LEGAL APPROVAL (RESOLUTIONS) .10149 Pg 1175 -fr1L<\~ ~. ~\~ t~ ~ '\t vvX \ f', ~lJ-lJ1 ~\ [if. U " , ~ ~,~ cPfo 1, i0 ~\\t ORB RESOLUTION NO. R97 -t:A~~ : : A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ABANDONING A SIXTY (60) FOOT WIDE RIGHT- OF-WAY, (LOCATED WITHIN THE HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PID AND CEDAR RIDGE PUD SUBDIVISION); SAID PROPERTY BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ,: I I WHEREAS, the applicant, J. RICHARD HARRIS, ESQ., agent for CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC., has requested abandonment of a Sixty (60') foot wide right-of-way, located within the High , Ridge Commerce Park PID and Cedar Ridge PUD subdivision; WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from the appropriate City I I Departments; and WHEREAS, public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and Zoning Board and the City Commission on the proposed" abandonment; and WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information, the said right-of-way no longer serves any useful purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED .BY THE CITY COMMISSION I OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and through its City Commission does hereby abandon a sixty (60') foot wide : I I: I II , I : , I! ORB 10149 Pg 1176 right-ot-way, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A". Section..2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to ! be filed in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. ! Section 3. That this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this /~ day ot December, 1997. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~~- . Mayor ~-~ Vic ayor Commissioner Commissioner ~~.. .A//-~ s:ca\wp\Reso\Forest Court Aband. ATTEST: ~ r2..?.., ~ .' '''''III/ ~Y/C ~.;?~ ~<", '-e>oYNiO III~ City ~~-<~""-"-~ ~~ ~.).. 'CP 1tf~.. ~ ~ ~ l- f - c., '!. ~ ,-.,:- - :...,\" /lIlli/III \1\\ \\\\\ I"f'/~ ORB 10149 Pg 1177 EXHIBIT "A" That portion of Forest Court established and dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, abutting Lots 36 through 45, inclusive of Block 1 of said Plat and abutting the East 75' of Lot 35, Block 1 of said Plat. R?7~ ORB 1014'9 Pg 1178 DISCLAIMER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Boynton i Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation, under the laws ot the State of Florida, does hereby abandon and disclaim a certain right-ot-way, more particularly described herein as Exhibit "A". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officers of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal of the City this /8 day of December, 1997. ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON ~J;~CH, FLORIDA ~~~~ Su nne Kruse, City Clerk STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared JERRY TAYLOR and SUZANNE KRUSE, Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the City ot Boynton Beach, Florida, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their tree hand and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes mentioned therein; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation; and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. ! , I u~B 10149 Pg 1179 WITNESS my hand and official seal in the said State and County this I ~ -M. day of D~cember, 1997. My Commission Expires: <<0- ~~a NOTARY PUBLIC, State of Florida > ~/m}l}}I}1}1I}1}1m)l}lI})I)llmmmmmll:l >. . ~ loot/SOftO 'dX3 UO!IS!OJWO:>'<v. ~"~" :: >. 9ttLt9:>O'ONUO!~ (?1it\:;,: ~ IplJOl.:IJO QJIlS 'O!tQI1d AlIlON \~~V.Jt...i: . >. quvqna QAa ......_....~ .' >. " ~ ~...,......"'..i'..i""...""""""""""""""""'~ ' ORB 10149 Pg 1180 DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY, Fl EXHIBIT MA" That portion of Forest Court established and dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.O, & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.O., according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, abutting Lots 36 through 45, inclusive of Block 1 of said Plat and abutting the East 75' of Lot 35, Btock 1 of said Plat. " II MY-14-1997 0:12P. 97-170099 ORB c. '92~-M-. 75. I ..__.,.,.,;, / !.:,:'~,,-t:,~ !f; , RESOLUTION NO. R97-h9 ,.. · ._~~'"- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF 'lAY 2 2 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING ABANDONMENT OF A 25 FOOT WIDE BUFFER EASEMENT LOCATED WITHIN LOTS 15, 16, 17, AND 18 OF THE HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK; BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Richard Harris, agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc., the property owner of High Ridge Commerce Park PID, has requested the abandonment of a 25 foot wide buffer easement located within Lots 15, 16, 17, and 18 of : the High Ridge Commerce Park PID; and WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from the appropriate City Departments, and public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and Development Board and the City Commission on the proposed abandonment; WHEREAS, the conditions imposed by the City Commission on December 19, 1995, have been satisfied; WHEREAS, a portion of the unimproved segment of the Miner I Road right-of-way between High Ridge Road and I-95 is separately but concurrently being abandoned through the city's abandonment process, and through that right-of-way abandonment, a 25 foot wide buffer easement has been reserved to the City, rendering the subject buffer.easement impractical and unnecessary; WHEREAS, the abandonment of has provided adj acent parcels necessitating the abandonment of existing on the property; and the Miner Road right-of-way wi th additional property the buffer easement to the WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information, the said buffer easement to be abandoned no longer serves any useful purpose, while the relocation and dedication of the buffer easement is consistent with the abandonment of the Miner Road right-of-way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C()NIIISSION OF i i I _R..d-_ i onH7 :1 \, :1 4 ~ OR~ 9792 pg 1676 .. l'~ 1 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and through its City Commission, does hereby abandon a 25 foot wide buffer easement located within Lots 15, 16, 17, and 18 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID and depicted on the attached Exhibit "A", located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and depicted on Exhibi t "A" attached hereto. Section 2. authorized and Disclaimer and Records of Palm The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to execute and deliver the attached cause the same to be filed in the Public Beach County, Florida. Section 3. This immediately upon passage. Resolution shall take effect PASSED AND ADOPTED th i s 6 day of May, 1997. I FLORIDA ATTEST: '1 i ~~~".~~~ :1C'ily Clerk :1 :1 I i I ij ~ 1 II il II ,I I I I ""-,,_._odw....... 412!l117 %e City of ~oynton 1Jeach 100 'E. fJ3oynton fJ3eadi ~anf P.O. fJ3~310 fJ3oynton fJ3eadi, :FforUfa 33425-0310 Citg !J{afl: (561) 375-6000 :F.9lX: (561) 375-6090 ORB 9792 pg 1677 DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY, FL '~r' CERTIFICATION I, Suzanne M. Kruse, City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution #R97-69 consisting of two pages (2 pages) is a true arrd correct copy as it appears in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. WITNESS, my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, this 9th day of May, 1997. ~\\\\"'"""IIIJ. ~\..... 0 Y 11.. '/II/" ~ r< 6 ..to ~ f~~O~,-~~~ :::,... ~ ~ (\\ 0::. =- ,~~ -0 ()- i \ (~i.AL) :z i ~ . 1 ::1cU ~ ~ ..... .- ~ ~ R ......... ~ ~/II. "OAIOpo.. ~~ 1'1/1111/ II III \ 11\\'..... ~r~~aL~ Suza ne M. Kruse, CMC/A E City Clerk May 9, 1997 mas wordlwp/procedurel certifY Jilmtw's {jauway to tlie {jut/stream o~ f'!!'--,q2 ~q 1. b (~ ~1 ,~ (.) uJ~~ tf) \Jl ~ ,~ :l , , , , , \ll'i'~\ all. 8~ ... . 8 g ~ 8 \ \ \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ :.c \ \ \ \ \ ~ \, \ \ \ \ ~ e@e~~ Q. -- --z - C"\ - In ~ -- ~ ~ ~ . ., .. ,f' ~, ~ @ , .W' .,. ,'4 ,,- .1.$ . ,.. ' - . . 151 .. Ij I MY-f4-199--2:12P1 97-1 70098 ORB ',792 p, 1663 J .11..,,11.'....1 I 1111.1 RESOLUTION NO. R97-M n:i'~."iL~(t~'if" ".- , , t, I) r-.,;l, v " :~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSIOJLW ~1~.;~ 2 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR1DAL- AUTHORIZING ABANDONMENT OF I THE ~"TC . UNIMPROVED SEGMENT OF MINER ROAD RISHrr.....