CORRESPONDENCE r FROM REFLY DATE: L 1'0 -, I .f.; 'i~; Tom Clark City Engineer Ca. . S.. Annunziato City Planner MotC'.)r()la~$ter Plan. M<>clificatiQn DATE: Sept.IO,1981 Accompanying this memo you will find a copy of a letter from Mike Holleman and a copy of a report prepared by Gary L. Roberts concerning a change in the Motorola Master Plan. As noted, Che change involves closing one driveway on Congress and adding one driveway on NW 22nd Avenue. Please review the requested change for traffic impact and prepare comments for the TRB meeting scheduled for Sept. 15th at 9:30 AM. A copy of this information has been SC1,; _ to Mr.Wa1ker. We may have his conunents by the 15th. Thank you. CSA:mpc Cc: fi ty ManaCJSiGNE .\~~ I agree with Mr. Roberts that the changes propo significant as far as the D.R.I. application is Revised working drawings should be prepared for the construction in Congress Avenue and N. E. 22nd Avenue and sbbmitted for City and County approval. The proposed changes will not require changes to the preliminary plat since no interior improvements are being dedicated to the publ'c TAC: rob \----.. _ /"-/ cc : Ci ty Manager '- V' .,/ ,/ / Sept. 11/81 SIGNED f ~---- /~.~~:"':.?'1./')j;;-- FORM F26ll Available from GRAYARC CO., INC., Btooklyn, NY 11232 PERSON ADDRESSED RETURN THiS COpy TO SENDER u r TO Tom Clark City Engineer REPLY MESSt..GE: FROM ... -, " Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner SUBJECT:___~~t9~_~~c3.L~~~-t:~r- :p l'!!!_~~9-~il:~~tion FOLD ... - .-----.-..,-------.-. . _________ DA TE: $~p_~~;LQJ.~ 81_ Accompanying this memo you will -find a copy of a letter from Mike Holleman and a copy of a report prepared by Gary L. Roberts concerning a change in the Motorola Master Plan. As noted, ~he change involves closing one driveway on Congress and adding one driveway on NW 22nd Avenue. \ Please review the requested change for traffic impact and prepare comments for the TRB meeting scheduled for Sept. 15th at 9:30 AM. A copy of this information has been sent to Mr.Walker. We may have his comments by the 15th. Thank you. CSA:mpc CC: City Manage~ PLEASE REPLY TO . SIl1NE DATE: L / SIGNED .'" FORM F269 Available from GRAYARC CO., INC., Brooklyn, NY 11, THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ._.___,,_.____._____~C_.,__'......:::;_'_'_.__.,__~___._______ ~" Received Date- Time c4-- 'I1,olef . I /0" 3.::-. ..AI~ September 8, 1981 HEERY Mr. Carmen Annuniziato Boynton Beach Planning P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida Department 33435 Re: Motorola Dear Carmen: For your review and subsequent consideration at the September 15 council meeting, I have enclosed a revised copy of the site plan concept, traffic study and plat drawing. This material relates to relocating the visitor driveway from Congress Avenue to NW 22nd. The traffic study indicates no change in the total vehicular impact on the regional area and only minor deviations from the D.R.I. in vehicular flow along Congress and NW 22nd Avenue. If you need additional information to help establish this as a non-substantial change to the master plan, please contact me at your earliest convenience. I have sent the plat drawing and traffic study to Charlie Walker for his review. His comments should be in your hands by the end of this week. Sincerely, HEERY & HEERY ~d-7'~ Michael A. Holleman Project Architect MAHler cc: Pete Cheney Jack Gesbocker Frank Cerman 7916a Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. 