CORRESPONDENCE "77ie Cx.~ 0/ _ $~n~on !Beac.li' @ z_=______ ~ .. '-"... !P.o.. ':II-c.4~D -. '-,- -. - .., -- ....... - --.......""0 ... cr.,,:Hi:U1:z t'<<I?:) "7S-4DOQ , . :F.AX~ r4D~ "?S'-4D9Q 'ACSZHZLa ~RANBHZa.zON TO, c!f~--J L:P/a__.) ~_<"'"'..s-- ~;?.?-2 ;p k___~~: ~~/~ -fJ:A ~~ 3/. /9'7'.1.- ./;?o~ A./.-J ~ ~-_ #P:?a rA.X NO = r.R.C.:U"ll = OATE : RZ: NUM.B.E::R. O-F PAGES Z,NCLUD.J:.UQ THza COVER IIIHB:JIlT -~- C = II'A.X.TR.A.Na _ Z!=.b ~1'nCn::cQ:" y'-il:zvay ~D tn. @~-F.SI:",,&Uft TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE ABOVE) WAS SENT ** COUNT ** # 5 *** SEND *** Nol REMOTE STATION I. D. START TIME DURATION #PAGES COMMENT I , I 407 655 4828 7-31-95 2:23PM 3 '12" 5 I TOTAL 0:03'12" 5 XEROX TELECOPIER 7020 .. JUL 21 '95 04:S~PM SCHWAB TWITTY HANSER __"WAf 'lTTY . 1'I~...1I!tl ARCHIl\. AIA.L GROUP. INC. NOfrrHIRIDClE eml\' 5111 NO",," P'LAGLII!tl DftlYll. eUITE UOO WEST PAI.M BEACH. PLORlDA 3M01 (407) 832.5599 P. :1./6 ~ffi'IT1J~lJu lID~ ifffiIMm~~~triJlA\~ Transmittat No. 2137 DATI! 1 IJ.. ~ 1'1? 1'0 ('~rry ~F .&:/yt-JrO"-J 8E:ACrl. WE ME SENDING YOU ~ Attacnea 0 unaer separate COV8f via the followil1g items: o Shop drawings gJ Copy or letter o Prints o Change order o PI~n~ o o 61!l.mplee o Specifications OO~I~ DA.TE NO. DSSCl'lIPTION f Lctl~ 1"0' 'IAMe>e \ He 7' ~n=-- t..;I ~ '1 I V:J Lq '5: ~ ,hI JOt b -",. THESE ARE TRANSMITTe.D as c"el;lo;~ below: o For approval 0 Approved as submitted o For your use 0 Approved 0.0 l10ttd o As requested 0 Returned for corrections C FQr review and comment 0 o FOR BIDS DUE 19 0 PRINT~ RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO uS REMARK5J'1~[) ;'2 ~f' ~ ~J..JA- 1Jn1;1J'.} ,l4AJJC;r'ACTC) f2Es fWPUCT UTegAWJZE.' tfJN ~ /J1OAJ() fbJ.6. Cl.,)/LC BE' Sf5l\yr-Jo you b1J /Y.It?JJOAy o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit-eoplas for distribution o Return_correctea prInts I INti;f'NACUSE O,NLY,', I I INIOUT J ~I~ABLE ,Y OA"N>: 'I ALrn.l,ORlzED BY . 'j>k'TOTAL'SHEETS ' 'I 'SHlrlj;/, ED'V' lA, " " ~,. r .... ~"rotAL, PAGe::; SIGtlleo: '.-~m.tJ.{.1/1L PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. rn rn@~owrn ,Jlt 2 4 1995 JUL 21 '95 04:50PM SCHWAB TWITTY HANSER P,2/6 8TH SCHWAS, TW!1TY &. HANSER ARCH,TECTUJ:lALGROUP, INC. NORTHSAIOa.e CENTER 515 NORTH FLAGLER DRiVE. SUIre HOC WF.ST PALM BEACH FLOl'.IDA ~40! Phone:407/SJ2-659Q Fax: c.1071655-4!l2e July 21, 1995 Ms. Tambri Heyden Director of Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach; Florida 33425-0310 Re: Motorola Antenna Dear Ms. Heyden: In a telephone conversation with Gary Lanker of your office on July 20, 1995, it ""as reQuested that five (5) additional issues or