APPLICATION ':.. .... Board of County Commissiofir.s.. Norman Gre~ory, Chairman \ P~sgy B. Evatt, V ice. Chairman Fr:.nk Foster Dennis Koehler Sil13aiiev -\" - d If;! f1 1f;o~ . F , -'"' G-~r,",:~,~t),":JJ utJ f(;til; j lj May 13, 1982 Ms. Mary Lou Lackey, Manager Facility Planning and Sourcing Hotorola, Inc. 8000 West Sunrise Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33322 Su~JECT: Constr~ction on 22nd. Avenue to Provide Access to Motorola's Boynton Beach Site Dear Ms. Lackey: fJIl1;tz4.. ~ County Administrato 1 ^.'~ ~... S' nSOlJr'/ . I-J ~ . ,I \,;. ..... Oeoartl"!'.ent of engineering and Public Work! H. F. Kahler' CounwEnginee' This is in reply to your letter of April 26, 1982, concerning the subject matter. Please be advised that the geometric construction to serve the Motorola drives on 22nd. Avenue has been included as part or the Congress Avenue Construction, Phase II, currently under construction, using Economic Development Funds. We trust this information will be of assistance to you, and if you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact this Office. Sincerely, u.f/- -/ -'" '? ."//7 /---- / a/'i .:...~,. ! . - . ~ .' ~ , :c.o..z"'- ~ '" I." - H. F. Kahlert, P.E. County Engineer HFK: CRW:nd cc: Mr. G. Haney Frakes, Jr., P.E. ,~Asst. County Engineer rO?'l. 1[;1 v ( It{ vC / iZI1<r -~ ._~~ ~.'- --~.__.-- I i , I i 90X 2..129 ','J ~ S ~ ;:l ~ : " 3 '= ~ C ~ ? ::' ~ J : C I """'l:?! '- ~ ..... ~ - , ...:. '.) ~ J -l. 3'~1-:-::"', l_- -- September 20, 1979 HEERY Mr. Peter L. Cheney City Hanager City of Boynton Beach, Florida 120 N.E. 2 Avenue P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mr. Cheney: As the authorized agent for our client, MOtorola, Inc., we are hereby writing on their behalf to inform you of their intention to establish a new facility which will require the services of your agency. MOtorola, Inc. proposes to construct a manufacturing, development and administrative facility on approximately 90 acres at the southeast cor- ner of the intersection of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22 Avenue in Boynton Beach. The facility falls within the State's guidelines for a Develop- ment of Regional Impact (DRI). Pursuant to this State law, we will be submitting an Application for Development Approval which contains infor- mation on the public facilities required to serve the project, and on the availability of such services. The project will be constructed in three major phases, as shown on the attached conceptual master plan. Phase I, consisting of approximately 240,000 gross square feet, will be completed in early 1981. By the year 1990 the project will contain approximately 625,000 square feet. Total project buildout of 825,000 square feet is expected by the year 2000. Although our main Phase I facility will not be completed until early 1981, we anticipate some preliminary occupancy of a portion of the facil- ity in the fourth quarter of 1980, and our requirements for services will commence at that time. We have estimated the average daily quantity of potable water which 'viII be required at the end of each phase of the project to be as follows: Million Gallons/Day (MGD) Phase I Phase II Phase III .037 MGD .096 !1GD .127 MGD Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers.lnc. 880 West Peachtree Street, N w.. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 ,Telephone (404) 881-9880/T elex 54-2165 r FROM 'I TO TRB Hembers Ci ty P _ .nner OCT 4 1979 t;~. !" i . l ;}..' ,/ if i 1/ :/ ~ " r.l ,-' '..- t ~ SUBJECT: 1-1otorola D.eve.J.opmen:t FOLD. DATE: lQ-J-79 Please be advised there will be a meeting of the TP~ at 9:00 A.rt. on October 10th to discuss the application for development approval/DRI submitted for the Motorola Development. Please bring with you the copy of the book and plans that you picked-up at the board meeting of the 2nd of October. Be sure to review these materials as they apply to your particular expertise so we l~Y discuss them at length. CSA:pf RETURN TO Ii ...... SIGNED C4./ . REPLY j1~,~ -012. ~.;-/- - SIGNED ~ 8- cp~/~ GRAYARC co.. INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11232 ~,,' n:::,' ~~: ;\~,~: ;'~~:'~::~:,~j:'~~~j Z1~,"~T,1~,:,t~~\' rF:<;'~;; :::';1::;:; ~':,l{ T [~.~~~ 2u-~'Etl . REPLY MESSAGE This form ayallable from Grayarc: COe. Inc., A Subsidiary of Dictaphone Corporation. ..2 Thtrd Ave.. Brooklyn, N. V. 11232 I I FROM TO TRB Members City Planner ev-elopment DA TE :---1-0-=3 - 7 9 FOLD. Please be advised there will be a meeting of the TRB at 9:00 A.M. on October 10th to discuss the application for development approval/DR! submitted for the Motorola Development. Please bring with you the copy of the book and plans that you picked-up at the board meeting of the 2nd of October. Be sure to review these materials as they apply to your particular expertise so we may discuss them at length. ,. l' ~ SIGNED ~...c REPLY DATE: SIGNED GRAYARC co., INC.. BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11232 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435 October 5th, 1979 Mr. John B. Gesbocker, AlA Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. 880 West Peachtree Street, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Re: Motorola Development Dear Mr. Gesbocker: The package of Technical Review Board comments and the accompanying flow chart is being forwarded to you for your infor- mation. It is hopeful that this packet will assist you in meeting plan submission dates. The flow chart is an attempt to plot the progress and critical dates for the Motorola Rezoning. Please advise if you have any questions. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~s CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, City Planner CSA:pf enc. ~~~y Lou Lackey, Facility Planner/Motorola (j)/~c.J.tu..k ..r- iRL3 ~ Peter Cheney, City Manager Central File .. REPLY MESSAGE r "" ..,. .."..... .~. . ",.., .... .".. A'.'."", .. ..m..... .".."".'. .n :~.m I OM . Ci,ty Planner /) _/"'- TO TJB Member s ~Le!J'f1tCwL SUBJECT:~toLOla-Development FOLD. DATE:--1-O~9 Please be advised there will be a meeting of the TRB at 9:00 A.M. on October 10th to discuss the application for development approval/DRI submitted for the Motorola Development. Please bring with you the copy of the book and plans that you picked-up at the board meeting of the 2nd of October. Be sure to review these materials as they apply to your particular expertise so we may discuss them at length. CSA:pf PLEASE REPLY TO .. SIGNED~L ,. REPLY QC1 i 0 \919 tf~c1 SIGNED GRAVAAC cO..'ote.. 8ROOKl.VN, N. V. "Z3Z THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ....., I I L .. T 111979 FROM TO Carmen Annunziato City Planner Edgar E. Howell Building Official SUBJECT: "Motorola" Master Plan DATE: 10..",...10",..79 FOLD. With reference to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. I think the master plan should address bike paths along South West 22nd Avenue and South West Congress Avenue. 2. Finish elevations for paved areas as well as green areas should be shown. PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED {i1 E. Howell EEH:fs REPLY ~(~~ SIGNED GRAVARC co., INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11232 THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED I FROM 10 .. TCf' Betty Zobel Finance Dept. Cit..l planner SUBJECT: ~:~~lS.teI' rlAll.. fee/:::totoI'Qla FOLD. DATE: lQ-l1.~7 9 Please find attached a check in the amount of $50.00 for i:.lotorola Development. Please deposit said check in account number: 001-000-322-16-00. Thank you. · CSA:pf ene. . SIGNED REPLY .-r : \, / (( ~.j'. ( ~ \ d " I \.'-.. , C\ c:i...-- \..) OCT 12 1979 SIGNED , GRAVARC co., INC., BROOKLVN, N. V. 11232 pr~;(:~ ~.. ~\d ll~r:~~ :~r8S;,::>:::' fE~~'}lY~:-; 1E ~~B' 1"1'"", S,F!':.][>EH 0...., k~ .~ Miscellaneous Cash Receipttr"d{'~. '5-,1l.~;; CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .., ., 'i" ...... ..t ...~.! 1ft,. " f ~ \ f}, 1 ' ,",;/j ". a Ii .... . ", ~ " ",'7NrQ . ~_,_,_, w ~ .........-. ~ '~ Account No. Received of J~ Address ~~; ~C'~5 ~ $ .s-~ / tJ -- // ;.J!4 . 19+tL Cft?/ -tf/CJt7 - ..;f9- J~ - t?~ For ~,~~ y Dept. ~~ ~7c..--:r' -€ _ By ae!I HEERY ATLANTA, GEORGIA N2 4559 64-10 610 - Trust Company Bank If Atlanta, Georgia October 10 19~ PAY jI~IU \,~~ l.f i ~1I f.'" d1llth ':::~' 4:' C.,,, rrl B' dft,ltJi)P i.) CUll' ...um. .......' ~ TO THE ORDER OF r- ei ty of Boynton Beach I DOLLARS $ 50. 00 IIIOO'-t 5 5~1I1 "'"1:Ob ~ooo ~O~I: 0 711- HEERY INTERNATIONAL, INC. DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT THE ATT....CHED CHECK 19 IN ,.....VMENT OJr ITEMS DESCRIBED BELOW. I... NO.,.. CORRECT PLE....SE NOTII"'Y UEi PROMPTLY. NO RECEIPT CE81REO ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 635-13-7916 Masterplan 50.00 fb 00/- 000-32Z-/0-00 -!~ /7 /7/7/7 /ii7 /i77 ~ \\'\}~ f L!JL!!.!:IL!!/L!!/ C, ;t~ J\ ' \t- LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT '.f~~~ fJ \~ Gi \.n(t ~) ) , ) t I ' I ' f I ' \) Y '(&J -.A(\\I 1308;S~UT~ ~/L1~~::;R:~L _/ -~',-/ f ',\ ~ MAILING ADDRESS: ROUTE 1 . BOX 711 \ DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33445 ~ \)~\ \. ~ \~l~ October ", 1979 Mr. Juan F. Wong, P.E. Post, Buckley, Scr.uh and Jernigan, Inc. 7500 Nart~est 52nd Street Miemi, Florida 33166 Re: Proposed Motorola Facility Conceptual Drainage Dear ~1r. Vcng: We see no proble~s with YGur proposal to Grain th~ r2~~~[nr.ed site. We will, of course, \'iish to r?\';ier~ your construction Dla:ls ;:J!"'icr to com; nection to our facilities. We would r2q~2s: t~2t Y8U C0~~2Ct th? r&ln ~t~~h ~0urty En~i~ecring Department rsg31~ding '~h~ craii,al]E fer Congr::;ss AV2;1UE, \-';hie}, J.:"Y ~2ve been desi~n~~ t~ disch:rg2 into Late~~' C~n~' Me. 2~. \<r:C.:!1 \.:e aC3i10on:::! th,= L-27) "e '.:>~1ac~.~r tc, ~~.:-s.~!"'v,.., ,-~ c:-::r:-,"'r:t for th2 ~-~iL]9c ()-( l:Ct:::-~c~,; .~,\'~r;u::. !!...; :...-~~ ~~?; ~/JL --.-. ~"'1; ~clv~ this pro!:; 1 em. If )'C~ hcV2 e.n)' qt'::.s:;G:--s, ~l':~.=-- c.-r.t~ct ~;;. \':'";"~: t1"'~.:~~' ~:t"'I...~s: lA':E ~':I7::Tt: D:!,r.!~l~::: f"~~,"!"nTr"'" - _.... I _ '- I [?~~~y~~LU~- 7C Richard s. "!:-;~:::1 ih:.... .~ss1stant . ~;:~(1-=-r RSW:sc cc: Mr. Herb Kahlert, P.E. County Engineer. Palm Beach County ~~r. Tom Clark, City Engineer City of Boynton Beach Delray Beach & Boca Raton 2764846 Boymor. Bead' & West Palm Beach 737-3835 I" ..... r: t. r -- treQlure ~~~;:-rt."l"I-~~~~i$:.;.;~2...; __'_"'" C(iOeCllgeltonal ""c..ma n. '-"'.. .....,~..".~" -;-" .... .;t;:,<: - ..~,,::~t;;M~, '~~.';~,~;~'ff~(~:>..;.t~::~;.,<,,-'<.:t" . planniQg council ~. October 12, 1979 ~- , ,. it fi; , Mr. Peter Cheney, Manager City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. Second Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 ~j, ~~~ '. " ~!, Subject: Motorola Development of Regional Impact Dear.Mr. Cheney: 1 :) . I :' - r.J' -D-"' ---- .. r - . - - [..J' . r( " " " . ---~----- OC\ i ~ \t)1~ The staff of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council has reviewed the Application for Development Approval for the Motorola Manufacturing, Development and Administrative Facility and supplemental information supplied by John Gesbocker of Heery and Heery, Inc. and finds the material sufficient for the Council to discharge its responsibilities under Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. Your attention is invited to Sub- section 380.06(7), Florida Statutes, and Chapter 22F-l .21, Florida Administrative Code (copy attached) for the Notice of Public Hearing requirements for a Development of Regional Impact. I We look forward to the opportunity of providing the impact assessment report and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's recommendations on this project within the prescribed 50 days, starting from receipt of the Notice of Public Hearing by the City of Boynton Beach. ~ i: 'fours truly, -~--~,- - Sam Shannon Executive Director SSjHM:cs ~ g~ f ~ ,,;. ~. Attachment cc: Carmen Annunziato Scott Benyon Ned Brooke John Gesbocker Norman Gregory Linda Haunert Bruce Johnson Mary Lou Lackey Stan Redick James Scully ~ !: " ~ thomos j. higgins chairman 50 kindred st p.o. box 2395 stuort, Rorido 33494 phone (305) 28lr3313 cdword h. 9iuckler secretorv/trea.sur~. "__ Alex Sokolik Charles Walker Tom Walker James White Bob Williamson w.w. siebert, jr. vice chairman sam shonnon executive director ( ( ( ( \, Supp. No. 102 GENERAL permitting process. The appropriate regional planning agency may be determined by reference to Form DSP-BLWM-15-76, relating to regional planning agencies designated under Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. (4) If a proposed development project includes two or more developments of regional impact, a .::)~ '... -~:__~l~""'~,-n1._w.Ct~~ICII...~.~_~~~n_~,~pnt of regional impact application for development approval pursuant to Section 380.06(13), Florida Statutes. _ (5) Pursuant to Section 380.06(7), Florida Statutes, the regional planning agency shall make a determination as to the sufficiency of the information contained in the application. (a) If the agency determines that the application is sufficient to begin review, the agency shall provide written notice to the appropriate local government and the applicant within fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the application, stating that the application contains sufficient information for the agency to begin review pursuant to the criteria of Section 380.06(8), Florida Statutes, and that a public heari1u! date may be set. (b) If the agency determines that the application is insufficient, it shall provide written notice to the appropriate local government and the applicant within fifteen (15) working days o~ receipt of the application stating that the application contains insufficient information for the agency to discharge its responsibilities under Section 380.06(8), Florida Statutes, and a statement requesting additional information. Within five (5) working days _ of the receipt of the statement the applicant shaU provide written notice to the local government and the agency that the requested information will be supplied, or will not be supplied, in whol':! or in part. Upon receipt of the requested information, the agency shall provide written notice to the local government and the applicant pursuant to Section 380.06(7), Florida Statutes. (c) Requests for additional information should be reasonably related to the discharge of the agency's responsibilities under Section 380.06(8), Florida Statutes. (d) The regional planning agency should provide copies of agency requests for additional information and the applicant's response to the Division. Specific Authority 23.0115(1), 23.012(3), 120.53(1) FS. La w Implemented 23.0115(1), 23.012(3). 120.53(1), 380.031. 380.04, 380.05. 380.06(5)-(12) FS. History-New 7-7-76. 22F-l.21 Notice ofl'ublic Hearing. (1) The appropriate local government shall give notice and l;lold a hearing on the application for development approval of a development of regional impact as required by Section 380.06(7), Florida Statutes. (2) The notice of hearing shall state that the proposed development would be a development of regional impact. In addition to noticing the Division of State Planning, and the appropriate regional planning agency, notice shall be given to the appropriate Department of Environmental Regulation district office and to the Tallahassee office, to the appropriate water management district office, established pursuant to Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and to adjacent counties. (3) When a development of regional impact is ~ CHAPTER 22F-l proposed within the jurisdiction of more than one iocal government, the local governments, at the request of the developer, may hold a joint public hearing. Specific Authority 120.53(1) FS. Law Implemented 120.53(< '. 380.06(5). 380.06(7). FS. History-New 7-7-76. 