REVIEW COMMENTS OCT-10-1990 13:54 FROM Treasure Coast R.P.C. TO 84077387459 P.04 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COl1NC~ ~ r') r? COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT REVIEW ~~~ \: ,~r I., e;~~ ;~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~.i, :~, ",,-" '.<:.,~:~ ~ \" q~} ~ r t.l TO .:~ tJ ~~'....~. 'J Backqround ~v, n, n; '!"'r ir:.J,\ -no NS t'~";,, ...' ; IiV On January 10, 1990, the Department of Communit.y A.ffairs issued a notice of intent to find the ADOPTED comprehansivQ plan for the City of Boynton Beaeh not: in eomplianoe, pursuant to Section 163.3184, F.S. As part of t.hi~ finding, the city plan was found to be inconsiaten~ with th~ Regional Plan. The amendment propos.d by ~8 city is not rQla~ed to a StipUlated Set't1ement Agreement beeween the Ci1:yand the DCA. The City of Boynt:on Beach ilS oonsidering one amendltent 1:0 t:h& Futu:t:'e Land 0'8$ ElemQnt. The locaeion of the property unde1" eonsidQJ:at.ion is shown on the acco:Jftpanying map, and the numb9;'t' of a.cres and proposed changes in la.nd use designations a~e as follows: 'CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT COKPREHENSlVE PLAN AMENDMENTS FUTt11tE LAND USE MAP 1 8:3.9 Current Land ose DesiCJI1at1on ~LOW-Medium Dens1t:.y Residential proposed Land use Desi9nation Low Density Residential ADDroximate Location Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.O. L-21 Canal Amend. No. Approx. Aoreaqe *county designation Evaluation The proposed amendment has been reviewed in acoordanoQ with the requirements of Chapter 163, F.8.: Council' G review procedures; and Council's adopted RQ9'iona1 Comprehenl&:;ive Policy Plan. The followinq evalua-t:ion is offe2:ed as a result of that review. This prop&rty has been proposed for annexation and is currently occupiQd by a plan~ nursery. The annexation and chanqe in land use to incorporate 'the property onto the .Boyn1:on Boaoh Future Land 11l1e Map would allow low denslt:.y rQsidontial dovQ~opmene at 4.B4 units per ~cre in accordance with t.he ci~y'c adopted compl"ehensive plan. under the curren~ Co'Un~y designation, the western portion ot the propert:y (approximately 21 acres) could be developea at up to ~hroe dWQllinq uni~~ per acre and the eastern portion at I OCT-10-1990 13:54 FROM Treasure Coast R.P.C. TO 84077387459 P.03 Reco.mmendation Council should adopt the conclusion outlin&d above and approve its transmittal to the state DepartmAnt of Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirement:s of ~h. 19~O-9J. contract with the Department of Community Affairs. ~~.. Attachments C~, :\ k ~ ' .. ~'l\"drr.! \0 v:'; t,I.,:' l.., .J ,~~ "1"V'~~S Vq'tnifr,\,~iHvn ' 11~~uJ , 2 OCT-10-1990 13:54 FROM Treasure Coast R.P.C. TO 84077387459 P.05 - ~ ~T" r'. .'~"'" ~". ,'1 .t... ~" t t-,:: ,;:; j,:\ V?G f. ;, " .', ,::' \:., ..' :.J .'.,' ... ",./. I:'~ up 1:0 five dwellinCJ uni.ts per aore. The pX"~~~JW'n~ reprQSon~. an increase in a.~lowable density of aRf)~Kfrer.'~iS 27 dwelling- unit:e. 'til /;ill The proposed low densi1:y residential land use designation appe~r. to be compatible with the surrounding sinqle family dwelling units and mobile homes, and lanC1 desiqnated as .edium density residential to the south. Centralized water a.na sewer services are aval1al)le to the property and the developer will be required to d.edicate 8creaqe for recreation in accorC1ance with the City's adopted comprehensive plan. No building- permits will be issued unless l~entified roadway improvements are in the County's Five-year Transportation Improvement Proqram or developer commitments have been assured. The County has expressed some concern that this proposed annexation may not meet the compactness provisions of ~Q State law (171.031, F.S.) regarding annexations (sQe attached letter dated April 18 from Dennis R. Foltzt AICP, Planninq Director). However. the proPQrty is wi i:hin the City's future annexation area and is also wiehin the Ci~ylQ utilities service area. Obiections. Recommendationg for Modification. agd Commen~s Pu1:u.re Lallil Us. 1l1..1Ult. A. Objeo~ions Nonll! 8. C01lllllQn't$ None Conclusion Based on does not policies Plan. the information provided, the proposed amendment appear to be in conflict or inconsistent with the contained in 'Clle Req10nal Comprehensive POlicy 2 OCT-10-1990 13:55 FROM Treasure Coast R.P.C. TO 84077387459 P.06 #! .. ~. f!!! r\ - o~ " / Y" '~ ..1 ~--. V... ... . \\,:~-1-. t~ l ':."'~ '- ~';r ...", "~ '~ Vi , ' "5' v"" #<..>" '. ....' {::,,. (.......-~ ... P' ..". -Io~ I (;J. ':':J':U> .. \;i/'I 1601) 2,(00 ':Dao .. rEET 4181" ... . ... . . "or __ ...- . _ . DEJfSITV, BOliUS EQU.VAlE:rn T.O 9~88 OWELUN~, UN.rS._ )",R' ACRE UA X fMU ftit. :'ftlL~t:D FOR' Ab.OLt. CONGREifATE t..hli~.e ~A'C"UiitS.iN' lOW AND MOOE>>ATE: ,O~ffSlTY f1E'SWE'NTtAl lAND USE--CATEGOAf~tf~~lF 'APPROVED-- ~A$ A CONDITIONAL USE. u a.. 0::: +> (I) III o U Ol> L ::l (I) III QJ L t- E o 0::: LL U) If) 1"1 - (S) (J'I (J'I - I (S) - I t- U o . . .. ... Ii!!i!I :orrv . I _ o LJ~U7 -_.. - ,. 400 I. . \1 800 I 4000 .. ~Ml<\] . ' .' . ~ '.' , ,. ...::t ..l otFF.ERENT LAN~, USE tAIEnO,RY.I~N T"AT.SHOW~ :ON MAP AP.'UE~ '(A"S IN[Uri~TED 'IY:~itB,QEVIAl'IO"7:' IE ~bE MiD, DEVEL'(}PMEHT,CONPLrES wrht,.uJ:1~'-'" (f\' ~ '" r8SSJBICttO'''.'A'flQ RECfOUB'INAlIOltLOF PAReli(~; "SP~CIFrEti rNTEXT OF F.IJ'tURE. LAND USE A"NO _...J .. - .. . .. .- ; COASt ^l'M^ffAOEl.fE~t~'~tEMENTS~ . - -. - 7' -- - L: ., --.- , ,_ ,. ~ ------...__'L _-. _J f' ... -... ~-----.__.. ~- ~_.~. ~~- ~..__._.~.~ _ _~__. ~ t'.:.:I . Co.NSEriVA TION.,O'lIUn.~.Y._PI$TflJCJ:-=US'i--:-~ND! '~i>r: V ELOP~ENT ,Of. PFlQPER1Y. ~1H.m~E,CT-=tOJ. __~.. _, :n~CQMMENOATI()HS, CONtAINED IN, qOfi~If;'VATlq~j , . '.- __ 1" .. ,__.... .AND COAS1Al -...tA.NAGE....ENT ElEMENTS.,_ I ' I .' I' ' ~~~~I~i. ,H'~~ ~";~'S~~,;=~~~S~~'E~~I~L~'~I~~T.ED ~.~l'\ :COASTAl AREA AS SEV,ORTH U+~\GOAS1Al '. MANAGEMENT ElENENt. MAX- 20.0tO.U.iACRE ...' . .. ',...1 ....'t MIXED U8E oM o t- r- (S) a.. (J'I If) ~ r- CO 1"1 r- r- (S) ~ CO MAP J<EY ~ .. .. .. RESIDENTIAL .. - .. -.. ----- '..~ ... . ... _4 _ . LP.W' DE f\JS tlY ,'(LDR)_.. . , '--M":X 4. J .... 0.t(1 A~RE ' , '. I ", a... '.. . .. ,. _..'-:. :'. ,MQDE"~T: ,O~N8n:V ,(~~R) . ' LMAlT .2'0 D,U.I"CRl '. ' . ----- --... .~ . '" "- -, ... ;,- ~EDtUM ,f'EN~fT~., ~(A#0lt) ::' ,MAX 1.68 O.U.! A Ol1e ',' .' ." I . .".. ~ "..J. ...:.. ._'a_.~....... lHlQU, OI;USITX : ~OfI?R)...,~ ' "'l\k ~O.& IJi.O.1AOlfE " , ... .... .. -'-- . ~ ~ '. f o . 1 fa ~ III ; l,;UMMI:.HGtAL" WA-, OFrJCE ;foc~ . ' .. , ' , - -...--"'-.-.-......- _k_ - .-:irT--'-' ._.. iii -'t.OCAL PETA.Jl. l'tq~C) . ... ..' -::p .. -- f-::~"".- -. m QI!NEhAl 'rj~C)r E -1~~U~tiu~l,~.;' \.' ! -'''''' -, .~.. \ \: ~'OlHE'R : ',' , ..- 'AO~IC~~ ~~6 -".~t~)~ 0 .'" .;" .. -.-. '., . ~ , . :RICRe'ATlONAL ' . on', '-~ -_.-.... ...- . . ......" - . :a. . _.. P..UOltt. & PRIVATE... . .. ,(pP,~I)_ '00 v E IltfMe N"'A i.J ;NST.;1(j'nb~J :~. .. -..: --<-f:t t 13 : 57 FROM Treasure Coast R.P.C. TO w '3 o o c:::::l l::::l ~ c::::::I = ~ == = t::= = = c:: = c:: RUG ".1 RIU.s lilt , t a J . . 11 '. e ., .,. .. - MftA ~ a:lNIIIW,.1IOtI ..... - i J.. ,~t,; I'fTANA ) ! f>> c. ~ Q cr: -' f= a:: G :31 84077387459 P.08 ~ , OV PIP':m A~ES If. ; OU PM I AOfIII!a ~ , ou l'm'I UI AC!lEZ ~ 1 au ~ , .0 -'C1l!iS ", ~VJllllll ACRE lol ~u ... .1:2_ '-3 DU PIR ACR& ~.. ~u ...." AC:on= Sol eN lID ACIlI! "'I au...&emS ..,. au NIt J.CM c=-cw. INOUSnI&&. AIiiRIClL~~ MlRlCUL1'l&aI.~ SlIlI!a.t4 AGRICUl.1\M ....., R!;AUTIClN ,~ -1lI.t.L~ ~'nOtt :mlms~AMO "'tI!1,lC \ITlI.l'f1I! MII~'" I~ ; ~ ., ~ Q: ~ ~ e Proposed City of aoyntcD Beach Plan lmI.enc:bllen't Jilal,m hach CCIW1t.y ?ut:::ure Land t7s@ !tap 5 o,I/r TOTAL P.08 ,~;.~~,. 11 .--- CONSULTING ENGINEERS of\ ~'1 ';!'; \ ROSSI AND MALA V ASI ENGINEERS. INC. PROPOSED 83.85 ACRE P.U.D. FOR BOYNTON NURSERIES, INC. RESPONSE TO, QUESTIONS: "LAND' USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION" II. MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION h-(6); h-(7) ITEM h-(6) COMPARISON OF WATER DEMAND Under existing & proposed zoning Existing Zoning: proposed Zoning: Agricultural at 0.2 D.U./Ac. P.U.D. Residential at 4.79 D.U./Ac. DOMESTIC NEEDS Existing Land Use: 83.85 Ac. x ".2 D.U./Ac. = 16.77 D.U.(S.F.) 17." D.U. x 45" gpd = 7,65" gpd Proposed Zoning: Single Family Pod II All 64 D.U. x 45" gpd = 28,8"0 gpd Single Family Zero Lot Line Pod " BlI 100 D.U. x 35" gpd = 35,000 gpd Townhouse Pod "ClI 88 D.U. x 3"0 gpd = 26,400 gpd Multi-Family Pods liD & Ell 15" D.U. x 300 gpd = 45,000 ~ TOTAL 135,20" gpd SUMMARY OF COMPARATIVE DOMESTIC WATER DEMAND Existing Zoning: 7,650 gpd or 5.31 gpm x 2.5 = 13 gpm Proposed Zoning: 135,200 gpd or 93.75 gpm x 2.5 = 234 gpm , , ROSSI AND MALA V ~Sl ENGINEERS. INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS MINIMUM FIRE PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS Existing Zoning: 500 gpm (Sing~e Family) Proposed Zoning: 1,500 gpm (Multi-Family) The above outlined water demands are to be provided by the existing city 16" water main along Lawrence Road. ITEM h-(7) COMPARISON OF SEWAGE FLOWS UNDER EXISTING & PROPOSED ZONING. Refer to Water Demand H- (6) for determining sewage flows under the proposed zoning, i.e., 135,000 gpd. 135,000 gpd = 94 gpm x 2.5 = 235 gpm Therefore, additional required pump capacity in the existing City Lift Station No. 319 is 235 gpm. This Master Lift Station was to have been originally designed to accommodate these designed flows. There is-an existing gravity sewer with stubouts on a 2. foot utility easement along the east property line of the subject property designed to serve the proposed P.~.D. Existing zoning at 0.2 D.U. per acre would generate a sewage flow of 7,650 gpd ....... -~.... 83.85 ACRE P.U.D~ AT BOYNTON BEACH PALM BEACH COUNTY DRAINAGE STUDY PREPARED BY: ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. DECEMBER 1989 ~ I\JC\ I \V TOTAL AREA LAND USE LAKE (WATER SURFACE) PERVIOUS AREA IMPERVIOUS AREA PRESERVED AREA BUILDING AREA 83.85 AC. 5.50 AC. 51. 99 AC. 21.46 AC. 4.90 AC. 13.00 AC. ," ': , ' . THE PROPOSED PROJECT SITE IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, CONTAINS APPROXIMATELY 83.85 ACRES OF LAND AND IS LOCATED WITHIN THE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY AND WITHIN THE C-16 DRAINAGE BASIN. THE PROPOSED SITE CONSISTS OF 402 SINGLE FAMILY AND MULTI-FAMILY HOMES. THE RECEIVING WATER BODY IS THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT CANAL L -21. THE DESIGN STORMS FOR THE PROPOSED SITES ARE: 3 YEAR, 24 HOUR 6.25 INCHES 25 YEAR, 72 HOUR 12.00 INCHES (IN 24 HOURS) 100 YEAR, 72 HOUR 15.00 INCHES (IN 24 HOURS) SINCE THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS LOCATED WITHIN THE C-16 CANAL BASIN THE ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE IS 62.6 C.S.M. POTENTIAL SOIL ABSTRACTION AVERAGE POST DEVELOPMENT PERVIOUS GROUND EL. WET SEASON GROUND WATER ELEVATION DEPTH TO WATER TABLE TOTAL PROJECT AREA PERVIOUS AREA COMPACTION FACTOR 0.75 X 10.99 X 51.99 = 35.71 A.F. 12 35.71 S = X 12 = 5.11 INCHES 83.85 18.00 N.G.V.D. 14.00 N.G.V.D. 4 r .0" FEET 83.85 ACRES 51.99 ACRES 25% STAGE - CUMULATIVE STORAGE CALCULATIONS VERTICAL STORAGE AREAS AREA NO. 1 STORAGE AREA (LAKES) 5.50 AC. STARTING STORAGE EL. 14.00 FEET AREA NO. 2 STORAGE AREA (ROADS & PRESERVED AREA) 22.37 AC. STARTING STORAGE EL. 17.00 FEET LINEAR STORAGE AREAS AREA NO. 1 STORAGE AREA (LAKE BANKS) 3.04 AC. LINEAR STORAGE FROM EL. 14.00 TO EL. 16.50 VERTICAL STORAGE FROM EL. 16.50 ON UP. AREA NO. 2 STORAGE AREA (LOTS) 39.94 LINEAR STORAGE FROM EL. 16.50 TO EL. 18.50 VERTICAL STORAGE FROM EL. 18.50 ON UP. STAGE VERT. AREA 1 VERT. AREA 2 LIN. AREA 1 LIN. AREA 2 TOTAL 14.00 15.13 6.22 0.78 7.00 16.50 13.75 3.80 17.55 17.00 16.50 5.32 2.47 24.29 18.50 24.75 33.56 9.88 39.94 108.13 DISCHARGE COMPUTATIONS & OUTFALL CONTROL STRUCTURE SIZING MAINTAINED WATER EL. 14.00 ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE 62.6 C.S.M. 83.85 X 62.6 = 8.20 C.F.S. 640 IMPERVIOUS AREA - 31% 1ST INCH OF RUNOFF 1/12 X 83.85 = 6.99 AC. FT.':::::+EL. 15.13 THE ORIFICE FORMULA USED IS: Q = A x cd x 't 2 qh.' WHERE: Q = DISCHARGE A = AREA OF ORIFICE IN SQ. FT. = 0.99 CD = 0.61 .H = HEIGHT BETWEEN CENTROID OF "V" NOTCH AND WATER ELEVATION. CENTROID EL. 14.75 STAGE DISCHARGE 14.00 0 ~2 , 15.13 0.99 x 0.61 x x 32.17 x (15.13 - 14.75) = 2.99 C.F.S. ~2 t 16.50 0.99 x 0.61 x x 32.17 x (16.50 14.75) = 6.41 C.F.S. 17.00 0.99 x 0.61 x ~2 x 32.17 x (17.00 14.75)' = 7.27 C.F.S. 18.50 0.99 x 0.61 x ~2 x 32.17 x (18.50 14.75)' = 9.38 C.F.S. . . 