REVIEW COMMENTS M/ -jJ/ 91-238 i t:~:(. Y- --,.P J'jLJP ~~ ~~~ -f"-- I ~pr~, :r tJ T/U) lYu-C77 O~ ~ Lee Starkey, agent for James and Genevieve Rollyson has 1- ~ petitioned the City Commission for an exception to the M-1, Light Industrial, zoning district maximum height limitation of forty-five feet (45'). The request is to allow for the construction of a 300 foot commercial radio tower in conjunction with a radio station proposed within the existing Rollyson manufacturing building located at 507 Industrial Way (see attached loca~ion map). If the height exc7PtiRn is ap~roved, a request for s~te plan approval for the rad~o~~n w~ll come ( ...-..c-I'e th~ ~i~y ,.,,.............~ Slfi'i8R in the near future,. ~L ~~ (k~!}r:z-t I , ~e~~D' ~r(M) ~d' Pursuant to Ordinance #82-1, which proposed a voter referendum to ~~~ establish a 45 foot height limitation throughout the City, with ~/.~~. exception procfedurdes relatinglto mde7hanical structures anddthbe y<-~.~ 4l-" subsequent re eren um approva , ra ~o towers may be erecte a ove ~c~ ~ the district height limitation after obtaining approval of the . ).:.~ ~~?l City Commission based on their consideration of the standards ~~..."". / within. Appendix A-Zoning._ ~I'.c_tio~n 4. F. 3. for_ ~vaJJl9tin<;! height i(Y yjJl-. U"^ "J'lZ _ exceptl.ons. I f\~ (~~~::t . ~'- ;t;_.<+.t::~ ~""-- YO'~.(l~r' fl~, ~;), I-"( IV 'I $'lS !O~~SI~'~-'In the attached letter of request dAted September 13, 1991, the l~~~V applicant did not address the height exception standards. , ,~A~ Therefore, following each of the standards below is the Planning V~yt I( Department's evaluation as to whether the request would comply I~ti- -( with the particular standard. lveb~~ \'" tf( TO: FROM: DATE: RE: a. I ~~-.-b )'~~' I I P:~~TMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 6:J.Jf'1' J. Scott Miller, City Manager ~h 'h ~ 1 ' D' t C rl.stop er Cutro, P annl.ng l.rec or September 26, 1991 WPBR at Rollyson Aluminum Products Warehouse File No. 649 Height Exception Whether the height exception will have an adverse effect on the existing and proposed land uses. The existing land uses to the north (High Ridge Commerce Park, zoned P.I.D. - never completed), south (Boynton Beach Distribution Center, zoned M-1 - ~~~.~ completed), and west (Waste Management South within the W~r' Boynton Beach Distribution Center - completed) are jhu,.' /11.1 I~.. AA ,~' industrial. Immediately to the east is a small vacant ~7 {.AL'l.JI;. 4.., parcel, zoned M-1,. Further east is the Seaboard /'/Jd ~~~-- Airline Railway and the 1-95 right-of-way.' Since the (~O~ :~~0'-' land uses in the vicinity of the proposed radio tower /~TL are primarily industrial, the height exception will not J,J. 'f.t-, A"P k . '~. ") . have an adverse ~ t"'J:k th,e existing and. proposed _ ~r..~y /} 'Y~ land u,s.e~~. J_. ~-p~~C\-~""" ~M-~. ) ~ /~~'<Cr.-,.D.J ~ ~~ .. W;;t ~"1.'~(/:I(} .- --vz .1--. ~ H'? b. 'Whether the height exception is necessarY'~---d~""1f:1f- ~- / ;'1A,~-r /b . K'>L' . . . Appendix A-Zoning, Section 8.A.1.d.(1) and (6), the M-1 zoning district, allows the requested radio tower as an accessory use to the lawful principal use; the radio station. In order for such towers to be a permitted use, when located in connection with a lawful principal use, the determination must have been made that this use was appropriate in the M-1 zoning district. However, as stated in the applicant's letter of request, a tower limited to 45 feet could not serve the functions of most radio stations. To reach the radio station's prescribed market area, a 300 foot tower is needed. " ~JI~_P' - - :~~7 Jk- pf: Ar~ k-- ~~ ~ rvv",;J I Lh-di/J;M ~.