REVIEW COMMENTS PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-129 TO: Al Newbold Deputy Building Offif:a: Michael E. Haag~f.i~ Zoning & Site De~opment May 11, 1994 Administrator FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Transmittal of Development Orders Accompanying this memorandum you will find documents regarding development plans that received final approval by the Planning and Development Board and/or ct~y Commission. The following is a list of the projects, type of r~quest and the documentation transmitted: Adult Care Residence of Boynton Beach, Inc. - Conditional Use - copy of the 2nd review plans - copy of staff report and comments - copy of the April 19, 1994, City Commission minutes Adult Care Residence of Boynton Beach, Inc. - Community Design Plan Appeal - copy of the staff report and comments - copy of the April 19, 1994, city Commission minutes * sutton Place, Tract H at Hunters Run - Master Plan Modification - copy of the master plan signed by the chairman of the Planning and Development Board and members of the TRC - ccpy of the April 12, 1994, Planning & Dclvelopment Board minutes Quail Run Villas - Landscape Code Appeal - copy of Staff Report - copy of the April 19, 1994, City Commission minutes Quail Run Villas - New Site Plan - copy of the 2nd review plans - copy of the staff report and comments - copy of the April 19, 1994, city Commission minutes * Transmitted to the Engineering Department - Copy of the master plan signed by the Chairman of the Planning and Development Board and members of the TRC. MEH:jj Attachments Project File a:memo94.129 8C2 ADULT CARE RESIDENCE OF BOYNTON BEACH, INC. (fka PRAXIS ACLF) COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-090 TO: Chairman and Members of the Planning & Development Board Tambri J. Heyden ~ Acting Planning & ~oning director Michael E. HaalJe~ Site & Zoning De opment Administrator April 7, 1994 Adult Care Residence of Boynton Beach, Inc. Appeal to The Community Design Plan Appendix II (b) Modifications to Existing Projects File No. CDPA 94-001 THRU: FROM: DATE: RE: NATURE OF REOUEST Carl Lindner, owner of the above-referenced project is requesting relief from the design requirements of the Community Design Plan. The request is in connection with the proposed expansion of the existing building located at 1613 S.W. 3rd Street. The site is located in the Modern Design District, as identified on the Community Design Plan District Map. The proposed construction requires the bUilding to be modified to comply with the community design requirements. Attached is a letter from the applicant dated April 5, 1994, (Exhibit "A"), which describes the appeal and the Justification for same. BACKGROUND The site is located directly south of Woolbright Road, west of S. W. 3rd Street and east of I-95 (see location map). The proposed expansion of the existing building activated the requirements of the Community Design Plan (section 7.5-73 (b) (4)). The Community Design Plan establishes criteria to use in designing a facility and offers alternate methods to achieve compliance with the design requirements. The plan also identifies building materials and design features that are associated with the three architectural themes listed in the design plan (Exhibit "B"). The subject site is located in the Modern Design District. The buildlng is deficient ln an appropriate roof finish and three (3) types of architectural features and/or treatments. The existing building has the characteristics of a Florida type house which resembles a variety of mldwestern ranch houses. As indicated in the attached letter, the applicant is seeking relief from the design requirements. ANALYSIS The design, shape and size and features of the existing building match that of a large house (Exhibit "C"). These elements correspond with the existing multi-family structures that are located south of the subject property. The existing building is in compliance with the exterior wall material (stucco); however, three (3) features and/or treatments are missing. The type of missing features and treatments are identified on Exhibit "B". The existing structure could be modified to attain the appropriate roof material and the appropriate architectural features and/or treatments could be added to the exterior of the building. The incorporation of three (3) features and/or treatments would not substantially affect the design of the building to a degree that it would not be compatible with the Adult Care Residence of Boynton Beach, Inc. - Staff Report April 7, 1994 Page 2 of 2 adjacent buildings. However, changing the roof material could affect the design of the building. The existing building has a modified hip roof covered with asphalt/fiberglass