1 ,PROJECT NAME . : REVIEWER . . . . . . PROJECT AREA . . . . . GROUND STORAGE . . . . TERMINATION DISCHARGE DISTRIBUTION TYPE . . . RETURN FREQUENCY . . . RAINFALL DURATION 24-HOUR RAINFALL REPORTING SEQUENCE STAGE STORAGE (FT) (AF) 14.00 .00 15.13 7.00 16.50 17.55 17.00 24.29 18.50 108.13 S C S PRO G RAM 83.85 ACRES P.U.D - BOYNTON BEACH S. WEISS. 83.85 ACRES 5. 11 INCHES 10.00 CFS SFWMD 3.00 YEARS 1-DAY 6.25 INCHES STANDARDIZED QISCHARGE (CFS) .00 2.99 6.41 7.27 9.38 - - - - - - R E S E R V 0 I R - - - - - RAIN ACCUM. BASIN ACCUM. ACCUM. INSTANT AVERAGE TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHGE INFLOW VOLUME OUTFLOW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (HR) (I N) (IN) (CFS) (AF) (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (FT) .00 .00 .00 .0 .0 . 0 .0 .0 . 0 14.00 4.00 .28 .00 . 0 .0 . 0 . 0 .0 . 0 14.00 8.00 .86 .00 .0 .0 . 0 .0 .0 . 0 14.00 10.00 1. 33 .02 2.3 .1 .1 . 0 . 0 .0 14.02 11.00 1.68 .08 6.8 . 5 .5 . 0 . 2 . 1 14.07 11.50 1. 99 .16 14.6 1.1 1.1 . 0 . 4 . 3 14.15 11.75 2.93 .52 123.1 3.6 3.6 .0 1.0 .7 14.37 12.00 4.10 1.16 215.7 8.1 8.0 . 1 2.5 1.7 14.93 12.50 4.56 1.44 49.5 10.1 9.9 .2 3.8 3.3 15.44 13.00 4.79 1. 60 26.7 11.2 10.8 . 4 4.1 4.0 15.59 14.00 5.11 1.82 16.8 12.7 12.0 .7 4.5 4.4 15.75 16.00 5.50 2.09 11. 3 14.6 13.1 1.5 4.9 4.8 15.91 20.00 5.95 2.42 7.0 16.9 13.7 3.2 5.1 5.0 15.99 24.00 6.25 2.64 4.8 18.5 13.6 4.9 5.1 5.1 15.98 . SUMMARY INFORMATION MAXIMUM STAGE WAS 16.00 FEET AT 20.25 HOURS MAXIMUM DISCHARGE WAS 5.1 CFS AT 20.25 HOURS . '. S C S PRO G RAM ~PROJECT-NAME REV I EWER . . .. .. PROJECT AREA . . . . GROUND STORAGE . . TERMINATION DISCHARGE DISTRIBUTION TYPE RETURN FREQUENCY RAINFALL DURATION 24-HOUR RAINFALL REPORTING SEQUENCE . . 83.85 ACRES P.U.D - BOYNTON BEACH S. WEISS. 83.85 ACRES 5.11 INCHES. 10.00 CFS SFWMD 25.00 YEARS 3-DAY 12.00 INCHES STANDARDIZED . . . STAGE STORAGE DISCHARGE (FT) (AF) (CFS) 14.00 .00 .00 15.13 7.00 2.99 16.50 17.55 6.41 11.00 24.29 7.27 18.50 108.13 9.38 - - - - - - R E S E R V 0 I R - - - - - RAIN ACCUM. BASIN ACCUM. ACCUM. INSTANT AVERAGE TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHGE INFLOW VOLUME OUTFLOW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (HR) (IN) (IN) (CFS) (AF) (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (F,T) .00 .00 .00 .0 .0 . 0 .0 .0 .0 14.00 4.00 .29 .00 . 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 14.00 8.00 .58 .00 . 0 . 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 14.00 1 2 .~ 00 .88 .00 . O' .0 .0 .0 .0 . 0 14.00 16.00 1.17 .00 . 3 .0 . 0 .0 .0 .0 14.00 20.00 1. 46 .03 .9 . 2 .2 .0 . 1 .0 14.03 24.00 1.75 .09 1.4 . 6 . 6 .0 .2 .2 14.09 28.00 2.18 .21 3.0 1.5 1.3 .2 .5 . 4 14.20 32.00 2.60 .37 3.7 2.6 2.2 .4 . 9 . 7 14.35 36.00 3.03 .57 4.3 4.0 3.2 . 8 1.3 1.1 14.50 40.00 3.46 .79 4.9 5.5 4.2 1.3 1.8 1.5 14.67 44.00 3.88 1.03 5.3 7.2 5.2 2.0 2.2 2.0 14.83 48.00 4.31 1.29 5.7 9.0 6.2 2.8 2.6 2.4 14.99 52.00 4.85 1. 64 9.5 11.4 7.7 3.7 3.2 2.9 15.21 56.00 5.95 2.42 22.5 16.9 11. 9 5.0 4.5 3.8 15.74 58.00 6.86 3.12 34.8 21.8 16.0 5.8 5.8 5.1 16.25 59.00 7.54 3.65 52.2 25.5 19.2 6.3 6.6 6.2 16.58 59.50 8.14 4.14 83.3 28.9 22.3 6.6 6.9 6.7 16.79 59.75 9.94 5.67 516.0 39.6 32.8 6.8 7.4 7.1 17.06 60.00 12.18 7.65 672.0 53.5 46.6 6.9 7.7 1.5 17.27 60.50 13.06 8.45 134.6 59.0 51. 8 7.2 7.9 7.8 17.47 61.00 13.51 8.86 70.5 61. 9 54.4 7.5 8.0 8.0 17.53 62.00 14.12 9.43 43.0 65.9 57.6 8.3 8.1 8.1 17.59 - - - - - - RES E R V 0 I R - - - - - RAIN ACCUM. BASIN ACCUM. ACCUM. INSTANT AVERAGE TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHGE INFLOW VOLUME OUTFLOW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (HR) (IN) (IN) (CFS) (AF) (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (FT) 64.00 14.87 10.11 28.2 70.7 61.1 9.6 8.2 8.1 17.65 . 68.00 15.73 10.92 17.0 78.3 84.0 12.3 8.3 8.2 17.71 72.00 16.31 11.46 11.4 80.1 65.0 15.1 8.3 8.3 17.73 SUMMARY INFORMATION MAXIMUM STAGE WAS 17.13 FEET AT 72.00 HOURS MAXIMUM DISCHARGE WAS 8.3 CFS AT 72.00 HOURS ~ . ; , PROJECT NAME REVIEWER . . . . P~QJ ECT AREA GROUND STORAGE . . . TERMINATIONDISCHARGE DISTRIBUTION TYPE RETURN FREQUENCY RAINFALL DURATION 24-HOUR RAINFALL . . . REPORTING SEQUENCE . : 83.85 ACRES P.U.D - BOYNTON BEACH S. WEISS. 83.8 ACRES 5.11 INCHES 10.00 CFS SFWMD 100.00 YEARS 3-DAY 15.00 INCHES STANDARDIZED STAGE STORAGE (FT) (AF) 14.00 .00 15.13 7.00 16.50 17.55 17.00 24.29 18.50 108.13 DISCHARGE (CFS) .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 - - - - ".. - R E S E R V 0 I R - - - - - RAIN ACCUM. BASIN ACCUM. ACCUM. INSTANT AVERAGE TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHGE INFLOW VOLUME OUTFLOW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (HR) (IN) (IN) (CFS) (AF) (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (FT) .00 .00 .00 . 0 . 0 .0 .0 . 0 .0 14.00 4.00 .37 .00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 14.00 . 8.00 .73 .00 .0 .0 .0 .0 . 0 .0 14.00 12.00 1.10 .00 .2 . 0 .0 .0 .0 .0 14.00 16.00 1. 46 .03 1.1 . 2 .2 .0 .0 .0 14.04 20.00 1. 82 .11 1.9 .8 .8 .0 . 0 .0 14.12 24.00 2.19 .22 2.6 1.5 1.5 .0 . 0 .0 14.24 28.00 2.72 .42 4.9 3.0 3.0 .0 . 0 .0 14.47 32.00 3.25 .68 5.8 4.7 4.7 .0 . 0 .0 14.16 36.00 3.79 .97 6.5 6.8 6.8 .0 .0 .0 15.08 40.00 4.32 1.29 7.1 9.0 9.0 .0 .0 .0 15.39 44.00 4.85 1. 64 7.6 11.5 11.5 .0 .0 .0 15.10 48.00 5.38 2.01 8.0 14.0 14.0 .0 .0 .0 16.03 52.00 6.06 2.50 13.2 17.5 "11.5 .0 . 0 .0 16.47 56.00 7.44 3.57 30.5 25.0 25.0 .0 .0 .0 11.01 58.00 8.58 4.51 46.6 31. 5 31. 5 .0 . 0 .0 17.12 59.00 9.42 5.22 69.3 36.5 '36.5 .0 .0 .0 11.21 59.50 10.11 5.87 110.1 41. 0 41. 0 . 0 .0 .0 11.28 59.15 12.42 1.87 616.5 55.0 55.0 .0 . 0 .0 11.42 60.00 15.22 10.45 810.9 73.0 73.0 . 0 .0 .0 17.71 60.50 16.32 11.41 113.2 80.1 80.1 .0 .0 .0 11. 91 61.00 16.89 12.00 90.6 83.9 83.9 .0 .0 .0 18.05 62.00 17.66 12.12 55.1 88.9 88.9 .0 . 0 . 0 18.15 1 - - - - - - RES E R V 0 I R - - - - - RAIN ACCUM. BASIN ACCUM. ACCUM. INSTANT AVERAGE TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHGE INFLOW VOLUME OUTFLOW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (HR) (IN) (IN) (CFS) (AF) (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (FT) 64.00 18.58 13.60 36.1 95.1 95.1 .0 .0 .0 18.26 68.00 19.66 14.63 21. 8 102.2 102.2 .0 .0 .0 18.39 12.00 20.39 15.32 14.6 107.0 107.0 .0 . 0 .0 18.48 SUMMARY INFORMATION MAXIMUM STAGE WAS 18.48 FEET AT 12.00 HOURS MAXIMUM DISCHARGE WAS .0 CFS AT .00 HOURS study of THE AVAILABILITY OF FACILITIES AND THE IMPACT OF DEVELOPMENT: DISTRICT PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES BOYNTON NURSERIES Prepared by Planning Department., city of Boynton Beach March 6, 1990 The following analysis of the availabi1 i ty of parks and recreation facilities throughout the city was based on a current peak population of 54,909 persons within the City, and the needs analysis of parks and recreation facilities utilized in the city's 1989 Comprehensive Plan. NeiGhborhood Parks The proposed planned unit development includes an on-site recreation area that would satisfy the standards of a public neighborhood park, 3.S defined in the City's Comprehensive Plan and current Subdivision and Platting Regulations. Such standards and requirements include the size of the recreation area(s), type of recreation facilities, and the availability of the park to all residents. District Parks Based on the standard for district parks of 2.5 acres per 1000 persons, and the City's current and planned district park inventory, a surplus of district park space is projected through the Year 2000. Since there currently is a surplus of district park acreage that totals nearly 15 acres, and that this proposed residential development is projected to increase the City's population by only 924 persons, this development would have a minimal effect on the availabili ty of district park space (see attached analysis of district park needs) . Recreation Facilities Of the seventeen recreational facility categories that have level of service standards assigned to them for purposes of needs analysis, one category, boat ramps, is currently deficient by one facility, and when the projected population of Boynton Nurseries is included in the analysis, a second category, combination ballfields, becomes deficient by one facility. The future need for additional recreational facilities was anticipated. The Recreation and Open Space Support Document of the City's 1989 Comprehensive Plan includes proposed sites for addi tiona1 ramp development, including a third site located on the Intracoastal Waterway that was recently purchased by the City. As for ballfield development, in addition to several dedicated park sites that are targeted for possible future ballfield use, the planned North District Park is scheduled for completion by mid-1991 (phase 1) and will include one combination and one regulation ballfield. nTSTRTCT PARK NF.F.nS ANA1.SYSTS 1.OS: 2.5 ACRF.SI 1000 PF.RSONS 1qR7 Curn.ml. A1Ia1ysis 12n1/cW A1Ia1ysis For ROYTll.o1l Nurs~ri~s CU1T~1Il. n~lIIaTIlI : 12.1 . 25 B7.27 BQ.5R Ci l.y AmI COllTll.y Supply (Wi I.1d1l Cil.y): 1 B .10 1 B .10 1 B.10 P1 aTlTI~ll :4.cT~ag~ : - - - Sc:hdol Fac:\; 1 i l.i ~s Wi I.1d TI l.ll~ c: i l.y 1. i lid l.s : 1:1.00 1:1.00 1:1.00 To l.a 1 Suppl,y Wi I.1d TI 1.11~ C i l.y 1.illli l.s: 126. 10 126. 10 1 26. 10 n~ric:il.(-) Or Surplus: 2.R5 -11 .17 -B.4R Allj aC:~III. Supply: 26.00 26.00 26.00 To l.a 1 n~ r i c: i l. ( - ) Or Surplus: 2R.RS 1 4 . R:1 12. .'12 1___ C:olllpar~ ___1 -C:urr~1Il. Pl-'.ak Popnlal.ioTl- -Prlljl-'c:l.l-'ll Popnl al.i III 1 or ROYTll.ll11 Nursl-'ril-'s (400 ll.l1'S {( 2..11 pl-'rSllTlS pl-'r ll.n.)- -Tol.al cIi sl.ri c:1. park aCTl-'agl-' acllll-'ll si1lcl-' 4/l/R7 S4 ,qOq pl-'rSOTIS. q24 pl-'rSOT1S. o ac:rl-'s. .., ~ .., ... ..... oC '" oC .., ~ ... ... ... :::: ~ u oC .... '" ~ ... oC ... ... u ... ... r .~ .... .... '" ... ,~ ~ .... ~ '" ._.;;iI: ~ ~ p.~ -= <0 :~ ~~:5~ ..~>~ ~-=+-'~ <.:) c= 4.1 ,:: ~ L~] ~'g .... . "'0 0-- ~U'J+..J U =....... ...~ '-' .,...., a. qJ o ....~ a-. = .~ ... '" '" .... . 0-..... ~ u:J +..J 0-. ..=: -;:; on ...., o..qJ-<_ ~........ C'..., '" ... '" '" ."l'7 ~;::: .. -~ ~J: "" COO -- "" -- "" .... ~~ .;' ... ...~ po tao .....-4 -_....... 0 '" .... ... cta.. f&l ... ....- o . '" ~ ~. .., .... :i: .... .... '" U ~ .... ~ .~ ... -~ ....~ .. ." '" '" ui ~ '-' .. "' ...... c- ~~~ . ." - -I"""'" q"I-_ ." "" ... ..., "" oC en ~ ~.= r- ~cn~ ,.."" - 4...1 41 -_ .- ""='... U ." .., "" "" COO ....... -- ... C>_ . "" (IJ ~-_ Q.c~ ....- o . .... .. 4J =:I ...... ....~ '-' ;; ~~ u .. ... '" '" ,.. .. .... ... .~ .~~ "" ... .., ... ~ COO "" - ....- o . ~ .... ~ "<j ... .~ ....- .. '" '" '" .... o ... '" .~ ~ ~. .., ,.. ~.~ ;:.. ~:5~ U..-I IEJ ... .. ... 'j "" 4...1;:::: ~ '" '"" . "" .. ... ... '" .... _:;:;...~ l'7 .~ ~;::: .~ ~-~ '" .... ... .".... ... ... .-1:: COO ... "" . '" '" ~7Cl1~ "";~ I """;c::>> I -: I roIi: I ""I"" 1- ~::: ~'~ "" - "" "" i ....,i=~~'-Cl, --I' ~ ~ -I I- i ......'It'- Ii' t I i ~ c:::tICJ"" I I I I Cllt- _ I ..., c;;)c::II_.......,c::::Ic:::t.___..-CICl ! CII,:!;...o .=; \,QP'1_CJ'~c ": t i i I: ...""lcq_I_.......,....,_r-.la.nCl'l...I,..,.,..,., I """"'1'_1'- ~ I-~I-"'" -I .......,......., ~ I . I . --rl-------~----~-- i I i ;::: .... Q "" .... .... _ C> . "'1:;:: I i ! C;-ie- ~le:> .......i . iC"'ol c:::t..- I "" I i- ...... CI!C"ot <:III....... CI I .....1 I ""I __ic:::t CI I I I ClI:"",;_ Ie:> ." , i "'ie:> I ! i- I ~~ICQ~~ ""i ~~c:ro~ LM M I'- 7 ~ ~ ~l7 ~ :r 7 ~ I 7;7~ ""~COO , . . -ic:::t~ I .,,1_ ~ ""I N c::::I CI:c:::t ... C> ." -; ...._ o;:rootc::ar.a Cl'I_~"'" CIQ ~I- -- .., 9 CI <:::I CI CI \CI ClI iCII C;t CI CI c:J ClI c:::t ClI ; CI c:. ic:J c::t I CI CJ c::t c:::t c::. c:J c::>> c:::. CI c:::t ~ ~:~ ~l~ ~!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --,--1---:--------: . - -:- ~l- -!::: - - - - - -- :5 i I ! ~ Z; III) = I I -.... 1oO:~ ~ ::. IrA ""I.~ g ~:~ ~ d- i'i1i ~ ~~':;: ~ ; '" ~;;: i~ ~ ~ ~.... 0_ ...., u",o """'_.....ICIIU....O - -a. ~~ _~~~Q.~""~= __ -~ 0 a.. .... _ _I.... ICI ...-4 _ 0 0 :::~..,~==:tVl::: :::i.c~~-:; ~_~~ .....,... ___1_"" ..u.........a.:::::: -- ~~;~...=:~:~~;~~i~~.~i .: = CA = .i 3 i ~ ~:~ ! ;: ;: ~ 8 ~ -= a; :!. g~g '" e:> e:> "..,,~-.. ----- .~ ~ '-' ... ... -- ~ .= .... '-' .., < ... .... ... ... . o .... 1 , , L-: : ...-'- ... ... ... . o u .. .... ... ... ... '" co :il .... ... ... '" :::: .. .. .,. ~ ..- ~ i ." e:> ... ... N '" ~ .... .... ....'" co .... ..... .... .. ...co 00 "'.... ....j;. "'0 0", - ... ..... ...~ ... ... - ...- ....... "'... - ..- ..."" g.~ ""- .."" ...~ .. - ~~ .... ... - ...- .... .,. ..... ....~ ........ -~ .... ~~ ...~ ........ -E:- .. ... ... .. ..."" ... ... ... '" ... 8... .... ... ... .... ... ... '" "'0;;: .. ..... 00 a:: 00 ",,~ ..... ....... o~ .. ....... ....0 - ... .....,. ... .. ........ ... o -.~ ...0 ........ ... ..... 0,"" ..... o' MEMORANDUM October 6, 1989 TO: Betty Boroni, City Clerk FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner RE: TRANSMITTAL OF LAND USE AMENDMENT APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED ON OCTOBER 1, 1989 Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of the application and related documents for the following: 1. Boynton Nurseries Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning (includes checks in the amount of $500 and $900, respectively, plus a check in the amount of $9.75 for postage) . 2. Island Pond Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning (includes checks in the amount of $500 and $1,000, respectively, plus $62 for postage). The public hearing dates for the above applications have not yet been established by the Planning and Zoning Board and city Commission. After these dates have been established, legal advertisements with maps will be prepared by the Planning Department and forwarded to your office upon completion. ~f-~ JJG:frb Encs MEMORANDUM 10 october 1989 TO: All Department Heads FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: Boynton Nurseries - Annexation - File No. 349 Accomnpanying this memorandum you will find a Departmental Review Form which must be completed in order to provide the information required as part of the Commission's annexation policy. Also, attached is a location map for the property requested to be annexed. Please complete this form and return it to me by Friday, November 17, 1989 for inclusion in the public hearing proceedings. ~ ~.;h CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO /bks cc: Central File OCT-10-1990 13:53 FROM Treasure Coast R.P.C. TO 84077387459 P.02 TREASURE "VAST REGI01lAL PLANNING 'I.;) ~\~"t .' .. ~. A "I, Q \i .j ',' ..~ " of \.;.., ,./ 't"'~ \ 0: '; \1\1' 'e,.,! \ !\'Me. ;;;'.':" ,;"~\\v\'iJ AGENDA~~\~BIA MEMORANDUM: To: Council Members Prom: Staft Da te: October 19, 1990 Council Keetinq SUbject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Adopted Amendment to ~& 'ci~y'o~ Boyn~on Baach Comprehensive Plan rn't.roduction Pursuant: to the Rogional Planninq Counoil's contract with the Stat$. Depaxtlll-ani: of COllDlUnity Aff~ir. (DCA), t.he council mu~t reviaw comprQhensive plan amendaen~s after their adoption. The City of Boyn~on Beach has submitted a.dopted amond1'llentc to the DCA, which in 'turn is seeking cOWIci1 ' s COmmGlnts. CounQil'. review of the information provided by the DCA is to focus on t=he consistenc;::y ot the propOSed amenaments with ~he Reqional Comprehensive po11cy plan (RCPP) developed pursuan1: to section 186.507, Floric1a S1:atutes. A written report, conta.ining a d.e~erm1nat1on Of consistency with the Reg-tonal P~an 1s to be provided to the DCA within 30 calenaar days ot receipt Of the plan, elements, or amendments. Evaluation Staff has completed a review of the adopted comprehensi ve plan amendment to the City of Boynton Beach's comprehQnsive plan for consistency with the RCPP. Council raised no objections or C01'IU1lents in the review report prepared in conjunction with the review of ~he City'S draft comprehensive plan amendment. Conclusion The adopted amendment appears 'to be basically CONS:rSTEN'1' with the qoals and policies oon~ained in ~e Reqional Comprehensivg Policy Plan. 1 \ \ DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development Boynton Nurseries Owner Same as above. Area of Subject Property 3 r 652 r 506 Sq. Ft. or 83.85 Acres Estimated Present population 3 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Commercial Nurserv Proposed Use Will remain in same use until sold and rezoned for a low density residential development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel ~s a result of this annexation? Yes No vr Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a resul~ of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: The above reflects the area at present but with the development into residential will require revaluation depended upon the number of homes constructed (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Bldg. Official Utilities Fire ./ Personnel and Public Works Library Purchasing Management Data Parks & Services Processing Recreation Please return this form to the City P1anner'~ Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map Planning Department 8/89 RECEIVED Reviewfm OCT 16 l~b::J PLANNING DEPT. - - II I DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development Boynton Nurseries OWner Same as above. Area of Subject Property 3.652.506 Sq. Ft. or 83.85 Acres Estimated Present population 3 Estimated Number of Existing Housing units 1 Existing Use Commercial Nurserv Proposed Use Will remain in same use until sold and rezoned for a low density residential development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No xx Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No xx Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerp Finance City Engineer Planning Police Bldg. Official Utilities Fire Personnel and Public Works Library Purchasing Management Data Parks & Services Processing Recreation Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map Planning Department 8/89 Reviewfm . ! . ." MEMORANDUM October 23, 1989 TO: Betty Boroni, City Clerk FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Clerk RE: Newspaper Advertisements for Land Use Amendment Applications Accompanying this memorandum you will find newspaper advertisements for the two land use amendment requests submitted to the Planning Department on the October 1, 1989 deadline. Please note that the map ad for Island Pond includes the phrase TEXT AMENDMENT in the title. The Planning Department recently made a determination that an additional application for a Comprehensive Plan text amendment was necessary and must be included in order for this project to be approved. This application will be submitted in the near future and forwarded to your office shortly thereafter. It is recommended that these applications be advertised as follows: Notice to Property Owners - at least 30 days prior to Planning and Zoning Board public hearing. First Map Ad - at least 15 days prior to Planning and Zoning Board public hearing. Second Map Ad - at least 6 days prior to Planning and Zoning Board public hearing. Third Map Ad - at least 7 days prior to City Commission public hearing. The above schedule exceeds statutory requirements and is consistent with past city policy for these applications. Also note that both of these applications include annexation and should be advertised for four consecutive weeks, consistent with Chapter 171.044,F.S. The attached advertisements are to be used for both the notification to the surrounding property owners and for the newspaper advertisements. The newspaper advertisements are to be placed in the "Local News" section of the Palm Beach Post. It would be permissible for the newspaper to retype these advertisements, provided that the headlines are no less than eighteen (18) point letter size and the advertisements occupy not less than one-quarter (1/4) of a standard newspaper page. ~.,,~ ? );JL UJamesfJ. Golden JJG:cp Encs. -NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE The City of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, change the use of land and rezone the land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the Planning and Zoning Board on December 12, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. A public hearing on these proposals will also be held before the City commission on December 19, 1989, at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. Q ~# I i ~=l;~~ >---1 ~~ MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Tim Cannon Acting Planning Director DATE: November 9, 1989 FROM: Betty S. Boroni City Clerk RE: Annexation Applications Attached please find copies of the following two annexation notices which were mailed to property owners within 400 feet today. These ads will be published in The Post on November 26, December 5 and 11, with being scheduled to be heard by the Planning & Zoning Board on December 12. 1. Boynton Nurseries 2. Island Pond x!7~~' Betty S oroni BSB/smk Attachments cc: City Manager fior,.- - 1U?CEI~)'o. ri 1'_ ___ k - . NOlI ~. 9 j.\f .'. . PLA ,.;.1;(~ /, lVNlf"G' ~r .-- MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Tim Cannon Interim Planning Director DATE: February 9, 1990 FROM: Betty S. Boroni City Clerk RE: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of March 13, 1990 Forwarded herewith please find a copy of the notice as re-advertised for Boynton Nurseries. This is scheduled to be mailed to the property owners within 400 feet today, to be advertised in The Post on February 25 and March 4, and to be heard by the Planning & Zoning Board on March 13. Also attached is a copy of the notice for the abandonment application for the median in Boynton Lakes. This is scheduled to be mailed on February 21, to be advertised in the Boynton Beach News on February 22 and March 1, and to be heard by the Planning & Zoning Board on March 13. BSB/smk Attachments cc: City Manager RECEIVED t= fa 9 1990 PLANNING DEPT. - NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HERT~BY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, March 13, 1990, at City Hall Commission Chambers, Boynton Beach, Florida to consider a request for REZONING covering the parcel of land described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: APPLICANT/ OWNER: AGENT: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: TIle South one-half (S I) of the Southwest quarter (SW 1) of th Northeast quarter (NE i): the Southeast qua ter (SE 1) of Northeast quart r (NE ) and the South one- half (8 I) of t e . t east quarter (NE 1), 13, TOIillship 4f.i uth, Range 42 East, Palm Beach count~ -(,1 ida. Boynton ~~~~ries, A Florida General partner(2l~p etf~~~' Menendez, M.S.M. Design Group & og~ ~ Saberson, Attorney at Law Bo nton Nurseries Planned Unit Development for 400 units (de t:Clched and attached)....li th I,l~ i u,," f-~ ~~,-,r ~a1 frlci-1i ti~s -for rt:>s-j dents use. 8355 Lawrence Road, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 REZONING from AR (Agricu1ture/Residential- Palm Beach County) to PUD (Planned unit Development - City of Boynton Beach) vllth LUI = 4 A PUBLIC HEARING vdll be held by the City Commission or the City of Boynton Beach on the above request on March 20, 1990 at 6:30 P.M. at the Commission Chambers, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings \'lj 11. need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to enSllre that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: THE POST February 25 and March 4, 1990 p/rezone mas cc: City Manager Mayor & City commission City Attorney File NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, will con<1uct a PTlRLIC HRARING on, Tuesday, MARCH 13, 1990 at 7:30 P.M. at city Hall Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, to consider an application to ABANDON A LANDSCAPED MEDIAN WITHIN ^ PUBTJIC RIGHT-OF-WAY submi tted by City of Boynton Beach, the owner, P. O. Box 310, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425, on a parcel of land more particularly described as follows: A raised continuous 1andscapA0 median 504 feet in length, 12 feet in width located centerline ()[ the 80 foot public rights-of-way, Boynton Lakes Boulevard, situated within Plat #1, Boynton Lakes, a P.P.D., in Section 8, Township 43 south, range 43 east as duly recorded in the records of Palm Beach County, Book 40, pages 127 thru 130. Said median (not shown on Pl at-. (locument) begins at a point 25 feet east of the east right-of-Hay of: Congress Avenue and extends a distance of 504 feet along the centerline of Boynton Lakes Boulevard, a public rights-of-way. A PUBLIC HP.I\RING will be held by the city Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the above request on MARCH 20, 1990 at 6:30 P.M. at City Hall Commission Chambers, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in peu;nn or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with rAspect to any matter con- sidered at these meetings will need a reconl or the pro- ceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verhatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the l'.estimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS FEBRUARY 22 & MARCH 1, 1990 sIb/ABANDON. 12 I 'f t PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-226 FROM: J. Scott Miller, city Manager Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director -rc James J. Golden, Senior city Planner TO: THRU: DATE: July 11, 1990 RE: Boynton Nurseries - Comprehensive Plan Amendment In response to your memorandum dated July 9, 1990 concerning the above-referenced plan amendment, the proposed schedule for the adoption of ordinances is outlined below: July 17, 1990 First reading of ordinance to annex. August 7, 1990 First reading of ordinances to amend the Future Land Use Element and rezone. August 21, 1990 Second reading of ordinances to annex, amend the Future Land Use Element and rezone. By copy of this memorandum, I am requesting that the City Attorney prepare ordinances for first reading of the ordinances to annex, amend the Future Land Use Element and rezone. The ordinance to annex must be advertised for four consecutive weeks pursuant to Chapter 171.044 F.S. The Planning Department will prepare a map advertisement which is required for the land use amendment prior to second reading. The map advertisement will be forwarded to the City Attorney for review within the next several days. Attached you will find a copy of the recommendations from Walter H. Keller concerning the changes to the applicant's traffic phasing schedule. These recommendations should be incorporated in the ordinance to rezone to PUD. Please contact me if you have any questions or require any additional information. Q~ II Ii //...v..f.:.... J. GOLDEN JJG:cp Encs. cc: City Attorney City Clerk Roger Saberson 'I '," / / i / /1" .... ' (ilL " J '/ \ , .\ \ " . I . \ i " .~ ,. j eX ~'- t .j ~ ~ . \ ".')~ -- ~ ~'):~<" '. 'i ~.:: " _:~ :;'~ ':i..~~-"- ~~ :; ". ~ '~)::~ ,}t ~; STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE' TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399 BOB MARTINEZ G__ July 2, 1990 . THOMAS G. PELHAM Secretary The Honorable Gene Moore, Mayor City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mayor Moore: The Department has completed its review of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment for the City of Boynton Beach, which was submitted on December 28, 1990. Copies of the proposed amendment have been distributed to appropriate state, regional and local agencies for their review and their comments are enclosed. The Department has no objections, recommendations or comments, pursuant to Rule 9J-11.010, Florida Administrative Code. Upon receipt of this letter, the City of Boynton Beach has 60 days in which to adopt the ~roposed amendment, adopt the amendments with changes, or not adopt the amendment. The process for adoption of amendments to local comprehensive plans is outlined in s.163.3184, Florida statutes, and Rule 9J-11.011, Florida Administrative Code. within five working days of the date of adoption, the City of Boynton Beach must submit the following to the Department: Five copies of the adopted comprehensive plan amendments; A copy of additional changes not previously reviewed; A listing of findings by the local governing body, if any, which were not included in the ordinance; and A statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes to the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report. ~\ ...1 . ....~, EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AND-~NAbEJ~Q CITY '~;U'i~.(:Xi~'S CFFICE . hl"..tS '\,. ~_f~. ---..-.-------- .. 'WI The Honorable Gene Moore July 2, 1990 Page Two The above amendments and documentation are required for the Department to conduct the compliance review, make a compliance determination and issue the appropriate notice of intent. As a deviation from the requirement above, you are requested to provide one of the five copies of the adopted amendments directly to the Executive Director of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. The regional planning councils have been asked to review adopted amendments to determine local comprehensive plan consistency with the Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. Please forward these documents to the regional planning council concurrent with your transmittal to the Department. Your cooperation is appreciated in this matter. If you would like the Department to participate in the pUblic hearing for amendment adoption, such request should be received by the Department, certified mail, at least 14 days prior to the scheduled hearing date. If you have any questions, please contact me or Robert Pennock, Plan Review Administrator, at (904)487-4545. Sincerely, ~oto ev 1- q. M Cur-e- Robert G. Nave, Director Division of Resource Planning and Management RGNjtfw Enclosures: Review Agency Comments cc: Timothy P. Cannon, Office of the Planning Director Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council II<.- STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES Marjory Stoneman Douglas Building. 3900 Commonwealth Boule,'ard . Tallahassee. Florida 32399 Tom Gardner, Executive Director ':,fR -~. .--,... . -. I f'~ . ;:: ~ 1 .. : i ~ i J ~ - " ":::>>-:0;.0 , .::~ (I SUREJ:..U G:= LCC.~.~ I RESOURCE Pu..NI'~l;'jG ~ April 6.1990. Mr. Ralph Hook Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Local Planning 27~O Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 Dear Mr. Hook: , I I. Staff of the Department or Natur~l Resources have reviewed the proposed comprehensive plan amendments for the City of Boynton Beach and have no comnlents. J;?J~en Assistant Executive Director DED/mpp Administration Beaches and Shores Law Enfol'Cemenr Marine ResouH'es Recreation and Parks Resoul'Ce \Ianas.;ement State Lands Boh Martinez Jim Smith r;'u\lernor ~rer"n. Ul St.-If' Boh Butterworth Gerald u..wis lilln Gallaf.:her AlrornC'\' C.cner..1 SI..If' (.(Jnlplrol!cr St;\lt" Ire..,u", DOl Ie Conner (.ummi......unrro( -\j(TKuhtlre Bett\' Castor (:(Jmmt\\'f.~t'r or b"lUCtll'f,n ~.'- ;Ii<. '~'" .' , . . \ '- ! I' 'ttttI11 ,., Board of Count~. Commissionc.'rs J County Administrator J,III "'inlt'r, C.Hnl J, "!nHllli'l. \. 'h.\irl1l,\Il J..:.Hl'1l T, .\I.Ul'lI", \ ill' l'h,lir CMol :\, Ht1hl'rr-.. Hon Ho\\ an! C.Hole Phillips April 16, 1990 Mr. Ralph K. Hook Bureau of Local Planning state of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 RE: Palm Beach County I s Review Comments for the proposed Com- prehensive Plan Amendment of the City of Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Hook: , ! ( The Department of Planning, zoning and Building has coordinated the review of the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment of the Ci ty of Boynton Beach, Florida. The proposed amendment was reviewed for: 1. consistency with the county comprehensive plan goals and objectives, 2. compatibility of land use, and 3. compliance with county environmental protection policies. The Department reviewed. this proposal when it entered the annexa- tion process. A letter was sent and addressed to Mr. James J. Golden on November 28, 1989 ~ Boynton Beach has attached this letter to the packet of documents submitted to the state in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 63 and 1ab1ed it Exhibit "E". The County staff comments enumerated in the letter sent to Mr. Golden still hold and are as follows: 1. PLANNING DIVISION: Karyn Wa1ega, Planner The Planning Division is concerned whether the proposed annexation is "compact" as defined by section 171.031, F.S. The annexation projects westward from the existing city boundaries and the area of contiguity thereby expanding an existing finger area of municipal land in a serpentine pattern. 300 I Hh Street. WEST P-\l.\\ BEACH. FLORIDA H~06. (..07) {,<1j--lOOl ...... -~. ~':" r;flnfed un fP-( -Ic/~rt c'a~,-" Mr. . Ralph K. Hool. April 16, 1990 Page 2 The proposed annexation appears to be located wi thin the city's future annexation area. This property was a site Specific Proposal which was part of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan Process. During the Site Specific Proposal Process, the applicant was able to request a land use for his property other than the land use shown on the proposed land use map. The land owner of this proposed annexation requested a land use designation of High Residen- tial 8 (allowing a maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre) on the 60 acre parcel and Medium'Residentia1 5 (allow- ing a maximum density of 5 dwelling units per acre) on the 20 acre parcel. However, the Board of County Commissioners denied the request for the following reasons: a) the propos- ed, increased densities were found incompatible with the surrounding land uses and b) a higher density on the site would not be consistent with the County's policy to protect natural resources as a natural ecosystem appeared to be located in the southwestern 1/3 of the site. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: tal Analyst Bob Kraus, Environmen- , I " This property is not in a We11fie1d Protection Zone nor is it listed as environmentally sensitive land. most of the property is presently used for agricultural purposes. The southwestern portion of the property appears to remain heavily vegetated. Any native vegetation should be preserved and used in future site plans. 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator . This proposed annexation would decrease the level of service to residents if annexed" into Boynton Beach. Current fire protection is delivered from station 51 which is 3.5 miles away; Boynton Beach's station is over twice that distance, 8 miles necessitating .a nearly 16 minute response time. Also this property is adj acent to a county area and is an isolated parcel to the west of Lawrence Road. 'Mr.' Ralph K. Hook-" April 16, 1990 Page 3 ...., 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Planner Diana Newcomer, Criminal Justice Staff has reviewed this proposal and has made the following comments: 1. The site is vacant property bounded by Lawrence Road to the east, vacant property (Palm Beach County) to the south and north and residential (Palm Beach County) to the west. 2. The site is located in Charlie 1 and the areas to the north and south of the site are serviced by the Sheriff's Office. 3. Easy access to the site for Boynton Beach is via Lawrence Road. There currently are no roadways through this property to the residential area on the west side. Residential access for the Sheriff's Office is via Military Trail. 4. Al though contiguous with Boynton Beach across Lawrence Road, the location and dimensions of the site augment pre-existing serpentine boundaries on the east side of Lawrence Road. , , ( Of the above observations, the greatest concerns are items 2 and 3. If Boynton Beach annexes the property, a mixed service area will be created. This creates a potential hazard for emergency responding units. Even though the area being annexed is vacant property, the future land use is for low to medium residential. Thus, policing responsibilities will increase creating an even greater hazard for responding units. From a law enforcement perspective, we feel that proposals supporting the creation of mixed service areas is not in line with good po1icincj practice. We would encourage the City of Boynton Beach to adopt boundaries that eliminate both mixed services and serpentine boundaries. 5. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Alan Ennis, Development Review Engineer This proposal would probably meet County Traffic Performance Standards although it is a significant project as proposed. 6. UTILITIES: C. Tim Russell, Director, Engineering Division This area is outside the PBCWUD service area. comments. No other r. r.-- (,: I I .~\ ~ ~~.; \~. ~ ,~/ ...":<'....~!-_~~~~>.:,... Mr. Palph IbOk Dept. of Cbnun. Affrs. Bureau of Local planning 2740 Centerview Dr. Tallahassee, FL 32399 FLORIDA OEP A RTIvlE NT OF STATE Jim Smith Secretan' ot State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES R.A, Gray Building 500 South Bronough Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Director's Office Telecopier Number (FAX) (904) 488-1480 (904) 488-3353 .-.. - ", '" . . l..,.:-o-...... Apr il 9, 1990 \ .... ~- - , ~,;' i"\ IJ 'Jr \..OC~L "ii'-1';'Sl, . c\.M~\'{\N.G ~RCE. j Re: Historic Preservation ~view of the City of B:>ynton Beach's Oomprehensive Plan Amendment Bequest Dear Mr. IbOk: In accordance with this agency's responsibilities under. section 267.061, Florida Statutes, and the provisions of sections 163.3177 and 163.3178, , t Florida Statutes, and O1apter 9J-5, Florida ldministrative Cbde, we have ( reviewed the referenced OOcLJnents to determine if data regarding historic resources have been given sufficient consideration in the request to amend the Boynton Beach Comprehensive plan. 'tt1e proposed revision to the Future Land Use element, an annexation and designation of a 83.85 acre parcel frem "Agriculture PB" to "Agriculture" land use category, was checked thoroughly to see if histor ic resources \<>Quld be in any way crlversely impacted with the implementation of this change. 'tt1e projected area prop::>sed for land use change was also checked using the Florida Master Site File-U.S.G.S. quad maps to verify the lack of historic resources within the acreage boundary. The result of our review indicates that the currently proposed amendment will have no effect on the Hb11ywood historical resource inventory, and thus, this CITlendment is of no concern to this agency. However, the problem areas identified in our original plan review of the State of Florida's requirements as promulgated in Chapters 163.3177 and 163.3178, F.S., and O1apter 9J-5, F.A.C., regarding the identification of known historical resources within their specified area of jur isdiction and for the establishment of policies, goals and objectives for historic preservation within the City of B:>ynton Beach still need to be crldressed. As far as the Division of Historical ~sources is concerned the Boynton Beach Cbmprehensive plan is still minimally consistent, and meets the historical preservation requirements of local government planning. Archaeological Research Aorida Folklife Programs Historic Preservation Museum of Florida History , I '. .... ..., If you have any questions regarding our comments, please feel free to contact Louis Tesar or Lee A. Luis of the Division's compliance review staff at (904) 487-2333. Sincerely, "'/~, ~- , . ~ - orge w~~rcy, Director Division of Historical Resources , , j r~/ppr ~~LOKIDA -==/ 1 -to ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION . IIVl G. WATTS ~ KalETAIn' - 7RO Southwest 24 street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315-2696 Telephone: (305) 524-8621 May 15, ...., o:JL:Rr:.-.. R~s -,-.U ,J,:: . ~_ 1'390 OURC- "'I t.v'_Atl <; r-~ \. . 'vi~tN.q :j':'i.j , ~. ... "",q/f V " .' ~ ....- : Mr. Ralph Hook Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Local Planning 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 p~wlItID . 18 19jO , , ( Re: Department of Transportation Review Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment 0Mst0n of Resource P1aMlng and Managamenc Dear Mr. Hook: ~s requested in your letter of March 29, 1990, the DepartmenL has reviewed the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Boynton Beach. We have no objection to the proposed amendment but, would appreciate consideration of the enclosed comment. Sincerely, ~ep'E' District 4 Director Planning & Programs .w fir Enclosure cc: Mr. Patrick McCUe Mr. Gus Schmidt Mr. Mike Tako John Anderson Mr. Ralph K. Hook~ April 16, 1990 Page 4 'WI 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Richard Roberts, Assistant Director This proposed annexation will cause a negative fiscal impact. MSTU #2: -$1,066.04 Library: -$ 151.26 The total Ad Valorem loss is $1,217.30. The annexation request has been made by the property owner; however, first and second reading of the annexation has not yet occurred. The proposed land use for the property is low density residential allowing a maximum density of 4.84 dwelling units per acre in the City of Boynton Beach. This density is inconsistent with the County's Low Residential 3 category (allowing a maximum of 3.0 dwelling units per acre) designated on 20 acres of the proposal. Please be advised that these comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners. Thank you for considering our comments, and please feel free to contact this office if you should have any questions. , , ~ Sincerely, ~QM;n(. \ Dennis R. Foltz, A CP Planning Director File: IG/CPARDCA. BB cc: Board of County Commissioners Jan Winters, County Administrator Bob Weisman, Assistant County Administrator Donna Kristaponis, Executive Director P Z & B Richard Morley, Principal Planner Patsy Kallman, Principal Planner Karyn Wa1ega, Planner City of Boynton Beach !:~B OF AGF..NCY: ~ESPONSIBLE DIVISION/BUREAU: NAME OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT: DATE PLAN RECEIVED FROM DCA: RE0UIRED RETURN DATE FOR COMMENTS: Department of Transportation District 4 Planning City of Boynton Beach April 2, 1990 May 18, 1990 ELEMENT: Future Land Use - Future Land Use Map PAGE ~ RULE DEFICIENCY: 9J-5.006(3)(c)3 Ch. 163.3177(10)(h) 163.3194(1) (b) 163.3202(2) (a) ~omment I , , I, ~his Department has no objection to ~he proposed Future Land Use Map Amendment. The only state facility affected is SR-804, Boynton Beach Boulevard. It is noted that a 3-block section (approximately) between Old Boynton Road and Industrial Avenue is only 4LD. Most of Boynton Beach Boulevard is 6LD. Correction of this constraint which creates significant reduction of LOS is on neither the State's Five Year Work Program (FY 90/91 - 94/95) or the County's Five Year Road Construction Program. We concur with the Planning staff's comment to the effect that building permits should not be issued by the City until contracts have been let for required improvements including the 6 laning on a portion of Boynton Beach Boulevard. (SR-804) between Old Boynton Beach Road and 1-95 and that C.O.'s not be issued until roadway capacity is available to serve the impacts of development. REVIEWED BY: J.W. Anderson, Jr., AICP PHONE: 407-837-5290 REVIEWED BY: PHONE: REVIEWED BY: PHONE: . .. :"IE !'J'>lOOt f:Jn,' kC ':IF PA,~ BEACH COU:olTV !:LO~l')A '~J MlU.s '\.'O<:""llI"":',or',, : .. ~"..Y1lS (;IK).....-rH ~A:-.;-\OEME:'OT t,,;t,;:-, TF:R (41l1~.