REVIEW COMMENTS TRACKIN, LOG - SITE PLAN REVIEW SUL. ~T1~L PRuJJ::C'l' 'l'l'fLE: uESc';RIP'l'ION: 'l'YPE: OArt'E REC '0 : AMEROPE ENTERPRISES FILE NO.: NWSP 97-009 X NEW SITE PLAN 4/1/97 AMOUNT: MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION RECEIPT NO. : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: COLORED ELEVATIONS REC'D: (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The Planning & Zoning Dept. will number each sheet of their set. The Planniqg Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: DATE: ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE OF LET'fER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 2nd SUBMIT1'AL ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE: DATE UF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: REVIEWER'S NAME: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I (Label TRC Departments on each set of plans) DATE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. DATE SEN'l': 1- j 1 RETUl<N DATE: 4/21/97 MEMO NUMBER: 97-131 1st REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED util. P .W. ~ Parks , E'ire Police PLANS ~MO # / ~~~E / "e" II, 6 / . /~ t - 5'" / 8 /~ '/ . /~/0 . ~ -* / I t/ Y cr1-o~ il. i :./ '5 i (!;::T Planning Building Engineer Engineer . Forester PLANS MEMO # / OArE 1'7 _Ie; (, / 4 (II../-- 1 Q'1- 071 ~ 'fILr / 1'7 "'(71y / 3(~3 y I / "C" / (:../ /~ /- /- /~ TYPE OF VARIANCE(S) DATE OF MEETING: DA'l'E OF LETTER SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. ~ checklist sent out w/ comments NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC I D: MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM 2nd REVIEW. DA'l'E SENT: ')-\1-'1'1 MEMO #: 9'/- d-l q A-; -<-- RETURN DATE: S-/r;-/?7 , 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL PLfS MaMO . /~/"R/D" PLANS MEMO # / DATE Uti!. 97 -1$3 / .5' Ol '"7 / e- Planning / P.W. cr;~()<J <f' / 1. / t"--- BUilding Y 'l'/-ro( / <'"p v Z Parks / / Engineer ~ / ~ Fire y ~ -,).so / -fIi=./ C"../" Engineer y / Police Y rr-oo 14 /S, / / r'/ Forster 9'1- :5 C7 / S II' /"R/D" / / c / i/ / / e--_ LETTER TO APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND DEVELOPMENT PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT/SIGNS INSTALLED: SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD -S- / d,1 /11 SIG~S CC/eIW\ &/17/77 f DArl'J:; APPROVAL LE'l'TER SENT: A: 'l'kACK1NG. tiP 4-17-1997 9:52AH FROM LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE 561 495 9694 P.1 ~'" ~ll~@~~W~ !I ~~ 11 :UU APR 1991 rn Betord 01 s~"'" C, Stanley Weaver Kermil; Oell J<>l\fl I W~W<)rlh m Soc,..llIrylMenager Wifiam G. Wn\ef$ Aroll/W1l Menag&f Ronald L Crotl'io Attomey Perry & SChOne. P.A. LAKE WORTH OAAINAGE DISTRICT \~J.-.-I',--^--.J\...A.......^---,~^--/'J PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT, 1:3061 MILITA.RY TRAIL OELRAY 8EAOH, RO~IDA 33484 April1?, 1997 Tarnbri 1. Heyden, AICP Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Ms. Heyden: Subject: Technical Review Committee Agenda - April 15, 1997 The Lake Worth Drainage District offers the followilli comments regarding the item(s) on the meeting agenda: 1. Quantum Park - No Objection to Amendment Request. 2. Amerope Enterprises. Inc. at High Ridge Conunerce Park PID - at.45 miles East of High Ridge Road, this projed will not be loca.ted in the L \lIDD Service Area. As always, \ve thank you tor being given the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~\~ Shaughn J. Webb Chief Inspector SJW:jma c: Ronald L. Crone, P.E" P.L.S., Assistant Manager. L WOO Patrick A. Martin, P.E., District Engineer, L WDD K:\DATA\lOANM'V'JIOCICi\.HE'fI:EN.SlW D6!lray Beach & Boca RatOl'l (Sl!l1) 49S-5363. 8oYl'\II:ll'l ~h & west Palm Beach (561) 737.3835 . F~l/ (561) 495-9694 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM rn Ul ~ \'IJ.~ ~ .. 1.1- ~ TO: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR DATE: 15 APRIL 97 SUBJECT: AMEROPE ENTERPRISES NEW SITE PLAN- 1st REVIEW FROM: SGT. MARLON HARRIS dREFERENCES: 97-0022 POLICE DEPARTMENT ENCLOSURES: I have reviewed the above plans. The proposed handicapped pavement striping is not current with Florida State Statute for handicapped standards. Otherwise, I see no other concerns with these plans. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #97-078 rn M 2 11991, rn rn~rn wrn PLANNING A.NO ZONING DEPT. TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~ Carel Fisher, Acting Public Works Director ~ THRU: FROM: Larry Quinn, Sanitation Superintendent SUBJ: New Site Plan - 1 st Review - Amerope Enterprises DATE: April 18, 1997 Public Works will be unable to service the dumpster as shown on this site plan, City Code #10-26, A., states in part that we must have clear access to the dumpster location. The enclosure needs to be rotated in a more northerly direction to allow clear access. The dumpster enc osure itself also does not meet City code requirements, Codes states minim . side dimensions must be 10' X 10' excluding gate poles. arry Quinn Sanitation Superintendent LQ/cr ~'88 \~~@~UW_~~ In) .