shingles. Tar and gravel is listed as an acceptable modern roof finish material; however, changing the existing roof material to tar and gravel is not recommended. The tar and gravel as a roof material was intended for flat roofs. RECOMMENDATION The Planning & Zoning Department recommends approval of the request for relief from the roof covering requirements of the community design plan and recommends denial of the request for relief from the required architectural features and/or treatments of the design plan. The applicant shall understand that the final determinatlon of this appeal may require the plans to be modified prior to the bUilding permit being issued for the proposed construction. - MEH:frb C:STAFFRPT.P&D EXHIBIT "A" /oFZ !7Idu/i Care !J?esidence cf YJoynfon YJeach, gnc. 1613 S.W. 3rd Street. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 · (305) 738-1707 (At 1-95 and Woolbright East) April 5, 1994 Mr. Michael E. Haag Site and Zoning Development Administrator City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Connm.mity Design Plan Appeal Addition to Existing Facility Dear Mr. Haag: Please consider this cormnmication as a formal appeal for a general relief from the over-all standards of the Community Design Plan, Environmental Regulation, Appen- dix II Section (b) Modifications to existing projects (Ordinance No. 90-99,9-18-90). The subject addition, as explained to your Department, the Technical Review Com- mittee and the Board of Adjustments is to provide more respectable care and service to our residents and their families. The rooms and areas to be added, although includ- ing four (4) beds, three (3) more than current density permits, are primarily to pro- vide more full service. We do not have a medical examination treatment room. For full examinations and treatments, we need one. Residents have to be transported to nearby hospitals, pri- marily Bethesda, or to the doctor's offices. These transportations are traumatic to the residents. We don't have a visitation room, and should have one. When families and friends visit they have to do so in semi private rooms which another resident occupies; often interfering, therefore discouraging, visitations. The Administrator occupies a closet type office, barely room for a desk and two small chairs, to visit daily with residents, families, state and community represent- atives, etc. An Administrator doesn't need a commodious or fancy office, but one that is comfortable and conducive to aforementioned meetings. That's all we ask. The additional be~s are to round out the addition and help justify it. Succinctly, our appeal is as follows: 1. The building was built long before this ordinance was passed and we are of the opinion that, although its intent and objective is good, it should oper- ate progressively not retroactively except in cases of extensive or major modifications. 2. To have to now comply with this small addition would not be economically feasible. 00 - BOYNTON BEACH'S NEWEST HEALTH CARE FACILlTY- - A HOME FOR THOSE NOT IN NEED OF A NURSING HOME - Special Attention and Programs For Alzheimer's Residents Twenty-Four Hour Full Security. Personal and Limited Health Care Attention · Planned and Recreation and Social Activities · Physicians On Call Located Near Community Hospital, Nursing Homes, Medical Specialists and Out-Patie t Facilities 2.~~ Mr. Michael E. Haag April 5, 1994 Page 2 3. Lastly, and more importantly, it would destroy the integrity of my commit- ment to the owners and residents of this High Point community. When we first approachEd the various owner's representatives, one of the first commitments was to construct a building that would be simple and blend in with the rest of the High Point buildings architecturally, using very sim- ilar materials, styles, finishes and amenities. This we did and the subject addition will not interfere with that commitment rather would be a confirm- ation and extension of that commitment as we are using the same architect- ural etc. approach with the proposed addition. Very trult~s, . ~Y'l;Z~~/?