LEGAL APPROVAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~. .~ fo-()o-q7 ~". ~". ",-",-",~'.............-.--,------ ;' ,:' r' (~, ll' f' \1!1 f? 1"'\ ,\1 ,~ II~ I~ I .11 I? r, i ,_ - ~'..:,." .:_-' .'.~:.~~.. 1;.1 ;'; . /~- ..h ,.),:, fJ~ F 'N 2 0 1'- ....; ~,~ ~I 1;, ,'; i " ~\., ;""-"'pi.r'l.i~!N~' i 'Z,,:,1':t~:..;'{'~ h:pT. ~ '--.----....,..-~~..-....._(>'.M.]. APPLICANT: E. Testa. President. Amerape Enterprises, Inc. APPLICANT'S AGENT: R. Ahrens. CEO, Ahrens Companies OWNER: Condor Investments of Palm Beach County, Inc. HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: June 17. 1997 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: warehouse on 1.267 acres. Request to construct a 19.449 square foot LOCATION OF PROPERTY: South side of Commerce Road; approximately 620 feet east of Hioh Ridoe Road; lot 16 of Hioh Ridoe Commerce Park PID DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. TH IS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Appl!,cant LHAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. The ApplJcant's application for relief is hereby .,;!. GRANTED subject to the conditions marked as "include" in Exhibit "C" hereto. 3 DENIED 4. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. " '- .., ~ , . 5. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 6. Other: o Ne:' DATED: June 17, 1997 ~1h;;;"h/7c~_m" . Ci Clerk \\\\\\\\\1111111/ #"" 0'< N TO ;/I///-,/;r, ~ ~ ~ ......... <9 'l ~ O~.-O~'i'OF/..q'j:;.:. ~ ~ ::: (.!J '0'" 'Y ~ => S ~o::: 5!: ::1:= ao 1920 j ~ ~ ~ ;:: ~ .... $ ~ ..... ~ ~ ~LOR\Ot- #' '1111/ ~\\\" swp\c~IIAHi~\}rope 0..... Ord 6117/97 I'\l'I\t:.t<Ot" t:. t:. '" \ t:. Kt"~ \;:)1;....... - - \-UGH R\OGE. CO~.-AE.RCE. pARt< P\O fj' , \ \ \ I. ..iIa , . .,_I~ tI:"V L.:EO-' if Y \ \ . ~. "t. ~laf" ,. . I l: .-J,J.. ~ ; \ . .\\ '. i '. . ".'"\ . _ ~1- , l. ~JI'~I~' . .~~ l .....~" \ 1\ F'::a I '.. '~:- 'J1~; I tt ~. E;I c.:a: ~, ... . .. . _ . J- . - ...: l i , . [~ . . __ "0; !: -, - - ~ I:'; I .' \,. ~ " ~ -: 1..\2 ~~ : \ ~ ~~ : 1'. rrr ,~"< , , : , . .,-./. . ~I i~ \\\~,~. U \: r I'" uo- ~~ \ ..... r. n ~ " - __ ,.' . 'II<" ,-;:-~ ~ ~-~" ..0'" - L~ - ~... · '-, ,.. 5\ [1::.\ ,,,,l'i ' 'J, ,}'.. ~ -,;;. . ,. c'''''' , -- -.~ ~ ....; :'. - , _ , :.u=.;: "" f: · . ~ ~~. ~ ~\t\\'Il: fi1n " . I," , \...."... ~1II\1 " .:=1 : \1,,1 I, ' , - ,~; IJI " )\ ... _ _ /~~ L ~ ~\, ~W ~>' ~ .;~: ~ /" lll~~ - - ,,"= " 1 \\ ~Wli/;,' , ... - ~i 't7 - ," 'aJlf R8 '. . <M ~-'_.. 'I 1/1.1 (;j .~. 1',.lIA\.f! ....,..i:a, .,~ l J-- I .- "" """"" \'-\ .,n - - -... SC : I , ~ r :.: (J \ "" .~ c:::::::J .I . \ p.. p..~ ,u ~\\Uill\.. ~ I rpCJ.... p..~ ,.~~ /J. .. ,- ". .r', \ . J , ~ Ii ~ 1\ -,. " ,. T ........ . ;.;;. ....... .__ r l --.../ r-\ .~ :" , ~ ~ I ,"" "V .., 1 \ r s:a-tAA ~'tv ,,7~ ~r __ -.:::tIL . ~~ C'. . ~~ ~I .e"D.;1 .... ,..- ~IA~'" : s"'~ . .. <0 . ' ....--------------------------- .... -_.~------ -~- - EXHIBIT "C" ~ ...., Conditions of Aporoval Project name: Amerope Enterprises, Inc. File number: NWSP 97-009 Reference: The clans consist of 12 sheets identified as 2nd Review. New Site Plan. File #NWSP 97- 009 with a Mav 12. 1997 Plannina and Zonina Decartment date stamc markina. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: 1. A Palm Beach County Health Department permit will be required, / (Sec. 26-12). 2. A capacity reservation fee of $1205.82 is due within thirty (30) V days of commission approval or upon request for Utility Department signature on HRS/DEP forms, (Sec. 26.34[E]). FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 3. All plans submitted for speCific permits shall meet the city's ~e requirements at time of application. These permits include, but vi are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing. landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FOOT, PSC, SFVVMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit reQuest. Chap. 1, Art.l, Sec.6, par.A, pg. 103. 4. Provide SFVVMD & LWDD acceptance prior to permit issuance. I Chap.6, Art. IV, See. SA, pg.6-7. 5. Provide certification by developer'S engineer that drainage plan I complies with all city codes and standards. Chap.6, Art.V, See.SA, PQ.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, PQ.23-8. / 6. Provide a satisfactory lighting plan including photometries and vi pole wind 10adinQ. Chap.23, Art.lIA, pg.23-6. Page 2 Amerope Enterprises, Inc. File No. NWSP 97-009 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT II BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 7. Working drawings that are required to be submitted to the city for building permits shall illustrate the approved improvements in J compliance with the applicable building codes, Energy Efficiency Code, Florida Accessibility Code and Sign Code. [Chapter 20 - Building, Housing and Construction Regul~tions and Chapter 21 - Sign Code of the City's Land Development Regulations]. 8. To facilitate the permitting process following approval of this j request, it is recommended that the contractor for the project schedule a meeting with the Building Code Permit Administrator. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 9. After conducting an environmental survey, the applicant shall J verify to the city in writing that there are no state protected animals (Le. gopher tortoises) on the site [City Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.3.5., p.67]. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 10. Any roof top equipment shall be screened from view at a distance of 600 feet. If such equipment is planned, indicate its location ) and the height of the equipment above the roof and/or parapet wall level. Provide elevations of the structure showing the roof top equipment and the required screening (all reduced to a small scale) and draw in on these elevations the Iines-of-sight connecting the highest point of the equipment with eye level from a distance of 600 hundred feet from the building (LOR, Chapter 9, Section 11.E). 11. No building permit shall be issued until resolutions for the I following abandonments have been recorded in the Palm Be~ch County public records: . 25 feet wide peripheral buffer easement located overtapping with a utility easement '-" .."" Page 3 ~ Amerope Enterprises, Inc. File No. NWSP 97-009 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 12. Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2 requires that signage information consistent with Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan, Section 10. I. And Chapter 21 - Sign Code, Article IV, Section 7 be provided at the time of site plan submittal. Since no signage information was included in the 2114 J submittal of the project, another formal submittal will be required to be reviewed by the Planning and Development Board, prior to sign permits being issued for the proposed tenants. 13. No building permits will be issued until the submitted traffic J statement is approved by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division. 14. Within the site plan data for required parking there is an j erroneous reference to off-site parking instead of on-site parking. Make appropriate corrections on a set of drawings submitted for building permit. 15. On the Landscape Plan, Sheet 0-1, identify the spacing of the j cherry hedge (Eugenia Myrtifolia) proposed as a shrub accent on three sides of the dumpster enclosure. 16. Use approval to include manufacturing and warehousing of X-Ray j and nuclear shielding glass products is required prior to issuance of the building permit. Additional use approval(s) may be required, if proposed use(s) are not on the PIO's approved list. 17. It is recommended that the exterior finish of the office portion of / the warehouse complex (fronting Commerce Road) be differentiated from the rest of the building using a different color of stucco. 18. An environmental review permit will be required for the proposed j use, prior to issuance of the building permit. Additional environmental permits may be required when information regarding anticipated uses in the remaining portion of the warehouse is supplied. 19. Pretreatment of storm water generated by the property must be j provided on site as Veronica Lake within the PUO to the north does not qualify to satisfy this requirement. / 20. If a field inspection reveals that paving, lighting and swale J' landscaping of Commerce Road has not been completed by the developer of the PIO, such work shall be completed or bonded, prior to a building permit for Amerope. Page 4 Amerope1:nterprises, Inc. File No. NWSP 97-009 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 21. Delete comment #17. / ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 22. To be determined. Ibme s:lprojectslcon d ot appn ..., '<f1tII1 . ADDITIONAL COMMENTS/CONDITIONS BY CITY COMMISSION: 1. ~ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMI...~ION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 17, 1997 Mayor Taylor advised that he spoke to Chris Brown who explained that he must apply to the Federal government for this program. They need to have the support of the cities in order to get the money from the government to be used in developmental regions. Boynton Beach is one of the developmental regions. They need our assurance that we will participate in the program. Mr. Kotas advised that there is a vacancy on the board. He is hopeful we will be able to fill that vacancy with one of our residents. Motion Commissioner Bradley moved approval of the participation agreement for the Business Loan Fund of Palm Beach County. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion which carried unanimousiy. VI. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: Ch~ryl Robinson thanked the Commissioners for voting in favor of the landscape medians on NW 17th Street. She vowed to make the City proud. City Manager Willis introduced the City's new Fire Chief Bill Bingham, formerly of Sunrise. VII. PUBLIC HEARING: None VIII. BIDS: None IX. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: Attorney Cherof administered the oath to all who would offer testimony on the following two applications A. Project: Agent: Owner: Lo€ation: Amerope Enterprises, Inc. at High Ridge Commerce Park PID Richard C. Ahrens Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc. South side of Commerce Road; approximately 620' east of High Ridge Road; Lot 16 of High Ridge Commerce Park PID SITE PLAN - Request to construct a 19,449 square foot warehouse on 1.267 acres Description: Richard Ahrens was advised by Mayor Taylor that the Commission was in receipt of the Planning and Development Board's approval of this application. Mr. Ahrens requested clarification of staff Conditions #17 and #18. 11 MEETING MINUTES REGULAR CITY corv.. ,SSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 17, 1997 Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director, advised that this applicant has already gone through Environmental Review and the permit has been issued. Therefore, Comment #18 has been satisfied. In addition, staff agreed with the Planning and Development Board's recommendation to delete Comment #17. Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve the site plan for a 19,449 square foot warehouse on 1.267 acres for Amerope Enterprises, Inc. at High Ridge Commerce Park PID as per staff comments. Commissioner Tillman seconded the motion. Commissioner Bradley confirmed with Commissioner Jaskiewicz that her motion includes the deletion of Comment #17. The motion carried unanimously. B. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: High Ridge Commerce Park PIO Richard C. Ahrens Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc. Northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road USE APPROVAL - Request for use approval to add manufacturing and warehousing of x-ray and nuclear shielding products to the High Ridge Commerce Park PID list of permitted uses. Mayor Taylor advised that the Planning and Development Board recommended approval of this use approval subject to staff comments. Tambri Heyden advised that there was only one condition of approval that the use be subject to Environmental Review. That has already occurred. Motion Commissioner Bradley moved to approve the request for use approval at High Ridge Commerce Park PID. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried unanimously. x. NEW BUSINESS: - A. I~ms for discussion by Commissioner Matt Bradley 1. Resolution regarding the High Speed Rail At Commissioner Bradley's request, there was a consensus of the Commission to send the City's Resolution to the Florida Department of Transportation Advance Notification Response group. 12 MEETING MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPPJ.EN'. dOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 10, 1997 1. Final Disposition of Last Meeting's Agenda Items In the absence of Planning and Zoning Department Director Tambri Heyden, no report was available. 6. OLD BUSINESS None 7. NEW BUSINESS A. SITE PLANS New Site Plan 1. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Amerope Enterprises, Inc. at High Ridge Commerce Park PID Richard C. Ahrens Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc. South side of Commerce Road, approximately 620' east of High Ridge Road; Lot 16 of High Ridge Commerce Park PIO Request to construct a 19,449 square foot warehouse on 1.267 acres The Planning and Development Board members did not require a presentation from staff. Richard Moss of Ahrens Company. represented the agent. He confirmed that the conditions of approval contained in Exhibit "Cn had been reviewed, and the only objectionable condition was #17. The board members did not see a need for this recommendation and requested that staff explain why this condition was included. Mr. Lewicki explained that this was staff's attempt to make the office part of this structure more architecturally explicit. Mr. Moss advised that there will be a vertical control joint separating the office area from the warehouse. Motion Mr. Aguila moved to approve the site plan for Amerope Enterprises, Inc. at High Ridge Commerce Park, located at the south side of Commerce Road, approximately 620' east of High Ridge Road; Lot 16 of High Ridge Commerce Park PIO, as submitted subject to staff comments except Comment #17. Comment #17 is to be deleted. Mr. Wische seconded the motion which carried unanimously. 2 %e City of 'Boynton 'Beach June 26, 1997 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevard P.O. tJ3tJ.t,310 tJ3oynton 'Beadi, yforufa 33425-0310 City !J{aff: (561) 375-6000 :F5tX: (561) 375-6090 Richard C. Ahrens 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, FL 33426 Re: File No: Location: Amerope, Inc. NWSP 97-009 South side of Commerce Road; approximately 620 feet of High Ridge Road; lot 16 Commerce Park PID Dear Mr. Ahrens, Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order regarding Commission approval of your request for site plan approval. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 375-6260. Sincerely, ....-"'\ . " , '1, . I' /'1 ,/ ! '_.... ''-. l" l./.. ,'\,. _ __- . ~> J ) ~ l.~ ,,'" j -':., , <' '" ~ . Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dar Attachment xc: Central File J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\AMEROPE\NWSP\dev. order. doc J'lmuua's (jateway to tfu (julfstream. ~ggi e!5:e4 . 'C'~-~~~~~.tr:;.. 4 ..' > f "'..