22F-l.22 Regional Report and Recommenaatlons. (1) Upon receipt of the notice of public hearing issued pursuant to Section 380.06(7), Flor:ida Statutes the appropriate regional planning agency shall pr~pare a report and recommendations on t~e regional impact of the proposed development In accordance with the criteria identified in Section 380.06(8), Florida Statutes. (2) Copies of the co~pleted report. and recommendations shall be subrmtted by the regIOnal planning agency to the local governme~t, ~he .Division of State Planning, and the developer wIthm fifty (50) days after receipt by the regional planning agency of notice of public bearing. (3)(a) When _ the proposed development of regional impact lies within-the~-i;;risdh::~ of two or more regional planning agencies, the Division, with the consent of the affected agencies, may designate a lead agency to assume responsibility for determining the sufficiency of information contained in the application for development approval and for preparing the regional report and recommendations. (b) Upon completion of the staff report and recommendations, copies should be transmitted to the respective regional 'planning agencies for formal action. (c) The regional report and recommendations adopted by formal action of the respective regional planning agencies where possible should be coordinated and consistent. Upon concurrence by each regional planning agency the report and recommendations should be submitted to the appropriate local governments pursuant to S.ect~on 380.06(8), Florida Statutes. When the revlewmg agencies are UMble to concur in the adoption of a joint report and recommendations, each agen.cy .rn~y prepare and submit to the local government W1th~n Its jurisdiction a separate report and recommendatIOns. Specific Authority 120.53(1) FS. Law Implemented 120.53(1), 380.031(13), 380.06(5)-(8) FS. History-New 7-7-76. . 22F-l.23 Local Jiiieselopment Orden. (1) Within t~ (30) days after the deveiopmenr--u.z _ _ 1 impact public hearing, the local government smii. Enter a development order pursuant to Section :iBO.06(7), Florida Statutes, on the application for ~lopment approval unless an extension of time is-ElZl'lted upon written request by the developer. (2) In conside=g whether the development should be approved, denied, or approved subject to conditions, restrictions or limitations, the local government shall consider, as required by Section 380.06(11), Florida Statutes, whether and the extent to which: (a) The development unreasonably interferes with the achievement of the objectives of an adopted state land development plan applicable to the area; (b) The development is consistent with the local land development regulations; and 2C - treOJure st. luci,e -. (OOlt ....,:)'~~~m.a~rt. ;l.Y.;1.n"~~P~.r1;_"J:' ',.-. ~eg.lonal .:..~~~ ~~.1"'..:J..... . ~'. ~. _ .~~?~:~~,;,::::,~~~ '. - ." :;:.;;~~"f:,-"""",_!"""""",,,,,,-,,,,,~,,,, -. . ,....,(:,.,,,. . ~::.M. .r~~>1;. planniog council .. O~tober 12~ 1979 -;,OJ ~~ $~ 'to " '. ~: !..~ :~:: ...."-:- -- i=:' t~. -~ ~". . Mr~ John Gesbocker Heery and Heery~ Inc. 800 W. Peachtree Street Atlanta, GA 30309 .... :;~ ~ Dear Mr. Gesbocker; f t... r.', :' ~ 1';': ". "" ( p' K] (j: I.... r 0'1 r r.;- ( F ~. ~ .-:.~t . ~ - ~ The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council staff has reviewed the Application for Development A~proval for the Motorola Manufacturing, Development and Administrative Facility and the supplemental infor- mation supplied by you on October 11 and finds that the material is sufficient for the Council to discharge its responsibilities under Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. We are so notifying the City of Boynton Beach and requesting the City Council to set a public hearing da te . -. .~ The Council is scheduled to review this project at its December 7th meeting. You and any other representative of Motorola, Inc. will be provided an opportunity to present the project to Council and respond to the staff assessment of the project's impacts. If this office can be of any further assistance~ please do not hesitate to contact myself or Howard Muise. ~\ . -'I.- "; :"1" .., -.. ~~. ! ," Yours truly, ~~~~& ti~~, r{ ~S ~-L Sam Shannon Executive Director ~- "10<.- ~ ): SS :HM/l b ,,::. ~: ~.' t. ~11 ~: ','j r :J f; ~f~ if ' ' . ri. -~'. ""~~ ~.:. .. .-,~.' ~ cc: Carmen Annunziato Scott Benyon Ned Brooke Peter Cheney Norman Gregory Li nda Haunert Bruce Johnson Mary Lou Lackey Stan Redick James Scully Alex Sokolik Charles Walker Tom Walker James White Bob Williamson 50 kindred st. p.o. box 2395 stuart, florido 33494 phone (305) 286-3313 thomos j. hi99ins chairmen w.w. siebert, jr. lIice chairman ec/word h. gluckler secrclarv/trcascrer sam shannon executive director M E M 0 RAN DUM 10-24-79 TO: TRB MEMBERS Perry Cessna, Utilities Director Tom Clark, City Engineer Sgt. Camardella, Police Department Fred Patrick, Acting Supt. of Public Works Al Nyquist, Fire Marshal Charles Frederick, Recreation Director Bud Howell, Building Official Date: October 31st at 10:00 A.M. - Conference Room Please mark your calendars and plan to attend the Technical Review Board meeting to discuss the final aspects of the MQj~,Qr.Ql~ Master Plan. I intend to distribute additional materials to supplement the initial submission Friday of this week. This should give you ample time to review these materials prior to Wednesday meeting. Thank you. L.~S:~. ~ Carmen S. Annunziat~ City Planner CSA:pf cc: Thomas McDougall, Motorola Development ] jh~~Oc.)6 At/.-- /.3 0/ A L <=> () A.) Cj) u.:z;:::. A./ /1-4. ,e.h 30 S-6 .s CJ..j. fl V /"'1 <3 vA- 6 ,/ :z:: t. L:r /l.I () :J:-J' I <S 0 19'6 /JJ~--4. o C. 2 1979 P. O. BOX 3\0 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIOA 33435 (305) 732'811\ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Office of the City Manager October 1> 1979 }I..r. John B. Gesbocker, AlA Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. 880 West Peachtree Street, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Re: Motorola Development Dear Mr. Gesbocker: I have received requests for information relative to Motorola's potential development in Boynton Beach and their DR! application. The information requested in your letter to me included the areas of water supply and solid waste. I have also received a. copy of the letter you wrote to Mr. Paul Startzman of the South County Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board, and a separate request. for information from our Police Department. In regard to the matters of water supply, solid waste and sanitary sewer, it is appropriate to consider the City's current Comprehensive Plan and its statements concerning the City's development. The Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach was adopted by the C1 ty Council on August 21, 1979. Two of the required elements of the plan are Future Land Use and Master Sewer and Water Facilities. In the very early stages of plan preparation, estimates of development were provided for use in determining the grid system of water distribution lines and sewage collec- tion force mains and pumping stations necessary to serve the proposed land development. The resulting grid system is graphically presented in the two plates accompanying this letter. Additionally, improvements to the system have been programmed in and are compiled in the capital needs list of the Comprehensive Plan. A. Water and Sanitary Sewer: The City presently has adequate capacity to serve Motorola Development, as we have a Master Plan for water treatment, water trans~ssion and sewerage coJ.J..ec- tion facilities. These facilities have been designed to adequately meet all the requirements of the entire service area, which Boynton Beach is committed to serve under the original Water Quality Management Plan. This plan was con- ceived and originally based on the densities higher than is now being allowed Page 2 Mr. John B. Gesbocker, AIA, Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. Re: Motorola Development October 1, 1'.119 in the area of service. The program includes major transmission lines, addi tional wells, added storage capacity, and u1timately, another water treatment plant and well field. All of this is set up on an orderly basis to meet anticipated growth as it develops in the area. There is a major transmission line presently at Congress Avenue and SR 804, which is projected to be extended northward past Motorola property, with adequate capacity to serve Motorola and all the areas along its route. The major pumping stations under Phase 1 have been EPA :funded and are nearing completion, with anticipated operational date of approximately December 1, 1979, and certainly before January 1, 1980. These lines are also adequately designed to take care of all anticipated waste flows. Further, there is a master pump- ing station and pressure line, whose route is down Congress Avenue, to carry sewage to the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City of Boynton Beach is on a priority list for :funding from BPA for this project sometime after October 1, 1979. This will provide adequate capacity to handle not only Motorola I s requirements, but also all the areas along Congress Avenue and the nothern portion of our service area. At the present time, the City has an excess average water capacity of approximate- ly Two MGD. With plans for continually increasing the City's well field capacity and the recent increase in plant capacity to Sixteen MOO in the 1ast twelve months, the City anticipates no problem in having adequate water for all the people and uses in the service area. (There have been no firm commitments of capacity of our water supply -- it is on a first-come, first-serve basis.) The City does have the ability to provide service for both water distribution and collection during and after development, because of its logical prior planning and the fact that, financially, City bonds carry an "An rating. Further, the City maintains a qualified staff, well-trained in meeting State requirements, both at the Water Plant and other facilities of the utility operations. Pressure in our system in our lowest pressure a.reas is in the range of 50 Ibs. minimum, and flows throughout the City exceed maximum fire flow requirements. With projected lines, it is anticipated that a similar situation would be main- tained in the area of Motorola development. B. Solid Waste Solid waste collection within the City of Boynton Beach is provided by the Sanitation Division of the Public Works Department. Currently, solid waste collected within the City is transferred to the 235 acre Lantana Road Landfill which is operated by Palm Beach County. The Lantana Landfill has a life expectancy to the year 1988 based solely on volumetric capacity. However, short term mitigating actions to control leachates and the possible addition of solid waste conversion techniques may substantia~ modify this life expectancy. Furthermore, as noted in the adopted Comprehensive Page 3 Mr. John B. Gesbocker, AIA, Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. Re: Motorola Development October 1, l'll9 Plan for the City, Boynton Beach encourages the implementation of the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Management Plan which supports initiating measures to insure the short and long term availability of adequate solid waste disposal capacity. C. Police Services Attached is a letter from Boynton Beach Police Chief Noah Huddleston which indicates the capability of the City in respondi~ to the impact and needs of a development such as Motorola within the City of Boynton Beach. I hope I have included all the necessary information for your completion of the DRI application. Please let me know if there is more information needed and I will be glad. to furnish it for you. We look forward to working with you and Motorola in the Coming months as you proceed through DRI procedures. I can assure you the City will cooperate with you in the process in every possible way. Sincerely, ?!!d00YWr0~ ~ Peter L. Cheney City Manager PLC :mh Att. Plans: Wastewater Master Force Main and Lift Station System Water Treatment Plant, Raw Water Wells, Storage Facilities Letter from Police Chief Noah Huddleston cc: Mr. Paul Startzman, Interim Director, SCRWTD Board Police Chief Noah Huddleston Mr. Carmen Annunziato, City Planner Mr. Perry Cessna, Director of utilities Central Files Boynton Beach Police Dept. 13S N. E. 111T AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 3343S NOAH E. HUDDLESTON CHIEF OF POLICE 28 September 1979 TELEPHONE SOS -732-8116 Mr. Peter Cheney City Manager Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Cheney: In response to your question as to what impact Motorola will have on the Police Department by the construction of the plant in our city, will in my opinion be minimum at the present time. We are staffed presently with (69) sworn personnel, anticipat. ing upgrading the efficiency of the department by having two more criminal investigators and putting into effect in the near future a four day a week, 10 hour a day plan for the Road Patrol, which will allow better coverage during the high crime hours. Furthermore, the Police Department is capable of handling all misdemeanors and felony cases, however, we have excellent cooperation with other departments should the need arise. We have our own crime scene and identification section to work with the investigative services. Also we have an organized crime unit that works with and cooperates with all agencies, including Federa: State, and County. . Although I see no immediate problems, we would have to evalua1 the statistics in the future to see if there has been a greater impact than we originally anticipated. Sincerely, cc: File SEP ~.:iJ " "- \\ . \ \~\~ 'c- J. (; c.;.:! "'.t, 4!-~J1~ N. E. Huddleston Chief of Police NEH/jje i' . I: \-\ r~ ~~~;i~!'JED c,, r "....."',.~r's '..1 ;';i~_~~ h_;';U O~ a~C\) . '':''.' . ,-- .' To Scroe To Protect I I FROM TO Betty Zobel, Finance Department City Planner SUBJECT: f1aster Plan feel.r-lQtQ.J;:'ola FOLD. DATE: lQ~~6-79. Accompanying this memo please find a check in the amount of $50.00 submitted as the Master Plan fee for Motorola Development. Please deposit said check in account number: 001-000-322-16-00. Thank you. Please send copy of receipt. CSA:pf enc. PLEASE REPL V TO ./" . SIGNE ... .. t"~~~ \.....~.;,.. ~.. ......""'" ~ . -""...- .... "7( 'EPL Y SIGNED GRAVARC CO., INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11232 ...r.IACti THiS COPY--RETAiN FOR ANSWER. S:;:ND Wi.HiE AND PINK COPIES wm.J C;'\RBONS !NTACT~ HEERY N2 4985 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 64-10 6fO - If Trust Company Bank Atlanta, Georgia October 25 19 ~ PAY JIlIl" il'1 \t~'~ ~Iil'll fJ;" ~III~ ,11111/, rllI"I' C 7'~' IllIf.\. 'I "I' ~ I' 411111 'hllll ~ 4J lId cU lU ."'UU' -"111-111 IIIHIl DOLlARS $ 50.00 TO THE ORDER Of I City of Boynton Beach, Florida "I / HEERY INTERNATIONAL, INC. , ~ / ~ . , .--.--' / 11100 ~ qB Sill ~1:Ob .000 .O~I: 02 ,l1~ 78 ~O 7111 DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT HEERY IN'TERNATIONAL, INC. THE ATTACHED CHECK IS IN PAYMEN" OF lTEMS DESCRIBED ElELOW. IF NOT CORRECT PL!tASE NOTIFY US PAOM.PTLY. NO RECEIPT OESIRED ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 635-13-7916 Master Plan Filing Fee for Motorola 50.00 fh September 20, 1979 HEERY Mr. Peter L. Cheney City Manager City of Boynton Beach, Florida 120 N.E. 2 Avenue P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mr. Cheney: As the authorized agent for our client, MOtorola, Inc., we are hereby writing on their behalf to inform you of their intention to establish a new facility which will require the services of your agency. MOtorola, Inc. proposes to construct a manufacturing, development and administrative facility on approximately 90 acres at the southeast cor- ner of the intersection of Congress Avenue and N.W. 22 Avenue in Boynton Beach. The facility falls within the State's guidelines for a Develop- ment of Regional Impact (DRI). Pursuant to this State law, we will be submitting an Application for Development Approval which contains infor- mation on the public facilities required to serve the project, and on the availability of such services. The project will be constructed in three major phases, as shown on the attached conceptual master plan. Phase I, consisting of approximately 240,000 gross square feet, will be completed in early 1981. By the year 1990 the project will contain approximately 625,000 square feet. Total project buildout of 825,000 square feet is expected by the year 2000. Although our main Phase I facility will not be completed until early 1981, we anticipate some preliminary occupancy of a portion of the facil- ity in the fourth quarter of 1980, and our requirements for services will commence at that time. We have estimated the average daily quantity of potable water which will be required at the end of each phase of the project to be as follows: Million Gallons/Day (MGD) Phase I Phase II Phase III .037 MGD .096 I1GD .127 MGD Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. 880 West Peachtree Street NW, Atlanta, Georgia 30309,Telephone (404) 881-9880/Telex 54-2165 Mr. Peter L. Cheney Page Two September 20, 1979 Our DRI application must include a letter from the City of Boynton Beach indicating the availability both of transmission lines, with which our internal system can connect, and the capacity of the system. The letter must. at a minimum, address: 1. The projected excess capacities of the water supply facilities to which connection will be made at present and for each phase through completion of the project. 