AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA ., ' " I Jit. . ..._ i 1'1.;" 'i' ",; I,; 'il . ...., .... ..~...__......,~...~},~..: i.; ,! 9.. t\ I: (i f............-_ ..., .__..... ....'_ June 17, 1997 6:30 P.M. I. OPENINGS: A. Call to Order - Mayor Jerry Taylor B. Invocation- C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Shirley Jaskiewicz D. Agenda Approval: 1. Additions, Deletions, Corrections 2. Adoption II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Appointments to be made: APPOINTMENT TO BE MADE BOARD LENGTH OF TERM EXPIRATION DATE III. ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRESENTA liONS A. Announcements 1. pre-budget Workshop - Friday June 27, 1997 - 3:00 to 6:00 P.M. - Library Program Roo.... 2. July 4th BIG BLAST FIREWORKS EVENT - Boat Club Park - 3:30 P.M. Food, Beverages, contests, bands and fun - Fireworks at 9:00 P.M. 8. Presentations 1. Presentation by Art Matthews - Update on Boynton Community Development Corporation Office Renovation Project at 2191 North, Seacrest Boulevard (corner of Gateway Boulevard) IV. CONSENT AGENDA Matt~s in this Section of the Agenda are proposed and recommended by the City Manager for "Cdnsent Agenda" approval of the action indicated in each item, with all of the accompanying material to become a part of the Public Record and subject to staff comments. A. Minutes 1. Town Meeting Minutes of May 29, 1997 2. Regular City Commission Meeting Minutes of June 3, 1997 1 B. Bids - Recommend Approval - All expenditures are approved in the 1996-97 Adopted Budget 1. Award ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR SAFETY CLOTHING AND EQUIPMENT to the following vendors: RITZ SAFETY EQUIPMENT, INC.; SAFECO, INC.; AND SAFETY PRODUCTS, INC C. Resolutions 1. Proposed Resolution No. R97- RE: Approve job description for ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER/PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER 2. Proposed Resolution No. R97- RE: RATIFICATION of WAGE PROPOSAL (Article 14-Rate of Pay) for fiscal year 1996/97 between the City of Boynton Beach and the Fraternal Order of Police - LIEUTENANT'S UNIT 3. Proposed Resolution No. R97- RE: RATIFICATION OF WAGE PROPOSAL (Article 14-Rate of Pay) for fiscal year 1996/97 between the City of Boynton Beach and the Fraternal Order of Police - SERGEANrS UNIT 4. Proposed Resolution No. R97- RE: Authorize acceptance of the LETTER OF CREDIT for Condor Investments of Palm Beach County Inc., (CEDAR RIDGE ESTATES) 5. Proposed Resolution No. R97- RE: REDUCTION of existing SURETY for the project known as MILITARY 6 L.C. (aka Crescent Center) for water and sewer systems 6. Proposed Resolution No. R97- RE: Authorize issuance of a CERTIFICATE OF 0UALlFICA TION to McALPINES TOWING 7. Proposed Resolution No. R97- RE:. Authorize execution of NEIGHBORHOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AGREEMENT and authorize expenditure of funds for LANDSCAPE/IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS on the first two medians of NW 17th Avenue in the amount of $3,000 for irrigation materials and $11,003 for contract installation of concrete curbing 8. Proposed Resolution No. R97- RE: Authorize execution of ADDENDUM to the Lease Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and BOYNTON PlAZA SHOPPING CENTER, for the POLICE SUBSTATION 9. Proposed Resolution No. R97- RE: Approve PARKER YANNETfE LANDSCAPE DESIGN CONTRACT in the amount of $4,700 and approve expenditure of $38,500 from CIP account which will be 100% refunded to the City by FOOT for the continuation of landscape beautification improvements along west R.O.W. on North Federal Highway from C-16 Canal north to City Limits D. Approval of Bills E. Payment of Bills - May 1997 . F. Approve RECORDS DISPOSITION REQUEST #331 & 332 from Utility Billing for Utility . ~!.!~~~mer Records G. Approve request for a REFUND on CEMETERY LOT 195, Block 0 - Boynton Beach Memorial Park, , . H. Approve purchase of DAVIS EMU PUMPS for Master Uft Stations 356 and 309 from A. GUTHERIE & ASSOC, in the amount of $95,713 I. Approve request from Tim Deen and Kevin Walker to CLOSE SW 9th Avenue between SW 1st Street and SW 2nd Street in order to hold a BLOCK PARTY on July 5,1997 2 J. Authorize continuation of the BEACH SNACK BAR lEASE under current lease conditions with PARTNER'S PLUS, INC., on a month to month basis until future snack bar operations are determined K. Approve request for a mid-fiscal year 96/97 reappropriation of funds for the COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT to provide a CLERK III position l. Approve TRANSFER OF FUNDS necessary to distribute C.O.L.A. to various departments due to union negotiations M. Approve purchase of COLOR PLOTTER to be used with CAD/GIS equipment from ENGINEERING SOFTWARE SERVICES in the amount of $7,497 v. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: A. Discussion of Code Enforcement Initiatives B. Authorize creation of a LABOR MANAGEMENT TASK FORCE VI. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: INDIVIDUAL SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO 3 MINUTE PRESENT A liONS VII. PUBLIC HEARING: 7:00 PM OR AS SOON THEREAFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS None VIII. BIDS: None IX. DEVELOPMENT PLANS: A. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCA TJC:>>fr. . DESCRI~ B. PROJECT: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: x. NEW BUSINESS: . XI. LEGAL: Amerope Enterprises, Inc. at High Ridge Commerce Park PID Richard C. Ahrens Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc. South side of Commerce Road; approximately 620 feet east of High Ridge Road; lot 16 of High Ridge Commerce Park PID SITE PLAN - Request to construct a 19,449 square foot warehouse on 1.267 acres High Ridge Commerce Park PID Richard C. Ahrens Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc. Northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road USE APPROVAL - Request for use approval to add manufacturing and warehousing of Xray and nuclear shielding products to the High Ridge Commerce Park PID list of permitted uses A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 097-21 RE: Amend Section 8 of Ordinance No. 097- 11 to provide for the ADOPTION of a HOUSING INCENTIVE PLAN as required by Florida Statutes 2. Proposed Ordinance No. 097-22 RE: Amendment to Chapter 1.5 of the LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS by creating Section 4.3 "AUTHORllY GRANTED 3 BY THE CITY COMMISSION" providing authority and final authority to the Planning & Development Board to hear and decide applications and requests 3. Proposed Ordinance No. 097-29 RE: Amend zoning code to allow AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE USES in Planned Commercial Development (PCD) districts three acres in size or larger THE FOLLOWING ORDINANCES ARE POSTPONED UNTIL JULY 1, 1997 4. Proposed Ordinance No. 097-23 RE: Amending Part II, Chapter 16, Section 16- 94.5 of the Code of Ordinances to delete paragraph (a) and re-Ietter the section 5. Proposed Ordinance No. 097-24 RE: Amending Chapter 2 - laning, Section 6.E "Central Business District" by amending Section 6.E.1.e to provide for hours of operation for dry boat storage facilities; by amending Section 6.E.3 to remove any front yard setback requirements within the zoning district; and by amending Section 6.E.4.b(1) to provide that in calculating required parking, development in the CBD shall be permitted to take a fifty (50%) percent reduction of the parking required under Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 11.H.16 of the Land Development Regulations (Marina Amendments) 6. Proposed Ordinance No. 097-25 RE: Amending Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10.0 of the Land Development Regulations to provide for varying radius requirements for cul-de-sacs in the CBD and all other zoning districts 7. Proposed Ordinance No. 097-26 RE: Amending Chapter 7.5, Article III, Section 8.A. 1 of the Land Development Regulations to provide an exception for required perimeter strip landscaping along the east side of NE 6th Street north of Ocean Avenue and the South side of Casa Lama Boulevard 8. Proposed Ordinance No. 097-27 RE: Amending 22, Article I, Section 4 of the Land Development Regulations to permit the placement of loading zones, dumpsters and compactors, and their enclosures to be located in the public right-of-way in the Central Business District ' 9. Proposed Ordinance No. 097-28 RE: Amending Chapter 23, Article II, Paragraphs F and H.7 to permit drainage structures to be constructed pursuant to standards of the South Florida Water Management District and providing an exception to the two-driveway minimum requirement along NE 6th Street north of Ocean Avenue B. Ordinances - 1 st Reading: 1 . Proposed Ordinance 097- RE: Abolishing the CEMETERY BOARD 2. Proposed Ordinance 097- RE: Providing additional DUTIES, POWERS, AUTHORITY AND FUNCTIONS of the PARKS & RECREATION BOARD C. Resolutions 1. proposed Resolution No. R97- . COMMONS PCD RE: Approve FINAL PLAT for BOYNTON 2. Proposed Resolution No. R97- 100 RE: Approve FINAL PLAT for WOOLBRIGHT 3. Proposed Resolution No. R97 - RE: Appoint members to the LOCAL HOUSJNG ASSISTANCE PROGAAM (State Housing Initiatives Partnership Act) D. Other 1. Consideration of amendments to MARINA DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 4 XII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: A. Presentation of results of survey conducted of property owners within UNINCORPORATED ENCLAVES reference ANNEXATION XIII. OTHER: XIV. ADJOURNMENT: NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATIER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S. 286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN IND!VIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (561) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. 5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission Date Final Form Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to City Manager's Office Meeting Dates in to City Manager's Office o May 6,1997 April 25, 1997 (noon) 0 July I, 1997 June 20, 1997 (noon) o May 20, 1997 May 9, 1997 (noon) 0 July 15, 1997 July 3, 1997 (Thursday noon) o June 3,1997 May 23, 1997 (noon) 0 August 5, 1997 July 25, 1997 (noon) t8I June 17, 1997 June 6, 1997 (noon) 0 August 19, 1997 August 8, 1997 (noon) RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the June 17, 1997 City Commission agenda under Development Plans. The Planning and Development Board, with a 6-0 vote, recommends approval, subject to Environmental Review. For further details pertaining to this request, see attached Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 97-258. EXPLANATION: PROJECT: High Ridge Commerce Park PID AGENT: Richard C. Ahrens OWNER: Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc. LOCATION: Northeast comer of High Ridge Road and Miner Road. DESCRIPTION: Request for use approval to add manufacturing and warehousing of X-Ray and nuclear shielding products to the High Ridge Commerce Park PID list of permitted uses. PROGRAM IMPACT: N/A FISCAL IMP ACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A City Manager's Signature Development Services ~JI1(:i;zentName :r ~4' tv:~. ~v . Planning and ing Di tor \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A\PLANNING\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\IllGH-RID\USAP\CC AGENDA ITEM REQUEST. DOC CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, June 10, 1997 TIME: 7:00 P.M. PLACE: Commission Chambers 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 1. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Introduction of Mayor, Commissioners and Board Members. 3. Agenda Approval. 4. Approval of Minutes. 5. Communications and Announcements. A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Department 1) Final Disposition of last meeting's agenda items. 6. Old Business None 7. New Business A. SITE PLANS New Site Plan 1. PROJECT: Amerope Enterprises, Inc. at High Ridge Commerce Park PID AGENT: Richard C. Ahrens OWNER: Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc. LOCATION: South side of Commerce Road; approximately 620 feet east of High Ridge Road; lot 16 of High Ridge Commerce Park PID. DESCRIPTION: Request to construct a 19,449 square foot warehouse on 1.267 acres. Page 2 Planning and Development Board Meeting Agenda, June 10, 1997 Use Approval 2. PROJECT: High Ridge Commerce Park PID AGENT: Richard C. Ahrens OWNER: Condor Investment of Palm Beach County, Inc. LOCATION: Northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road DESCRIPTION: Request for use approval to add manufacturing and warehousing of X-Ray and nuclear shielding products to the High Ridge Commerce Park PID list of permitted uses. B. OTHER None 8. Comments by members 9. Adjournment NOTICE ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. (F.S, 286.0105) THE CITY SHAll FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT JOYCE COSTELLO, (561) 375-6013 AT LEAST TWENTY-FOUR (24) HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLE ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. 06-10-97 w~ren~uslng of X-Ray and nuclear shielding products to the High RIdge Commerce Park PID list of permitted uses. B. SITE PLANS None 4. Other Business None 5. Comments by members 6. Adjournment Th"" r:.u ~J..nl1 l".._:_L _____.._. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-223 TO: TECHNICAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEMBERS Kerry Willis, City Manager Carel Fisher, Acting Public Works Director AI Newbold, Acting Development Department Director Ken Hall, Department of Development William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Mike Haag, Planning & Zoning Department Jerzy Lewicki, Planning & Zoning Department John Yeend, City Engineer FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, AICP 4 fJ~ Planning & Zoning Director DATE: May 19,1997 SUBJECT: Administration Technical Review Committee Meeting - Tuesday, May 20, 1997. On May 20, 1997, a staff-only meeting will be held to discuss the projects identified below in the 2nd Floor Conference Room C, West Wing, City at 9:00 AM. following the regularly scheduled Applicant TRC meeting. 1. Old Business None 2. New Business A Use Aooroval 1. PROJECT: High Ridge Commerce Park PID AGENT: Richard C. Ahrens LOCATION: Northeast corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road. DESCRIPTION: Request for use approval to add manufacturing and warehousing of X-Ray and nuclear shielding products to the High Ridge Commerce Park PID list of permitted uses. NOTE: See attached letter of request dated May 7,1997 from Richard C. Ahrens. . 4. Other Business A Discussion of application for sidewalk waiver for Lake Addition to Boynton (see attached Building Division Memo No. 97-148). B. Discussion of Boynton Commons final plat (see attached Engineering Memo #97-086) C. Re-subdivision of Cooker's Restaurant property. D. Review and sign-off rectified master plan for Orchard Landing. E. Review and sign-off rectified master plan for Grove Plaza. F. Review and sign-off rectified master plan for East Ridge. 5. Comments by members 6. Adjournment Attachments S:\agenda\adm\A TRC052097.doc