CORRESPONDENCE 04/22/97 TUE 16:09 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTI,ROYCE .~ SCOTT ROYCE ATTORNEYS AT LAw Scorr, ROYCE, HARRIS, 8RYAN, BARRA & JOROENS~N, P,A. Ms. Tambri Heyden The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Fax *: 375-6259 Dear Ms. Heyden: III 001 - I fj=! @ ~'~.;- r r::~ i I ~~~.\ 'J ILl \Ii ~-I n) HJU APR 22 ,../.)/, ,II J I ! L~__ J b..I . , "~ r'N[) Lj.J~.i~\~L u~.-'T. April 22, 1997 I have reviewed your letter dated April 22, 1997 concerning the Minor Road abandonment. In, response to your inquiry, we request that the abandonment resolution be prepared to reserve the 25 ' buffer easement ~dong the south side of Tract S~2. I understand your letter to proVide that. if the bufter" easement is so reserved, then the abandonment'resoJution win be adopted aba.ndoning the buffer easement presently existing on the south 25' of lots 15, 16, 17, and 18 of Block 2, of the Cedar Ridge and High -Ridge Commerce Park Plat. If you require anything further, please gjve me a calL Very truly yours, ~H'~ . J, Richard Harris JRi-lJkmb ' R1CIIARIl " /I"'N~'" 'TOflN L, aRYAN. J" .), ~ICJ-l^RD !L\Il!:lS JOHN [II, rORO[;!JSc:-l . I'X)NN;,A, Nf\t1[;AU' J(~"'N M, W,~(lNti~ RAYMONi:lW, Imy_,), . ROBERTC, SCO'f'1'f19~'19tl;) 4+00 I'OA B()l'U~VAR", .SUlTE BOO PA')" J~F.^Cll G^~DE,,", Fl,O~l1)'\ 33410 (56!) 62...3900 . FAX [Ml) 621d53:3 04/18/97 FRI 13:21 FAX 407 624 3S3' SCOTT, ROYCE ~002 JJB.IBI'l . A.] t,r~ ,,' I r ract 5-1 (Minor Road), a8 established by the Plat of BOYN'1'ON BRACH DISTRIBUTION CKR~R, according to thft Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 41. at page 100, of th_ Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Tract 8-1, as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBtrl'IDN CENTER, i8 dedicated for additional right-of-way for Hinor Road for the perpetual use of the public for proper purposes. ;!~ ~ 5' aceeas control e1l5ement which encumbers the Horth 5' of Lots 18 and 19 of BOYNTON 2EACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, " The aoceS8 control easement is dedicated by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION C!NTER for the purposes of control and jurisdiction over Tract 8-1 (Minor Road). AS established by the Plat of BOYNTOH BBACH DISTRIBUTION CENTBR. , { /, L, J .... " PAR~~~-;~~ -..,..,.. .....--- Easement and .right-of-way over and acr08S the North 25' of the West 340' of the North one-half of the Northwest one-quArter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, ~wnship 4S South, Range 43 E.at, of Palm Beach County, Florida. The above-described easement for access and riqht-of-way was granted by laaement peed dated August 13, 1976, executed by James O. Taylor and Mildred Taylor, his wife, and David P. Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor, his wife, in favor of the Ci~y of Boynton Beach. A ) r'l IV I "I P~R~'~- - Bufter easement encumbering the south 25' of lots 15, 16, 17, and . 18 of BlOCK 2, of CEDAR R.IDGE, A P.U.O. .. HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, ,I A P.I.D., according to the plat thereot reco' "d in the OffiC.~f the Clerk of t Circuit Court: in and fOl 11m Se", 'n Count Florida, at Pla lOIt 46. page 58. .., ~---~..-_.._.... That part of Miner Road a. dadir.at~d by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, . P. U . D . " High Ridge cOl1Ul1erce park, a P. I . D . , accord1nq to the Plat thereot recorded at Plat Book 46, pag" 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, bounded on the west hy the Right-of-Way of High Ridga Road and bounded on the east by the .a.tern mo.t boundary of the Plat of Celhr Ridge, a P.U.D. and Higi:o Ridge Comnerc. Park, & P.I.u, .--' ~-Z- ~ . ,,' rn @ rn u ~! ulE . n~, , . 0 I : II 1 ' " ~ . !\ I PLANNING: ZONING D' ~~_. /fpr'; I /~ /977 ^, 'I L I.D., 'ww-.l Ms, Tambri J, Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P,Q. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fla. 33425-0310 Re: Miner Road - ABAN #95-005 Right-ot-Way Abandonment Dear Ms. Heyden " !' ,. : , I rlWj~ 6C0 tro-Y1S ydrSS;CA-^- .. ' ~f (Y'~-./-- 4'-1121....__1. T _1-__......_. I Li ..l has no objectIon to the above-referenced c~ abandonment. p. r /,c.w'-~ It you have any further questions, please contact Mr.~ I !~t AOT o~- -d" Awv. Yours truly, APR-17-97 THU 9:~4 P.02 i I TH!S INDENTURE mad1 this I I a corpctat~on eXlsiinq under the laws of and having its pri~cipal place of business at I first party, to th1 City of Boynton Beach, a political subdivision of thelstate of Florida, second party: i I , IWherevet used herein, the terms, "first party" and "sec nd p,uty" shall include singular Ilnd plural, sirs, legal representatives and assigns of indiv duals and the successors and assigns of corporat ons, wherever the context so admits or requires) , , EASEMENT day of ,A,D., 199 , by I WITNESSETH i WHEREAS, the first, party is the owner of property situate in ~alm oeach CountY,1 Florida, and described as follows; I I I I I i and, I I WHEREAS, the seco~d party desire. an easement for water and sewer ut1lities "1d/or otner appropriate purposes incidental lher~to, on, over and across said property, and, I WHEREAS, the t1r8~ party is willing to grant such an easement, ! I NOW, THEREFORE, f~r and in consideration of the mutual covenants each toithe other running and one dollar and other good and valuablefconsideratlons, the first party does her@by grant untoithe party of the second pArt, its successors and .8,19nS, full and free right and authority to oonstruot, maint&tn, r~pair, lnstall an~ rebuild facilities for ~bov. stated urposes and doe. hereby grant a perpetual ellserl'-Hlt on, ov.gr, llnd across the above described property for ~~id purpo~esf i I APR-17-97 THU 9:~4 P.03 I IN WITNESS WH~REOF,~!the first party has cau5ed these presents to be duly eKeouted in its name and its corporate seal to be hereto & fixed, attested by its proper officers thereunto duly auth~ri~ed, the day and year first above written. I Signed, sealed and ~elive~ed in the presence of II I I I -r I BY PRESIDENT ^TTESTI SECRET1>.R'l (CORPORATE SEAL) STATE OF COUNTY OF l I I HEREBY CERTII'Y that on this day, before me, an officer duly author zed in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgemen,s, personally appeared _ well known to me taibe the President and respectively, of thi CorporatIon named as first party in th~ foregoing Easement nd that they severally acknowledged executing the same n the presence of two subscribing witnesses fr~ftly an voluntarily, under authority duly vested in them by s,id Corpo~ation, and that the seal affixed thereto Is ~be true Corporate seal of said Corporation, ; WITNESS my han~ and official seal in the county and State last aforesai1 this ____day of , A,D., 1990, ! Notary Public in and for the State and County aforesaid. My commission expires: 04111197 FRI 16:54 FAX 407..624 31533 SCOTI,ROYCE ~002 G~ f~ (~l f, n WI r2 00 ; ! ;1! :.r, I,!!) S U \~ l!; '," '. ',', .,_._,------,..,.,-, -, ~ ," '1 i' ..: :1 .. I' ,...i,)"":r Il ii' ---1"" I 'I . ATTOflNF.YS AT L~W, I L--__.~,..,~,."_"_ " -, PLt..NNING f\~m Scon, ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & )OROliNSEN, !P.A. Z(i!'~ING DEPT. t,...