APPLICATION DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM \.~~ ~\ TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development Boynton Nurseries OWner Same as above. Area of subject Property 3.652.506 Sq. Ft. or 83.85 Acres Estimated Present population 3 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Commercial Nurserv proposed Use Will remain in same use until sold and rezoned for a low density residential development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Utilities police Bldg. Official Fire Personnel and Purchasing Public Works Library Management Services Data Processing Parks & Recreation Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map Planning Department 8/89 Reviewfm DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development Boynton Nurseries Owner Same as above. Area of Subject Property 3,652 r 506 Sq. Ft. or 83.85 Acres Estimated Present Population 3 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Commercial Nurserv Proposed Use Will remain in same use until sold and rezoned for a low density residential development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Bldg. Official Utilities Fire Personnel and Public Works Library Purchasing Management Data Parks & Services Processing Recreation Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map Planning Department 8/89 Reviewfm DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development Boynton Nurseries Owner Same as above. Area of Subject Property 3,652,506 Sq. Ft. or 83.85 Acres Estimated Present Population 3 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Commercial Nursery Proposed Use Will remain in same use until sold and rezoned for a low density residential development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No operating & maintenance: /^.J (1 ,1 / !J! ! ,1 Estimated annual increase in salaried: Comments: capital outlay: (i1n f .- ~/l c_ J J: "L-.{'('~,J ~ ." v~ f';'2-L~-(tutl J , '/ ~ (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning Police Bldg. Official Utilities Fire Personnel and Public Works Library Purchasing Management Data Parks & Services Processing Recreation Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map Planning Department 8/89 Reviewfm ..... - DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development Boynton Nurseries Owner Same as above. Area of Subj ect Property 3, 652 , 506 Sq. Ft. or 83. 85 Acres Estimated Present population 3 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Commercial Nurserv Proposed Use Will remain in same use until sold and rezoned for a low density residential development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel ~ a result of this annexation? Yes No ~ Estimated number of additional personnel required: 0 Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a resul~ of this annexation? Yes No~ Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk LFinance City Engineer Planning Police Bldg. Official Utilities Fire Personnel and Public Works Library Purchasing Management Data Parks & Services Processing Recreation Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map Planning Department 8/89 Reviewfm DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development Boynton Nurseries Owner Same as above. Area of Subject Property 3,652,506 Sq. Ft. or 83.85 Acres Estimated Present population 3 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Commercial Nurserv Proposed Use Will remain in same use until sold and rezoned for a low density residential development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Would your Department need to increase the number of personn~as a result of this annexation? Yes No' Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No r>< Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Cormnents: (Attach if insufficient space.) City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning police -LBldg. Official Utilities Fire Personnel and Public Works Library Purchasing Management Data Parks & Services Processing Recreation Please return this form to the City Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map Planning Department 8/89 Reviewfm DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW FORM TO: ALL DEPARTMENTS RE: ANNEXATION OF PROPERTY AS GENERALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN Please evaluate the initial impact that the annexation of property described herein will have on your department. Name of Development Boynton Nurseries Owner Same as above. Area of Subject Property 3.652.506 Sq. Ft. or 83.85 Acres Estimated Present population 3 Estimated Number of Existing Housing Units 1 Existing Use Commercial Nurserv proposed Use Will remain in same use until sold and rezoned for a low density residential development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Would your Department need to increase the number of personnel as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated number of additional personnel required: Would your Department need to increase expenditures as a result of this annexation? Yes No Estimated annual increase in salaried: operating & maintenance: capital outlay: Comments: \lNy-i/!....J..W,,""'~ G:t-l -:;f!./o,' 1-. '""'c.. d {d .L;j-i __ -+<:>.,2..- '- ~ ;~ t ~k.kN "J ~ . 1 ~ .1 ') r: ~ ".<:<'\llf- 1 \~\i" \ {u.~ 0O,.p.-Z- <,) . <\..' ? Q~-'---" J ,:1-.' ~ ~ 't..- !- /In- 0 ~'s,:-(1A-.e-< \), ~ ~IL..-~L-* '^ f ~ ~ . r,.:> Ir, ,,., , c." ~':>r-. v..::. ,- \. \ ':.-<- \<.-v..... I U.Q y./ ('~ (Attach if insufficient space.) ~ City Clerk Finance City Engineer Planning police Bldg. Official Utilities Fire Personnel and Public Works Library Purchasing Management Data ~ Parks & Services Processing Recreation Please return this form to the city Planner's Office as soon as possible. Attachment: Location Map Planning Department 8/89 Reviewfm t AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared JAMES D. STURROCK, JR., who, upon being duly sworn upon oath stated as follows: 1. He is the managing partner of Boynton Nurseries, a Florida General Partnership. 2. This Affidavit is attached to and made a part of a Land Use Amendment and Rezoning Application being filed with the City of Boynton Beach by Boynton Nurseries, as Applicant. 3. On behalf of Boynton Nurseries as Applicant in regard to the above- referenced Application, the Affiant states that to the best of his knowledge the List of Property Owners required in paragraph I e. is complete and accurate. BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida General Partnership SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me this 1q~ay of September, 1989. Atiu {" fu.vvacV Notary Public My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF flORIDA MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT. 28. 1990 f ~ ,,,".. ST A TE OF FLORIDA RECULAR REAL 'RCPERrY IAl( NL_. ,!\fAMcor.o.Wli.U. ADDRESS. OESCRIP'TION OF 'RO'UTY ANO OTH"U IfH PAL" lEACH COUMTY " /,/" 00 ~Z ~5 'Z 13 020 02'0 H .. ""'RIOM S CREEM L"'ME p,C 000 00 ..2 ..5 ""'MOR FOREST PL 2 LT TH-Zl (LESS M SALE vlt II Oltl 33"6Z .... ACRES .O~ 1-130'7'''-1 1Z 13 020 0230 .JO E ROUR'" F 7 '2 FOREST G~EEM L"'NE LAMT"N" f'L P,C 000 ACRES .07 1'730-720-1 ~ ..2 ..5 13 00 000 1010 SCHLAVEM ROIA ,..05 S FEDERAL MWV",O, DELRAY lEACH f'L p,C 0... "AN FOltEST PL Z REPL LT TH-23 SALE VIt.. ORI '7" P 00" 33"62 coo GEM VA" 5CH VA~ '3-"""2. .. "2 Of' SE ".. OF "3'L."D MW ".. or ME "" DH'IUILDG$ lCOOTOTioL 33"13 ACRES co. . GEM VAlt 5CH VAIt "3.LA"D i DHUUILDG, lCO~TOTAL I I '.00 ,,730,726-0 ~o "Z ..5 '3 00 000 ,OZO 10Y"Ta" MURS€RIEI ,..n WILKIN' AVE WEST PAL" lEACH f'L 13'''5'''2, 5 3'" Of' [ ", a, "I ".. , 5 "2 Of' IW ".. Of' Me , ,.. 13..0'SALE VR" ORI "25 P 11" P'C - (,~f . on ~'t:)\/ ACRU co. 10.00 , -730-732" GEM VA~ 5eH V." ".UET VALUE 1600\)00 ~ A...o",,,, '1000 '1000 -- 300 300 300 300 "000 '1000 '1000 10000 "'2" ...52.. '''52'' '''52'' , 31'00 Z..1350 316150 ' 316150 316150 - .__...._._..._-~;~~;--~~~:~~:~~~._--~~~-~;.;;~._.__.;;.;~~;..__.;;-~~~~;...._--~~;;~;;.....I'.;~;;~.~~..-. 1,.'-TOT'SCHOOL 5 50767" 'tn'.'3 I ' ~ "C-TOT-cr"ERAL '5 '076'" "653."0 .00 2Z22.00 ~'3.1'! "'3'." , !. . ' ~ : , . . ----..---------..- e 't' .' .... S TAT E 0 F F LOR I D A RECUL.-R REAL 'ROPERTY Ux ROLL PAl" lEACH COU"TY NAM~ OF QWI{O. AbPUH. ~n~JJ~ll-o-~ O"JfQJlllV'l,~ onro lWO~~~ .~, ~~_~I,t.O"'" ~~2 ~, '3 00 000 '0~1 CROSCH GEORCE S V '3-"'-~l. ELY 21l." fT OF" "3'LA"D "lvO ..210 WHITE fEATHER TR.-IL ,;~ Of SW ,;~ Of IIlE ,;.. .. ELY IH"UILDC$ """ 10VHTOH lEACH FL i3'." FT Of S 1'2 OF " "2 O'XSlTOTAL '31Z11 33~3'SW ,,~ Of HE I'" SALE YR 00 ORI 0000 P 0000 P;C 00' lIIlCRES ~" ' -130-731-" 13 00 000 '02Z JONES STEI'HEN I( 101 OCEAN IMLET DR 10V"TQM lEACH FL p,e 00' ACRES 3.n H"ST'D COO StH ElCI GEN VAl. SCH v.a. Z'OOO "1) '3-"'-"2. 5 i03.0' fT OF E 22."3'LA"1 fT ~~ W ~~3 fT OF III "2 or SW'DH$.UILDC' ,,~ Of' NE I;" XO.TOTAL 33~3'SALE YR 10 ORI 330' P '7'2 Z'OOO " 221' "2la' lOOOO ",,. 1'.36 , . 03 eoo .... GEN ~Al. leH'V.a. 7'''6 "'36 ..-, RSOM I .J I "ELISSA ..03 WHITE 'EATHER IOVNTON I[ACH f' '3-"'-"2. " Of' W 673 fT Of' M[ " , 33" 365AL U 37" it p/e 00' H"STD 25000 ACRU 1.03 eoo seH EX. Z,OOO G[" V"l. 31HZ ~ "2 ..5 1 - 730 - 7'0' 3 leH VAl. JIl3Z 13 00 000 '0'" CHUREY .JOH" . THELMA '-\ '3-"'-"" SLY ......07 f'T Of' E "3'LA"D ..0000 ", .,' 'OTH "VE 250 f'T OF W '''3 FT Of' .. "2 O'DH'.UILD" 10Y,,' . lEACH fl SW ".. Dr HE ,;ot IN OR,732 lCOOTOTAL ..0000 33"26P3... p,c 000 5.LE YR ., 0.1 ....6 P , 717 AeR[S l.OO coO \. ~ GE" VAl. ..0000 ~ ..2 .., '-730""-2 1...,( (). 5eH VA' ..0000 13 00 000 '02' .JO"ES STEPN€M J( t~ \. ~ \' 11''''-'''' [ ZlO fT or .. 6'3 f' '"3iLll'''D 20000 .01 OCEAN INLET IR 0' M 1" OF 'II ".. Of' ME ,'.. DH 'UILD'. lov"TON lEACH f'L 'Lell N "'0 fT; XO TOTAL . 20000 33"3'SALE YR 11 0.. 3"U I' ,'", P'C 000 ACRES , .00 Coo , -730-762-1 GIM V"~ SCH VA14 20000 ZOOOO " .-....................................................... .. '" .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... ... ... .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... .. ... .. '4 .. .. .. ... ... .. ... ... .. 1 ... ... ... .. ... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ITEMS NOM-EX-VAL "ON ElC TAlC .. DEI' II MAIN' L.'R4RY; TOTAL CO , la.", 2""." , ,.6'" '6....." .00 Ill," ~6,J" 1 ". TOT' SCHOOL ~ rG-TOT-GENERAL "".:11 ! sf 15 ,; .....A STATE OF FLORIDA REGUL"R RE"L PROPERTY TAlC ROLL "AL" IE"CH COUNlY , vZ.\~r Q F Q~~: ll~~ISC~!~~~.~_~~~~~_AN!~~H U_TIf~~llU'fIQN_-'~_-7~:- ~]~'"O''''' 00 ~2 ~~ '3 00 000 102' H"LUSK" WILLIA" J 'I"'RIARA~ 13'~5'''2, 5 250 fT Of " "'0 F1"3'LAND 25Z00 ~"OO WHITE FEATHER TRL Of E 220 fT Of w "3 fT Of" DH'IUILDC$ '3'5' 10V"TO" lEACH FL "Z Of SW ".. Of NE ,,~ XXtTOT.L' ~'~51 33"36 "/C 00' ACItES ~ '-730-16'-6 ~ ~z ~5 '3 00 000 ,OZ' DE LUC" "ICHAEL "" III f'EtERAL HWV 10YMTOM lEACH FL ".Ie 000 ACRES ~ '-130-71~'0 ~o "2 .., '3 00 000 '030 IERIYIHIRE RICHAR. H ...." MHITE FEATHER TRL .OYNTOM lEACH n "OIlT CZO ,,'C 001 ACRES 07l ~ 1-730-710-' 'j 00 ~2 ~~ 13 00 000 10..0 K"TTMIMKEL MARY E un ....TH CT S 10YNTO" lEACH f'l ,,'C 00' AUES ~ '-130-71'-" ~O ..2 ..~ '3 00 000 10'0 ROUS.lAU RAlGAIlET 135. OLI "ILITAaY PO IRAWl. ..0 "OIlT I.... IJYNTOIt .EACH 'L ..,e 00' II TRL AUES 1-'30-"2-' ~ , .26 'HltSTD ' eO.WVD SCH ElC. GEM V"~ 5CH VA" 13-"""2, E ~30 fT OF W 1173 "31L"'ND FT OF 5 "2 OF " 1'2 OF SW "~DH IUILDC$ OF "E ".. XO TOT"L 33"3'SALE YR" ORI 5"" ~ 06'" l, 'oU CO. GEN YA~ seH VAIt '3-"~'''2 "3'LA"D ...CEL OF LA"D I" ".. ".. Of' 'ltDHU'JlLDG$ ".. 