CORRESPONDENCE GEE & JENSON Engl neers,Architects, Planners,lnc, January 11, 1993 City of Boynton Beach P.Q, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Re: Miner Road - Missing Unk Professional Design Services Gentlemen: We are pleased to submit the following proposal for professional services in connec- tion with the completion of Miner Road from Citrus Glen to Sandlewood Drive within the City of Boynton Beach (Melear P,U,D. portion of Miner Road). Gee & Jenson Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc" hereinafter referred to as the Engineer, proposes to furnish professional services for the City of Boynton Beach, hereinafter referred to as the Client of the scope outlined below for the fees stipulated herein. Scope of Services The Engineer will perform the following: 1. Prepare roadway construction plans and specifications for Miner Road (approxi- mately 1200 LF) between Citrus Glen and Sandalwood Drive in accordance with Palm Beach County development standards. A detailed outline of Scope of Services is attached as Exhibit "B", 2. Prepare and submit permit applications to Lake Worth Drainage District and South Florida Water Management District. 3. Address comments from the regulatory agencies during the permit application process. 4. Assist the City of Boynton Beach in obtaining bids for Miner Road (missing link) including attendance at pre-bid conference, review of bids and preparation of a bid award recommendation. 5. Perform construction phase services for Miner Road (missing link). RECEIVED JAN 1 4 1993 One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923.407/683,3301 . FAX 407/686,7446 CITY MANAGER'S OFF" City of Boynton Beach Attn: J, Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 2 6, Assist the city of Boynton Beach in obtaining bids for Minor Road (Citrus Glenn) including attendance at pre-bid conference, review of bids and preparation of a bid award recommendation, if necessary, 7. Perform construction phase services for Miner road (Citrus Glen). 8. Provide geotechnical testing for preparation of the roadway design. Items to be Furnished by Client At No Expense to the Engineer Assist Engineer by furnishing, at no cost to the Engineer, all available pertinent information including previous reports; all permit application and governmental inspection fees; and any other data relative to performance of the above services for the project, It is agreed and understood that the accuracy and veracity of said information and data may be relied upon by Engineer without independent verification of the same. Designate in writing a person to act as the Client's representative with respect to the services to be performed under this Agreement. Such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the Client's policies and decisions with respect to materials, equipment, elements and systems pertinent to the Engineer's services. Time of Performance SCOPE ITEM 1 & 2 CALENDAR DAYS TO COMPLETE 90 3 60 4 In accordance with City schedule 5 Duration of construction contract 6 In accordance with City schedule 7 Duration of construction contract GEE & JENSON n City of Boynton Beach Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 3 Fees to be Paid For the Scope of Services the Engineer shall be paid the following Lump Sum Fees: 8 LUMP SUM FEE $20,890.00 $ 3,625.00 $ 3,625.00 $2,000,00 SCOPE ITEM 1 & 2 4&5 6&7 For Item 3 of the Scope of Services the Engineer shall be paid a fee based upon the attached Rate Schedule. See Exhibit A. Fee not to exceed $1,180,00. In addition to the fees specified above, the Engineer shall be reimbursed for direct nonsalary expenses, including, but not limited to, data processing, equipment rental, automobile travel at $0.33 per mile, $0.55 per mile for four-wheel drive and trucks, long distance telephone, subsistence, printing and reproduction, plus Florida sales taxes, if applicable. Client agrees to pay such invoice within the time frame specified in Section 218.70, et seq., Florida Statutes, the 'Florida Prompt Payment Act'. Payments which are not received within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of invoice will be considered sufficient cause for Engineer to discontinue performing and providing services until payment in full is received, If Engineer is required to take action to collect past due invoices, the Client will pay all legal fees and costs, This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, and the appro- priate venue for any actions arising out of the agreement would be West Palm Beach, Florida. If there are items that must be sublet, confirmed, certified or updated, the Engineer shall, as agent of the Client, order the work with the Client's approval, and the C:;EE &. JENSON City of Boynton Beach Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 4 subcontractor shall bill the Client directly. The Client must make payments in accor- dance with the terms on the invoice in order not to stop the work. If the Engineer is directed by the Client to handle the subcontract for the Client, there will be a fifteen (15) percent charge for handling. In the event the Engineer is involved in providing services to assist the Client in applying for and processing applications or permits, the fee for such service will not be related to final approval or denial. All application or permit fees to agencies, associat- ed with documents submitted by the Engineer on behalf of the Client, shall be paid to the agency by the Client. Litigation Fees In the event the Engineer is involved in litigation as an expert witness or in any other professional assignment connected with litigation, the fee for such service shall not be related to the findings of any Court concerning the adequacy or inadequacy of the fee, Such fee is to be paid at personnel costs times a factor of 2.85 by the Client regardless of the decision of the Court. Resident Project Services On any project for which construction drawings and specifications were prepared by the Engineer and a certification of construction is required by a regulatory agency, the Client shall employ the Engineer to perform resident project services for observation of the construction work. Unless the Engineer is engaged for resident project services, they will not be in a position to certify the work to those regulating agencies having jurisdiction and requiring certification. Project representation may require one or more full or part-time project representatives, depending upon the requirements of the project. The project representative will endeavor to provide protection for the Client against observed defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor. However, the furnishing of resident project services does not guarantee the work of the Contractor, nor assume liability on the part of the Engineer for job safety or the Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences and/or procedures. Shop Drawing & Sampling Review When retained by the Client to provide shop drawing and sample review services, as part of the construction administration phase of a project, the Engineer's responsi- n City of Boynton Beach Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 5 bilities are limited to review for conformance with general design concept as required in the contract documents only. Specifically excluded from our services are reviews of dimensions, quantities, sizes, construction details, completeness of drawings and means or materials used in fabrication or installation. Modification to the Terms of this Agreement In the event Client issues a Purchase Order or Memorandum or other Instrument covering the professional services described herein, it is hereby specifically agreed and understood that such Purchase Order, Memorandum or Instrument is for Client internal control purposes only and any and all terms and conditions contained therein, whether printed or written, shall be of no force or effect. This contract is the entire contract between the parties and there is no modification or waiver of any of the terms and conditions herein unless signed by both parties. Estimates Since the Engineer has no control over the cost of labor and materials or over competitive bidding and market conditions, the estimates of construction cost provided for herein are for general information only and are made in accordance with the applicable standard of care. Accordingly, the Engineer does not guarantee the accuracy of such estimates when compared to the Contractors' bids or the project construction cost. Termination This Agreement may be terminated by either party by giving thirty (30) days advance written notice. The Engineer shall be paid for services rendered to the date of termination on the basis of a reasonable estimate of the portion of services completed prior to termination and shall be paid for all reasonable expenses resulting from such termination and for any unpaid reimbursable expenses. OEE & JENSON n City of Boynton Beach Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 6 Ownership and Use of Documents Drawings, specifications, and electronic data files as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the Engineer whether the project for which they are made is executed or not. The Client shall be permitted to retain copiest including reproduc- ible copies, of drawings, specifications, and hard copies of electronic data files for information and reference in connection with the Client's use and occupancy of the project. A. The drawings and specifications shall not be used by the Client on other pro- jects, for additions to the project, or for completion of the project by others provided the Engineer is not in default under this agreement, except by agree- ment in writing and with appropriate compensation to the Engineer. Code and Regulatory Compliance The Engineer prepares his work product based on known codes and interpretations and relies on his experience to evaluate their applicability, Input and comments are otten sought from authorities having jurisdiction and in many instances, agreements are reached which impact the work product, When situations arise such as code revi- sions, changes in interpretations, changes to agreed upon direction, or work per- formed before required permits or agency approvals are received, the Engineer will take appropriate action subject to the direction of the Client. Services associated with these situations will be compensated for as additional services, Modifications and Additions to Existing Structures Because of the Engineer's many years of background and experience in design and construction, the Engineer is qualified to make recommendations and designs which, in the Engineer's opinion, will meet the needs of the situation. These services will be performed in accordance with the Engineer's skill and ability and commensurate with the applicable standard of care and the economics of the situation. Although the documented components of the existing structure to be modified can be analyzed, the actual components of the existing structure cannot be fully determined without destructive analysis or the ability to perform other invasive technology or testing. ":lEE ?