CORRESPONDENCE TO: 1(D)ru- [1 n "" lIDi~" . fLANNiNGA~~D " ZONING DEPf BULENT KASTARLAK, DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPME . MEMORANDUM FROM: SUE KRUSE, CITY CLERK DATE: March 6, 1998 RE: EASEMENT - AMEROPE ENTERPRISES, INC. Attached please find a copy of the above mentioned easement which was recorded in Palm Beach County on February 24, 1998. /~~ C: Engineering Planning Original to Central Files mas j: \shrdata \cc\ wp\memos\kastarlak.doc tJ1ie City of '13oynton tJJeach 100 ~ 'BoyrIttm 'BeIIdi. ~ P.O. ~310 'Boynttm ~ 11mi4a 33425.0310 PHO~: (561) 375-6280 FAX:. (561) 375-6J57 --h~ / ^- ~l_. ~__ ~~lr~f m~ R II \'" ' l!; \'; I .! fI:r 2 2 1997 '19 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Engineering Division PLANNING AND ONIN OfPT October 22. 1997 Cedar Ridge Development Corp. 7000 High Ridge Road Lantana, FL 33462-5006 Attention: Joseph F. Basile. Jr., President Re: High Ridge Commerce Park Dear Joe, Confirming our conversation today regarding the referenced development I understand the following: I. Amerope has requested FPL provide power to their project and are looking at a 4-6 week delivery. 2. You will pursue getting FPL to expedite street lighting for all of Commerce Road concurrent with Amerope's request. 3. Harrison Import-Export will be needing temporary power soon meaning FPL will be running power to east end of Commerce Road anyway. 4. Once the street lighting is on. you will coordinate with Kilpatrick the removal of the chain link fence from dedicated rights-of-way. If your agreement is different from mine. please advise immediately. Thanks for your cooperation with this issue. Very truly yours. j' I C"~ ----- V ohn S. Yeend. P.E. City Engineer JSY/ck Xc: Al Newbold. Deputy Director/Building Official Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Division C:\My Docum.:nls\lligh Ridg.: Comm.:rc.: Park.doc ~.a1S (jauway to tfu (julfsmam. --7~ ~ oj~~atd.- . rCJ A/~3 f c 15K/ FI, 3]4"2-5 Feb-24-1998 88:S2al 98-061449 ORB 10243 Pg 261 '..11...'.. .........,. EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE made this 12th day of February ,A.D.,~, 1998 by Arrerope Entexprises. Inc. a corporation existing under the laws of State of Florida , 150 Commerce Road and having its principal place of business at Bovnton Beach, f,L first party, to the City of Boynton Beach, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, second party' (Wherever u.ed herein, the term., "fir.t party" and ".econd party" shall lnclude .ingular and plural, heir., legal representatives and as.igns of individuals and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires.) WITNBSSBTH WHEREAS, the fir.t party i. tbe owner of property .ituate in Palm Beach County, Florida, ,and described.a. follow., ... SEE ATl'AaIED I.EX:iM. DESCRIPI'ION and, WHERBAS, the second party d..ir.. an ......nt for water and .ewer utilities and/or other appropriate purpose. incidental thereto, on, ov.r and acro.. .ald property, and, .WHEREAS, the fir.t party is willing to grant such an easement, NOW, THERBFORB, for and in consid.ration of the mutual covenants each to the other running and one dollar and other good and valuable consideratlon., tbe fir.t party doe. hereby grant unto the party of the .econd part, its successor. and assign., full and free right and authority to construct, maintain, repair, install and rebuild facilities for above stated purposes and does hereby grant a perpetual easement on,-over and across the above described property for said purposes. ORB 10243 Pg 262 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the first party has caused these presents to be duly executed in its name and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, attested by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~~~~ .tJ~~,< BY 4- CoL~~~i'~~ A'rl'EST: SECRETARY (CORPORATE SE1\L) STATE OF Flnridi'i COUNTY OF P;:! 