concerns of the CIty be addressed in writing. These five (5) concerns with responses are as follows; 1. Is it possible to locate this antenna at the Quantum Park facility? ResDonse: The trunk. communication lines are currently at the maln Motorola facility and not at the Quantum Park facility. All test1ng Is performed at the main facility. It is not economically feasible to relocate the communications trunk 1 ines or testing programs for Motorola to the Quantum Park facility. What type of FCC classification is required for this antenna? G (\ \\,~~) RQSDOnse: Motorola has represented that all FCC licenses for this antenna are in phc(;!. What is the e12ctromagnetic field or impact to the adjacent areas includ1ng the child car@ center? ReSDons..Q: Motorola has represented that the electromagnetic emissions fall balow FCC maximum allowable standards and that supporting data can be providad upon request. 4. Is the need for an anten~a a nQW requirement? Why is the antenna needed now? ARCHITECTUliE I COMPFEHENSrVE P!Jl.NN1NG J INTERIOR ARCHITEC11JFE · AMtRICAN INSllTUrr Of ^f\CHITECT5 { NOA"lf3 JUL 21 '95 04:51PM SCHWAB TWITTY HANSER P.3/6 9TH Ms. Tambri Heyden Re: Motorola Antenna July 21, 1995 Page 2 Response: Motorola has lnd1cated th~t they have needed an antenna for quite some time, but up unt11 this point, they have been abh to do without. Due to the requirements of new paging projects, this antanna has now become necessary. 5. Will the antenna be used for commerc1al purposes or will it be used so19ly for Motorola internal c01Tl11unicat1ons and research and development purpoSils? ReSDonse: Motorola represents that this antenna will be solely used for internal communications and research and development and will not be used for commercial purposes. We have also enclosed manufacturers cut s~eets of the antenna pole as requested by Gary Lanker. We are in the process Of taking photographs of the Motorola site and will forward them to ~ou as soon as poss1ble. If you have any questlons rQgarding our response or feel that we have misunderstood your concerns, please do not hesitate to call me, Sincor01ZJ J:;: Al~ ProjQct Manager ~ WAHl JOA/ led MAC001593 cc: Joe Sperla%2a Dave Ogrelc Tim TourvillQ rUL 21 "95 04: 51PM SCHWAB TWITTY HANSER P.4/6 6TH SChWAll 1W:TT'i & ~iJ\NSER ARCHITECTURAl GROUP, INC NORTIo~ar.10G; CIiNl E~ e)lS NOl"fH FlAGL.ER ()~IVF. · SUITE 1400 WFST PALM 8EACH, R.OAIOA 33<l01 ~h~ne~07!g~."Qw FCl~: 407/655-<162/3 July 19, 1995 M~. Tambri Heyden DirRctor of Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.o. Box .310 Boynton Ba3ch. Florida 33425-0310 Ra: Motorola Antenna Dear Ms. HeydQn: In a te18phone convQrsation