarks: LA W OFFICES OF ROGER G, SABERSON, P.A. DEcRA Y EXECUTIVE MALL 110 EAST ATLANTIC AVENUE DELRA Y BEACH, FI.ORrDA 3,1444 (407) 272-8616 September 28, 1989 Mr. Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: Boynton Nurseries Application for Annexation, Land Use Plan Amendment, and Rezoning Dear Carmen: Pursuant to our phone conversation of September 25, 1989, please find enclosed the above-referenced Applications for the 80-acre Boynton Nurseries site on the west side of Lawrence Road, across from elementary school "P". In accordance with our discussion, we are not submitting with this zoning Application the items referred to in the Application as follows: I.D(3); g; h(items 1 through 11 inclusive) since these items, as you indicated, are not applicable to a rezoning to agriculture. I also enclose herewith the following: 1. $900.00 check payable to the City of Boynton Beach for the Rezoning and Land Use Application 2. $500.00 check payable to the City of Boynton Beach for the Annexation Application 3. Surveys prepared by the office of Richard L. Shep'ard and Associates. If you have any questions concerning the above, please don't hesitate to call me. Sincerely yours, fly-. MJ/1~ ROGER G. SABERS ON RGS/jb Enclosures "'_-~~->'-"'-'..:;:"~""-"""'':'~-'..~.:::_"''-----._,..._-~~,.".'~' .- ~~:',..n.,..,"".::h- .- __.. "....-".-' __ _u. STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399 BOB MARTINEZ Gowerno!' THOMAS G. PELHAM Secretary March 29, 1990 Mr. Timothy P. Cannon Interim Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Dear Mr. Cannon: Thank you for submitting copies of the additional information in regard to the City's proposed comprehensive plan amendment(s) for our review. We have conducted a preliminary inventory of the plan amendment package pursuant to Rule 9J-11.006, F.A.C., to verify the inclusion of all required materials. The submission package appears to be complete, and your proposed plan amendment will be reviewed in accordance with pro- cedures contained in Chapter 9J-11, F.A.C. Once the review is underway, you may be asked to provide additional supporting documentation by the review team to ensure a thorough review. If you have any questions, please contact Danny Clayton at (904) 487-4545. Sincerely, RECEIVED R8heHf q. Mave... Robert G. Nave, Chief Bureau of Local Planning RGN/gkr APR 5 1990 PLANNll'iG DEPT. . EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT · RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT April 5, 1990 lreQ/ure co~t regional planning council Mr. Timothy Cannon Acting Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Subject: city of Boynton Beach Local Government Comprehcn~ive Pl~n Dccument Dear Mr. Cannon: This is to notify you that the Regional Planning Council has received a request from the state Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for comments on the following comprehensive planning document: One Proposed Amendment to the Future Land Use Map city of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Council staff will review the document in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. It is anticipated that the report and recommended comments will be presented to Council at its meeting on May 18, 1990. Prior to the Council meeting, the meeting agenda, report, and recommended comments of the staff will be transmitted to you. You or any representative of your local government are invited to attend the meeting and will be afforded an opportunity to address the Council. Following the Council meeting the adopted comments will be transmitted to DCA. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, ~ tpi ~ ~ Terry L. Hess, AICP Planning Coordinator RECEIVED TLH: lb APR 1 0 1990 / PLANNJNG DEPT. - 3228 s.w. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, tforlda 34990 phone (407) ~m:. ~2,.4-<)H f i;.){'A ':JI) '~'21.406"1 SIJNC()~~7:j~~4060 '. eez: ~~.LA/ -~~ ~ Administrator Jan Winters Boar4 of County Commissioners Carol J. Elmquist, Chairm,lI1 Karen T. Marcus. Vice Chair Carol A. Roherts Ron Howard Carole P~illips April 16, 1990 Department of Planning, Zoning & Building Mr. Ralph K. Hook Bureau of Local Planning state of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2740 centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 APR 20 1930 p\..ANN\i\1U OE.t>T, .: \J \~~ ~'~~>:>'\ . ,-(\')' ~~~' <;." .",..J .----- .... ,....,. .' .'