0' NE ,'.. IN UR23.1....0' lCH_TUTAL 33"3.S.LE YR" OR. 3"7 .. ,," H"'TD co. 5tH EX. GU VA~ SCH VA, '3-"""" " Z03.0t 'T 0' S "3.LA"1 "06." ,T 0' l ZZO " 0' .. ....'.H..UILIG. 'T 0' " "2 0' IW ".. 0' NC X'_TOTAL 31"36"" '.03 "",n co. ,S'H U" ,GEN VAIt ;"H Y"~ , . :"3~LA"I' Of It ".IH 'UIL'G~ XH TOTAL ' P 0'519, i IH"STI ' CO~ I I ,eH EX~ ! lOr" V. se" VA ,\ '3-..~-..,. l "0 F' OF 103.0' 'T OF W "3 ,T 0' 'W "" 0' "E ".. 33't36SALE Y. I' OR' ..".. on ~ ~-------_._---_._.~;~~;--~~~:~~:~~~._._~~~.;;-;;~--_..-~~-;~;;-'-";;-~;i;;-'-----~~;;~,;;---' 1 rC-TOT-seHOOL , 22"06 "76.01 ~ ~G-TOT-c;E"ERAL , l21706 20"'.'1 .00 202.00 ~02~'7 I ! I,' i ! . . { - -- -- ---- ~ ------~-~~ Z,OOO 500 25'500 73"" 7H5, lJ6QO lJ600 33600 33600 ,....00 2"55 "2355 25000 25000 '7155 '71'5'5 Z0600 "5' , 6 65716 , . 250')0 nooo' ..071 6 ; ..01 " 2 , 1100 6311" i It ,... ; , I 25000, nooo: '651" 5.'5..., Z' .. .... ...... ..... .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. TOTAL CO "323.63 Cl ~ " .... STATE OF FLORIDA ItECOUL"R RE"'L PROIIUTY T"'X ROLL PAL" lEACH COUNTY NAME of-~fwNTR., ~_QPRH~~eRIHI~ O~.:oHnY~~_~~!~~~~_~O_~~~T~~~_~_:,'~7-~~ ,~?~V.I~..o"..' ~"2 "5 '3 00 000 1060 WOODS [ " .. VIOLET E ,~ ....11 ~MIT[ FEATHER RD RT Z 10Y"TON lEACH FL '3-"'-"2. [ ,,. F'T Of' W Z23 f'TN3'LAND . OF .. ,'Z OF SW ,'.. Jf' NE ,,~ DM.IUILDCiS 'LESS S 't06." rT, xotTOTAL 33"36 [MERCOY p,C 00' COO seH ElCt CE" VA SCH V. LAND IN N~"3.LAND , , '.., I" OR I DHiIUILDG$ XH~TOTAL ; P , 0.... : 1 'H"STD i CO~ 5tH U. 'EN VAil- 5CH VA" ACIlES .'2 ~ '-730-7'1'1 ~o "2 ..5 '3 00 000 '070 \l 0#0, 1J-"5-~2. PARCEL or ".. Of' SW ,,~ OF ME 17,P52 SALE YR 7.. OR' 23" 33"2" "-00000 GAllel" EMILIO" & P"TIlICIA R ....'1 WHITE FEATHEII YRL P 0 lOX 31''5 10Y"TOM lEACH FL ACRU P'C 001 .70 ~ '-730-10"-6 ~oo "Z ..5 '3 00 000 1010 IELCHEII THO"AS J 13" SUMUP TIIAIL 10YMTO.. lEACH FL _ \v .J1l . "AIITHA SlJ'~""2. N 203.0' FT "0'.11 F' 0' E '" ,T " 0' .. "2 0' SW ,,~ 33"36' ,~ SALE YR" all' '~'3 0' 5 ":taLA"D OF M II~'H"UILDG$ 0' "E lCH.TOTAL PO,... p,C 00' ACIlIS .n ~ ..~O-"O-O ~ .. '3 .. ... I." JOSIPM . .OX 3~" LAMTANIl n - ,-.." " 3'" or W NW ".. 0' NI ~'.. << 3"'." FT) n~n'ALt ..... "'t 01' co. Acall 10.3" , -730-117-' 106.00 eEM ileH "ARKET YALUE "''''-''1. , l'AIlL""" "~ 0' NI "~ o " R' R'W . .. ~o KNOOLWOO' R' R'W' 33..JI'ALE YR 7' OR "'6 :e , -730-'23-2 "ARKET VALUE ""00 11..00 6I~" Inn 3Z'5 3295 13'63 13'63 '''000 u..u "..U 25000 2'000 12..63 12'tU ""00 " "1 1095,. 2'5000 2'5000 1""1 ...,,., I Z 52" '5 : 'Z61 , , U52'5 j , 02"" i' "f, I I 1'000 1'5000 ""0' 1 1'5"0' , ! ~ j i ; ~ ;~--'-----------'---i;~~;--;~;:~;:~;~-"-~~~-;~-;;;-'----;;';;;;---'-;;-~;i;;'-----'~1;;1;;----~-;~;;~-~~-+-- ! G-TOT-SCHOOL 5 ....7150 371...61[ I : ;, G-TOT-GINERAL 5 ....7l'0 ""'.1' .00 "7'.75 .0'1'5 1 '7'''.30 , " i !, l ' , . "3 aM P 0"3 lCO Ie. elM .J ICH Vl I ~ -.--.---.-----..--i;~~;--;~;:~;:;;~-.--;~;-~;-;;;------;;.;~;;.-..-;;.~;i;;.---.--~~;; ;;...-~-;;;;~.~;.~-- 1 G-TOT-SCHOOL , 632'31 '3''S.'1 I ! = G-TOT-GENERAL , .31'31 '131.33 .00 '0'0.00 71 32 I '2776.'6 I : I ! I ' ! I' I : I ~ I i Cl -1 .".t.. STATE OF FLORIDA RECULAR REIIIlL 'ROPERTV fA:. ItOLL PlIlL" 'ElICH COUM:rY NAME Q1__~U. ADDRESS. DESCRIPTION OF PRO'UTY AND OTHER INfORMATION : ~A~U!S-' ~; ....o..!"! ~ ..~- -----------.-- I;' .., 13 00 000 '130 KNOLLWOOD 'ROVES IMC 10'3 LAwREMeE RD 10Y"TOM IEIICH FL p,c 066 "CUS 30.00 ~ "73o-ln- , "ARKIT VALUE 600000 ..2 .., 13 00 000 " ..0 DAVIS STEVEN " d ~36' WHITE 'lATHER TRL IOYMTO" UAeH FL ,'C 00' ACRES , . ''S,l '3-"'-"Z, M "Z OF ME ,'.. OF !"3.L"MD "E ,,~ .. ME ,'.. OF MW ".. OF IDH$.UILDCi$ IIlE ,,~ ,lCO.TOT"'L . 33~36 ~ '-730-13"6 yloo ~z .., 13 00 000 ,,'So I"VIS STEPH€" " . SA..H ....03 WMITE 'IATMER TRL 10V..TO" lEACH FL \{ co. :"EM VA~ ~' SCH VA~ , I i"3 LA..D ! ,DH IUILDG. i lCH T,OTAL I , ' , lH"5TD I co. ' '5CH EX. GEM VA~ seH VA~ , ''':I:LA''I "",DH IUILDG. 'lCO TOTAL ' P 031' 13-..,-..,. WLY 2..0 'T OF [LV "'.1' FT Of .. "" Of SW "" 0' ME ".. AS I" O.'I"P"', 33..36S"LE YR 7' OR' 'I" P "" CASS '3-~"~Z. [ I~O 'T 0' WLV "':1.01 'T 0' .. ,~~ 0' SW 0' Ie ".. 33"361ALE YR 7' 0.. 31'6 p,C 000 ACRES 1.'~ co. 1-730-...'-0 I : GEM VA~' : ICM VA I '3-"'-"'. TReLa PAl I" W "1 !\"3!LAMD i Of' _ " S€ ".. Of' .... ,'.. aM IUILDG LYC [ . AI.J TO PI..3P1" ,1(0 TOT ,,7,..S YR" DR' ",. P 0"3 ' ' 100 ..Z ~, 10M NV 1M: 1123 S P.RKVIIW IR ITE 1310 eovI.... c. p,e ACRES '-730-....-. 13 00 000 3021 13-"'-"1 I "1 Of' ... II IALE va II " 7'" In 1360 p,e 000 "CRES '.00 '-730-1'S"-1 I ;1 I'" I nn.. 37'70" 31"0" 31',0.. 30"00 " o..~,.. , 3"1'" ' nooo 2'S000, '0'13" '0,.3.. 36100 36100 36100 36100, 1100 66001 , IIo~f/ 6 0 I I 00000' ,.....1 ! '000001 100000 .. ~ . .... S T A T E 0 F F LO RID A ItECUlAR REAL PItO'ERTY TAX ROLL f1ALM lEACH COUNTY tiAMLQF <LWH.LR_,__lll)-.-n~D_r_S~t~l~~~~~.o.~.I!!:L~ND OTHn INFORMATION ~ ~~~, 00 "Z .., '1 00 .')'00000 DIIIlTTOLO JOE ~'O. ~HITEFE~THER IOv..10.. lEACH F'L p,C ACIl!ES , -131-0'''-1 '3 00 000 JlJO Oltl~ S , WILLI J GltAH"" .J~ TRS \73 LAMDS EMD Itt " ALA'AIIl FL p,c 000 ACRES ~ ' -13' -OlD-l "2 .., 13 00 000 32"0 KRANTZ aUSSELL , 1531 SUItU.. TRAIL IOYMTOM It.CM fL "OltT e13 "C 001 ACRES ~"2 .., '-731-026-' 13 00 000 32'" HUIlT NA"CY " '''31 SUN UP TilL 10YNTO" I(.CM fL MORT 1.... p,c 00' "CRES 13-"""Z, "" OF MW SR 200 SALE VR " 33..36 '050 .'50 coo '0'50 10'50 ,J...,-.. , ALL TH ..1 Of S "2 Of NW ,.. OF 11M "" Lve E OF "IL ARY TR 33..62 [Vlt II ORI '6'0 P'1 lOll'5 20125 .66 coo .. eEM 'v",.. seH VAl. 20~l'5 lOtl' TEltltl " '3-"'-"1. S "2 Of SE ".. Qf "3'LAND SE "" Cf' NN ".. (LESS E I' rlDH.IUILDe$ , M '13.11 f'T) XO'TOT~L 33..36S.LE VR 11 Olll 57" .. 0'''7 ~ 1-131 -032-6 .., .., 13 00 000 J2'O \~ LACEY JOEL E , DEIOIl"" T "'''0 WHITE '[ATHE. T.L 10YNTO.. I[ACH n non G11 P'C 001 ACRES l-1J' -031-' ~ ..lOll ,..1110 "6'" 3.'" ~oo (1 GEN VA" SCH VAlt 13-"'-"Z, M ", Of S[ ".. 0' "3:lAND SE ,,.. 0' "W ,'.. (LESS E 25 ,tDH IUILDGt . S llt."3 f'T Of' fLY 3~' FT) lCN_TOTAL 33't36SALE VR I" ORI ...." .. 0616 , '''5' , "", 190" 171..3 "'00 2.n ""STD co. :tCH EX., GEIIl v.1t seH VAl! 1)-"'-"" M "z Of , "2 0' N."3~LAND I l~'t 0' I[ "" Of NW ".. 'LESS DM IUILDG. E n n, ;lCH TOTAL ! J3't36SAL( VR', ORI "'7 .. 167.. : i , IH"STD co, I lscH EX~ 'GEN v. 'SCH VA 2'000 2'000' ,aI2. "In 2'000 25000 3'~00 3"00 "'000 711n , UI2'J ' 2.,n . ,-. - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . . - - - - - - - - . - - - . - - - - . - . - - - - . - - - - - - . . . . . - . - . - - . . . . - . - - - - - - - - . - - - - . 1 - - i - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - . . . ~: ITE"S NOM-ElC-VAL "Dill [)( (AX Dt UIT II "AINT LUR RY 'TOTAL CO ! G-TOT-SeHOOL , 3'''1'' JOOZ.l, : G-TOT-CEIIEItAL , 3'''''' 32.')... .00 303.00 ~l" 23 : 61".,)0 I ' L . ~ , ------~- - ~-- -~--~-- H"STD 2'000 COt SCH [XI 2'000 CEN VIII, I~O'O" SCH V"'l, '''070'1 "3.LAND , 00000' DH"UILDC$ "30' )(HjJiOTAL "130 I H"5TD 25000 cot seH EXI Z'5000 GEN VAl, 166301 5CH VAl. "'30' "31LAND 20..00 DHUUILDC$ XOOTOTAL 20..00 o ~ ",t.. ST A TE OF FLORIDA REGUL~R REAL P",OPERTY TAll ROLL "AL" lEACH '=OUIHY , ,-- "'----n ~n m"'RIPTLQN 7'iTffI"HRTY ANti 9THllINFORMATION ---'--~ ' NAM~ ....F QW~lj~. ,~!i!t'.~~_H. ~~~....._- '- ", "if u,_,,,,--__ -'~,---'- ,- _ .,' ,_" ___-=-.:..-::~ ____u.o.....' ~ 1'1 ..2 ..~ 13 00 000 3l'O TAYLOR ROIERT . JR & SHEILA" IJ ,,-"2. S 1'2 or E 1/2 OF HI"3'LAHD 13" SUHU,. UAIL I, . OF SE I'" OF HW ",. 'LESS DHIIUILDC$- 10VNTOM lEACH FL [ 2' FT' XH_TOTAL 33..36SAL[ YR I' OR. '0" P 0300 "0 ItT "'C FO' 001 ACRES 2.2' , . 731 -0"5-1 ~ "2 ~, '3 00 000 3270 ""'RTIN DAVID T , DOLOR[S"~ "'OZ WHITE rEATHER TRAIL IOYMTO.. IE.CH f'L 13-..,.,.Z. w "2 or ME ".. or SE ".. or NW ".. S"'LE y. 16 OR' '5103 P 1351 33"36 p,C 001 .. 5.00 ACRES ~ 1'73'-0"'2 ~o "2 .., 13 00 000 3210 L051EWICZ A W & C(CELIIl 1..2'5 SUNUP TRAIL IOYMTOH lEACH f'L t\ II 1)-"'-"2. IIl.13FT OF' SE ".. 33"362' fTI S"'lE y. 16 5 1I,. t' F' T or [ 0' N "2 OF S[ ,'.. OF' MW 1~" ILEIS E p,c 000 ORI ~"6 , 0212 ACRES , . 02 coo ,. 73' '0'7-1 'EM VAl. 5CH VAl. '3' ~~l." ~"2.03 F'T OF' N ,'a"3aL...D 1Il[ ".. 0' NW ".. LY' " & W OF'S. '0' MWLY R'W LI "6lSAl[ y.... D.' ""62 , '(3' 00 ..2 .., RAY ALLA" Q & f'RIlHCES 10..3 SEACORAPE R' L.MTANA rL p,C 0" ACRES 'EN VA.. 5CH VAl. W "2 Of' S_H3:L.ND E "2 OF' SW iDH IUILDG 1 'V'VA AIM'ED ,XO TCTA TE rEATHtR PL NO " ORI ,,,. , 0'13 o 1)''''-''Z, STE 1360 I'" 0' HW 1 '.. Dr IIlW "71'tPLAT OF' SALE P'C 000 ACRES 10.'3 c "73'-0"-~ CtM VA" SCH VfI~ .. "'000 '2070" 16"0.. , 1 2 , I l~ ,. .. 2' 20"00 20"00 nZ06 ,lI3" 160..0 ,. I. z, ,.- /" .- 16010 60..0 Z'''OO! '.j I.' 25, . ~ 2'1600 Z'1600 . - ..--...-..-- - -'-" -- -.. -.. - - '-' --... -. .--..-. ... -" -. --- ... - ..-..... --.. - "'-' ..-1--1....-. ........-. ..-.-- ITE"S NON'EX-VIlL NOH EX TAX DD DEIT D' "A:HT L.I.~RV T~TAL CO "U ! PC-TOT-SCHOOL , 6320..5 53..1.35 . : PG-TOT-GEHERAL , 6UO.., '12".10 .00 732.2'5 177~"'; '1"12." . ..., ...,.A STATE OF FLORIDA RfCULI'R REAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL PI'L" lEACH COUMT'Y '~A}~'J.-:Q1,O.YLtill. ADDRESL-o~~~~~~N .OF PROPIIT~~~~~THU INFORMATION .~: ~~"G~'" ~ "2 .., '3 00 000 3310 KNOWLTON CRfCORY , H~;CV J 13-"~-"l. W 1~'.13 fT Of E "3.L"'ND ~OO ~"I fLORAL DR 33','6 fT or S 21'.~3 fT or DH"UILDC$ 10YNTOH IE~CH fL " 1/2 or SE 1/" Of SE ,/~ or XOOTOT~L 33..26NW '/.. p,c 000 SALE VII II OR' 56'1 P '0'0 ACRES 1.0l coO o ~2 ~"0'6" o~ _ '3 00 000 3320 p,e 000 CEN V"'l. SCH VAl. OF' 5 "~"3.LI'ND '.. OF' NY ".. ~".IU '7" .. "32 lC TAL ~CRES 1 . ..0... coo ~ "2 .., , -13' '012'2 't. ~5 '3 00 000 'OZO ROYI'L "AMO. "C'ILE HO"ES 1'7' LAWREMCE R' IOVNTOM lEACH n ,,'C ~OZ .CltES '5.60 "73'-011" !GO ..2 .., ,(..SlEIN "AU.ICE TR ,,, E LA"TANA R' LA"'''"A F'L "'C ACau , . 13' - 0'" . 6 I\ARI(ET '3~100 13 00 000 ~03' taU OR p,c 000 ."3 "73'-'00'" ~ GEN VAIt SCH VAl. F'''3iLANI 1M lUlL'" SClCO TOTAL EST '3-..5'''l. S 227 F'T Of 1'1 ZIO Of S[ .,.. or S[ ".. (LESS LAWREMeE R. .'WI , W "l Of 33..3.'/" ILESS L-l' eNL .'W . NW lZ... AV[ R'W 1M 0.,123.....1 COO COEN VAl. seH VAl. '3''''-''2 "E ".. 0' $E ,'.. 'LESS E ..0 . W '3' fT OF' E 6" F'T 0' 11"'" .... n, SALE YR 13 aa. 1'" coo G[M 5tH '3'"'''''' W fT Of E ,..,.""3!LAND 0' , 133' t~[SS S '1 'T NY 'H lUlL IIND AY 'WI Of NE ".. Of lCO TOT 33"36SE , , SALE YR.I Oil '117 P '112 c. CEN VA~ SCH VAIi 20"00 20..00 Z &:0..00 lO"OO , ., '''0 , . , ""0 I "'''0 ,,7't0 3"l..000 , 63071 .. I 'to,..1,.. l "0'"'' 't "05..1'.. , 0""" " 303'tl I, , 3"6'6 .- / 2"> ,..,0 ,. 6, '1<\'0 2'5 '1"0 ,..,0 : ....._._.._....__.~;~~;._~~~:~~:;~~._--~~~-~;.;~;_._..-~;-;~;;""'~;-~~;~;""-'-~~;;j;;"'-i';~;~~'~~'."'; ,'C'TOT-SCHOOL '5 "2"'''0 3""7." " i ' ~ PC-TOT'GENERAL , "'''1160 3""'.'50 .00 3'0'.7'5 3~1'~'55 I .lOIO." ! , . 'Cl FLORIDA REGULAR REAL. PROPERTY TAl( ROLL. PAL" lEACH COUNTY A:Q~n:n..n,~n:~~~~~~~PR~~~~~~ ~~~~~NFOR~ATlON ,_~~ ~~~ "AllY L ET AL 13'''~-''Z, OF' W 63 ME'/ OF S( 1/" IEtNC 33"36AC 5 .OAD LE YIt., 0.1 ~'3 .-".- AC.E5 .2' coo ;I '-73"167-' \100 ~2 .., '3 00 000 7020 AH"ANSON DEV I"e "23 S PAR.VI(W ~. STE COVIN" eA GEN VIII. SCH VIII. tq "'C 031 '3-"'-"2,'5 "2 OF NW "" OFft3iLAND 5W ".. (LESS W 60 F'T SR 10' I.DH IUILDG$ ORZ7",.Z.., . R[TUKN CURVE XO TOTAL "7Z~.R[") , NE ,'.. or sw ".. SALE YR I' ORI '761 .. 0'13 , 1360 .CRES 57.'3 COlt ... 1-731-'7"-' CEM VA~ se" VAl. '3-..,...Z, "w ,'.. 0' NW ".. Of "3'LAND .360 SN ".. CSS S' '0' . S ", IHtIUILIG$ 'T) XO.TOTAL "7'~S" ORI '711 .. 0'13 00 ~Z .., '3 00 000 7030 ..,e 012 ACRU 6.19 VAl. VAl. 000 '.. 01' N3'LANI 13.0 SW "~ . S 12' 'T Of W ".. O'DH.IUILIGS NW "" Of' IW ".. ( 5S 60'T XOOTOTAL "7'~RD .'W) SALE V. II P 0"3 1 , . .. 