with Gary Lanker of your office on July 18, 1995, it was requQsted that COyrespondence be provided to the City addressing each of the nine standards listed in paragraph 3 on page 2-7 of the Zoning Ordinances for the City of Boynton Beach a~ it pertains to Motorola's application for exceptions to the district height regulations for the construction of an antenna. I have enclosed a copy of page 2-7 of the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Ordinances for your informa.tion and reference. The following responses are numbered as indicated in the Zoning Ordinanc~s and as follows; Item 3A: As you may bQ awar9, the Motorola site is at the southeast corn~r of Congress AVQn~e and Northwest 22nd Avenue (Gateway Boulevard). The proposed antQnna is located approximately 1n the center of the overall site. To the east of the Motorola site is undeveloped land currently zoned prD. To tha south of the Motorola site is undeveloped property having an RIAA zoning. West of the Motorola site and Congress AVQnue, thQ zoning is commercial C3 zoning and the land north of the Motorola site and Northwest 2Znd Avenue is also commercial C3 zoning and PlD zoni~g_ We know of absolutely no reason that the construction of thQ proposed antenna would have an adverse effect on the existin9 and proposed land uses adjacent to the Motorola property. As indicated in Qur letter of application, thQ height exemption is necessary to permit the construction of an antenna which is vital to the research and testing of future paging products as well as commun1cation between the various Motorola facilities within the area. An antenna of lesser height will not provide Motorola with the range thot is required for their testing programs and commun1cation, Item 38: ARCHITECTURe,: COMPREH:NSIIiE PLA~]NING f INTERlO" ARCHiTECTURF . AMERICAN INSTITUTE 01, ,'\R(;HITECTS -' NCAR8 JUL 21 J95 04:52PM SCHWAB TWITTY HANSER SENT 6Yl - '-18-95 ; 4:1'PM Boynton 8en f.X~ 4~7 sO';. ~~lIi# 2 '4 3. . In con.i~.ring an applicae:Lon fOJ: exception to ehe d1st:r1ct ~.igbt. re.p1.at1on, the City CanRi..!OZl IIIh&l.l tUake tinc;Ungs ing;i.caUnS the proposed exc:ep~ion b.alJ been scuCSiea and conaic1ered in ~at~oft to tJ'.e :ol.lOW1Dg' B~&ndarc1s, wheR applicable: a.. - Mb.'the~ tbe he~gbt excc:peion ,,:.1..11 have &f. adverse ett~ct en the-8Xia~ing aad p~o.e4 land uses. Whether the J:leipt excepciOD i.. D.e.".a.~. Nb.che~ t.he hej,ght except.icm ~ill ..vere~y reduoe light a.nc1 &1. in ad.jaoen~ ana.. Whether the heigb~ exception w111 ~e . cSeterrent: co tone ;l.mpraveme= OJ::' clevelopmel1t of e4:1&ea:ot. prapBty i.n accom with exi..~ift5J ragulationm. Whetbe~ the b.i~ exception w~l~ adver.e1y &~t.Ct p~ ~lue8 ~ a4jAC.