.,1-.. .......... -. ... ,~:':, /" RE: Palm Beach County's Review Comments for the proposed Com- prehensive Plan Amenament of the City of Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Hook: The Department of Planning, Zoning and Building has coordinated the review of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment of the ci ty of Boynton Beach, Florida. The proposed amendment was reviewed for: 1. consistency with the county comprehensive plan goals and objectives, 2. compatibility of land use, and 3. compliance with county environmental protection policies. The Department reviewed this proposal when it entered the annexa- tion process. A letter was sent and addressed to Mr. James J. Golden on November 28, 1989. Boynton Beach has attached this letter to the packet of documents submitted to the state in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 63 and labled it Exhibit "E". The County staff comments enumerated in the letter sent to Mr. Golden still hold and are as follows: 1. PLANNING DIVISION: Karyn Walega, Planner The Planning Division is concerned whether the proposed annexation is "compact" as defined by section 171.031, P.S. The annexation projects westward from the existing city boundaries and the area of contiguity thereby expanding an existing finger area of municipal land in a serpentine pattern. 800 13th Street. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406. (407) 697-4001 @ prinred on recycled paper --~._-----_._-------------- , .. 'Mr. Ralph K. He. April 16, 1990 Page 2 The proposed annexation appears to be located within the City's future annexation area. This property was a site specific Proposal which was part of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan Process. During the site Specific Proposal Process, the applicant was able to request a land use for his property other than the land use shown on the proposed land use map. The land owner of this proposed annexation requested a land use designation of High Residen- tial 8 (allowing a maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre) on the 60 acre parcel and Medium Residential 5 (allow- ing a maximum density of 5 dwelling units per acre) on the 20 acre parcel. However, the Board of County Commissioners denied the request for the following reasons: a) the propos- ed, increased densities were found incompatible with the surrounding land uses and b) a higher density on the site would not be consistent with the county's policy to protect natural resources as a natural ecosystem appeared to be located in the southweste!n 1/3 of the site. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: tal Analyst Bob Kraus, Environmen- This property is not in a Wellfield Protection Zone nor is it listed as environmentally sensitive land. most of the property is presently used for agricultural purposes. The southwestern portion of the property appears to remain heavily vegetated. Any native vegetation should be preserved and used in future site plans. 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator This proposed annexation would decrease the level of service to residents if annexed into Boynton Beach. Current fire protection is delivered from station 51 which is 3.5 miles away; Boynton Beach's station is over twice that distance, 8 miles necessitating a nearly 16 minute response time. Also this property is adj acent to a county area and is an isolated parcel to the west of Lawrence Road. i Mr. Ralph K. H~Jk April 16, 1990 Page 3 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Planner Diana Newcomer, Criminal Justice staff has reviewed this proposal and has made the following comments: 1. The site is vacant property bounded by Lawrence Road to the east, vacant property (Palm Beach County) to the south and north and residential (Palm Beach County) to the west. 2. The site is located in Charlie 1 and the areas to the north and south of the site are serviced by the Sheriff's Office. 3. Easy access to the site for Boynton Beach is via Lawrence Road. There currently are no roadways through this property to the residential area on the west side. Residential access for the Sheriff's Office is via Military Trail. 4. Al though contiguous with Boynton Beach across Lawrence Road, the location' and dimensions of the site augment pre-existing serpentine boundaries on the east side of Lawrence Road. Of the above observations, the greatest concerns are items 2 and 3. If Boynton Beach annexes the property, a mixed service area will be created. This creates a potential hazard for emergency responding units. Even though the area being annexed is vacant property, the future land use is for low to medium residential. Thus, policing responsibilities will increase creating an even greater hazard for responding units. From a law enforcement perspective, we feel that proposals supporting the creation of mixed service areas is not in line with good policing practice. We would encourage the City of Boynton Beach to adopt boundaries that eliminate both mixed services and serpentine boundaries. 5. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Alan Ennis, Development Review Engineer This proposal would probably meet County Traffic Performance standards although it is a significant project as proposed. 6. UTILITIES: C. Tim Russell, Director, Engineering Division This area is outside the PBCWUD service area. comments. No other 'Mr. Ralph K. Ho April 16, 1990 Page 4 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Richard Roberts, Assistant Director This proposed annexation will cause a negative fiscal impact. MSTU #2: -$1,066.04 Library: -$ 151.26 The total Ad Valorem loss is $1,217.30. The annexation request has been made by the property owner; however, first and second reading of the annexation has not yet occurred. The proposed land use for the property is low density residential allowing a maximum density of 4.84 dwelling units per acre in the City of Boynton Beach. This density is inconsistent with the County's Low Residential 3 category (allowing a maximum of 3.0 dwelling units per acre) designated on 20 acres of the proposal. Please be advised that these comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board' of County Commissioners. Thank you for considering our comments, and please feel free to contact this office if you should have any questions. '. Sincerely, \\J eJAM.i, ~.~,j Dennis R.;~~~, ~CP Planning Director File:IG/CPARDCA.BB cc: Board of County Commissioners Jan Winters, County Administrator Bob Weisman, Assistant County Administrator Donna Kristaponis, Executive Director P Z & B Richard Morley, Principal Planner Patsy Kallman, Principal Planner Karyn Walega, Planner City of Boynton Beach ~) of Board of County Commissioners County Administrator Jan Winters Carol J. Elmquist, Chairman Karen T. Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A. Roherts Ron Howard Carole Phillips Department of Planning, Zoning & Building April 18, 1990 Mr. Terry L. Hess, AICP Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 3228 S.W. Martin Downs Bouleva~d #205 P.O. Box 1529 Palm City, Florida 34990 RE: Palm Beach County's Review Comments for the proposed Com- prehensive Plan Amendment of the City of Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Hess: The Department of Planning, Zoning and Building has coordinated the review of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The proposed amendment was reviewed for: 1. consistency with the county comprehensive plan goals and objectives, 2. compatibility of land use, and 3. compliance with county environmental protection policies. The Department reviewed this proposal when it entered the annexa- tion process. A letter was sent and addressed to Mr. James J. Golden on November 28, 1989. Boynton Beach has attached this letter to the packet of documents submitted to the state in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 63 and labeled it Exhibit "E". The County staff comments enumerated in the letter sent to Mr. Golden still hold and are as follows: 1. PLANNING DIVISION: Karyn Wa1ega, Planner The Planning annexation is Division "compact" is concerned whether the proposed as defined by Section 171.031, F.S. 800 13th Street. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406. (407) 697-4001 @ printed on recycled paper .... .(' Mr. Terry L. HL_3 April 18, 1990 Page 2 The annexation projects westward from the existing city boundaries and the area of contiguity thereby expanding an existing finger area of municipal land in a serpentine pattern. The proposed annexation appears to be located wi thin the City's future annexation area. This property was a site Specific Proposal which was part of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan Process. During the site Specific Proposal Process, the applicant was able to request a land use for his property other than the land use shown on the proposed land use map. The land owner of this proposed annexation requested a land use designation of High Residen- tial 8 (allowing a maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre) on the 60 acre parcel and Medium Residential 5 (allow- ing a maximum density of 5 dwelling units per acre) on the 20 acre parcel. However, the Board of County commissioners denied the request for the following reasons: a) the propos- ed, increased densities'. were found incompatible with the surrounding land uses and b) a higher density on the site would not be consistent with the county's policy to protect natural resources as a natural ecosystem appeared to be located in the southwestern 1/3 of the site. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: tal Analyst Bob Kraus, Environmen- This property is not in a Wellfield Protection Zone nor is it listed as environmentally sensitive land. most of the property is presently used for agricultural purposes. The southwestern portion of the property appears to remain heavily vegetated. Any native vegetation should be preserved and used in future site plans. 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator This proposed annexation would decrease the level of service to residents if annexed into Boynton Beach. Current fire protection is delivered from station 51 which is 3.5 miles away; Boynton Beach's station is over twice that distance, 8 miles necessitating a nearly 16 minute response time. Also this property is adjacent to a county area and is an isolated parcel to the west of Lawrence Road. Mr. Terry L. Ht.._d April 18, 1990 Page 3 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Planner Diana Newcomer, Criminal 'Justice Staff has reviewed this proposal and has made the following comments: 1. The site is vacant property bounded by Lawrence Road to the east, vacant property (Palm Beach County) to the south and north and residential (Palm Beach County) to the west. 2. The site is located in Charlie 1 and the areas to the north and south of the site are serviced by the Sheriff's Office. 3. Easy access to the site for Boynton Beach is via Lawrence Road. There currently are no roadways through this property to the residential area on the west side. Residential access for the Sheriff's Office is via Military Trail. . 4. Al though contiguous with Boynton Beach across Lawrence Road, the location and dimensions of the site augment pre-existing serpentine boundaries on the east side of Lawrence Road. Of the above observations, the greatest concerns are items 2 and 3. If Boynton Beach annexes the property, a mixed service area will be created. This creates a potential hazard for emergency responding units. Even though the area being annexed is vacant property, the future land use is for low to medium residential. Thus, policing responsibilities will increase creating an even greater hazard for responding units. From a law enforcement perspective, we feel that proposals supporting the creation of mixed service areas is not in line with good policing practice. We would encourage the City of Boynton Beach to adopt boundaries that eliminate both mixed services and serpentine boundaries. 5. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Alan Ennis, Development Review Engineer This proposal would probably meet County Traffic Performance Standards although it is a significant project' as proposed. 6. UTILITIES: C. Tim Russell, Director, Engineering Division ~ . Mr. Terry L. H >s April 18, 1990 Page 4 This area is outside the PBCWUD service area. comments. No other 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Richard Roberts, Assistant Director This proposed annexation will cause a negative fiscal impact. MSTU #2: -$1,066.04 Library: -$ 151.26 The total Ad Valorem loss is $1,217.30. The annexation request has been made by the property owner; however, first and second reading of the annexation has not yet occurred. The proposed land use for the property is low density residential allowing a maximum density of 4.84 dwelling units per acre in the City of Boynton Beach. This density is inconsistent with the County's Low Residential 3 category (allowing a maximum of 3.0 dwelling units per acre) designated on 20 acres of the proposal. Please be advised that these comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners. Thank you for considering our comments, and please feel free to contact this office if you should have any questions. Sincerely, 0~\il( ~ Dennis R. Foltz, AICP Planning Director File:IGjCPARTC.BB cc: Board of County Commissioners Jan Winters, county Administrator Bob Weisman, Assistant County Administrator Donna Kristaponis, Executive Director P Z & B Richard Morley, Principal Planner Patsy Kallman, Principal Planner Karyn Walega, Planner City of Boynton Beach GROWTH MANAGEMENT CENTER WILLIAM V. HUKILL ASSIST ANT SUPERINTENDENT C!