APPLICATION ~ AiL (lev (>(tJrJ-<; Q,..ou,() e (:) . Q~D ~/L2./97 I ~f"c> I ArlO fDJ ~ @-~ ~... w rn J~ II \ f ' n fin I, ::~ 1!J IUIJ~~97 JL I PLMnW!G MJO ! ZONING DEPT. i.....~-..r,_, "'...... ...____-...... _ __ CJ.'l'Y OF BOYN'l''::'N BEACH, .FLOIUDA PLANNlNG & ZON1.N~ nEPAR'l'MEN'l' SITE Pl..AN REVIEW APPLICA'l'ION E'OR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid: Receipt Number: This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Department. Twelve complete, sequentially numbered and assembled sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. An incomplete submittal will iiOt be processed. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: AMEROPE ENTERPRISES, INC. 2. J\pplicant I s name '(person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Mr. Pdward Testa, President, Amerope Enterprises, Inc. d 2005 Corporate Drive A dress: Boynton, Beach, Florida 33426 Phone: 561-737:-7370 Fax: (Zip Code) 561-737-37Tr 3. Agent's Name (person} if any, representing applicant): Richard C. Ahrens Address: 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, Florida 561-863-'9004 33404-1765 561-863-90b7 ip Code) Phone: Fax: 4. Property OWner's (or 'Trustee's) Name: Condor Invesbnents of Palm Beach Cmmty, Inc. 430 N. "G" Street Address: Lake Worth, Florida 33460 (Zip Code) 561-585-55'74 Phone: 561-588-6500 Fax: 5. Correspondence to be mailed to:* Richard C. Ahrens, 3750 Investnent Lane #2, West Palm Beach FL 33404-176 * '1'h1s is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING & ZUNING DEPARTMENT - November 1991 A: SI'l'EPLAN ( 2 ) 6. Hltat is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (Oh'ller, huyer ~ lessee, builder, developer, Call trac t plIrchaser, ete.) Buyer I " 7. Street addref:>R or location of si te z Approximately one (1) mile north of Gateway Blvd, on High Ridge and .45 miles 'eClst on COlllllerce Road on the s.oL! 1:'.11 sldr=. O. Property COlltrol H I 0843 450 921 0020160 Legal description of site: See attached LegCll Description 9. Intended \lse(s) of site: Arnerope - North Bay: Warehousing & UIdIlUIctcLL!LlJl,=! vI X Lcty ctl1J nuclear shielding glass products. - uses, see list of intended uses) 10. c Ahrens COmpcHlleS, ::>0 nvestment Lane, Suite 2, West Palm Beach, Florida 33404 11. Architect: _N/A 12. Landscape Arch1 teet: Jim McElheny, Sunshine Land Design 13. Site Plannerl Moseley Collins 14. Engineer: Moseley Collins - Building Cunningham & Durrance - Drainage 15. Surveyor: Jupiter Surveying 16. Traffic Engineer: 17. lias a site plan been previously approved by the City cOllunisslon for this property'" No N/A 10. Estlmated cOllstruction costs of proposed improvements shown 01 this site plan: . $471 ,500.00 ~~nu.. &kV~ I Ittlo 2 M.e ~T A'T nfts 'T1mC,I 1lIPV lN1(.L' ~ 1t> Flt.e ~tt use ~~ bJ~~~o~'f'V( A'( A ~ p~ (;}rJO '~Nl'bPM. -tp 6'Nf ~ ~ ~(;tfto l.A.S'T tsf' C~~~D us: es. PLANNING & ZONING DI~PAH'l'NEN'l' .- November, 1991 l\:Sll:ePlall 11. SI'l'E DA'1'A 'l'lle fallowing information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, all all copies of the site 'plan. .1 . 2. 3. I!~H9_!!~gS!!~ggQ~Y2!!Q~n in the Comprehepsive Plan Industrial ( ] ). Zonipg District Planned Industrial Development (P.I.D) 1.267 ma of Site .4. Land Use -- Acreage Breal;4..'lli!! h. 8. Residential, including surrounding lot area of grounds b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) c. Hater Area acres 55, 170.90 sq. f t \ of s % of s, % of s % of s. % of s. % of s. 'Ii of sj % of s: " of s, acres acres acres d. Commercial acres e. Industrial 1. 267 acres 100 f. PUblic/Institutional g. Public, privat~ and Canal rights-of-way other (specify) acres acres acres i. Other (specify) acres j . Total area of site 1.267 acres 100 \ of s * including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. .! 5. Surface Cover b. c. d. a. Ground floor building .446 area (ltbuilding footprint") Water area acres 35.2 o o % of s: \ of s: " of sj e. % of s! acreF Other impervious ,areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, declc:s, and athletic courts. ~ ~ ~ PL1\lHHlfG & ZONING DEPAR'J'NEH'l' - Ilovember, ] 991 Total impervious area ~ 1'. . co ( . .', r"l , Landscaped area Inside of parking lots '20 sq. ft. per interior parkIng space requIred _ see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). ~ % of sj y. other (specify) sg. ft. ~ , - sg. ft. h. Total floor area 7. !H!!!!ber of llesidential Dvlellillg Unl ts N/A ct. Single-family detached sq. ft. sq. ft. u. DupleJt c. MUlti-Family (3 + attached d\-/elllng uni ts) (1) Efficlency (2) 1 Dedroom (]) 2 Bedroom (4) 3+ Bedroom 'l'otal multi-family dwelling unlts dwelling units dwellJ.ng units dwelling units dwelling units d. e. Total nwnber of dwelling units o. grass Densit:y: N/A dwelling units per acre 9. t1aJtimum height of structures on site 23.08 feet sto 10. negulred off-otreet parl~llil ct. Calculation of required Ilumber of off-street park1.ng spaces 1 4 E'Joployees = 11 parking spaces 10 guest - 2 1 Total required b. Off-street parking spac provided on site plan 26 PI.7\l1I11tHJ (:. ZOIIlNG DEP7\H'I'r'lElI'I' -. fJrwPllIhrll- 1 QUI ^ RAY GLASS/OI STRI8UTE STATEOFFLOF-~IDA PALM BEACH COUNTY COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE . 'oLASSIFICAlION 00-020 1993-0655':> AME~OPE ENTERPRI SES INC \ -", TESTA A EO\,.ARO -. PO BOX 4297 BOYNTON BEACH FL'-33424-4297 J'''~ >,'u;<LOCA T ED AT: "\,,""""" ( CNTY t.30. 2005 CORPORATE DR[VE BOYNTON REACH FL 33426 3i: :'~~R~~~~'.~C~Ni~l/ ~t "~13d~~ 'A~D~~S~:\OR', ~/f~iilo~: "&~cil~f, . NINO ON tHE FIRST DAY. OF OCTOBER AND ENDING, ON. THe. ,THIRTl.. : ETH.i; DAY; OF. - SEPTEMBER TCI. E.NGAGE IN, THE BUSINESS,." I>ROFESO ' _ SIClI'f'. OR OCCUPAll0N OF:.' .. "', '. ".' " . ~~;,j'y..:~:~..~:t,",,~oI' ~ <, ":. l. ',: ,'~....'''." :.. ': ~~..:)" . ~,>I~'~':~~'-"\'.t-~ '.~:IL-::"I: TOTAL L THIS IS NOT A BILL - DO NOT PAY ~JO. DEALER IN TANGIBLE PROPERTY JOHN K. CLARK, CFC TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY PAID. PBC TAX COLLECTOR CK $30.00 oee 49 22308 08-29-96 THIS LICENSE VALID ONLY WHEN RECEIPTED BY TAX COLLECTOR LICENSE MUST BE DISPLAYED CONSPICUOUSLY AT ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINE "-'-~.--:--~~-.-~---~~- --- "-. I .,;. ... ' '>< ....:., . . ., , , I . . ~ :; ',:' ..~. :~:; .. . ..,,"-; ., "-, CIIY ut- tiUYN I UN t:St:.A~H I " OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE LICENSE NO. 76219 , I I .J 1 J I CONTROL NO. ! 051911 .) BUSINESS NAME lAP N DELINQUENT CHG. M~RO E E t!RPRISES, INC. 1 LQC~:r!?N_d' ", ::: . , ; ',' l.>.t;"'?OO3,r~";~":'<:Q~p.aaI1'e';:'lia ';,:: . . '.' ;,;,', :}:TRAN~I:ER FEE" i;i}l:l~"">~J,-",'il";,.V,<',< ~f,~,'~t.:l-i;"~1l"11"'~~~~.l'fv~[,*,.;.,~;,if.'U,~,~ftt~';P\t~M,"."""~., ''''-l. ;. .fft~'" '. ~,7, ;g. ',' ",' "....,...~'~ '''1'.'''''',( ,", .~'..1.:>;';;.~ ,;,J:,,~~,\~,....~, -,' ,':CL;A~~ISJQATIO~::, ':~<;; ~~':".~. ;t.:~,::',~',:" '. ,.' ,:.'..;':i'i!;'fc.i>~~-;:.!!:'%."~:;~~~';~ '~" i' .~' , ' :" .' ;.,~:+ ;.f;'!': IQT~~:~MqYf:4T PAI~ ,. 'c.~., "':6'~<' '0' '~''...; L,..:~i,.~r:'. '~~'.r.~:::\"":'" "~~.':'-.'.::...l:-.. ,.~;, ...t_'~~'''',~'->~~l~,::~>.~::';.''i."?t;~~~"1"i;~t~:;~~...''",.t~ r-'-:.,:(J~~~t'';'~!';;:=,~....~r:~_i~." c . '.~~.r ':'j.v-. ~<':. 'U. -'~~, ;'~~:;,C ~ :.t~ ~.Q 9 9 .;:. :.;' ~ E "C~A Nt,: :rr:~~~P ~!~fl~~,f: ':':";~"':'.'} '~'~'~"i. ! .i.;~": -,. '<,.;;,WC~NSE;.!~tJ!=P FO:R]HE{f?E~.IOD '. <,;;i~!V .!:.~ ~<~:':'<L: I:: ;,':.' :".: ;'<'.. :~~i~ ::<" .;. fi~..',:,<~z.~.,~{~,~ :~::},:{~" >,~,>..:.!:~. .~ ::~:'.-.:.' ,'" ~~TOBERJ'c' ~. '~:': .':" ::: ~9.~E~~~BeR'3o '. , ".......,RQ"P. C1u.....,~t?aIsEs .....,C"".',..~" "'J'..,;,. "",' "I.J,~,...,.,.,., 1996""'" ,. . .,.~'.'.1997' . al:'"f./j J;.w.I;'&41.....a;,:.\, t"'-.1'" _;.j.t(l;"I.';:r.'\CG,',,'::',):\L,'.t .,:.,,'1 .~""" . t'. ., :1 ".'\ ... ]>200:5 ",C!QR ~OIiA TE.,,'D RI~.E ": ",'~ ""'.:'f;.~'~:;E:~~:ij,,:,~:' 5':': 'O:,.9CE.~S.E,MUSTBE,.Q.pN~P~G,~o~s~~PtSP~~Y~D 1 aOn;:rON.fJ!,ACH....,Pl.,:?33426::.. }{:;,.~tp'i';7.}.",'. '{~,;" " . "\TO PUBLIC VIEW AT BUSINESS:l()CATION' ;.... ,.< ;""..,"-;- _'''':''.-'.-i''.;.;o ......-~ ,'" ~::'fo,,<;.: 6~.:~t':',..'<::o:.(.~.,'..;'.:'.'('. '"' ,'.>:: -.---. -'. '. .,;.,....-. :.,- - "_." .',' ."' "- ~ 1996-1997 NEW RENEWAL X OWNER, ':t 25.T A A. EDWARD DATE ISSUED 9/30/96 ...'. 'ff ...... ;\ LICENSE FEE 466.00 .. ' .~ NOTICE: This license becomes NULL and VOID if ownership, business name. or address is changed, Licensee must apply to License Department for Transfer, The mistaken issuance of a license shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any provision of the City Code nor shall the issuance of a license be construed to be a judgement of the City as to the competence of th~cap.p~t~ansact the licensed business. . ---~"~--~._~----- - - ~ :" -. ,--...