~=1! SJO ~ 8O\:LE\'ARO. ~\:m: :lllI~ PALM lJF..o\CH C"oAROt:\'S. nORm" ;.a.nOo4:.'7:: {oj~ , ll:04CH ~ . . ... . ..... ..." . . . .. . February 15, 1990 RE: Impact Anal)'Sis - Proposed Boynton Nurseries PL'D,. &ynton Beach This statement is provided in fulflllme:1t of Chapter 235.193, Section 2. Florida Statutes to ensure that public education facilities are coordinated with pLa."1S for residential development. I t addresses the concerns ot the Palm Beach County School Board as they specific<illy relate to the anticipated impact ot the construction of 162 single family and 238 multi-family dwelling units located an 83.85~ acres within a proposed pun ~9r BoyntQ:1 Beach Nurseries me. on Lawrence Road south of Hypoluxo Road. ~ A study was conducted utilizing demographic multipliers for Palm Beach County to estimate the number of students which would be generated from this type of development. No information was received regarding the number of bedrooms found in these types of dwelling units. For the pw'1X)Se of this analysis it is assumed that all single famil~. units will consist ot 3+ bedrooms and, all multi-family, units will consist of 3 bedrooms. The GroWth Management Center estimates 77 elementary, 67 middle and 64 high school . stUdents will be generated by the project. TIle geographic area in which these proposed dwelllni units will be located is presently served by Galaxy Elementary, Congress Middle, and Sanwuces High School (see note 1). Following is a breakdown tor each school's projected peak membership for 1989-90 and current permanent capacity. GaLaxy ElementarY . Congress Santaluces Middle School High Scheel Projected Peak Membership Current permanent Capacity 901 623 1,044 1,356 2,476 1.954 S rodents generated from this development in this area will further overcrowd the assigned elementmy and senior high schools in the area. The construction of this development will not have an adverse impact on School Board efforts to racially balance area schools. "!"he Sdl001 Board will continue to actively pursue a policy of providing adequate school facilities for all the children ot Palm Beach County. 0:ote 1 - Attendance boundaries are reviewed annua'uy and are modified to accommodate the opening ot new schools and/or School Board policies dealing with overcrowding and/or racial balance. cc: City oC Boynton Beach Boynton NurSeries. .Inc. William V. Hukill Howard Johnson File 9 p ~/ rf i .... ~ Florida Department of Environmental Regulation Twin Towers Office Bldg. Bob Martinez, Governor · ~~~~~t1~" Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2400 ~ f - I;: ::. ". '.' ". m. .''It-;''''~raaDu.;..sr,gel2I)' '..'~: John Shearer, ^~si'tanr Secretar\' ;~~ \'.~-~!J . 1":'\,/.' ~- ~-:' J'Cif\ l k........' .,~- Mr. Bob Nave I Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Local Planning 2470 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 BUREAU OF LOCA:- RESOURCE PL.AN~Nu May 18, 1990 RE: City of Boynton Beach, Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. Dear Mr. Nave, In accordance with Chapter 9J-11 and 9J-5 F.A.C, the Department of Environmental Regulation has reviewed the amendments to the Boynton Beach Comprehensi ve Plan. We concur wi th the Boynton Beach Planning Staff recommendations that approval of this rezoning be contingent upon the infrastructure improvements and other condi- tions outlined in Item A and Exhibit E (in Section 6A2) of this amendment package. We have no further comments concerning these amendments. If you have any questions about my response, please call me at (904) 487-2498. SinCere1Y,~ /~ . ~~ John Outland 11< :..: , ";:";~';fr~;~ ~~~-:~:--~~,::~r~. ~~ id' ; ;:.:.'~~ ~,._~~~..... ,.....~,.;u~ :~ st. ItJde .- ~ '> ~~ .~ ~ ~.~.1 \~ j.:.:l " t -..4 -.\..c ';j .:~ .... ,\ c.i'~ ....... " , . ,-:.~ . . l..,~~~~..:~~ " ....-1'" :~.'1l' .' -...; .> ,:. , ~. ;.~ martin , ~:;r~fJrr ::::'~;':~";~:7~r:c~:~J . .',,- -. '''~~.,::,,~~~i~';'-;';--a~~~.~-'''''' .~' treevure cOCJ:t regional planniQg council April 5, 1990 .3 ""' '7 - . .... '. _ r:::.s._~-...) .~..: ::_::.,.'.~J\G Mr. Danny Clayton Department of Community Affairs Bureau of state Planning 2740 Centerview Drive The Rhyne Building Tallahassee, FL 12399 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Local Government Comprehensive Plan Document Dear Mr. Clayton: This to acknowledge receipt of the following comprehensive planning document. One Proposed Amendment to the Future Land Use Map, City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan This document was received by our office on April 2, 1990. Pursuant to section 163.3184(4), Florida statutes, written comments will be submitted to you by May 18, 1990. If you have any quescions, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, T~.~::-:CP Planning Coordinator TLH: 1b 3228 s,..... man!n downs blvd, sulle 205 . p.o. bOll 1529 palm e"V, florlda 34990 phone r4Q71~~~!t~ .: . ".'.'" treOlure ::;~'~~itlft"":'~"~~;:~- COeOlg.tonal '.,,"'.~: :-": - / "l . . :~ ./ :;' ....:.~ .~~: . ..... ~..,'. .:: .": _ '. . ..<f'o.-. '; flaa ~- ;~;;;"~'~""~v,""'.:;;~....:. '.....,,- -" I .'f . ..', . '..it -'pianniQg council . ,,"'- ~.. I ~.' ,- 0- j.< .~. r....f.. t" f t::. ,. r- ~-l' .... t:' ~.. F ~ - -t 1 .' -p-- r i~ '[f ;. ~t :~ " & "to.:. ''f: r t.: f r r ;'0. f, "', ~ ~. .... "". ..1'" ~ ", tf El f l"'V tt ....... ..~ --. , r~ ;~,- PP./. ( w fr\ ~r:"'-~I" ~~...,.,' ~r.L' '- ) n :... r' . '" I, i; !tt;~ ',~ , .. I... \ 't, ~. , ! ~ F ;' ': ~ ;::' Ir ~~~---~ L..:o-; .,...; ~ (, "\- ....~ -,' . · L1 . .. . '" I,", ....,. "I fl." Y Z~ 199:. May 18, 1990 BUREAU OF LOCA~ RESOURCE PLANNiNG ; I Mr. Danny clayton Department of Community Affairs Bureau of state Planning 2740 centerview Drive The Rhyne Building Tallahassee, FL 32399 subject: City of Boynton Beach Local Government Comprehensive Plan Amendment Pursuant to the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida statutes, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council reviewed the proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan at its regular meeting on May 18, 1990. Comments were approved by Council for transmittal to Department of Community Affairs pursuant to section Florida Statutes, for consideration by the City adoption of the document. the state 163.3184, prior to Evaluation The proposed amendment to the Future Land Use Element has been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida statutes, Council's review procedures, and Council's adopted plans and policies. Enclosed is a copy of the full staff report to Council. The report was formally adopted by Council at its regular meeting with no revisions. If you need additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. DMC: 1b Enclosure cc: Timothy Cannon --_. :a221 I.W. martin downs blvd. 1U1t. 205 . p.o, box 1529 palm city, florid a 30&990 << __. .fI"oL'r. .~.,*- ..~.-.. .. r-i,1 .?- ,.~T' II. J I I ~ =J.. r~...'.'...l~".iik...ft ..i' l!!. L!.J 1m, ,'~ I ,.~ ~.. . J J.... if:' c.. ...,.N.......:".~ 0.' B~ D~' ~REE~RI~;tJR . ..L. d ..,{ .....i '. ,.. ',. N .J7TMST ,2 QJ S = ~ "'/i'''f:'~ J .' .. .. LEGEND .' !l ,,~u1' '''S'f ,.... Co - ~-"1 l 'mj 18 .' "- -- -.;- I.\~~Z I 8 ti ~ I/~ '~ ~Z.L 0 :::: ~ ~ E::!:~E 'l' r--' .r '''' , ~ , DU PQ ,.0 ACllES 5" ~. = l . iL'a. L.& 0 2' l' ou "It ACll! C - . r ',2 O\J PElt AC::lc i I.~ 3 ',3 au PElt ACIlE ~ - en n ~ c::: 5 :;.5 DU PEA AC!lE I fo. 3'" ~ > --,. ,& j 5? "2 ... au PER ACIlE ~ 'r - - :l" ....... "'2 au ~ AC"!E qKE CTia"' l ~,oe ~ ~N GJIilN, ::~ ~ ~. :':":::/oCRE . ;=:.1 . ~ RD ~ (.,~'l ; c::: IND lNOlJmlIAL ~ .~1J ~J~: I- ;J ~ ~. ~ -.' "~'l '~~~ S~~OH 9 ~ '" t::"T Jtr'" e :. ~ ~ '""" c::: CII =-utClAL "ECRUnOH ~. r.1J r71 S '''~T' c::: C0H8PVAT1ON COHlIEilVAT1ON ... ;l or ~ U c::: INST ..."nmoNAL AHO P".UC :'1 .1. n r.: Co ~ "I I:: UIT ~ ANa TIlAHSPCItTATlOIl ""ELA EUCA I IN 181 ~ ..:J fJ - '-n': ."r>' l.z. '; Co 12. I ,r PAM ~.: ! ..:.. .... " ':..' ~ I e ID. \ I~~~ ~~II~ 2TH <d. tJ { . ~.I.AVE 11lr ..Ii ~/T.^ ~~s~i" J~ -:..., i (/ ':4 . ,..~1' rll . "lJ It ~,.~c 11'1 L "OCEAN .IaIE. II' '.i; ~ s I 111":;; .~.' J I.. -. (A !! ~ .r c ~ -H i " J I I R 0 r-;..., 7'\- ~J =-tJP'I~C.~r. J ..~ .r ~ .... 4::]. \~ J .... 0 - -.:--"i. ; .ar .. 1r . ... ~ ~1i ~ r oM .-.m~ J .-?" ..... ......... ... ...... .... proposed City of Boynton Beach Plan Amendmen't Palm Beach County Future Land Use Map 'z. rroMA'J~ I< - l..!.l r; LZ'.' S' - , ...... t.; "-=' ~~NA &l' Ib : I _: iJ" I ~ (. S-, l'....T RO L::. - f '\ ~ l. I ~~\ ~ I ! -- I AWl" I 3 I ~~' $ - ~ ~ S' c 'C:i 1 c:: '"I · tty s j J.. 1. ? ,. 'MillER RD . "V S" HYPOlUXO S ~. s ..... Q tr ~ I' ~ > C( %: c.; ~ 3 S _~ 1- "-.3 ~ S' ~ SU8,,"T 41' -, I ~ P~O~ERTY S~ :l 1 L-.., ~ z. 5 I ~ r IL 5- r-? e ~',. "' ....:-1 4 .~...: '0 tAl . 11.. . ~J1.J..1 V 1& ~ L~ 1 -. . ! L ... L "\I~ 3 - ~. .. ~ .....- i1 ,..-.J ! . I J ~ ~ .. ct ~ ':" ..... :: ~ ';, ..' .:' .... \ .... ~ ..... <t) ~ l::) ~ ~ Q:: ..... ~ '" I t } t r I , ( ., I s j -.I j ) d. ~. 2mIDL-O-J . . . .. , I I, ~ ,<:) <!l' . Proposed City of Boynton Beach Plan Amendment Boynton Beach Future Land Use Map (see next page for map key) e: . . '. . , I " Mr. Ter~ L. Hess April 18, 1990 Page 2 The annexation projects westward from the existing city Doundaries and the area of contiguity thereDY expanding an existing finger area of municipal land in a serpentine pattern. The proposed annexation appears to De located wi thin the city's future annexation area. This property was a Site Specific Proposal which was part of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan Process. During the Site Specific Proposal Process, the appl icant was able to request a land use for his property other than the land use shown on the proposed land use map. The land owner of this proposed annexation requested a land use designation of High Residen- tial 8 (allowing a maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre) on the 60 acre parcel and Medium Residential 5 (allow- ing a maximum density of 5 dwelling units per acre) on the 20 acre parcel. However, the Board of County Commissioners denied the request for the following reasons: a) the propos- ed, increased densities were found incompatible with the surrounding land uses and b) a higher density on the site would not be consistent with the County's policy to protect natural resources as a natural ecosystem appeared to De ~ocated in the southwestern 1/3 of the site. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: tal Analyst BOD Kraus, Environmen- This property is not in a Wellfield Protection Zone nor is it listed as environmentally sensitive land. most of the property is presently used for agricultural purposes. The southwestern portion of the property appears to remain heavily vegetated. Any native vegetation should De preserved and used in future site plans. 