7 coo GEN VAl. se" VA~ '-73'-116-' 00 "2 .., \3 0' VIU.GE UNI[C .. . 0370 ~6'4 56" ".. ".. '362"0 1""7 "ZO'0'7 '20107 nO'01 OJ II '1,..,1 111"" U...OO ') I 22'''00 Z' 11'''00, 11'''00' . -' - -. -- -. -. --. - -.. - - - -. - .-- - -"'- ......... -. -.. - ..- - -. - -' - --..- -.. -.-.-..--.-.... --1"1-' ----t-------..-. - -- ITE"5 NON-EX-YAL NO" [lC TAX DD '(IT ID "AI"' L.IR4RY, TOTAL CO I ,,'-TOT-5CHOOL .. "31'11 "3'.36 , ' ~ ,C-TOT-C[N[RAl .. "31'11 10..1..06 .00 "6'.'0 1~3'4'1 23'Z...1 ! IH"STD : 'co. ' 'SCIt EX. \c;U VA~ ,SCIt VA I . 1"3 LAND ' DH IUILDc;t XO TOTAL P 0130 _ I I I ,GEN VA 'seH V , "3;L"ND tl IH IUI G lCH TO L .eo. STD ~i seH EX , I'U VA , 15CH VA !~:~~~~DG. :lCH,TOTAL I : I ""STI ... i eo~. :~: ~: 5eH VA ", LANI IH aUI\-DC X DUlL DR' 31Z' P Ol'~ t I H"STI I 'CO I seH [X~ 1'000 I GEN VA "026 seH V. "016 I F~:;:;:~::::~-----;;;;;--;;;:~:~;;~----;;;:i~:~::------;;-;(i;-----;;-;;;;;-------~j;;ji;....j-;;;~-~;-j---;~; .-T.T-......L , ...n. .... .. ... ...... (' ," ! .....07 I f/I ~ . -_. --------------.--- --_.~._-- -_.---~ REGULAR REAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL ,/ SUHUP- ~~V[ Ell Of' LT o L T 11 ALE YR 16 ORI "'Z9 .., '3 03 000 00'1 '). LT 10 Pl' 00' , -732-732-6 .., SUNUP nOVE E "2 OF' LOT W "2 OF' LOT 13 ~l'~'SAL[ YR" OR ... '2 . P e 001 .3' ,Ieo '3. LT ,.. , ,') .3' IURK[ C[RALD E , KE..I L "3'.. R[DDI", R' 10YNTQIt UAeH n tUMUP 'ROVE E "2 Of' LT ", LT 16 . 0' L T , 7 33"36S.LE Y. II ORI "" p,c 00' ACRES I~ '-731-1"-' ~O ..2 .., 13 03 000 017' ....I:TllLL YIRU"I" & eH"RLEI .. WNCTIELL 3311 .IUS'" I' IOYNTOM lEACH 'L / "... IUIMW CROV[ r "1 0' LT " & ~TI '1 TO Z' I..e 33"USALE n 10 ,.,e 00' AeR[S .11 , . 732- 757-' y "'h '3J''5 36"Ol "'7'7 '), 8, 25000 ,.. I.' 25, . ! i 5'273 ! '5'5273 '33'5, n'31 '2'27 '.2 1.'4 2'5000 15000! 27"7' ''',7 l5, '! 1 3195 ...." 61l..7 '.l I... 1'5000 2'5. ; .,' 2"lOGO 312'11 312'41 36136 6~"0 '06026 '.21 I.... 25000 2'.l ." '" .. .... "..,A STATE OF FLORIDA RECULlIIlIlltEnL PItDpun TlIIl( !tOLL '...lM IUCH COUMTY NAMl~~~~~~~_ISC'I"ION ~~~~TY AND OTHIIIN'ORMATION :;::.~~_~:~~~, ~ ~z .., , 3 03 000 0230 IIIlIS IlILA" , IlI!tv "2'0 REDDIN' RD IOYMTON IUCH 'L "OItT ,,'C "'0 00' ACR~.. ~ '-732-763-6 ~OO "2 .., 13 03 000 OZ~' KAIHLAMIE"I ~e.ME.l 11..0 'REIlIT CIRCLE Dill C"LI'ORMIIlI CITY CA p...e 000 ACRES '-73Z-76'-' ~ .., ~, 13 03 000 0270 KAIHLANIE"I VERMEal ,...0 'REAT CIRCLE DR C.LI'ORMIA CITY '" p...e 000 ACRES :~ '-732-77'-' ~o "2 .., '3 03 000 0210 HURLIERT S 6 NASO" RD SAUCUS "A A . KATMRYM III ... ,,'C 000 ACRES ~ '-132-"2-2 ylQO "2 .., '3 03 000 02'0 eOftTQl1 lLIZAIlTH "'0' WILKIMIOM IT LAKE WORTH 'L p" 000 ACRES 1 -132-71'-' ~ '"L1. SUNU" CROVE "3'LAND LTS 23 . 2" . W "2 OF LT 25 DM_IUILDG$ slIILE Y. 17 01' 5325 .. "'2 !lCH.TOTAL 33'136 .~, 1'\ SUNUP 'lOVE [ 1'2 OF' LT 2' . LT 26 '3'0' .2" , et UA-L~ {lLLr SUMUfl lOROV[ LOT 27 IH"5TIl i CO. : . ',StH Eltt ;CU VA , '5eH VA 1 ! :"3;LA"D ,11M 'UILDG lCO TOTAL le~1 " ,GE" VA , seM VA "3!LA"D ; :DH IUILDG~ !lCO TOTAL r ': i ! co. , I 'GEN 'tA~ ' IseH VA , , , ' i"3!L....D ' 'DH IUILDC$ 'lCO TOTAL eo~ I GE" VA leH VA "3 LA..D IH IUILDG ,xo TOTAL ! 'eo Gl" VA ICH VA I ,.C-TOT-SCHOOL ~ rG-TOT-GENUAL ITE."s , '5 NOM-E)(-VAL '31..,1 131'1" ~ ......- ----.......... --.................. -------......-.............. --....-...................................... ---......- ----- ---...--.. ....--.........-. '6 ..7 n,o, .31 ':(,J SUNUP GROVE LOT 21 0"06 .30 ~ I '1 SUNUP '.OVE LOT I' , E ,..., a, LT 30 33"6' .n DD )[IT ID ""I"T MaN ElC TAlC 1 ,,, .2' Ill'. ... I! , , .00 126.n L 'R RY lO, '67"~ '0" JZ ""7' 9 . 2'5000 nooo '2.,6 '2176 l '00"6 " I. '00'" 2" '00..6' 100..6 , 2..'51 '2"'5'\ ,. I. Z~ I 1l'4"1 """1 Iln:! j '2"3. ,. I. . Z5 . ~ '2"3 '29'3 '00"6 '). , ..~ '00"6 2'5 . ~ 100..6 '00"6 .-------.-t-.... TOTAL CO '" 16". "' I[ACH eOUNTV VI ~ ~AtUES' ,- ~l 'RIll' ..-. __ =- ~ ,i I i "3tLAND; , 00..6 ,.. 'DH IUILDG. '72" I.' IXH TOTAL I 61337, I H"STD "000 2'. ICO .! SCH [X "000 I GEN YA ~'J37 SCH YA "'331 .. .. .. .,.,",,, STATE OF FLORIDA R[GULAR UAL "RO"UTY TAlC ROLL ".L" ,.NAME OF OWNER. A:)DRESS. DESCRIPTION OF ,IO'IUV AND OTHER INFORMATION ~ "p ~z .., '3 03 000 030' WALLACE "ARY A . "ARY .J HODCIClNS ..211 REDDIMG RD "aRT 'I' 10YNTON lEACH 'L "'C 00' SUMU" G.OVE W "Z 0' LT 30 , LT 3' SALE YR 13 OR13'3' .. 'JI' 33"36 ACRES .23 i~ '-73'-7'''-' ~o ..2 .., 13 03 000 0320 HAUlS "ICHAEL R ..213 RIDlING RI laVNTDIC UACH 'L '; I SU"U" COROYE LTS 32 & 33 SALE YR 10 ORI 3"'6 .. 0'" "3 LAN, 'H IUIL'CO XH TOTAL ! ""Ill ico I "aRT I ,,'c J::. .. I WO, 001 ,33"3' .. ACREI .3' t-n2-loo-~ ICN EX COEN VA I ~ISCH VA "3 LAlli IH IUILDG lCO TOTAL CO 3'V I""UP GRaY[ LT 3.. . I ", 0' 3' IIIIlLI YR 13 0.1 ~06~ .. 0..,' 33..36 t3 03 000 03~0 IETA"CU. .EM€ & IlLP'lU ALYAIIEZ ~3n .IIINCO II .OV"T.... lEACH 'L "CHtT ,,'C KIO 001 AeRII .23 ,-n'-106-3 GEM VA ICH YA PASTL 101111 T ..31' .nIINCO RI 10Y"TOM UAeH 'L IUNUP GRaY[ W "2 Of' LT IALE YR I', 33"36 AeRt:S ,'3 , -n'-It'-I IUIIUP GItOYI LT 3' & I t,' ~ LT 31 IALI ,. aa 0.. ,...a 33" 36 ~, ~, CKI' WILLIAN . . ao.II ~3t' .UIINe .. .OVMT.... lEACH 'L ,,'C 000 ACR~S .23 '-132-"1-7 GEM VA SCH VA ~ l------------------i;~~;--;~;:~;:;~----;~;-~;-;;;------;;-;;;;-----;;-;;i;;-------~ 'R RY I ~4t-TOT-ICHOOL , 211)'..' 1111.61 ~ rG-TOT-GENERAL , 2'0'''7 "~0.1~ .00 '21.2' " 37 I , : I' . I t i 1 i3" ,. i 1'711 I.~ n,,, 15000 n. . , 2'5000 ,It 13 I ,It , 3 t 00..6 ',l ""30 I,' "IlI 2' "216 "211 " I. ' " I. '00"6 15 100..6 '00"6 TOTIIIlL co ..0..0...3 .. , . 7A2 BOYNTON NURSERIES LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING ;'{l)\ \~\ 1\ );.... rl,- 'u ~" ,,\ ~/ MEMORANDUM December 5, 1989 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director ~c: Tambri J. Heyden, Assistant City Planner THRU: FROM: RE: Requests for Annexation, Future Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning Submitted by Roger Saberson For Boynton Nurseries - File Nos. 349 & 350 Introduction Roger Saberson, agent for Boynton Nurseries, property owner, is proposing to annex into Boynton Beach an 83.85 acre tract of land located at the northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.D. L-2l canal (see attached copy of location map in Exhibit "A"). The property is currently zoned AR (Agricultural Residential) and is occupied by an active orange grove and container nursery, including associated greenhouse and maintenance buildings and a single family home for the nursery caretaker. Accompanying this request for annexation are requests to amend the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan to show annexed land as "Low Density Residential" and to rezone this property to AG, Agriculture, as a holding category until a master plan for a future rezoning to a planned unit development is prepared and submitted to the Planning Department. PROCEDURE These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, and rezoning are being processed consistent with Florida Statute and Boynton Beach codes, ordinances and resolutions as follows: 1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. 2. F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions. 3. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Act. 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning. 5. Boynton Beach Ordinance #79-24. 6. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for Annexation. 7. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 9C: Comprehensive Plan Amendments/Rezonings. 8. Boynton Beach Ordinance 86-54: 1986 Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report. 9. Boynton Beach Ordinance 89-38: 1989 Comprehensive Plan. These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Paraphrasing, these regulations require review by the City Department Heads, newspaper advertisements, public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission, review by the Department of Community Affairs, and Commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and rezone. These procedures take approximately 8 to 9 months to complete. TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board SUBJECT: Request for Annexation - Boynton Nurseries, Page 2 December 5, 1989 Current Land Use and Zoning As previously discussed, this property is zoned AR (Agricultural Residential) and is being used for agricultural purposes as an orange grove and tree nursery. The land use and zoning in the surrounding area varies and is presented for your information in the table which follows: Direction Jurisdiction Zoning North Palm Beach County AR/SE Northeast Boynton Beach PUD East Boynton Beach PUD Southeast Palm Beach County AR Boynton Beach PUD South Palm Beach County RM/SE: special ex- ception for a PUD RS/SE: special ex- ception for a mobile home park Southwest Palm Beach County RS/SE: special ex- ception for a PUD West Palm Beach County AR RT (Residential/ Transitional) AR Northwest Palm Beach County AR Land Use Knollwood Groves (active orange grove) Citrus Glen (single family, zero lot line homes) Citrus Park (single family, zero lot line homes) and Palm Beach County School "P" (under construc- tion) Two single family homes on large, un- platted lots (a County pocket) Lawrence Lakes (single family homes) Sausilito Groves undeveloped, approved for garden apartments and day care center Royal Manor (mobile homes) Palm Shores, f.k.a. Windward PUD (single family and multi- family homes and day care center under construction) Scattered, single family homes on large, unplatted lots Single family home on large lot and a vacant lot. Sunup Grove (single family subdivision) Vacant TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board SUBJECT: Request for Annexation - Boynton Nurseries, Page 3 December 5, 1989 Future Land Use and Rezoning The land use category requested, "Low Density Residential", allowing a maximum density of 4.84 dwelling units per acre, is consistent with the Low Density Residential land use of the parcels in the City on the east side of Lawrence Road. It is also consistent with the land use of the parcels on the west side of Lawrence Road in Palm Beach County in proximity to the subject parcel, which as per the County's 1989 Comprehensive Plan ranges from "Low Residential 2", allowing 1 to 2 dwelling units per acre, "Low Residential 3", allowing 1 to 3 dwelling units per acre and "Medium Residential 5", allowing 3 to 5 dwelling units per acre (see Exhibit "B" for the annexation study prepared for the 1989 Comprehensive Plan adoption process which maps the County's future land use allowable densities in this area). With respect to the zoning classification requested, Agriculture, it is the applicantls intent, as discussed on page 3 of his land use and/or rezoning application, to file a future application for rezoning from Agriculture, subject to approval of the current request, to Planned Unit Development. Therefore, the Agriculture zoning requested would be a holding category until plans for residential development are finalized. This holding category is appropriate for the tree nursery and orange grove uses occurring and that will continue to occur on the property until residential development begins. Incidentally, having applied for a residential land use by the October 1, 1989, twice a year deadline (for requests requiring forwarding to D.C.A.) rather than applying for an agricultural land use, enables the applicant to proceed as soon as possible with a planned unit development rezoning application without having to wait until the next deadline (April 1, 1990) to apply