~t areas. Whether the. beigbt exC~~oD ~~l advArAAly 1nfl1.lellclI living COAcUttCU ill t:.he neighborhood. Whether the beipc exOapt.:LCD wi.I.1 eon.~itute a. grant. g~ & special pX'~'Y'U*9G to aD i1\divi.d.ual ~ as COAt:ruted. "La &;1w put)J.ic welta.~.. 1fb.etber fN.:!:e1c1e= e-n.Clt2Aae ha; bee. preeanted to j~.~tCy cbe need lor _ height exeeptioa. :be C1ty ~8DiOD may, 1= eoaneoeion with pPOce..LDg of ap,p1icacicn ~O~ exe.ptioc bereund.eJ:. refez- .... to the planning a:nd" developme~t. beam foZ' reooaaJ14aei011. b. c. d. 8. t. g. h. ;1... 4. In reaidaDtial a0D881 fz:e..~aACSill9' ee1evisicm and w.t;!.aene' b.I1cl lnoadcaaei.q u.ceDllae tnay not exeeec! twenty..!:!..,. (25) f..~ in l1e:f..ght:. and. no freeecand.ing ant.mma maT a c:oZl::n~nc:~ wiebJ.s1 t:he build1DS; ..,cback li.nee. &Go! ---=~.c! or vall- aupporte4 antezma. may IlIXceed. the -""i"",,,. dist-net he::l.ght ;:agu1a~i= by t.eQ (10) !..~; bue in no instuc::e, may an ante=ae excee4 the &"OOf line hs.ight. by lDOl:& than f~t~eeQ (~S) fecc. .. Mit:b zoe~ct t.o. private eorraun4 toy aneezma IIYlt81U Il8 4efin.cl in t:!U.. cocs.. the aforesaid t"oanty- five (25) f.et: height. regulation shall not: apply. tD. ~he Uuscance of pri"8.te c::'nMWI!fti ty ant\l.cm& .y.t_, t.be nea:l.'ripg alU:'mm.a may !lOt ex-:eed fOJ:1:y-fiYe ((5) f..e i!l heigh~ unl.s. an ex~:LOA ~II 'P'aIl~ect by t.hA C!ity CoIIni.s.ian. ar1d no PO" of e.Q)' neeivi.l1g &atezma DULy enaoach 111 . ~ ..~ck. 5, In r.o.i4ential zenas. t:reestancU.ag t:,anmaitt:i1lg anc..-.e are 8Ul:tjeat to the ~ollciing limi.tati.OI1s: &. No f%'...t.aD4~ 1aiI. toweZ' 81UI ante=a sJ3JUJ. .xe..d forty-five ('5) feat ~ ae~9ht. ".r;.d ~p~~ 4. ~..., ......... ...... !l,.u.lI 4-7 STH SCHWAF 'ITTY" HANSER ARCH In,. ,RAL GROUP, INC. NORTH BRIDGE CENTRE 515 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE. SUITE 1400 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 (407) 832-5599 IJA TO --nit:: CiTY OF '~'fNTV~~H WE ARE SENDING YOU E1t Attached 0 Under separate cover via the followi ng items: o Shop drawings o Copy of letter o Pri nts o Change order o Plans o o Samples o Specifications COPIES DATE NO. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: o For approval o For your use o As requested o For review and comment o FOR BIDS DUE o Approved as submitted o Approved as noted o Returned for corrections o o Resubmit_copies for approval o Submit_copies for distribution o Return_corrected prints 19 0 PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS INTERNAL USE ONLY IN/OUT BILLABLE Y OR N AUTHORIZED BY ~ TOTAL SHEETS SHIPPED VIA ~D TOTAL PAGES CC' TIm T(:)UI2'vtLLC Dft'V12 OeJ2c Ie.. JoE 5 Pt (2.