1 m RPRr.h 1 HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the state and Coun~~ aforesaid to take acknowledgements, personally appeared .". raW 1+7(0 TeS' we 1 nown to me to be the Pres ent a respectively, of the Corporat on name a. Ir.t party n forevoinv Easement and that they .everally acknowledged executing the .ame in the pre.ence of two .ubscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily, under authority duly vested in them by sald Corporation; and that the eeal affixed thereto i. the tru.'~orporate ..al of .aid Corporation. WITNBSS my hand and offici.l ...1 in the County and State 1.B~ afor.said this /~day of ~~ , A.D., 19tO. /q/:f 8' .....~..~ GREGOIf( I. CEUNTANO W:~:fi':,,~\ MY =-...0., cc... · . : EXPIMI: ... tt. 2IID1 .. .....11W.-y PI.- ~ My commie.ion expires, _r i 1 j 1~. I I--"~' , I i j I. __ -.lh ..d ORB 10243 Pg 2E.3 Lli.r.'~D_ES(RIPT!O' LOT 16. BLOCK 2. CEDAR RIDGE, A P lr D & HIGH RIDGE CO\I\1ERCE PARK .-\ PI D, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON FILE U\' THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF TI1E CIRCUIT COURT f\ A~1) FOR PAL~ BEACH COUNTY, flORIDA, RECORDED eN PLAT BOOK 46. PAGES 58 THROUGH 61. TOGETHER WIlli. ALL THA.T PORTIO~ OF MINER ROAD (TRACT 5-2), ACCORDING TO SAID PLAT, ADJOINING LOT 16, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT TIlE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER. OF SAID LOT 16; THENCE SOUTH 01018'11" EAST ALONG THE SOUTHERLY PROLONGATION OF TIlE WESTERLY LINE THEREOF, A DISTANCE OF 54,00 FEET TO TIlE SOVfHERL Y LINE OF SAID PLAT; THENCE NORlH 88041 '51" EAST ALONG S"AlD SOUTHERLY LINE. A DISTANCE OF 135.14 FEET~TO TIlE SOUlHERLYPROLONGATION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 16; THENCE NORlH 01018'11" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 54.00 FEET TO mE SOUlliEASTERL Y CORNER lHEREOF; nfENCE SOtn'Hsao41'SI. WEST,ADISTANCE OF 135.14 FEET TO 1HE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING IN ALL L267 ~ MORE OR LESS. . ~,". NOTES 1. ALL DISTANCES ARE MEAS~, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. SUBJECT PARCEL IS IN FLOOD ZONE "C.. 3. BEARING REFERENCE: THE BEARINGS HEREON RELATE TO soum 0000'00. EAST ALONG THE CENTER LINE OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD AND PER. PLAT. 4. ELEVATIONS HEREON RELATE TO NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL 1929 DATIJM. . , ~ ORB 10243 Pg 264 WATER MAIN EASEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE WESTERLY 12.00 FEET OF THE NORTHERLY 250,0 FEET OF LOT 16, BLOCK 2, CEDAR RIDGE, A P,U.D. & mGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D., ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF ON mE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46, PAGES 58 THROUGH 6 \. NOTE: PROPERTY CONTROL NO. FOR PARENT PARCEL IS 08-43-45-09-21-002-0160. zlo/Pe 97-137.D SHEET 1 OF 2 ~..,;:::l: ...,.,. _. .........~... - ":r ~- .- ~.,_ T _-__........1 -~ . ... . ~ 12' ~ . - ~ i ~ ~ ., COMMERCE ROAD 135.'4 NB8'4"S'-c !\~ ~ ~ N :\~ ~ I ~ LOT 16, BLOCK 2 CEDAR RIDGE. A P.U.D. It HIGH RIDGE COllI/ERa PARK. A P./.D. PUtT BOOK 46J.~ 58noiJ.' PALN BEACH t.lJUf'Il r, 12' 8 ~ MINER ROAD (TR'.CI 5-2) ~y ABNt/DONCD - ~ ~ - ! - !i ~ ~ ORB 1 e 2: 4.3 Pg 2: e. c:- DOROTHY H. WILKEN, CLERK PB COUNTY; FL j }J}4:f S~(n9 8 ~ r.3S. 14 NfJ8'41'51-E JUPITER SURVEYING.. INC. 609 N. Hepburn Ave. Suite 205 Jupiter. FlorIda 33458 561-7....-..59.. ~. SHaI 2 OF 2 OESCR/POOH SKE:TCH PREPARED FOR: AMEROPE ENTERPRISES, INC. St:GIe: ,. - 50' 1JnJwfI By: M.S.E. ApptoWld By: J.J.O Date: FEB. 6. 1998 ;'8. Dwg. No. 97-137.0 ....