-.,"-.L;.... "'" OF-WAY BETWEEN HIGH RIDGE ROAD AND 1-95; BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO, EXCLUDING ANY EXISTING FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT EASEMENTS WITHIN THE RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING ABANDONED, RESERVING TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TWO UTILITY EASEMENTS, RESERVING TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH A 25 FOOT WIDE BUFFER EASEMENT, AND DEDICATING SAID BUFFER EASEMENT TO HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK ASSOCIATION; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Richard Harris, agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc., the property owner of High Ridge Commerce Park PID, has requested the abandonment of the , unimproved segment of Miner Road right-of-way between High -) i! Ridge Road and 1-95 made up of three (3) parcels, excluding Ii the existing Florida Power & Light easements located within II the right-of-way being abandoned; reserving to the City of ,:,:..'j Boynton Beach two (2) utility easements, reserving to the City of Boynton Beach a 25 foot wide buffer easement, and " ii dedicating said easement to the High Ridge Commerce Park :1 Association, Inc.; and IiI WHEREAS, the reservation of a buffer easement from the I right-of-way being abandoned is necessary as the existing , buffer easement is being abandoned separately but concurrently i I with the abandonment of the unimproved segment of Miner Road i right-of-way between High Ridge Road and 1-95, thereby effectively relocating the buffer easement to the southern boundary of Cedar Ridge P. u. D. and High Ridge Commerce Park P.LD.; WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from the appropriate City Departments, and public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and Development Board and the City Commission on the proposed abandonment; 1 -,.---- 41211f17 !I 'i 'il ,i I: !I ; I WHEREAS, the conditions imposed by the City Commission on !I December 19, 1995, have been satisfied; and '! i I ~ WI ORB 9792 pg 1664 WHEREAS, i right-of-way purpose. based to be on the foregoing information, abandoned no longer serves the said any useful NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and through its City Commission, does hereby abandon the unimproved segment of Miner Road right-of-way between High Ridge Road and I-95, made up of three (3) parcels and depicted on the attached Exhibit "A", located in the City ,: of Boynton Beach, Florida and depicted on Exhibit "An attached hereto; excluding the existing Florida Power & Light easements I located within the right-of-way being abandoned; reserving to the City of Boynton Beach two (2) utility easements, as depicted and described on Exhibit "B" and Exhibit "C", located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; reserving to the City of Boynton Beach a 25 foot wide buffer easement, as depicted and described in Exhibit "D", located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and dedicating said easement described in II II Exhibi t "D" to the High Ridge Commerce Park Association, Inc. I Section 2. This resolution shall not be construed to abandon, surrender, dedicate, transfer, or otherwise give away the existing Florida Power & Light easements located wi thin the boundary of the right-of-way to be abandoned. Section 3. authorized and Disclaimer and Records of Palm The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to execute and deliver the attached cause the same to be filed in the Public Beach County, Florida. Section 4. This I immediately upon passage. I , I I I I I I I I I I II I: II II Resolution shall take effect 2 _Roed-_idoo_i 4I2W7 ! i' , . II 'I II :1 ORB 9792 pg 1665 .' i 'i PASSED AND ADOPTED this ,I ATTEST: 1.6'~~f'/)L C' Y Clerk ; ., " ,1 1 i I I .'( 11 I' I :~- - -...........-. , 'I, II II 6 day of May, 1997. M , , j . - /, , ~..:......;--'-v~. ..J Commissioner 3 11''''' II , I ~ 'WI ORB 9792 pg 1666 DISCLAIMER KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a municipal corporation, under the laws of the state of Florida, does hereby abandon and disclaim the unimproved segment of Miner Road right-of-way between High Ridge road and 1-95 made up of three parcels and depicted on the attached Exhibit "A", located in the city of Boynton Beach, Florida and depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, excluding the existing Florida Power & Light Easements located within the right-of-way being abandoned, reserving to the City of Boynton Beach two (2) utility easements, as depicted and described in Exhibit "B" and Exhibit "C", located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, reserving to the City of Boynton Beach a 25 foot wide buffer easement, as depicted and descr ibed in Exhibit "D", located in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and dedicating said easement described in , I, Exhibit "D" to the High Ridge Commerce Park Association, Inc. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the duly authorized officers of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, have hereunto set their hands and affixed the seal of the City this day of May, 1997. I .', I, ATTEST" . ::' ii . ,',<' IF, - " '1" ....\ j .. '. ., ~ - .~.:: I fl" " '. ,'ft' ~ I :.:~ ' an n,e J{rus e, . .' ,\;> , I : ~~y Cle,rk . >, .~ I' ", ' ! " .. ' !I =.,~-~ Ii :1 LORIDA 4 ORB 9792 P91667 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared GERALD TAYLOR and SUZANNE KRUSE, Mayor and Ci ty Clerk respectively, of the Ci ty of Boynton Beach, Florida, known to me to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the execution thereof to be their free hand and deed as such officers, for the uses and purposes mentioned therein; that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation; and that said instrument is the act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the said State 8J:L and County this day of May, 1997. I !i II ! I I I >1t. p~ OT Y PUBLIC, State of Florida Commission Expires: r.,.,:,:~;;:~;:;"" Jft~'JET M, PRAmlTO I' ![:r~"f~ MY COMMiSSION # cc 386147 j J ',?::~: "'.",:o<} EXPIRES: August'll. 1998 ,. i ,..~.;,!~:~~~". SO~de~ _11:1'1 Now; Public ilndelwrl18rs I I I ,I I I II ,I , I, II 5 _R.,.d._ 412!l11l7 w 'WI ORB 9792 pg 1 668 EXHIBIT "Au The legal description for the area to be abandoned is: Tract S-1 (Miner Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 47, Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, Together with Tract s-2 (Miner Road), as established by the Plat of CEDAR RIDGE PUD & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PID, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach county, Florida, bounded on the west by the right-of-way of High Ridge Road and bounded on the east by the eastern most boundary of the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D. Together with Easement and tight-of-way over and across the North 25 feet of the West 340 feet of the North ~ of the Northwest ~ of the Northwest ~ of Section 16, Township 45 South, range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida. The above-described easement for access and right-of-way was granted by Easement Deed dated August 13, 1976, executed by James O. Taylor and Mildred Taylor, his wife, and David p, Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor, his wife, in favor of the City of Boynton Beach. Miner Road - Ab_ndonmenI 41251V7 ORB 9792 pg 1669 EXHIBIT "B" The City reserves a utility easement with the following legal description: The South 24,0 feet of Tract S-1 (Miner Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DITRIBUTION CENTER, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 47, Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Miner Ro.d . Abandomw1t 4/25/97 .. pq PARAMOUNT ENGIN ERING GROUP 141 N.W. 20th. ST. SUITE F-7 BOCA RATON, FL. 33431, 561 395-7805 SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. LEGAl DESCRIPTION SHEET 2 OF 2 N 1..30' EXHIBIT "e" ...", ORB 9792 PCJ 1670 SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 30' UTILlIY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER PROJECT NO: 2056 LB NO. 3353 SHEET: DATE: 1 OF 2 4/22/96 LEGEND: P.O,C. P.O.B. P.O.T. U.E. Pe. P.B. POINT OF' COMMENCEMENT POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF TERMINATION unUTY EASEMENT PAGE PLAT BOOK MINER ROAD CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & I RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.O. P.B. 46, PG. 58 HIGH 8 17 ., 561,89' S87-40'4.5E 340.28' TRACT S-1 ~ (MINOR ROAD) 10' U.E. --- LOT 18 BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION P.B. 47, PG. 100 DRAWN BY: M.D. REVISIONS CHECKED BY: e.G.... DATE BY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY 30.00' U.E. ~ a r-- . -~ . 