(Z: ~~ ~ /tl ~~ THE SCHOOL BOARD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 3930 RCA BOULEVARD, SUITE 3004 PALM BEACH, GARDENS, FL 33410-4272 407!s24-7239 May 7, 1990 Mr. Terry Hess, Planner Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 3228 S.W. Martin Downs Boulevard, Suite 205 P.O. Box 1529 Palm City, Florida 34990 RE: City of Boynton Beach Proposed Amendment To Future Land Use Map Dear Mr. Hess: I am attaching for your review, the School Board's comments on the proposed Boynton Nurseries PUD in Boynton Beach. This development is located on the parcel which is under consideration for amended land use in the City of Boynton Beach. Sincerely, I~ Howard Johnson, sistant Director Growth Management Center RECEIVED HJ:dg cc: City of Boynton Beach William V. Hukill File MAY 16 1990 PLANNtNG DEPT. I . - . II;:;:'~ p"""- '''\ MAY 1 4 f9~O ~ I~i) t!,. -i \~/'. .J! . /" ' ~'/">,. ',/ '- Q) rT' ri'"'rl'"\~ /' ~..... ,~. ~ ~ .... ;::....;-- WPD3\DOC\SITE.PLN .'1 ~"., VI ,.., ~1 cOOlt regional planniQg council ~:~ ~. .4;~ May 18, 1990 Mr. Danny Clayton Department of Community Affairs Bureau of state Planninq 2740 centerview Drive October 19, 1990 treQ/ure co~t regional plannlnl g counc I Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of Community Affairs Bureau of state Planning 2740 centerview Drive The Rhyne Building Tallahassee, FL 32399 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Adopted Local Government Comprehensive Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Arredondo: Pursuant to the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council reviewed the adopted amendment to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan at its regular meeting on October 19, '1990. . Comments were approved by Council for transmittal to the State Department of community Affairs pursuant to sections 163.3184, Florida Statutes, for consideration by the Town prior to adoption of the documents. Evaluation The amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan has been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, Council's review procedures, and Council's adopted plans and policies. Enclosed is a copy of the full staff report to Council. The report was formally adopted by Council at its regular meeting with no revisions. If you need additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. -re3 k - c RECEIVED OCt 22 1990 plJ4.NNlNG DE-Pl. DMC:lb Enclosure - cc: Tambri Heyden 3221 sow. martin ~. bhld. suite Z05 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florlda U990 phone (407) 221-4060 sc 269-4060 fax (407) 221-4067 - ~ LC-- ~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399 BOB MARTINEZ G_nor October 31, 1990 THOMAS G. PELHAM SecrNry The Honorable Gene Moore, Mayor City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mayor Moore: The Department of Community Affairs has completed its review of the adopted Comprehensive Plan amendment (DCA No. 90-1) for City of Boynton Beach, as adopted on september 5, 1990, and determined that it meets the requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida statutes, for compliance, as defined in Subsection 163.3184(1) (b). The Department is issuing a Notice of Intent to find the amendment in compliance. The Notice of Intent has been sent to The Palm Beach Post newspaper for publication on November 1, 1990. This determination of compliance applies to the amendment referenced above only, and does not apply to the entire plan which has previously been determined to be "not in Compliance." Please note that a copy of the adopted City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report dated July 2, 1990, and the Notice of Intent must be available for public inspection Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays, during normal business hours, at City of Boynton Beach City Hall, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435. RECEIVED ".eN 5 191>> fLANNfNG DEPT'! 'T EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT . HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT The Honorable Gene Moore October 31, 1990 Page Two If you have any questions, please contact Robert Pennock, Chief, Bureau of Local Planning at (904) 487-4545. Sincerely, Robevt q. MQ.ve.. Robert G. Nave, Director Division of Resource Planning and Management RGN/tfp Enclosures: Notice of Intent cc: -~ l' - ~, Interim Planning Director, city of Boynton Beach ~ ~ _._-'_._.-_..------~-~._-_._----_._._--~--- PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-053 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board THRU: Timothy P. Cannon JrC Interim Planning Director FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner DATE: March 9, 1990 SUBJECT: Boynton Nurseries PUD - Rezoning - File No. 385 Please be advised of the following Planning Department staff comments relative to the above-referenced request for rezoning to PUD: 1. The private recreation facilities shall be bonded with approval of the first plat and completed within 21 months of approval of the first plat. Appendix C, Article XI, Section 5. 