~..... ~_:--...:: ~";-,..:~ '87~~81 . ~tj'~~ii;~~.: ~ . . . ""~.,;~:~~.;l~.#~v :<~~J2<;"'i!',(r:t'.." . Cedar Ridge Deve1opm#~..~~rp. ~;; '~:-:..-. ~.. Fax Cover Sheet . - 1" .. - ~_(..' ..:,.' -:-:- ,'. -r';;' '. ;> ~- ''*tIr:. '~1 ).... I t~. _~. TO: Namo: ..Me .".' v. -,,1 ,. I ...'.. . hk- i,,-~ .~~p- /JI/Sf -~ {A~f~ i J/i;5,q ! Company: Phone II: ~,..\- (~~I 3 7,J-.' ~ J ~.., -. 1: ftX II: 2. -Is:. ../ ,04., ,.j, ..' '::~.~n. ".'''', ~, Ie. ._. -. ~..-. " . ---.-- .. . J1'ltO M: Name I'holle! It 561.$3 J.S 199 : ,~.. .} ~ ~ ~._::,' ::r:~ ~;~;~r~~ ;\;t!:1.'i1 ~ .' . . ,: il:, .i j(ll.S3.1.0HOI ru~: ~CAlM~~... A ;j ,0.'';"':",. "~ .~~_h"'"'1-.;....;, 'Ark ....... .~. DA. TE: I~ ..~~ -,? .;; ,. ,: .~.:~ ...'c;, _.~. ,""r -4.~':t ....cr-(;;.'i, ""1 ...~ .. ~ ' ':lZ ~;1 !'~,~'f~ ~ . -~. [,AOltS: ~",,\':i.' '~.-'?:':-:!:,l.:; .3:'~:" COMMeNTS: "J: l, I &.. . r~"" ~.....~~. ...., iZ.- . R~ I#"...,;f ~. ~) (. ~ -. 4.J!;./) .r/-'~-r L !J. /, r, eJ J..el ". t!'l.lll(1N ..".~... 17 A _ ~~-iJ~::1 pi "75/~ 7ZM'~ ,~s~ -I- -r&\ tI {$# I2J",~'._J~ ;:;; ~ '4-< ~ y~ ,. { .. n....,. r ' I ~ ... J I.;; ~ ~ ~ · -r,.(J ji.tI. { .:.. I /' f,rF-- ~~ J' -',~:: ' =- ~ -"'.....-..., ---. :,0-.- I-J~,?-::.r;7: r:: "\ II.... .:- \" I -: ;... -"'I "': ~ -: . . - ~ " .:.f....~"'.C;;C .'4~~,~~,;:~::~""?3~~~j,;::'~';' .'~ ~....,., ....~-i'~~: .'.'" '~""""'''f:!'', -. ' ~".., . ""..:."~, ,," ~ ',' . ::;':':~;'~' :;' '!:~~\?i~~"?:,,:;: -':~:':;'::':::'~~"'t~1;" .:",.ct;:'.. /'1991 as: 84''4875336&81 ',,:~. .". > . ... '_ , ' ,. "',,::; "'>i;"i:;2'~~ ,. - ~...;",:.~:.-/~;:: ,*~';. i:~.;t~;;; ,'" ",. , : :edar Ridge, ..', '~\~ [)evelopment Corp~~. ....--4IIOft-rBaa'r .,c., Octa~23. 1997 Wess Florida Power Met Lipt 21400 Powerll.ne lload Boca Raton, PL 33433 '~. ., 1IiHI HlGII RI1JOB ROAJ ';:~:' .L4M'ANA.1'l. 3UG-$~ ':'. .' "VOIC6 _74$3-$11 :,::.?.:~,~;. ;".. -~;r .,. 1.1<< ..,.s~UlO Dear Well, . , :_~ -", !:A ..:'~'~,;: Condor Investments otPalm Beach County, Inc. is herean. lights on Commerce Road in HJSh Rldie Commerce p~; R?~ /~C ;,,;~,:ti~~~~lt~;';~I. r ""/.../* ',_",'.' :'.. '-." '. '<;".- m . ..0. ". JOMph P. Bune. Jr';,:':;~~.~1:J7~~t,~~ /~;~{s;:~;;. As Asent for. Condor Investment. of Palm Beacb CauftCY, ~':'~~fc.~~~,,=;~;~rc:" --'fC;""~!JJ~~~'J;.~#. ~5r:f~~''''~'''c''' "c, . _' ~'; i: ~;;.( >~.~.-::;::~ !:~~!~~','r.~,. .., Jamos Vanderwoude '1_ .. p ~c: - - ... . -..~. - : '"" - - ,- ,) 77 ~ -98 9 -:.. Q!i : rlI ."--- '11--: ~ ~ I -: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, .", ,.~ et1 ~1991 8~:e4 487833&881 (!(!.': ~ ~ Cedar Ridge Development. Corp. Fax Cover Sheet . - I" .. TO: Namo: -.rL. Y.. _,;1 f h~ i ~ ~ -~IJJl5f -" I 1 . ^ ~ -;~- ./) .....fo~ r ,., ~ j JJ $J5yJ; Company: Phones "= :J,r- {~4'1 :J 7 J -.' ';J ~.., . --. I: II>; '1= rt'1\O M : NlInlC 2. -- I s:..r, ~~::~: " 1.~; > -.~J, ~" ,. , . I'houo". S61.533.5199 :" .:~,.. _.'~ ~t ;-" ;; ..~'~i{l::_;t~l'-~ . Fil:, Ii 5(,'101 Rl~; ~D MM"";~... A ',\ _\;,'1'. ~t'( .; '1:~1'Kd;' DATE: I~ ..~~ -" .;; . '. , ~.~,' . 'f" ,.J~' 'i"'t .c,");'; ,~ i ~ '\' '" .. .. ,. ,{~ t.J' t t'AOztS: ~~- . ~..7' '!-- . 1~ '< ~rf~ ot.:" "'! ,.,., COMMeNTS: :t ,L, ,,_~ .t 't.,; I &.. '1~"" ~...-J.t. rz.. -R.&<<I4-.?/- .t!.. ;:)J t J; 4& ;;'1) sj;,,-T t!J. j, r, eJJ,.I,.. ~.ItI(~ ~".~.., 1?,1_ ~~Lr~~::' ;t '737T~ ~:., , ~ s~ -:i; yl.- \ t1 {$~ (2.A~;.- ?; A..t , 4.-< ~ ." t..n..,. J-"~ ... l'. Ln. -r,.,~Ji.".{": t J'i " r f........ >' ~ J , ...,.~ ~;~.-:'l :,-, .:: , "':'" 1 _-, ? '7 '7 .!. -? 8 ~_~__~ ()!: flI__________. "Ie ': 'J -= ;." <) :: :: :. Cedar Ridge Developm~J.~2rp. .. ... " eS:94 4e75336eel ,~:: . ~_:,,' . ,-if' .. HIGll RI1JOB ROIL UM'AN..4. n. >>I6U~ ",le.4f14$3-Slf ,AJit .-r.sJUlO Octob<< 23. 1997 Wess Florida Powor lAd Lipt 21400 Pow.Une Road Boca Raton, fL 33433 ':1 .", . ,.... " .,i,i' .~ ~::i., '_ ~t Re: Hish Ridge Commlrce Park, Commeroe Road - St..... Uahtl Dear W.... ~ G" a'.. f t ,., ..,. , ~. :,L 'J Condor Investments otPaIm Beach County, Inc. Is herein-ieqyesdns that FPclL Install street liahts on Commerco Road in Hl8h RidSI Commerce Park~ 'f;~{~':'~':;".- " . . '.~,-,r"'<<:~~,~~~~~~;~:~~;t!:r~ _,.".;i:~ "~~:'. ;~\-. ~ . Wc arc requeMina that the power IOUrce be undersround and that the Upt 1Ixtw'et'be tb~ Colonial Fbctu.... on 20. Black Plber81... Pol_ (See Attached). '""" "\'C,,,,\".:':tt "';~'" ",_ " We arc also requesdna that the Uahtl be inltalled In the tb110wins looatloDlj ", . ",' " ,j:;~.~~'i:t~~:,:f";:~_' .. ,"'! a. One on the North West Comer otLOt 20, " b. an. on each ofth. North PropCrty linea between; Lots I] & 14. Lots 14 & 15, Lot, 15. 16, Lots 16 ct 17, Lots 17 A 18, Lot. 188& 19, A Lot. 19& 20.,';,,' ", _..;, c. One on the Ealt ald. or the culdlllC: between Lota 10 &, 11. ..... :.}. ;:~';""1'~\" Wo underatand that it wUl be 4 t9 6 w"k. bofbr. you 11"0 ready to start ~lattOD. Please contact me when you are ready (Ot the ..semoni. to .,. ataJced. ~;., ' , " , ,', , , , ., ,'J" :> 'i' f ~ I: ~'i.:' , ',( Should you have any questions or comments please do not huitat~to calI. R7~~75d? JOMph F, BuU.. Jr. As Asent for - Condor Inveltmen1. of Palm Beach Caunly," Jnc., '!,i't":~~~~"~~~:'~'i;*,'~"yi."