___... ~ scorr ROYCE April 11, 1997 Ms, Tambri Heyden The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boyn,ton Beach Boulevard P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Fax #: 375.6259 " Dear Ms, Heyden: I have reviewed the minutes of the Commission for the meeting on December 19, 1995. At this meeting the Commission approved tbe abandonment of Minor road subject to the comments set forth in the minutes, Mr. Cherof stated as follows: "the document which the City will prepare will not be recorded or provided to the applicant until the conditions are met. Approval on that basis will eliminate the need for the applicant to come back before the Commission." As I have indicated in previous correspondence, we believe the comm.ents have bee satisfied. Therefore, I would very much like to know if the process to have. this matter resolved. It seems Mr. Cherat's comm~nts in the minutes indicate a he established a procedure which makes further action by the Commiss.ion unnecessary. We have attempted on several. occasions to l~arn the status of this matter and to get it re~olved. My client now stands in jeopardy of losing a sale of a portion of his property if he does not have an immediate resolution, Therefore, it is critical we have an answer. Very truly yours, ~~--_\, j, Richard Harris lRH/krrth RfCI1AW:Il!(. I~Al~M. JOHN L:B~YAN,IR . J. RICf.I^"~}'Hi\RWS JO~IN);, IOR\:;t;Ni~N 'l)oNNJ,A, NAIl,,,-V ' ~f.VIN M. W.\C~l"R RAYMOND 'I' ~O'''~>i' RO~ENT(, .COTT,1925 1')8~1 '~400 rCA R,lI.II.F,VA.IlD, StllTU SOO l'ALM B~A'-''' G,\R'll;NS, FI.ClRIOA .33410 (561, o24..3L)OO . FAX (1\6)) 6240.3533 _-"ul FAl 407 "1)33 SCOTT. ROYCE ~007/008 16JU1M'JV8 .. The pet! tioner, CONDOR INVES'l'MBN-I'S OF PALM &BACH COUNTY, IRe", requests abandonment of the ex.iot:ing dedicated riqht-of....way of Kinor Road (somet1mes alao referred to as Kiner Road), existing east of Hiqh Ridge Road and west of the CSX Railroad right-af-way. In addition, the Peti~1oner is requesting the abandonment of an access control easement five (5') feet in width dedicated by the Plat of Boynton Beach D1.stributi.on Center, abutting- the south b01.Uldary of that part of Hinor Road dedicated by the Plat of Boynton Beach Distribution Center. In addition, the petitioner is seeking the abandonment of a bufter easement twenty-fi.ve (25') feet in width encumbering the south twenty-Live (25') feet of Lots 15, 16, 17, and 18, of Block 2, ot Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., as established by Baid Plat. The riqhts-of-way being abandoned are not improved and are not necessary to provide any abutt1ng property owners with ingress and egress. To the extent that any u't!lities are looated in sur:h rights-of-way, easements for the placement of such utilities can be reserved and/or granted. I' , ' ,_I .. : w 0 I- ~ ~" 0 c( 0 -' Z ~ ta ~ c( () w m :7 S >.: '~ , u. 0 I l- I; :t ( (!) I a: . j ~ :c ~ oJ t ~ I , ~- I ' :[ !!!J!! " v' ~[~ ~ .!. .: - Q, o & ~ ,~ z. , ;.. .'1 " " '<'N (~'10." :;ll'tl<1/("'\.-O/"'~' '1 J.'V'J.r",r..uu.t11 il . ,3 ii OYOII,IYY INI' "IY OYYOIYlI ) J . - o <I . , Il. , , t i f , I ... ; : '.-",--- ------,~.~,..._---- ,- - 1-- -- - - -. ;n- .., - .1" .- - - J I '''WA. "",,,... ,.. · . I i !. t - , , I l__' __ ______.......:,...__________-' ,.,,'.c.. ~ .'t .., .ltI. U 8.1t let .tfJ.. a.: j bl I.l l,! ... t. ,., c(CD ~~ ~ 0: <t · -O:m t;olalOw ccZ~..J1I.. . W ct: Go II.. . I "'W": .. ,'1 I 'It. N >- ..I'" , I ' w... .... ' 1...0'.. : ~ (!) 0 ~ Z f'I' Z. 0 :J :~.L CC ... 2 0 E:'- a: ~... 0 ' "'I .. 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" i::' ~,. j:, ~! : \' ,.; !,~ ,t bl !.~: " , \ e C (f' LGCA,\ON MAr NME.N' M\NEB IBQ~~ ~~J~~~~~?,~.,,1t~r',1=::,\\ \ pl~~i\ .--' \~ '( () J~ Lj"'-'~: .}\ \ LoU \~ I,~ Ll - 0"<< (>r" \ \ , .. "'~ " ,\ / ' ( \ , ' 'J ' ;;;; .. FO .-': nftID" _ -- --l-,r If '- \ ,,' :1.:~l"~'\ "'AI~ <:': ~" ,;:\.-Y)- ",\11\ ,/ \jJ,-:l-. -: \ \ I \ T T_'.' 1" ,--,-~' \ '.'" '.c' T' 'I ' , ~l ~' , ' '\ - ' ' ~ t!F' $'j"'0r~, ~\ '\.1 , ' ' "Lll\,l' \ ' I !?,J,I \ ',I \ , i'-' ..);;'r;! , .I \<1.',' \ ,'.' '., .,~:=:~ ,<~""~-4f' Pla/ lit :'-;~~~~ , ".. " '-- _ =---,__- "\ "\ ."}1. : ~ ~_ _ 1\ ' \ \ c" ~.~: ;~~-?'\'-'\ F 'I, ", ~ _ . 1 11, 1 \ ' __' . I \ ~:" \, 1 ~J~: I ,,' / ~nr \ ' :IJ'li "w~~y I{It, ~,:..J1I.-- " - ~,~ \ : .:)0f hr' ~j1. ~'1AA.." ,J. ~~ :3 \\ \ ':, \\ t. 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' ' ;~~k;":' , . i'", .\::: I 1 ,~"'" \11\\\'"'' \ \ ,_ '~k "";i'.1 '\ \ ~\ \ ,_I \ \ _!J -~J'" -~- " '" '\ ' , ' c':T1 \ ~~ - <Y,// .^-, \ \__ \ '\ '- ~ \1:. r ~"-- ~ ~ ,,( '-..,<:,J ' ".' g.=t' 1-1 ". \' ~".^_^" '" .~~ j \ ~; ~ ' ~-it\ \ \/' ~___".(- "-.l~l/-~\' I :\: \ \ \ lf~7 \ ~ J n-\ / ~~ -----=J Idlll:=' '1\;.\i0'\ \ 1,,}ld -' .' ~ .\;:::.::::::-_ljl{[l111 ' \11'i"(f!:\ ffir=T1\R /~ 04/10/97 THU 10:45 FAX 407 ~24 3533 '"" SCOTT ,ROYCE @OU2 -:'" ~, .~--/' !~ SCOTT ROYCE ~. ~TTOI\N6Y~ AT l"'W SCOTT, Royce, HARRiS, BRYAN, BARRA &' JORGENS~N, P,A. January 18, 1996 Via Fax: (305) 764 4996 BaITy E. Somerstein, Esquire Rudea Barnett, McCloskey, Smith, Schuster & Russel~ P,A ZOO East Sroward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 RE: Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. sale to Waste Management Inc. of Florida Our File No, 30977 Dear Ban)': To help you understand the easement agreement, I am enclosing a copy of the Boynton Beach Distribution Center Plat which I have marked up to show the property your clients (Waste) own and the properties owned by Rollyson and by Florentine Marble. Waste owns lots 16 through 21 and the southern portion ot' the property marked "Not Platted" adjacent and to the east of the lots which Waste owns, Rollyson owns the northern portion of the "Not Platted" parcel. Florentine owns a parcel to the east of HIe "Not Plattedlt parcel and a strip 30 feet wide runni.ng along the south boundary of f~e Waste portion of the tlNot Platted" parcel to the east end of the Industrial Way cuI ,je sac. The easement that Waste has already granted to Rollyson is SO feet wide across the eastern end of its portion of the "Not Platted" parcel. The City is concerned that RoUyson did not reserve access across the strip of 30 feet when it conveyed the strip to Florentine, and the City has required a reaffirmation of the easement rights of the parties because if Rollyson and Florentine do not have these rights, their only access would be over the Minor Road right of way which is being abandoned, RlCtI^~D K D,\R1lA ' )ClI.IN l. tlllYAr-:, J~ ' BARRY H. B'11::D . ~W~K i~ ,1AC1-:0;o. ), R1(;H"RD I-lARRIS' JOliN M,ICR,,~N~EN . DONN"^ ;,J';)!:AlI r.;.YM,l~J) IV ROYCI, ' 1l01lf~T <;, seo". (192ti-19l'21 ""00 pC" BOULEVAStl, SUITE ~O(j , 1>.\lM BF.ACH C"Rl>~NS, FLORI!),\' 334010 '''07) 024.3900 . FAX [.01) 6240.3633 ~~-~---~------------- 04~7 THU 10:45 FAX 407 ~24 3533 SCOTT,ROYCE ~003 /' ::- ~ .,' ~ '---...' On another matter, I have now been told by Jim Cberof, the attorney for the City, that a quit-claim deed from Palm Beach County of the Minor Road right of way and the access control easement established by the Boynton Beach Distribution Center Plat win satisfy the condition of our abandonment approval that we seek abandonment from Palm Beach County. We should have the quit-claim deed soon, The County will execute the deed in favor of Waste, We are still talking to the City' engineer about the requirements of bonding. When we have this worked out, I will let you know. Very truly yours, @' ~ "-- J. Richard Harris JRHlkmb iJ1re City of $oynton $eacn 100 'E. flJoynton flJeadi flJou/evara P.O. flJ~310 flJoynton flJeadi, :rforitfa 33425-0310 City !JlaU: (561) 375-6000 :r5lX: (561) 375-6090 "~r' April 22, 1997 J. Richard Harris Scott-Royce Attorneys at Law 4400 PGA Boulevard, 8uite 800 Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 RE: Miner Road Abandonment (ABAN #95-011)(Tract S-1, 8-2, and Parcel #3) and 