880 West Peachtree Street, NW., Atlanta, Georgia 30309,Telephone (404) 881-9880/Telex 54-2165 \ - > ~.; ~ . . PO IT5)u~ T? (ji) re 1"\;; ''- lill.. l1\\ ~ ldJ lb U'd ~ ,Ii , U SEP 2) -;88'1 Post, 8uckle~ Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. p CONSULTING ENGINEERS and PLANNERS J 6850 SW 40th STREET (BIRD ROAD), MIAMI, FLORIDA 33155 · 305/661-7275 · TELEX 808435 September 1, 1981 Mr. Jack Gesbocker Heery & Heery Architects & Engineers, Inc. 880 West Peachtree Street, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30309 Dear Mr. Gesbocker: Enclosed is an examination of the proposed alterations in the Motorola facility site plan for Boynton Beach which includes two changes rela- tive to traffic flows: o Consolidation of access points on Congress Avenue and o Relocation of visitor access to NW 22 Avenue This report analyzes the impacts of those changes and their net effect on the transportation analysis contained in the original 1979 DRI ap- pl ication. Utilizing the employment, trip rate, and traffic flow data from the 1979 analysis, PBS&J calculated the site peak-hour attractions and productions for each phase of the Development. In Phase III, the office park was as- sumed to have only a minimal impact on traffic flow during the site peak hours (7-8 am and 3-4 pm). The peak-hour trips were then assigned to ac- cess points based on a number of factors including access point, capacity, proximity to parking, and directional distribution of employees. The re- vised assignments are indicated in Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. A greater percentage of the peak-hour trips will utilize the NW 22 Avenue access. While the shift of vehicles is not large, the decrease in Congress Avenue access may contribute to the lessening of congestion on that roadway and to the reduction in overall vehicular delay. Additionally, only one employee access drive has been provided on each road- way (through Phase II). The consolidation of the two Congress Avenue access driveways should not present any major problems if the capacity of the com- bined driveway approximates the sum of the capacities of the individual drives. Therefore, a 2-lane inbound and 3-lane outbound facility is recommended for the Congress Avenue access (See Figure 7). Phase III construction should in- clude a third access site, approximately 650. south of the Congress Avenue driveway. Though there are no guaranteed estimates for background traffic on the ad- jacent roads, levels of service have been approximated for the proposed access design (see Figures 7 and 8) for Phases II & III of the development. All of the calculations are based on the following assumptions: 1'1_.. .. . . Mr. Jack Gesbocker Page Two September 1, 1981 o Congress Avenue be a four-lane divided facility by Phase II (1990) Congress Avenue be a six-lane divided facil ity by Phase III (2000) o o Northern access driveway on Congress provides 3 outbound lanes A double southbound left turn lane is provided at the facility driveway at completion of Phase II o Should the northern access be constructed only as a four-lane wide driveway, a level of service E would prevail. Overall, the changes to the site layout are relatively minor with respect to transportation and the impacts thereof do not significantly alter the results/ conclusions of the 1979 DRI Application. Very truly yours, POST, BUCKLEY, SCHUH & JERNIGAN, INC. d;"3d c2-t.:t Gary L~berts Senior Transportation Planner GLR/ai Enclosures 951-004.10 .