."',,., ' ~~: James Vanderwoude - ........,j ... -; ,"\ . ~ ~ I - '- . I:':: ,:.- I -Ii ?tjt'L-989-L0t7:rJI _.__._-~---_.- i\11J ': ~j -:: c <') = = :' May 22, 1997 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Amerope Enterprises, Inc. Commerce Road; approximately 620 feet east of High Ridge Road File No. NWSP 97-009 Dear Mr. Weisberg: The enclosed traffic study for the proposed Amerope Enterprises, Inc. site dated April 24, 1997, prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc., was received by the Planning and Zoning Department recently for the above referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/approval to the above address, with a copy of your written response to Milan Knor, Development Director also at the same address. Sincerely, Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme cc: Milan Knor, Development Director w/attachment Central File s:\projects\amerope\traffic LEn _R OF TRANSMITTAL FROM: A AHRENS AI COMPANIES Date Project Location Attention (561) 863-9004 Fax (561) 863~9007 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2, West Palm Beach, FL 33404-1765 Re: -1I~-I {A .~./ dt;:~ (, TO: (3L-t-/- ? 3 Lf;) S- ;g{ HEREWITH 0 DELIVERED BY HAND THE FOLLOWIN,G ITEMS: o SHOP DRAWING WE ARE SENDING YOU VIA-/(J,.S /rjA,J / . o PLANS 0 PRINTS o ESTIMATES 0 COPY OF LETTER o o UNDER SEPARATE COVER o SAMPLES o SPECIFICATIONS Copies Description THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS INDICATED BELOW o FOR YOUR USE ~OR APPROVAL o AS REQUESTED o FOR REVIEW & COMMENT o o APPROVED AS NOTED o APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION o RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS o RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US Remarks: .1 i I~~~~- ,uT.: . o RETURN o SUBMIT o RESUBMIT o FOR BIDS DUE CORRECTED PRINTS COPIES FOR COPIES FOR .- (7 f /LJ-- 1(\./- J , .J --~. (~--L/ ) !:- --2/-( /~-l'-(- ,II ~ ~];&-7./t<-- ,-" IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS INDICATED, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE. Signed: tu' X .I /' l l......c:.., ,A~~ L/~' ./. 11.;: /(7<- -7--c- /Y ~ /J"'~'- ~ , - , """-- ~_..:~--=:"~~~~..~-~~._. ___ ~-,--'.. ......t.~~....I_ ..., . "'~ ". ~ ~,' ....'...'~" ....:.....0.' ..~. h"'f~' ...:;.,' . ~. .,- . ...... '~'~""l.:":~~~~..."""""""'~",,,,,,,,,,,,,~ MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPARTMENT TO: Diane Reese, Finance Director John A. Guidry, Utilities Directo~ f)t-.,IM f IC,..I I C;y 7 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Reservation fee transmittal for - Enclosed is a reservation fee for the subject project: Amount - .$. /20 ~-?L I Check no. - /ov'2 From - /J -;- ~ Jr' n/'f1~""'/7"'- J,,"'V.(!><fp"1{'i..:{ ~, -'i~ ( , j) ., I j/\. ~ wsp fD)rn@~~wrnr:'d IU1J r M I ;-~."'-"' r /t~ ! L__~_,.. .. iJt:;- ~ ; . .... ...... ' . ;14 ~ ~ f?z9' Please deposit this fee in the appropriate account. You may refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director File City of Boynton Beach Development Services Department Planning and Zoning Division PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 561/ 375 - 6260 Fax: 561/ 375 - 6259 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date: To: Fax: Re: Sender: June 6, 1997 Richard Ahrens 863-9007 Planning & Development Board Agenda and Staff Reports for: ~ Amerope Enterprises, Inc. NWSP 97-009 ~ High Ridge Commerce Park PID USAP 97-001 Doris for Tambri J. Heyden " YOU SHOULD RECEIVE J(jPAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 561/ 375 - 6260. '11U City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 100 'E. 'lJoynton 'lJe.adi. 'lJoule.vara p.o. 'lJox..310 'lJoynton 'lJeadi, l}"forUfa 33425-0310 City 9laU: (561) 375-6000 l}".f1lX: (561) 375-6090 ~,~' May 22, 1997 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Amerope Enterprises, Inc. Commerce Road; approximately 620 feet east of High Ridge Road File No. NWSP 97-009 Dear Mr. Weisberg: The enclosed traffic study for the proposed Amerope Enterprises, Inc. site dated April 24, 1997, prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc., was received by the Planning and Zoning Department recently for the above referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/approval to the above address, with a copy of your written response to Milan Knor, Development Director also at the same address. Sincerely, - ' I } I ",,,/,, . / c.,-:>J-/,2.u..,d . I-J.tr J1./ / L~ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme cc: Milan Knor, Development Director w/attachment Central File S'.\proje<:lSlamerope\traflic :4mu-ica's (jateway to tfu (jutfstream .--_. --....-------------------------.'.- ._-.._----------~,------ " ~ eb YVONNE ZIEL TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS, INC. 11440 86th 51. North, West Palm Beach, Florida 33412 Telephone (561) 624-7262. Facsimile (561) 624-9578 April 24, 1997 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Senior City Planner Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: Amerope Project Dear Mr. Rumpf: The subject project is located along the south side of Commerce Road (lot 16) east of High Ridge Road. 1-95. The applicant is seeking approval for a 19,448 square foot light industrial project. Since the site is located within a vested development, only trip generation data needs to be provided. Please find enclosed Tables 1 and 2 which provide the trip generation rates used and the resulting trips. Trip generation indicates that the proposed project will generate 136 daily trips. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ,-----' GtONNE ZIE~ULTANTS' INC. Y~nne Ziel, P.E. President Enclosure Traffic Engineering and Planning .__.-~~~ d:J t:. t- t:. d:J ~~ ...... r-:~ m ~ C"l t-ffi C"l uffi ...... ~r-: ffit- m o-m 0- 0- ~ d:J ~~ 0) ~ 0) o-~ ...... \- b 0 0 ~~ \- \- o-~ ~cx:. 0- Z t- O t:. C'l C ...... E. ~~ t-~ 51 m ~ C'l :t: \-(t. \.C') ~ffi d:J to ~~ ...... w~ .z. O-m 0- O-\U 0 - ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d:J \- <(~ ...... ~ ~~ b 0 z 0 \U 0 \- m - \- w~ ......W5 O-~ (!)~ C"l0- 0-_ ~cx:. ~~ woffi ~~~ ...Jcx:.z cx:.. ~\Uw ~w \-w \-~(!) <g \-~~ ~ '0; <.6u cx:.~ 0- ...... ~ cO ~ (/) ~ \i\z '00- 'O~ \- ~ z- ~ ~~ <(t- \- <(0- zo ct. wu.l \- Zw oU- 0 \=:'0 d:J ...... 4:<( ~ ..r ...... ~O- ..r \U a) o~ W ...... w8 %>'?: t:.u zz (!) ~~ (!) ~ \-~ ~ ~ '5:t: ~ \U~ 'i 'i '?'t5 (!) (!) t:.~ ::i ~ 'en:..l , ~ ~ z4: 'M ~ _0- t2 t- 'M ~ UiUi ~ 'en. O;'';t ~ 'en ~~ 0 ~ ~~ 0 ~ ~~ 3\ ~ . 3\ ~ 00 ..r...... (j)(j) ('I..... A AHRENS AI COMPANIES \\~i ~ M~Y :~~! ffi 100 \ ,..I -'~G,NNlNl,] AtoF1 Zi:)f'l\NG DEP'l ..'"._.._.,....,,."~....----- May 12, 1997 Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Hand Delivered Re: Site Plan Review Re-Submittal Amerope Enterprises File No. NWSP 97-009 Dear Ms. Heyden: This letter is to verify that we have conducted a complete field inspection of this site and there are no state protected animals (gopher, tortoises, etc.) on this particular site per Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.3.5, Page 67. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, AHRENS COMPANIES ~c.~ RICHARD C. AHRENS Chief Executive Officer richard amerope city of Boynton protected animals 0512.ltr 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2, West Palm Beach, FL 33404-1765 Office (561) 863-9004 Fax (561) 863-9007 License # CBC 006515 FROM: A AHRENS AI COMPANIES Date Project Location Attention Re: ; ""\1 'I: ~, I !' \ i ! I _"J '- I ;Uir--" I .', 1",1 ! UU' MAY 12;997 ~ "'. 'n t 1. :n IIJ' i L W :TTER OF TRANSMITTAL -z:; W ,#//14 ~- (561) 863.9004 Fax (561) 863-9007 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2, West Palm Beach, FL 33404-1765 ~>;r:ff:Z,~~ TO: /Ill ~ ~ &:--- tC'/TY eJr 40Y'A/7lJAl ~ GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU ~WITH ~ERED BY HAND 0 UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: o PLANS o ESTIMATES o PRINTS o COPY OF LETTER o SHOP DRAWING o o SAMPLES o SPECIFICATIONS Copies Date or No. Description /lnX/C4"/h11WT f THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS INDICATED BELOW ~~OR YOUR USE 0 APPROVED AS NOTED )i'~OR APPROVAL 0 APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION ~S REQUESTED 0 RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS L~OR REVIEW & COMMENT 0 RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US o Remarks: /~.>;f3 ~ /r Yt14" t0I1v'E L'huy clUtf7!lJ';'/->- o RETURN o SUBMIT o RESUBMIT o FOR BIDS DUE CORRECTED PRINTS COPIES FOR COPIES FOR IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS INDICATED, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE. Signed: - r;OOR(ri:lr;JI1\\fif'?r~" , D Lr; lID I~ U \lj l~ ,! n : CUNNINGHAM & DURRANCE -'-'-~'~"~"""1l ii CONSULTING ENGINEERS. INC. I, LJl ~AY, I 2 (':? , i~,J 400 EXECUTIVE CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 108 t \ WEST PALM BEACH, FL. 33401-2919 )_'";:I~....o,~,-_j (561) 689-5455 FAX: (561) 640-7815 E-MAIL: CD CON ENG@AO .COM I Mr'J'i'rt' May 12, 1997 Tambri Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FI 33425-0310 Re: Amerope Enterprises, Inc. Dear Ms. H{lyden: This letter is to certify that the submitted drainage plan complies with all City codes and standards per Chapter 6, Article V, Subsection 5A, page 6-7 and Chapter 23, Article 6, Section II F, page 23-28. Thank you f,:>r your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, CUNNINGHAM & DURRANCE ~~igP:: ;~C,' '?VP 1/'f/[;~<-~,>~ if :rtalIas H. Durrance, PE 'F1,t}f? cc: Greg Celetano DHD/dhd 97-018 (97018DRAINCERT.LTR) S7 desirable environment for industrial development in relation to existing and/or future city development, permit economies in providing public services, allow for economies of scale in industrial development, and to promote the public health, safety, convenience, welfare and good government of the City of Boynton Beach. B. DEFINITION. A "planned industrial development": 1. Is land under unified control, planned and developed as a whole in a single development operation or an approved programmed series of development operations for industrial buildings and related uses and facilities; 2. Provides for an industrial district of efficient and harmonious design so arranged as to create an attractive project readily integrated with and having no