5 Foot Access Control Easement Abandonment (ABAN #95-009) Dear Mr. Harris: With today's revision to the easement dedication form, as required by the City's Utilities Department, all conditions placed on the two above-referenced petitions are now satisfied with the exception of acquisition of the two utility easements within Tract S-1, Due to future differences in ownership between Tract S-1 (Waste Management) and 8-2 (Jim Vanderwoude), these easements cannot be granted by Mr, Vanderwoude using the easement dedication form we received, The Miner Road abandonment resolution will be used to reserve the two remaining utility easements. The resolutions for the subject abandonments are currently being prepared and will be scheduled for processing at the next regular meeting (May 6, 1997) of the City Commission. With respect to application ABAN #95-010 (High Ridge Commerce Park PID Buffer Easement Abandonment), a zoning code variance was a condition of the abandonment approval. The variance was approved, however is no longer valid as the site plan and justification made part of the variance have changed. Since a new site plan with a different prospective owner (Amerope) is being processed, this can be handled in one of two ways. The City can go forward with resolution for the May 6, 1997 City Commission meeting, at the same time reserving a 25 foot wide buffer easement along the south 25 feet of Tract 8-2. This would negate the need for the variance and the condition of approval. Otherwise, a new variance application will need to be submitted. Please advise by noon tomorrow how you wish to proceed with this in order to make the resolution deadline for the May 6, 1997 City Commission meeting, If you have any questions, please contact this office. Sincerely, /-.. 'I / ,,~:,/ ./J --=__/fL.,,,,, f..lf.~~ /---;~ i'fJ:/:'1.../ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning & Zoning Director T JH:mr xc: Kerry Willis, City Manager Mike Pawelczyk, Assistant City Attorney J:\SHRDA TA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Miner Rd Aban (95-005)\RHarris.doc Jilmerica's qateway to t/U. qulfstream City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Planning & Zoning Fax To: Mike Pawlezzyk From: T ambri Heyden Fax: 6054 Pages: 2 Phone: Date: April 22, 1997 Re: Miner Road Abandonment o Urgent o For Review o Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle . Comments: City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Planning & Zoning Fax To: Dale Sugerman From: Tambri Heyden Fax: 6011 Pages: 2 Phone: Date: April 22, 1997 Re: Miner Road Abandonment o Urgent o For Review o Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle . Comments: 04/10/97 THU 10:46 FAX 407 6~4 3533 __...__w __.w' SCOTT,ROYCE IlJ004 .... ...... - - ------. '-" . BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER or- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PALM BEACH JANUAR'f ISfH COUNTY, FLORIDA SHEET z OF ~ RI!XiE A/~ HIGH' /:?lC!iE ~.(),W~RCE PAliK ...;.,~ $IJ , 1 . ---,,- ~~ .. \...' \ \ \ h~ \t~ ~ .~, . ~~ · n~: ~V -. i\ .. .. . .. .. -, ~ ~\ 1 1 't - ;\" ~ ,: ,: V . , c:::: . ~ ~ , r-1~-= -l "" ~ ;u i \r \: , \ I .. It i I _1 '301 5+~\'~ f\o-t owv\e~ b ~ Wl)o;, te '1\" CA. Y\ 0. ~e.. Y\' \b\,)-r CDV'I\ to ~\tl,ev\ V-J\u,,'o k . 14 --- , lI''''"' .--r..J &,-------_....,- NCJr ?LArrEt) . , ~",H""~~~'~ ~~~W'e-\/J:.... 4.+~12~_7i'.c> ~rs' ~ ~ -- ~;::J~~ vy(~~~I. ~~ c;~1!> ~1l"6. paS' ~!)(, ~ 04/10/97 THU ]4:13 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT. ROYCE 487 b24 3533 487-64' ~002 ,89/14/95 12:24:3~ 40~:-b ..d- 3788-) Page {, ---~ '-' r no r? r" I~ LI \Vi Ls p -'~-"--'--lll' ,,~ ,QiCE I t , .."I.. ,.. ''''" ,., "~ " , NlCCIltl~'O Miii\i.~itJ ; ., ....... J)pIq '" Ptfsiltcw .... ....-....;:xill ~.-- "..1ICIl H_'_,,_,~, ~ :54:36 ~, 1 ~5a r1f:R'l'l,aO TO: rLoAttl1tllt Ml{&~t ':0/';1'011'1\", :HC. ~" .:,pJ,f'i" I'Pf1l' I ,..~ ~". Jl!1A'!i..r 1'6-' f) .;;;, 't:- ":}J1i!:.~ ,r-.IItW"N ~.'..\I"~ J'J''(.r~",) "",.,./"-4/--.... ' "..4._,....____.___./.~../;."H..;.:-::;..;.;~:"... --- - -...,-1..,..1. 1;;;'-'~'1; ..,.... I . ,.,.... ..,.".." '.6.1: ~1I"';-O:f'1.-:~) ,..: ' ' '"' ,-' , ...~': #!a-''' If''\ I} ( ~ ~ I~ ~ \ ' .. ~;. ~ ~ \j~ ~ \ ): !o- ~ ~ ~ , l~ ! I.. ~ = ts I ,. ~ I i;t!t~,~. L ~. ."., JU /H:::~~~' ~ i Z1,:,.1 CH.BRGINIS-OS'36"W Nil / ~ ~ . -4IWVJ'TIfRIlIJUKJ .. 11ft1/J. I : I ~'ar ~r4Z J~~ 1'0.103 : IrJl ~,;, WA Y ;----- -. - - -\'- '7-~ "'i if: ~;:'" "".n d bJ'1T1fa' If/ IV ~ I I ~ "-.1 ~l' ....'i '1 ~ 'T I ~ ~l r' tr ,....,./ I -~ ,: e~~j( I ~ I'll '" \:!;"'lS T : : ,., 'T' II" ~ li. I li, 0 ~ : l~! _",""'_41~ n.<~ ~ ~ \~: ~ I i~i~ p:: I 'NT 4IJKrf/,AkJII>>-/6 J , ~ "ll'\.;. ~ t ~ - ~ j" : L. ''-.J 15": I I;" t NOT PL,<~ TTEf..": ,t'#: ,""~f~7 re- Il"~ ~~. --- 04/04/97 FRI 16:21 FAX 407 624 35~3 SCOTT. ROYCE ~002 ~ SCOTT ROYCE r=~, ? ~\ \SI1'~ ~ ,~~' , ". ,] ~ J, ..JL..--~ . J\\\\~~'_., " \\0;J. , \,\, n \ \, l\'pR ~ i9, 91 J UU\ M ~__ P A - PlI\Nt-l\NG ~N'p . , ZONING \)f?l. A.110RNEVS...1 ~...W SCOli", ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, ,BARRA. & ]ORGEJ:><SEJ:><, , April 41 1997 Michael Haig The CJty of Boynton Beach . 100 R Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O, Box 31.0 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Fax #: 375-6090 Dear Mr. Haig: Thank you for your phone mes:sage andl have attempted to call Tambri. However, 1. wrote to lambr; concerning this matter many weeks ago and have np re~ponse. In an. effort tonndsomeone to give me answers, I called Dan DeCarlo who said I needed to talk to you, If ~ have not sati,1fied the Comments, I think we deserve to be told why und what else lllay be needed. If we have satisfied tl1em, we very much need to have the abandonment accomplished. You should understand that my.client has a ~ale pending which is conting~nt on the accompllshment or the. abandoll:plent and it may fall through, So 'you can understand my frustration with not being able to get an answer. Please get with TaIhbri and provide Ille with an answer. ' Your cooperation :is appreciated. Very truly yours, J. Richard Harris .lIU..1Jlcmb R1CliARD K, DAARA . )OI'IN 1..lll~tAJol, )R, . j, 1"l,:~i\I/\) H.\~I.:t. )OI.1N M,jC1~GI2t<SEN' DONNA.'., NMlIli\U .I<llVlN 1<\, WACNER J,:U..YMON'C w, ~~\t,;ij ", ~)~"ll~" C. ~~'1T'T <",)~.~."IQ.iJ;1 , "'~oo 'FOA' BIJt.JLEYARD, SUITr. et~o . r..H,M liP"Ar::!'f O^J:Dr.N~1 P[.I[JJUCll .334110 (50 I) 62.j.,3900 . . fAX (Soll 624~3833 . 04/03/97 THU 17:46 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT, ROYCE ~002 ~. , @ m 0 wrn rn - -1 .APR ':'11997 I ~ .. SCOTT ROYCE ,.J' ,,J ,~'I'TOAN~:V3 ~T LAW SCarT, ROYCIi, HA~~IS, BRYA,N, BARRA. & JORCIS!N~EN; P',A. L ApI113, 1997' Michael Haig The City of Boynton Beach 100 B. BC)'11ton Beach Boulevard P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Fag #: 375-6090 Dear l\1r. Haigz As yo~ will recall I repres~nt Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. who filed 6. petit1cn for abandonmont of the dedicated right of w,ay for Minor Road, In that regard, I ~1l1 enclosing a copy of the minutes of the meeting at which the,' abandonnient was approved subject to C(lmments~ ' Please note that according to the minutosComment #1 is a ','reiteration of Comment #6." I ainenclostng herein a copy of letter' J receIved from Ms. Heyden confirming that, the quit claim deed received from the County satistles Co~nment #1. Therefore Comment #1 and Comment #6 are satisfied, , Comment #2 concerning the I-95 flyovet was' taken out. Please not.e that according to the minutes City Manager Parker reported that Chief Jordan deleted tlle ['item re~ated to the tlyover" and that the minutes furtherretlec.t that Mayor Taylor clarified that lithe City is still waiting for compliance with Comments #1, #3, #4, p6rts of #51, and #6.11 , , It is my understanding that Florida Gas did. respond aIid therefore Comment #3 is met, It is my understanding that my client supplied the nec~ssary documentation to meet the requilements of Comme,rlt #4, , ' As to Comment #5, please note that' Ms. Heyden agreed that access for FDOT need not be verified and FDOT need not be a part of the' agreement req'urrcd, by - 4.400 PGAF,lOlTlllVAi\U, S IJIT-E E>IJO . l'AI.M 8EACH 3.