for residential land use as the appropriate land use, if approved now, will be in place. Comprehensive Plan The subject property falls within planning area 9 (the remainder of the reserve annexation area and utility service area) as referenced in the Future Land Use Element of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan Support Documents. For this area, the Comprehensive Plan states that densities in this area should be "limited to the midpoint of the density range shown on the Palm Beach County Land Use Plan" in effect in 1987, "for parcels which are currently zoned agricultural, and that the densities of existing approved developments not be increased" (see Exhibit "c" ) . The City's 1989 Comprehensive Plan, elaborates on this policy by stating that for parcels in the County's Low-Medium Density land use category (3-5 dwellings per acre), which comprises most of the agriculture-zoned land, the midpoint of the density range would be 4 dwellings per acre. Those parcels along the west side of Lawrence Road, north of Old Boynton, which are in the County's Medium-Medium High Density land use category (8-12 dwellings per acre) should be limited to 5 dwellings per acre, however, in order to prevent land use conflicts with the surrounding low-density residential projects". As shown on the County's Land Use Plan that was in effect in 1987 and on the land use map in Exhibit "D", the land use of the portion of Boynton Nurseries that fronts on Lawrence Road is Medium-Medium High Density Residential (8-12 dwellings per acre) which as previously discussed should be limited to 5 dwellings TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board SUBJECT: Request for Annexation - Boynton Nurseries, Page 4 December 5, 1989 per acre upon annexation into the City. The southwest portion of Boynton Nurseries has a Low-Medium Density Residential land use (3-5 dwellings per acre); the midpoint of the density range being 4 dwellings per acre. Therefore, the Low Density Residential land use requested, allowing a maximum of 4.84 dwelling units per acre, is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. As per the previous and the current Intergovernmental Coordination Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan, Palm Beach County was notified of the Boynton Nurseries' annexation, land use amendment and rezoning requests. Their response, copied in Exhibit "E", discusses their concern regarding whether the proposed annexation is compact and creates a finger area in a serpentine pattern as defined by Florida Statutes. A copy of the language from Florida Statutes relative to contiguity and compactness accompanies this report in Exhibit "F". Under the definition of "compactness", annexation of territory is prohibited by law if such annexation creates an enclave, pocket or finger area in a serpentine pattern. The City's Comprehensive Plan, under planning area 9, discusses annexing properties "west of Lawrence Road only if annexation would be consistent with Florida Statutes, and the properties could be efficiently served". Although, this is the first property on the west side of Lawrence Road to request annexation, this property is contiguous to corporate limits on its entire eastern property boundary and as shown on the map in Exhibit "G", would not create an isolated pocket or enclave enclosed by County territory if annexed. In addition, this property would not represent a corridor fashion annexation or a finger area in a serpentine pattern, more clearly illustrated on the map in Exhibit "G". With respect to the issue of providing efficient service, the response from Palm Beach County states that the level of fire-rescue service would be decreased because Boynton Beach's station is twice as far as Palm Beach County Station 51 (3.5 miles) from the Boynton Nurseries' property. However, the County's statement does not take into consideration the construction of the Cityls new fire station (No.3), projected for completion October 1990, which will be approximately 1.1 miles from the Boynton Nurseries' property. Second reading of the ordinance for the annexation of Boynton Nurseries would not occur until April 1990 at the earliest. Another important issue which supports the argument in defense of the Boynton Nurseries annexation and its consistency with Florida Statutes is its location within the City's municipal service area and the existence of several water service agreements provided with annexation clauses on the west side of Lawrence Road. These properties with water service agreements are mapped in Exhibit "H". As shown on this map, annexation of the Boynton Nurseries property (located between water service agreement #16-Knollwood Groves and #19-Sausilito Groves) would set the basis for voluntary annexation of the following properties which have water service agreements with annexation clauses: #1 - William Bauer #2 - Joseph A. Palermo & Loy Anderson, Jr. #3 - Joseph A. Palermo #11 - Manor Forest #16 - Knollwood Groves #19 - Sausilito Groves TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board SUBJECT: Request for Annexation - Boynton Nurseries, Page 5 December 5, 1989 It should be noted that triggering the annexation clauses of water service agreement #1 - William Bauer and #3 - Joseph A. Palermo would create a pocket south of the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and Lawrence Road. In addition, triggering the annexation clause of water service agreement #11 - Manor Forest, would create an enclave between Lawrence Grove and Citrus Glen as would water service agreement #19 - Sausilito Groves; this small enclave would be located on the east side of Lawrence Road, northwest of Lawrence Lake. In order to be consistent with Florida Statutes, the potential enclaves of unincorporated properties would have to be annexed voluntarily or by referendum concurrently with voluntary annexation of the referenced properties with water service agreements. Therefore, should the City Commission decide to pursue further annexation west of Lawrence Road, existing water service agreements with annexation clauses could provide a catalyst for initiating this process, where such annexation would be consistent with Florida Statutes. With respect to the applicability of the Comprehensive Plan development policies, these policies generally do not apply at this time since no development is proposed. These policies will be used in the evaluation of any future rezoning application. Conclusions/Recommendations The Planning Department recommends that the request for annexation, future land use amendment/rezoning submitted by Roger Saberson for Boynton Nurseries, be approved subject to staff comments in Exhibit "I". This recommendation is based on the following summary of findings within the staff report: 1. The Boynton Nurseries' property is contiguous to corporate limits on its entire eastern property boundary; 2. The property is located within the City's municipal service area; 3. The intensity of land use requested, Low Density Residential, is appropriate with respect to properties on the east side of Lawrence Road with the same land use designation and properties on the west side of Lawrence Road in the County that have similar land use designations; 4. The requests are consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan policies for planning area 9 with respect to annexation and land use; 5. The requests are consistent with Florida Statute regarding annexation procedures; and 6. Annexation of this property will allow the City rather than the County to issue a development order when residential zoning is requested in the future. d~'Q.~~ TAMBRI J. JiEYDEN TJH:frb Encs Bnrsery LJCA TION i'v~AP BOYNTON -NURSURIES '"' I' I I I 0,/.........., IE a~O~ co~~ I I' I I I B Oft, '/0' 0 0 e::;;---- ,r I I I "r ' , <) '1 ' "0 ,~~ m. 1B I , I I I. ~tn ~~ll}q~1 , ~: I rn'~ '~", (~,~ f?- - .'. ,~,.- ~\' : = 1 I' tI ~ lQ ~~ ~"' ! ,.;;,-~ ~. \~ -- r-1 ~"y vII! F 1\., .;.... "~r:f. L') n 1l of~ ~J R ';- Ii _~..~-_.. -;,"(' -.r I~;<''': L )(.~-~:~.L."~JQM~-- "', _ 0 ,/,". . -p.. pp' .. - SITE') ""'~~J1""1""~r~ ~r :'~_. ~ .~~' , I ,~' r1l I" /~- PI U : I I : ! i ~ 11J ,: '- H " -~ ~ T I Ill! I '~ /\ ,ITi ' <=' ..... ~, , /i11' 1-,'. IT] ~, 1",' ~ ':~' --', "CITRUS ~',','" ;'" GL ,2 I=>UC L,U!i'~iq R~AA' , " d, -' ' :: . .O~, loi ',' ",~ . ~,-; -, ~~",I" ,8", /86,', . . ~'a'--I *- I II'P ~t"71'Timf.r:r I), , qANAL. ' ,t' ~ ~ ". p' l'~,/:"~"'3"'':'~/J~''Q'''~-~1:.. ,~' I' "~- - v RIGHT~OF-W ,~. ..~~~,~. , ~"".. ,"!;:) ',~ I _'., A!!l2..Q F' -I ,.- .." - ~ - r 6 -"'M'~ ' TO BE ANNEX'. ~-....' : , ,$1/31 · t: ~ =..J.l. . ""~ , ,I ~.:~..I ~ II " " \E ~~~.\;~ 1_ '~.: :,"1, ,!.,,~ n IlIr\~ '\&fb:!JJJ /71~ _ft7,Ir' ..,",\ ~I:' [~~!1~~''-Fj~''';~ "~I ,n ;'~'~~i8Th"~~ ~I '. .:. ,~~~i:.:--~ ~-~..! t 2,/,1 3 'E.6~~ lX. ~ . '.:. _ _ I . '" ,"; . n' I..: " - ..,. " I 011... I I r ~~ U ~:.. u ~~ ~~ 1 ~ 'I II '~I IT i' ~I ,-y- ': .~.: ~'..-",i~ It' ~r. s..~,~ 'I .... 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Vacant Parcels at Northern End of Boynton Commercenter ~fie-BeYREeR-eemffie~eeREeE-P~B-~s-e~~~eRE~y-sfiewH-~H-~ES-eRE~reEY ~H-Efie-~He~SEr~a~-haRa-Hse-€aEe~e~y~--~fiere-are-a~~re*~maEe~y i4~5-aereS-at-Efie-Re~EfierH-eHa-e~-Efi~s-~Ee,eeE-wfi~efi-are-vaeaHt~ fE-~s-aHt~e~~atea-EfiaE-meSE-e~-Eee-~~tM~e-aeffiaHe-~er-~Ha~StE~a~ ~re~erEY-~fi-Efie-€~EY-W~~~-Be-sat~s~~ea-ay-e~aRE~m-€er~e~ate-PaEk aRa-~re,eeEs-aa,aeeRE-Ee-e~aHE~m-PaEk~--S~Hee-Efie-vaeaRE-~re~eEEY ~H-BeYHEeH-€effimereeHEer-~s-~eeatea-aa,aeeRE-te-aR-~REerefiaH~e-aRa ~s-se~eratea-~Eem-Efie-Ees~aeHeeS-Ee-Efie-wesE-By-a-ree-~eet-w~ae eaRal-~~~fit-e~-way-aRa-a-i5a-~eeE-w~ae-B~~~eE-Str~~feHEraRee ~eaa,-tfi~S-~re~erEy-we~la-ae-a-s~~Eaa~e-~eeat~eR-~eE-eeffimeEe~a~ ~ses~--~fiere~ere,-~E-~S-reeeffiffieRaea-Efiat-Efie-~aRa-~se-~er-tfie vaeaHE-~Ee~e~Ey-at-Efie-HerEfierR-efia-e~-BeYREefi-€effiffiereeRter-ae efiaR~ea-~reffi-~fia~se~~al-Ee-heeal-ReEa~~-€emmere~a~~ PLANNING AREA 9--REMAINDER OF RESERVE ANNEXATION AREA AND UTILITY SERVICE AREA The Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, and Potable Water Element of this report recommends that densities in this area be limited to the midpoint of the density range shown on the current ~., 1987} Palm Beach County Land Use Plan, for parcels which are currently zoned agricultural, and that the densities of existing approved developments not be increased. For parcels in the County's Low-Medium Density land use category (3-5 dwellings per acre), which comprises most of the agriculture-zoned land, the midpoint of the density range would be 4 dwellings per acre. Those parcels along the west side of Lawrence Road, north of Old Boynton Road which are in the County's Medium-Medium High Density land use category (8-12 dwellings per acre) should be limited to 5 dwellings per acre, however, in order to prevent land use conflicts with the surrounding low-density projects. These land use controls are necessary to ensure that water supply and treatment capacity will be adequate to serve all development in the City's service area, and ensure that sewage flows do not exceed the ultimate capacity of the regional wastewater treatment plant. Lower densities (1 to 3 dwellings per acre) may be necessary in some portions of the unincorporated area, in order to accomodate and protect large-lot single-family dwellings. Furthermore, the city should not permit densities which are higher than those which are allowed by the Palm Beach county Comprehensive Plan. ~he-€~Ey-has-Ret-~eeH-aRRex~R~-~re~ert~es weSt-e~-haWreRee-Reaa,-s~Ree-the-€~ty-€emffi~SS~eR-has-aae~tea-a ~e!