~~nl ' U III ~,.J '; , Pl{>.NNING ANO ZONING DEPT. Board of SupelVisors C, Stanley Weaver Kermit Dell John L WilWorth III Secretary/Manager William G, Winters Assistanl Manager Ronald L Crone Atlomey Perry & Schone, P.A. LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH. FLORIDA 33484 April 17, 1997 Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 3]0 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Ms. Heyden: Subject: Technical Review Committee Agenda - April 15, 1997 The Lake Worth Drainage District offers the following comments regarding the item(s) on the meeting agenda: 1. Quantum Park - No Objection to Amendment Request. 2. Amerope Enterprises, Inc. at High Ridge Commerce Park PID - at .45 miles East of High Ridge Road, this project will not be located in the L WDD Service Area. As always, we thank you for being given the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~\'duL Shaughn 1. Webb Chief Inspector SJW:jma c: Ronald L. Crone, P.E., P.L.S., Assistant Manager, LWDD Patrick A. Martin, P.E., District Engineer, L WDD K:\OA T A\JOANN\WPOOCS\HEVDEN.SJW Delray Beach & Boca Raton (561) 498-5363. Boynton Beach & West Palm Beach (561) 737-3835 . Fax (561) 495-9694 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-071 April 21 , 1997 00 rn@~~~J~rnl d i~ I.' I! Ii I APR 2 2 /997 ! t!J TO: Tambri 1. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Al Newbold, Acting Director of Development ~ AMEROPE ENTERPRISES - NEW SITE PLAN PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. FROM: RE: We have reviewed subject project and have the following comments: Building Division Signage should be proposed for project at this time. Project otherwise meets the Building Code and it should be recommended to the Planning and Development Board for approval. En~ineerin~ Division 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. Chap. 1, Art.I, Sec.6, par. A, pg.I-3. 2. Need SFWMD & L WDD acceptance prior to permit issuance. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 3. Provide certification by Developers' Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6, Art.v, Sec.SA, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 4. Provide a satisfactory lighting plan including photometrics and pole wind loading. Chap.23, Art.IIA, pg.23-6 5. Clarify drainage flow direction in north portion of parking lot between dumpster and Commerce Road. Is the 28.8 elevation correct? 6. Striping for standard stalls shall be black on concrete (Standard Drawing #B-90012). Recommendations: 1. Eliminate wheel stops by extending sidewalk out two feet. 2. Use City's standard HIC striped stall in lieu of "Van Accessible" stall. City's HIC stall is the "universal" stall size of 17' (12' wide and 5' path). 3. Install HlC signs on building wall in lieu of using the steel posts. 4. Consider making ingress lane 15' wide for truck turns and a 12' wide egress lane. AO:KH/ck attachment: Building Division plans xc: Anthony Occhiuzzo Ken Hall Olf- ~ '" \ 1.:z..-- C:\My Documents\AmeropeNewSitePlan,doc RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM 97-173 00 mmmO\Vlm rn APR28.' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: Tambi Heyden, Planing and Zoning Director Kevin John Hallahan ,Forester I Environmentalist I<i; -H- FROM: RE: Amerope Enterprise-New Site Plan_1st Review DATE: April 23, 1997 The applicant has addressed the existing trees on the site. He should also verify to the City in writing that there are no State protected animals (i.e. gopher tortoises) on the site [City Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.3.5.,p.67] The project should continue in the normal review process. kjh -"....-""" ...' '1" .'.~) rl~ l' RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #97-178 .. r-- -.,. : I APR 2 4, , ~ : ------1 I .' A ~ ..... I ~ J .HL"..__.......t" FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ~ Amerope Enterprises (} TO: RE: DATE: April 23, 1997 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the new site plan for Amerope Enterprises. There are no recreation issues on this project. The plan may continue through the normal review process. JW:ad MEMORANDUM Utilities # 97-116 if] ii, ,.J .. i~ ~ r~ II \ij ~ r;j !f.--....."g-..r,r..7..-1! ~ I ~ rPR 2 ,~';~'; i L:J ...,.,.,.,. ......'... ,.',.,.. ~~.~.....J ^ ! ;~~ <iD ., ~f-....~}~'";.