2. It is recommended that the applicant post a bond at the time of platting for 50% of the cost of providing pedestrian signalization to enable safer pedestrian movement from this project to Palm Beach County School lip" located on the opposite (east) side of Lawrence Road (Comprehensive Plan Policy 2.4.4). 3. Sidewalks/bike paths are required on all collector and local streets to provide adequate bicycle and pedestrian circulation. With respect to the small loop road in the southwest portion of the site, the Technical Review Board, at the prehearing conference on March 1, 1990, agreed to accept a pedestrian path in lieu of a sidewalk, to link the units fronting on the pod A loop road to the private recre- ation area. Comprehensive Plan Policy l.ll.9. and 2.4.4, - a." _.... _L ""____~.:... ,... _ c'l,'hA;"C.,;~;nn 'Ql3nl11;:::l- Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-053 March 9, 1990, Page 2 10. The following roadway improvements are required for approval of this request consistent with the 1989 City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 89-39) and Section 9.C.4.h(5) of Appendix A-Zoning: o Project Entrances on Lawrence Road - Northbound left turn lane - Separate eastbound left turn and through/right turn lane o Six-Ianing of Congress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Miner Road* o Six-laning of Congress Avenue from Miner Road to Hypoluxo Road o Four-Ianing of Old Boynton Road from Knuth Road to Lawrence Road* o Six-Ianing of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to 1-95* * Improvements which are assured or are in the process of being assured either through the Palm Beach County Transportation Improvement Program or developer commitments. In order for the traffic impact analysis to be considered complete, the applicant needs to show the City that a 1992 buildout year is feasible and the analysis of projected conditions needs to be expanded to all roadways impacted by the project assignment. In addition to this information, assurance of roadway improvements should be provided. Based on Palm Beach County standards, assurance of roadway improvements would require the project to be scheduled for construction in the County Transportation Improvement Program, . ~------ -- ~~r~ n~ ~ Ml1niciDal Capital / J- 'f ".. K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 f', }' ~ \,. j l March IS, 1990 Mr. Tim Cannon, Acting Director Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Boynton Nurseries PUD Addendum to Traffic Impact Analysis Dear Tim: Please accept this letter as an Addendum to the Traffic Impact Analysis prepared for the Boynton Nurseries PUD. At the Zoning and Planning Board meeting Tuesday evening, March 13, 1990, it was recommended that the issuance of building per- mits for this project be phased such that no phase will generate more than a 1% impact on any roadway which has a total volume in excess of capacity. To meet this requirement, this office has prepared the following phasing schedule: A) The project shall be limited to that number of building permits which would generate not more than 2,210 trips per day until construction has commenced on the five laning of Old Boyn- ton Road, between Lawrence Road and Knuth Road. B) The project shall be limited to that number of building permits which would generate not more than 2,518 trips per day until construction has commenced on the six laning of Congress Avenue, from N.W. 22nd Avenue to Boynton Beach Boulevard. C) The project shall be limited to that number of building permits which would generate not more than 2,690 trips per day until construction has commenced on the six laning of Boynton Beach Boulevard, from I-95 to Old Boynton Road. ................;. '- . ..'~ \ 't--'- , \ .. I. \' \ / ./ .,- ), A F F I D A V I T STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SSe ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED DELFIN F. MENENDEZ , WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property Owners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the ~atest offi- cial tax roles in the County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. ~ur:; 9 Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27TH day of DECEMBER A.D. 19 89 ~;g;;g~k Notary publ c State of FloLida at Large My commission Expires: Notary Public, State Of Florida At Large. My Commission Expires April 24. 1990 Bonded By SAfECO Insur,nce Company of Amenca EA..J.BIT "A" lEGAL DESCRIPTION 11'''1''1 I ~Jr ,r" " ~ Au "'-'- o a: ~ r::. NW The South one-half (SI/2) of the Southwest quarter (SWI/4) of the Northeast quarter (NEI/41; the Southeast quarter (SEI/4) of Northeast quarter (NEl/4) and the South one-half (SI/2) of the Northeast quarter (NEI/4) of Northeast quarter (NEl/4), all in section 13, Township 45 South, Range 42 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. --J PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-058 (AGENDA MEMORANDUM) ,. /- I-" 1/ TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager FROM:. , Timothy P. C~nnon, Interim Planning Director DATE: March l4, 1990 -#::3~S:- SUBJECT: Public Hearing - Boynton Nurseries - Rezoning --- Please place the referenced item on the City Commission agenda for Tuesday, March 20, 1990 under Public Hearings. DESCRIPTION: Request submitted by Boynton Nurseries to rezone property located on Lawrence Road at L.W.D.D. L-21 Canal, northwest corner, from AG (Agriculture) to a Planned unit Development with a Land Use Intensity=4 (PUD w/LUI=4). RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board u-I'_hm_...::.!y recommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments (see attached), with the following modifications: 1. That the hold harmless agreement referenced in the Fire Department memorandum be included on the plat documents and the homeowners' association documents. 'wi That the applicant submit a revised traffic study which proposes that the project be phased. The required road improvements will be those which are recommended in this revised traffic study, subject to review and approval by the City. (It should be noted that it will be necessary for the .~ity to bill the .applicant for the cost of review of the developer's revised traffic study by the City's traffic consultant). 3. That the issuance of building permits for the residential dwelling units will be contingent upon the assurance of improvements in the County's five year Transportation Improvement Program or posting of surety for developer commitments, rather than being contingent upon the letting of contracts for the required roadway improvements. 2. 4. That the City Attorney review the ownership documents to determine if the requirements for unified control have been met, pursuant to Section 6 of Appendix B - Planned Unit Developments, of the Code of Ordinances. 5. That the developer be allowed to dedicate 2.84 acres for a public park site instead of the 3.375 acres referenced in Item No. 6 of the Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-053. The developer will make a cash payment to the City equivalent to the value of the remaining 0.535 acres required. 6. That the developer not be required to provide a publicly owned collector road as referenced in the Fire, Police and Item No. 5 of the Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-053. The developer is requesting that the collector road be privately owned and maintained by the homeowner's association. ..J 7. That the design of the barrier to be used for emergency access purposes from the west be clarified by the police and Fire Departments. This information will be provided to the City Commission at the March 20, 1990 Commission meeting. ~;Pd -,~ TIMO Y P. CANNON - TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 6BIA From: Staff Date: October 19, 1990 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Adopted Amendment to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Introduction Pursuant to the Regional Planning Council's contract wi th the State Department of community Affairs (DCA), the Council must review comprehensive plan amendments after their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted adopted amendments to the DCA, which in turn is seeking -Council's comments. Council's review of the information provided by the DCA is to focus on the consistency of the proposed amendments with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP) developed pursuant to Section 186.507, Florida Statutes. A written report, containing a determination of consistency with the Regional Plan is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements, or amendments. Evaluation Staff has completed a review of the adopted comprehensive plan amendment to the City of Boynton Beach's comprehensive plan for consistency wi th the RCPP. Council raised no obj ections or comments in the review report prepared in conjunction with the review of the City's draft comprehensive plan amendment. Conclusion The adopted amendment appears to be basically CONSISTENT with the goals and policies contained in the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan. 1 . --- wi' .. Recommendation Council should adopt the conclusion outlined above and approve its