~ey-e~-s~~ar~R~-e~~-the-e~rreRt-€~ty-ae~Raar~es~ The City should annex properties west of Lawrence Road only if annexation would be consistent with Florida Statutes, and the properties could be efficiently served. Palm Beach county recently has been considering relinquishing to cities the control of unincorporated areas in which cities provide urban services. If these areas are to be annexed, as part of a county-wide policy concerning annexaton and the provision of urban services, then the city of 95 Boynton Beach should consider annexing those areas, up to the E-3 Canal, which are in its Reserve Annexation Area, except, possibly, those areas which are currently served by Palm Beach County Utilities. The City should also consider annexing those areas within the southwestern portion of its service area for which the city provides utility services, but which are not in its reserve annexation area. In the interlm, it is recommended, that water service agreements for parcels within this area continue to include an annexation clause, so that annexation applications can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. It is also recommended that the city not provide water service to urban development, which should generally include all commercial, industrial, and institutional use, and residential development over 1 dwelling per acre (net density), unless connection is also made to the central sewer system. Any water service agreement for residential densities at or below 1 unit per acre should contain guarantees that this density cannot be increased without connection to the central sewer system. Furthermore, the City should have the option of requiring connection to the central sewer system at any density if septic systems would risk contaminating groundwater or surface water. Since septic tank pollution is a problem in this area, the city should attempt to provide both water and sewer service to properties which are currently on well and septic tank, where such properties can be served effi8iently. The city should consider placing these properties in a special assessment district, if annexed, or make a similar arrangement with Palm Beach County until the time that annexation occurs. Since there is a strong possibility that all of the area east of the E-3 Canal may be annexed by the city, the City should continue to review land use and rezoning applications in this area, and provide comments to Palm Beach County concerning land use compatiblity, impacts on infrastructure and environmental resources, andcompliance with the city's development standards and policies. 96 Copied.. -r;orn: /qgO PAU413eAc-H- r U.NT'>( Ct:>MPR.E..l-fE1J6tVt -~--Ak1 LAND USE PLAN b -; r- b ~ -; \) MEDIUM HIGH - HIGH RESIDENTIAL MEDIUM - MEDIUM HIGH RESIDENTIAL &-/2. d,tA. JQ.-Cre... (Vo.f +0 114 t,vi+i,. T.D.l<.) tniApt. =/0 LOW - MEDIUM RESI DENTIAL 3-5 d,f,{.!p.cre. (lAp to 8 w;+h 1:D.1<.) mi t:lpt. .::4- VERY LOW - LOW RESIDENTIAL VERY LOW RESIDENTIAL a \) n, b RESERVE ~ R(VISUl"[I,I.'O ~ 7 AGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION CONSERVATION INDUSTRIAL MUNICIPALITIES D D \,\ \ .I r 5, :- , . D MAP 3 LAND USE OF PROPERTY IN THE . ..~ ~ _. -.' VICINITY OF BOYNTON NURSERIES -- ~. - .... . -- . AS PER P.B.CO. 1980 COMPo PLAN 1i'I-." ':"" .. _ _'_. (STILL IN EFFECT IN 1987) I ' . .' __......J: ~ ...........::-:~.:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::.:.:.:.~::::: ::~;. .~~' ' p' . . - . . . . . ":. ":.1:. ~.~:~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:.:.~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;::::: =:..;.:~~: . " '. '. ';:;=; S~;;;~.'" . RS :. t!! -:~~~~ ~I,- ...... ''l:1 - .J ::::: . ~I ~I- Q,a.,a63 I " ::::: , <AJ '-I : p 83,1~8 1 ':::;: ' : C:G- : HoMes AT ., i ':;'! / .: t.AW~ :: :, }!; , ~ ~4 L -=..-J - :' :.~!~t..............................:...:.:...:_:.:.:.:.:,:.:,,:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: TIi I c' G} :... . ;:.-: : ;'. : ,~. /.~., .':.':: ~. :'0.. J.........ww.w................... I~ ' ~!.AuJ~ ::::: =rCf ~~~f:7f i1 Ii"'" ~... ~~~ - Ii - L~~,,~ ...l . :, ;l~' i~@ i~I/Cf:E)1v\' .,:,:' R S ,:":1' . 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P-SI- 39 19810827 RM - SE ' , PUD :: L:t KNOlLWQOD ORANGE 1/ GROVES : ... -. .. . . . .:..- . . . - . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . := ~ -__-1 RS ,ll:i AR I R 86,95 P,79,2'HlAI '9860211 ; 81 RS ""r':':<< L I. I: ~-9 Lu-v,J USe.- JeS'tJ,,/v+ioV15; 110000-Cire~- k~jna..-h'OY)5 tlfe. ;lon; v:.J C.A-+ej on es n ~ n~j~nf--lq87 ~<"'~e<..r'e^ bj +l.(Yn '&~cJ\ CouY\ry IJ-n nJ ~J .....-\'"" ' .' ''"-' 00 ,- Board c.f County Commissione;; Carol J. Elmquist, Chairman Karen T. Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Ron Howard Carole Phillips - W County Administrator Jan Winters Department of Planning, Zoning & Building November 28, 1989 James J Golden, Senior Planner city of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FI 33435-0310 Dear Mr. Golden, The Department has coordinated the review of the proposed annexa- tion of 83.85 acres, generally located on the west side of Lawrence Road approximately 1300' north of 22nd Avenue at the northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.D. L-21 Canal. County staff comments are as follows: 1. PLANNING DIVISION: Karyn Walega, Planner The Planning Division is concerned whether the proposed annexation is "compact" as defined by Section 171.031, F. S. The annexation projects westward from the existing city boundaries and the area of contiguity thereby expanding an existing finger area of municipal land in a serpentine pattern. The proposed annexation appears to be located within the city's future annexation area. This property was a site Specific Proposal which was part of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan Process. During the site Specific Proposal Process, the applicant was able to request a land use for his property other than the land use shown on the proposed land use map. The land owner of this proposed annexation requested a land use designation of High Residen- tial 8 (allowing a maximum density of 8 dwelling units per acre) on the 60 acre parcel and Medium Residential 5 (allow- ing a maximum density of 5 dwelling units per acre) on the 20 acre parcel. However, the Board of County Commissioners denied the request for the following reasons: a) the propos- ed, 'increased densities were found incompatible with the surrounding land uses and b) a higher density on the site would not be consistent with the County I s policy to protect natural 7esources as a natural ecosyste~ appeared to be ~D located ln the southwestern 1/3 of the slte_ R"BC-:E1V,::, "~; QEC 1 19B9 NN\NG DE.P~. '\ 800 13th Street. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406. (407) 697-400fLA - ,.. .. -I d ! " I d . I! Ii . , "{ '1 . j; ; !\ ~ II, I. I' !,1 I. " :1' ~, I i il I' ~ II , ,\ II ~ Ch. 171 .AJNICIPAL ANNEXATION OR CONTRACTION F.S. 1987 be construed to allow local rights-of-w~y, utility ease- ments, railroad rights-of-way, or like entities to be an- nexed in a corridor fashion to gain contiguity; and when any provision or provisions of special law or laws prohibit the annexation of territory that is separated from the an- nexing municipality by a body of water or watercourse, then that law shall prevent annexation under this act. '* (12) "Compactness" means concentration of a piece of property in a single area and precludes any action which would create enclaves, pockets, or finger areas in serpentine patterns, Any annexation proceeding in any county in the state shall be designed in such a man- ner as to ensure that the area will be reasonably com- pact Hlatory.-s, 1, ch, 74-190; s, 1, ch, 75-297; s, 75, ch, 81-259; s, 1, ch, 84-148 171.0413 Annexation procedures.-Any municipal- ity may annex contiguous, compact, unincorporated ter- ritory in the following manner: (1) An ordinance proposing to annex an area of con- tiguous, compact, unincorporated territory shall be adopted by the governing body of the annexing munici- pality pursuant to the procedure for the adoption of a nonemergency ordinance established by s, 166,041, Each such ordinance shall propose only one reasonably compact area to be annexed, However, prior to the ordi- nance of annexation becoming effective, a referendum on annexation shall be held as set out below, and, if ap- proved by the referendum, the ordinance shall become effective 10 days after the referendum or as otherwise provided in the 'ordinance, but not more than 1 year fol- lowing the date of the referendum, (2) Following the final adopti9n of the ordinance of annexation by the governing body of the annexing mu- nicipality, the ordinance shall be submitted to a separate vote of the registered electors of the annexing munici. pality and of the area proposed to be annexed. The ref- erendum on annexation shall be called and conducted and the expense thereof paid by the governing body of the annexing municipality, ' (a) The referendum on annexation shall be held at the next regularly scheduled election following the final adoption of the qfdinance of arynexation by the govern. ing body of the 'annexing municipality or at a special election called for the purpose of holding the referen- dum" However"the referendum, whether held at a regu- larly scheduled election or at a special election, shall not be held sooner than 30 days following the final adoption of the ordinance by the governing body of the annexing municipality, .. (b) The governing body of the annexing municipality shall publish notice of, the referendum on annexation at least once a week for the 4 consecutive weeks immedi- ately preceding the date of the referendum in a newspa- per of general circulation in the area in which the referen- dum is to be held, The notice shall give the ordinance number, the time and places for the referendum, and a brief, general description of the area proposed to be an- nexed, The description shall include a map clearly show- ing the area and a statement that the complete legal de- scription by metes and bounds and the ordinance can be obtaihed from the office of the city clerk, (c) On the day of the referendum on annexation there shall be prominently displayed at each polling place a copy of the ordinance of annexation and a de. lscription of the property proposed to be annexed, The !description shall be by metes and bounds and shall in- clude a map clearly showing such area, (d) Ballots or mechanical voting devices used in the referendum on annexation shall offer the choice "For an- nexation of property described in ordinance number _ of the City of _" and "Against annexation of property described in ordinance number __ of the City of _" in that order, (e) If there is a separate majority vote for annexation in the annexing municipality and in tne area proposed to be annexed, the ordinance of annexation shall be- come effective on the effective date specified therein, If there is a majority vote against annexation in either the annexing municipality or in the area proposed to be an- nexed, or in both, the ordinance shall not become effec- tive, and the area proposed to be annexed shall not be the subject of an annexation ordinance by the annexing municipality for a period of 2 years from the date of the referendum on annexation, (3) Any improved parcel of land which is owned by one