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special projects Coordinator This proposed annexation would decrease the level of service to residents if annexed into Boynton Beach. CUrrent fire protection is delivered from Station 51 which is 3.5 miles away: Boynton Beach's station is over twice that distance, 8 miles necessitating a nearly 16 minute response time. Also this property is adj acent to a county area and is an isolated parcel to the west of Lawrence Road. 5 . . ~ Mr. Terry L. Hess April 18, 1990 Page 4 'WI ., . . This area is outside the PBCWUD service area. comments. No other 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Richard Roberts, Assistant Director This proposed annexation will cause a negative fiscal impact. MSTU #2: -$1,066.04 Library: -$ 151.26 The total Ad Valorem loss is $1,217.30. The annexation request has been made by the property owner: however, first and second reading of the annexation has not yet occurred. The proposed land use for the property is low density residential allowing.a maximum density of 4.84 dwelling units per acre in the City of Boynton Beach. This density is inconsistent with the County's Low Residential 3 category (allowing a maximum of 3.0 dwelling units per acre) desiqnat~d on 20 acres of the proposal. Please be advised that these comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners. Thank you for considering our comments, and please feel free to contact this office if you should have any questions. Sincerely, ~~~~ Dennis R. Foltz, AICP Planning Director File: IG/CPARTC. BB cc: Board of County Commissioners Jan Winters, County Administrator Bob Weisman, Assistant County Administrator Donna Kristaponis, Executive Director P Z & B Richard Morley, Principal Planner Patsy Kallman, Principal Planner Karyn Walega, Planner City of Bqynton Beach 7 ; "' . The County has expressed some concern that this proposed annexation may not meet the compactness provisions of the state law (171.031, FS) regarding annexations (see attached letter dated April 18 from Dennis R. Foltz, AICP, Planning Director). However, the property is within the City's future annexation area and is also within the City's utilities service area. Ob;ections. Recommendations for Modification. and Comments Future Land Use Blement A. Objections None B. Comments None Conclusion , , '. Based on does not policies Plan. the information provided, the proposed amendment appear to be in conflict or inconsistent with the contained in the Regional Comprehensive Policy Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and approve their transmittal to the state Department of Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida statutes. Attachments , ,., .., 'j " I ,! \J TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 5C1 From: Staff Date: May 1~, 1990 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Amendment to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Introduction , , ~ Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (FS), the Council must be provided an opportunity to review and comment on comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted a proposed amendment to the State Department of Community Affairs (DCA), which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information forwarded by the DCA is in the context of the relationship of. the proposed amendments to the regional policy plan developed pursuant to Section 186.507, FS. If a conflict with adopted plans or polices is identified, the regional planning agency is to specify any objections and may make recommendations for modifications. Council also provides informal comments to the local government through a spirit of cooperation, and technical assistance on matters related to the proposed amendments. These advisory comments are aimed at providing coordination between the local and regional comprehensive plans. Backaround On January 10, 1990, the DCA issued a notice of intent to find the ADOPTED comprehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach not in compliance, pursuant to Section 163.3184, FS. As part of this finding, the ci ty plan was found to be inconsistent with the Regional Plan. The amendment proposed by' the City is not related to a Stipulated Settlement Agreement between the City and the DCA. 'f .f~'~ MEMORANDUM NO. 073 July 30, 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller FROM: Jim Cherof, City Attorney RE: Boynton Nurseries - Rezoning Boynton Nurseries - Future Land Use Amendment 1990, JAC/ras Ene. cc: Jim Golden, Interim City Planner .. RECEIvED .fI$ilfa ~. .. I 'LANNING DEPi.. - . ; -~ --, ,....'..........,~.,".... ..""....~ - II II ORDINANCE NO. 90- I I AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 OF SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING ~~:: PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, WHICH IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM PALM BEACH COUNTY LOW-MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING REPEALING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton .Beach, Florida has adopted a Comprehensive Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, a certain parcel of land more particularly I described hereinafter is being annexed in accordance with the application by Roger G. Saberson, agent for Boynton I ~urseries, a Florida general partnership, into the City by ,Ordinance being adopted simultaneously herewith; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Land Use Element of a Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, ,Florida Statutes, has been followed; and I WHEREAS, after public hearing and Commission deems it in the best interest study, the City of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: Ordinance No. 89-38 of the City is hereby amended to reflect the following: That the Land Use of the following described land shall be designated Low Density Residential. Said land is more particularly described as follows: I The South one-half (Sl/2) of the Southwest quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE1/4); the Southeast quarter ( SE 1/4 ) 0 f Northeas t quarter 1 (NE1/4) and the South one-half (Sl/2) of the Northeast quarter (NEl/4) of Northeast quarter (NEl/4), all in Section 13, Township 45 South, Range 42 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. Together with that portion of the Worth Drainage District Canal L-21, abuts the South property line of subject parcel of land. Lake that the Section 2: That any maps adopted in accordance with the Land Use Element of said Comprehensive Plan shall be mended accordingly. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in onflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Should any section or provision of this rdinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of Ifompetent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall Inot affect the remainder of this Ordinance. I Section 5: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this day of July, 1990. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this day of , 1990. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk Corporate Seal) I 2 ORDINANCE NO. 90- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 80-19 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A PARCEL OF LAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, WHICH IS BEING SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREWITH ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH BY ORDINANCE AS PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) W/LUI = 4; PROVIDING FOR PHASING CONSISTENT WITH TRAFFIC STUDIES; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING A REPEALING PROVISION; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton 'Beach, Florida, has heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 80-19 in which a Revised Zoning Map was adopted for said City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is simultaneously herewith adopting an Ordinance annexing a parcel of land more particularly described herein into the City limits of said City; and WHEREAS, the owners and agent of the property have requested the above mentioned zoning classification; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it in the best interests of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the following described land, located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to wit: The South one-half (S1/2) of the Southwest quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE1/4); the Southeast quarter (SE 1/4) of Northeast quarter (NE1/4) and the South one-half (S1/2) of the Northeast quarter (NE1/4) of Northeast quarter (NE1/4), all in Section 13, Township 45 South, Range 42 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. Together with that portion of the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-21, that abuts the South property line of the subject parcel of land. be and the same is hereby rezoned from AR (Agricultural Residential) Palm Beach County, to PUD W/LUI = 4. Section 2. That the aforesaid Revised Zoning Map of the City shall be amended accordingly. Section 3. Development of the property shall be in phases consistent with the traffic study findings submitted attached hereto as composite Exhibit "A". and I I Section 4. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Section 5. Should any section or provision of this ordinance or portion hereof, any paragraph, sentence, or word be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, or should any Section of this Ordinance not become effective for any reason, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this ordinance. Section 6. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon passage. FIRST READING this day of July, 1990. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this day of , 1990. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ATTEST: City Clerk (Corporate Seal) ~wct& TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 5C1 From: Staff Date: May 18, 1990 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government comprehensive Plan Review - Amendment to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Introduction Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (FS), the Council must be provided an opportunity to review and comment on comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted a proposed amendment to the State Department of community Affairs (DCA), which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information forwarded by the DCA is in the context of the relationship of the proposed amendments to the regional policy plan developed pursuant to Section 186.507, FS. If a conflict with adopted plans or polices is identified, the regional planning agency is to specify any objections and may make recommendations for modifications. Council also provides informal comments to the local government through a spirit of cooperation, and technical assistance on matters related to the proposed amendments. These advisory comments are aimed at providing coordination between the local and regional comprehensive plans. Backaround On January 10, 1990, the DCA issued a notice of intent to find the ADOPTED comprehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach not in compliance, pursuant to Section 163.3184, FS. As part of this finding, the ci ty plan was found to be inconsistent with the Regional Plan. The amendment proposed by. the City is not related to a stipulated Settlement Agreement between the City and the DCA. ., ~ ...., " The City of Boynton Beach is considering one amendment to the Future Land Use Element. The location of the property under consideration is shown on the accompanying map, and the number of acres and proposed changes in land use designations are as follows: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Amend. No. Approx. Acreaae CUrrent Land Use Desianation Proposed Land Use Desianation ADDroximate Location 1 83.9 * Low-Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.D. L-21 Canal * County designation, annexation request has been made. Evaluation The proposed amendment has been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, FS; Council's review procedures; and Council's adopted Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan. The