2. Any other commitments that have been made for this excess capa- city, and 3. A statement of city's ability to provide service at all times during or after development. 4. A statement as to the pressure and flow which will be maintained. We are attempting to expedite the approval process for this project to as great an extent as possible, and plan to submit our DRI application to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council no later than October 1, 1979. Your prompt reply will be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, BEERY & BEERY ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, INC. ~"" /b/"..&~~ LII~Oh~ B. Ges~~cker, AlA cc: T. McDougall M. Lackey F. Hilton Iks Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. J \..---- F-'~- j N.W 22nd Avenue ,.,..- ------ ---, , r-WA:;E' :0 I I . r r - - - - - -1 - · , . , L___ __ _ ,....1 ~ 1I I I I ~ . r-gl_ "- _~~_:-~ Cl :to r ..--------'1 I r~ " I I I I I r.------ I Ii:! PHASE U I f''''A~E n. I , I rA~1:::1Hc; : , . I I f ~ rt-'; - ---4....- r-- ~ j I' - I I' I I I' PHASE U , C/) I I' , ~ 1- I' . _, I, I ~ ~~ _ -:: _ ~ _ __; : L .._=:..... -=-: -= _...._~= ~ (.) -----..-..- ,-,-'" . --.--n--..---- _h..___n )~ II , C-, "\) C.:"J/-' ~r-' /i}. or f"HASE -m.<< L - J PAR~IN~ 1//,.. _, 'y/ m "'" " /; L._..J/ "~ r -, . ( 4 / - -- ..--.;; nr l ~ --~ L_.J, ' .......-' '1: rei< TE.\.(f I Ol-l ~ f'HA~E 1: / / / / 1\ I I I / II I HASE r L.WD.D. . Canal 240,000 Sq. Ft. 385,000 Sq. r t. .?Q.Q . 0.9..0.. S..'l.' .L t..:.. 825,000 Sq. Ft. PII^S E II Phase 111 10Tl',l ,.-------, r.... -~ I \ I I I I I I I 1 I I :It I..r--- ..h_.. ..-===u . g> '- .t:! - : ~ . ::J ~ -.I I h , J J I I Heery & Hcery Architects & Engll1()ers. Inc Atlanta Georgia PROPERTY 9 - 19 - 79 HEERY f'~~e. ":t. P....~~l)..l... c:r JJ 1I. ~ o I PLAN ~ 1" = 200' ~ "l Project Name l1076I!JJLII Developer ~ BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN CHECKLIST OCT 2 1979 Date Recvd: P.fJ> /l>flI , Agent :JAac. ~ tSP()(KQ' , A'A (t/ofI)UI- 'WfJ Trustee f'~lJ) {BuD fist) Surveyor 7:>I1ILV- Fm~, Lx- Hmt.y ~ Hn!Jt-'f ~>-Engineer ~~ ~ ~t~ fh:e:N.Yf)/. Owner Architect General: V' .;-, V (7) copies submitted by ~p~licant; Fees attached/received; $50-) Traffic Impact Analysis if required); Master Storm Water Management Plan (if required); Plan Requirements: (Refer to Art VIII, Subdivision Reguiations) ., IV. C.l. ....... 2. ......... 3. ....... 4. jJA 5. ~ 6. t/' 7. NO 8. . v 9. Ido 10. V" 11. ....... 12. ...... 13. V' 14. ."". 15. t/ 16. All 17. II'" 18. IlA 19. Comments: AlA""€"' ? (}tnilt,'" MY" '" I " #'2) " " " " " MEn Mtrr~ of f)~s f>rtfctl,,..,-,.,J " ty,.., .,. 'AWwr IJ/~, Q l'L.S. ~AI<<..e2> SirE Pt.,.,.} " " " pf!t:1> grlftU4~ .., u"'"",.~ 1>EIII-/C S " " Inter-Agency Coordination: ~ Palm Beach County (Traffic Analysis) PA School Board (School Plant Planning) ~ South Florida Water Management District (drainage) V Major Utilities: FI'.,. L So. 8El.,-. fib. cS,4", ~,,~ 'V v" Other L.W.D.I)., 7C1YC, DF1l: r.. 1>07, '/WIIt.,,., D07 I Review Schedule: V City Engineer Date: /0/3 ACTION: , ./ T.R.B. " 10/31 " .,/ I P & Z Board " 12, /11 " , Additional Remarks: /. UI;D t)ef/f/(.f::() SuAvey "J!,NFo Jiep.. #- S 'b/" ~ ('~: ~~ 11 f c. "'Ii...... l.Aac.t.y MASTER PLAN A. Seven copies of the MabLer Plan of the proposed _ubdivision .. must be submitted to the City Engineer's Office for place- ment on the Xechnical Review Board-agenda. B. The developer shall retain the services of an engineer or surveyor registered in Florida, to prepare the master.plan of the subdivision and -shall emPloy a land planner, landicape . . architect, architect or other technical or professional services to assist in the physical. lotting patterns and site plan. The Master Plan shall be coordinated with the major utility suppliers involved with providing services. i c. The Master Plan, when submitted to the Office of the city Engineer, shall contain the following: 1. Name of subdivision or identifying title which shall not duplicate or closely approximate the name of any other subdivision in .incorporated or unincor~orateq areas of Palm Beach County.. 2. A vicinity sketch showing the location of the tract in reference to other areas of the City or County. 3. North arrow, graphic scale, scale and date. along with the name and address of the engineer and I I I I I I I I , 4. Name, address and telephone number of the developer, surveyor responsible for the plan, plat and support- ::Lng data. 5. The location and names of adjacent subdivision, if any, and plat book and page reference. 6_. The tract boundary with bearings and distances along , with a written description. 7. Topographical conditions on the tract including all the existing water courses, drainage ditches and bodies of water, marshes and other significant features. , . ..... .... -".. - -.. - -.. .::J --- -.- - - - - _.& ~ - ..... -. -. "'-.J"" ........ " ..., ~ L.ol '-4.J L.ol..... '-- ~,,"- L. \.,I L-J. j "- . tract including n e, right of way-width, 'eet or .. pavement width and established centerline elevation. Existing streets shall be dimensioned to the tract boundary. 9. All existing property lines, easements and rights of way, their purpose, and their effect on the property to be subdivided. 10. The location and right of way width of all proposed streets, alleys, rights of way, easements and their purpose along with the proposed layout of the lots and blocks. . 11. The incorporation and compatible development of present and future streets as shown on.the Official City Map when such present or future streets are affected by the proposed subdivision. 12. Access points to collector and arterial stree~s show- ing their compliance to the access requirements established by this ordinance. 13. Ground elevations by contour line at intervals of not more than .one foot based on N.O.S. datum or as other- wise determined by the City Engineer. 14. All existing drainage district facilities and their ultimate right of way requirements as they affect the property to be subdivided. 15. Generalized statement of subsurface conditions on the property, location and results of tests made to ascertain subsurface soil conditions Lnd ground water depth. 16. Zoning classification of the tract. 17. Utilities such as telephone, power, water, sewer, gas, etc. on or adjacent to the tract "including existing or proposed water treatment plants and sewerage treatment plants. The }~aster Plan shall contain a Ut~U ~UUJ.U.J...HQl..CU W.J...l..H Q.J....J... .LCI.:iu..J....Ll;:U Ul...J....J....J...l...J...t:::>. 18. sites proposed fo. 2arks, recreational aret and schools. 19. The locations of all temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use4 In addition, mas~er plans or site plans showing permanent structures having a temporary use shall contain a statement outlining. the temporary use. Master plans or site plans showing temporary structures or permanent structures having a temporary use shall be reviewed by the city Building Official at least eighteen (18) months from the l~st approval date. Following approval of a master plan or site plan, such structures may be erected prior to plat recordation. All such permit. and construction requirements of the Building Department, including but not limited to .Chapters 5 and SA of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances shall be satisfied. D. A subdivision that generates 3000 vehicle single directional trips per day or 250 vehicle single directional trips in a one hour period must submit along with the master.plan, a traffic impact analysis. The tr~ffic impact analysis shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer competent in Traffic .~ngineering and snaIl be used to determine the number of lanes and capacity of tile_street system .proposed or affected by the development, and the phasing of improvements. E. A master storm water management plan outlining the primary and secondary drainage and storm water treatment facilities needed for the proper development of th~ subdivision, exclud- ing tertiary facilities, which are required on construction plans, shall be submitted along with the master plan. master storm water management plan shall consist of an - 29 - . The ~...., , . E tv\ 0 I{ J..\ I"~ D lJ lv\ U-'-"-'" Ll-~I /if vlfY TO N. E. Huddleston Chief of Police \,\O\J 21 '919 . ;)~TF. 14 November 1979 rJ L~ -..OM \II. R. Hamil ton Deputy Chief of Police Il\UBJECT Meeting w~th Motorola Securi~ Officials On Thursday 8 November '79, I met with Mr. Ancel Bailey~ Directo: of Security and Mr. Ralph Parilla, Director of Personnel for Motorola Corporation in Plantation. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss any anticipated law enforcement problems which might arise concerning the location of the Motorola Plant in our city, and to see what the corporation would expect from us in the way of services. Motorola plans to erect ~ perimeter fence~ and to have their own internal security, which will eliminate the need fGr patrol on the plant site. They also stated they would like to handle their own minor problems, but would call on us whenever a crime was reported. Closed circuit television will be installed and monitored by their security personnel at sensitive points throughout the plant, like their shipping and receiving docks. At the present time it sounded like they have a less than desirable relationship with the Plantation Police and Fire Departments, and I believe that more meetings like this type will pave the way for a healthy relationship between their security force and our police departme: . The increased traffic si tuation that 1"i11 be created in their area was also discussed. They said the Plantation Police Department deta two men per day at the shift change time just outside the gate to keep traffic flowing smoothly. You will receive a report in the near future on the impact the traffic flow from the plant will have as our TRB representative tells me that signalization and road widening have been proposed by the company to help alleviate this problem. I will keep you apprised of any further communication. tJL 'William R. amilton Deputy Chief of Police WRH/ j j e \/ ' CO ftj [1I1<L" ~p/~, 1'/ tj;-iff -(~ e /'vL P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH September 27th, 1979 Office of the City Manager Mr. John B. Gesbocker, AlA Heery & Heery Architects & Engineers, Inc. 800 West Peachtree Street, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Dear Mr. Gesbocker: This letter is in response to your correspondence dated 9-20-79 which requests information regarding the ability of the City of Boynton Beach to provide solid waste facilities through the three planned phases of development. To that end, please be advised of the following. Solid waste collection within the City of Boynton Beach is provided by the Sanitation Division of the Public Works Department. Currently, solid waste collected within the City is transferred to the 235 acre Lantana Road Landfill which is operated by Palm Beach County. The Lantana Landfill has a life expectancy to the year 1988 based solely on volumetric capacity. However, short term mitigating actions to control leachates and the possible addition of solid waste conversion techniques may substantially modify this life expectancy. Furthermore, as noted in the adopted Comprehensive Plan for the City, Boynton Beach encourages the implementation of the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Management Plan which supports initiating measures to insure the short and long term available of adequate solid waste disposal capacity. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PETER L. CHENEY, City Manager PLC/CSA:pf cc: Carmen S. Annunziato, City Planner Central File ORDINANCE NO. 79- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AHENDING ORDINANCE NO. 75-19 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND DESCRIBED AS PORTIONS OF THE SOUTIDlliST 1/4 OF SECTION 17, AND THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 20, Tm.JNSHIP 45 SOUTH, PANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING SOUTH OF THE SOUTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NORTHWEST 22ND AVENUE AS DESCRIBED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK 1738 AT PAGE 1686 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PAU1 BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND EAST OF EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LI~E OF CONGRESS AVENUE, ","TEST OF THE HESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT EOUALIZING CANAL E-4 AND NORTH OF THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-\'JAY LINE OF LAKE HORTH DRAH1AGE DISTRICT 1 S BOYNTON CANAL. SAID TRACT OF LAND CON- TAINS APPROXll1ATELY 90 ACRES MORE OR LESS, FROM R-3 AND C-l TO PL~NNED INDUSTRIAL DEVELOP?-1ENT (PID), ADOPTING A DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT ORDER (DRI) ORDER IN CONNECTION WITH SAID REZONING, PROVIDING FOR A SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISION, , AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. lNHEREAS, on October 1, 1979, MOTOROLA, INC. (herein- after sometimes referred to as Applicant or Motorola) filed a Development Regional Impact Application for Development Approval (hereinafter Application) with the Treasure Coast Regional P1an- ning Council (YCRPC) in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes; and \~EREAS, said Applicant proposes to develop a manu- facturing development and administrative facility on approximately 90 acres, constituting a Comprehensive (Industrial and Commercial) Development of Regional Impact on the following described real pronerty located in Palm Beach County, Florida: A tract of land described as portions of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 17, and the Northwest 1/4 of Section 20, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, lying South of the Southerly Right-of-Way line of Northwest 22nd Avenue as described in Official Records Book 1738 Page 1686 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and East of Easterly Right- of-Way line of Congress Avenue, West of the Westerly Rieht-of-Way line of the Lake Worth ..'J ... Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4 and North of the North Right-of-Way line of xhe Lake Worth Drainage District's Boynton Canal. Said tract of land contains approximately 90 acres more or less. WHEREAS, the City Council of Boynton Beach, (herein- after City Council) the governing body of the local government having jurisdiction, pursuant to Section 380.031 and 380.06, Florid Statutes, is authorized and empowered to consider Applications for Development Approval for Developments of Regional Impact; and, \~EREAS, the public notice requirements of Section 166.041, Florida Statutes and Section 380.06(7), Florida Statutes, have been satisfied and notice has been given to the Division of State Planning; Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council; Depart- ment of Environmental Regulation, Tallahassee Office; Department of Environmental Regulation, District Office, West Palm Beach; South Florida Water Management District; and, \\~EREAS, this City Council has on December 18, 1979 hel a duly noticed public hearing on the Application and has heard and considered the testimony taken thereat; and, vlliEREAS, this Council has received and considered the report and recommendations of the Treasure Coast Regional Plan- ning Council; and, ~~EREAS, this City Council has received and considered the report and recommendations of the Technical Review Board and the Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Boynton Beach; and, vffiEREAS, this City Council has made the following FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW with regard to the Application for Development Approval, to-wit: Section 1. FINDINGS OF FACT A. The proposed development is not in an area of critical state concern designated pursuant to the provisions of Section 380.05, Florida Statutes; B. A State Comprehensive Planning Document has been recognized by the legislature as an advisory policy document for the entire State of Florida, and the proposed development does not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objective of this advisory policy document; -2- C. The proposed Development of Regional Impact Order (DRI) Order is consistent with the adopted comnrehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach and Section 7, Paragraph 10 of Appendix A of the Boynton Beach Code. D. The proposed development is consistent with the report and recommendations of the Treasure Coast Regional Plan- ning Council submitted pursuant to Section 380.06(8), Florida Statutes, in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW NOW THEREFORE, it is hereby determined by the City Council of Boynton Beach, of Palm Beach County, Florida, in public meeting, duly constituted and assembled this December 18, 1979, th t the Comprehensive Development of Regional Impact Application for Development Approval submitted by MOTOROLA, INC. is hereby ordered APPROVED, subject to the following conditions, restriction and limitations: 1. In the event of discovery of archaeological arti- facts during project construction, the Applicant shall avoid damag in that area and notify and cooperate with the Division of Archive State of Florida. Proper protection, to the satisfaction of the Division of Archives, shall be provided by the Applicant. 