CORRESPONDENCE ~nhv~! AGAPE BIBLE CHURCH City of Boy ton Beach Planning Dept. 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Boy ton Beach, FI 33425 December 18, 1989 Dear City Planning Dept.: This letter is to request a variance of the requirement for paved walkway for property located at 3049 Old Dixy Hwy., Boy ton Beach, Florida 33461. This request is made for the following reasons: 1. There are no other paved walkway in the area. Such a walkway will not be of any practical use. 2. Dixy Highway 1S scheduled to be widened 1n the future. The walkway if built will then have to be removed. Thank YDU for your consideration. Enclosed please find check for S100.00. lQJCEJl7 o 1Jn fe ~ 1 'ltJ4". PLA -wi NN//VG DfPr. . A.rw!d@kmpsdl1,~- @earlter 3832 GJrtez~ ~Ci&:crch, r::fYlf2.33+4S (3oSJ278-4883