\lIll11NS. FLOKII>A 33410 {fOIl 624.3900 . I~AJ( (561) 6~4-3S33 ' FICJ-lARD K, BAA~>l' JOlIN L &RYAN. )1<," ). ~ICHAJll) H"It~IS JOHN 1>'. )Q~~lJ:NSSN" OONNA A, Nl101JJ.!l ' K!OV'" .1, ....AC'N.'" I'"'YMOND W, ROYC~ 'IP3ERTC, SC(""I'J'(J9~;.I~f<ill 04/03/97 THU 17:47 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT,. ROYCE ~003 Coml:nent #5. An easement agreement between the other parties was eXecuted and recorded several weeks ago and I previously forwarded a copy to M:s. Heyden. Therefore: Comment #5 is. ~at:isfied; , Please contact me as soon as possible concerning this matter so I can understand. . the process for completion of the abandonment, The minutes :indie-fite completion of the. abandonment would be an administrative m.atter and there. would be no further Itlquirement to come before the ComIIlission. I look forWard to hearing from YOu, , Very truly yours, ( &~~. J. Richard Harris JRH/lanl) 04/21/97 MON 16:24 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT ,ROYCE ~002 .fXCt-.tA-D e !) .J~~ I,j Ftc '0 ~ t:: A~ t,.."fr:;.. ~ J r- A.Et e.\,f'~' f..fEU, $' k:" rd~:;'1'" "'. I..~. '-1"1 ....:Ji 10 I.e:F;.~;':~;'~.,~\j{;; A ~:~-. A',) eA-SE::MSAJ'T The South 24.0 feet of Tract S-l (Minor Road) I as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 47, page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. "....-. ~ rn rn@~O~1 ,." ill' lS SCOTT JAM 2 2 116 ROYCE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Scan, ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, P,A, January 18, 1996 Via Fax: (407) 375-6090 City of Boynton Beach c/o Ms. Tambrey Hayden Planning and Zoning Department 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Second Floor, West Wing Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. Abandonment of Miner Road Dear Ms. Hayden: On Tuesday, January 23, 1996, the Palm Beach Count Board of County Commissioners will consider and likely approve the execution of a quit-claim deed by which the county,vi.!1 quit claim the ~1inor Road right of way and 8C:CP.S~ control easement established by the plat of Boynton Beach Distribution Center. The deed will be issued in accordance with Section 255.22, Florida Statutes, which provides a procedure by which a county may quit-claim its interest in property dedicated or conveyed to the county if the property is not used for the specific purpose conveyed or dedicated for a period of sixty (60) months, and the property and its use is not shown on a comprehensive plan or other public facilities plan. Today I spoke with Jim Cherof who agrees that the issuance of the quit-claim deed should satisfy the condition imposed on the abandonments by the city. Unless I hear from RICHARD K. BARRA' JOHN L. BRYAN, JR. . BARRY B. BYRD' MARK P GAGNON J. RICHARD HARRIS' JOHN M. JORGENSEI\ . DONNA A. NADEAU RAYMOND W, ROYCE' ROBERT C. SCOTT (1925,19821 4400 PGA BOULEVARD, SUITE 800 ' PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA 33410 (407) 624,3900 . FAX (407) 624,3533 you to the contrary, we will pursue the quit-claim deed and not seek a formal abandonment by the County. Very truly yours, ~-+'t'\~ J. Richard Harris ~------J JRH/kmb 1 ~ l:!, D 5 '~n LU "1:7 J;;!.t }5:j:j ~(tlll. IW ~ U:, Il2J U1l2: IIUS r--- ~ SCOTT ROYCE ...TTOIINEYII liT LAW SCOTT, Rcm::s, HARKr~, BRYAN, BAQAA, & JO~aENSeN, P.A. December 12, 1995 Via Fax: (407) 375-6090 Qty of Boynton Beach c/o Ms, Tambrey Hayden Planning and Zoning Department 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Second HOOft West Wing Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Condor Invesnnents of Palm Beach County, Inc. Abandonment of Miner Road Dear M$. Hayden: I have reviewed the recommendations you and your staff have made conc-.eming the various requests for abandonment filed seeking abandonment of 'Miner (Minor) Road and various related easements. I would like to respond to the staff's recommendation:'l. As to the reeommcndatiol15 concerning the Miner (Minor) Road abandonment, I respond as follows: 1. I am conti.Jsed as to the request that we be required to make application for abandonment to abandon the portion of Miner Road that is dedicated to Palm Beach County. I realize that Tract S-l established by the Plat of Boynton Beach Distn"butlon Center ~, according to the dedication, dedicated to Palm Beach County. However, such a dedicatio.n h to the public and unlesi} the roadway is a part of the County's road system, the County is not required to abandon the road. Under Chapter 336 of the Florida Statutes, the County is given jurisdiction over and the right to abandon only roads that are within the County road system, Section 336.01 of the Florida Statutes specifically says that the County road system ~hall be as defined in Seetion 334.03(8) of the Florida Statutes. This prOVision clearly indicates that fl County road is a Toad existing in the unincorporated areas of Palm Beach County or an extension of arterial collector roads from unincorporated areas into incorporated areas. I certainly do not believe that ~IC1L\KD It. QARIl.\ . )::lHN ~ Illt-Ni.IR, . ftAllIl'{ I) I'\'RD , ~V."K ~ C.J\.ONCN 1 IlICHAlll'llWU11. 'IOHN /1:, IORC'~NUH' fX!NNA"" NMlW.I R.\Y~101llD \", RQ'CU 'IiOB~IlTl:', $con ~1'n~'~.Zl ~ 44,('0 peA BOUL~v.\',Il, Sun's 800 . f'Al.~l BEA:;/{ G.\JU1~1I;, rl,ORIDA S!l~10 (i07i 1;;!4,39(TO . f',u; (407) 6:14-36a;; 1 ~ 1...; ~:;) 1 ~~ , ...... 1" .1....\.. ..." j lJ .. -, ,J..J.J .) J\ .'.L 40' J.\'_' 1 ,_ L ~1"I.},UlJ:) Oty of Boynton Beach December 12. 1995 Page 2 this smaIl section of roadway dedicated to Pahn Be;ach County constitutes an extension of an artcrial road and, therefmc, within the County road '}'stem.. It is my belief that the County has no jurisdiction over this pmtieular bit of roadway and an abandonment by Palm Beach County is not necessary. 