~ JENSON n City of Boynton Beach Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 7 Acceptance Acceptance of this proposal may be indicated by the signature of a duly authorized official of the Client in the space provided below. One signed copy of this proposal returned to the Engineer will serve as an Agreement between the two parties and as Notice to Proceed, This contract will be binding on the parties hereto and the parties' successors and assigns. Should this proposal not be accepted within a period of sixty (60) days from the above date, it shall become null and void. Very truly yours, GEE & JENSON Engineers-Ar 'teets-Planners, Inc. Accepted by: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: (Print Name) Date: RCD /bf cc: W. Richard Staudinger GEE & JENSON n EXHIBIT "A" BASIS FOR COMPENSATION HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE 1992 - 93 SENIOR PRINCIPAL RINCIPAL SENIOR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST PROJECT MANAGER SENIOR ENG-ARCH-PLNR-SURV ENGINEER-ARCHITECT-PLANNER-SURVEYOR CADD DESIGNER SENIOR DRAFTER - TECHNICIAN CADD DRAFTER DRAFTER - TECHNICIAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE SECRETARY COMPUTER TECHNICIAN SURVEY CREW 4 PERSON 3 PERSON 2 PERSON 150 125 95 85 80 65 65 55 50 40 55 25 55 100 85 65 RESEARCH CONSULTANT COMPUTER TIME CADD WORKSTATIONS - PER HOUR PERSONAL COMPUTERS (PCs) - PER HOUR RATES EFFECTIVE THROUGH JUNE 30, 1993 45 24 8 GEE & JENSON n EXHIBIT "B" Miner Roadway Improvements (From Citrus Glen to Sandalwood Dr.) Scope of Services 1. Preliminary Phase: A. Define both proposed and ultimate roadway section. 2, Produce 35% Complete Roadway Plans: A. Title Sheet B. Preliminary Drainage Map (1" = 50') C. Preliminary Roadway Plan Sheets (1" = 20t) Showing: Roadway layout Existing Profiles Existing Utilities Bench Marks & Sectional Corners Note: Roadway Plans will not be prepared on aerial base sheets, D. Preliminary Water Management Plan: A rectangular lake will be sized to accommodate the runoff from Miner Road, This lake will be located on the property south ot Miner Road and will be adjacent to Miner Road right-ot-way. E. Existing (100') Cross-sections F. Review regulatory agencies comments and revise plans as required, 3, Produce 65% Complete Roadway Plans: A. Summary of Quantities (items only) B. Final Drainage Map C. Drainage Design Computations GEE & JENSON n EXHIBIT "B" Miner Roadway Improvements (From Citrus Glen to Sandalwood Dr.) Scope 01 Services (continued) D. Preliminary Roadway Plan Sheets (1" = 20') Showing: Proposed Drainage Final Geometries Proposed Profiles Limits of Construction Utility Conflicts E. Preliminary Signing and Pavement Marking Plans F. Review regulatory agencies comments and revise plans as required. 4, Utility Coordination: A. Coordinate with utility companies by submitting plans and request com- ments, 5, Produce 96% Complete Roadway Plans: A. Construction Specifications B. Final Roadway Plan Sheets (1" = 20') C. Drainage Structure Sheets D. Detail Sheets E. Final Cross-Sections F. Quantity Computation Book G. Engineers Cost Estimate H. Apply for Permits GEE & JENSON n EXHIBIT "B" Miner Roadway Improvements (From Citrus Glen to Sandalwood Dr.) Scope of Services (continued) 6, Produce 1 00% Complete Roadway Plans: A. All Permits Received B. Final Submittal 7, Bid Assistance & Construction Phase Services A. Miner Road (Missing Link) B. Miner Road (Citrus Glenn) GEE &. ,JENSON CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO: Chris Cutro DATE 1/21/93 DEPARTMENT Planning D D D APPROPRIATE ACTION ~ EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION [] FOR YOUR FILES [] FOR YOUR INFORMATION NOTE AND RETURN OTHER ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO SUBJECT: Miner Road - Missing Link (Professional Design Services) Attached hereto please find a copy of a proposal dated January 11, 1993 from Gee & Jenson for professional services in connection with the comple- tion of Miner Road from Citrus Glen to Sandlewood Drive within the City of Boynton Beach (Melear P,U.D. portion of Miner ROad), Once money is put up by the developer then this is the Engineering cost (fee) estimated associated with the completion of the missing link of Miner Road and Citrus Glen. I would ask proposal as have to me. you. that you please review the scope of services as well as the presented, and forward any comments and recommendations you may Please hold on to this proposal for fut~IfC:JE~]EI> Thank JAN 21 PLANNING DEPT. - - RESPONSE: Date (Action Completed) Signature n GEE & JENSON Engi neers,Architects, Planners,lnc. January 11, 1993 City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Re: Miner Road - Missing Link Professional Design Services Gentlemen: We are pleased to submit the following proposal for professional services in connec- tion with the completion of Miner Road from Citrus Glen to Sandlewood Drive within the City of Boynton Beach (Melear P.U,D. portion of Miner Road), Gee & Jenson Engineers-Architects-Planners, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the Engineer, proposes to furnish professional services for the City of Boynton Beach, hereinafter referred to as the Client of the scope outlined below for the fees stipulated herein. Scope of Services The Engineer will perform the following: 1, Prepare roadway construction plans and specifications for Miner Road (approxi- mately 1200 LF) between Citrus Glen and Sandalwood Drive in accordance with Palm Beach County development standards, A detailed outline of Scope of Services is attached as Exhibit "B". 2. Prepare and submit permit applications to Lake Worth Drainage District and South Florida Water Management District. 3. Address comments from the regulatory agencies during the permit application process. 4. Assist the City of Boynton Beach in obtaining bids for Miner Road (missing link) including attendance at pre-bid conference, review of bids and preparation of a bid award recommendation, 5, Perform construction phase services for Miner Road (missing link), RECEIVED JAN 1 " 1993 One Harvard Circle, West Palm Beach, Florida 33409-1923.407/683-3301 . FAX 407/686-7446 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE n City of Boynton Beach Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 2 6. Assist the city of Boynton Beach in obtaining bids for Minor Road (Citrus Glenn) including attendance at pre-bid conference, review of bids and preparation of a bid award recommendation, if necessary. 7. Perform construction phase services for Miner road (Citrus Glen). 8. Provide geotechnical testing for preparation of the roadway design, Items to be Furnished by Client At No Expense to the Engineer Assist Engineer by furnishing, at no cost to the Engineer, all available pertinent information including previous reports; all permit application and governmental inspection fees; and any other data relative to performance of the above services for the project. It is agreed and understood that the accuracy and veracity of said information and data may be relied upon by Engineer without independent verification of the same. Designate in writing a person to act as the Client's representative with respect to the services to be performed under this Agreement. Such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define the Client's policies and decisions with respect to materials, equipment, elements and systems pertinent to the Engineer's services. Time of Performance SCOPE ITEM 1&2 CALENDAR DAYS TO COMPLETE 90 3 60 4 In accordance with City schedule 5 Duration of construction contract 6 In accordance with City schedule 7 Duration of construction contract GE,E & JENSON n City of Boynton Beach Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 3 Fees to be Paid For the Scope of Services the Engineer shall be paid the following Lump Sum Fees: SCOPE ITEM LUMP SUM FEE 8 $20,890.00 $ 3,625.00 $ 3,625,00 $2,000.00 1 & 2 4&5 6&7 For Item 3 of the Scope of Services the Engineer shall be paid a fee based upon the attached Rate Schedule, See Exhibit A. Fee not to exceed $1,180,00, In addition to the fees specified above, the Engineer shall be reimbursed for direct non salary expenses, including, but not limited to, data processing, equipment rental, automobile travel at $0.33 per mile, $0.55 per mile for four-wheel drive and trucks, long distance telephone, subsistence, printing and reproduction, plus Florida sales taxes, if applicable, Client agrees to pay such invoice within the time frame specified in Section 218,70, et seq., Florida Statutes, the 'Florida Prompt Payment Act'. Payments which are not received within sixty (60) calendar days from the date of invoice will be considered sufficient cause for Engineer to discontinue performing and providing services until payment in full is received, If Engineer is required to take action to collect past due invoices, the Client will pay all legal fees and costs. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida, and the appro- priate venue for any actions arising out of the agreement would be West Palm Beach, Florida. If there are items that must be sublet, confirmed, certified or updated, the Engineer shall, as agent of the Client, order the work with the Client's approval, and the Gf:E ~IJ,. Jf:NSON n City of Boynton Beach Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 4 subcontractor shall bill the Client directly. The Client must make payments in accor- dance with the terms on the invoice in order not to stop the work, If the Engineer is directed by the Client to handle the subcontract for the Client, there will be a fifteen (15) percent charge for handling. In the event the Engineer is involved in providing services to assist the Client in applying for and processing applications or permits, the fee for such service will not be related to final approval or denial. All application or permit fees to agencies, associat- ed with documents submitted by the Engineer on behalf of the Client, shall be paid to the agency by the Client. Litigation Fees In the event the Engineer is involved in litigation as an expert witness or in any other professional assignment connected with litigation, the fee for such service shall not be related to the findings of any Court concerning the adequacy or inadequacy of the fee. Such fee is to be paid at personnel costs times a factor of 2.85 by the Client regardless of the decision of the Court, Resident Proiect Services On any project for which construction drawings and specifications were prepared by the Engineer and a certification of construction is required by a regulatory agency, the Client shall employ the Engineer to perform resident project services for observation of the construction work. Unless the Engineer is engaged for resident project services, they will not be in a position to certify the work to those regulating agencies having jurisdiction and requiring certification. Project representation may require one or more full or part-time project representatives, depending upon the requirements of the project. The project representative will endeavor to provide protection for the Client against observed defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor, However, the furnishing of resident project services does not guarantee the work of the Contractor, nor assume liability on the part of the Engineer for job safety or the Contractor's means, methods, techniques, sequences and/or procedures. Shop Drawing & Sampling Review When retained by the Client to provide shop drawing and sample review services, as part of the construction administration phase of a project, the Engineer's responsi- (~EE 8, JENSON n City of Boynton Beach Attn: J, Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 5 bilities are limited to review for conformance with general design concept as required in the contract documents only. Specifically excluded from our services are reviews of dimensions, quantities, sizes, construction details, completeness of drawings and means or materials used in fabrication or installation. Modification to the Terms of this Agreement In the event Client issues a Purchase Order or Memorandum or other Instrument covering the professional services described herein, it is hereby specifically agreed and understood that such Purchase Order, Memorandum or Instrument is for Client internal control purposes only and any and all terms and conditions contained therein, whether printed or written, shall be of no force or effect. This contract is the entire contract between the parties and there is no modification or waiver of any of the terms and conditions herein unless signed by both parties. Estimates Since the Engineer has no control over the cost of labor and materials or over competitive bidding and market conditions, the estimates of construction cost provided for herein are for general information only and are made in accordance with the applicable standard of care, Accordingly, the Engineer does not guarantee the accuracy of such estimates when compared to the Contractors' bids or the project construction cost. Termination This Agreement may be terminated by either party by giving thirty (30) days advance written notice. The Engineer shall be paid for services rendered to the date of termination on the basis of a reasonable estimate of the portion of services completed prior to termination and shall be paid for all reasonable expenses resulting from such termination and for any unpaid reimbursable expenses, (lEE, ll~ "n::NSON n City of Boynton Beach Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 6 Ownership and Use of Documents Drawings, specifications, and electronic data files as instruments of service are and shall remain the property of the Engineer whether the project for which they are made is executed or not. The Client shall be permitted to retain copies, including reproduc- ible copies, of drawings, specifications, and hard copies of electronic data files for information and reference in connection with the Client's use and occupancy of the project. A. The drawings and specifications shall not be used by the Client on other pro- jects, for additions to the project, or for completion of the project by others provided the Engineer is not in default under this agreement, except by agree- ment in writing and with appropriate compensation to the Engineer. Code and Regulatory Compliance The Engineer prepares his work product based on known codes and interpretations and relies on his experience to evaluate their applicability. Input and comments are often sought from authorities having jurisdiction and in many instances, agreements are reached which impact the work product. When situations arise such as code revi- sions, changes in interpretations, changes to agreed upon direction, or work per- formed before required permits or agency approvals are received, the Engineer will take appropriate action subject to the direction of the Client. Services associated with these situations will be compensated for as additional services, Modifications and Additions to Existing Structures Because of the Engineer's many years of background and experience in design and construction, the Engineer is qualified to make recommendations and designs which, in the Engineer's opinion, will meet the needs of the situation. These services will be performed in accordance with the Engineer's skill and ability and commensurate with the applicable standard of care and the economics of the situation, Although the documented components of the existing structure to be modified can be analyzed, the actual components of the existing structure cannot be fully determined without destructive analysis or the ability to perform other invasive technology or testing. Gf::E,&. ,JENSON n City of Boynton Beach Attn: J. Scott Miller, City Manager January 11, 1992 - Page 7 Acceptance Acceptance of this proposal may be indicated by the signature of a duly authorized official of the Client in the space provided below, One signed copy of this proposal returned to the Engineer will serve as an Agreement between the two parties and as Notice to Proceed. This contract will be binding on the parties hereto and the parties' successors and assigns. Should this proposal not be accepted within a period of sixty (60) days from the above date, it shall become null and void. Very truly yours, GEE & JENSON Engineers-Ar 'tects-Planners, Inc, Accepted by: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: (Print Name) Date: RCD /bf cc: W. Richard Staudinger GEE&. ,JE.NSON n EXHIBIT "A" BASIS FOR COMPENSATION HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE 1992 - 93 SENIOR PRINCIPAL RINCIPAL SENIOR TECHNICAL SPECIALIST PROJECT MANAGER SENIOR ENG-ARCH-PLNR-SURV ENGINEER-ARCHITECT-PLANNER-SURVEYOR CADD DESIGNER SENIOR DRAFTER - TECHNICIAN CADD DRAFTER DRAFTER - TECHNICIAN FIELD REPRESENTATIVE SECRETARY COMPUTER TECHNICIAN SURVEY CREW 4 PERSON 3 PERSON 2 PERSON 150 125 95 85 80 65 65 55 50 40 55 25 55 100 85 65 RESEARCH CONSULTANT COMPUTER TIME CADD WORKSTATIONS - PER HOUR PERSONAL COMPUTERS (PCs) - PER HOUR RATES EFFECTIVE THROUGH JUNE 30, 1993 45 24 8 GEE &: JENSON n EXHIBIT "B" Miner Roadway Improvements (From Citrus Glen to Sandalwood Dr.) Scope of Services 1, Preliminary Phase: A. Define both proposed and ultimate roadway section, 2. Produce 35% Complete Roadway Plans: A. Title Sheet B, Preliminary Drainage Map (1" = 50') C. Preliminary Roadway Plan Sheets (1" = 20') Showing: Roadway layout Existing Profiles Existing Utilities Bench Marks & Sectional Corners Note: Roadway Plans will not be prepared on aerial base sheets. D, Preliminary Water Management Plan: A rectangular lake will be sized to accommodate the runoff from Miner Road, This lake will be located on the property south of Miner Road and will be adjacent to Miner Road right-of-way. E. Existing (100') Cross-sections F. Review regulatory agencies comments and revise plans as required. 3. Produce 65% Complete Roadway Plans: A. Summary of Quantities (items only) B, Final Drainage Map C. Drainage Design Computations GEE& n EXHIBIT "B" Miner Roadway Improvements (From Citrus Glen to Sandalwood Dr.) Scope of Services (continued) D. Preliminary Roadway Plan Sheets (1" = 20') Showing: Proposed Drainage Final Geometries Proposed Profiles Limits of Construction Utility Conflicts E. Preliminary Signing and Pavement Marking Plans F. Review regulatory agencies comments and revise plans as required. 4. Utility Coordination: A. Coordinate with utility companies by submitting plans and request com- ments. 5. Produce 96% Complete Roadway Plans: A. Construction Specifications B, Final Roadway Plan Sheets (1" = 20') C, Drainage Structure Sheets D. Detail Sheets E. Final Cross-Sections F. Quantity Computation Book G. Engineers Cost Estimate H. Apply for Permits GEf.: XiI JE.NSON n EXHIBIT "B" Miner Roadway Improvements (From Citrus Glen to Sandalwood Dr,) Scope of Services (continued) 6. Produce 1 00% Complete Roadway Plans: A. All Permits Received B. Final Submittal 7, Bid Assistance & Construction Phase Services A. Miner Road (Missing Link) B. Miner Road (Citrus Glenn) (~EE &\ JENSON I I ,.' " n GEE & JENSON Engineers,Architects-Planners, Inc, '-' One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683,3301 Fax (407) 686,7446 March 15, 1993 .... Mr. Chris Cutro City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FI 33425-0310 I~TICEIVED Re: Miner Road . 