REVIEW COMMENTS.,/97 13:59 '~4078755885 FGT COMPUTER GRP ~001 Florida Gas Transmission Company 601 S. Lake Destiny Rd., Suite 450 MaitIand, Florida 32751 Post Office Box 945100 Maitland Florida 32794-5100 Jim Johnson: 407/875-5812 Chris Kearby 407/875-5815 Fax: 4071875-5885 PLA~I~4S ZONING DEPT. FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE: April 17, t997 TO: MIKE RUMPF FAX: FROM: JIM JOHNSON SUBJECT: ABANDONMENT LETTER Message: Total Number of Pages Including Transmittal Sheet: 2 if you do not receive all of the pages or if they are not coming in clearly, please call Becky at 4071875-$81 I. ,117/97 14:00 ~4078755555 FGT COIIPUTER GRP Florida Gas Transmission Company P. O. Box 945100 Maitland, FLorida 32794-5100 (407} 875-5800 002 April 17, 1997 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Miner Road - ABAN #95-005 Right-of-Way Abandonment Dear Ms. Heyden: Florida Gas Transmission Company has no objection to the above-referenced abandonment. Should you have any questions, please call me at 407-875-5§12. Sincerely, Jim Johnson Supervisor/Southern Region Right-of-Way Department JJ/bjc An ENI~N/SI~NAT Affiliate August 28, 1995 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fla. 33425-0310 BELLSOUTH I'Ei. ECOMMUNICATION$ Re: Miner Road - ABAN #95-005 Right-of-Way Abandonment Dear Ms. Heyden BellSouth Telecommunications has no objection to the above referenced abandonment, If you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Chuck Lonsdale at 407-582- 3590. Yours truly, Specialist Comcast Cal)levision ot West Palm Beach. Inc. 1401 Norlhpoml Peri, way West Palm Oeacl~. Florida 33407 II. COMCAST' PLANF August 19, 1995 Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 REF: Miner Road - ABAN #95-005 Right of Way Abandonment Dear Tambri, Comcast Cablevision has no objections in the right of way abandonment for the above referenced road. If you have any further ques'tions, please contact be at (407) 478-5866 ext. 519. Thank you, Dominique Aumais Construction Coordinator DA/lvl Comcast Cablevision of West Palm Beach, Inc. 1401 Norlhpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 (407) 478-5866 (407) 686-9499 FAX ICOMCAST® November 8, 1995 Tambrey J. Hayden City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 13 REF: Abandonment of existing dedicated right-of-way Dear Tambrey, Comcast Cable has no objections in the area abandonment as referenced in your letter dated October 27, 1995. If you have any questions, please contact me at (407) 478-5866 ext. 519. Thank you, -'~--~ Dominique Aumais Construction Coordinator DA/lvl BELLSOUTH TELECOMMUNICATIONS November 15, 1995 Mr. J. Richard Harris Scott Royce Attorneys at Law 4400 PGA Boulevard, Suite 800 Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410 Room 501 326 Fern Street West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE: Abandonment's Minor Road Dear Mr. Richards: BellSouth has no objection to the above referenced abandonment as described on the attached narrative. If you have any questions or require any additional information please contact Larry Mayernik at 407-837-6404. Yours truly trkBall OSPE BOard of County Commissioners Ken L. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works September 8, 1995 Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director The City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 SUBJECT: Proposed Miner Road Abandonment Dear Ms. Heyden: I am writing in response to your letter of August 16, 1995 in which you requested the County's comments with regard to a request to abandon a portion of Miner Road right of way, east of High Ridge Road. Palm Beach County would have no objections to the abandonment, assuming that action would not landlock any properties. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER Charles R. Walker, r~., P.E. Director Traffic Division CRW:ASH:meo File: Roads - Miner Road ASH\miner ~ printed on recycled paper "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97- 170 TO: FROM: Mike Pawelczyk Assistant City Attorney Tambri J. Heyden, AICP ~f Planning and Zoning Director DATE: April 23, 1997 SUBJECT: Miner Road Abandonment (//95-005) - Preparation of Resolution Using the attached excerpts from the project file, please prepare a resolution for the above-referenced request, which is to be scheduled for City Commission consideration on May 6, 1997. This first went to the Commission as a public hearing on December 19, 1995 and was approved with conditions. The conditions have now been satisfied and the request is therefore ready for resolution adoption. Please recall your recommendation regarding text to be included within the resolution that would recognize the existing FPL easements and ensure that they remain unaffected by the subject abandonment. The text that I understand you propose, and to be inserted appropriately, is as follows: "excluding the existing FPL easements located within the right-of-way being abandoned", and "This document in no way can be construed to abandon, surrender, or give away the existing FPL utility easements located within the boundary of the right-of-way being abandoned". Also, as discussed with Mr. Cherof and you, the City needs two new utility easements reserved to the City of Boynton Beach by this same resolution, and to be described with the following legal descriptions: 1) "The South 24.0 feet of Tract S-1 (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 47, page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida."; and 2) (see attached legal description and sketch written by Paramount Engineering Group, that must be attached to the resolution). The legal description for the area to be abandoned should read as follows: "Tract S-1 (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 47, page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Together with Tract S-2 (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of CEDAR RIDGE PUD & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK PID, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 46, page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, bounded on the west by the right-of-way of High Ridge Road and bounded on the east by the eastern most boundary of the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D. Together with Easement and right-of-way over and across the North 25' of the West 340' of the North one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida. The above-described easement for access and right-of-way was granted by Easement Deed dated August 13, 1976, executed by James O. Taylor and Mildred Taylor, his wife, and DavM P. Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor, his wife, in favor of the City of Boynton Beach." If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mike Rumpf at ext. 6263. TJH:mr Enclosures J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Miner Rd Aban (95-005)\reque reso.doc APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH pLANNING DEPARTMENT APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR~. NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Department. {~hree'(3) Copie~ of application are required.) PROJECT NAME~ AGENT'S NAME: AGENT'S ADDRESS~ CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D., AND HIGH RIDGE COI~IERCE PARK, A P.~I J. RICHARD HARRIS, ESQUIRE SCOTT, ROYCE, HARRIS, BRYAN, BARRA & JORGENSEN, P.A. 4400 PGA BOULEVARD SUITE 800 PALM BEACH GDNS. FL 33410 AGENT'S PHONE (407) 624-3900 - FAX (407) 624-3533 OWNER'S NAME~ (or Trustee's) OWNER'S ADDRESS: OWNER' S PHONE CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, INC. C/O JAMES VANDERWOUDE 430 NORTH "G" STREET, LAKE WORTH, FLORIDA 33460 (407) 588-3854 - FAX (407) 585-5574 EAST OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD WEST OF THE SEABOARD RAILROAD PROJECT LOCATION: (.not legal description) AND SOUTH OF GATEWAY BOULEVARD CORRESPONDENCE 'ADDRESSI* (if different than- agent or owner) sAME * This is the address to which all agendas~ letters ang' other materials will be forwarded. ;11- 1-95 ; 3:45PM ; Boynton Bch fax- 624 3533;# 3 A_.P..P~CATfON TO AB. AND_ON/V.~CATF, The undersigned, ~reuant oral,=,.. P to ........ ... NO. 76-27 of the Ci~, of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the city commission t vacate! abandon, and discontinue the, {check one)l (TJ=X J STREET ) OTHER NONFEE INTEREST OF THE CITY as described in attached Exhibl~ "A", and to renounce and dis- claim any right of the City and the public in and to any land in connqotion therewith. Said application is to be fixed with the Planning Department in triplicate and applications involving more than one of the above listed nonfee interests shall be filed separately. Each appli- cation so filed shall be complete in every respect. The undersigned hereby certifys ~. That a ~omplete and accurate legal deeo~iption with the specific property interest sought to be vacated or abandoned, in. eluding where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is se~ forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, 2~ to the speci£1c property interest described above was and is evidenced by, (oheckone)s That the title or interest of the City and the public in and acquired IXXXX) DEED XXXX) DEDICATION PRESCRIPTION Recorded in offtcia~ Records Book..2573 , Page 13~9 , and Public Records-of Pals'Beach c~unty0' ~lorida. **P£AT BOOK 4?, ?ACES 100-I01 3. That no mlmlla~ aPpli~a~ion has been considered b~ the City a~ an~ time within slx (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be g~anted, such abando~anC a~d vacation will prevent no o~her property owners from access to and from their' property and no other property owners ~n the v~cinity will be adversely' ef~aoted. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and Ju~iediotion of the City commission of ~he City of Boynton Beach, Flotida~ is not a part of any state or federal highway system~ and was not acquired o~ dedicated for state or That the following oonstitutes.a complete and accurate schedule of al1 owners and occupants bounding and abutting the / CONDOR INVESTMENTS OF PALHBEACH COUNTY, INC. / FENDER, T.D. WASTE MANAGEHENT INC. OF FLORIDA ROL~YSON, JAMES AND GENEVIEVE ]~NKER. DAVID B. AND LEIGHAN ADDRES~ C/O ~AHES VA~TDER~OUDE 430 ~ORTH "G" STREEt. LAKE .33460 328 ~OYAL POXN¢IA~A ~AY PALH BEACH FL 33480 ~OST O~FIC~ Box lZz28~ ' FOR~ WORTH, TX 76121-228~ -CiO MA~IC ~Ggo ZSC., 1810-A FOREST H~LL ~LVD., W. PALM BCH., FL 3340660?" 55~ HUIRF~ELD DRZVE ATLANTIS, [L 33462-1208 "~/0 '~IGHT-OF-WAY ,~)MINS~RATOR. ;11- 1-95 ; 3:4§PM ; 40? 624 3533;~ 5 6. That the follow~ng grounds and reasons ara submitted support of this appllcation~ THAT SEC]~ION OF HINZR ROAD EAST OF ~ICH RIDGE RO~ ~D ~EBT OF ~g C~. ~ILROAD alGa-OF-WAY AS P~TI~LY ~TTED A~ PAaTI~LY DEDI~. A PORTION OF THE I~ DEDI~TED BY TWO ~TS (T~E ~L%T OF BOYNTON BEACH D~STR~BUT~ON CENTEA AND THE OF CEDAR"~IDG~, A P~u~D*, ~D-HIG~ ~DGE C0~ERCE PA~, A P.i,D.), CREATING-A OF-~AY 108~ FK~T IN ~IDTH ~EKE DEDZCAT~ BY BOTH PLATS. HO~EVE~ ~OTHER PORTION ~E' ~IGHT'~aWAY I~-DEDICATED ~Y"~ SAS~=~'~'-DE~D w~C~, W~KN CO~D W~TW I'VE OP-WAY DEDZ~D BY THE P~T OF CEDA~ RIDGE, A P.U.D. ~ ~D HIGH RIDGE CO~ERCE PAR] ~' P.~.D., ~KSAI~'A TOT~ ~GHT-0F-WA~ I~' IN ~I~H. T~ B~C~ OF T~E R0~A~' SOLELY DEDICATED BY THE P~T OF CED~ ~]DOE, A P.U.D., ~D HIGH RIDGE C0~ERCE PAR] ~ P'.~2D., A~"XS ON~ ~4~ ~N ~IDTH;--~lg 'P~%ION O~ ~k ~NE~ KO~"~XG,'I'-O~=WA~ ~', THEREFORE, NOT =O~LETELY DEDICATED ~ REQUIRED, ~D ~S NEVER BEEN X~PROVED AND AND ACCBSS I~ AVAI~BLE TO ~L AFFECTED PROPERTIES OVE~ ~D AC~SS OTHE~ I~P~OVED RIGHTS-OF-WAY. DATED ~ lO/27 ADDRESS STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant(s) being first duly sworn by me the day and year above lndiaaCed, deposed and seated thaC __he__ are/is tho applioant(s) in the foregoing Application to Abandon/ Vaoato! that ~ho¥ have read the same and that the fao~s therein set forth are true and co=root to th8 best of their knowledge. 6-19-87 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM 95-649 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Tambri J. Heyden~9~ Planning and Zoning Director December 8, 1995 Miner Road - File No. ABAN 95-011 Right-of-way abandonment NATURE OF REQUEST Richard Harris, agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, the property owner of the undeveloped, High Ridge Commerce Park PID, that includes the north one half of the undeveloped Miner Road right-of-way is requesting abandonment of the right-of-way of Miner Road located between High Ridge Road and 1-95. This request supersedes the request that was reviewed by the Board September 12, 1995 and currently tabled by the City Commission. This request includes three separate right-of-way dedications as requested by staff during review of the previous application that comprise the undeveloped Miner Road between High Ridge Road and 1-95. The attached Exhibit "A" is a location map which shows the Miner Road right-of-way to be abandoned. The attached Exhibit "B" is a legal description and survey of the proposed abandonment. The abandonment is requested in connection with the development of lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID that includes expansion of the existing Waste Management facility located south of the lots and south of the right-of-way proposed for abandonment. BACKGROUND As mentioned above, the requested abandonment of Miner Road is comprised of three separate right- of-way dedications as follows: The first is Tract S-2 noted as the original parcel on the legal description and was dedicated to the City by recordation of the 1983 plat of Cedar Ridge, A PUD & High Ridge Commerce Park, A PID. This is the original abandonment request currently tabled. This first requested portion of Miner Road is 54 feet in width; one-half of the ultimate 108 feet originally proposed and is unimproved and extends the south width of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID between High Ridge Road and the Seaboard Air Line Railroad. The second is Tract S-1 as established by the plat of the Boynton Beach Distribution Center and dedicated to Palm Beach County. This tract is also 54 feet in width and abuts the right-of-way dedication described above as Tract S-2 at the north property line of lots 18 and 19 of the Boynton Beach Distribution Center. Lots 18 and 19 are currently occupied by the Waste Management facility and are located approximately 362 feet east of High Ridge Road. The third is Parcel 3 deeded to the City of Boynton Beach as an easement and right-of-way in August of 1976. This easement right-of-way is 25 feet in width and abuts the south side of~ the right-of-way dedication described above as Tract S-2. The~ 25 foot wide deeded property extends approximately 300 feet east of High Ridge Road to the northwest corner of the right- of-way dedication described above as Tract S-1. Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-649 Miner Road ABAN 95-011 The purpose of these dedications was for the eventual extension of Miner Road, a 108 foot wide collector road existing immediately to the west of High Ridge Road and which is interrupted by the CSX Railroad and 1-95 rights-of-way, before it picks up again east of 1-95. Miner Road, between High Ridge Road and Seacrest Boulevard is not shown on Palm Beach County's 1991 !'Thoroughfare Right-of-Way Identification Map" and is not shown in the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Support Documents, Volume 1 - Traffic Circulation Element, Figure 18 - Future Functional Classification Plan (revised). Therefore, there are no current plans to construct a bridge over 1-95 to extend Miner Road. ANALYSIS The requested abandonment has been submitted in order to allow a northerly expansion of Waste Management's solid waste facilities across Miner Road and further north into lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the High Ridge Commerce Park PID. Exhibit "C" illustrates the location of the right-of-way requested to be abandoned and its relationship to the existing Waste Management facility and the proposed expansion. Waste Management has requested a site plan review of its expansion and it is being considered as a separate item at this December 12, 1995 Board meeting. The property owner's agent has also concurrently requested two other abandonments (File No. ABAN 95-009 and ABAN 95-010) in connection with the Waste Management expansion which will also be considered as separate items at this meeting. A Board of Adjustment variance (case #212) has also been requested to omit a green belt requirement on the lots located in the PID and is in connection with the expansion of the existing Waste Management facility. The Board of Adjustment variance will be considered at the December 18, 1995 Board of Adjustment meeting. The original request, now tabled, raised concerns regarding whether the Rollyson property, undeveloped Florentine Marble property planned to be developed by Zicaro Plumbing and FDOT parcels have an existing, alternative, perpetual means of access acceptable to the City, in lieu of the standard, direct access from a public or private right-of-way. Without this, these parcels could be landlocked. Additional information has been submitted by the applicant and staff's concerns with this information are provided later in this report. Comments from the City Attorney are pending. The applicant was requested to provide verification of whether FDOT and CSX Railroad would allow construction of a "flyover" (bridge) over their right-of-way. This information has not yet been received. A letter from Paramount Engineering Group, Inc. offering their opinion of the "flyover" regarding scheduling and cost as to FDOT's five year plan was submitted but this letter did not address the issue of whether FDOT would allow a "flyover', over their right- of-way. Since a portion of the Miner Road right-of-way identified above as Tract S-2 (Minor Road) is dedicated to Palm Beach County, the applicant will have to successfully follow and complete the Palm Beach County's abandonment procedure prior to permits being issued by the city. Palm Beach County has been notified of the request but no response has been received. The applicant's reasons for filing this abandonment and the grounds that support the request are included in the attached Exhibit "D". The city departments involved in review of a request for abandonment and the utility companies notified of the request are identified below, as well as their responses. Public notice is Page 3 Memorandum No. 95-649 Miner Road ABAN 95-011 given to the property owners that abut the easement to be abandoned. At the time of the writing of this report no response from the abutting property owners had been received. CITY DEPARTMENTS Engineering Utilities Planning and Zoning PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES No objection Dedication of utility easement required (see recommendation below) Florida Power and Light Southern Bell Florida Gas Company _ Cable Company (Comcast) _ Palm Beach County Traffic Division _ Dedication of utility easement required No objection (see recommendation below) No objection (see recommendation below) RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the requested abandonment of Miner Road, subject to the following conditions bei .... ' . a resolution for aband m=~ ~_=__ ~ ~? rectified prior to on ....... u=x~w auopted by the City Commission: 1. Written verification that Palm Beach County has accepted an abandonment application to abandon the portion of Miner Road that is dedicated to Palm Beach County. 2. Written documentation from FDOT and the CSX Railroad that indicates they would not permit a "flyover,, to be constructed over their rights-of-way. 3. The applicant shall show compliance with any forthcoming conditions of abandonment required by Florida Gas. 4. Submittal of a survey showing proposed dedication of utility easements to satisfy FPL and the City Utility Department conditions. 5. Written documentation, acceptable to the City, that verifies that the Rollyson, FDOT and Florentine Marble parcels that abut the portion of Miner Road to be abandoned, have an alternate,perpetual means of access. The following concerns have been identified thus far within the materials submitted in an attempt to address this issue: a) b) Deed from Rollyson to Florentine Marble is missing conveyance reference for dedication of a 30 feet wide ingress/egress easement. There is question as to whether Rollyson's sale to Waste Management included Rollyson's own 30 foot ingress/egress easement, therefore Rollyson may not have access any longer. A separate easement should have been rededicated by Waste Management for both OF 30' UTILITY EASEMENT BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER PARAMOUNT ENGINEERING GROUP 141 N.W. 20th. ST. SUITE F-7 PROJECT .0: I LB .0. ISHEET: IDATE: BOCA RATON, FL. 33431,(561)395-7805 2056I 3353I 1 Of 2 J 4/22/96 SURI/~'YOR'S NOTES: LEGEND: 1. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHEET 2 OF 2 P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P.O.B. POINT OF BEGINNING P.O.T. POINT OF TERMINA130N U.E. UTIUTY EASEMENT · PG. PAGE P,B. PLAT BOOK MINER ROAD I U./~'~-~/ CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & / HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D./ / / P.D. 46, PG. 58 u~ TRACT S-1 T.. o'- 4~. (MINOR ROAD) ~ ~ NOT PLATTED I o lO' U.E. '~------PLAT LIMITS LOT 18 BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER 2o', ,~. , P.B. 47, PG. 100 CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH AS SHOWN HEREON ARE TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND DRAWN BY: M.D. I CHECKED BY: C.G.M. BELIEF AND, FURTHERMORE, THAT SAID LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SKETCH I COMPLY WITH THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS A.<J s¢r FORTH ElY THE REVISIONS DATE BY FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES. CARL 0. MILLER SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY fLORiDA RE~ISTR~O, NO. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-148 TO: Jim Cherof City Attorney FROM: Michael Rumpf Senior Planner Date: April 10, 1997 Subject: Miner Road Abandonment (ABAN #95-011) Review for Conformance with Original Conditions Attached please find an easement agreement and an excerpt of the minutes from the December 19, 1995 City Commission meeting which describes comment/condition #5 for the approval of above-referenced project. Please review this document for conformance with this original requirement for the applicant to provide a revised access easement agreement which confirms that an alternative, perpetual access is available to the parties, and forward your written comments to me. A response at your earliest possible convenience would be appreciated. Thank you. cc: Tambri Heyden ~)4,o9,'97 ~i'ED 09:$0 FAX 407 624 .35.33 SCOT'I',RO¥CE ~oo2 SCOTT ROYCE Scott, Rovcn. I-l~ms, ]~A¥.Mq, Bmu~ t~ Jo~,ms~.~, P.A. Februa,-y m97 Via Fax; (561) 37s-6o~ Ms. J. Hayclerl l yr=m Beach In December ~ 1995, Conctor irnteslnletlts of Palm Beactl CoutW, Inc., recmved approvaJ ot ma ~ ol various 0edicatiotts for Miner Road between High Ridge Road and the CSX Railroad I believe the laet concli~3n to be ~ is set forth in the rninu~es of the meeting of December 19, 1995, as cx3n~'nent ~ five (5'). In tt~a~ rega~t, I am encJosing tmrein a copy ~ the axacute~ Ac~ tO the motion ttta~ ~ adopted, the abandonments ;u'e approved subject to the comltlior~ truing met ~ to a resolution 0etng prepped.. Ptease revie~ your I~e co~=errtJ~ this ,'t~atter to verify lttat all conditions have now been mm and intotm me a~ to the procecl~e that must now be follow~l to have ttm finaJ resolutions of ~: Cmtd~' Inveelmea~ el p.~a, Be~,b Ceunty, inc. 4400 PGA. BO3LE'VA~O, Su~'r~ OOO · PALll ])EAClI GAI~D~'NI;. FLOeln,~ 33410 (661) 624-3960 · FAx($61) .4 '.9'97 ~'E9 a§:5~. FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT.ROYCE TR&NSMIS$ION OK TI/RI NO C0,~rECTION SUBADDRES$ CON~£CTIO~ ID ST. TII~ USa¢~ T P~S. R~SULT Z679 3756274pp10001 02/13 10;18 05'54 7 ~4,'09.'97 ~:ED 09:51 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTI,ROYCE PREPARED BY A~ RETURN T0: J. Richard Harris, Esquire Scott. Royce, Harris, Bryan Barra & Jor=ensen, P.A. 4400 P~ABi~d., Suite 800 / Palm B,aeh Gardens, FL .3~10 EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS EASEMENT AGREEMENT (herein referred to as the "Agreement,) is made this ..~day of p~ , 1997, by and bctwccn WASTE ~NAGE~TT !NC. OF FLORIDA, a Florida c~-poratlon (WASTE MA/~AGEMENT), and FLOR~TINE MARBLE COMPANY, INC. ("FLOREh~]?I~Z"), and GENEVIEVE ROLLYSON alld COTRUST~ES OF TK~ G~NEVIEVE ROLLYSON REVOCABLE TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 23, 1989 ("RCLLYSON"). RECITALS : A. WASTE MANAGEMENT is ghe owner, in fee simple of the following described proper~y (herein referred ~o as the "WASTE MANAGEMENT PARCEL"): The East 50.00 feet of the foliowin~ described tract: A portion of the Northwest one-quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northwest one-quarter (NW 1/4) Of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly GescriDeG as follows: BEGINNING at the Southeas~ corner of Lot 16, B0¥NTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CE~TTER, mccordin~ to ~he Plat th~-~, as r~corded in Plat Book 47, PaFes 100 and 101, of =he ~ublic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; TKENCE North 00o00,07,, EasE, 232.02 feet; THENCE South 87~42,3N,, East, 449.23 feet; THENCE South 00:06'46,, West, 232.00 feet; THENCE North 87~42,35,, West, a distance of 138.99 feet tO a point on the arc of a non-tangent curve concave to the Southwest (said point bears NorTh 55:2~'13,, East from the radius point of the next described curve); THENCE Northwesterly along the arc of said curve havinN a radius of 50.00 facE, a delta of 95~57,48,,, an arc distance of 83.74 feet to a point of reverse curvature with a curve concave to the Northwest; THENCE Sou~hwesgerly alon~ the arc of said curve havin~ a radius of 25.00 feet, a delta of 42~50,00., an arc distance of 18.69 feet to a point of tendency; THENCE North 87~42,35,, Wesg, 218.80 fee~ to ~he Point of Beginning. Said lands lying in the City of Boyn~on ~each, Palm Beach COunty, Florida; CONTAINING 11,600 square feet (0 266 acres), more or less. · 407 624 3533 SCOTT,ROYCE B. FLORENTINE is the owner in fee simple of the following described real property (herein referred to as the "FLOR~NTIN~ PARCEL,,): A parcel of land lying in the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 1~, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, City of Boyn~on Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Comr~encing at the Northwest corner of said Section ~6, run South $7~40'45'' East, an assumed bearing for the North line of said Section 16, a distance of 13~2.17 feet to the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (ATW 1/4) of Section 16; thence Sou~h 00006'46" West, along ~he East lin~ of said Northwest Quarter (~ ~/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW %/4) of Section 1~, a distance of 624.71 feet to the POINT OF of the hereon described parcel of !and; thence continue along the East line of said Northwest Quarter (~ 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of Section 16, a distance of 30.02 feet ~O the Northeast corner of Lot 12 of the subdivision, BOYNTON DISTRIBUTION CENTER, as recorded in Plat Book 47, Pages !00 and 101, of the Public Records cf Palm BeaCh County, Florida; ~hence run North $7~42,35,, West, alon~ the No~th line of said Lot 12, a distance of 130.13 fee~ Co a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of