~~~~;~~~~?I_~ FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning & zonin:tg Director , John A. Guidry, Director of Utilities ~ ~ April 28, 1997 TO: Date: SUBJECT: Amerope Enterprises, New Site Plan, First Review Staffhas reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1. Plan shall show location of all utility easements. Please show proposed water main centered in a 12' utility easement, (Sec. 26.33(a)). 2. Palm Beach Health Department permit will be required, (Sec. 26-12). 3. Please relocate proposed water service to show coming off of new water main. 4. A Capacity Reservation Fee of$1205.82 is due within Thirty (30) days of commission approval or upon request for my Signature on HRS/DEP forms, (Sec. 26.34[EJ). It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm/amerol xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella File PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-166 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jerzy Lewicki DATE: April 14, 1997 SUBJECT: New Site Plan - 1 st Review Project: Amerope Enterprises Location: Lot 16 in Block 2 in a Cedar Ridge PUD and High Ridge Commerce Park, a PID(south side of Commerce Road) Agent: Richard Ahrens of Ahrens Companies File No.: NWSP 97-009 The following is a list of comments regarding the first review of the above-referenced project. It should be noted that the comments include recommendations we believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project. The comments that identify deficiencies from the City's Land Development Regulations (L.D.R.) or previous conditions of approval are required to be corrected and shown in compliance on the plans and/or documents submitted for second (2nd) review in order for the project to continue through the site plan review process. The applicant shall understand that all documents and plans submitted for site plan review are subject to additional comments. I recommend that the applicant/agent contact this office regarding questions related to the comments. If the applicant is not intending to correct code deficiencies or deficiencies from previous conditions of approval and they request that the project remain on the review schedule identified he/she should contact this office regarding the procedures, application forms, fees and submittal deadline dates for seeking relief from the code requirement or previous condition of approval. 1 . Provide a clause on the survey that the property was abstracted for all easements, right-of-ways and utility lines, as required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A. 2. Any roof top equipment shall have to be screened from view at a distance of 600 feet. If such equipment is planned, indicate its location and the height of the equipment above the roof and/or parapet wall level. Provide elevations of the structure showing the roof top equipment and the required screening (all reduced to a small scale) and draw in on these elevations the lines-of-sight connecting the highest point of the equipment with eye level from a distance of 600 hundred feet from the building (LDR, Chapter 9, Section 11.E). 3. No building permit shall be issued until resolutions for the following abandonments have been recorded in the Palm Beach County public records: . Miner Road right-of-way . 10 feet wide utility easement located in the southern portion of the lot . 25 feet wide peripheral buffer located overlapping with the above utility easement 4. Indicate dimensions of the loading zone in accordance with LDR, Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11.J.1. (12 feet by 35 feet). 5. Provide information regarding proposed signage on the property in accordance with LDR, Chapter 21, Section 7. 6. Provide information regarding trip generation. At minimum, indicate an Average Daily Trips (ADT) count and a peak hour trip generation estimate. Page 2 Memorandum No. 97-166 1 sl Review - New Site Plan Amerope Distribution Center NWSP 97-009 7. Complete required parking calculations and insert the final number of required parking spaces in the site data summary. 8. Eliminate discrepancies between the square footage of designated, separate uses within the warehouse complex on the site plan drawing and square footage listed in data summary. 9. Traffic control markings shall be shown within the vehicular use areas as required by LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.8.2. 10. Submit an application for use approval as required by LOR, Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 7.E. In the application, indicate all uses proposed for the subject property. 11. Lighting shall be shown on the site plan as required by LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.8.2 to eliminate potential conflicts with landscape material and on-site existing or proposed easements. 