transmittal to the state Department of Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirements of the 1990-91 contract with the Department of community Affairs. Attachments 2 . , - ~~ ". '0" -- . -. , J 1 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW REPORT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Backaround On January 10, 1990, the Department of Community Affairs issued a notice of intent to find the ADOPTED comprehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach not in compliance, pursuant to Section 163.3184, F.S. As part of this finding, the City plan was found to be inconsistent with the Regional Plan. The amendment proposed by the City is not related to a Stipulated Settlement Agreement between the City and the DCA. The City of Boynton Beach is considering one amendment to the Future Land Use Element. The location of the property under consideration is shown on the accompanying map, and the number of acres and proposed changes in land use designations are as follows: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS FUTURE LAND USE MAP Amend. No. Approx. Acreaae Current Land Use Desianation Proposed Land Use Desianation Approximate Location 1 83.9 * Low-Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.D. L-21 Canal *County designation Evaluation The proposed amendment has been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, F .5.; Council's review procedures; and Council's adopted Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan. The following evaluation is offered as a result of that review. This property has been proposed for annexation and is currently occupied by a plant nursery. The annexation and change in land use to incorporate the property onto the Boynton Beach Future Land Use Map would allow low density residential development at 4.84 units per acre in accordance wi th the Ci ty' s adopted comprehensive plan. Under the current County designation, the western portion of the property (approximately 21 acres) could be developed at up to three dwelling units per acre and the eastern portion at I ---- wi' ... up to five dwelling units per acre. The proposed change represents an increase in allowable density of approximately 27 dwelling units. The proposed low density residential land use designation appears to be compatible with the surrounding single family dwelling units and mobile homes, and land designated as medium density residential to the south. Centralized water and sewer services are available to the property and the developer will be required to dedicate acreage for recreation in accordance with the City's adopted comprehensive plan. No building permi ts will be issued unless identified roadway improvements are in the County's Five-year Transportation Improvement Prog-ram or developer commitments have been assured. The County has expressed some concern that this proposed annexation may not meet the compactness provisions of the state law (171.031, F.S.) regarding annexations (see attached letter dated April 18 from Dennis R. Foltz, AICP, Planning Director). However, the property is wi thin the City's future annexation area and is also within the City's utilities service area. Ob;ections. Recommendations for Modification. and Comments Future Land Use Blement A. Obj ections None B. Comments None Conclusion Based on does not policies Plan. the information provided, the proposed amendment appear to be in conflict or inconsistent with the contained in the Regional Comprehensive Policy 2 ZDlID I I I \ I I. I I I - 4L I, WI.. ~""CJLl ~.,. - ~I ~ 1 "136 IV I I r . f., I I r ~. I I I \I 1- -, ~ ~ ~ . I-- . ~ I ~ I ~ . ~ , i if "i' "".1 T -, rf I I a r ~~ ~~~ . .... ~~ -11 IL 71 7 ~ ~ J /' .-o:? il ~,- ~L- J ... j: (~- ~- 21.. ~ ...... , ...... -. .-6_ == ~~ m ~tm . l- SU....OT- '] . ..,... - I ....a"RTY I-- - ., 1 ~ I' I I I I r I L I I ~I r ::::::::::ii: !:i:i:i:i:." :::- ":!:: :. I III ~i: :.:. i ~ t', :.: H S I 9 == I U'. '. . ~i! ici" ....: I , I 0 I .,-- 11 ..l ;c . -. I ,. : rln! . rr .. .' . .. , i ~ , i M K 01 ill :. ~ ~\ i4 II.l_J t 1 I 11 '- . * '.-- ....:.:.:.:.: . ... S I ! ! 11'""1 fIT 11 nil 1 , T ..~ 4 - If.: - -".. . -., ! ~ ~ proposed city of Boynton Beach Plan Amendment ~ Boynton Beach Future Land Use Map , . ~.. (see n~xt page for map key) '~~-~ ~/! ;-- (v ~ ~ n ,~ -- C' -.J r TII\III' II:'" ,.' i:i::, -i:.:..": .'.... :.::.=.: .. ... . i:::: :i:!: '.':i::: ..:.,'::. . . " , . . " i: .. .l'.':!: .,.:".-i,:' . " . ",.:t . ::!:i: .:! .t.:: ill!:: -.::: Ii::: i: ei:!! .:.:.:.:.:.' .... ...... .',. t' " I: :: .! .i 'i .' " .' .: :: " " . : :. 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