10 PLANNli~u o.:pT. .. Dear Chris: After our recent meeting with Palm Beach County, I have outlined the following from my notes as our action plan: 1. Letter to participants to update them on meeting with Palm Beach County - (Charlie Walker) . 2. Outline of draft 3-party agreement - City/Glick/Knollwood Groves . Glick - $50,000 letter of credit plus $25,000 . Knollwood Groves - $140,000 to $160,000 less Glick's $75,000 plus Engineering fees. . Knollwood Groves - park site and perimeter easement to City . City (1) vest development rights on Knollwood Groves, (2) assist in obtaining Palm Beach County impact fee credit. 3. Outline of draft 2-party agreement - City/Granados . Drop all lawsuits with prejudice against refiling . Granados - $80,000 remaining construction work plus Engineering fees to finish. 4. Letter to Charlie Walker - overview of what City and developers want. . Waive County policy and get credit for impact fees - safety and annexation issues. 5. Follow-up meeting with attorneys by March 15 - 19th - Chris set up meeting. n Mr. Chris Cutro City of Boynton Beach March 15. 1993 - Page 2 As you can see by Item No.6, we need to be pushing this quickly. It was my understanding you were going to follow-up with Charlie on draft agreements. I am willing to assist as necessary. However, as you and Scott are aware, these services by Gee & Jenson are additional and not covered by the retainer, so I am sensitive to keeping our involvement to an acceptable, cost effective level. Very truly yours, WRS/bf 91-025/101 ..- ... , @n~i9k t " ~ COMPANY, INC. 8330 WOODFIELD CROSSING BLVD. P.O, BOX 40177 (317) 469.0400 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46240 DHL WORLDWIDE EXPRESS March 24, 1993 Mr. Christopher Cutro City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Melear PUD Dear Mr. Cutro: This will confirm our telephone conversation concerning the construction of Miner Road along the north boundary of the portion of the Melear Planned Unit Development west of Sandalwood Drive. It is my understanding that the city of Boynton Beach is proposing to design and construct the extension of Miner Road from Sandalwood Drive to Lawrence Road. The Gene B. Glick Company, Inc. will agree to enter into an agreement with the city of Boynton Beach providing for the Glick Company to contribute seventy-eight thousand dollars ($78,000) toward the cost of the portion of Miner Road adjacent to the Melear PUD subject to the following conditions: 1. The Glick Company shall received a road/traffic impact fee credit in an amount equal to this contribution, which credit may be applied at our discretion toward the road/traffic impact fees applicable to the Melear PUD. 2. The City of Boynton Beach or Palm Beach County shall cancel and release the following bonds posted by the Glick Company: a. A Subdivision Improvement Bond No. 2646981 in the amount of $54,123.78 dated February 23, 1989, guaranteeing the construction of subdivision improvements in Chalet IV - Plat 1. R 1'r: r--v' .1.i..' t'; ill rt'. .lLJ,~., __. b. Payment Guarantee Bond No. 7014647 dated January 12, 1989 in the amount of $30,000 to guarantee the cost of signalization of Sandalwood Drive and Congress Avenue. ".~ ~I) 5 '. . ,'" ~ ~ '" ft~ ..... PLAI'~f'~ij~G D' Mr. Christopher Cutro March 24, 1993 Page Two 3. The agreement shall provide that this contribution shall fulfill all construction requirements relating to Miner Road by the Glick Company or any subsequent owner of the Melear Planned unit Development property except for the construction of interior street or drive intersections to Miner Road from the PUD. The agreement will need to contain some guarantee that once payment has been made that the road construction will be completed within some identified period of time. For your information, the length of the unimproved portion of Miner Road, adjacent to the Melear PUD, is approximately 1,220 feet, however, the west 165 feet of frontage borders property owned by the city of Boynton Beach and is improved with a water storage facility. Sincerely, GLICK COMPANY, INC. ;z~~' /^-- Bisesi JTB/dc MEADOWOOD (j1UW-ed- p, 0, Box 3798 Lantana, FL 33465-3798 March 11, 1993 (407) 731-4949 Fax (407) 737-6700 Mr. Chris Cutro City of Boynton Beach Planning Department P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RECEIVED MAR 15 PLANNING DE:PT. RE: Knollwood Groves PUD Modification Dear Chris: Please accept our thanks for your time and effort in working with us to resolve the issues related to our appl ication for a modification of the Knollwood Groves PUD. Pursuant to our several discussions on this matter, we are in agreement that the conditions of approval of the PUD will be modified to reflect a commitment by us, as owners of the Knollwood PUD, to pay for a portion of the construction of the "missing link" of Miner Road. We are also in agreement that the requirement to pay road impact fees in advance for the improvement of Hupoluxo Road will be deleted from the conditions of the approval. It is our understanding that the City proposes the fol lowing: that the respective owners of the Melear PUD and the Knol lwood PUD wil I pay the estimated road design, permitting and construction costs for Miner Road extension; that a special fund will be established by the City to accept these payments, to be used only for the Miner Road extension, and that the City of Boynton Beach, through its consulting engineerst wil I build the "missing link" of Miner Road. Based on a contract proposal submitted to the City by Gee and Jensen, Engineers, we understand that design fees for that portion of the road for which the owners of the Melear and Knollwood PUDs are responsible will be $26,515.00. The road construction cost is estimated to be in the range of 140,000.00 to $160,000.00. Further, it is our understanding that the cost to complete that portion of Miner Road, including the engineering design fees, for which the owners of the Citrus Glen PUD is responsible, will be paid by the developer of that project. We understand that the GI ick Company, owner of the Melear PUD property, is required to contribute $53,000.00 toward the cost of the Miner Road construction, and that this amount has already been posted, as required by a condition of the approval for the PUD. We also understand that the Glick Company has offered an additional $25,000.00 toward the road construction costs, provided that road impi3ct. fee credit.s can be i3s;5ured for this i3.ddit.ioni3.1 contribution. President v cc: Willard Arnold, Anna Cottrel I LAW OFFICES BALOCCO and ?ANN Joseph M, Balocco. PA Karen M, Zann. P.A. A Partnership of Professional Associations 1323 SE Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale. Florida 33316 (305) 764-0005 FAX (305) 764-1478 April 19, 1993 Michael T. Burke, Esquire P.o. Box 030220 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33303-0220 CONFIDENTIAL FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Re: Citrus Glen vs. City of Boynton Beach Dear Mike: I am wr i ting this letter in reference to recent conversations with my client regarding its discussions with your client, City Planner, Chris Cutro, and the City Attorney, Jim Cherof. While my client has reinvigorated the litigation in this case in light of its firm belief that it would prevail on its damage claim for at least several million dollars, my client would like to see this matter resolved as soon as possible and has therefore authorized the following settlement proposal: 1) Citrus Glen Limited Partnership (hereinafter referred to as "Citrus Glen") will immediately pay a lump sum amount of $100,000.00 to the City of Boynton Beach, which amount will fully and finally absolve it of any responsibilities pursuant to its current obligation to complete the construction of a portion of Miner Road, as well as any and all other responsibilities which Citrus Glen may have to the City regarding the Executive Estates/ Citrus Trail plats/developments. 2) The City will execute a Release and Return of the Performance Bond by The American Insurance Company on behalf of Citrus Glen for the construction of Miner Road, as well as a Release to Citrus Glen regarding any and all obligations by Citrus Glen for any further improvements of any nature to the Executive Estates/ Citrus Trail plats/developments, copies of which are attached. 3) Citrus Glen and The American Insurance Company shall voluntarily dismiss its Amended Complaint with prejudice and the City of Boynton Beach shall voluntarily dismiss its Counter- Claim with prejudice. 4) Each party shall bear its own attorney's fees and costs, 5) This settlement offer shall be extended for forty-five (45) days from this date and if not accepted within that time, shall be considered null and void and shall not be renewed. Michael T. Burke, Esquire April 19, 1993 Page Two My client is hopeful that this good faith offer to resolve this matter will allow the parties to avoid further extensive and expensive litigation and will allow the City to go forward to complete the much-needed construction of Miner Road without further delay. Please let me know as soon as possible your client's response to this proposal. KMZ/skj cc: Felix Granados, Jr. ,l n GEE & JENSON Engineers Architects,Planners, Inc May 28, 1993 One Harvard Circle West Palm Beac!'" FL 33409 Telephone (407\ 683,3301 Fax (~07) 6867446 Mr, James A Cherof City Attorney City of Boynton Beach % Josias & Goren, P,A. 3099 East Commercial Boulevard Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 Re: Miner Road Contracts Dear Jim, At the May 04, 1993 City commission meeting, the City Attorney and City Engineer were directed by the Commission to draw-up contracts based on the concept approved at that meeting for funding and construction of Miner Road, Enclosed is a summary sheet outlining the major points to be included in the two (2) contracts. The first contract will be between the City of Boynton Beach and the Citrus Glen Development (Felix Granados, Jr,) for the partially constructed western portion of the roadway. Step 1 is to ascertain the extent of roadway construction to be completed. Mr. Granados represents that approximately $100,000 of work remains to be completed from the original roadway contract of $278,000. Once this value is verified, the City can move ahead to complete the roadway, Mr. Granados can drop his lawsuit and the City can cancel the bond presently guaranteeing the construction of the roadway. Mr, Granados is to fund the cost to complete the roadway plus engineering inspection fees during construction for his portion of the roadway, all of which is approximately $100,000. The second contract will be between three (3) parties, the City of Boynton Beach, The Gene B. Glick Company, and Meadowood Groves, Inc, for the -missing link- portion of Miner Road, Details of the major points to be included in this second contract are also enclosed, Please call to discuss this matter. Very truly your (C(~ W, Richard Staudinger. P,E. RECEIVED WRS/jer encl. 91025,46/101 JUN 1 PLANNING DEPT. I v-- cc: Christopher Cutro- w/encl. J. Scott Miller n Contract No, 1 - Between Citrus Glen and the City of Boynton Beach Granados & City meet on-site with SFWMD within ten (10) days of signing agreement to ascertain extent of construction remaining, . Granados' to provide file, plans and documents to City on roadway construction - including quantities and contract. . Granados' to provide $100,000 in escrowed funds. . Granados' to pay any requirements for construction and construction inspection services in excess of estimated cost ($1 OOk) after field verification inspection and construction bids received by City, . Granados to drop lawsuit and City to cancel bond for roadway work, . This contract to be valid even if Knollwood Groves contract is never completed, 1 n Contract No.2 - 3 Way Between: 1, 2. 3, City of Boynton Beach Gene B. Glick Company, Inc. (Melear P.U.D,) Meadowood Groves, tnc, (Knollwood Groves P,U.D.) Gene B. Glick, Co. will provide $78,000 cash to City - This is to be tied to $78,000/$160,000 (48.75%) of the actual construction costs. It will be adjusted upwards after bids if total construction dollars needed are in excess of $160,000, Glick will provide easement and site for temporary detention pond of ::l: 1 acre if required by permitting agencies. Such pond can be relocated and incorporated into the on-site drainage system of the Melear PUD once the site is developed, City will assist Glick in obtaining RoadlTraffic impact fee credit from Palm Beach County for the $78,000 contribution, No guarantee is made that this will be obtained, City to pass resolution and use best efforts. City will cancel Glick bond ($54,123.78) once construction cost is paid to City, City will immediately begin plan preparation and take construction bids by December, 1993 and initiate construction by June, 1994, Meadowood Groves will pay $82,000 cash to City for construction, This is to be tied to $82,000/$160,00 (51.25%) of the actual constitution costs - adjustments will be made upwards after bids if total construction dollars needed are in excess of $160,000. Meadowood Grove will dedicate a 12 ft. wide drainage easement along the west and south boundaries of the Knollwood PUD, Meadowood Groves will dedicate by deed the designated 5 acre park site. Meadowood Groves will pay additional $26.515 to City for design of roadway. City will vest PUD once above conditions are met. City will assist Meadowood in obtaining RoacVTraffic impact fee credit from Palm Beach County for the $82.000, No guarantee is made that this will be obtained. City to use best efforts and pass resolution supporting fee credits, This contract is to be valid even if Citrus Glen contract is never signed or completed, :jer 91-025.46/101 2 1993 BOYNTON BEACH GOLF LEAGUE SCHEDULE l2f1Jf1. May 26th June 2nd June 9th June 16th June 23rd June 30th July 7th July 14th July 21st July 28th August 4th August 11th Name = Chris/Scott Scott/Jim Chris/Jim Chris/Richard Scott/Richard Chris/Scott Richard/Jim Chris/Jim Scott/Richard S cott/ Jim Richard/Jim Chris/Richard 50001 WRSljer c: Jim Cherof Chris Cutro J. Scott Miller n GEE & JENSON Engineers,Architects,Planners, Inc. August 19, 1993 One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683,3301 Fax (407) 686,7446 Mr, James Cherof City Attorney City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Ae: Miner Aoad Citrus Glen Portion Dear Jim. Attached for your information is a detailed cost estimate for the Citrus Glen portion of Miner Aoad. This estimate is based on the approved construction plans with the following notes: 1, Asphalt section reduced from 2Y2" ACSC to 1:!A" ACSC. 2, All sidewalks and bike paths eliminated, 3, Only two (2) lanes of the south three (3) lane half of the road would be constructed. 4, No pavement striping or slgnage Included. Even with the above decreases in the scope of the work, the estimate of probable construction cost exceeds the $100,000 offered by Mr. Granados by approximately $10,200, not including engineering fees, Unless Mr, Granados or the Knollwood group agree to additional funding, the City assumes a large chance that the project will have a shortfall of dollars for construction, To move this project forward, I suggest you contact the parties concerning additional funding. Once they respond, a meeting between Chris Cutro, yourself and myself should be held to quickly resolve whether this matter moves ahead or not. 1L6 W. Aicnard Staudinger, P, WAS/jer attach 91025.46 c: J, Scott Miller, w/attach Chris Cutro. w/attach .23_ m Miner Road Unit Item Description Unit Price Quantitv Extension 11 0-1 Clear and Grub AC $500.00 4,76 $2,380.00 120-1 Regular Excavation CY $1,60 543 $868,80 120-2 Borrow Excavation CY $3,50 7255 $25,392,50 180-70 Stabilized Subgrade Sy $1.60 6655 $10,648.00 -------------- Stabilized Shoulder Sy $1,50 1955 S2,932.50 200-1 Lime rock Base SY $4.25 5838 $24,811.50 331-72-24 2 1/2" ACSC Sy $4,25 0 SO,OO PO Ran ger 1 3/4 S-1 ACSC 'SY $3.00 5482 $16,446,00 PQ Ranger 3/4 S-3 ACSC SY $1.35 5136 $6,933.60 520-1-10 "F" Curb LF $8.00 2158 $17,264,00 522-1 8' Conc, Bikepath SF S 1 040 0 $0,00 570-2 Seed and Mulch SF $0,02 125000 $2,500.00 Total $110,176,90 2. !~(WI /Ue~u/~~ l~kfJ S'~~S-IIuUsCr ~/~k 6~ ~r he-"'tJ r;l)""",,/,-P# .S'7=. t4J ~t1j Miner Road Unit Item Description Unit Quantitv Price Extension 110-1 Clear and Grub AC 4,76 $500.00 $2,380.00 120-1 Regular Excavation CY 543 $1.60 5868,80 120-2 Borrow Excavation CY 7255 $3.50 525,392.50 180-70 Stabilized Subgrade SY 8610 $1.60 $13,776.00 -------------- Stabilized Shoulder SY $1.50 200-1 Limerock Base SY 7560 54,25 $32,130,00 331-72-24 2 1/2" ACSC SY 7560 $4.25 $32,130.00 PQ Ranger 1 3/4 S-1 ACSC SY $3.00 PQ Ranger 3/4 S-3 ACSC SY $1.35 520-1-10 "F" Curb LF 3750 $8.00 $30,000.00 522-1 8' Cone. Bikepath SF 14238 $1 .40 $19,933,20 570-2 Seed and Mulch SF 117180 $0,02 52,343,60 Total $158,954.10 3 /4"'~ As S/,....I"" t;'hJ #f'~ a.~k.t__ 10/..", .{ ~'l. he-r- QJ:~hA-f. SrJ..a..';..~. ~j~3 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH - OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY l1~~~ /P ~ J t1ff1 August 27, 1993 / ljil j9..J4 211 South Federal Highway P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425.(1310 (407) 738-7405 Karen M. Zann, Esq. Ba1occo and Zann 1323 S,E. Third Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316 Re: Citrus Glen vs, City of Boynton Beach 'Dear Karen: Pursuant to our conversation, enclosed is a copy of the duly executed Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach, Citrus Glen Partnership and American Insurance Company for your file. Also attached is the original Amendment to Agreement, executed by the City of Boynton Beach on August 26, 1993. It is my understanding that you will forward the same to American Insurance Company for execution and return the original to me after execution. Very truly yours, '\ -. ~ . VI -) . - //4 (IT' I ..J / f") lJ;..i~. L w'U:/-l.z./ James A. Cherof City Attorney JAC/ral Ene. cc: J. Scoe~.lller, City Manager' Michael Burke, Esq. Central File RECEIVED AUG 2 7 1993 CITVMANAGER'SOFFICE ../ ~ AME~M!NT ~Q "GJUtEHENT THIS AMENDMENT to the AGREEMENT, entered into thi. ;L6 day of hJvsr, 1993, between the CITY or BOYNTON BEACH (hereinafter .CITY"), CITRUS GLIN PARTNERSHIP (hereinafter "CITRUS GLEN" ), and AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (hereinafter II AMERICAN II ) , shall be for the 801e purpole of increaaing the lump lum amount payable by CITRUS GLEN and AMERICAN to the CITY to ONI HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED AND NOI100 ($110,200.00) DOLLARS, the paymen~ of which ia contingent upon the approval by the CITY of the AGREEMENT and this AMENDMENT no later than midnight, August 26, 1993, and the receipt in the office of Balocco , Zann, 1323 S.!. Third Avenue, Port Lauderdale, Florida, 33316, of the original AGREEMENT and this AMENDMENT executed by the CITY OV BOYNTON B!ACK within the next five (5) daya, that ie, on or before September 1, 1993. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the under,iqned have hereunto set their handa and eeale the day and year first written above. JAMES A. CHEROF ~t~~~~~ ~ _ 'j...<JJ ~ SUZANNE M. KRUSE Pr'lnt Name By: E. F. HARMENING, 7'T ./ r~/ /L'{ /~~ c!"/ "/ // (l)1~ ~ ~;:;:.