12. On the Landscape Plan, Sheet 0-1, amend the tabular summary of the planting material to include a "landscape material required by the code" category. Also, provide relevant calculations for this category. For the landscape buffer adjacent to the right-of way and along abutting properties, provide perimeter distances of the parcel for which the landscape buffer material is being calculated (Chapter 7.5, Article II - Landscape Code). 13. Incorporate the above calculation into the tabulation of the landscape material provided for the site. All native species shall be distinguished from non-native species with a recognizable symbol. The native requirement is fifty percent of the required landscape planting (Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.4.6). 14. On the landscape plan, sheet 0-1, indicate all existing and proposed easements to avoid potential conflicts with the utility lines and proposed structures. 15. Increase the height of proposed Saba I Palms to a minimum of 8 feet, as required by LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.2. 16. Submit to the Planning and Zoning Department a presentation board containing samples of all exterior building materials to be used for construction. 17. Submit to the Planning and Zoning Department color elevations of the building. 18. It is recommended that Cypress mulch be replaced with Melaleuca mulch. 19. In accordance with LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.E, amend the site plan tabulation to include the following: A. net buildable land area in acres and feet (net buildable land area is the area of the lot within the required setback lines) 8. total lot coverage (total lot coverage is a sum of building coverage and all hard surface pavement coverage) C. number of loading spaces Department of Engineering and Public Works PO. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 http://www. co. palm -beach.fL us . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Burt Aaronson, Chairman Maude Ford Lee, Vice Chair Karen T Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Ken L Foster County Administrator Robert Weisman, PE. "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper ~f1~ ~,~ pwsf -fle- O~ . ,1I.JN ~ 0 ..Jr June 25, 1997 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: AMEROPE ENTERPRISE, INC. - HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK Dear Ms. Heyden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic generation information for the project entitled Amerope Enterprise. Inc., pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is in the High Ridge Commerce Park. It will consist of 19,448 square feet of industrial space and will generate 136 daily trips. I have one concern regarding the vesting status of Highridge Commerce Park. It is identified on the City's list of Previous Approvals as being approved for a total of 32,806 square feet of industrial. The concerne is that the proposed Amerope Enterprise project and the recently completed Boynton PumpiKirpatrick Turf project wili have used up all of the approved intensity, or exceed the approved intensity for High Ridge Commerce Park. ,j., Assuming that the total building ar~of the two projects do not exceed the approved 32,806 square feet, the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. This approved intensity for the High Ridge Commerce Park seems small for a project that appears to be approximately 25 acres. '-please confirm that d intensity is accurate. If there is an~ror in the City's list of Previous Approvals, p ease Inform me so tha~ my records can be corrected. /? lie ~b -tiLL/'LL ~ _ d ~ ~J- "It. ~~ Page 3 Memorandum No. 97-166 1 sl Review - New Site Plan Amerope Distribution Center NWSP 97-009 20. On the Floor Plan, sheet A-1, depict the proposed use in each section of the building. 21. It is recommended the exterior finish of the office portion of the warehouse complex (fronting Commerce Road) be differentiated from the rest of the building using a different color of stucco. Also, accentuate the transition line between the two portions of the building with a vertical control joint or a wall off- set. 22. Provide design standards for the required 25 feet wide peripheral greenbelt along the southern property line. It is recommended that the standards include at minimum: . canopy trees spaced 40 feet o.c. . shrubs maintained at a height of 6 feet upon reaching maturity . appropriate ground cover . 50 percent of the landscape material in each of the above category should be native 23. An environmental review permit will be required for the proposed use. Additional environmental permits may be required when information regarding anticipated uses in the remaining portion of the warehouse are supplied. 