-- -----,.. " "', .; ',' '. ; INTENDED USES a. Manufacturing, fabrication, and processing as follows: (1) Bakery products. (2) Ice and dry ice. (3) Textile products, apparel, and clothing accessories, manufactured from purchased fabric and materials, excluding spinning, weaving, knitting, dyeing, or treating of textile mill products. (4) Sailmaking and canvas goods, including retail sale of goods manufactured on premises. (5) Leather cutting and stamping; fabricated leather products. (6) Furniture, cabinets, and wood fixtures, with gross floor area of shop not greater tan two thousand (2,000) square feet. (7) Blind, shutter, shade, and awning fabrication from wood, plastic, fabric, canvas, or finished metal pieces. (8) Converted paper and paperboard products, limited to cutting, stamping, folding, laminating, lining, coating, and treating of purchased paper, paperboard, foil, sheet, or film materials. (9) Stone cutting and finishing. (10) Statuary, ornaments, and art goods. (11) Glass and glass products. (12) Ceramic, pottery, and porcelain products, using only previously pulverized clay, and using kilns fired only by electricity or gas. (13) Investment casting. (14) Machinery, equipment, appliances, parts, and tools, limited to assembly of finished parts and materials. (15) Electrical and electronic goods, limited to assembly of parts and materials. (16) Plastics, rubber, or fiberglass products, limited to cutting and assembly of parts and materials. (17) Precision instruments, optical equipment, photographic equipment, and clockwork devices. (18) Medical and dental equipment. (19) Household goods and other small items such as jewelry, lapidary goods, personal articles, toys, amusement devices, sporting goods, musical instruments, stationery, office, and art supplies, advertising specialties, novelties, ornaments, notions, cookware, and flatware. (20) Fruit packing and shipping. (21) Artist and draftsman shops, excluding retail display or sales on premIses. b. Commercial services as follows: (1) Industrial, commercial, office and professional equipment, service, repair, and rebuilding, excluding uses specifically prohibited in Section 8.A5. (2) Household goods, service, repair, and rebuilding, excluding display or sale of any new, used, or rebuilt merchandise at retail on premises, unless specifically allowed in accordance with Sections 8.A1, 8.A2., 8.A3., or 8.A4. (3) Furniture and antique upholstery, covering, and repairing. (4) Steam and pressure cleaning services. (5) Septic tank, sewer, and drain cleaning and repair services, excluding storage, treatment, transfer, dumping, or disposal of waste on premises, provided that trucks used for the transport of waste shall be parked and stored in conformance with the minimum distance requirement specified in Section 8.A2. (6) Packaging and labeling services, excluding handling of materials prohibited in Section 8.A5. (7) Lawn, garden, and tree maintenance services; landscaping contractors. (8) Recording and motion picture studios. (9) Catering and food services. (10) Data processing services. (11) Research and development laboratories. (12) Commercial testing laboratories. (13) Medical and dental laboratories. (14) Upholstery and carpet steam cleaning businesses. (15) T owing companies with exterior storage. ( 16) Vegetation recycling as a conditional use to a solid waste operating and recycling facility. c. Storage, distribution, and wholesale uses; retail display and sales shall be prohibited unless specifically allowed in Sections g.A1., g.A2., or 8.A3. (1) Warehouses, mini-warehouses, storage lockers, and cold storage, excluding uses specifically prohibited in Section 8.A5. (2) Industrial, commercial, office, professional, and business machinery, equipment, fixtures, tools, and supplies, excluding uses specifically prohibited in Section 8.A5. (3) Household goods; storage, wholesale and distribution only; retail display or sales shall be prohibited unless specifically allowed in accordance with Sections 8.A1., 8.A2., 8.A.3., or 8.A.4. (4) Building materials, home improvement stores, lumber, door and window hardware, shades, shutters, blinds, and awnings; fencing, roofing, flooring, carpeting, tile hardware, tools, paint, wallpaper, shelving, cabinets, furniture, partitions, kitchen and bathroom fixtures, pools and spas, glass and mirrors, plumbing and electrical supplies, and the like, including retail sales. (5) Pumps, generators, motors, fire protection equipment, and irrigation equipment. (6) Heating, cooling, ventilating, refrigeration, solar energy, water conditioning and heating systems and equipment, and major appliances, including retail sales. (7) Nurseries, greenhouses, lawn and garden equipment, tools, and supplies, including retail sale. (8) Monuments and gravestones, including retail sales. (9) Feed and farm supplies, excluding uses specifically prohibited in Section 8.A.5. (10) T rucks, buses, farm equipment, construction machinery, and utility trailers, including retail renting and sales. (11) Passenger vehicles, boats and pickup trucks, excluding any retail sales or display, and excluding the keeping of vehicles in violation of Chapter 10, Article III of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. (12) Automobile, vehicle, and boat parts, accessories, furnishings and supplies, retail sales or display shall be prohibited as a principal use and shall be permitted only as an accessory use to repair, service, rebuilding, or installation services, where such services lawfully exist. (13) Ice and dry ice, including retail sales. d. Transportation, communication, utilities, and miscellaneous uses as follows: (1) Package express and messenger service. (2) Recycling pick-up facilities for paper, glass, and cans from households. (3) Trade and industrial schools. (4) Ambulance dispatch service. 2. Permitted uses subject to distance requirement. Within any M-l industrial district, no building, structure, land, or water, or any part thereof shall be erected, altered, or used,in whole or in part for any of the following uses, unless a minimum distance of three hundred (300) feet is maintained between the use and residential- zoned property. Said distance shall be measured along a straight airline route from the property line to residential-zoned property to the building or portion of the lot where the specified use is located, except that those portions of the lot or structure which are located within the minimum distance may be used for lawful uses other than the uses listed below, subject to district building and site regulations. Any use or process that would require an environmental review permit under Section 8.A.3., would require conditional use approval under Section 8.A.4., or would be prohibited under Section 8.A.? shall fully comply with the provisions of those sections, where applicable. a. Manufacturing, fabrication, and processing as follows: (1) Plastic products, limited to forming of plastics materials, including compounding of resins. Establishment of such uses within the minimum distance requirement specified above shall require an environmental review permit. (2) Rubber products, limited to forming of rubber materials, excluding tire and innertube manufacturing and rubber reclaiming. Establishment of such uses within the minimum distance requirement specified above shall require an environmental review permit. (3) Machine shops, welding and metal working shops, tinsmiths, sheet metal fabrication, blacksmith shops, machining, stamping, cutting, joining, forging, drawing, bending, or other forming of metals as either a principal or accessory use. Establishment of such uses within the minimum distance requirement specified above shall require an environmental review permit. b. Other uses as follows: (1) Building cleaning and janitorial services; swimming pool maintenance services. Establishment of such uses within the minimum distance requirement specified above shall require an environmental review permit. (2) Contractors, operative builders, and trade contractors shops and storage areas. Establishment of such uses within the minimum distance requirement specified above shall require an environmental review permit. ~ 3. Uses requiring environmental review permit. Within an M-l industrial district, no buildings, structure, land or water, or any part thereof shall be erected, altered, or used, in whole or in part, for any of the following specified uses, unless an environmental review permit is secured in accordance with the standards and procedures set forth in Section 11.3; provided, however, that any use or process that would be subject to-a minimum distance requirement under Section 8.A.2., would require conditional use approval under Section 8.A.4., or would be prohibited