2. A program of regular vacuum sweeping of all oaved surfaces on the project site shall be instituted and carried out by the Applicant. A description of this program shall be provided to Tre.asure Coast Regional Planning Council, South Florida Water Management District, Palm Beach County, the Area Planning Board and City of Boynton Beach. 3. The Applicant shall request Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) to determine which of its projected chemical wastes would be classified as toxic or hazardous. 4. The Applicant shall develop and institute special handling and disposal procedures for its toxic or hazardous wastes which are acceptable to DER. -3- 5. Plant operation for the proposed DRI shall not be ermitted to begin unless conditions 3 and 4 above have been met. 6. The Applicant shall fully investigate the options for meeting hot water requirements, completely or in part, through the use of solar enerf,y or waste heat recovery. Results of this investigation shall be presented to Treasure Coast Regional Plan- ning Council and the City of Boynton Beach, and if cost effective, the Applicant shall implement the most feasible and effective of these options during construction. 7. The Applicant shall provide an easement along Con- gress Avenue and Northwest 22nd Avenue to accommodate a bikeway/ pedestrian path, in accordance with the City's and Palm Beach County's Comprehensive Plans ?~d construct an 8 foot bike path in said easement. v: ~t .;;ft r ,a. The Applicant shall conduct a study in con- junction with' the Boynton Beach Police Department to determine if security fencing is required around the parking areas constructed conjunction with the plant. In the event the Applicant and the Boynton Beach Police Department concur that such a security fence is needed at any time in the future, such security fencing shall be constructed. 8. The following road and traffic improvements will be needed as the proposed project is developed by the Applicant: a. The intersection of all project driveways with Congress Avenue and Northwest 22nd Avenue shall be improved with left turn lanes, right turn lanes and traffic signals, as warrante by the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer. b. The intersection of Congress Avenue and North- west 22nd Avenue shall be improved with left turn lanes, right turn lanes and traffic signals, as warranted by the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer. c. The highway improvements described in the following Sections of the Agreement between Palm Beach County and Riteco Development Corporation dated August 1, 1978, relating to traffic impacts of the proposed Sandhill Project: -4- Section III - Traffic signals; Section IV - Left turn lanes, Northwest 22nd Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard; Section V - Intersection of Congress Avenue and Northwest 22nd Avenue; Section VI - Four laning of Congress Avenue. d. The widening of Congress Avenue between Boynton and Hypoluxo Roads to an ultimate six lanes, with the design level of service for highway planning designated by the Metropolitan Plan- ning Organization. In order to assist Palm Beach County, the State of Florida, and all other involved and responsible governmental agenc'es to timely and expeditiously plan for the engineering and construc- tion required, and to budget for the acquisition of public-Dr governmental funds for the construction of these roads and traffic improvements, the Applicant shall give written notice to Palm Beac ounty of its intent to commence construction on any approved facility in the proposed project, not less than six months ( and preferably one year), prior to the date upon which it proposes to commence such construction. 9. The Applicant shall dedicate to Palm Beach County the following rights-of-way along the Applicant's entire roadway frontage; Congress Avenue 60 feet from centerline; Northwest 22nd Avenue 60 feet from centerline; 10. The Applicant shall establish and actively support, a car pooling program. At the end of the first year of Phase 1 operations, the Applicant shall provide a vrritten reDort to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the Metropolitan Plan- ning Organization and the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer on its activities and an evaluation of their effectiveness. 11. Within one year of the commencement of Phase 1 operationsr or any subsequent expansion of facilities, the Applicant shall undertake a study of the feasibility of estab- lishing or participating in a van pool program and shall transmit the results of that study to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning -5- Council, the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer. 12. Upon commencement of Phase 1 operations, or any subsequent expansion, the Applicant shall provide the Palm Beach County Transportation Authority with information regarding the general location of its employees' residences and shall consult with the Authority regarding the feasibility of establishing or expanding routes to serve the plant. If bus service is provided to the plant, the Applicant shall provide boarding and unloading sDace on-site or provide space for turnout bays along Congress and Northwest 22nd Avenue, if needed. IT IS FURTHER DETERHINED by the City Council of Boynton Beach as follows: 13. That this DRI Order shall constitute the Develop- ment Order of this Council issued in response to the Comprehensive Development of Regional Impact Application for Development Approva filed by the Applicant. 14. That the definitions found in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes, shall apply to this DRI Order. 15. That the following are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this DRI Order. a. The Application for Development Approval sub- mitted by MOTOROLA, INC. to the City of Boynton Beach on or about October 1, 1979.. b. Supplementary and amendatory materials sub- .LII !3c..!tl mitted under I cover letter~dated October 11, 1979 from John Gesbocker of Heery & Heery Architects and Engineers, Inc. c. Supplemental information provided under a cover letter dated November 21, 1979 from Mary Lou Lackey of MOTOROLA, INC. d. Master Plan and accompaning documents submitte in conformance with Planned Industrial Development (PID) rezoning application and subdivision regulations of the City of Boynton Beach. -6- <I 16. That this DRI Order shall be binding upon the Applicant and its assignees or successors in interest. It is understood that any reference herein to any governmental agency shall be construed to mean any future instrumentality which may be created and designated as successor in interest to, or which otherwise possesses any of the powers and duties of any referenced Igovernmental af,ency IDRI Order. in existence on the effective date of this 17. That in the event that any portion or section of this DRI Order is determined to be invalid, illegal or uncon- stitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no manner affect the remaining portions or sections of this DRI Order, which shall remain in full force and effect. 18. That the approval granted by this DRI Order is con ditional. Such approval shall not be construed to obviate the duty of the Applicant to comply with all other applicable local or state permitting procedures. 19, That subsequent requests for development permits shall not require further review pursuant to Section 380.06, Florida Statutes, unless it is found by the City Council of Boynto Beach, after due notice and hearing, that one or more of the follo - ing is present: a. A substantial deviation from the terms or con- ditions of this DRI Order, or other changes to the approved development plans which create a reasonable likelihood of adverse regional impacts or other regional impacts which were not evaluate in the review by Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, or b. An expiration of the period of effectiveness of this DRI Order as provided herein. Upon a finding that any of the above is present, the Council shall order a termination of all deve_lopment activity until such time as a new Compreherisive Development of Regional Impact Application for Development Approval has been submitted, reviewed and approved in accordance with Section 380.06, Florida Statutes. -7- 20. That this Development Order shall remain in effect for a period of 30 years from the date of its rendition provided that this effective period may be expended by this Council upon a finding of excusable delay in any proposed development activity and that conditions have not changed sufficiently to warrant furthe consideration of the development. In the event the Applicant fails to commence significant physical development within four years from the date of rendition of this DRI Order, development approval shall terminate and the development shall be subject to further consideration. Significant physical development shall mean site clearing and foundations for the facility. 21. Actual development phasing will depend upon econom c circumstances and Applicant's internal business growth. The pro- posed phases of development as discussed in question l2A of the Comprehensive Development of Regional Impact Application are for planning purposes only and the actual development schedule may vary therefrom. 22. Within 60 days from the date hereof the Applicant shall submit a revised Haster Development Plan, and such other revised plans as are appropriate, to the City Planning Director, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Division of State Planning. These revised plans shall incorporate all changes if any, in the development as required by this DRI Order. 23. The DRI Order set forth in Section I hereof shall become effective upon adoption as a part of the Ordinance rezoning the subject property from R-3 and C-l to Planned Industrial Develo - ment (PID) , (provided such date shall be extended until completion of appellate procedures, if any, relating to the issuance of this DRIOrder). 24. Copies of this Ordinance incorporating the DRI Order and rezoning subject property to Planned Industrial Develop- ment (PID) shall be transmitted immediately by certified mail to the Division of State Planning, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and MOTOROLA, INC. -8- Section 2. That the following described land located In the City of Boynton Beach, Florida: A tract of land described as portions of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 17, and the Northwest 1/4 of Section 20, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, lying South of the Southerly Right-of-Way line of Northwest 22nd Avenue as described in Official Records Book 1738 at Page 1686 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and East of Easterly Right-of-Way line of Congress Avenue, West of the Westerly Right-of-Way line of the Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4 and North of the North Ri8ht-of- Way line of the Lake Worth Draina~e District's Boynton Canal. Said tract of land con- tains approximately 90 Acres more or less. be and the same is hereby rezoned from R-3 and C-l to Planned ,Industrial Develooment (PID). Section 3. The aforesaid Revised Zoning Map of the City shall be amended accordingly. Section 4. That the application of MOTOROLA, INC., contract vendee of above-described tract of land for rezoning of subject tract is Ihereby granted for the purpose of permitting the development of said land as a Planned Industrial Development (PID) in specific accordance with the DRI Order set forth in Section 1 hereof and lall requirements, terms and conditions established and set forth I in the minutes of the Municipal Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Boynton Beach pertaining to the review and approval of said Application which minutes together with the application for Development Improvement submitted by MOTOROLA, INC. to Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council on October 1, 1979, and supple- mental material~submitted by Heery and Heery Architects & Engineers, Inc. on October 11, 1979r/~{f/lgpplemental material submitted on November 21, 1979 by Mary Lou Lackey are hereby made a part hereof by reference. Except as provided herein, the Applicant shall proceed in strict accordance with all ordinances of the City of Boynton -9- Beach, including, but not limited to, its building, electrical, plumbing, subdivision, planning and zoning codes, and all rules and regulations of the State of Florida Department of Environ- mental Regulation. Section 5. That should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a Court of competent juris- diction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the re- mainder of this Ordinance. Section 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Section 7. Th.is Ordinance shall become effective innnediately upon its passage. FIRST READING this day of , 1979.. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this day o<f 1979. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA By Mayor Vice Mayor Council Member Council Member Council Member ATTEST: City Clerk Corp. Seal -10- TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL PRELIMINARY AGENDA ANNUAL MEET! NG Thursday, January 10, 1980 9:30 a.m. Martin County Administrative Center 50 Kindred Street ~ Stuart, Florida 1. Roll Call 2. Ager)da 3. Minutes 4. Council Organization a. Announcement of Apppintments b. Election of Officers 5. Project Reviews a. A-9S Log b. Corps/DER Log 6. local GOV2rnment Comprehensive Plan Review Town of Haverhill 7. Developments of Regional Impact a. Ft. Pierce Mall Development Order b. Motorola Development Order 8. Governor's Resource Management Task Force 9. National Association of Regional Councils 1980 Priorities 10. Annual Audit 11. Financial Statement 12. Staff Report 13. Council Comment 14. Public Comment 15. Adjournment DEe 2 ~ \9s~ ,., r~ _ /'..A L '.. --/7 '-""........ J~' (t: C.F .. ,. I . / . 1 DEe tl '91~ J'1. ,,41 A/r J'lI'CA..... +-..A!~ RESOWTION NO. R-79-1586 COMMITMENTS AND UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND PAlM BEACll COUNTY PERTAINING TO CONGRESS AVENUE 'WIDENING TO SERVE THE MOTOROLA. DEVELOPMENT ADOPTED November 20, 1979 WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Board to encourage and support the location of clean industry in Palm Beach County to broaden the County's economic base; and WHEREAS, the Motorola Corporation has made a decision to locate in Palm Beach County in the southeast quadrant of Congress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue; and WHEREAS, an adequate roadway transportation system is necessary to serve the proposed development; and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Commerce has made a proposal to provide $2 million to assist Palm Beach County, providing Palm Beach County match these funds, in widening Congress Avenue between N. W. 2nd Avenue (Boynton West Road) and Hypoluxo Road to serve the proposed Motorola Industrial Development; and WHEREAS, it is understood that the commitment for these funds is predicated upon the State Legislature making the necessary appropriations ~n the 1980 Legislative Session. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCMMISSIONERS OF P AIM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA: In order to meet its matching share of funding for the widening of Congress Avenue, Palm Beach County will accomplish the following: (1) To immediately let a contract to a consultant at a cost of approximately $100,000 to prepare construction plans for- the widening of Congress Avenue from N. W. 2nd Avenue to north of N. W. 22nd Avenue~ (2) Upon the Department of Commerce funds being made available, the Board of County Commissioners would let and administer the appropriate contract for the widening of Congress Avenue from N. W. 2nd Avenue to north of N. W. 22nd Avenue. This would make a 4-lane, Congress Avenue facility available to Motorola concurrent with the opening of the first phase of the development in 1981. (3) Palm Beach County will proceed in a timely manner with the phased construction of 4 laning Congress Avenue from north of N. W. 22nd Avenue to the existing 4-1ane Congress Avenue at Lantana Road. This construction will be accomplished prior to the opening of Motorola's second phase currently scheduled for 1990. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner Gregory , who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Foster and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: Bill Bailey Dennis P. Koehler Peggy B. Evatt Frank H. Foster, Jr. Norman R. Gregory Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye The Chairman thereupon declared the Resolution duly passed and adopted this 20th day of November , 19 7q . P AIM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOHN B. DUNKLE, Clerk By: Clerk /' - 2 - ,~,EMORANDUM t'f ~~h- DEe 111979 TO Peter L. cheney city Manager D"T~ December 10, 1979 FILl!: ,....OM perry A. Cessna Director of utilities SUBJECT Capi tal Facilities Charge for Motorola I"n Motorola IS DRI, the flow of sewage and water have both been pegged at 127,000 gallons per day by their engineers. From city Ordinance #79-18, one dwelling unit will produce 250 gallons of sewage per day and 312 gallons of water per day. Also by Ordinance #79-18 guidelines, factories show 15 gallons of sewage and 19 gal- lons of water per day per person per shift. " On the basis of equivalent dwelling units and based upon their fig- ures, we have the equivalent of 407 dwelling units for water and 508 dwelling units for sewer. On this basis, the capital facilities charge for water is $101,750.00; an~ for sewer, $139,700.00. If we use the gallonage per person per shift, we come up with 75,000 gallons of sewage and 95,000 gallons of water, which is 300 equiva- lent dwelling unit for sewer and 304 dwelling units for water. I assume that Motorola will have cafeteria facilities for their em- ployee~which certainly will increase the flow per person per shift. Because of this, it is my opinion that we must use the flows pre~ sented to us by Motorola of 127,000 gallons per day as a basis of their capital facilities charge. PAC:br cc: Russell & Axon City planner Bldg. Official city Engr. Central File util. syst. Supv. POSSIBLE TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL POLICY STATEMENT INDUSTRIAL DRI Since new and expanded light manufacturing industrial activities of a size that fall within the Development of Regional Impact catagories may have a special positive regional impact in terms of creating jobs, generating taxes and enhancing community leadership , that surpasses immediate regional costs and since the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council supports the development of a . tliverse and mature economy in south Florida, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council finds that as a matter of policy, it is appropriate that public agencies fund road improvements that relate to road impacts in the area of new light manufacturing facilities. PLC/pf becember 7th, 1979 \'., ~.... \\ \\-.5~.~ ~~ \;{' ?4-~ ~ ~~ ". ~ "1' ~- A.L/~ \~\~.~ ~ ~ ~ 4/'.--- \ ~Q ~D (~ II ~ ___ OY)f&- ~- ' ~ ..-r:-:AAAA <../ \\~ ~~~' ~/~_.. 7 i.'~~).~'~ ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \~\. ,; , , ; \ \ \~) \\ : -. ; \. " '. ~ j , ' 1 ~ , ~ lJ 1?dss ;:6>>1> TR,;:1>.S'\JR1> coi\ST p$G t o1!ll\L ?1.J'll~1!IG 'cQu!!ld>> ., t?oJ...1C"i s'rp;.'t~~'t'" l.NnUS'tR!.~ pRt .t' of a si~e tb . 9 industriat actiV~ ~eS tight 1l\anufactur~n, I' ......::r .-c".1>" ~ ,J.A>./ h ~ ,. : ,IP" . ~._,..A , ' l ,.I POSSIBLE T'REASURE COi\ST REGIONAL' PLANNING 'COUNCIL PdLICY STATmM~Tr INDUS'l'RIAL DR! Sinc~reasure Coast Regional Planning Council supports the development of a diverse and mature economy in south Florida, The Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council finds that as a matter of policy, it is appropriate that public agencies fund road improvements that relate to road impacts in the area of new light manufacturing facilities. PLC/db December 7, 1979 ... t<. . ~ C-Y1 () I V /cl/77 c..F DEe 5 '91~ RESOLUTION NO. R-79-1586 CCHiITMENTS AND UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND PAlM BEACH COUNTY PERTAINING TO CONGRESS AVENUE WIDENING TO SERVE THE MOTOROIA DEVELOPMENT ADOPTED November 20, 1979 WHEREAS, it is the desire of this Board to encourage and support the location of clean industry in Palm Beach County to broaden the County's economic base; and WHEREAS, the Motorola Corporation has made a decision to locate in Palm Beach County in the southeast quadrant of Congress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue; and WHEREAS, an adequate roadway transportation system is necessary to serve the proposed development; and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Commerce has made a proposal to provide $2 million to assist Palm Beach County, providing Palm Beach County match these funds, in widening Congress Avenue between N. W. 2nd Avenue (Boynton West Road) and Hypo1uxo Road to serve the proposed Motorola Industrial Development; and WHEREAS, it is understood that the commitment for these funds is predicated upon the State Legislature making the necessary appropriations in the 1980 Legislative Session. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCMMISSIONERS OF P AIM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA: In order to meet its matching share of funding for the widening of Congress Avenue, Palm Beach County will accomplish the following: (1) To immediately let a contract to a consultant at a cost of approximately $100,000 to prepare construction plans for- the widening of Congress Avenue from N. W. 2nd Avenue to north of N. W. 22nd Avenue~ (2) Upon the Department of Commerce funds being made available, the Board of County Commissioners would let and administer the appropriate contract for the widening of Congress Avenue from N. W. 2nd Avenue to north of N. W. 22nd Avenue. This would make a 4-lane, Congress Avenue facility available to Motorola concurrent with the opening of the first phase of the development in 1981. .. (3) Pa~ Beach County will proceed in a timely manner with the phased construction of 4 laning Congress Avenue from north of N. W. 22nd Avenue to the existing 4-lane Congress Avenue at Lantana Road. This construction will be accomplished prior to the opening of Motorola's second phase currently scheduled for 1990. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner Gregory who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Foster and upon being put to a vote. the vote was as follows: Bill Bailey Dennis P. Koehler Peggy B. Evatt Frank H. Foster, Jr. Norman R. Gregory Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye The Chairman thereupon declared the Resolution duly passed and adopted this 20th day of November ,19 79 .. PAlM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOHN B. DUNKl..E, Clerk By: Clerk / - 2 - CI Y of B YNTON. BEACH ~ P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435 (305) 732-8111 NDV 21 "979 Offic of the City Manager November 20: 1979 Mr. Randall Frey, Research Specialist Environmental Planning section Area Planning Board of Palm Beach County 2300 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard - Suite 200 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 RE: Application by Riteco Development Corp. to prepare a site for development by filling a canal tributary, excavating two lakes and installing an outfall from each lake to the Lake Ida (E-4) Canal. The site is located east of Congress Avenue.and north of the Boynton (C-16) Canal. COE #79L-1336, DER #50-23875 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, APB #79-11-00 Dear Mr. Frey: I wish to indicate to you that the subject application is consistent with the city of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Plan, and therefore the City is in a position to provide a favorable comment for this project and hopes and anticipates that your agency will approve this application, which has been presented to you. If you have any questions about the City's_position, or if for any reason you would find some opposition to approving the application, please let me know so that we are aware of what steps you are taking. Since:eel , / /}.- /, ~ ~ ~ I l~~~ Pete L .-Cheney, "-c i ty' Manager PLC:sr cc: ~rmen Annunziato Central File I TC SUBJE T: FOLD. -, FROM Telephone 732-8111 CITY I" BOYNTON BEACH Office of the City Manager P. O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 Carmen Annunziato City Planner APB Let te r oL 11/8/7 9~_giJ:>~cQ~",Q~J?:,~'t!9..RI11~J11;."J;::;~t~1?DA TE: "",llL!'JL7>~L,.",_,-"" I would assume that you would provide a response to the Area Planning Board's letter concerning Riteco Development Corp. with some indicatio as to whether or not this meets the development plan that has been submitted to the City, as well as the status of any development plan before the Planning & zoning Board and the City Council. Please send me a copy of your response. PLC:sr Attaclunent ~; t 1C'~/ , L/ -, lP''' / C' M .., - 1. ana ASE REPLY TO . SIGNED See attached memo. SIGNED ~~-'1 ~' THIS COpy FOR PERSON ADDRESSED ), ~... --------:;r--------- --- --_-~_-.--. ----.-- -._-- FROM' . .. '...... -r] p~ r Cheney, '.'_ , 'TO', Ci Y !.1anager,~ :. . :;::it:'L . ~.. ":,,~~.'~~~" ,~ ',..;. . .... ..~ .~ ci ty Planner r .. , ... ~........ . . - '. ... 1 -~ ..; :"-' ';' ~ \ ";;; :-r~~..?;f.~ ~: ~ ~," ~,.~~~ '''-::f..,_-:~~'''''~';, '~:-'I."" - ~." -~- ,'.;;' ~ ~1.' . ~ s,., . -... -! .:" *.~- ~ ~..;..r~:: ~: . .: ::" ";.~.~~.~~~~., : -APB/-.DE~ ~ C-orps 'Review - '-'':' "~:,:~-,_ 'rlt./-:~ ;.: : ;~~~'" . - ." ~ < . .'''",. ,":;' ] 1-16-79 ."t .., -. --.-' - - ..- - =.. httached to this' memo you will find a reqUest for comment '::,-- d" stributed by the APB as part of their DER/Corps review log. The a plication involved was submitted by Riteco Development Company ,.:. f r site work to be perf~~ed",consistent w~th the Motorola gaster .~.' D ainage Pl~~' _ r , .: .:-'-: _~:~~ '-.::- "--:. . consistent with the Comprehensive' Plan, I recommend L~at City comment favorably provided negative ~nviro~ental impacts mitigated. REPl Y TO . SIGNED ~..""-_ 4.-/ I': ~ REPLY SI GNED GRAVARC co.. INC.. BROOKLVN. N. V.112:32 D TACH THIS COPY-RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. -- --.. ,-"- - - -~~ --.---- - - -- - AREA PLANNING 8CA5=lC OF PALM BEACH PALM BEACH LAKES BLVD. - SUITE 200 . . l!-IYI r., t.f COUNTY WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, 33409 AREA CODE (305) 683-9450 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING SECnON SUITE 208 AREA CODE (30S) 689-6880 November 8s 1979 ,-: 'c:',S1077~ , $_. "'''';~;;'. 'y .. . 'V ?, I City of Boynton Beach .~ 1 n N.E. Second Ave. \g B ynton Beach, FL 33435 ~ ~ . \~ '~ \~~ 4.1 . Application by Riteco Development Corp. to prepare a site for develoi>~~t-z~1.17 by filling a canal tributary, excavating two lakes and installing an ~ fall from each lake to the lake Ida (E-4) Canal. The site is located east of Congress Avenue and north of the Boynton (C-16) Canal. COE #79l-1336, DER #50-23875. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, APB #79-11-00 D ar Sir: o November 21,1979, the Area Planning Board of Palm Beach County will c nsider the above referenced application. T e policy of the Board, prior to considering such applicationss is to n tify and solicit comments from adjacent property owners and from any m nicipality located within 1,000 feet of the project. you have any comments with regard to the application, you may send them the Area Planning Board prior to the November 21 meetings or you may esent them in person at said meeting, which will be held at 1:30 P.M. in e Area .Planning Board Conference Room, Suite 200, 2300 Palm Beach lakes u1evard, West Palm Beach, Florida. Y ur consideration in this matter is appreciated. " 5i ncere 1 y yo'urs, d?~~ Randall Frey, Research Specialist Environmental Planning Section ,CHARLES W. POTTER, CHAIRMAN - FRANK W. BRUTT. EXECUTtVE DIRECTOR r ~'- . . .-. :-""':, _..jar. ':":'~.l,"'. . :_', -~'.' , .... . . - f f' II .)--_. tWB ~ I . In. . ~I L~ ~j . r .J EalS InO 80>.' ----" - Cui rt ~Hx .3'w ; (To . Abondor>ed) go ~ @ 11-'5 10.3 I .. . I L'~ @ .~ ....1 '0 o . wr.. p OSE: flLL EXISTING CANAL 8 CONST. OUTFALLS TO E-4 o TUM: M. S.L. A JACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: (DRITECO DEV. CORP. G)JANET R. FIELD ,"lL- '.~3~ D.c.~. #" DF 50-Z3B7S- N);/. ZZnd Av.~ CD 102 12.3 '0 ,0,$' . .0.6 t'"(' 11.3 10..6 / II~ , 12~ tweo ",era ~: . :..:..... .: " BOYNTON 1l CANAL .; :.. .'...1 . S J T~ PlAN " ...:...... ~o '.~ . ~ .$~AL.~ OOOFT: ~I '. I !N LWOO CANAL E-4 AT BOYNTON BEACH ~ \~ 1t<J .:f "'- ,~ ~ . . ~ 'j . APPLfCA cg) JANET R. FIELD' ~ Ii . T ION @ERNEST KLATT~.,f I.SHEET 2 OF .. . _.. .._~ ___. ~__.. ._n.._ N COUNTY OF PAt},( BEACH ST,LtfE Fl. BY JUAN F. WON G 3 DATE 9-20- 'If P; :ter Cheney, ., . TO ,. C ty Manager.'. ~., --, FROM~ ,.- "'"' ... .,- -, ~,...,~-......,--~-~ .....~"r,....~~.......~....--"-- " City Planner ~.... ,,j :-APB/.OF.R '<':; '-"", {j.,,,i,.- , ~ ,.' ~'r;. .","" i"L' " cOJ:ps nev~ PW ".... 11-16-79 .' :. ... .~, ',. ;,~~. .- -- Attached to this' memo you will find a request for comment stributed by the APB as part of their DER!CorpS review log. The plication involved was submitted by Riteco Development Company r site work to be performed consistent with the Motorola Master ainage Plan." '" ..~ .... :" ~.. ,.\ ~,~,' .' Consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, I reCOIIlO)end that City comment favorably provided negative ~nvironmental impacts mitigated. SE REPLY TO ... SIGNED C~.._, ( /: REPLY SIGNED GRAYARC co.. ONC.. BROOKLYN. N. Y. 11232 ETACH THIS COPY-RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. AREA PL ~NNING BOARdJOV 9 1979 v\-' OF PALM BEACH COUNTY ~300 PALM EACH LAKES BLVD. - SUITE 200 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA, 33409 AREA CODE (305) 683-9450 ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING SECTION SUITE 208 AREA CODE (305) 689-6880 November 8, 1979 City of Boynton Beach l~a N.E Second Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 t' RE: Ap lication by Riteeo Development Corp. to prepare a site for development -by filling a canal tributary, excavating two lakes and installing an out- fa 1 from each lake to the Lake Ida (E-4) Canal. The site is located e st of Congress Avenue and north of the Boynton (C-16) Canal. C E C79L-1336, DER #50-23875. C TY OF BOYNTON BEACH, APB #79-11-00 Dea r S r: On Nov mber 21, 1979, the Area Planning Board of Palm Beach County will consid r the above referenced application. licy of the Board, prior to considering such applications, is to and solicit comments from adjacent property owners and from any pality located within 1,000 feet of the project. have any comments with regard to the application, you may send them Ar~a Planning Board prior to the November 21 meeting, or you may prese t them in person at said.meeting, which will be held at 1 :30 P.M. in the rea .Planning Board Conference Room, Suite 200, 2300 Palm Beach lakes Boul vard, West Palm Beach, Florida. Your consideration in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely y~urs, Ene osure -- -- .......lll....;~ -:" ~\ '. ~~""'v~"~~~ . C-.... \, \,.-v .. " \. . ~:~ . ,- . ,..,,,,{~ y \...- _".. . v. '- t~\1 ~\ (r. .~ \s1c.1 V ~~\ ....\ - ";) \~ \) . ~ r., C\\'< c\.~?,: /" tZ~~ Randall Frey, Research Specialist Environmental Planning Section RF: hi . CHARLES W. POTTER. CHAIRMAN - FRANK W. BRUTT. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR _._..~.._.._--_._--. ~ . .. '., \ orA- ~ .. ......:....... -.....;.. .. ,~-...~ . . ~~.:_~~~... ~: ... _0' ,.,.. . -' '. .,.".'" .... - ,~ ........~ .." - +. <. .. '".:-. \~ \" ~\ r \\ .L--~- @ @ .Ro.1/" pS: 50-2."387~.- 191.- I?".)'- . " '. '. ~. <D ~~. 7.:l.rtJ ,....,.~ ,02 ~ - . .. . . . \~ lO~ 't , , -. <D . . \0.6 . . lOS' . t' . ' . ' lO.s \to!) \2.5 \ 11.8 123 k~~ M: M.S.L. CEN'T pROPERTY OWNERS: (DRITECO OE'!. CORP. G)JANET R. fiELD ----------. ----.. ~~ D "c:;:"'O .., . ".- ',.:' . .;.,~:.~ :~ :' ,::. ::, : ....:.. ~ ," B~TOH CANAL '@ " stTE PLAN .r -- --- t lO~ ~ \ a L. . .' 1\ L~\ t,~~' ~";,.13~\ I~O B' "'bO..O~'" . ~. \ ..' \ ocorr. .." .. . . . ",:...:.,,0 ~~'Ai..~' ...!. -' ,. o N \ !N L'l'iOD CA~AL (._4 '$> AT aoy,HON BEACH ~tt' .1 J} couNTY of r",v.