(.1'122.11 SIGNED ~~O~ AUG 02 '95 04:42PM SCHWAB TWITTY HANSER 8CHWIl 'f1ffV " .....N..A. ARCHIT~ .,;RAL GROUP, IHC- HORnl_DOE CENTRE '1f NORTH FlJIOLEA DAIYE. 8VITE 1400 WEST PAUl BEACH, FLORIDA 33t01 (407) 632.5599 TO C j TV OF 'B!Nt--lTON BE"-CB WI: ARI: SENDING YOU )i Attacned 0 unoer separate cover via o snQP drawings o Copy of letter D Prlnt$ o Change order o Plans o COPIEB DIl.TI; t-.lQ. THEse ARE TRANSMITTED as chec;;l\ed below; o For approval 0 Approved as submitted o For your use 0 ^pprQv$d ~$ noted o As requested 0 Returnee! for corrections o I=or review and oomment 0 ~~iJTI~lnJ l11~ jj'~&~~[u]~i1LrlA\~ Transmittal No. 2147 DAre B /'Z /'1. 5 ""'~"TlO~ ..,.. ~~: () the fOllowing Items: o Samples o Speclflcatlor1s oaJ;CRIPTtalol y ",J o ResubmiL--copies for approval C Submit_oopies for distrlbl,ltlon o Return_corrected prints p" :1./8 o FOR BIDS DUE U PRINTS RETURNED AFTeR LOAN TO US 19 REMARKS [NTERNAtUS'E: ONLY. , , . " ; IN/OUT ' BILLABLEYOR N AlrrHQRI~ED BY , J~A' , TQ~AL. SH"EETS ' {~HIPPEb VIA, r~ ~OTAL PA.GE5 ---.J SIGNED:~ o. ~~"-- \. \ PLp.N~\~~t~~ ION\Nu vl:.C " """.........- ..,.,.... AUG 02 } 95 1214: 43PM SCHWAB nn TrY HANSER ': ,-1"<"'-' :~a~lr"l$l no"QI"I~ ~oy. -- '+\Dr r~~ '<:..'l41 1 '3'35 > ~-1ZI2 1~ 14"1' ~..?fE). . tJ2//ll2 INDUSTRIAL. HYGIENE SURVEY April 201 1995 J -lOR MOTOROLA,. INC. PAGING PRODUCTS BOYNTON BEACH, FL Sf' A.. WOJECK, PH..D" CNA INSURANCE COMPANIES .. _ .......1 ......... II r"'\........ I "t,~fT'""1~&:-cw-. ....1..1"'\ .,J..,Jt:t":l- "t~ ~;:: "';JIT ......1 ...........M qUG 142 ' 95 04: 43PM SCHWAB TlJITTY HANSER ~~ .Pa91~9 Moto~la Eb~. __ 4~f f~~ ~~41 1995.~-02 1!:;:3!O ~l{~.Gnl1:2 suRVEY O.l.T&:. GURVIV' L~T10N~ April 20. 1985 MctorCIIa. me.. Pa;illO PnxlUClS 1500 Q...., BouleVlId Boynton aelch. Florida U4a-82t2 Geri Ann Wojick. Ph. Dr ToxkiGkIOyll(1duslri11 Hygiene consultant CNA InSl.lranc.e ComI*I6es 1211 sernoran BouIeYan1, Suite 355 c.sselbeny. FIMIda 32107 PERFORMED 8Y: CONTACTS; Gloria Van !Ser Heiden. OiredOt. ElMronmental. Induslrhll "J8ieri~ andSafsly . Gene Limia. envirvnmenllllingirweflng John Ande~. SystBms DesIQn S~tlllI$l PURPOSE: To eV'8luate patential emPloyee exposure to' radiofrcquency radiation. ' ' . I IUMMAR~ \~D The rBsult5 of U'le industrial nyglene sLllVellic:iivitics pafclrrn~ durino this sUI'V.Y indicate 'hill foIlMino: . The Institute;f Electl1GaI and L!led1Oni~ engineers {(SIiIi) CN"..,801 Standard I'Olates safety level5 wIln raspRt to human .,..ure to J&4f~frequetqf electtoma;netie fields operaung between 3,00Q e;yda por 4IeClOftd [or 31d1Oh81U (k*)] And 300 billion cYdu per second [300 Gigahert& (GH:C)l- The Maximum P.rmi"ibIe Exposure (MPE) varies wilh frequency. TIle IEe~ etenderc i;t recolnll" as ,1\ Ametit$" N~MaI Standard CANSO. . Nr;1n8 of Uls powerc:lenllllitr ma...vremell" -. 