under Section 8.A.5. shall fully comply with the provisions of those sections, where applicable. a. Manufacturing, fabrication, and processing as follows: (1) Dairy products. (2) Canned, frozen, or preserved food. (3) Beverages and bottling. (4) Confections. (5) Prepared meat, seafood, and poultry products. (6) All other food products, not specifically permitted in Section 8.A.l or prohibited in Section 8.A.5. (7) Furniture, cabinets, and wood fixtures, with gross floor area of shop of greater than two thousand (2,000) square feet. (8) Printing, publishing, bookbinding, engraving, and allied industries. (9) Pharmaceuticals and biological products. (10) Cosmetics. (11) Plastics products, limited to forming of plastics materials, including compounding of resins, where such uses would be established within the minimum distance requirement specified in Section 8.A.2. (12) Rubber products, limited to forming of rubber materials, and excluding tire and innertube manufacturing and rubber reclaiming, where such uses would be established within the minimum distance requirement specified in Section 8.A.2. (13) Fiberglass fabrication and repair, including fiberglass boat fabrication and repair. (14) Machine shops, welding and metalworking shops, tinsmith, sheet metal fabrication, and blacksmith shops, machining, stamping, cutting, joining, forging, drawing" bending, or other forming of metals as either a principal or accessory use, where such uses would be established within the minimum distance requirement specified in Section 8.A.2. (15) Electrical and electronic goods involving processes other than assembly of parts of materials. b. Commercial services and contractors, as follows: (1) Concrete contractors and pumping service, excluding concrete plants. (2) Contractors, operative builders, and trade contractors shops and storage areas, where such uses would be established within the minimum distance requirement specified in Section 8.A.2. (3) Automobiles, buses, trucks, and other motor vehicles, construction and farm equipment, service, repair, rebuilding, and storage, excluding the keeping of vehicles in violation of Chapter 9, Article III, of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, and excluding automobile service stations selling motor fuels at retail. (4) Boat storage, service, repair, rebuilding, and customizing. (5) Furniture cleaning, stripping, and refinishing. (6) Exterminating, fumigating, and disinfecting services. (7) Print shops, photographic laboratories, commercial photography, commercial art, silk screening, lithography, typesetting, and blueprinting services. (8) Uniform, towel, and linen supply services, industrial launderers, laundry and dry cleaning plants, excluding retail pickup and drop- off on premises, carpet and rug cleaning plants. (9) Tire recapping. (10) Building cleaning and janitorial services and swimming pool maintenance services, where such uses would be located within the minimum distance requirement specified in Section 8.A.2. (11) Specifically per the use of Amerope as per attached permits previously issued by the City of Boynton Beach. 1("r.~IJ'),o'""l"h"""~ L.~. .;1{, ct 31 Ol:f~ 2 _9j~~[lI~ ~l~ (1'UAi:FCE ?AlIl<.. ~ >>. '- n. arul. th. iuUvwYI1!I P....sw\ir.ll'L-opt.rty ;:~1I mi1ectivc,ly' rdmcd to ~ me '1'ropcny'j un tZ:0I t~Wll' .u::.l ..."diu.:..", $4!l :Ort.'1 ~iO\V nu' <Ffff'l"Ilve Date" oitbi9 Cllmr:let Is the ~~ on ...hi.,h the last of the Pal!i<:s ~isrl$ tbe I~r offer. TIm", i,; ui!he ~_...." ..., UIls ConlTilct, '!".,..,,. rp",~,I'J; ~ dlly:; or 1z~ sh.ill be cQm",,~d wothroJt jl\('hldingS<liur':Uy.. SUtld.lY, or nilt1or.u lcg31 ::clid:.;,y~ oUlIl .LIlY J.u", F~Liod "jld:i1~ 0" ., ':"hlT<i~y, :iunday m'tllLI:iONl J.;o~a!r.olid!lY ~MII"" ....tpnli,.d unc13:00 p.!Il en the r.CX1: ~\:j;lr.esz Jay. ~ PUROL\SE ma (oi) DepalIit tu bv hod<.l in .........w "." " (bj A.dd1rlDNld~t w ~m;,jJ" wiU,ul_ ,ja)'s n:om Llte1:1iv~ OM,. (~) TOIDl m~ I:::; lcierenc~ in .P~I;r'.."h~) ("') (It""'" ~c'\Mfflldlm ~:r:lttE...phy 19 (el tlJIl""..... to~. ,;u:r~ to 00ju.'t:!'1cr.~ ~d pl'C!'3:on., ::J b~ r:-...cilo/ willi ~.:aoh, !<:.wll,' e1l'ilwn miili,.d ,,,. ~liou'S'cr.ed: OTW1T(" mtn*r. S 179.305.44 S 3.965.00 S. s :; ---S;-96S. on ~ lo~,3'IS.H 3. Tf{(RI) p..uT\' ENA.. 'KLI'./G. Within ,illY' ~m Effc~c !:l;:.u: \" Appl1Cl.don ?ert.:Jd '), 8L"YER sll.,il. ~i. SU'tER'S ,o!Xf"ID-<oe.. ;q>ply to: tt-.ird part)' fulil.ll'..iJ,~ 4, liLlO .w.LOUlll d ~~ ___ . __ 11'1' _ ~ of the p~e price to 011 amucti.:.wIl v'"'" ~ jJteLW OJ; _ yc:m; ~ ~ j:: nu ll/".a t1WlI _ Y"AL~ ",,-.d ""lih J. ;:.;ed mtr,1"\1 mt.. "01<('1 n:~.c.cd U rrcv~S' .rote ::J_ % p<a y....Vf vll:;ijblc ~~t mtc,not :o,..~Q,pr.'1.ulln!!: r.t<::J_ ;~ ~l o.d~1<'ticn, W1Th .",,;,l1ortAJ l'P.rm. D~ tnllow:l: _ . See. ~ PariloQ.f,.,.>t, 11 l.IL:'flll ~hhll f"Ilyfnl'thc rMI't,,~!it1C 1n..rw:an~ ?olicy.md ilK .nJ\14n"x~_. ;;;:LLJU.{ S!-.A.U. ti.rnt-l~' rT"V1I'l.. ."y.nd an =cJi:. t<u1~'\JoymeJlt, tinan<:1...I, ("~('\1"~' l"'f~",,,nd olll!:'!: ll1form:ldun ~~cr.aDlyNqUirIlll b~ .I.IlY 1..,t.l"L. !JUYJ.:l~ shal.l!1.C!rtV ':;1'1 /, FR i.ulll\~i;.l..l." "}lo.n obli.i.ni."ll!; p"..,nrmr;-o'lr "",'Me 1'i'J~(,ll:dby J. :.::ndcr, lfSt~"ER. Ul@f dillgeI'J: ciitlrt, :ill. tv .,l1i<W, ~ wrillen oommi~ witbn _ ~y. ;"'VUl ~v.. LJ,lfe (',:,;""'""'"';'; I '..,.,,,Ii':,, RU'I'''Ei\ ~iIa11 cilh.cr (a) w;uve thil; !in:.lncin", Wjll.Ul~lU"':; ...."'l ~.to;,'eect with d<:>~\'l~('\'r , IP) 7'Co1pply OltSEttER'S nqu~,.t ;tI1J .u a BUtER'S :;:; :;au:K'.i~T'ffi.~ior TMM'<'lMg: or an J.1!~t!'.:ltc !c:ndc! ~cl;;aeQ i:;$E.LLSF.. Rcappl:ica:lion ~hOUl ~ t:'.aae withi..'l_ J.iy~ i..,m SEll.E.R'5 '<<!1.1~ It ~il 'II I 'II .-l"....~ '\(\t :-r.q'..JC:lt rcapplJ..'":ltiOl'\. cl:he:- patty !I'.ay Ip.rminar.c thi1 CootrolC't by wrltten notlCl<! to thl! -xfwr p;ut)<. 4. TlTLl:: ~U.l ,r'f~ M~ th~ 1~gl11 cap!ldty to ~d ~h:ill. convey r;~ ilS~ ttl1.ht: F.... yo<rly wy ~ slalurCllY w~",,"1y d....<f ':oJ ,)thr. __ mr. ,);1ic.'1S. ~.1r.cf.~viM;\)rJ ur 4.."...u Lu ~ bul~~"" prupl<lrty ~n ~, ~ y~dL ,;,i ~~ <:cn;~n..." "".. ""~""I"lm' ~nd publ:ic utiHty ~enes or r~cord; amI (llit Ollly VUI~' lLlid,letS 10 wllkn titl~ w1Ubt ~) ; I'~M I~ c:xim Dt clooing no vtol:lllon ottN,WrvSUin~ iIlll<l none ofthCm,p1'Cvcnt!: BUYBR"S Wlmdild U!n/ oi tlltl P..........ly oLi (al lMdDlce olTnlt: SEtLER W1l31,r;J SE!.LE..~'S Q Bt'YER'S ~1IIIl'1W1 w.i:.ll!n ___~-:- "~Y" 'Jtmrl'l FIfuc:!i\'c OQ,c 'j pliOf ~ Clemr, flAt(" ':J fmm d~1l: Bt. "Ym;tncd!l or wm'let: f1nandIl1; oom:in~ ia~"r~i<3.. deli..-u to 111.; n:ll :;j ,m.abstn<1 nf.ntl.>, (ltPI'.lrcd 01' bro~ e'.JrICIlt by om it.'<Istir.g ~~ h or ~tti.li..Ll.... ~'O..(~d L'y an ~.,"nr. ftrm. Ci(.. LiUe Ulsurillll:t" romm'TmPnf lry' 0 FlnMdIlliccn:;cd tr'.!~ i1'.!:ure.met upoo:BUY!R rw~unllill!> ~t." J",;,d, iU.. All.... ~. pr'lltry in , tlW .unu\a~ r.>i U... PWChilS<' pri~ h:>T;:,o,. """ri.. tit!.> :'l\Jbjcct nnly tQ ~l1on6 ~lId .1bove. ' al..lYa a.hiill, wliiw.11S <uy~ 401l, Ieail.'t.x tht" ~r.- ~ 'f ~~y~ from l'Ca:ipt of the: co!:UnHmenl. d2liv!!l' writlm.wtic;~ lvSE1:LER at ~tli aetea.. 'l'iu".J1i<lll1,.;o <l~"",u:<l ct:<:;~r'Lab!e Lo UUYL'll ir :1; Hf. V'Fn ",,1~ rn dcliycr propcrnoticc vt defeas or t'2) 3(J'(ER :.lvlivcn propel !\ot1ce ;wi SELLE.~ L'UIlo!S th~ J"I~ ....iUu"' _ davs lrom ~pt t:tf tj,~ 1Wi~ CCll1'lltivc Pt'%1odj, It the ~ a.nt CUMi W1tj,in the C~l! PCrlod. doslnll ~h.lU c~c:u:r ....ithin 10 ..w~'\1 fllJU' ~ by iJlIYU( <<TI(1tl..,. I'f .. ,~" ~lll'ing. SElla:cl/l.Y cll!Ct not to = r,l('~ 'If SFT.T.FR l'UL'lOniibly OclicvC!;.1lW:lekct::3Mot be CUI~cJ wj;]uu U", Cw:allve !-'eliod. :: It\,. d('f/'l"K Mf'!\Or l'1JNc1 witIm lfIc c.:W'ioUVIt lJeriod, till VFT< .~"~Il MVI' !() dIlys from rt.'Cl:!pt of noc1ce or SET.L:E:R.'S irIiiPilliy tv 1,:,""'" U'" Jelo!cls (0 eJKt'Wh~h~T iii WWminate !llil,; CUi\I;.nuJ. '" ~~pi titLt" ,,~~ Tn ":.'I~t1r"1e d~Md'''~nc1 do:!\: t.~ ~On. wlthout rl!lhKtkJl1ln j.I\l.n.:1...... yt.ice. (b) Sarvvyl (r.:IlC';k"",,,,j :::J SEI..Ulll. bh;dI, wll1lit, _ days Lr<:>l1.' I,: ~V~ I )hIP, dpli~t.t :0 llUYEF. ~ of ~1I1"1eyl;, pl3ns, opeClic<itivcuo, cmI..n~,.",,,i&:A Q.oCUB\lllUS, ihny. pt..p......; WI' ':lELLli.R O! in :~~U, I 'Il~, T"""...~.,01>. wnir.h ~howaU currently cx1l;llng ~ :;lallt;YER Mall, at B(.;"Y!R'S ..,..-'_....~ .....illwl U",lime ponied _IlOWl'<'lln I!p.liver Dnd c:=ine: t1tk CY14ence, ~'11tUrtllltt o.:mi.Ii...l, 3Ul'Vey of the Pmpeny i:T;m i teptwrllU ~urv"yvf. If U.... ,w"l!J ...!'veal5 encroll('''''''~''' M 1M Jl'loopmy or th.1l: tile lmproVemeN& , ~/'h nft tho: Imul:i ot~. Q BlJi~ dhall acc~ thv E'rupwriy with ~"8 e1lC.."OaCtunen'" C ~u..h pl'lrma.".hmCntl slWl COl'IStInue alitla de~ttl hfo I'Iltf'd wirhil\ the Cllrll!1Vl! Period. II:> L~s <Illd ~ ~;I:I.I..I.J( W"'t'tllrI'" that the: Prcpcr:y pr~l\t!'i ~ 11lg:KJ and l!