2. First. you must Understand that the CSX Railroad right-of-way was conveyed by CSX to FOOT. In my discussions with pcrsonnel at FDOT, the Florida Department of Tl'BDSportation has completely taken over CSX Railroad. In any event, it is mOT and only FDOT that determine II whether a tlyover will be permitted over the CSX right-or-way and the right-of-way for Interstate 95. We bave made formal request for FOOT to respond to any possibility of a flyaver at an extension of Miner Road. However, we have be;en told that the respome to our request will be some time in coming. We have, however, given you Ii copy of a letter from Peter Karakos, of Paramount Engineering Group, who bas reviewl:d FOOT's five yem plan and has certified that there is no evidence of a flyover being scheduled for design or constrUction. Furthermore, there is no indication that any funds have been justified or allocated by FDOT for a flyover at this location, As a consequence, a f1.yover ~ very unlikely ond, if ever considered, would not be considered for many, many years. As Mr. Karako:s stated, the cost of such a flyover would vastly exceed any justification for it. I have :specifically measured tbe distance from Gateway Boulevard to Miner Road. This (1jstance is exactly one-half (lJ2) mile, Since the only consideration for a flyover has come from the fire departmont, I have difficulty understanding the need The fire department can cross CSX and Interstate 95 by flyover at Gateway Boulevard. only one-half (112) mile away. Certainly, there; can be little justification for the ~e that would be necessitated for a flyover. Further. it would be impossible to establisb a flyover without public condemnation of additional rights of property owners abutting the existing Miner Road area. As you know, there is not a full dedication of Miner Road from High Ridge Road to the CSX right-of-way. Further, the elevation of the flyover would commence at least as far to the west IU the intertection of the Miner Road rt8l'1t-pflOway ed ffig11 lltc1ge Road, AU proporty OW!le1'S abutting any proposed flyover would have compensable l;( l.!: ILl L -I : .!.! t- .1.,\ .J Il i 0.. -i .};) J.j .)\. :.Jl..., j\IJll.L l;U 11114 dill) City of Boynton Beach December 12, 1995 Page 3 rights taken from them by establUhinS a. flyO\"er as opposed to the construction of a normal roadway. Moreover. it has never been demonstrated that there is sufficient rlght-of- way on the ea&t side of Interstate 9S to permit a tlyover and no consldemtion has been given to the itnpact and effect of such a flyover on the neighborhood to the east of Interstate 95. 3. As you know, we have not received a response to a utilfty letter issued to Florida Gas. However, Florida Public Utilities did respond to the utilities letter iSSuec1 by the City siBff in connoctiOn with the fir,t petition filed concerning Miner Road. Their rcspome was that they had no objection and had no underground gas distribution facDities located within the limits of the proposed abandonment. 4. We should bavc no problem meeting the requirements of paragraph 4 of your recommendations. s. I really cannot respond to the comments you have made in regard to paragraph S. I have reviewed all of the documents recorded in the public records and am satisfied that an olte:mate, perpetual means of access exists for the benefit of RollySon and Florentine Marble. I request that a meeting be established as soon as pOSSIble with you and such other staff people, including your attorney, as you deem necessary to resolve thfs issue. If you require: !ome fonn of easement agreement, I am sure that such an agreement can be prepared since Waite Management, Florentine Marble and :Mr. and MIs, Rollyson are in favor of the abandonment of Miner Road. However, I continue to be confused as to your concern over FOOT and FOOT having access by virtue of Miner Road. FDOT owns the CSX right- of-way and the right-of-way for Interstate 95. How can access to the CSX right-of-way and Interstate 9S rfght--of-way be of concern? Certainly, FOOT is not dependent upon nor requiring the improvement of this portion of M1ner Road to provide it access to the CSX right~f-way or to the Interstate 95 right-of-way. 6. I would like some verification as to the requirement for a written acceptance from Palm Beach County Traffic Division rcgardini the abandontnent reque.t. l~ l~ ~a l~:~J r~~ ~Yj D~4 ddJd .J'_ 1.1.. J. I ,1\1.' .ll. L ~J lIt};), till:) City of Boynton Beach December 12, 1995 Page 4 I believe that the recommendatioI15 as to the other elements of the abandonment petition. \vo haw filed, except for the requtreme:f1ta that MIner Road be -.bpdonco O1\d that the Board of Adjustment act favorably on Waste Management's request, are incorporated in the recommendations as to the Miner Road abandonment. Should you requ!i'c anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ~ J. Richard Harris JR1.I/blab ~ SCOTT ROYCE ATTORNEYS AT LAW SCOTT, ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, P.A. December 5, 1995 Via Fax: (407) 375-6090 City of Boynton Beach c/o Ms. Tambrey Hayden Planning and Zoning Department 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Second Floor, West Wing Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. Abandonment of Miner Road Dear Ms. Hayden: This letter is intended to make a correction to my Opinion of Title addressed to you and dated October 27, 1995, concerning abandonment petitions filed on behalf of Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. and Waste Management Inc. of Florida. In that Opinion of Title, I discuss a parcel designated as "original parcel." The reference to "original parcel" states that it is a portion of Tract S-l described and dedicated on the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.UD., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.LD., at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. This statement is incorrect in that the portion of this roadway to be abandoned is designated on such Plat as Tract S-2. Please accept this letter as a revision and amendment to the original Opinion of Title. H you require anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ill ~@~nw~ rn , 11995 I PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. ,'. .JRHIkmb RICHARD K. BARRA' JOH!\' L. BRYAN, JR. . BARRY B. BYRD' MARK P. GAGNON J. RICHARD HARRIS' JOH!\' M, JORGENSEN' DO!\'NA A. NADEAU RAYMOND W. ROYCE' ROBERT C. SCOTT (1925,1982) 4400 PGA BOULEVARD, SUITE 800 . PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA 33410 (407) 624,3900 . FAX (407) 624,3533 c::- ~,' -.i-"'~Uo'\ fJJie City of 'Boynton 'Beach 100 'E. 'Boynton. ~ 'Bou/nJarr[ P.O. ~310 'Boynton 'Btadt., %niIfa 33425-0310 City 9fa[{: (407) 375-6000 1'jtX: (407) 375-6090 December 1, 1995 Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director - Palm Beach County Traffic Division P,O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 Subject: Miner Road Abandonment between High Ridge Road and 1-95 Dear Mr. Walker: Since your letter of September 8, 1995, at the request of the city, the applicant for the above-referenced request being processed through the city has expanded the area to be abandoned. The attached legal opinion of title reveals that two of the areas that have been added (parcels 1 and 2 referenced on the attached survey) were and are dedicated to Palm Beach County as part of the 1984 Boynton Beach Distribution Center plat. It is our intent to handle the abandonment of all these parcels related to Miner Road in our normal process culminating in a city adopted resolution, which is recorded and a copy of which is sent to the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's office. Therefore, please respond to the revised abandonment request, once again noting whether you have any objections or conditions of approval, Please also include in your letter of response whether the applicant must also go through a separate process through the Board of County Commissioners, prior to the city approving building/site improvements permits for construction within the area to be abandoned. Unless your procedure has changed since the 1991 Old Boynton Road realignment with Boynton Beach Boulevard, which required county right-of-way located in the city to be abandoned, ~mericas (jateway to the (julfstream Page2 Miner Road Abandonment the county required the applicant to obtain resolutions from first the city, then the county. This item is scheduled for commission public hearing on December 19, 1995. Therefore, a response by December 7, 1995, would be most helpful. Sincerely, ~~-/-.