24. Pretreatment of storm water generated by the property must be provided on site as Veronica Lake within the PUD to be north does not qualify to satisfy this requirement. xc: Central File J:\SHRDA TA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\AMEROPE\NWSP\1 ST -REVIEW-COMMENTS.doc FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Memorandum No. 97-239 ~ \W TO: Tambri Heyden, Director Planning Department 1m I I I l~ ~ ~ G ~J 81 ~ MAY _ 11991 I~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. FROM: William D. Cavanaugh, FPO I Fire Department /r )f! /! /It ;1: / j (- I L_ ..' _ ;~.' ~J:.[i,.",' (.,. , ". I . i/ DATE: April 30, 1997 SUBJECT: 1 st Review NWSP 97-009 Amerope Enterprises High Ridge Rd. North of Gateway Blvd. We have no objections at this time. CC: Act. Chief Ness FPO II Campbell File TO: THRU: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #97-094 Tambri Heyden, AICP, Planning & Zoning Director Caret Fisher, Deputy Public Works Director ~ Larry Quinn, Sanitation Superintendent New Site Plan - 2nd Review - Amerope Enterprises, Inc. May 16, 1997 ....~-,--- ~l--f-'.....' illL-~~.- ,~~\\'j\ __-__~_...-J PL';,'liiHG r\~m z6.i,il1';G DEl'1. , -- The Public orks Department has no comments in reference to the above mentioned site plan. Ic6m the project be forwarded to the Planning & Development Board for con. ~.' . Quinn Sanitation Superintendent LQ/cr S5/19/1SS7 11:35 5513547382 FIRE PRE\;, FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Memorandum No. 97-250 TO: Tambri Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning Dept. William Cavanaugh, FPO I Fire Dept. FROM: DATE: May 19, 1997 SUBJECT: Amerope Enterprises, Inc. High Ridge Rd. & Commerce Rd. NWSP 97-009 We have no objections. cc: Deputy Chief Gale FPO II Campbell File PAGE S5 ,',- 19 'Ll._ _. _nc"c~_J 1:1r;,;\,.:.j~.;G ,\~\ij) ZONING i~\EPT. L.,_.__...~... - .. ........"".'- - ; I ~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-101 rn rn@rn~w~ rn MAY 2. 3 1997 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Milan M. Knor, P .E.. Director of Development ~ May 22, 1997 AMEROPE ENTERPRISES - NEW SITE PLAN 2ND REVIEW FROM: DATE: RE: Building Division The Building Division recommends the new site plan for the above referenced project proceed forward to the Planning and Development Board and/or City Commission for approval subject to the following: 1. Working drawings that are required to be submitted to the City for building permits shall illustrate the approved improvements in compliance with the applicable building codes, Energy Efficiency Code, Florida Accessibility Code and Sign Code. [Chapter 20 - Building, Housing and Construction Regulations and Chapter 21 - Sign Code of the City's Land Development Regulations] 2. To facilitate the permitting process following approval ofthe request, it is recommended that the contractor for the project set up a meeting with the Building Code Permit Administrator. Engineering Division 1. * All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. Chap. 1, Art.l, Sec.6, par.A, pg.1-3 2. * Need SFWMD & LWDD acceptance prior to permit issuance. Chap.6, Art.lV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 3. Provide certification by Developers' Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes and standards. Chap.6, Art'V' Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.lIF, pg.23-8 4. * Provide a satisfactory lighting plan including photometries and pole wind loading. Chap.23, Art.IIA, pg.23-6 Many of these comments are included to inform the applicant of issues which will need addressing prior to future reviews, but will not in themselves prohibit this plan from moving forward. Those comments are marked with an asterisk*. Recommend project proceed to the Planning & Development Board for approval. MK/ck attachment: Bldg. Div. plans xc: Mike Haag, Ken Hall C:\My Documents\Amerope 2nd Review.doc FROM: Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Check Inspector 00 ~a5m~w~ @ MAY 2 3 1991 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DATE: May 19, 1997 AMEROPE ENTERPRISES - NEW SITE PLAN 2ND REVIEW RE: Engineering Division 1. * All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. Chap. 1, Art.I, Sec.6, par.A, pg.1-3 2. * Need SFWMD & L WDD acceptance prior to permit issuance. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 3. Provide certification by Developers' Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes and standards. Chap.6, Art.V, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 4. * Provide a satisfactory lighting plan including photometrics and pole wind loading. Chap.23, Art. II A, pg.23-6 Many of these comments are included to inform the applicant of issues which will need addressing prior to future reviews, but will not in themselves prohibit this plan from moving forward. Those comments are marked with an asterisk*. Recommend project proceed to the Planning & Development Board for approval. KH/ck C:\My Documents\Amerope KH.doc I~M7b /" /) '. "# "1 ";;J'" " . , , ~"'''~t * ' 1/ ' j 'lU 1~~1 MLfl7-230 ~-ii . :' . -LI'i ",,,,~,,,,:::-,,....._.-.....~. kjl11- RECREATION & PARK MEMORAN TO: Tambi Heyden, Planing and Zoning Director FROM: Kevin John Hallahan ,Forester / Environmentalist RE: Amerope Enterprise-New Site Plan-2nd Review DATE: May 19, 1997 The applicant has addressed the existing trees on the site. He should also verify to the City in writing that there are no State protected animals (i.e. gopher tortoises) on the site [City Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.3.5.,p.67] The project should continue in the normal review process. kjh MEMORANDUM Utilities # 97-153 W mM:::'n~7 m,ml PlANNPJG AT;J--" zo~n~:G nc: . -...._"'._.,~ , ~~- TO: Tambri Heyden. Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Ib John A. Guidry, - Director of Utilities ~ Date: May 27, 1997 SUBJECT: Amerope Enterpri~es-, New Site Plan, Second Review Staffhas reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1. Palm Beach Health Department permit will be required, (Sec. 26-12). 2. A Capacity Reservation Fee of$1205.82 is due within Thirty (30) days of commission approval or upon request for my Signature on HRS/DEP forms, (Sec. 26.34[ED. It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm/amero2 xc: Clyde "Skip" Milar Peter Mazzella File PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-219 FROM: Carel Fisher, Acting Public Works Director AI Newbold, Acting Development Department Director Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utility Dept. Chief Field Insp. Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Park Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Ken Hall, Development Department /r/e- ~ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning & Zoning Director TO: DATE: May 14, 1997 SUBJECT: New Site Plan - 2nd Review Project: Amerope Enterprises, Inc. Location: Approximately one mile north of Gateway Blvd. on High Ridge Road and .45 miles east on Commerce Road on the south side Richard C. Ahrens - Ahrens Companies NWSP 97-009 Agent: File No.: Attached is the amended site plan submittal for the above referenced project for your final review and recommendation. We would ask that you review this amended site plan submittal to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments previously made by your department. If your comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. If your comments have not been met, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. Finally, we would ask that you include in your memorandum a recommendation as to whether the project should be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board for consideration. Please return your memorandum and the amended plans (Engineering Division shall keep their plans) to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P.M. on Thursday May 22,1997. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Jerzy Lewicki at Extension 6260, who is coordinating the review of this project. TJH:bme Attachment cc: (Memo only) Kerry Willis Charlie Frederick Marshall Gage John Guidry Jim Ness John Yeend Central File \PROJECTS\AMEROPE\NWSP\2NDREVIEW.doc DE'" ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-071 April 21, 1997 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Al Newbold, Acting Director of Developmenl ~ AMEROPE ENTERPRISES - NEW SITE PLAN FROM: RE: We have reviewed subject project and have the following comments: Building Division Signage should be proposed for project at this time, Project otherwise meets the Building Code and it should be recommended to the Planning and Development Board for approval. En~neering Division 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. Chap. 1 , Art.l, Sec.6, par.A, pg.I-3. 2. Need SFWMD & L WDD acceptance prior to permit issuance. Chap.6, Art.lV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 3. Provide certification by Developers' Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6, Art.Y, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 4. Provide a satisfactory lighting plan including photometries and pole wind loading. Chap,23, Art.IIA, pg.23-6 5. Clarify drainage flow direction in north portion of parking lot between dumpster and Commerce Road. Is the 28.8 elevation correct? 6. Striping for standard stalls shall be black on concrete (Standard Drawing #B-900 12), Recommendations: 1. Eliminate wheel stops by extending sidewalk out two feet. 2. Use City's standard HlC striped stall in lieu of "'Van Accessible" stall. City's HlC stall is the "universal" stall size of 17' (12' wide and 5' path). 