~. 'j ~:./. ___ ~ ufL ~~ e C.C". ~--;7) . (,L' .~~~. ~~ ~ &-~-tf~~~~.~ ;r~.~iA-: .....: /0 ~...~_ -hi .~~~" a~ --h~,d: ~1V r-!J(IL b-L;:;; cC r i v;J; Yi-Lff.J 1!rhw-e{ ;;; I ~ / , tl-v\..- -\"'C-yt. ...., - VL<<:> + ~ Ah. PID ! -l-~J M1JV5) .'~ V~~34" Planning Department Memorandum - #91-238 -2- c. Whether the height exception will severely reduce light and air in adjacent areas. Due to the frame construction of radio towers, the height exception will not inhibit the flow of light and air in the adjacent areas. d. Whether the height exception will be a deterrent to the I improvement or development of adjacent property in accord with existing regulations. All of the adjacent property is developed with the exception of the High Ridge Commerce Park P.I.D. to the north and the small, vacant parcel to the east. The height exception will not be a deterrent to the development of these properties, since these properties are also zoned industrial, with the potential location of similar industrial type uses. Improvement of already developed property will not be deterred by this height exception, since it would not be feasible to redevelop these parcels for anything other than industrial uses. e. Whether the height exception will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood. The nearest residentially zoned property is 600 feet to the east; Rolling Green Ridge, Addition No. 1 subdivision, zoned R-1, Single-family Residential. Within this 600 feet lies the Seaboard Airline Railway and 1-95. The next nearest residentially zoned property is Cedar Ridge Estates P.U.D., 1000 feet to the north, with the High Ridge Commerce Park P.I.D. lying between this P.U.D. and the proposed radio tower. Construction within this P.U.D. was abandoned after the utilities and streets were nearing completion. No units exist. Due to the proposed height of the tower, the tower will be visible from both of these residentially zoned areas. However, it is arguable whether the height exception will adversely influence living conditions in these neighborhoods. g. Whether the height exception will constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrasted to the pUblic welfare. Approximately one mile to the south along the east side of the 1-95 corridor is the City's communications tower which was constructed in December of 1986 to a height of 320 feet, for public service, safety and radio ~~ communication purposes. Although the City has a lease -?y J~F~.~~ with Cellular One to locate their private, commercial tl Jj.~~ ;V~~I antenna and microwave dish on the City's tower, a JJJJ~.-fa {J Xel.-- . height exception for WPBR' s commercial radio tower could constitute a grant of special privilage to an ~~^,,~.k /{J1).~1 individual owner. In addition, height exceptions ~y~ ,g /- c{ granted by the City in the past to individual owners ~ .' ~ PM (Jtp)-l..... have been considerably less in height than the 300 feet ilL' I 1m- - requested by WPBR. ~ 5~bc,' ,1- Cre fw-~,y ex! /v'A- (,..ytJ~ h. Whether sufficient evidence has been presented to ~~ ~~~). justify the need for a height exception. ~~~~~M~' As previously stated, the only justification presented ~i~, ~~ ~D by the applicant is the statement made in the - ~{J1f~,~? applicant's letter of request regarding market area. ~~~~i. The City Commission may, in connection with processing ~ 1 ~p~.~ of application for exception hereunder, refer same to ~AI;JP__I ~~. :IJ the Planning and Zoning Board for recommendation. a~Y- '{ . .