#-y~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director Attachments TJH:bme a:MINOR.MEM ------.----------.---------....- -- ~ SCOTT ROYCE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Scorr, ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, P.A. October 27, 1995 VIA HAND DELIVERY City of Boynton Beach c/o Ms. Tambrey Hayden Planning and Zoning Department 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Second Floor, West Wing Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Ms. Hayden: I have been requested to issue an opmlOn of title with respect to certain abandonment petitions I have filed on behalf of Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc., and Waste Management Inc. of Florida. I have enclosed herein as Exhibit "A" descriptions of each of the parcels for which abandonment requests have been filed. As to each of such descnbed parcels, I state as follows: ORIGINAL PARCEL: That parcel described as the "original parcel" is dedicated as the right-of-way for Miner Road by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.D.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 46, at Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The parcel is dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach for roadway purposes. The parcel is a portion of Tract S-1, as descnbed by separate legal description on such Plat. It is my opinion that this parcel has been properly dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach for roadway purposes by such Plat. PARCEL 1: Parcel 1 is Tract S-1, as established by the Plat of Boynton Beach Distribution Center, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Tract S-1 is dedicated to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County for public roadway purposes and is intended to be a part of the Miner Road right-of-way. RICHARD K. BARRA' JOH:--I L. BRYAN, JR. . BARRY B. BYRD' MARK P. GAGNON J. RICHARD HARRIS' JOHN M. JORGENSEN' DO:--lNA A, NADEAU RAYMOND W ROYCE' ROBERT C. SCOTT (1925,1982) 4400 PGA BOULEVARD, SUITE 800 . PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA 33410 (407) 624,3900 . FAX (407) 624,3533 City of Boynton Beach October 27, 1995 Page 2 It is my opinion that Tract S-1 was properly dedicated to the public for roadway purposes. PARCEL 2: Parcel 2 is an access control easement established by the Plat of Boynton Beach Distnbution Center which encumbers the North 5' of Lots 18 and 19 of such Plat. The access control easement is dedicated to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County for the purpose of control and jurisdiction over access. The property encumbered by the access control easement is owned by Waste Management Inc. of Florida. It is my opinion that the access control easement is properly dedicated for the purposes herein stated. PARCEL 3: Parcel 3 is a private dedication to the City of Boynton Beach for roadway purposes. The dedication was made by an easement deed dated August 13, 1976, and was executed by James O. Taylor and Mildred O. Taylor, his wife, and David P. Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor, his wife. It is my opinion that the right-of-way deed was a good and valid grant for right-of-way purposes over the property therein described to the City of Boynton Beach, its successors and assigns, for it, its agents, tenants, servants, visitors, and licensees, in common with all persons having like right. PARCEL 4: This parcel is a buffer easement dedicated for "landscape purposes" encumbering the South 25' of Lots 15, 16, 17, and 18 of Block 2, Cedar Ridge, a P.D.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., Plat Book 46, at Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. It is my opinion that the dedication appearing on such Plat creates a valid easement encumbering such property for landscape purposes. The owner of the property encumbered by the buffer easement is Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. Very truly yours, ~. JRH/kmb Enclosures EXHIBIT "A" ORIGINAL PARCEL: That portion of Forest Road established and dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P. U . D . & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P. I . D . , according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, abutting Lots 36 through 45, inclusive, of Block 1 of said Plat and abutting the north 75' of Lot 35, Block 1 of said Plat. PARCEL 1: Tract S-l (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Tract S-l, as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, is dedicated for additional right-of-way for Minor Road for the perpetual use of the public for proper purposes. PARCEL 2: 5' access control easement which encumbers the North 5' of Lots 18 and 19 of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The access control easement is dedicated by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER for the purposes of control and jurisdiction over Tract S-l (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER. PARCEL 3: Easement and right-of-way over and across the North 25' of the West 340' of the North one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida. The above-described easement for access and right-of-way was granted by Easement Deed dated August 13, 1976, executed by James O. Taylor and Mildred Taylor, his wife, and David P. Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor, his wife, in favor of the City of Boynton Beach. PARCEL 4: Buffer easement encumbering the south 25' of lots 15, 16, 17, and 18 of Block 2, of CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, ~ SCOTT ROYCE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Scorr, ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, P.A, October 27, 1995 VIA HAND DELIVERY Ms. Tambrey Hayden City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Second Floor, West Wing Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Tambrey: As requested by Gary Lanker, I am enclosing herein two (2) additional petitions to be filed, requesting the abandonment of Miner Road and adjacent easements. As requested, I have included Tract S-l of the Boynton Beach Distribution Plat and the privately dedicated right-of-way 25' in width with our original request. However, I have also included a request in this peti tion for the abandonment of the landscape buffer easement 25' in width adjacent to the lots to be conveyed to Waste Management Inc. of Florida. According to their engineers, you have requested that this landscape buffer easement be abandoned as well. In addition, I have included the access control easement in a separate petition. This petition is being filed on behalf of Waste Management Inc. of Florida. I am awaiting a separate letter of authorization from Waste Management Inc. of Florida, authorizing me to file this petition on their behalf. However, I should have that shortly and will supplement the filing accordingly. Also, I will deliver to the City the additional filing fees requested ($1,000.) within the next few days. Very truly yours, "~~,. "C;::-\ -.... ',~"'~~-<k- ". '~,._-".. J. Richard Harris JRHIkmb Enclosures RICHARD K. BARRA ' JOH~ L. BRYAN, JR. . BARRY B. BYRD' MARK P. GAGNON J. RICHARD HARRIS . JOH~ M, JORGENSEN . DO~NA A. NADEAU RAYMOND W ROYCE' ROBERT C, SCOTT (1925.1982) 4400 PGA BOULEVARD, SUITE 800 . PALM BEACH GARDENS, FLORIDA 33410 (407) 624,3900 . FAX (407) 624,3533 11/30/95 15:05 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT. ROYCE IaJ 001/008 SCOTI, ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JOROENSEN, PA. ATI'ORNEYS AT LAW Rich&rd '" Ham. Jolm l. BtylIIl, ,]1', Bany B. ByM lrWt P. Gap:Ia ], Rlcbanl Hatris Jabn M. JcxgellSCll DomIa A. Nadeau ~ W, Royce Robc:n A. ~ Robert C. Scott (192S-1982) .*TKf .FCOPTF,R TRANSMlTI'AL "'- FROM: Our Tclecopier Number: DATE; TO: TELECOP!ER; TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLUDING nus PAGE: RE OR NOTE: FILE :# 10001 ***PLEASB om JVER n.n.fI:U)rA~J .y.** Telephone number in case of' uaosmission amr: 1 (.w7) 624-:';900 ISI;1[ DIJIO'W*1I""'QI ~ DI mtB ~ lS ~ ~ UP ~"'I'... :rr ~ A_ ~ rem !D USE QP 'mil :nm1T.l:DU.L at. ~ DIIBD U(IVK. JI' BK __ or ~ __ DJ .. .. :r--- BlCIPma:, lOlt AD BIIIB1' ~ :mar IIJ' ~._rr~, D~ ca <<1ft" of' ~ CCIMIIII!0fiaI1.8 ft!IlI:IlL% PID!l:IID!IlD. :J:P ~ __ ~ s:ra ~.. D 1IIi8ilIIl. ~ ~ as :I"'lAlDT~_.r 1lr ~ CCIIIo'I';BIlm ~ __ 'IIIR ____T. ~ ~ lIS M! UEB .... ~ \fZA ma B.a. l'DSDIo SIl:Il't.ICZ. 1IlII w:a.z. .....-........ lOlt JlCIl ~. !!I!ID.IK UG. 4400 PGA BLVD,. SUITE. 800, PALM BEACH GARDENS, FL 33410 (407) 624-3S'OO PAX (407) ~:3S:n 11130/95 15:05 FAX 407624 3533 ___ . NOU-2S-"35 TUE 13:4'3 ID;t-t-'lo L1r<! VI"< SCOT:J; !_ IWYCE 1aI002l008 ffPL Florida Power' Light Comp\1ny. p, O. Balt ZllCll, Delra., s,..tI. ilL 134&1.Zd September', 1995 Tambrl J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director CIty of BoyntGn Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, fL 33425-0310 Re: Forest Ct (#QS-OQ4) & MJner Ad (#95.005) Right of Way Abandonment Dear Ms. HeydiJn: FPl hac no objection to the abandonment of the Forest Court rlght.cf-way of as described in your letter dated August 9. 1995 FPL has no objection to the abandonment of the Miner Road r1ght~of-way of as described in your Istter dated August 14, 1995, providliJct that a utility easement is pro"'ded on the_ east 160 teet of the road ri ht 01 wa .(See tho area h\gl'dighted in yellow on the enclosed aw g,) / flUrL. 'IJ tIt"t'-.' n you rsquire any additicoallntormation. please call me at (407) 265..S1004. Sincerely Yours. t:~ Major Account Manager ..:~:~*~***.************** ********* ~ # of Pages .... ""co, (, 11 .. ._ Dept. * ,.. Fax it (; 2 0/.. .J..s' s.J rriClO$ # '* :;;""4G . w /~ .;;;~ : :~a::7>:~K'.r" 3/ (if z... Pho.,,,,, .2.c,S- 3/0'" : *~******. ~..*~***-**.**** 77'//:' I ;E TT<V,- Cc;i......~ S CJ;f'~ J2..Ef!)(/ f dE,....,~ ~ 12.0 4- ~ ~ / /'" .t; ...L -14"7~ an FPl Group r:ompo'lny 11/30/95 15:05 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT. ROYCE IdJ 003/008 ~ SCOTT ROYCE ATTOIlNliV& .aT ~AW scon, ROYCE, HA1lRIS, BRrAN'. BABKA & JOROENSElN, P.A. October 21, 1995 Mr. Pete Reaonic:o Southern aeU Telephone Company 326 Pcm Streel Room 601 Wcst Palm Beach, Florida ~3401 Dear Mr. RcZZODico: h required by the City of :Boynton ~ I am elK"lOO". herein a 1epl description and a sketch of an area for wbicb we have filed petitions for abandoIUDent with the City of Boynton Beach. Also iltUCibe:d is a narrative explaining why the ablU1donment is requested. Plcue ~ the city of Boynton :a.ad2 concerning you: mterest ia the subject right-of-way. A WIittco IQpome is rt;qUC!tccl .. SSOOD. liS possible, as the matfa' is s.ched.u1ed fur the P1~nlln.g and DcM;lopment Bau'cl meeting in November, 1995. Please d.ixect yaW' respouse to Tambrey J. Hayden. Pbuming atId Zoning Dirc.ctor, at the followiDg acldres6: City of Bo,nton BeuI1 100 E'&&t ao,ntoD Beach BoWevud. Post Office Bas 310 Boynton Beaeb, Florida 3342S.aUO I aho rcqllCSt that yon provide the undersiped a copy of your oorrespondence. We thank you in advance for )'Out anticipated. cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, J. Richa.tcl Harris ~ll Euclosun:s H, B37q{J57 ill~HARO K. BAKAA' ;OHl1 ~,BR'l'.\N, IR, . 8M!;!Y B. STRD . ~p. Q...<l~ON I, ~IC>lA~O~:;: . JOHN M, jOllCElJ5EI-I . DONNA A, N!\DllAI.' t....YMO~l;lW.lODVCE. iOBEnC, SC:O'l'TOQ25,I~:n 4.400 PGA 8 o l'L1O vAlm , SUITI: aoo . PALH BF.ACH GI\J!Dl:l'I~, FtoRIDA 33+10 (,Em :i24-31100 . PAX (<!.1J7) Oz4-,::!:)3' 11/30/95 15:06 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT. ROYCE ~OO4/008 ~ SCOTT ROYCE Beon, ROYCf:, HABi:ll!!, BrrrAN, BAmtA & JORGJiiNUN. P.A A'I'TQ""IlVS A" ~...w October Z1. 1995 Comcan CablC'Vision or W.P.B.. tac. 1401 NonhpoiAt Parkway Wf$t Palm Beadl, Florida :;3407 Anenl1on.: ~U<: A1.l!Xl8is COII5~ CoordiDatOt: Dear Mr. Aamais: As ~ by the City of Boynton Beach, I am. endosm, herein a legal description and a sketch ot an lI.1l:iI for which we have filed petidom fDr abandonment with the City of Boynton Beach. Also arr.adlc:d i& a nanativc esplabrlng why the abandonmeJU is requested.. Pka:;e ad:vi$c the City of BoyAton Beach conceming your interest in the subject right-of.way. A wrlnen ~pomc; is tc;quc:3tcd a soon lIS po&sible. as tl:le matter is scheduled for the Planning and De\lelOpmeu.t Board m<<;ting in November, 1995. Please ditect your response to Tambrey 1. Hayden, Planning and Zoumg Dircc:tor, at tho following addtCS.l:: City of BoYD-ton BlW!h 100 Eal;t Boyntoll Beach BoWewrd POSl; Oi&e BOJ: 310 Bo)'nton Beach, Florida n425.(}310 I alSo feque:st that you pnwide the Ulldersigned. a copy of your oorrespoodence. We thaU )lUll in adYllllcc for your utic:i.pated cooperation in tlIis matter. Very trUly yeW$, J, Richarl1 Harris ~ ~~S5~ .\:lCHAllD K. BAR~' J~flN L, aav"'...., JR, . IlI\1UU ,. BYRD - >UIlK III (:ACNON I I;!!CJ-IARD ~Jl:JS . JOJ,N M, JORO~~SE~ . OONt-:.... ^. NMJEAIi llA't'MOND I!', ROYCE' ROBERt e, SCOTT :J925.I~:lI ->400 PGA BOUl1;VAIUl. 5UIT!; BOO . PALM BEACH GI\IlCF.NS. FLORIDA 33'10)0 1407) 02....3900 . fAX (4007) 62".353:0 11;30/95 15:06 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT. ROYCE ~ 005/008 ~ scon ROYCE ScO'rf. ROYCE, HARRIs, BRYAN, ~ 61 JORGENSEN, P.A. .TTORNIVS AT LAW October 27, 1995 Florida Public UtilitiesJF1o-Qas COrp. 401 South Dilcie Highway West Palm BeadL, Florida 33401 Attention: Mr. David E. peUloo EBpneet Dear Mr. Pe1lico: As required by the City of Boynton Beach, I am enclosing nereIn a legal description ~ a tketch. of an area for which we have filed petitiom for abandOnment wlm tlte City Qf Boynton Beoch. Also attached is a narrative explaining 'Nhy the aban,domnent is requested. Please advise the City of Boynton Beach concerning your interest in UIe subja:t right-of-way. A. written response is requested a ssaon a'S possible. as the JDa,rter IS sd1eOule4 tbr the Pl.an1LiDg and J)ecJelopment Board lUeeting in November, 1995. Please dUect your response to Tambrcy J. Hayden, P1anDiog and Zoning Dira.""tOr. at the follOWing address: Qty of Boynton Beam 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post omce Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 I also request that yOU provide the undersigned a copy of your correspondence. We thank :you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in thiS maner. Very trUly yours. J, Richard Harris J1lHJkmb Eoaosurcs llilCWJlO K, BAiRi\. . JOHN L, Bit)')..", JR, . B.vl~ 8. B1(l.O ' MAAK ~ ;;;AGNON J. ~ICllARD H,U1Wl' ]QH~ M. )OROIll<5SN . DONNAA. r<,.m!J\.u IliIY)-IO!