individual, corporation, or legal entity, or owned col- lectively by one or more individuals, corporations, orle. gal entities, proposed to be annexed under the provi- sions of this act shall not be severed, separated, divid- ed, or partitioned by the provisions of said ordinance, but shall, if intended to be annexed, or if annexed, under the provisions of this act, be annexed in its entirety and as a whole. However, nothing herein contained shall be construed as affecting the validity or enforceability ,of any ordinance declaring an intention to annex land un- der the existing law that has been enacted bya"munici- pality prior to July 1, 1975. The owner of such property may waive the requirements of this subsection if such owner does not desire all of his tract or parcel included in said annexation, ' (4) Except as otherwise provided in this law, the an- nexation procedure as set forth in this section shall,con- stitute a uniform method for the adoption of an ordi- nance of annexation by the governing body of any mu. nicipality in this state, and all existing provisions of spe- cial laws which establish municipal annexation proce- dures are repealed hereby; except that any provision or provisions of special law or laws which prohibit annexa. tion of territory that is separated from the annexing mu. nicipality by a body of water or watercourse shall not be repealed, (5) If more than 70 percent of the land in an area pro- posed to be annexed is owned by individuals, corpora- tions, or legal entities which are not registered electors of such area, such area shall not be annexed unless the owners of more than 50 percent of the land in such area consent to such annexation, Such consent shall be ob- tained by the parties proposing the annexation prior to the referendum to be held on the annexation, Hlatory,-s, 2, ch, 75-297; s, 1, ch, 76-176, s, 44, ch, 77-104; s, 1, ch, 80-350; s, 76, ch, 81-259; s, 1, ch, 86-113, F;S. unde ty sh vide repol (a) territ bour seWE siom grap to bE :' (b: nexe (c] palit~ jor IT atth 1, othe the c arid withi 2, wate so tl" ers il licw effec er lir ; 3. er'm forth mair of ar 4, ty pi, be a (2: undE ty st with whel Hilt 13, ch. h.";[' (1; 17 mun area (1) a sect (1 : to th tion nop of ar (2: velol ban one (a: two bour 171.042 Prerequisites to annexation.- (1) Prior to commencing the annexation procedures 984 ..... .' . LOCATION 'MAP BOYNTON NURSERIES '~ >~.. l. ("~.., f "J"l r l' " l~ ,!:fJ",,~1 ~ ~ ~!)',' 1= \= 1= t: ~' I T "'ITd- ~ ~ ::1; :,-!-jl~'~ ,~ ,,,~, .... ~ ~ ~i f-, ~ , "...... ';;;:- - r' 1-==: ~ ~ - ".. .... !' ~ "" I : I, PUD ...IC ~'~ ~ LUll ' \, ~, ~.o ~O 'V. '< 'KNOLLWDDD ~ 'tit,"~ . .. 7:RD"ES..!~~ !.?~.~ tl'. 'tfjflim~:l :ti,~.,:. O~, ~ Wmmtll r :_>.i, .__'~' 1m 'U- r,:. U /~ ~ II ~. ~ t:H _.... ~ lal~ .: n- lJ ~~~I, E3~ 1 I' iT! I=II~ , _ ~,'}:1~1~~ .'J1,M _~ ,I II/~ill{~.,I. . '.'''~'::~ S{.} '. i I _ . T1f-.., , . ' , ,,. : I ~ UliI ." . · ./ _, 11" __~, "," 1..;" \ ",~ <_'" ," "CI'1"I:IIIQ SL ilIiA."1-du. ~"MB. d~. l!::1' d' PUD Lul4"O ;".}'."..f'" 'S~; If~~,~,'":"". Y' ~....~ ~ct! '" ,I' , &'. ,', \:.:.2< .,,". .. ItI . R'FA",r';'J1[ ",',' 1 , ".. . ~ = --j-""-, "~ '~:" ,--- n ~ 'I ",~%'. ' , ':" ,'': I' r-=- \.::. E: lo, . t'" ,"'-..:'<:. 'tt: '! ~ ~ ~ i i,'.j'i . 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IP~II,~-r~ ---r\r~r I l,:lEEE~r.i]f-R coll --10':[' ~'- ~~ ''-I.Y I II " , -=0 Y O1F'-' .. ~~ ,J<<i -,..,.. 87 '~-,_ . - ,- - j' I ,: , -: ~" . '~~/ -'I 1"'0 I ..l .-' T'I'I ~-;n~.~.' . _:~ ill"'lH, ~lllr' i- ~ ",' L.. \j ~ f._rE~lL ,llbiJJ -:~ -" Il/e'j ~....~~, ;S~~~!'_~~rr.rr+ 'CJi < . Jtltt '~~1ID1~: iaIlACH:OU:--- ~ '~ .."~ -; ,... ,-r~lLJ I /I ~ll I '~lIrrJ rrn InJ, I .:,\ .:, ~. I/) R1A ..;.- >:: - . . < _ J.. _ ___.___ _ " . . , I , il _~. __.___,L ,-- ~~~ f o:~ .'" .:;~ .-, ^' I .~- "i~1t~~ ~; ct=: :: ~ .'.,:J~TE';~ uU -2"6, "A"AslT'E:;~~ -'-34- . r 1 ' hillif.lll [,.,n ~IITI III 'II III ',_~ .-t. '" "_.~:: _u _... . " LJCA TION MAr> W A TE,R SERVICE A.GREEMEN,TS (AS OF 12-11-89, NORTH OF N.W. 22ND AVE.) 1/1111111,1 I I~ I I III I I I", JlflfDAp 5~ ~~' %:; ~ 4 Co I" ~ //'// ~ f- 6~W~ rlf/ ' , I { {".7 . vT I T - '77 "//// / -- ~'/'/ . ~I '//" ~'''/ '"~''' .-;... 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I I _ lLU' ~~n3 W&/ l,1 ~ /. t--- I""" ,.. ..~ JL I i I i ~.) " II . If A ~ - ~ , -,~ -..- .-.. - i-Wilmer Bauer 2-Joseph A. Palermo & Loy Anderson, Jr. 3-Joseph A. Palermo 4-Chris Evert Lloyd & Wilson B. Greator, Jr. 5-John Tolliver 6-0rthodox Church 7-Urbain Decarie a-Trinity Assembly of God Church 9-E.W. Murphy & L.E. Dunston 10-Nabil Hanson -;. '" ... :,/1 ~ ~'-' , ., '~ 3 Ll _,JL_ ",,,-= I' .,.... '..L. .. ~.~"'~ .......__.._____.......t :,:.A:.;.;;.~",_'_,~ I-- t---- I " ~ ~ efY: IZhJ9 " . I, '., I) j / r ...-wI KNOLLWOOD GROVES ri/rT ; ~~ ~~I'IIII"f Q ~i= = - TT 1ft ~ 1 ... r... I ii1 - 1101 '" II 111'11 IT ~lHlIn, ~'''''1~ ... ~ >-T ~ II 1'1/'"-( Is.w.-II. · r;:>.~J'-.J' , I- ~Lt;I ~ If ;,. ,~rm 'S:~!I ~ u.JJ. 1"':~ ' ,I?" m .."'!. I;.;;t::. , I' . '; : 'H FT IT "- .- .... ,- CITRUS GLEN II 3; , ',' ,t' , III I~ ~ ~ ,- T SCHOOL P A;;'''A' ~:"'.;;1-~~ ~.~ CE ijr 'I Q:' . .' p \(~.Xj-L -.fiJ[\c!J J. € - 8 8 is 818 I~ o~~' ~ I ' ~ I t:r\ 0' ". : 0, ~ 0 L,: : (\, . " ..I ~ - . ~""'" -'^ '~ V L. ~~a~~ ~ ii-Manor Forest i2-Robert C. Bridges l3-Floriberto Lagund l4-David Murray 15-Joseph Palermo l6-Knollwood Groves 17-Robert Miller IS-Warner K. & Hilga 19-5ausilito Groves V. Buchanan COMMENTS ON ANNEXATION MUNICIPAL STAFF INCREASED DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL INCREASED CAPITAL Citizens Services No No Communications No No Finance No No Building No No Recreation & Parks No No Public Works No No City Clerk No No Utilities No No Police No No PALM BEACH COUNTY STAFF Planning COMMENTS See attached See attached None None See attached See attached None See attached None See Exhibit "F" Recreation & Parks: Public Works: Utilities: Undetermined at this time. Recommenda- tion for land dedication for neighbor- hood park may be considered, dependent upon master plan proposal and if private recreation will be required. Development into residential will require re-evaluation dependent upon the number of homes constructed. For current usage, impact is negligible. TO: THRU: FROM: RE: MEMORANDUM October II, 1989 Carmen A~nun iato, Planning Director Craig Gra Management Services Director Hugh McC ffrey, Communications Manager Annexation Review - File #345, Island Pond; File #349, Boynton Nurseries In regard to the two annexations cited above: HM/jb 1. No immediate increase in the number of necessary personnel is projected. 2. No immediate increase in expenditures is anticipated. 3. Comments: Communications Division provides both a direct service to the public (i.e. 9-1-1 and other telephone) and to other City Departments (dispatching of Police and Fire, providing radio communications to other departments). Any impact of annexation on other City Departments will have both a direct and indirect inpact on communications. There is not currently a method of reliability measuring these impacts. J;lutt~~ffrey Communications Manager lB.13CEiv-Hn OCT 19 .Ii9d9 PiJ'\WiJ.i,J.G. D ~':;)I 1VIJV~ DE.P(, ------- ----- -- , . BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION APPLICATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (2 copies of application required) PROJECT NAME: BOYNTON NURSERIES AGENT'S NAME: Roger G. Saberson ADDRESS: 110 East Atlantic Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 PHONE: 407/272-8616 OWNERIS NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida general partnership (James D. Sturn Jr., Managing 8355 Lawrence Road Partner) Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 PHONE: 407/732-2721 On the west side of Lawrence Road, north of Old Boynton Road and immediately west of the new elementary school lip" site PROJECT LOCATION: (not legal description) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. -1- '" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: . '. DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: ORDINANCE# DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: Boynton Nurseries. a Florida ~eneral p;:lrt'nPTCll-dp Area of sUbject Property: 3,652.506 Sq. Ft. or R1 Rr:; Acres Estimated Present Population: 3 persons 1 unit per Existing Zoning: AR (Palm Be'ach Co. Density Allowed:5 acres d.u. IS Proposed Zoning: AG 1 unit per pensity Allowed:2 1/2 ,<jrrpc;d. u. 'S EXISTING UTILITIES Water: existing well Wastewater Collection: existing' se~tic tank Solid Waste (garbage): Waste Management of Palm Reach r Tnr ... " -3- , . STATEMENT OF USE Existing Use: Agriculture Proposed Use: Airicllltllre as a tr::ln!';itinn::ll II~P 'T'llp m-mpT' "riP...", ::lg:ril"llt"T'P as an 2nterim, or transitional, use. The owner intends in the near future to apply for a rezoning to permit residential develovment on the property rnn~i~tent witn tnp land use designation that is being sought by the owner in an application that is being filed simultaneously herewith. This voluntary annexation application is expressly subject to the City of Boynton Beach pla~ingtheland use designation-qn the property that is being sought by the owner in the Land Use Amendment and Rezoning Application filed simultaneously herewith. JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: By annexing the property, the City of Boynton Beach will, consistent with its Comprehensive Plan, have developmental control over the subject parcel rather than having authority vested in Palm Beach County. Moreover, when the property is developed to residential purposes, it will be a significant addition to the tax base of Boynton Beach. EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF, PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED SEE EXHIBIT A ATTAr.HF.n .. -4- .~...~-'. . ".J~!"'. L I~~ r~">11l\jltl . !;~ ':3 - --' .;:"~ q~' " ,~ \ ' ~.~~ ~~~~ ' ~' ,~~~', ,,-, \'\ 01.1 oad;;:-- \ ~ ~'~~. ,~lh-\'II ,:,.J '" ,', '--j;'~ ~ ~,,;\>, ' I, --=~-=_ . ... 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OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and aocompany such petition. ; t. . (.' .J&~ of Record tJr,r/JVif\ Signature of Applicant ....... ) / \.. BOYNTON NURSERIES Type Name of Owner(s) Roger G. Saberson Type Name of Applicant 8355 Lawrence Road Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Street Address 110 East Atlantic Avenue Street Address Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 "' City and State Delray Beach, Florida 33444 City and State 407/732-2721 Telephone Number 40'7/272-8616 . Telephone Number " APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (1) (We) affirm and certify that (1) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Flor'ida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best"of (my) (our) knowledge and l.?elief. Further (I) (We} understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. ; '. .',- APPLICANT IS: BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida general partnership r . I( ~I/&;~ Signature f Applicant ,., (/ \ ',,-, Optionee Roger G. Saberson Type Name of Applicant Lessee 110 East Atlantic Avenue Street Address ~ Agent Delray Beach. Florida 33444 City 'and State Contract Purchaser 407/272-8616 Telephone Number ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS r61~ - R&M+ ~I~ FORUM III . SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401.2179 TELEPHONE: (407) 689.0554 FAX: (407) 689.1109 DESCRIPTION OF LAND TO BE ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH The South one-half (51/2) of the Southwest quarter (SWl/4) of the Northeast quarter (NEl/4); the Southeast quarter (SEl/4) of Northeast quarter (NEl/4) and the South one-half (51/2) of the northeast quar ter (NEl /4) of Nor theast quar ter (NEl /4), all in Section 13, Township 45 South, Range 42 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. Together with that portion of the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-21, that abutts the South property line of the subject parcel of land. , . ;"'II .. " bB~Q_y~g_ ,~~~Q~~~!