~riN1P . p ~fort::tvi..ff~ &t ik ~ ~ -t~. _. .Y~' . ;:P1J I LMI05IOl Location ID , , , , Location address City, state, zip Carrier route Location type Owner name Owner address Owner carrier route Phone number Owner type Lot Number PCN , , , , Press Enter to continue, city of Boynton Beach- Global Location File Inqu y 8/07/9: 8:47:32 9572 645 INDUSTRIAL AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 PARCEL GWC 104, INC, % COMCAST CABLE OF WPB 1401 NORTHPOINT PKY WEST PALM BEACH FL 33407 407-6596359 COMPANY 08-43-45-20-02-002-0020 F3=Exit F12=Cancel F5=Bldg Permits inquiry F18=Code Enforce inq F24=More keys 01-01 SA BP200I01 Applica . n number , , , Applicatio status, date Property . , peN, , , . , Lot Number , Subdivision Zoning , , , Appl type, desct Tenant nbr, name, , , Master plan nbr, revwd Est value, public bldg Work description, qty Name Address TOLAMAR POBOX MW 1M II S1 AO KB KS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Application Inquiry 8/07/9: 8:48:H 90 00000127 CERTIFICATE ISSUED 90 645 INDUSTRIAL AVE 1_ /1 08-43-45-20-02-002-0 ~J BOYNTON INDUSTR PARK IN V ~ ( M1 LIGHT NDUSTRIAL / BM BLDG- SC-COMPLETION 1/16/90 CAST CABLE 1) GWL Phone 747-047C Zip 33469 i TEQU A FL Press Enter to ntinue, F3=Exit F5= nd inq F8=Tracking inq F13=Valuatio calcs F14=Misc info 01-01 SA F11=Receipts F12=Cancel MW II S1 AO KB KS 1M LMI05IOl . Location ID , , , , Location address City, state, zip Carrier route Location type Owner name Owner address Owner carrier route Phone number Owner type Lot Number PCN , . , , Press Enter to continue. F3=Exit F12=Cancel City of Boynton Beach- Global Location File Inqu y 8/07/95 8:47:32 9572 645 INDUSTRIAL AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 PARCEL GWC 104, INC, % COMCAST CABLE OF WPB 1401 NORTHPOINT PKY WEST PALM BEACH FL 33407 407-6596359 COMPANY 08-43-45-20-02-002-0020 F5=Bldg Permits inquiry F18=Code Enforce inq F24=More keys 01-01 SA BP200IOl Applica ' n number , , , Applicatio status, date Property , , peN. , . . , Lot Number . Subdivision Zoning , . , Appl type, desc, Tenant nbr, name. . , Master plan nbr, revwd Est value, public bldg Work description, qty Name Address TOLAMAR POBOX MW 1M S1 AO KB KS II CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Application Inquiry 8/07/95 8:48: IE 90 00000127 CERTIFICATE ISSUED 90 645 INDUSTRIAL AVE 08-43-45-20-02-002-0 ~.j( BOYNTON INDUSTR PARK IN L-- ~ r / d Ml LIGHT NDUSTRIAL / ~ BM BLDG- SC-COMPLETION 1/16/90 CAST CABLE ~ GWL Phone 747-047C Zip 33469 t TEQU A FL Press Enter to ntinue, F3=Exit F5= nd inq F8=Tracking inq F13=Valuatio calcs F14=Misc info 01-01 SA F11=Receipts F12=Cancel MW KS 1M II S1 AO KB PI10-01 BOYNTON BEACH CODE ENFOR FOLIO 08-43-45-20-02-002-0020 001 PAZIP BED BTH HB W G V P FLR BLDG USE o UTILITY LEG A L DES C RIP T I 0 BOYNTON INDUSTRAIL PARK N 350 FT OF W 350 FT (LESS W 50 FT) TR B OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS GWC 104 INC % COMCAST CABLE OF WPB 1401 NORTHPOINT PKY WEST PALM BEACH FL 33407-1965 LOT CHARACTERISTICS 104,979,00 SOF TYPE: TAX YR==> 94 AMT==> 11,019,45 PAID?==> ASSMT YR BUILDING AGRICULTURE 1994 9,149 0 SALE DATE AMOUNT BOOK PAGE 0 DT DEC. 1986 100 5113 973 U OC JAN. 1971 28,100 1913 423 MORTGAGE COMPANY AMOUNT SELLERS NAME SLue 91 ENTER=NEXT F1=DEED/MTG F2=BLDG(S) F7=DIMENSIONS F8=FEATURES/RATES/ETC PlIO READY BLT 08/07/95 ADJ SOFT SALE\SOFT AV o 0,00 0,00 EFFBLT LV SOFT N/A N PLATBOOK 25 PLATPAGE 232 Y TAX/FT==> LAND 419,916 SALE DATE 0,00 PRIOR YR TOTAL ASSMT 429,065 AMOUNT BOOK DLO==> SO/FT N PAGE 0 DT DATE MTG TYPE RATE NUMBER CLue BLDG eDE 4000 F4=TAXES F5=LEGAL F9=BACK F10=HELP HOMEST APPR LP o N N F6=COMPS MENU F15=SKETCH ISC .. .. ~~ 1 ~ ~ V'r *'