Industrial Way, of said subdivision, BOYNTON BEAC~ IATDUSTRIAL CENTER; thence with a curve to tke left, having a radius of 50.00 feet, a chord bearin~ of North 16~08,36,, West, a central angle of 3~"52'03", and an arc length cf 32.17 feet along said Eazterly right-of-way line of Industrial Way; thence Sou~h ~7~42'35'' East, a distance of 138.99 fe~t more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING. ' C. ROLLYSON is the owner in fee simple of the followin9 described property (herein referred to as the "ROLLYSON PARCEL,,): A parcel of land in the Northwes~ quarter (ATW 1/4) of the Northwest quarter (N-w I/4) of Section 1~, Township 45 South, Range 43 ~ast, Palm ~each County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: CO~4ENC!NG a~ the Northwest corner of said Section 16; thence SouLh 87°40'45" ~as~, along the North line o~ saio Section 16, a distance of 902.17 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described parcel of land; thence continue South 87°40,45, East, a distance of 450.00 feet; thence South 00006,46'' West, a distance of 392.71 feet along the East line of the Northwest quarter (NW ~,/4) of the Northwest quarter (NW 1/4) Of said Section 16; thence North 87042'35'' west, a distanc~ of 448.72 ~eec; thence North 00000,07'' East, a distance of 392.95 feet ~O ~he POINT OF B~GINNING. Said lands lying in the City of Boynton B~ach, Palm Beach County, Florida, containing 4.055 acres, more or less. D. The parties hereto wish to establish certain easements as ~ore particularly described herein and to have this A~reement recorded in the Public Records o~ Palm Beach County, Florida. a4,09.'-J7 ~I'ED 09:53 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOT'I'. ROYCE ORB ? 54 78'9 NOW, TEEREFORE, in consideration of =he mutual covenants herein contained, and the sum of TEN AND NO/lO0 DOLLARS ($10.00), the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The above recitations are true and correct and are incorporated herein. 2. WASTE MANAGEMENT does hereby establish, give, grant, and convey unto RO~L¥$ON a non-exclusive access easement over, across, upon and on the WASTE MANAG~IENT PARCEL (the "WASTE MANAGEMENT ~ASEMENT,,). 3. FLORENTINE does hereby establish, give, grant, and convey to ROLLYSON a non-excluslve access easement over, acros-~, upon and on the FLORENTINE PARCEL (the "FLORENTIN]~ EASEMENT"). 4. The term of the WASTE MANAGEMENT EASEMENT and the FLOR~-/TTINE EASEM-i~T shall be perpetual, running with the lands described as the WASTE MANAGEME~ PARCEL and the FLORENTINE PARCEL and is in favor of ROLLYSON, and ROLLYSON'S successors and assigns who are owners of the ROLLYSON PARCEL. It is the intent of the parties that as to the easemen= herein ~ranted, the WASTE FJ~NAGEMENT PARCEL and the FLORENTINE PARCEL are the subservient tenements and the ROLLYSON PARCEL is the dominant tenement. 5. The cost and expense of all normal maintenance of the WASTE MANAG~EMENT PARCEL shall be borne eTaa!ly by ROLLYSON and WASTE MANAG#EMENT. The cost and expense of all normal maintenance of the FLORENTINE PARCEL shall be borne equally by ROLLYSON and FLORENTINE. In the event that any par~y hereto fails to meet its burden of maintenance of either the WASTE MANAGeMeNT PARCEL or the FLORENTINE PARCEL, ~he other party sharing the cost and expense of normal maintenance cf such PARCEL, at its option, will have the right t~ perform such maintenance, including making all necessary repairs and replacements, and ~hai1 charge the non-performingparty the cost of same, which the non-performing party agrees tO pay the performing party within =birmy (30) days of its receip= of ~he demand for payment. 6. In the event that any damage is caused to =he FLORENTINE PARCEL or the WASTE M3~AGEME~T PARCEL as a result of use by ROLLYSON, ROLLYSON shall be responsible for the entire cost of repair. In =he event ROLLYSON does not iniuia=e such repairs within thirty (30) days of notice thereof, WASTE MANAGEMENT or FLORENTINE, as applicable, shall have ~he right, but not obligation, to e£~ect such repairs and to charge ROLLYSON re#mbursement of the entire amount thereof, which reimbursement shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of demand for pa}~ent therefor. 7. In Uhe event any party hereto is required to enforce the terms and provisions of this Agreement by litigation, the a4 .u9.97 SCOTI, ROYCE 09:53 FAX 407 62.1 3533 OR8 Pe 7?0 prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its attorneys' fees, costs and expenses, including appellate fees, costs and expenses. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals as of the day and year firs= above written. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTy OF WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. OF FLORIDA ~resident FLORENTINE.MARBLE COMPA~, INC. ~r~s fdent INEVIEVE ~YSOi~, CO-TRUSTEE · ) //~ES H. ROLLYSO~, CO-TRUSTEE The fore oin- instrum ' · day of ~%, .... ~ ~9~ u& "~i's ~a-NA~EM~.NT INC. OF FLORIDA, a Flo~ida co~cration, on be~aif of the co~oration. ( SEAL (Prin~ Name) My commission expires: Commission No. o4 ,' 09 ' 97 09:54 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT,ROYCE Personally Known / OR Produced Identification .Type of identifica~on Produced STATE OP FLORIDA cO mTY The forepoing instz~ament was ac. knowledg.=d before me this 5+4 of PLOR~I~BLS COMP~ INC., a Plorida Co~oration, on behalf of the co~oration. (Prinb Name) My commission expires: Commission No. Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of identification Produced day ~ ,-cu,~ ,¥ ~,, uy~O.~en~v~e~,e ~'~7~e5 ~oll~5~;,as ~re~dent of GENEVIEVE ~LLYSON, ~O-TRUSTEE and J~S 'H. ROLLYSON, CO- ~USTEE. ~OT~Y P~LIC ($E~) (Prin= Na~) My conx~ission expires: Commission No. Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of identifica--~_ion Produced ~P%Jd~5 I;Ced~ FAX 4O7 624 3533 .. After Recordin~ Rehfnl ~, // w/c Box 32 . - ,/ - Scott, Royoe, HmflsetaL / ^ttn: Closing Del~rtn~nt , ~ 4400 PGA Boulevard ~ ~ Palm Beach Garclens, Florida 334~0 / Ronald M. Kapla.,%. Esquire Waste Management }[nc. o£ Florida Legal Dcpartmcm 2700 NW 48th St~cct Pompano Beach, l~l, orida 33073 SCOTT, ROYCE I Con 009 FEti-'t2-1997 4:03P~ c~?--0~;:32:3~ 0RS 9654. P~ 7E~5 lib III II IIIIII1 II BI 10, ~ Doc ,70 QUIT CLAIM DEED THIS QUIT CLAIM DEED, executed this 4. day of Fcbruary, 1997 by WASTE MANAGEMENT INC. OF FLORIDA, a Florida Corporation whose address is 2700 Northwest 48th Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33073, first party, to CONDOR INVESTMENT OF PALM BE~CH COUNTY, INC., a Florida Corporation whose address is C/O J. Richard Harris, Suite 800, 4400 P.G.A. Boulevard, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410, second party: Wherever used herein thc terms "first party" and :'second part~"' shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires. WIT?