-------_..~,~-~-,--~-~-------~------_._----~-------~---_._~_.----_.._---"-_.....--~-- . '. . . Rost, Buckley, Schuh & Je-Illigan, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS and PLANNERS COMP. BY: CHK. BY: DATE: 9-/-81 SUBJECT: - /t1oTt"i',u..IJ - 11/;IJ[;: I - /JIJ} 84~ SHEET NO.: .;I JOB NO.: ~~ " ~ ~ -\I ~ ~ J1J. \~ -~ ~ ~ ry; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ B ~ N ~ ~ "" l '"""' '" <:: ~ ~ ~ t, ~ ~ ~ u~ -- .- 'L- r-r !J. ......... "";J'- ~ 'L- li~ n,':<: NW ZZ. 'AVENl! E .- ~ (-1-6) .;- C;~ (Nt. ft.29) 029---., II (+'W) 63...~ r MOTOl(oLA 5lTE Oct? :;70r41- nA~ h6ul€.- l4L-l1 M e- rr 06):: {!f.lAI'/66' 1=R.();U /977 ?RI IjpPI..IC.A1i'C)A/ Ale... No U4/'./6G hGt/~E / ." , . . Post, Buckley, Schuh & Je.-nigan, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS and PLANNERS COMPo BY: CHK. BY: DATE: SHEET NO.: ~ JOB NO.: SUBJECT: I1D77#~'Ld - ?H~t.slE.7.: - 'Pm ;.:?::.4-K- .. n.'. -_,"_,.'_ -.. ~-~ - ~~- ... -. NW z,Z:.'AVE/VllE -~\ _ . .. .' . .. ~S-8 (f-8';') . .... ......... Jl. ... r ~'I(+24) .- .- - , ~~ Ri"-S ~~ ~ 1"-- ~'-I ~~ ~'"' ()oo. U ~~ tr o . ~() ~ --.~ -.3'-J " \(". , - . ~I'-:( .- ~\9. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t:J _~-o (-/I) -- .;-l> (~2l/-) ~ 1L- /80 (-2.9) r- I~:L (NC) i MOToeoLA. - . :5l TE" l. 000 -= 70 -r,4L. PvAil.. J.kll~ lkUlJUG (t (0)': CWAN6G' /72DM /9'7 ~R:I ,4PfJ~/CIt 7'i~,y /'Ie. It No CJlj)NtGG . 'L- 0 (ilL) r- ~ 0 (NC.) II . nG,ulPG Z . '. , . . Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jelnigan, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS and PLANNERS CaMP. BY: CHK. BY: DATE: SHEET NO.: '" JOB NO.: SUBJECT: AjO/oKOL4 - '?H/JSE3 T - AM 1!AK' ~ .!i~ ......i- ,~ '--~ ....~..j] .\ ~ tr ~ ~ .~ '- ~ .~-':"\ ~ ~ ~~ ~. =- <) ~ ~ ~ I.. tJ ""': \J' ~. 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BY: DATE: SHEET NO.: ., JOB NO.: ....,-.~.-.- ..........- ._. ..,.. + -~1 " " rw)~ ~~ I \ . illJ-:= tr 'L- r:~;- I ~I ,~) _._----_.:::::._~~--_._.._--_.- .---- ~ ~ :: ~~ ~ JS V\~ ~~ ~ \0 ~ ~ l(J \; -~ \) ~ l. NW ZZ ~_~AVE/Vl/ E r 8 (-;-S) -r- 2~ l) (.;. " (+32-).32. --." -I '-I " (AJ/) Ib~~ I r.- I r ~ t:\{ ~ t", ~ ~.. -- r- 1L- rr- r! l'l) ~ ~ MOToE'e>LA :S l TE" 000 -=- ~/A-L- P6.4K.. du~ ~LUMG ('t"60)': Ch'IJJJ6G. FK";U 1'179 7JA''Z /) P,:)J..IC,4 "TldN N'c.:: i</o CHANG G" hGul!E S .. 't- P,6st, Buckley, Schuh & J\-" nigan, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS and PLANNERS SUBJECT: 4Jo70KOl.,/.)- /1.1/lS::!... 17I - ?/J'7 H.:AI<- . COMPo BY: CHK. BY: DATE: SHEET NO.: J JOB NO.: _ _ . NW ZZ '11 VE;1!l/ E . . 1>11 I ~ /97 (-I-/2q,) - ~ r~~~ r r ~ ~ ~ ~n.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ ti ~Il ~I I r i'C) ~{) ~~ \.,j~ "() -:'\. \l) ~tt ~....g 0-.."4- "'N'''' ~~ "1 ~ ~~ ~'-=- ~\t\ ~ u -,~ 0 (-t/-02-) u .--.0 (-~~) 'L- 5"...23 (+ 30::J. ) -r- 37::L (-7b) i MOToeoLA ~ITE ooa :. 