--- Carl W. Lindner President E,XHIBIT "B" 10,.3 ADULT CARE RESIDENCE OF BOYNTON BEACH, INC. -~ fv10DERN EVALUATION OF CONFORMANCE WITH THE COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN · IDEWTIFIES THE STANDARDS LISTED IN THE COMMUNITY DESIGN PLAN THAT ARE SHOWN ON THE PLANS FOR THE PROJECT . ENVIRONMENtAL REOULATION App. II APPENDIX II. BOYNTON BEACH COMMUNfTY DESIGN PLAN S7~DARDS . A.lappllcable prqJect. shall comply with the design 8bmdard. as follows: (a) Nelli prq/ects. New proJectll .boJl comply with the sUe pion review process contained In Ohapter J 9. Plans lubmltted for revJew 8hall ,how and IdenUfy a minimum of one (] J lytle or n,lI.1l rooDn, mall&r1..lasl.t qqCl .1) I\vPI .,r elClerlor \Vall Onlsh materlld I\-om the epproprlale ~hlm:lural.l:yle list. Alternately,lbe pppllcant may 8ubmlt to the commu. nlty pppearonce board. materlala that ate hannonloua with the required Rld,Ueclurnl .lyle for roof IU1d exlerlor wall coveting material. Submitted plans shall also Incorporate pt least fifty (iiOJ per cent of the orchltecturol features and/or treahnenls identified on the appropriate architectural style list Inlo the design or the building. or show arcblleclufol leolures ondJor lreabnel119 lbat are barmolllouB wilb lhe required nrchltecturalstyle. ~ (b, l\fodi(icatioll' to ~"tlnB prq/eetl. All other proJect, whlela Inust comply with the community design pia') shall show ond Identify on tho plnnl subrnlUed for review a lululmull' or one Ct) type or fJnl.h rbollna material end one (ll type or exterior wall finish material from the IIpproptlllt~ orchl- tectural 8tyle list or present to the communJl.y appearance board, malerlals thot Rle harmonious with the required archaeclural style for roof and exlerlor willi covering ma- lerlal. Submitted plans shall alllo Incorpornte at lenst twenty-five (26) per cent of the architectural fealures and/or treatments IdenUl1ed on the appropriate orchlteetural 8tyle Ust Inlo the design of Ute building, or show architectural flotnres Dhl\1or treatments that are laarmowoul wUh the required arcbllecturalltyle. . Ce) Architectura' amen"'e.. All prqJectl lubject t~ compUanc8 wltla the community dellgn plan may ehiibs8 on Rlchllec- turol mnenlty froUt the aplJroprl,tl BtehltecturoJ Ilyle"" or pretent amenities the' are hRlmanlaQI with the re- quired Rlchlteel\lralatyln and Incorporllte the amenity Into the aUe and receive credit 81 . required aralallectural Fea- ture and/or treatment. . Supp. No. 40 636 App.1I BOYNTON BBACH CODB td) Colored elevafions. All projects subject to eompthmce with the communlf:y design plan BhalllubmU elevation draw. Ings of all sides of each building propo8ed to be developed on the site. Colored elevation drawings wm only be re- quired ror the front elevation of Illltructure when pJJ sIdes of a bundlng tu"e consistent In color nnd Utaterlals. Eacb colored elevation drawing shall Identify the type of each exterior finish materlal end ltate the color by name, man. ufacturer and model or style number. A color eamplelhall be subDlltted as an example along with the color or product IdentifIed on the plane. The lample wm be used for th" Rl101 slle Inspection lo ensure that the correct product and color were used for the project. For projectll which require BUe plan approval, all color elevntlon drawings and/or lam. ple9 shall be submitted to the plBllnlng department by the sUe plan approval deadline date. ARCHITECTURAL THEMES l1l\fediferrn- I Coastol ViUage nean/Spanish '" Modem Roofs: Metnl Rtoudlnr. seam Borrel tUe Metnl J\spholt shingle S.tlle ')'ar & gravel Wood sholte Exposed raRers Built-up w/deck Formed aluminum Exposed beams Bpnce frame w/skyllght Walls: lIotitontnl " ~od siding Stucco medium Curtain wall IlQrhonlal vir-yl to heavy llenecUve glBB8 siding Bricks ')'bermo pMB Board &: b..Uen '1'lIe Olass Block Slant Ilding Adobe stone Stone veneer Stucco 'I'll e Precn.,t wall Plastic hrmlnate Wood aldlng Bupp. No. 48 838 2or~ 1 REQUIRED * 1 REQUIRED ~ 3of3 ENVIRONMENTAL REOULATlON App. II II Mediterro. 1 Coastal Village nean/Spanish III Modem Architectural features and/or treatments Wall nccessorles: Shutters Iron decorative Aluminum ard} Lattice work grills worlt Decoratlvr moldings Wood decorative Steel grlJl work 1 REQUIRED Balcony gnlls Accent Ule Accent. tUe Decorative BaJcony moldings Arches Bell tower Shutters Windows: J. I REQUIRED Multi.pane gloss MulU-pane glass Spandrel glua wJnd')w Fixed glass Fixed gloss Fixed gla!39 Stained glasl ReOectlve glasl Beveled glsss Extra reatures~ J 1 REQUIRED Decorative benches Decorative Exterior Exterior lamps IRJt1ps llghtlng Related ornaments Iron gates Multi-panel doors Carved doors Amenities: Front poUo Interior court Exterior view Hear PAtio Fountains, elevntor Wood deck Covered walk. Bulldblgl ANY OF THESE 1'rellises ways crossway AMENiTIES MAY Ga~ebo Sculpture BE SUBSTITUTE Picket fence Fountaln FOR THE ABOVI REQUIRED DQmlnant exterior ARCHITECTURA FEATURES. colors: AND/OR BeIge f'1111t No dominant TREATMENTS. Pale yelJow White color Egg shill Red to oranp Blue to gray tone Earth lonel (Ord. No. 90.88, 9.18.90) ~.. .~: f'umH ~ If' -, ':+:~]lll -.:;':,:'3D fl. .~T.~L..-?~/il~'j~1 II l]1-,; . ';;';~~U~-:Il rJ .,":,c'j;1 . ....!lJ ^'~. ~ '. __":' Lp .r .""'i' ~ri~J ~J:.l'" :1: J~l' .~~~~_.' . :lV~\f~ '-' f~ ~ C'I:~::,~,"~!t1;~ ".,.;1:, ~ lii:l'tIj' "',1:.' . 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