0 r-- . ..,,~ ;"'10 o Z NOT PLATTED \ \ P.O.B. PLA T L1MI TS I ~L CENTER 20' \ . w \~ - CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE LEGAl DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH AS SHOWN HEREON ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY K~IOWLEDGE AND BEUEF AND. FURTHERMORE. THAT SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH COMPLY WITH THE MINIMUM TECHNICAl. STANDARDS AS SET F':>RTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6. FLORIDA AOMINISTRATlVE CODE. PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. CrVJL !1(,1,~ CARL G. MILLER PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 3~1 DA~: q;/ z. L / '17 , ORB 9792 pg 1671 p:q .. P A.RAMOUNT ENGINEERING GROUP 141 N. W. 20th. ST. SUITE F -7 PROJECT NO: BOCA RATON, FL. 3343((561 )395-7805 2056 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 30' UTILITY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER I LB NO. 3353 I SHEET: IDAT~ 2 OF 2 I 4/22/96 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT (SANITARY SEWER) A PARCEL OF LAND (SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT) LOCATED WITHIN THE PLA T OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 47, PAGE 100 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SAID 30 FEET UTILITY EASEMENT BEING A NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE 30 FOOT (10' + 20') UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER THROUGH THE EASTERLY PORTION OF TRACT S-1 (MINOR ROAD); BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 18 AND THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID MINOR ROAD; THENCE NORTH 00.00'07" EAST (BEARINGS USED HEREIN ARE REFERENCED TO SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER AS THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT BEING S87"40'45" E). ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT AND BEING THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT, A DISTANCE 00 54.04 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE PLA T OF CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.l.D., AS RECORDED IN THE SAID PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE POINT OF TERMINATION OF SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT. SHORTEN OR LENGTHEN AS NECESSARY THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT TO TERMINATE AT THE NORTHERLY OR SOUTHERLY LINES OF SAID MINOR ROAD. SUBJECT TO EXISTING RESTRICTIONS, RESERVA TlO~!S, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS- OF-WAY OF RECORD. DRAWN BY: M.D. REVISIONS I CHECKED BY: C.G.M. OATE BY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY w .., ORB 9792 P9 1672 EXHIBIT "0" The City of Boynton Beach reserves a 25 foot wide buffer easement with the following legal description: A 25 foot wide buffer easement encumbering the south 25 feet of Tract 5- 2 of CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U,D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.O., according to the Plat thereof recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida" in Plat Book 46, Page 58. M1_RCllld-_ 412S1ll7 'lfu City of 'Boynton 'Beach 1()() 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Bou1evarY p.o. 'B~310 v 'Boynton 'Beadi, :Fforitfa 33425-0310 City !J{aU: (561) 375-6000 :FJU': (561) 375-6090 ORB 9792 pg 1674 DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTy, Fl '~!!7 CERTIFICATION I, Suzanne M. Kruse, City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution #R97-68 consisting of three pages (3 pages) and original disclaimer consisting of two pages (2 pages) Exhibits A, B, C (2 pages) and D, (5 pages of exhibit) and a highlighted map are true and correct copies and originals as they appear in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. WITNESS, my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, this 9th day of May, 1997. ~h2A-.~~12L> Suz nne M. Kruse, CMCI AAE City Clerk May 9,1997 mas s\cc\WORD\general\cenity }t~riul 's (jate'UJrl.!j to tlU (jutfstream :1 V ~I ~N I!;U v~f ,tY ~ ;\o'.r - - MY-14-1997 ~:12P1 97-1 70097 ORB (., '92 P9 1659 I JII... II. I RESOLUTION NO. R97-~7 o rJ~ 1 \ ; A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION I! MAY 2 2 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI A L--..., AUTHORIZING ABANDONMENT OF A F E li:~: ' FOOT WIDE ACCESS CONTROL EASEME~"~- LOCATED ADJACENT TO MINER ROAD, EAST OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD; BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DISCLAIMER FOR SAID ABANDONMENT; PROVIDING THAT THE ATTACHED DISCLAIMER BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Richard Harris, agent for Waste Management, Inc. of Florida, has requested the abandonment of a five (5) foot wide access control easement located adjacent to Miner Road, east of High Ridge Road; and , ,I WHEREAS, comments have been solicited from the appropriate City Departments, and public hearings have been held before the City's Planning and Development Board and the City Commission on the proposed abandonment; and WHEREAS, the undeveloped portion the Miner Road right-of-way between High Ridge Road and 1-95 is being abandoned separately but concurrently with this request; and I , II II I. :1 II II !j " WHEREAS, based on the foregoing information, the said access control easement to be abandoned no longer serves any useful purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida by and through its City Commission, does hereby abandon a five (5) foot wide access control easement located adjacent to Miner Road, east of High Ridge ~~_-_c___ " I , ORB c;. . 92 pg 1660 Road, as depicted on the attached Exhibit "A", located in the City of Boynton Beach"Florida and depicted on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the attached Disclaimer and cause the same to be filed in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Section 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon passage, PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of May, 1997. 'I " : i ATTEST: 'I \.tr.-y~.... Cit Clerk I , ,I " - ")01 _ Commissioner 'i ,1 'i I d I i I' Ii I II I, 11 II ~~0Id' __ c___...._, 'I I, 'I I, i: 'I ! ,I :1 I, !I I' II " ORB 9,92 P9 1661 EXHIBIT "A" Five (5') foot access control easement which encumbers the North 5' of Lots 18 and 19 of the BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The access control easement was dedicated by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER for the purposes of control and jurisdiction over Tract S-1 (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER. r?Jie City of 'Boynton 1Jeach ORB 9792 P9 1662 DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY, FL "~~,, 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beach 'Bo~nf p.o. 'B0i(310 V 'Boynton 'Beadi., 1"f'orUfa 33425-0310 City Haft: (561) 375-6000 1".9lX: (561) 375-6090 CERTIFICATION I, Suzanne M. Kruse, City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the attached Resolution #R97-67 consisting of two pages (2 pages) and Exhibit "A" consisting of one page is a true and correct copy as it appears in the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. WITNESS, my hand and the corporate seal of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, this 9th day of May, 1997. ~\\'\\"'""''''Il ~\" ... NTO Z ~ ~O ~.... ~ ~,~.,; 'IlI'~ ~ 0 It' ....~ vi! ::: >- I "0 (\ =t-i S % 0 \SEtMo -:::- .. ~ ~..... :;f ~ ............... ~ ~//1. ;:LO~\O ~~ '1llllltlllll"\\\\\\\: v~.~""'/ Suza eM. Kruse, CMC/AAE City Clerk May 9,1997 mas W ordlwpl procedure! certify J{merial's (jauway to tlie (julfstTUlm ':"Pt;'-17-':J" THI..J : 3" P.~:: J ~ol ~&:\L~ i , PO ~D'j.~ <. \ b-.--v r r. . I ~~ ,,-. \ ~n ' -\-\ 33<-/5 'S. ! \:x -K~~' I '.j ~LL(V'-)r Ii ~ Vl~r kf.~ MAY-l,6-1997 4: 42Pm 97-1 751 5 id1f'S LJRB 9798 pg 721 ?~ ... . ....._ _ .,A'l !:1'.S f,)\!.NT THIS tt~OEl'lTURE made this 17' 'day of t-"r' ,1\..0., 1997, _!. ., p, f;.,J,~_(,'1 (..... T-,'" by C'"_.,l,,..;: .J'+,",_\..r.~.,., ': Cr' 1\;"-' . - - - "'---- II corp;.,.a.t1on elC1ll~lnq undec the laws of '-;-:".2..J ... anl1 hlLvinq its pt:11CiP&1 place of bue1f\eS3 at ~I l/('crl~ ';~:' ::.,:; I ,. i",((e ~~ ~f' /0 . ,-Of first party, to thl City of Boynton D9ach, a polltical sub~ivi,ion of the State of Florida, ~~cond pattYI I (Wl'll!reVCt used hereIn, the teem&, "fh!;t p&rty" nnd. usee no PArty" ehall inclu~e 51n~ul&r and plural. eirl. 1e9&1 representative8 and assigns ot lndlvtdualS and the succe~.orB and .&s19nl of cOlporat ons, wherever the cont~~t so a~ltl or [equlres. I I I I WHERE~s, the (irltl pa~ty 18 th9 o~n~~ of prop~rty situate in ~alm oe.~h county,! florida, an~ ~eG~t1bed .8 folloW5; WlnlI.SS~TH SEE EXHIBITS: rt & lB. Sewer Utility Easement 1A & 2B . Wata- Utility Easement /ln4, I WWBRE~S, the .eco~4 p.r~y de.ir.. an easement for water an~ S9W8t utlllti@1 a~/or other appropriate purposes 1ncident_l thar~to, on, Qver land ae~oss sa14 property, I a.nd, I WRJREAS, the flr.~ party 1. willln~ to ~rant fuch an e&.e~ent, i NOW, rH~~~ORI, f~r an4 1n ~on514eratlon of the m~tu&l covenant. each toithe other runnlnq &n4 one dollar an~ other q9Qd and v.lua~le!con81der~tlon', the first party doe5 hereb1 or.nt ~nto!the party of th. aecond part lts ,~c~Qs'or' .n~ ..~qn', lull and tree right and authority to oonstruct, ~lnta n, rep.l., ln~t.ll an6 rebUild facll1ti.. for A~OY' Itate4 rpo... and do.. hereby ~~.nt a perpetual C[l~'.f\'mt 90, ()v~r Jll'ld aerQlUltho abOv, 4elllorlbed property for ~~1d p~rpo8e&f RECORC;;R'S MEMO: Legibility of document unsatisfactory when received. ~Tc~<11. F ) L':I/ ,( f. nl i-lFR-J'I--;'1 T,,",I_I ;'.~~ .' ~ . I '" t i i I IN WITNESS W~~RtOF, the first party hi_ c.uue~ the.. p{eSen~B to b~ ~ulyleKeoutcd in It. n~e and it. corporate ,eal to be her~to ~tf1xed. attested bV its prope~ officers thQreunt~ duly authtrl1ed. the day and y~.r first above written. I Si9ned, s.~led and ~ellve[ed 1n tho /e~.. n.el! /tot I .. ),(- /(~/. ( ,../ /7-/ '"" I I ORB 9 ( 98 P9 ~ '- .'-:);~ J--:""';"""."'~'v'.:L ., /,.r / / 8y / ,,' ~. ,,- , ,." -'~ ~ \i, L,-' l' " ---:~ ..-}j v- . "',/ :~~l'~, ~ \, _ ,Iv ;~/....,. .f~ ...." //' /. };>! (~~poll1\Ti SE~"V . :',J ~'N:'tJ,,"- ,'.TTESTI .,. -' ", ~ ---:,-.... SEckE'l'.t..R't 722 c"- ,ilAl.M 6,-,';1-( ., c ()~ AX s't'~'1'! OF \~~(\.tO,\- ' n\ "I CO\JN'I\' QF ~, \\1\. \'; <1'<'" d.d, I ~tREBY CERTIfY that on this day, Defore m~, dO offlc~{' duly author~~ed 1n the State and county aforesaid to take !Ickno\olledgemen~8, I'ersonally appund ~~.. U<--v\.e.k..- W(,_~~ w@ll kno~n to me tO~De the 'tes1dent 4nd respectively, of tht corporitlon n~.d .t firlt Plrty in th~ fore~oin9 Eaeement nd that they lev.rally &e~nowledge~ e~ecuting the lame ~n the preeenc@ of twO 8ub,crlbin; wl~nesle~ fresly I"~ voluntarilY, un4er authorlly ~uly vested in them by s+id Corporation, and that the seal afflx~ ~here~o 15 the tr~e corporate .~al of ~ai~ corporatioA. ; WITNESS my han~ an~ official sealejiin the county and Stl.l~ Jut aforua1~ thl$ .l1_da:( of _~jL ,'lot?,". 0., 1991)',1'\- . expires: Kricll "'U""" ..,~ ScOtt rvOlnoCC! .'~ifI'.r\lit;... " . ., ,.."MD...., \:MI~ "~.l:..~<:. 10/.:' ,,'.., .'~.,., <.,\,000-' ~*: .::~ ' . .'" ~,." 2000 INC ~. :~.' . 'E,' "l1ii<ll r\li~ inlli'tl5UAAIlCf, . ";'1,iii(.f;r'$'" b>,J,j~ '" \ ..p:q P ARAMOI JNT FNGINEERING (.;Rnl JP 141 N.W, 20th. ST, SUITE F-7 BOCA RATON, FL, 33431,(407)395-7805 NOTE: &I.,J,I- /4 HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK A, P.I.D. SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 30' UTILITY EASEMENT (SANITARY SEWER) PROJECT: I DATE' I 2056 ' 6- 25- 96 1 OF 2 EXHIBIT - lA THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE BEARING OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 9. AS BEING NSS.41 '51 "E.. I I i I I I I I I 1 ;hi :5 I I ... I '3 I I I I I ; I CEDAR RIDGE. A P.U.D. " I i I HIGH RIDGE COlolMERCE PARK. " P.I,D. I I-EXlS1IHG 15' UTlUlY EASEMENT PlAT BOOK 46. PAGE 58 b.si7.s~ I i I I ' I \ I LOT 15 I i I LOT 14 BLOO< 2 I I BLOCK 2 30.00' I I I NIlr4'"51"E I I I ~ . L____________. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -10' - unun.\i EASfWENT , N01'8"oa.W~ I ~ S01,8'OI"E 8.21" 81 I' 1'.oa' .8 io. I I 1.0"0 v IoIINOR ROAD 1l?~/15' 115'/0"';; lfJ lR"CT 5-2 ~SII I f\I:J H88"41'S,.E ,879.50' f:! ~ s001ll LJHE' PlAT UIolITS /S8Ir41"51'"W SEcnON 9 POINT OF BEQNtIlNG 30.52" 1 I LEGEND: I P.I.D, PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT I P.U,D, PL.ll,NNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT I I I ~ POINT OF ~TT s.W. CORtIER SECTION 9. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUlll, RAHGE 43 EAST DRAWN BY: T. W, REVISIONS I CHECKED BY: eM DATE BY SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY N NOT TO SCALE .\~t)"- ~?V ...:.:'"'' _. , :17; ..;,,, -, "_ ,I ........ PREPARED FOR: CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORP, ..y ,.'.. " , ,.<( ~ ::; \~\ CERllF1CA l1ON: ':'" I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE LEGAl DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH AS SHOWN HEREON ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST Of lolY KNOWEDGE AND BELIEF AND FURTHERMORE. THA T SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKET01 COMPL Y WITH THE M1NINUW TE01NICAL STANDAROS AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND lolAPPERS IN O1APTER 61G17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PURSUANT TO SCETlON 472.027, FLORlOA STATUTES. . /4., 2. ~ L I::' Iii <-ft'l. CARL G, NIl.J.ER PROfESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 3581 DATE: C.(z.r;.,/rc , r E>t/.""f 11.3 ORB 9798 P9 724 EXHIBIT - IB Sh~~t 1 of: LEGAL DES(,RIPTIO~ 30' rTILITY EASE~(E~T (SA~ITARY SE\"ER) B~ing a ponion of th~ Plat. C~dar Ridge. A p, UD" & High Ridge Park, A P.I.D., as recorded in Plat Book 46. Page 58 through 61 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida. b~ing more panicularly descnbed as follo\ovs: Commencing at the Southw'est comer of Section 9. Township 45 South, Rang~.:+3 East: th~nce N 880~-l'51" E along the South line of said Section 9 (all bearings mentioned h~rein are relative th~reto), a distance of 25.01 feet to the Southwest corner of said Plat: thence continue along said South line of said Section line, also Tract S-2 (Miner Road, 54 feet \vidth) and said Plat N 88241'51" E. a distance of 879,50 feet to the Point of Beginl1ing; thence N 09220'09" E in and through said Miner Road a distance of 46.58 fe~t: thence N 01218'09" E in and through said Miner Road. a distance of S.11 feet: to the Nonh line of said Miner Road: thence N SSc 41 '51" E. along said Nonh line. a distance of 30.00 feet: thence South 01::0 18'09" West in and through said Miner Road. a distance of 11.00 feet: thence South 09C20'09" East in and through said Miner Road, a distance of 43,75 feet to a point on the South line of said Miner Road: thence S 88C41'51" W, along said South line, a distance of 30.52 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to Restrictions, Reservations, Easements and Rights-of-Way of Record. June 25. 1996 CGM 2056 SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 15' UTILITY EASEMENT CEDAR RIDG~ A P.U.D. & RIDGE COMMt:.RCE PARK A LB NO, SHEET: 3353 1 OF 2 t\ I ~ I ~ I 10 I _________r_____.J 10' U.E./ CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH AS SHOWN' HEREON ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE 8rn OF tIY KNOWLEDGE AND BEUEF AND, FURTHERt40RE. THAT SAl0"'tEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKErCH, COMPLY WITH THE t.AINIMUM TECHNICAL. STANDARDS AS" SET" FORTH BY TH.E FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND ,'MAPPeRS .IN CHAPTER 61GI7-6. FlORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PUR~TO stCTION " , 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTE:S. . \ :".' " - C0~,1j 7t1-:e~1 ~~~ 1//s/.r;:t>. CARL G. MIlLER I,~ ~ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR ..' FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 3581 PQ I P HIGH 141 N,W. 20th. S1. SUITE F-7 PROJECT NO: BOCA RATON, FL. 33431, 561 395-7805 2 () 5 ~ SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1, LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHEET 2 OF 2 2, REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE CEDAR RIDGE, A P,U.D, & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.l.O. PLAT BOOK 46. PAGES 58 - 61 N 1.-30' LOT 11 BLOCK 2 CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMt.AERCE PARI<, A P.l.O. P.B, 46, PGS 58 - 61 N88"41'51-E 699.14' (TOTAL) MINER ROAD TRACT 5-2 N88.4,'51-E PLAT LMJS NOT PLA TTEO DRAWN BY: M.O, REVISIONS CHECKED BY: C.G.M. DATE BY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY ORB 9798 pg 725 LEGEND: P.O.C. P,O.B. P.O.T. U,E. D.E. D,B. a.R.B. SQ, FT. PC. 1 o c P.O.8. I I -t w . <0 N N - b - ~ ~ 10 15' UTILITY EASEMENT P.O.T. . '.f 2.11 P.I.D. DATE: 4/18/96 EXHIBIT 2A POINT OF COMMENCEt.lENT POINT Of BEGINNING POINT OF TERMINATION UTIL11Y EASEMENT DR~NAGE EASEMENT DEED BOOK OfFICIAL RECORD BOOK SQUARE FEET PAGE o <( o 0::: .-.J <( 0::: w Z .-.J f- (f) <( o u o 0::: <( o m <( w (j)- '''0< .'t '. PII0-0l BOYNTON BEACH CODE ENFOR FOLIO 08-43-45-16-00-000-3020 001 2400 HIGH RIDGE RD OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS FLORIDA STATE OF DOT % RIGHT-OF-WAY ADMINISTRATOR 3400 W COMMERCIAL BLVD FT LAUDERDALE FL 33309-3421 LOT CHARACTERISTICS 123,710.00 SQF TYPE: TAX YR==> 94 AMT==> ASSMT YR BUILDING 1995 13,260 SALE DATE AMOUNT MAR. 1990 100 MAY 1988 64,000,000 MORTGAGE COMPANY FLR BLDG USE o STATE LEG A L DES C RIP T ION 16-45-43, TH PT OF W 1/2 LYG W PLATBOOK OF & ADJ TO 1-95 R/W KIA DOT/CSX RY R/W AS IN OR6403 P1215 (SEE L-39 P1261 & L-40 CEN TRT-BLK 58.030 - 1 0.00 PAID?==>? TAX/FT==> 0.00 PRIOR YR DLQ==> N AGRICULTURE LAND TOTAL ASSMT SQ/FT o 1,577,113 1,590,373 PAGE Q DT SALE DATE AMOUNT BOOK PAGE Q DT 1215 D WD 8 U WD AMOUNT PAZIP BED BTH HB 33426 W G V P BLT 11/30/95 ADJ SQFT SALE\SQFT AV o 0.00 EFFBLT LV SQFT N/A PLATPAGE BOOK 6403 5666 DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER SELLERS NAME SLUC 87 ENTER=NEXT F1=DEED/MTG F2=BLDG(S) F7=DIMENSIONS F8=FEATURES/RATES/ETC PlIO CLUC BLDG CDE 8700 F4=TAXES F5=LEGAL F9=BACK FIO=HELP HOMEST APPR LP o N N F6=COMPS MENU F15=SKETCH ISC READY 11/30/95 BLT ADJ SQFT SALE\SQFT AV 1973 36,077 0.00 0.00 FLR BLDG USE EFFBLT LV SQFT o WAREHOUSE - S 1973 35,860 LEG A L DES C RIP T ION 16-45-43, W 340 FT OF N 1/2 OF PLATBOOK NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 (LESS N 1/2 LOT CHARACTERISTICS OF INDUSTRIAL CIRCLE AS IN 189,486.00 SQF OR3476P400 & W 40 FT HIGH TYPE: CEN TRT-BLK 58.030 - 1 TAX YR==> 94 AMT==> 30,817.27 PAID?==>? TAX/FT==> 0.85 PRIOR YR ASSMT YR BUILDING AGRICULTURE LAND TOTAL ASSMT 1995 434,386 0 663,201 900,000 SALE DATE AMOUNT BOOK PAGE Q DT SALE DATE AMOUNT BOOK MAY 1994 100 8251 1450 D QC APR. 1987 100 5329 JUN. 1989 900,000 6087 1876 U WD SEP. 1985 100 4668 MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT DATE MTG TYPE RATE GENE MOORE TR 250,000 120894 2ND FIXED 9.00 SELLERS NAME SLUC CLUC BLDG CDE HOMEST APPR LP APPLIED POLYMER SYSTEMS INC 48 4000 8400 0 N N ENTER=NEXT F1=DEED/MTG F2=BLDG(S) F4=TAXES F5=LEGAL F6=COMPS MENU F7=DIMENSIONS F8=FEATURES/RATES/ETC F9=BACK F10=HELP F15=SKETCH PlIO PRIOR YEAR TAXES ARE DELINQUENT - PRESS F4 TO VIEW READY PI10-01 BOYNTON BEACH CODE ENFOR FOLIO 08-43-45-16-00-000-3041 001 551 INDUSTRIAL WAY OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS T D FENDER 328 ROYAL POINCIANA WAY PALM BEACH FL 33408 PAZIP BED BTH HB 33426 W G V P PLATPAGE DLQ==> Y SQ/FT 24.94 PAGE Q DT 1191 U QC 540 U QC NUMBER ISC ~P~-17-~7 THU j:3~ P."': i j I THIS lNOeNTlJRE mAde' this /7/t....d&'I of Afr' ./1..0.,19,.1, l:>y C...vllu:<'" 1~'&SrlYl~.~/r of> P,,,!'..... &'/J~J'1 C" T.v,c a corp:.,u.tion e)(1.lSiin9 under t.he laW!> of ,.~R.a .l- and h.vin~ ita Pt:l~dpal place of pUII1ne83 At 5<1'0 ;(/(.er'1- '(; " ~7 t i- f\I.<e "'-..- ,,'r /0 , r:i fir~t party, to th1 ~itY of Boynton B~ach, A polltical subdivision of the Stato of nOt ida, ~ecol'ld pattYI twnerevJ us~d MJl::eln, the term!>, "Hu;l party" nod "$ec~nd part~" shall include 61n9u1ar and plural, ~eirl. 1e9&1 representatives and aBsi9ns ot indlv~dua15 and the succe~GOrB and a&slqns of cOfpor~t~On$t wherever the conte)(t so admit~ or requl res r I I I I WHERE~S, the (irati patty. iw th~ o~n~! ot prop~rty situate 1n Palm ileach county,; t'lorLcia, and de&crlbed Illl fo110..,,5; P;ASF.~I!:NT Wl~E:SS~Ttl SEE EXHIBITS: It & 1B. Sewer Utility Easement ~A & 2B - Water Utility Easement i I ~nd. i WHERe.l\S, the seco~11 P.l"~Y dlnhtlll an eu;ernent for water and seWQt utillti@G&1dlorotherapprop.rlate purpOies incident~l \;t\~r~to. on. over and aCrOSS sald pto~.rty, ~n;~E^~. the tir,' party is willing to Qrant GUch an eAsement, 1 NOW. rHt~FORE. f~r ~o4 In con~14et&tion of the mutual covenants eac~ toithe other running and one dollar and other 91Xld and V!\lUdl?l~!eonsldl!lrl1t1onlJ, the fint party does heTeu1 Qtant ~nto!the par~y of the aecond part its .~CG~5.or8 and a.;1;01. full and free riqht and authority to oon~truet. maint. n, repair, 1nGtlll an~ rebuild tael1itioG fo~ ~bov. leated urpo.., .n~ 60.. hereby 9tant a perpetual ~"'II""'.l1lt 011, OI/tfI!r 1\1'Id aerglUI tho .sbQ'I" dellcr 1bed property tor ~~ld purpoge&~ I ~F'f;'_ ,17- 97 T""U ";.; 3.... \ I i i i i i 1" Wl~DSS W~ERtQF,'th~ firlt p~rt~ h.J ~~U~l~ those p,resentB to b~ ~UlytBx~outcd in it, ~~e and its corporate seal to be h~reto QTfixed, attested br its proper officer6 th~[~unt~ duly auth~rized, the day an~ y~ar first abovQ written. I &8~led and !ellver~d eaence of, /" t, -~~ /v' ,,\)~.... :"-Y: ~ \ I ,U E/ ,~ i /Ce /TV,,_;:,) (CQIl,POR1<n: St~ ?'It. ""' ~ ,;>Q "/ ,~::.~-~~~ C/"" .6ALJIo\ 6.:.-7"K -1 CO, TA/C / I /, ,- ./ "-nESTI,:" / ,:'.,r) .;;:-'. / ~ ./ SECRE'1'.I>.R'i / S"'~'l'Z OF ~lU,t>.\-. COUlffY QF ~\l,"- rJJ~Yd ! ~ 1 HEREBY CERTIU that on this day, befo!e m~, dO ott1ct'r duly author ::ar.1 in th~ State and County aforesaid to take ackoowledgemen. 5, personally appur~d ~\'YI.o.-'-;' Uu\o\.d..c.... wc.....l..-l)(: 1 w~ll known to m~ to:be tlie' Pres1dent 4nd respectiv~ly, of tht corporitfOn n4med a& firet p&r~y in tn~ fore901nq t4&&m&nt ~nd that they .everally ~eknowledge~ executing the SAme ~n tho preeenc~ of t~O 8ub$crlbin9 wi~nes~e~ freely &~~ vOluntarilY, ~n4et Authorlly dUly VG!t~d in th~m by &~~d COtp9tltlon, and that the seal &(fix~ ~her~~p 1~ the tr~e C~rp~~Ate G~&! of ~~iQ Corppratlo~. I WlTNESS my han~ &n~ official sUl~n the ",county l'nd S,t!lt.r,' .J list atoru81~ thi$ l:Lday of J..I;t'~i.l. \'1';7,", O. , 199~~ ; ,:1 V~ ~ Scott Krich ....."'.r:.".....; L.,p.ffr~V."1!7 rvDlRES ,',i!''''~'''' ." " " f'f,608"'" "N'O $~'l:" 0 10/." ., . .,' ,. ,,' ~": . ~:~ I . : _\1 [:1 ".,~, 2000 ?}.... ,:S-.' ,.,,',.~ inll< ItlSuAAllCE, IllC, .....'1"';......d:......... b....:d~lJ \ht,i) Ir\u :'>''iIRf.,f.'''\' p:q P ARAMOlJNT ENGINFFRING c;ROUP 141 N. W. 20th. ST. SUITE F-7 BOCA RATON, FL, 33431,(407)395- 7805 NOTE: HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK A, P.I.D. SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 30' UTILITY EASEMENT (SANITARY SEWER) PROJECT: I DATE: I 2056 6- 25- 96 1 OF 2 EXHffirr - lA THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO THE BEARING OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SECTION 9, AS BEING N88.41'51"E., \ I I ' I I I I I I : I ~: :5 I i I g I I I ! ! I : I croAR RIDGE, A P .U.O, &: I i I HIGH RIDGE COI.IMERCE PARI<. ^ P.I,O. I I--EXIS11NG 15' UTlUTY EASEMENT !'\.AT BOOK 46. PAGE 58 biu4 I i I I : I I I LOT 15 I' I LOT 14 BlOCK 2 I I BLOCK 2 30.00' I ; I 11188"41"S1'"E I, I ~ L____________. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -1(;' - UllUTY\' EASDoIENT , , N01'8"09.W-~ ~ S01'8"09'"E o 8.21' . g 1 CII 11.00' o GO. 1 I 1.010 ~ ~~R~~ ~G/ 15'/'15,/ ca H88'41'51"E J 879.50' :z:j I Ii) SOOTli UNE PLAT UI.IITS /S8Ir41'S1"W SECllON 9 POItlT OF BEGlNtcllolG 30.52' LEGEND: P,I.D. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT, P,U.D, PLANNED URBAN DEVELOPMENT I I ........ POINT Of COI.II.IENCEMENTT S. W. CORtIER SECTION 9, TOWHSHlP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 4:; EAST DRAWN BY: T. W, REVISIONS I CHECKED BY: eM DATE BY SKETCH & LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY N NOT TO SCALE PREPARED FOR: CEDAR RIDGE DEVELOPMENT CORP, CER11F1CA 1100: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE LEGAl DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH AS SHOWN HEREON ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWEDGE AND BUIEF AND FURTHERMORE. THAT SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH C0t.4PL Y WITH TliE MINIMUI.I TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND UAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6. FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PURSUANT TO sa:TION 47~.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. /,"'d.J /" lt1{.~'\. CARL G, ~ILLER DATE: It/Li./er ~ , I PROFESSIONAl LAND SUR~YOR FLORIDA REGlSTRA TION NO, 3581 EXHffiIT - 1 B Sheet 2 01'.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 30' CTILITY EASE~IENT (SANITARY SEWER) Being a portion of the Plat. Cedar Ridge, A p, U.D" & High Ridge Park, A P,I.D., as recorded in Plat Book 46. Page 58 through 61 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of Section 9, Township 45 South, Range 43 East: thence N 88041'51" E along the South line of said Section 9 (all bearings mentioned herein are relative thereto), a distance 01'25,01 feet to the Southwest comer of said Plat; thence continue along said Somh line of said Section line, also Tract S-2 (Miner Road, 54 feet \vidth) and said Plat N 88c41'51" E, a distance 01"879.50 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence N 09820109" E in and through said Miner Road, a distance of 46,58 feet: thence N Ole 18'09" E in and through said Miner Road. a distance of 8,21 teet: to the North line of said Miner Road: thence N 88e 41'51" E, along said North line. a distance of 30.00 feet: thence South 01018'09" West in and through said Miner Road, a distance of 11.00 teet: thence South 09020'09" East in and through said Miner Road, a distance of 43,75 feet to a point on the South line of said Miner Road: thence S 88041'51" W, along said South line, a distance of 30,52 feet to the Point of Beginning. Subject to Restrictions, Reservations, Easements and Rights-of-Way of Record, June 25. 1996 CGM 2056 SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 15' UTILITY EASEMENT CEDAR RIDG~ A P.U.D. & RIDGE COMMt.RCE PARK A ~ NO. SHErr: 3353 1 OF 2 !\ I ~ I :;) I I ____J ------,;~7- p:q HIGH 141 N.W. 20th. ST. SUITE F-7 PROJECT NO: BOCA RATON, FL. 33431, 561 395-7805 '205 c:;, SURVEYOR'S NOTES: " LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHEET 2 OF' 2 2. REFERENCE IS MADE TO THE CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D. PLAT BOOK 46, PAGES ~8 - 61 N ,0-30' LOT 11 BLOCK 2 CEDAR RIDGE. A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D. P.B. 46. PGS 58 - 61 LEGEND: P.O.C. P.O.B. P.O.T. U.E. D.E. O.B. O.R.B. SO. fl. PG. ~ g, P.O.B. N88"41'51OE 699.14' (TOTAL) w . I <0 N N - 8 - MINER ROAD I . ~ on TRACT 5-2 -t 15' UTILITY EASEMENT CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE LEGAl DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH AS SHOWN HEREON ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF' MY KNOWLEDGE AND BEUEF AND, FURTHERMORE, THAT SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKEiCH COMPLY WITH THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND :.AAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027, Fl..ORlDA STATUTES. CwtL;/j 7~ CARL G. MILLER PROFESSIONAl.. lAND SURVEYOR FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 3581 N88'41'S1 "E RAT LJM1S NOT PLATTED DRAWN BY: M.D. REVISIONS CHECKED BY: C.G.M. DATE BY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY P.O. T. DATE: P.I.D. DATE: 4/18/96 EXHIBTT -2A POINT Of' COMMENCEMENT POINT Of' BEGINNING POINT Of' TERMINATION UTIUTY EASEMENT DRAINAGE EASEMENT DEED BOOK OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK SOUARE FEET PAGE o <( o a:::: .--l <( a:::: w z ~ l- V> <( o u o a:::: <( o rn <( w if) tf//sfr7 t ' MINER ROAD CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.B. 46, PG. 58 ~ PARAMOUNT ENGINEERING GROUP 141 N. W. 20th. ST. SUITE F-7 BOCA RATON, FL. 33431,561 395-7805 SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. LEGAL DESCRIP'TlON SHEET 2 OF 2 N 1~=.30' HIGH 8 17 340.28' " 561,89' S87"40'45E 30.00' U.E. ?; I: I' . ..-~ . 0 I' . I"')~ t.->\O o Z NOT PLATTED TRACT S-1 ~_ (MINOR ROAD) 10' U.E. SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 30' UTILITY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER PROJECT NO: 2056 LB NO. 3353 SHEET: 1 OF 2 DATE: 4/22/96 LEGEND: P.O.C, P,O.B. P,O.T. U.E. PG, P.B. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT POINT OF BEGINNING POINT OF TERMINATION UTILITY EASEMENT PAGE PLAT BOOK P.O. T. I \ P.O.B. PLAT LIMITS I .~L CENTER 20' I w \~ .... \ LOT 18 BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION P.B. 47, PG. 100 DRAWN BY: M.D. REVISIONS CHECKED BY: C.G.M. DATE BY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH AS SHOWN HEREON ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BEUEF AND. FURTHERMORE. THAT SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH COMPLY WITH THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS AS sa FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6. FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PURSUANT TO SEC'TlON 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. 1 l-1 . C;;i~/~ ~ CARL G. MILLER PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FLORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 3581 ~d~/21 p:q PARAMOUNT ENGINEERING GROUP 141 N.W. 20th. ST. SUITE F-7 PROJECT NO: BOCA RATON, FL. 3343((561 )395-7805 2056 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 30' UTILITY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER I LB NO. 3353 lSHEET: I DATE: 2 OF 2 4/22/96 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT (SANITARY SEWER) A PARCEL OF LAND (SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT) LOCATED WITHIN THE PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 47, PAGE 100 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SAID 30 FEET UTILITY EASEMENT BEING A NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE 30 FOOT (10' + 20') UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER THROUGH THE EASTERLY PORTION OF TRACT S-1 (MINOR ROAD); BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 18 AND THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID MINOR ROAD; THENCE NORTH 00.00'07" EAST (BEARINGS USED HEREIN ARE REFERENCED TO SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER AS THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT BEING S87"40' 45" E), ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT AND BEING THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT, A DISTANCE OD 54.04 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D., AS RECORDED IN THE SAID PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE POINT OF TERMINATION OF SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT. SHORTEN OR LENGTHEN AS NECESSARY THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT TO TERMINATE AT THE NORTHERLY OR SOUTHERLY LINES OF SAID MINOR ROAD. SUBJECT TO EXISTING RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS- OF-WAY OF RECORD. DRAWN BY: M.D. REVISIONS I CHECKED BY: C.G.M. DATE BY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY . . -' tCt.1f ^~\f2.eE~ rei, rr i E~ll^Drc.., ~t-1 \;KS\f:\A VJE: Ld! L-L lASe. -r+t(~ } f~~ V-c So L-(.,.L,'il Or-...) / N .:51~..A:D TO Je.e'S'fE:~Vt VA":::' ~ PARAMOUNT ENGINEERING GROUP 141 N. W. 20th. ST. SUITE F - 7 BOCA RATON, FL. 33431, 561 395-7805 SURVEYOR'S NOTES: 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHEET 2 OF 2 N 1~=30' 10 u s: ~'1J SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 30' UTI L1TY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER PROJECT NO: 2056 MINER ROAD CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.B. 46, PG. 58 HIGH 8 17 " 561.89' S8T40'45E 340.28' TRACT S-1 ~~ (MINOR ROAD) 10' U.E. LB NO. 3353 SHEET: DATE: 1 OF 2 4/22/96 LEGEND: P.O.C. P.O,B. P,O.T, U.E. PG. P.B. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT POINT OF 8EGINNING POINT OF TERMINATION UTlUTY EASEMENT PAGE PLAT BOOK P.O. T. \ \ 3= I: " - ~ q- - 0 " . ~q- ;"'10 o Z NOT PLATTED P.O.B. PLAT LIMITS \ ~L CENTER 20'\ . w \~ ..... LOT 18 BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION P.B. 47, PG. 100 DRAWN BY: M,D. REVISIONS CHECKED BY: C.G.M. DATE BY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH AS SHOWN HEREON ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BEUEF AND, FURTHERMORE, THAT SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH COMPLY WITH THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS A.S SET FORTH BY THE FlORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6, FlORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027, FlORIDA STATUTES. ~!1w~ ~~: /1^JZ.~7 CARL G. MILLER ~ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR FlORIDA REGISTRATION NO. 3581 p:q PARAMOUNT ENGINEERING GROUP 141 N,W. 20th. ST. SUITE F-7 PROJECT NO: BOCA RATON, FL. 3343((561 )395-7805 2056 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF 30' UTILITY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER I LB NO. 3353 I SHEET: 2 OF 2 lD~/22/96 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT (SANITARY SEWER) A PARCEL OF LAND (SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT) LOCATED WITHIN THE PLA T OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 47, PAGE 100 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SAID 30 FEET UTILITY EASEMENT BEING A NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE 30 FOOT (10' + 20') UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER THROUGH THE EASTERLY PORTION OF TRACT S-1 (MINOR ROAD); BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 18 AND THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID MINOR ROAD; THENCE NORTH 00.00'07" EAST (BEARINGS USED HEREIN ARE REFERENCED TO SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER AS THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT BEING S8T40' 45" E). ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT AND BEING THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT, A DISTANCE 00 54.04 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D., AS RECORDED IN THE SAID PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE POINT OF TERMINATION OF SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT. SHORTEN OR LENGTHEN AS NECESSARY THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT TO TERMINATE AT THE NORTHERLY OR SOUTHERLY LINES OF SAID MINOR ROAD. SUBJECT TO EXISTING RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS- OF-WAY OF RECORD. DRAWN BY: M.D. REVISIONS I CHECKED BY: C.G.M. DATE BY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING at CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, December 19, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. to consider an application submitted by Richard Harris, agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County to abandon a road right-of-way located between High Ridge Road and 1-95, more particularly described as follows: That part of Miner Road as dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, bounded on the west by the Right-of-Way of High Ridge Road and Bounded on the east by the eastern most boundary of the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D. ALSO Tract S-l (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book.47, at Page lOa, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. ALSO Easement and right-of-way over and across the North 25' of the West 340' of the North one-half of the Northwest one-qUarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CMC/AAE CITY CLERK (407) 375- 6060 a:leglnot2.min PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS DECEMBER 4, 1995 c: City Manager, City Attorney, CL~y rnmm~Qc~~-. n'~nning, lIDJ.-~ @ rn 0 W ~r [JUl DEe I -. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Files MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 9, 1996 Miner Road Abandonment - The City Commission approved this, subject to staff comments. The legal issues that were raised by the applicant have been resolved. Those issues dealt primarily with wherher or not the County had to approve the abandonment. At this time. Mr. Rosenstock arrived and Mrs. Frazier stepped down from the dais. Ms. Heyden continued with her report. She stated that the condition regarding the flyover and whether or not documentation had to be provided by the Florida Department of Transportation and the Railroad was waived. Cedar Ridge PUD and High Ridge Commerce Park prD Abandonment of Buffer Easement - The City Commission approved this, subject to staff comments. Boynton Beach Distribution Center Abandonment of Miner Road Access Control Easement - The City Commission approved this, subject to staff comments. B. Filing of Quarterly Report for Site Plan Waivers and Minor Site Plan Modifications This report was provided for the board I s perusal. Hills of Lake Eden PUD Zoning and Master Plan Approval Mr. Wische stated that the board unanimously denied this request. He said he heard that there were changes made to this project. In his opinion, they were substantial changes. He felt the applicant should come back before this board before going to the City Commission again. He advised that several members of this board feel the same way. Ms. Heyden explained what the changes entail. The biggest change is the reduction of six lots. A new plan was turned in as a result of a meeting with the homeowners. The homeowners wanted larger lots and greater setbacks from the perimeter. The only way that could be done \yas to reduce the number of lots. Therefore, the number of lots was reduced by six. This reduction in lots has chipped away at a lot of the staff comments and a lot of the concerns that this board had. With the reduction in the number of lots, some of the lot sizes were able to be increased. Some of them are paper lot size increases, and some of them are reallot size increases. No changes were made to the location and size of the preserve. The 3 - ,-_.~.-,.....--..--~--- ------" NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PLORIDA, WILL CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING at CITY HALL COMMISSION CHAMBERS, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, on Tuesday, December 19, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. to consider an application submitted by Richard Harris, agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County to abandon a road right-of-way located between High Ridge Road and 1-95, more particularly described as follows: That part of Miner Road as dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, bounded on the west by the Right-of-Way of High Ridge Road and Bounded on the east by the eastern most boundary of the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D. ALSO Tract S-l (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book.47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. ALSO Easement and right-of-way over and across the North 25' of the West 340' of the North one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK (407) 375-6062 a:leglnot2.min REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney eight (8) working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: _Planninq and Zoninq Department PREPARED BY: Gary Lanker DATE PREPARED: November 28. 1995 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: Abandonment of Miner Road right-of-way east of Hiqh Ridqe Road and west of I-95 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) Standard Leqal Ad for the City Commission meetinq of December 19. 1995 at 7:00 p.m. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: Newspaper. adioininq property owners. applicant and Planninq and Zoninq Director. NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: To be determined by City Clerk DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: To be determined by City Clerk APPROVED BY: (1) .~~A~ (TIepartrnen ead)~ 111:<?/9cJ { I (Date) (2 ) (City Attorney) (Date) (3 ) (City Manager) (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: a:leglnot2,min MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMM_..."ION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1995 Mayor Taylor read a Proclamation declaring February 3 through February 14, as "Shrine Hospital Days". V. BIDS: None VI. PUBLIC HEARING: A. PROJECT: Hills of Lake Eden PUD POSTPONED TO JANUARY 2, 1996 AGENT: Burlison A. Gentry - yentry Engineering & Land Surveying, Ine. OWNER: Newport Properties, Inc. LOCATION: Northwest corner of S.E. 36th Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard DESCRIPTION: REZONINC - Request for zoning and master plan approval to construct 62 single-family detached homes on 15.45 acres of land in connection with a rezoning from R-1-MB (single-family residential) to Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 5 (PUD with LUI- 5). B. PROJECT NAME: Miner Road TABLED TO DECEMBER 19, 1995 AGENT: Richard Harris for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County OWNER: City of Boynton Beach LOCATION: Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95 DESCRIPTION: ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of a 54 foot wide portion of the Miner Road right-of-way east of High Ridge Road Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to delete Item VI-8~ Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which c~r~ied unanimously. OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Miner Road Richard Harris of Scott, Royce, Harris, Bryan, Barra & jorgensen, P.A. City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County Miner Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95 ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of three parcels that comprise the Miner Road right-of-way east of High Ridge Road. c. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: 9 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 21, 1995 . Mayor Taylor added that the City is willing to work with Mr. Rumph and do whatever it can reasonably and responsibly to help solve this problem. Vice Mayor Bradley requested that City Manager Parker direct Mr. Sugerman to visit Mr. Rumph so that any misunderstanding can be rectified. City Manager Parker apologized for Mr. Sugerman's behavior and said she will have a discussion with him. No one else wishing to speak, Mayor Taylor declared the public audience portion of the agenda closed and returned to the public hearings. VI. PUBLIC HEARING A. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Miner Road............................................ TABLED Richard Harris for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County City of Boynton Beach Miner Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95 Request for abandonment of a 54 foot wide portion of the Miner Road right-of-way east of High Ridge Road . Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, recommended postponing this item until December 19. This will give the applicant until next week to turn in the missing information, and allow the City the necessary time to advertise for the public hearing. This item was tabled until December 19. B. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Hills of Lake Eden PUD Burlison A. Gentry - Gentry Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc. Newport Properties, Inc. Northwest corner of S.E. 36th Avenue and Seacrest Blvd. Request for zoning and master plan approval to construct 62 single-family detached homes on 15.45 acres of land in connection with a rezoning from R-I-AAB (single-family residential) to Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 5 (PUD with LUI=5) 10 e MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 7, 1995 Mayor Taylor read a Proclamation declaring November as "National Hospice Month in Boynton Beach". b. Home Care Month - November, 1995 Mayor Taylor read a Proclamation declaring November as "Home Care Month" in Boynton Beach. c. Veteran's Day - November 11, 1995 Mayor Taylor read a Proclamation declaring November 11, 1995, as Veteran's Day. The Proclamation urges all churches to ring their bells at 11 :00 a.m., and all citizens are encouraged to observe two minutes of silent prayer. d. Acknowledgement of Award Mayor Taylor announced that on October 27, 1995, the United Way had a Red Ribbon celebration. He displayed a plaque which was awarded to the City of Boynton Beach for its participation in the Wrice Process. Mayor Pro Tem Matson thanked Chief Dettman for bringing the Wrice Process to the City. V. BIDS: None VI. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 PM OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS A. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: Miner Road...................................................... TABLED OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Richard Harris for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County City of Boynton Beach Miner Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95 ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of a 54 foot wide portion of the Miner Road right-of-way east of High Ridge Road This item will remain on the table. VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: 12 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA w ~ NOVEMBER 7, 1995 1. Employee of the Month - October, 1995 On August 23, 1995, Sgt. Santos Carrion responded to the tractor/trailer rollover accident which occurred on 1-95 just south of Boynton Beach Boulevard. He risked his life when he removed the injured driver from an area where the tanker was leaking gasoline. Sgt. Carrion was nominated as "Employee of the Month" by Police Chief Dettman for his actions above and beyond the call of duty. Mayor Taylor and City Manager Parker presented Sgt. Carrion with a plaque and pin in recognition of this award. In addition, Sgt. Carrion's photo will be placed on the wall in the Lobby of City Hall. 2. Certificates of Appreciation for Centennial Steering Committee, Committee Chairs, and Centennial Sponsorships of $500 and over - presented by Mayor Pro Tern Lynne Matson, Centennial Chair At the podium, Mayor Taylor and Mayor Pro Tem Matson presented plaques to members of the Centennial Steering Committee, Committee Chairs and Centennial Sponsors. A list of names is attached to the original set of minutes on file in the City Clerk's Office. 3. Presentation of donation from Centennial to the 1913 School Project by Mayor Pro Tem Lynne Matson, Centennial Chair Mayor Pro Tem Matson presented a check in the amount of $13,526.78 to Marie Shepard for the Boynton Cultural Center (school preservation project). These are the proceeds of the Centennial celebration. At the podium, Mayor Taylor presented Mayor Pro Tern Matson, Melody Green, and Denys "Sam" Flaherty with plaques and a dozen roses each for their work on the Centennial celebration. Mayor Pro Tern Matson remarked that this was an effort by hundreds of people. She feels the events were the basis of a cohesiveness and revitalization throughout the town. She expressed gratitude to all who contributed to the Centennial celebration, and to all of the residents who partici pated. Commissioner Jaskiewicz commended "Sam" Flaherty for her work on the event. 4. Proclamations a. National Hospice Month - November, 1995 11 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI DA OCTOBER 17, 1995 At the podium, Mayor Pro Tem Matson reminded everyone that the City implemented the Lottie Pierce Citizenship Award last year as part of City Government Week. Lottie Pierce was a member of the African-American community who volunteered her services to the City and other organizations, Honoring an exemplary citizen is a way of keeping her memory alive. Last year, Joy Currier was the recipient of this award. This year's recipient is a member of the "Friends of the Library" and the City's Library Board. She is a volunteer at Galaxy Elementary School, a member of the Advisory Council on African-American Affairs, and the North Boynton Beach Task Force. She has participated in the Wrice anti-drug marches and is a member of the Northwest Neighborhood Association, St. John's Missionary Baptist Church, the Florida Retired Educators' Association, Palm Beach Classroom Teachers' Association, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, ete. This recipient has been exemplary in her service to the community. Mayor Pro Tem Matson proudly presented the 1994/95 Lottie Pierce Citizenship Award to Dorothy Walker. Ms. Walker accepted the award. V. BIDS: None VI. PUBLIC HEARING: A. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCA TION: DESCRIPTION: This item remained on the table. Miner Road .... ................. ..... ....................... ........ ...... . TAB lED Richard Harris for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County City of Boynton Beach Miner Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95 ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of a 54 foot wide portion of the Miner Road right-of-way east of High Ridge Road Attorney Cherof explained the quasi-judicial process and administered the oath to all who would be offering testimony this evening. Joe lelanicoLLand Design South requested that Item VIII-O, "Landscape Appeal", be moved up on the agenda so that both applications could be addressed simultaneously. Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to bring Item VIII-O forward under Public Hearing to Item VI-B.l. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. B. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCA TION: Boynton Commons Robert A. Bentz, Land Design South Bill Ray Winchester & Elsie A. Winchester Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue 7 ..... ..., MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 17, 1995 DESCRIPTION: .REZt)'Kft'1Qt"'.:'"' Req~est for zoning and master plan approvar to construct a 186,130 square foot retail complex on 23.03 acres of land in connection with a rezoning from C-3 to Planned Commercial Development (PC D). and DESCRIPTION: Boynton Commons Robert A. Bentz, Land Design South Bill Ray Winchester & Elsie A. Winchester The southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue LANDSCAPE APPEAL - Request for a landscape code appeal to omit a 2Yz foot wide landscape strip between the vehicle use area and the abutting property line at the southwest corner of the site. 1. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCA TION: Mr. Lelanic explained that this parcel is in a commercial area with the Mall to the north. There are four access points to this parcel. Three of the access points are full turning movements and the fourth (southern-most access on Congress Avenue) is right-in/right-out. The application has been reviewed by the TRC and the applicant has responded to the comments, The 10' required PCD landscape buffer will be provided around the property. There were requests by staff that the landscaping be upgraded, and the applicant has no problem with that request. A landscape appeal has been filed for the southwest corner of the property. At that location, there is an existing ingress/egress easement which services the property adjacent to Boynton Commons parcel. This ingress/egress easement provides access from Winchester Park Boulevard through a median cut. Without this, access to the southern property will be denied, The applicant proposes to move the required 10' PCD buffer to the north of the easement. This site plan has been developed into a configuration which allows internal circulation, provides outparcels along Congress Avenue, and an efficient flow through the site. Tamh[L~~&.-Zonin~irector, made the presentation, There will be two main buildings and three outparcels. Some of the buildings indicate drive-throughs. When the master plan is submitted, if a drive-through is indicated, a conditional use approval is not required at site plan approval. The Comprehensive Plan includes this property and the property to the west as Planning Area 7.f. The Plan indicates that this property should be rezoned to PCD when developed. The maximum height of the structures will be 45' including the clock tower. There are three standards used for evaluating the appropriateness of PCD zoning. They are: 1. Relation to major transportation facilities; 2. utility extensions, storm water mitigation and roadway improvements; and 3. physical character of the site. 8