7O-rAI- 'fk4/<.. Jtt.l~ 1~l.."A.'G (t" (0)':' &IJH 6t;; t:li!.c,(../ /'17 7JI?I !h-;:;'Ot.....cAlIaN' NC :; ~ GtrJA/6€ _ 'L- ~o (+15) I jr- /S"t> (+3S-) h6U'<e' c;, , . Post, Buckley, Schuh &JCI (ligan, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS and PLANNERS . /)7 7:f"t') . -;-r / / /(;:fTc!2t?L/--] - ~(lI.JS t: ~ - I7ND IN/6/2$cc:..7Ic/'1 7)&7'/I/!.- ,i..05 COMPo BY: CHK. BY: DATE: 9-/-g I SHEET NO.: ~ JOB NO.: SUBJECT: -. NW ZZ::A-VENl/E ~\~ t 1- .r-- -r- 1 -'11 ~fl @~r . ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ MOToeoLA 51Tf" 0~ TtJ""'Et2.~(...-nol'J Le.-JGL ~c '5€i2,"t ~e ~ It-. HGt/l'?c 7 li~ "'. -<' . .. post,~r lauckley, Schuh & Je., aigan, Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS and PLANNERS COMPo BY: CHK. BY: DATE: 9- /- g) SHEET NO.: . '" JOB NO.: SU BJ ECT: j] l "l":.:) , 9., ..,.... 1l~~ J .' \- / ;, / 0 ,; i) ~~c 1..,.-/ - 1"..-//--1..) c:. J,.. ~.... "....:::.-,;--- ~\~ tl ". NW ZZ:A"VENlIE .-- .- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I B ~ l. -- L- -- .- 'L- r-r- @ 'L- lrr" @ 1 ~Il ~II @~ i MOTO~DLA ::S I TE' 0-. IN~~~OM Le.~e~ 6{:: S6~..bc..G hGt/,cE' 8 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Bulent I. Kastarlak, NCARB Director Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment November 20, 1998 David L. Derek, Manager 1500 Gateway Blvd. Boynton, Beach, FL 33426 Dear Mr. Derek: Please accept this as approval to request the proposed modifications to the Motorola site plan, as described in your letter dated November 9, 1998, through the permit process. The subject modifications are minor and need not be reviewed through the site plan process. If you have any questions regarding this matter please contact me at 742-6260. Sincerely, A:--_L- r~ Michael W. Rumpf Acting Director of Planning & Zoning MWR:jma America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 ~ /17~ M~"~ '1 Board of County Commissioners Norman Gregory, Chairman Peggy B. Evatt. Vice. Chairman Frank Foster Dennis Koehler Bil18ailey ItI''''' - , .' ,'. ,'. . J ~ll..~U.""':' vur ~ County Administrator john C. Sansbury - Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert Count'! Engineer March 1~ 1982 \j I ~ Mr. Frank Cerman Communication Group - Room 3056 Motorola 1301 Ease Algonquin Road Schaumberg, Illinois 60196 . SUBJECT: Motorola - Improvements to N. W. 22nd Avenue Dear Mr. Cerman: Enclosed please find one set of red-lined plans for N.W. 22nd Avenue showing desired geometries and pavement markings in the vicinity of the Motorola facility. The hatched area shows the additional pave- ment required to be constructed by Motorola. It will be necessary for you to negotiate directly with Bergeron Land Development~ Inc., the prime contractor for Congress Avenue, to determine if you wish to use then as your contractor to accomplish this work. I hope these red-lined plans prove useful construction plans for N.W. 22nd Avenue. or desire any further information, please this office. in the preparation of the If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact Sincerely yours, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. ~r,- Traffic Division CRW:~dl Enclosure: Red-lined Plans cc: Mr. G. Haney Frakes, Jr., Asst. County Engineer Mr. Don Knapp, Director of Design ;:~Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner, Boynton Beach BOX 2429 W EST PAL ',1 g E .:.. C H 0:: I nOli' ... I :.......J L' -' .-.. 33~:;2 305' S84-2~80