20 e,ef'llil'l'leters (em) ffCl'n tl\8 SCMI'C8 exceeG'e4 the Ieee flAre.. . The power clen_ity rnUSUflttnent for the antenna forthe 25 VIal. rN) Radiws reached the U;~ MPE at 20 em djn;!djy in frant of the lower '*' Of the antenna whidl was supported on III Ham iilppf'oxim:Mly e ft. from the roof toP. The ~ius was operating at 8 frequency of 440.8.50 LlI.u. Since no detectable readinos were found tlelow the $Upport beam, 1he potential liVMlglt whole body ,-sure. for rnDSt wocters. would be negligible- The 2'W'etagina time for The Radius 15 classified as lnadive on the Motorola invenlOry of RF Q@nerating eQuijpmenlln IdCliUon, reof aCCiiSS to the antenna is imited_ RECOMMENOATIOMS: NO recommenc:taUon.s are submittecl Ii . Rlsult or trl8aSUlements rnaae GlJf1ng this SUNeY. DISCUSSION Fidel c.ommunicetion$ systems. sateflht! COIMtunlcdan. mUuwavl!I poInt-to-pDinl: (eel.,] and high frequency racflO syst8mS IYJK&'I1y 8f9 openn8d .000 M/'q \D ., $ (GI-k). Comblnetion systern5 are USfld rer paging 1iInc:1 eellulillr radiG. Th$ ljr~9 frectI"eftcias oft". equlp"'ent 6,-7'1'i 't :l3l:i Ioti3HlIlO5 ,,~ I;It.C l.oldl2: Ul 56. Zl: ,,1jL,l AUG ~2 '95 04:44PM SCHWAB TWITTY HANSER FROM :FD~i""$1 ~la Sol..!. 40"7 '7~ 2341 1995 .$-02 15:3S P.4/8 #020 F'. 04/12 AD'" 20, 1fts MotoR'l., InC.. 'aatrG Pl9Q.UClS GrDIID. IIDVntan Beach. FL mOMored at the time of this survey ranged from 14...4 to IMO.215 MHz. WIt" power 1en15 fl'1lim 2~ to 200 W. SIfIIP/ltIg Nefbods: A Narda MOdel 8616 Sruac:lband '5OtrQpiG RadiaClOIl Meter. tac:tDry WjJNbrJ1llld April 4. 1895 (SIN 24388). wit" ptObes to measure eleWlC Mia eql.llvalent paw8f' <leNit)': NMI Model S621 0 High Frequency IsotrOpiC. Probe (300 MHZ to 40 OH&); Narda M291.ow' F~II.My l.eotropie Probe (300 kHz to 1 gog MHz); !and to mea.fiW'e ~jc f"leki' cqui....nt power.~: Narda Model Be52 LOW Fl1!qtJency J5atnJpi" ProCle (300 kHZ to 10 MJoQ) ana Nafaa "31 '$Otropi~ praoe (10 ID ~ Mm). 1be meterMiJ Bllvwod to warm up for 20 mlnut.c ",or to VUlt ....tvey. T'tIe 4PPtO~ CWObe was held by ttu:- handle and pojnted &~rd lie sou.....n a cllcular tI'lOtion. The Inetetwas sat ta .Fasta response. Whee" ~ In teu than 1 HCand- The probe was prutec:tecl witl'l1I LoreJ NUIUII-Microwave ~o field IlIftenua.tDr CUodal 8111) aM the was the .%eto" fundioft was duprassed to c1earthc readings. The ~Max I-lold'" fulure wis U9ed to obtain ths highm maxim..fTI valua Dfthe powerdeMity. RCfld'inge we... ObMNilcI 8$ Ule ~bfCe was approached.. All 8aleSSilille aides 01 the eClt.lrpment, Wiret; and cabiN; ~ monitoted to e:stimaM petentialle8kage. The highest emIssions a1 a point 20 cellU",,,S (em) from the source were recanted. AI. fraquen_ gtester INn 300 MHz. only e4ectric (E) mB8Sutetftents Mre mad.. ' ~ bptn,we CttletN: The IEEI;: (ANSI) Standard C85.1-1991: $tandard ir" Safety Levell with R.spKt to Human Expa$U"8 to Radia FteQC/lU'ICy EIet:tromagneti FI8Irb, , I(HI lo 100 OHz was used as a baslS for the COrdusloM reached for this. SuNey. T1'Ie standard specifies t:OIWoIIed and uttt:DnItDIed en\lirontni1!lnts. In a corIJoIIed environment. ec:cess should be restrfded to Amll IndividualS who are aware of potential expowr8 \0 eleC1tOmlllgnetle energy. &posuJe limits for tJf'ICO(I/fD//e Anvlto"ments were established to protedlndMduals Who have no kntMIedge Of their polentifil . upo.sure t~ elec:tromagneut. energy. (Refer to Table 1) . ' Rapeafully ~ed: Geri Ann Woj.Ck. PIl. D. TGJCicDIGgyllndustrial ~ conaultllt1t May'. 1895 . Pagez .. -"""".... 1."""""'1 ,,,.,~ .........,....,..........,.....,""'" ~...... I. ,........... ,.,... ~. I.., """'OM AUG 02 '95 04: 44PM SCH[.JAB T!..JITT..Y., Hr8tiS~R"1 1""1"< '...a91~ 1'lg1;.gl"~" C1uy. ~ ---...... .199S.IZS-02 1.!5';!l'7 e2.t'~. ~.I12 I',.rl' Co"","un,uti"", eO"Ifl.niAfI Oe.tY"......,. ,....., 'JI'-'I'I"" RADIO STATION LICENSE ~i",M." N,,,.c KOTOROLA INC ~aclio S:9t"'IC'~ IB aUSI!l'J::5S Call 5;;1\; KNIB3Sa Fill, N~ft\~"T' Frl!lll.l."~Y "olvlsory 1oIa: 832724022 N...",tll,r Df ""01>;'.5 DY C<!legGrv: V,Il;"lIl11T' *"*,. ...* KOTORO::'l INC 1270 FAIRFIELD RD' GETTYSBURG ?1l. 102014 ~i;vn$' 1$15"" I;l,,~ 940'2J.5 L"DI\II 1i~lllrI'I15" Don: g~o22e P-Qrtllbl. '''''''''',"*AI'~r1Irt -...........Mni~1! - ............".II.rl,."'1500.. 94021SR 1:33 1 li. J. 7325 ~cz: 1.0, ;ir.~aJ..ne-;..5. I~M~ i"lTi:Ci0,., c.,lgfllllcr 154.152500 ra j ! ! /158.46000 !rs . '2: : ..192.9.06250 jrs 20K0F31l: 15KOF2D l.6KOF:lD 2OKOF3E .! lSKOF2D j 1.6KOFlt1 20KOFJE 15'KOF2D l6KOnD 1: . ~ ~ . , I ~ i ~ ~RANSKItTER S~~ ; :, - .- . A~A.~SS II 11500 IN 24t:ti, :AVE ( , 2: ~500 NW 22ND, AVE i aN~OL POrNT~:~E ~ I~NSMITT~R ON'I'ROL POIN'I' PBPNE: :407-<364-240J ! ! ~ ~ . I:: FETAL COND: jE AfAc~n #:31 , . , ! oI\t\lillftnB I.Qt\,,~Iold. : ~ ~ :20.000 [ 40.MO , , ~ I ~2S-000 ~50.00J l~ ~ ! ~AT ) i ~ I . ~ . a;' i. !. ;. ;.i 1 ! CI'rY ! .. ~ ; i BOt'N'lC$ S.EA~ ! SOYN'Idp BEACH ! : i uao-os-~o ~ ! 3~ ~~-32-39 ~80-Q5-20 35 COUNT! s~ATE PALlI B~J. ~a: FL PALM SE~R FL . ! ; ! .! i , i ~ ! XJ.S;S:;ON ~i:51"GN~OR ($,J CqNVElUED 'IO t=OllFORK rrO ET bUT IN PART 12 OF ttHE ~!DII5Sl0l('S .f/.lJt.&S.~ ~.~~ ~!?r~,,) ;,... -,. ".;: -~ '''l' ' .:0-:.."."....1 FEDERAL CDMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION . - ! DES,tp!l'ATOR,{S) ~At;i"$. ~ Of" ~ Tlii:l: .urll!l6rl~.1.a.. ...edI1Y'1:.... inv.li4 :,,", mu~~ bat t*tu,.,..d ~6 Ift6 O~D'fftJft's.s:iG'n " 't". 'S'C.';Ct,.,. Ir_. ft!lll ,faC4llO ;tIi ~."..Ion .-IIt,,, !lf2s."?a"r:"il~I~~ ...r.....':t~"c...~':.r :lIlrt'a~.Ja3. J~;I\::i'l';.~el!- !;"4~eS ~cel a"llImll.lclIIllV ;/ "II' CO~SlfuClecl wi Ih;n Dn_ VeB.-_ I'~/! S7&- S.~I_1t ,t~ AUG 02 '95 04:45PM SCHWAB TWITI~{ H{8~S~~41 FROM l~a91~9 Mo~~~~a ~~, ~~ ~--- ~Sl95,llIB-1ZI2 1!i::!!"l' f.up..{~, ;1.e/1Z --- ,,,....... e.m.....ni...th''''. C:'IIlmi..I." CiIlllylllUrt. PA '1321.'Z.' RADIO STATION LICENSE L.I......~: KO'rOllCLA. lIe: "'0" 11.....10:.: IS BUSIHBSS Coli SIIIn: WPG::l417 FII' Nl.tmll." '''09135889 Ilr'41u"CY Advlnry N..IS.vice MIO: 94;aC70~151. N~/ftlll_ !!If M4bllo:J ~,. Coal_."'", V.IIIc:uI.... I'Ot1ebl" . AUanll ' LI...... I!lOu" Dot,,: c4/o~/1.95 1.1e:lfln i,.ir"lllft D.,.. C4/0!i5/aooo MIWln411 - PIII.n -* 100.. 9.!!0412N 1.4 1. 1.1' KOfQROLA lIe AW CIAMPAGJ.Il\ 1270 FAllF!ELD aD GETl'!SBURG E'A 17325 fIRS . C ;;, " OU~ p,..1t (WInD! i 15KOJ'2D P.i5.000 r~O.OC.A'1' 39 reC-oti..~O ! lSgoP1D I I i f I ~ I I I I FJiANSKITTER ~TRi. ~s I I CUI I COUNTY i S1'AXE l' ~500 N\l 2~ AVE Iii I SOY.J. nJ, PALl .J.. K~L POtN'1'S1 .1500 ~ ~JID AVE BO.'.t'OH B I FL i I' l If$oL POINT PtipIfE: jo'011'364-2282 I T I J ! I ! I; L I I I - - he p.ati.tude/l0~;i.tu. ..~ authoriZep in Korlth bllttiican dat.um -$2'7 (NAD2~). dilt1onally, ft1J1 h8tpnt: lanc2 d.Utan~ u.nits ~re au~orlz~ .in Dftric. ! i I' I { I I J I ! ! . {t I I I I' I ~ i j! t i i I ~ [ ! i i [ ! ! 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Ad'l M..d. ."*il.... i. ..e~I'I!t....~. .,~. ~iII~"'a" 8S~D.JC" do' tk. eArn..i..'.n.. lIulll 31 TlI..., IIG .;"'. I1nrlrni_'Dr heill GM !Iunl. ;n $ ,.riDII. I FCC .7A-L MOlY 1114 AUG 132 " 95 04: 45Pt'1 SCHlJAB FROM :Pa~i~~ ~o~18 So~. TWITTY HANSER 407 739 2341 19S~.~-0:l 15:3S f~8i=l.11/12 J~-- :.:."!-' .::r.... ~.."._ 0111_"._ ...,.......... . &. ........~ ~ 1"'12'SZ 11: 12 I(ITCJil!CI.JI FT. UlUtI. &:l.ES lIlii!2 'L. Co. : , I '1.."1-/1. "L . RADIO STA'flON LICENSE LJ....... .."'.' MoroAou- I NI: - -- ....... s.,,,_, ro l'RUNKED O':HBIt IlfD./I..1IJifD t~IJIS:. C:"I SlfR~ VlilH831 ~II' .......' 9206584649 ........-... .rI...,.,... 14,: ___~r 9( 1IIl""II" .yaa'p'r" ---.N....., - .200~' . ~I"fl" 11- a.,.. 920'1 J l.clllt. &"'",I~ D.la: 97061' Pwtall'. .11S911:DAn;,.., . ..".......1_. "......-~.i..!........ ~ ~ ira;.~.."..; II!!: ,.~~.::L :', i >r_.~~ ~~.:' , ,0';: 920611H 36 1 31 Jt<noROl..A INC ~.'o FAIRrtELD ftD ~a.VRG fA 1.73U ~ , '. 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