adverse effect on adjoining or surrounding areas and developments; 3. Is developed according to comprehensive and detailed plans for streets, utilities, lots, building sites, etc., and site plans, floor plans and elevations for all buildings intended to be located, constructed, used and related to one another, and detailed plans for other uses and improvements on the land related to the buildings; and C. 4. Includes a program for full provision, maintenance, and operation of such areas, improvements, facilities and services for common use by the occupants of the PID, but will not be provided, operated or maintained at public expense. MINIMUM LAND AREA FOR PID. The minimum land area for a planned industrial development shall be twenty-five (25) contiguous acres. ~ UNIFIED CONTROL. All land included for purpose of development within district shall be under the control of the applicant (an individual, partnership, or corporation or group of individuals, partnerships, or corporations) . The applicant shall present satisfactory legal documents to constitute evidence of the unified control of the entire area within the proposed PID. The applicant shall agree to: 1. Proceed with the proposed development according to the provisions of these zoning regulations and conditions attached to the zoning of the land to PID; 2. Provide agreements, contracts, deed restrictions, and sureties acceptable to the city for completion of the Adopted April 4. 1995. OrcHn.nce 095-QZ 2-60 R."l..c1 S7 development according to the plans approved at the time of zoning to PID and for continuing operations and maintenance of such areas, functions, and facilities as are not to be provided, operated, or maintained at public expense; and 3. Bind their successors in title to any commitments made under subsection D.1 and 2 above. All agreements and evidence of unified control shall be examined by the city attorney and. no zoning of land to PID classification shall be adopted without a certification by the city attorney that such agreements and evidence of unified control meet the requirements of these zoning regulations. E. USES PERMITTED. In the PID, a building and its customary ancillary structures and land uses may be erected, altered and occupied for any office, professional, business (wholesale or retail), educational institution, adult entertainment in accordance with Section 11.M., or industrial use provided that such use or uses is/are approved by the planning and development board. In approving uses in the PID, the planning and development board shall make findings that the use or uses proposed will not be in conflict with the performance standards listed in Section 4.N. of these zoning regulations, and that the use or uses proposed is/are consistent with the intent and purpose of this section. For the purpose of this section, educational institution shall mean a public, quasi-public or private facility that offers instruction to students for one (1) or more of the following needs: preschool programming; tutoring; kindergarten, elementary and secondary grades schooling; higher learning for the purpose of granting degrees in a particular field and occupational or industrial, technical training. In addition, uses permitted are subject to limitations ~s follows: 1. Outdoor storage of materials may be permitted based on a finding of the planning and development board that such storage does not exceed fifteen (15) per cent of the total square footage of the building site and that such storage is screened and fenced to preclude exposure to the public; and 2. All uses proposed which are listed in Section a.A.3 shall require the issuance of an environmental review permit as set forth in Section 11.3 of these zoning regulations. Furthermore, the planning and development board may require that any other use obtain an environmental review permit, prior to being established in a particular PID. AdopteCS April 4. 1995. Ord1nence 09S-0~ 2-61 .ev1...d City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 561/375 - 6260 Fax: 561/ 375 - 6259 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date: $/91 To:~~~ Fax: 8C3.9007 Re: ~~ Sender: 0~ YOU SHOULD RECEIVE PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 561/375 - 6260. 04/30/1g97 15:15 5513647382 FIRE PRE\/ PAGE 01 ~--- . :J1w dtff 01 Bo"nion Boa€k :J.zre - Jexue 2Jeparll1'U1nf Fire Prevention Division C/O The City ufBoynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. FL 33435 FAX FAX FAX FAX TO: Richard Ahrens FAX#: 561-863-9007 FROM: William D. Cav811auih. FPO I FAX #: 561-364-7382 SUBJECT: Comments - lit review new site plan AmerQpe Enter,prises REMARKS: If you have any QUestions. please call 561-735-0272. NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 2 ...J,-,..L...JV- ~'..i';' r.J..r\.c. rf"':.c:.\' FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Memorandum No. 97..239 <I TO: Tambri Heyden, Director Planning Department jlJp(!