~ESSETI-I, That the said first party, for and in consideration of the sum of ten dollars (S10.00) in hand paid by the said second part),, the receipt of which is hereby acknowtedged, does hereby remise, release and quit-claim unto the said second party forever, all the right, title, interest,, claim and demand which the said first party has in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Cove, t3' of Palm Beach, State. of Florida, to v~t: Tract S-2 (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, page 58 of the Public Records of Palm Beach Count3.', Florida. To HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and ail the estate, right: title, interest, lien, equity - 1 of 2- 04 ,' 09 ' 9'7 II'ED 09:55 FAX 40'. 624 3533 SCOTT,ROYCE OOROTN¥ I,II~EN~ CLEI~ PB C0gNTY~ FL and claim what.soever of thc said first part>,, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the second party forever. IN W/T~SSS Wa~Re_O~, The said first party has signed and scalcd these presents the day and year first written above. Signed, sealed and delivcred in the presence of.' STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD WASTE MANAGEMI~h~f [~C. OF FI~QRIDA tJ: Regional President (Corporate Seal) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mc this _ ~ day of Fcbruary, 1997, by James A. Waters, who is personally known to me as Regional President of Waste Management Inc. of Florida, a Florida Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. (S¢~) Notary Public ,fl~rint or Stamp Name) My Commission expires: Commission No, - 2 of 2 - PREPARED 09:56 1Ol No~h Olive Av~e, Suils 601 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT,ROYCE [~,11 W/C Box 32 f/ ..... ~cott, RO~, Hanis~Sl. -9:>O0 PGA . '..: ;.-., Beach Gardem, Flort~ 33410 ]JBBBJl~I~B Jl~ ~ lIB Con t. Ol:] Doc .70 PALM BEACH COUNTY OUIT-CLAIM DEED_ THIS QUIT-CLAIM DEED, made this 2o-.~ day of February , 1996, by Palm Beach County, Florida, party of thc first pan, and Waste Management, Inc., of Florida, a Florida corporation, whose mailing address is 2700 Northwest 4gib Street, Pompano Beach, Florida 33073, party of the second pan. WITNESSETH: That thc said party of thc first part, upon demand of the party of the second pan, pursuant to Section 255.22, Florida Statutes, and for and in consideration of the sum ofTen Dollars ($10.00) to it in hand paid by the part), of thc second part, rcccip! whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and quit-claim to the party oft. he second art, its heirs and assigns forever, all the interest which the party of the first pan has in thc following described land lying and being in Palm Beach Count5,, Florida: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" ,'09'97 WED 09:$6 FAX 407 624 3533 SCOTT,ROYCE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said party of the first pan has caused these presents to be executed in its name by its Board of Commissioners acting by the Chairm~ or Vice Chain-am of said Board, the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and dehvered in the presence of: ATTEST: PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK ' BY.'~..--~'~__~ ,,._:_:__.: .,: Y... Deputy Clerk ~. '~.' -.~ ', . --" ,,e2z .... :&~~ LEG~ S~C~NCY ',,,y.,~.~X:~ n ~ , Com~ ~ R96 19 9 FEB 2 0 1996 [~012 04/0~,'97 WED 09:$? F.4~. $~? 624 SCOTT. ROI'CE Tract S-I (I~OR ROAD), ns established by the Plat of BOY'NTON BEACH DISTR~UTION CENTER, ~cord/n§ to ~c Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Re. cords of palm Beach County, Florida. 5' Acce~ Consul Easemeut eucmubenn$ d~e uorth 5' of lots 18 and 19 oi'BOYNTON BEAC{{ DISI'I~UTION CENTER, a~ordi~ to l~e P~t thet~o~ recorded in Plat Boo~ 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records oi'Palm Bench County, l~oricla. I ,,' ~"~'~'. H. W!LKEr,~. ~;~-,'~:,~:;,~ Cler~ c.f the fr,~C 5n~ c~'-r~zt copy of the on'~lna{ DATED ~ West P ~lm geac~, Fu on DO~HY H. W~LKEN Cte~ -- · ~O,'L ~ BE4 ',~"~ ",~ .... MINUTES REGULAR CIIY COMMISSION MEETING 8OYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Staff further expressed concern about the ~wo parcels being landlocked. He provided documentation to staff which showed the easements that were reserved and established. Each of the parcels would never depend upon Miner Road, as dedicated, for access. They am not landlocked. Mr. Ha~ri~ know~ that each of the owners is in favor of abandonin8 the Miner Road riBht--of-way, and access can be confirmed in an easement asreement. He is certain Waste Management will agree wKh this. The three owner~ who favor the abandonment, believe they have perpetual access out to Hi§l~ Ridge Road through industrial Way. ~4r. Harris does not believe there is much reason not to Erant this abandonment request. He urged consideration by the Commission. Ms. Hoyden advised that the Planning and Development Board recommends approval of the request subject to six conditions which were highliBhmct by &4r. Harris. There have been modifications since that rneetin8. The modifications are as follows: Comment #6 - Written acceptance from Palm Beach County Traffic Division regardin8 the abandonment request. S~aff received a letter from Palm Beach County which indicates that the aoolicant must 80 throuBh the County process. -, Comment Written documeaLa~.km, acceptable to the City, that verifies that the Rollyr. or~ FOOT and Florentine Marble parcels (ha[ abut the portion of Miner Road to be abandoned, have an alternate, perpetual means of accel. The followlr~ concerns have .been identified thus far witflln the materials submitted in an altempt to address this issue: aD Deed'from Rollyson to Florentine Marble is mi.ins conveyance reference for dedication of a 30 foot wide inBre~/eBre~ e,uement. b. There is ~,stlan as to whetbr eollysont$ sub to Waste Menaseme~ included Rally~on's own 30 fa~t insre~/eBre~ easement; therefore, Rollyeen may not haye access any longer. A separate easement should ha~e been rededlcated by Wasle Manasement for both Roflyson and Florentine tO use, ~'.