following evaluation is offered as a result of that review. This property has been proposed for annexation and is currently occupied by a plant nursery. The annexation and change in land use to incorporate the property onto the Boynton Beach Future Land Use Map would allow low density residential development at 4.84 units per acre in accordance wi th the ci ty' s adopted comprehensive plan. Under the current County designation, the western portion of the property (approximately 21 acres) could be developed at up to three dwelling units per acre and the eastern portion at up to five dwelling units per acre. The proposed change represents an increase in allowable density of approximately 27 dwelling units. The proposed low density residential land use designation appears to be compatible with the surrounding single family dwelling units and mobile homes, and land designated as medium density residential to the south. Centralized water and sewer service is available to the property and the developer will be required to dedicate acreage for recreation in accordance with the City'S adopted comprehensive plan. No building permits will be issued unless identified roadway improvements are in the County's Five-year Transportation Improvement Program or developer commitments have been assured. The County has expressed some concern that this proposed annexation may not meet the compactness provisions of the state law (171.031, FS) regarding annexations (see attached letter dated April 18 from Dennis R. Foltz, AICP, Planning Director) . However, the property is within the City's future annexation area and is also within the City's utilities service area. Ob;ections. Recommendations for Modification. and Comments Future Land Use Blement A. Objections None B. Comments None Conclusion Based on does not policies Plan. the information provided, the proposed amendment appear to be in conflict or inconsistent with the contained in the Regional Comprehensive Policy Recommendation Council should adopt the comments qut1ined above and approve their transmittal to the state Department of Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida statutes. Attachments ................., I "'''~n.II~.'. ,.--.. ~ ~t.- \ ;: ~ S I '" i i 'l. r:J BL,aI ~l ~ ~ ~ ~ ~..... ..... ~' '( JJ. ~. .. ~ 'ODD' ~ \-~ ~r. I ~~ If . . ~ . .. . ~: ~I I 1[1 ~-"1 8, ) ...J 7 _ I r- -W;1 ~ # 1=0 ..u ~ -A ~~~ ffilm -~: ~'.... .... wL-t:L-J l ~I r - - Ill' I , I I ~ -. I I ~ ~ - - a~ - -..., Ii== I I I I I ; a..~Tp- T. , 1 " G I i i ~ M ~ 01 U __J!.' ! r;- - ~ ~ r~ a ~ -1 .. t &~' ='""'1 J;.; g B , ::ill ~ ~ ~ ~ ,<:) I e(l _~ ,I~ ( I. -. =- ,... I I I -- I ~ I I I I III ~ ~ ~ ~ .'.!~. "tiI::!"'~.'I~" i:;w::i: ~:: ",. t.( I' . ~. I' . . .' . I I, ::li:!" Ei!:! .. I,. ':! :.. :1: !. . : '.:.:.:-:.:.:': . Proposed city of Boynton Beach Plan Amendment Boynton Beach Future Land Use Map (see next page for map key) ~.~. ~ D \,.1 7f ." .- .', w == -- == -, 00 a ~ .'1- SUBJeCT- PROpeRTY ~ - " I I I I r IL I I ., 1{ ~ ~ ~ .~ .,- - , ,--." . . " '. ."!: ,. . .' T 1"1 ";H ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ,,,,- ..... ..... 't:.: .:.:.:.:.:.: :::::::::::: ::::i!i::;:: Ji=i:i:i:i: :~i~:~~iii:i :::::::::::: ::::=::::::: ............ ;i:i:i:i:i:: ...... .:.... ...... i:i:i: :::::: ...... ...... ....,. ...... ..... ..... .:.:. ...... ...... :c:::: ! ~ . "!: e....:. :.:.:;:.:::: ::'. ::.:;:::: I.:.' ..........".. iii :!!:::i:!:!:iii:!:!=ii!l!i!i:i .: :ii~ ;:;i;i:!:!:i=i:!:!:i=!:i=i:!il '.' " :::. ::::::::::::::::::i:i:i:::!::: :'. .: . :::!i:i::ii:i::: ii::i:~::i::::: . il::::::::!:::!: . .::. ii:t::;:::;:!:;: :i::: il!:!:!:::!:!:!:! ::.:. . . ':':':':':':':':'. ...... :::::::!:::!:::!:::. ":::!: . :si::::::::::::::::i::.,' .'. immiiimmmmmmm : . :::::::::::::::::::::::::;:;:i= ." .... .' .:,:.:.:.:.:.' ..",........rn... '.', .', ::: ::: ;: i:! ::: i: : i:: i:: .:: . ,'. a.:.i . . ":::"~ :' .::::::::::::: .r. 0:' .' t:"1 .,:. :ii!.'ii!l: .....:..........:: .' .:..... .....!ii...:... .: '.':':' ...:......m... :. i . :i:!'" :: : :::::::: i:!: :: :; . : iti:i::: it:: :i :t ': :: :iisii=! if:! :i: ii : i :.:.:.:. !:!i i!i i:i .-. .: :=:::: :.:.:.:.:..:.:- ::: .:. '.' ;. ... .............. ::: . ::. Ii~~..... .; ::::::::::::::: :: .' i:i i:. .'. .' .-. .', .'. .'. .-. .'. .:. i:: .', :!:::!:::::!::= ::: .~. . . .'. ................:.: ...._ ._ I .... .:.' .... . :: '. .... :t:. .... '.: '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . : 01':' ..... '.' '.' ".' .... .... .:.: :!:~ :::: ::=: .1 - -----~_.~----- ..---- L - Mr,. Terry L. H~ April 18, 1990 Page 3 ~ " 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Planner Diana Newcomer, Criminal Justice Staff has reviewed this proposal and has made the following comments: 1. The site is vacant property bounded by Lawrence Road to the east, vacant property (Palm Beach County) to the south and north and residential (Palm Beach County) to the west. 2. The site is located in Charlie 1 and the areas to the north and south of the site are serviced by the Sheriff's Office. 3. Easy access to the site for Boynton Beach is via Lawrence Road. There currently are no roadways through this property to the residential area on the west side. Residential access for the Sheriff's Office is via Military Trail. 4. Al though contiguous with Boynton Beach across Lawrence Road, the location and dimensions of the site augment pre-existing serpentine boundaries on the east side of Lawrence Road. Of the above observations, the greate~t concerns are items 2 , and 3. If Boynton Beach annexes the property, a mixed service area will be created. This creates a potential hazard for emergency responding uni ts. Even though the area being annexed is vacant property, the future land use is for low to medium residential. Thus, policing responsibilities will increase creating an even greater hazard for responding units. From a law enforcement perspective, we feel that proposals supporting the creation. of mixed service areas is not in line with good policing practice. We would encourage the City of Boynton Beach to adopt boundaries that eliminate both mixed services and serpentine boundaries. 5. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Alan Ennis, Development Review Engineer This proposal would probably meet County Traffic Performance standards although it is a significant project as proposed. 6. UTILITIES: C. Tim Russell, Director, Engineering Division 6 Mr. Terry L. E s April 18, 1990 Page 4 This area is outside the PBCWUD service area. comments. No other 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Richard Roberts, Assistant Director This proposed annexation will cause a negative fiscal impact. MSTU #2: -$1,066.04 Library: -$ 151.26 The total Ad Valorem loss is $1,217.30. The annexation request has been made by the property owner; however, first and second reading of the annexation has not yet occurred. The proposed land use for the property is low density residential allowing a maximum density of 4.84 dwelling units per acre in the City of Boynton Beach. This density is inconsistent with the County's Low Residential 3 category (allowing a maximum of 3.0 dwelling units per acre) designat~d on 20 acres of the proposal. Please be advised that these comments represent staff analysis and not the position of the Board of County Commissioners. Thank you for considering our comments, and please feel free to contact this office if you should have any questions. Sincerely, 0~~1f ~ Dennis R. Foltz, AICP Planning Director File: IG/CPARTC. BB cc: Board of County Commissioners Jan Winters, County Administrator Bob Weisman, Assistant County Administrator Donna Kristaponis, Executive Director P Z & B Richard Morley, principal Planner Patsy Kallman, Principal Planner Karyn Wa1ega, Planner City of Boynton Beach 7 \ .' \ .. """ .. <3f!lOWTH MANAGEMENT CENTl!R WILLIAM V, HUKILl.. . A4;1ISTANT SUPIFllNT'ENOENT THE SCHOOL iOAAD OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA 3930 FICA BOULEVARO. SUITE 3004 PALM 8IACH, GARDENS. Ft. '~41Cl-4272 407.eZ401239 May 7, 1990 Mr. Terry Hess. Planner Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 3228 S.W. Martin Downs Boulevard, Suite 205 P.O. Box 1529 Palm City, Florida 34990 RE: City at Boynton Beach Proposed Amendment To Future Land Use Map Dear Mr. Hess: I am attaching for your review, the School Board's comments on the proposed Boynton Nurseries pun in Boynton Beach. This development is located OIl' the parcel which is under consideration for amended land use in the City of Boynton BeaCh. Sincerely, I~ Howard Johnson, . tant Director Growth Management Center HJ;dg cc: City of Boynton Beach William V. Hukill File 8 WPD3\DOC\5ITE.Pl.N I :.if. ~.':HOOI fl():\~O 'Jt= l)A..M BEPOf COUNTY. !=LO~\l')A , >4QYIJ\S; MlI..l,S ~L.'<:I'l'N"":"or....: \t "':.,cH("l~1 l;lItlWHI \tA:\'.\GEME:';T (,;t;~ T~:I~ (4()7-(l~.7= :J93O IleA OO\.;LE:\'ARO. !Il\;:n: :lOl14 1\l\l.~f BF..o\CH (;1\ ROE:\'S. nORmA J3ol1tl-'1:r.:: f1!Q' ....... ~ iw C ~~Q~j" 8I;.-.cH ~/ February 1 S~ 1990 RE: Impact Anal}"Sis - Proposed Boynton Nurseries PtJD~ Roynton Beach This statement is provided in fulfillment of O'.apter 235.193. Section 2. Florida Statutes to ensure that public education facilities are coordinated with plans for residential development. I t addresses the concerns of the Palm Beach County School Board as they specifically relate to the anticipated impact of the cODStruction of 162 single family and 238 multi-family dwelling units located on 83..85+ acres within a proposed pun for Boynton Beach Nurseries Ine. on Lawrence Road south -of Hypoluxo Road. .' ~ .. A study was conducted utilizing demographic multipliers for Palm Beach County to estimate the number of students which would be generated from this type of development. :..jo information was received regarding the number of bedrooms found in these types of dwelling units. For the purpose of this analysis it is assumed that all single family units will consist of 3+ bedrooms and. all mu1ti-f~y. units will consist of 3 bedrooms. The Growth Management Center estimates 77 elementary, 67 middle and 64 high school - students will be generated by the project. The geographic area in which these proposed dwelllnl units will be located is presently served by Galaxy Elementary~ Congress Middle. and Santaluces High School (see note 1). Following is a breakdown tor each school's projected peak membership for 1989-90 and current permanent capacity. GaLax.y Elementary . Congress MIddle School Santaluces High Scheel Projected Peak Membersbip Current Permanent Capacity 901 623 1.044 1 ~356 2~476 1,954 Students generated from this development in this area will further overcrowd the assigned elementary aad senior high. schools in the area.; The construction of this development will not have an adverse impact on School Board. efforts to racially balance area schools. :he School Board will continue to actively pursue a policy of providing adequate school facilities for all the children of Palm Beach County. Note 1 - Attendance boundaries are reviewed annually and are modified to accommodate the opening of new schools and/or School Board policies dealing with overcrowding and/or racial balance. cc: City of Boynton Beach Boynton Nurseries. .Inc. WIlliam V. Hukill Howard Johnson File 9