~_ .uifk;icll~ (1oK BtJYER's irItend.ed llll(' off+l,t! Prupu1.y, u.u..lU w!>icll. is ill.w:cm:lIl....... W'th rl~rIlgtllph 4. (dl Pua._..iuu: SELLE!>. shall de~ P""'("4'4T""" ",nd ~Py~ ro,. Dlllrn:lc! ilr.d.~ to BU'xU ~ clC!iin~ . i. O-OSING DATI A..'lC t!t0CEDURE.: Tl~ U<i.L,s,-.:tion ,j1,,1i I.... rlMrll ;n ~ 1m Hea.ch COl.Uuy. florida on Qt bwilmllh.. ' ".... .'Yl.~~", ,19_vr wiU",,_ dayslrom J:~~ D,.".. ("c:lMingD~tC'), unl~o+.l',crwlteextendedhi1Mr_Q~ IJ BUYER ~ d=IGPate t1'U! dllliin", AKIo/II;. Sr..'YER.....:I SELL8l. shall. withrn d~yq from Effcaivc Di3tc. dcllvCl to Ecaow AI;\!llI ;igned in3l:n1CtiOlls wh1<:..~ provld.. for cla.;ing prCJI..1lIl1l.~. U ..., il..w~1.l! le.n.<:W1' is PTCM""'t T",-rlM~ "und~. J c.'1.dcr r~ro as to I'~N>. Hr'l'\fl nfdAy. anddoGin; procedures.-.hJ.ll control oV\lr Olny \.Lll1ir...y FlVvisia.ns in tt-.is l_07\trllrt ' (..) f""'*'" lU:'fER ~ P'ly t:lXC'; iltI.;\ Icccl'amg f=e~ en n:Jtcs. mv.:!f<l~...1ll G,.",,"ciu)l, "tatli!lll.m~ Ilnrl ~~nrl'ltne; fOo.M. ~ ~N: d.ccd. ~/.;I.I,I'.I1 ,h..11 pAyt1lI<r..; ,In the d.:cd u..'lliI'l.'ro!d,;:c~ ter ioc'.l:r.tlf'.l!. r.wQW~'~:.\n< (iU.. ~!S, l: SliLLill{'~ oMhi'?'to"<'! ~dt!\(,},Brgc iULV @,!lJ..-umb::lI\'K~ .t or ;"'"i0l" If1 ~l<,:;mg and iiPj;: ;0 do co, 31... ~tB r:-zi '.lie purc.~ pt~~ t:; ...u..iy lM @'t=bri'_'lC~ . m{iJ ~. 1"50101:1 CC-I (; l~~llv,ar.i.~ '""_. ;"";,:1 .,:~.,..'_-m~,:e A:! ;:.i;t'j.'\~'.e.:1t:rrr::' i:U,/fER (b) DocumL]fE. ~R..:~~7';.l~:~~L, I:&:~~~.i..~[ L....~2J?~~~~.~."'~~Z....Z'";':-:....; -~..:"l\':::, J!:.igr.Jn~t,:) J: :~a~~ '':'?~i:'C~ r~.e...,;~ ~~,n.4u, 4.IJ. :t"~~i'!'~lir'rf'i l~tf~roq. ::.:~i~"'!~r.~I":'!".c~,'" ""-n'!t1 itnd Ec;.:'~":.L ::)!1"cC"i'r ~ in.;,t!"'~':.;"t..: .:.~d :~!~C.,,::. nociYWf ~~ cf ~hl! crlU:~:: in ."l'~\,"""n-"h,',,",, -"!"nf,"! i '''}':f'''''''': i- jf." nv ~tl'1"I." r~, ;',r-':, r(\ ';"\~f'U rt-'"l ~ln ~':' f('!:"Ot"'1 1c:tc...., 5=:-=-:'E...~ :;h:Jl ':1.":1::..",' ~.:.t in:~._ ....ltiJ~ :c~:.::d1n; the ~" Jc.:lS~:S ':~1..r::'1. U ~~LL'i~LK is ,,' (")l~~"~r'~n, ~ ,; ,I . : l~ ,h.~ Ii ,',"h\t";; r;':"f,lnnoT"\ (1'r ~r,~ R;w.i r..i .'"at- r.<~\Y'l't.r~ ~:.Jrhr.r~n; :!'\c :::lc .ald dclivc:y Ct U1.c;: .Jt.:=t.l4~LJ ~1..i.Gl.;~U W,If llw: 1';"~;LF~L:t.lt: ~t:'\:",~t,,:..:..l,.' ';=-l'lii'\'".l.ll::t l..r~ J.)~s.:lUnon ~.nd St"~hT",:-': 6~h ~l".'" .nrv.\"'1"!.~.:"'rlo ,":~n'.:~y:o\r'I<" tYlnform~ \'lith th~ r~u.iI~l1\"'"lt,; uilo~a.: 1.""" SEl..LER~;'~,.t:1lr.u~",;'!. '-C;f,..uJ.tly ~l..;pu:.~ Lc.. ~.H..;YE.l{. ~l:"!YS~ :i~lill i.',:,'';-l.ti:..!-:- d..~ 1~.:OSi.,ir. ~tl't~.~", mCrt~;;.ge:; .i:-.d nntet:. ~;.ec"..:.::.;ty :lgI'i:ml€nts mu ::r.a..."".{.'inl; !:t::1t~*1dnOh Ie) T.ae:;" ~\.!6CZmc:nt~, ..no! Pl'Omons; T.:\.: i.;ijc'\Or.1'.g \~m~ ,h.:1lJ be mad" Cl...""l!I'C: and p!"~ral<d ~ o. ,ri. (h.iJ,~ DhW 0.... vI : ~al C:it:.tc ttlxA.::..:.. xnd ~"ld ~:jC:~.~~.~'t p.1ymcnt::: ;;:z1Jm~d :y Bt,.T'IER. :..-.:crt::t, ri:"T!t'.i, .l.:"~cati<..Jn du'e's; 1nrf.U'.l1rlwt: j i"",m;um,q ~''''~Flllblc tc: at. t'ER, ;J.'1d [i;he ar:1ountoi WIlli; ;uu1. .1 .''\....to.;o;m1"nT~ fcrr rn--. {'~IfT11'~t Y~~T ,'~~nnn~ b" ~;~r::"~J~r.f'.d, ~::.:;; inr ~ p!'C1.10t:J ;:~..;..~ ~ ~.~ ","~c:t:. du~ :J.!c.\o~~~ ~C".r.g-:;.ade :tor I in'~.;tC7ement~ ~'!r..i e'Y~"I~r.n,:'.i I I t .,< 1'" ;~\.....~".. (If rt':,. tnr.t1w1"~ _'l';~"'~~mtlr r, ('!'f~r.g .11" p~t;n~~11y :ifcCtlr.g th~ ~op...~~; , l',1:'fF1l ihllil he :"!:,qpon.til:ic Nt iill"O>'ll.iobJn~Llb vf 411)' k..l&.J wt:1:.:h !..:1;t,;.;L:.l;: ;~~ ..=.nJ vwin8 Ui~ ,).t' .:ult.'l 2J.Co1.:L.......:- D.\li', :.i.I.1.l.~s. ~nI! imPl~:'::"\it":"':; i, ~l.1t:;"~n~,.,jly ccmp;.nid 3$ of OOl>-1n!; D:ltii, in ....hiel: C:llMl SELLER orA b.i <jD!i!l!<lAAllu V": \i\OO 'etJl.~ _.'"oW. Id) fIRP'L\ r.u Withhol~: The Fo:c!Sl1 :'l'l~tmen: In Real Prcperty Act :-~!?.FT A') riiqmre. 3L"lER ru \\-:oj-.h}]..! ill '.lLO>UljI. YVlt.iuu nf the purcr.llolo: procroi:; for =.i:;..;i(;n W the Intcmil.! R"v\:tluc Sct\1cc /'lRS. ! If SEU.ER Ii: 3 ":oret';r. p~cr.' 3ll d;rr;.r~ci by tr.lllntiir%lOll Ro>vO>"t~ C,)d.'. Th<~ pll1'tic:; agree tel c~mpl>' WIth the pro\~~ uiF!RP'!.,"- .l."j to ;ro,,~. Je vt p:10r to ..:oS':.g, "P?~oprt.wl "'~..,'m.."",,"'m ,,', ,","''''h~h ~"Y F>[~]'>Ji('hlo> I',wmpt1(>!'1 ~m !h..~ ',-mhhnljir.g!Cqwrc:r=.c.J: l>ithhd.dini:i:J rcq'.crcd ~d Bt.'YER doe!: net i'~1~':- c~.sh ~uiiidt71t ~t Ci.7,,,;nr "=' m...... TnI' "".I1""I..hn1: ""'llm...,."..,.,t. ,;FllFR;~~ll p~,~dt eh,> ~<~'\::\~~::' fund.; o:..."'.d Bt."YEP. sn.:Jl prO~1dc f-'u....'::ll:.;.1 s.EUJ::.R Lha<. Su..:~11.1.l.L\d.s ~N~ll'.! pr~~";t"dY H:~').1tted ~:" th~ I 1t~1 6. ESCRO'W: BL ~.'ER 4.1lJ SEtLER ,a~tj K)ru~ 7<llephone: '" Facsimile: ,', .~ili.tr~~ ", lu ",,! n~ '''...-::-nw . \gent" tI1 r~a::.vc funci~ md ~'thc1' :tC::l~ and, ~u;,jC,:t 10 dcatiU',cc. ~Ul';(, chern in ~=:;::1;;.nc~ ....im :.'1e t~ of thi.i C(;r.tta.l.T. J ':'OI~~'" A. ~.-.r 'W1 n ,'''t''pr,,01'i' ,111 ~lI'''ld'1 r;-f'"r'"lVf<rl in i.J if (k.n~j.1 ~prl.~.:;t ~1~t1rin~ .~~-ro'." ~a:r:w:t...J a:1 int~ bwlnng c:.~O'vV L1-=rount 'vtt'..n 1ntCtC~t <lc,:,;u.a~ La . Ii ~w A};~U.l=",,~1..o ...:..u.LJ..:~Li.u:~ .:ku~.:'..;,1(ls ~'.L hitS i:I ~w(~1,\!ii1.."io4.~t.ss to lsa"OW :~.,~t"s ctn"~ l7'" 1;1'ImHIi""", '~""dt"1"'t~1'" Ctn'YI"Ti'h""!~ hrl'! ~f1! I"NIY . (a. hull.l th\tl.l.l1j~In...uw.vi tl,.: O:~U"" .."ill ,II" !,ul;"" '-'\W.~y "JiU.""' l" il:.c6l:'ws..n....'i.I..)J.' '.u~W ~iUl'~ v! ~.:~l;'t~o:!~'='I'.:kct..,n" "f :utitratur dl<t~mUnin" :11.. PUtillli' rl;O;ltl; n.'!lioU".llll~ ih~ ~vw V! \i.>l J"i-'\JI>U Ll ~ 'u"j....J. .:J...,u,l: ui '"o;: 6U.uw wi..~ J~ '~'J.: ot the dra1ii OJW1: h:;.in!j jurodicti"n U'I"r th~ J.i:>putw. Upon n~'~.iyi.n~ tru, yJ.l'lildo; vi b~JI OMi"m.. :;.1."-'''' .-\1;"'" .i,..ll 1.>0: ...Jc.u.:J (,uu,..u Ii4lJWly-...:al,)t iO! thll ctc.:lJ to ;;'O::OW\l' for j:em~ prevleusly .;!alivered out.-d ~oW, !f J. ~ nW ~l. ;,rukcr, !;cr:.!w A~'WIC >.i'.illl wClp>lywiih o.ppbalblc pmYiiicm:; ui Ch:.pIX.T 475, F!<m.J.:. $~nlr(";.ln QnY ::\J.Jt or ~llt-.;:con !n .....illc." E::.:row ,";;~n: '~, r:-..cle J. ?:u'tY bl!CJ.l.\.5i!ot al.'ling aIo "/1""+ \'OT""ncl~r nr 'I'Itp."I~~d~ thp "Ihj"" mMtr r ~f rk '~'TOW. E,1Cl'rlW .\gent "!-..ill r:co\-=rcoscr.z.lj' j!lOrne1J 0..'.:::: 1..'td .:o~t::,:;.;h1ch::ucll j-~es .u....i ~.:>sts tv 1;Ie ';'<1\:.<:1 fr<:".T' t~ ~""d ii,~.",,~ ""~lIv"il'nt "nrl rh~"7:ffl "r\(j ,.w~r<l..,j I;; (()~r! "r Mho'r m~~ 7':l f~,;,nrofthc?!'C"JiIUlg ,r;.triy. TIll, IJilU.L.i.=. .&-=~ dwt U..::J.IJtv .:i.~C1':.l iJ.'..:Jl....j,j..)l ~w: liable to atI~..~,. ~~fJ.:SC'Cl ro1.' nllsddillel'V if.' l;JJYI~:z !,,.. ',,1:1 I ~:,i\ ('r"''C('''!''(I\ow'M 1tfI1"I"l4, 1fn'~i\ thollIW;\,Mi\>i."Y!" Jl.lol Cl) E:...:row A.~",u.'l' ...illfui L'''~'''I wI UUa C....LLUd '" &''',.. ,.,.;,Jj~.m'~ 7. PROPERTY CONDmON: ~!!LL;';R :hall tJ,,,UVO!C tltll l'rupu:y tv aL'YER,at iiio: :u.r.:.: .I~lIilil;" illo :,,",,,,,cut',.,. ;"''''''IlUilicul, V{din4.YWe.i1l' :u\d tc-.4l' excepted,;mci chaU ~in the l.md.i;op!.."11; sr.a r;:-ounci&in;l cOlIlpa.'-ai:li1 condition. sn 1 ER ~l!I; II\.' "-'ilIroUlUI;'l; OUlV \I~II l1'.Ol..~ility ar ~ By ilcc~ptin~ the Propert)' ".~ J.:;,' BU"YER ;.;1/....:;: il!l clmns .1g;\:',et SELLER for 3nr :leiectt :'''l ~ propmy. 1.J(.a) All 1>1: llL"'YF.il i1Q., iT,'lpr.~ th,~ JAonp.::r.y ':l~ wilivc:l i.'%\)':'i~ to in:;pca ~ o.:~ ~e F':'o?<-"":Y:.n i~ '~ l;:' ,:omlli1or.. ;I(b) ^~ I~ With Wi,,"tr., '""J"'rT10T1: "II TYn~ m~y, .~r RC'YF'Tl'S "'<flM.Y ~~d Wlthin ~ d~p rm~ Effccti...;: DOlL CL'lIip<:ction P.wu..i"), Ll3Illlucti115,,",!di'Jl1S. o:eslS and ll.l"~tiF.M'(,I1~ "Hh~ ! 'r",~ IK KI ,Y';I~ ri.......... """.''''1')'''' .-lI'tt'n'I'I"''' .,!1t~;,,1ily W1f'IU;)"F.R'S, .u.~..,I<.ic:J ....... SELLER .J...li 19""""''''''...l.d.< dL."'~ l" thl!' 1-"';'1-'';1(\ 10 JJL':il:R.:!.s <1Y,>!'!1t~. CC'!ltr.lo::,,::~ IIP(\ ~~~)';", ,,<,T <11,.. rnnT"~'W:' of ~umlucti11" tlw UlliF.....uUII5 yrV\!iJ~oJ, 1.Jw"'J,,r, U...,...Jl .U<.l. r"""",a ",llcr:.1", ?w~<elt.v....o;l .Lu11i.ll.'1.U", "'lS~'~cUo.~ ~( ttW ""'71 riM- 5T..i"'lERshall inde:r.ni..''y and huld SELLP;RhllruJe,;,; (rum j(j~s, 11.w1;l1l\i~, u:sll;, d,uIlIS:,""i.l",'."o:::..,. v( ..IIY ,,,lw... u...1..~'l:I"u.w~s fcc:;. ;Uld trom 110lbUlty to :my?erron, .;lr!r,ln; :'rom the .:ondua or inspect1Clrts vr .....orkal1'thuti:.l:ci by BlTYER. BtTYE.' .hall nut l:l~.. iu iUly activit). tl'lilt could rl::JUlt in il ~churuo llClll:clng tiled ~ the P!opelty wtthout SalER'S prior w!'i~. consent. g(,;"r.EIt.:MY T' m..4.u !hi~ ("nn!1'!lr.: by ....'1'ittl'.n not1cc m SEL~ER prior to ~ oi the In:;-pcetion Pcru::d :i :lK L1:;pectio~ ~.c~ ~ondttlons which "TI" T,..~'.nMf,iy '''''''\Il''.~l1IM()rv f1l,l1F\(rrl.lInl~;. O::'Fl T Frt flo>('t~ ~TP.cair ~urh ..nndi!ioo~ t<1 BUYER'S ,;ati:;iJ.Clior. [!:.'ti.; ::-or.:..:u:titlr. doc:l not c1~. LIllY!:\{ sh..H, ~t Ill.1Yl'II'; ~'1""r,..., ""l""'" ,,11 d",.,..,,~ In ~ I~ """'nltm~ fflIl'I'I I!Y 'o;(""'I"!1I\"~ ~n.:l r'P.Illl"ll /hf:Propcrty to iis pLo!Wlli condiUo..1. ' W~,,~ u"J"K'tltow: l31.jYE~ aLAY.. "" U... ,.Lt.y ~,.;,., L.:. ~l8 O. "1lJ "L."-'" t.ic.\e' QUi-t'U,Iil'{ a:;reeatlJe t'O ti"~ pf.l'tie5, conduct a ,fmlll 'walk-t!u:cugh' irlI.pvctWn af thw !?rupllIt)' tl.' Qwt\!XIJlinll ~umplwl1w wHit l!ili. ........qr"...h .w<.i l\i O:I\loUIO: U"'L.JJ l'lV;.oorly ~ ou 11,~ pre~ ~'-lo new l;;~ m;:.y be:01ll;ed ~ .. ~lt of the w~lc.th.."'OU'bh-lbdon G.u;: ~ i!:i a lIAcur.n>' O\.'l.'\1!r..n~ ,,,iliW<.ti\\llfllt thott. wiUlllli lliO llCctmU.l!lItcd:..'t a t;.uilding~ ::'.Uficicnt q~tit1~, may prc-~"It h!.ll.1W.l'!zkl: to pcr.:vn::; ....1I0:u-e elIpOU(i :0 It over:=.a. le'~ orradon that o>xrfo>d f~dfJ'S I and ,tilt!>. guideline:< hllvc b.::cn fauna :n ;,uilding; in FJoridc, i\dtllii~ Wom\l!io!t ~dinS:mdOt!. .ltld :J.c1an: !,c;ttng may l'l<" "**,,,nf"t! fMm Y01j~ rnunty I",nh,'l,p~lth uniT. . a.. Or'l!RA'nON or 1'l{OI,'UfJ'Y DUll I Nl.:i l'CJNTIt,,{,'I "mOj Itl: ',; '.I,! ,I :tl ~h"1t mntm"~ '" .."...,"T~!..... ..'~.. Mil Any btlll'"~'.i 'OI..;6d".1 OIl ittol PLQ~......l\' Ul UlJ! m.u~I!J' open,'ed ~'LioL'1:o (':ona~t and shall ta>;e 00 action wnict1....Ct\'1,1 fdve'T~ly 'mf'~'" ~(~, tllllOUl!l;,latnillfn;, ur L'Ilb~-' ii .Illy,AlIY ;J1411~ .I.icl. .~ !O:Jli,il1~ v......, 04 ~y"""', ,..luu,,u,,,ll!ri4ll.\' ill"", Uli: j-"\:>Pl!Jl',V 01: !JUYE!.{'~ i1lbmded U&e 01 Uw PtQperty ~ b4, permitted :J u..lly with BL"l-'2R'S WlIlM!.llt a witJIIJUl! B'W'YER.;S .....11*11. 9. REnJRN OFOEl'OSl'T: In the cv= any amditionotthi:l CO~lSnotn'l\.'tand Bt"YER1'\ac.:laOO L'\ good.f.l!lll.arAwit/l the Tl'qui",.d oogl'Pi. oj diligr.t\("J'. BUYF.R'S dcpn.,il :v-.an be l"Ctllmed and thD CQIIIrlU:t 3ha1l ~;Uc. 10. UL'l'AlIL'l'; (<1) In i~ ~P,1)tt"'" ~,~,~ nor ~I~ <'11,,. tv:> ~ny,;,.>inl;tm-~h"", n",thl' r.Arl oiS'Fl J ,FTt ,'1i'i'll'r thAn f;q,IIlTp. to r.\8ke the title .......~ .Ul,u' diIi,.;e'lt ~LLol~ lIUYER Ult1:, ~ii.h...,' (1) lw.i'n> a .'ll'ttmd oi IIUYI,,{':.; t,i~!'iT(~) ,.". !?> .....1< '1'..nfir r-nrm~n,.,.. If , UUYER,ul!ds.a. Jeposihei'W1\i, ::il::LW{ shaJ.I be !i.tbie- to l\robr ror lr~ roll lII!'Cl1mt "ithe lm;l~~ f~ (i') I" H". """"rt~ ...l~ ~~m..iloy,tl, 1l\L~ t<JOlSI)' Jci..1AI1 ur Loilw.. VJl Ll~ j-....'L vI llUYER. SELLER ",...v ..i<.l..., m l"lAi.r.l all Jef.:.s&1(s) }'aid 01 a~l!o!d to::.e f'i1id by UUniJ.{ 2'.5 ar.r~ tlpun liqwiJ.:wd <.Um:.~\lli. wn~dl"r,\tiull iur ttw ~,X""\ltiUII vf liw. Cv"lr~ '""" j.. full ...Ulo:u~1L ui ""y ~,... "10"-'" wI':'..!. thi",C"",llu...:!. >NIl tel'mi.n.itc or (2) .I!'l!k.f"!d!i.c p,,!rit!rlnanc~, Ii S:El1..Zlt Wto<.'tl; lU Main tlw LLwpv-il:. llU'."ER .hill Di< lliQl", t;; 6!~....r ivr U"'l~ "UlUIOLlLui ,ll1eb:~~se fee. \';~l ~ 17f, FtQll~ ,~~~:10l\ o~ R"".::~'Jl R1;.~," R"'''''''ICd .. [B w.....L.:(.,... ~~2ar' G} ~ llU Yl! II! I I j I \ I l I I i I I " I .1 11. \'!"I(Ul,,(:FR ;]7 '"'?7 _-3:::3 1-'1-1E2:P~ EJ'i-~:=:F'R:SE3 -i~7 73~ .?72._~;::.rr~bt'..l1l;;turjGC:..1HLr"~,.lOll::~u:v.s.i.lip.~cUty,~"l..hichtm ~~r,~'~~~~...;.:rth:i... rTn\l,OCHrn ~r.}In .r:rlud:: "ER. SEL:"ER. lJr"d 3!Q~_. ~,..:; ::.;.;~rr;:!c.j re3:.on.a.b1:!.u::orr ''e~'~, ;"\.'I:-~ J.I~ l:::~..~~. ~~. . u:. ~0I<:ERS:..\!~iU.':.a:'1' LlUYU{ no::" l.~i'! I :.1( h~" llMi,,..r'<"i thl"' :...r-\'l('p;o~ of, or ftlY' Ilrlj'" i..thcr :-coJUn ~..,'':~ ':!t'.p(;n:~r.on :"'1, J llcen::::ed n:al ~tC1t.w Broker othoa t1WJ; Tw:i lJ:;UnllllnlKa: ;Ooodc::l Shoe ~u 1 tv me. whn 13 an ~C!lt oj Q5EllER ::l both p.mi~ :; ncirn.a- paIt~ MJ(1.....r.n '",ill 11.., rompcn1oilr.:i by:.) S'2..:..ER n 3\JlER 0 both pam~ ;:~IaC'.t ~u Ci ot l!.Wl,!! ~~~.L1~"L :J '~u.e. t~.'e<:i.l;'} (h) 1....-.nt-..tinr;Hmk,..., ~...cial l"lor:'i~_:~~lty ?<U't1lCl'~. InC. who 1$ ,111 ~~nt ('1' OD~11 V I"I( l:Jc;m.l Ff( .J r,nth rr.l'tifq I.J r.clt.'u::l' Fany ,,"...l wl... wiJH.. ..umpens.<iedL'Y:J IIl,JYI l( ~ ,';1;11.1'(< U hoth rAT'tjp. j'lUfAt.:Ol'\t tn...!...., MLS Or Other oiic! 01 ;;ompeno;u:lon tlJ:1 ~Wpolt"~~llS l.>cul<c' Q ul1.... I spiciiy) . ictillcctivody nd~l1U tll ~ "Brofo<lr") in Wllll~~ti"" ",iU, "".' ~ct ,~J..;l;'l!l. to the 1 ~'O1~~'. 'n.-I".;""o; '~llr nt'>t l,mltp:! h) inquiries, int:l'Cd11etio~. cot'l:JwroUOlW QIlc. ncgotl.l~n& r~u1linl; :n t!lb I:r'.ulb....tiun. SELLER ou1l.l 'ElL 'YER "!:reO' to u);j~tl'U:.i1 r iUld hold 111X\Ic~T j,~n'I'11~frnl'l'\ ~l\d ~;r-:imt l.,:uo::o. damilgc:<, Co:;tl wnd c.'(PC~ 'Ji ~!'.y ~Jnd, ;ndudJni:: r-i,i;;ur'.abia ..ttcmvy' b ice., Io'lL1 in"" I lid'ilU..> ,:) oM petson. ~~15mt': 1"1'1"' (1,1 .^l)Mj'Wl'l.iIlt1."IIl.:WllICd whlcn i;; lnccn:..i::.l:.::nt With the :~pte::.;r;/3t1on blhla Plr..graph" ill cUi():WI' "'" ( ..~1ivll W ~u!I.:.l.. w.ok:e1a~ le-e l"'1T~'/lnr If) f'oWl'lt"ll'hlO, (.::) r.nyducy ~cc..-ptcd '='y ~rol= ilt ci\;;: r~'1uc:;t \Jf Bt7mv:SELLER. which duty i> ~'I)ml :Jk~ ""Uf"" ,ll_vil:."", (e~,'ted ,.."Ch"rlr.-r 4;"-" I'~~., /l~ ""..."Ii..", M '.-l) :'\~rnmn'.a.d<ltimu of or ~cr\,'ice:; ?tQvidc,j :'.r.c. ~).-per.se~ m.u.'Tlid by my thirll y.arty ....IUlu. D,~., ,.,fen, .econunendJ; O;\r re-t.yin~ ".".. ,.,T 'Ill f-,.h" If (\f fll:YF::l M ~~Fll 'FR. 13. ASSICNABll.l'n': l'EltSO~S 1I0tr.'lD: 'flu.,. C,"...u';,cc Q i5 Loot .ossi,g;nable jth ~~~P."/lhl.. T1v /l'TMl 'R. rll'R.' 'SELLER,." :md 'Broke:'" mayi>o; Qlgular;;>l Flur.il, '!l~ C;n':r~;.t U. :,imJill~ Ll!"J'1 BlNER, :;ELLSR, J.::vi tJ~' hcir~, r~..-.n"1 T"r"..,.,.,rM,t'i',\ ~lICN,'~n~ ~nd :lS~ I,lf ~;;n.'!lCn1 U: penn1tted.j. 101. mrrrOJl;AL CL\USES: ,:1nil:irJ if i1I\) <:i tru:' iollo"1n~ ::bu.:::c; 0U'e ~ppllc:lb.!e and JIll at".mldU a> Oll\ ..JJlIIllolll/l1 tv tlu.,. (;"'I.......l). _ .~TMiIT.,I',,-,n _ SEI.!.ER Wa=,.ty Q):lCt\l c.::>rn:tro.etilJn C;.>nttol Lind _ ~ W:\l L.:;Q:11~"~ _ <.r=.T.r ,F.R FiMncm~ _ Flaod .-.r~~ IfuzJlQ Zoo~ _ P"'.-;y r...p..di.:... iUld H.el':Ur _ hl~tin!,: Mnrir,o>p,to .--'- PmpCrt"lil.:ll.ICd iI:t LT~c..~LD~ CClW.~ 6 _ ~RJ' !RR.lPlIlMl....u....... _ ~a:.iiJililv~;tl.ldy ~ nth.-. ~tter d:itiKl. DIs<:"lMU't ~. .L:~ 15. MlSCll'(.l..\i'l1lOt;& Tr..l!~,;;Ji thb Cuut;'ol<;l .umtHul. 1.1"" "".u.. ~~~"Al.o:1l1 ~~lWeeL\ ;JL.;i:U< /I'I'\d ~,J 'I J ,I 'I( \il"rM't~l "" ,!olIO C:lntr.:.cr ~ ~ot be valld. or \)lndtng unllllil> in writinl; m;.! \!''<lK.'Utll<ll.'y t!all "..I1.)' lv l.ll:' l'v..ulti nli:i Co"'....ccl.mav i:'.e ~~o:uted m toN<:> nr m.".. l"t1unt....rpcl'tl. CllChoi whicit ~ be deemed.:.n orl;ln.1lmd ~ll crt which tOgWlwr .hall<;OWiutl..tll u'" ;'..1.1="",,1. A WocsimiJl! copy 01 rh;~ C,,"TTOrl ~M AfIY ,"itillil or ql5l'lQt'.Jl'C th=nn ~lull be dCt:n'.cd ~ orlgirol. ThW Cvntr.il:f sh.1!!::.e C'..Itlbtt'Ul1U undwr F\uriltt 1.10'10.";' ~lwll i\lJL b~ LecOJ"ded in /lny p1.1ClI,... ~...c1' n..",..., .'f,~ ny wriltpl'1o nn!:lcr. ~Cl any ':laItY's agent :Jtill ~ .iccmc,j dellvery 10 that p3{tY. 10. .~,uy contravention I'd t."-1"m!f oJ: tiU~ do~; <wI! ~1I:I\nt Letter of Tntl\nt dated J:lClCmDer'1 ~. ~1996 will (_v~ the Lette~ ~i Tntr.nt. THIS IS 11olTall.'D1D TO iE A lECAlL'i' Blh"DING CONTRAl..'T.1E Nar FUllY UJI.;IWllSl'IlC ,,), ~litil{1 HI:. o\OV1CE OF AN i\ITORN"EY PRIOR TO SIGNINC. A REAL EST ATE BRCJ<n IS QUALlEI.I!D TO ALlV!sl;: U~ Ill,,", I 1,0.;1'1\ II; ilIA NSAl".- nONS. BUYEP.AND mL1Dl.ARE ADVISED TO CONS'Vl.! AN APnOPAATE PKOFESSION.AL II()R U(jAL, lAX t I:N\lI. RONMENTAL"\NO 0TH.BIt snQ.'\.Ll.ZBD i\DVlCE. ,.t DEPOSIT REl:J:1YI': ll~~t r;;' ,'heck U other ~ec1 an hyl.J ,19_b',l' Sttl'W.tm a; ~f.V #1;:Df1 OFFER: BUyElt oifcr.; to pll1Choll;e the Properly on W .wOVl!!cl'l!1li and l'llmJitilJl1S. tJul__ ...,;;;~l;.o.r.u.>: j,. ..i~,.d :...y SELLl:iKand a si~ .-opy d,.jiv~ to BtriER:lr SU't'ER'S ~"Ct'.t no ~tct' thm Da.m. ::lP,m. on , 19 _, BUYER mAY Tl'W1lc~ tn,. ~ and ~ci'ive Q I"Cfund ot l1l1 ~3il::l. ~~' ~"~ I' 1'../ ~?j "'" / ol.. --...::i. ,~c.l"'" .......~ i'I.a:.rOlX' Jalte%j.lt"' "p.,~. tn(:. ,'rl' ~ ~ ;' 1'1ti~~ 501-7l7-73'fO ~OO! Conx>r...te Dr.ivot, JJctynton &-..Ae"t i'\(}:l"1C1a Olll~ u 1<", ~... /,.,f}r" lJl:ylJt TiLle: Ad.c.lr_ TmdO':-':o: 'c:ur-"r,j"{- )71.1 3~~,f!~nilP~ 'oJ n~t~: I5L"YER: ~_,. TitI,: ^"~rl_ T...dDNo: Fac.lml1r. TclcphOl'lC: A.CCEPTANt:E: :;u.:.;,;J{~ tlUY'CI~,~.~,'n<'lllr?1'~;~ ;o..ntho>-Propmyilll !.'Ie obovc tcm'.lIood cundltlorel{Q ~coli\e 1IIur.:l~""""'WA-uiL;sf. . Date: I. '.'. ,.. , .'. Tax ll) ~o: ,~, p.~liLl: ...... sm.r..BR:, , ".' TItle: -.."..-, " AddE~..,," TlIb!phurw: l~~ .- ~~m .I'm: '1 it1r AddIe5$: T"r"l'hOIlt': Tax ID No: F~:... Tke ~*,,*,.~ oj IolcWIDm2l _lID ~iltt..1O wl~l -~lldll'i' p J~ 01 ay psovII;ILlllo:t dIlo tcl1lll11 my ....<i:il: tt>l","",;~" Thl. .......L..~:,..J (,..". ,Ula.JI.! ~'" ~ l1XlI;" <DIIl}Ilc" ~ 0' w.ith cd....in: ~ O.lI4lW1ON. Uw _.. ~''Oll.UlI. taz """ try u... oatin .w _1&"- atwIl$ n(ltinhaa.~ '" 14....dht1t.a;sKl' u.a RIA.1.TOIW', J.1!.\.LrOR:~ is:t~:rtnrd t1JUflcttvil! "'It'II'~tt. rn~ria whi,i, "t..I)' I", :.,.....J 1U::Jo 11)1 le..I rl~ lItCII.