<60C>I 5.! . , ~ 'J . APPLICATIoN BY JU"''' f. @ JA."'" R- FIELD i!J' it . SI'IQ:1 2 OF" 0".1'1 @ERNEST KLA.T'T ~S" ~ .:..--- --- ----- .--.......------ ~- flLL E'X\sTlNG CAt-tAL& cONsT. OUiFALLS 'TO E_4 .,. --_._._._~..- - .- OCl 26 1979- October 25, 1979 HEERY Mr. Carmen Annunziato City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 120 N.E. Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: Motorola, Inc. Dear Mr. Annunziato: In compliance with City of Boynton Beach Subdivision regulations IV (Master Plan), enclosed are seven copies of the Masterplan for the "Motorola Subdivision". Information requested in Section IV but not indicated on the Masterplan may be located in the previously submitted DRI-ADA and ADA Supplement dated October 1 and October 11, 1979 respec- tively or on the recently delivered boundary survey by Dailey Fotorny Inc. dated September 13, 1979. Also enclosed please find a check in the amount of fifty dollars ($50) for the Masterplan filing fee. Sincerely, HEERY & HEERY ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS, INC. ~t::1~#~.~ By Michael A. Holleman l1AH/ks Enclosures cc: T. McDougall F. Hilton M. Lackey Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. 880 West Peachtree Street, N.w., Atlanta, Georg ia 30309.Telephone (404) 881-9880/T elex 54-2165 tf-J.l A ') ,I ,,,",' (; ! DRAFT RAFFIC RELATED IMPROVEMENT BASED ON IMPACT ANALYSIS I. Site Related Improvments: 1. Participate in the cost of constructing a proper traffic signal at the intersection of N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. The need to be based on warrants as determined by the County Engineeri 2. Construct turn lanes on Congress Avenue, both North bound and South bound at both entrances shown in Phase Ii 3. Construct turn lanes on N.W. 22nd Avenue both East bound and West bound at entrance shown in Phase I; 4. Shift north bound entrance to N.W. 22nd Avenue approximately 400-ft. west to provide spacing for proper storage and transition lanes. Impact Fee (Fair Share Ordinance) : 1. Consistent with Fair Share Ordinance pay to Palm Beach County $44,100 computed as follows: $12.50jtrip X 3528 trips = $44,100. OR Construct Congress Avenue to a four-land section from 200-ft. north of N.W. 22nd Avenue to the northernmost entrance on Congress Avenue as shown on Phase I of the Master Plan. Phase II. Site Related Improvements: 1. Construct traffic signal at middle entrance when and if warranted as determined by the County Engineer; Impact Fee (Fair Share Ordinance) : 1. Pay Fair Share consistent with impact ordinance at rate in use at time; or If not previously constructed, construct N.W. 22nd Avenue to a four land section from 2DD-ft. west of Congress Avenue to entrance to develop- ment on east side of Congress Avenue; 2. Construct Congress Avenue to a four-land section from northernmost entrance on Congress Avenue to south property limit. Phase III. Site Related Improvements: 1. Construct turn-lanes on Congress Avenue both north bound and south bound at south entrance to development from Congress Avenue; 2. At center entrance add dual turn-lanes on Congress Avenue and improve driveway from a three-lane en- trance to a five-lane entrance with three-lanes out and two-lanes in. Impact Fee (Fair Share Ordinance): 1. Pay fair share consistent with impact ordinance at rate in use at ime. 2 DRAFT TRAFFIC RELATED IMPROVEMENT BASED ON IMPACT ANALYSIS Phase I. Site Related Improvments: 1. Participate in the cost of constructing a proper traffic signal at the intersection of N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. The need to be based on warrants as determined by the County Engineer; 2. b Construct turn lanes on Congress Avenue, hoth North bound and South bound at both entrances C') ". 1 "'.. ~~~ , ~ .:-.. r-) ., ~ r('Impact ~ ~ 1. shown in Phase I; 3. Construct turn lanes on N.W. 22nd Avenue both East bound and West bound at entrance shown in Phase I; 4. Shift north bound entrance to N.W. 22nd Avenue approximately 400-ft. west to provide spacing for proper storage and transition lanes. Fee {Fair Share Ordinance} :, Consistent with Fair Share Ordinance pay to Palm Beach County $44,100 computed as follows: $12.50jtrip X 3528 trips = $44,100. OR Construct Congress Avenue to a four-land section from 200-ft. north of N.W. 22nd Avenue to the . , r!;'"' ." northernmost entrance ~~ on Phase I of the Master Plan. Phase II. Site Related Improvements: 1. Construct traffic signal at middle entrance when and if warranted as determined by the County Engineer; Impact Fee (Fair Share Ordinance) : 1. Pay Fair Share consistent with impact ordinance at rate in use at time; or If not previously constructed, construct N.W. 22nd Avenue to a four land section from 200-ft. west of Congress Avenue to entrance to develop- ment on east side of Congress Avenue; 2. Construct Congress Avenue to a four-land section from northernmost entrance on Congress Avenue to south property limit. Phase III. Site Related Improvements: 1. Construct turn-lanes on Congress Avenue both north bound and south bound at south entrance to development from Congress Avenue; ~":4' c",---...,.3 ~._t.-v t, C.... ~,'.J C'r' ,~.P At center entrance'''-on Congress Avenue "improve (_"'~! '"",,' .,. 1';...0. u....-t ) 2. ..... (. ~~""~ ~,,t from three-lanei"to a five-lane entrance with three-lanes out and two-lanes in. Impact Fee (Fair Share Ordinance) : 1. Pay fair share consistent with impact ordinance at rate in use at ime. 2 '. " DRAFT TRAFFIC RELATED IMPROVEMENT BASED ON IMPACT ANALYSIS Phase I. Site Related Improvments: 1. Participate in the cost of constructing a proper traffic signal at the intersection of N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. The need to be based on warrants as determined by the County Engineer; 2. Construct turn lanes on Congress Avenue, both North bound and South bound at both entrances shown in Phase I; 3. Construct turn lanes on N.W. 22nd Avenue both East bound and West bound at entrance shown in Phase I; 4. Shift north bound entrance to N.W. 22nd Avenue approximately 400-ft. west to provide spacing for proper storage and transition lanes. Impact Fee (Fair Share Ordinance) : 1. Consistent with Fair Share Ordinance pay to Palm Beach County $44,100 computed as follows: $12.50jtrip X 3528 trips = $44,100. OR Construct Congress Avenue to a four-land section from 200-ft. north of N.W. 22nd Avenue to the northernmost entrance on Congress Avenue as shown on Phase I of the Master Plan. \ /, M E M o 'ut.e 1 () '919 November 30th, 1979 0: Peter Cheney - City Manager ROM: Freddi~ Patrick - Acting Superintendent Public Works UBJECT: Master Plan Motorola/Solid Waste Disposal On Tuesday, October 30th, 1979, in the T.R.B. meeting he master plan at Motorola was discussed. We agreed with he plan and after doing so decided the City of Boynton Beach 's not able to handle this type of operation. The amount of olid waste generating from the Motorola plant per day is pproximately 88 cubic yards equal to 18 tons. I feel if the City decided to go into this type of opera- ion it would come to a loss of approximately $128,819.60 ach year (see attached sheet of costs). I recorrunend at this time that the City would be much urther ahead leasing Motorola to a private contractor. ~.~ Freddie Patrick Acting Superintendent Public Works P/lIDk: CC - carmen/Planning MOTOROlA SOLIL NASTE SYSTEM Sol d Waste Generation # 1 - Phase Cubic yards/day 25.42 Tons/day 4.19 #2 - Phase 66.19 10.92 #3 - Phase 87.37 14.42 2 - 44 Cubic Yard Container 8 Cubic yards per day 5 4 Cubic yards per week 2 116 Cubic yards per month 2 ,208 Cubic yards per year $1.50 per cubic yard 132.00 756.00 3,174.00 39,374.00 less 26,208.00 (cost County Dump) $ 13,166.00 o e ationa1 Costs: E uipment Operator III $5.57 per hour D ese1 & Oil $1,500 per month T res & Tubes 11,585.60 18,000.00 10,000.00 $ 39,585.60 per year per year per year Total Per Year Pur hase of e 1 - Packer 3 - 44 Yard Containers (@ $4,800.00 each) 88,000.00 14,400.00 $102,400.00 Total su RY: Operational costs Equipment costs 39,585.60 102,400.00 $141,985.60 Less Garbage Charge Totat Loss 13,166.00 $ 128,819.60 I I FROM TO A Ian Nyquist, F re Marshal Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Inspector FOLD SUBJE T: Master PlCl,nReyi.~ - MQtQ+'Q1Ci DATE: l;L~E?~7~ DA E: II Main concern of this office in reference to conceptual master plan for this development are: 1. A second connection for the 16" fire main shown in phase I so as to provide a loop system with water flow capa- bility from both directions. 2. There is no fire line system shown for phase II. ASE REPLY TO SIGNED ( 1 . t-/ Send to Carmen Annunziato, City Planner for reply. o ;k ttf- .~~~ c GRAVARC co., INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11232 SIGNED THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED I! 1/1 f7~(.,L~<- I! /1/?~~1 Jlfll ~~'-- -te.;:>J~ 11 . _~ ~MP4--./-1 l .4~. C"-<l../,-"~ ~"'"' ~I ___~ ~ (( -R!~ ~ c'/ /-!_~~ j i I ~ i I - 1 I I j 1 Ii I; . /. 'ff Ij- C<-<~t~ ./C'-Y~~ d /-1 -~~;c-~ I' f~ I' ,+-- 1 ,_ . 1) CAJ-<A;t ~ ~ ~~ II I/. . L L/ I'" -IT- /~ ~ (~ /-r..~ ) ~ ~L /~. ~- :i~ ; Ii.... .~~.,. i: c t.,..,,-+) - -~ f.. ~~ --2"-z~ _, G',- 7)1<..~ (J~ /7V~ ~ ., ~ . .~~:- ~~. ,~..;:::(- ~ -'-...1/. .;; ~-f!.t2--. ~~----~ ~~~ , , , . Ii I!~~-~~~ f'L ~/~ . -", '" .'" -;r--... I .' j ?~~/~.~ ~/1 '.) ; . .." (~.' :.c~ ~ "~ ~-7 ~... 1 '. c. . r} ~..", ~ I 1 .. ~ < ~.' .(;.~~~~ ~~v ~~~,~;7~ /9000 '-~... ~r.". 271\~~..... I . / ( (". a-..{...><--~ .... I: 1 .. if/Ui-<~~~^ 6f~y;t'4-:tl7 ~_lL..7~ I, it If , ,I ) .... . ~.t/Vlr"-? 1...J;...,1. ,) C ./z-...... 'I.~"e/ i : ; i, " ,-, I I FROM "I TO Betty Zobel, Finance Departt~ent City Planner SUaJE T: M~~te~ Pl~p Fee/~QtQrola DATE: 10.-2,6-19 FOLb Accompanying this memo please find a check in the amount of $50.00 submitted as the Haster Plan fee for f1otoro1a Development. Please deposit said check in account number: 001-000-322-16-00. Thank you. Please send copy of receipt. CSA:pf enc. ~E URN TO " . SIGNED REFL It c L'lC~--<-~.r~J ~ d. ) /f) ( 1 -t:f~ IV) :- ~../ t- (C-6H G ) U r f-<J C LL.6'-'f.'~' d 1 (.. . \ Cl 9 tJl-V-e....- )0-+.<.. be1 ..-it C9"--'.) ~... · f,,) (~ ! u ',. 00 I -000 -2'1/ - 3:1. - c-U YI~'- ,", -+ ' ~1 ~0 OCT 291979 l SIGNED GRAVARC co., INC., BROOKLYN, N. Y. 11232 Fr~:~8()r~ ADiL.~tE';S[u F:c'"fU:'l~~J T~~tf; COPY 1".0 St:~ ~~)[~~~ Mnv'- '(D PUBLIC NOTICE -rA c... ..J- e~ ~ r, , I SA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY J~ck onville District, Corps of Engineers P. O. Box 4970 Jacksonville, Florida 32201 Telephone: (904) 791-2211 Per it Application No. 79L-1336 Aut ority: Section 10 of the River and Harbor Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403) and Section 404 of the Clean Water Act of 1977 I qomnent Period Ends: NOV 3 0 1979 ~ro.ect Manager: John Santorelli oel 3 1 \979 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION South Florida Subdistrict Post Office Box 3858 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 Telephone: (305) 689-5800 Permit Application No. OF 50-23875-6E Authority: Chapter 253 and/or 403 of the Florida Statutes Comment Period Ends: NOV 3 0 1979 DER Contact: Larry O'Donnell T WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: An applicaticn for a Permit has been received by the a ove agencies and is being processed jointly in accordance with the applicable F deral and State regulations. A PLICANT: RiteccOevelopment Corporation 169 East Flagler Street Miami, Florida 33131 I W TERWAY & LOCATION: Canal tributary of Lake Ida Canal, Sections 17 and 20, to nship 45 South, Range 43 East, Congress Avenue, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach ~o nty, Florida. ORK & PURPOSE: Fill canal tributary of Lake Ida Canal with clean fill to the po'nt where it meets the lake Ida Canal. Excavate two lakes and install a 24 inch reinforced concrete pipe type of outfall from each proposed lake to the la<e Ida Canal. The purpose of the work is to prepare the site for development. AJ Fl 642 Feb 79 NOTE: Florida residents may contact this office for infonnation on a 24-hour basis by ca'l~q~ toll free. telephone 11-800-342-5950. Comments or objections should be submitted in writing. -." 'w ~ 2 pasodO..ld a4l lE4l a::>ue..lnSSE alqEuoSea..l ap~^o..ld Ol pa..l~nba..l s~ lueJ~ Ldde a41 oalElS a4l JO S..laleM luaJefpe ..l0 5u~^~aJa..l a4l JO Al~lEnb ..laleM PUE SaJ..lnOSa..l le..lnleu aU~..leW ..l0 J~lenbe a4l uo Al~^~lJe pasodo..ld a4l JO +Jedw~ a4l JO uO~lenle^a ue uo paseq aq LL~M l~w..lad uO~leLn6a~ Le+uawuo..l~^U3 ]0 lUaWl..ledaa e anss~ cq ..la4la4M Uo~s~Jap a41 :SuO~ll?..lap~suoJ all?lS oq olsa..lalU~ J~ Lqnd a4l u~ aq Ol puno] s~ aJuenss~ sl~ ssalun palue..l6 aq lou Ll~M l~w..lad V 'lJV LOUlUOJ uO~lnlLod ..laleM Le..lapa~ a4l jO (q)vOv UO~lJaS JO Al~..l04lnE ..lapun 'Vd3 '..lole..llS~u~WPV a4l Aq pall?5Lnwo..ld sau~Lap~n6 a4l JO uon -eJ~LddE apnLJu~ oSle LL~M lSa..lalU~ J~Lqnd a4l uo Al~^~lJe a4l ]0 lJedw~ a4l ]0 uO~lEnLe^a 'Ll?~..laletU paLU] ..l0 pa6pa.Ap ]0 ab.Al?4JS~P a4l sa^LO^u~ AH^~lJe pasodoJd a4l]1 oaLdoad a4l jO aJl?j LaM pue spaau a4l 'Ll?..lauab u~ PUE 'uO~lJnpo..ld pOOj 'A~ajeS 'spaau A6..laua 'Al~Lenb ..laleM 'ALddns Jall?M' 'uO~lea..lJa..l 'UO~lE6~^EU 'UO~lEJ~]~SSELJ asn pUEL 'UO~lua^a..ld a6eWEp POOll 'SanLE^ ajHPL~M pue 4sH 'Sanll?^ J~...IOlS~4 'su..laJUOJ LeluawuO..l~^ua LeJaua6 'SJ~la4lsa 'SJ~WOUOJa 'UO~lE^JaSUOJ aJe as04l 6uowe ~pa..lap~s -UOJ aq LUM Ll?sodO...ld a4l Ol lUE^alaJ aq AQU 4J~4M S..lopeJ LLV 'sluaw -~Jlap alqeaasaJOj ^LqeuoSeaJ Sl~ lsu~E6e paJul?Ll?q aq lsnw Ll?sodO..ld a4l WOUj an..lJJE cq palJadxa aq AetU ALqeuOSeaA 4J~4M sH]auaq a41 'saJ..lnos -a.A lUel..lodw~ 5UF~Lnn pue 6uqJalO..ld 4l0q ..IOj U.AaJuOJ Leuoneu aw~ lJaLja..l LL~M Uo~s~Jap le41 olSaJalU~ J~Lqnd a4l uo a^e4 PLnOM ^l~^~lJl? pasodo..ld a4l lJedw~ aLqeqoJd a4l jO UO~lenLe^a ue uo paseq aq LL~M l~W..Iad e anss~ Ol ..Ia4la4M Uo~s~Jap a41 :suO~le..lap~suoJ leJapa~ 'e oSUO~leJap~sUOJ pue sUO~leLn6a..l alelS pue Le..lapa~ aLqeJ~LddE 4l~M aJuepJOJJe u~ SUO~leLn5a~ LEluaw -UOJ~^U3 ]0 lUaWlJedaa 'ep~JOlj ]0 alelS a4l PUl? sJaau~6U3 jO sd...loJ AUUV oS on a4l Aq pawuoj..lad aq Ll~M SUO~ll?nLe^a luapuadapuI ;NOIIVnlV^3 , opa45~LdwoJJe aq Ol ~..lOM a4l Aq paAO..llsap ...10 +50L aq kew elep LeJ~JOlS~4 ..l0 'LeJ~...Icqs~4aJd 'J~JPuaps 'LeJ~50L -OO4J..lE uMou~un ^LlUaSaJd o~JOM pasodo...ld a4l JO al~s a4l le paleJoL a..le 'u~a..la4l uO~SnLJu~ JOj alq~6~la se palS~L Sa~lJadoJd ..l0 'Sa~l..lado..ld pa..lalS~6a..l ou lE4l SaleJ~pU~ saJeLd J~JOlS~H jO ..lal~~6a~ LeuO~ll?N a4l jO uo~s..la^ pa4S~Lqnd lsoleL a4l jO Ma~^a~ :S3J~nOS3Cl Ttt~OllnJ NO IJVdWI ol?a..ll? a4l jO saJ..InosaJ LEJnleU a4l uo a^e4 LL~M UO~lJe pasodo..ld a4l lJedw~ ~4l 6u~u~wualap u~ Leluawn...llsu~ s~ le4l uO~leuuoj -u~ LelUawuO...l~^ua lUaU~l..lad PLa~A ALLeJaua5 sdnou6 Lt!luawuo..l~^ua put! sa~Jua6e LEJOL pue 'alElS 'Le...lapa~ Ja4l0 pue 'aJ~^..las sa~..la4S~j aU~..lew Leuo~leN 'AJua6v uO~lJalO..ld LelUawUO.A~^U3 'aJ~^...Ias aJ~LPL~M pue 4S~j 's 'n 4l~M uO~leu~p..looJ olel~qe4 LeJ~l~..lJ ..l~a4l ..l0 sa~Jads paUalea..l4~ ..l0 pa..la6uepua palS H ~JaJje lOU L UM ^H^~:pe pasodo..ld cH.jl ll?4l pue paJ~nba..l aq ~ou ll~M ~uawale~s ~JedWI LeluaWUO~~^U3 Ul? +e4+ sa~eJ~pu~ UO~leJ~Ldde s~4l JO Ma~^a..l ^..leU~w~La...ld :S3J~nOS3~ lV~nlVN NO IJVdWI ,,'.'~. '" ctivity will not degrade the quality of the contiguous or receiving aterbody. I f the impact of the proposed activi ty can be expected to ffect the aquatic or marine biological resources to such an extent as o be contrary to the publ ic interest, resul t in harmful shoal ing or rosion of adjacent property, result in hanmful obstruction to, or algera- ion of the natural flow below MHW in navigable bodies of water, or esult in violations of State water quality standards in any waters of he State, then a permit may not be granted. omments regarding the National Considerations should be submitted in riting to the District Engineer, Corps of Engineers, and those concern- 'ng State Considerations to the State of Florida, Department of Environ- ental Regulation, on or before the date of the comment period to the ppropriate address as noted above. ou are requested to communicate the information contained in this otice to any other parties whom you deem likely to have an interest 'n this matter. If you have any questions or desire additional information concerning this application, you may ~all the Corps of Engineers. project manager for this appl ication or the Florida Department of Environmental Regula- tion contact at the above telephone numbers. RE UEST FOR PUBLIC HEARING: If the proposed activity involves the discharge of dredged or filled material, any person may request a public hearing. The request must be submitted in writing to the District Engineer or to the State of Florida, Department of Environ- mental Regulation within 30 days of the date of this notice and must state the specific reasons for requesting the publ ic hearing. On other projects, any request for a public hearing will be evaluated as to whether additional publ ic input is required in order to make a final decision. FOR THE DISTRICT ENGINEER: ~~.