-:D 1ll7, pt:lYCIi. l!cB~RTC, 9C01ill<r.!50I9!21 4400 PGA BOLILEV^RD, !lU,TI! 600 PALM BEACI< GAl'DEI'IS, r1.0IUM j3410 (4071 624-3900 . FAX (4.07) 62',3533 a3~ J;$~ 11130/95 15:07 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT. ROYCE IdJ 006/008 ~ seon ROYCE A.TTa..NI!"" ",. LAW SCOTT, ROYCS, HARRIS, BRrAN', BA.R~ iii JORGENSEN, P,A. October 2", 19Q5 Ronda Power and Ught Company Post Office Bm: 2409 Dclray Beach, Florida 33447 2409 Attallioll: Mr. Ruuy Russillo AlxDWlt Mana~r Dear Mr. Rwaillo: AtJ 1Cllluin::d by th~ City of Boynton BeGch, I WI1 eDclOiUDg herein a legal de&criptiOA aDd a &ketch of an area for wbidl ~ have filed pctitiOD3 for abandonment ,nth the City of Boynton Beach. Also attiKhc:d i& is nanative explaining why the; ahandomncnt is rcqUlC8tcd. Plc:ax ad.vis(; the City of flcya.tOD Ikach ccDClCmmg yeur interest U:I. the 5ubjeet right-of-way. A written. rapoue is requested a ~ooa 8:J paWblc, L'I the matter ~ SQheduled for the Plmming and Developmco.t Baud meeting in NoV(;mbGr, 1995. Plcax d.ircd JOur ~pome to iambrey J. Hayden. P1amrlng and Zoning Director, at the I:lUowing ad.drcss: City of BoyntoD ~ 100 Eimt Boynton :Beach ~ P~t 0fIi~ :&tt 310 Boynton Bc..d1, Florida 33425-0310 I also IeqUQt that you provide we Ull~igncd a copy of your wnc:spondc:nce. We tbank: you Wlldvucc tor yolll antidpat~ wopcmtion in this matter. Very truly JOUO. J. Ri~hard. Hum JRH/Imlb EDdasures 2.~53/0'l, RICHARD 1;, 6~1l!t1\ . JOI'\N r.. Bl(rAl'I, ]i. . BARIY 6, B'I'1:0 . M!t.B p, OAllNON I, aIC1L~RD kNllU' . JOHl" M, JQCleclolccw ' DONNA)" NADEAU UYMONOW, ROYCE' ROBERTI;, S<:OTTII'l2&I~) 44000 PGA. BOULEVt\IlIl, SUITE 800 . PALM BEACH GARD~N~. PLORTI)A 33'10 (4.07) 624--3QOO . FAX (407) 624-3533 11/30/95 15:08 FAX 407 624 .3.533 '~ SCOTT. ROYCE I4J 008/008 DR.'RATIVJ!! The Peti- tioner, CONDOR INVESTMENTS 01' PAL!! BEACH COUlllTT, Ilee., request15 abondomnant of the existinq dedicated right-of-way of ~nor Ro~d (8omet~Q. also referred to as Miner Road), existing east ot High R~dge Road and west of the CSX Railroad right-o~-way. In a<1dition, the PEititioner is requesting the abandonment of an access control easement f~ve (5') feet in width dedicated by the Plat of Boynton Beach Di$tribution Center I abutting the south boundary of that part. of Kinor Road dedicated by the plat of Boynton Beach Distribution Center, In addition, the Petitioner 15 seek1ng the Clbandonment of a buffer easement twenty-five (25') feet in wi.dth encumbering the south twenty-five (25') feet of Lots 1', 16, 17, and 18, of Block 2, of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.o., and a~qh Ridge commerce Park, a P.I.D., as established by said Plat. The ri.qhts-of-way be.inq abandonad are not improved and are not necessary 1:0 provide any abutt.ing property owners with ingress and egress. To the extent that any utilities are located in such rights-ot-waYt eaeements for the placement of such utilities can be reserved 4nd/o:r grant9c:l. III 30/95 15: 01 FAI 401 624 --'l533 SCOTT. ROYCE 141007/008 QRRlt.~JV8 The Peti tione.r, CONDOR INVES'1'HBNTS OJ' PALM BEACH COUN'.rY, INC. I requests abandonment. of the exiet.ing dedicated right-af-way of Minor Road (somet.1mes al:so referred to as Kin&r Road), existing east of High Ridqe Road and we8t of the CSX Railroad right-af-way, In addition, the Petitioner i6 requesting the abandonmant of an aocess control easement five (5') teet in width dedicated by the Plat of Boynton Beach Diatr1.bution Center, abutti.nq the south boundary of that part of Hinor Road dedi.cated by the Plat of Boynton Beach Distribution Center. ~n addition, the Petitioner is seeking the abandonment of a bufter easement twenty-five (25') feet in width encumbering the south twenty-five (25') feet of Lots 15, 16, 17, and 18, of Block 2, ot Cedar Ridqe, a P.U.D.; and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., as establL8hed by Baid Plat. Th@ riqhts-ot-way being abanQonea are not ~proved and a~e not necessary to provide any abutt1nq property ownera with ingress and egress. To the extent that any u'tl1iti.es cu~e looated in such riqhts-of-way, easements for the placement of euch utilities can be reserved and/or granted. ~(bf' / iJ1ie City of 'Boynton 'BetUh 100 'E. $oymon ~ $oukvarcl P.O. 2J~310 2Joynton 2JuJr" %oritfa 33425-0310 City 1f4II: (407) 375-6QOO ~;u: (407) 375-6090 August 14, 1995 Florida Power & Light company P.O. Box 2409 Delray Beach, Florida 33447-2409 Attention: Mr. Rusty Russillo Account Manager Re: Miner Road - ABAN #95-005 Right-of-Way Abandonment Dear Mr, Russillo: Forwarded herewith is a legal description and a sketch of the area for which a public right-of-way abandonment request has been received. Also attached is a narrative explaining why the abandonment is requested. Please advise concerning your interest in the subject right-of-way. A written response is requested no later than September 1, 1995 as this matter is scheduled for the City Commission meeting of September 19, 1995. Please direct your response to me at the above identified address. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ,~ 71 c:: ~.A~~"k1/l vQ~;/~; .~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zon~ng Director TJH:dim Attachment a:utilaban.cfI!d Jlmerica's (jatewCl!J to tfu (julfstream 'The City of 'Boynton 'Beach ,-- ,.b~. ..;.{,J. 1 ~/~ ;.0' rrJ'.~ ~ ' ' ~ 100 'E. 'Boyraton 'BuJdt. 'Boulevard P.O. '1Jo'{310 'Boynton 'BUId&, ~fori4a. 33425-0310 City:JiDli: (407) 375-6000 ~JU: (407) 375-6090 August 14, 1995 Florida Public Utilities/Flo-Gas Corp. 401 S. Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attent~on: Mr. David E. Pellico Engineer Re: Miner Road - ABAN #95-005 Right-of-Way Abandonment Dear Mr. Pellico: Forwarded herewith is a legal description and a sketch of the area for which a public right-of-way abandonment request has been received. Also attached is a narrative explaining Why the abandonment is requested. Please advise concerning your interest in the subject right-of-way, A wr1tten response is requested no later than September 1, 1995 as this matter is scheduled for the City Commission meeting of September 19, 1995. Please direct your response to me at the above identified address. Thank you in advance of your anticipated cooperation in this matter. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ,--. .// / ~;;-,~ &-(i,~ ')2 ~~/&-- Tambr1 J. Heyden Plann1ng and Zoning Director TJH:dim Attachment a:utilaban.ced YIrnema's {jateway to tlit {juI/stream YImema's {jateway to tlit {julfstream EXHIBIT "A" ORIGINAL PARCEL: That portion of Forest Road established and dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P. U. D. & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P. I . D. , according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, abutting Lots 36 through 45, inclusive, of Block 1 of said Plat and abutting the north 75' of Lot 35, Block 1 of said Plat. PARCEL 1: Tract S-l (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Tract S-l, as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, is dedicated for additional right-of-way for Minor Road for the perpetual use of the public for proper purposes. PARCEL 2: 5' access control easement which encumbers the North 5' of Lots 18 and 19 of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The access control easement is dedicated by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER for the purposes of control and jurisdiction over Tract S-l (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER. PARCEL 3: Easement and right-of-way over and across the North 25' of the West 340' of the North one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida. The above-described easement for access and right-of-way was granted by Easement Deed dated August 13, 1976, executed by James O. Taylor and Mildred Taylor, his wife, and David P. Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor, his wife, in favor of the City of Boynton Beach. PARCEL 4: Buffer easement encumbering the south 25' of lots 15, 16, 17, and 18 of Block 2, of CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK,