CORRESPONDENCENovember 9, 1998 Mr. Mike Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mr. Rumpf: RE: Proposed construction activity at the Motorola Campus 1500 Gateway Blvd., Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 In our meeting of Friday 10/23, we discussed some activity being planned for Motorola's campus at 1500 Gateway Blvd., Boynton Beach, Florida. At that time I explained that this construction was being driven by our continuous effort to maintain compliance with the ADA and that there would be no alterations done to parking lot, building footprint or the exterior of the building. With that understanding, it was decided that this letter reviewing our plans would be sufficient to require no site plan review. The construction planned is as follows: 1. As a reasonable accommodation for an employee, we are providing a walkway from our current 24 hour entrance to our basketball courts. In this process we will be loosing four (4) parking spaces. 2. Again as reasonable accommodation for an employee we are adding additional handicap parking spaces on the east side of our cafeteria dockyard wall. This will give us an additional loss of nine (9) spaces. 3. We are providing a pedestrian walkway exiting our cafeteria patio area in compliance with the ADA. The architectural firm of Schwab, Twitty and Hanser are providing those calculations you required concerning the parking ratio of building square footage to parking space total. If you have any questions please contact me at 561/73%2381 or email FDD003(~email.mot.com. I thank you for your cooperation and apologize for the delay in providing this letter to you. David L. Derck Manager, Real Estate Paging Products Group 1500 Gateway Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 (561) 739-2381 FAX: (561) 739-2341 SCHWAB, TWITTY & HANSER ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC NORTHBRIDGE CENTRE 515 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE., SUITE 1400 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 407/832~5599 January 28, 1993 Mr. Christopher Cutro, A.I.C.P. Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-03]0 IN RE: MOTOROLA MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION Dear Mr. Cutro: Please accept this correspondence and attached documentation as a formal request on behalf of the Motorola Corporation to modify the existing Master Site Plan for their property at the intersection of Congress Avenue and Northeast 22nd Avenue within Boynton Beach, Florida. This Master Plan Modification is requested to accommodate the following revisions: The sale of approximately 1.86 acres of property at the Northeast corner of the Motorola Site for purposes of accommodating the development of a Day Care Center. This property sale will serve to establish two parcels of property within the existing P.I.D. As part of this submission we respectfully request that you faithfully review the acceptability of treating the Day Care Center as an allowable use within the P.I.D. Motorola feels that to accomodate the Day Care parcel that the following provisions should be implemented: o The realignment of the existing, on site, employee parkin~ lot access driveway and water retention drainage equalizing outfall. o The provision of a de-acceleration lane on Northeast 22n_~_d Avenue providing access to the existing employee parking lot. While the Day Care Center will not be owned or developed by the Motorola Corporation, the property sale and Day Care development is intended to offer an important service to Motorola employees as well as the public. ARCH ITECTURE/COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING / INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE · AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS / NCARB MR. CHRISTOPHER CUTRO IN RE: MOTOROLA MASTER SITE PLAN MODIFICATION January 28, 1993 Page 2 You will note in reviewing the tabular data within the attached Master Site Plan (as revised) that the traffic impact of the Day Care Center will be absorbed within the capacity of the D.R.I. for the approved Master Plan. This is proposed to be accommodated by reducing the future Master Plan allowable building capacity by a 13,554 square feet area of office area and 19,368 square feet of industrial space. The attached letter prepared by Mr. Schwartz, of the Traffic Engineering Corporation, outlines the analysis by which we propose to create a neutral traffic impact within the P.I.D. Thank you for your attention to our request as submitted herein. Sincerely, PRINCIPAL WAH/ts AIA enclosure February 1st, 1993 Traffic Engineering, Inc. Frederick W, Schwartz, P,E, Pres/dent Sent by Facsimile William Hanser Schwab, Twitty & Hanser Northbridge Centre, Suite 1400 $15 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Dear Mr. Hanser: At your request, I have evaluated the traffic generation potential of the Motorola Plant located on Congress Avenue in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The calculations presented herein focus spccifically on the impacts of adding a day care facility to the plant site. They compare the traffic generation potential of the day care facility with uses already approved for the site. Praposed Day Care Facility Based on information you provided, the size of the day care facility proposed for the Motorola Plant is 12,627 square feet. The characteristics of the Motorola day care facility are intended to follow traditional day care operation except that approximately 70 percent of the patrons are expected to be Motorola employees. This fact greatly reduces the net traffic generation of the site. According to Section 10.8, Fair Share Road Impact Fee of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code, a typical day care center generates 79.26 average daily trips per thousand square feet (ksf). Therefore, the following calculatlons represent the expected traffic generation from the Motorola day care facility. 12,627 square feet @ 79.26 daily trips per ksf = 1,001 trips 30 percent non-employee traffic = 300 trips less 10 percent pass-by capture = 30 trips One Cleerlake Centre.-Suite 501 250 Australian A venue, South ~ Wast Palm Beach.- FL 33401 407..- 659 ~- 8328 Net external traffic impact = 270 trips Note that the 10 percent pass-by factor allowed by Section 10.8 of the Code has been applied only to non-employee trips associated with the day care center. SCHWAB, TWI_TTY & HANSER ARCHITECTI' ' 1 GROUP, INC. NORTHBRID ,;ENTRE 515 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE * SUITE 1400 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 (407) 832-5599 E ARE SENDING YOU [~ ~opy drawings of letter [~tAttached [] Under separate cover via [] Prints [~Plans [] Change order [] '' Transmittal No. 0 7 4 3 2 A~ENTION the following items: [] Samples [] Specifications .~OPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION tHESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: REMARKS [~'~or approval [~or your use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] [] Approved as noted [] [] Returned for corrections [] 19__ Resubmit__ Submit Return__ copies for approval copies for distribution .corrected prints [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US IN/OUT BILLABLE Y OR AUTHORIZED BY TOTAL SHEETS SHIPPED VIA ,, TOTAL PAGES SIGNED: