REVIEW COMMENTS 'I "~"'" ':b):",.:;;;: O. ' , .' . -:~Y/.'~:;"~"':""?"'L. _ ..~~'-.,~' .,._"': .,",.~""t6,,,cJ;;i:. ':, .:.....;.::.:..:..;.. ~ft<- ~ ~ - ?I.~'-'toi-~. u;~-.";> .,~:~~' ~., y ~ ~ / . 4' - (' , _~ ~ ' 19fJf~. " '~'., ~. .~'-L., ~ fL. :3 / ~/?f "'~-4-~'~/ ,M~ ~ · -'SAc--/1&f'~~I~ 19, A sealed survey, by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, and not older than six (6) months,showing property lines, including bearings and dimensions; north arrow, date, scale, exist- ing structures and paving, existing elevations on site, rights-of-way and easements on or adjacent to the site, utilities on or adjacent to the site, legal description, acreage to the nearest one- hundredth (1/100) of an acre, location sketch, and surveyor's certification. Also, sizes and loca- tions of existing tree an shrubs, including com- mon and botanical names, and indication as to which are to be retained, removed, relocated, or replaced. 20. I Location of existing utility lines on or adjacent to the property to be indicated on the site plan, in addition to being shown on the survey. Also, location of existing fire hydrants on or adjacent to the site. 21. Location of additional fire hydrants, to meet standards set forth in Article X, Section 16 of the Subdivision and Platting Regulations. Fire flow calculations justifying line size for both on/off site water lines. 22. 23. Sealed engineering drawings for proposed utilities, as per City specifications. Information regarding form of ownership (condo- minium, fee simple, lease, etc.). 24. 25. Location and orientation of garbage cans or . , dumpster facilities: All garbage dumpsters must be so located to provide direct access for the City front-end loaders, and the dumpster area must be provided with adequate width and height clearance. The site must be so designed to eliminate the necessity for the front-end loader to back into , any street. If any use requires the disposal of wet garbage, a ten foot by ten foot (10' x 10') concrete slab shall be provided. All dumpsters must be screened and landscaped in accordance with the City Landscape Code. (see Sec. 7.5-35 (i) ). A minimum 10 foot Wide. ~ o.e e~nilng is re.qUir~d for . i ",Ml" dumpster enclosures. I'~ a-. ~ fIIJ ~ A parking lot design and con~truc~~ plan showing '., conformance to the City Parking Lot RegUlations, and including the following information. Any exceptions to the Parking Lot Regulations that are proposed or that are to continue will require an application for Variance to the Parking Lot Regulations. r " ,) 26. \ Iii 1'y a. Location of all parking and loading facilities. ~ A parking lot layout plan, including curbs, _~ ' , ~ car stops, and double striping. kf1.-JJ. fYOV(ft-~ ~ Joe5. ncf-- nud ~'-hr' ~ -Iz'y s/r7Pf'~ ' lX," A cross-section of matet1als to f~ used i, n the' , construction of the parking lot.c,-fbY- J'\..L.Wf.ul'.uL~) ~ A lighting plan for the b~ilding exterior and ~ site, including exterior security lighting, and lighting for driveways and parking lots; to include the location of lighting standards, direction of lighting, fixture types, lamp types and sizes, and average illumina~io~ level(s) in footcandles. (J[{,~~.( ex.:0;":1,,(l~~ J~~.r;-~'.fr> tl~fr\.tL-h~ y.., #t-I /It. { ~ / { (Ufr1l ~'h~ ~ ') 6r;urce...) '-ha-pL. ,.~ ,.,7,' ':'~:'" . ".";. ::~~,t.;[.:.J:.L:,.;.:...Ci~:'_';"':~-.."~ ~ '- r~', .1.. .- ..,.. ' % :, '~' : '~: , ';r' ' ! " " . ,:x.:' J" j ~.., ! . ~:"; . , ., ':-:~j(~-:::' '.,.' 'I'~ ':-?.:'r~,:.~ :t10' ':~:':':':)?&.?' :~':~; <j::~::~' .., .', ..; , t. e. . ~?W Information showing '~ormance with the Street and Sidewalk g~~fnance, including construction of sidewalks along adjacent public streets. Location of existing/and proposed pUblic and private streets, including ultimate rights- of-way. (7) City f. O~hsite traffic plan, including arrows and Ot er ~avement markings, traffic signs and s op s~gns at exits. ' ~ L?Cation of handicap parking spaces plus ' s~gns and ~ccess ramps, consistent ~ith the ' _~/?<C-, State Handlcap Code. f'...ov;tL<-~ ~'f -Ib ~V A d~~inage plan for the entitkflfie,'i;c-lJdtn/'Cl'f l..c.. par ng areas; to include finish grade and (b~ f ~ pavement elevations, drainage calculations, "b t' ~ l.{ t..t."-' , and details of the drainage system. If the 2l"" ~I ", "y\tL ~. total impervious area on site exceeds ++C2- ...s. d,fCd l;J h'c/.15 . ~~entY-fi ve thousand (25,000) square feet '1""-" '''\ ('(I 1.v 0.;,' A. if~fiet.:;~~age plans and calculations must' be (J-/ V"', ppe 1..1 evatic1:u:..OJ) "d:J..~_!:;!#!:~,r.,~:r.~t=.J.-... /1l~h ~o~ ~1J a., One copy of colored elevations for all . ~~uJ--" buildings and signage to be constructed on ~ 5L~ " site. These elevations must be of all sides . _A/d'~l~ of each type of building and signage proposed /A1lII1 ytV/' . /J?' (', and the colors proposed must be accompanied 'v~ V .. .IJt;f tI ( {;(..J by a numerical code from an established chart L I~ / I I'nr , ff)." of colors. Elevations must alsO include ~&1~ . /t~5 ~ information related to building materials. flfllA l...? (/ ',All elevations must be submitted on 24" x 36" vvv * drawings. Buildings constructed will be -, -r: /\AYI/' inspected on the basis of the elevations, oWIU~v, submitted to the city and approved by the city commission. Failure to construct buildings consistent with elevations submitted will result in the certificate of occupancy being withheld. g. .__,~",.I,,,,'c...' ,. b. ~:,Ii li,i,.~,.":~' I', III, : :!' ~ ' ;,' .i I : I. 'I; ii, I "H'.,'" 'I' '.' ,l,i ~ ;~~ ~~i ., 'h If.~ . A transparency of the s1 te plan (maximum size (:;:1::: , ~ ~i :1 ~, of 8-1/2" x,ll"). At the discretion of the ~'i" applicant, the planning Department will prepare , rl~!I~' transparencies from the site plan document. ,,' I I , However, the planning Department will not be:l)!, responsible for poor quality transparencies' I nrtr ,,' which result from the submission of poor quality site plan blueprints, and poor quality , transparencies will not be presented to the . Planning and Zoning Board or city commicsion.' , c. Colored photographs of surrounding buildings (minimum size 8" >:,10"). .. .' : . G) ::/ IUJffl-'? ~ ~ , ~ 3~5"/&f(f' Q ~ V;c;~t~ ~ B . {Do'" pl!-<_'-II'vtf'7 lisr el- frop, ~ aff. pW/1:f- tIf~~ 6~' ~ +- ~3~ 01~P~~ ~ /~ c;M If ~ ~ ( yvue(.L-- d- ~ ~1t1A/ ~ ~ (1~f1{ (~~ -- ~{v~ ' ~ Df (A,'h~ ~ ~V~~ fhovvtp~oi'1 - , ~ Co/IVlrleA-e- Cort~c'f, ~ t{~ 5KJc,Wu'+I-~) ~~ fYlJV1'k~-;4llmul~ ~ ?:3o A,W], 7fta~ J Nov, -Zb~ /'lJ?"l: _ I. Mi6S;~f1roYn ~I/CA---h'on, ~ C; rOO (.<Ccp'?es) z.. ---1 4;~ fWl ~ f- 3, .- 1- ~~V~ - >-:zt.--3---4f? ~6 .t,/~# f2te,er~~~s ~) ,;2 eapie!S> of nec-J ~ndJJ.Y>l -1v OJ~-. (7)?efo/iu;/iVlJ 1~0 IJr (LIt .rf- owners wr-1btlh. .. .~ ~_~ ef gv.-0e-d PYlJfCAl;t d-:J_ '~fi/ic,l... O'/A &r'j 01 ~ VlJ/f ~#d I Ii r' C; +" ere!'/:::':::: 7 ,,-'- 1 IV F () /1: /~ CNfe5ttfi lily rpilLYl fI'Ul.bI- 6Jww a- ~ // //n-b t20nl1ec,f~~ to thud!)... wi#t. /I- G/u.h fJr o/I? 8e- b/l1. "_4__ _...~~ - -~ - -. ~~+ -~ .~ ~~~---- ---- --.--- (// '41:i!-:~S1t~~1;1;~'~\ _.. \~fl ~6~~i!-b~.~' ~ -~"''''''-''.._---''"';--'' .. ...,.,--.-..~' ..~.~, ~.,,_. '. ,','/,',' , ,. __~-:;:::&:t:~'~fN;:/..!~.1XL.,._~, _~__ CITY of BOYNTON 'BEACH 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, p, O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435,0310 (407) 734,8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR """'-- January 17, 1990 Agape Bible Church, Inc. Attn: Rev. Arnold Thompson 3892 Cortez Lane Delray Beach, Fl 33445 RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center - Conditional Use File No. 368 Dear Mr. Thompson: Please be advised that on Tuesday, January 16, 1990, the City Commission approved the referenced Conditional Use application, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. Included in the staff comments is the requirement that the day care center connect to City's sanitary sewer system. The City Commission has instructed staff to investigate the establishment of a special assessment district in cooperation with Palm Beach County to construct a sanitary sewer lin~ along Old Dixie Highway. In the event that the special assessment district cannot be established, the connection to the sanitary sewer service must be provided at your expense. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulat.ions. After you have amended your plans to rerxect these stipulations, please submit two copies of final plan drawing's with the changes incorporated to the Building Department for permitting purposes. . The approval of the City Commission entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.' Very truly yours, ~~~A: TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board p~~/U EUILDING DE?AR~MENT HD:OP.AIDUM NO. ~i J -:: S 5 '::une L:, E,90 TC: Te.:r.n,:",cal Le\'le-iV ~0ard l-iem.:Je:.-s THt":U: Vincent Finizio Ac~ing Assistant to the Clty E~ginee~ Ed Allen Fire Chief Ed Ei~lery Police Chief John Guicry Utillties Director Bo~ Eichorst Acting PubllC Works Di=ectcr Charlie Frederick - Farks & R8creat~on Dlrector Timcthy Cannon In~erlm Planning Director Lc 11 Jae;j'2l", Bl:ilding aIle. :oning Dil-eC-:Cl-~Y Michael E, Haag, Zoning and Site Administr~or FROM: RE: ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ----------- ~JHD~ Eibl~ ChurcD ':l'J4:j (I:r'l niY;.:> . chwav Boynt-')Y'" ,i=-?rh _ FT. '3'=1435 The Cutt1.ng Edge (:r011n TnC'_ ':'he above referenced p:,-oJect is nearing ('11n1pletion. Prior to -elle Building Department issuing the Certificate of Occupancy, I w;:>uld like to ensure that you do not have any outstanding or pending issues c~:acerning this site that must be rectified, (excluding issues that are cove~ed enti~ely with a city approved Q~~~tv:. :f the issLes are related ~o permits issued by the Bu~:ding Department, please provide -:his departDent with the permit number an~ nature of unresolved issue, If the unresolved issues are not permit related, nc t i fy the o'...vr:.er 0r the O\vr.ers agent to ensure t~1c. t ~he issues ~re rectified, Please respoad to this office within ten days so that we may proceed to issue th~ certificate of O~cupancy, Thank you for your cooperation and timely Lespon3e, cc: J, Scott Miller, City Manager Eill Cavana~gh, Fire Jim Golden, Plannlng Lt, Dale Ham~ac%, Police Pete Hazzella, Utilities Warren Shelhamer, Public Works John Wildner, Rec, Don Johnson, Insp. J. Broomfield, Comm, Imp, Kevin Hallahan, ForesteL File FINALCO.SDD -:F{ECEIVED JUN - 1 <1 1990 PLAN r,j; i\1 f' f') d J1) e.Cr'T '- -- .. . _u.u _=-------- MEMORANDUM 27 February 1990 TO: Michael E. Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator FROM: Tambri J, Heyden, Assistant city Planner THROUGH: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director RE: Building Department Memorandum No, 90-064 Regarding Colored Elevations LMJV~ ~ ao~~~~ - The problem noted in the attached memorandum received from Mike Haag is a problem that has been on-going since colored elevations were allowed to be submitted the day of the CAB deadline, and sometimes even later. Staff comments have already been written, finalized, copied and included in the agenda packages before we get the colored elevations, In addition, this gives the Planning Department only two days to look at the elevations and have them labelled and mounted, During this same two-day period, the Current Planning Division's top priority is preparing presentations for the Planning and zoning Board meeting the evening of this second day, However, when possible, both Planning and Building have made staff comments in the past, regarding elevations, It is my recommendation that colored elevations be submitted at the site plan deadline, and that the Building Department, as staff advisors to the Community Appearance Board, be responsible for reviewing colored elevations prior to TRB to make colored elevation comments if necessary, This would also allow the applicant time to change the colored elevations, if necessary, prior to the Planning and Zoning Board meeting, ,;.:7 ' ..J~(/~, ;~dtJ~u TAMBRI J, EYDE jbks RENDER. xc: Central File E '. J,; l? v:; r-q"""i!ND' ) ..:.....~.J..~',,~..........._"" .. J:....;.s '".:0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, 90-064 ~~L\;'n~1 ';;\ ~Jt:.?T. February 26, 1990 TO: Timothy Cannon, Acting City Planner THRU: Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director~th. " FROM: Michael E, Haag, Zoning & Site Developme t Administrator RE: COLOR RENDERINGS At the present time the Building Department receives from the Planning Department the color elevation drawings of projects with a transmittal letter identifying the project title and stating when the project was approved, The letter and color elevation drawings are transmitted after the City Commission meeting that approved the project and/or projects, Is it correct to believe that the Planning Department has compared the color elevation drawings of each project with the elevation drawings submitted for site plan review and that they match in every respect? The colored elevation drawings are the drawings that the Zoning & Site Development division staff uses to match the building color, facade and other sides of the building when making the final site inspection, During the Zoning & Site Development division's final site inspection we have been confronted with differences in the Technical Review Board final reviewed plans and the City Commission approved colored elevation plans, Elevation changes that occurred during the construction of the project, as a result of code related issues and minor changes, have been approved through the Building Department procedure, However, when the Technical Review Board plans do not match the City Commission approved colored elevation plans, the Building Department is faced with a dilemma and the contractor is completely caught off guard, At the present time these issues are being worked out as diplomatically as possible with the contractor, architect and owner to achieve a finished product we interpret to be acceptable to the City Commission, I would like to recommend, that since the site plan review application requires that the colored elevation drawings be submitted to the Planning Department after the TRB meeting, the Planning Department make a staff comment requiring that the plans submitted for site plan review match, in every respect, the colored elevation drawings approved by the City Commission. This would eliminate the possibility of differences in the drawings and enable the final site inspection to be completed without the major problem of two approved plans not matching. assistance, please advise, ael E, Haag -- meh:eaf COLORDRW,SDD I. MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Haag, Development Compliance Administrator FROM: Tarnbri J. Heyden, Assistant City Planner DATE: January 17, 1990 SUBJECT: Transmittal of Renderings Accompanying this memorandum you will find colored el~vations and/or photographs, color chips and material samples for the following projects which were approved by the City Commission at the January 16, 19~0 meeting: SITE PLAN 1. Boynton Beach Plaza: (Exterior renovations and parking lot improvements to ~he existing shopping center). Two (2) colored ~levations and photographs. City commission approved subject'to staff comments. f CONDITIONAL USE 2. Agape Bible Church Day Care Center: (New day care center at the proposed Agape Bible Church; 3049 Old Dixie Highway, conversion of an existing warehouse building). Photographs. City Commission approved subject to staff comments and to ~he City establishing a special assessment district, coordinated with Palm Beach County, to construct sanitary sewer facilities along Old Dixie Highway northward to the subject property. The name of the project and date of City Commis'sion approval have been placed on the elevations and photographs. f' · ~ -J~ Q~ ' TAMER! J. ifEYDEN /) ~ TJH:frb Attachments xc: Central File Rndrings . _ "\~l,'''''-!...m;.;',.~: I , ,"...-.,... ."....,1...."'. ,,~.,';::.r~~,-.._.. ,.,. - _ _~~.-:-W ..,- .~ "A.A.# L ~ .t., ~~'~ fty~~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-014 January 12, 1990 THRU: S. Scott Miller, City Manager Don Jaeger, Building Official~~~ Michael E. Haag, Development co~ance Administrator TO: FROM: RE: COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD - JANUARY 11, 1990 MEETING The Community Appearance Board met on Thursday, January 11, 1990, and took the following action: NEW BUSINESS 1. CONDITIONAL USE: a. The Board unanimously recommended approval, 7-0, to allow for parking lot and landscape improvements at the Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center located at 3049 Old Dixie Highway with further recommendation that the proposed dumpster, not shown on the plans submitted for CAB approval, be installed to meet the requirements of the City codes. If I can be of any further assistance, please advise. MEH:eaf attachment xc:Honorable Mayor and Commission Timothy Cannon, Planning Dept. Johnnetta Broomfield, Community Improvement CABJAN.SDD RECEIVED JAN 16 1990 PLANNh~l.i DEPT~ ...--- MEMORANDUM January 3, 1990 TO: Chairman and Members Planning & Zoning Board Timothy P. Cannon Interim Planning Director THRU: FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center Conditional Use - File No. 368 Summary: Reverend Arnold Thompson, agent for Agape Bible Church, Inc., contract purchaser, is requesting conditional use approval for a church day care center to be located at 3049 Old Dixie Highway; the east side of Old Dixie Highway, approximately 1,100 feet north of the intersection of Gulfstream Boulevard and Old Dixie Highway. The .68 acre parcel is occupied by a vacant, single family home and warehouse building previously used by an alarm systems contractor. Interior building renovations and parking modifications are proposed to convert the warehouse building into a 2,130 square foot church for a 30 member congregation and day care center for approximately 50 children, and to convert the single family home into 951 square feet of church offices (see attached site plan). The subject property was approved for annexation, land use amendment and rezoning by the City Commission on December 5, 1989 and is currently zoned C-4, General Commercial. Day care centers are permitted in the C-4 zoning district subject to conditional use approval. Surrounding Land Uses and Zoning (see attached map): Abutting the subject parcel to the north is a warehouse building in Palm Beach County. To the northeast is a garden center, two single family homes and a duplex dwelling unit in Palm Beach County. Abutting the subject parcel to the east is another warehouse building in the County. Further east in the City are two vacant parcels, zoned C-3, Community Commercial, for which a site plan for a strip center (Boynton Center Plaza) was approved, but has expired. To the south is a mobile home park in the City, also zoned C-3, and to the west across Old Dixie Highway is vacant land in the City, zoned R-2, Single and Two Family Dwelling District. Standards for Evaluating Conditional Uses: Section 11.2.D of the Zoning Regulations contains the following standards to which conditional uses are required to conform. FOllowing each of these standards is the Planning Department's evaluation of the application as to whether it would comply with the particular standard. The Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission shall consider only such conditional uses as are authorized under the terms of these zoning regulations, and, in connection therewith, may grant conditional uses absolutely or conditioned upon the faithful adherence to and of fulfillment of such restrictions and conditions including, but not limited to, the dedication of property for streets, alleys, and recreation space, and sidewalks, as shall be necessary for the protection of the surrounding area and the citizensl general welfare, or deny conditional uses when not in harmony with the intent and purpose TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center, Page 2 January 3, 1990 of this section. In evaluating an application for conditional use, the Board and Commission shall consider the effect of the proposed use on the general health, safety, and welfare of the community, and make written findings certifying that satisfactory provisioh has been made concerning the fOllowing standards, where applicable: 1. Ingress and egress to the subject property and proposed structures thereon, with particular reference to automobile and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, and access in case of fire or catastrophe. An existing two-way driveway that was used to serve the former commercial/industrial use on the site, will provide the only access to the day care center. A turn-around area has been provided for safer and more convenient vehicular egress from the parking lot. As stated in the attached Planning Department memorandum, it is recommended that the turn-around area be striped and posted to discourage parking and standing in the turn-around area. The Public Works Department is requiring that the turn-around area be widened to accommodate maneuvering of sanitation vehicles which is difficult within sites that are limited to a single driveway (see standard #3 below for further discussion of the refuse area provided). The drop-off area provided, as required by code, is adjacent to the east side of the church/day care center building, unobstructed by the parking lot, associated access aisle and back-up area and is in close proximity to the turn-around area. In addition, a sidewalk is shown on the site plan, between the drop-off area and the church/day care center building. The layout and design of the drop-off area, enabling parents and visitors to safely and conveniently pick up and drop off children, meets the intent of the May 16, 1989 code change requiring drop-off areas. As stated in the attached Planning Department memorandum, it is also recommended that the drop-off area be striped and posted to discourage use of this area for parking or standing. With respect to pedestrian safety, the applicant submitted a sidewalk variance request for an administrative waiver of the requirement to construct a sidewalk along the property frontage. On January 2, 1990, the Technical Review Board approved the sidewalk variance request for the following reasons: 1. If a sidewalk was required and built for the day care center, it would be demolished and reconstructed upon future widening of Old Dixie Highway, a 24 foot, two lane road with an ultimate right-of-way of 80 feet. 2. There are no sidewalks along Old Dixie Highway in the vicinity. 3. Due to the location of the day care center in a commercial zone, isolated from residential zones, the majority, if not all, of the day care center patrons will drive, not walk, to the facility. TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center, Page 3 January 3, 1990 With respect to traffic, the study prepared by Kimley-Horn for the previously approved rezoning application, assuming a maximum number of 50 children in the day care center, stated that only 100 daily trips would be generated by the day care center in addition to the trips generated by the other uses proposed on the site. The present condition of Old Dixie Highway will easily accommodate these trips without any road improvements or any negative impact on the surrounding area. 2. Off-street parking and loading area where required, with particular attention to the items in subsection D.1. above, and the economic, glare, noise, and odor effects the conditional use would have on adjacent and nearby properties, and the City as a whole. As discussed in the attached Planning Department memorandum, 26 parking spaces are required and proposed to serve the church, day care center and office uses. This conservative requirement was derived due to the lack of fixed seating proposed in the church and submittal of a schematic floor plan for the church/day care center building which did not delineate the amount of square footage to be allocated to each use. It is uncertain at this time whether the church will provide day care to children ranging from infants to 5 years of age, or restrict enrollment to a certain age group. Evaluating a worst case scenario in terms of number of staff required, a maximum of 13 staff members would be required for 50 children, infants to under 2 years of age (see Exhibit "A" for H.R.S. staff ratios reproduced from Chapter 10M-12.001 F.A.C. pertaining to day care centers). Therefore, a minimum of 17 parking spaces (13 day care staff plus 4 spaces required by code for the office building) will be in use during the week when the day care center and church offices are in operation with a maximum demand for 30 parking spaces during the weekend when only the 30 member congregation church is in operation. Comparing this evaluation of the number of spaces anticipated to be in use by the day care center staff and congregation, the off street parking spaces provided not only meet code, but are reasonable and functional as previously discussed in item ~l above. It should also be noted that the required drop-off area for the day care center can also serve the church when it is in operation. With respect to noise, an H.R.S. required outdoor play area is to be located along the north property line, east of the church/day care center building. It is not anticipated that noise from the play area will be a nuisance to the C-3 zoned, mobile home park to the south. Even though the mobile home park is the closest residential use to the subject property, it is 64 feet from the play area at the nearest point and is separated from the subject property by a required landscape buffer along most of the southern boundary of the subject property. 3. Refuse and service areas, with particular reference to the items in subsection D.1 and D.2 above. The Public Works Department has indicated that can pick-up is sufficient for the church and church offices; however, a 50 child day care center necessitates a dumpster (not proposed on the site plan). As noted on the attached Public Works Department memorandum, the only serviceable location for a dumpster is at the east end of the turn-around area provided it is extended and TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center, Page 4 January 3, 1990 widened to accommodate the Cityls sanitation vehicles (a 15 foot by 35 foot service area). The Planning Department's recommenda- tion that the turn-around area be striped and posted will also aid the Public Works Department so that this area is unobstructed during servicing of the dumpster. 4. Utilities, with reference to locations, availability, and compatibility. The existing structures, when in operation in the County, were served by a septic tank system and City water. As discussed in the attached Utilities Department memorandum, the existing utility service would be adequate for the church use only. The day care center use will require the applicant, at his expense, to connect to the City's sanitary sewer, which will entail extending the nearest line (approximately 700 feet to the south) to the site. It should be noted that the property to the north of the subject property, in the County, is desirous of connecting to the City's sanitary sewer and has contacted the City in the past as to how to proceed, but has not, because the cost was prohibitive. The mobile home park, south of the subject property in the City, is also on septic and could benefit from connecting to the City's sanitary sewer. With this in mind, a special assessment, (City Charter, Article VIII, Section 156) levied and collected from adjoining or other specially benefited properties, so that the City may extend the sanitary sewer to serve the subject property, may be a viable alternative to the applicant solely assuming the cost or approaching adjoining property owners to share the cost of constructing the sanitary sewer. A special assessment would also be a successful way of encouraging discontinuation of septic tank use to minimize ground water contamination. The Commission may also want to instruct staff to pursue an agreement with Palm Beach County that would assess owners of unincorporated parcels along Old Dixie Highway concurrently with the City's assessment. 5. Screening, bUffering, and landscaping with reference to type, dimensions and character. The proposed screening, buffering and landscaping has been addressed in the attached Building Department memorandum and City Forester staff comment (see master staff comment sheet). Additional screening of the parking area from abutting properties is required by code as well as additional trees along the front property line to meet the screening requirement of vehiclular use areas from pUblic rights-of-way. Also, the hedge material proposed is not a native specie. Selection of an alternate specie that is native, to substitute 30% of the hedge material proposed, will bring the landscaping into conformance with the native requirement. 6. Signs and proposed exterior lighting, with reference to glare, traffic safety, economic effect, and compatibility and harmony with adjacent and nearby properties. The Police Department has addressed the lack of traffic control devices on the site plan submitted (see attached master staff comment sheet). A business identification sign is shown on the site plan submitted; however, it is not definitely located and no details were provided. The general location of the sign most likely will not conflict with visibility triangles, utility lines or required landscaping. ,... II " '- ( :T " ., '"~ III o :T ... ~- a... - ~ ~ '" o III :It'! Z III '" 1110 '0 :;:T 'E. .... :I .0 III .0 I: 0 ;. :: .g' ~:; ~ '<'< ~ '" II :I I: a. III '" ~ ....~. , " :I o a.~ 01: (a. :I " "'''' o a. .,,, It, III III ... "'~ 0'" .,.", " :I a. '" '0 III ., " '" ~ -..I III '" ilia. :I a. ........ "'... ........ !\1 g a. ... III 0 .... ......IV " ::r, .,,, "Ill.... ~8'.... :T~'8 I: ... Ill...... "0'< ... ~O "':T rt e. ....., III III o ..'''' ~., ...", ... "'C " III Ill'" a. III . :I 0.... :T III '" ::rill III '" ~ .....Ill ::r i~ ..... o :;'i '" :I ..' '" ::I 0. III ::I a. "'.... "'''' 00 ::r ..' ..... W'" 0'" '< .... :I ....... 1lI:T ::I"'~ ...., . III " :I .... ".... " 0.0 i~ 00. ~;. 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'" ~>....'i~ :I II " ., eft ....it en !;!,"'B-'2 oll'i::~ 1>>5.,0.", i'O 0' .... o.....::r '" ,... Df ....." co 11"'< .... ~ t"I' '< 0. III ,I>> '< 0 ..,... "" ":I III I>> ., " III "':t'il: i a.'O '0 .. 0.'0 '0 ....~......... 111::1::1:1 .0\0\0 III . .,!l .. "::'2 :3::1 0 0 0111 ::J'''' '" III 0.. III ::r :I og"'a. ~ "':;:'0 '0 . ... ,. ... III ~i:l'< "'0.0111 tD.. Df", .,,, III 0.. III Ill" ...a. . 0' C III III III '< ,.0'" Ill., Ii' .g ~'O Ii ., I) 1lI00. ro<; ...... ~O'::I "'''''' e:o.~ ,.IItO 'OC' .....'0 III ., ::I ...ocC ::I '0 .. 0., III ::r...0' ....... ro ro,< ::r"" ... ~gl: , o.::r 0... "'::1 ::I .0 EXHIBIT "B" STAFF COMMENTS AGAPE BIBLE CHURCH/DAY CARE CENTER BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST: CONDITIONAL USE See attached memorandum See attached memorandum See attached memorandum Stop sign and traffic control devices needed on site plan. See attached memorandum See attached memorandum Required hedge must meet 30% native species requirement for shrubs. MEMORANDUM December 5, 1989 TO: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Development Compliance Administrator RE: CONDITIONAL USE FOR AGAPE BIBLE CHURCH DAY CARE CENTER Upon review of the above-mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. Show location of two (2) required handicapped parking spaces. Also show color and location of required handicapped parking space symbol. 2. Identify the color of the regular parking space striping, white lines four inches (4") wide, is required. The required handicapped parking space striping is blue lines, four inches (4") wide. 3. Show the width of the platform leading to the office building. 4. Show the location, size and elevation of the level plat- form required at the entrance to the church/day care building. 5. Show the location, slope, length and width of the handi- capped ramp starting at the handicapped parking space and leading to the edge of the level platform located at the entrance of the church/day care building. 6. Show the location, height and rail configuration of the handicapped rails that are required when a ramp is over seven feet (7') long and has a slope of one inch (1") rise to twelve inches (12") of run. 7. Indicate two foot (2') on center spacing is mandatory for all required shrub and hedge landscaping. 8. Each adjacent property shall be screened from all on- site vehicular use areas. ., Memo to Timothy P. Cannon RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center December 5, 1989 Page Two 9. The vehicular use area abutting Old Dixie Highway is required to have a minimum of one (1) tree for each forty lineal feet (40'), or fraction thereof, of exposed vehicular use area. 10. Dimension size of sight corner cross visibility area and state the dimension of the vertical clear visibility space located in this area. 11. All plans submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional shall show original raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional. MEH:eaf XC: Don Jaeger el E. Haag AGAPE. SOD ... MEMORANDUM December 7, 1989 TO: Jim Golden Senior City Planner FRa1: RCXJer Kuver Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: TRB Corrlrents Agape Bible Church Day Care Center (conditional use) 1) Sul::mit a parking lot lighting plan consistent with Article X, Parking Lot Regulations. 2) Parking detail shall include color of striping, handicap symbol, sign location and detail. Refer to Article X. 3) Sul::mit a parking lot plan which includes dimensions, elevations, intended drainage flaw direction, curve radii, traffic control devices (signs and paverrent rrarkings) and raised continuous concrete curbing adjacent to all landscaped areas in confornance with Article X. 4) Drainage calculations to be provided to derronstrate adequate on-site retention. 5) Turnaround area on site plan should be striped and "No Parking" signs installed to insure adequate maneuvering room. Details required. 6) Handicap ramp detail and location required on plans. Roger Kuver RK/ck ... MEMORANDUM TO: Tim Cannon Acting Planning Director DATE: December 6, 1989 FROM: Joe C, Swan, P.E, for John A. Guidry Director of Utilities otd(?~71v..1 ~ t:IlvJA~ SUBJ: TRB Review Agape Bible Church Day Care Center Conditional Use We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: 1. Provide 6" VCP cleanouts on the sanitary services at the property line. 2, Relocate the sewer wyes and add fittings as needed to allow for a shallower slope at the main line wye fitting, Wyes installed with a near vertical pitch lead to deposition of solids in the mains, and also are more subject to breakage. 3. We have no objection to the site obtaining building permits and certificate of occupancy for the church use only at this time. However, operation of the day care center is not compatible with the existing septic tank system, and will require the installation of sanitary sewers. We request that permits for the day care center not be issued until the off-site gravity sewer main is installed and inspected. 4, Show the existing septic tank and drainfield on the site plan. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella RECEIVED DEe ? J1J89 PLANNING DE.PT. - - MEMORANDUM January 4, 1990 THRU: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board Timothy P. Cannon T C Interim Planning Director TO: FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center Conditional Use File No. 368 Please be advised of the fOllowing Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request for conditional use approval: 1. Dimension required. access aisle; 27 feet is Article X, Section 5-142(i). the minimum width 2. Stripe and sign required drop-off and turn-around areas to discourage use of these areas for parking or standing. 3. Provide details on the proposed sign; setback from right-of-way line, size, height, advertising, materials, color and letter size and style. If this information cannot be provided by the time of final sign-off, a future site plan approval will be needed. Chapter 21, Section 21-9. 4. Indicate the height of the fence around the property. Chapter 19, Article II, Section 19-17(f). 5. Provide verification that existing lighting meets the City's minimum, average illumination level of one footcandle per square foot of paved area. Building-mounted lighting that shines outward from a building rather than towards it poses a glare problem for security patrol. Chapter 5, Section 5-142(d). Also, pole-mounted parking lot lights should be shielded and directed away from the residential use to the south (mobile home park). Appendix A, Section 4(N)7. 6. Unless a sidewalk is provided within the Old Dixie Highway right-of-way along the property frontage as required by Chapter 22, Article II, Section 22-25, a sidewalk variance request must be submitted and approved by the Technical Review Board. 7. As per Appendix A-Zoning, Section l1.2(E)1, it is recommended that a one year time limit, from the date of Ci ty Commission approval, be established wi thin which the day care must be developed consistent with Appendix A. 8. No fixed seating in the church is proposed as shown on the floor plans submitted and verified by the applicant to allow for dual use of the existing warehouse building for church and day care center purposes. Therefore, the requirement of 26 parking spaces has been calculated based on the rate of 1 parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area for the office building and 1 parking space for every 4 seats, but not less than 1 space every 100 square feet of gross floor area, for the church/day care center building. (Because the church/day care center building floor plan is not designated according to use, the parking rate for churches must be applied to the entire building rather than the less stringent day care center parking rate.) Should the uses within these buildings ch~nge or shift or should interior changes, such as fixed se3.ting, be made, parking will have to be reevaluated. MEMORANDUM November 15, 1989 TO: Reverend Arnold Thompson FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Assistant City Planner RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center - Conditional Use Please be advised of the following list of Planning Department preliminary comments with respect to the above-referenced conceptual site plan for conditional use approval: 1. Please contact Bob Eichorst of the Public Works Department regarding the need to provide a dumpster on the site. If the Public Works Department requires a dumpster, show a dumpster location, including a detail for the required pad and enclosure, that is acceptable to the Public Works Department with respect to orientation, access and proper turn-around. (See City Standards and Appendix A, Section 11(J)2(b). 2. Delineate a drop-off area for the day care center adjacent to the building and having unobstructed ingress and egress as required by code. Appendix A, Section 11(H)14. 3. Due to width constraints of the'parcel, only one, two-way drive can be provided. This necessitates a functional turn-around area (cul-de-sac or IlTIl) for vehicles using the parking lot. Such design could be accommodated by the dumpster turn-around discussed in item #1 above. The only other alternative would be to loop a one-way drive around the church building, which is not as practical as providing a turn-around. Article X, Section 5-142(i). 4. The minimum parking stall dimension is 9 feet by 18 feet with double striping. Provide a stall layout detail and dimension typical depth of stalls. Article X, Section 5-141(j) and Section 5-142(1). 5. With the uses of the two buildings labeled as shown on the conceptual site plan, the code would require parking for the office building at the rate of 1 parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area, i.e.-4 parking spaces plus parking for the church/day care building at I parking space 1 per 100 square feet of gross floor area, i.e.-22, for a total of 26 parking spaces (because the church/day care center building floor plan is not designated according to use that will occur, the parking calculation for churches, 1/100 g.f.a., must be applied to the entire building, rather than the less stringent day care center parking calculation, 1/300 g.f.a.). Also, computations for number of parking spaces are rounded to the next highest whole number when the computation includes a fraction. Therefore, five more parking spaces need to be added. The following suggestions are offered: a) As discussed in item 4 above, restriping of the 10 foot wide spaces to 9 feet wide would enable two spaces to be added within the pavement area shown. b) The 6 foot landscape island shown can be deleted as it is not required by code since the parking spaces provided are perimter spaces as defined by the landscape code. c) The existing space between the two buildings can be retained and credited toward the number of spaces needed. d) One or two spaces can be added in front of the office building. Appendix A, Section 11(H)7, 8, 11, 14, and 16(b)1 and 16(c)4. 6. Existing landscaping must be shown on the plans. Any existing species that are exotics shall be removed. A hedge, within a 2-1/2 foot strip, along the south property line abutting the parking lot and trees 40 , foot o.c. planted between the edge of the parking lot and the public right-of-way line within a five foot strip, including a hedge, are required. Dimension all landscape strips. Article II, Section 7.5-35(d) and ( e) . 7. The location of any proposed freestanding signs should be shown, otherwise a future administrative approval for this will be required. Chapter 21, Section 21-9. 8. Proposed public utilities connections must be shown. Contact Pete Mazzella in the Utilities Dept. Appendix A, Section 11(A)8. 9. Drainage calculations and spot elevations must be provided illustrating that drainage is pretreated and contained on-site at the minimum capacity of 2-1/2 inches of rainfall in one hour. Article X, Section 5-142(f) . 10. Exterior lighting of the parking lot and pedestrian ways must be shown. Lights shall be photocell activated and provided at the rate of one footcandle per square foot of paved area. Article X, Section 5-142(a). 11. All items on the conditional use application checklist (pages 5-8) must be provided on the final plans submitted for approval. Please be aware of the standards for evaluating conditional uses listed in Appendix A, Section 11.2D. J7~9':;! ./. , TAMBRI J. HEYPEN ~ TJff:frb xc: Central File Achurch -r-- I Lj :~ -~ r" E..8SI ~~Te c.'!.l'-.----- Old Dixie Highway ~ ~G i _UlIlma'e R1W_ l: , ~ .(') JO(,,) % . - I 1 '0" 0' 1>~~ ~;I t 'I ~ [ n ~_.--\ ~ ~~ ~ ,~ I i ii ~ ~ i ' ~~!l"~ } c n!w _ ~. l .! ~ ~ . .. 1 ~ III '" i \~ ;.. ..., Co> ....:11 "'- 00< ~~ s: ? l:' l C!;)i " i s ~ ~ .. ~ , -rr \ , ~ I;;~ . . ~ . , ~ ~ ~ 96.43 (') C> llT ig l'l i:: i. 'i ", h . . 'H ~. ~. ~\ h n \! (') G) ----..---'.. .'-~""== -~ --- I +-- Old D'x,. Hlghw., '.. '", "" ~ IS t ~... ~"\ "'= ii I~ I J: , g; 00 tW 3 o . ': ~ l (!), " , 5 r ~ ! -~-r I~j 9&,43 o C) ... o 00 ... .. ilT ;;6 I'l H i'i !~ 'r, if. ::a ':l. il h ia "I J~ o C) ,Iv.- -:'\ nnnnnoOOL~::;':;'-~'~'; I 'I~ ("irL:Ji:51"! :i~'""~I~!~_ . 'I. ~ . I ,,'"'"'!B Tii'f'l'7i' : +j- , !TT"T.'I \ 1.-. ...-! tJ..,.: ' : - ' :r1'll_~1J l ' ] lJllllC ~ I,' 77" ;. 'i:P~' t,)...... 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