~AD~)L~t '" 1~ LINDA MORGAN ,5 Print Name Prlnt Name Print Name / CITRUSGLIN PARTNIR~, .' , By: ~ f ;;jf/7} FELIX GRANADOS JR. AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY sy: n GEE & JENSON - Englneers-Architects-Planners, Inc 1",......,." eptember 20, 1993 One Harvard Circle West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (407) 683-3301 Fax (407) 686-7446 r. James Cherof ity Attorney ity of Boynton Beach o Josias & Goren, P.A. 99 E. Commercial Blvd. uite200 t. Lauderdale, FL 33308 RE: Miner Road - Knollwood Groves, Inc. Draft Contract Dated September 17th Dear Jim: I have reviewed the draft contract for the Knollwood Groves portion for the Miner Road funding presented to the City via your office. Attached is a copy of my May 28th letter reiterating our telephone discussion that this contract is to be a three way deal between Knollwood, Mealer (Gene 8. Glick Co.) and the City of Boynton Beach. In addition, the draft contract does not address the City's request to have funding adjusted upwards if construction costs are above the $160,000 level when bids are received for Miner Road nor does it address the drainage easement requested by the City. Our major concern should be getting Glick/Mealer to participate in the drafting of the contract and the funding simultaneous with Knollwood. Without their combined funding the Mmissing linkM portion of Miller Road cannot proceed for construction. n This process has been slower than all parties anticipated and needs to be expedited by Knollwood. The Knollwood representatives have been in contact with the Glick Company over their participation and, therefore, should assume responsibility for including them in the three party agreement as outlined on the attachments. Very truly yours a/.' IC~~/~ W. Ric ard Staudinger, P.E. cc: Harry Benoit, City Engineer J. Scott Miller, City Manager Chris Cutro, P & Z Director 91-025.46/101 [bellinato.wrs]91025.46-cherof.1tr . "Y " "';",. :>0,.. ". ..-~. .., ,. . . . ". ~ . ..... " < , :'.::;:::::;....:> '. .'~"', - : :..:'. 'jI Y. ,J .;.. .)" ~~f' .n GEE & JENSON 1.11~Jllll'l'(S ,\I('I\II~.CI~ f'I~\nll...~IS.lnc May 28, 1893 OllC I i~1fV~I1'(1 Cl(Clc \V,~~11':11I1' Ge~lCli FL 33.109 l"i"pl'()li0 (,107) 683.3301 j-,h (l()7}(;.';(i 7,1.1(; Mr. James A Cherot City Attorney City of Boynton Beach '70 Josias & Goren, P .A. 3099 East Commercial Boulevard Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 Re: Miner Road Contracts Dear Jim, At the May 04, 1993 City commission meeting. the City Attorney and City Engineer were directed by the Commission to draw-up contracts based on the concept approved at that meeting for funding and construction of Miner Road. Enclosed is a summary sheet outlining the major points to be included in the two (2) contracts. The first contract will be between the City of Boynton Beach and the Citrus Glen Development (Felix Granados, Jr.) for the partially constructed western. portion ot the roadway. Step 1 is to ascertain the extent of roadway construction to be completed. Mr. Granados represents that approximately $100,000 of work remains to be completed from the original roadway contract of $278,000. Once this value is verified, the City can move ahead to complete the roadway, Mr. Granados can drop his lawsuit and the City can cancel the bond presently guaranteeing the construction of the roadway. Mr. Granados is to fund the cost to complete the roadway plus engineering inspection fees during construction for his portion of the roadway, all of which is approximately $100,000. The second contract will be between three (3) parties. the City of Boynton Beach, The Gene B. Glick Company, and Meadowood Groves, Inc. for the "missing link" portion of Miner Road. Details of the m.ajor points to be included in this second contract are also enclosed. Please call to discuss this matter. w. Richard Staudinger, P.E. WAstjer encl. 9.1025.46/101 cc: Christopher Cutro- w/encl. J. Scott Miller /...,.., .', ; \ . ,/ n Contract No.2 - 3 Way Between: 1. 2. 3. City of Boynton Beach Gene B. Glick Company, Inc. (Melear P.U.D.) Meadowood Groves, Inc. (Knollwood Groves P,U.D.) (I) Gene B. Glick, Co. will provide $78,000 cash to City - This Is to be tied to $78,000/$160,000 (48.75%) of the actual construction costs. It will be adjusted upwards after .bids if total construction dollars needed are in excess of $160,000. @ Glick will provide easement and site for temporary detention pond of :t 1 acre if required by Z permitting agencies. Such pond can be relocated and incorporated into the on-site drainage system of the Melear PUD once the site is developed. City will assist Glick in obtaining Roac:l!Traffic impact fee credit from Palm Beach County for the /-;\$78,000 contribution. No guarantee is made that this will be obtained. City to pass resolution ~ and use best efforts. . (!) City will cancel Glick bond ($54,123.78) once construction cost is paid to City. City will 4 immediately begin plan preparation and take construction bids by December, 1993 and initiate construction by June, 1994. @ Meadowood Groves will pay $82,000 cash to City for construction. This is to be tied to S $82,000/$160,00 (51.25%) of the actual constitution costs - adjustments will be made upwards after bids if total construction dollars needed are in excess of $160,000. / f\ Meadowood Grove will dedicate a 12 ft. wide drainage easement along the west and south ~ boundaries of the Knollwood PUD. /~ Meadowood Groves will dedicate by deed the designated 5 acre park site. Meadowood Groves ~ will pay additional $26,515 to City for design of roadway. @ City will vest PU~ once above conditions are met. /M City will assist Meadowood in obtaining Aoac:l!Traffic impact fee credit from Palm Beach County <...!J/ for the $82,000. No guarantee is made that this will be obtained. City to use best efforts and pass resolution supporting fee credits. - @ This contract is to be valid even if Citrus Glen contract is never signed or completed. :jer 91-025.46/101 2 AMENDMENT ~Q I-GREEMENT THIS AMENDMENT to the AGREEMENT, entered into thi. ,26 day of hJvsr, 1993, between the CITY 0' BOYNTON BEACH (hereinafter "CITY"), CITR.US GLEN PAR.TNERSHIP (hereinafter "CITRUS GLEN"), and AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (hereinafter "AMERICAN"), shall be for the 801e purpole of increalinq the lump aum amount payable by CITRUS GLEN and AMERICAN to the CITY to ONB HUNDRED AND TEN THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED AND NO/lOO ($110,200.00) DOLLARS, the payment of which i. contingent upon the approval by the CITY of the AGREEMENT and this AMENDMENT no later than midnight, August 26, 1993, and the receipt in the office of Balocco & Zann, 1323 S.E. Third Avenue, Port Lauderdale, Florida, 33316, of the original AGREEMENT and this AMENDMENT executed by the CITY O~ 80YNTON 8!ACH within the next five (5) daya, that ie, on or before September 1, 1993. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the underliqne4 have hereunto .et their handa and ee.le the day and year first written above. JAMES A. CHEROF ~t ~~e c2Jf. ~ ~., 'J--<lJ' .. SUZANNE M. KRUSE Prlnt Name By: E. F. HARMENING, 7T ./ r-~/ /?- )e--~ ~/ ~./ /./ ,/ .." ~ ..", WHEREAS, on June 5, 1990, the CITY, upon the request of CITRUS GLEN, granted a 12-month extension of time for the completion of the required subdivison improvements; and WHEREAS, on May 21, 1991, the CITY denied a second request for extension of time to complete the required subdivision improvements; and WHEREAS, CITRUS GLEN has initiated an action against the GITY in which it seeks damages and relief from the obligation to construct the portion of Miner Road heretofore referenced; and WHEREAS, the CITY has filed a counterclaim against CITRUS GLEN and AMERICAN to recover damages associated with the costs of completing the required improvements on behalf of CITRUS GLEN; and WHEREAS, as of the date of this Agreement, Miner Road has not been constructed as required by the CITY; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have been engaged in negotiations which would resolve all issues now pending in Palm Beach County's Circuit Court, Case No. CL 91-8073 AA, and would result in the construction of the unconstructed portion of Miner Road; NOW THEREFORE, in exchange for the mutual covenants expressed herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are true and correct. 2. Upon the execution of this Agreement by all parties, CITRUS GLEN shall pay to the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH the lump sum amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($100,000.00) DOLLARS, which amount will fully and finally absolve CITRUS GLEN of any and all responsibilities associated with the design and/or the construction of that portion of Miner Road which extends the 2 ~ /,"""" LAW OF"F"ICES BOOSE CASEY CIKLIN LUBITZ MARTENS McBANE Be O'CONNELL " A PARTNERSHIP INCL.UDING PROF'ESSIONAI.. ASSOCIATIONS BRUCE G, AL.EXANDER F'L.ETCHER N, BALDWIN. m .JERAL.D S. BEER WILL.IAM R. BOOSE. m. P. A. .JOHN O. BOYKIN PATRICK .J. CASEY. P. A. ALAN .J. CIKLIN, P. A, CORY .J. CIKLIN MICHAEL. W. CONNORS . ROBERT L.. CRANE B. .JEANE CRIPPEN F'REDRIC E. EPSTIEN MICHAEL M. GF'ESSER LEE: B. GORDON MICHAEL D. GOROQN MIKEL. D. GREENE LYNDA.J. HARRIS, P. A. DANIEL A, HERSHMAN DEBRA A, .JENKS BRIAN B. .JOSLYN CHARLES A' LUBITZ, Po A. RICHARD I.. MARTENS. P. A, LOUIS R. MCBANE. p, A' CL.AUDIA M, McKENNA BRIAN M. O'CONNELL. Po A. PHIL D. O'CONNELL. .JR., Po A. CARl A, PODESTA .JULIEANN RICO STEPHEN L.. SHOCHET SAMUEL A, THOMAS SUSAN WILLIAMS PHILLIP D. O'CONNELL. SR. (1907-1987) OF' COUNSEL ALAN .J, ROGERS NORTHBRIDGE TOWER I . 19TH F'LOOR 1515 NORTH F'L.AGLER DRIVE P. O. ORAWER 0246215 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402-4e2e TELEPHONE (407) 832-5900 TELECOPIER (407) 833-4209 RECEIVED 24 June 1988 JUN 29 1988 CITY ATIORNEY Raymond A. Rea, Esquire city Attorney City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 .. Re: Miner Road Extension Dear Raymond: I spoke with my client regarding the construction of Miner Road extension. He indicates to me that he has now resolved his differences with the engineer, Stanley Wantman, who is doing the construction drawings. They are 90 percent complete and should be finalized with two weeks. They will then be submitted to the City and the County for approval. That should take four weeks, unless the City can get those drawings approved sooner. As soon as the drawings are complete, the work will commence. have any questions, please don't hesita to call me. If you yours, AJC/ag cc: Chalet IV ~ c; 000. u'3- J ;3jIJO i.'JI bJC- /) 6f r. Q} .6-.-cl ;/')3/r; (~-4 !. J(LI {(Q. ' "- ~,,,,..,..,.... f' II/;NG ^- P l'I-rnrJ J . <I (/Vf-S r Cw- ,/ .A. C 1J4tf;:1 5 ) PI Dr- P ? /Si)('J D IN ~ ' ~/ ~/ . / i..,?',{E':;Ml;N~Ll~J~~E1L--<:.!1'X-OLBQrnTON 13UJ:ll -1o.P,) .,...:i~ utn' 1:'~D PI\1ooITTV F'-;n c...,ol..L..:.-AJool..IooI-L!~J,.,~~~ ~ONSTRUC:tlQlL Oi"_.RQAD...H.AL_I1H~RQ~~ENTS THIS AGR:::EMENT, made this day of -:}.to.