~ rA IL G. GREN Chief, Operations Division 3 i:f..t'f.I'4l1"_-......~ - 61. -!; -01 .= J.V'G ~.:$J I .83HS 3d '9NOO ~ N'tn!' .1.3 NOl.l.':'Jllddtf ~ 3l\fa;. .-. 'SIWk: I G . > -- G,f o ''11.:1 3J.'t.1.S H~ ~1'td -='0 )..J.NnC:J H:)V38 NQJ.NAOe 1. 'rJ .-3 1YN't:) OOM1 NI dVW A..J.INI :>I^ ~ f.1.J .... i () a lit ... OXn10dAI-l ..... I. __ _ :....~~.~-:: -- _.~-- - .. "r' . , ~ i -.-.:. "1' ,. ...J . . -..-"--.- N " l.,~ ' ()f'l " J~: 1 f Iii i~~ I I c; I I ':-I; \ I r~~, ,II r- ILer '2 - 0 S .;l a;#.' ~ '.3 '(] :'}f.tl -1 bL I i I II I @ L~~' ExistnQ Box ~ : Culv 5Hxl3'W ~ ( To e Abandoned) r 8 @ r;Q.8 ~ I I ~I I ~I ~I ,'=tL- 1"33b HW. Und Avenue 10.2 10.8' I~ 113 D.E.R.1f DF 50-2387S-'E <D CD 10.6 10.& L'~ , 12.3 12..5 --1 LWCO aro 11 BOYNTON 0 CA HAL 10.3 11..5 51 TE PLAN o :JOO SCALE OSE: ~LL EXISTlNG CANAL a CONST. OUTFAL.LS TO E-4 o TUM' M. S.L. A JACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: (DRITECO DEV. CORP. G)JANET R. FIELD ~ JANET R. FIELD @)ERNEST KLATT 1000 FT. N ! LWOO CANAL E.<4 AT BOYNTON BEACH COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ST~E FLatlOA APPLICATION BY JUAN F. WONG P. E. SHEET 2 OF 3 DATE 9-2o-nj _____...__ .....-......w ~JG \!./ - ---- --...., . :K3HMO A;Ul]clO~d J.N3~Yf'atI ':Sa 'SWO*'2,Hynr Ae NVI.:...;:>nd~ I 'OIMCTUI 3.Uf.J.S iOY 38 ""'fd.:JO AJNno:J 1CY38 NO.UU.08 J.'rI .,- i 'YNY~ CaN., NI ..., C'- .... . .... ...... . ... -.. ., . S' J( : ftn.L'f'O .-3 QL s-nw:uno :1.SNO~ ~ "TYw:l 9NIJ.SlX3 "1.:1 :~ 'S'l,'N ll't.:Llno neH.L NOIJ..:)3S 0.8 A "-3 ~ ,;0.8 3)1"" 3~:)m.J.S M01:RI3^O /1l1MaY3H cM"'~I~ l,N3W3:l -ON\f'S 30YY!) 9NlJ.SDC3 'S:.L 'N a-8 IQOI.L:>3S MHW Me'.8 "~.___.:~___ MHN .^'A::~ ,,~ -----} .~'!.I +l!f~ ,OO"B 1RO'Z' 'S'.l'N "'-'" NO 1.L~3S r+8 "~.^l"~ xog _."o~}'u'''''3 \ 111.:1 ynnNYYS 1..8 <D ,,- !DUO :) ll- 1 fDW:) +,oo.t.l De"\f IK)m~o ,,~ .nt.IM\f taJ6uo:) ~ - ~ L Q ~ 2 - 0 ~ =' 0 #-' 'd' a '(J. ~(~, -;bL DE~EN'DING O~ FREEDOM-DEVELO~G DUri'-R'ESOURCES .....,-..~...., A FIGHTING ARM NAVIGATION. POWER 8 FLOOD CONTROL RESEARCH a DEVELOPMENT - - -...~, -" ~-. ", ,~. -~P?t.~ _~.. A-- . .. - .---~. . .,~~..~~-- -- RECREATION a WATER SUPPLY MILITARY CONSTRUCTION MAPPING THE WORLD ~1 U. S. A""V CORPS OF ENGINEERS ,1'J fin . ~o-: '..." ~ La:, ~, Stv(t L;:l' Ctp~a,S UOlUAOS OLE xog '0 'd luaWl..fedaa fiu~uueld :Ull\7' \:f:)'eall UOlUAog J.O" A+ ~J 'JOln::>>J!;) D ION S! $!4J. J.N".l90dWI OOES ::Isn JlJ.V^,Hd tiO... .\.L 'VN:Jd 8S:JNlsnB 'VI::>'......O '" "yw's'n 'O~~E VQI>lr,.:1 '3"'^NOS)''''", "'TE-aoa 04.0. .0. 0 .. ~~ ..J AftMV .~ ~o J.N."J.MY~.a :J"I^NOS,.:>>vr 'J.::>IHJ.8'Q H:J:lNIDN3 A"H" 'S 'n alv~ 8lI.~ aNY .DVJ.SO~ AWl:IV 3H~ .:10 ~N3WJ.~\fd3a NOV 16 1979 r Q.u'1') C)~f JOHN R MALOY, Executive U"ec.lm I '/IQI Soutt1 Florida Water Managernel,t District POST OFFICE BOX """, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ~340 TELEPHONE (305) 686.880 IN REPI Y REFER TO: November 15, 1979 Riteco Development Corporation U-1oto ro 1 a) 169 East Flagler Street Miami, FlorYda 33131 RE: Application No. 09249-0 Gentlemen: Enclosed is d I :.iDY of thi; Distxict'c,~ar'; :Plort covering y( Ir pemi: application. The follm'J11 fOI" cons'i d'.. cO!TIlllendation(s) will bi.' Pi,:, '.r'd to (ur Goveilinf] BOd(d /I en December 13, 1979. ~ (,) ,,1 aPrlroval of ,Y,ur surfaCto l';,',:'r ITldnar ement s :;tem. o rs~;L:ance of surface ',.'atel" mar~3Ci":D!f:: I i->' rilli t f01 The concEltual approval does n't constitute a construction emit. It is ased upon the in ormation pr'o\:icied )'/ . 'e dP" ica'it ,1nd may r e subject to modification or revocation if it i~~ 1,1tel dl'td'rnired that said information is erroneous or false. All future applications for constnlct.ion sub!ldtted pursuant t" this concept- ual approval will be reviewed in light of the statutory and a~ministrative criteria in effect at this time of suhmission of ~uch construction aprlications. The Governing Board may lilodify this rwovisior' in (ase of extreme "ardship.. If the applicant has not filed an application ror construction of the first phase of the project pursuant to th is concep1. ui1l . .pplova 1 Wit:1 in two (2) years of the date hereof, the approval 9rantf\d he 'eit shall he consid~red to be void and of no effect, unlpss extended by the liovpt'ning Board of the District. Please contact this office if you have any q!lestions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you by the above date, we will assume you concur with our recommendatiDns. Sincerely, Vern Kai~fr, Supervisor VKjag .. / f'!enil~ t !\dn'inistrative cc: Boynton Beach Clty Engweer; [.:CSOl ree (onttol Department Post, Buckley, Schuh, & Jernigan, L.W.D.D., Carmen Annunziato ROBERT L. CLARK, JR. ROBERT W. Pft.DRICK W. J. SCARBOROUGH P. HARDY MATHESON Chairma . Fort Lauderdale V'ce Cha,rman . Fort Pierce Lakr Placid Miami BEN SHEPMW Hialrah STA LEY HOLE Naples MAURICE L. PL.UMMER Fort Mvers NATHANIEL REED Hobe Sound J. NEil GALLAGHER St. Cloud JOHN L. HUNDl_E Pahokep SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT STAFF REVIE APPLICATION NO: PROJECT NAME: LOCATION: DEVELOPER: ENGINEER: 09249-0 Motorola Palm Beach County, S17,20/T45S/R42E -', ,.,;,,', D SUbject ~1.,!!.;,:, r I" ',) SUM ~!"Q' r. ~ ';,pprO\iJ1 J Riteco Development Corporation Post, Buckley, Schuh & Jernigan, Inc. 1. Suitability of land for proposed use ~OD~ FAIR 2. Water Quantity Impacts Go~0 FAIR 3. Water Quality Impacts (GOOQ) FAIR 4. Environmental Impacts GOOD FAIR 5. Water Conservation GOOQ) FAIR 6. Flood Protection ~ FAIR 7. Relief from rainstorm inconvenience ~OQ) FAIR 8. System Maintainability ~V FAIR 9. Overall use of land with respect to ~ water resource ~ FAIR 10. Water management system with respect to feasible alternatives ~ FAIR POOR NOT APPLICABLE POOR NOT APPLICABLE POOR NOT APPLI CABLE POOR POOR NOT APPLICABLE POOR NOT APPLI CABLE POOR NOT APPLICABLE POOR NOT APPLICABLE POOR NOT APPLICABLE POOR NOT APPLICABLE NOTE: THIS CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL WILL BE CONSIDERED AT THE DECEMBER 13, 1979 GOVERNING BOARD MEETING PROVIDED THE SITE IS COMPATIBLY REZONED AT THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MEETING ON DECEMBER 11, 1979. . IF THE REZONING REQUEST IS DENIED THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED UNTIL COMPATIBLE ZONING IS OBTAINED. .. , S j.o I a6....' ~ '- o'n >> OM)N 133.:1 NOI1V^313 0001.:1 VI.:I 0^9N 133.:1 gOf:I NOI1V^313 OVd wnWINIW 0^9N 133.:1 v'f:I Hn01N03 0001.:1 WH01S AVO S HV3A OOL S.:I3 SOlf: 39HVH3SIO N9IS30 0^9N 133.:1 6'n Hn01N03 0001.:1 WH01S HV3A SZ A3N3nb3H.:I N9IS30 NISVS 0^9N 133.:1 IOZI 30VH9 OVOH wnWINIW 0^9N 133.:1 rn Hn01NO:l 0001.:1 WH01S HV3A f: VIH31IH:l OVOH lV301 NOI13310Hd 0001.:1 0133.:1-3H3V Ii, 0 Ii, 030I^OHd NOI1N313H a}lel 00H13W NO IlN313H o133.:1-3H3V v06 NOI1N313H 03Hlnb3~ S.:I3 ZV 39HVH3SIO 31SVM011V sa^Jn:> oooooWl Vln~O.:l .:I.:lONn~ v-3 Leue:l oooO'Mol :AOOS 9NI^I333~ 91-3 :NISVS 39VNIVHO 091-3 Leue3 s~ LLej.+no Leu~.:I oS+Ja^Ln:> IIVZ pue SJ~aM 1I0f: 46noJ4+ V-3 Leue3 0+ pa6Je4:>s~p ua4+ s~ j.j.ounJ ~1 osa~eL aJ:>e f: JO~Ja+u~ OM+ a4+ 0+ j.j.ounJ a4+ a+nOJ LL~M 4:>~4M saLeMs passeJ6 pue SJaMaS WJO+S j.o wa+s^s V :03S0dOHd 'Z opaLL~j. aq 0+ s~ ZZ-l 'f:-3 Leue3 su~or pue ^lJadOJd a4l sassOJ:> ZZ-l Leue3 oooO'Mol :9NIlSIX3 'L : S3IlI1I3V.:I 'S3~3V 06 V3~V 39VNIV~0 'S3H3V 06 V3HV 133rOHd wals^s luawa5euew JaleM a:>ej.Jns a4l JOj. Le^oJddv lenlda:>u03 :NOI1V:lIlddV .:10 3dA1 ISV3 2v 39NVli 'HlnOS SV dIHSNM01' OZ 'i LI NOIl33S AINn03 4:>eas wLed : NO IlV301 eLOJOlOW :3WVN 133rOHd 0-6VZ60 :H3SWnN NOIIV3IlddV NOI1VnlV^3 WHO.:l IHOHS f WATER QUALITY: A. ADVERSE IMPACTS EXPECTED YESD NOli] B. BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES UTILIZED r,rass~d swales Retention of the first influx of runoff. ENVIRONMENTAL: A. ADVERSE iMPACTS EXPECTED, YESLJ NOm B. COMMENTS: DRAFT Subject to Governing LAND USE: PRESENT ZONING: PROPOSED USE: COMPATABLE POTABLE WATER: WASTEWATER TREATMENT: OPERATION ENTITY: Multi-Family & Commercial Industrial _ ~ SEC c._v.1C tVO"-~! YES 0 NCfiJ....-" City of Boynton Beach South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board Motorol a , Inc. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Calculations for this project are based upon orooosed acreages of: Imoervious area Lake Area 6.0 acres 47.9% 6,7% 45.4% 43.1 acres Grassed area 40,9 acres 90.0 acres 100% Consideration of construction permits for development of areas served by the proposed system will be subject to such development meeting the design parameters aes1gnated above, RECOMMENDATIONS: See Attached. PREPARED: L~)t! ~ LVK/dr ~ ~""7 - - -cr CHECKED:~ ~ APPROVED: 0 Richard A. Rogers, Director Resource Control Department DATE: /~/~~' Page 2 of 5 5 j.o E 'Mfed ... :(6u~ll~w~ad uO~lJn~lsuoJ luanbasqns Ol ^Ldde LL~M wnw~u~w~ SUO~l~PUOJ asa4l '^LUO SL~^o~dd~ L~nldaJuoJ ~oj.) SUO~l~PUOJ L~~Jads 9 pu~ 6u~l~w~L p~~pu~lS 8 6U~MOlloj. a4l Ol lJafqns 'JUI '~Lo~OlOW :^l~lU3 uO~le~ado a6ue~ '4lnoS lse3 Zv S V d ~ 4 SUMO l' Ol Ii L t U Q ~ l Ja S. 9t-J :u~s~S aWM~S lJ~~ls~a a6eu~e~Q 4l~OM a~el :lJ~~lS~Q l~~Jads 4Jeas wLed :^lUnoJ 4Jeas UOlU^OS : ^l~J le~~lsnpUI/l~~J~awwoJ 'lj. 'bS '9t-J j.o 4l~oN 'anuaAV ssa~6uoJ j.o lse3 000'Sl8 ~sl~U~ 6u~llaMa Lel01 : uO~l eJol :asn pU~l tOEv :sno~^~adwI 9 :luawa6~u~w ~aleM sa~Je V/N V/N V/N ~ sa~ J t? sa~::>e ~ sa~J~ sa~Je ~ sa~Je 06 : l el 01 l Ja rO~d t?a~~ put?l aLqeJ~ldd~ uO~lJn~lsuOJ ase4d elo~olOW :aweN lJarO~d IEIEE l~ '~we~w 'laa~lS ~aL5eL~ '3 69! :ssa~PPV lUt?J~ldd~ uO~le~od~oJ luawdoLaAaQ oJal~~ :aweN lut?J~Ldd~ 6L6! 'l ~aqolJO :alea a-6vZ60 : . ON UO~l t?JHdd~ :lJaro~d paq~~Jsap 6U~MOlLoj. a4l ~oj. panss~ aq le^o~dd~ lenldaJuoJ j.o ~allal ~ Hw~ad UO~l e~ado +~w~ad uO~lJn~lsuoJ l~w~ad uO~l~~ado put? uO~lJn~lsuoJ :t! It!4l spuawwoJa~ j.j.t!lS a41 LIMITING CONDITIONS 1, THE ERMITTEE SHALL PROSECUTE THE WORK AUTHORIZED IN A MANNER SO AS TO MINIMIZE ANY ADVE SE IMPACT OF THE WORKS ON FISH, WILDLIFE, NATURAL ENVIRONMENTAL VALUES, AND WATE QUALITY. THE PERMITTEE SHALL INSTITUTE NECESSARY MEASURES DURING THE CONSTRUC- TION PERIOD, INCLUDING FULL COMPACTION OF ANY FILL MATERIAL PLACED AROUND NEWLY INST LLED STRUCTURES, TO REDUCE EROSION, TURBIDITY, NUTRIENT LOADING AND SEDIMENTA- TION IN THE RECEIVING WATERS. 2. WATE QUALITY DATA FOR THE WATER DISCHARGED FROM THE PERMITTEE'S PROPERTY SHALL BE SUBM TTED TO THE DISTRICT AS REQUIRED. PARAMETERS TO BE MONITORED INCLUDE: TOTAL SUSP NDED SOLIDS, NITRATES AS N, NITRITES AS N, TOTAL KJELDAHL NITROGEN AS N, AMMONIA AS N TOTAL PHOSPHORUS AS P, ORTHO-PHOSPHORUS AS P, 5 DAY 200C BOD, TURBIDITY, SPEC FIC CONDUCTIVITY, DISSOLVED OXYGEN AND pH. IF WATER QUALITY DATA IS REQUIRED, THE ERMITTEE SHALL PROVIDE DATA ON VOLUMES OF WATER DISCHARGED, INCLUDING TOTAL VOLU DISCHARGED DURING THE DAYS OF SAMPLING AND TOTAL MONTHLY DISCHARGES FROM THE PROP RTY. 3. THE ERMITTEE SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND OTHE LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. IN ADDITION THE PERMITTEE SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY FEDE L, STATE, LOCAL AND SPECIAL DISTRICT AUTHORIZATIONS PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY CONS RUCTION OR ALTERATION OF WORKS AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT. 4. THE PERATION PHASE OF THIS PERMIT SHALL NOT BECOME EFFECTIVE UNTIL A FLORIDA REGI TERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER CERTIFIES THAT ALL FACILITIES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTED IN A CORDANCE WITH THE DESIGN APPROVED BY THE DISTRICT. UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUC- TION OF THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM, THE DISTRICT SHALL BE NOTIFIED FOR AN INSPECTION AND APPR VAL OF THE FACILITIES. 5. ALL OADS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS REQUIRED BY THE APPLICABLE LOCAL GOVERN- MENT FLOOD CRITERIA. 6, ALL UILDING FLOORS SHALL BE SET AT OR ABOVE ELEVATIONS ACCEPTABLE TO THE APPLICABLE LOCA GOVERNMENT. 7. WATE DISCHARGED FROM THE PROJECT SHALL BE THROUGH STRUCTURES HAVING A MECHANISM SUIT B4E FOR REGULATING UPSTREAM WATER STAGES. STAGES MAY BE SUBJECT TO OPERATING SCHE ULES SATISFACTORY TO THE DISTRICT, 8. NO C NSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED HEREIN SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL A RESPONSIBLE ENTITY ACCEPT- ABLE TO THE DISTRICT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND HAS AGREED TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN THE SYST M. THE ENTITY MUST BE PROVIDED WITH SUFFICIENT OWNERSHIP SO THAT IT HAS CONTROL OVER ALL WATER MANAGEMENT FACILITIES AUTHORIZED HEREIN. UPON RECEIPT OF WRITTEN EVID NCE OF THE SATISFACTION OF THIS CONDITION, THE DISTRICT WILL ISSUE AN AUTHORIZA- TION TO COMMENCE CONSTRUCTION. Page 4 of 5 .." 'W \ 1 S ,+0 S aBed '3NI 'V10H010W 30 All1191S -NOdS3H 3H1 39 111M W31SAS 1N3W39VNVW H31VM 33V3HnS 3H1 30 NOI1VH3dO '9 'O^9N 1333 0'01 NOI1V^313 01 S3SIH 13^31 H31VM 3H1 111Nn 9NIHHn3JO 10N S39HVHJSIO HOrVW H1IM O^9N 1333 S'S NOI1V^313 1V 03NIV1NIVW 39 llVHS 13^31 H31VM 31IS-NO 3H1 'S 'NI3H3H 03Z1HOH1nV S31111lJV3 H9nOHH1 A1NO 30VW 39 llVHS 1N3Wd013^30 ONV NOI1JnH1SNOJ 9NIHno S39HVHJSIO 311S-330 '~ ~-3 lVNV3 'O'O'M'l :~]l~M ~NI^I]J3~ 'O^9N 133.:1 S'S :NOI1~^313 lO~1NOJ - .- 'O^9N 1333 0'01 30 SNOI1V^313 39HVH3S10 HIIM SH13M 031S3HJ dHVHS HVln9NV1J3H 1I0E OM! :NOIl.dI~JS30 :S]Tlrl!J~_~ 39~WIJSIO 'E . OA9N 133.:1 I'Zl NOI1~^313 NMO~J O~O~ wnWINIW '2 "O^9N 133.:1 S'El NOIIV^313 ~OOl.:l 9NIOllna wnWINIW 'L SNOIIIONOJ 1~IJ3dS , 3~ n~\;J d~W NOllV')01 t ~ 0 I ('" - - t ~ t l ( l' .. - - . " J s -> 'C: i . f.. ~-..=~r~:911<'Y- . :+-~/'~r....:-~l-~r.. . ~~'. ',t' .'~\-'-~S_'J04S~....i'b "'-11 .'.. '_\ ........-"I"'rt "'.. \('1190 ..--S_." 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[ST~~DARD DIS~RIBUTION I Applicant's Consultant Pete Rhoads Legal Local Drainage Districts LAKE I()();I/' Ora;nQQt:- D/~Ir'ei / Inspection Engineer, County of ff,JJ1l Bea aA- I Jack H~rper, Lee County Div.. of E. P. S. Rev:ewer t.. /(/7:s6u ILl( L..,,,,J..A H-<<~ ,,... Don Landers, Collier County Ag. Agent Fred Vidzes. B. C. Basin Robert Padrick Kissimmee River Coordinating Council I INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION] Dade County DERM Hall Martin County Planning, Tom Mumford Gleason ./ C tl...~lt'" A 't\h"'~~\~~) C ;-!7 fl~k'l" C :~ P ~y~~ &4ck Goodrick Brannen Jackson Wodraska DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION W. P. B. Ft. Myers Orlando Tallahassee Ft. Pierce Other EXHIBIT .5 NOV 16 1979 Impact Assessment Prepared by South Florida Water Management District FINAL. . adopted by Governing \3oard ~... 9,+-L9.71 - ~ ---------- PROJECT DESCRIPTION NAME: 1.D. NO.: LOCATION SIZE: TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT EXISTING LAND USE: Motorola 80-94 City of Boynton Beach 901.. Acres Light Industry Grassland Motorola, the proposed DRI, will be a light industrial facility designed for the manufacture of two-way, hand-held radios. Development of this project will occur in three phases and upon completion will be comprised of approxi- mately 425,000 square feet of administrative and engineering offices; 300,000 square feet of manufacturing, assembly and' test space; and 100,000 square feet of storage and distribution space. According to the ADA, the first phase of development is scheduled for completion in June of 1981, will consist of 240,000 square feet of building area, and employ approximately 1600 persons. Construction of the second phase will begin in January of 1986 and is scheduled for completion in January of 1989. At this point the total building area will be 625,000 square feet. Construction of the final phase is scheduled to begin in January of 1994 with completion set for September of 1999. The final building area will consist of 825,000 square feet. Upon completion of the facility, Motorola will employ approximately 5,420 persons. The proposed site is comprised of approximately 90 acres of land located within the city limits of Boynton Beach. The parcel is bounded on the north by N.W. 22nd Avenue; on the west by Congress Avenue; on the south by the South Florida Water Management District Boynton Canal; and on the east by the Lake Worth Drainage District Equalizing Canal E-4. The existing land use for the total site is classified as Grassland. Upon completion of all phases, the land use will consist of industrial (47.9%), private recreation (6.5%) and open space (45.6%). Part II. A. IMPACT ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES 2. Water Resources a. Water Quality. Drainage from the project is to be routed through swales and two lakes prior to discharging to LWDD Canal E-4. Although final design calcu- lations have not been completed, the ADA states that the first inch of runoff or the runoff from the 3 year, 1 hour storm, whichever is greater, will be stored on-site. Assuming that the lakes are sized adequately to accomplish this, the proposed retention will provide .