LEGAL APPROVAL MEMORANDUM November 29, 1989 TO: Betty Boroni, City Clerk FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Assistant City Planner RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center Conditional Use Application - File No. 368 Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of a conditional use application and related documents submitted by Reverend Arnold Thompson, agent, for a day care center at the proposed Agape Bible Church to be located at 3049 Old Dixie Highway. Also enc losed is a check for $ 600 . 00 to cover the review and processing of this application. A copy of the tax roll listing the property owners to be notifie9 is attached, but a copy of the appropriate tax map showing the 400 foot radius for notification of property owners has not been provided. A copy of the tax map accompanied the applications transmitted to your office for the annexation and land use amendment/rezoning requests back in August and should be in your files. Please advertise this request for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the January 9, 1990 meeting and before the City commission at the January 16, 1990 meeting. ,)'7 " ~ ib'" , dd?7t-t~. ~ TAMBRI J. DEN TJH:frb Atuachments Agpech THIRD ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT BY AND BETWEEN TERRI C. HAUSMAN and ANDREW R. HAUSMAN, SELLERS AND AGAPE BIBLE CHURCH, INC" BUYER II, The Purchase Price shall now be $170,000,00. II.. (c) T!1e Purchase ~ol!ey Mp~1;gage shalll)f,w be $140,OpO.OO,1c k re(XU b'1 VMJ,~ Ml\il'lth\y IVlsta.Dtrl\eJ3. of- pf1nClpG..e ILltP 'Mef~'1 (at It>~) t;t tIllS.,=-<> eo.Lh, tif Cl (>C-ric& or 'ii 1e Except as stated above, the terms .and conditions shall remain the~ same, o:t wh~t\1 t~te & Wa"c€- AlIAs aaV'l.uJ "~ \-I'\t~c\"st I sh~ bl ~ i~ At/I h, t\ bC\.lIocV\ Signed, sealed, and~' I~~ witnessed in the presence of: Dated: iJ-l- 8<1 ~~~' C __) ____:;;J .:%:- ,_/ ' ~I/~~ '7~ ~~ / SELLERS: Jw~ C. HtUI.11t'fM'- TERRI C, HAUSMAN ~~,H~ ANDREW R. HAUSMAN \\ \d-~ ~ \ " BUYER: AGAPE BIBLE CHJ~' INC, BY:iJwJJ,~ THOMPSON, P sident A F F I D A V I T STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ss. ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH APPEARED BEING DULY SWORN, That the accompanying Property Owners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest offi- cial tax roles in the County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" ~ FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Sworn to and subscribed before me this I ,,9; -f-l., day of ~B(l<LJ' A.D. 19 9c:r ~~~hf~~ State of Florida Clt Large ~ .-~.- ...". f.... ~' c.l\~..., !~,~! of" T ~~~ lJl, If fl8;';~)!. ,., ,..t l1,I,jJ ,. ! .L". [) ~l ' . My commission Expires: f't., ~ ~ 1-\ c:a H ::X;:, ~ ~