- , 198~, by anc between the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida Municipal Corporation of 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, tereinafter referred to as "The City", and Carrilla Melear, Larry W. Melear, and Michael R. Melear c/o Larry Melear of '756 Rider Road, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, referred to as "Owners". RECITALS: WHEREAS, the Owners have requested the City to annex approxi- mately 154.56 acres West of North Congress Avenue between the L-20 and L-21 Canals; and WHEREAS, the Owners have requested the City to rezone the property to a Planned Unit Development, and to amend the City's Comprehensive Plan to reflect moderate density residential to allow 6.5 units per acre; and WHEREAS, the annexation, rezoning, and Comprehensive Plan Amendment have been approved by the City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida Statutes, the City and the Cwners are desirous of having Palm Beach County waive the 2-year waiting period for annexation requests; and WHE~EAS,.the City, and the Owner have agreed, based on imput from Pal= Beach County to make certain roadway improvements in order to co=ply with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance standards of tt~ Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. ~~ NOH, THE?EFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises made by the parties hereto, and other good and valuable consider- ation, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the parties; the parties hereto do covenant and agree as follows: 1. The Owners shall dedicate 108 feet of right-of-way for Miner Road, and construct Miner Road across the project's North property frontage. 2. The Cwners shall reimburse Palm Beach County for the cost of constr~~ting left turn lanes at the project's entrance on Congress h7enue, and at Miner Road. It is understood that ~ th~se Luru lanes will be included in the Congress Avenue 4-laning project currently under contract by the County, and that Palm Eeach County will bill the Developer for this work, based on unit prices, at the time of Congress Avenue construction. Reim- bursernent to Palm Beach County for said road work will be due prior to the Owner's or their assigns pulling the first building permit. 3. The Owners shall construct right turn lanes on Congress Avenue at the project's entrance, and at Miner Road, said turn lanes to be constructed at the time the project's entrance road and Miner Road are built. 4. The Owners shall pay the cost of signalization at the following intersections, when and if warranted, as determined by the County Engineer: a. Congress Avenue and Miner Road; b. The entrance road and Miner Road; c. The entrance road and Congress,Avenue. 5. The Owners agree to pay the "fair share impact fee" to the City upon issuance of building permits as they relate to the number of units for which the building permits are being issued. 6. The project development shall be limited to fifty percent (50%) of the residential units approved on the subject property. The balance of the residential units and all of the commercial property shall not be issued building permits until such time as Lantana Ro~p and Hypoluxo Road are constructed as 4-lane ~- facilities from 1-95 to Congress Avenue. 7. This Agreement is subject to the approval of a resolution by the Palm Beach County Boarq of County Commissioners of a waiver of the 2-year requirement, pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida Statutues. IN KITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first written above. g~:;;J2~ ~IU (J SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: 7YJ~~ 1" ;/~ ~~~ 2JL~~. ,-;(~ As to Larry W. Melear 13;:// ;7z:: L ~i'- . ~ : As to Michael R. Melear .~ " ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Flor~do Municipal Corpor~tio~ J BY:_~2?7-/~ J1;\ayor M _. ATTEST: ~. _~ ,~ Ci ty C7~ ~~ . 11v~ CARRILLA MELEAR ~ U-J. ~~ L Y \'1. M EAR fn;J HELEAR ", OWNERS AU1HORIZ~ Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to e annexed. e authority authorizing a person other then the r to si n sue a petition must be attached to and accompany s etit'o e ~(C~ ~y~..(,4.,~ Carrilla Melear ~w.~ ar ry -lelear M~~:!(l1L 't c/o Larry W. Melear 7142 High Ridge Road Lantana, Florida 33462 (305/585-0167) <;:1'( (_z...~tl (p /f\ \ \ " 2000' Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard 8th Floor The Concourse West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 (305/689-9595) PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-084 TO: Jim Cherof, city Attorney ~.~~ C\,j'l:t2:r FROM: Christopher Cutro, planning and zoning Director \. DATE: April 26, 1993 RE: Miner Road Please review the attached letter from the attorneys for Citrus Glen regarding their desire to cooperate in the completion of Miner Road. I would appreciate your advise in what course of action we need to take in putting this before the City Commission. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. CC:ald APR-2~-9~ MCN 1~=~B CRANA~c~/aXTRUS CLEN P.B1 ,. -" LAW OFFICES IAlOCCO ... lANN Jo$Opll~, Safocee, P.A Karen M. lann. P.A, /II. P.~.,..hlp 01 ProfeoolOl'lel A.e.ool.tJo,\. 132:1 SG Thifd Avonl.Je Fort Lauderdale. Florida 333115 (305) 764.0005 FAX (305)764-1.7. April 19, 1993 Michael T. B ~ke, E~quire 1?O. BOX 030220 : I Fort Lau~er~ale, ~L 33303-0220 CONftOE.N'l'IAL FOR SETTLEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Re; Citrus vs. City of Boynton Beach Dear Mike: I am wri tin this letter in reterence to re-cent conversations with my clie t regarding its discussions with your client, City Planner, Chr s Cutro, and the City Attorney, Jim Cherof. While my client ha reinvigorated the litigation in this cas$ in light of it~ firm elief that it would prevail on its damage claim for at least se eral million dollars, my client wOUld like to see this ~atter resolved as soon as possible and has therefore ~uthorized t e following settlement proposal; 1) Ci trus IICitru5 Gl $100,000.00 and finally current obI! Mi1').ar Road, Cit,ru!:: Glen Citrus Trail len Limited Partnership (hereinafter referre~ to as nit) will immediately pay a lump sum amour,t of o the City of Boynton Beach, which amount will fully bsolve it of any responsibilities pursua.nt to its ation to complete the construction of a portion of s well as any and all other responsibilities which ay have to the City regarding the Executive Estates/ plats/developments. 2) ThQ City1will execute a Release and Return of the Performance Dond by The iAA1erican Insurance Company on behal f 0 f Ci tru s . Glen for ~hQ oon~truction of Miner Road, as well as a Release to Citru~ Glen eqarding any and all obligations by Citrus Glen for any further .mprOV9ments of any nature to the Executive Est~tesl Citrue Trail pla~s/developments, copies of which are attached. 3) C i t.ru G Glen and The American Insurance Company shall voluntarily ismiss its Amended Complaint with pr~judice and the City of Bo rnton Beach shall voluntarily dismiss its Counter- Claim with p ejudice. 4) bear i~s own a~torneyts fees and costs. 5) offer sha.ll be exbillndec for forty-five (45) days f+om t i$ date and if not accQpted within that time, shall be null ond void and ehall not be renewed. .i r" - ..-.. 0:-- ~'t ~D . . . ..... ~'1\-~~ . ....;'~ APR 2 6 1993 APR-2~-~~ MeN 1~:~1 CRANADQs/C~TRUS CLEN P_B2 #- Mieha~l T. B rka, Esquire April 19, 19 3 Page Two My client i hopeful that thie good faith offer to resolve this mottf':r will, allow the parties to avoid further extemd.ve cmd expensive liti9~tion and will allow the City to 90 fo~ward to complete thf much-needed con5truction of Miner Road without further delAL* Please let roe know as soon a5 possible you~ client"s response to this proposa . KMZ/skj relY, (~M:-{ANN Attorney at Law cc: Felix G anados, Jr. GEE&JENSON JUL 23'93 ,,'. ID:407-6S6-7446 10111 AND MAt.~V'^at INGINU-... .He, COIttULYIII ...IIIIa. 15:20 0R:941, P~03 PRE~DESIGN COST ESTIMATE CITRUS QLEN OFFSITE ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS.. MINER ROAD,.A LAWRENCE ROAD :e (..I!AjI!.j) " " <:eo d ;Is &//(,7S'" $,AtOeU /rlHlfS /0"/1,) J/~A, ('Z.-A f I'$.A t!Qm'p~€rrrD HJ'T/lt../Alf!:- "ZtlfJ?z, SI &-0 J..~A YINf$.. ., /:10) ?-90, ~ I ~ ~ r/O r- 5t//2~ AdeJ'y-r ,17S-~ s; I~ A ;4dO z....1( , //opt! r#s ~;l-l- #8l.,,&f tjev,' "~~ .~V^~~vw ~ l..ow* ~N3' ..- n.. 0 o~ '.;:: 'o'~ e.'~.;r; ..!.. 0 /" ,...---- PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-195 FROM: ~~ity Attorney Christopher Cutro, Planning and Zoning Department TO: DATE: July 27, 1993 RE: Miner Road Agreement I have reviewed the Miner Road agreement and have no comments regarding its form or content. Regarding your questions concerning the $100,000; First, if the the $100,000 is sufficient, I believe that we should hold those funds until the completion of the work. If monies remain after completion of the work, a portion of the money should be returned to Mr. Granados. We now know that if the $100,000 is $30,000 short of the amount needed to complete the work through the Citrus Glen section, we should first contact Mr. Granados about increasing his contribution. If he refuses, we need to review the work list to eliminate any unnecessary work (such as sidewalks). I hope this information is of some help to you. If you should have any questions please feel free to call me. CC/cmc c:miner MEMORANDUM NO. 93-72 FROM: July 21, 1993 Chris Cutro, City Planner rYlL/\I~ Jim Cherof, City Attorney~~- 'J TO: RE: Miner Road Agreement Attached is a copy of the Agreement now signed by Felix Grenados and his surety company. I am now in the process of preparing contracts for the two other developers who indicated they would contribute toward the funding necessary to complete Miner Road. Please provide me with your thoughts regarding the concessions requested by the two other developers. I would appreciate your thoughts (1) assuming that the $100,000 to be paid by Granados is sufficient and (2) assuming that the $100,000 is $50,000 short of the funds necessary to complete that section. RECEIVED J,U.l 22- ~ANi~~NG; OEP1. - AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this