_a~QLQB_B~IQ~l~~. _Ebl~eIlQ~ . . City of Boynton B~ach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled o~t completely and accurately and ubmitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two opies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be rocessed. ' ( ." .... lease Print Legibly or Type all Information. 2g~gB6b_l~EQB~8IlQ~ 1 . Pr 0 j ec t Name: ']QlN_T.9!Lti.u]'~~.1]~'-.2_E:Lo.!1ci'!..$~I.!..e..r~1..p.2,!~1'!.,e.!1ih.:u>______________ 2. Type of Application (check one) c.\ . Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment only ___.L___ c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3~ Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Departm~mt) : ----~--------------------------------------------------- 4. Applicant~s Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): BOYNTON NUSERIES, a Florida general partnership _<1 ~JLQ:... j) 1!!~..9.9~,- JB-:...t.. _ ~tgl,.g!IlB..~ ~:r:t.E!: E.t -- --- - 01- ----- -- --- - ---- Address: 8355 Lawrence Road -------------------------------------------------------- _~~!~t~~y~~~~~!~~r!~~]]~~~________________________________ Telephone Number: 407/732-2721 -------------------------------------------------------- 5. Agent's Name (person, if ~ny, re~re5enting applicant): _~9.g~~_Q~j2~~r~~~_________________________________________ Address: 110 East Atlantic Avenue -------------------------------------------------------- Delray Beach, Florida 33444 _._---------~----_._--------------~----_._------------------ 'lanning Department 1-86 page 1 ._:~_.,_._..____.__.___L__~____ Telephone NLlmber: 407/272-8616 ---------------.----------------------------------------- 6. Property Owner's Cor Trustee's) Name: (Same as applicant.) -------------------------------------------------------- Address: ---------------.----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- Telephone Number: -------------------------------------------------------- . . 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* -------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant~s interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, BLlilder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.> ---------------------------------------~-------------------------- Owner 9. street Addr-ess or Locat i on of SLlbj ect Parcel: )L321_I:.?~~~~_fu>.2g____ ___~03~!~~]~~CE~_~2!i~_~l~&___________________________-------------- 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: ---------------------------- __ __ _ _ _ _~j:_"[Jgi.J]ll. ~_ ~1'J.b._f.liE.P _ !!~j:1Q. _ABQ J'!~L\..!?g,_A_ f ~~L !!?'~..QI:.... - --- -- - - - - --- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------.---------------.------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------.------------------------------------------- 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): ----------------------------------------------------------------- 83.85 acres )lanning Departmen~ 1-86 page 2 : ,12. C\..lrrent Zon i ng Di str i ct: _.~-:!'~!.1'!l~~_cJ1_f9..u.E.!:l_______________________ 13. Proposed Zoning District: _~i~u~!~~~-_--------_~-_-__--_________- As to 20 acres, Low Residential 3 and 60 acres 14. Current Land Use Category: ~~i~~~~~~~u~~l_~JE~~m_~~~E_~~~~_______ ,15. PI'" op osed L..'\n d Us e C a. tog or y : LOl',-Q.~n.2.!SL~~~~d!~tJ-,!l_!____________________ 16. Intended Use of 5L.lbjec:t Par-eel:. ..M>_a.J;J'.au.illj,QlliIJ......J..Il..te.t:.;iJJL!J.~..._W-ll~l would be used for agriculture. However, in the near future the owner intends to file ..roJ._aJ2.Pj.iWjQ.u..l.QI._r~~ i4..e.nl1.<:!.L !!li.e_ .Qf_t.J:l~ _~.p i ~sL E t.o'p~!' ty_E9..1}!lj.! t eJ.11_ \iJ-..th_ thE _hC!...nj Use Designation being sought in this application. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 17. Developer or Builder: ~a_--------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Architect: _JJLa.__ _________ __ ------~---------_----------------------- 19. Landscape Architect: __BL~_______________________________________ 20.., 5i te Pi annal"': __EL':-______________________________________________ 21. Civil Engineer: Enrico Rossi, Rossi ,& Malavasi Engineers, Inc., 500 Village -Blva:-;- SuI te-17;(J,- 'Qest- P aTm- :Seac 11 -;-"'Fl'O Fi"'cra- 3'341>9'=1"9"0 zr - - - --- 22. Traf f i c Eng i neer: __llL<i.__________:______________________.____________ 23. SLlrveyor: _ _llicll.a I:.d...L.... ....s.he1Laxd... an.d.. A~~J;.i at..~..2 ~ _I.ll.f;:... _3J Q _ ~.Y !.l.l1'~ ~E!! .21_ ILi~~~.'~y -- Boynton Beach, Florida I. ~aI~81abg_IQ_~g_8U~~lIIgQ_~lI~_eEEbl~aIlQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies. (check) ____a. This application form. b. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. ____c. The following documents and letters of consent: (1) If the property is under joint or several ownership: consent to the application by all owners of record, and A writte ____(2) If the applicant fs a contract purchaser: A co~y of the pu~chase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and (3) If the applicant is represented by an authorized agent: A cop of the agency agreement, or written consent of the applicant, and (4) If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, )lanning Department 1-86 p(;:~g~~ 3 - , (b) E:-:lsting j proposed grade elevati :5. .' (c) Existing or proposed water bodies. (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common spaces and recreational facilities. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm dr-ainage, water SLlpply, SeWal;jEo c:olle.c:tion and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school si~es, and other public improvements or dedications as may be required. (11) For rezonings to planned zoning districts, the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such 'districts shall also be satisfie~. Furthermore, all materials required for a s~bdivision master plan shall also be submitted. II. aEEblQeI!Q~_E~g~~ Fees shall be paid at the, time that the application is submitted,~~ccording to the fees which have been adapted by ordinance or resolution. The Planni~g Department will inform the applicant as to t~e fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. gS;BIIEI~eIIQt::! ( I ) (We) understand that th is app 1 i cat i on 'and all plan and papf?rS submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the F'lanning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify t~lat the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to ~he best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed aecor-ding to the instructions below.' ~/ [' :~ N =::b_~~\-;~_:~~nerShiP. ----if-!.7jLL-- ~ atLlre of Owner- (s) oO'~ust.(-?e, Date Qr uthorized Principal if property i~ owned by a corporation or other bLlsiness entity. fb4iV'----, Agent ~ ---fj~2jlL---- Dab~ ;/ . gnatLll"'e of ( I , ~{ I ) (We) hereby designate the above signed person ag.ent wA~~_regard. to thi s appl i cati on. I ~~:ON N~R~E~~ Fl~a general partnership . at~;;~~ow~~~~T-~~~u5tee, as (my) (oLlr) aut~lorizec.1 ----= ~~1J1L-- I-\)ate Depai"'tment 1-86 page 7 ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS " r6'~ - R&M+ ~I~ FORUM III . SUITE 407 1675 PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401.2179 TELEPHONE: (407) 689.0554 FAX: (407) 689.1109 DESCRIPTION OF LAND TO BE ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH The South one-half (Sl/2) of the Southwest quarter (SW1/4) of the Northeast quarter (NE1/4); the Southeast quarter (SEI/4) of Northeast quarter (NE1/4) and the South one-half (Sl/2) of the northeast quarter (NEI/4) of Northeast quarter (NE1/4), all in Section 13, Township 45 South, Range 42 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. Together with that portion of the Lake Worth Drainage District Canal L-2l, that abutts the South property line of the subject parcel of land. ::r ~ LJ'l ru tn fT) ..0 00 r- .::t N %, a... M u ....... c:;:) t.O 0;:) SZ? \OC8 qw .SD CXl 00 r -; Cl.. lf1 ru -; Ul en , THIS IS A DEED PURSUANT TO A CORPORATE DISSOLUTION AND NO DOCUMENTARY STAMP TAX IS DUE AND OWING PURSUANT TO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE RULE l2B-4.l4(9) __at." '" N' 5 c <t . Int."llllh T.. ,.. Cl.~~~~'l.rl4a THIS WARRANTY DEED made this 1~~~ day of December, 1986, by BOYNTON NURSERIES, INC. a Florida corporation (hereinafter called "Grantor"), to BOYNTON NURSERIES, a Florida general partne~ship, whose mailing address is 1425 Wilkins Avenue, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (hereinafter called "Grantee"). WARRANTY DEED (Wherever used herein the terms "Grantor" and Grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and their successors and assigns) WITNESSETH: That the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN and 00/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, by these presents does hereby grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the Grantee, all that certain land situate and being in Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: The South one-half (Sl/2) of the Southwest quarter (SWl/4) of the Northeast quarter (NEl/4); the Southeast quarter (SEl/4) of Northeast quarter (NEl/4) and the South one-half (Sl/2) of the Northeast quarter (NEl/4) of Northeast quarter (NEl/4), all in Section 13, Township 45 South, Range 42 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. TOGETHER with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations, limitations, conditions, easements and agreements of record; taxes and assessments for the year 1986 and all subsequent years: and all applicable environmental, zoning and land use ordinances. AND said Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to the Property, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered: in the Presence of: HUU [fwyyt7~ >Z9~~.,.~ ~ (CORPORATE SEAL) This Instrument was Prepared by and Should be Returned to: W. Glenn Dempsey, Esq. Gunster, Yoakley, Criser & Stewart, P.A. Phillips Point, Suite 500 777 South Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33401-6194 0- 00 r -i CL Ln ru -i Ln CD STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) )ss. ) ~The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 'L.:, {l. day of December, 1986 by James D. Stu rrock, Jr., the President of BOYNTON NURSERIES, INC., a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation. My Commission Expires: r\tnHP,( rU:3\\~, SV1i: Gi- FLOBIOA '"" "", ,,,n',' "'IIi: 'J2 ,f\90 ',"" ("'\i:"..\.~~ll'i', ~.T\II.;,-1.t..) JU, L.. 4. , .lr..., i~" \';J;",~"""""u.~ \ 9305D Wh..- Notary Publi at Large (NOTARIAL Florida . ~, , -'-\,'~,;::,>:;7~::>,.. S'EAt. ) "-- -,:' ' .- f', t ...-~ :j ,': { ..~~ .... .: \-, ' " . 00(,-::.... . . . .f ." '- ..:....~\ ,\;' t1.~.~:- '..:/. ~. ". ...........':.... '. " .............. ,.,'. RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLA. JOHN 8, OUNI<L E CLESI< CIRCUIT COURT 2 AUTHORIZATION OF BOYNTON NURSERIES, A FLORIDA GENERAL PARTNERSHIP ALLOWING AND AUTHORIZING JAMES D. STURROCK, JR., MANAGING PARTNER TO REPRESENT THE PARTNERSHIP IN CONNECTION VITH LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION AND ANNEXATION APPLICATION FILED WITH THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH WHEREAS, BOYNTON NURSERIES is a Florida General Partnership; and WHEREAS, JAMES D. STURROCK, JR., MARION S. HORNER, and WILLIAM D. STURROCK are all of the partners of BOYNTON NURSERIES; and WHEREAS, JAMES D. STURROCK, JR., and WILLIAM D. STURROCK together own in excess of 51 percent of the partnership interests in said partnership: NOW, THEREFORE, the undersigned, owners of in excess of 51 percent of the partnership interests in BOYNTON NURSERIES, do hereby authorize JAMES D. STURROCK, JR., to act as agent on behalf of the partnership in regard to all of the above-referenced applications being filed with the City of Boynton Beach. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this Authorization this 111 Z1,-,aay of September, 1989. rZQ.iza~ ( J ES D. STURROCK I bJA-~ WILLIAM D. STURROCK .. .. .,g'... ST A TE OF FLORIDA IUULAI RE"L 'ROPERTY TAl( ROLL . ,__ NAME OF OWNER ADDRESS, ol~al1Tl PAL" ItACH COUNTY , Y[1IIl ,/ 1-333-0~"-' _~~oo 000 7310 " UAf.11 COUNTY ~OYIR...tt:"Tj". CENTER 3)' .. OLIVE AVE wrST 'AL" .[AeH '.L ACRES '1-"'-"3. 1.REG SHA'tl S '" or S. "" Lye; TO PROPOSll "W 11M 33..010R..'3,P1'" SAU YR 00 i LMI ' IUILDd / TOTAL 1 .., 100 ,,'. 2' I. ..f ~H' 1.11 // ..- 11- -..,.. '6. 'T or.... "1' , ".. 01' I" ,'.. . /5- ". FT "1 Of' .... ".. Of' IE ".. 'SW "" fLII. .. 166 FTI IALI: 'f. 11 , OIlI '3 7 ~ na AMOUtct __...........~.....o p,e 01' P 0000 ~o eo ..- IlK 'LV' CIII VA leM .,A "'100 '.1' I. ... 1'.1 ." 31....00 32....00j II~IIOO '.11 I. ... 1121100 2'.1 ..' .....00 .....00 / '.1' 1...6 2'.1 . " p,c 0'0 0111 - 00'56 P - 0001 I I I'" LMI 1M IUIL"$ )CO TOTAL I I F .3 If' ,:-::'-060-~ IM~IH. CO'll o .3 ., 11 07 001 CNOO IOY..TOtI K~H Ln PMT.IIMIP "" [Y[ IT ... WAIMI""TOM Ie CE" VA leN ., ....~IH. eO'll[ TR' . T"U , &ALE 'f. 00 OIl 0000 P 0000 1000' P'c 000 AtHI 'n.7' CO 1-333-0n-1 P'C 1M. . K~~T_RI . .~eOl "T~ AI'll ...., COLF II /::< I. ..... 1-331-0n-, "-.'-.3. .... ,'. OF cLnl ../'10.' ,n IAL[ VR n DlI 60077 ,oon o ..3 "'-.3. .. '" OF 1M ,'. W ".. I 0' aDY"TO" lac, 'LEII W "0 'T CO R' R' . 30111' 'T Of' M '''0 'T' '.1" ....i: ,/ ACRES 11.1' 2'." . " I"'C 0'0 '-333-01'5-' GI.. .,. leH 'I ", 121.. ,,,,,,.. C;-TOT-SCHOOL C;-TOT-Gl_IAL IT["~ "ON-EX-YAL '5 601"" , 6031'" "'* EX TAX '5'050.'6 ",,, . " I. .UT .00 .1 flAlMT 2117.00 L II Y '5 11 11 TOUL CO 1 '''111 . 1'5 """ ~ ....w. STATE OF FLORIDA N.AMfl _, ... TOWNEND IEN.J""IN "tZ" NOVA L"NE LIIIHTIIIlNA F'L ACRES !e01 : GEN I SCH VlII\i. VA\i. ! . , IIICRES DIST ,,-..5-~3 HaRt 0' L"KE WORTH .,1 ft N 0' 1M COR Of GOY LT .., TH' LY lilT R'A TO 33..6'OCEIIIN ILYD TO LANTle OCEAN, TH NLY ..00 fT TH WLY AT R'A '1.00 TO WATERS Of LAKE WORTH, TH SLY TO rOI TR I" TltF' DEED ,a", IN 6..'P23t SIIILE YR ORI 0000 , PT Df ~E "~ Of "3 . LAKE lOTTO" LYC M Of D , 1M TRS DEED ",36 lCO < ..~, 100 oo~ 00'0 SOUTH LAKE WO~TH '0 lOX 3"6' LANTANA fL " '6 '6 16 2-332-11 7-1 " 00 000 '020 VlD ET "L '1' JOM LE"ON ST IROOKLYN .. Y ,,'C 000 ACRES 30.'" 2-332-113-' -,:; 11 00 000 3030 laVNTON NURIERIES '''25 IULKINS AVE WEST 'PAL~ lEACH F'L p,e on ACRES '''.0'' LAND , IUILDG TOTAL I I 't .. ICO i '1-"'-~3. S "2 Of N "2 Of s1"3 ,,~ 0' NW "~ (LESS LAwRtNeE DH RD R'W) . . ," Of NW ".. Of XO 33't0'SE ".. Of NW ".. I S"LE YR 16 OR. "2' P '71" GEN u~ 5CH VAj LAND t IUILDCO TOTAL OJ .. ACRES '''.0'' CO GEM YA 5tH y" . "3 L"ND DH IUILDG XO TOTAL CO CEN YA 5tH V" lit ;;---+~;;; 13 ,.. , "1' 2-332-'U-0 "ARICET V"LUE 210100, () ;l>.i\)~\n' 11-"'5-"3. N ,,~ Of IW ,'.. Of MW ".. (LEIS LAWRENCE R. .'WI , N '" Of "M ".. a, SE "" 0 33"0tNW ".. S"LE YR Ii ORI '5125 PIli" '1 00 000 30~0 'OYNTON MU.IE.IES ,..25 WILICINS AVE WEST PAL" IE"CH 'L ,...c 069 2-332-135-'5 ""RKEf VALUE 2.0.00 ~ ~ ~ ~---_._------_.~~----_:..._._-_._---_._._------_.__._.-.-.---.--------------------- ~ ITE"S NON-tX-VAL NOM EX TIIIX DD DE'T DD "AINT L 1 C-TOT-SCHOOL , 5622'" "7'57.11 E G-TOT-CENERAL '5 '56226" "51.'" .00 7".50 ! : t ... .- ~ '. .' d". S TAT E 0 F F LOR I ;) A RECULAR REAL PROPERTY TAX ROLL PAL" NAbtr01~II:D-olID:-r>"lSCRIPTlON QF PROPERTY M{J)-2!HIR INFORMATION - i.. ., II 00 000 '010 'CHOoL 'a... Of "_..=.,,, . ". Of 'H '" Of PAL" lEACH eOUMTY NW ,,~ (LESS LAWRENCE RD R'W PO 10~ Z~6'0 L'21 CNL R/WI WEST PALM lEACH FL 33..'6SALE YR 8' ORI ,..'6 P "" lEACH COUNTY : ~A~UIS r- _. :c~t lml ."OU"! I 1"3~LAMD ""'00 'D .l.IUILDC$' IX, fTOTAL: ""'00 .' i MHOL E~ ~"'oo co P,C 013 '1.31 ACRES VI 1Il1h, 'J. 8, Z-332-I"Z-' 100 ..3 .., 3070 "on P'C '-332-...1-1 11 00 "ORT Z'7 P'<- 002 IOYNTON IUNNY 5 H PARTNE.RS '1-~5-..3. E" F' NW "~ 1"3 ACCOUNTI"' (LESS W 63~. FT OF' 1'1 "11.0 DH FT. E 62'. F'T OF " 6..6.'2 F' xo :06'0.... S "F'T -2' CML I'WI . TN ~ PT OF" '2 OF 5 "2 LYG W OF ACRES 10'.80' AD.J 0 IAMD . SEA VILLACE Co "01 E HO"ES (LESS M '''0'.'' ~ ' F'T F 1'1 ..".'3 FT, W ~o F'T . ~ FT RD R/WI . 1'1 '0 FT L-2' CNL III/WI SALE YR I.. ORI ..~20 co i I LAMD f 'UILDG TOTAL I , ~~: ::~ "3 LAND DH IUILDG XO TOTAL ,.-..,-..3. TH PT OF W SE ,,~ IEIMC SA". , VILLACE "DilLE HO 60077(LESS MW 22MD A III'WI SA~E YR 13 OR' 3'3~ SAMD , SEA PARTNERS LTD . 'ALCOR "TC ADVISORf- u~, COLF' RD SJ(OK1E IL P 0021} ACRES 6' . I"~ '-332-'5"-' ~" . l 0 ..3 ~, 11 00 000 7030 INTRACOASTAL DEV INC 70 I CONGRESS AVE DURAY lEACH n "01lT U6 p/e 00' ACRES '.23 '1-..'...3, 1'1 "2 OF S "2 0' " ".. OF MW ".. OF SN "" (LEIS LAURENCE RD R'WI. N .." F'T OF 33....'ME ,'.. a, NW ".. OF SW "" (LES3 L-Z1 eNL I'W) , " .." F OF' M '32 FT 0' NW ".. OF ME '/.. OF SW ".. (LESS L-I' CNL R'MI SALE VIII I' ORI "" 00 o~o 7050 GUSTAFSON THO"AS . .J .J , PATlnC 16 "ACFARL DR DELIIIAY CH F'L. '1-..,-..3, W OF W 1/2 Of' OF' SW '/" 33"13It'NI SAL OR' '2"7 ,'C 000 GEM VA SCH VA ~ ~ 2-332-166-' : .. - .----- -.--- --.......... -----..--- --.... --- -- --...................-.......................... --....... --.. -.- ---..... ---..- " 1 G-TOT-ICHOOL ~ G-TOT.GEMERAL I TENI , , N"'" EX TAIt '5"'0.11 60~Z6.73 DO DEll DD "AIMT L IR RY MOH-EIt-VAL 6'5576"3 6"""3 .00 ""'.'0 , " 1Z l ~ t I "0________...._,____._.. __"_.._...__m_~_.___~____._____,_~_.~.____._ ..59500 9. I. 2'!l 33" 162 3311 , 62 i 2....0'!00 'I 3..15 " 27119": 9. II. Z~ I 271""1' 2""" ""'00 ""50 230"'0 ,. I. I 230"'0 230"'0 f {2 2'!1 " ., '6""2 2~ """2 ".." 2 TOTAL CO 126'0".72 .. r _"jQ,. STATE OF FLORIDA - .!i.!M.LO, (4 .EGULAR REAL P.O~E.TY TAX .OLL P.L" lEACH COUNTY ,1 IUllaCI "-~5-~3, WI" 0' IW "~ 1"3~LA"'. 5f "" Of' SW ,,~ (LESS 0 'TDH IUILDG$ CNL R'WI, E "2 OF SE '~OF' IXO TOT_L I 330605W ,,~ (LESS 5 'O'T ML .'WI~' I . E 75.'0 f'T 0' W .....'T 0 i ! S 6..3.0' 'T 0' S "..e I SALE Y.'7 o. 5331 P 1151 I I I i 11-.'- , I: 3'3.5 'T D' I '10 n .. 330 n OF II "2 D' .... DM Qf .... "'It Qf SII ,,... ' I KO 33~.'SAL[ VI II 01. "" P 05'. , ieo i I c;tll n.l : IleH VA~ "ATTI[" "-.'-"3. E 3".5 'T or'lI I "3jLANI I 3~'.' 'T Of S '" 'T 0' " "I IH IUIL.GS 'T Qf .. ,,., 0' .... I'. OF.... IKH TOTAL I 33"36". 0' SW ,,~ I I' SALE VI 17 ORI "" . ,.~: : ,H"STI .,. :CO leH E~ : GE" 'I I ICH 'IA 'T Of' II "3 LAMI ~ n Of' II no ... IUILK ,,... W Me XI TOTAL ...()uOot 1-333-023-1 II 00 000 721" p,c 000 ACRES 2-333-01'-' o ..3 If' 'I 00 000 ':;10 KE....... I6AL TU I , '51' L,....q:"C[ .. JDVMTOM UACH 'L ,,'C 001 AC.n 2-333-03<8-1 ..3 .., ,. 00 000 '210 MALTE" . EARL & .. "'1 LAMRlMCI I' IOYMT_ HACH f 1. .'C 00' ACIII .A....OOl LTD PAITNERSHIP 150 5 IIXIf HWY POftPA"O UAeH F'L ... '0"1" 60"2.. n..oo ! I 3'..00! AC.ES .... "-"'-"3. I 311.5 MI.' n W . '''I ,. T OF II '" I Of' ... 33"31". Of' 1M ,,.. SALE'" 11 _, nIl It "51 ...n 31..00 : 31..00 11200 , , 0" 11 II"., I 25000) : "000, ,'" 3'" 1 'J~II , ....011 I "",01 150001 15000 36<5'0, 3"'Oj In! ,..''''1 5(, I .OJ "-",-"" II ". nWIILY' .,nwsw Of 1M " LEII., ."11) ) '~~~'A II OIl 3'" . ''J'O ACUS .Z6 co 2-333-0"1- , 'III VA ICH VA ,..,.., ,..,.., ~ ~ ..0 'J' I ----------!--- TOTAL CO '3"'5.51 - ~ '" ...........----------.-------------------------------------.------.--.-.--.-.----. t G-TDT-SCHOOL 3 G-TOT-CEM€.AL IT["S , " NOII-IX-YAL 10'23' 70123a .... IX TAX '5'33.1' ,,,,,.n II HIT .00 II MIIIT "I' .15 L .. Y t i 'I , . CO aiM v.. '0"1 Ie., V '101"11 Ie'l LAR~ ,..0 1 IUILK nil x, TOT At. "nl "311 ..'lI Ie'l LA'" 1 lUlL" X, TOTAL ~ '"" (' , .. ,,0,. S TAT E 0 F F LOR I D A v.::.--~:,;~: ooo~~,o e~Tlu, em LTD '..T.....'; 1'0 I DIXI[ HWY [AST "O"'IlMa IlACH FL RE'ULAR REAL ".OPERTY TAX ROLL 'ilL" lEACH eOUMTY ..,C 06' Ae.r. V:.. .-ta,-",-. ffM.IT v"':... .., 11 00 000 3010 laYICTDIl 'UCH ..a lax "J) IOYICTDIl IlACH ,,'C 017 AC.ES l-In-,,, -, ~I '13 .., ., 00 000 10M ..,e 0., .e.l' '1-~'.'t3t W "'I 0' Ie ", 0' .. "'t ~A'" ,.~ ILEII I ,.., 'T 0' W '10 , IH IUILD' 0' ~ ,~o 'T 0' .. 1'1 'T, W '10 XO TDTAL 33060'T LAWRENCE RI .'W & .. ~O 'T L-IO CNL R'W) SALI Y." 0.1 ~.., .. 0.... '53.60 101.000 )1 CITY 0,. '1-"'-'1', l '''1 'T Of W '10 , OF S ''10 n OF .. 2ft P'T 0' .... , ,.. Of' .... ".. '3"~'ALl .... II Oil "31, P "1' "L : ~.., CITY 0' 'L 11-"'-"3. "'.n n ,,.. Of "" OF .... ,'.. n..nSAlol'" I" UI ..n1 .. 0"" ~, '0'''3 '503..3 1." '1-"'-"', WLY '0'.... 'T OF SL "" 1~0. " FT Of' K ,'... Of I. " ~r Y.... altl ....16 ....... 000 ~...o I,-onn C I I HftLDPI" UK II .IC....I N C.ITC",IILI UH Q.AHI .1 IOCA IATOIt 'L -.cHI 31'1" SIll VA IeH VA '-':JI-tn-, '1 00 000 '010 17-01'" AM.IeM NY II .IC..... It .. WA 1[. Sf "'C 000 NASHUA ,.CUI 1'-"'-"3, SLY'''' ,,.. n OF ....Y .'1' '011 n DI' Sf; .' I" CMn....'..'... 03060SALl Y. 11 .... Y .... LARD I:LY ... IUIL'G "'.. A)l TaUL P 016.. '1." co elIC VA IeHY 1-63,-,n-, ; rl .., .., ,. 01 (MAloI:T .. PL 1 UI - 00" ,,- 00'" ; I-::~:~:::~:-._-.;;;;~--;;;;~:;;~----;;~:~~:~::---_..;;-;;;;-----;;-;;;;;-------L.. Y e ~ct-TOT-"M:..L '5 110""'11"." .00 1121.00 00 II :1 ~I "..e \ , ""10 12110- 111101 111101 "''''1 '51'1'55' '1""1 'S..."c TaTAL CO 1'123'5. '10 , . # -NOTlcr ~F LAND USE ~HANGE . - ., I NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE The City of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, change the use of land and rezone the land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the Planning and Zoning Board on December 12, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. A public hearing on these proposals will also be held before the City Commission on December 19, 1989, at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida.' I I -, - nl! I I - , I I ~ II I fl Q f1 f) ~ ' I [ ~~,~{.!.:,.': ~ ~ =~' lY; 1/ I I C.J L ~ I . ,.0" ,U -It I 1=-_--=~-I~~ ~,..---=_~-==I~ .. --"- --~-::;,-?ll- il r3u ' 'hi '~~1~'+=c;='T7rr-- 1'3; ffi-'" ~ "';}J' ; ,U lJUUt I r=-~"" i I: r. '~:',f.f;HiiIITrggill: ; :5 ]/:1; ./ ~-cP~' ~" lnn' ~. 1',rPI",.~.,I'("'-<"'.' O~, --..Jj " , , .~,=.. ~ ~iill1~lii . W;lJ1:t11 . " ...~ - {nlH-tH. 1., I ~ ~ t7, ~ 1~mJ:I;nm~~~!!l!r: _,' _.J~~'~ APPLICANT: Boynton Nurseries AGENT: Roger G. Saberson, Esquire OWNERS: Boynton Nurseries PROJECT NAME: Boynton Nurseries PROPOSED USE: Agricultural holding category for future residential development LOCATION: Northwest corner of Lawrence Road and the L.W.D.D. L-21 Canal. REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - Low-Medium Density Residential (Palm Beach County) To - Low Density Residential (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - AG, Agriculture (City of Boynton Beach) A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based_ BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA