AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meetin~ Dates in to City Mana~er's Office Meetin~ Dates in to City Mana~er's Office 181 May 6, 1997 April 25, 1997 (noon) 0 July I, 1997 June 20, 1997 (noon) o May 20, 1997 May 9, 1997 (noon) 0 July IS, 1997 July 3,1997 (Thursday noon) o June 3, 1997 May 23, 1997 (noon) 0 August 5, 1997 July 25,1997 (noon) o June 17, 1997 June 6, 1997 (noon) 0 August 19, 1997 August 8,1997 (noon) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that this resolution, which would finalize the abandonment of the unimproved segment of Miner Road east of High Road, be approved for adoption. EXPLANATION: Request to abandon the unimproved segment of Miner Road right-of-way between High Ridge Road and 1-95 pursuant to the abandonment application known as Miner Road Abandonment (ABAN #95-005). For additional information, please see attached Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No 97-179. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A ~ e~ City Manager's Signature Department Name S:\BULLETIN\FORMS\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM.DOC PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-179 Agenda Memorandum for May 6, 1997 City Commission Meeting TO: Kerry Willis City Manager FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, AICP'0 f-/ Planning and Zoning Director DATE: April 24, 1997 SUBJECT: Miner Road Abandonment (#95-005) Please place the above-referenced item on the May 6, 1997 City Commission agenda under Legal-Resolutions. DESCRIPTION: The portion of Miner Road to be abandoned, was dedicated to the public by recordation of the 1983 plat of Cedar Ridge PUD and High Ridge Commerce Park PID. The purpose of the dedication was for the eventual extension of Miner Road, a 108 foot wide collector road existing immediately to the west of High Ridge Road and which is interrupted by the CSX Railroad and 1-95 rights-of-way, before it picks up again east of 1-95. The portion of Miner Road to be abandoned includes a 54 foot wide strip (the northern portion of the intended right-of-way) extending between High Ridge Road and the CSX Railroad right-of-way, and a 54 foot wide strip (the southern portion of the intended right-of-way) which represents only a portion (approximately 562 feet) of the southern portion of the right-of-way ultimately to be acquired. Miner Road, between High Ridge Road and the CSX Railroad right-of-way was removed from both Palm Beach County's and the City's thoroughfare plans as there was no plan to construct a bridge over 1-95 to extend Miner Road. This request for abandonment first went to the Commission as a public hearing on December 19, 1995 and was approved with conditions. The conditions have now been satisfied and the request is therefore ready for resolution adoption. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the attached resolution, which would finalize the abandonment, be approved for adoption. T JH:mr Enclosures xc: Central File S;\Pldnning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Miner Rd Aban (95-005l\Miner Rd ABAN agm.doc TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PLANNING AND ZONING DEPAR1 MEMORANDUM NO. 95-713 VI. PUBLIC HEARING C cc: Plan, Util, Dev Agenda Memorandum for December 19, 1995 City Commission Meeting Carrie Parker City Manager ~~ Tambri J. Heyden /.. I., . Planning and Zonin Director December 14, 1995 Miner Road - ABAN #95-011 Right-of-way abandonment Please place the above-referenced request under Public Hearings for the December 19, 1995 City Commission agenda. DESCRIPTION: The above request was submitted by Richard Harris, agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, to abandon a portion of Miner Road located between High Ridge Road and I-95 in connection with expansion of the existing Waste Management facility on Industrial Way. This request replaces the request that is currently tabled by the City Commission. This request includes the following separate dedications related to Miner Road: 1. The 54 foot width of Miner Road east of High Ridge Road (original application that has been replaced) : 2. An additional 54 foot wide section of Miner Road right-of-way that exists immediately north of the Waste Management facility on Industrial Way. 3. A 25 foot wide easement that exists for Miner Road. 4. A five foot wide access control easement that exists for Miner Road. See Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-649 for further details. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, with a 7-0 vote, recommended approval subject to the following conditions being rectified prior to a resolution for abandonment. being adopted by the City Commission: ~. . 1. ~! ~,/ I V~~ ~'~ .~ Jl {.~ ,'1Y 3. "~ JY ~ 'x:'0 4 . 5. Written verification that Palm Beach County has accepted an abandonment application to abandon the portion of Miner Road that is dedicated to Palm Beach County. Written documentation from FDOT and the CSX Railroad that indicates they would not permit a "flyover" to be constructed over their rights-of-way. The applicant shall show compliance with any forthcoming conditions of abandonment required by Florida Gas. Submittal of ~~~"\ showing proposed dedication of utility easeme ts to atisfy FPL and the City Utility Department condi ~ons. Written documentation, a~ct eto the City, that verifies that the Rollyso ,F ~,I and Florentine Marble parcels that abut the po . n of Miner Road to be abandoned, have an alternate,perpetual means of access. The following concern3 have been identified thus far within the materials submitted in an attempt to address w ..., Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-713 Miner Road - ABAN # 95-011 Right-of-way abandonment this issue: a) Deed from Rollyson to Florentine Marble is missing conveyance reference for dedication of a 30 feet wide ingress/egress easement. b) There is question as to whether Rollyson's sale to Waste Management included Rollyson's own 30 foot ingress/egress easement, therefore Rollyson may not have access any longer. A separate easement should have been rededicated by Waste Management for both Rollyson and Florentine to use. c) Since the city has never approved these dedications, they have been forwarded to the city attorney (response forthcoming) to ensure that they are perpetual and incluSive of the city's language requiring city approval to extinguish. 6. Written acceptance from Palm Beach County Traffic Division regarding the abandonment request. The Board further recommended clarification of the legal issues raised by the applicant relative to condition 1, 2, 5 and 6 above. Regarding comments 1 and 6, the attached letter received December II, 1995 from Palm Beach County confirms that condition 6 has been satisfied (so it may be deleted) and that condition 1 must remain. Comment 2 can be revised to delete the requirement for a separate letter from the CSX Railroad - a ~ter from FDOT can address both jurisdictions. Regarding comment~the applicant submitted to me a letter received December 12, 1995, wherein he states that he would agree to dedicating a new access easement for the benefit of Rollyson and Florentine Marble. Also regarding Comment 5, the reference to FDOT can be deleted. TJH:dim xc: Central File a:CCAgABND.Minor PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 95-649 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Tarnbri J. HeYden~ Planning and Zoning Director FROM: DATE: December 8, 1995 SUBJECT: Miner Road File No. ABAN 95-011 Right-of-way abandonment NATURB OP REQUEST Richard Harris, agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, the property owner of the undeveloped, High Ridge Commerce Park PID, that includes the north one half of the undeveloped Miner Road right-of-way is requesting abandonment of the right-of-way of Miner Road located between High Ridge Road and I - 95. This request supersedes the request that was reviewed by the Board September 12, 1995 and currently tabled by the City Commission. This request includes three separate right-of-way dedications as requested by staff during review of the previous application that comprise the undeveloped Miner Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95. The attached Exhibit "A" is a location map which shows the Miner Road right-of-way to be abandoned. The attached Exhibit "B" is a legal description and survey of the proposed abandonment. The abandonment is requested in connection with the development of lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID that includes expansion of the existing Waste Management facility located south of the lots and south of the right-of-way proposed for abandonment. BACKGROUND As mentioned above, the requested abandonment of Miner Road is comprised of three separate right- of-way dedications as follows: The first is Tract S-2 noted as the original parcel on the legal description and was dedicated to the City by recordation of the 1983 plat of Cedar Ridge, A PUD-&-~igh Ridge Commerce Park, A PID. This is the original abandonment request currently tabled. This first requested portion of Miner Road is 54 feet in width; one-half of the ultimate 108 feet originally proposed and is unimproved and extends the south width of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID between High Ridge Road and the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. The second is Tract S-l as established by the plat of the Boynton Beach Distribution Center and dedicated to Palm Beach County. This tract is also 54 feet in width and abuts the right-of-way dedication described above as Tract S-2 at the north property line of lots 18 and 19 of the Boynton Beach Distribution Center. Lots 18 and 19 are currently occupied by the Wast~ Management facility and are located approximately 362 feet east of High Ridge Road. The third is Parcel 3 deeded to the City of Boynton Beach as an easement and right-of-way in August of 1976. This easement right-of-way is 25 feet in width and abuts the south side of the right-of -way dedication described above as Tract S-2. The 25 foot wide deeded property extends approximately 300 feet east of High Ridge Road to the northwest corner of the right- of-way dedication described above as Tract S-l. / w ..., Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-649 Miner Road ABAN 95-011 The purpose of these dedications was for the eventual extension of Miner Road, a 108 foot wide collector road existing immediately to the west of High Ridge Road and which is interrupted by the CSX Railroad and I-95 rights-of-way, before it picks up again east of I-95. Miner Road, between High Ridge Road and Seacrest Boulevard is not shown on Palm Beach County's 1991 "Thoroughfare Right-of -Way Identification Mapn and is not shown in the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Support Documents, Volume 1 Traffic Circulation Element, Figure 18 - Future Functional Classification Plan (revised). Therefore, there are no current plans to construct a bridge over I-95 to extend Miner Road. ANALYSIS The requested abandonment has been submitted in order to allow a northerly expansion of Waste Management's solid waste facilities across Miner Road and further north into lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PIO. Exhibit nc" illustrates the location of the right-of-way requested to be abandoned and its relationship to the existing Waste Management facility and the proposed expansion. Waste Management has requested a site plan review of its expansion and it is being considered as a separate item at this December 12, 1995 Board meeting. The property owner's agent has also concurrently requested two other abandonments (File No. ABAN 95-009 and ABAN 95-010) in connection with the Waste Management expansion which will also be considered as separate items at this meeting. A Board of Adjustment variance (case #212) has also been requested to omit a green belt requirement on the lots located in the PID and is in connection with the expansion of the existing Waste Management facility. The Board of Adjustment variance will be considered at the December 18, 1995 Board of Adjustment meeting. The original request, now tabled, raised concerns regarding whether the Rollyson property, undeveloped Florentine Marble property planned to be developed by Zicaro Plumbing and FDOT parcels have an existing, alternative, perpetual means of access acceptable to the City, in lieu of the standard, direct access from a public or private right-of-way. Without this, these parcels could be landlocked. Additional information has been subr:nitted by the applicant and staff's concerns with this inroImatibn are provided later in this report. Comments from the City Attorney are pending. The applicant was requested to provide verification of whether FOOT and C8X Railroad would allow construction of a "flyovern (bridge) over their right-of-way. This information has not yet been received. A letter from Paramount Engineering Group, Inc. offering their opinion of the "flyover" regarding scheduling and cost as to FOOT's five year plan was submitted but this letter did not address the issue of whether FOOT would allow a II flyover" over their right- of-way. Since a portion of the Miner Road right-of-way identified above as Tract 8-2 (Minbr Road) is dedicated to Palm Beach County, the applicant will have to successfully follow and complete the Palm Beach County's abandonment procedure prior to permits being issued by the city. Palm Beach County has been notified of the request but no response has been received. ' The applicant's reasons for filing this abandonment and the grounds that support the request are included in the attached Exhibit "D". The city departments involved in review of a request for abandonment and the utility companies notified of the request are identified below, as well as their responses. Public notice is /I <:- Page 3 Memorandum No. 95-649 Miner Road ABAN 95-011 given to the property owners that abut the easement to be abandoned. At the time of the writing of this report no response from the abutting property owners had been received. CITY DEPARTMENTS Engineering No objection Utilities Dedication of utility easement required Planning and Zoning (see recommendation below) PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES Florida Power and Light Dedication of utility easement required Southern Bell No objection Florida Gas Company Cable Company (Comcast) (see recommendation below) No objection Palm Beach County Traffic Division (see recommendation below) RBCOMMBNDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested abandonment of Miner Road, subject to the following conditions being rectified prior to a resolution for abandonment being adopted by the City Commission: 1. Written verification that Palm Beach County has accepted an abandonment application to abandon the portion of Miner Road that is dedicated to Palm Beach County. 2. Written documentation from FDOT and the CSX Railroad that indicates they would not permit a "flyover" to be constructed over their rights-of-way. 3. The applicant shall show compliance with 'any forthcoming conditions of abandonment required by Florida Gas. 4. Submittal of a survey showing proposed dedication of utility easements to satisfy FPL and the City Utility Department conditions. 5. Written documentation, acceptable to the City, that verifies that the Rollyson, FDOT and Florentine Marble parcels that abut the portion of Miner Road to be abandoned, have an alternate,perpetual means of access. The following concerns have been identified thus far within the materials submitted in an attempt to address this. 'issue: a) Deed from Rollyson to Florentine Marble is missing conveyance reference for dedication of a 30 feet wide ingress/egress easement. b) There is question as to whether Rollyson's sale to Waste Management included Rollyson's own 30 foot ingress/egress easement, therefore Rollyson may not have access any longer. A separate easement should have been rededicated by Waste Management for both :3 '-' ...., Page 4 Memorandum No. 95-649 Miner Road ABAN 95-011 Rollyson and Florentine to use. c) Since the city has never approved these dedications, they have been forwarded to the city attorney (response forthcoming) to ensure that they are perpetual and inclusive of the city's language requiring city approval to extinguish. 6. Written acceptance from Palm Beach County Traffic Division regarding the abandonment request. TJH:dim Attachments xc: Central File a:Minrabn,gwl 4- LU\.,AIIUN MAP . -w MINElq RC?,AD R/W ~~~DON~ENT . .. ~.---t ~ 1 .. .. r/{:;io' . [J 1- LJ~~. .LU: ~~~; ." = ==::l' ,. , , -, l..:.:Ea c:: . ,(fT . . i . .-- l .Jl I V '-- ~' ! " ., H I .A ",,-< "i .. .s: 'J #I~ cO ~., I?- -, T'rrT 1_'; U-- ';' II J ...~.r -1 f ~[l ~ ' ~ l fiJ=. .. ,,j \' . ~~ t.ll'"'- f " --.. 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Ii I J fil I I . . II I II I II I J Ii I I I "i.j I I I!III it ! !I It II 'I! i .i..l nil II iJ 'III il! III i JJ !! hi. ,I ~ . r . I I t 't-: --- __________ _--;I '..II'~" ... . - - .:::-3 _~ .It - ~ . . .. . . . . ~ ; . . .. -. . ; ,... - J is ~ I'~~ .:;; ,;y. ;;~l - I . 2 I . ( 1 ii'. \t. . \ i .. . ---'-- : . - t . ~of - - ,...,,,,In.. ..:1""'.'- ~ .. -- --- - ...-.. - :.:- .. ~ +~ .: -- _1I.=- - ==--~~ 1Yl .~. I . --- --- .-. -----. ..... ,....' ~ ..... In .... ..- DA I I I I I I ,..' ,. . .~ APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This torm must be tilled out completely and accuratel~ and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (Three (~ copies of applicatioc are required.) I' ,;,' i;c PROJECT NAMBI CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D., AND HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK. A P AGENT'S NAME I J. RICHARD HARRIS, ESQUIRE SCOTT, ROYCE. HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, P.A. AGENT'S ADDRBSS. 4400 PGA BOULEVARD. SUITE 800. PALM BEACH GDNS.. FL 334 AGENT'S PHONSI (407) 624-3900 - FAX (407) 624-3533 OWNER'S NAMB I (or Trustee's) OWNER'S ADDRBSS I C/O JAMES VANDERWOUDE CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. 430 NORTH "G" STREET, LAKE WORTH. FLORIDA 33460 OWNER'S PHONBI (407) 588-3854 - FAX (407) 585-5574 PROJECT LOCATION I EAST OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD WEST OF THE SEABOARD RAILROAD (~ legal description) AND SOUTH OF GATEWAY BOULEVARD CORRESPONDENCE 'ADDRESSI* S~ (it d1fferent than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agenda., letters and other materials will be forwarded. /""" ,C SENr BY: , ;'fRlI:~~, IT ,",:n , "... ~:~'i < " . . I J I . . . I . . I I I . I I I ,; i . , ~ . f ;,,- 1-95 3:45PM Boynton ocn fax~ .Dr". ........:-... 401 ~24 3533;1 1 Wf .." ~PWICATlON TO ~B~DON/V~CAT~ The under.1;ned, pur.uant to Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the Ci~? ( Boynton Se.ch, Florida1 hereby app11.. to the C1ty Commi'Mion vacate, abandon, and d .continue the, (check one), ( ) AtLEY (XUX) STREIT (XXXI) ".CIAL pua.olz BAIIHZN1' ( ) OTHIR NONIIS INTEREST OF THI CITY a. de.cribed in attached Ixhiblt "AU, and to renounce and di.- claim any right of the City and the public 1n and to any lAnd j conn~otlon therewith. Sald applioation i. to ba filed wlth the Plannln9 Department i~ ~riplioat. and .ppl1c.~1oft. 1nvolvinq more than one of the Abo~ l1.ted nonle. intere.t. .hall ~. fil.d ..parately. Each appli- cation '0 111e4 ahall be complete 1n every re.pect. The underligne4 hereby certify I 1. That a complete and accurate ll9al de.o~lptlon with th. .pecifio property intereat .ought to be vacated or abandoned, i cludlnq where pO.libl. a plat map or drawin; .howln; the genera area and locat1on involved, i. ..t forth in Exhibit "A" attache hereto. 2. That the titl. or 1ntere.t of tbe City and the public in ani to the .pecif1c property inter..t de.crlbed abov. w.. acquired and 1. evidenced by, (oheck'one). ( !XU) ( UD) << ) DIID DEDICATION PRBSCRtITION Recol'decl 1n Official Record. look 2"3 , P&;e 1349, al PUblia R.oo~ . 0 'a a..c county, loric!a. ..PLAT lOOK 41. PAGES 100-101 3. Tha~ no .~1.~ application ba. be.n conlldered by the City at any tlme within .1x (6) monthl of the date hereof, Ind .houlc th1. applioation ~e g~.nted, .ucb abandonment and vlcation will pr.vent no othe~ property owner. from.acca... ~o and from their property and no other property owner. 1n the vioinity will b. adver.elY'effaated. 4. That the above d..aribed property intere.t 1. under the control and juri.diotion of the c1ty comml..ion of the City of Boynton Beach, rlorida, ie not a ~a~t of any .tate O~ federal h1vhway .I.t.m, and w.. not acquired o~ dediaated for .tat. o~ federal h ghwa., puzopo....: 5. That the followln, oon.tltut...a complete and accurate .ohedule 01 all OWft.~. and occupant. boundinl an4 abutting the p~ope~ty intel'e.t cle.G21~~4 above. i;.-;,,.c -...1,' -" " ,"0 ~ ~/,.' [, '.'" " YP'L"" i'--~A~I-'l. ',-~t..T"; r;?i'....::..l""'~...1 , , "\ t '-,.J .l...{,z ..:4- -Z:'" .._ . ~'-r.!\"'" A'-) ,'-\\-.(. ;",.e':'~, .:;,f- ,;:;t-..:,.,...,,-..' _ , CONDOl INVISTKlNtl or PALK aBACI COUNn, IHC. , ;' FlNDllt, T. D. MmYII C/O JAMlS VANDERWOUDE 430 NOITH "e" STUBt. LAXI WORTH. r 33460 328 ROYAL POINCIANA ~AY PALM BIACH FL 33480 POS~ OFFICE BOX lZZZ81 FORr woaTH. TX 76121-2283 CIO !!Atilt; IMtI~. un;.. 1810-1. fORU' HILL BLVD.. ". PALM DCB.. FL 3340661 556 MUIRFI!LD DRIVE ATLANTIS. it 33462-1208 CIO RIGHT-Of-WAY ADMINSTRATOK, 34UU W. COMMERCIAL BLVD.. FT. LAUD.. FL WASTI MANAGEMENT INC. or FLORIDA I ROLLYSON. JAKES AND CENEVIEVE ATNI!R. DAVID I. AND t!IGHAN R. n.ORtDA DEPARTMENT or TRANSPORTATION /1 - - SENT BY: I . ;,,- '-95 3:46PM Boynton Bch fax~ 407 624 3533;' S . ,. That the ~ollowinG G~ound. and rea.on. are lubm1tted in support of tbia application. THAT 81C1101 or KUlla lOAD lAST or IIGI lIDGI ROAl) AND WEST or THE C:~J" UIL10AD - lIGHT-Or-WAY AS PAl.TIA1.LY PLATTED .um PAlTIALLY DEDICATED. A POllTION OF THE ROADlJA~ IS DEDICATE]) BY TWO PLATS DE PLAT or BO!NTON IIACH DISTRIButION CINTER AND THE P1..4 . A .U.D.. HIGH . A . ;. . , iT. OF-WAY 108' rllT IN WIDTH WID DEDICATED BY 10TH PLATS. HOW!VE1. ~OTHlll PORTION ( '1111; 1L!(illl'-OF-WAl' II DGI~IU ~ All ZAlUU"f,L: DIED WlllCH. WilD CO)Uu'l'UU, W141l 'nit; luGl OF-WAY DIDIc.&.TlD BY THI rUT or CIDAlIIDGI. A r.U.D.. AND HIGH IIDGE COMMElCE PAn A r.l.IJ.. CUAIAI A IOTAI. &lWH'I-of-liA'I n' IN WIDTH. nil BALANCI: 01' 1'111 ROADQAt' 'Is SOLELY DEDICATED It THI PLAT or CIDAl IIDOI, A r.U.D.. AND HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK It. P.I.D., AND IS 011.1' 54' IN V11)TB. THIS lOilTIOl't 01' ..lll!; Kll~IX KOAU KI(itU;-Ol-WAl IS TUIIFOU. NOT COMPLETELY DIDICATED AS IIQUIUD. IJQ) HAS NIVER BIII1 IMPROVED AND IS !'tU'l: U5m AI W ruaUlI1 "'& 111(11...11:5, A(i....51. Al,;l,;IUilij U~ u.nl&"W~~t.. LII...U;;:)i:t, 1....1u.h. AND ACC!SS IS AVAIWLI TO ALL "RCnD rlOrDTI!S aVEI AND ACIOSS aTREI IMPROVED Al DEDICATED J.IClITS-Or-WAY.' .-. - -. - - DATID. 10/27/'5 );"tfCAltr(S) HAM. l'l.!ASE SIGN) ADDIESS COBDOa IIVISDIDlI or .AllIIACB COUBn. IIC. It's J. UCIIdD UIIlI. AGII! ~~~ . ~ STAT. or n.oa%DA COUH'1'I' or IlLH IDCK ~a above aama4 appllGantC.) baing flr.t duly .worn by ma the day and yaar above lndiaatad, dapo.ad and atatad that he ara/l. the appllaantC.) 1n tha fo~agqlng Application to-Xban4on/. Vaoat., that thaV hava ~ea4 the .... and that tha iaot. therein ..t forth a~a trua and Gorrect to the b..t ot thair knowledge. CD ",~... 1l1IW_ "'--... . _.~&I. , --...... . I · My Comml..1oD IXpire.. Ql ICATtUEN Y. 8RNGlN \ . fir ~, CCGIllea ElCPIIII . .JMu.y 2, ,. iff. ....,1NII1Nl'\',........ .3 6-19-87 /? ,- ~ .., EXHIBIT nAn ORIGINAL PARCEL: ,,' ""~I~ That portion of Forese Road established and dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. &: High Ridge Comnerce Park, a P.I.O., according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, abutting Lots 36 through 45, inclusive, of Block 1 of said Plat and abutting the north 75' of Lot 35, Block 1 of said Plat. PARCEL 1: Tract S-l (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Tract S -1, as established by the Plat of BOYHTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, is dedicated for additional right-at-way tor Minor Road for the perpetual use of the public for proper purposes. PARCEL 3: Easement and right-of-way over and across the North 25' of the West 340' of the North ane-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida. The above-described easement for access and right-of-way was granted by Easement Deed dated August 13, 1976, executed by James O. Taylor and Mildred Taylor, his wife, and David P. Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor, his wife, in favor of the City of Boynton Beach. Buffer ea ent encumbering the south 25' of lots 15, 1 , and 18 of Block 2, CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. &: HIGH R ERCE PARK, A P. I. D., accord3- to the plat thereo .. ="'d in the office of the Clerk of t C . t Co and fo_ 11m Be~.'h County I Florida, at Pla e 58. liP W' .."", SPEED LETIEP TO FROM Mr. John Guidy Sue Kruse Director of Utilities City Clerk SUBJECT City Commission Meeting - December 19. 1995 - 'OLD ~O '.r 10 MESSAGE Attached is a copy of an application requesting the abandonment of a portion of Minor Plut of Cedar Ridge & High Ridge Commerce Park. The a~plication was submitted by Condl Investments. Agents name is J. Richard Harris. Please review and advise of your ~pproval or disapproval in accordance with Land Development Regulations. Article 111. Section 4A (1) of the code. Please respond to this office with a copy to the Planning Dept. by December 6. 1995. DATI 12/1/95 SIGNED '- C-<<'.J ~~.....,.... ~ REPlY Utility e~s over existing utilities 1IIJSt be dedicated prior to abarJ;b..eut. for those utilities within the current row. Otherwise. no objection. - 'OLD FOR NO t - 'OLD FDR ~O, 10 CCl. JP"'- ~ ~t. :-- . ,.".,........, ,1M: ,. . .' ...:. ~ - DA~-~ -95-G~ 44.902. Triplicatl 44.904 . auadruplic ,. WlIIonJ...... SENDD: DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY, SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES. RECIPIBIT: RETAIN WHm: COPY, RETURN PINK COPY. f .. /9 ,/") r , I' /.; \~ Il d-- ~L VVl'J BR;INBBRING DIVISION MBMORAHDUM NO. 95 -465 December 4, 1995 TO: FROM: Sue Kruse City, Clerk M~~~m ~. Hukill, P.E. ~ng1neer MINER ROAD ABANDONMBNT RE: We have received your request that we review several documents submitted by J. Richard Harris appearing to request abandonment of certain City property abutting landholders Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc.; Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works; T.D. Fender; Waste Management of Florida; J & G Rollyson; D & L Rinker; and F.D.O.T. in various combinations. To the overall issue involving abandonment of these pieces of Miner Road right-of-way, we do not object. To the lesser included issue of whether the application is complete, we do not think so. The City Land Development Regulations (Chapter 22, Article III, Section 2, Page 22-6) require, where possible, the "reason for the request"; certification that the abandonment "will not adversely affect other property owners"; and verification from "each affected or potentially affected utility company" that their interests are protected. All of these requirements may have been satisfied, but none of the required material was in the package you submitted to us. WVH:bh Attachment - L.D.R. page 22-6 XC: Carrie Parker Tatdf)..}. 11_...JlI"'9~, -':MI... - , - /9 ~1_ ,.~~~:'~'~.r~.;~~u .. :_..:.-:.--_...:.---- . --_.....~..-..... NOV-28-'95 TUE 13:49 !D:FPL DR! DR -.. TEL NO: 407-265-3162 FA~~LlNE =*2?-9 P01 .' ftL Florid. Power' Ught Complny, P. O. Box 2409, Delre, Be.cll, FL 33441-24l11 :rn ! R .":;1 15 !~: '~ ~ , .~n" 2 8 &15 : PLANNIi'!G A~D r. lONING CEPT. --:mt September 1. 1995 Tambrl J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach. FL 33425-0310 Re: Forest Ct ('95-004) a Miner Rd ('95-005) Right of Way Abandonm.nt De.r Ms. Heyden: FPL has no objection to the abandonment of the Forest Court rlght-o'-way of as described in your letter dated August 9, 1995 FPL has no objection to the abandonment of the Miner Road rlght-ot-way of as described in your letter dated August 14. 1995. provided that a u1ir easem.n' rovld on the east 160 f..t of the. road right of way.( .e the area highlighted In yellow on the .nclosed ,/' CiiWlng.} , , f/,rAsE. If you require any additlonallntormatlon. pleas. call me at (407) 265-31 eM. ~"....I SlnC8rely Yours, f1.tf;~~ Major Account Manag.r *-********************** *.******* ~To. II .. (J, II of Pag.. ... : Co. ~ Do"t. : : F=ax 11" 2 '1- .3 oS' "'11. ~:'OtlEt # : : From G P., r , 'C;- : .Fax . ,;1.(, J' 3 / ~ 2. Phone II .2.c,~ 3/" 'f * ****-****-**---~~..~--*..*.*****: ~/-., I G ,,0/<'" Co/~ s a",~ j2E(i)UIIt.E~&."..n;s k.. ~ I~J;~ 14,4Q. -tf2u~~ en FPL Group company dO Board of Cr I' nty Commissioners Ken L. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Administratol Robert Weisman Department of Engineeri and Public Works December 6, 1995 Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.o. Box 310 Boynton Heach, Florida 33425-0310 SUBJECT: MINER ROAD ABANDONMENT BETWEEN HIGH RIDGE ROAD AND 1-95 Dear Ms. Heyden: I am writing in response to your letter of December 1, concerning a request to abandon two parcels that were dedicated to Palm Beach County for the right of way of High Ridge Road. The County would have no objections to the requested abandonments, however, the abandonment petitions must be processed through the County. The party requesting the abandonments should contact Ms. Signe Miller of our Land Development Division, (407) 684-4090 to determine how to initiate this process. Please contact me if you have any questions. OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ,} " 1 /~17 t~'I/,,[v[.J ai/~ Charle~ R. Wilker, Jr., p.r. Director - Traffic Division cRw:dk;meo pc: Signe Miller - land Development File: Roads - Minor Road ASH\minor -~-:--=---T i~:J' . ,':; !i',i \l II " . IJ ,...' , , ' I ' ! I :, I Jll ; I i! , '-'Ti'.:r ,i";, ;., hi ." j I . i I' I ..,._..I.I!i:I~:~; I'C;~r,...,_,..,.._.,_, "An Equal Opportunity. Affirmati\'e Action Employer" @ print" on r~ pap<< BOle 21229 Wesl Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 \'(-":;;'W", ' \ " \~' \ \ U \ I; , \ f, \ \ \ ,,1 i: I ~ I, ~. I ,.. j \ j i: \ L;~ ~ } : ;;J . ; 'j: ~ : , \ 'l' 'I " CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ". \ EGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING " .'.."...... AGE N 0 A d ~J:t/.'c. >i("'1' "- December 19, 1995 6:30 P,M. I. OPENINGS: A. Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Taylor B. Invocation - Rev Hank Ackermann - Boynton Beach Congregational Church C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Mayor Pro Tem Lynne Matson D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Appointments to be made: APPOINTMENT LENGTH OF TERM TO BE MADE BOARD EXPIRATION DATE IV Matson Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Alt Term expires 4/96 TABLED II Bradley Cemetery Board Alt Term expires 4/96 TABLED IV Matson Children & Youth Adv Brd Alt Term expires 4/96 TABLED IV Matson Comm Redev Adv Board Reg 1 yr Term to 4/96 TABLED IV Matson Code Enforcement Board Alt 1 yr Term to 9/96 TABLED IV Matson Adv Brd Children & Youth Reg Term expires 4/97 TABLED IV Matson Adv Brd Children & Youth Reg Term expires 4/97 TABLED I Rosen Board of Zoning Appeal Reg 1 yr term to 1/97 TABLED II Bradley Board of Zoning Appeal Reg 1 yr term to 1/97 TABLED III Jaskiewicz Board of Zoning Appeal Reg 2 yr term to 1/98 TABLED IV Matson Board of Zoning Appeal Reg 2 yr term to 1/98 TABLED Mayor Taylor Board of Zoning Appeal Reg 2 yr term to 1/98 TABLED I Rosen Board of Zoning Appeal Alt 1 yr term to 1/97 TABLED II Bradley Board of Zoning Appeal Alt 2 yr term to 1/98 TABLED III Jaskiewicz Education Advisory Board Stu Term expires 4/96 TABLED IV Matson Bldg Brd of Adj & Appeal Alt Term expires 4/96 III. CONSENT AGENDA Matters in this Section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City Managor for "Consent Agenda" approval of the action Indioated In each item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments. A. Minutes 1. Special City Commission Meeting Minutes of December 4. 1995 2. City Commission/Chamber of Commerce Workshop Meeting Minutes of Dec. 4. 1995 3. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of December 5, 1995 B. Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1995-96 Adopted Budget 1 1. Approve manhole structural repair at NE 8th Avenue and NE 26th Avenue with Underwater Unlimited Diving Services, Inc. 2. Approve piggy-backing City of Pompano Beach's Annual Contract for Water Meters and Parts 3. Approve replacement of Submersible Well Pumps & Equipment with Atlantic Environmental Systems. Inc. for one year 4. Approve East Water Treatment window replacement utilizing existing contractor/MBR Construction. Inc. 5. Approve annual contract for Aquatic Plant Control with Lake & Wetland Management 6. Co-op Anhydrous Ammonia - The Cooperative Purchasing Council of Palm Beach County awarded the bid to Tanner Industries. Inc. C. Aesolutions 1. Proposed Resolution No. R95- RE: Water Service Agreement - Thomas G. Kane for property located at 3645 North Federal Highway, Delray Beach 2. Proposed Resolution No. R95- RE: Authorize execution of service contract between the City of Boynton Beach and TFP Inc. for the computerized photo imaging system in the Police Department 3. Proposed Resolution No. R95- RE: Rosemary Scrub Joint City/County Acquisition Project Resolution endorsing grant award agreement and grant award calculation 4. Proposed Aesolution No. A95- Rosemary Scrub RE: Addendum III to Conceptual Approval for D. Approval of Bills E. Payment of Bills - November 1995 F. Approve expenditure for returning Communications Center to City Hall IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTATIONS: A. Announcements B. Presentations 1. Representative Sharon Merchant 2. Presentation of Holiday Parade Awards 3. Proclamations a) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day - January 15. 1996 b) Shrine Hospital Days - February 3rd - February 14th 2 v. BIDS: None VI. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 PM OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS A. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Hills of Lake Eden PUD POSTPONED TO JANUARY 2, 1996 Burlison A. Gentry - Gentry Engineering & Land Surveying, Inc. Newport Properties, Inc. Northwest corner of S.E. 36th Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard REZONING - Request for zoning and master plan approval to construct 62 single-family detached homes on 15.45 acres of land in connection with a rezoning from R-1-AAB (single-family residential) to Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 5 (PUD with LUI=5). B. PROJECT NAME: Miner Road TABLED TO DECEMBER 19, 1995 AGENT: Richard Harris for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County City of Boynton Beach Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95 ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of a 54 foot wide portion of the Miner Road right~of-way east of High Ridge Road OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: C. PROJECT NAME: Miner Road AGENT: Richard Harris of Scott, Royce, Harris, Bryan, Barra & Jorgensen, P.A. OWNER: City of Boynton Beach and Palm Beach County LOCATION: Miner Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95 DESCRIPTION: ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of three parcels that comprise the Miner Road right-of-way east of High Ridge Road. D. PROJECT NAME: Newport Place PUD (f.k.a. Stanford Park PUD) AGENT: Donald E. Hearing OWNER: Newport Place Associates Ltd. LOCATION: Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court DESCRIPTION: FUTURE LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING - Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential for a 23 acre, existing planned unit development (PUD) and a 1.59 acre tract and to rezone the 1.59 acre tract from R-1-AAB (single-family residential) and the PUD to Planned Unit Development (PUD w/LUI=5) to add a 120 bed assisted living facility. E. PROJECT NAME: Newport Place AGENT: Donald E. Hearing OWNER: Newport Place Associates Ltd. LOCATION: Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court DESCRIPTION: PARKING LOT VARIANCE - Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article II, Section H.7 "Number of Driveways" to allow two (2) additional driveways onto Northwest 7th Court. F. PROJECT NAME: Cedar Ridge PUD and High Ridge Commerce Park PID (buffer easement) Richard Harris of Scott, Royce, Harris, Bryan, Barra & Jorgensen, P.A. Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. South perimeter of Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 within the High Ridge Commerce Park PIO DESCRIPTION: ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of a 25 foot wide buffer easement. AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: ::\ G. PROJECT NAME: Boynton Beach Distribution Center (Miner Road Access Control Easement) Richard Harris of Scott, Royce, Harris, Bryan, Barra & Jorgensen, P.A. Waste Management of Florida North perimeter of Lots 18 and 19 of the Boynton Beach Distribution Center DESCRIPTION: ABANDONMENT - Request for abandonment of 5 foot wide access control easement. AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: H. Conduct a public hearing concerning the issuance of bonds for Clipper Cove VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS Will BE LIMITED TO 3 MINUTE PRESENTATIONS VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: A. PROJECT NAME: Papa Johns TABLED APPLICANT REQUESTED TO BE TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 19, 1995 AGENT: lnterplan Practice, Ltd. OWNER: Papa Johns USA LOCATION: Northeast corner of N.W. 7th Court and Boynton Beach Boulevard DESCRIPTION: LANDSCAPE APPEAL: Request for a landscape code appeal to overhang a required landscape strip with bumpers of parked cars. B. PROJECT NAME: Papa Johns TABLED APPLICANT REQUESTED TO BE TABLED UNTIL DECEMBER 19,1995 AGENT: Interplan Practice, Ltd. OWNER: Papa Johns USA LOCATION: Northeast corner of N.W. 7th Court and Boynton Beach Boulevard DESCRIPTION: NEW SITE PLAN: Request for site plan approval to construct a 1,142 square foot take-out pizza store on .22 acres C. PROJECT NAME: High Ridge Commerce Park PID AGENT: Joseph D. Handley, Craven Tompson & Associates, Inc. OWNER: Waste Management of Palm Beach LOCATION: High Ridge Commerce Park PID Lots 15,16,17 and 18 (South side of Commerce Road, approximately 304 feet east of High Ridge Drive) DESCRIPTION: USE APPROVAL - Request to establish within the High Ridge Commerce Park PIO exterior truck and solid waste container storage as a permitted use. D. PROJECT NAME: Waste Management of Palm Beach - South AGENT: Joseph D. Handley, Craven Tompson & Associates, Inc. OWNER: Waste Management of Palm Beach LOCATION: High Ridge Commerce Park PIO Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 (South side of Commerce Road, approximately 304 feet east of High Ridge Drive) DESCRIPTION: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - Request to amend the previously approved site plan to add land area to construct additional exterior paved truck storage and an expanded exterior container storage yard. E. PROJECT NAME: Tara Oaks PUD AGENT: Kieran J. Kilday, Kilday & Associates. Inc. for Pulte Home Corp. OWNER: Tara Oaks Development Company LOeA TION: Northeast corner of Woolbright Road and Knuth Road extended DESCRIPTION: MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION - Request to amend the previously approved PUD master plan to revise direct access points, alter the location and type of private recreation, change unit type from apartments to townhouses, establish perimeter buffer easements and certain setbacks, enlarge size of residential Pod 1 and church parcel and reduce open space and retention area of Pod 2. IX. NEW BUSINESS: A. Items for discussion requested by Mayor Pro Tern Lynne Matson 1. Purple Heart Way 2. Public Transportation 3. It's Better in Boynton Campaign B. Consider request for a block party on White Hall Way - December 31, 1995 from 9:00 P.M. to 2:00 A.M. x. LEGAL: A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 095-46 RE: Land Use Amendment - School Board of Palm Beach County (Poinciana Elementary School Project) 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 095-47 RE: Rezoning - School Board of Palm Beach County (Poinciana Elementary School Project) Lots 13, 14, 15 and 16 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 095-48 RE: Rezoning - School Board of Palm Beach County (Poinciana Elementary School Project) B. Ordinances - 1 st Reading: None C. Resolutions None D. Other XI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None XII. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: XIII. OTHER: XIV. ADJOURNMENT: NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY' MAlTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HElSHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROOEiEiDINCI II MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONV AND eVIDENoe UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S.288.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTEllO, (407) 375-6013 AT lEAST TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. '" r "'" . , , ,'- . ' ~ 7.E.l MINER ROAD ABANDONMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 95-649 FROM: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Tambri J. HeYden~ Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: December 8, 1995 SUBJECT: Miner Road File No. ABAN 95-011 Right-of-way abandonment NATURE OF REQUEST Richard Harris, agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, the property owner of the undeveloped, High Ridge Commerce Park PID, that includes the north one half of the undeveloped Miner Road right-of-way is requesting abandonment of the right-of-way of Miner Road located between High Ridge Road and I-95. This request supersedes the request that was reviewed by the Board September 12, 1995 and currently tabled by the City Commission. This request includes three separate right-of-way dedications as requested by staff during review of the previous application that comprise the undeveloped Miner Road between High Ridge Road and I - 95. The attached Exhibit "A" is a location map which shows the Miner Road right-of-way to be abandoned. The attached Exhibit "B" is a legal description and survey of the proposed abandonment. The abandonment is requested in connection with the development of lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID that includes expansion of the existing Waste Management facility located south of the lots and south of the right-of-way proposed for abandonment. BACKGROUND As mentioned above, the requested abandonment of Miner Road is comprised of three separate right- of-way dedications as follows: The first is Tract S-2 noted as the original parcel on the legal description and was dedicated to the City by recordation of the 1983 plat of Cedar Ridge, A PUD & High Ridge Commerce Park, A PID. This is the original abandonment request currently tabled. This first requested portion of Miner Road is 54 feet in width; one-half of the ultimate 108 feet originally proposed and is unimproved and extends the south width of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID between High Ridge Road and the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. The second is Tract S-l as established by the plat of the Boynton Beach Distribution Center and dedicated to Palm Beach County. This tract is also 54 feet in width and abuts the right-of-way dedication described above as Tract S-2 at the north property line of lots 18 and 19 of the Boynton Beach Distribution Center. Lots 18 and 19 are currently occupied by the Waste Management facility and are located approximately 362 feet east of High Ridge Road. The third is Parcel 3 deeded to the City of Boynton Beach as an easement and right-of-way in August of 1976. This easement right-of-way is 25 feet in width and abuts the south side of the right-of-way dedication described above as Tract S-2. The 25 foot wide deeded property extends approximately 300 feet east of High Ridge Road to the northwest corner of the right- of-way dedication described above as Tract S-l. I Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-649 Miner Road ABAN 95-011 The purpose of these dedications was for the eventual extension of Miner Road, a 108 foot wide collector road existing immediately to the west of High Ridge Road and which is interrupted by the CSX Railroad and I-95 rights-of-way, before it picks up again east of I-95. Miner Road, between High Ridge Road and Seacrest Boulevard is not shown on Palm Beach County's 1991 IIThoroughfare Right-of-Way Identification Map 11 and is not shown in the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Support Documents, Volume 1 Traffic Circulation Element, Figure 18 - Future Functional Classification Plan (revised) Therefore, there are no current plans to construct a bridge over I-95 to extend Miner Road. ANALYSIS The requested abandonment has been submitted in order to allow a northerly expansion of Waste Management's solid waste facilities across Miner Road and further north into lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID. Exhibit" C" illustrates the location of the right-of-way requested to be abandoned and its relationship to the existing Waste Management facility and the proposed expansion. Waste Management has requested a site plan review of its expansion and it is being considered as a separate item at this December 12, 1995 Board meeting. The property owner's agent has also concurrently requested two other abandonments (File No. ABAN 95-009 and ABAN 95-010) in connection with the Waste Management expansion which will also be considered as separate items at this meeting. A Board of Adjustment variance (case #212) has also been requested to omit a green belt requirement on the lots located in the PID and is in connection with the expansion of the existing Waste Management facility. The Board of Adjustment variance will be considered at the December 18, 1995 Board of Adjustment meeting. The original request, now tabled, raised concerns regarding whether the Rollyson property, undeveloped Florentine Marble property planned to be developed by Zicaro Plumbing and FDOT parcels have an existing, alternative, perpetual means of access acceptable to the City, in lieu of the standardl direct access from a public or private right -of -way. Wi thout this, these parcels could be landlocked. Additional information has been submitted by the applicant and staff's concerns with this information are provided later in this report. Comments from the City Attorney are pending. The applicant was requested to provide verification of whether FDOT and CSX Railroad would allow construction of a "flyover" (bridge) over their right-of-way. This information has not yet been received. A letter from Paramount Engineering Group, Inc. offering their opinion of the "flyover" regarding scheduling and cost as to FDOT's five year plan was submitted but this letter did not address the issue of whether FDOT would allow a 11 flyover" over their right- of-way. Since a portion of the Miner Road right-of-way identified above as Tract S-2 (Minor Road) is dedicated to Palm Beach County, the applicant will have to successfully follow and complete the Palm Beach County's abandonment procedure prior to permits being issued by the city. Palm Beach County has been notified of the request but no response has been received. The applicant's reasons for filing this abandonment and the grounds that support the request are included in the attached Exhibit "D". The city departments involved in review of a request for abandonment and the utility companies notified of the request are identified below, as well as their responses. Public notice is ~ Page 3 Memorandum No. 95-649 Miner Road ABAN 95-011 given to the property owners that abut the easement to be abandoned. At the time of the writing of this report no response from the abutting property owners had been received. CITY DEPARTMENTS Engineering No objection Utilities Dedication of utility easement required Planning and Zoning (see recommendation below) PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES Florida Power and Light Dedication of utility easement required Southern Bell No objection Florida Gas Company (see recommendation below) Cable Company (Comcast) No objection Palm Beach County Traffic Division (see recommendation below) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested abandonment of Miner Road, subject to the following conditions being rectified prior to a resolution for abandonment being adopted by the City Commission: 1. Written verification that Palm Beach County has accepted an abandonment application to abandon the portion of Miner Road that is dedicated to Palm Beach County. 2. Written documentation from FDOT and the CSX Railroad that indicates they would not permit a II flyover" to be constructed over their rights-of-way. 3. The applicant shall show compliance with any forthcoming conditions of abandonment required by Florida Gas. 4. Submittal of a survey showing proposed dedication of utility easements to satisfy FPL and the City Utility Department conditions. 5. Written documentation, acceptable to the City, that verifies that the Rollyson, FDOT and Florentine Marble parcels that abut the portion of Miner Road to be abandoned, have an alternate , perpetual means of access. The following concerns have been identified thus far within the materials submitted in an attempt to address this issue: a) Deed from Rollyson to Florentine Marble is missing conveyance reference for dedication of a 30 feet wide ingress/egress easement. b) There is question as to whether Rollyson's sale to Waste Management included Rollyson's own 30 foot ingress/egress easement, therefore Rollyson may not have access any longer. A separate easement should have been rededicated by Waste Management for both 3 Page 4 Memorandum No. 95-649 Miner Road ABAN 95-011 Rollyson and Florentine to use. c) Since the city has never approved these dedications, they have been forwarded to the city attorney (response forthcoming) to ensure that they are perpetual and inclusive of the city's language requiring city approval to extinguish. 6. Written acceptance from Palm Beach County Traffic Division regarding the abandonment request. TJH:dim Attachments xc: Central File a:Minrabn.gwl 1 E X H I BIT "AII 5" L ~CATION MAP R'1AA: \ rrn, I , I I I ~rrrrr . u ~. /.hI, ~wl:.: I I R1AA R 3t~}:~~f? )Pll' i ~/ ~ ", 0~ . f! ~IL!. i_ / - .' -'- C,I ~.EI.' -I-- :,1--_ - -.- - - '- i' ,... -'. . Ic~ -, -, .. (. ..~ .liiI 1I - ' \ = J_ ~.n. :: .I~ :::~ _'--! . ~_ _ -t , ~ ~~! fU.~ 'I,. ;~~:r~ if ~~ . ~. = ",- . r~e- TIlT: .. ~ ' I r 1 J ~ i'~ .' 1 t _ It ~ j ~IG~ ::Ju-..;'.. t. Irlr~ r :' l(~~. -;.: .' WH1U':':",' _.. ! I .- . y- \ ...' - , , .,--,,: E . . , I ....). '1 cp'wo.-,,. J -}- ..; T -l~~~:Q~! 1'1:: ...~ ~~ I..~].. ~ \~l{i Hnh ~ ti ~ IT "W" . # ..,...... ,,;5,. 'J' ,',,1 1 NOT . . '~ ;-.-~1l,..;lr .i-, r ~I-,... 1: ' TT I I [J llL '~~1 ~ . .~ I' Ci-1= . Ill,.' J ~~':~' 'I \ IN SIl EJ !~. ~Rr,:;1r J+I.__ fJ[ ...) ~ I CITY . ~hl--'~tJII)- Ibl/i5Y} , 111 ~ I++.r I . ~': : ::::. 'L"]' ~r ...z~! I I I \j :. - m' .,..,., =' -11-' 11 Il'f - , c ". ,- _. '\ I -~"", ; TQc-'l~_ 'I'I ~::r:. ~ 11 It.tl I" _ ~, ' - . _ it; H'" ~ ... ~'4''\ " i -: - -_' ~~ -'-1 \ t,. i~r o.\~~,( ,IT / . -f-J -,,1 ~ j-L. '-."<...J- - ->- I I ~ r ->- n- v . , 1_ _ ,-J-, -= :;1 /. , , -:.__' r_~'_ _ 6/li I ~. _.: ;; -0- ~ ~"O~ 'J~' .-- ,- '/11 r" . - -,- ~ ~L, - ~ '~1~"'~~) - I ~ ffl.~ ~r.;",;:r:~ ==~: ~~l ~r( -4 v~,~~.,.. / --~'~'H--' 0 wfl: - J1" -$- ~ L B1JW;. . I ~ fJ I '-l '-:-11- ~~ _ ~ .. -= '_ .',,~ - f' 'I , ,!I /J ,T f-. ~ . -=>- - '- . ~ ' ~ /; -- ~f / : I . ~ I"'; , ',/----..J'/ l.o 400,800 FEET - - i OYNT _;:-~~,'~H L I I)///J PLA/II.a...... g~l; :;;-;,'~;;;- -......n"""CO. _ -7 r ~/l ~lllf~Y7_'__"l~~("\"'\I~;'{,,~"(\J':II!}.t-! MINER R~AD R/W ~~~DON~ENT JI PI"~~ ~,~ 'lrf~ .0"- :r:.~ -LU~ ~ I ~ ." .'R1"'... I I I ;::::: = rJr;::,' ~ -FD I r{. _ ,<'-\liJ1f! :" - , ,-- '.:. ~ :1., ". "\ 1- I III ~/ .'. ~ !J ;'~ If cv= .~~ ~~ ~ :! . " ( .,~.L f-:' ~ 11 P: ) f 1',';,,/ /.;. 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If (a I. n i . i ._--........... ~ I l~ I, ,---....-....... -..-.-- t:.. ! i I 1; ~, ,~.~ ....: '~ .~ ~...;-~- ~ .~ ~.. ,-- / (ff I ~i I II; o ~ ~..~ "'i-< ;ll '" ~ ~ ~ rii .... ;; _.J 'C:"".. "";,.;;;",..;:;;"- 1"I<.r ~ I ,I , r f" .. 0 , ~ 0 . :i .. ~ .. ~ A r ~ . ~ ~ ;; - .. -f;. .. ;;! . <:: <s <: c ,. " .. . ~ .. .. 9 ...........-. " ~ '\ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ _L-_.!::::_ - 7 . 1~ --- E X H I BIT IICII ~...::"" ..- SENT BY: ;,,- 1-95 3:46PM Boynton Bch fax 407 624 3533;# 5 I , . 6. That the following Grounds and reasons are submitted in support of this application I THAT StC':9ION or MINlll ROAD EAST OF HIGH lIDG! ROAD AND WEST OF THE c:~:." RAILR.OAD RIGHT-OF-WAY AS PAR'UKLLY PLATTED AND PARTIALLY DEDICATED. A POR.TION OF THE ROADWAY IS DEDICATED BY TWO PLATS THE PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND THE PLA1 o lID , A .U.>>., AND HIGH J.tDGE CO C , A P.I.D., ATING I HT- OF-WAY 108' PEET IN \lIDTll WED DEDICAtED BY BOTH. PLATS. HOWEVER, ANOTHER PORTION OJ m& ftGHT-OF-WAY I' DEDICATW it .AN EASUlJ:;!t.,L' DEED WIUCH, WHKN COHBUKD WITH 'rH~ luGH' OF-WAY DEDICATED BY THE PLAT 01 ClDAll.IDGl, A '.U.D., AND HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A 1".l.P., CKEA'I&:lI A TOTAL 1\1~H'I-Of-WA'l l'j' IN WIDTH. THE BALANCE OF THE ROADaAt'IS SOLELY DEDICATED BY THE PLAT OF CEDAll lIDG!, A F.U.D., AND HIGH RIDGE COMMER.CE PARK. A P.t.D., AND IS o~u 54' IN Wll)tH. THIS PORTION Of" THE MINER ROAD KlutiT-OF-WAl IS, THEREFOllE, NOT COMPLETELY DEDICATED AS REQUIRED, AND HAS NEVER BEEN IMPROVED AND IS NOT USW D'l AN'l 1'!;i.ti01ll5 .rUlC. t~GRE::i5t l!;GKJ:;55, A~~Jl;~:t U~ U'.rt1.ILKWi.l>t.. J.L\ll"KJ:,::l::l, t.l"Kt.S:), AND ACCESS IS AVAILABLE TO ALL AFFECTED PROPERTIES OVER. AND ACROSS OTHER. IMPROVED ANl DEDICATED RIGHTS-Or-WAY. ~ _.. DATED. 10/27/95 Aif~LrCANT'(S) N~I ('LEASE SIGN) ADDRESS coliDoa IRVES'.DIINTS 01' PAUl BlACH COURn t lHC. BY: J. J.IC1WlD 1WlIlI8. J.GIlIT ~~~.~ STATE or ~LORIDA COUNTY or PALM BEACH Tha above named applicantC.) being first duly .worn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that he are/ia the applioant(a) 1n the fora;qin; Application to-Xbandon/. .. Vacate, that they have read. the aame and that the facta therein .at forth a~. true and correot to the beat ot their knowledge. Q) KA1HLIIN IlIMNDaN lit CO&II8IICIN , CC43GlIlIs EXPIRII .., .....'ftj~.. 1. ......~. I , My Commi..1on Expire.. G~ ~ ''t KATHLEEN M. BRANDON i : ~ MY COMMISSION , CC430966 EXPIRES ... . January 2, 1999 Ffr.1~fJ BONDED THRU TROY FAIN lIfSURAHCE.lII:. .3 6-19-87 15 EXHIBIT ftAft ORIGINAL PARCEL: l""'\ Jfv~j:;). That portion of Forest Road established and dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P. U . D . & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P. 1. D. , according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, abutting Lots 36 through 45, inclusive, of Block 1 of said Plat and abutting the north 75' of Lot 35, Block 1 of said Plat. PARCEL 1: Tract S-l (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Tract S-l, as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, is dedicated for additional right-of-way for Minor Road for the perpetual use of the public for proper purposes. PARCEL 3: Easement and right-of-way over and across the North 25' of the West 340' of the North one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida. The above-described easement for access and right-of -way was granted by Easement Deed dated August 13, 1976, executed by James O. Taylor and Mildred Taylor, his wife, and David P. Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor, his wife, in favor of the City of Boynton Beach. Buffer ent encumbering the south 25' of lots 15, 16 18 of Block 2, f CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH R ERCE PARK, A P.I.D., accord1 to the plat the reo "'d in the office of the Clerk of t Ci . t Co nand fo_ 11m Bel:. 'h County, Florida, at PIa e 58. lip /1 r'-' , , L-J SPEED LETTER@ TO FROM Mr. John Guidy Sue Kruse Director of Utilities City Clerk SUBJECT City Commission Meeting - December 19, 1995 - FOLD NO.9 or 10 MESSAGE Attached is a copy of an application requesting the abandonment of a portion of Minor Rd~ Plat of Cedar Ridge & High Ridge Commerce Park. The application was submitted by Condor' Investments, Agents name is J. Richard Harris. Please review and advise of your ~pprova1 or disapproval in accordance with Land Development Regulations, Article 111, Section 4A (1) of the code. Please respond to this office with a copy to the Planning Dept. by December 6, 1995. DATE 12/1/95 SIGNED '-'l~ ~~C::Y ~ REPLY Utility easemmts over existing utilities m.JSt be dedicated prior to abandoment, for those utilities within the current rCM. Otherwise, no objection. - FOLD FOR NOc 9 44-902 . Triplicate 44-904 . Quadruplicate . WlIsonJones.. SENDER: DETACH AND RETAIN YELLOW COPY, SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES, RECIPIENT: RETAIN WHITE COPY, RETURN PINK COPY. f . '-. /9 (J 11 ' ~JA;\/ItVv"v1 ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95 -465 December 4, 1995 TO: FROM: Sue Kruse City, Clerk M~U~~m ~. Hukill, P.E. ~ngl.neer MINER ROAD ABANDONMENT RE: We have received your request that we review several documents submitted by J. Richard Harris appearing to request abandonment of certain City property abutting landholders Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc.; Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works; T.D. Fender; Waste Management of Florida; J & G Rollyson; D & L Rinker; and F.D.O.T. in various combinations. To the overall issue involving abandonment of these pieces of Miner Road right-of-way, we do not object. To the lesser included issue of whether the application is complete, we do not think so. The City Land Development Regulations (Chapter 22, Article III, Section 2, Page 22-6) require, where possible, the "reason for the request"; certification that the abandonment "will not adversely affect other property owners"; and verification from "each affected or potentially affected utility company" that their interests are protected. All of these requirements may have been satisfied, but none of the required material was in the package you submitted to us. WVH:bh Attachment - L.D.R. page 22-6 XC: Carrie Parker Tambri Heyden A:MUIlIlt /9 NOV-28-'95 TUE 13:49 ID:FPL DRI DR TEL NO:407-265-3162 FRXLINE ~229 P01 flL Florida Power & Light Company, P. O. Box 2409, Delr8Y 888Ch, FL 33441~2409 11m ~ ([rj T-"." W ~ rJ .. G:...-...'. 1,1 r,! II" J 2 8 ,'I' .~n" 1m ,(, I , i PlM~NJr~G Ar..JD p-l 1 ZONING DEPI 'tYlYLv September 1 t 1995 T ambrl J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director Clly of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Forest Ct (#95-004) & Miner Rd (#95-005) Right of Way Abandonment Dear Ms. Heyden: FPL has no objedion to the abandonment of the Forest Court rlght-ot-way of as described in your letter dated August 9. 1995 FPL has no objection to the abandonment of the Miner Road right-of-way of as described in your letter dated August 14, 1995. provided that a utility easement is provided on the east 160 feet of the road right of way.(See the area highlighted in yellow on the enclosed j / drawing.) . ~ If you require any additional Information. please call me at (407) 265-3104. I tJ ~rt./ I i Sincerely Yours. fJ'G~~ A. G. R~~lll~~ ~ Major Account Manager :~:~*~~**~*******~****** ********* * ~. ,~p~~ * :Co, ~. Dopt : :Fax #6,2 '1- 35 S J_._l_J':~~_118:t : :Fronl/t~ p., rs, I~ '"C~~- : *Fax # ,;2.", J' 3/ v z.. Phol'o 1/.2 S;-"3 * ***************** ~~****~.**~~r*: 7H' / J / ;S .;-ry<:.... r_'/~A S 0 ~~ :?- /1 "'"""C.I ~~ ~, '-- J-E(J')W IIt.C/"'?~ ~ ~ I/",r;~ 1Lo4D, -14"'7k~ an FPl Group company dO '~,u. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-665 Agenda Memorandum for November 21, 1995 City Commission Meeting FROM: Carrie Parker City Manager Tarnbri J. Heyden '-rr;;41J Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: November 15, 1995 SUBJECT: Miner Road - ABAN #95-005 Right-of-way abandonment The above-referenced request is on the table under Public Hearings for the November 21, 1995 City Commission agenda. DESCRIPTION: The above request was submitted by Richard Harris, agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, owner of the undeveloped High Ridge Commerce Park PID, to abandon a portion of Miner Road located between High Ridge Road and I-95 in connection with expansion of the existing Waste Management facility on Industrial Way, immediately south of the requested area to be abandoned. At the September 19, 1995 Commission meeting, the request was tabled until the applicant submitted to staff the following documents to allay staff concerns with this request: 1. An abandonment application for the additional 54 feet of Miner Road that exists immediately north of the Waste Management facility. 2. An abandonment application for a 25 foot wide easement that exists for Miner Road. 3. An abandonment application for a five foot wide access control easement that exists for Miner Road. 4. Written documentation, acceptable to the City, that verifies that the Rollyson, FDOT and Florentine Marble parcels that abut the portion of Miner Road to be abandoned, have an alternate, perpetual means of access. 5. Written verification from FDOT and the CSX Railroad that indicates that they would not permit a "fly-over" to be constructed over their rights-of-way. RECOMMENDATION: Staff has received some of the documentation required in item 4 above, which has been recently forwarded to the City Attorney and the City Engineer for review. This review is pending. Mr. Harris has indicated that he had contacted FDOT and CSX regarding the "fly-over", but that he has not yet received a response from them. The abandonment applications referenced in items I, 2 and 3 above have been received, but are still incomplete and lack responses from the various utility companies. Since the applicant did not turn this information in by November 8th to advertise for' a public hearing before the Commission on November 21, 1995 a new deadline of November 28th for receipt of these items has been set in order to advertise for a public hearing before the Commission on December 19th. These new applications will replace the subject application. Therefore, it is recommended that this item remain tabled to the December 19, 1995 Commission meeting at which time it is anticipated that the subject application can be withdrawn, and aotion can be taken on the new applications. TJH:dim xc: Central File a:CCAgABN2.Minor p- ;.,.. . ,- --' .---- ., t ' - ." ~-- ........- - -. < . ,. ...... .. -' ~.. .~~:=:- .~==-~":,-:.=.:..-= IYII .. 7W.MJ 3 '<T; - - - - -- -. -- ... ) ,- . .. ....~. - --J : --- " · l -. ._~ -.- - . ...... ---........- ---- . ..., .~ "''\-1' '-1 -4 ~ 1 j;..I .. SIIOl]l\lllS . SIlJIIIW'W . $lIl'MMIIIII JW:--. ., _,_ +_c -- ---- .~ ,~ .. 0'" . "ON 'Dl.... 11 --...aHl.IllAVII:) If(1J$IYtID JDlR!JYJn'~ .JlSY A . . 01 ... , .{ . . .::::j ---- --- . -------- C..",1I1:1 1I0"_~ . iii II : . - t ! i , . tl t ~ ' - I 1~ II I I' I ~ I i I I , i' I II Ii, \ 111111 " \ \1 !i \1 t ,! iii, .1. II · .; ., I- I -, I I II \ 1\ I' il ' ill 1\ i I . ~....~ -- -J - _1 .~ ... iI .. . \ I- f. , a' t:. '... ~.. - . ,a . " l'~~ .a- . "e~~ t __t .....1 '.'l'- ..~. -- I t . ~ .. - .. . A o .. ~ . ! . ;; III . , l \ I I I I I I c:::. :::.:":.... ..-.....- ,ii'. \i.. , ---' -:.:.=-- ...---- --. .8\ .r:r I . ..... ......' TDA,C ..... r\n ....w._ --- --- ~z.t?i.!;!!!.i!; PADr .. A 1--..11:0 '. / I . ,,' " of i . ,! APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. (Three' (3) copies of application are required.) I' I I) I~' f , ~, , / PROJECT NAME: AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS: CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D., AND HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.I J. RICHARD HARRIS. ESQUIRE SCOTT. ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, P.A. 4400 PGA BOULEVARD, SUITE 800. PALM BEACH GDNS., FL 33410 AGENT'S PHONE: (407) 624-3900 - FAX (407) 624-3533 OWNER'S NAME: (or Trustee's) CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. INC. OWNER'S ADDRESS: C/O JAMES VANDERWOUDE 430 NORTH lIGlI STREET, LAKE WORTH. FLORIDA 33460 OWNER'S PHONE: (407) 588-3854 - FAX (407) 585-5574 PROJECT LOCATION: EAST OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD WEST OF THE SEABOARD RAILROAD (not legal description) AND SOUTH OF GATEWAY BOULEVARD CORRESPONDENCE , ADDRESS I * SAME (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. f3 . . , . I t I . . . . . ;. I . , ~ . ! ;"-J-~5 3:45PM Boynton Bch fa~~ .....Ll -'r.ft'r~'. ,,,:-"':11...1, 407 624 3533;# 3 ArPLICATION TO ABANDON/V~CAT! The undera19ned, purauant ta Ordinance NO. 76-27 of the Cir.y of Boynton B.ach, Florida, hereby applies to the City commi.~i~n to vacate, abandon, and d~.continu. the, (check one) r ( ) (XXXI I (XXXX ) ( ) ALLEY STREET S'ZCIAL PURPOSB EASEMENT OTHER HONrlE INTEREST OF THE CITY a. descr1bed in attached Exhib1t nAil, and to t'enaunce and dis- olaim any z1Qht of the City and the pUblic in and to any land 1n conn~ction therewith. Said application 1. to be filed with the planning Department in triplicate and applications 1nvolving more than one of the above listed nontee interests ahall be ~lled .eparately. Each appli- cation 80 filed .hall be complete in every respect. The under81gned hereby certify. 1. That a complete and accurate 189&1 de.oription with the specifio property interest sought to be vaaated or abandoned, in- cluding where pos8ible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and. location involved, i8 set forth in Exhibit "An attached hereto. 2. That the title or inter.lt ot the C1ty and the public in and to the specific property interest desoribed above was acquired and i. evldenoed by, (oheck' one). ( XXIX) ( xxxx) ( ) DEED DEDICATION PRBSCRIPTION Reoorded. in Official llecotdl Boole 2573 , Page 1349, and': Publio aeoorda of Palm Seach county, florida. **PLA'I' BOOK 47. PAGES 100-101 3. That no lim1lar application ha. been considered by the City at any time within .ix (6) months o~ the date hereof, and should thi. applioation be granted, 8uch abandonment and Vacation will prevent no other property owners trom acce.. to and fram their' property and no other property owners in the vicinity will be adver.elY'effeoted. 4. That the above de.c~1b.d property intereat i. unde~ the control and ju~i.d1ct1on of the C1ty Commis.ion o~ the City of Boynton Beach, rlorida, 18 not a part of any .tate or federal highway sI-tem, and was not acquired or dedicAted for state O~ federal h ghw.ay purposel.: 5. That the following conatitute.'. complete and sohedule ot all owners and occupants bound1n; and p~o~e~ty lnt.~..t d..o~ib.4 .bove. . (, (j)< -L I 'i. 2. 0' 'J ) ii:', "I '-~'" ,:\..(,;, .. h.2<:' accurate abutt1n; th. r t... L f/' t .':A-(' ~~ ~_. r t: ~, ! ~ I~ f A (.. fv\ \\ 8 A(' \>I .::C ~,,1', r ~ "tS',,"ln ~ ,,;\ . ~ r;R.\tv:.. A'- ~ fv\\..... (. iN e.:~':" GF- t::t-.>(,..,,,, e: I!YI I CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BBACH COUNTY, INC. / rINDER. 'I' .1>. ~DDRESS C/O JAMES VANDERWOUDE 430 NOaTH "G" STREET, LAXE WORTH, 1'L 33460 328 ROYAL POINCIANA WAY PALM BEACH FL 33480 POST OFFICE BOX 12226J FORT WORTH. 'IX 7612l-2283 c7b MAGIC IMAGE. lN~., 1810-A tOREST 1!!LL BLVD,. W. PALM BOH., FL 33406602"' 556 HUIRFIELD DRIVE ATLANTIS. FL 33462-1208 C/O RIGHT-Or-WAY ADMINStRATOR. 34UU W. COMMERCIAL BLVD., FT. LAUD., FL WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. OF FLORIDA / ROLLYSON. JAMES AND GENEVIEVE BJNEER. DAVID B. AND LEIGHAN R. FLORIDA DEPAllTMENT OF !RANSPORTATION /1 -----