~_1l'1hG All ,,,...ober, o! lIu: NA noN..U ~>\no_'" Uf JtI:.UTUKb~ .,..( WIIO ~~o:>:nll41O ,t:;, ~ GI ~...... nw r,;"'fY";1jltt I".....". ..(11_ f!"II...S ~.Il_ (1=' t7.~. ~.uJt':~ ~.od',iJ I,;t:,,,, I.Ar.,,~...::ed ~'eFOduc:..:n oi 1:.::::1 t~ byr-.Il:f a".L:4.N ;.nC:.i..oti.1.~ l:.as.tkUO.~:;: 'Xomi'~'"'lZCd ~tm.1. ~ l"1.:n r.1L"H..\~ A'\'n."1lrinn 11': 1~l...:oa..~1l.J !~.,~ l~L:\I.::d l' O.3ox~, ~dD,lll.m~ 01 ~UYeR IB 'U',;.. r"j')" !'~b"" a ofJ @ = CC-l I I ,I I I f I t ,I I I J j I ,.I 1 I ..~ ....' . ,', CIl'Y OF BOYN'rON BEACH, FLOHTD^ "'h16 'Plllle.tlolI II\Unt he tL l1e<1 Ollt cOD,pletely UlII<1 ,ccur.tely .u<1 nuhlll.lttel) to the 1'1.Ullll1g & ZOllll1g Dep.rtmellt, IlIcomplete .ppllcatlollG ..111 1I0t he processed. ENVIIlONHENTAL REVIEW C~I'rTEE l1oc{t/~~:h~ --fo~ E!WUH!t1tu:an!\LlHW_uaLrmnt !'L^,'I'I~ u;^ 1'1 mJ PI,BASE PIUU'l' 1,lWrDI,y OR 'I'YPE l\1.L nU~ORM1\'I'ION I. GENEn^IL1nfOnMlITIQ"~r< N 1 j t '- ~ERPI~ISES, INC. . Pro-ec Name: J~, .----.----r-----_____ ..-..-----....-- -- --.-----..------ --- 2. Dilte this illlplJcat.loll js accepted: ____________ (to be filleci out hy P-Ianllill9 & ~olllng nOfliln:IIICIlt.) 3. 1\P1I1 j call t I H Nil/lip. (persoll 01- ilppllcaLJoll is lIIad(~): Ad<h-eS6 : -_._-------_.~-~,._--_.._..__._--_._-_._._...- ----..---.---.-.---.--- Mr. 1\. l~ward 'l'esta, hllsllleHS entJly JIl whone Ilame . ~~""~ .' Pres.1dent I\rrerope Entelpl..1,ses, Inc. tlds .20BS ~or[JOfiltC.nduli )5tP (.f"'.........""^€Il.t:.€~. -------- Boynton Beach, Florida , . ~ .3:3 crt, 2- ( ~'j P Code) 561-737-3721 Phone: 561-737=7370 ---fhX i 'I . l\gen tis Nnme (PIH'f)On, t t ilny, repreflen t j ng a[l[lt lean t.) : -l,LdlclI.~l c. f1JU~ I\dcl.-eHfi: ~i 3150 .In".......' ".-..L_ [_.-~ C:bl.~~ _._.._..__.._--_._-_...._------------~---_.. -.. ---.-'-'---..-.------.-----,-....----- .-.....--.-..---,..-.-----. '--'._-- --...- ---'-..--.. ------------------ - ~ r'aln. Rc~r,all'" :n lr;;\ 1 1 ~ I'hone: -----'-----..-------.------------.,------------.-------- ----,-- ~le) 4&..a.-uoL-;&4,------____._________________IhX_i..._ _______ ,- .) . P10llerty O\'/IH!r's (or 'I'rust:ee 'f)) Name: Condor Investments of Palm Beach ----~----- (~ollnry;--.nTc:--.. ----430 -NLlrili~IG~'__.stn~~J~__h____________ _ ....,_____ __.'.._______.._ ____.____________,_ ______.. A < J 11 r- e fJ 11 : ___.._J~k~_!.'!~~E_~!.~_!~.!:.'?r ida _. 3 3 ~~~~___.________..______ Phone: --.----..-.-.-----.-------.-.--.--------- (~~p Code) 561-588-6500 f~X: 561- ~U5-5~74 --.----.-....----.....-.----------.....--.---__ .. {l..._._______ 6. Correu(lolHlence l\ddres6 (1f different: than uppl1culll: ()j" eAgerl1:)" I ti d tel nl c. l\h rCI1S, l\h n_:IlS O>Ill! XlIl i os ,---..- --- .._--, ,-- --.-.--'----.---- -'-'-'--,..._---- ------_._----,--- -- --'-------- ----.. -----.--.------.. 3750 Investnent Lane, Suite 2, West Palm Bei:lch, [o'lorida 33404-17G5 -..-- -"-------------------.._-..--------,-----.-,-----,---_..____h__.___. ___.._ ..,..,_'__'_..,___..__,_", _'" .._. " ,_,_.._.. _ . _" _ ____.._______, _____.. '. "Th I:; .1 Lo the nddl'esH to which ill I a~J(~IHlaH, Jotten., and otlwr malel-taln wJl.1 he lIluJled. PI,;\lUIING & ZOlIlNG IJEPI\H'l'NEN'I' - JANlJl\HY 199'1 1\: EIU>EH1\PP. (d) .' '. 11. 12. 13. 14 . ] !i . 16. (- t'1 . In. 19. "/ . ( 2 ) Whi\tis appll.CHllt'u Jllterest: .ill the premises affect:(~c1: !3~yer I """ " ~/ ii ;,'i; ;;j: / i: ;;,~ ,;;; " / nil I id;;,'7.;;;;;;;'I;;pei- / em. t ,:;;;; 1:,;;;;:Z:i " s " ;::-;;-1";-:- j SU'eet: ^chkess or I.ocaUoll of ::;ite: Lot 16, lIigh Ridqe Camerce PC'lrk, l3oynton l3each, l;'lot-ida . ._--....-.~..;:-...--___.__,..__ o. 9. .-'-------.-.--.----------.-----------------.-----.-- Legal ileacI' Jpt: lon of Site: ._1~!:._J.6 of Cedar Rid'Jc, a P.1. D. and ~--_._._--.._.._- lIigh Ridge Camerce Pa rk, a P. 1. [). Rccording to the rTaT:-Erici~e(j[-on---.ftle--.-- .._ 'i.;;~I;~-~-[ f i;;~f-l:l~~-.cie;k-;;Tti~;_(~ir~Ttcour t--In- and .. for-Pal m--neaal-.--------- ~OL;~~l;>lorida,- rec;;de(ii~~lat Ib:)k 46-, at pages -50.:.-61---------- --- --------..--. -.-------------..--...-- -..-.---..- -------.------.---------- -----....---...--.--..----.- -..---.-- -------.---..-..-.- "'.-. '--..._-~..-...--.._-- --------------------- -------. --:----.--.. .....---..--------.-...-.----..-.. "'- ---.---- -.-..- ----...---- --.--.----. 10. Pl'operty COllt:roJ Nlllllher of SJtn: 0843 450 921 0020160 neve toper OL- nu U.c1er: .-..-.--.-.-..-..-.--.------ 1----_~.___ '. Ahrens Comranis, 3750 Invesbrent Lane, Suite 2 _.._-_._._~_.__._-_._---------_._--_..._------_.... -- .~~st Palm Beach, Florida 33404 .---.-----.-.-----. ^rcldt:ect: N/A ------.----...------------.------ Landscape l\rchltect:.: ~Jjm McElheny, Sunshine Land Design -.-.--..-----.-- --.....-..-----..--.-.---,....----- Bite Plallller: Moseley Collins, P.E. -.........----..---.-..-.-.-.--.---.-----------.----- .---- ElIlJilleel~: _____,____~oseley Collins, P.E:. --.-----.--.--.--------.-.------... Surveyor: Jupiter Surveying ------.----------.--. '{'L-a t f: 1 c EIlU tneer: Yvonne ~e.il 'J'raffic Consultants .'-_._~.._---- -----.-- .-.---.... - - -- -. -.------. .-.. -----..- .. - ....---...--.---.--.--..-. Ilechillll CHI & Env i U>llIlIell t.ill Con tl:() I EI1~1 i 1I1~(~ I: (H): SLUiU-l: Cunningham -.. ---- Other PHI'SOIW involved JI1 the pL-epiu:ntlon of 1:h16 ilp!)licatJon: Richnrd C Ahrens, Ahrens Canpanies ----'---.._._._-_...._.._.~-,--_._------ -----...--.--.--. ----..-...---.-------.- --- " ' I'l.^NNING & ~ONING DE P^I'l'l'HEN'l' - J1\NU^HY 1994 l\: ImPEn^pp. f L"ll -~) .' 20. .IN'I'ENI)f~D IJSH(B) (Hi' BI'I'E. ( 3 ) VOUI' )'elillOIHie to Clues t j ons a th nH1Uh j 0 he: ow Gholll d l)(~ elf. eomp]" I.e 111111 lle"'lrate liB J B 1'I-aeU ell I. If YUl, ellllllot cOIIII.lete YOllr eleBcrlpt;jollln t:hn 6(lace Ill'Ovlded, attuch an iHlclellllul1I en t j tl eel II 1 N'l'ENDEU USE SOli' S J 'J'E II . , ' no J)el:a,l.I.ed .flelw'-1Pl::ton of type of Use: /~5t) S.L of corporate offices and' /. ~-C-A1 _~.'::' of m:"lI1ufacturi n9 ell'ea for ~1I'Grol~, TI;(~--:--a- ~A;ufMfuRefZ. . cp--"../v ---' ffm~I!A....x,. -----~'~-(~ -X-=-I~;'Y sllj~;-Td~9Ti:I'ss- 'i;r:Odiicls.a'i1a -'jii:liii.i rm:~tl1rer -of-- --=-'l"tIY .t~Fe~l.-VG_ J . '1-~ >8S0 t>. [. u[ u[ [iGe ltrelt C1nd 11,138 o. [. of \lfirehouse/ (1=~~"';-;;-'~";;;''''''''-f9<f";:''''Ct:~;~~-7t;r';::L -- cP:r-:rF:< tJe'-tsr- . . -~- . --------------------------...----------------- -_..._--_._----~--- h. nesc:ription 'of mnchInery, tools nnd proce8ses to he IIsed on pn~1Il1 GeG . Air corrpressor (S-h.p.), 2 - 2" table saws, thickness plainer, drill press band saw, vacuum cleaner, fork lift, welder, vertical band saw. M.,h,J(,7 !::;;:;Ane ~ /J?~ m~;;J k u"s,,-. "" =u. _ J./c -J-. _' , ---_...L..__.__.___..__. c. UIWcrjl)tlon of any potent.liJlly fJullllllnhln, e,cploslve, to}(ic, JJO}CIOIlIi, 01." otherwl6e haziln)OlIli OJ," ofr(';!nlijvl~ llIilLI~liillli to he I:J'i1nliporLed to alld f1'<)1I\ the tiil:(~, illCllldllH..I 1lI0l.hol!fi III l:l'ilJlfiJlOl l. Hlld I:J'illl:i hH", <Iud lIIilUJllI!H!l !J!!ill!l:JLJnl! 0 ^) ';0, deBGI-lpt.lolI of C1lly fillCh IIlill:(nlitlB to Ill! Hlol't!l), ,wed} Cllld flL'odllced on 1. J I:e, llle I IIdl uu l!!i!liJl!HJl!l !l!HHlLJtJfU!. Include nilllle of waste hClUluJ"(fi) (Al:tnch HateJ~jal Hilfel:y Data Sheetli (tWIHi) ill TlllPJ1JC8Tt! 0 ) None -.--- d. c:mleral descr.lptJon 01' 60lJd '''iHiLe I:hilt wOllld h(~ Pl-odllcedi lipeciflc deliCJ'JPLJon of any flillllmable, uHplon.ive. t. O}( J C;, II O}( i 0 \Iii, 0 t- 0 l: h e I. w i fi e h jl Z it n I () II fi 0 r 0 f hH If> I ve li () 1 j d W iHi t e , iucl\lclillU lIIUUJUlllI1l lJ\la,IlLjl:jes and lII~thods .<!f (HsPQtja~:f _.' Solid Waste shall conSISt. of wend (':ratIng matel.Jal, cardboal.o conta 1 net's -_._--~--_._--_._---- ---.-------------------------.--------- --.---------------___4. ----- , I ---------..-- Pl,ANIHNG & lONHU; DEPAU'I'HEN'I' - ,IANIU\HYI ~~J1 A:EHI'IW/\PP. {l-b ~) g "~ ?t;.~:) ( 4 ) , e , I>e G" l' ,I 1'1:1 on 0 I' 1'0 t en I:! . I nnl G an"e 11 1111\1 h a z ;n-d" , jn~llnl1nu "dol''', ,heat, Uln,'e, ralllnUon, nOIGh', Vlhu.tlon, BIIIOlie, (In. I., (II, t, I.ox I" 0' n ox J on. ona He l' , H"e .nd eap 1,0. 1 ve h az ani. allll 1'1 'n,s lor I"'even Uon 01' aba telllent 01 GIH:b nlll Gancel1 and ' hazar<Ju. None will be created that does not rreet: City Ordinances -------.-------------.. -------...-- ------------------.-.-- ---- f. Ilescr I ptIon 0 f: qnan t lI:y 0 f: 11,,,, anrl ra teG 0 f' d h'"ha rue, and anillYGl11 01' Uqlllrl waste Conul.tent with Chill'tor 21; 01 tho City 01 lIoynton "",eh Code 01' nUlllliln"eu, and any I'lanu lor I'retreiltmenl:, eontro.!. over 'I II I1n I: 11: Ie" and rUl:e. 01 'Uuen''''"e, 01' payment Lo COvet- the ad(lel) cost of handlll1g aud tl-eatjng l:he wasten. Flow rates will he COllllensurate with the employment of 21 employees plus 10 -----_._-_._-~_.._--. -- ...-..------- ._~.._-- cuStOll'el-S. No other water usage o~di;;i~~-;g;;-;i-ll'b~-ra]lli~e;i':-rn-.igatiOilSystell1 i~ on v.x=U and plmp. .----.--.---------'.-----.------.---..-..-.-.----..-. -----,- . -------- ...._~--. -----.---------..--.-----.------- --------------,._----,_.,----_.._- -'- ----.---.-....--.-..-.-------...--.----.----. "------"- g. Plao:; for emeQJp.ncles 11lcllUlinu LITe, e){PJoHioll, Hllel eSCilpO of l:oJCic, f:lallllllahln, l'ild'oHctJvo, or- ol:hHl'WJHQ hilZHnlollti 1IIi.ll:el:JilIH, \-/lIel e1 Sllch hilzilnls would Qutst on lhe I)l"ellllses (hazanlollG 1IIul:p.l"la.Ls COIll:iillltnatlon ref1poune [llall). No ha~~dOUs-rnateri~l~ -..-------.----.---.--. - Pire hydrant has been provided on site tor lIaxill.ulI l1ervic:e dil1tance 01' 200 feet, '-.----.'---,.-...----. -. '----.-,..- '--- ..--.-,--- - --.--...'..-'-...-.-....-...------,---,.--- -.-- ..---- ---.---..-..-.--.----.--------.--.---,----.---.-.-----..--.----- Exit (kxn-.s ClIle! 1 i0hts pl~ovj<lcd L"lCl- NEPA. ViTO extinguishers will be posi.tioned on final walk t1l1~ollgh of the Building Department with the Fire Department:. h. !lax "llIl1m 1l11lllhel- or employees: _..__._._h.___~-8__________ .--------.--..'-.---..-..--------------,--.-----.--..--.---.-'-.-.-'------.---..--...---,.-,...--- 1. HiiXJlIIlIJII IltUuher of vehicles tuelurUng trllcJw Used: 6-8 , I PI.J\tUUUG r.. I~ONING flEPI\Il'I'tmu'l' - ,J1\UlJ1\IlV ] 994 J\:EnPEIlI\PP.J:rh ) /S,~ It.-. f'; <t.\i.,.... II. .fiIl1Lna'J'l\ I . 'I'he f ~ IJ OW 111\1 111 f 0 <ilia I: Ion nlllsl: he 1'1 U ell 0111: he 10" and 18nsl: aI pel '11 whele dl1l>Ilcahle, 011 I:he Plalls whIch aCCOmpany Lll is aPI) Jcatlol1: .L ( 5 J 1. ZOl&ing District:: Planned Industrial Dji:;,;trict ..---.-------- --.,.-......---- -------. .---- 55, 171 s. f. 2. J. Floor Area f)evoted to nequeu l:e(1 IJne: 1\rea of nite: ---~6-~___acreB_ it. n e Ii 1 de Ill: t i.l 1: __.._ -.--NL (\.__ square feel b. Display Area/netail ~'loor 3pace: N/A -- sCJuare teet c. Office: -- 2,760 (I. Hallllfac turing/Shop Areas: square feet: e. Htorage: 17 , 788 PUblic/Institutiolla.l: N/A square feel square feet sCJuare feet fill u a re teet sqUare feel: f. Loading: depends on build-out 942.6 9. llecreatlonaJ: . N/A h. -..--....---.--- -------.-- .' 1. lIal.lwayn, stairways, ELevators, I~tc.: N/A 4. tfaxillllllll Height of Structures 011 Sj l:e: square feet square feet sqllare feet fHJllare feet 23'1" feet :J . other (specify): _______~/A 'i:. other (specify) : -____!'J/A _ 'I'O'I'AI, FLOon 1\HE1\: 20,548 ------------ 5. nequ ired Of f-H treet Parlt-lug one (1) sto1'leE a. CaI cuI a LJ 011 of ReC)uJred UUllIher of Off-Street P ill- '.1119 :JPi.lce b. Of.f-ntreet ParkJng SpaceH to he prov j dl~d, 01 theI' aKln tJny or 1l1'0poae(1 on site plan 21 ~lp] ~~~~:_.;-~-1LLx_L~_~.? Vistors = 1 () lJandicap 2 25.75 or 26 Heglllar spaces 24 -------------- 'l'otal Required 'l'otal provided 26 ---...-----.------.--..--.-....--.--.--.--- 6. It the [ll:oposed Use \oI:1Jl OCcllpy an e)(1sting hui:L(jjng with more than one tenant, .I.is l: the adJ ncell t tlSeH (llfJe(l [or de tennlnJ.ng the appn)[H'li.lte [.11',0' Hall se[lar'ul:lon nee(hH1): ManU[ilctllring ---.----------.-----.-----. -----.. ---------..---------.----- -----.-.- ---~-----------,_..- .-------- P I,J\NIHUG [. zorn UG IH~ P AU'l'ttlm'1' -. ,11\11111\ It y 1 ~j 9/) 1\ : I~ IlP E It 1\ P P . 1:.. h f'~': -; '), '<>-,1,.', t~ :'~ -i"!) t~'.:C1l. v 1. Adjacent: laud Uses and zonju~J clJBtl~Jct:6 ahlltt:Jnu pal'cel: ( 6 ) HQBl'lL.::_____.._"_l~:~~:.!~~_.. M-I t!m_tl~lL::_"_.___~:_!~__!n~Llstr:i al M-l EA~. P.LD. ---- litH!'.' - P. I. D. M-l I , , I, III. fLAM-R6QUlREM6N~ra 'I'he iufonnat:ion l"eqllil"ed hy AppencUu A-Zoning, Section 11. 3 . c . 2 . a. t hI: 0" U h 11. 3 . C . 2 . tl. 6 hall u e p l" 0 V j d e el 0 n (6) CO III e 6 of plans anel/ol" dOC\lllIellta Nhlc:h an! to accompelllY th I s " p p 11 cat 1 on . S \111\1\ 1 I: \: ill 0 f p 1 Cl II B f () r II fH! 8 W i l: hili e HI t; 1:111 q b II i 1 d J Il U f) 11\ a y he \-I a i v c d h y t. II e PIli II nl nun e l' a I - till e n I: I f: 11 n 0 III e II lInnecesHarYi hO\'1ever, ii minlmlllll of: (6) copies of i\ I'ecellt SlIrvey 6hO\'/.l119 pal-ldlllJ space Hlld bu.lldJIIU locatJolHi nllel il flool- pl"lI al.etch llIust I,e lH:ovJelell. FUI: 1I6esll,v()lvlll~J lIew <:on61.)"lIc1.101l, sit I~ pI i11l a P II nl v ill III II 6 l: be a p pi led J' 0 r 1:111" 0 u ~J II the P 1 <<1I1l III U be ZOllllllj Uepal.tlneut for whlch plauB al"e requiTed. IV . l\rJ~!J.t:ATIQH-.fEE 'I'he application fee, the amollnt set: forth hy the CJ ty of no y n t () Il IJ e a c h H e S 0 111 t J on U o. 9 2 - 2 1 J, u d 0 Jl t e d /Ie c e 11I11 0 t: J~), J 9 9 2 , w j 1 1 II e 1 e q II I I" e II to he II a J d h yell e c:", 11 il Y i\ hi e t. 0 1.I W C I I: Y () J' Iloynl:ulI IIIHIl:lI, llpon lillblldlHiloll of 1:1111; ~IJlplJeal:I()1I (nee iil:t.acllell I'ee tichedllle). 'IIH~ pennlt: fee shnll IH:1 cllle aft:fH' illlprovill Iii lJ r a II t tH I U 1111 il f tel: a II \' il P pro v ell co 1\ c Ii t: Jon s h a v e he e: II s a I:J Ii f j e d . Ollce the pennlt fee 16 llaid, an 1~lIvh-Olllllental HevJe\'/ Penult "hall be issued. . v . k~ltl'l.fICl\.'I'JOtj "'" (I) (We) Ullller'stnnc1 that t:Ids ill)pUcat:Jon alH al] papeni anll plC\l~ Blllllllj Lted hen~HJth hecome a part of the pe milllellt n:worclli of t.Il,Clty of BOYllton Beach. (I) (He) hereby :oJ"Ufy tllal: the nllOve s<atemellt:tl nllel allY fil:<<temellts 01" 6110\'l.II.J" ill illlY pil(lt!I'S OJ' plc\lll; till nlltlHl hel-ewlth UH:! tItle t.o lhe IJe l: of (lilY) (0111) 1,lIowl eclue "lIel hel tet:. 'J'hls applJcaLioll \-l 1 1I0t he accepted 1I11ess slgn 1 acconUng to tile illstnlct liS below. ~~-/! II,I,,~ ~Ul' ~ I~j_' -L r~ [Jate 1 :0/ ~~\o~ - ~"'rd _.:. Ah2~~.__ _ II II, I" ' 7' Signature of Author ..~I__l.-_'__t__L_{__ (Prlnt lIame lIe',1: l: nat~ Edward 'festa . ---- -.---...-.------------... Signature of (I\.mer ) or '1'l'lIstee, or Author1zed Princ al jf PI"ope ty is oWllecl hy a COI~pol"a. 011 01: 0' leI' hus lUetH. ell tit Y . (Pl-1nt nallle lIext to signa'llr (I) (\-Ie) herehy aes1Ullate the llhove-sJglle pel'::iOlI llf.i ( 0 II r) a tl tho l- 1 z d age II tin [" e 9 a [' d tot h j 6 ill C! '~" ~ . I1:1ward 'lIes ta -----....---.-----.---- Si~Jnal:tll- of OWtlel-(S) or 'I'nllit:ee, OJ" a tI tho [" j ~ eel P .-.J II cl pal i f p ['0 p e l'I~ V _L s ownetl IV a COl"IIOl'a I:JolI 01." oLlIe[" hllsllless ellt:J y. (prillt Ilallle Ilext to sJguaturej Date PI.to.tmlw; &. znUU'G 11I~PAn'I't,t1m'l. - .-JAUIJAHV 19~") to.: 1~IlPI;;HAPP. f rh Environmental Review Permit Appl,,,,.. In Page 6 of 7 III. PLAN REQUIREMENTS The information required by Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11.2.C.2.a. through 11.2.c.2.s. shall be provided on (6) copies of plans and/or documents which are to accompany this application. Submittal of plans for uses within existing buildings may be waived by the Planning Department if deemed unnecessary; however, a minimum of (6) copies of a recent survey showing parking space and building locations and a floor plan sketch must be provided. For uses involving new construction, site plan approval must be applied for through the Planning & Zoning Department for which plans are required. IV. APPLICATION FEE The application fee, the amount set forth by the City of Boynton Beach Resolution No. 92-211, adopted . December 15, 1992, will be required to be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, upon submission of this application (see attached fee schedule). The permit fee shall be due after approval is granted and after any approval conditions have been satisfied. Once the permit fee is paid, an Environmental Review Permit shall be issued. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (yVe) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the City of Boynton Beach. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. fA~.h.4 Signature of Owner{s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. (Print name next to signature) fLM~ Date VI. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signature of Authorized Agent (Print name next to signature) Date (I) ~her. y designateth a~ove-signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application. /A'~cl ~ ~ na ure of Owner(s) or Trustee, or bate authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. (Print name next to signature) _ ;:::mmn:m~*~~~;ii~~ ..,.'**~*****~ NAMe:eOYNTON eeACH oev e~OG Tel. :5613756357 OATe'08/27/97 14'48 ~ ,......,..... 7r ~ . . TRANSMIT:4075336801 DURATION PAGE SESS RESULT Type: MEMORY TX \ MOO E \ 96 00'44 01 410 OK ~~ 9 Pt-'S~ 53'3 ,_690 I Jrlv ~~ ()l JJW5P j s::~""''''8'''' 80..0'" JlIPH, RJDGE lloAll 1. No stoP sian at end of Commerce Road. 2. No stop bar at end ofConunercc Road. 3. Hol..need to be fixed in asphalt and pipe. ",bicb ",ere - posts at ooc tUnc nced to be out out and patched. 4. No High Ridge Road siF at intersection. 5. Catch "".1... on c--. Road ""ed to have I\Itcr fabric ODd plY"'ood _v.d and baSi"" cleaned out if necessarY. 6. High RidS. Road tun> 1.... (l.ft) to Commerce Rood .hould bay. turD arro"" in.talled on pavement. 7. Whit. solid line on Hillh Ridll. Road .hould b. rcmc>ved ",here it SOCO ""mas cornrncre. Road. S. Fence in RJW need. to be removed. adjacent to Kilpatrick.. 9. Side",alk on both .ide. of road needs to b. in.talled. 10. swales need to be installed. including sodding. 11. APproval from Utilities on s.",er. ",.t.r. lire hydrants. etc. is needed. 12. Minor asphalt ...p.irs .re ncc....ry on comm..... Road. 13. Street lijhting has not been installed. , i" tX/JPtYI fIt- 7/" , o I v1-~' (I't . J-...r. - c.,.., J C>"- D.....-t J C:J:, f\'I~ ~ J, J~J "OQ yf;- q~ /0 f.,~ IJ' ..L J tlwJ. 4 -f.-j, ~ /f ~ I I ~' c-~f:/{;ft. - L1 (Y".-e...?r v" -: A '.rrl.~ 5' /)'W" J k,J' I ~.- - .c ..:JJ . -e pn.,ro ~ . r- ~'( y/ j- .P'A d--t. f,' ~' ..-a- . J '~,tJ~ ~ ty-- vvt' AMEROPE ENTERPRISES, INC. AGENT: Richard C. Ahrens 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, FL 33426 PHONE: 561-737-7370 FAX: 561-737-3721 LOCATION: Approximately one mile north of Gateway Blvd. on High Ridge Road and .45 miles east on Commerce Road on the south side. Correspondence to be mailed to: Richard C. Ahrens ~ '-J~ iE" B ~e'L S3:: - 6 go / ((fT-,c.) COMMERCE ROAD & HIGH RIDGE ROAD 1. No stop sign at end of Commerce Road. 2. No stop bar at end of Commerce Road. 3. Holes need to be fixed in asphalt and pipes which were fence posts at one time need to be cut out and patched. 4. No High Ridge Road sign at intersection. 5. Catch basins on Commerce Road need to have filter fabric and plywood removed and basins cleaned out if necessary. 6. High Ridge Road turn lane (left) to Commerce Road should have turn arrows installed on pavement. 7. White solid line on High Ridge Road should be removed where it goes across Commerce Road. 8. Fence in RJW needs to be removed. adjacent to Kilpatricks. 9. Sidewalk on both sides of road needs to be installed. 10. Swales need to be installed. including sodding. 11. Approval from Utilities on sewer. water. fire hydrants. etc. is needed. 12. Minor asphalt repairs are necessary on Commerce Road. 13. Street lighting has not been installed. LEAD DOURS/WINDOWS SI^TEOfFLORIDA . PALM BEACH COUNTY u COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL Lll.,ENSE CLASSII-ICAIION c OM-008 1995-08737 AHERAY COMPANY At-1ERAY COMPANY POBOX 4288 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33424-4288 *';<LOCATED AT: CNTY 2003 CORPORATE WAY BOYNTON 8EACH FL 33426 JOHN K. CLARK, CFC TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY TOTAL I THIS IS NOT A BILL - DO NOT PAY I PAID. pac TAX COLLECTOR Cl< L__ f>30.00 DCC 49 22626 08-2' THIS LICENSE VALID ONLY WHEN RECEIPTED BY TAX COLLE< LICENSE MUST BE DISPLAYED CONSPICUOUSLY AT ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE MANUFACTURING J' ~/ ~'- X RAY (j l ASS I 0 1ST RIB UTE STATE OF FLORIDA -- PALM BEACH COUNTY COUNTY OCCUPATIONAL LICENSt: . CLASSIFICATION 00-020 1993-Q655S AMt~OPE ENTERPRISES INC TE S T A A EO~.ARO PO BOX 4297 BOYNTON BEACH FL 33424-4291 >:o;<lOCA T EO AT: CNTY ,1>30.( 2005 CORPORATE DRIVE BOYNTON HEACH FL 33426 ~~if~:'. trc{1J~~~" \~'/~lld~i;,tbt~i~i~~'ififjtft~~~~~.,." . ~ ~~ 'NtIitG ON. tHE . FIRST. BAY. OF ,OCTOBER - AND E~INQ ..bN THI: , : .~~~ . g~:~~.g~01S:J6~~~~R, , ,Td _ ,E.N.~:~7,.' ~~ ,': ~~ :> BU}~I.~E~~S" ~ .~~~~\. ; c: \. .i,L<,.~' ,''''' .,_ ,~ ' . " ,,'. ,,) 'C ...... ." ., " . '" ~tJ;.,ai""~~1l.1 ~'t.,,}.."'!,,'.. "J("'~~"("-;'" 'l ' l..:,;, 1 f',,'; A<..:^-A".j.\",\./\'n:t~~::ll'\....':l '~.i';,t~t} . TOTAL THIS IS NOT A BILL - DO NOT PAY j,JO.~ DEALER IN TANGIBLE PROPERTY JOHN K. CLARK, CFC TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY PAID. PBC TAX COLLECTO~ CK $30.00 uce 49 22308 08-29-96 THIS LICENSE VALID ONLY WHEN RECEIP1ED BY TAX COLLECTOR LICENSE MUST BE DISPLAYED CONSPICUOUSLY AT ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINE , ' ~/ / . r 1-".0' I .,'or. , , 't ii I I , , .J r, J..m,.).' Yal~det~d\1dQ., Vice Preg1d~n" ",4f c.:,1\~Q:t :nV.'~"'~41t,~ of p,1m a~..eb ~o\!nty~ lne r 'anCS ~t'~.1d.nt of iQynt<>t'\ pevf\11opmone co~por.Qt 10tl whLc:h il ~l'h', Pt'op~rt.y owtter. .O'OQ1~t~on ~f tJw k191\ 1l1dgo CQtrlTl\tfC$ t.rk, P.t,O,~ lie r.~.~ab~.4 01\ tho plat Q~\ ree~rd, h't'~Y submit the tollowi~g eion cri~Ot~1 for the Htgh ~1~g~' commerce P.r~ p,t.O. s19~ pregt"~ ~ I 1 'I , ' ! rX'1 ~.t~ : ,I I I ljIV11'1.\i1l ,",v" I.." .., _. '.4 ,..''\, .. / ,," I " I Wlt am :~ Stylt o~ Sign I , I O'llo ~t Lett.~i~g . '16t eu~'ouc letter. Not Not .,p~oY~d aPP~Qved I eQl0~ of ~1gft rlt~ t W.l."~H i..: a th.)ld And StrattQni BoJ.d GeGn .. fJMS34fl~ Orin;. . PMS17'<: 11ltk . not Gpecjt1.d White .. nero 'P6C'~ f1.d Not ]: lJ ~m1na~..d ~ , I TIP' of Iltu~1nle1on Si~ft ~t ~~g~ ~r"a; I M.JtiM\Jn\ aq\:.t'Q to-:>t.~. I Mtxi~um ve~tlC'1 htL~ht · M.xi~~~ lon~tb I , comply wtth '~9Il c:ode ,\ I . ~. I eom:ply w1t.n .19n CH,''''') ':1 nt e ~ .y, L " .r tiQ}:t. ~m aJlttqJ_t.9.!t.JtoHA~JI; .~I.G u. ~l~n i 'Color " I I I Si~n cah'n~t: ~~ l.hu f:...atlO"~ / .' . to. 'ryp. 01 :11~n'1n~U.Oft M~", 14~x~ m\lM .qu. rt f~C1t.,' e . ~bfrmJ'" Y.~~1('. htt ht.. ~4' o~ ,.loin er.eeteci ~~~.mum It,ngeb I J~ .. 1" . r. oo~plr W1th m,xim~m I '. I '~~'r.. tQC)r.agc " , i 10 Qh.t'l.ge thl "~V'Q 1.t.~!e4 j, ~edt~l~~ 1~n '~Al1 ~.I ~~~~fe.3g~~ sign ertteri., _ majQ~ 'Set p'la~ ~npt~... t'.~ "l+-v ~~~.. C u...L. tough th. ~~'M1ni ftnd Zori'in~ I ~'; ) ,('. va;' ant'~ . --.::..--- .~'(..J!.y / 9 9. L 1 . p . n.~t. -/-. ...;1-........ - · 0.. . r ~~~ !ri;Jo~n~ Ln.erum~nt WI. 'cknow1~d~.d bO'~'tA M.. ,~. c,!v' y .. 6.".. ~ ...... tb~, "'1f1tKdIlY of t ~~ eO~J.':'.eiolt , if. · i" p. rton~:l:')f kn':>~n t: tl. id'nt~f~C~~10n:i al"ldi wh .' c~w.l'tIt~'~~nl exp~rt"',: 'S"'1 *~ :""','f,~IEM' ~ *: ~Awq. 01" : ~.,. 'lilt.,,...,, , ~.t , I . ':,~: , . NOt ill,,,,,, t na t ftd ,.... c~rpOr$~lCh, O~ b'~.lf of ~he m. Ol: ",,' i'41'(")c1l,41:ed did ~.k. ~n olth. ,'\,.r:1 \ \" ,,\, :l', '. I \. ,I . \ ,1 , , ,... ~ '. l ' ' kh; /1~~~)?~ C{/7 __.. '._ r /.. a~_......... . ~'''''~''"P'b- Ih.--. ~?~~ty PUblic '\ '\ ~ ,\ ;:J i 1 i ! I I L Lc<:~;," <==:,60\3;\ ~JE.\' :2 /,..f':;; ~~.. 1:';<:, (: I I I __ .y--, , " '---'~" '-1- ,25() AL-vMr~I\.)N' ~~"T.B . I .CtJt \Nt:>IVI~t~ 0\). .: ..... ... I. lOloa~:l~:~~!r~&I~ )- =0 fl;t.,ltj. -1 ~'-L'''',,'' T \ G;' f'--"-- "5-(:;' ----J "_n.', -.::-:::-:::-t I .: '~,~,' ",', ",'\'" t., '. " "~' ... , ":"..' '" "..'. ,"~ '<'~;/ \.; 1,:'\': \:<{ )(/ > \ ~". . \. I;" ":::<.... >':'. ",,' il : t"", II i ...." -, '.~.'.~~~~,., ',"'.'. I . 'Ai -----7EMl:1?6\..D . ~ ,/ /' '~~~l / :::-.-:1 B~lVE-.. ,'C-\~ " '11" .' ,~->.., ,~ " :~ ' ELVE. v.JH nt;. .; T!>/ ~. ........~-_-.,.~. -:=-1 G,U . c_:,12.l~pL\~ I ,c.: ....~--.~. " ~, \ "' 1-- , I i I ') ) \ \ I ./) " ^~.,.-_~ . C~"'f-J ~lii'-----' -.. ,- ..... -, .... ~ " I, I . t .' t~ : t ! U:(j.1\L ULSCR.lPll(J~ LOT 16, BLOCK 2, CEDAR RIDGE, A P U,D & HIGH RIDGE COl\1l\1ERCE PARK, A P,l.D, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLEP-K OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46. PAGES 58 TllROllGH 6l. TOGETHER WITH: ALL THAT PORTION OF MINER ROAD (TRACT 5-2), ACCORDING TO SAlD PLAT, ADJOINING LOT 16, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCIUI3ED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TIlE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 16~ THENCE SOUTH 01018'11" EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE WESTERLY LINE THEREOF, A DlST ANeE OF 54.00 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PLAT~ THENCE NORTH 88041'51" EAST ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, A DISTANCE OF 135.14 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 16; THENCE NORTII 01018'11" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 54.00 FEET TO THE SOlITHEASTERLY CORNER THEREOF; THENCE SOUTH 88041'51" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 135.14 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONT tUNING IN .AlL 1.267 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. 1:iOIES. J, ALL DISTANCES ARE MEASURED, U1\1LESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 2, SUBJECT PARCEL IS IN FLOOD ZONE "C" J. BEARING REFERENCE: THE BEARINGS HEREON RELATE TO SOUTH 0000'00" EAST l~.LONG THE CENTER LINE OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD AND PER PLAT. 4 ELEVATIONS HEREON RELATE TO NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL 1929 DATlHvl.