3. Install HlC signs on building wall in lieu of using the steel posts. 4. Consider making ingress lane 15' wide for truck turns and a 12' wide egress lane. AO:KH/ck attachment: Building Division plans . xc: Anthony Occhiuzzo Ken Hall O\f- ~ \.\\2:2.--- C:\My Documents\AmeropeNewSitePlan.doc DEPr~~...TMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-071 April 21, 1997 ill rn@~~W~rnl II 'i i !! U i .4PR 2 2 i L./ TO: Tambri 1. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Al Newbold, Acting Director of Development ;ft ~y AMEROPE ENTERPRISES - NEW SITE PLAN PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. FROM: RE: We have reviewed subject project and have the following comments: Building Division Signage should be proposed for project at this time. Project otherwise meets the Building Code and it should be recommended to the Planning and Development Board for approval. Engineering Division I, All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. Chap. 1 , Art.I, Sec.6, par.A, pg.I-3. 2. Need SFWMD & L WDD acceptance prior to permit issuance. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg,6-7 3. Provide certification by Developers' Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6, Art.V, Sec,5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art,IIF, pg.23-8 4. Provide a satisfactory lighting plan including photometrics and pole wind loading, Chap,23, Art.IIA, pg.23-6 5. Clarify drainage flow direction in north portion of parking lot between dumpster and Commerce Road. Is the 28.8 elevation correct? 6. Striping for standard stalls shall be black on concrete (Standard Drawing #B-90012). Recommendations: 1. Eliminate wheel stops by extending sidewalk out two feet. 2. Use City's standard HIC striped stall in lieu of "Van Accessible" stall. City's HIC stall is the "universal" stall size of I" (12' wide and 5' path). 3. Install HIC signs on building wall in lieu of using the steel posts. 4. Consider making ingress lane 15' wide for truck turns and a 12' wide egress lane, AO:KH/ck attachment: Building Division plans xc: Anthony Occhiuzzo Ken Hall <0 ~ ~~ \\\2,'2-- C:\My Documents\AmeropeNewSitePlan.doc TO: THRU: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #97-078 Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Carel Fisher, Acting Public Works Director ~ Larry Quinn, Sanitation Superintendent New Site Plan - 1st Review - Amerope Enterprises April 18, 1997 rn~ rnnwrn NI 2 I iS31 PlflNN1NG AND ZONING DEn Public Works will be unable to service the dumpster as shown on this site plan, City Code #10-26, A" states in part that we must have clear access to the dumpster location. The enclosure needs to be rotated in a more northerly direction to allow clear access. The dumpster enc osure itself also does not meet City code requirements. Codes states minim . side dimensions must be 10' X 10' excluding gate poles, arry Quinn Sanitation Superintendent LQ/cr rn ~.88 ill \ lli~p : ~ i . rn LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT PLANNING ANO ZONING OEPT. 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 April 17, 1997 Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Ms, Heyden: Subject: Technical Review Committee Agenda - April 15, 1997 ill Board of SupelVisors C. Stanley Weaver Kermit Dell John I. Wilworth III Secretary/Manager William G. Winters AssiSlant Manager Ronald L. Crone Attomey Perry & Schone. P.A. The Lake Worth Drainage District offers the following comments regarding the item(s) on the meeting agenda: I. Quantum Park - No Objection to Amendment Request. 2. Arnerope Enterprises, Inc. at High Ridge Commerce Park PID - at .45 miles East of High Ridge Road, this project will not be located in the L WDD Service Area. As always, we thank you for being given the opportunity to comment. Sincerely, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT .JLt\fu~t Shaughn J. Webb Chief Inspector SJW:jma c: Ronald 1. Crone, P.E., P.L.S., Assistant Manager, L WDD Patrick A. Martin, P.E., District Engineer, L WDD K;\DA T A\JOANNI WPDOCSlHEYDEN.SIW Delray Beach & Boca Raton (561) 498-5363. Boynton Beach & West Palm Beach (561) 737-3835 . Fax (561) 495-9694 CITY OF rlOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM fD) ~ @ ~. W.~ ~ lJl] NIl 5 rm IE) TO: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR DATE: 15 APRIL 97 SUBJECT: AMEROPE ENTERPRISES NEW SITE PLAN- 1 st REVIEW FROM: SGT. MARLON HARRIS IREFERENCES: 97-0022 POLICE DEPARTMENT ENCLOSURES: I have reviewed the above plans. The proposed handicapped pavement striping is not current with Florida State Statute for handicapped standards. Otherwise, I see no other concerns with these plans.