day of 1993, between the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (hereinafter "CITY"), CITRUS GLEN PARTNERSHIP (hereinafter "CITRUS GLEN"), and AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY (hereinafter "AMERICAN"). WHEREAS, on August 2, 1988, the CITY adopted Resolution No. 88-VV approving the final plats for subdivisions known as Executive Estates and Citrus Trail; and WHEREAS, as a condition precedent to the approval of the Executive Estates and Citrus Trail plats, CITRUS GLEN agreed to construct certain required improvements including, but not limited to, construction of a portion of Miner Road; and WHEREAS, to insure performance of the obligation to construct the required subdivision improvements, CITRUS GLEN as principal and AMERICAN as surety, posted two Performance Bonds in favor of the CITY, one for Executive Estates in the amount of ONE MILLION THREE HUNDRED FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($1,354,000.00) DOLLARS, and one for Citrus Trail in the amount of FOUR HUNDRED EIGHTY EIGHT THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($488,000.00) DOLLARS; and WHEREAS, on October 17, 1989, the CITY adopted Resolutions 89- AAA and 89-BBB, which reduced the values of the above-described Performance Bonds, respectively, to TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY SIX THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED FORTY ONE AND NO/100 ($276,741.00) DOLLARS, and FORTY FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT AND NO/lOa ($45,928.00) DOLLARS, copies of which are attached hereto; and WHEREAS, on June 5, 1990, the CITY, upon the request of CITRUS GLEN, granted a 12-month extension of time for the completion of the required subdivison improvements; and WHEREAS, on May 21, 1991, the CITY denied a second request for extension of time to complete the required subdivision improvements; and WHEREAS, CITRUS GLEN has initiated an action against the CITY in which it seeks damages and relief from the obligation to construct the portion of Miner Road heretofore referenced; and WHEREAS, the CITY has filed a counterclaim against CITRUS GLEN and AMERICAN to recover damages associated with the costs of completing the required improvements on behalf of CITRUS GLEN; and WHEREAS, as of the date of this Agreement, Miner Road has not been constructed as required by the CITY; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto have been engaged in negotiations which would resolve all issues now pending in Palm Beach County's Circuit Court, Case No. CL 91-8073 AA, and would result in the construction of the unconstructed portion of Miner Road; NOW THEREFORE, in exchange for the mutual covenants expressed herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are true and correct. 2. Upon the execution of this Agreement by all parties, CITRUS GLEN shall pay to the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH the lump sum amount of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($100,000.00) DOLLARS, which amount will fully and finally absolve CITRUS GLEN of any and all responsibilities associated with the design and/or the construction of that portion of Miner Road which extends the 2 boundaries of the Executive Estates and Citrus Trail Subdivisions and which was originally secured by two Performance Bonds dated July 21, 1988, wherein Belvedere Construction Company and Citrus Glen Limited Partnership were principals and the AMERICAN INSURANCE COMPANY was Surety. The payment referenced herein shall be made payable to Josias & Goren, P.A., Trust Account, and shall not be disbursed to the CITY by Josias & Goren, P.A., until such time as the Releases referenced herein in favor of CITRUS GLEN are delivered to CITRUS GLEN. 3. Upon a receipt and clearance of funds of the ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND NO/100 ($100,000.00) DOLLARS referenced in paragraph 2 hereof, the CITY will execute Releases of the Performance Bonds heretofore referenced and will execute a Release in favor of CITRUS GLEN releasing it from any and all obligations for the design or construction of any additional subdivision improvements associated with the Executive Estates and/or Citrus Trail Subdivision plats. 4. CITRUS GLEN and AMERICAN shall execute and deliver to the CITY General Releases in a form acceptable to the City Attorney and shall file a Voluntary Dismissal with Prejudice of Palm Beach County Circuit Court Case No. CL 91-8073 AA. 5. Contemporaneously with the execution and delivery of the Release of Performance Bonds, the CITY shall execute and file a Voluntary Dismissal of its Counterclaim in Palm Beach County Circuit Court Case No. CL 91-8073 AA. 6. Each party shall bear its own attorney's fees and costs associated with the preparation and execution of this Agreement and incurred in the litigation of Palm Beach County Circuit Court Case 3 No. CL 91-8073 AA. 7. This Agreement incorporates all terms and conditions negotiated between the parties and may not be amended except by written agreement between the parties. This Agreement constitutes an enforceable agreement between the parties, and in the event of action to enforce this Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover attorney's fees and costs from the party in breach hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first written above. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH By: Print Name - Print Name ~r~ / tS MItfJ k. ::::r;-~t:J,4 pr~e"-l.~ ~U YH~ t1. ~D5 Print Name By: Felix Granados, Jr. N7~ 71. <> . c ~ATO~ prl~ ~ J)rl"V'~.. (lrA^,< Print Name 4 .TI_'L- e - '9:3 T t-- _, 10:42 GF.~At~A~~7' M.;j/;h'^ ,~Z'...O 1 r /~.,. ~_' ~ ",'. ~ ~ 1 'v RESOU.rr I (1\1 N). 89 - "t\ f\ ^ RE.~OLlJI'ICN OF '!HE ClTV OF BJYlmJN BfACH. FLJ)RlDA. REDUCI~ lHE ~ (If 'mE P~1ANCe: OCND FOR EXD::lJflVE ESfATES. A p.lI.D. IN SK'TION IB, 1~SHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAS'r WHEREAS. a perforTl'ance bond by The Arrerican Insurance Company in the amount of $1,354,000.00 was ~osted Ear the construction of inprovements, and, ~F'..AS, all work is completed except paving and drainage, includinQ s1.dewalks and swales, stn~et lighting and the off-site cvnst.ruction for Lawrence Road and Miner Road. NCW, '1'HffiEF'ffiE, BE IT RE...t;oLVED BY 1m: CITY roMISSION OF mE CITY OF OOYNrON BF..ACH, FLDRlDA: The amount of the rood t:e reducE-d to the value of the uncQrlpleted work plus 10%, arr-ountin<J to $276,741.00. d.. . PASSED NlD ACO~ THIS 17. day of ci:1-~___. 1989. CtT'{ OF 9:'~--B~' .:H JIUDlI. ,0-"" / C ~ ,-?-" . ' " c.'. I t..____ .' , l. ____ /'Bf.:' .- / Mayor J>--~~ "J9: LL: ~"..:.-~ /. , ~-~ Vice r-Ic.yor I . \" ~~ --------- Ccmnl s s ion Ne'J,rer \' V,. ~'~J.~i.. ~ion I-1.?nber:' ,.:rr&,""!' : clt!~t!fJdah<-' (Corp. Seal) -; .. ~. _T '_' L _ S _ ~? 3 T H '_I 1"'1' 4:2 .:; F: A t-' A 1) .=. ~=~ ..... C: 1 T F: Ct ~S .:; LEt... F-.. ..3:2 .' ,. . t' .," :.... I ..I.. RF~C{_)UrrION I'D. 8<:j-BB.B 1>.. RF.SOUJI'ION OF THE Cl'l'"Y OF ~)\1'n~)!1 [\E.1I,':H, FLORIDA. REDlJCING T!-iE A!.K:UNT (,f THE PER~OP"'lAN(:8 t:KlND FOR CITRUS 'mAIL. A P.U.I>. IN .sE,.::rr(~ 18, TOV-INSHIP 45 SOU I1-l , Ri>NGE 43 E'..."'.'!' WI-lF.REAS, a perforTlence bor.d by The .~t.lcan Insurance c~ny in the arrount of $488.000.00 was fOEted for the constructl':ln of imr.t'overrents. and, WHEREAS, all work is cOIrpletcd except paving and d.l"ainage, incllldinQ sidewalks and swales. and street lighting. OOW, TI-IDtE:FVRE, BE: IT RE..SOLVEJJ BY TIlE CI1'Y ca.r-USSION OF 'mE crN OF OC>Yl-ITON BEACH, FWRIDA: The 811"Qunt of the bor,d be r:-edUCN to the value of the Uncorf'pleted work plus 10%. QIT'Ountin9 to $45,928.00. PASSED AND AOOPIID TIlIs.-12ziday r/ &-tobeV I . CJ 1'Y c:~, e::)'~ BFAt------: FLaUDA ,,' .' ..4.",'1- ,./>7:)/"" "-~ Br:___.....___~__-,.__ Mayor ~r.),..- 11 f'\ ---' ~D\\x;~ ______,_,__.A-- ~ ,--- Vice Mayor \ _ ___1~.~ ssion "~?rrbet' ,1989. / I, I J/ COlTlni ssion t>lernl::er . . _V- if-: ~ ~___~.\.___ l j --:'tt , . tdt1i".ission ~lo.:-Jl .>ex L:../J~~ ATT!:.sr I - --x1,~J~v><"- City Cle ('~orp. Seal) ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 93-271 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Deputy City Engineer DATE: September 13, 1993 RE: Installation of Sidewalks for Newly Constructed Sections of Miner Road County Funding Participation Creation of City Resolution Pursuant to our previous discussions relative to asking the County to participate in the construction within the Miner Road rights-of-way once the Miner Road construction project commences, Charlie Walker, Jr. has advised me that his department would submit a favorable recommen- dation to the Board of Palm Beach County Commissions, upon receipt of a City request in the form of a resolution and proper cover letter. According to Mr. Walker, Palm Beach County has an agressive pathway program which is considered by the Board of Palm Beach County Commissioners during the month of October 1993, therefore, now is the perfect time to submit such a request. Mr. Walker would base his favorable recommendation, reference executing an interlocal agreement based upon the existance of sidewalks within the in-place section of Miner Road and the benefits realized by citizens when this sidewalk pathway system is connected to Lawrence Road, which also possesses a pedestrian bike path system along its east rights-of-way. Pedestrian circulation would be improved thereby allowing local school children to ride their bicycles to Elementary School Site "P", situated along Lawrence Road. ' At your earliest convenience, please have a City resolution prepared for consideration during the September 21, 1990 regular meeting addressing the benefits of pedestrian pathway construction as mentioned above, including the benefits associated with alternative modes of transportation. The City Commission resolution should basically request the inclusion of Miner Road pathway construction into next year's County pathway program. Should you require any additional information or assistance, please contact me at ext. 6282. cc: Harry Benoit, P.E., City Engineer Christopher Cutro, Planning & Zoning Director