~s. Hoyden advised that Mr. Harris is COrrect, and static has abroad to delete the verification of access ~or f'DOT. However, staff still feels that Rotlyson and Florentine Marble need a new dedicated access easement. ~4r. Harris is agreeable since both parties am in favor of the abandonment. Comment Submittal of a ~ui~ey showla$ propmmd dedication of utility easements to satisfy FPL and the City Utility Department conditions. ~,~s. l-leyden advised ~hat as a condition to the al~roval by FPL a/Id the City Utility Department, a new utith~! easement needs [O be superimposed to t~e abandoned rfght-of-way. 11 FIRE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-281 TO: Tambry Hayden, Director FROM: ~r~c'tor, De~rtment of Fire-Rescue SUBJECT: Abandonment of Minor Road DATE: December 20, 1995 The Fire Department has withdrawn its request for consideration of a fly-over on 1-95 from Minor Road. It was my understanding the Fire Department withdrew the fly-over consideration after discussing this issue at the City Manager's staff meeting approximately two months ago. Fire Inspector Bill Cavanaugh also submitted a memorandum on November 20, 1995 advising the Fire Department had no further objections. I apologize for the misunderstanding and the failure to provide you with an official request from me to withdraw the Fire Department's consideration. If you require additional clarification, please contact me in the Fire Chief's office. FJ/pag TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-723 Agenda Memorandum for December 19, 1995 City Commission Meeting Carrie Parker City Manager Tambri J. Heyden~---~ Planning and Zoning Director December 14, 1995 Miner Road - ABAN #95-005 Right-of-way abandonment The above-referenced request is on the table under Public Hearings for the December 19, 1995 City Commission agenda. DESCRIPTION: The above request was submitted by Richard Harris, agent for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, owner of the undeveloped High Ridge Commerce Park PID, to abandon a portion of Miner Road located between High Ridge Road and 1-95 in connection with expansion of the existing Waste Management facility on Industrial Way, immediately south of the requested area to be abandoned. At the September 19, 1995 Commission meeting, the request was tabled until the applicant submitted to staff the following documents to allay staff concerns with this request: An abandonment application for the additional 54 feet of Miner Road that exists immediately north of the Waste Management facility. o An abandonment application for a 25 foot wide easement that exists for Miner Road. o An abandonment application for a five foot wide access control easement that exists for Miner Road. Written documentation, acceptable to the City, that verifies that the Rollyson, FDOT and Florentine Marble parcels that abut the portion of Miner Road to be abandoned, have an alternate, perpetual means of access. o Written verification from FDOT and the CSX Railroad that indicates that they would not permit a "fly-over" to be constructed over their rights-of-way. RECOMMENDATION: The Commission should take action to delete this item from the agenda since items 1, 2 and 3 above have been submitted and are also scheduled for action by the Commission at the December 19, 1995 meeting. Items 4 and 5 abovm a~ Now conditions of the new Miner Road aDp!ication referenced in item 1. TJH:dim xc: Central File a: CCAgABN2. Minor [ .)CATION MAP MINER ROAD R/W DONMENT L IL REC "' RIAA R 3 RI NOT IN CITY '0 1/8 MILES [ .3CATION MAP ~ MINER RO~AD R/W ABANDONMENT ,Il REC RIAA R 3 IAR RI STATI T NOT IN CITY ---_~./ '0 1/8 MILES ~(~]II~ DMSION M~MORANDUM NO. 95-465 December 4, 1995 TO: FROM: RE: Sue Kruse ~Ci~[/~lerk v. ngineer MINER ROAD ~~ We have received your request that we review several documents submitted by J. Richard Harris appearing to request abandonment of certain City property abutting landholders Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc.; Palm Beach County Department of Engineering and Public Works; T.D. Fender; Waste Management of Florida; J & G Rollyson; D & L Rinker; and F.D.O.T. in various combinations. To the overall issue involving abandonment of these pieces of Miner Road right-of-way, we do not object. To the lesser included issue of whether the application is complete, we do not think so. The City Land Development Regulations (Chapter 22, Article III, Section 2, Page 22-6) require, where possible, the "reason for the request"; certification that the abandonment "will not adversely affect other property owners"; and verification from "each affected or potentially affected utility company" that their interests are protected. Ail of these requirements may have been satisfied, but none of the required material was in the package you submitted to us. WVH:bh Attachment - L.D.R. page 22-6 XC: Carrie Parker Tambri Heyden A: M.~NBH PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-627 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Sue Kruse City Clerk Tambri J ngT---~ · Heyden Planning and Zoni Director November 30, 1995 Miner Road - ABAN 95-011 Right-of-way abandonment Accompanying this memorandum you will find two (2) copies of the application and related documents for the above-referenced abandonment application. The $500.00 application fee for staff processing and review has been forwarded to the Finance Department. A legal advertisement for same has been prepared for the December 19, 1995 City Commission Public Hearing and will be forwarded to your office after review by the City Attorney and City Manager. In order for our department to meet the deadline for preparing Planning and Development Board agenda materials for this request, comments from staff and the abutting property owners must be received by our office by December 6, 1995. Please inform staff of this time frame when distributing copies of this request for comment. If easier, comments can be forwarded to you with a xerox copy transmitted to our office. Thank you. TJH:dim a:leglnot2.min PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-625 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Jim Cherof City Attorney Tambri J. Heyden'~~ Planning and Zoning Director November 28, 1995 Miner Road - ABAN 95-~ Cedar Ridge PUD and High Ridge Commerce Park PID (buffer easement) - ABAN 95-010 Boynton Beach Distribution Center (Miner Road access control easement) - ABAN Attached is an opinion of title submitted for the above-referenced abandonment applications received from J. Richard Harris. As you advised, I have now made this an abandonment application submittal requirement. The survey submitted is on file in our office. The public hearing for these abandonment requests is scheduled for the December 12, 1995 Planning and Development Board meeting. Due to the short time span to complete all the necessary reviews, prepare legal notices, obtain advertising approval, and also the time needed to advertise, please provide me written notice as to whether the opinions of title are acceptable by December 4, 1995. TJH:dim Enclosure XC: Carrie Parker Central File a: Chero f. Miner SCOTT ROYCE ATTORNEYS AT LAW SCO~T, ROYCE, I-IA~ms, BRYAN, BARRA ~' JORGENSEN, P.A. VIA HAND DELIVERY City of Boynton Beach c/o Ms. Tambrey Hayden Planning and Zoning Department 100 Boynton Beach Boulevard Second Floor, West Wing Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 October 27, 1995 Dear Ms. Hayden: I have been requested to issue an opinion of title with respect to certain abandonment petitions I have filed on behalf of Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc., and Waste Management Inc. of Florida. I have enclosed herein as Exhibit "A" descriptions of each of the parcels for which abandonment requests have been filed. As to each of such described parcels, I state as follows: ORIGINAL PARC~!.: That parcel descn'bed as the "original parcel" is dedicated as the right-of-way for Miner Road by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 46, at Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The parcel is dedicated to the City~.of Boynton Beach for roadway purposes. The parcel is a portion. .of Tract S~ ~ described by separate legal description on such Plat. It is my opinion that this parcel has been properly dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach for roadway purpmes by such Plat. PARCEL 1: Parcel 1 is Tract S-l, as established by the Plat of Boynton Beach Distribution Center, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Tract S-1 is dedicated to the Board of County Commi,sioners of Palm Beach County for public roadway purposes and is intended to be a part of the Miner Road right-of-way. RICIIARI) K. B.IR~\ * JOItN 1_ BRYAN. IR. * tIARRY B BYRD · MARK P GAGNON J. RICII.M~D tI.