~f1~ FROM: William D. Cavanaugh, FPO I Fire Department DATE: April 30, 1997 SUBJECT: 1- Review NWSP 97-009 Amerope Enterpnses High Ridge Rd. North of Gateway Blvd. We have no objedlOnS at this time. cc: Act. Chief Ness FPO II Campbell File r-'Al.;li:. f::l:': FROM: A AHRENS AI COMPANIES Date Project Location mrJ:lL~ Uf ' Uti: APR 3 0 L__ (TER OF TRANSMITTAL (561) 863.9004 Fax (561) 863-9007 3750 Investment lane, Suite 2, West Palm Beach, FL 33404-1765 Attention Re: TO: GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING YOU .. '/ v'~f.S.~ o PLANS 0 PRINTS o ESTIMATES 0 COPY OF lETTER ~ HEREWITH 0 DELIVERED BY HAND THE FOllOWING ITEMS: o SHOP DRAWING o UNDER SEPARATE COVER o SAMPLES o SPECIFICATIONS o Copies Date or No. Description THESE ARE TRANSMITTED AS INDICATED BELOW o FOR YOUR USE ~OR APPROVAL o AS REQUESTED o FOR REVIEW & COMMENT o o APPROVED AS NOTED o APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION o RETURNED FOR CORRECTIONS o RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US o RETURN o SUBMIT o RESUBMIT o FOR BIDS DUE CORRECTED PRINTS COPIES FOR COPIES FOR Remarks: --- f)v.Iu- ~r~~~r. u-U_b-e, ~ IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS INDICATED, PLEASE NOTIFY US AT ONCE. Signed: ~ fJJie City of 'Boynton 'Beacli ~r3 ',,~/ 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevard P.O. 'B~310 'Bognton 'Beadi} !f[orilia 33425-0310 City !J{afl: (561) 375-6000 :Ff4X: (561) 375-6090 April 28, 1997 Richard Ahrens 3750 Investment Lane, Suite 2 West Palm Beach, FL 33426 RE: Initial Review Comments - Amerope Enterprises File No. NWSP 97-009 Dear Richard Ahrens: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the documents submitted for the above-referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (including surveys) of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for second review and recommendation to the appropriate boards for approval or denial. A recommendation for denial will be made if there are major comments that have not been addressed on the resubmitted plans. jfmerUa s Gateway to tlU (jutfstream Page 2 of 2 Initial Review Comments Amerope Enterprises File No. NWSP 97-009 Dates pertaining to the remainder of the review process are as follows: · The amended plans will be due by 5:00 P.M. on May 12, 1997. · The request will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on June 10, 1997. · The request will be forwarded to the City Commission as a development plan on June 17, 1997. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or the approval schedule, please feel free to call Jerzy Lewicki, who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and Zoning Department. Very truly yours, ,:/, ,- 1 / -~h,,,,-tu.!). Z-!ojzfe~ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director T JH:bme Atts. S:\project\AMEROPE\pt rev. comment CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: Amerope Enterprises (File No. NWSP 97-009) 1. Submit an amended Site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. 2. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. 3. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 4" by 6". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. If the abutting property is vacant photographs are not required. 4. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colors shown and described on the colored elevation views shall match the colors identified on the elevation drawings submitted for site plan review. All exterior surfaces of the structure(s) shall be colored and the color name, associated color code and manufacturer identified. The type of exterior surface material shall also be identified on the drawing. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do not submit on board of any kind. 5. Submit color samples as an example of the proposed colors. Each sample shall have attached a label that identifies the color by name, color code and manufacturer. The colors should be referenced from an established color chart. 6. Submit 8 1/2" x 11" transparencies of the site plan, landscape plan and project signs to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. ~ rn @ rn II \fl rn rn ,~PR 2 \ ~.'~17 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Board of Supervisors C. Stanley Weaver Kermit Dell John I, Witworth III Secretary/Manager William G. Winters Assistant Manager Ronald L. Crone Attorney Perry & Schone, PA ~'88 LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 April 17, 1997 Dear Ms. Heyden: ./, / ~\( J1Y Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Subject: Technical Review Committee Agenda - April 15, 1997 The Lake Worth Drainage District offers the following comments regarding the item(s) on the meeting agenda: 1. Quantum Park - No Objection to Amendment Request. 2. Amerope Enterprises, Inc. at High Ridge Commerce Park PID - at .45 miles East of High Ridge Road, this project will not be located in the L WDD Service Area. As always, we thank you for being given the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~\'?ue- Shaughn J. Webb Chief Inspector SJW:jma c: Ronald L. Crone, P.E., P.L.S., Assistant Manager, L WDD Patrick A. Martin, P .E., District Engineer, L WDD K,\DA T A\lOANNlW1'OOCS\IlEYDEN,S)W Delray Beach & Boca Raton (561) 498-5363. Boynton Beach & West Palm Beach (561) 737-3835 . Fax (561) 495-9694