~,., _..~""__...1'.'!L!.:J.~_~ sedimentation and nutrient uptake such that the water discharged will be of acceptable quality. The proposed project includes considerable parking area (3568 spaces). It is recommended that a regular vacuum sweeping program be established for these parking areas, and that design provisions be included for oil removal from the parking lot runoff prior to discharge to the swa1e and lake system. The proposed manufacturing operation does not include the discharge of any type of industrial waste to surface waters; therefore the creation of point-source water quality problems will not occur. There are to be no floor drains in manufacturing or storage areas, so inadvertent in-plant spills will not be routed to the swa1e and lake system. At this time there appear to be no plans to utilize outside storage areas to store manufacturing chemicals or process wastes. Should such outside storage areas become necessary, design details must be included to isolate the area from the drainage system. In summary, the drainage system design for the projE~ct appears adequate to prevent adverse water quality impacts on-site or off-site, assuming that the above considerations are noted by the applicant. b. Water Quantity. (1) Drainage ~ystem. The proposed 90 acre project has been divided into equal drainage basins consisting of 45 acres each with a 3.0 acre retention/detention lake. There will be two outfal~ culverts into the Lake Worth Drainage District's E-4 Canal. Runoff will be collected and routed via grassy swales to one of the two retention lakes. Even though the lakes only represent 6.7 percent of the project area (normally 10 percent is used), they appear to provide adequate retention and detention capability. The proposed drainage system should provide adequate flood protection. Based on the information provided in the ADA, no adverse impacts are anticipated with regard to drainage. (2) Water~~l. According to the ADA, the potab1e water demands for the project will be met by the City of Boynton Beach, an off-site facility (see discussion under Public Facilities/Water Supply Section. The non-potable water demands will be met by an on site well. The probable location of the non-potable well will be near the dock yard; the size and pumping rate have not been determined at this time. Water demand for Phase I will be .03481 MGD and for Phase II and III, demand will equal a total of .09161 MGD. At the present time, considering the information available, no adverse impacts on the water resources of the area are anticipated asa result of the applicant's proposed use. A general per~it will be required for on-site use since the withdrawals will be less than 100,000 gallons per day. -2- 3. Natural Re~ources a. Topography. The site elevations generally range between 10 to 15 feet NGVD. It is proposed to place the minimum building elevation at 13.8 feet NGVD. Based on a review of the information in the ADA this elevation should be sufficient for protection from a laO-year flood event. b. Soils.' c. Vegetation. d. Wildlife. e. Endangered Species. Submittal of information for the above sections was waived by the Regional Planning Council. Part II. C. IMPACT ON PUBLIC FACILITIES 1. Wastewater Treatment and Disposal The project is in the service area of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Oi sposa 1 Board (SCRWTDB). Secondary t.reatment wi 11 be provided by a 12 MGD activated sludge plant with discharge to an ocean outfall. The project site currently does not have access to a collection line; however, Motorola has been assured by the interim Administrative Director of SCRWTDB that trnnsmission facilities will be available when needed and that excess capacity will also be available at the plant to handle Motorola flows. The projected flow at build.-out is 0.127 MGO based on comparable Motorola facilities, which appears to be a reasonable figure. ,lI,lthough no problems with industrial waste discharges are anticipated due to the nature of the proposed manufacturing process~ Motorola will be re~,pon5 ible for providing any necessary industrial waste pre-treatment to meet SCRWTDB and EPA requirements. In summary, the proposed means of wastt:water t;'eatment and disposal is acceptable. 2. ~torm Water Disposal The E-4 Canal conveys runoff to the C-16 Canal. The applicant incorrec~ly calculated the allowable discharge in that he utilized 100 acres instead of the project area of 90 acres. The applicant's assumption of a starting water level of 8.0 feet NGVD should also be changed to 8.5 feet NGVD to be consistent with the operation of C-16. There is adequate capacity in the [-4 Canal and the C-16 Canal to provide positive outfall for the project. A Surface Water Management Permit will be required pursuant to Chapter 373~ Florida Statutes. The applicant has requested a Conceptual Approval under Application No. 09249-0 which is presently under review by District staff. The corrections referred to above in reference to water levels and allowable discharge are being worked out in our project review, -3- 3. Water Supply Potab 1 e water demands will be met by the City of Boynton Beach accordi n9 to a conversation with Perry Cessna, Utilities Director for the City. Potable water demand for Phase I equals .037 MGD, Phase II equals .096 MGD and the total demand for all three phases is .127 MGD. The City of Boynton Beach was issued a permit (50-00499-W) March 16, 1978 for an annual allocation of 3.89 billion gallons per year (lO.7 MGD) with a maximum day demand not to exceed 16.0 MGD. Total allowable installed capacity is 14,960 GPM from 22 wells. The City's current treatment plant capacity is 8 MGD but facilities are being expanded to a capacity of 16 MGD. The City is also developing a new wellfield on the Jarvis property located south of S.W. 15th Avenue between Canal E-4 and the Florida East Coast Railroad. The most recent 12 months of pumpage data indicate that the average day withdrawal during this time interval was 6.81 MGD, considerably below the allocated quantity. Because of the low water demand from this project (.127 MGD) , no problem is anticipated in the City supplying this project with potable water. Part III SUMMARY The Motorola facility will provide the type of light industry now being encouraged for the State of Florida. Upon completion of the project the total building area will consist of 825,000 square feet of administrative and engineering offices, manufacturing, assembly and test space and storage and distribution area. The plant will employ approximately 5,420 persons. RECOMMENDATION In reviewing the water related aspects of the Application for Development Approval, the District has determined that no adverse impacts of a regional nature are anticipated to result from the subject project. However, the District has determined that the following issues require resolution during the development phase: 1. It is recommended that a regular vacuum sweeping program be established for the parking areas, and that design provision be included for oil removal from the parking lot runoff prior to discharge to the swa1e and lake system. 2. A Surface Water Management Permit will be required pursuant to Chapter 373, F.S. 3. A General Permit will be required for the on-site water supply purusant to Chapter l6K-2.032, Florida Administrative Code. This review performed by the District as a contractual consultant to the Regional Planning Council is intended to provide an overview assessment of potential regional impacts, as ind'icated in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes. This review does not constitute a tacit or conceptual approval of the proposed project with regard to the District's permitting authority as provided for in Chapter 373~ Florida Statutes. -4- ~o '-J.) ....,- ORA\NAGE PHASE \\\. 300 ~~ OEVEt.OP>AElfr Of AEG\Qll~~ \l"~ l'IEEl'I'I&.l'IEEfl'l ..-=",f..;n"I~CM pO$"T. euClC.\.E'f. SCl'o\Ul'l &. JEl'Itl1a",N ....,..e.-'"cfl.u.M0t4.....'$MSIoI'ot...." O\GIU\.I",N. $PE\.V.C'l, &. IoIE'fEl'I _I~ -;,,"WIot....n 7CO ~ il r---r .. ~ '.. J ~ G a. ~ <) .;! ., NfO.,-OFlOLJl eov"TOl'I ee.loG\"I,~1.M ev.Cl'l COUl'l"T't. f\.Ofl10" 'i ~ ~ B ii e. w d d 3! ...i tA"P ~ ~o \..Ul- 3000 7000 EXISTING LAND USE FLORIDA LAND USE AND COVER CLASSlFlCA nON SYSTEM " i I I ! 1151 r > <C .1 . : l': r-:-l I ~~ ---Ir I I II 11 :i ~ ~ i I :: ,. ;; ~ i I i j :; !: i I ~w. 22 Avenue t~ r-' I I I 320 \ \ \ fl1D rolfl DL- A SIn \ \ . )\ If i , . 310 ~~AS5 LAND u..o.o. Boynton Can8I I ,.......................HM.fM'...........,flt.'IItIMlUlttMlut J/ 1'-------- .._ J r'_nll_--......II._..~n~"-~ \ \ i ", , 740 320 II i , I , , jl @ ~~:!~~~!:::' DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT HEERY . HEERY "'C"'.'-;-'.''''Gl'''''''' POST. SUCKI.EY. SCHUH' JERNIGAN ......""= . _.... _1'tAQ........, -:':l"'sU..~AH" OiGIUI.IAN. SPEI.l.ACY & MEYER ..')A..:-:""SU!.l....'" MAP 0-2 SHEET 11-9 ~o._ (Ul...- - ,- GENERAL LOCATION III " Q, z cz: i= <C Sil ! ... ... BOYNTON RD. .- <C cz: I- > cz: <C !:: . 2 N.W. 2 AVE ._...l ! LAKE WORTH 2 mil.. I ........-......._... I I ATLANTIS LANTANA HYPOLUXO At ..... ,...._, I, . .., _.- I' I . , . I' I :J . I I I ; ; ~I_"_. .-, ~ I I -'.'-1 III (J Z III cz: ~ <C ... >D ~ I I- 1/1 III :c (J <C III 1/1 A tI8ntIc: Oc.8Il I I I I I i ! I '-.-. I i I ! DELRA Y BEACH 3 mil.. DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT HEERY & HEERY "~'1'ICT1"l'oG""".' POST. BUCKLEY. SCHUM & JERNIGAN .....-.c._".~.......fQO"'~ OiGIULIAN, SPELLACY. & MEYER .'~~::;Ntl.;~r""'T1 MAP A SHEET 11-1 ItIIOTOROLA BOYTON BEACH. AAl.M EIEJoCH COUNTY. FLOFllOA .. .....11 NOV 1 A 1979 <!.-CJ'\ ~CI1 TAc... CP .. November 8, 1979 MDrOROLA D.R. I. - TRAFFIC RELATED IMPROVEMENT BASED ON IMPACT ANALYSIS Phase I Sit Related 1m rovements: 1. Install a traffic signal at the intersection of N. W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue when warranted as determined by the County Engineer. 2. At both north and south entrances on Congress Avenue, construct a left turn lane on the north approach, a right turn lane on the south approach, a left turn lane on the east approach (3 lanes total on the east leg--2 approach, 1 departure). 3. At entrance on N. W. 22nd Avenue, shift entrance approximately 400 feet west to provide proper spacing from bridge for development of turn lane and construct a left turn lane on the east approach, a right turn lane on the west approach, and a left turn lane on-the south approach (3 lanes total on south leg--2 approach, 1 departure). Im Fair Share Ordinance): 1. Consistent with Fair Share Ordinance, pay to PaLm Beach County $44,100 computed as follows: $12.50/trip x 3,528 trips = $44,100 OR Construct Congress Avenue to a four-lane section from 200 feet north of N. W. 22nd Avenue through the north entrance on Congress Avenue as shown on Phase I of the Master Plan. Pha e II S t Related 1m rovements: 1. Install traffic signal at middle entrance when warranted as determined by the County Engineer. " , MOTO BASE LA DRI - TRAFFIC RELATED IMPROVEMENT ON D!PACT ANALYSIS - 2 - November 8, 1979 Phas II - cont'd 1m act Fee Fair Share Ordinance : 1. Pay Fair Share consistent with impact ordinance at rate in use at time; OR If not previously constructed, construct N. W. 22nd Avenue to a 4-1ane section from 200 feet west of Congress Avenue to site entrance on east side of Congress Avenue, and construct Congress Avenue to a 4-lane section from north entrance on Congress Avenue to south property limit. III e Related 1m rovements: 1. At south entrance on Congress Avenue, construct a left turn lane on the north approach, a right turn lane on the south approach, and a left turn lane on the east approach. 2. At center entrance on Congress Avenue, construct dual left turn lanes on the north and east approaches (improve driveway to a 5-1ane entrance with 3 lanes out and 2 lanes in). Fair Share Ordinance : 1. Pay fair share consistent with impact ordinance at rate in use at time; OR Provide construction in lieu of fee. Such construction shall be appropriate at the time as determined by the County Engineer. C W: eu Phase II. Site Related Improvements: 1. Construct traffic signal at middle entrance when and if warranted as determined by the County Engineer; Impact Fee (Fair Share Ordinance) 1. Pay Fair Share consistent with impact ordinance at rate in use at time; or If not previously constructed, construct N.W. 22nd Avenue to a four land section from 200-ft. west of Congress Avenue to entrance to develop- ment on east side of Congress Avenue; 2. Construct Congress Avenue to a four-land section from northernmost entrance on Congress Avenue to south property limit. Phase III. Site Related Improvements: 1. Construct turn-lanes on Congress Avenue both north bound and south bound at south entrance to development from Congress Avenue; 2. At center entrance add dual turn-lanes on Congress Avenue and improve driveway from a three-lane en- trance to a five-lane entrance with three-lanes out and two-lanes in. Impact Fee (Fair Share Ordinance) : 1. Pay fair share consistent with impact ordinance at rate in use at ime. 2 ,f\EMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato city planner DATE October 3l, 1979 FROM Perry A. Cessna Director of utilities NOV 2 1979 FILE Motorola Corporation S.UBJECT _ ~-~ l --'<t>~;1!O This will. confirm my statement of this morning at the TRB meeting. The fire service line to serve Motorola should be connected to the main line in at least two (2) points. Secondly, the future connections to both water and sewer lin~ cov- ering present and future developmen~will be installed as part of the original connection to prevent jack and bore problems at a later date. Third, the lift station sites and attendant force mains will have to be covered by a legal document to be worked out between the City Attorney and Motorola's attorney. As stated, we normally require dedication; but, in this case, it is possible that the city Attor- ney and Motorola's attorney can work out a 99-year lease, or license, or some sort of document, if Motorola does not want to dedicate the site to the City. PAC:br cc: Utile Syst. Supv. City Engr., Bldg. Of. City Manager central File ~mM~ perry A. essna '-- Director of Utilities ,,,,EMORANDUM ut.e n '919 TO ity Planner armen Annunziato DATE December 5, 1979 FILE FROM aptain Hillery SUBJECT Motorola Sir: As per our conversation, Deputy Chief William Hamilton and I visited the Motorola Plant in Plantation on November 8, 1979. While we were there, we spoke with the head of security, Hansel Bailey and his boss, Ralph Pere11i who is also the Director of Personnel. Our discussion of approximately four hours duration dealt with the interfacing of their Security system with our policing efforts in our city of Boynton Beach. The meeting con- firmed what was brought to light at the TRB meeting of October 31, 1979 by Mr. Torn McDougall of Motorola. The company does not request or require patrol, as this function is done by its in- house security. Their security guards are unarmed and do not have the power of arrest. They can hold for local authority. This department will be called to investigate violation of Florida State Statutes, most frequently for accident investigations. In our in- vestigation at Plantation, we were informed that their largest problem was from pilferage from the employee parking lot and oc- casional theft of motorcycles. The Security Chief felt as we do, that security fencing of the parking area would be a strong deterrent to the type of pilferage they are experiencing in Plantation and can be expected here in Boynton Beach when the company becomes op- erational. We were informed that the Plantation Police Department provides traffic control officers during their factory peak traffic periods. As I recall, the four laning of Congress and traffic signalization is part of the package. At this juncture, I cannot say whether traffic enforcement officers will be required for similar use at the Boynton location. Feel free to call upon me for any other additional information that you may require. Edward HillerY,~~~~' Captain Boynton Beach Police Department EH:as