\RRIS * JOIIN M. IORGENSEN · DONNA A NADEAI! ~LXY31OND W ~,~YCL: · i~O[]EldT C ~COTT (1g25.1982) 4400 PGA t~¢)l'i liV,X~?l), SUITE $00 · ILXi.,~ [~I!ACII GARI)I{NS, FI.O~IDA 33410 City of Boynton Beach October 27, 1995 Page 2 It is my opinion that Tract S-1 was properly dedicated to the public for roadway purposes. PARCEL 2: Parcel 2 is an access control easement established by the Plat of Boynton Beach Distribution Center which encumbers the North 5' of Lots 18 and 19 of such Plat. The access control easement is dedicated to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County for the purpose of control and jurisdiction over access. The property encumbered by the access control easement is owned by Waste Management Inc. of Florida. It is my opinion that the access control easement is properly dedicated for the purposes herein stated. PARCEL 3: Parcel 3 is a private dedication to the City of Boynton Beach for roadway purposes. The dedication was made by an easement deed dated August 13, 1976, and was executed by James O. Taylor and Mildred O. Taylor, his wife, and David P. Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor, his wife. It is my opinion that the right-of-way deed was a good and valid grant for right-of-way purposes over the property therein descn'bed to the City of Boynton Beach, its successors and a.~igns, for it, its agents, tenant, servants, visitors, and licensees, in common with all persons having like right. PARCEL 4: This parcel is a buffer easement dedicated for "landscape purposes" encumbering the South 25' of Lots 15, 16, 17, and 18 of Block 2, Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D., and High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., Plat Book 46, at Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. It is my opinion that the dedication appearing on such Plat creates a valid easement encumbering such property for landscape purposes. The owner of the property encumbered by the buffer easement is Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. Very truly yours, EXHIBIT "A" ORIGINAL PARCEL: That portion of Forest Road established and dedicated by the Plat of Cedar Ridge, a P.U.D. & High Ridge Commerce Park, a P.I.D., according to the Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 46, Page 58, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, abutting Lots 36 through 45, inclusive, of Block 1 of said Plat and abutting the north 75' of Lot 35, Block 1 of said Plat. PARCEL 1: Tract S-1 (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Tract S-l, as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, is dedicated for additional right-of-way for Minor Road for the perpetual use of the public for proper purposes. PARCEL 2: 5' access control easement which encumbers the North 5' of Lots 18 and 19 of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 47, at Page 100, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The access control easement is dedicated by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER for the purposes of control and jurisdiction over Tract S-1 (Minor Road), as established by the Plat of BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER. PARCEL 3: Easement and right-of-way over and across the North 25' of the West 340' of the North one-half of the Northwest one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, of Palm Beach County, Florida. The above-described easement for access and right-of-way was granted by Easement Deed dated August 13, 1976, executed by James O. Taylor and Mildred Taylor, his wife, and David P. Taylor and Jacqueline Taylor, his wife, in favor of the City of Boynton Beach. PARCEL 4: Buffer easement encumbering the south 25' of lots 15, 16, 17, and 18 of Block 2, of CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, t LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ,30' UTILITY EASEMENT PARAMOUN¢ BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER ENGINEERING GROUP 141 N.W. 20th. ST. SUITE F-7 PROJECT No: J ,..o. ISHE : l DATE: BOCA RATON, FL. 334-31,(561)395-7805 2056 3.:35,:3 2 OF 2 I 4/22/96 LEGAL DESCRIPTION ..30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT (SANITARY SEWER) A PARCEL OF LAND (SAID ..30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT) LOCATED WITHIN THE PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 47, PAGE 100 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SAID 30 FEET UTILITY EASEMENT BEING A NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE 30 FOOT (10' + 20') UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER THROUGH THE EASTERLY PORTION OF TRACT S-1 (MINOR ROAD); BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 18 AND THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER AND THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID MINOR ROAD; THENCE NORTH 00'00'07" EAST (BEARINGS USED HEREIN ARE REFERENCED TO SAID PLAT OF BOYNTON BEACH DISTRIBUTION CENTER AS THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PLAT BEING S87'40'45" E), ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT AND BEING THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID 50 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT, A DISTANCE OD 54.04 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE PLAT OF CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. &: HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D., AS RECORDED IN THE SAID PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AND THE POINT OF TERMINATION OF SAID 30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT. SHORTEN OR LENGTHEN AS NECESSARY THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID ,.30 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT TO TERMINATE AT THE NORTHERLY OR SOUTHERLY LINES OF SAID MINOR ROAD. SUBJECT TO EXISTING RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS- OF-WAY OF RECORD. DRAWN BY: M.D. ~ CHECKED BY: C.G.M. REVISIONS DATE BY SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION THIS IS NOT A LAND SURVEY